No Escape
- 3 years ago
- 21
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The following story is a work of fiction and intended for ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult or offended by descriptions of explicit sex, please read no further.
This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2014 by EgyptOasis. Reposting or any other use of this work is strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder.
DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone either alive or dead is purely coincidental.
All characters in this story are 18 years or older.
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.
Enjoy! -EgyptOasis
Three months.
Three months I spent planing my perfect escape. I actually got away with it too. Almost. Turns out I should have been more worried about faulty car wiring rather than running out of Euros.
Talk my parents into a second honeymoon to Vegas for 15 days? Check. (Hardest step accomplished.)
Convince my best friend Paxton to cover me no matter what? Check. (I mean, what kind of best friend wouldn’t?)
Secretly acquire a passport? Check.
$3000 of hard earned cash at my disposal? Check.
Plane ticket for the cheapest flight to London physically possible? Check.
Wire the home telephone to automatically transfer to my cell phone? Check.
Constantly obsess over the small details such as an adapter for my phone charger? Check. Check. And check.
I went through my checklist over and over again making sure I had everything I needed packed in my backpack. Technically you could say I was running away, so I didn’t want to have a huge ass suitcase holding me back when a few pairs of clothes, a phone charger that fits European outlets, and a nice wad of cash will do just fine.
My flight leaves at four freaking am, but I still somehow managed to talk Paxton into driving me. My parents hate flying, so I’ve never done it before. I stood in my driveway waving bye to them after they loaded up the car for their trip to Las Vegas waiting for them to drive away so I could run inside and go through my check list one last time.
I honestly don’t know how people do it. Airports suck! I’d rather take a boat. And if it wasn’t too damn late, I would. A big ass ship would be ten times better to the hectic hell known as airport security. The only problem is that it would take to long to cross the damn ocean.
After two delays I was finally able to board the plane to London and take my seat. Given the fact that no one but Paxton knows that I’m leaving the country, I needed to buy a cheap ticket. Meaning that I’m dead in the back sandwiched in between an old talkative lady and a man with insane B.O. and right in front of the kangaroo kid. Joy.
Incase it hasn’t been made clear yet, I’m not a morning person. I hate everything about it. The wonder of singing birds basking in those glorious rays of the morning sun just seem to bring out the smart ass in me.
We’d been in the air for about 2 and a half hours when I started freaking out. I mean, who the hell can so that flying shit all the time? Its a certain form of torture.
There was no way in hell I was going to get through the rest of the flight in a sober state of mind so I did what any rational person in my situation would do. I snuck into first class to steal booze.
I knew I would never get in, so I grabbed a tampon and walked towards the front of the cabin.
Once I made it into the next cabin a stewardess stopped me and asked if she could help me. It wasn’t exactly a question meant to see how i was doing given the fact that it was accompanied by a glare that told me to get the hell back where I belonged. Not one to let that deter me on my whiskey induced mission, I told her that to people were joining the mile high club in the restroom in my cabin and I really needed a restroom. With that I hinted at the tampon in my pocket and she finally softened up. I hid in the bathroom until I was sure I could sneak out unseen.
I looked out of the bathroom, my eyes seeking the drink cart, completely oblivious to anything else. I found it unattended in between rounds and swiped two mini bottles of a fancy vodka off of a little shelf. Quickly I tried to make my way back to my seat, but i didn’t even make it out of first class when the plane hit turbulence. I lost my balance and fell into the seat next to me before I had the chance to recover. It took me a minute to figure out that I had not only fell over the armrest into a seat, but that I had also sat on someone.
‘I’m sorry,’ I said just wanting to have some privacy to drink my newly obtained booze. I managed to get out of the seat and off of the mysterious lap as soon as I could manage. Right after I turned to walk away, the plane flew into the beginning of a large storm. The plane turned and I tipped to my left. Right back on to the lap.
I heard a chuckle coming from my human cushion, but it wasn’t the soft laughter that made me look up. It was the deep timber that sent a shiver down my back and forced me to meet this strangers eyes. This stranger turned out to be a someone. A someone with thighs that I now felt the need to notice were muscular and incased in soft blue jeans. As I looked up my eyes found a black t-shirt molded to a hard stomach and an obviously defined chest, a structured jaw with a hint of shadow, and the most beautiful pair of green eyes I’ve ever seen. A tan calloused hand ran through thick black hair that fell to just above his eyes as he laughed at me.
