Reginald's FamilyChapter 6 free porn video

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“Hey! That makes sense. You have a good head on your shoulders, young man. Are you at the university?”

“I am, in my first year. My wi ... wife is also studying there.”

They moved indoors, out of the wind that was getting up. The farmer looked at Reg with a smile.

“Still having trouble saying the word ‘wife’, son? It makes you proud to have a wife, doesn’t it? I remember our own first few months as husband and wife: a magical time. Now we have a boy in the army and a daughter who is a policewoman. Neither of them is interested in farming, more’s the pity.”

“We hope to have a family eventually, sir, but I want my ... girl to finish her degree.”

“Good man; very sensible. Now, I have your details, but you should have ours too. I have some cards somewhere ... ah, here they are.” He swept up a small pile of printed cards from the desk near the farm front door, and peeled one off to hand it to Reg. “This even has our email address on it.”

“Fine. I’ll get Frances to handle that. I don’t do much email, myself.”

“I thought all you university types were email savvy!”

“To some extent, sir, but I didn’t have a computer until recently. My mother couldn’t afford it.”

“Really? How did you get into university, then? Isn’t it expensive, with the fees and all?”

“Grant aid, sir. My school helped, as did the university. My wife’s father owns the building we are now living in, so no residence costs. We can cope, with my wife’s allowance. I don’t cost much; never had any spare cash, so I’m used to not spending.”

“Well, son, I’ll see what we can do about your metal find. We’ll make a good deal for you, mark my words.”

“Thank you sir. Can I come back and do some more searching another time? It makes a nice break from studying, or my new family responsibilities.”

“She’s running you ragged already, son? If she’s that keen on sex, you have a keeper, my boy!”

“Uh, thank you sir. Frances is certainly a loving wife.”

“Right. Off you go home, young man, and tell your girl that you love her. That never does any harm.”

Reg did just that. He walked home and as soon as he was inside, called out in an “I love Lucy” voice, “Honey, I’m home!”

Not surprisingly, he got several immediate responses from the girls who were within earshot, and as they appeared, he told each one, “I love you, my darling wife.”

Finally, Fiona arrived with Prudence. Seeing them, He kissed Prudence, saying, “I love you, my darling wife.” then turned to Fiona. He hugged her to him, and said softly, “I love you too, my sweet. You are not forgotten.”

Frances finally spoke for all of them. “What brought that on, Reg?”

“My love, I was chatting to a local farmer, where I was detectoring, and he told me to go home to my wife and tell her that I loved her. I didn’t mention that I had more than one wife, though!”

Frances found this tale funny, and gave a chuckle, but ended up asking, “Did you find much rubbish with your machine?”

“A whole carrier bagful, Frances, but one lump looked like one or more coins, so the farmer is going to ask the local Finds man about it. It may have to be declared Treasure Trove if it has reasonable value, but I don’t think it will be worth much. The farmer knows a bit about finds – he said he had a leaflet about reporting finds. One of the commonest is the 1797 cartwheel penny, he says. What was sticking out of the concretion was too small to be that, and not corroded, so who knows? I might go back there again. I spent almost two hours in that field!”

“You’re sure the find is safe with him, Reg? You can be too trusting and accepting of people at times, you know. You don’t have enough experience of people’s foibles, love.”

“He and his wife seemed a pleasant couple, darling, and he is happy for me to go back and try again. I have his card with his name, address, phone number and email.”

“Oh, well, that sounds better. When will you hear from him?”

“No idea, but the finds officer will be on holiday the same as everyone else except farmers. I have a photo taken by the farmer of me holding the find; the concretion, it is apparently called. It is evidence that I found it.”

“I suppose so. Okay, Reg, let that go for now, but go visit the farm again. I’ll check with my father, to see if he knows about this farmer.”

“Talking about your father, what did he say about my mother?”

“Oh. Damn, I forgot to phone him. Sorry about that, Reg. We were so busy interrogating Fiona, that it went out of my head. I’ll phone him now, and cover both items. He should be at home.”

“Thanks, Frances. I’ll go get myself a cup of tea in the meantime.”

A while later, after he had drunk his tea, Reg was approached by Frances again.

“Okay, Reg. The news is that your mother is still getting over the flu, but is happy to talk to anyone. You can ring her at my folks’ place, and speak to her. On the other question, he said he would speak to Freda’s dad. He rang back almost immediately to report that Freda’s Dad says he will get in touch with the Finds Liaison Officer tomorrow, alert him of your discovery, as your lawyer, and inform him that the farmer is bringing it in for evaluation as possible Treasure Trove. He says that should ensure that the farmer cannot claim it outright as his own find.”

Reg looked alarmed. “I wasn’t expecting my farmer friend to make any such claim, Frances! He is a nice man. I know it.”

“You are probably right, Reg darling, but Freda says her Daddy knows best about legal matters, and thinks this is what should happen, just to be on the safe side.”

