Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 12E
- 2 years ago
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My tormentor returned with yet another collection of gadgets, but this time I had no interest in them. He took in my slack expression and the line of spit running down my chin. He followed my fixed gaze to the place between my legs that held me entranced and he gasped with surprise and delight. This time I felt a rush of pleasure at having impressed him.
"My goodness! My goodness!" He said in his peculiar, almost squeaky, voice. "That's it! That's what I told you about. I've freed you. No more penis-envy. You've done it! You're perfect. My, my, I need to reward you. Here, just a minute. My goodness, I wasn't prepared. Just a minute though. I'll be right back."
If I hadn't been so preoccupied, I might have laughed at his antics. He was so overjoyed at finally getting one of his victims to respond to his 'treatments' that he had dropped even his feeble attempt at playing a big, bad, leather-clad menace and was mincing around like he had been absent the day the male hormones were handed out. Later, I realized that it was an important clue to his psychological problem.
After puttering around out of sight, he came back with the most ungainly and odd-looking machine I had ever seen. It was a mess of wheels and gears and pistons and sliding arms. Rube Goldberg would have loved it.
He moved the thing between my legs and clamped it to one of the supports of the table. I still could not figure it out. It looked like the model of part of a steam locomotive we had in the Physics Lab. When he attached the lifelike silicone dildo to the end of the sliding arm it all became clear as crystal.
As I watched him fussing over the machine, tightening, lubricating and checking this bit and that, I hoped that his skill at building gadgets had been brought to bear in full force on this one. I needed to be fucked in the worst way and this looked like just the device to do the job.
Finally, he had it ready. He swung the long sliding arm over and inserted the tip of the business end into me. I moaned at the touch of it, more out of anticipation than stimulation. He flipped a switch and it started up with a clatter. The maze of gears and wheels came alive and the arm pushed the dildo into me and pulled it out again.
In and out, in and out it went, making me a very happy camper. The thing was crude enough and loose enough that it took a slightly different angle and penetrated to a different depth with a different speed on each stroke. This gave it a wonderfully realistic feeling, not at all like how the fucking machines in my fantasies behaved.
In his haste to setup the machine, he hadn't adjusted the table or thought to remove the pillow from behind my head, so I was forced to watch the machine fuck me. This turned out to be highly arousing. The sheer inevitability of each stroke was a great turn-on, since the machine did not tire, did not need a bathroom break, and did not need to change position to stay hard. It just kept on fucking, in and out, in and out, in and out; making me wetter and hotter and more excited with each wonderful stroke.
On each inward stroke, my clit was pulled down to meet the dildo as it slid into me. The contact sent powerful bolts of pleasure through me that quickly turned into a series of mini-climaxes. Soon, I had abandoned myself to the fucking machine in the same way as I had earlier to the milking machine. I just let it have its way with me and relaxed into a marvelous state of acceptance and arousal.
I was so turned on that it after only a few minutes of being mechanically raped; I was cumming all over the dildo. My nervous system seemed to be trying to make up for my immobility because my first orgasm was a soul-wrenching experience that nearly rendered me unconscious. As my eyes uncrossed and my abdomen stopped twitching, I saw Professor Gadget reach for the switch on the machine.
"Hunhunh!" I said, shaking my head, oblivious to the potential consequences of trying to speak.
Confused, he took his hand away and let the machine continue to run. I settled back into passive acceptance of the plunging, driving arm and let it again drive me back up the slope toward the top of Mount Orgasm.
I think the second climax took longer to reach than the first. But I have no idea how long that was. There was no visible clock in the room and I had little interest in the passage of time. All I know is that it was damn good and I enjoyed it even more that the first.
Again, with the hand on the switch, and again I gave a shake of my head. Again, he let it run, and again I settled back for another round of pop-goes-Samantha.
My third orgasm with the mechanical fucker was better still. It took less subjective time to reach than the second, but my time-sense was probably just as well-fucked as my pussy by that point, so I can't say for sure. I do know that it seemed to go on for a very long time, and by the time it coasted to a stop; my cheek muscles were sore from trying to smile around the gag. This time, the guy in black kept his hands to himself, which I took to mean I got to decide when I had enough.
Sometime after that, I lost track of the number of orgasms I had and how long they were. I lost track of where I was, what day it was, and even my name. I was so overstimulated that I just slipped into a state of one continuous climax that seemed to go on forever. Somewhere during that time, I passed out.
