SamChapter 12E free porn video

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My tormentor returned with yet another collection of gadgets, but this time I had no interest in them. He took in my slack expression and the line of spit running down my chin. He followed my fixed gaze to the place between my legs that held me entranced and he gasped with surprise and delight. This time I felt a rush of pleasure at having impressed him.

"My goodness! My goodness!" He said in his peculiar, almost squeaky, voice. "That's it! That's what I told you about. I've freed you. No more penis-envy. You've done it! You're perfect. My, my, I need to reward you. Here, just a minute. My goodness, I wasn't prepared. Just a minute though. I'll be right back."

If I hadn't been so preoccupied, I might have laughed at his antics. He was so overjoyed at finally getting one of his victims to respond to his 'treatments' that he had dropped even his feeble attempt at playing a big, bad, leather-clad menace and was mincing around like he had been absent the day the male hormones were handed out. Later, I realized that it was an important clue to his psychological problem.

After puttering around out of sight, he came back with the most ungainly and odd-looking machine I had ever seen. It was a mess of wheels and gears and pistons and sliding arms. Rube Goldberg would have loved it.

He moved the thing between my legs and clamped it to one of the supports of the table. I still could not figure it out. It looked like the model of part of a steam locomotive we had in the Physics Lab. When he attached the lifelike silicone dildo to the end of the sliding arm it all became clear as crystal.

As I watched him fussing over the machine, tightening, lubricating and checking this bit and that, I hoped that his skill at building gadgets had been brought to bear in full force on this one. I needed to be fucked in the worst way and this looked like just the device to do the job.

Finally, he had it ready. He swung the long sliding arm over and inserted the tip of the business end into me. I moaned at the touch of it, more out of anticipation than stimulation. He flipped a switch and it started up with a clatter. The maze of gears and wheels came alive and the arm pushed the dildo into me and pulled it out again.

In and out, in and out it went, making me a very happy camper. The thing was crude enough and loose enough that it took a slightly different angle and penetrated to a different depth with a different speed on each stroke. This gave it a wonderfully realistic feeling, not at all like how the fucking machines in my fantasies behaved.

In his haste to setup the machine, he hadn't adjusted the table or thought to remove the pillow from behind my head, so I was forced to watch the machine fuck me. This turned out to be highly arousing. The sheer inevitability of each stroke was a great turn-on, since the machine did not tire, did not need a bathroom break, and did not need to change position to stay hard. It just kept on fucking, in and out, in and out, in and out; making me wetter and hotter and more excited with each wonderful stroke.

On each inward stroke, my clit was pulled down to meet the dildo as it slid into me. The contact sent powerful bolts of pleasure through me that quickly turned into a series of mini-climaxes. Soon, I had abandoned myself to the fucking machine in the same way as I had earlier to the milking machine. I just let it have its way with me and relaxed into a marvelous state of acceptance and arousal.

I was so turned on that it after only a few minutes of being mechanically raped; I was cumming all over the dildo. My nervous system seemed to be trying to make up for my immobility because my first orgasm was a soul-wrenching experience that nearly rendered me unconscious. As my eyes uncrossed and my abdomen stopped twitching, I saw Professor Gadget reach for the switch on the machine.

"Hunhunh!" I said, shaking my head, oblivious to the potential consequences of trying to speak.

Confused, he took his hand away and let the machine continue to run. I settled back into passive acceptance of the plunging, driving arm and let it again drive me back up the slope toward the top of Mount Orgasm.

I think the second climax took longer to reach than the first. But I have no idea how long that was. There was no visible clock in the room and I had little interest in the passage of time. All I know is that it was damn good and I enjoyed it even more that the first.

Again, with the hand on the switch, and again I gave a shake of my head. Again, he let it run, and again I settled back for another round of pop-goes-Samantha.

My third orgasm with the mechanical fucker was better still. It took less subjective time to reach than the second, but my time-sense was probably just as well-fucked as my pussy by that point, so I can't say for sure. I do know that it seemed to go on for a very long time, and by the time it coasted to a stop; my cheek muscles were sore from trying to smile around the gag. This time, the guy in black kept his hands to himself, which I took to mean I got to decide when I had enough.

