S H E I L AChapter 19
- 2 years ago
- 46
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Henry stood by the tank containing his wife Susan thinking of how much he loved the woman. She was healing according to schedule and he was wondering what he was going to do with her. She was not mentally balanced and it had nothing to do with hormones but rather with the horror of being captured by the Samutz. Love was still very strong and he looked on her as someone that was sick and in need of some guidance.
The way she endangered all the people she was to protect and even the very stellar system she was to keep out of Samutz hands was considered criminal under Tandra law. I knew if this happened when the empire was at its height Susan would be changed to a Mordis or cashiered on a backward planet to make her own way with whatever natives were present. Sometimes even death would occur. Susan had caused the death of some of the Humans and Tandra that had gone with her. They may have died in the Samutz attack anyway but this was more than enough reason to give her a summary judgement. Fixing a dormant empire never looked so difficult. Duty called for one punishment but compassion another.
There were many ways to handle the situation but the fact remained that Susan was my wife and I loved her even if she was causing me trouble. Any solution would take a week till Susan could emerge from the tank.
There were over a thousand major ships that I had acquired and some went off to defend major outposts. Some had battle damage to be repaired while all of them needed work be performed on them to bring them up to Tandra standards, not the Samutz ones. There were enough ships now to keep most of the bases reasonably safe. This would allow training and a chance for the formerly captive techs to recover.
The sleepers I kept with me on the New Hope to better understand how I had got the first group to interface with me. Eventually I hoped, they would be used to captain their own ships. Jamal loaded his boat bays with ships and crews. We were like the Tandra of old in this way. Full stores of virus and delivery systems were added. This time we would not have to wait to see what would happen.
A ship like this made me feel entirely different. The other ships in my navy were pitifully crewed and the ship's systems did not have the richness they now had. It was almost like having a ship function the way it should be. Weapons and navigation were even better for I knew that we were safer here than any place I could imagine.
Even as strong as this ship was I needed more allies for I could not be everywhere at the same time to fight any and all battles. I looked at the data from the captured Samutz ships and all the data on Tandra settled planets. Only some of the Samutz empire was displayed for no single ship had all the necessary data. On the outer periphery of one Samutz controlled area there were some systems that managed to remain free but Samutz data told of their probable collapse soon with the advent of the new screen. Perhaps here, some allies could be found along with a few innocent lives saved.
I concentrated on the flight path and got the ship moving faster than any other ever had. The engines remained in standby mode and the sleepers managed to look ahead to avoid obstacles. With four small corrections we were in the area of Betelgeuse. This particular star was not a giant like its neighbour but similar to Sol. The system had five planets and a ring of rock from a long ago sixth planet.
The fourth planet was larger than Earth but had a smaller gravitational constant thus telling me that it was composed of lighter material. Tsume was the Tandra name and I sent out the codes that would deactivate the mine field. The Samutz had the data all the time but did not know how to extract it to nullify each of the fields.
We went through the mines faster than they could react but did send the code anyway. Instead of the usual nine hour deceleration we were able to do it in twenty three minutes. The longer period was to avoid the ring of rocks that just happened to be on our flight path. During all this time Jamal had been sending our codes asking for confirmation and reciprocal codes from the planet. The AI took an inordinately long time to answer and I could only attributed it to biological interference.
Soon I had an excited voice asking more about us. They were sent a packet of data that only listed my name as Fleet Admiral Buchanan. They were asked in turn about all Samutz activity, their status and the number of Tandra in the system.
The first request was readily given but the latter two were not very informative. I could see their problem because anyone could come in and demand confidential data that could then be used against them. Even their screen was blank telling me that the young voice I heard was not what they wanted to put forth.
I had no intention of putting the New Hope in front of any ground based weapons and said, "Jamal you better give the imperial codes. I just feel odd now. It is not like a trap but something else is wrong."
"Yes Captain; it is done."
All the Tandra that were without duties were watching the screens to see what was going to happen. When I quizzed the AI on the planet below I was now called Emperor and got all the data I asked for. This colony I found had been floundering and had very few personnel to assist or to repopulate the planet. There was no other higher life form present and there was no reason for not expanding. Vats, like those on the moon were available and different egg and sperm was supplied to each base. Earth came to mind and I could see that at least here there was an indigenous population even if it was part Tandra.
Jamal talked to the computer found no subtle plans. I wondered why I had felt this odd twitching. The Samutz had regularly tried to get into the system. This had necessitated the continual production of missiles, mines and other passive weapons.
