Loretta.......Part 2 free porn video

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After giving it some thought, I decided to ask Loretta out to lunch. It was the day she was to pose for me and, later in the evening, I also wanted her to sit in on a session with my regular model Ulrich. As an aspiring artist herself, I thought that this would be valuable experience for Loretta as she had no formal training in art.

“Hi Jade, is Loretta ready?”

As always, Jade smiled when she saw me at her front door but at the mention of Loretta’s name her face darkened slightly. I still had no idea what the problem between these two cousins was, but I could tell that it had worsened in the weeks since Loretta had come to stay. Jade shook her head vaguely and said,

“I’ll tell her you’re here.”

A moment later Loretta appeared, looking as though she had just stepped from between the covers of Vogue. She grinned confidently then gave me a covert look of grateful relief; she was clearly glad to be out of Jade’s house for a while.

I took her to a quiet little Italian place a few kilometers down the coast road. Enzo’s overlooked the ocean and since it was such a glorious day, we sat outside where the sea breezes played with Loretta’s hair. She didn’t seem to mind but I could tell that she was unused to the stylish surroundings. I ordered us a bottle of lambrusco dolce rosso and had to smile at the wide-eyed face of Enzo, the owner, as he came over to greet us. I had been a regular at his establishment for years but I was usually accompanied only by a novel or by my sketchbook.

Loretta tried her best to look cool but I could detect that she was very excited and a little out of her depth. That was ok – she was human after all. During lunch she was very talkative and upbeat – surprisingly so, but she steered clear of any mention of her cousin Jade and quickly changed the subject when I asked her about her parents and the farm.

“They’re religious and so fucking moralistic and prudish they make me sick,” was about all I could get out of her about them after several attempts.

We enjoyed a typically delicious lunch and ordered coffee. After the waiter had left I took time to admire Loretta’s face and her fine clothes.

“You look fantastic by the way - you dress beautifully.” I always compliment beauty when I see it – it is my duty as an artist to do so. She looked at me in silence and I thought that she was going to blush then, half reluctantly, she said,

“Aw, they’re all charity-shop clothes.”

“Well, you’re very beautiful in them, aristocratic.”

“Yeah right!” she laughed.

“No, I mean it. You have what Preston Sturges called ‘the aristocracy of beauty.’

“Thank you,” her voice was so quiet that it was almost lost in the noise of the waves breaking down at the base of the cliff.

I paid the bill and we drove to a secluded, sandy beach where I often went fishing. Silver Sands was aptly named; apart from its colour, the sand here has a marvelous silky texture that is sensuous to the touch. We took off our shoes and strolled along the water’s edge for about half an hour. I felt very relaxed as I always do by the ocean but I could see that Loretta was a little preoccupied. She picked up a few interesting shells but she kept on looking around – for what I could not guess. Soon we reached a natural outcrop of black basalt that had been weathered over the millennia into boulders and hollows.

Loretta’s pace quickened slightly as she saw this place and, when she got there, she spent a little time exploring it. Soon she found a fair sized hollow that looked out to sea. Leaning against the flat black rock face she smiled and as I stood next to her, she gripped my shoulder and looked me in the eye. Her eyes were beautiful, alluring and very tastefully made up. She wore a sweet perfume that mixed with the sea air to make a unique aroma that I always associate with that blissful day.

“You lied for me,” she said gravely, her eyes piercing my soul.

“What do you mean?”

“At your house, you told Jade that you hadn’t seen me that day.”

“Oh that.”

“Yes that!” she smiled.

“It was nothing,” I lied again.

“Well, I’m grateful and now you and I have some unfinished business.”

She kissed me with genuine tenderness and soon my hands had found her shoulders, her trim waist and shapely ass. But not for long, for just as I was starting to enjoy the feel of her body, she dropped down onto her knees. I heard the soft crunch of the sand then felt my belt being unfastened, my boxers drawn down and my cock released. Without pausing for breath, Loretta gripped me in her hand and started to tug my foreskin back and forth. Despite the novelty of being out in the open air I started to feel myself getting hard rapidly. Her fingers worked their way up and down the full length of my shaft, pressing teasingly against my balls until I had reached a fair state of arousal.