Sometime after that, I lost track of the number of orgasms I had and how long they were. I lost track of where I was, what day it was, and even my name. I was so overstimulated that I just slipped into a state of one continuous climax that seemed to go on forever. Somewhere during that time, I passed out.

When I came to, the machine was off and my captor was standing there with two pieces of the main gear in his hands. Seeing me awake, he said, "You wore it out. It couldn't take the strain of such prolonged operation. I'll have to order some new parts."

I wanted to say I was sorry, to apologize for breaking his nice machine, but I wasn't sorry at all. I was proud. I was happy. I felt an irrational sense of glee at having fucked the machine to death. I tried to giggle, but with the gag in my mouth I could only gurgle.

He thought I was strangling. He pulled the pillow from behind my head and removed the gag. He had a very tough time getting it out of my mouth, because my jaws had locked down on it in a death-grip and didn't want to let go.

When it was out, it took me quite a while to get my mouth to move again, and the pain of moving the muscles couldn't have been less than if my jaw was being ripped off of my face. It very effectively put an end to my giggling fit. Eventually I was able to work my mouth again and I realized that there was something I wanted very badly to say.

"Cuwa me goo ga freeechica gushgang gagig?" I said. That wasn't close to what it should have sounded like. I tried again, "Coowmegoowgarekrischasheegagn?" Still wasn't happening. I was making him curious about what was so important for me to say, though, he was bent over listening intently to me try to speak.

I worked my jaw some more and managed to get it loosened up. I swallowed repeatedly and cleared my throat before I tried to speak again. This time I sounded close to normal.

I smiled as winsomely as I could manage with my face twitching and I said, "Could we do the electrical machine again?"

Behind the mask, I could see his eyes blinking, but that was all. He didn't speak and he didn't move until I added, "Please?"

"Uh. I suppose. Sure. Just be a second." He said, in a small, confused voice. He fumbled with the clamps of the mechanical fucker and got it dismounted and hauled away. He brought back the electrocutor and hooked me up with jerky, uncertain motions. I guessed he didn't get many requests from his victims; and certainly not for the one device that delivered the greatest amount of pain; but more important to me, the greatest amount of stimulation. I suppose I could have asked to fuck the branding iron, but that was looking less and less like a fun thing as the day wore on. In a way, I think I wanted to do the electrocutor again because it offered the most sensation with the least physical damage.

The nipple clips were more comfortable with the metal rings in my nipples because they didn't bite as deep. The additional metal should give them a better contact-area, too. As soon as he put the metal cylinder in me, I grabbed it with my vaginal muscles, which startled him and then amazed him when I sucked it deeply into my willing hole with no further assistance. I settled it comfortably and took a firm grip on the slick tube.

He almost turned the machine on without putting the gag back in my mouth. I reminded him by clearing my throat and holding my mouth open for it. He put it in, but left the straps loose, which was fine. I just needed something to bite on to keep from hurting my tongue or breaking my teeth.

When I was ready, I nodded to him and he threw the switch. I snapped against the straps as the current slammed through my body. This time I noticed how the metal table groaned and squealed under the load my tortured muscles put on it. Also, this time my screams were just as loud and just as piercing and just as heartfelt, but there was a note of something else in them, too, something of exultation at feeling myself driven past pain, past agony and past human endurance. Perhaps other girls could take this amount of torture, but I would have been willing to bet anything you could name that not a one of them enjoyed it like I did.

This time when he shut it off, I felt positively rejuvenated. There was still the twitching and cramping and I still had the impulse to keep on screaming my lungs out, but I knew the effects were only temporary. I had lost all fear of the electrocutor. It was now just a great way to experience absolute sensory overload. And it didn't have the unfortunate aftereffects that being fucked with a branding iron would have. I was having a hard time putting that out of my mind. I suppose I was scared that I still might weaken and ask him to do it to me.

He pried the gag out of my jaws and I immediately asked another question, "Does that thing go any higher?"

"No. I didn't think it would be this popular, so I didn't provide for adjustments," he said. He sounded disappointed. I wondered if it was because he hadn't foreseen the possibility that someone might like it or if he were just stung by the criticism that he should have done a better job with it. I decided that, since I had him in a talkative mood, I would say what was really on my mind. He seemed to think I had earned the right to speak.