When I came to, the machine was off and my captor was standing there with two pieces of the main gear in his hands. Seeing me awake, he said, "You wore it out. It couldn't take the strain of such prolonged operation. I'll have to order some new parts."
I wanted to say I was sorry, to apologize for breaking his nice machine, but I wasn't sorry at all. I was proud. I was happy. I felt an irrational sense of glee at having fucked the machine to death. I tried to giggle, but with the gag in my mouth I could only gurgle.
He thought I was strangling. He pulled the pillow from behind my head and removed the gag. He had a very tough time getting it out of my mouth, because my jaws had locked down on it in a death-grip and didn't want to let go.
When it was out, it took me quite a while to get my mouth to move again, and the pain of moving the muscles couldn't have been less than if my jaw was being ripped off of my face. It very effectively put an end to my giggling fit. Eventually I was able to work my mouth again and I realized that there was something I wanted very badly to say.
"Cuwa me goo ga freeechica gushgang gagig?" I said. That wasn't close to what it should have sounded like. I tried again, "Coowmegoowgarekrischasheegagn?" Still wasn't happening. I was making him curious about what was so important for me to say, though, he was bent over listening intently to me try to speak.
I worked my jaw some more and managed to get it loosened up. I swallowed repeatedly and cleared my throat before I tried to speak again. This time I sounded close to normal.
I smiled as winsomely as I could manage with my face twitching and I said, "Could we do the electrical machine again?"
Behind the mask, I could see his eyes blinking, but that was all. He didn't speak and he didn't move until I added, "Please?"
"Uh. I suppose. Sure. Just be a second." He said, in a small, confused voice. He fumbled with the clamps of the mechanical fucker and got it dismounted and hauled away. He brought back the electrocutor and hooked me up with jerky, uncertain motions. I guessed he didn't get many requests from his victims; and certainly not for the one device that delivered the greatest amount of pain; but more important to me, the greatest amount of stimulation. I suppose I could have asked to fuck the branding iron, but that was looking less and less like a fun thing as the day wore on. In a way, I think I wanted to do the electrocutor again because it offered the most sensation with the least physical damage.
The nipple clips were more comfortable with the metal rings in my nipples because they didn't bite as deep. The additional metal should give them a better contact-area, too. As soon as he put the metal cylinder in me, I grabbed it with my vaginal muscles, which startled him and then amazed him when I sucked it deeply into my willing hole with no further assistance. I settled it comfortably and took a firm grip on the slick tube.
He almost turned the machine on without putting the gag back in my mouth. I reminded him by clearing my throat and holding my mouth open for it. He put it in, but left the straps loose, which was fine. I just needed something to bite on to keep from hurting my tongue or breaking my teeth.
When I was ready, I nodded to him and he threw the switch. I snapped against the straps as the current slammed through my body. This time I noticed how the metal table groaned and squealed under the load my tortured muscles put on it. Also, this time my screams were just as loud and just as piercing and just as heartfelt, but there was a note of something else in them, too, something of exultation at feeling myself driven past pain, past agony and past human endurance. Perhaps other girls could take this amount of torture, but I would have been willing to bet anything you could name that not a one of them enjoyed it like I did.
This time when he shut it off, I felt positively rejuvenated. There was still the twitching and cramping and I still had the impulse to keep on screaming my lungs out, but I knew the effects were only temporary. I had lost all fear of the electrocutor. It was now just a great way to experience absolute sensory overload. And it didn't have the unfortunate aftereffects that being fucked with a branding iron would have. I was having a hard time putting that out of my mind. I suppose I was scared that I still might weaken and ask him to do it to me.
He pried the gag out of my jaws and I immediately asked another question, "Does that thing go any higher?"
"No. I didn't think it would be this popular, so I didn't provide for adjustments," he said. He sounded disappointed. I wondered if it was because he hadn't foreseen the possibility that someone might like it or if he were just stung by the criticism that he should have done a better job with it. I decided that, since I had him in a talkative mood, I would say what was really on my mind. He seemed to think I had earned the right to speak.
"Listen, there's something I need to know — would you really have put that hot iron in my pussy?"
"Well, I... why do you ask that?"
"Because it made me so... excited to think that you were going to really do it. I can't stop thinking about it. Did you really do that to the other girls?"
