RuneswardChapter 37: Escape free porn video

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She stood at the window, the sun a nebulous disk of slightly lighter gray seen behind the ever present dark gray clouds. On the land below, the gray of the near ever-present clouds appeared to drizzle onto the land itself, until, on the horizon, you could barely tell where the land ended and the sky began. Her gaze was a strange mixture of contemplative, fearful and miserable as her eyes moved aimlessly about the bleak landscape around her. Off in the distance, ever looming, was the large, inactive volcano with the strange Gate at its base. Usually, the volcano represented hope to her, a distant mountain she could climb to see what was on the other side. Only she knew what was on the other side – more of what was on this side. The world held no mysteries for her – not today.

Her view was filled with a sickly gray pallor, the ever-present darkness which filled her life laid out for her eyes to suddenly and clearly see. She, like thousands or millions or perhaps even billions before her, would not make a mark on this seemingly lifeless world. The hopes of her childhood were appropriately dashed as the day inexorably continued, moment by disparaging moment. Her heart seemed to take in the lifelessness that was the constant reality of her life and slowly thicken into the same lifeless rock she could see all around her.

The landscape before her was filled with blacks and grays, the occasional off-white thrown in solely for color. It was a lifeless void, and she could feel it coming to claim her. Only her mother’s small garden showed any signs of green life, but mostly the stalks were the sickish yellow she’d come to expect.

She couldn’t even catch the scent of the garden on the breeze. There was not even a hint of a breeze, just the stifling, ever-present heat of the day.

She heard the knock, but she didn’t want to respond. To respond would mean the day had begun and she’d been dreading this day for years now. Today, the horrible plans made so long ago would begin to move forward.

“Come on, Vestra,” her brother called from beyond the door. “You don’t want to waste your entire birthday in bed.”

She blew out a breath and sighed. If it had been one of her parents, she’d have been able to ignore them, and they’d have gone away eventually. Her brother could be much more persistent.

Though she was revulsed at the bleak landscape in front of her, she moved from the window reluctantly. She frowned at the pale gray dress covered with understated and unrealistic red flowers which was carefully folded on her desk, a part of the skirt falling over the side and floating lifelessly a foot or so above the floor. Obviously, a gift from her mother. She didn’t want it. She hated it. It filled her with vile loathing and disgust. She put it on, anyway, shuddering as the light cloth settled into place. It was just another reminder of the day and her change of status.

As a child, she could almost dress as she wanted. While she was restricted to skirts and blouses, the skirts could be short and the blouses brief. She could run and play with her arms and legs bare and no one would think twice.

Today, though, it all changed. For all of her life, she’d barely noticed the subtle change of night into day, the constant heat only marginally less in the greater darkness. She was all too aware of it now. The slight brightening of the near omnipresent gray clouds as the sun inevitably rose over the horizon had heralded with it an unwelcome change.

It could be worse. The day could have started with a brief glimpse at the burning red of their sun, something that occurred with such slight frequency it had become a sort of lucky superstitious talisman to her people. She didn’t need a good omen on this day.

Today, she was an adult.

As a woman instead of a girl, she was prohibited from showing any skin below the chin. Even showing her hands in public was frowned upon, though not punished. Showing her feet, while unseemly, would be less tolerated, but still met with a frown and not actively castigated. Anything else, even the flash of an ankle or wrist, was not tolerated. The first infraction would mean a public flogging of twenty lashes. The punishment would increase for any further infractions. If she violated the mandate enough, she would either be publicly stoned or publicly crushed.

She hated growing old.

What was worse, today would begin the preparations for her marriage. Her parents had betrothed her many years ago to Marcin tuk’Cura, a member of one of the Green clans. It was a good arrangement and would bring her and her family prestige and honor as well as more than a little much-needed coin. She just hated she had no choice in the matter.

Less importantly but certainly at the top of her mind, she also hated Marcin tuk’Cura. It was an irrational hate. She’d never truly been in his presence for more than a moment or two. Just knowing he was to be her husband – that she had no choice in the matter – was enough, though.

“A moment,” she called to her brother. She had to say something, or he’d continue to knock until it brought her parents. She certainly didn’t want to see them until later. Preferably, much later.