“Very well. I defer to her father’s expertise.” He looked at the wall clock. “It is probably too near our mealtime to phone my mother. Remind me to ring her after we have eaten.”

An hour later, Frances tapped him on the arm. “Reg, time to ring my parents and speak to your own mother.”

Nodding, he borrowed Frances’ phone and made the call. Mrs LeBrun answered.

“LeBrun residence.”

“Mrs LeBrun, it is Reginald. Can I speak to my mother please?”

“Certainly, Reg. Hang on while I get a twinny to fetch the phone to her.” Reg remembered that the twins were still doing the nursing and quarantine tasks, this time with his mother, so he waited patiently.

At last he heard his mother’s voice.

“Reg? Is that you, son?”

“It is, Mum. Happy New Year!”

“The same to you, Reg. It was nice of you to think of ringing me to say that.”

“There was another reason, Mum. I have discovered that when Dad was killed, I was there with him. You never told me that.”

“Yes, that’s right. You were too young at the time to know what was happening. You were in your push-chair, so you nearly got hit as well. I decided it was a nasty event you were better off not knowing about.”

“Well, you might have had the best of intentions with that decision, but all my life I felt that my Dad had abandoned me, and then died alone!”

“Oh. I didn’t realise you felt that way. Anyway, what did it matter?”

“Mum, it matters a lot. Freda’s Dad is a lawyer, and he tells me that if you had put in a legal claim within three years, you would have been entitled to compensation through the driver’s insurance company.”

“What? I missed out on compensation? Damn it!”

“Yes, Mum. You had three years, but ran out of time. However, he tells me that a child can claim up until being aged twenty-one, so if I have the details, I can still put in a claim. I need you to provide the details.”

“Oh.” She was silent for a moment. “So what do you need, Reg? I am still not up to par.”

“Basic data, such as date, time and place of the accident, proof that you are his wife and my mother – marriage and birth certificates – and hospital reports, including his death certificate from the hospital.”

There was another silence. Reg wondered what had happened, then she spoke again.

“All the family certificates are in a box under the chest of drawers in my bedroom. I don’t have the hospital records, as they didn’t give them to me – why should they?”

“I suppose that you would have had to get your lawyer to ask for them, and I expect you didn’t have a lawyer, right?”

“Yes; couldn’t afford one. There is a clipping from the local newspaper in the box with the death certificate. That may give some details, Reg lad. Sorry, I didn’t know about the legal possibilities, son.”

“I understand, Mum. You didn’t have the background to know what was possible. I still have my house key. You haven’t changed the lock, have you?”

“No, I couldn’t afford to do so even if I wanted. Will you go in and collect these papers, then?”

“As soon as I can, Mum. As for yourself, don’t impose on the LeBruns for too long, or our family will get a bad reputation.”

“No, I will get off home soon. I still have my job to get back to, Reg.”

“Ah, yes. You can send in a medical certificate covering your flu. You can do self-certification for under a week, can’t you?”

“I think so. I haven’t been off before. Anything else you want to know, son?”

“Only the hospital. I presume the death certificate will name the hospital he was taken to, where he died: did it?”

“I don’t remember, son. This was many years ago; but there was only the one hospital that it could have been: St. John’s.”

“St. John’s. Right, Mum, I’ll go with that, and see where it takes us. I hope that hospital is still there; a few hospitals have been closed in the intervening years.”

“I hope you are successful Reg. How much do you think you will get?”

“Mum, I have no idea, and the amount is not the point. It is all about getting compensation for the loss of my father, and the actual figure is immaterial.”

“But if you get a decent amount, Reg, that will be very useful.”

Reg was wise to his mother’s intentions. She would want a cut, if she could get it. He told her, “I will leave it in the hands of our lawyer, Mum. That will naturally be Freda’s Dad, as he will want to see his daughter and her husband get enough to live on. There will probably be expenses as well. I will be guided by our lawyer.

I hope you will be well soon, Mum, and can get home again. I’ll keep in touch. Bye.”

He rang off, and only then did he notice that he had not told his mother he loved her. It wouldn’t have been true, anyway, so he shrugged and forgot about it. He had his own real loves to give attention to, he told himself, so concentrated on that target.

Next morning, once all his loves had been satisfied that they had his attention, he dug out the house key for his old home. Frances was persuaded to drive him there, so he could recover the papers he needed as research tools for his compensation claim.

Entering, he was not surprised to find the house cold. He remembered his mother had no frost protection on the heating system, and wondered what he could do to ameliorate the situation. Frances was right behind him, and shivered as she stepped over the threshold.

“Damn, Reg, this is becoming a bad habit!”

“Just what I was thinking, love. Do you think we can do something about it?”

“Ah, yes. I see what you mean. I am sure that we could invest a little on your mother. Put on the heating to at least ten degrees [Celsius scale: The US is out of step with the rest of the world, by using Fahrenheit]. I can leave a couple of tenners to cover the cost. Is it gas or electric?”