When I called for the screen to display the interior of the base I found Tandra running around putting clean clothing on and trying to make the place as presentable as possible. The AI gave data on all the presently awake Tandra and even the ones still in stasis. There was very little wrong but I knew that there was something but could not find it yet.
Another spokeswoman finally came on and tried to remember all the imperial protocol she had ever been taught.
I said, "Forget all the useless titles and just report as if to an admiral." This was not too much better but the woman did get out that they had been waiting for the last few million years to get in touch with the old empire. They were a little shocked at the way I looked and knew I was no Tandra.
It was easy to see how understaffed they were even if their base was still functional. There was some smaller ships that were used to supply their defences and some mining equipment. It looked like all their equipment was well worn and some was still usable. The AI even showed me the tracks worn in the almost impervious floor of the base. How untold feet had actually started to wear a shallow rut.
Jamal finally gave me one of the answers I was looking for. The data he acquired told of a deranged leader sabotaging all the sperm and attempting to do the same for the eggs. The stasis chambers and boxes were the only thing that kept the colony alive this long. This also gave me the uncomfortable feeling before for they wanted children desperately after hearing and seeing a male.
No questions came for me but Jamal got many concerning the empire. I had agreed to say that the empire was rising again and I was doing my best to see that it stayed strong and protected everybody from aggressors. The planet was beautiful and I knew that it could support many different races and perhaps Humans too if they were civilized enough first.
A cruiser left the New Hope with 2300 Tandra and supplies that were needed. The crew had orders to integrate the current population into a viable community and build more weapons with the most current technology. The most important commodity was already given and they could use it to build as they should. It was readily seen in all of their faces.
The next system was already taken by Samutz and after the override was given most of the enemy were killed. Some of the Mordis infantry went down and took care of the rest. They made it safe for a new garrison to start. The planet like Tsume had been recently overrun but not all the Tandra had been removed. Some were still in stasis waiting their fate.
The planet was liberally dusted and Jamal started the repair of the damaged portion of the minefield. We had gathered two cruisers a heavy destroyer and four troop transports that were used for taking the Tandra away. We stayed three days and captured two more troop transports and a light destroyer escort. These ships were to transmit the override to any and all ships coming into the system. This would hopefully be enough till they had rearmed the ships and the system defences.
Two other systems, many light years apart were visited and given assistance as had Tsume. None of the systems had a large matter transmitter. The system that did, had been overrun by Samutz hundreds of years ago. Now it was mostly dead husk. One of our ships a month ago had dusted it. There were some Samutz in warships salvaging what they could. I took the ships over after the Samutz were disposed of. I sent the ships to the other four worlds to reinforce their numbers. Another garrison of Mordis landed and took over from the Samutz. Other races were found and treated the same way as the Tandra were. It would be months before any of the newcomers would become capable of working for their own good.
On occasion I would see ships that had been captured long ago continue to lace an atmospheres of various planets with the viruses. They were given new orders with the override to assist in bring more converts to out side. It was calculated that the ships that had been given this code would in turn give it to others and eventually the entire galaxy would be covered. I did not have time to wait hundreds of thousands of years and jumped far ahead to start a new front.
Susan came out of the tank and I was there to greet her. I had taken the cowards way out with the woman I loved and got Jamal to remove or tone down her memories so that she was not so vindictive about the Samutz.
She kissed me tenderly and began wondering a bit about why she was in the tank this time. Her brain was a bit foggy. I just told her that I loved her and took her to the cleanser with me. Later I gave her the closest I could to a home cooked meal.
"Henry what happened to all my sunas? I mean my sisters." She was a bit embarrassed about the term because one term did not take into account me being here. I was still sure that she wanted the reinforcement of the family.
"They all had important jobs to do and stayed to finish them. This war cannot be won from the chair of one ship.""I miss them Henry... and I missed you too. I see from Jamal's records that you saved us again. I was pretty banged up."
"Yes you were. Amy was very frantic about your safety and had a very difficult time coping with the stress. It seemed that the Samutz were now getting help from an old enemy of the Tandra, the Thonas."
"Oh, what are we going to do? The Thonas were always very strong and the Tandra had to fight very hard to put them back on their planets. Now with the Samutz to help them they will try to kill all of us."
"That is the reason I am looking for more allies at the moment. I have also found the Bintuu. They have a hive culture with various queens as a collective way of organizing themselves. They take up a large area and have been fighting the Samutz for centuries. Recently I helped them stop an incursion. They can only offer us ships but they are little better that AI operated ones. They too rely on Tandra to do the interfacing with the ship and its systems. Recently we checked some the nuts that the Samutz could not crack yet. We came across four old Tandra systems. They were slated to be taken over and three apparently either were or were in the process."