I looked down to see her beautiful golden hair and her perfect, tanned shoulders. An instant later her cool lips closed around the head of my cock and I luxuriated as her warm tongue slid slowly up and down the underside. I could feel myself growing harder and harder. Now her hands gripped my hips and she started sucking me gently. I could feel her lips passing with increasing pressure over the head of my cock while she held its base and massaged my balls. She did all this with just the right degrees of passion and tenderness so that soon, I found my head spinning with delight. After a few minutes, she looked up to gauge the effect that she was having on me – all she saw upon my face, she told me later, was the look of sweet oblivion.

Harder and faster, deeper and deeper into her mouth I seemed to go; my cock rubbed against the roof of her mouth for several delicious minutes then her lips and tongue treated the head of my cock as though it was the best lollipop she had ever tasted. I stroked her flaxen hair and pressed my fingers into the black rock behind me as though to draw energy from it. Loretta moaned softly with every deft stroke of her mouth. She clearly enjoying herself too and obviously knew what she was doing. Soon her efforts brought about the inevitable. I felt my shaft reach the apogee of its hardness; I had reached the point of no return. With a deep sigh I came into Loretta’s mouth. She squeezed the base of my shaft and milked me; swallowing the first of my come but letting the rest fall onto the sand – a libation of thanks to the Earth perhaps.

She stood up and came close, seemingly to protect me from view but I held her back gently; her face, framed against the surging sea, was divinely beautiful – a goddess with wet lips. Now she licked the last traces of me from her face and we headed back to the car. We spoke little on the return journey but she made it clear that she didn’t want to return to Jade’s house. I said nothing.


I opened the door and looked up to be greeted by the smiling face, bright blue eyes and peroxide tinted locks of Ulrich.

“Hi mate!”

“Guten tag Peter, how are you?”

“Fine thanks mate. How are you?”

“Great, I’m running a little late today, I’m sorry.”

“Oh, forget it. I hardly noticed.”

I had known Ulrich for three years; he was 22 and had left Germany for a life ‘Downunder’ in the sun and surf. He had been a good friend of mine since the day he saw me drawing on the beach and came to watch. He was kind, generous, unfailingly honest, a vegetarian and volunteered for Australian Wildlife Rescue. He was a great looking guy too; tall with chiseled features and a muscular, athletic body. The time that Ulrich did not spend catching waves or tending to sick animals and birds, he spent posing for me. He clearly did not need the money as he came from an affluent Heidelberg family who regularly sent him all the cash he needed. My twenty dollars an hour went to buy food and medicine for injured blue-tongued lizards, koalas and magpies – and I was more than happy with that. He seemed to love the artistic/ creative process and being part of it never failed to give him a great buzz. Ulrich, needless to say, was very popular with our Aussie girls too but at the moment he was unattached. So it was with a mixed mindset that I introduced him to Loretta.

Loretta had been sitting in an armchair in my studio, sipping coffee and idly leafing through a book on Gustav Klimt. I saw her eyes light up as soon as she saw Ulrich. He kissed her in the continental way as she rose from the chair. I left them to get better acquainted as I set up my easel and drawing paper. It was still warm so I asked Loretta to move her chair next to me while Ulrich got himself ready.

I looked at Loretta. In the time since we had returned from lunch she had relaxed and seemed calm and content. I talked to her about drawing while Ulrich undressed and she did her best to listen but I could tell her mind was elsewhere. I put on some Baroque music; a selection from Couperin’s Ordres de Clavecin which Ulrich loved but which Loretta found ‘weird beyond words.’ I had to laugh,

“I’m the maestro; this is my studio so I choose the music here.”

