Three Square MealsChapter 109: Facing Extermination... free porn video

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The white battlecruiser crept through space like a stalking Siberian tiger, moving ever closer to the herd of unsuspecting ochre-hued prey. The giant blue star at the heart of the Pi Sagittarii system cast its cool light over the closing ship, making it seem like night was falling on that wintry scene, the huge insectoid ships huddling together for warmth in the frozen dusk. Sections of the Invictus’ armoured hull slid back, revealing a formidable array of heavy weaponry, but the broad barrels currently lay inert, as if trying not to scare away their jittery quarry. At the same time, broad doors at both the prow and amidships began to peel open, allowing the deadly vessels inside to launch into space.

John stood beside Faye in the Raptor’s cockpit, watching through the crystal-clear canopy as the gunship glided clear of the battlecruiser’s hull. His view of the Kirrix fleet was both impressive and daunting, the disturbingly alien spacecraft looming over his tiny 40-metre-long vessel. Each drone carrier looked eerily similar to a termite queen, albeit a monstrous mechanical reproduction of one, the bulbous segmented hull covered in yellowish-brown armour plating.

The Raptor was running on low power to keep the sensor profile at a bare minimum, which meant that most of the computer panels and consoles in the cockpit were currently dark. Even though it was impossible for the Kirrix to hear him, John couldn’t help lowering his voice, speaking to his petite pilot in a hushed whisper. “Looks like Calara was right ... I just see drone carriers out there.”

“They’re in protective high-orbit above the hive ships,” Faye replied quietly, matching his volume. “We’re picking up a mass of sensor contacts on Carolus III directly below this position.”

John did a quick count of the enormous Kirrix capital ships. “I make it 32 carriers ... they must have sent a huge number of hive ships.”

“As soon as we initiate the active scan of the closest drone carrier, I’ll power up the Invictus’ sensor array and get you an accurate count,” she offered helpfully.

He nodded in acknowledgement. “Okay, take us down, Faye.”

She banked the gunship hard to port and the nose dipped towards the planet below, the view from the cockpit a beautiful vista of clear blues and verdant greens.

“It looks so serene,” Faye marvelled, big luminous eyes drinking in the spectacular sight.

John knew that appearances could be very deceiving. He could well imagine the horrors being inflicted on the civilian population of Carolus III, but he couldn’t bring himself to ruin the moment for Faye. Very soon he’d be immersed in that nightmare and he found himself desperate to cling to the false sense of tranquillity for just a few moments longer.

Calara sat motionless in the Combat Bridge, watching as the Invictus coasted into position at the outer limit of scanning range. Faye engaged their retro-thrusters and they flickered in short bursts to bring them to a halt.

“Initiating active scan!” the purple sprite called out in warning, darting an anxious glance at the Latina. “Shall I power up all our systems?”

“Not yet,” Calara replied, eyes fixed on the holographic representation of Carolus III and the swarm of sensor contacts lurking nearby. “It might still take them a minute to locate us...”

The seconds ticked by as the Invictus’ sensors penetrated the Kirrix drone carrier’s hull, detecting spikes in energy signatures and picking up teeming numbers of organic life. Faye stood by quietly, analysing every bit of data that returned, looking for very specific readings in that dense volume of information.

“No Terran life so far...” she murmured, brow furrowing with concentration.

Suddenly the engines at the rear of the drone carrier roared with an orange flame and the ochre capital ship began to pivot in their direction.

“Shields up!” Calara ordered, her hand moving in a blur over her Tactical Console as she brought all the guns online.

Faye blinked and the battlecruiser’s shields surged into existence, appearing as a bright green oval around the ship on the damage control display. The Combat Bridge seemed to blaze into life as she activated all the ship’s systems, consoles lighting up around them. “Ten more seconds to complete the scan!”

Calara gripped the two weapon controls, the smooth ergonomic contours designed to be a perfect fit for her hands. Lining up the targeting reticle on the nose of the ugly alien ship, she squeezed the trigger on the right, activating the Nova Lances. Vast amounts of energy were poured into the potent weapons, but with the new Zero-Point Regulators easing the power drain, there wasn’t so much as a flicker in the brightly illuminated Bridge. A seething nimbus of incandescent light gathered on the prow, gradually building in intensity as the seconds ticked by.

The battlecruiser was a stationary target and when the Kirrix opened fire with a salvo from their forward Neutron Beam battery, they hit with all ten weapons. The fire converged at a single point, sickly green columns of energy lashing the Invictus’ shields. However, instead of rippling waves of light appearing in that shimmering dome, there was merely a slight undulation, the beam weapons robbed of much of their strength.

Glancing at the shield status display, Calara couldn’t help smiling with relief when she saw they had only dropped to 98%. The Brimorian Shield Generators made a dramatic difference in muting the effectiveness of enemy firepower and the newly installed shield matrix had almost doubled their previous shield capacity.

“It’s clear!” Faye called out as the scan completed, her expression brightening with relief. “No Terrans aboard!”

Calara squeezed the trigger on her weapons control for a second time, unleashing the roiling orb of crackling energy that throbbed at the front of the ship. A brilliant beam of light struck the nose of the drone carrier, causing its shields to buckle in a blinding flash, completely overwhelming them with phenomenal firepower. The column then melted through armour and superstructure with impunity, taking only seconds to bore a 100m-wide tunnel through the length of the insectoid capital ship. When the Nova lance beam flickered out a few moments later, the alien vessel had been turned into a hollow tube, the interior glowing an angry orange from the heat of the blast.

She looked wide-eyed at the holographic targeting grid, studying the firing arcs of her weapons which had been redrawn since the upgrade. The cones for the Nova Lances still stretched out to triple the effective range of a standard Terran Beam Laser, but the new Tachyon Lances weren’t far behind at double the length, despite the weapons only being a third of the size. The rest of the Kirrix fleet had begun to respond to their presence and Calara watched as the nearest drone carriers turned to engage, their attack vector bringing them into the overlapping fire arcs of the Tachyon Lances.