"Is that what happened? I was worried because you looked and felt... so much different. I am worried about you changing so much."
"I can see things easier now but my feelings for my family has not changed. What I did want to change was the way my family saw me. You have been leading the rest of my wives away from the course we all agreed to long ago."
"But Henry the Samutz are so bad they need to all die."
"You have changed your opinion on this so many times. One minute you were a pacifist and the next you wanted them dead. Later you agreed again with them being allowed to live without technology. My other wives follow you no matter how illogical you happen to be."
"I am not illogical. There are valid reasons for what I did."
"Shall we ask Jamal what he thinks of your actions? He can give a very unbiased report."
Susan just glared at me for a moment. Then I said, "I went to a planet called Defren after dropping you off at Guulas. The Tandra here were very advanced in many ways. They did practice a form slavery and even if I was not trying to form an alliance I would want to stop it. After a battle with some Samutz I demanded that the slavery cease immediately. There was a lot of animosity but the process did begin. We managed to recruit many Mordis like Chris from this planet and the other affiliated systems. Some of the older ones are in the tanks getting their bodies altered to what nature intended. I have been dropping groups off as we go. Some infantry and techs were left at the four systems I mentioned to strengthen their defences. We now have an agreement with their queen. That is where we are going now."
"Henry, I see something else when you spoke of this Queen... Bassinda. What is it?"
"I took her as my wife. She is very headstrong and her people are not likely to follow the old Tandra laws. It is a good place for you to help me."
Susan was now upset that I had unilaterally taken another wife. It was her candasu and she was metsu. I continued "The Tandra here are further advanced technologically than what we have seen. They actually built this ship as a way of appeasing the Samutz till they were strong enough to resist them. Their galvanized weapons are better in design than ours were. Our new enemy may mean that better computers will be our only edge. Biologicals can come under attack by the Thonas even from behind a shield. Their pain induced attack keeps us from functioning properly. The AI is the only thing that stands up to the attack and it must fight alone."
As Susan continued to fume, I formed in my mind the tube of energy and directed it to take us to Defren. Jamal started to send our identification so that when we got there we would not be shot at. I made a polite entrance to the system by slowing down enough to allow them to know who was knocking at their door.
Empress Bassinda greeted me almost immediately from her throne. "Henry, I am so glad you are back."
I could detect a lot of relief in her thoughts and figured she was pressed by the opposition. We shot in fast now and stopped just as quickly. Susan said, "Henry how can we do this? We were travelling much faster than before and I couldn't feel your link so that we or I could help you go faster."
"Some of the abilities Mom had been forecasting have been coming out. This last one was caused more by accident but seems to mesh in with the other abilities.""But Henry, nobody could do this. Even the Tandra with all their technology couldn't go that fast and especially within the Mardaf Limit."
"All I can say is that I was pushed and pushed hard. This seems to bring out what I needed. I have a few theories about this and some of them seem to come with the male Tandra manipulating our DNA."
"I have the same basic DNA and I can't do anything you can do."
"Perhaps it also happens to involve luck. I may have the basic abilities and stress brought them out. Others may have the same ability. All they might need is just a Tandra education, mental augmentation and the same level of stress."
The Tandra onboard were allowed to talk freely with any relatives or friends below but most had come from the other systems that used to belong to this empire. There was not as much animosity as I thought there would be because the sleepers knew that they had to help the Samutz or let their small empire suffer.
Susan and I left in a shuttle with some Mordis infantry. These were picked by Jamal because of their strength of mind and their distaste for the people that had forced this form on them. They left the shuttle and stood in ranks on both sides as I walked down the ramp with Susan.
Bassinda was at the bottom and eyed Susan as she walked down. I could see some animosity right away. Bassinda had accepted the others because they were not dominant but Susan fairly swaggered beside me to flaunt her status. After the two women were introduced we left for a meeting with all Bassinda's councillors.
It was easy to see how difficult a time it was to change the laws back to the way it had been for millions of years. The people did not grasp yet that they had done anything wrong and wanted to keep the status quo. In the large room I said, "I have found out an important fact. Millions of years ago your ancestors have been fighting the Thonas. The old enemy is now back as allies of the Samutz and you must fight them as your people once did."
