Sparky's DadChapter 14: Unbuyable free porn video

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Minutes after she got to the dining room, Mrs. Grant served hot cream-of-tomato soup. The rest of lunch was cold-roast beef sandwiches on either rye or whole-wheat bread. The condiments offered were catsup, mustard, and relish. You could build your sandwich with lettuce leaves and slices of onions, tomatoes, or pickles. The condiments and the pickle slices were served in their original containers -- a far cry from the formal servings of Barnes dinners. Eric, to her shudders, slathered a sandwich with mustard and piled on tomato and lettuce. That was desecration of the excellent roast beef.

She took one very thin slice of onion between two slices of roast beef with rye bread. When she put lettuce and tomato on her plate to eat separately, Mrs. Grant went to the kitchen for bottled salad dressing.

“Delicious,” she said after her second sandwich.

“Thank you, doctor. Do you want more soup?”

“No, but I would like more coffee.” She got it.

She asked for some privacy to make a phone call. Eric directed her to the computer room through the library. There were three padded rocking chairs not in front of any screen, odd furniture for a computer room. She sat in one of them. She punched in Karen’s number.

“Diane! And in daylight, too.”

“Yeah,” she said. “They give us two days off every two months. How’s the baby coming?”

“The usual way, but not -- knock wood -- for twelve weeks yet.” After that, though, Karen filled her in on the details of her pregnancy. She ended up with: “And your guy? Seen him recently?”

“Minutes before I made the phone call.”

“What’s he like?” Karen asked. Karen was always curious about people.

“Sweet. Tall enough to justify heels. Fit, though he’s a decade older than I am. With a good sense of humor, self-deprecating, generous, careful, successful. Norman’s picture of a gold-digger couldn’t be more wrong.”

“Good in bed?”

“Great in bed,” she told Karen. “Guy could have written the Kama Sutra. He is, though, awfully possessive.”

“Yeah, guys are. Fun, though, isn’t it?” No, it wasn’t. She was afraid of being swallowed up in Eric. And Norman? At least Eric was an expansive personality. There was room inside his personality. Well, Norman was one subject on which she and Karen would never agree.

“And tell Anne that he liked the nightie.”

“That’s why you’re calling now?” Karen asked. “He liked it so much that he kept you tied up since Christmas?”

“No, silly. Eric would never do that. He drives me to the hospital before dawn. The hospital, on the other hand, never hesitates about tying me up.”

“Eric, is it? Are we ever going to hear a last name?”

“Not when I’m afraid Norm and Greg will find out,” she said. “Give my regards to Anne. How’re the books coming?” Karen wrote a series of erotic mysteries. Dahlia Taggart was a professional Karate instructor and amateur detective in Minneapolis. Karen filled her in on the latest one. They were not selling well, and the publisher had cut back to only electronic format. Karen, however, enjoyed writing them, and Norm didn’t mind at all that her contribution to the family income was less than her clothes budget. Karen reveled in the sort of relationship that Diane feared.

Her sisters in law were both fine, intelligent women. If women such as that could marry such flawed men as Greg and, especially, Norm, she was afraid of the power of hormones, especially her hormones.

For the last hour, for example, she’d been thinking that Eric had shown that he could change. When she first saw him with Valerie, he’d been handling Valerie’s bedtimes as though she were an infant. He’d seen the bedtime tantrums as simply Valerie’s character. When she had shown him a better way, he had allowed it because it was best for Valerie. Now, if he could treat her the same way, allow her some freedom because it was best for her, would marriage to him be so bad?

Was that her reason talking? Or was it the hormones of a woman who had gone through more orgasms since she’d entered the house Saturday night than she had gone through in any month of her previous life? Almost a Dahlia Taggart count of orgasms. Well, she wasn’t going to make that sort of decision now. She would wait until she was in the relative safety of her room in the hospital. She went to find Eric.

“Made your calls?” he asked.

“Yeah. What’s next?”

“I’m going to pick up Sparky soon. Want to come along?”

“I don’t think I should,” she said. “How secret am I from Valerie, anyway?”

“Well, Laura’s sister stays here occasionally. Sparky is used to visitors like Sharon. The less we keep secret, the less she can discover. What we do in that room is, of course, off-limits to a first grader. In most first-graders’ homes, however, mommy and daddy share a bed, and they don’t usually inquire further.”

“I used to worry whether Valerie had been acquainted with your string of mistresses, and what she would think a decade later when she figured that out.”

“And now you know,” he said. “The string is remarkably short.”