“Nothing like a live fire test on a battlefield,” she said with a wry smile, before glancing at Faye. “Can you show me cam footage of the forward starboard Tachyon Lance on the topdeck please?”

“Here you go,” Faye replied, walking down from the Command Podium to join the Latina. She projected the video on a holo-screen in front of the Tactical Console, showing the graceful barrel of the brand-new weapon as it swung to face the enemy ship.

Calara lined up her shot, then pressed a button on the grip with her index finger, watching in fascination as light pulsed along the fluted length of the Tachyon Lance. A shimmering blue globe rapidly expanded in front of the muzzle, then blazed out in a dazzling sapphire spear of light. It was like watching the gathering of power for a Nova Lance, but the transition from the build-up of energy into the firing action was one fluid motion, with only a second delay before the beam was unleashed. It was elegant and beautiful to behold, driving home the fact that this was weapon technology created by a true master of the destructive arts, not the crude imitation she’d grown accustomed to.

The tightly focused beam slammed into the closest drone carrier’s shields, causing enormous waves to undulate around the ship until the azure lance winked out a second later. Calara added another beam, then a third, pouring more deadly energy into the shuddering defensive field until the fifth Tachyon Lance melted away the last of its strength.

“Double the firepower and twice the range of a Photon Laser,” Calara marvelled, darting a jubilant grin at Faye. “Just imagine what the Nova Lances would be like if we upgraded them with that tech!”

The purple sprite nodded, luminous eyes wide. “Do you think Dana could actually make something like that?”

“I’ll have to discuss it with her, but knowing our illustrious Chief Engineer, she’s probably had some ideas already,” the Latina said thoughtfully, as she lined up the broad muzzles of the Singularity Drivers with the now shieldless drone carrier.

Calara hit the thumb button on her left weapon control and launched a stream of hyper-accelerated slugs at the frantically turning capital ship. The rounds screamed across space, leaving faint blue trails of tachyon particles in their wake as they smashed into the port side of the vulnerable Kirrix vessel. It shuddered as though punched in the gut, a huge detonation erupting midway down its length. Shards of lacerated ochre armour were hurled out in a broad arc, the flames from the explosion and clouds of debris barely having a chance to disperse before the next Singularity Driver slug pulverised the weakened superstructure.

The rain of shells continued to slam into the stricken capital ship, battering it repeatedly and turning the initial blast crater into a yawning crevasse. Lights flickered out as a power regulator was blown to pieces, the drone carrier juddering in its death throes. Calara’s fifth shot finished off the Kirrix behemoth, the thunderous impact rupturing its power core. Uncontrolled shafts of energy exploded outwards, piercing the hull in a dozen places, before a secondary detonation completely obliterated the ship in a huge blast wave.

Calara wasn’t paying any more attention though, as her eyes were now locked on the weapon loadout display. The five Tachyon Lances she had fired were all rapidly cooling, flux heat-exchangers chilling the glowing barrels and dissipating the excess heat. The red bars shrank as the temperature dropped, until the weapons in the display flashed green, signifying that they could be fired again.

“And a ten second cooldown,” she noted with delight, her smile widening. “I could kiss Dana!”

Sakura watched the weapon test in fascination and she hailed the Invictus as the second ship was methodically annihilated. “Hey, leave some for me,” she said cheerfully, as Calara’s holographic face appeared before her.

The Latina laughed and glanced at the System Map. “Don’t worry, I left you a couple.”

The rest of the Kirrix fleet had turned their way, thirty vengeful drone carriers disgorging a furious swarm of tiny drone ships. They quickly formed into attack wings, then peeled away and raced towards the stationary battlecruiser.

“I think I’ll stay inside your defence grid,” the Asian girl said warily, eyeing the hundreds of strike craft pouring out of the carriers. “I don’t fancy being chased around by hordes of angry fighters.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe!” Faye exclaimed, appearing as a separate hologram. “I’ve got most of my avatars manning the Invictus’ Pulse Cannons!”

Sakura gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Faye.”

She closed her eyes, focusing her will inward as she reached for the glacial cold that resided deep within her soul. The delicious chill took her breath away, sending a shiver down her spine as she tapped into her psychic gift. It was getting easier to channel her powers and Sakura’s eyes glowed with a fierce light as she encased the four barrels of the Valkyrie’s shoulder-mounted Tachyon Lances with ice, motes of frost swirling around the weapons.

“Take the ones on our port flank,” Calara said, studying the map. “But let me know when you need fire support.”

Sakura narrowed her eyes as she aimed the targeting reticle at one of the pivoting drone carriers, the zoom function automatically activating as her target was at extreme range. She clenched her trigger fingers and opened fire with her quad guns, four dazzling shafts of light arcing out to hit the Kirrix vessel in the flank. Instead of the beams petering out after a second of sustained fire, those sapphire columns kept a continuous stream of devastating energy focused on the enemy ship, the eldritch cold keeping the barrels from overheating.

It took another second to completely strip the shields, then the blue spears of light struck the ochre hull and pierced straight through, spitting the capital ship like a stuck pig. Sakura tilted her hands back and the Valkyrie’s sensitive controls responded, lifting the Tachyon Lance barrels and neatly slicing the Kirrix ship into two chunks. Lights on the front half guttered out and died, leaving it a darkened tomb, the only illumination coming from that glowing line of incision. The bank of engines were still on full thrust and the rear section smashed the front aside, barrelling wildly out of control. Sakura glanced at the Valkyrie’s weapon loadout display and saw that the Tachyon Lances were ready to fire again, less than three seconds after eviscerating the drone carrier.