‘Comfortable?’ He asked me in a British accent.
‘Well now that you mention it, I could use a blanket. Oh! And maybe some of those airline peanuts,’ I said. The plane shook and a miniature bottle of Jack fell out of my pocket onto the floor.
‘Shit!’ I squirmed his lap and tried to find the bottle on the floor. As I leaned back up wight the bottle in my held he held up the second bottle. I grabbed the front of his shirt and tensed as the plane shook again and the lights inside of the plane flickered.
‘How about we share these?’ He asked me. I’ll admit, I was kind of freaking out by now because of the storm. I mean come on! We fly right through a huge storm on my first time flying. This shit would only ever happen to me. I looked skeptically at him though, because even in the height of a storm I know to second guess anything a man this gorgeous would say to me.
‘Whats the catch?’
‘You have to sit next to me the rest of the flight and I feel obligated to tell you that I’m a shoulder sleeper.’
‘Damn. Forcing a girl to move up two classes I can over look because you seem pretty desperate, but shoulder sleeping? Thats definitely a deal breaker.’
‘I’ve been told that many people would be honored to have my sleeping head grace their shoulder. Now, up you go,’ he said, lifting me off of his lap. This was no easy feat given the fact that I was’t a stick. I’m not overweight, but I am strong. After all, muscle weighs more than fat.
I had been sitting next to him for about twenty minutes and our banter and laughter hadn’t died down a bit. He was quick witted, smart, and he understood my sense of humor. We were in the middle of a conversation about building paper cranes and making wishes when a flight attendant approached us.
‘Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to return to you seat in the back cabin.’
‘Miss, this woman is with me. She will remain with me for the rest of the flight. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she stays out of trouble,’ He gave her a lopsided grin accompanied by a wink. The hostess looked momentarily shocked before she blushed. I guess I would have blushed too if a man who looked like him ever gave me a look like that.
‘Alright, just don’t leave the seat or bother any of the first class passengers,’ she said to me while giving me a dirty look that said she’
d give anything to be in my place.
After she walked away my stranger turned to look at me.
‘Since I just got you upgraded, I think I deserve to know your name.’ His mouth had tilted up in one corner and I realized a few beats to late that I still hadn’t told him. Turns out I have a bad habit of never telling hot guys I happen across for their names nor ever telling them mine. Well, this was about to change.
‘It’s Cameron,’ I told him. He gave me a blank look that said he wasn’t exactly picking up what I was putting down. ‘My name. It’s Cameron. Care to tell me yours?’
‘Well Cameron, I’m Alec.’ I’m pretty sure my heart stopped when he said my name. I wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of my name, but damn. I think hearing him say my name just that one time caused a lifetime addiction.
‘I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but I’m really not sure yet,’ I told him with all honesty. It wasn’t to be rude, but I had a feeling that this guy could change my life and I wasn’t so sure how I felt about that.
We stayed awake for three more hours talking until I finally couldn’t keep my eyes awake anymore. The last thing I remembered, and will never forget, was Alec tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
It was light outside of the plane when I woke up. After all, I had the window seat. It only took me a few seconds to run through everything that happened last night. Sneaking the booze, my convenient turbulence landings, and Alec having the power to make everything outside of us disappear. Even flying in a metal death trap through a major storm, which was a pretty major feat.
I snuck a glance up at Alec before I let him know I was awake. He was looking down, watching me with a look on his face that I couldn’t decipher. I hadn’t seen that look on his face before and was curious to know what it meant, but before I could take another look I couldn’t keep in a yawn. When I turned to look back at him the look was gone.
‘Good morning,’ I said with another yarn.
‘Hey, they just announced that we have about two hours until we land in London,’ he told me. Even though I had wanted this flight to end as soon as we took off, I felt reluctant to leave the plane. Or rather, reluctant to leave the boy.
‘Two hours huh?’ I couldn’t even put in the effort to not sound depressed at the thought.
I guess he could tell my mood had taken a nosedive, because he said, ‘how about you tell me why you’re going to do after London, or are you staying there the whole time?’
‘I’m going to spend two weeks backpacking around Europe. It’s not as long as I would like, but it’s something. And better than never going so I’m taking it.’
‘How much of Europe do you want to see?’