Diane felt that the problem was merely delayed. And she had compounded the complications. She’d given Valerie a view of an adult woman’s fully naked body partly because she felt that Valerie needed that picture. In another decade, though, Valerie would remember that, would probably remember that she had put on her bathrobe after the shower. The longer she stayed around, the more clues she was leaving and the more Valerie would remember. If she continued the affair past June, would she start sharing breakfasts with Eric and Valerie?

Would she continue the affair past June? Well, June seemed so far away. She was only on her third disk of the Pill. On the other hand, she couldn’t picture ending it. She loved Eric, damn it. She loved Valerie in an entirely different way. She certainly liked Mrs. Grant. Still, living with the man would be like living under a ton of feather beds. And that thought was with his recent exploits still playing on her hormones.

Eric drove over to the school to pick up Sparky. As he went, he thought that Diane was borrowing trouble worrying about what Sparky saw. By the time Sparky was old enough to think about sex and connect the dots, Diane and he would be long married.

Then the real, six year old, Sparky was at the car instead of the adolescent one he’d been imagining. She was full of news, most of it about which girls had been nice and which mean.

“And lessons?” he asked. “What did you learn in class?”

“We read the storybook. They read so slowly.”

After dinner, they had a three-way game of Uno.

Diane had a proposition for Valerie, when her bedtime got near.

“I’m going to be gone for the next three days,” Diane said. “Are you going to miss me?”

“Yes. I like you, Doctor.”

“Well, I like you, too, Valerie. I would like to read you the story tonight, and kiss you good bye. I’ve promised, though, that I won’t do that when you misbehave. You wouldn’t want me to break my promise, would you?”

“Well...” Valerie clearly would want her to break that promise.

“That’s okay, Valerie. You might want me to break my promises, or, at least, you might want me to break some of them. But I don’t like to break promises. So, I’m not going to break that one. If you don’t act like a good girl, I won’t get to read you the story and kiss you good night. In about five minutes, it will be time for you to get ready for bed. Why don’t you put away the cards now and go up like a good girl? Then I’ll read the story and kiss you good night.” Sparky thought about it.

“Okay,” Sparky said. She gathered up the cards. They went upstairs together. By this time, Madeleine was with them. Diane took the nightclothes from Madeleine and handed them to Sparky.

“When you’ve done everything else,” Diane said, “and are ready to brush your teeth, open the door.” When Sparky did, Diane asked. “Have you washed your hands?”

“Yeah.” Sparky pushed her hands forward, but Diane ignored them. She got the brush and toothpaste down from Sparky’s medicine cabinet and handed them to Sparky. When the brushing was done, Diane rinsed off the brush and put it and the toothpaste away.

“Now, Valerie, your Daddy likes to carry you to bed. Will you let him?” Sparky reached up her arms and he carried her to her bed and tucked her in. He gave her a little kiss on the forehead. Diane read her a book.

“This is good night,” Diane said. She kissed Sparky, and Sparky was even more demonstrative than ever in returning it. “And this is good bye for four more days. Valerie, I’m going to miss you.”

“Me, too,” said Sparky. Then Diane bent down for another enthusiastic kiss. When Sparky let go, Diane turned and went out of the room.

Eric gave Sparky a kiss and then went to his dressing room. He shaved before going into the bedroom, but they both entered at the same time.

“You are so good with her,” he said.

“Well, the other guy’s problems are always easier.”

“But you deal with her. Sure, it would be easier to tell me how to solve my problem. Any idiot can suggest what you should have done. But, instead, you do something to deal with the problem. I think she worships you.” He took off his robe and hung it up.

“I’m new in her experience,” Diane said. “She enjoys telling me things that are new to me. If I keep coming here, she’ll get bored with me.” She took off her robe to reveal the sexy nightgown.

“I’d love to put that to an experiment,” he said. What with the recent workout, his erection was just beginning.

“Would you take off your glasses if I asked you to?” He took them off. “You’re sweet.” She took off her nightie and got into bed. He joined her. “You know, you’re good at obeying short-term limits.”

“No.” he said. “I’m good at obeying you. Obedience wasn’t one of my virtues back in the day when I was an employee.”

“Did you obey Laura?”

“Obedience didn’t really enter into it. We reached agreements. We didn’t enter each other’s dressing rooms, for example. That was an agreement. If she had forbidden me her dressing room, that would have been an order. Every once in a while, she had to enter mine to select my outfit. Each time was a specific exception. I don’t think that there was one agreement that she proposed and wanted very seriously that I refused. She was like you on nudity.”

“How?” Diane asked.

“It was something a modest woman didn’t allow her husband to see, but it was all right that her husband wanted to ogle her and no great shame if he succeeded.”

“Well, we’re not married.”

“You keep reminding me,” he said. “My words don’t apply. I think the situations are similar. If some stranger or some casual acquaintance tried to get the glimpses of you that I do, would it offend you?”