“I think I’ve got it under control,” she said with a grin, twisting her torso so the mech turned to face the next closing capital ship.

The Raptor descended through Carolus III’s upper atmosphere, hurtling by wispy cirrus clouds as it raced towards the city below.

Faye darted a worried glance at John as she brought up a holographic map of the planet’s surface, an urban area known as Reitberg centred on the projection. Reitberg had a well-developed city centre surrounded by suburbs, but it was the Kirrix invasion force that drew John’s attention. Ringing the populated areas were sixteen hive ships, the ugliness of the sinister alien vessels reflecting their vile purpose. However, the really disturbing sight was the massive ochre-coloured dreadnought which cast an ominous shadow over the Terran city below.

“What the hell is that thing?” John asked pensively, eyes narrowing as he stared at the enormous Kirrix capital ship.

“I’ve no idea, John. We only just picked it up with our active sensors,” Faye replied, activating another holo display displaying the unique insectoid ship. “Calara’s never seen anything like it either!”

He pulled off his Paragon helmet and peered closer at the three-dimensional depiction of the colossal Kirrix vessel. It was nearly two kilometres in length, with rounded segments running the length of its distinctly alien design. There were long vanes sticking out from the forward section that looked vaguely like antenna and four strange iridescent panels swept out from the central hull reminding John of diaphanous wings.

“That must be what all the drone carriers in orbit are here to protect,” he said, studying the unsettling Kirrix dreadnought. “We need to take it down, but we can’t have it crashing on the city...”

Sakura’s volunteering to engage it, Alyssa interrupted.

Give her the go ahead, he replied, before turning to look at Faye. “Sakura’s going to take it out, but I want you to do an active scan while she’s on the way ... we need to know if there are Terrans aboard that dreadnought. Proceed with the combat drops around the perimeter and fire at will on any hive ships that we haven’t engaged yet.”

“Aye aye, Admiral!” she replied, giving him a sharp salute.

He smiled at her affectionately. “Carry on, Watch Commander.”

She grinned at him and waved goodbye, then John strode through the cockpit door and stepped into the crimson glow of the grav-tube. Descending to the lower deck, he turned right down the short corridor which led into the rear cargo compartment. The girls were all waiting for him there, five of them fully geared in their Paragon armour, and Jade in her soft cotton dress.

“You all heard about the dreadnought?” he asked, as he walked over to join them.

As the girls nodded, Alyssa gave him a wry smile. “From your lips to their ears...”

“To our minds, surely?” Rachel corrected her with a frown. “You are keeping us informed by telepathy after all...”

Dana nudged her girlfriend with her elbow. “I think she was trying to be poetic, babes.”

“Ah, I see,” the brunette said, the twitch of her lips into a playful smile revealing that she’d been teasing their matriarch all along.

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “Yeah, they all know.”

John hit the button to lower the rear landing ramp. “Watch for incoming fire from the dreadnought. We’re probably too small to be tracked or targeted, but I don’t want to take any chances. Faye’s going to drop us around the perimeter, so we’ll basically have three hive ships per team. Keep those vessels on the ground, rescue the colonists, kill all the Kirrix in sight. Any questions?”

They shook their heads, resolute expressions on their beautiful faces. He beckoned them closer for a group hug and they gathered together, touching gauntleted hands to his shoulders. With his active connection to the girls, he felt closer to them than ever, and he closed his eyes to relish that moment of peace before the coming storm.

“Any problems, call for backup immediately,” he said firmly, turning to look at each of them in turn.

Faye appeared in a purple flash, her wings fluttering nervously. “We’re approaching the first drop point ... ten seconds!”

The rear ramp had swung fully open, so John made eye-contact with the twins and gave them a short nod. They peeled away, moving with confident strides to the gaping doorway. Faye levelled out the Raptor, bringing them in fast and low over the surface of Carolus III, fields and homesteads flashing by as they approached the outskirts of Reitberg. Spotting their Kirrix foe scuttling around the first hive ship like ants defending their colony, the Maliri sisters leapt out and were gone in a blink of an eye, plunging towards the enemy invaders.

Dana and Rachel moved into position next, checking each other’s Reaper Cannons to make sure they were securely fastened to their Paragon suits.

“Ten seconds!” Faye called out again, watching her friends with a worried frown.

Dana turned to look at John. “Thank you for this. I promise I won’t make you regret it.”

“If Rachel pulls you out, no arguments,” he sternly reminded her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay.” The redhead grinned at her lover. “We’re going to be too busy saving people from bad guys to get freaked out.”

Rachel shared a smile with Dana, then her grey eyes flicked to John, the brief look confirming that she knew his main priority. The pair turned and ran from the ramp, Dana’s whoop of exhilaration cutting off as she dropped out of sight, the Raptor racing onwards.

Alyssa strolled over to the ramp next, looking calm and fearless. I haven’t forgotten ... I’ll keep you in the loop for everything. You’ll be making all the command decisions.

John felt his heart in his mouth as he saw the blonde standing there. She was about to make a solo combat drop into Kirrix occupied territory, outnumbered thousands to one. The sheer insanity of the situation he found himself in almost took his breath away. Be careful! he said urgently.

I’m a Progenitor, she said with a lopsided smile. Total annihilation of our enemies is just another day on the job.

She blew him a kiss, her eyes darting to Jade for an instant before she turned and ran, taking a swan dive off the lowered ramp. John rushed to the doorway, watching her white-armoured figure swooping down, already looking tiny and helpless compared to the mass of teeming ochre forces on the ground. He saw the thrusters on her back flare a golden yellow as she activated flight mode, Alyssa executing a graceful controlled dive towards the Kirrix hive ship below.