Now Ulrich made an appearance. He was totally uninhibited, being long used to his own nudity around others. I made him pose in profile, standing with a long pole, imitating a spear carrier of antiquity. I set this up carefully so that Loretta could see the relation of his body to a reference point. I lit the pose from the side; dramatically so that Ulrich’s muscles stood out starkly. Loretta seemed to be mesmerized by the scene before her – it might have been the strange music, the lighting or just the sight of the naked body of a man she had never met before. I could not tell.

As I started to draw she became interested in the process I used to reconstruct and render a three dimensional body in two dimensions on paper. My words and instructions seemed largely lost on her however. I suggested she have a go at drawing but she simply stared at me as if I was asking the impossible. I didn’t mind of course and I was starting to enjoy her company.

After another hour and a half, I had completed three highly finished drawings. Ulrich slipped on his boxers once the session was over and came to look at my work.

“Pete is good, is he not, he is the maestro!” he said to Loretta. “My parents have great drawings of me by Pete at home in Germany.”

Loretta nodded and tried to smile but again, I could tell that there was a lot going on in her mind. At last she said,

“Ok, now it’s my turn.”

“Right, take your time.”

“Would you like me to leave Loretta?” That was Ulrich being his usual gentlemanly self.

“Ah, no, no….it’s alright, please stay. I don’t mind.”

Loretta waited, looking very awkward, while I gathered brushes, paint and pencils. I had decided to do some quick sketches of her in black and raw umber, so as not to have her sitting for too long. I changed the music to some high energy techno – so that she could concentrate on it and not feel so inhibited, or so I hoped.

I sat Loretta backwards on a bent wood chair, indicating that she lean forward with her hair to one side. I stood beside the easel with Ulrich next to me.

“Ok Loretta, in your own time.”

Without a word she slid out of her shirt and tossed it on the couch, throwing her golden hair to one side so that it just covered her eye. Underneath the shirt she wore a black lace bra that she now attempted to unhook.

“Ulrich, would you help me, please.”

Ulrich obliged and I marveled at my first sight of Loretta’s fine breasts. They were high on her chest, upward pointing with pert nipples. She looked at me and with gravity I said,

“Great Loretta, stay just like that.”

If she was relieved, she didn’t show it. I could tell that Ulrich too found her intriguing; his breathing deepened and slowed as he stood looking from the easel to the model. It took me fifteen minutes to do a paint study of Loretta as she sat back on the chair and looked not a little like a belle Parisienne. I drew her back and her muscular shoulders, her lithe arms and her luxuriant hair that seemed to have a life of its own. After another twenty minutes I changed paper and suggested that she take the rest of her clothes off. This time I was going to have her stand and lean on the back of the chair with her hair down. She nodded silently and followed my instructions to the letter. She wore a pair of black tights which she now rolled down. Underneath she wore no underwear and when the tights were down around her ankles she giggled and kicked them aside.

It was only now that her full beauty was revealed. I am not by nature a spiritual man but here was the thing that man from time immemorial has chosen to deify. I spent a long, indulgent moment caressing her slender waist with my eyes, then the perfect apricot that was her butt and finally her long, slender hips and legs. A more perfect form could scarce be imagined, no wonder that her parents were prudes. She had a pussy tuft trimmed to a point and a discreetly pierced navel. Without looking at Ulrich, I could tell that he too was admiring the view but enough; I was here to draw. Needless to say, my pencils, brushes and paper loved Loretta. I completed another drawing with her hair draped over the chair and the elegant lines of her back, butt and legs forming an harmonious ensemble of forms. The artist was satisfied.

“Ok Loretta, that’s it.”

She stood up and I expected her to dress but instead, she stood by me while I instructed Ulrich on how to twist his body for the next pose. He did as I instructed while I sharpened my pencils. While I tried not to look at her, I could smell Loretta’s perfume close behind me. She stood by my shoulder and watched quietly as I drew Ulrich. The young German was always a pleasure to draw and I can’t remember ever producing a drawing or a painting of him that I was unsatisfied with.