“Of course.”

“So, I have some kind of license if not a marriage license.”

Diane threw back the sheet. “Look your fill,” she said. He leaned forward instead of putting on his glasses.

“You’re beautiful, but I couldn’t get my fill before you have to be at the hospital.” At his words, she drew the sheet over her.

“Is this what marriage is like? Lying together in bed and talking about things.”

“A little,” Eric said. “Of course, when there are just two of you, you don’t restrict it so much to the bedroom. We trusted Madeleine, but some things you don’t discuss in front of others. Would you have talked about nudity that way in front of her? Then, too, children put a real squelch on conversation. Val was not yet three when Laura died, so we had barely experienced that power. She did, however, have the embarrassing habit of repeating individual words. Then, too, we’re not only in the only room in the house where we can’t be overheard.” She looked at him inquiringly.

“I expect to have sex soon,” Eric continued. “Don’t you? So lying in bed before having sex and lying in bed after having sex lead to certain subjects of conversation. We really haven’t had the latter. It’s one of the luxuries I expect for July.” He really thought that they would last that long. Well, maybe they would. She couldn’t picture leaving him. She couldn’t picture living with him, either.

“But for now,” she said. She leaned over to kiss him. She explored his mouth, for once, before she fell back. As though she were pulling him on a string, he went up on his elbow and kissed her thoroughly.

The kiss on the mouth led to his kisses on her breasts. Those led, slowly, with many steps in between, to his kisses on her vulva. Her clitoris was still extra-sensitive, but this only seemed to increase the speed at which the heat gathered. The flame consumed her, but it left her wanting more.

“More,” she said. “You.”

“Yes.” And he was yes over her, and he was yes entering her, and he was yes filling her. He kissed her mouth briefly; then he watched from inches away as he filled her, emptied her, filled her again. He watched the heat spread from her groin to her face. The sparks flew from his eyes that ignited her.

She flared, she writhed, and she groaned. Through it all, he kept filling her and emptying her at a metronomic pace.

“Oh, Diane,” he said, “I can’t.” He could, though. He could drive into her. He could slide out of her. He could bring the heat again, more fierce heat than ever. He could, finally, driving into her more rapidly than before, inflame her again.

“Diane,” he cried as she writhed. He thrust her into the mattress so hard she slid towards the head of the bed. She could feel his pulses within hers. Then she didn’t feel anything at all.

When she awoke, he was moving her into his embrace. She tried to help, but he seemed to do all the work. Then he slapped the headboard, and the light went out.

When next she awoke, the radio was playing. She got through her shower, took her pill and put her contacts in. She dressed and tossed her robe and nightie in the hamper. Before she came back here again, all the clothes would be clean. Downstairs, Eric seemed in a somber mood at breakfast. Well, she wasn’t so chipper, herself.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he said when they were on their way. “I really couldn’t control myself then.” She thought back.

“Eric, when you’re in the middle of intercourse, I don’t really expect you to control yourself. I didn’t exactly say stop, either.”

“Well, I had promised to stop at your second orgasm. That really isn’t a problem you can expect very often. It’s just that I had come so recently. Clearly, that isn’t going to happen when you spend days in the hospital. Actually, we might have other problems come July.”

“Okay. You didn’t keep that promise, and I expected you to keep that promise,” she said. “On the other hand, you didn’t sneakily try to extend our sex time. Look, that’s what I worry about. This is something which can happen.”

“You’re sweet.”

“I’m a realist. Your level of control is what scares me. When you lose control I’m not so scared. Besides, I’ll probably have an easy day with all the sleep I had night-before-last if not last night.”

“Still saying four days?” Eric asked.

“Well, three and a half days. Think of it as three days, if it makes you feel better.” Eric was silent after that, and he kept his hands on the wheel while she kissed him good bye. For the next twelve hours, she was an infectious-disease resident. She started thinking of Eric again when she was eating supper.

The guy could change. Sometimes, her picture of his relationship with Valerie was that he was gripping her with both hands like talons. Then someone pulled the fingers off one at a time until Valerie could move. Really, though, it was Eric who removed those fingers. It was just a struggle for him to do so.

With her, she was the one to remove the fingers. Not literally; she liked his hands on her. She was less happy with his hands on her life. Could he learn to let go? How long could he keep his hands down before she had to rap his knuckles again? Did she have the energy to rap his knuckles again and again?

Going upstairs and preparing for bed, she wondered whether that would be a marriage. Was her problem not that she didn’t like Eric’s incursions but that she didn’t want the closeness that was marriage? She didn’t think that her parents made any significant purchases without consulting each other. Could she live like that? Of course, Mom, sweet as she had been and smart as she had been, had lived in Dad’s shadow. He ran Thibault Mills; Mom ran a household. He hadn’t seemed to consult her on business decisions.

