Not Your Average JoeChapter 17: Saturday Brings New Problems free porn video

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I finally received a decent hit off of the CEP (Companion Exchange Program), so we set up a time and place to meet on Saturday. That, of course, meant dealing with my cousins, Marylyn and Paula ... oh, for joy, for joy.

“What’s wrong, cuz? Can’t get it up for a little incest?” Marylyn taunted.

“Not that we’d ever have sex with you anyway. We need a real man,” Paula chimed in, not to be outdone by her twin sister.

“Now, you listen to me you little bitches, the only reason I agreed to this thing in the first place is that Mom begged me to. I personally don’t give a damn whether you’re extracted or not, and would probably get a perverse thrill out of leaving the two of you behind. Therefore, you better be extra nice to your host. If he wants to fuck Marylyn in the ass and have Paula lick him clean, the two of you had better do it with big smiles on your faces, because it doesn’t look like I will have time to find you someone else. By the way, you may want to douche or give each other enemas before our appointment today,.” I told them, with considerable contempt in my voice.

“I don’t do anal,” Marylyn stated firmly.

“And I certainly am not sucking any cock that just came out of someone’s ass, even if it is my sister’s!” Paula exclaimed.

“Marge, are you going to allow your son speak to my daughters that way?” Aunt Linda complained.

“Well, it seems to me that they started it, besides I already warned you that Joe is his own man now, and I no longer have any control over what he says or does,” Mom said, actually sticking up for me, for once.

“Now that our heartfelt greetings are out if the way, I’ve been granted permission from the Consensus to share a video with everyone. Linda, you should probably watch it, as well, as this could certainly open your eyes to what we are facing,” I said.

“I don’t want to watch some dumb video,” Paula whined.

“Me either,” Marylyn said as they both started to get up to leave.

“The two of you will sit in your seats and shut the fuck up or, so help me, I will blister both your asses raw,” I threatened, growing more irritated with them by the minute.

“And I will hold them down for you, sir,” Major Johnson promised.

“You can’t touch us. We haven’t even signed any papers yet,” Marylyn boasted.

“We’re Consensus volunteers while you’re nothing more than unclaimed companions. Whose side do you think the law will be on?” I challenged, knowing I’d finally gotten the better of these two.

Instead of answering me, Marylyn just slumped down in a huff, as I pressed the play button to begin their lesson. The screen instantly came to life displaying actual satellite footage of the Vermin’s vicious attacks on other worlds.

“What is this, some b-rated horror movie?” Linda asked.

“While I agree these images are horrific, I can assure you that they didn’t come out of Hollywood or any other man made studio. These are satellite feeds from the various worlds the Vermin have already conquered. I just thought you might like to get an idea of what’s in store for the people of Earth once they arrive,” I told them.

“How do we know these images are even real?” Paula demanded.

“Well, your mother has some experience in video editing. Linda, can you see any inconsistencies?” I requested of her.

“Whatever happened to calling me Aunt Linda? It is a sign of respect, you know,” she said, attempting to chastise me.

“Well, since we’ve personally never been that close with one another, I no longer feel the need to acknowledge you as my aunt during every sentence. Can you please just answer my question?” I asked, staring her right in the eye.

“Although I haven’t been given the opportunity to examine the footage in depth, I must admit that I don’t see any of the common mistakes most novice producers make when splicing film together. Although, that doesn’t mean that the Consensus’ video technology isn’t far superior to our own,” she admitted.

“Well, far be it from me to try and influence your opinion in any way. I just wanted you three to have some idea what you can look forward to if this deal doesn’t pan out,” I said.

“I thought you had a plan to stop the Vermin?” Marylyn questioned.

“I do, but it’s not designed to prevent this from occurring.”

The video seemed to have had the desired effect. The girls were noticeably more subdued the rest of the morning, for which I was truly thankful.

Even though I really couldn’t have cared less what happened to them after they signed on with their new sponsor, I did do a thorough background check on the guy just to appease my mother’s concerns. He seemed pretty decent, all things considered. He was a little older, and it was his sisters he was trying to unload. It appeared he wasn’t too keen on committing incest, either.

Major Johnson borrowed Mom’s SUV to drive us all to meet their potential sponsor. Our arguments started back up when he pulled into the parking lot of a local doctor’s office.

“What are we doing here?” Paula asked, heatedly.

