ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 28
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“In that case, my darling, I’ll be happy to make start on our baby as soon as possible. Even when we take our contraceptive implants out, it takes some time for the body to become fertile again.”
“Ah, yes. I read something about that in a book about fertility; or was it an online article on the subject?”
“The source doesn’t matter, Reg. All that matters is the reliability of the facts stated.”
“Too true, my love. It is like those histories that claim Christopher Columbus brought Syphilis to Europe: a load of rubbish. Tests on human bones from well before Columbus’ time show Syphilis was already in Europe centuries before his time. His men may have brought back a more virulent strain, or people here may have had no immunity to that new strain; but the disease was here all the time.”
Prudence looked at Reg’s face.”Why were you reading up on syphilis, darling? A bit odd, don’t you think?”
“Yes, but I WAS a bid odd at that time. ANY facts were of interest to my mind, no matter how unusual or obscure.”
“Well, I am glad of it, as that brought me to you, my dear husband.”
“Since you put it that way, Prudence, I shall be happy that my interests were so far-reaching and comprehensive. It got me you, and the other girls.”
“One way or another, darling, it got us each other, and I am happy.”
“Have I massaged your forehead enough, Prudence? Need other massages, such as I mentioned?”
She giggled, “Nice as it would be, Reg, I would probably be accused of pre-empting my turn with you. Fiona got told off already, so I don’t want to compound the problem. I’ll look forward to you making love to me properly, later.”
“You are a dear, Prudence my love. You are a great asset to our marriage. I hope Fiona turns out as well as you.”
“We’ll see, Reg. I think she wants to do well for us, but so far doesn’t have the same level of commitment that we have for each other. Give her some time; she may get there eventually.”
“Thanks, Prudence. She may be the first one to have a baby, given that she has no contraceptive in place.”
“So I heard. We will deal with the situation if it arises. Any child of yours we will take into the family; we have already decided on that policy, love.”
“Now why am I not surprised, Prudence?
The phone rang. It was the house phone, not a personal phone. Prudence waited to see who would answer. It was one of the twins, starting their new work.
“Hello, this is the Robertson residence. How may I help you?”
“I see. And which Mrs Robertson did you wish to speak to, sir?”
“Thank you. I shall see if Mrs Frances is available. Please hold the line.”
She went off to find Frances, bringing her to the phone in the hall.
“Hello? Oh, it is you, Sergeant. What news do you have?”
“Really? How unfortunate. What do you want us to do?”
“Very well. What? Oh, that was my cousin, Holly. She is going to work for us at the house.”
“Certainly, if you think that would be helpful. Goodbye.”
“Curious,” Francis said aloud to herself.
Prudence, having found Reg, told him, “Wait here, love, till I get Frances.”
She shouted, “Frances! Can you come in here a moment?”
Frances followed the sound and stopped in front of Prudence and Reg.
Prudence enquired, “Who was that, Frances? Anyone interesting?”
Frances had a slightly puzzled look on her face.
“Police. It was our local Sergeant. It seems that our local crime family have vanished. Officially, they have ‘gone on holiday’, but no-one seems to know where.”
“Odd,” remarked Prudence. “And what else did the sergeant want? It sounded like he surprised you.”
“He did. When I told him about Holly answering the phone, he asked if he could visit and speak with her. It seems he wants to have personal knowledge of all the inhabitants of this building, but he added, ‘just in case’. I was puzzled by his ‘just in case’.”
Reg interjected, “I would be worried, too. That sounds as if he is concerned for us, as a family, or us as residents of this building. To me, it implies he thinks we might be targeted for another attack of some kind. I believe he is trying to become knowledgeable about any new person in our household, as there may be an external connection that could be used against them for entry to the building.”
“Isn’t that a bit strong, Reg? A vendetta against us? You surely don’t seriously imagine that might happen?”
“No idea, love. I am just speculating from the known facts. That family has a record of taking advantage of other people, at any opportunity. Their top priority is themselves, and to hang with morals and laws. I don’t see that as a trait to be ignored, Prudence. It is an abomination in our society, and I will gladly do what I can to counteract it.”
Later in the afternoon, Reg got a call from the Finds Liaison Officer for treasure finds. He had news.
“Mr Robertson?”
“Your Finds Officer here. I have spoken with the Coroner for this area, and described what you have found. You recall it was a concretion?”