“This council house has gas, darling, but the thermostat is similar, no matter what the fuel. I’ll put it to ten, so Mum will not be frozen when she gets home. Leave the money where she will quickly find it, before she panics, thinking she left it on all the time she was away. Write her a note, simply saying this is a New Year present from us all, to cover her extra gas.”

“Right, Reg. I can do that. I’ll leave it on the cooker in the kitchen, as that is where she will go first, looking for her kettle.”

“Wonderful, Frances. You are so great at coping with my Mum. I love you, woman!”

“Reg, I am not doing this for her. I am doing it for YOU, as you are being compassionate towards your mother, no matter how she treated you in the past. That is evidence of how much you have developed in the last few months, my darling man.”

“You know, I didn’t think of it that way, Frances. You have indeed made me into a new man; you and the other girls.”

“There was even more of a change. You didn’t even balk at asking me to provide the cash for this gesture. You have become a new man indeed, Reg.”

“Good grief, so I did! I didn’t even flinch at asking you to finance this gesture. We are indeed a family now, Frances, even if I should still be aiming to provide for you and the other girls.”

“Fine. End of story. Go deal with the heating, then find the documentation you need, and we’ll get on our way, dear.”

Reg did as directed, and shortly found the box described by his mother. It struck him that he had seldom been in his mother’s bedroom. She had always kept him out, treating it as her own private space. He realised how sad she was in that attitude of separation from her only child.

Shaking his head, he pulled out the box, laid it on the dressing table, and opened the lid. Inside was a pile of papers, so he pulled them out to identify which ones he needed. His own birth certificate caught his eye, and he spent a while perusing the content. He had no recollection of ever seeing it before, and it brought tears to his eyes; the evidence of his birth.

Next, he rummaged through the other papers till he found his parents’ marriage certificate, and then his father’s death certificate. This last had a news clipping fixed to it by a simple pin from his mother’s sewing box.

Reg took a quick glance at the newspaper clipping, confirming that it was a report of the accident where his father had died, then put it aside with his other documents. He continued to look through the remainder of the contents of the box, noting certificates relating to grandparents on either side, and some smaller pieces of newspaper: death announcements, marriage notices, and suchlike. There was even a black-bordered invitation to a funeral of over a hundred years ago.

Of such pieces of paper are memories made and cherished, Reg thought to himself. It made him realise that despite her many faults, his mother was a human being with a past worth remembering. That meant she was a similar human being worth acknowledging by himself, no matter her past behaviour towards him.

“Reg? Are you ready, love?” Frances was at the bedroom door, anxious to leave. She spotted the tears running down his face. “What’s wrong, Reg? Something missing?”

He looked up at her, and she hurried to clasp him to her bosom. His shoulders heaved as he let out another flood of tears. “Frances ... what was missing was the link between me and my Mum. When Dad died, she could have treated me as her last surviving piece of dad, but she went in the opposite way, and rejected me in her grief. All these years of grief, and she probably blamed me for being in my push chair, there with him. If he hadn’t been out, doing his parental duty, pushing me in my push-chair, he might not have been killed. I am sure that is what Mum thought. She blamed me for his death, so couldn’t bring herself to love me for all these years.”

He sighed at the thought

“We both missed so much.”

Frances hugged him tighter to her breast. “My poor boy! All these years without love. How terrible you must have felt.”

“Not until now, Frances,” he declared quietly to her. “At the time, I wasn’t aware of what I was missing. Now, between you and the other girls, being loved and loving in turn, I see what I lost. That is what brought the tears on: I came to a full realisation of my childhood years without a loving mother.”

“Reg, I think we should get you back to our house, your home, OUR home, where you are surrounded by love. That’s what you need to recover.”

“You are right, Frances. Thanks, my love.” He looked at the documentation in front of him. “We need something to store these in for taking them back with us.”

Frances sighed, “Typical man, no good at practicalities. Here you are: One strong carrier bag, that I shoved in the car when we left.”

“Thank you, my darling. I really need you to help me for the rest of my life, don’t I?”

“Indeed so. Now get these papers into the bag, and return the rest to your mother’s box. It looks like a chocolate box, doesn’t it? I’ll bet your Dad gave her a box of chocolates while they were courting, and she kept the box afterwards, for the memories of a pleasant time, then used it for the paper memories of the families on both sides. Nice thought, eh?”

“Yes, I see what you mean. You are very observant, Frances. It says a lot for you.”

“You will get there yourself, Reg. You can’t pick up every social nuance so quickly. Some of it develops over time; some comes quicker, like conversation and love-making. Now, let’s get back home.”

Reg locked up the house, then Frances got back into the driving seat.

“This reminds me, Reg. We still have to find you a driving school. Did you check the Yellow Pages?”

“I did, but I was unsure what would be a good school.”