This brought a lot of consternation because they knew how hard it was to defeat the Thonas. Every time the Thonas came out, they came out stronger than before and many millions of Tandra died to protect their race.
All through my discussion I showed data on the Thonas, their twelve sided bodies and almost incomprehensible ships. Susan and Bassinda studied the information intently but I could see that they were also eyeing each other for dominancy.
The data had been transferred to Defren for study by various groups. Now was the time for their thinkers to try to come up with a better way of dealing with them. I was asked how I had acquired the data and I said, "I formed a mental screen around the ship that was many seconds in the past. This was also used to cut through the Thonas hull. This I can do with my mind alone and it would be good for you to find alternative means for this to be accomplished."
There were gasps of incredulity but the data showed that I had told the truth. Travelling at thousands of light years without an engine had already been mentioned and this too was found hard to believe.
The AIs scientists and theorists now worked on the problem while I left with my wives to the Empress' quarters. Jamal went after the Parmain where I had been hurt. He was going to bring it back to be worked on and to investigate the current state of the computer. I had left it with instructions to continue replicating the matrix that I had already started.
The women walked on each side of me trying to get me to notice one more than the other. There were a few people in the halls and they reverently bowed to us as we went by. This was something that Bassinda encouraged and I thought it right if it helped her deal with her people. They were still angry at the attempted reintroduction of the old laws.
When we passed the living guards and into the sitting room I said to Bassinda, "How have you been feeling my wife? You seem to have a glow about you now. I can see that our child is doing very well."
She just smiled got close and licked the side of my face a few times. Instead of replying in kind I took her in my arms and kissed her with all the passion I had saved for her. When I stood her back up she caught her breath and said, "I have been waiting a long time for that. Will you give me something more to remind me why I love you?"
"I intend to do that. First I want to have a family discussion." I walked over to some chairs instead of calling on the computer to support us. "We seem to be having a few problems. Bassinda you need some additional help to convince your people to institute and then follow the old laws. Susan needs some time away from the Samutz and I feel she can help you."
Both women started to deny the idea. Susan said verbally to make a point, "I have no problem with the Samutz. I just want to kill each and every one of them. I will..."
Bassinda cut in "I can handle the problems here without a woman that seems so fixated. The councillors get perturbed when their friends have to go to court and found guilty of things under the current laws that were quite legal only a few months ago."
"Appoint Susan as your chief magistrate and let her take the heat. She fully knows Tandra law and this will allow you to knock the citizens back into line. This way you can use Susan as a stalking horse as you flank them."
Susan said with her voice again, "I will not administer law here. I don't know where you got that idea. I am your wife not a bureaucrat."
"Susan you are my wife and that is the reason you will be staying here to help your sister/wife do an important job. Defren is the most advanced of all the planets we have. The people have been building war ships for a long time and have come up with many advances. Bassinda is fighting almost alone now for us and she needs help, even if she says she doesn't want it."
Bassinda said, "Husband, I was speaking the truth. I do not want this woman's help."
"Wife," I said, "you will work with your sister to do this. I can see the situation better than most and I know that you will probably fail alone. This time you may be hurt in a contrived accident and I do not want you to be hurt or worse. Susan will stay and help, and that is final."
Bassinda was angry but since being bonded at our first meeting found that she had to go along with what I said even if it seemed objectionable. Susan said, "Henry I will not stay here."
"Susan, you will stay here. Your people need you and your active assistance. You also need a time to get over some of your hate and channel it into something constructive."
Susan just sat with her arms folded over her chest and looked away. I stood up and used the tractors to pick up Bassinda and strip her of her clothing one piece at a time. Bassinda just gave a small 'eeek' then quieted as she saw what was happening. When she was naked I had tractors remove my clothing too and then floated all three of us into her bedroom. Susan was very indignant that this was happening and just sat in a chair as Bassinda was placed in the centre of the bed.
Taking Bassinda's foot, I slowly kissed my way up the inside of her leg. She said, "Husband, oh Henry, just come to me and forget that." I ignored her and continued with my slow methodical approach. I worked on both women's minds to get them more excited. I could see Susan in my mind breathing faster but not wanting to have anything to do with a woman she saw as bossy. When I got to the juncture, her hand held my head in position as she let out a groan. I used more tractors to hold her legs then her hands too as she was pinned to the bed and could not move very much.
"Henry, put me down, I need you in me.""I want to be there too but need you a bit more willing."
"I am willing. Climb up and stick that massive thing into me."