“Yes, with a coin edge sticking out. Silver, you thought. You were carefully breaking it up, you said”
“Indeed. We have chemically induced the concretion to separate, and the contents appear to be all silver coins; of what date, we are uncertain, but certainly Roman; the differences in condition may be minimal. For archaeological dating, we must keep the group together for the present. The earliest coin, and the latest coin, will give us a spread of dates, so that the deposit is dated after the earliest coin, and before the most recent one.”
“That makes perfect sense”, said Reg. “What else, sir? You can’t be ringing just to say that.”
“Indeed. The number of coins and their relationship together classifies the find as Treasure, so the Coroner has to have the British Museum make a determination as to disposal, and will have to have a valuation made prior to that. It all means it may be several weeks before the matter comes to a conclusion.”
“Oh.” Reg was a little disappointed. “I see.”
“However, Mr Robertson, my own estimation is that the coins are quite valuable individually, and when the number is totalled up, the value will be in the thousands of pounds; how many thousand will depend on the valuer’s estimate.”
“Gosh!” Reg was flabbergasted. “Thousands?”
“Indeed, Mr Robertson.”
“That’s a lot of money!”
“It is. That is why I questioned your suggestion of donating most of your coins to the university. You were underestimating your find, through inexperience. Besides, you and the farmer are sharing the proceeds, aren’t you?”
“We are, sir. Thank you for reminding me. I shall consult my family before I do anything.”
“Good idea. Your parents merit some consideration in this situation.”
“My parents? Oh, I was not thinking about parents. My father is long dead, and my mother ... well, we were not on good terms for many years.”
“Even so, you should consider your other close relatives – brothers and sisters.”
“Only child, sir, but I have my wives ... wife to consider.”
“Wife, wives? Mr Robertson, is your first name Reginald? You aren’t the university student that has several wives, are you? I remember you said you were married, but I was assuming a normal marriage.”
Reg paused and took a deep breath before replying.
“Why should that matter, sir?”
“It doesn’t, young man. I just find it interesting that a client of mine may be a famous student at our local university.”
“Famous? I am a nobody, sir. My girls are far more important than me.”
“That reaction fits what I heard; so you are the guy! Tremendous. What brought you to do what you did, you and these girls?”
“Sir! Please believe me when I say that it was all rather unexpected, and certainly not what I had in mind when I started my course here.”
“Well, Mr Robertson, you must admit that what you did was quite surprising, perhaps unique. That by itself has given you a reputation. My nephew is a student there. He was the one who told me about it; he was quite astonished by you. He claimed you were a loner, hardly speaking to anyone, and that the girls were unusual as well; something to do with their looks. But, a loner? That is not how I perceive you. You seem perfectly normal, if a little subdued at times.”
“Your nephew was quite correct, sir. That is exactly what I was like. The transformation is all down to Frances and her friends. They inveigled me into a sharing scheme whereby I tutored them and they in turn taught me how to speak with people, and other social abilities that had passed me by in my childhood.”
“Weird! Oh, sorry, Mr Robertson; I didn’t mean to disparage you in any way. It was just so unusual to hear your tale. I am still unclear as to how and why you married them.”
Reg was reticent again, ruminating before replying.
“Sir, I have to confess that Frances is not a pretty girl, and neither were her two friends. They hung together because of that very trait, and that is part of the reason for our success, academically and socially. I had never had a girlfriend, so getting to know them had a considerable impact on me; to my surprise, I found myself falling in love with them. It turned out that they were in a similar situation; their lack of good looks had deterred boys from asking them out, so when I treated them as wonderful women – which they are – they reacted to me much as I reacted to them. Instead of it being me and Frances, it was me and Frances and Erika and Freda. A short while later a very tall girl, Prudence, joined us for much the same reason, though in this case it was her height that was the main difficulty. She was as tall as me. Most boys and men prefer a girl shorter than themselves, and act accordingly, which left Prudence without any suitor. Meeting me and the girls, she sussed out what was happening, and added herself to the mix when she saw how I treated her, even in private; she was so pleased by how she was respected. It worked, and she fitted in; the other girls welcomed her into their select group.
That is how we all came together as a family. Our resulting marriage is not a legal marriage; it is a permanent commitment to each other, which we regard as equivalent to a marriage.
Does that answer all your questions? I get tired of having to explain us to other people, over and over, so I hope you are satisfied.”
Recognising that the young man was becoming peeved, the Finds Liaison Officer put on his most reassuring manner to reply.
“Perfectly satisfied, Mr Robertson. Your unique life is your own; and I hope you enjoy it for many years to come.”
“That is our intention, sir. Can I thank you for your advice regarding the finds?”