“We’ll have a look at your list, and get previous users to give you pointers, even if it is just fellow students who have used them. Remember, none of us girls learned near here.”

“I remember, you told me that.”

“Oh, and another thing I was to tell you: Fiona was to ring her folks today, and inform them she was moving in with her boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? I am as little as that?”

Frances glared at him. “Reg! You are an idiot! She is breaking it to them gently; slowly and eventually informing them that she is going to be another wife in your expanded family.”

“That sounds like a good plan, Frances. In fact, it sounds like your idea.”

“It was. Now, shut up and let me concentrate on driving you back to our home, my man.”

Reg shut up and fastened his seat belt for the journey. Frances had already fastened hers as soon as she sat in the driving seat. He moved the carrier bag to the back seat for safe keeping, and they set off.

Once they got home, Frances called Freda, and handed her the carrier bag of documentation, with instructions to get it to her father for action.

Reg meanwhile sought out Fiona, to ask how she had got on with her phone call. She was in the kitchen, discussing meals with Prudence, but darted her head towards Reg as she heard his voice.

“How did it go, Fiona? Your call to your parents?”

She corrected him, “The call to my father and his wife, Reg, to be exact. Dad was very understanding when I told him I had a boyfriend, and was moving in with him.”

“A wise start, Fiona. What was said next?”

“My stepmother was also on the line, as Dad had it on speaker phone. She wanted to know about you, so I told her that you were everything that I had been looking for in a man, and that I had persuaded you to make me a woman.”

“Tricky point, there!” said Reg. “How did she take it?”

“Silly woman accused me of being a slut, flinging away my virginity just like that. Asked me how much I got for it!”

“Ouch. Underhand punch right at the start, eh?”

“Quite. I informed her that my virginity had been closely guarded for many years, and was not given away lightly. I added, ‘Daddy, you have confidence in my adult decisions, don’t you?’”

‘That is so, Fiona,’ said Dad. ‘You are already a university graduate, so you are certainly well educated and able to make decisions affecting your life.’

I liked that, as my stepmother doesn’t have any degree!”

Reg was tickled at that revelation. “So how did it end? Did you tell them more?”

“No, I decided to be careful in what I said for now, as advised by Frances. I simply informed my father that I would soon be giving up my apartment here, as I was sharing with you. I hinted that eventually we would be sharing costs, but didn’t say what costs, and then said goodbye. I didn’t even tell them your name, so my stepmother will be fuming. She has no way of investigating you without anything to go on,” Fiona giggled happily.

Reg frowned, and asked her, “Why should she want to investigate me?”

“Oh, that is how she is; a nosy parker. She can’t help being that way. I love keeping her out of the loop on everything I do.”

Reg was looking over at Frances as he replied, “I am very pleased at how you handled that call, Fiona. Can you have a chat with Frances before you tell them about the other girls and our Commitment? Frances will have further good advice on the subject.”

Frances caught the inference and nodded to Reg.

Fiona, not noticing, was in a bouncy mood. “Sure, I can do that, Reg. Your OTHER wives have been clueing me into how things operate here. I am sure I will fit in well with them. I just have to stop myself expecting to get hold of you any time I want you. We all have to share; it has been drilled into me.” She grinned at him expectantly and a little ferociously, as if preparing to pounce on him.

Reg smiled graciously. “I have very little say in the matter, Fiona. Frances has been appointed to be in charge of all arrangements for love-making, so make sure you keep on her good side!”

Fiona told him, “I am sure Frances and I will manage fine, Reg.”

Frances intervened, “We have Fiona’s accommodation sorted out here, Reg, so we will get her clothes and such transferred from her current apartment shortly. She has been learning who does what in this house, and she has elected to participate in food preparation and purchasing.”

Reg raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that an area where Carol and Holly will be taking over, dear?”

“Yes, but they are not here yet, so we still have to work on what IS, and not on what WILL be. All of us will have a discussion with the twins when they arrive, and work out what, if anything, they want us to do to help them. Just leave it to us girls, Reg. We know what we are doing.”

Reg suddenly felt stupid.

“Okay, I’ll leave it with you, my darling, but let me know if I can contribute with awkward tasks such as window-washing, or moving furniture for cleaning underneath.”

The next few days were busy ones for the entire family. They finally had time to admire each other’s Christmas gifts they had received on their travels, and later phone their parents to tell them what clever choices they had made. Carol and Holly starting phoning Frances with updates on their company induction course, and hinting about what they wanted to do when they joined the Robertson household.

Frances gave them advance warning of Fiona’s presence. At first they were annoyed, but when Frances asked them to explain what it was that annoyed them about someone they didn’t know, they had difficulty admitting it was selfishness on their own part.

Frances went on, telling the twins, “Girls, don’t imagine that everything here is going to be a bed of roses. Reg was sort of pushed into everything, you know, though he enjoys the results. There are bound to be people who will object to us; including women who imagine that we were somehow brainwashed into wanting to be wives in this day and age. We could have just lived together, and ignored what people might say, but all of us felt we needed to have some outward sign of the significance of our household, and especially its significance for us as a family.