"No. I never did that," he confessed, reluctantly. "It might have killed them, you see? I wanted to teach them a lesson. I wanted to teach them they could be better than they were. I wanted them to live. The injuries were accidents. I wasn't as careful as I should have been. Some of my equipment wasn't fully perfected. But no one was seriously hurt. The vacuum pump doesn't really suck hard enough to draw blood, but it does feel that way. The piercings will heal if you take them out — even your tongue. The clitoridotomy is the only permanent thing I did to them. And that only to those whom I felt deserved it, like you.
"No, the branding iron was a way to frighten them, to make them comply with my instructions. Some of the others reacted to it as you did, driven to lustful seizures by the thought of being ruined by the hot iron. Some of them went crazy and begged me to do it to them. They pleaded with me, and offered me all kinds of things if I would burn them. I'm afraid some of them were never able to get over the desire for it, even after I released them."
That was both reassuring and frightening. It helped to know that I wasn't the only one who had self-destructive urges. It also told me the reason why many of his victims would not testify — they could not risk anyone finding out that they had such perverted desires, or they were grateful for having their sex organs upgraded and didn't want to have to declare that publicly, either. The unfortunate ones would have to have been put into straightjackets to keep them from hurting themselves. Some might not have been diagnosed quickly enough. Those might have succeeded in some form of self-mutilation. That was the real horror that the police report kept secret and that had bothered Gail so much — that they could be made to do want to do things like that to themselves.
Everyone's worst nightmare is to be turned into the thing that they fear most. In this case, they had become their own torturers. I found myself sympathizing with the torturer as well as the victims.
"Time to go, now," he said, clamping the noxious cloth over my face again. "You were the best. No one could be as perfect as you. Certainly no one ever enjoyed this as much as you... or at all."
He thought he had caught me unawares again, but he was wrong. This time I didn't suck in a lungful of the vapor right away. This time I held my breath and worked furiously to run my metabolism up to a high pitch. When I was almost burning up from the fire I had built in my body, I took a deep breath.
I rolled my eyes, slumped back on the table and let myself go limp as the vapors saturated my brain, making me woozy. This time, though, my head cleared as soon as he took the cloth away and I burned off the soporific drug almost immediately.
I lay there and played possum while he cranked the table back down. He had a hard time with it, since it had been warped by my attempts to escape and especially from my electrically-induced convulsions. When it jammed before reaching its original position, he picked up a wrench and bent down to try to free it. He must have realized that it would take too long to repair, because he dropped the wrench back into the box and then undid the straps holding me down and stepped away from the table. I almost jumped up then, but a quick peek showed me that he had just gone to get my clothes.
He dressed me gently and carefully, treating me as if I were an antique doll that might break if he handled me too roughly. I thought that was so sweet that I started to have second thoughts about turning him in to the cops. He even refastened my fanny pack, which he had apparently never opened, or he would have seen my badge and I might have woken up in a ditch the first time. It wasn't until he had picked me up to carry me to wherever he intended to drop me off that I gave any hint of being awake and aware.
"It's too bad," I said, startling him so badly that he almost let me fall. "If it had been just me, I might ask if you could see me again next week at the same time. But there are all those other girls, you see. You said yourself that none of them enjoyed it as much as I did and I am afraid that some of them are very unhappy with what you did to them."
He released me and I dropped to my feet. He made no move to attack or to escape.
"But it was for their own good! I did it to make them perfect. I did it for them! It's their fault if they failed to see that!" he whined, too wrapped up in his rationalization to think of trying to get away. Still, I watched him closely. Even the meekest of beasts will fight when cornered.
"I understand," I told him reassuringly. "Really. But you know what they say about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions. You took a chance and it didn't work out. Now you are going somewhere where they will keep you from doing this to anyone else. I hope they let you have a workshop. You are very good at making those toys. I really like the electrocutor and the mechanical fucker. Those are real works of art."
"Thank you. It's good to hear compliments on my work. None of the other girls understood, you know. They all struggled and screamed and cried, and that was fun for a while, but none of them appreciated what I was trying to do for them."
"I know. It's tough to do something that you think will help someone when they fight you every step of the way. People can be so ungrateful, can't they?" I was scaring myself. I was starting to understand him. He had started off hating girls for rejecting him when he was younger. He had got into playing Torturer as a way to take his revenge on them, but he never actually stopped liking girls. Being in contact with them, even in this perverted way, had brought out those good feelings. The problem was that he couldn't change himself. He could only change his justification for what he did, and in a small way, how he went about it. The little bells were certainly not something your average torturer of girls would think of.