Faye banked the Raptor sharply around, heading for the fourth drop location in the alien encirclement of the city. A forest of sickly green beams flashed up towards the Raptor, the invaders desperately trying to shoot down the gunship as it roared overhead. The crackling columns of energy sailed hopelessly wide, the neutron beam batteries never designed to track something moving so fast.

“Next drop point in ten seconds!” Faye warned them.

John spotted more green out of the corner of his eye, but this was a far more pleasing shade, reminding him of a tranquil forest steeped in shadows. Jade stood beside him and gently traced his jawline with her dark-green fingers, her shining eyes drinking in every detail of his troubled face. She leaned in and kissed him passionately, silencing the plea for caution on his lips. When the Nymph pulled back, she slipped the dress from her shoulders and threw it back into the Raptor. Despite her standing there gloriously nude, he could only stare into her enchanting emerald eyes as she gazed at him intently.

“You just have to believe...” she urged him, her body starting to shimmer in a verdant haze.

Jade backed away, keeping her eyes locked with John as she let herself fall from the Raptor. He watched as she plummeted towards the ground, her form growing larger by the second. Suddenly the blurry outline snapped into sharp focus as a creature from myth and legend dominated the skies above Carolus III. The Jade dragon tucked her wings in tight, her sleek aerodynamic form diving towards the insectoid army below.

“Please be careful, John,” Faye begged him as she stepped up to his side, her elfin face fraught with worry. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” Her cupid bow lips twisted into a strained smile. “Other than subjugate humanity of course...”

He couldn’t help laughing and gave her a look filled with gratitude for lifting his mood. “I love you, Faye. Help take care of the girls for me.”

“I will,” she promised, her expression turning joyful. “And I love you too!”

John glanced down at the city flashing by below. “I guess this is my stop.”

He inhaled deeply and launched himself from the Raptor, closing his eyes as he focused himself for the fight to come. When he opened them again, his view of the city was suddenly filled with ochre hued enemies scurrying across the ground, the Kirrix herding their terrified victims into the hive ship. John’s eyes flared with a blazing blue fire ... it was time to do what a Progenitor does best.

“Full reverse, Faye!” Calara requested, glancing at the mass of sensor contacts closing on her position.

Her eyes flicked to the left on the Tactical Map, watching the Valkyrie racing towards Carolus III’s upper atmosphere to intercept the Kirrix dreadnought. Scores of drone fighters shifted course, peeling away from the main swarm to pursue the mech instead. As much as Calara wanted to help Sakura, she had more than enough on her own plate to deal with; the Invictus now stood alone against the remaining twenty-seven massive capital ships.

Faye cast a wary eye at the approaching Kirrix armada. “Maybe I should just turn around? We’ll get away much faster!”

“No, not yet,” the Latina replied, twisting the controls to aim at the next set of targets.

Calara’s slender fingers danced over the weapons controls, reminding her of the hours she spent practicing the piano when she was a child. Instead of clear musical notes, her complex sonata produced a stream of ferocious blue beams that systematically stripped the leading drone carriers of their shields. The Singularity Drivers fired continuously to take advantage of that vulnerability, the only lulls in the carnage when the Invictus swung its bow about to point at the next capital ship marked for destruction.

Suddenly Faye hissed, “Calara! We’ve got company!”

The Latina’s eyes darted over the Tactical Map in alarm. “Where?!”

“Behind us,” the purple sprite whispered, staring up the ramp towards the armoury that overlooked the Combat Bridge.

Calara glanced at Faye then twisted in the Tactical chair to see what she was looking at. The flash of light green hair drew her attention to the armoury window, where she locked eyes with Helene’s baby-blues, the beautiful teal-skinned girl staring back at her in fright.

The Latina darted a worried glance at Faye. “What do we do? John doesn’t want Helene exposed to combat!”

“You take care of the Kirrix, let me handle this,” Faye replied, patting her reassuringly on the arm, before bounding up the ramp towards the aquatic girl.

Helene looked anxious as she rose from her hiding spot crouched behind the window. “I’m sorry, Faye, I just wanted to see what was happening. With John and the girls in danger, I can’t stop worrying about them...”

Faye hesitated, knowing all too well the feelings that the teal-hued girl was describing. “I do sympathise, it’s horrible being left to worry when your friends are in danger ... but John doesn’t want you involved with the fighting.”

“But I won’t be fighting!” Helene pleaded in a rush. “I could just watch them on the little screens there ... then I’ll know they’re okay.”

Turning to look back down across the Combat Bridge, Faye saw the bank of holo-images that showed the helmet camera footage being broadcast from John and the girls. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea...”

“Please, Faye,” Helene begged her. “I promise I won’t be any trouble and I won’t get in the way.”

The elfin girl nibbled nervously at her lip. “Okay ... but only for a few minutes. I don’t want you watching when they board the hive ships. Alright?”

“Oh, thank you so much!” the aquatic girl gushed, hugging Faye tight.

Calara had heard most of the exchange and she glanced back at Faye with a raised eyebrow. Faye gave her a helpless shrug, then took Helene’s hand and escorted her down to the Security Station.

The Latina watched with concern as their guest sat in Sakura’s seat in front of the bank of holo-screens. Alyssa ... Helene’s here on the Combat Bridge, she’s watching all of you fight. Is John alright with this?

There was a long pause, then the blonde replied, He said to let her stay. I think he’s trying to change her mind about fighting alongside us, but don’t let her see the infested colonists, okay?

Calara watched Faye hovering protectively beside the aquatic girl. Don’t worry, Faye’s looking after her.

Tashana had already tapped into her inner flame by the time she landed on the Kirrix vessel and tiny fire sprites were playing chase around her curled fingers. From her vantage point atop the hive ship, she had a clear view of the scene of Terran misery below, where Kirrix troops herded the terrified civilians towards the bowels of the monstrous ochre craft. Those prisoners all knew that the hideous alien spacecraft was to be their grave.