Well, Eric, possessive as he was, hadn’t questioned a medical decision, hadn’t even mentioned a medical decision beyond listening politely to her reports on her activities, since Valerie’s hospitalization. The treatment of Valerie had hardly been intrusion into her life. There was a reason he had to sign those permission papers.

And there was parenthood, too. If she were afraid not only of marriage to Eric but of marriage per se, then she was not going to be a mother. She had never made that decision, though every step she made in her profession closed one more door. She certainly wouldn’t marry anyone, let alone Eric, simply because she wanted to have children.

But she wasn’t considering marriage with Eric because she wanted children. She wanted marriage with Eric -- she wanted Eric, to put it simply. The problem was that she wanted other things that would be incompatible with marriage to Eric. Did ‘a life’ qualify as ‘other things’? On the other hand, what kind of life would it be without Eric?

What it came down to was that marriage to somebody else might have advantages over marriage to Eric, in the sense of having more elbow room. But she didn’t want to marry somebody else. Then, too, she pictured marrying somebody like Ted. Could she tell that person the sequence that an earlier lover had followed to bring her to multiple orgasms? She shouldn’t marry for sex. On the other hand, why give your spouse a monopoly on sex if you didn’t consider sex an important part of marriage?

Most fights between married couples were over sex and money. Well, she’d fight Eric over money, but the arguments -- she would take any odds -- would be a far cry from most other couple’s fights. “No, dear, you may not pay for repairing my car.” For that matter, her boundary efforts about sex -- they hadn’t really been fights or even arguments; when she articulated rules, he followed those rules -- had been about limiting how much he could give her.

So, all couples had fights. If she married Eric, they would just have other fights. She couldn’t believe it; she was actually considering marrying this guy! Well, she kept hearing about women worrying that their husbands might lose interest. She might end up praying for that. What would be ideal is for him to lose all interest but sexual interest. Somebody who remained sexually faithful to a dead spouse for four years can hardly be said to have a roving eye. That, however, was a faint hope. Eric wanted to protect her. He had confessed to “hovering” while Laura nursed. Whatever Laura went through, up to the accident, she could expect to go through, and worse. Every time he backed off, remembering that he had backed off for Laura, he would then remember that he had lost Laura.

On the other hand, she could tell Eric to back off. He might not back off for long enough, but he wouldn’t get all huffy about it like Greg or Norm would.

Okay, if Eric would agree to give her space, she would agree to marry him. She couldn’t count on that agreement being self-enforcing, but she would have a reference point for shoving him back. The problem was that she had told him that he shouldn’t propose again. Not that this would stop him for long, but his proposing against her orders and her accepting would establish a bad precedent. She thought for a moment and checked the time. She winced; she was already cutting into necessary sleep time. She called anyway.

“Love you,” he answered. That presumably meant that he was alone.

“Look, we’re not an ordinary couple. You, at least, are quite extraordinary.”

“And you are both extraordinarily beautiful and extraordinarily intelligent.”

“Well, anyway,” she said, “when you proposed it was in bed, which is a good sort of place for ordinary couples. For us, however, it would be wrong. If you ever want to ask that question again, ask it on one of our phone calls, a call which I have made.” He wasn’t supposed to make any calls, and this was as good a time to remind him as any.


“Good night, Eric. I love you.” And she shut the phone. Now let him work that out.

Eric wasn’t long in working it out. She was permitting him to propose again, if only in limited circumstances. Well, that hardly sounded like she was expecting to refuse him again. It wasn’t the sort of proposal which should come with a ring -- a ring tone, maybe -- and Laura had wanted to select her own ring. Well, just in case, he should have enough cash on hand to buy a ring. He e-mailed his mutual fund in New York to cash out half a million in the bond fund and half a million in the stock fund. He wanted them to send the money to his bank via ETF. They would honor an e-mail request if the money was to be sent to his bank.

They wouldn’t send the money until the end of business the next day, but that was the end of business in New York. That was about two in San Francisco. He left a note for Madeleine to have the materials together for a celebratory meal on Friday, just in case. Then he went to bed to dream of a wedding night with Diane.

The next day, he asked Murphy what the highest quality jewelry store in San Francisco was -- “You know, the local version of Cartier’s.”

“Boss, there is a Cartier’s in San Francisco,” she responded. That’s what made Murphy so useful. She could find out anything.