She laced and tied the neckpiece angrily. She knew it was likely to be another hot day and she felt she’d suffocate within the robe but her only other option was to hide away in her room. She knew her parents wouldn’t allow it. Her mother wouldn’t even understand it. Her mother was very traditional and felt she was too uppity and needed to learn her place.

So, she’d have to go through her day, thanking everyone for their birthday wishes while dying in a pool of her own sweat. Then, in the evening, at her coming of age celebration, her parents would formally announce her betrothal to Marcin. It would start the final death throes of her freedom and in a year, she’d be bound to him forever in the wedding ceremony.

She nixed the morbid thoughts and crossed to her door. As she moved, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She stopped and stared, looking at the strangely clothed stranger looking back at her.

Her white-blonde hair was free, its bounce slowly stopping as she stood still. She admitted to herself she looked pretty. Her nose was thin and proud, her cheeks high and full. Her lips were naturally ruddy, and her golden eyes were open and honest. Only the high-necked dress looked out of place, making her look strange and unnatural.

She hated that she was pretty. If she were ugly, she’d not have to suffer through this betrothal. If she were ugly, Marcin tuk’Cura would want nothing to do with her. She turned, and looked away, closing her eyes against the coming tears.

With a distraught sigh, she opened the bedroom door, but even her brother’s open smile could not lift her spirits.

“Why so glum?” Daorba asked, his brow wrinkling. “You become an adult today!”

“Exactly,” she replied with a sigh.

Daorba decided to take a different tact. “I like the new dress,” he commented cheerfully. “The red flowers contrast the basic white nicely.”

“It’s gray, not white,” she responded drily. “But thanks.”

Daorba’s face drew serious, his smile slowly fading. “What’s wrong?”

“You know what’s wrong!” she cried. Her arms waved up and down her torso. “This! This is what’s wrong.”

“Your dress?” he asked in confusion. “It’s very pretty.”

“Yes, it’s pretty,” she growled sarcastically. “It’s also binding and hot!”

“A necessary evil,” he responded gently. “You must hide your flesh so you don’t incite men’s lusts. To do otherwise would make you nothing more than a harlot. It would leave you unclean and needing to be purified.”

“Why is it my job to curb men’s lusts?” she asked in tears. “Besides, what changed from yesterday to today? A day?”

“You’re two hundred years old today,” he said placatingly. “You’ve come of age and moved into womanhood. You know this.”

He shook his head and continued. “I always felt mother was too lenient with you. She should have started easing you into this years ago.”

“Too lenient?” she asked, astounded. “Too lenient?!? How can you say that? How can you say any of that? It just isn’t fair.”

Daorba sighed. “No, itra, it isn’t fair,” he agreed. “But it is the world, and you must find your place within it.”

“Why?” she questioned, her voice pleading. “Why must I wear this ... this ... tent? Why must I perspire all day while you can go bare-chested? Why must I bow my head to men? Why must I serve them?”

“Because you’re a woman,” he said simply. He shook his head. “You know women are weaker than men. Physically, of course, but emotionally as well. You women are governed by your emotions while men are able to put emotion aside to do what is needed. It is our duty to care for you and defend you, so it is only right you support us and serve us. It’s been this way forever. It is prescribed in the writings of our god. ‘For the final betrayer is woman, so she must be subservient to men’.”

“That’s the same argument the Color classes make,” she bit out. “The exact same reason they use to subjugate us Metals. They are caring for us because they are strong while we are weak. ‘For the weak are to be pitied, and it is the duty of the strong to steady and maintain them’. See? I can quote scripture, too!”

“I don’t like it any more than you do,” he admitted. “But it’s true – for men and women as well as Colors and Metals. Men are stronger than women just as Colors are stronger than Metals. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I can’t argue its truth.”

He looked at his sister’s glowering face shrewdly. “But you knew this. You knew what this day entailed. You’ve always known, yet you walked your path peacefully. What’s changed now, little itra? Why are you so upset now?”

“He’s so old!” Vestra cried. “He’s over a thousand! And he’s fat and wrinkly! Why did Mother and Father do this? Why did they pledge me to – to – to him?”