"Listen, there's something I need to know — would you really have put that hot iron in my pussy?"

"Well, I... why do you ask that?"

"Because it made me so... excited to think that you were going to really do it. I can't stop thinking about it. Did you really do that to the other girls?"

"No. I never did that," he confessed, reluctantly. "It might have killed them, you see? I wanted to teach them a lesson. I wanted to teach them they could be better than they were. I wanted them to live. The injuries were accidents. I wasn't as careful as I should have been. Some of my equipment wasn't fully perfected. But no one was seriously hurt. The vacuum pump doesn't really suck hard enough to draw blood, but it does feel that way. The piercings will heal if you take them out — even your tongue. The clitoridotomy is the only permanent thing I did to them. And that only to those whom I felt deserved it, like you.

"No, the branding iron was a way to frighten them, to make them comply with my instructions. Some of the others reacted to it as you did, driven to lustful seizures by the thought of being ruined by the hot iron. Some of them went crazy and begged me to do it to them. They pleaded with me, and offered me all kinds of things if I would burn them. I'm afraid some of them were never able to get over the desire for it, even after I released them."

That was both reassuring and frightening. It helped to know that I wasn't the only one who had self-destructive urges. It also told me the reason why many of his victims would not testify — they could not risk anyone finding out that they had such perverted desires, or they were grateful for having their sex organs upgraded and didn't want to have to declare that publicly, either. The unfortunate ones would have to have been put into straightjackets to keep them from hurting themselves. Some might not have been diagnosed quickly enough. Those might have succeeded in some form of self-mutilation. That was the real horror that the police report kept secret and that had bothered Gail so much — that they could be made to do want to do things like that to themselves.

Everyone's worst nightmare is to be turned into the thing that they fear most. In this case, they had become their own torturers. I found myself sympathizing with the torturer as well as the victims.

"Time to go, now," he said, clamping the noxious cloth over my face again. "You were the best. No one could be as perfect as you. Certainly no one ever enjoyed this as much as you... or at all."

He thought he had caught me unawares again, but he was wrong. This time I didn't suck in a lungful of the vapor right away. This time I held my breath and worked furiously to run my metabolism up to a high pitch. When I was almost burning up from the fire I had built in my body, I took a deep breath.

I rolled my eyes, slumped back on the table and let myself go limp as the vapors saturated my brain, making me woozy. This time, though, my head cleared as soon as he took the cloth away and I burned off the soporific drug almost immediately.

I lay there and played possum while he cranked the table back down. He had a hard time with it, since it had been warped by my attempts to escape and especially from my electrically-induced convulsions. When it jammed before reaching its original position, he picked up a wrench and bent down to try to free it. He must have realized that it would take too long to repair, because he dropped the wrench back into the box and then undid the straps holding me down and stepped away from the table. I almost jumped up then, but a quick peek showed me that he had just gone to get my clothes.

He dressed me gently and carefully, treating me as if I were an antique doll that might break if he handled me too roughly. I thought that was so sweet that I started to have second thoughts about turning him in to the cops. He even refastened my fanny pack, which he had apparently never opened, or he would have seen my badge and I might have woken up in a ditch the first time. It wasn't until he had picked me up to carry me to wherever he intended to drop me off that I gave any hint of being awake and aware.

"It's too bad," I said, startling him so badly that he almost let me fall. "If it had been just me, I might ask if you could see me again next week at the same time. But there are all those other girls, you see. You said yourself that none of them enjoyed it as much as I did and I am afraid that some of them are very unhappy with what you did to them."

He released me and I dropped to my feet. He made no move to attack or to escape.

"But it was for their own good! I did it to make them perfect. I did it for them! It's their fault if they failed to see that!" he whined, too wrapped up in his rationalization to think of trying to get away. Still, I watched him closely. Even the meekest of beasts will fight when cornered.

"I understand," I told him reassuringly. "Really. But you know what they say about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions. You took a chance and it didn't work out. Now you are going somewhere where they will keep you from doing this to anyone else. I hope they let you have a workshop. You are very good at making those toys. I really like the electrocutor and the mechanical fucker. Those are real works of art."