"It's a shame. If you had put an ad in the paper, describing what you wanted, you probably could have had girls lined up around the block waiting to have you try some of this stuff on them. Some of it, that is." I looked askance at the brazier with its load of hot irons. Those would never be really popular. It was certain that they would not generate as much repeat business as the unique piercings or the other things.
"Really? I never considered that."
"Yeah. Look, if they let you off on some technicality or psychiatric grounds or something, you might want to try that. There are a lot of people who are into this sort of thing nowadays. I guess I must be one of them."
"OK, I'll give it some thought."
"Good. Now I'm going to have to tie you up or something while I go for the police."
"I'd rather you didn't. That would be embarrassing, to have everyone know that I had let myself be tied up by a girl."
He was shifting his feet like he was thinking about resisting. I had to think of a way he could save face so I wouldn't have to hurt him. I spotted just what I needed lying in a corner of the room. I picked up a six-foot length of the iron bar stock that he had used to make the irons that he heated in the brazier.
"How about if I tie you up with this?"
"You're kidding. That's half-inch iron. You could drive a truck over that and not bend it."
"Right." I bent the bar into a big circle, leaving a small gap between the ends. I put it around his waist and ran the end of the bar behind one of the support braces under the table. Then I pushed the loop closed and snugged it tight so he could not slip out.
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Zach's relationship with Debbie, Dan and the others they had "recruited" continued happily and lustily. A few vignettes: First, Debbie (pushed by Zach, but not very hard) suggests to Li (who Zach compels to agree, though it takes very little compelling) that they hire out as strippers for a local fraternity party. Surrounded by a room full of young, healthy college boys the two take on all comers (pun intended). They start with a sultry strip that includes spreading each others legs and...
I woke up early the next day to a warm, wet, really nice sensation on my cock. I looked down and sure enough, Liv was sucking it, still completely naked from sleeping. ‘Morning, babe,’ she said, and put it back in her mouth. I groaned and tried to go back to sleep, but failed. It was like a fucking vacuum cleaner on my cock, but in a good way. Liv suddenly stopped and said, ‘We have to do this fast. Kay could come knocking at any minute. This could be the last time for a week. And please try to...
Steve was wandering aimlessly through the aisles of the store, not looking for anything in particular. As he was walking down the snack aisle, eyeing a box of Oreos someone else turned the corner. Steve looked up and saw a nice looking girl, who somehow looked familiar. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about her face was ringing a bell. She didn’t really notice that anyone was in the aisle and was busy filling her shopping cart. She had to get snacks for the kid’s lunches...
“Court is dismissed” the deputy sheriff called out. The judge stood and left as the crowd of onlookers slowly exited too. The younger woman sat and watched him leave as the people walked out. She did not move. She had a “thing” for the slightly older statesman. In truth, she’d had a thing for him for a long, long time. No, she wasn’t warped in any way. She has known the man for a long while now. At one time, he was a partner with her daddy. The judge was a number of years younger then her daddy...
First TimeAn android, known as VX-13 (Kenna James), awakens to find herself naked and alone in the middle of the Wastelands. The android has no idea how she ended up there, although she’s in dire need of water to keep her systems up and running. Meanwhile, April O’Neil, or The Doc, is driving through the desert in search of plants while the radio spews depressing news about the rapid decline of the world as they know it. Distracted by thoughts of her past life, April doesn’t see the...
xmoviesforyouAfter Halloween, Brad and I continued to talk, texting each other several times a day. Our chats were flirty and sexual, but not romantic. I was in no hurry to enter another relationship after the way things ended with Steve. And while Brad was a big part of why things ended so badly, I couldn't deny that I was attracted to him. There was a special chemistry between us that made him impossible to forget. I still felt like an outcast at school, having been labeled a "whore" by a lot of girls...
HardcoreAuthor’s Note: This is in continuation of the story ‘The Three Sides of a Triangle – I’ where in the first chapter Koushik narrated his part of the story, the events up to a Thursday night when he had an incestuous relation with his cousin sister. It is suggested that readers first read the previous part and then read this part of the story. In this part, Ratna narrates her past sexual activity with Geeta and then Koushik tells about his and Ratna’s further sexual play during the night. Geeta...
IncestNo one thought anything about it. Helen and her son Mark were traveling to see Helen's parents, which was a two-day trip up to the Scotish Highlands. They had made it many times before and the routine was always the same. They always stopped at the same hotel, just of the M6 time after time. They always got a single room with two double beds. They may have been of opposite sexes, but they were mother and son. It was all perfectly innocent and natural. No one, including Helen and Mark, thought...