She glanced at her twin as Irillith landed beside her. “Rill, can you cripple the hive ship? I want to free those people.”

“Your will be done, Revered Leader,” Irillith said with mock deference, her violet eyes starting to glow with a bright inner light.

There was a crackle of ozone in the air as Irillith held her arms apart, writhing electricity arcing down from her shoulders to dance across her fingertips. She channelled her will, pouring more of her psychic might into that gathering of elemental forces, until seething coils of lightning whirled chaotically around her. Dropping to one knee, she touched her hands to the armour plating, the discharge of such colossal amounts of energy marked by a deafening peal of thunder. A jagged stroke of lightning scorched system after system throughout the Kirrix vessel, culminating in several violent explosions as power regulators overloaded. The hive ship shook violently with those detonations, then went dark and still as the tremors subsided, smoke belching from gun ports across the blackened hull.

Tashana faced the Kirrix troops who had stopped what they were doing to stare up at the smoking hive ship in astonishment. Flame sprites leapt from her open palms, growing larger as they capered in circles around their creator, holding hands and giggling together. The Maliri pyromancer made a pushing motion with both hands and the dozen fiery elementals sprinted across the upper gundeck before leaping fearlessly from the edge.

The Kirrix saw the flaming figures plunging towards them and raised their neutron rifles, sending a hail of green bolts towards the orange sylph-like females. The few shots that managed to hit zipped harmlessly through the burning sprites, mundane weapons incapable of disrupting those eldritch spirits. The fiery girls landed in graceful rolls, then bounced to their feet and used the momentum to flip into cartwheels. They rolled through the crowded plaza below, their path running along either side of each line of Terran prisoners.

The civilians cried out in terror, huddling to the ground to escape the flames, but the elementals never so much as touched the mass of humanity. Unfortunately for the Kirrix, they weren’t so lucky, the blistering heat incinerating the insectoid soldiers where they stood. Each acrobatic flame sprite left an infernal wall of fire in their wake, the flames roaring with an insatiable hunger and scorching all in their path. Hundreds of Kirrix troops staggered around, their armour wreathed in flames as they were cooked to a crisp. Amongst that nightmarish field of fire, Kirrix Juggernauts skittered away from the flames, long black legs desperately scrabbling backwards to keep themselves from being roasted alive.

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Deputy PorterChapter 109

Reggie and I spent the afternoon just driving around town. We checked out restaurants for dinner and where exactly the Portland Inn was located. The Inn was a very fancy name for a shabby downtown motel. It was obviously outside the downtown rehab area. It was headed toward oblivion, and should be there in a few year. It was a good thing we got to town when we did, if we wanted to hang out there. "So it's dinner at Elizabeth's Italian restaurant and then on to the Portland Inn's...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 109

The clock, next to Sandra's bed, was doing its best to wake her. After a few grunts and moans, Sandra finally woke up. She looked at the clock and noticed it was already 11 minutes past 7 o'clock. Sandra sighed and thought, 'I'm too tired!' When she remembered why she had set her clock this early; she just turned her back towards the clock and wanted to go to sleep again. However, then she also remembered that she needed to talk to that guy she had been with yesterday, and that they...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 109

Later, after the typical drinks at the club house, I invited West to lunch. Sean joined us and I was painfully aware that there was no affection, no brothers, no slutwear. Sean was downright depressed and I felt miserable. "Oh fer Christ sake!" West exclaimed suddenly. "If I wanted to see a couple not fight in public, I could go to lunch with my wife! So, you have all two hundred members of Boys-to-Men living with you and this is the one you bring out? What, the rest not talking to you...

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BethChapter 109

December 20, 2017 [Written December 20-22] In all the excitement on Sunday, Heather was late sending out the competition text. As I wrote yesterday’s account, I realized that Thursday is tomorrow, so I am finally remembering to include it here: Competition parameters for 17-23 Dec: holiday festive but titillating. Liya woke me. Once I’d gotten my eyes to focus on her, I realized that she was asking me to scoot in. I looked at the clock in the headboard, seeing that it was only a half-hour...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 109 Hot Tub Party a Tit in Each Hand

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) I entered the hot tub room with a non-specific apology loaded up and ready to speak, but there was no one in the room. I could hear loud music and laughter coming from the Guys' Room, so that's presumably where everyone was. Julia's instructions had been for me to strip and get into the hot tub. She'd even said to do so even if there was no one in the room. But I was ten minutes later than she expected, so did that change anything? Also, should I stick...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 109

I looked at Lorrie and asked, "Is that all of them?" "That's all so far. They didn't say anything when they came in other than 'Mistress we are here'' to Marcy. She was working the window." Lorrie responded. "Tell Marcy to turn off the card entry on the gym door. I want everyone manually punched in. If there is more than one at the door I want someone on the inside of the door as well. I don't want any surprises tonight." I said. "If Carla is finished send her to me....

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 109 The way its gonna be

On Wednesday morning I packed the cell phone along on my morning ride with Cheryl. It was probably not a good thing that I had begun to think of the morning ride and Cheryl as part and parcel of the same thing. But there she was knocking on my door at 7;30AM again. Breakfast was again filled with guys leering at her boobs, while I smiled inwardly. I have no idea why I found it so satisfying, I mean she wasn't really with me in a romantic sense. Even so. I felt almost like a proud...