‘I want to go to Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, Normandy Beach. I want to see Paris, and Dublin, the Vatican, and London of course. Most importantly I want to see castles in Scotland and Vienna. Someday I want to see Greece. You know, go to Athens and the Parthenon and go sailing off the shore in the crystal clear blue water…’ My voice trailed off as my mind wandered to the places I hoped to visit one day. ‘Anyway! Thats the plan, to have absolutely no plans.’
‘Hmm…’ Was all he said as a response.
When the plane landed we picked up our luggage together, reluctant to say goodbye. When the time came to say goodbye, neither of us did. He walked one way through the citizens line at customs and I walked in another. I never thought I’d see him again.
A man played an acoustic guitar behind me and sang some english folk song that made absolutely no sense to me. Something about a baby in a tree with a horse… I don’t know. All I knew was that my train was late. As I waited I started to worry. All my life I’d dreamt about these castles. What if they weren’t all I’d hoped they’d be? I’d be crushed and one of the main reasons for my trip would have become pointless.
‘Glad I didn’t miss the train,’ came a voice from behind me.
Without turning around I said, ‘Looks like your lucky day. The train’s late.’
‘I’m pretty sure it was my luck that landed you on my lap.’ With that I spun around to see Alec standing behind me.
‘What are you doing here?’ I asked him. I was insanely curious to know the answer, but was to terrified to hope that it was because he was looking for me.
‘Lets just say that I have my ways,’ He said, giving me a wicked smile. ‘I’ve been to Scotland before of course, but I’ve never seen it though eyes like yours.’
‘Eyes like mine?’ What the hell did that mean?
‘Eyes that see the wonder and the beauty of what the world has taken for granted.’ Well if that didn’t make me melt into a puddle, I was either a robot or batting for the other team. Last I checked I was insanely attracted to this guy so gay way out of the picture.
‘How could you possible even know that about me?’
‘The way you talked about the places you wanted to see. You spoke about them like they weren’t just your typical tourist cities, but that they help meaning and a history that only the best of us can see.’ This guy should really become a poet or a pick-up line writer. Because Damn! The guy was good.
I looked down and judging by the heat in my cheeks, I was blushing too. ‘Well. Then, Um… So you’re going to Scotland then?’ I asked.
‘Actually, we’re going to Scotland. Trains here,’ he said, pointing to the train that was obviously pulling into the station. I was too shocked to speak. He was coming with me! He was actually coming with me to Scotland!
I walked to the platform and got onto the train. Alec led me to an empty compartment and I followed him in. When a conductor walked by and asked to see our tickets I realized that I only had a ticked for a regular seat (I was budgeting on this trip after all). The conductor barely acknowledged me as Alec told him that I was with him. Our tickets were never even checked. Who the hell was this guy?
It was even more perfect than I had imagined. The rolling green hills, the old castles, and the Scottish folklore all combined to make it almost magical. I drug Alec to castles all over the countryside and I while he pretended to be reluctant or tired, I know he had fun.
That night we stayed at a small inn in the country. We ate, drank, and laughed all night. When the time came to go to bed, Alec got us two separate rooms and we both went to bed.
I expected Alec to head back to London the next day, because I was off to France. Instead as I walked out of my room I found Alec leaning against the wall with his bag slung over his shoulder and a lazy grin on his face.
‘What? You didn’t think that you could get rid of me so easily, did you? Now come on, we’ve got a train for Paris to catch,’ He called over his shoulder. He was obviously confident that I would follow. Lord knows I wish I still had the power to say no to him.
‘Yeah,’ I sighed, ‘I’m coming.’ I jogged down the hallway to catch up with him. I grabbed his elbow when I reached him and slowed down my pace. My breath caught in my lungs as he smiled down at me. Nothing had ever felt more perfect than in that moment. From the look in his eyes, I knew that he was feeling the same thing I was.
The moment broke when we reached the stairs. I glanced away and we headed down for breakfast.
Alec showed me Paris. He showed me the Paris that tourists never see.
‘Once when I was a boy, my family came to Paris for a little getaway. My parents took my brothers and I to the Louvre. Me and my younger brother snuck away while my parents and older brother were trying to look at the Mona Lisa. We spent the whole day running around Paris. We found streets and shops that we never would have seen if we’d stuck to the plan or the map or with the guides. This is the Paris that everyone should see, but the one that
not everyone cares about. But that’s why I’m showing it to you. Because I know you would understand and see what I saw back then.’ He was smiling while he told me about his family and I could see how much he loved them. This was the first that he’d really even said anything at all about is parents or brother so it felt like he was starting to trust me a bit more.