Ignoring her I continued to tease her unmercifully. I sucked her distended urethra only in short strokes because I knew she would orgasm otherwise. My hands stroked her torso and caressed her small breasts. When I found her nipples I gave them little pinches and her breathing came in gasps. She was not able now to even encourage me to mount her. All I could hear were mumbles in my mind as Bassinda became more disassociated with what we were doing.
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Nine Important Facts to Remember as You Grow Older: Number 9 - Death is the number 1 killer in the world. Number 8 - Life is sexually transmitted. Number 7 - Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. Number 6 - Men have two emotions: hungry and horny, and they can't tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich. Number 5 - Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother...
Hi iss readers ye meri pahli story hai ye baat us samay ki hai jab mai 18 saal ka tha meri badi bahan jiskanaam sangeeta hai wo 22 saal ki thihamara ghar middle class tha jisme do kamre the ghar me hum 6 log the dad , mom phir sis jiski shaadi ho gayee thi phir sangeeta or phir mai. Akela bhayee hone k karan sabka laadla thabadi didi ki shadi k baad mom n dad ek room me or mai or sangeeta doosre room me sote the. Meri sis ka figue 34 26 34 hai or wo badi sexy thi mai usko soch k mooth mara...
Sunday comes before Monday, though, and Saturday before that. Sherri came home well before midnight, pissed off because some SOB had slashed the tires on her car "outside the club." Three teens were seeing running away, she said. She'd had to wait three hours for the AAA folks to get there. Apparently, I'd not been observed destroying the tires on the cars and someone else was suspected. I actually had no idea whether the 'three teens' story had any legitimacy, but the three-hour wait...
(Foreigner's 'Cold as Ice' plays over opening credits and voiceover)Living in Houston I was accustomed to miserable heat and humidity but I was, like every other Houstonian, very unaccustomed to our current plight of bitter cold. My power was off and my water pipes were as frigid as Gwyneth Paltrow's pussy. Cabin fever was my only source of heat. Coupled with the depressing Covid lockdown, a contentious election, and discovering my latest girlfriend was a game player of Biblical proportions, I...
HumorHi Dear this is Urmil again with my lesbian relation. Hopes you love it and would mail back for steamy reaction.this is the first sexperience of my life.I had never been with another woman before, but every time I looked at Preeti, my feelings grew. Just a few weeks before had I accepted the fact that I wanted to sleep with her and stare into those dark eyes forever. She was my boss, and being as short as she was, it was a long way down to her ass, so I dared not look in fear of her catching...
LesbianHi! I am Karan back writing to you about experiences I can never forget. I have been working in an office which has equal number of females as males. Most girls are from middle-class backgrounds, with a lot of “moralistic” shit ingrained into them. But, one girl, Manisha stands apart. She is pretty, slim (perhaps extra slim, except at places that matter), 5’3″ tall without heels, and has bazookas that defy gravity. Manisha, I found, even at the sweet age of 25, was intelligent and perceptive....
First Sight I'm an accomplished piano player for my age. I won't say pianist because I'm not that talented but I've had many years of training, starting with lessons at the age of five from my piano teacher mom. Mom is a stay-at-home wife who always supplemented our family income through piano lessons, provided (mostly) to the members of our parish which produced a fresh crop of students each year. For years, I watched Mom teach other k**s, from beginners to graduates just surpassing their...
Now I knew that there was this seed that had been planted -- and I certainly didn't know back then if it was a seed I wanted, or a seed she wanted, or we were just playing around, or maybe all three. I just knew that watching her cum while thinking about taking two guys at once was fucking hot, and that it was something I wanted to bring up again. Things went a slightly different direction first, though. Over the next few weeks, I don't think either of us brought it up. We just continued on...
Kenzie is in her room always talking to her soul mate Kevin daily. Her room mate Diamond comes in daily to ask if Kenzie wants to do something with her. Kenzie keeps brushing her off to be with her boyfriend. Then one day Diamond hears Kenzie crying in her room. Diamond asks her what’s wrong? Kenzie replies that Keven broke up with her because she was too clingy and needy. Diamond tells Kenzie that she needs to be treated better and that she is there to show her how to be treated. So Diamond...
xmoviesforyouAfter the young ladies had all washed up and gathered in the main hall Miss Noefun began to lecture the students and the two teachers involved. The Long Stockings Private School for Gifted Girls and Young Ladies, had never before seen such free spirited and childish behavior from it’s pupils, nor it’s teaching staff. The mud fight at Lake Blue water had been a black mark on the reputation of the school. Miss Noefun was not impressed. She had always striven for excellence in her teachers. This...