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After a second night, with an even bigger crowd, I was handed another check for the same amount, and we headed off to 23rd stop – Nashville, Tennessee LP Field (Two Performances) five hours away by car. We were playing at the Tennessee Titans football stadium for two nights as well. Its capacity is 69,000 for football, I don’t know what we may expect there. By my side was my fiancée for this drive. She cuddled up tight and we fell asleep together. Pulling up at six-thirty am to the Hilton...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 109

ODE TO THE SPELL CHECKER Eye have a spelling checker It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steak eye kin not sea Eye strike a key and type a word And weight 4 it 2 say Weather eye am wrong ore write It shows me strait a weigh As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong, Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 109

Unsurprisingly, Chris Grant was the first person to show up at Regan's house. The prospect of spending the afternoon with girls in bikinis had him ready to leave his house at 9 a.m. Once the thermometer showed a temperature higher than 80, he was in his car and on his way. He figured that Ruth and Joy were already at Regan's house - and he was certain Andy was there even if they weren't. Thus, he was surprised to find himself alone with Regan's cousins when he arrived. "Andy needed...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 109

Jeff watched Jennie lead Hope to the other end of the kitchen where Jennie and Melissa started showing Hope how to help out with breakfast. Every now and then Hope would look back at Little One, Hope seeming to make sure that her mind hadn't been playing tricks on her, and that there really was a small alien in the kitchen. When Jeff again held his collar open, and Little One flowed in to spread across his back, Hope couldn't take her eyes off the process. Jeff smiled at her, and left to...

5 years ago
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Making It WorkDay 109

It was a long, lonely week, but I made it through to Friday. I spent my days between school and work, filling my down time studying and catching up in my journal. Mom met me for dinner on Monday night. We laughed and chatted for two hours. She told me colorful stories about all the people we'd met at Chris' party on Sunday. It felt like old times between us. I saw Kendra at school a few times, but managed to excuse myself from spending time with her without being too obvious about it. She...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 109

By 10 o'clock, everyone was awake – even Sarah. Meredith had grabbed a quick shower and pulled her last change of clothing out of her overnight bag. It was something she should have considered. The $200 Ben had paid her wouldn't go far as a clothing budget – unless she shopped at Goodwill. Still, she was fairly certain that the apartment complex had a coin-op laundry and that no one would expect her to go around nude. Rachelle was in the room when Meredith pulled out her remaining folded...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 109

When they went back inside and closed the door, Karen looked at Laura, her dark eyes smoldering. "I recall we were doing something when she interrupted us," she smiled sexily. Laura carefully drew shut the deadbolt lock, looking at Karen significantly. Then she drew closer, her fingers grasping the lapels of Karen's fluffy pink bathrobe. "I believe we were," she whispered. Slowly, she pulled the lapels open, exposing Karen's marvelous, large, jutting breasts. She cupped one in each...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2109 House of Daring

Casa del Agua stayed resident in the master suite for a week after Raven was born. The little girl had hair that was suited for her name, black as night. She was a hungry girl all the time, and even though Rachel was only feeding one kid instead of two this time, it seemed that Raven could keep her drained. And she had four cónyuge to help out if Raven left any. Rachel could feed the clan, but I was glad to have my turn at her luscious tits guaranteed. Rose wrapped a red thread around...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 109

"Sure looks like a scam to us," Andy Bairnsfether said. "We were just talking about it the other day, but we haven't done anything on it." "Why not?" Mike asked. "Hell, Mike, you taught me yourself that there's sometimes a hell of a difference between what you know and what you can print. We poked around the edges, and found enough to smell, but without some hard evidence, there's nothing we could do about a story. What's got you so interested in the Defenders of Gaea?" "It's...

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MagicianChapter 109

“We can do it, but it will have to be timed to perfection and casualties on the Daoine Sidhe side will be very high,” Morgana stated to the Alliance group meeting chaired by Verenestra. “You can take out Elphame, Annwn, Afallach, Emain Ablach, Cnoc Meadha, Cnoc na Teamhrach, Inis Vitrin, Niðavellir and Rathcroghan, in one strike?” Draíochta Sinnead of the Craebh Ruadh asked, looking astounded. “Yes, though naturally we aren’t going into details,” Morgana replied with a thin smile. I could...

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Undercover RoseChapter 109

I left Miles to join his fishing party. I headed up the mountain with the hunters. We left camp a few minutes before the fishermen so I was out of sight before Miles left. He carried two one gallon plastic milk jugs which we found laying about. He didn't have to be told to clean it first. The hunt team had very definite instructions on where to shoot and where not to shoot. Since I didn't know which of the clowns to trust, I made sure not to allow myself to be back lighted against the...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 109

Say thanks to dorsetmike‎ for this one: Police have arrested a man who fell into the workings whilst stealing a combine harvester. They’re expect he’ll to be baled tomorrow. Compliments of Allan B Algebra – what mermaids wear to hold up their breasts. Cannibals serve food at a wake. It saves a lot on the burial costs... Adam was a White man. Did you ever try to take a rib from a Black man? A candidate for the police force was asked, “What would you do if you had to arrest your...

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Six Times A DayPart 109 Soothe Me

Alan was extremely drained. Incredibly drained. It wasn't so much the physical as the mental. Doing something like "torturing" Heather into spilling her secret required him to be at the top of his game mentally, just as if he was taking a big test like the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs) used for college admissions. But it also had a vital and demanding physical component, and it seemed to be just one of many such demanding situations he'd been forced to be in ever since he woke up. The...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 109

I managed to finish my shower and dress before the Realtor showed up. I met him in the office before Wilson arrived for the day's review of our bugs. "Hello there," the Realtor said. "Hello, so do you have the offer ready?" I asked. "Yes I do. Here you go. You are going to offer $200,000 total for the property known as the Railroad Hotel. This gives the legal description and location. It states you are offering 5% earnest money with the understanding the owner will respond within 48...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 109

After once again profusely thanking the Carters for getting hold of the bikes for us, and making our summer cycling holiday in France actually possible in the first place, I collected up all my belongings and hugged my five friends goodbye. I was headed straight back to Middlesbrough, as I had to be there for work the next morning. Kenneth and Pamela Carter again expressed their delight that the twins had enjoyed their holiday so much; I had a feeling that they had finally worked out that...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1109 Now and Forever