Daorba nodded his head knowingly. “It is not, perhaps, the union I would have made, but it is a good union. You’ll gain honor and, if you’re lucky, present him a son that might someday raise your status even higher. Besides, the tuk’Cura clan is wealthy. You’ll want for nothing.”

“But – but – I’ll be forced to lay with – with – with that?” Vestra gnashed. “It is not fair.”

“You use that argument a lot,” her brother said softly. “It is a child’s lament. You’ll be well cared for and want for nothing. Certainly, that is worth a little... unpleasantness.”

“Easy for you to say,” she growled back. “You don’t have to lay with him.”

“No,” he chuckled. “No, I don’t. As you said, though, he is old. Surely, he will not last much longer – no more than a few hundred years, at the most. On his passing, you will retire and still be cared for. He also has more than forty other wives so you will not have to lay with him often.”

“Scant comfort,” she mumbled.

“True,” he agreed. “But it is a comfort. Just close your eyes and bear it and think of his death. It will get you through.”

“Maybe,” she ground out between clenched teeth. “Not if I put my thoughts to deeds, though. If I do that, they’ll take my life after I take his. I’m not sure it isn’t worth it.”

“Don’t say that, sister,” he chided. “Life is precious. Is that not why god brought us here? To save our lives. To keep us alive so that we might bring his terrible vengeance to the insignificant vermin who once hunted us?”

She looked at her older brother. “Have you...? Do they...? Do the Priests take you ... to Vylun ... often?”

His face grew serious. “Often enough,” he said quietly. “You’ve not told anyone, have you?”

“No!” she said earnestly.

“Good,” he replied, his relief evident. “I should not have told you ... but ... you’d have seen it anyway, eventually.”

“What do you do ... over there?”

“Train, mostly,” he replied, his voice not much more than a whisper. “Controlling our True Forms is ... difficult. There is a ... freedom ... to it which can be distracting. Concentration is paramount.”

His face broke into a wide smile. “I’ve learned to fly!”

A smile broke on her face in spite of her misery. “I would so very much like to do that! To learn to fly!”

“Maybe you will,” he replied happily. “The Priests say the time draws very near. They say we might be among those who return triumphantly to Vylun!”

Vestra’s face grew wistful. “To fly. It would be so much.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Have you ... is there any sign of ... Those We Left Behind?”

“What?” Daorba drew up quizzically, his smile fading. “Of ... oh.”

He shook his head. “No sign. Of course, we aren’t allowed to travel far – never out of sight of the Gate. The Priests don’t want the usurpers to know we are coming. ‘An unsuspecting enemy is an easily destroyed enemy.’ At least, that’s what Ondara Siccu says.” His eyes narrowed and he gazed purposefully into his sister’s golden eyes. “Why are you interested?”

“No reason,” she replied quickly.

He was content to let her question go ... then thought better of it. His sister was devious but, like all women, had difficulty hiding her emotion. She was eager. Perhaps too eager. Besides, the question troubled him though he wasn’t certain why.

“Vestra,” he warned. “Out with it. You never ask a question without reason.”

She squirmed under his raised brow look. “I’ve ... I’ve been spending time in the Great Library.”

She looked around carefully and lowered her voice to the barest of whispers. “The forbidden section.”

He looked startled. He knew his sister could read. He’d helped teach her himself. Women were prohibited from attending school but home schooling, while frowned upon, was permitted. His Mother was very proud she could read and write and even do numbers and she’d taken delight in passing the skill onto her only daughter. His father found no harm in it and so he’d helped his sister learn. He’d even gone so far as taking books out of the library for her because of course she couldn’t do it herself. Women were prohibited from being in any library, much less the Great Library.

The Great Library was vast. Most of it was quite open – only a small section was forbidden. The books within were considered heresy and only with a special dispensation from the Priesthood – who maintained all the libraries – was anyone allowed within.

“Why would you go there?” he asked. He knew how she’d done it. The same way she managed to sneak up on him when he was on guard duty. The same way she managed to sneak through all of the wards the Priests had placed on the Gate Path. He knew he should have told the Dizzar (priest) he reported to – or maybe the Ondara (High Priest) his Dizzar reported to – but he’d allowed her to sway him from his duty.