That night we ate dinner at the Eiffel Tower. It was the most romantic view I’ve ever seen and I enjoyed it with the best man I’d ever met. The only problem was that I had no clue how he was feeling or if he was feeling anything close to what I was.
After dinner we once again went to bed in separate rooms to separate beds. I guess dinner didn’t effect him as much as it had effected me.
‘Vienna. Thats where we’re going next. I used one day to get here and to see some of London, I’ll see the rest on my last day so don’t worry. I’ll wonder all around your wonderful city. We’ve spent a day in Scotland and we’ve used two of my fourteen days in France and now the most recent two days in Germany. I say we drive from Berlin to Vienna. Sound good?’
‘Sounds perfect to me. How long do you want to stay there?’ Alec asked me.
‘I want to spend two days in Vienna and then a day driving around and seeing what we find before we head back to Berlin to take a train to wherever is next.’
We rented a car in Berlin and began our drive to Austria. We got our passports checked at the boarder and continued on to Vienna.
Alec told me stories about his brothers and about his best friend Char. He told me about the time him and his younger brother put vodka in their older brother’s drink so he went to school ‘drunk as a skunk’. He was careful to avoid mentioning their names though so I didn’t ask. I figured he’d tell me when he was ready.
Vienna was amazing. It was more beautiful than anything I could have imagined. I fell in love with the city and its people. I drug Alec with me into a church and we crashed a wedding. I made friends with the bride while Alec and I were dancing together at the reception. She made me promise to write her and let her know how the rest of our trip went. Hannah wasn’t the only friend that I made in Vienna. I also found a friend in the strangest place.
I was hit on in a bar, if thats what they even call it there, while Alec was in the bathroom. I told the guy no, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I explained to him that I was there with someone but he started grabbing me. He’d wrapped his hand around me when someone ripped him off of me. I heard someone speak roughly in German and then my shoulder was touched gently. The man spoke to me in English saying, ‘He’ll never be allowed back in here again.’ He then walked away and returned to his post behind the bar.
Alec was gone for ten more minutes, but I spent that time talking to the bartender. He was funny and smart and surprisingly kind for an Austrian bartender. Lukas hung around me until Alec returned and when I asked him why he did he said that he felt that he needed to watch out for me. I could tell that something about him made him a natural protector and if I want in too deep with Alec already, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be interested in Lukas. Few hot blooded woman wouldn’t resist this gorgeous man. Lukas gave me his number and made me promise to stay in touch with him and let him know when I returned because he’d make sure that I’d have a place to stay.
When Alec returned we exchanged stories about the crazy shit that happened in the last fifteen minutes. He told me that he was hit on by a crazy drunk Russian girl and had to lock himself in the stall until she left. It was easy to believe and I did believe it. Turns out this actually happens quite often. I’ve gotten into the habit of just sitting back and watching and cracking jokes about his situation with his brothers. But I’m getting way ahead of myself now.
After driving around through the country side, we stopped at a castle that now ran half of the rooms as an inn. Once again, as he had in every place we stopped, Alec got us two separate rooms. Awesome. It really shouldn’t have been this hard for a girl to get some. Its Europe after all and the only person to hit on my was the touchy feely douche from the Austrian bar. Talk about some shit luck. I thought that maybe the rest of the trip would be different. After all, I had seven full days left before returning to London.
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Issue 6: Escape I was in what Blain mockingly called my 'jewellery', manacled, headed to the gym and mulling over my pending identity death. Soon I would be just Jessica Drew, FBI agent and mindless slave to a corrupt government agency. I'd be dead and no one that mattered to me would ever know I ever existed. Yeah. It was a bleak prospect. I pulled weakly against my bonds then turned about and looked accusingly at Blain. We were in the unmonitored corridor. Fluorescent lighting...
EscapeI was bored. There’s no other way to describe it. Life was boring.My girlfriend and I had been together for several years, and we had just reached that point in the relationship where I think we both knew that it wasn’t going to go much further.Our sex life had always been good, but lately it seemed that neither one of us really put any effort into it. She always welcomed our lovemaking, but was the passive partner.That’s when I started looking at the Personal ads online.Most of the ads...