During the next half hour Loretta asked me questions made many pertinent comments and even a suggestion or two but when I disagreed with her she giggled good-naturedly and padded into the kitchen. She came back with a bottle of wine and three glasses. The sight of her, completely nude, carrying the wine made my balls tighten and I struggled to concentrate on exactly how many abdominals Ulrich had. Ten more minutes and our session was up. I put down my pencil to accept a glass of aromatic red from a faintly smiling and gloriously naked nymph. She walked over to Ulrich and handed him a glass too. Her sudden lack of self-consciousness was beautiful to see and came as something of a surprise.

At last she slipped her black tights back on but remained topless with her hair just covering her beautiful breasts as it fell forward. Ulrich put on his jeans and we relaxed by the couch as we discussed the day’s session. Soon we drank a second bottle of red and Ulrich was telling Loretta about an upcoming exhibition in which I was showing some of my work when she said,

“Hmm, well guys I didn’t expect it, but I found posing nude a great turn on.”

I half heard that as I got up to get another bottle. While in the kitchen I made us some snacks and returned half an hour later to find Loretta sitting in Ulrich’s lap kissing him. As I set the food down Loretta giggled and turned around. She smiled at me as if to say that her kissing Ulrich was a bit of harmless fun – not that I minded. Ulrich however looked me in the eye and gave me a sly smile. She got off his lap and gratefully accepted another glass of wine. She ate quite a bit of the food too and joked with Ulrich as I put on some more music – some funky house this time. When I returned to the couch Loretta was whispering in Ulrich’s ear. She looked up as I sat down and said,

“I was just telling Ulrich about how I blew you on the beach this afternoon.”

I was stunned. She then looked from one to the other of us and whispered;

“Now I want you both to fuck me.”

Stay tuned for part 3...................


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My first male bj

My wife loves to fuck other men. We have an arrangement that she can fuck whoever she wants as long as I get to watch. I don't join in, just sit in a chair and stroke myself as she gets fucked hard. Over the 20+ years we've been together I have trained myself not to cum until after he left and she sucks me off.We never invite anyone to our home. We have a standing Saturday night "date" where we get a babysitter and check into a hotel. My wife changes into sexy lingerie and we wait for her...

4 years ago
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Heart of DarknessChapter 2

Once again Anne finds herself waking up to an empty house. Her adopted parents are workaholics and it isn’t uncommon to not see them as often as she’d like. Of course, having an empty house all to herself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. She looks over to her alarm to see that she still has just over a half hour before it is set to go off. She sighs. It sucks to get up before your alarm, but what can be done about it? Since she has the time, she begins to reach beneath the blankets when she...

3 years ago
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By His Touch

Ciara laid in the warm silence of his bedroom, her small, lithe form on her side, stretched out across the neatly made bed. Her crimson hair was pooled around her shoulders, neck and face. Her utterly naked flesh was tingling in anticipation. She had never felt so sensitive to her surroundings. Indeed, she had been denied a few of her senses and abilities this evening. Her eyes were blinded by a dense black length of silk, folded, rolled and tied about her head. To her eyes, there was nothing...

2 years ago
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Call Girl

I will in particular like to thank the ladies for their invaluable suggestions. This story happened recently. My flight was cancelled at the last minute and the airline gave the normal stupid explanations and dumped us in a 5 star hotel. I was getting thoroughly bored in the evening and so I decided to go down to the bar to spend some time. The bar was largely empty and so I at down to nurse the drink. I was approached by a slinky young beauty who introduced herself as Kim and sat...

1 year ago
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The Educational Seminar Chapter Two

Chapter Two - 'Show and Tell'​It was gone midnight when I picked up the phone with a shaking (and sticky!) hand. I knew it was going to be Pam; she said that she would call as soon as she got back to her hotel."Hi honey, are you good?"I ignored answering the question, I was just so relieved to hear her voice. "Baby, oh, wow, I've been so worried sitting here waiting for your call ... wow, what a performance ... are you OK .. was it rough?" I left my words in mid-air hoping she would tell me...