“Michael, your potential sponsor, requires that you undergo a brief medical exam so that he can make sure there is nothing wrong with you that the Consensus can’t fix. It’s really just to ensure that you are capable of having children and that sort of thing,” I explained, trying to diffuse what I expected would become another battle with the twins.

“Well, I’m not going to do it,” Marylyn declared.

“Why? It’s not like you’ll have to do anything but just stand there. Hell, with the new medical technology from the Consensus, they won’t even have to give you a blood test,” I assured them.

“It’s an invasion of privacy,” Paula argued.

“Privacy? You’re about to become the guy’s fucking sex slaves, for crying out loud. How much damn privacy do you need?” I asserted.

“It’s a matter of principle,” Marylyn claimed.

“Which is more important, your principles or your life, because I can all but guarantee that you won’t survive a Vermin invasion,” I said.

“It’s just not right,” Paula complained.

“I’m not saying any of this is right, but it is what’s happening. You can either accept it or perish,” I told them.

That statement ended any real resistance from them, and all that remained was the grumbling. Since I made an appointment prior to our arrival, it didn’t take long for their names to be called. Paula went first, and the scan showed no unusual abnormalities. Once it became Marylyn’s turn, however, the shit really hit the fan.

“What the fuck do you mean you’re pregnant!!! How did this happen?” I screamed.

“If you don’t know that, then you’re obviously not as smart as some people think you are,” she quipped.

“You know what I meant, you dumb ass. You’re supposed to be on birth control,” I stated hotly.

“I stopped taking it,” she responded.

“But that doesn’t make any sense! At my school, they won’t even allow a girl into the companion selection area until they scan them to make sure they’re on birth control, and I am positive that your school must do the same thing.” I said.

“I stopped going there as well,” she told me.

“Why would you do that? You and Paula were supposed to be trying to find a sponsor,” I asked her.

“The guys at my school are all a bunch of dweebs. Paula and I need a real man,” she said.

“So who’s the lucky daddy?” I asked sarcastically.

“I’d rather not say,” She answered.

“That’s alright, because I probably wouldn’t believe you anyway,” I said before turning to the nurse and requesting she run a DNA match against the database of all males who’ve ever submitted to CIP testing.

“You can’t do that!” Marylyn protested.

“Of course, I can. You gave me permission to view your medical records when you signed the agreement to be tested,” I told her.

When the nurse came back with her findings, I was stunned, flabbergasted and utterly appalled but, above all that, I was just plain damn angry.

Even before I could contemplate this new set of challenges, I was faced with the undesirable task of contacting Michael and having to call off our appointment. I received a thorough ass chewing from him, along with the promise to have me blacklisted from any future dealings with the CEP. Needless to say, I was not in the best of moods by the time we arrived home.

“What are you guys doing back so soon?” my father wanted to know.

“Why don’t you ask your lover, or are you banging the both of them?” I heatedly fired back.

“What are you talking about?” Mom asked.

“Well, it seems that Marylyn here is, um, how can I put this delicately, um, in the family way. Want to take a guess at who got her that way?” I asked.

“William, did you have sex with our niece?” Mom wanted to know.

“It wasn’t my fault. She seduced me. Besides, Marylyn said she was protected!” Dad shouted.

“How the hell did she seduce you?” My mother demanded.

“She claimed to be really upset when I couldn’t take her on as my companion, and said that she wanted at least one good fuck from a real man before she had to go submit to being some geek’s sex slave,” he told her.

“So this all occurred recently?” Mom questioned.

“Yeah, Linda brought the girls over the other day, and the four of you were supposed to go shopping. At the last minute, Marylyn said that she was broke and wanted to stay here and watch TV with me instead. Well, one thing led to another and...” he trailed off.

“Joseph, how far along did they say Marylyn was?” Mom inquired.

“Less than a week, so Dad’s story sounds valid,” I said.

“Can’t we just terminate the pregnancy?” Mom wanted to know.

“I’m not going to let you kill my baby!” Marylyn shrieked in horror.

“Mom, even if Marylyn wanted to, it’s been declared illegal to abort a fetus sired by a Consensus volunteer, no matter how far along a female is in her the pregnancy,” I stated.

“Come on, people. It’s not like this is the end of the world. Bill will just have to take the girls with us instead of his secretary and her husband. I’m sure they will be able to make other arrangements,” Linda stated confidently.