Now, though, he’d have to own his sin during his confession. The Gate was one thing ... the forbidden section was quite something else. He worried for his sister’s place in the afterlife. He didn’t want her to suffer eternally.

She had the good sense to drop her head, at least. “When you told me Vylun was real, I grew so curious. There’s nothing much about it in the library – nothing more than how wonderful it is. I remembered a few years ago, Dizzar Cuunum bragged how he’d been given dispensation to study briefly in the forbidden section and he described Vylun so closely. I wanted to learn of it, too. I thought...”

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What Alisha didn’t know as she walked away from the SUV was her life was about to get tangled among gangsters, gun, cum, and lust. Neither did she know that she had made the driver cum again in his pants with her mere touch. Alisha had that effect on men! Back in her tiny, cozy apartment, Alisha was fast asleep. She slept the whole day as the last day was tiresome. She had to expose the truth to the world tonight. She needed her sleep now. Alisha woke up at dusk, got up from the bed, and made...

2 years ago
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No Escape

No Escape Len shouldered the heavy pack, and ratcheted his legs in short steps up the grueling trail which once served as an access road. The deep ruts in the trail were well hidden by the high grass. He would manage. This experience was too good to worry about little pains. He watched the flashlights of the others bobbing along as they crested the top of the hill ahead, four other teens ahead of him, two others behind him. Collectively, they referred to themselves as 'the gang'....

4 years ago
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Julios Revenge Escape

Julio's Revenge-Escape By Katherine Leigh ------------------------------------------ CHAPTER ONE Julio Martinez was a 26 year old gang leader from Los Angeles, California. He had been in and out of gangs for 12 years, and had risen to the top by conducting a series of heinous crimes and attacks on rival gangs. Now, though, as he approached his 27th birthday, Julio began to think about all of the terrible and violent things he had seen during his time in gang life. This made him...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 22 Escape

Arron had started counting the days since he had been locked in the dungeon. When the first door was opened he expected to be led away for his execution, but so far all that happened was the hatch lifted and a plate of gruel was pushed through. He ate, then placed the empty plate by the hatch, then an hour later the door would open followed by the hatch and the plate was snatched away. Once he had not placed the plate to be collected and the next day he was not fed so he made sure he always...

2 years ago
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Super Villain Escape

Deep up on the mountains in Argentina is an all-female prison for supervillains. It’s a maximum high security prison that seems to be impossible to escape. Thousands of guards patrol the corridors and security offices. All guards wear the matching uniform of black hat with guard written on it, tan polo or button up, black utility belt, tan pants with a white stripe down the side, and long black boots. Officers wear a similar uniform but it is a dark green and the female officers can wear a...

4 years ago
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Andis Escape

Dear reader— Unlike my other stories, there’s no male-male sex. And, the femdom in this story is woman over woman, not woman over man. And it’s fully nonconsensual and chock-full of humiliation. If none of that appeals, then best to skip this one. But if it is your thing, then by all means—go to. When my ex-husband brings me back, I’m in a familiar situation. I’m in the basement, in a metal chair, naked, my feet shackled to the legs, my arms tethered to the armrests, my waist bound to the...

1 year ago
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Tropical Escape

Lana and Evan strolled slowly along the coral white sand after sharing an afternoon snorkeling. The brilliant hues of the coral reef and the crystal clear water delighting their senses. The Fiji sunset before them offering a warm glow as the warm tropical sun kissed their skin one last time before disappearing over the horizon. Their fingers entwined as their footprints trailed behind them as they approached their beach side Bure. Evan spun Lana around and kissed her deeply as his other hand...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Perfect Escape

The following story is a work of fiction and intended for ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult or offended by descriptions of explicit sex, please read no further. This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2014 by EgyptOasis. Reposting or any other use of this work is strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder. DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone either alive or dead is purely coincidental. All characters in this story...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Escape

Suspend disbelief: Temporarily allow oneself to believe something that is not true, especially in order to enjoy a work of fiction.---It all began barely a few weeks ago, but it feels like everything has changed since – that I've changed. Like I've been a racehorse with blinders on, only looking forward, but I stopped running for a minute and looked around and realised there's so much more to the world than the race I was running.We met through Lush, I forget who made first contact, but we had...