2 years ago
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Club X

I have never tried it but I think that I would be really good at sucking cock. Let me know what you think of my little story, people. I hope it makes the boys hard and the ladies wet and open. Club X is like no other bar I have ever known. It is nothing less than a monument to the nude male form, a self indulgent hedonistic extravaganza. From the outside, it looks like nothing at all but surface appearances can be deceptive. Tonight will be my third visit in as many weeks and each has proved...

2 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 28 Hot Water

--- I Dream of Demie 28 - Hot Water (MF, magic, mc, oral, impreg?, viol) by Krosis of the Collective --- I had wanted to try out the sauna in our apartment building since I had first seen it a few days ago. Clad only in my swim trunks after I hung my t-shirt on a hook outside the room, I opened the door. "Close it!" I heard a young female voice snap, and I quickly slipped in and pulled the door shut behind me. I turned, and through the all-pervasive cloud of steam saw a slim figure...

3 years ago
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My Big Powerful Negro Bruno Day out from Prison w

...At last after a few months inside and behind those solid bars. my hung stud Bruno was allowed to come outside for his day with me. Of course he was shackled to a guard and wore a GPS tag on his ankle!It now all meant I did not have to see Bill, that is hubbies mate who was in prison 1st as a visitor, using Bill as the excuse to go over there.No I could now see Bruno outside the prison, OK, with his guard there!Most of the more intimate meeting outside were in a park about 10 miles from the...

3 years ago
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Broken Hearts The Lake

After meeting Bill at a mutual friend's party today, Karen immediately felt comfortable and at ease with him. Earlier, in response to her dare, Bill exposed his cock to her, and Karen reciprocated by showing him her perky breasts. They laughed like teenagers in the front seat of his classic car before he drove off, relieved no one observed them flashing each other. "Have you ever gone skinny dipping?" Bill asked as the momentum of turning a sharp corner forced Karen to lean into him. "We...

3 years ago
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A Cool Reception

The heat in this town can be stifling. Every February, as the pressure systems build in the south, temperatures rise and the humidity is thick and sticky. There is no breeze, just sweat. Clothing is minimal. In shorts and thongs I ambled home from the pub. After a few hours respite in the air-con with a couple of beers, I was now perspiring and my head began to throb. Down the road I could hear rock music coming out of an old Federation house, so I crossed over to avoid the din. ‘Don’t you...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex With Cousin8217s Wife At Bangalore

Hi guys…this is GK (short name) from Mangalore. Any ladies or girls who likes to have real sex or sex chat can contact me at hyperlink “mailto:” This story is between me and my cousin’s wife Remya, my sex goddess. She is round 32 years with a boob size of 36 and mother of a baby of an old. She is very fair and has a very round navel which I like the most. I saw her first time at her wedding when I was in 12th std. After the wedding both my cousin and Remya settled at Bangalore. She was very...

2 years ago
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Married Didi Ki Chudai Arif Or Nadeem Se 8211 Part 4

Dostno aap lnogo ko merii story kasii lag rahi hai bataiye ga jaroor or naye readers ko mai suggest karnu gaa kii woo merii kahani ke previous parts jaroor phadne taki unhe ye kahani shamhj mai aa sake. Khair mai ab aap lnogo ka jyada time naa barbad karthe hue shidhe story pe aatha hnu. Nadeem mere ko dhek ke thoda sa ruk gya , usanai ek baar name plate dheki or fir mere se bola Nadeem- ye neelu ka ghar hai ? Me- jii hnaa, aap nadeem ji hne,? Nadeem – ji hnaa Me- aayiye ander, mai neelu didi...