Same as Reginald's Family
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Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

1 year ago
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Rite Of Passage Kelly And Her Grandfather

Kristin prepared her daughter Kelly to continue their family's tradition. They had many chats about it. At eighteen, a daughter would join her father in bed for her first sexual experience.When the time came, Kelly happily gave her virginity to him. She joined the ranks of many women in the family before her. Afterward, she told her mother, "I want to do it again every night!" It awakened a high sexual drive in her.Unfortunately, Kelly's father wouldn't be able to do it so often. She also...

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Teen Love Part 1

Ding dong! The doorbell rang when I was downstairs. I knew my sister would answer the door. Sarah, my sisters friend was coming over for a sleepover. Our families were very close and she was constantly over at our house. I got off the couch and went upstairs to find my sister at the door letting Sarah inside. Man she was hot! She was very short and skinny, only 95 pounds. She had beautiful tan skin, small breasts, and perky little ass. Sarah had dark brown eyes and even darker hair....

3 years ago
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Making Decisions Pt 02

Chapter 3: Waiting for the right girl to come along. I was sitting on the porch at my dad’s one morning and I saw that cute gal Kim ride by, she waved and honk the horn. Dad hadn’t come out yet so I waved back at her as she drove by. A few seconds later I heard a big bang, almost like a gunshot. I hurried to the road and saw Kim’s car pulled over to the side. I headed towards it, it was only about a hundred yards down the road. As I approached the car I saw her for the first time. She was...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 32 Youre What

September – Year 1 We went down to the kitchen, I made Erin and Lynn some muffins and coffee and then it was time for Lynn to head out to the foundation office. She was so lucky to be able to set her own hours. We talked about the duties of the day and what Lynn wanted me to take out for dinner, she stood after she finished her meal and walked to the front door. With her purse in one hand and a sweater in the other, Lynn turned for her kiss. I took her in my arms and gave her a kiss with...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 28 Destination Camp

As Jessie’s mother was getting ready to indulge in her naked housework romp Jessie was heading off down the road in the back seat of Mr Erikson’s car with Mr Erikson’s son, Bjorn, sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Nobody said much for the the first few minutes of the ride then Jessie learned forward between the two men in front of her and asked, “So come on guys, what’s the go with all the secret squirrel stuff about this Music Retreat? It is just a Music Retreat, right?” Bjorn and...

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The Girl from JuarezChapter 4

Back home, I took the trailer directly to my cargo's destination dock, had it unloaded, and headed for home. Margarita again took refuge in the sleeper compartment. Her presence in the truck wouldn't have been so remarkable as to draw the attention of the truck terminal's crew, but Margarita and I were both still behaving with some caution. At the house, I parked the rig and called the girl out. We went directly to the house, where I unlocked the door and showed her inside. "You have a...

2 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons04 Searching For Additional Allies

Phil was on his way out the door when his cellphone rang. “Crap! Who’s calling my private line this time of day?” Mizo and Slavsin found this hilarious, chortling. Tristan had other ideas. “Please, you’re better than that. You need to practice expressing yourself since you need to convince so many in the coming weeks.” “You’re right, I should behave better, damn it!” That set Mizo and Slavsin off again, but before Tristan could respond, Phil answered his phone. “Hello, Phil...

3 years ago
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Met Through a Swing Club III

Met Through a Swing Club III irishmik60 The morning arose with the 4 of us tangled in a naked jumble. Jim laid sprawled on his back snoring. Mary between he and I, her head on his chest, arm across his waist. me, my arm was across Mary, hand on her tit, shrunken cock laid at Mary’s ass cheeks, dried cock and pussy juices on it. Phyllis, the only one that hadn’t had fun with us last night was spooned against mt back, right hand on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully. Feeling a need to pee, I...

4 years ago
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I Wake Up

I wake up. I feel the rough texture of the rope around my wrists. I pull my arms into me, but they just get squeezed tighter by the rope. I realize how cold I am. I open my eyes, but I still cannot see. I am blindfolded. I go to pull my legs together, but they too are tied…away from each other. The cold air on my body sends chills all over me. I feel the air on my stomach, on my nipples, on my arms and legs, even between my thighs. I suddenly get scared. Afraid of my body being so...

2 years ago
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RolyPoly Jessi

Roly-Poly JessiThe wholesome teen slid a slender dildo into her pussy with one chubby hand. Her roly-poly body jiggled and shook as she stroked; sending the dildo in and out. The other hand was behind her rounded bottom with one of her fingers deep in her hungry ass. She moaned and groaned… interrupted by several short bursts of giggling. She peeked at her laptop; her secret boyfriend was watching intently, eyes wide.She opened her chubby thighs so her neighbor could see her better. She...