"Thank you. It's good to hear compliments on my work. None of the other girls understood, you know. They all struggled and screamed and cried, and that was fun for a while, but none of them appreciated what I was trying to do for them."

"I know. It's tough to do something that you think will help someone when they fight you every step of the way. People can be so ungrateful, can't they?" I was scaring myself. I was starting to understand him. He had started off hating girls for rejecting him when he was younger. He had got into playing Torturer as a way to take his revenge on them, but he never actually stopped liking girls. Being in contact with them, even in this perverted way, had brought out those good feelings. The problem was that he couldn't change himself. He could only change his justification for what he did, and in a small way, how he went about it. The little bells were certainly not something your average torturer of girls would think of.

"It's a shame. If you had put an ad in the paper, describing what you wanted, you probably could have had girls lined up around the block waiting to have you try some of this stuff on them. Some of it, that is." I looked askance at the brazier with its load of hot irons. Those would never be really popular. It was certain that they would not generate as much repeat business as the unique piercings or the other things.

"Really? I never considered that."

"Yeah. Look, if they let you off on some technicality or psychiatric grounds or something, you might want to try that. There are a lot of people who are into this sort of thing nowadays. I guess I must be one of them."

"OK, I'll give it some thought."

"Good. Now I'm going to have to tie you up or something while I go for the police."

"I'd rather you didn't. That would be embarrassing, to have everyone know that I had let myself be tied up by a girl."

He was shifting his feet like he was thinking about resisting. I had to think of a way he could save face so I wouldn't have to hurt him. I spotted just what I needed lying in a corner of the room. I picked up a six-foot length of the iron bar stock that he had used to make the irons that he heated in the brazier.

"How about if I tie you up with this?"

"You're kidding. That's half-inch iron. You could drive a truck over that and not bend it."

"Right." I bent the bar into a big circle, leaving a small gap between the ends. I put it around his waist and ran the end of the bar behind one of the support braces under the table. Then I pushed the loop closed and snugged it tight so he could not slip out.

Same as Sam
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Ashley sat and watched the video in silence, her eyes blank behind her thick-framed glasses. Tasha gave her sidelong looks, waiting for some response, some reaction. There was none. When the video was over, Tasha clicked the "stop" button and set the remote down."Well, that's it," she said, standing. "Do you have any questions?"The woman tucked a long strand of brown hair behind her ear, looking up at Tasha. She shook her head and gave her a shrug. "No.""Okay," Tasha said brightly. "Well, let's...

4 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 246 Answer

Kenshin: I finally managed to find it. My answer of how to atone for the crimes of the Hitokiri, and for killing Tomoe... Enishi: Really. So you finally understand. Then you'll cease this pointless struggle and accept your punishment! (He leaps forward, stabbing Kenshin in the arm.) Misao (wincing): Ouch! Megumi: Ken-san! Watoujutsu Goutsui Tousei! (Enishi's second blow sends Kenshin flying almost straight up in the air. He lands with a spray of blood.) Enishi: The only way to pay...

1 year ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 52

Rory The day of the wedding finally arrived. My mum and Phil had come to stay in what Rebecca and I had come to regard as our house, though it really was my mum's. Kenny was my best man but it was Phil who after a light snack that was an early lunch, helped me to get into my highland regalia. By the time Kenny came round I was dressed and ready to go. It is a funny thing but over the past week the time seemed to fly in. Now with less than an hour to go until the wedding ceremony started...

3 years ago
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Daughter Of The Wood

Daniel peeked out the window and watched his daughter standing next to a car, chatting with the young man who owned it. Though the day's outing was a civil protest against a factory releasing contaminated wastewater, he could see in the manner of the couple that there was far more than a sense of civic duty motivating their time together. Though she was dressed in a conservative manner, it could do little to hide her natural allure. She had her mother's willowy, shapely figure, and the same...