It was more of the same and all different. Our team went to semi-state last year and fell to the Concord powerhouse. Of course, most of Concord's varsity had graduated and they were eliminated in their Sectional this year. Give them another year or two, though, and they'd be back. Last year, I'd been new on the varsity at playoffs, a lot like Brent and Trent—the sophomore twin forwards who had been called up from JV—were this year. It was exciting, sure. But aside from being used as a...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 109 The Forest of Dunsinane

If things seemed to be hotting up a bit on stage then things were also definitely hotting up down in the audience. That two and half thousand strong audience also had its own fair share of naked bodies with rock hard erections and highly aroused vaginas. Some of those naked bodies were actually Certified Nudists and Clothing Optional Nudists but a good deal of them were not. A lot of people just decided to get naked where they sat just because they felt like it and because it made it just so...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 109 Spring Break Mission ndash Back to Work err Play

I’m really getting used to waking up with a girl in bed with me. Two girls? Well that is even better. I don’t know how to even begin to describe the pleasure of having my head cradled between the two firm breasts of the girl I was seemingly using as a mattress. As I became more awake I noticed that she had her long legs spread so that her feet were inside mine and her furry mound was pushed against my back. The naked girls on each side of me were using my chest as their pillows. Soon I found...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 109

My G5 with the girls, JJ, RJ, Ziva, Farah, Abra and the three former Mossad agents on board landed at Andrews at three Wednesday afternoon. Driving over and home would all be in rush hour and take hours. With the G5 it was a twenty minute flight each way. I lucked out packing for the trip; this time the boys did not help me pack, Jenny did. She had an eye picking out the right outfits and matching jewelry. The flight was a truce with the boys. They wanted to fly with me every time I went...

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Double TearsChapter 109

“Satisfy people’s desire for the ridiculous and they will accept your idea of the sublime.” —Maurice Willson Disher, Clowns & Pantomimes 8 JULY 2020 We’ll be leaving shortly. The ‘time off’ has been limited. I’ve rehearsed the serious stuff with Cindy each day but not with the intrusion of our teachers. That’s something I’ve learned about musicians. We are expected to know our parts and be able to put them together with other musicians on demand. That’s a bit I might have...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 109

Saturday October 3, 1896 Crow Valley, Oklahoma Territory “Let me see that map again, Deuce,” Ezra said. He stood next to Eli and Isaac as they looked at the map. They had just gotten their first orders as Deputy United States Marshals two days ago, and the six of them were excited as they saddled up. They’d packed the night before and already had their two packsaddles loaded with tents, food and supplies for at least a two-week stay once they reached their destination. They were being sent...

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Jack and JillChapter 109

The scene reminded me of an old Western. The room got quiet as everybody turned around to look at Sara and her dance partner; the band stopped in the middle of their song. The only thing missing was a bartender diving down behind the bar. The spell was broken as two faculty members appeared from nowhere and made their way over to the two of them. Chris was on his way in from the sidelines as Jill nudged me toward Sara. I looked at her, wondering why she was pushing me. "Go on." I walked...

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A Fresh StartChapter 109 Chief of Staff

Wednesday, January 30, 1991 By middle of January, I was feeling like I had made a mistake. By the end of January, I was quite sure I had made a big fucking mistake! Stuff was piling up around the office, not much was getting accomplished, and I was hearing rumblings among the staff. I mentioned this all to Chuck Hanson, my Chief of Staff, but he assured me it was just people settling in. Meanwhile, despite my orders not to, he kept shoveling lobbyists at me, and with no rhyme or reason. One...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 109 The Shadow And the light

"Good evening ladies." Arin sneered, halting a short distance away. Bowing before them in a sarcastic mockery of polite formality, before turning to face a stunned Ryoko directly. "Did you really think to be rid of me so easily Ryoko?" "You can't be here!" She murmured thickly. "It's impossible!" Ryoko wailed, now in the grips of a rising hysteria. "HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO DIE?!" She screamed as she leaped igniting her sword. As she descended upon the sight of her own...

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08 TogetherChapter 109

Present – Jens, Ben and the others – Bad News Unfortunately our room wasn’t finished yet (Rats! I wanted to try out the mirrors on the ceiling) so we went back to the meeting room. The meeting was over but the main phone rings, Gretchen answers it and announces, “Jennifer it’s Samantha for you.” I figure it must be something about the report she did so I walk over to the phone and ask, “What’s going on Samantha?” Samantha shocks me when she instead says, “Jennifer, you’re not going to...

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Runaway TrainChapter 109

I expected a lot of things when my name was announced. I had figured about half the studio audience would wonder who I was. I figured the other half would wonder why I was being interviewed. I did not expect them to stand up and start clapping the moment I stepped through the curtain. I stopped and looked around to see who was coming out with me to garner such a reaction. But I was alone on the soundstage. Denny Daniels saw me stop and got up from behind his desk. He walked over to meet...

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There and BackChapter 109 Insurance

The next morning, I found a very subdued Aedan sitting by the fire, dark bags under his eyes testifying that he hadn’t slept well. No one else was around, though it wasn’t that early by our normal standards, and I wondered if the sour expression on his face had scared everyone off. I sat down beside my brother and took his hand, resting my head on his shoulder as I picked at cold jerky I had fished out of my pack. We didn’t speak; I handed Aedan and Alistair some of the jerky, and we ate...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 109 The Assizes

The Benedetto affair, as it was called at the Palais, and by people in general, had produced a tremendous sensation. Frequenting the Cafe de Paris, the Boulevard de Gand, and the Bois de Boulogne, during his brief career of splendor, the false Cavalcanti had formed a host of acquaintances. The papers had related his various adventures, both as the man of fashion and the galley-slave; and as every one who had been personally acquainted with Prince Andrea Cavalcanti experienced a lively...