2 years ago
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Cuntbusting Escape

You wake up at the big bed in the empty room with two doors at each side. You are dressed in grey tight shorts and white tank top without bra and panties. You stand up from the bed and look around the room. There is literally nothing else but two doors one with a sign "Trap doors" and other with a "Escape doors" sign. (The story is not finished. I just started and i want it to be big! each option should have a different result and you also can add a new chapter!) P.S. - Every "GAME OVER"...

2 years ago
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The Long Escape

 PROLOGUE: I am the only person I know that has been attacked by a moose. Yes, a moose. It was in Banff a few years back. My husband and I, along with two other couples, had made the trip to sightsee and maybe ski. The evening of the first day, I went for a walk from our little B&B to get a flavor of the town. Walking along a long road between some apartments or condos or something, I spied a huge shaggy beast down the street some ways off. He'd already noticed me: he was standing head down,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Great Escape

The Great Escape ? by: Kahukura Chapter One: Name, Rank, and Serial Number Malone looked at the man with disdain he did not try to hide. "Andrew Malone, Major US Army, 51623479." The General glared at him in annoyance. "Why were you trespassing on our territory, Major Malone? American forces are not welcome here, or did you not know that?" "Andrew Malone, Major US Army, 51623479." "Ignorant fool! What about you, Lieutenant? Are you up to answering any questions, or shall...

3 years ago
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The Escape

This never should have happened. As she hid in the air duct between the offices and the mall she pondered her life of the last few months. The humiliating training at the hands of the schizophrenic second level girls...acting all high-and-mighty, like they're actually happy to be here. The disgusting acts she'd been forced to perform for those horrible male managers. And worse, those female managers; so intent on making her feel weak and pathetic in her new life as a girl. You see, she...

2 years ago
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Gay Cave Escape

Drip! Drop! Drip! A staccato of water droplets add to a quiet and dark ambience. A nearby rock is dislodged, crashing with a large boom. You awake with a jump, chilled from the rock floor you were sprawled on. The room you're in is almost too dark to be traversed. You can see three ragged walls surrounding you, sprawling upward out of your limited night vision. Stalactites strike from the darkness above, giving little indication of when the dark ends and the ceiling begins. You rise to your...

2 years ago
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Xena Calistos Escape

The blond woman's chest was still heaving slightly from the exertion of the fight just lost. Perspiration dripped from her forehead and long hair, a rivulet running down into her cleavage. Even manacled in defeat she stood tall, her eyes pained, yet defiant. Her thighs were still taut and strong, her arms at the ready, even though her wrists were bound by chains. Her fingers deftly searched the manacles for a weakness, as her mind searched people for a weakness that she could exploit. The...

2 years ago
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The spring afternoon sunshine warmed my cheek. The small trees lining the road were starting to unfurl their budding lime green leaves, bringing fresh clean colour to the streets. All was well with my world and it was a glorious afternoon to wander home from college. I turned the last corner into my home street. The visceral surge of fear seared through my brain like a scratched record. Ignore them. Carry on. Not your problem. The two men lounged causally in the car. Surely nobody was...

3 years ago
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"... and the old man took the small girl in his arms, and mounted the great winged beast. They flew way up into the blue sky." "That's a good story, Grampa," said the young girl as her Grandfather tucked her into bed. "Do they live happy eva afta, Gampa? Do they?" The old man paused, and looked at the sweet young face that stared up at him in innocence. Finally he said, "No one can know the future, Sweet Pea; so we don't know if they do, or don't." "Oh," said the child with...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 7 Escape

11 July, 1686 Evening She stood a moment on the steps of the house entry, looking back with fear at the path she had just crossed and allowed the pace of her anxious heart slow down. Moment's passed then she drew a long breath as she threw back the front door and stepped into the house. She groped moodily forward carefully crossing the room, millimeter by millimeter, over the wood floor. She knew where she was going. She had heard him tell her mistress of the room below the...

3 years ago
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RebelChapter 86 Escape

"Now," said the big Redcoat, "since you insist on being uncooperative, I have a bargain for you, a trade let us call it." He turned to one of the men near the door. "Bring those two bitches in here," he said. The heavy door of the basement room swung open and two more British soldiers entered, each with a woman in tow. They brought their prisoners to the colonel, clicked their heels and left. Now, just a few feet away, stood a handsome woman and a younger girl. Both wore nothing but...