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trainer fucks wife client

White wife said that she had been infatuated with black personal trainer muscular body from the first time she met me at the gym. She hired me on the spot to help her develop a fitness program at home. I then came to the house one day to meet her, review the exercise machines, and help design a program of fitness. I wore skimpy gym clothes and she was dressed in her skin-tight exercise outfit for the meeting. I planned to demonstrate on the exercise equipment how to use it as well as whatever...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sisters

Sissy Sisters The steel band around his neck held him fast on his back on the changing table in his nursery. His Governess had locked him in place bathed and naked to await his wife, and his Mistress's, homecoming from a trip into Eastern Europe. Away for two weeks she was keen to see how he was progressing and prepare him for a visit from one of her friends that evening. He himself had only been back home for a day after being confined for a month in the Community Protection Unit...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Kyle David Chris pt 2

One day we were hanging out in the handball courts by ourselves and we were talking. We were talking about sex and he told me about a time his cousin, a boy cousin, made him do some things with him. Well, David was about 11 and he was still living in Poland when it all happened. His cousin one day said that if David would suck his dick he'd suck Davids, and they did it. But to make sure David did it, his cousin would beat him. They did this more than once. His cousin made David stand in...

2 years ago
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Sex Edycation

Prior to joining the Navy the only sex I had was with myself. I would go back into the woods behind my house, strip naked and pretend that I was captured by pirates or Indians and that I was to provide them with sexual pleasure. I had learned how to suck my own cock and I really enjoyed the taste of my own cum and I had also found some sticks on the ground that were very smooth and the right size for my ass. I had a very good imagination and if I closed my eyes I actually believed that...

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Teachers NightmareChapter 8

I spread all twenty fingers as wide as they would go. Then I placed my left hand on my crotch and covered it with my right hand -- at a right angle. This concealed as much of the area as possible and minimized the gaps between my fingers. I wanted so much to lean forward to shield my naked lower body. I wanted to cover my breasts that were vaguely hidden by the sheer top. But glancing at Heather driving my car along the busy street with the top down, I knew I wasn't permitted to do so. I...

3 years ago
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SLUT Wife Was The Out Of Town New Years Party

We are getting near to the hotel. I like the Hilton with the bigger windows. We checked in and J did it with no bra on this whole time, a little wiggle/jiggle through the lobby please. Thank You Honey! We had to work our way to the check in desk with all the people around. Anyway she was ready to get ready, we went to the room. It was as they promised. A suite with a bedroom and a sitting area and work, lounge area. I love the lay out and the room, I better for the price! The couch and chair...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetXSpankMonster Hannah Hays Stepdaughter Tennis Twat

Iconic petite princess Hannah Hays usually rocks her hair blonde, but she looks adorable as a brunette too! Today, she is supposed to be going to tennis class, but all she wants to do is lounge around in her sexy underwear and try on her moms clothes. She wants to have some fun before she dives into her lesson, so her old man agrees to give her his meaty tennis racket to play with. She bounces up and down, letting him go deep inside her to serve up some serious pleasure. She moans and groans...

1 year ago
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Cheering up Cassie

She was 20 years old and very attractive. She was also very experienced. Yet for some reason, Cassie's boyfriend walked onto the dancefloor with his hands on the ass of another girl. She was just about to leave when a tall, handsome man, about 23 walked up. "Is this seat taken?" he said with a smile. She shook her head. "I couldn't help but notice that the boy you came with seems to have left you. I had to make sure this was right, since I couldn't believe anyone would be stupid enough to leave...

2 years ago
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HardtimesChapter 8

“Hey, Burl!” “Hey, Carl,” Burl replied to the bank guard. Carl was in his late fifties trying to hang on until he could retire. He was a fill-in while the regular guard took his lunch hour. Since Burl always stopped by the bank during the lunch hour, he knew Carl better than the regular guard. “I see that it is payday again,” Carl said. The pay envelope was sticking out of Burl’s top pocket. It wasn’t the first he’d seen that day and it wouldn’t be the last. The bank would have a line for...

3 years ago
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Had to spy

In June of last year, I was in an adult movie/gallery store. I was browsing; when the door chime went off... A serious Sinfully Seductive piece of work walked in... alone!? Even the security guy was panting! Long legs, mid-back hair, full supple breast... straining against a Halter top that tied at the neck. Auburn tinted Brunette...The A/C did me and the other guys justice; her nipples were those swollen puffy erect types... My mouth got wet watching...She went to the counter; she asked for...