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Oval Office: Me: Madam President, how are you coming along at signing the bill that hit your desk this afternoon? You: I am a little reluctant to sign without fully understanding some of the boilerplate and technical jargon, yet I'm getting that oh so familiar itch. Me: That's highly inappropriate and besides, this desk has probably seen its fair share of christenings. Voters are looking forward to your speech you have been drafting up for tomorrow You: Well, maybe my chief of staff...

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Pulaski Square

Chapter One: Jaivon Johnson As I crossed the square from the Casimir Inn, on the south side of Pulaski Square, to the General’s Café on the north side, I shuddered as the big brute of a landscaper, Caleb, rose up from a flowerbed and glowered at me. He too? Would he too make me bend to his will as if by right?—not that I deserved better. But then I saw that he was looking beyond me, at Miz. Muriel standin’ at the service door of the hotel. Lookin’ at her like he’d like to eat her up. Still not...

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BONEHEAD SQUARE Upon my arrival, there didn’t seem to be a lot of activity, so I stayed at the counter and conversed with the clerk. Few words had fallen before I heard footsteps, looked to my right to get a visual on a man walking toward me from the area where I should have gone right away. The look of longing on his familiar and handsome face as he walked toward and then past me with a nod of acknowledgment told me I’d arrived too late to attend to the needs of his thick and uncut seven inch...

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Champions of the Square Dance

CHAMPIONS OF THE SQUARE DANCE By Annie James As he was about to pull their motorhome back onto the highway after gassing up at a truckstop John Heywood's concentration was interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "Wait, John! We can't leave that poor hitchhiker just standing in the rain. He's only a boy." John halted the vehicle, leaned out his open window, and waved to the figure huddled under the shelter near the gas pumps. That person came running up to the side of the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 26 Dana works on his ship and Alyssa works on his body

Dana bounded out of the Invictus, leaving Alyssa and Jade behind her, as she hurried to meet up with High Councillor Rathus and the dozens of Ashanath engineers who were staring at her expectantly. She was surprised at her surging confidence, having previously hated being the centre of attention, especially when there were more than a handful of people watching her. Instead of feeling the familiar crippling fear of public speaking, she was eager to get started and speaking to everyone at...

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Chatham Square

Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...

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Sharing my Wife Another Fun Square Dance

We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...

Wife Lovers
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The Angel of Times Square

The Angel Of Times Square By Bluto I graduated from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1981 after nine months at the New York City campus. It was not my first visit to New York, but it was by far the longest time I've ever lived in Manhattan. A one school year master's program requires a lot of concentrated work and most of my time was spent in classes or choosing, researching and writing a thesis or practice reporting and more. However, in spite of all that I...

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Three Square MealsChapter 27 Ship upgrades space battles and an orgy Its a busy day

Dana woke up first, feeling completely refreshed after a good night’s sleep. The Ashanath engineers had been tasked with completing the last of the work while she slept and she was so eager to check on their results, that she wanted to leap out of bed and go sprinting out the room. Instead, she stealthily climbed out from under the covers and tiptoed out softly, being careful not to awaken John, or the other three girls who were still fast asleep. She dressed in her own room, then walked down...

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Town Square

Stefanie knew that stripping down to her underwear was not the brightest thing to do in a secluded wood, in the dead of night, but, hey, she did what she needed to do for art. She stepped up to the rock where she had trained two lights and her tripod-held camera set on time-delay. In between each click, telling her that the camera had taken a picture, she struck and held a pose with a katana a friend who was into swords and knives had leant her. Her poses were those of a warrior. In one, she...

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Three Square MealsChapter 5 The long journey comes to a close

“What was that?” Alyssa gasped. “We’re picking up an emergency distress beacon” John replied over the din of the klaxon. He pushed a button reducing the volume to a much more subdued level. John looked at the monitor for more information. “It looks like it’s a freighter experiencing engine trouble. They need a tow or spare parts.” “Are we going to help them?” Alyssa asked, excited at this unexpected turn of events. “It could be a trap” John frowned. “They might be genuine though!” Alyssa...

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Three Square MealsChapter 118 A chip off the old silicon

Calara stepped out of the armour-equipping frame in the Dojo’s armoury and hurried into the corridor, breaking into a jog as she headed for the grav-tube. She’d heard a brief summary of the disastrous confrontation with John’s guide from Alyssa, but after discovering that her girlfriend had been injured, all she wanted to do was rush to her side. She leapt out of the blue anti-gravity field on Deck Two and caught up to Rachel, Sakura, and Alyssa in the corridor, the blonde being supported by...

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Three Square MealsChapter 7 John gets used to his new ride

John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...

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Three Square MealsChapter 39 Vacation time But its not just sea sand and sex

Dawn at their island on Oceanus was a spectacular affair. The golden sun slowly crept up above the horizon and sent out bright spears of light, illuminating the rapidly brightening sky. John and the girls felt the warm glow of the sun’s rays, and they woke up at the same time, stretching languidly in the extremely comfortable bed. Jade was on the western edge, and when she rolled on to her other side, so that she was facing the sun, she sat up abruptly with a startled gasp. “Oh, John, this...

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Three Square MealsChapter 43 They explore the Maliri space station and uncover secrets

“I don’t recall seeing Irillith around here before.” John mused, addressing Ceraden, who sat behind his desk, drumming his fingers on the glossy surface with irritation. “No, thank heavens. She’s a ‘guest’, and I only have to put up with her for another week, then it’ll be glorious peace and quiet once again,” Ceraden replied wistfully. Ceraden looked over the desk, and tsked with annoyance at the mess the shattered device had made on the floor. A few second later a pair of cleaning robots...

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