“You planned this didn’t you?” I demanded.

“What are you talking about?” she replied innocently.

“Come off it, Linda. This whole situation is just too coincidental not to have your fingerprints smeared all over it. I’ve known Marylyn my entire life, and not once have I ever heard of her turning down a chance to go shopping. You arranged this so that Dad would have to take the girls instead of Stacy and Al?” I accused her.

“Is he right, Linda?” Mom asked.

“Ok, fine, I did plan this. Come on guys cheer up. I guarantee you’ll love having these hot little nymphs to play with,” she declared.

“Damn it, Linda, don’t you know why the Consensus started issuing contracts to their volunteers?” I asked.

“Not really,” she admitted.

“Well, it seems they were getting tired of hearing complaints about sponsors breaking their word to potential companions. If you had read over the contract you signed when you agreed to be with Dad, you’d know that any sponsor who reneges on taking a companion once they have submitted their paperwork to the Consensus forfeits that slot. Furthermore, any companion who refuses to go with a sponsor after they have signed an agreement to do so automatically voids their eligibility to become a companion for anyone else. In other words, if Dad decided not to take his secretary and her husband, he wouldn’t be able to turn around and offer their spots to the twins and, if Stacy and Al refused to go with him, they couldn’t be picked up by another sponsor,” I explained.

“But I’ve heard countless stories about volunteers changing their mind at the last minute,” she argued.

“That was all before they started issuing contracts,” I replied.

“So what are we going to do now?” she asked, worry now in her voice.

“I’m not sure there is a whole lot we can do. Thanks to your brilliant scheme, Michael has no doubt blacklisted me from the CEP and, even if he hasn’t, we simply don’t have enough time to locate another sponsor, especially now that Marylyn is pregnant,” I stated.

“Why can’t you take the twins and then just give them to your father?” she questioned.

“I wish it were that simple. The truth is that each volunteer is issued a set number of companions. Now, I would have no problem allowing someone else the use of them for a night or two, but I’m not allowed to just hand them over permanently to another sponsor unless I received an even trade for doing so and, quite frankly, although I’m fond of my dad’s secretary and her husband, I have no desire to become their sponsor,” I said.

“So what’s the big deal? Just sign them up and allow your father to come over and play with them once in a while,” she suggested.

“Why should I condemn myself to spend the rest of my life with these two bitches?” I screamed.

“Joseph, watch your language!” Mom chastised me.

“To hell with my language, and furthermore, if your idiot of a sister had bothered to read her contract, she’d know that any baby born to a sponsored companion becomes that sponsor’s responsibility until such time as the child reaches the age of fourteen, regardless of who sired it. So, even if I managed to trade Marylyn for someone else, I’d still be stuck raising her kid for the next fourteen years. That’s why it’s so difficult for a pregnant woman to find a sponsor,” I fired at her.

“But you’re willing to accept your teacher’s pregnant niece, and you haven’t even met her,” Mom argued.

“I only agreed to meet with Melanie to see if I think we might be compatible. That doesn’t mean I will decide to take her but, even if I do, she hasn’t spent the last fourteen years torturing me like these two have,” I told her.

“Look, all this bickering is getting us nowhere. Joseph, I would like to have a word with you in private, if you don’t mind?” Dad requested.

Although I agreed to go with him, I am certain my father knew I was determined not to be bullied into taking the twins. That must have been why he decided to use a different approach, one I apparently was not as well prepared to defend against.

After leading me into his study, he excused himself for a moment, saying he needed a drink. You could have bowled me over with a feather when he came back with two beers and handed one of them to me. On very rare occasions I have been permitted a small sip or two from one of his, but NEVER have I been given my very own bottle! Still, it was going to take a hell of a lot more than a single beer to convince me to accept the twins as my companions.

After we sat down and each took a pull from our bottles, mine admittedly a much shorter one than his, my father began to speak.

“I guess I really fucked up this time.” he confessed sounding completely depressed.

Not knowing exactly how to respond to his declaration of failure, I decided to soften the blow a little.

“It would appear you had a little help with that,” I told him.

“True. Nevertheless, I should have declined Marylyn’s advances or, at the very least, insisted we use a condom. I just hate those damn things. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried them, but they dull the sensation and hurt like hell if you get them caught up in your pubic hair,” he confessed.