That night, though, Diane didn’t call. He went to bed grumpy and woke up worse. Sparky’s mood at breakfast matched his. Work not only went slowly, it went badly. Not even Murphy was cheerful around him. Supper was a remarkably gloomy meal, and Sparky absolutely refused to eat her vegetables. She, who had showered all by herself Tuesday night, wouldn’t even walk up the stairs at bedtime. He held her while Madeleine stripped her and drew the bath. Then they both put her in the tub.

Diane’s news had been so startling Tuesday, that he hadn’t had time to report Sparky’s good behavior. Well, it hadn’t lasted long enough to report. Was Diane going to tease him this way? He could propose, but only when she called, and she wasn’t going to call. Then, when he was deepest in the slough of despond, he heard her ring tone.

“I love you,” he answered.

“I love you too.”

“You do? Do you love me enough to marry me?” Damn! That wasn’t the proposal he’d planned out.

“There are conditions,” Diane said.

“I’ll grant them.”

“Not without hearing them. I know you mean well. I don’t know whether you can perform over the long run.”

Same as Sparky's Dad
Chapter 14: Unbuyable Videos

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The Bensen Girls The tale comes from Sam and it is his tale. Peace Belle. My family just moved to town. I am the youngest. Both of my sisters are older than me. Dad died four months ago. I barely made it to high school. I was not dumb. I spent half the time in detention for getting into fights. I never started them. The guys would feel me up. The girls would also tease me. The girls would leave bras and tampons in my locker. I have gynecomastia. That is when guy's breasts would grow...

3 years ago
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My Adventures Mom and Me Part 4

Here goes Part 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The morning after our film night I woke up around 5am and I went to go to the bathroom, today was the day that dad would be back he was hoping to be home around 10am.As I was walking to the bathroom my mom was in the kitchen on the phone, I thought to myself, who is she on the phone to at this time? as...

2 years ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 24

“Hi, Taylor, right? I’m Jack. We have a couple of classes together. Mind if I sit down?” I had marched right over. Okay, I hid behind a column until she found her table and I could be sure she was all alone, then I sort of sidled over. Shut up, I was there, wasn’t I? “Hi Jack! Sit, sit! I was wondering if you were ever going to talk to me or just follow me around all year. You are cute though, and not like the creepy type of stalker, so I figured I would wait it out.” I must have had a...

2 years ago
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Angie Chap 1

Angie, Chap 1 I first met Angelica De Camp, when I was four and a half years old. I was exactly four and a half. I later called her my half year birthday present. She was the first black woman I ever met. At first I was afraid of her, not going near her…she was different. But as time went by (all of about fifteen minutes) I warmed up to her and soon we were inseparable. I thought of Angie as a woman because I was four and she was so much older than me, a whopping eight years older. Everyone...

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The Black Bitch

Black Bitch I was about to throw another roll of toilet paper up Ol' lady Anderson's tree, when I felt a someone pulling my ear as hard as they could. "What are you doing to my trees Billy Thornton!" Mrs Anderson yelled at me, while looking at me with her spooky lifeless eyes. "Let go of me you old black bitch! Move back up north! We we don't want no niggers here! That's why niggers have to sit at the back of the bus, hell they shouldn't even be allowed on the bus," I screamed...

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A Bride For Seven Brothers2

1st Chapter Preview …. A Bride For Seven Brothers #2 By Maria Garcia The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content) The honeymoon is well and truly over; her seven men are proving troublesome in more ways than Ruby could ever have imagined and to add to her problems Grumpy is considering leaving the farm to return to the city, the twins; Sneezy and Sleepy although quite happy to share argue about exactly who should be on top; Dopey is in counselling for his...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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In Poverty Lies Happiness 8211 Part I

My name is kiran. I belong to the interior part of tamil nadu. My dad died at when i was 3 years and my sis was 1 year. We had sugarcane farms and we became poor because of drought and my mom was looking after them. I was sent to Coimbatore for my education to my uncle’s house. After completing my Xth class i decided to look after the fields and give rest to my mom. I came back to my village and there my house is on the outskirts of the village and our farms are covered by fence on all sides,...

2 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 17

"Navy radar, this is "Shriek' at the hyper, for the harbour, request clearance, over." ""Shriek", clearance denied, you are to proceed directly to the navy yard, call control on 4315 for onward clearance stat, clear." "Aggy, why do I think we are knee deep in the stuff?" "Alan, I have no idea why you might even contemplate such a thing? Let's see what happens." "Navy control, this is "Shriek", at the hyper, request clearance to the navy yard, over." ""Shriek" you are...

2 years ago
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My Son And My Friend

Hello to all Readers. I recently discovered about this site from an unusual person, which I will let you know as I narrate. I have read good number of titles here and was impressed by some. About Me My name is Nirupama and I am in my early forties. I live with my family of Husband and a son in Bangalore. I am a fitness freak and always take care of my health by regular visits to gym and yoga classes. I have a few close friends who I like to spend time with apart from my family. I am leading a...