3 years ago
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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 10

Three weeks pass. You and Danielle haven’t talked to each other, except for the usual ‘morning’ when entering the classroom. Kim has bothered you a lot by sitting next to you and trying to get your attention. You’ve told her that you’re not interested, but she keeps coming back to you. It’s only a week until school’s over and the summer break starts. You’re not going on vacation, so you hope that you and your friends can hang out a lot. It’s Monday and the teachers are preparing you for the...

Straight Sex
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Chance Meeting In My City Part Three

Well we had our showers, though we took it in turns this time, cos I think Emily took the assumption that I was pretty whacked out after cumming a second time. What I'd not realised was that the girls were probably spending some time with themselves, either that or having a little chat to form a concerted opinion of me between them and maybe had another plan in mind......When done, I hopped in myself so I could have a good freshen up and be alone with my thoughts. I really wanted to (scuse pun)...

4 years ago
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my butch hancock story kinda filthy but saving

lol when i first lost my virginity it was so cool. my cousin and b*o set it up all for me. it was one night in oshkosh wisconsin i went up to my cousin apartment and we were all chillin smoking and drinking and it was this thick redbone from millwakue wisconsin- boi was she thick. anyway everybody leave the room and we're talking. She say, "let's see what you tawking about" and im like, "aight" so she say, "let's go in the room" and im like, "ight" so knwing us we go in the room and start...

3 years ago
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My Dream Sexy Relative Aunty

My aunty have almost perfect figure with good assets. Everyone want such type of body for sex. She is wife my uncle (bro of my mom). Knew my aunty frm my childhood as she is a relative to my father. My uncle n aunty got married n started their merge life near my house n at tht i was studing +1. After a yr my aunty gave birth to baby girl. My uncle is a cashier in a pvt bank so he use 2 go daily at 8 r 8.30. Daily after clge i use 2 go her home n play with kid n enjoying by cing her body. One...

1 year ago
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bRachel and Stephanie part 5 Downpourb

Best to read for first 4 parts before this one.We enjoy the rain and each other.Soaking WetStill carrying Stephanie, and with my hardness pressing into her, we passed through the bushes and onto the large expanse of neatly mown lawn. We were exposed, for the first time, to the full force of the rain. It really was a torrent, up the tree we had been protected by the canopy and when we had reached the ground in the bushes very little rain had got through to us. Now out in the open we had no...

2 years ago
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just fucked

Just left a bomb party with a celeb party. Fucked this guy in the bathroom. His wife was outside. Made him cum back to back with my fat wet juicy sloppy pussy. He said his wife has never made him do that. I sucked his dick while stroking it with my tougue as I rubbed his balls. I then began to suck his balls while jacking him off. He panted and panted as I licked his balls. What white balls he had...hahaha.. he said he always wanted a black bitch.. my mouth got juicy when he said that. Made...

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The Reader With Desires

Hey, Fellas, Hope all are well, and enjoying the world of sex n relationships. So, today again I am here to share one of my experience which happened in Pune in this sex story. I’ll wait for your valuable feedbacks. Please take out a minute from your precious time to write me on So, here we go: This happened in January 2017, one fine morning, I woke up and saw my mobile screen which displayed a notification sent you an email. I opened the email and it says “Hi Vicky, I like your sex story on...

4 years ago
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Wheres My Article Part II

Siobhan ran up to the nearest elevator, only to find out that it was 'out of order'. She sighed heavily and took off her yellow stilettos. She flung them into her bag and took off up the stairs. She was only on the second floor when she became out of breath. As she was about to approach another flight of stairs, she heard a different elevator open its door. She quickly shouted to the old man in the elevator to keep the door open. Siobhan picked up her bags and legged it into the elevator. She...

Straight Sex
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Dream Girl a Campus Tail Story

Kelli stirred and blinked slowly. It was still very dark in the bedroom. Ryan was behind her, still sleeping. She realized what had woke her as she heard Ryan mumbling in his sleep, and felt his hips move. Ryan was apparently having a very sexy dream, as his large cock was moving between her hips. They slept naked, so there was nothing to hinder his movement. Kelli parted her legs slightly, and felt his cock rubbing her slit as he move. It seemed he had already been rubbing against her, as she...

1 year ago
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The Bet

You landed a great girlfriend when Jess came around. Not only was she a complete knockout, standing just about five-five, slender, with 34B breasts (you've bought her enough lingerie to know) and amazing legs. She works out fanatically, constantly asking you about her ass and if she looks fat. She has never once looked fat. Not only for looks, though, is your girlfriend a great catch. She also loves sports, especially football. Sunday, when most guys send their significant others away, you and...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 57 Ameacuterica del Sur Parte I

October 8, 2000, Dallas, Texas “Paola Soto López,” she said when I sat back down. “Steve Adams.” I replied. “Traveling on business?” “Yes. You?” “Heading home from a business trip,” she replied. “What do you do?” “I run a computer company in Chicago. What do you do?” “I’m a fashion buyer for a company in Bogotá. I was in New York for two weeks.” “Do you know a designer named Elena Altieri?” “Yes! She’s wonderful! You know her?” “She’s a good friend,” I replied. “I haven’t seen her...