1 year ago
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Unsatisfied Mom8217s Train Journey Gave Her Satisfaction

Hi water melons and muscular machine gun.This is avir(namechanged).This is my first story please excuse me if you find any mistakes.I am a college student.My height is 5.9″ feet.I am muliti religious person.The size of the muscular rod is 8.4″ inch and it is a natural size.Coming to the story.This story is about how my train journey turned into heavenly journey. The heroine of the story is illakia (name changed) and let her be called illu.I was travelling to my home after visiting my cousin’s...

3 years ago
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E035 The eighteenth pearl

They sleep for a few hours, both overtired from all that has happened that day, that week.  It is dark when they awake together.  Smiling goofily at each other both remembering what has occurred, Donald kisses her as he hears her stomach rumble.It does amuse him what a good appetite Emma has.  She will eat lustfully at each meal they have, and while never asking for anything later, he can always tell, even without the rumblings when she is craving something to eat again.“Shall we spend the...

Love Stories
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My hubby two lowers andme

new experience ... I agree this game. receive two lovers blindfolded.My outfit we chose together. White gown buttoned on the front light, dim up, Brazilian briefs, top, corset lace tied concealing my small breasts, flat shoes, long white mittens and of course the wolf white satin.I'm nervous and kept asking the question of compliance guaranteed by our visitors ...." are you sure they are really friendly ... incapable of v******e "... excited and fearful imagination. ...The room is comfortable...

2 years ago
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Es begann als reine Fantasie

"Bist du mir treu?" flüsterte sie ihm ins Ohr während sie sich liebten. "Bist du mir treu?" "Ich bin dir treu!" entgegnete er flüsternd. Ihre Lippen trafen einander und in völliger Exstase küssten sie einander, als ihre liebenden Körper miteinander verschmolzen. Sie liebkoste seinen muskulösen Brustkorb und fragte ihn endlich, was ihr schon lange durch den Kopf ging. "Ich... ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde Frau..." "Bitte?!?" Sie bat ihn erneut: "Ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde...

4 years ago
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CD crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad pt3

Please go back and read part 1 and 2 before reading this or nothing will make any sense. I ended part two after going to the pool with my mom and dad, having sex then coming home and showing together. That was a few days ago. Not much happened between now and yesterday but I've been wearing girls clothes when at home, basically a bra and thong, heels, and normally a dress. My mom ordered me a romper and some skirts and blouses to wear too. I've also been wearing the chastity belt all the time...

3 years ago
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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 9

Holmes looked around the engine room with an analytical gaze. The large engines were expected, but some items were not. In particular the odd pipes on the end walls, and the scorch marks that adorned them. It looked for all the world as if the end wall had been subjected to a lightning strike. Holmes walked over and scratched at the sooty deposit with an extended digit. "What you see are the side-effects of my experiments in high voltage static charges. To the side of you are the results."...

3 years ago
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The Joys Of Being A Manwich Chapter 3

With Mary laying limp as a wet dishrag on the cum-stained bed, still moaning and slowly coming back to earth, I was left with a raging hard-on that was screaming to be satisfied. Kelly took the initiative once Mary was unable to finish, and came over to kneel down in front of me. Without batting an eye, she wolfed down my cock and began to suck like she was starving for it. She could taste Mary on my cock, but she didn't seem to mind it a bit, slobbering and licking my achingly hard cock and...

3 years ago
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{p}Prologue Jeremiah James Taylor, AKA Jeremy Smythe, AKA Eric Bolen, AKA who the hell else ... was demobilised in 1946 as a Captain, but he’d never led a company of troops. He’d been spotted early in his enlistment, commissioned and transferred to SOE, where he trained Resistance fighters and, sometimes, carried out targeted, specific assassinations. He was unusual, however, in two respects. One, was a conscience which caused him great distress when the death of a target resulted in reprisals...