1 year ago
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Tracis ClubhouseChapter 6

Sgt. King flipped through the file one last time. "I'm torn between one of two things," he finally told the young man and the man's lawyer. "I can continue to ask questions, and get no asnwers, or I can let someone else ask questions." "Won't make no difference," the man said. "Ah, but it will," King said. "If I ask the questions, you'll be able to repeat your answers in court. If Ms. Phillips asks, I doubt either of you will answer any questions ever again. That was her...

2 years ago
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Gracie and her best friends son

Gracie was attending a birthday party at her friend Rachel's house, who's son was turning 18... Gracie:"I've known Rachel for more ten years now and she is one of the few type of friends who actually stick around. It felt as if not too long ago I was turning 18, but I was now in my early thirties and Rachel probably felt old too now that she was was nearing forty!... But anyways let's continue with the story...There was plenty of alcohol available, for those in the appropriate age range of...

4 years ago
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Kingdom Hearts 5 Floors of Oblivion

Let's start this story. Are you male or female? (A note to all writers who wish to add stuff into my story: Basic knowledge of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts I and II, Chain of Memories/Re: COM, 358/2 Days and Coded/Re: Coded is required to write the story, and any threads that do not meet my requirements will not be accepted.)

3 years ago
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Thumper Ch 05

Note: This story veers into BDSM territory. Fun as it might be for some, it’s not to everyone’s taste. *** Previously… With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors. Their first session has broken down some barriers. The next session promises to be even more challenging. *** ‘I made you an omelette. Just the way you like it.’ ...

1 year ago
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Gingers Spice

Ginger was Italian/Spanish, short, plump, busty with long red hair. She turned heads when she walked with a hip rolling sexy glide. As she talked on a conference call in her private office, she checked her clock knowing her morning appointment was Sandy close. Sandy was her personal assistant, go fer and all around handmaiden. Promptly at 9am every morning she briefed Ginger. Her briefing were thorough and always started with a 2 minute download of last nights backlog.Ginger waved Sandy to sit...

3 years ago
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The Three Faces of Paul

Well, it has been a long time, but at last here's another of Leigh's infamous tall tales. This one is strictly for the masochists among us. If that's not your cup of tea, you might want to move on right now. Enjoy. THREE FACES OF PAUL (Copyright 1991 by Leigh de Santa Fe) Laura Black waited patiently in Dr. Angela Wolfe's office for her first session with the therapist. With her shoulder length ash blonde hair and attractive features made up with...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter13

“Your tone of voice tells me it’s obvious that you DO need someone to watch you”. Just then, the doorbell rang. I stood there, staring at the door, glaring at it. “Well? Aren’t you going to answer it?” I stuck out my bottom lip as I turned the handle to let the babysitter in. “Hello, Julie! Please come in! Thank you for coming on such short notice,” Daddy said, grabbing his briefcase. “Come and kiss Daddy goodbye, Honey.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest and didn’t...

2 years ago
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The Dominant Wife

I love to be sexually dominated, and I am married to a very beautiful young woman who utilizes my obedience to the maximum. She knows that when I am sexually aroused there is nothing I won't do for her. She often makes me go a few days without coming, knowing that I will be that much more aroused and submissive. The other night I arrived home and found her laying on the couch wearing a short satin robe. As soon as I saw her I developed an immediate erection, thus becoming a slave to her...

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Darktail High

You look up at the looming structure of the Darktail Academy, the school in which you will be enrolled for the remainder of your demon adolescence. Your tail flickers in excitement, you've heard tales of Darktail from your friends and older sister before. It was the perfect place for a budding demon; deception, fighting skills, magic, and much more were taught here at the highest level, it was also the perfect place to get your cock wet. You grin, your days as an imp are over, years of torment...

4 years ago
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First Time Experience Of Oral Sex Initiated By My Friend Akshata

Hi everybody I would like to share my 1st story it is an incident which happened with me in higher school when I was of 19 years. I would like to introduce myself I am an average boy height about 5.6 inches and a bit healthier.Lets come to the story. It begin from here in our class I had a group of four peoples two girls and two boys including me and one of the girl name akshata and her friend simran have good pair of breast and was of fairer complexion. I was not having any kind of feeling on...

3 years ago
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The Visitors 2

If you haven’t read The Visitors please read that one first. My balls still hurt from the fucking Ashley & Amber gave me earlier that day. The girls wanted to fuck more that night (Oh how remember when I was in my early twenties). I or I should say we decided to order Chinese food & have it delivered. The girls knew a good Chinese food restaurant that delivered so they called an ordered the food. We watched the video of day 1, they climbing over the fence & playing in the pool naked....