1 year ago
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TamaraA Sexual Bitch

The first time she truly showed her colors was in the 7th grade, she had to sit at my table along with 3 other guys. Well we all became victims of her teasing, i was called a scrub, loser and that i should crawl in a hole somewhere. The other guy who will remain anyomous tried to kill himself after she had called a dirty piece of shit. I remember hearing about it the next day, however she did not seem to care and was heard saying, "let him kill himself, one less scrub left in the...

4 years ago
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Discipline Correspondant

The Discipline Correspondence School. The Submissive woman after searching the internet located an interesting site. She could not believe her eyes, it was exactly what she was looking for discipline orientated site that would actually tailor its levels to the Sub. Eagerly she joined and filled out her Submissive questionnaire. The next few hours were exquisite torture for her, what would be her first lesson. And would she be able to complete the tasks, if not what would they demand as...

2 years ago
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What she cant get at home 7

So i was eagerly walking to my front door, because a few days earlier i had received a message from Poppy, the young hot slim brunette Bi, in a lesbian relationship with her hot blonde girlfriend Maisey, that they were keen to meet up with me again, and this was them just arriving.I quickly opened the door and was greeted by Poppy grinning excitedly at me, with her bushy brown hair up in pigtails again, wearing a yellow t-shirt, blue jean dungarees and red boots."Hi!" she said warmly before...

4 years ago
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Suite Life Twintest II

"Good morning, Cody," his mother, Carey said, when she noticed he was up. "Morning, mom," Cody replied, "what's for breakfast?" "I'm making you guys some pancakes," she answered, "They should be done in a few minutes." Cody liked pancakes and without complaining sat on the couch, which doubled as his mother's bed, and turned on the t.v. Once he found his favorite show, he let his thoughts drift off to what happened the night before. He had woken up with Zack's hand on...

4 years ago
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Coke WhoreChapter 2

It was a watershed moment for Nancy. The following week, when Dave Segrove acted as if nothing had occurred, she was fairly perky. After the meeting, she volunteered to help him clean up, and he took her to the diner for a cup of coffee. They began to settle into a routine of the meeting and coffee afterwards. After a couple of months, Nancy decided to take a chance. “Um, Dave, uh, we’re friends, right?” she asked tentatively. “Yeah,” he replied. It was a curious question, he...

1 year ago
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Anal Virgins

The summer was drawing to a close; long, balmy nights were growing shorter and sweaters began to feature in the costumes of the young and cool. Kate sat alone at the top of a small hill, watching the sunset and waiting for her boyfriend, Ben to arrive. One by one, the stars began to prickle through the hazy sky, peppering Kate's view with constellations she didn't understand, but loved all the same.Kate and Ben had only met three months earlier, and has been going steady ever since. Kate adored...

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I remember an incident a couple of years ago with my mistress’s first and previous bull like it was yesterday so acute was the humiliation. My mistress had been seeing him for a couple of months. Every Tuesday he would come round to our house to fuck her and sometimes they would go out together at the weekend to a club or for a meal. His name was Geoff. He had a thick cock about seven inches long but more striking was the fact that he had really large balls and was a very heavy cummer. His cum...

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Me Fucking And Satisfying You

Hi unsatisfied ladies, I know you’re unsatisfied because only unsatisfied women open this site so that they could pleasure themselves by reading stories. I’m Krish from Bangalore and yes…. I’ve decided to become a paid hustler (male escort). I am 5’10 inches tall,fair in color. So any women is sex deprived or unsatisfied, Mail me : Satisfaction guaranteed and pay me only if you are satisfied with my service (You know what I mean). You can fulfill all your lust and sexual desires with...

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Bhavika Hit Me Down

Hello Guys and beautiful Girls, Recently I started reading ISS and found many interesting stories. Some are really awesome. I started liking stories here very much. As all are sharing their experience here, I also thought to write about my experience. So I created email id () to post the story here. This is my first story and may be the last as am not sure in future whether I come across such incident or not. So without making you bored, let me start the story. This is between me (Chintan) and...

4 years ago
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28 November 2006Chapter 2

Angie wanted him now, and caressing his cock guided it to her hungry pussy. The head easily entered her wet hole, and she sighed as he began to fuck her. Dan savoured every inch that his cock sank deeper into her pussy. You get only one, first time, and he was going to make the most of it. “After all these months of waiting, I finally have you fucking me!” She moaned, kissing him. Angie’s legs locked her lover in place, and they gripped each other tightly. Her hands smoothed up and down his...