“So why did you consent to have sex with Marylyn in the first place?” I grilled.

“I’m not your mother; you can say fuck around me, son. To answer your question, I guess I was still feeling a bit bummed about the way things turned out. You must understand that my ego took one hell of a hit when the Consensus picked your plan over ours. Then your cousin shows up claiming she wanted to experience sex with a real man. That kind of flattery is damn hard for a guy to resist,” he replied with candor.

I believed him. I also remembered that on more than one occasion this week, I too had taken a girl at her word when she claimed to be protected. When faced with that type of temptation it’s easy to convince oneself of the woman’s honesty.

“Look, I’m going to cut right to the chase here. I know that Marylyn’s pregnancy is in the very early stages and, at this point, anything can happen. That being said, if she does manage to carry her child to full term, that baby will be my son or daughter as well as your half brother or sister. Are you really prepared to turn her away knowing what will likely happen to the both of them if they are still on earth when the Vermin attack?” my father asked.

Well, shit! How in the hell was I supposed to respond to that question? Fortunately, I didn’t have to answer. He continued to speak.

“I’ve put up with a lot of shit throughout the years dealing with your aunt. As you know, she is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. You mother is infinitely smarter but, for some reason, she often lets her sister lead her around by the short hairs. Still, Linda is one hell of a fuck and, aside from your mother; she is by far the best I’ve ever had. Between you and me, that’s really saying something. Now, as great as they are on their own, they’re practically insatiable when paired together.

“Although I haven’t had the pleasure of taking Paula for a test drive, as yet, it was obvious from my first time with Marylyn that Linda’s been training her daughters in the art of sexual gratification. Like your mother and her sister, I truly believe all those girls need is a bit of a firm hand and a good dicking to keep them in line. From the sounds I heard coming out of your bedroom the other night, I figure you’re more than capable of providing the dicking. The question is, are you prepared to lay down the law should the twins get out of hand?” he challenged.

“Well, I won’t lie and tell you it will be easy. Up to now, I’ve always lived by your guidelines and never once raised my hand to any female. At times, the twins did push my resolve to the limit, though. Now that things have changed, I really have no basis for comparison. I know I can’t be a wimp, and let my women walk all over me. However, I don’t want to turn into some abusive ogre that beats a girl if she pours him a cold cup of coffee. I’m also afraid that my anger over past experiences may influence my judgment when dealing with them,” I told him honestly.

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Average Joes Army

This is a true story about Average Joe and his army celebrating National Nude Day. When a bunch of thugs moved in the neighborhood committing petty crimes and selling drugs and gave Joe, of all people, Average Joe, a hard time while he was out walking his dog, Fifi, a precious 5 pound, white Chihuahua, there was no need to call the police. Joe pulled out his cell phone and made one call. The thugs thought he was calling the cops, but Joe called his army instead. ‘Go ahead and call the cops,...

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Above Average

X-post (greatperssonhooray)Growing Pains 2: Above AverageWhile I was greatly enjoying the changes, they were not without difficulty. Taking care of my breasts and their associated lactation was beginning to be a part-time job. The struggles continued to grow at the same pace as my breasts. That is to say, very rapidly.Thanks to my breast pump, I tended to be sufficiently empty before school which greatly reduced my anxiety and paranoia. No longer did I have to worry about my breasts bursting at...

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Average and Regular

"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...

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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 5 1969

Joey Harris concludes his eulogy “With Old Ernie keeping three crop dusters in the air, it was sure as eggs were eggs that I would fly with Papa as soon as I could sit upright on a sack of cornmeal so I could see out of the cockpit. So, it didn’t take long before I was doing the flying while Papa operated the sprayer from the passenger seat. Momma, being the driving force she was in the family, was also solo flying planes, she learned to fly solo while I was still in diapers and she was a...

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Average JoeChapter 2 Some Things About Mary

Mary tells her story: First, I want the readers to know that I'm not a whore, slut or what they call a cougar. Joey and I are just close friends. I have never gone after young men in my life. There was just something special about Joey. I was a lonely person since my divorce two years ago. I didn't date but at times would have liked to have sex but had no contact with other men. I did have my vibrators which I used if it was necessary. My kids were my life. Joey is a happy, yet sad young...