As the evening progressed Mark and Susan continued to fuck each other to the point of collapse. Susan who wasn’t much of a drinker, usually, had finished three glasses of champagne and was feeling more than a little tipsy. This concerned Mark a little as she wasn’t known for staying awake when under the influence. “I want to go out!” she exclaimed slightly slurring her words. “Where do you want to go?” asked Mark with a slight hesitation in his voice. “A good bar that is close by with some...
Wife Lovers"Mom, I dont enjoy skating and I never will its stupid. Ill be there everyone will be having a good time but me. she looks quizzically at me and utters "Goddammit you will go skating and you will have fun." (fast forward past the cool party) "Bye Paul, See you tommorrow Tiffany...." I saunter into the kitchen to notice Jennifer the neighbor girl from down the street is still sitting here. "what time do you have to be home?" I ask as i slowly grab my powerade from the...
I find myself remembering the first time we sat up all night talking, you made me laugh so hard. I wonder whether you remember that night as well as I do? We talked about everything, especially my love of cooking and your love of eating! And then when I didn’t think I could laugh anymore you kissed me, a kiss full of promises. You pulled me close to you holding me so tight against your chest as you crushed your lips against mine. I ran my tongue across your lip before sliding it into your...
"A very intersting resume', Mr. Dancer, "very interesting indeed, but I'm afraid that the job you're applying for has very specific requirements, and unforturnately there's nothing here that will tell me if you're qualified for this position!!!" "Exactly what is the position I'm applying for," Mike Dancer asked the personel director, "the add was little bit murky as far as the job description went!?!" "And with good reason," Joanne Ford replied quickly, "the job in question is of an extremely...
EroticSue and I stared dating the summer of 1982 we knew each other in high school we were friends but she had a guy then but as we got out of high school I joined the Coast Guard and I was station in a near by port in New England so I would come home every chance I had stopping always at the department store where she worked making sure to go through her register to cash out ! She asked for coffee that was it I was hooked she had me to be hers since . On Saturday night we went out to dinner and a...
I live in the northern part of England in a small town not much happens here but i guess theres a lot i don't know about. Anyway fun is limited here so i do most of my searching for it on social media or websites and as i am bi i can enjoy and explore more, but i do only like older men as i find that more erotic. anyway I have met a couple of men pre arranged but have never had it come my way accidentally until recently. I had a free afternoon with nothing planned or any ideas what to do so...
"Sarah, can you please lock up for me today," Mr. James asked while putting on his trench cost, "I'm meeting my wife for dinner down town, I'd really appreciate it!?!" "No problem, Mr. J," Sarah Wagner replied while pulling down down the shade over the front door and giving the lock a twist, "I'd be glad to, and tell Mrs. James hi for me, okay!?!" "Sure will," he answered while heading for the back door, "and thanks again, see ya manana!!!" Sarah went directly to the cash register and pulled...
EroticWir befinden uns im Jahre 50 v.Chr. Ganz Gallien ist von den Römern besetzt... Ganz Gallien? Nein! Ein von unbeugsamen Galliern bevölkertes Dorf höhrt nicht auf, dem Eindringling Widerstand zu leisten. Und das Leben ist nicht leicht für die römischen Legionäre, die als Besatzung in den befestigten Lagern liegen... Einige Gallier: ASTERIX, der Held dieser Abenteuer. Ein listiger kleiner Krieger, voll sprühender Intelligenz. Wenn er nicht gerade Abenteuer in fernen Länder besteht, ist er öfters...
Mr. Carr was the neighbor's name and he showed up on our door step pretty unhappy. He asked if Jimmy's father was home. Since John was out of town I told him not at the moment, but that I was Jimmy's mother Kate.I was surprised then to hear him say that I better keep my son away from his wife if I knew what was good for me and especially for Jimmy. I listened to him rant and rave for sometime talking about how my son was hanging around his house during the day trying to seduce his wife. Then as...
“Dad, did you call me?” Chelsea shouted as she bounced down the stairs. She was in her blue and white polka dot bikini on the way to the backyard pool. “Yes, I did.” Her father’s voice came from his downstairs office. “Come in here for a minute.” Her bouncing steps slowed to a walk. He didn’t sound mad, but that wasn’t any guarantee he wasn’t mad about something. She readjusted her bikini top before walking into his room. She knew the top was too small for her bust line, but she wasn’t quite a...