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I was a good girl. Before I turned eighteen I had never been kissed, never had sex. I was a virgin. Not long after my seventeenth birthday, I met a guy. His name was Ellis. He worked as a mechanic. He was amazing, he was tall, broad shouldered and had a great toned body. He had light brown hair and gorgeous big blue eyes. The two things that I liked most about him were his smile and his voice. Whenever he smiled, it sent chills down my spine and when he spoke to me, I melted. After six months...

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My New Job Continuation to the Barbecue

Introduction: Youre gonna be my little fuck toy from now on Since it was the summer, I was off from school and my parents were still working. They told me they would like me to make some money for myself but I was having trouble finding a job. Then one day while having another barbecue with the neighbours, Bill suggested to my parents that I could work for him during the day. I was never really sure what Bill did for work but my parents agreed to it since they knew him and trusted him. I,...

3 years ago
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Change of Faith

Father Felix O’Bannen’s face stung from the blow just delivered to it. He winced in pain and tried to shy away from his attacker, but was held by the coarse ropes that bound him to the rough, wooden chair. ‘Where is the damn map?’ O’Bannen’s attacker, a medium-sized, trim man with perfectly combed hair and a hawk face demanded calmly in his clear voice. O’Bannen simply stared up at him in silence, inwardly praying that his ordeal would soon be over. ‘Fucking bastard!’ roared the other man as...

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Seductive Sheetal

Hi to all the Indian Sex Stories readers out there. This is Dev Joshi back again with another hot story of mine. First of all thanks to you all for your overwhelming response to my previous sex story. Your appreciation and encouragement have got all my courage gathered for my second sex story here. Hold your dicks and pussies and get ready. For all those who are new, let me give a brief intro: I am Dev, living in the Capital City (Dil walo ki Dilli). I am currently employed in an MNC and 27...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 108

Crow Ridge September 1, 1896 “Come on in, Ezra. Your dad and I wanted to talk to you before you head back to Crow Valley,” Rose told her son. Jefferson was sitting up in bed with the covers pulled to his waist. “Dad, are you feeling any better?” Ezra asked as he walked over to sit at his bedside and lay his hand on top Jefferson’s right hand. “I feel better today, Son. This has actually been one of my better days in the past few months. “Dad, I suppose I’ve always taken for granted that...

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Something About Pinay Mary Chapter 3

I had been fucking Pinay Mary for a few months and the more I fucked her the more she wanted it and the wilder she got. It seems when a Pinay at any age starts getting dicked good it messes with their sex drive and Pinay Mary was in sexual overdrive it seems with a desire for more. I must admit it was fun getting daily text pictures of her shaving her pussy or fucking her self with dildos. One picture had a large red "rabbit" type slammed all the way in her fuck box and a smaller blue one...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Illusory PassionChapter 4 The Shamanrsquos Threesome

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Thrak – The Golden Hunger, The Nimborgoth “You don’t need her,” Thyrna purred into my ear, her naked body drapped against mine. Round breasts and hard nipples, the right pierced by a magic nullifying ring which perplexed Faoril. Hot cunt ground on my muscular thigh. We lay on her bed in her dim cabin aboard the Golden Hunger. “She’s so weak.” The “she” was Faoril, my lover, sleeping on my other side, her flushed body cradled in my arm. She looked...

4 years ago
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First time pussy eating Pt 1

Since when i was a teen,i had read lots of magazines & novels about pussy eating but no guy had ever done it to me...i knew it would feel great but it was greater than whatever i had imagined.At the time,my friends & family had been complaining about my weight so i decided to register with the school gym.On this particular day,i had on a figure-hugging black top with equally fitting sky blue jeans,by the way,just to tell u guys about how i look,my jeans & top sizes are 2 dress sizes...

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Hockey Sticks and Roses

Without question, the hardest thing I ever had to do as a mother was to tell my son that his father and I were getting a divorce because I was a lesbian. On the surface, we were a typical well-off middle-class suburban family. Josh's father and I had good careers; he was a marine draftsman, and I was a nurse. Josh was a typical boy for his time and place. He lived and breathed hockey, and sometimes it seemed little else interested him. We lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, my...

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My hotwife at the nightclub

This is the story about how our relationship took a turn down the road of hotwifing. This is completely true! My wife and I have been married for 10 years. Everything about our relationship has been conventional up to this point. k**s, jobs, a monotnous sex life, you know the routine. We had talked about fantasies involving other men and women in our bed, but that was the extent of it. My wife Mandi is a total hottie! She always turns heads wherever we go. She is an attention whore, and...

2 years ago
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Departing From Milan

DEPARTING FROM MILAN By Monica Graz PART 1 I was dressed in a quite simple manner when Conchita took me out to meet her Filipino friends that warm Sunday afternoon. It has been the first time I wasn't wearing my maid's uniform since I arrived in Signora's house two months ago; the fist day I had the chance to go out as a 'normal person'. Since I had no other clothes except my maid's uniforms, Conchita gave me an outfit to wear and I was dressed following her instructions....

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