“No trouble, Mr Robertson. It is my job; glad to be of help.”
Reg said his goodbyes and concluded the call.
Next morning, there was a follow-up call by the police sergeant to Frances.
“Can I visit you this morning? I shouldn’t need too long, if your new member of staff is available?”
Frances informed him, “If you want to speak to a new resident, there are three: two resident staff and one other student addition to our household. Do you want to speak with all three?”
A startled policeman stammered, “uh, if I may, Mrs Robertson. This is unexpected; I shall have to inform the station that I shall be longer than planned with my visit.”
“Whenever it suits you, Sergeant. We all expect to be at home, as it is still a few days before the semester begins.”
“Thank you, Mrs Robertson. Expect me in about half an hour.”
Frances told all three that they were to be interviewed by the local police. This puzzled them, but no more than Frances, as she still was unclear about his reason for calling.
More or less up to time, the policeman arrived and was admitted. He was quite deferential to Frances, who escorted him to the sitting room, where the twins and Fiona were sitting, chatting. Frances introduced them by name, ending, “Do you want to speak to them together, or individually, Sergeant?”
He announced, “Individually, in private, if I may, Mrs Robertson. Tell me, how do I tell the twins apart?”
“They will let you know who you are speaking to, Sergeant; otherwise, you need to know them to tell them apart. Do you wish them to wear a different set of earrings, for example, to allow you to tell which is which?”
“I don’t think we need to go that far, Mrs Robertson. As long as the second one comes in as the first goes out, I will know it is a different person.”
“Suit yourself, but as twins, you are not likely to get different results.”
“I understand that, but please allow me to try.”
“What sort of questions do you hope to have them answer, Sergeant?”
“The actual questions do not matter as much as the responses. These will tell me how the person thinks; how they perceive people, things, and events.”
“How do you mean?”
“Let me tell you an old story, about a newly settled American community. It was a ‘dry’ town, to suit the God-fearing residents: no alcohol. This was fine until an entrepreneur arrived and proceeded to build his own saloon, despite the protestations of the local church.
The church folk prayed mightily to God to prevent this abomination afflicting their community, but to no avail. Then one night there was a thunderstorm, and a bolt of lightning struck the wooden saloon and set fire to it. The building burned to the ground, and the local folk cheered.
However, the building owner started a law suit, claiming damages from the local church folk for directly or indirectly causing the fire.
The protested mightily, until a judge came to examine the case. He looked over all the evidence, then called the lawyers for both sides to his chambers.
‘Look, gentlemen, I am puzzled. We have here a case where a heathen owner is claiming for damages caused by the power of prayer, and a Christian congregation that in its defence claims their prayers were not responsible!’ He dismissed the case as frivolous on both sides.
The moral is that you can look at the facts in several ways to interpret what is said and done. I have the same judgement to make in my interviews.”
Frances laughed at the story. “I take your point, Sergeant. May I suggest you start with the simpler task? This is Fiona, who just a few days ago joined our community.”
The twins got up and left with Frances, leaving the Sergeant facing Fiona across the table.
He examined the girl in front of him with a professional eye. She appeared slightly older than the Robertson girls, he estimated. What was she doing here, he wondered, and voiced his thought aloud.
“What brings you into this household, Fiona? Pardon me, but what is your full name? Mrs Robertson only said Fiona.”
“Sergeant, in answer to both questions, I am Fiona Prentiss or Robertson.”
The Sergeant raised his eyebrows. “Robertson? So you are a relation of Mr Robertson? A cousin of some kind?”
“No, Sergeant. The Robertson name will become my surname once I officially join this family.”
His brows clamped together as he absorbed this peculiar reasoning, then the penny dropped, as did his jaw.
“What? You intend to be another wife of Reginald?”
“Yes, Sergeant. By my own choice. I have been interrogated by the other Mrs Robertsons, and they have concluded that I can be an acceptable extra wife.”
“The women decided? What about Mr Robertson - Reginald?”
“He is a married man, Sergeant. Surely you understand that means his wives make the decisions?”
The Sergeant looked as if he had been hit with an uppercut. He sat there, unsteady and off his stride. He recognised the truth of what she had said, and marvelled at it.
“So Reginald simply goes along with what his wives say? No input from him at all?”
“Not quite so simple, but getting that way. I had discussed my intentions with him, and he had no objections, provided his ‘girls’ approved me first. When they were heading towards approval, they allowed me to spend a night with Reg, so that we could establish compatibility after he had taken my virginity.”