2 years ago
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147 A Butchers maid

147. A Butcher`s maid. Mildred, a lady of middle years, tidy but no great beauty and well shaped for her age though she would be the first to tell you no hourglass! She had been married for 15 years 10 of them loveless to a sexual nomad, that now slept with whatever woman he had a fancy for, regardless of any vows or her feelings. They had no k**dies so that was a blessing and 2 years ago she had in frustration taken a lover, a chap she met at the local park with his large dog. The dog...

1 year ago
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The Pickup

I woke up and found myself lying on the bed, my hands were handcuffed to the iron bedstead and my feet were also the tied securely. The person who had done this to me was lying in beside me her body covered in a fine sheen of perspiration and fast asleep. I realise what had woken me was a sound from the bedroom door, looking over to the door I saw two girls, about 14 and 16, both were looking intently at the scene in front of them. I could not say anything to them as my mouth was gagged and...

3 years ago
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How I got addicted to Interracial Porn

How did I become addicted to interracial porn? I am a middle-aged white married male, who had never really watched IR porn or avoided it out of racist jealously. One weekend, on a business trip sitting by the pool at my hotel, an attractive blonde was dancing on the deck drawing attention to herself. Needless to say I started getting hard, watching her dance along the pool. I managed to take a few secret pictures of her as I rub the outside of my swimming trunks. I’m a happily married man with...

2 years ago
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I really enjoyed my mother variously

Hi my name is Asif, age 19 years, last year i have done my 12’th in my home town nasik, now days i am doing my 12’th plus at university of pune, i still remember a day me and my mother had journey from nasik to pune. Now i do not want to vast your time, so i will tell you only about my real journey , befor that let me explain about my mother, my mother name is shahin, age 42, she is same look like film actress jaya prada, little fat wide tip house wife,…… Real story start in hindi…….Whoh din...

3 years ago
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My Son Becomes My Master Chapter 1

My name is Robin Perkins. I have to tell you a story that happened to me that completely changed my life.You see, I grew up in a normal middle-class family. My father was a banker, and my mom stayed home and took care of us kids and the house. We had the "ideal" life; a nice three bedroom/two bath home, two cars, we even had the white picket fence! You couldn't ask for a more average American family!The problem is that I didn't fit into that mold very well. I was the youngest of three kids - I...

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Friend with Benefits Part 8211 2

Hi guys, Vishu here again. Hope you all must have liked my part 1 of this incident. Continuing from where I left, directly coming to the story. Next day we met at the office and were laughing continuously, people around us along with our friends and colleagues were asking why are you laughing so we told them that we saw a nice comedy movie online and thinking about it and therefore laughing out that way. As I said earlier I respect for what she is and therefore would like to keep everything...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 39 Overwhelmed

March 22, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, you have to come see this!” Elyse called from the great room. “What’s up?” I asked walking in. “They had a clip on CNN, but I switched over to ESPN. Some hockey player had his jugular vein and carotid artery sliced by a skate on the ice.” “That’s pretty much fatal,” Jessica said. “Maybe if you had a trauma surgeon right there...” “He lived,” Elyse said. “They don’t have too many more details, but the team doctor and some other doctors stabilized...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 08f

Twice a neighbour had called the police complaining about the noise. Russell thought it was Janice that had made the calls, even though it wasn't. Because of the calls and another number of disagreements between them they both hated each other. Janice in fact did not get on with any of Russell's family. They were a rough lot thought Janice, Russell was a dustbin man and so were some of his mates. They all ready sounded drunk. In a sudden fit of anger Janice decided to go and give Russell a...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter and the teachers

Elizabeth felt a pair of calloused hands roam her body and she moaned. Merlin, the lad had magical hands. They knew how to touch her and where. They then cupped her swinging breasts and she groaned. She was on her hands and knees with Harry in back of her thrusting in and out of her gushing cunt.“Mmmm, Harry” she moaned.“Yes professor?” Harry asked.“Harry, you know you should call me Elizabeth during your tutoring sessions” Elizabeth chided gently.“Sorry, Elizabeth” Harry said.“No problem...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Changes

Driving home was always the worst part of the day. It wasn't that I didn't like going out for drinks with them, its just that as soon as they got the least bit intoxicated, they immediately launched into tales of the previous conquests, the things they did, the things they liked about her, the things they wished they had done with her, and on and on. Being the last one in the group to experience this, I usual just disengaged and spent the rest of my night in my own little word wondering why I...