Author's note: Thank you to everyone who submitted reviews. Sorry about Pvt. Keegan's disappearance. I had to leave a few holes so I could write the sequel. That and her disappearance is pretty crucial to this storyline. Never fear. How are the doctor and Chris related? Where is baby Vanessa? Why did Andrew take to the changes so quickly? All will be revealed... After the Escape ? by: Kahukura Chapter One - Vision Quest "Ah!" Thud! "Shit!" Annie rolled over in bed, and...
XXVI. The great escape. One could imagine a thousand things going wrong, but there was no hitch at the hospital. Their quickly improvised charade worked like a charm. Walt's performance as Phoebe's concerned but understandably angry father was spot-on. Marcia, in her supporting role as distraught mom, hadn't had to act at all. There were the usual papers and forms to sign, a brief interview with a representative from the Chupadero police department and another with a representative...
I almost collapsed when I entered into the garage. My car was gone. What had happened to it. I stumbled back inside the house. He had guessed I might try to escape and taken the car away. I could still escape. I could buy a train or plane ticket. The only problem was he would find out where I went. I decided to go to my sister. She was abroad and I could move on after a day or two with her. I went online to book the ticket. When I entered my credit card details the transaction was rejected. I...
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I ran across a series of stories by FINC. I read "Airport Examination," and emailed him; saying that I had run across his stories from time to time; and it was one of my favorites. I was enthralled by the name of "Zoë," his description of her, and the story theme. I said I would like to re-write it a little differently; (for my own amusement) and send it to him for his own posting. I only sent it once; with no reply. I do not claim the name of "Zoë," or the theme of the story as my...
Jacklyn looked slightly intimidated as she explained the set of instructions to the male breeder sitting nervously across the table from her. "Right now you are still all over the news but we have to move you to the countryside before the police sweep comes into our area" Jackie and two other members of the "Free to Live" underground movement - a human rights group opposed to the idea of male breeder internment. It had been 3 days since Jake had been declared missing from the colony and was...
The thing that I had nearly forgotten was that what I told my mother on the phone was only half a lie. I really did have a meeting with a guy from a gallery, just not that day, but the next- Saturday. Lucky for me it wasn’t until two, so even though I has slept till noon, I had (barely) enough time to pull my hung over, sex rumpled self together and get my ass to my appointment on time, and (hopefully) looking at least semi-professional. The man’s name was Guy, and he was about 65, with short...
I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...
I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...
Oral SexIt'd been sixteen months since Jessica broke up with me, and I was drunk. She'd been everything to me. Blindingly clever; a great cook; my best friend. She'd been a lab assistant with me under Professor Kingston while we both studied graduate chemistry at university. She wasn't the prettiest girl on campus, but she was cute, and funny, and as professor Kingston loved to point out with a chortle, we had great "chemistry." And then, after a year of dating, she left me. For her...
It was almost midnight when we finally pulled up in front of Mimi's building. My building, I reminded myself with a shudder. As I climbed out of the limo, the rich man handed me "my" things. "Purse, keys, and mobile phone," he said, tucking the latter two into the former. All three were cheap-looking and garish, bedazzled with various combinations of sequins, faux leather and false gemstones. Notably absent from the collection was any kind of driver's license, passport, or other...
Gen - Jakes first Jinn - sex Jinn Jinn - What the genies are called Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker Mary - Boss's daughter Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's Father Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns Yasmen - Gen's mother ...
It was Valentine’s Day my freshman year in college. My boyfriend and I had been fighting for weeks because he thought I was cheating on him. Needless to say, he wanted to spend sometime apart because he knew this was my favorite holiday. Guess he thought he could get back at me through that. Even so, I had already made arrangements to take him to Blowing Rock for the weekend as a surprise. My best friend from elementary school inherited a magnificent three-story log cabin in that not even a...
The Succubus. A creature of legend said to be in the form of a beautiful woman that seduced men and then drained them of their life forces during the act of sex. They had been considered legend for so long because their numbers had been small, at a time it being believed that there was only one of them for every three thousand members of the various humanoid races Succubi fed upon. However, in the last few years you and the simple village you lived in had begun to hear rumors saying that had...
FantasyWhat Alisha didn’t know as she walked away from the SUV was her life was about to get tangled among gangsters, gun, cum, and lust. Neither did she know that she had made the driver cum again in his pants with her mere touch. Alisha had that effect on men! Back in her tiny, cozy apartment, Alisha was fast asleep. She slept the whole day as the last day was tiresome. She had to expose the truth to the world tonight. She needed her sleep now. Alisha woke up at dusk, got up from the bed, and made...