The Sergeant blinked. “Virginity? What? A university student who was still a virgin?”
“Sergeant, us virgins are not all that rare! All of Reg’s wives were virgins before they met him.”
“Yes, but ... you are better-looking, if I may say so.”
“Why, thank you, Sergeant, but conserving my virginity was my own choice, albeit drummed into me by my father. I gather that the twins are also virgins.”
“Perhaps, but they are much younger and attractive, by the looks of them. What are they, seventeen?”
“Eighteen, actually. They told me they protected each other from predatory males.”
“Anyway, we are not here to talk about them, but about you. Why should you want to participate in what is, to all intents and purposes, Reg’s harem?”
“As the girls explained to me, Sergeant, it is not a harem; it is a group marriage. There is a big difference, and that is why I find that interesting, as a qualified sociologist. No woman is less than any other. They all collaborate on decision-making, and often present Reg with a decision before he even needs it. He values his wives immensely, to the extent that he would risk his own life to save any one of them from harm. What more could a girl want than that?”
“I get that, but it still doesn’t explain why you approached them in the first place. I gather the first contact came from you?”
“This is where it gets complicated, Sergeant. My own mother died while I was young, and years later, my father remarried. My stepmother resented my presence, so pushed for me to go university and live away from home. That way, she got rid of me, most of the time, for several years. I graduated with a Sociology degree, and then was persuaded to then do a PhD in sociology. My stepmother again was the prime mover, and my father doesn’t see her interference for what it is. He imagines she is doing her best for me; but she hasn’t a degree herself, so has no past experience to work from.
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
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Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
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Money[Jay's Narration] I came out of my room the next morning around 8:00 a.m. to be greeted by Melly. We exchanged pleasantries and headed for the kitchen. “So Mom and Rachel are on the veranda having breakfast. Mom told me to tell you to stay away,” said Melly. “Oh crap,” I exclaimed. “Yeah, mom caught her heading for your room this morning and pulled her downstairs.” * [Rachel Narration] I slept well and woke up early. I thought I might go wake up Jay and get some alone time. I had just...
Looking at the red light John moaned in rhythm with the bobbing head in his lap. Reaching over to the seat next to him, he cupped the firm butt cheek of the woman next to him. John then slid his hand further down her naked butt and slowly began to probe her asshole. Finding it already lubed with semen, John had no problem slipping a second finger in. BEEEEEP John looked up to see the light was now green, and probably had been for some time. The woman lifted her head off John's cock and put one...
————– —– As the hot water pounded her back, Gia released a long, deep breath. She stood in the shower trying to piece together her feelings about the evening. Aside from her shock at seeing Scott again, Gia didn’t know what was going on with her. Her head spun with images of his face and the memory of his smile, and each time she thought of his touch, a shiver ran down her spine. He was so much the same, and being with him had made her feel that she was 18 years old again, naïve and flush with...
The names are customizable on the right under Customize Arnold and Amanda Armstrong have always had a social vein. Arnold had inherited a factory from his parents, so he was not one of the poorest guys. After meeting Amanda, they moved into the family villa on the outskirts of town. They had three children of their own: Andy was 20 and had just started his university in Germany, Ashley and Alissa had just turned 18 and were standing just before graduation. Just like his father, Arnold had...
IncestWell I thought would end on part four, but my perverted mind forced me to take in another step. Will try but no promising this will end the story. We decided to call it a draw on the losing side so we both had to go through with the punishments and as humiliating as it was, it was also very exciting. I was picked to go first and Dawn choose for it to happen in the middle of the day. The distance I had to crawl was one hundred yards front door to front front door and another 40 yards. As I was...
My Terrible Promotion I laid on the coach in my new office. Using my tap, a neural interface personal computer, I composed the introduction to my documentation for the secure nanobot communications protocol I had engineered. Nanobots have become ubiquitous over the past decade. The tap I use to write this document testifies to that. However, we have only begun to unleash the potential of nanobot technology. At the time I write this, a simple facial...
I stepped through the doorway from the mall into the cluttered shop. Not believing it to be real I let go of the old wooden door which closed behind me once again ringing the bell that had first sounded when I'd opened the door. It couldn't be real. This place only existed in stories on the internet. But here I was in a store that could only be Spells-R- Us. All of the details mentioned in the stories I'd read were there: wooden door, in place of another store in a mall, bigger on the...