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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 6 1969

Anjelica Harris narrating I could see the tears roll down my Joey’s cheeks as he finished saying goodbye in front of all our family and friends to the only real father he knew. I felt the tears running down my cheeks, too. The woman standing next to me put her arm around me. I knew her, by face if not name, but she knew me and she must’ve known Joe and loved him too. He had just so much to give, everybody loved Average Joe Harris. The coffin was laid on the shoulders of eight sorrowful but...

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Average JoeChapter 4 Dating and Meeting People

I showed up at Martha's house on New Year's Eve. There were quite a few people there. Lee (Martha's husband) came over and handed me a beer. I thought about telling him I was only twenty but decided, to hell with it. I was going to have a good time. Most of the people at the New Years party were probably in their thirties on up. I recognized a few people from work and even a few regular customers that I have seen at the store. It seemed as though most people were couples but I also...

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Im Still Average Right

100% fiction! Many years in the past me and my sister were always in what we called "love". Kissing each other on the lips as a goodbye, playing doctor still at the age of 19, saying I love you was a regular thing between me and my sister, but now... Saying I love you randomly is all a distant memory ever since she moved away to live with Dad in England. Well now I'm 27 and mom died leaving the house and its many bills in my inheritance. I took up a couple part-time jobs after finishing...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

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Fraudsters Punished 3 Saturday Entertainment

Chapter 12. More Saturday entertainmentPutting and extra cushion on her chair, Margaret tentatively sat down and fired up the computer. While it went through the start-up sequence she thought again on the happenings of yesterday. She knew she would view the writings in the diary in a different light. She knew now, Jeremy had only hit her comparatively lightly and her arse was only tender, not bruised or welted except for some quite fine lines, and there were no open cuts. The ones from his last...

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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

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Pleasant Valley Saturday

Pleasant Valley Saturday At about 11:00 on a warm Saturday morning in early August, Jack Brady opened his front door and stepped out. Jack, a good-looking man in his late forties, was married to Susan. It was just the two of them in the household, as their two adult daughters now lived elsewhere. Jack began walking with a purposeful stride towards the house of his neighbors, the Greens. The Green family consisted of Pete, Adrian, and Tommy. Pete and Adrian were also in their...

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28 Minutes Til Saturday Night Live

We stood on 3rd Avenue, the snow sheeting down, and I wondered how anybody could think about getting naked in this weather. Sandi and I stood on the movie line, like other couples swathed in layer after layer of clothing that almost kept the biting wind from raising goosebumps on us. Gloves, scarves, boots, hats, zipped-up coats and parkas, sweaters, and thick plaid shirts erased any evidence of sexual differentiation. We stamped our feet, stuck our hands deeper into our pockets and prayed the...

3 years ago
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An Ideal Saturday

An Ideal Saturday Written by TGTrinity Commissioned by Deiser Mason had been looking forward to Saturday all week, and it was off to a soul crushing start. The knocking had started sometime around six in the morning, and Mason's roommate simply refused to be the one to answer. After a good ten minutes of someone's nonstop assault on the door, Mason finally relented and was not at all surprised by what he found waiting for him. Mrs. Rance was standing in the dimly lit hallway with a...

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Saturday Night Escapades 1

Finally, before getting into the story, a brief description of myself: I’m barely 5’8”; roughly 125 pounds; not overly skinny, but probably thinner than average; 36C-28-34; areola just short of two inches wide with nipples that stick out almost 3/4 of an inch when hard; pussy hair neatly trimmed to a thin light brown strip about two inches long above my slit, everything else shaved clean on a regular basis; light brown hair that goes a couple inches below my shoulders when I let it down,...

5 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 28 The Saturday Morning Bike Club Rides Again

There were no real changes in Luke or Lori's life until the spring of their junior year. Luke was thriving in California. Good grades, good friends, and good weather helped Luke to live the good life. Luke's grades were as high as the waves he loved to ride. His being in the top 20 of his class was going to get him into Stanford. The Harvard of the West Coast was his dream school. The university had one of the best, if not the best, computer engineering programs in the world. Luke's...

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Saturday Night

It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with lots of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet....

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Saturday Night

It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with a lot of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet. You...

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Football Saturdaywith Anna Missy

I met Missy when we were paired up to study my nursing class and we immediately became friends. On Fridays some of the class would meet up for happy hour and she brought along her room mate Anna. They are both beautiful, dark haired girls with perfect athletic bodies that I envied, as I am more on the thin side. We would always have fun as we got to know each but when my boyfriend and his friends would arrive they would leave soon after. I was telling Missy one afternoon that a couple of BF's...