No Escape Len shouldered the heavy pack, and ratcheted his legs in short steps up the grueling trail which once served as an access road. The deep ruts in the trail were well hidden by the high grass. He would manage. This experience was too good to worry about little pains. He watched the flashlights of the others bobbing along as they crested the top of the hill ahead, four other teens ahead of him, two others behind him. Collectively, they referred to themselves as 'the gang'....
Julio's Revenge-Escape By Katherine Leigh ------------------------------------------ CHAPTER ONE Julio Martinez was a 26 year old gang leader from Los Angeles, California. He had been in and out of gangs for 12 years, and had risen to the top by conducting a series of heinous crimes and attacks on rival gangs. Now, though, as he approached his 27th birthday, Julio began to think about all of the terrible and violent things he had seen during his time in gang life. This made him...
Arron had started counting the days since he had been locked in the dungeon. When the first door was opened he expected to be led away for his execution, but so far all that happened was the hatch lifted and a plate of gruel was pushed through. He ate, then placed the empty plate by the hatch, then an hour later the door would open followed by the hatch and the plate was snatched away. Once he had not placed the plate to be collected and the next day he was not fed so he made sure he always...
Deep up on the mountains in Argentina is an all-female prison for supervillains. It’s a maximum high security prison that seems to be impossible to escape. Thousands of guards patrol the corridors and security offices. All guards wear the matching uniform of black hat with guard written on it, tan polo or button up, black utility belt, tan pants with a white stripe down the side, and long black boots. Officers wear a similar uniform but it is a dark green and the female officers can wear a...
FantasyDear reader— Unlike my other stories, there’s no male-male sex. And, the femdom in this story is woman over woman, not woman over man. And it’s fully nonconsensual and chock-full of humiliation. If none of that appeals, then best to skip this one. But if it is your thing, then by all means—go to. When my ex-husband brings me back, I’m in a familiar situation. I’m in the basement, in a metal chair, naked, my feet shackled to the legs, my arms tethered to the armrests, my waist bound to the...
Lana and Evan strolled slowly along the coral white sand after sharing an afternoon snorkeling. The brilliant hues of the coral reef and the crystal clear water delighting their senses. The Fiji sunset before them offering a warm glow as the warm tropical sun kissed their skin one last time before disappearing over the horizon. Their fingers entwined as their footprints trailed behind them as they approached their beach side Bure. Evan spun Lana around and kissed her deeply as his other hand...
Love StoriesSuspend disbelief: Temporarily allow oneself to believe something that is not true, especially in order to enjoy a work of fiction.---It all began barely a few weeks ago, but it feels like everything has changed since – that I've changed. Like I've been a racehorse with blinders on, only looking forward, but I stopped running for a minute and looked around and realised there's so much more to the world than the race I was running.We met through Lush, I forget who made first contact, but we had...
TrueYou wake up at the big bed in the empty room with two doors at each side. You are dressed in grey tight shorts and white tank top without bra and panties. You stand up from the bed and look around the room. There is literally nothing else but two doors one with a sign "Trap doors" and other with a "Escape doors" sign. (The story is not finished. I just started and i want it to be big! each option should have a different result and you also can add a new chapter!) P.S. - Every "GAME OVER"...
BDSMPROLOGUE: I am the only person I know that has been attacked by a moose. Yes, a moose. It was in Banff a few years back. My husband and I, along with two other couples, had made the trip to sightsee and maybe ski. The evening of the first day, I went for a walk from our little B&B to get a flavor of the town. Walking along a long road between some apartments or condos or something, I spied a huge shaggy beast down the street some ways off. He'd already noticed me: he was standing head down,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe Great Escape ? by: Kahukura Chapter One: Name, Rank, and Serial Number Malone looked at the man with disdain he did not try to hide. "Andrew Malone, Major US Army, 51623479." The General glared at him in annoyance. "Why were you trespassing on our territory, Major Malone? American forces are not welcome here, or did you not know that?" "Andrew Malone, Major US Army, 51623479." "Ignorant fool! What about you, Lieutenant? Are you up to answering any questions, or shall...