Out Of The Blue By Paul G. Jutras As Luke Jett sat before his work table, he pulled open a drawer and took out a gun. As he sat in his red Federation City High School graduation gown, he turned on his television and began to flip through the channels. One channel had Highway to Heaven; one channel had the movie Angels In The Outfield, one channel talked about the gender wars, and the third channel was running the television show Out Of The Blue. After he took off his pants, he...
Война между королевством Адерон и амазонскими племенами окончена. Часть амазонок убита, часть бежали в дикие земли, а часть попали в рабство на милость победителям Много судеб гордых воительниц было изменено навсегда, кого-то "залюбили" солдаты прямо на поле боя, кого-то оставили себе в качестве наложниц офицеры, кого-то продали в бордель, кому-то удалось сбежать, кому-то даже удалось найти любовь. Каждая история была в чём-то уникальна Уникальна и эта история, про Далану, восемнадцатилетнюю...
Aside from my wife, who is the nicest person I know, I thought it might be fun to recount (and hear our stories) the nicest person I was ever sexual with. I was in college at the time. It was my senior year. I met a girl at a fraternity party who (for the sake of anonymity) had a name that started with ‘M’. She was 2 years younger than me, and I could tell she was pleasantly plump. By no means obese, but a bigger girl yet with curves in the right places. She was with a girl who had a rare skin...
(This fantasy story is a compilation of inputs from my lady chat friends and do not pertain to any one in particular. Please send suggestions to or ) I woke up at 10 am and freshened up. I put on my track suit. I selected navy blue one from the three we purchased yesterday for one reason. I did not put on my panty and when I get wet (I am bound to, since my plan was to seduce Gym trainer) the wet patch would be readily noticeable in light grey coloured track suit and will cause embarrassment...
They were staying in one of the group of apartments along the beach, onsite was some shops and a very fine restuarant. It was a cheap holiday, they had dipped into some savings and booked the 7 day holiday. Choosing the apartments, knowing that there wouldnt be any loud under 18s staying at the resort, and no maids to disturb any possible love making. Jenny opened her shade covered eyes, looking up at Pauls handsome face. They were both 27, had been together since they were 21. His black...
Elaine and I finished our shower together. Earlier in the afternoon, we were part of a threesome with Sarah’s mom. Sarah’s mom acted strangely after she caught us naked in my bed. I stayed with Sarah’s parents while on Christmas and semester break from college. Elaine and I started having sex since the summer visit to Elaine’s home. Sarah, Elaine and I shared our bodies on my summer visit and every visit since then. Elaine loved me and I returned my love to her. What made Sarah’s mom seem...
‘It looks like its going to be a great day to go to the beach!’ Candi said as she gazed out the window. She felt arms wrap around her waist from behind and a firm body press against her. She sighed, her body tingling. She turned around, facing the man. ‘You are beautiful, you know that right?’ Mike brought one hand up to her chin, lifting her lips towards his. His soft lips were featherlike, teasing her. She let out a soft moan, making him smile. He pressed his lips to hers firmly, slipping...
Claudette and I has a wonderful evening with six guys and the gang bang, but Claudette wanted more from me, her lover and confidant. We had been lovers for seven months now and Claudette had never sucked so much cock as she did the night before. I asked her if she would be willing to do another gang bang, but this time with more woman than men and her eyes lit up...'Sure" Claudette replied, but I want only to eat you out and fist you...I was delighted that Claudette was Ok with our open...
Rachel was in the second semester of her first year in college. Originally from the Pittsburgh area, she was attending Boston U, and living with her friend Tanya and her parents. This arrangement was saving her money, teaching her some independence, while giving her a safe place to live. She had attended a party with some friends, but left early, having had just a few drinks while there. Things were getting a little "crazy", and she was able to hitch a ride back to her place. She often referred...
VoyeurMiss Sapna stood in front of the class in her high heels, aiming the remote at the three large projection screens at the front of the room. The lights dimmed, and the girls shuffled anxiously in their seats, as the image slowly came to focus on the high-definition whiteboards. It was an asshole. The prettiest, tightest little bunghole any of them had every seen: Chloe’s. Chloe was in front of the class, slightly bent over, parting her bulbous ass cheeks apart. Miss...
Jimmy’s penis jerks as the pin snaps shut, setting the bell jingling. A fraction of a second later his snore is interrupted, he gasps in a breath and grunts. There is a pause as subconscious response connects with conscious thought. He emits a high pitched squeal and everything moves at once. His head snaps up, trying to get a good look at his bobbing penis. His eyes widen further as he realises he can’t move his arms or legs. I enjoy watching the muscles ripple as he strains, the gleam of...