1 year ago
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Her Hot Weekend Home Massage

Em was at home alone that weekend. It was the middle of summer and very hot. So was she. Ambrose was away and she was at mid-point in an unusually long gap between business trips. They kept a massage bed at home and in the summer it lived out on the shaded terrace at the back of the house, next to the swimming pool. They used it now and again, either themselves or very occasionally with a visiting masseuse or even more rarely a masseur. Sometimes Ambrose massaged her out there in the...

4 years ago
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After a bit of a drought

Well it has been a while since I wrote anything so I thought I would add an update on how the hunt for sex is going. It was pretty tough for a while... I met a couple of women, one looked so nice but would do nothing but lay back and left me climb on top because ' that is how it is done' I mean not even a hand job! A couple of fucks later and boredom set in so goodbye, I also met a very pretty lady, man she could use her mouth sooo well, but alas the bottle held more appeal than anything so...

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Do Boobs Prove Intelligent Design

Do Boobs Prove Intelligent Design? By Cal Y. Pygia Breasts are remarkable structures. Not only are they functional, but they're also beautiful, with a design that's truly hard to beat (although, among gay guys, the penis and testicles are likely to demonstrate superior inventions). I wouldn't be surprised if breasts become a new linchpin in the age-old cosmological argument, or argument from design, which suggests that the intelligent design that's evident in the universe...

2 years ago
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An Unwanted AffairChapter 5

Adeel arrived late in the night. When I served him dinner, he ate silently. After dinner, he went to the bedroom immediately. I stayed in the kitchen, finished my work, and went to the room very late. Adeel was lying on the bed, his face hidden under the covers. I locked the room and was about to switch off the lights when there was a knock on the door. "Adeel..." Father-in-law called from the other side of the door. Adeel lifted the covers off his face and looked at the door but didn't...

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Dinner Cigars and a Noose

Dinner, Cigars, ...and a NooseShe met me at the door as I arrived home from work wearing a simple black dress and black boots with stiletto heels."Put down your briefcase," she commanded as she began to undo my tie and unbutton my shirt. It didn't take long to get me down to my shorts. She turned me around and pressed me playfully with my face against the wall."Give me your hands."She took one wrist and looped a doubled length of cord around it, then placed its partner over and tied another...

4 years ago
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InterfaceChapter 5

I almost didn't want to get out of bed on Monday I entertained ideas of pretending to be ill and staying home. With the state my parents were in worrying about me, I suspect they would have let me get away with it too. Only the fact that Tara would see my staying away as a victory kept me from doing it. I mentally braced myself for the day ahead and was soon sitting in my classroom awaiting the inevitable attacks. I noticed there was a new girl in the class today. She was small like me,...

3 years ago
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Virgin Teen Deflowered By Drunk Uncle

Hi, I am Raj. I am from Kerala and currently studying in Pune. Some of the ladies already know me because we have had some great sex chats. I am writing this story with the permission of my reader. The story is in her perspective and is about her first time. Let’s call her Ria. She is a young and very horny teen. Now, in her words. My father died when I was young. He had already remarried before and my stepmom was pregnant. Although my father was rich, he had taken a very big loan. And when he...

4 years ago
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Husband Gives His Wife Away

My husband Robert and I had been married for almost three years when we decided to start a family. I visited my doctor, stopped taking the pill, began a regimen of vitamins and exercise in preparation for the next stage of my life -- being a mother. I really enjoyed my career, but in my heart I knew it was time, time to start a family. I'll admit I was a bit reluctant and when I had been free of the possible side effects of the birth control pill I delayed making love to Robert for one, then...

2 years ago
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Ill be home late

You’re at the mall shopping in a lingerie store when you notice me checking out your curves. I continue to watch you as you shop for panties. Finally, you pick up a sexy red pair and I tell you "I would love to see you in them". "Oh, you would" you reply. I speak up so you can hear me better. 'yes, and you are going to show Daddy right now! get your sexy ass over here and we are going into the changing room together do you understand?" You say "yes sir" as you walk past me smiling. I lead you...

2 years ago
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Tits And Ass At Its Finest

I was totally amazed when I got the Physical Education job at a private all girl’s school. I was fresh out of college and it was my first teaching assignment at only twenty-five. They were highly impressed with my Master’s Degree from Cornell University. I was to report a week early for orientation. All of the faculty reported along with me. The first day we got our room assignments in the faculty housing and put our stuff in our room. It was actually a small apartment with a bedroom,...