3 years ago
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The Crusader Escape

The days had an order to them. More days than not, Thabit came to Rida in her prison bedchamber. The encounters were violent and rough but mercifully brief. She was brought two meals a day by a timid young woman who never spoke and barely looked at her. Over time, Rida became accustomed to her nakedness. She stopped cowering when Thabit barged into the room. Her lack of fear and shame increased his wrath. Some nights, he left her bloody and barely conscious. She had ceased begging for release...

2 years ago
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The Attempted Escape

“Andi?” she heard a familiar male voice, her heart raced excitedly. “Patrick!” she exclaimed, squinting though she knew it would do her no good, “Patrick where are you?!” “Andi,” his cough sounded abrasive in his throat, “Andi I’m over here!” She followed the sound of his voice until she bumped into something solid, “Patrick is that you?” she asked, slowly reaching out to him. “Yes, my hands are tied behind the chair, hurry before they come back!” She felt the top of his head, then...

4 years ago
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Perfect Escape

Groggily, Henry awoke to the pleasant sound of birds chirping. The warm sun glinted through the window, cascading across the room in a patchwork of radiant energy. Rousing him from his solace, a cool, crisp breeze billowed through the room, sending a slight shiver up his spine. Stumbling out of bed, Henry walked through the labyrinth of rooms and by chance found himself in the kitchen. He emptied the last remaining drops of cold, stale coffee from his cup and refilled with the fresh pot that...

3 years ago
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July was walking along the canal towpath slowly making sure she was not being followed. At 12 years old July was one of the youngest members of a street gang her 19 year old brother was the leader and he had sent her with a bag of stuff for 17 year old Mark who was also a gang member who had been sent to prison for 10 years but had escaped and was hiding out on a barge on the canal. July stopped by the barge sat down but looking around to make sure there was nobody about, once she was sure it...

3 years ago
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The RVirus Escape

She had shoved down his pants enough to have pulled his dick out so she could wrap her lips around it. Her lipstick was smeared over his member and she was pushing the brightly colored ring lower down his impressive length. When he groaned appreciation from her she suddenly recalled something, she had no idea what his name was. He was just some random hook up at the bar, but their meeting was just a drunken blur for her. Whatever she had thought to herself, it hardly mattered to her, he...

1 year ago
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She looked at me curiously over the top of a drink. We were sitting on the patio by the pool, late on a Friday afternoon. I was sweaty and tired from hours completing a complex Internet installation at her family’s home. Behind us, speakers floated Mozart from an Internet radio station. It sounded very nice, but had taken a lot of work to put in place. ‘You have never asked me for a date, or made a move. Is there another girl? Or something wrong with me?’ I smiled back at her, thinking of a...

2 years ago
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a chance meeting and a dramatic escape

Chained a young neko about 18 was brought onto a platform inside an old warehouse building. The young neko charlotte looked around at all the hungry faces that were staring at her. "Damn humans" she muttered under her breath as she looked up at the man that held her chains. "We have a young kitten here for the highest bidder, she will be yours for the taking, but for one night only." said the man into a loudspeaker. Charlotte looked again down at the men below her as they were all screaming...

3 years ago
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The MissionChapter 8 Narrow Escape

Allie felt numb; she couldn't believe that she might never hear her best friend Ally again. Charles had been working on Ally's circuits for over 2 hours, he'd almost had to shut part of Cici's circuits off, he'd been begging Charles to save Ally. Charles had been through its systems almost twice, though he'd replaced close to half of the systems major circuits he still had no idea why Ally still wasn't active. From what he'd seen the by-pass had absorbed 90% of the overload so if...

2 years ago
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Desert JailChapter 8 An Escape

It was early in the morning when Clarissa was taken out to start her long series of punishments, beginning by being whipped by five of her fellow prisoners. The temperature was already high in the nineties and the guard had assured her that a record one hundred and twenty eight degrees were expected by mid afternoon. "You'll be well cooked by the time you've been out here a few days and then it's the stinking cell! We've all been shitting in it this last week to make it nice and smelly...

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