One summer, I took a trip with my friend and his family to Myrtle Beach, S.C. I had been there before as a child, but I was 18 now and free to explore all aspects of the beach at my leisure. I squeezed every drop of enjoyment out of my time there. I savored the bright sun, the warm sand at night, and the wild, untamed waves of the ocean. But I especially enjoyed the sights. This was the first time I was at the beach after puberty, and it was overwhelming....
The warm glow from the flickering fire gives your skin a soft golden glow For you Megan?? Thank You????M The warm glow from the flickering fire gives your skin a soft golden glow. Small sweat beads are forming across your quivering belly. Your body pulled taught. Hands fastened above you. The anticipation of the unknown and the lack of control feeding your desire. Blindfolded, sound is your only ally. Your nipples responding to the warm moist breathe as you beg for touch.You feel my...
Nicole's Wedding This the tale of Nicole's almost wedding. Bobbie and Nicole have to deal with some old foes. Nicole must deal with a personal revelation and her brother's love for her. --- Hello everyone. This is Bobbie. This is the tale of Nicole's almost wedding and her brother's love and faith for her. I can never repay Larry for what he did. Nicole's wedding was drawing near. I was planning her shower and Larry was planning Howie's Bachelor party. Nicole had to...
Here's something I like to do that always results in a big mouthful of hot cumFirst I tie a silk stocking around your balls to make them swell up really big and fat. Then I lick and suck on them until they start to ache. As I do this your cock stands up at attention...but I ignore that and continue working on your swollen balls. Okay, I must admit your cock is starting to look pretty tempting as it throbs and rubs against my face. So I break down and run my tongue from the base, slowly all the...
So, I am a cross dresser, a submissive cross dresser, and my BF knows how to really use me! We had talked about how I got turned on when he was rough with me, when he took me anyway he wanted to during the weekends we spent together. How I fantasized about being a slut for one or two more of his friends at the same time. How just talking about being the group slut, being at their mercy was such a HUGH turn on for me!I knew he was going on vacation in a couple weeks, and would be gone for...
I hardly slept at all Thursday night. I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling in my darkened room. I tried not to think about what horrors tomorrow had in store for me. It was just after one in the morning when I saw my door slowly open. I watched Laura peek her head in. Our eyes met in the dark. She quietly closed my door, tiptoed to my bed and crawled in beside me. She put her arms around me and quietly said, "I've been thinking. I don't want you to go to that bastard's house...
Once Ki Jung got back home, she informs Auntie and little brother that she was going to cultivate in seclusion for the next couple of days. She wants to attempt to breakthrough with both her Blessed Whole arts to further improve her inner body and the depth and breadth of her Dantians and meridians. Ki Jung hopes to achieve this through intense cultivation while in seclusion at the Pergola at the Academy. As an instructor, she has full-time access to the academy grounds and most of its...
December, 1984 At the end of 1984 daddy came home one snowy afternoon with a strange look on his face. He got out of his fatigues and into some sweats and started helping me make dinner. Somewhere between peeling carrots for the salad and taking the roast beef out of the oven, a tension ran out of him and he sighed. "I have something tell you, pumpkin. Go ahead and sit down," he said, hefting the roast. I liked having roast beef because it meant sandwiches for the next few days, but I had...
A Perfect Flightby hotngr82002© I had been planning a vacation for several months, but being alone, didn't know where I wanted to go. After talking to several friends, I decided on going to Colorado. The ski season was arriving, so I thought maybe I could get in a few good runs on a weekend, besides I have some friends that live in Aurora and I knew I could visit them. I booked my flight and was excited about my trip. As I boarded my flight from Sacramento to Colorado, one of the stewardesses...
Finally it was 4:30, and time to leave work for the week. Not that the day hadn’t been stimulating so far, but I was eager to see what Karen had planned for me this particular evening. The day had started like every Friday for the past five months: Wake up, shave my legs, then kneel on the floor before Karen and paint her toenails a deep red. Next, I made breakfast for her in the nude, while she pressed her long, sexy body against me, reminding me that I was not allowed to touch her with my...
FetishJeff and Chelsea walked from the union holding hands. “I like that episode,” he said. “I like Tom Baker. He made the best of the Doctors.” “Mmm ... I agree. I like his sense of anarchy.” “I saw an interview with him. He said that the BBC is rather good at period costume dramas. Less so at giant man-eating rats.” “I guess that’s true,” she replied. “I think some of the cheesy special effects are part of the charm.” “Have you ever seen Logan’s Run?” “No.” “It was considered the ultimate...