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Project PrometheusChapter 23

A prompt screen lit up, which activated the dormant android that was crammed into the box. Systems booted up, and it activated all servos, its limbs coming free of their restraints. The copy of Jaesa loaded into the android’s cortex and after a moment, she came online, taking full control of the body. Reaching up with its arms, it unlatched the inner catches of the crate before pushing the lid off. Carefully, Jaesa took hold of the lid, before carefully lifting it up and off, placing it on...

3 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 4

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse i am pleased that you enjoyed my latest report. As to your punishment, it has been carried out; my nipples (and the area round them) are still a little sore as are my pussy lips. My mirror is adorned as you instructed and it will remain that way for a week. i am working hard on the story; about five pages have been written so far and i hope to have more done overnight if it remains quiet. It is a shame that no comments have yet been received at the Group. i...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Luna Lovely G105

Annnnd we’re back. We know why we’re all here, in the same place at the same time. We know you can’t wait to watch this super hot slut get fucked and filled by Mitt and his merry band of perverts. So that’s what you’re gonna get in part 2 of Episode 105. So now it’s time for meat and potatoes. it’s time to get this chick gangbanged, and gangbang her the #Cocksmen do. She’s insatiable, and remember how I said she was a submissive? This performance...

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PREMED GIGS CFNM in Medical Uniform

As a premed student of a well known university, the journey to graduate was a tough road. Thick medical books are regarded like a small regular pocketbook to be finish reading every long chapter and an immediate exams the next day before discussion of the topic.At the end of the semester our grades are terribly low and we needed additional points to turn everything around and be more or less reach the appropriate level to pass.Finally our professor announces a challenge for each group to come...

2 years ago
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Sex Games 13 part 3

Bill, Joan and I were gasping for breath and giving each other loving pats and kisses.On the other bed Jim had Carol on her hands and knees and he was fucking her. Bob was underneath Carol his mouth on her clit while Jim fucked her. Bob would simultaneously suck on Carol's clit and lick Jim's shaft. Billy watched them while stroking his big cock. His cock was an angry red, his veins pulsing and pre cum dripping onto Bob's cock. Billy bent down and started sucking Bob's hard cock. Bob groaned...

Wife Lovers
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Back to the Farm Ch 14

Well… Here it is, the final chapter. There were definitely times when I thought I wasn’t going to finish this one (I have a feeling many of you reading this were thinking the same!). The fact that I made it to the end is due in no small part to all those of you who cared to leave me comments and send emails – thank you so much for them all. But extra special thanks have to go to my good friend Tory del Ricoh for putting up with my incessant ranting, and to my girl Katie, without whom none of...

2 years ago
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A Rosa in BloomChapter 2

Vicky screamed her voice out as she felt another generous serving of white goo leave Rosa’s cock, joining the slushing sea of cum contained within her outstretched womb. Rosa was simply too much for her, too much for any women Vicky could think of. The pulses along the steel rod became less frequent, telling Vicky another eruption was over. Her flailing arms reached down to feel her bloated stomach the flesh felt soft, almost inviting Vicky to press harder and feel the new addition to her...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 14

At Mr. Sanchez’s shop class, I was naturally welcomed with a deep tongue kiss by Marcie, who sat immediately on my lap and wouldn’t leave things be. She started sliding her shorts down an inch at a time, until her naked ass was exposed to my cock, and then mounted me before I knew what was up. So, once again, while Mr. Sanchez was teaching shop class, Marcie was busy servicing me in front of everyone, and none objected. Not even Mr. Sanchez seemed to mind, though being a Companion to a Sage...

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Loving Michele

Loving MicheleBy: Londebaaz Chohan What were we talking about? Oh yes, I was saying that believe it or not; there is nothing more erotic, exotic and exhilarating than an elder sister for a High School senior. I loved every occasional peek down my 5 years’ older sister Michele’s blouse or a glimpse of her thighs up her short skirts. If I was alone in the house, I would head for her hamper to search for her dirty panties and then sneak into my room for a sniff and even a taste before masturbating...

1 year ago
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The Author Pt 07

Part 7: New Beginnings The following is a continuing work of fiction, any resemblance to any person or place, living or dead, real or imagined, is purely unintentional. * Waking to the light of day Jennifer found that she and Bill were in bed together, and Monica wasn’t there. Jennifer’s morning fog let her know that Monica wasn’t there, but not what was going on, or where she was. Each night for the last three, she had slept in a different room. It was really starting to disorient her....

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader Pt 2 Return of the Young Cherry Cheerleader

CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson was just starting her sophomore year of high school. Her freshman year had been an unforgettable one. She had been introduced to the wonderful world of sex, highlighted by an orgy with her sister and a room full of men. Little Jenny's sister had graduated and headed off to college just a week before, and she missed Susie terribly. She often looked at a framed photo of the two girls in their cheerleading...

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