This never should have happened. As she hid in the air duct between the offices and the mall she pondered her life of the last few months. The humiliating training at the hands of the schizophrenic second level girls...acting all high-and-mighty, like they're actually happy to be here. The disgusting acts she'd been forced to perform for those horrible male managers. And worse, those female managers; so intent on making her feel weak and pathetic in her new life as a girl. You see, she...
Drip! Drop! Drip! A staccato of water droplets add to a quiet and dark ambience. A nearby rock is dislodged, crashing with a large boom. You awake with a jump, chilled from the rock floor you were sprawled on. The room you're in is almost too dark to be traversed. You can see three ragged walls surrounding you, sprawling upward out of your limited night vision. Stalactites strike from the darkness above, giving little indication of when the dark ends and the ceiling begins. You rise to your...
GayThe blond woman's chest was still heaving slightly from the exertion of the fight just lost. Perspiration dripped from her forehead and long hair, a rivulet running down into her cleavage. Even manacled in defeat she stood tall, her eyes pained, yet defiant. Her thighs were still taut and strong, her arms at the ready, even though her wrists were bound by chains. Her fingers deftly searched the manacles for a weakness, as her mind searched people for a weakness that she could exploit. The...
The spring afternoon sunshine warmed my cheek. The small trees lining the road were starting to unfurl their budding lime green leaves, bringing fresh clean colour to the streets. All was well with my world and it was a glorious afternoon to wander home from college. I turned the last corner into my home street. The visceral surge of fear seared through my brain like a scratched record. Ignore them. Carry on. Not your problem. The two men lounged causally in the car. Surely nobody was...
"... and the old man took the small girl in his arms, and mounted the great winged beast. They flew way up into the blue sky." "That's a good story, Grampa," said the young girl as her Grandfather tucked her into bed. "Do they live happy eva afta, Gampa? Do they?" The old man paused, and looked at the sweet young face that stared up at him in innocence. Finally he said, "No one can know the future, Sweet Pea; so we don't know if they do, or don't." "Oh," said the child with...
11 July, 1686 Evening She stood a moment on the steps of the house entry, looking back with fear at the path she had just crossed and allowed the pace of her anxious heart slow down. Moment's passed then she drew a long breath as she threw back the front door and stepped into the house. She groped moodily forward carefully crossing the room, millimeter by millimeter, over the wood floor. She knew where she was going. She had heard him tell her mistress of the room below the...
"Now," said the big Redcoat, "since you insist on being uncooperative, I have a bargain for you, a trade let us call it." He turned to one of the men near the door. "Bring those two bitches in here," he said. The heavy door of the basement room swung open and two more British soldiers entered, each with a woman in tow. They brought their prisoners to the colonel, clicked their heels and left. Now, just a few feet away, stood a handsome woman and a younger girl. Both wore nothing but...
POV: Kirk "You don't think I'm some taboo freak for wanting to do it with your daughter, do you?" I asked, bringing her to my bed."No, do you think I'm some cheating slut?" she pondered, lying down."No, you deserve to be fucked, I'm sorry my dad doesn't please you, but I can't do it again after this though," I let her know, getting on top of her. "I love you so much more now than I did just yesterday, but I can't help you commit adultery," I explained, before kissing her."You...
TabooPerfection part 1 of 3 By Morpheus Dr. Gretchen McDermott carefully took off her thick glasses and set them down, rubbing at her weary eyes with the back of her hands. With a loud yawn, she stood up and stretched her aching body before once again donning her glasses and staring into the microscope before her. She smiled faintly as she examined the results. Feeling a surge of triumph, she hoped that this would be it. That all her years of research and hard work would finally...
The days had an order to them. More days than not, Thabit came to Rida in her prison bedchamber. The encounters were violent and rough but mercifully brief. She was brought two meals a day by a timid young woman who never spoke and barely looked at her. Over time, Rida became accustomed to her nakedness. She stopped cowering when Thabit barged into the room. Her lack of fear and shame increased his wrath. Some nights, he left her bloody and barely conscious. She had ceased begging for release...
“Andi?” she heard a familiar male voice, her heart raced excitedly. “Patrick!” she exclaimed, squinting though she knew it would do her no good, “Patrick where are you?!” “Andi,” his cough sounded abrasive in his throat, “Andi I’m over here!” She followed the sound of his voice until she bumped into something solid, “Patrick is that you?” she asked, slowly reaching out to him. “Yes, my hands are tied behind the chair, hurry before they come back!” She felt the top of his head, then...