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Spizoo Anna Bell Peaks Alix Lynx AnnaBell Alix Blowjob POV Virtual

So as you saw in the past episode I went to the stripper experience and I invited Alix Lynx And Anna Bell Peaks Back to my house for some late night fun. OMG they looked so good in those stripper outfits and my cock was so hard. Money can buy you anything so I asked them to suck my cock before bed and they went for it. Imagine two of your favorite pornstars looking up at you when they are sucking you off, well that’s was my amazing experience and I bust a fat load on those two sexy...

1 year ago
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Fun at the convention

"Well that's been a wowser of a day" "Tell me about it, my brain is nearly fried" These big medical conferences were never easy going but today's had been particularly testing. "Fancy a drink to unwind?" "Sure why not?" Al and Sonia made for the hotel bar and he ordered a bottle of Shiraz and a couple of glasses. The first glass slipped down very smoothly and he topped them both up. By the end of their second glass they were both starting to relax. As they switched off from the stresses of the...

Erotic Fiction
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3some wit aunt

this is a real story and happened to me last saturday. before we start i have been havin sex with my aunt 4 the past six months.we got together at first at a party where we were both hammered and had such a good time we decided to keep it going. so bout 2 weeks ago my aunt hazel and i had just had sex when she asked me if i had ever had a 3 some. i said no and she asked would i be interested of course i said yeah. so i asked her did she know and woman interested whenshe told me she did not want...

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Kiccha my kinky fatherinlaw

I am Janaki, 45 year old married woman and a mother of two kids. I am working with a nationalized bank in NOIDA and my husband is a Central Government employee. I was born and brought up in Pallakad before I settled in Ghaziabad 22 years ago after my marriage. I am a regular visitor of ISS during the past one year or so and have made up my mind to tell a few stories myself. I would love to begin by narrating one of my real experiences with none other than my father-in-law. Krishnamurthy alias...

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My girlfriend

This was around the first of October me and my girlfriend had got together and we'd been together for 1 month now and we had now made the relationship sexual, I went round hers to see her and she had the tightest shirt on you could see her 34 Es and those perfect nipples through the shirt, we went out for a walk and both me and her we're getting Hornier and horniier eventually we got back to hers and we got to her bedroom and she starts grinding on me and my dick gets harder and harder starting...

2 years ago
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Paddling to My DestinyChapter 14

For the next few days, all Dawn would talk about was the wedding. We finally decided to have a spring wedding. We planned to schedule it on a day after she was done with school. We both decided that sooner was better than later. There was absolutely no way that I was going to continue living, much longer, without Dawn as a part of my daily life. The next weekend, Dawn came over to my house, where I fixed her a delicious meal. I made a special salad and a pan of lasagna. I thought it turned...

2 years ago
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UninvitedChapter 2

Her body undulated, creeping around me, fat, heavy coils lined with scales so imperceptibly smooth they might as well be skin brushed against me. Her chubby tail encircled me in a prison made of taut muscle that flowed like liquid. I struggled impotently, my limbs bound tightly against my body, but it was pointless, I could no more escape from her clutches than a fly could escape a spider. Images of monstrous snakes played through my mind as the great animal loomed over me, its imposing...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Fun

This story happened to me awhile ago when I was 20 and going to school at an SEC school. It was pretty much your typical Friday afternoon. Everyone was getting done with classes and starting to drink and party for the night. The difference was, that tomorrow was the first football game of the year and our school was supposed to have a pretty good team this year. This being the case, there were a lot of people that had come into town to watch the game. This always made things more fun around...

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Rattling Snakes Cage 2 Ch 02

This is a character driven romantic crime thriller that tells the story of Patrick and Rachel, Jerry and Megan, and their enemy Snake. It follows on from the original story Rattling Snakes Cage that can be found in Novels and Novella’s. Will Patrick and Rachel get back together to resume their love affair? * Patrick walked out of his cell onto the landing of D Block still buttoning up the light blue prison shirt and tucking it into the regulation darker blue trousers. The noise of a hundred...

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