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What a Saturdaynight 07Sept2010

wow, what a night began with a chat on older turkish(56yo) man had seen my pics on xhamster and was interested in me.after a while he told me to dress extreme slutty, include collar and leach, take the train to bonn, go to the mens restrooms and leach me in an open stall.i did as told, waited nervously about an hour, then he appeared, to me by the leach, led me to his car and told to get in the trunk.after a ride about twenty minutes, tha car stopped and he lead me to...

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the saturday slave

I started coming to the restaurant because of the lighting, more than the food. I was living alone, after the divorce, and it was less trouble to go out to a neighborhood place most evenings than to shop and cook and clean up for one. Over a month or two I tried everything close to the apartment, some known for their food and others for their bar scene or their unique features, but after a while I realized that what made them comfortable for me was toned down lighting, not too dark for reading...

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A Saturday Morning Fantasy

The internet and Google makes it easier for there to be ‘unexpected connections’.“Hey T,” the email read, “Are you going to the APA convention in Denver?  Love to see you there.” The American Psychological Association annual meeting was held there in 2016, the time frame of this story.The email  was signed ‘Russ’, and my Russ memories came flooding back. Russ was an associate professor when I was in grad school. We had a short, intense, erotic fling.  That was a dozen years ago, and his email...

Wife Lovers
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Sams Saturday Night

“No, you go without me, Kim! Have a great time.” “Yeah I know, but I can’t go tonight; not in this state.” “I’ll be fine by tomorrow, really; Monday latest. I’m really sorry.” “Nah, don’t worry. I’ll be ok. See you soon. Bye!” I touched the screen of my phone to end the call and slumped sulkily down on the sofa. It was ten o’clock on Saturday night and I was home alone; not something I was used to and definitely not something I liked. As a twenty-year-old single girl and a student at the local...

First Time
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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

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Working Saturday

I don’t relish the idea of working on a Saturday, though I often find myself doing so. I shouldn’t be so quick to complain though. This particular Saturday was an exception. I had gotten to my office about 10:30 a.m., thinking I would work about three or four hours, get a few letters written and maybe catch up on some reading. I was dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, my weekend summer uniform. I hadn’t bothered shaving, though I took a long shower to wake myself up and to try and motivate...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 03

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 03

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca.Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 19 Real Problems

September 1980, Milford, Ohio At school on Monday, Erin came to find me at my locker. “You didn’t ask me out, Steve!” “I’m sorry,” I said, closing my locker. “I’ve been really busy. But we could go out for dinner and ice cream on Tuesday or Thursday?” “Thursday is fine! I do have to be home by 9:00pm.” “I’ll pick you up around 5:00pm.” In Miss Barkhurst’s class, we had our first dissection — earthworms. I got a kick out of who had problems with handling them and who didn’t. The funniest...

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Not Very Nice People Chapter 711 Outstanding Problems

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 7: Outstanding Problems Synopsis: The forces of darkness are putting their plans in motion, and Mike Caldwell is caught in the middle. Meanwhile, his mind itself is becoming a battlefield between two personalities, his own and that of his character-- and the odds don't look very promising for him in either conflict. ***** I can think of no better testament to the extent that either reality or my perception of it had warped than the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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Wife brings home surprise part 2

Wife Brings Home Surprise Part 2   You will need to read Wife brings Home Surprise to understand how this story began. We made our way upstairs; I undressed while my wife cleaned herself up and got ready for bed. I climbed in bed and slowly stroked my aching cock as I watched her. She looked so sexy; flashes of what had just happened continued to cross my mind. Any time I get to watch her fuck someone else it drives me crazy with lust. And honestly I couldn’t tell you which part had me the...

Wife Lovers
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Rebecca DancedChapter 8 Who Brings Boys to Malls

Tony settled into a hard chair in the food court at the mall and began sipping his Coke and leafing through the latest issue of Road & Track. One of these days he really was going to own a Porsche he thought. It was one of those things you couldn't ever really justify buying; then again he did drive a new Celica GT-S. He had bought it mainly based on the recommendations from this very magazine as being a reliable low-end sports car with better than average performance. More importantly...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 02

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

College Sex

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