4 years ago
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AmlieChapter 18 Tea with Mistress Heathcoate

[Autumn, 1678] Oxford, Oxfordshire “WHAT ABOUT THE stones?” Sandrine asked. With Amélie the two were having their evening tea after supper with Mistress Heathcoate in the kitchen while Master Heathcoate stretched his legs in front of the fire in the so-called parlour, which was really just an extension of the kitchen. In the weeks following their arrival the two women and Mistress Heathcoate had become close. She was younger than her husband, but not by so much to cause notice or tongues...

3 years ago
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The Need to Live

She wanted him, had wanted him for so long, she could not remember a moment when the mere mention of his name had not tightened something in her, had not heated her blood. It mattered little that most of the time she could not stand him, that he was her boss’s boss, that he was her best friend’s brother. It had not even mattered when he had belonged to another woman. She had always wanted him. So why should it surprise her that standing here, in his living room, covered in dried blood after...

Oral Sex
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Get your revenge

You're the definition of trouble. When you walk down the street, men turn their heads and walk into lampposts. Your legs are long and slender, you have a flat stomach and perfect size C breasts, and the type of beautiful face that makes men weak in the knees. You're used to men falling at your feet and you love it. One toss of your perfectly wavy brown hair is enough to turn a Navy Seal into a sniveling schoolboy. Which is why this situation with Dean has got you so messed up in the head. He...

1 year ago
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Views from the apartment

Now this is a real story or thoughts I did not now where to publish...So for quite some time I noticed there is something about voyeurism that turns me on. I think it is normal to have a peek. But recently things have started getting more intense, I have found I also enjoy a bit of exhibitionism.Half a year ago I moved into a new apartment, on the top floor and I have never thought I could have such views from there. Too see a glimpse of someone in the window of opposite apartment is...

2 years ago
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Shopping AroundChapter 6

"Me?" The woman stood there for a moment, then muttered, "No," obviously embarrassed, adding, "I don't know why I came up here. I love my husband..." She started to move off, but Mike grabbed her arm. "Kids, maybe?" She shook her head. "They're all ... over..." Mike shrugged and let go of her. Mike glanced around, disgusted. "Okay, in case you haven't heard, it's down to me -- and I have two open slots. Those of you who suspected me of being a child molester should know that...

2 years ago
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Intro to medical fetish

One of the perks of having a long term partner is the possibility to explore your own kinks, finding your likes and dislikes and to be introduced to new deviance's.  I don’t know about you, but I always like to push my limits a bit further, expanding my horizons. There are certain things you just don't discuss or do with a one night stand or with a man, you've just met, unsure, where that particular relationship is going yet. So we tend to start off vanilla and only after a while, when that...

4 years ago
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Birthday Foreplay

We had just gotten into bed, exhausted. It was not especially different from most other days. We both worked. We shared the tasks of getting our 3 and 5-year-old daughters to and from daycare. The house had to be taken care of. Meals had to be made and cleaned up. We had to go shopping to have meals at all. The kids were growing so fast they constantly needed new clothing. When Barney or Elmo came to town, we took them. And that's just the "A" list. It was a miracle we were only exhausted...

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Public Incestuous Passion 3 Sisters Naughty Display

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Sisters' Naughty Display By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I smacked my half-brother, and my lover, on his naked, muscular ass. “Fix those pipes, stud.” Clint turned around, a big grin on his mouth. “I'm skilled at laying pipes!” It was the next morning after he pinned me against the refrigerator and fucked me hard. It was nice to be hammered so hard by him. It had me buzzing, but it...

2 years ago
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Slave of the OutcastChapter 25

"You're awake. That's good. Your mom is a deep sleeper. She won't hear us. Oh yes I locked your door too," Charles heard someone whispering on his ear. It was Ivy. He could make out her figure in the darkness. "Don't bother screaming!" Ivy warned him. She moved her fingers somewhere around his neck. "I studied martial arts. One strike from me and you will only have thirty seconds to live. You will have a hard time breathing. You will be suffocating and eventually will die a...

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