IncestChapter Two: Bad Girl's Get Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 When my mom took my fraternal twin sister to visit my grandparents for three weeks she made me promise to take care of Daddy. But I very much doubt she meant for her eighteen-year-old daughter to take over all her wifely duties. But Daddy did. And I wanted to be a good girl like I promised Mom. Yesterday, Daddy took my virginity in the changing room of a lingerie store. I was modeling my new sexy underwear for him,...
The Anything Controller By Zedd I bought the little box in an old antique store down the street from where I live and brought it home to check it out. "Cool!" I exclaimed as I opened it up and found a small controller, very much like a game-boy inside. I picked it up and noticed that, except for the size, it wasn't really much like a game-boy after all. I noticed several small controls and levers, each having a small window next to them, and an enter pad at the...
It is important to point out that this story is 100% fiction, and all people in the story are around the ages of 21-23 This is a story about how I started back a sexual relationship with a past girlfriend and in fact the 'one that got away' The story started when I went to an old mates party as I was in the area. As I walked in I was greeted to people who I had not seen in a long time - I chatted to these people for a while and caught up on their lives and mine own. But it was when I looked...
EroticMonday morning at the breakfast table Dan and Laura had shared small talk mostly about her trip to San Francisco. Dan was well aware of their weekend discussion about Laura calling Greg, her Greg rings and possible consequences. He left his thoughts – what if, will she, what next - unspoken. “Well marketing guru, have you got a blockbuster idea up your sleeve to spring on everyone and earn your keep?” Laura grinned, “No, not yet, baby but I’ll pull something out of my hat, or maybe my bra and...
Wife Lovers"What a nice horse!" Janice said. Hank looked down at the ground, smoothing his fingers over the sides of the big black stallion. The animal snorted uneasily, his long tail flicking from side to side while he rolled his big brown eyes and stared first at Hank, then at Janice. It was nearly six in the evening that same day. Linda had returned from her short shopping spree in town and was readying herself for her date with Hank. Janice had showered and rested for a while, thinking of her...
Hello, I am Alina back with the next story. I am 23 years old fair girl with long black hair. My stats are 34-26-36. Because my family is very conservative, I never really had much fun in my life until this incident. , I told you how my brother’s friends had come home and how one of my favorites among them, Neel, watched me while I used my vibrator and fucked me in the shower. Just as he got out of my bathroom after fucking me, my brother and his friend were standing outside my bathroom door....
Student, Student. Is It A Role? SFCityDom ? 2007 She wakes and looks at the clock.? It is 8:35 a.m. It is Friday, her free day. She rolls over to find a note on the pillow next to her. She reads the note: Dear Student, You have an assignment to complete today. You will find it on the entry table. Be at your desk promptly at 6 p.m. Remember that dress codes are strictly enforced in my class. Be dressed in your proper school attire and have your assignment completed. There will be...
100% fiction! Hi to all sex story readers this is jagdish from chennai.This is my second story but happened first in my life.Last story i didnt got any good repiles so please readers comment or mail me in my mail id jagdish_collegeboy [at] rediffmail [dot] com after reading my sex stories. i am 24yrs old guy from chennai and i m very interested in fucking girls and aunties but i didnt get any chance till 3 months back.Maximun my friends have there fucking many years back but i was virgin.I...
IncestWe then left them to it as I fitted the new chip to sue. “Hows that feel.” “Fine. I will just hook up to shep and becci” After a few seconds Sue was becoming quite excited. “Wow this feels the same as being hardwired I can feel the pair of them.” “ I feel like joining them.” “Not yet youre not. You have to fit mine” Sue strapped one of the old chips on my spine to control the pain and then removed the old chip and inserted the new one and replaced the old charger under my arm pit. When she...
In bocca al lupo... The forum was bustling with people from all corners of the earth. On the right the local farmers had set up their rickety stalls and were showing their wares. Bundles of straw, varieties of wheat and flour, numerous vegetables. Some had come to buy or sell their animals. Their sounds were echoing through the square - from the chirps of the smallest song birds, to the low rumble coming from bulls. The local section was teeming with people of all births. To the...
Just for the thrill of it all, I moisturized my freshly shaved body, combed out my long hair over my shoulders, and put on a pair of very short cut off denims, cuffed them even shorter, and a Betty Boop T shirt with the neck and sleeves cut out. I looked and felt very much on the fem side. Not really crossdressed, but without a doubt, sissified. I drove down the interstate to the nearest rest area and parked all the way at the end. I carried my little belly bag like a handbag, and walked to the...