Anelie knelt beside the dead Elven soldier. The uniform was a new one to her. The thin leather tunic had been dyed a dark blue, its accompanying kilt an equally dark red. Both were unadorned apart from the fasteners needed to keep them on the creature's wiry body. It did not match either side of the still continuing civil war. A new unit, serving those who now controlled the former Nowy Kiev? Or a third side? She frowned. Anelie did not like any of the options. Especially one which lead to...
Leona (Chloe Cherry) emerges into the living room and greets her roommate Shelby (Kendra Spade) with a good morning. Shelby says matter-of-factly that she’d hardly quantify this morning as good – they’ve just gotten up, nothing eventful has happened good OR bad, so it seems like a perfectly average morning to her. Why doesn’t she just say ‘average morning’ instead? Or, more efficiently, just ‘morning’. Or for that matter, if there’s nothing...
xmoviesforyouAt the beginning of my career I worked on beauty pages and I learned about make-up. When I was shifted to fashion I learned to dress. Then it was the sports pages and I learned to surf, bungee jumped and joined a woman's soccer team. Rick, the editor, joked the Police Department would be unable to cope with the increased workload if he put me on the crime pages. When he moved me to homemaking I suspected the joke might also be an excuse and began looking for a new employer.Every journalist...
Leanne and I got to work almost immediately in going over the NorCal requirements. Since the plant operation was very straightforward and there were no particularly complex reporting needs, it didn’t look like a daunting task. It was pretty much a simple - product in – processing – and product out - business. But a number of new reports needed would be less simple. As well as business reports, the governments wanted their fair share of information, both state and federal. Leanne impressed me...
Scene 1: (Gregory forces a young couple into dark alley with a gun. He is wearing a gray hoodie and jeans. The couple are wearing a fancy clothes for a night out on the town, as well as warm coats for the cold.) Gregory: Give me your purse and don't say a word. Woman: Please just take it. (The woman hands over her purse, before the mugger shoots the man first. He turns the gun on the woman.) Woman: Please ... don't... (The mugger pulls the trigger again, and rushes off) Scene 2: (The...
‘So, while you’re going off to play pauper, Tate, what the hell am I supposed to do? Jenna Reagan will know who I am and will want to know where you are. You’re the CEO, I’m the Executive VP of Marketing and Advertising. I’m not equipped to deal with a corporate take-over, Bro.’ Cade McCord did nothing to hide the fear in his voice. Tate McCord chuckled into his phone, ‘Cade, you are more than well equipped to handle Jenna Reagan.’ Cade pulled his phone from his ear, stared at it for a...
I awoke slowly and flinched as I reached for my neck, expecting to find the collar. It was not there and I opened my eyes to see my room. Naked on the bed, I at first thought I had a very vivid dream but then as my mind cleared, I vaguely remembered Marsha unlocking me and helping me down the hall to my room. It had hurt even to walk, my muscles were screaming in response to the constant strain they had been under for however long she had me tied. I remember sitting on my bed as Marsha got me...
I didn't see Sian for a few days, and then I ran into her at the Asian supermarket, while I was buying a net of onions, a jar of curry powder, and two big packs of sun-dried poppadums tied up with dirty string. "Hi Sian, nice to see you. How are you getting on?" "Not bad, thanks, Jon. Are you going to eat those all yourself?" "No, it's just my turn to do the shopping. My flat mate Chris has a great curry recipe; though we have to watch out when he fries the poppadums, because he...
My nineteen-year-old sister, Cindy, and I are in the same rock band. She sings and I play lead guitar. When we were k**s, one of our favorite pastimes was singing along with the stereo and imagining we were onstage in front of fifty thousand screaming fans somewhere. We always said that one day we would have our own band, and while the other k**s were playing Little League or going to Girl Scout meetings, Cindy and I would lip sync to albums in the basement while dreaming of stardom. I began...
We spent a long night out in the garden fucking and sucking each other, but by far the sexiest moments were those when I watched mum and Ginny trying to out do each other in turning me on, it was late when we staggered up to bed, but even then they hadn't finished with me. Mum reached for me and rolled on top of me whilst Ginny inserted my shaft into mum's warm sex and when I came for the last time that night, mum squatted on her face and allowed my creamy cum to trickle out into her...
cgirl6969: u there? nervous about doing this 8:16am daemon_male: why the nerves? 8:19am cgirl6969: just new 8:32am daemon_male: still up for it? 8:32am cgirl6969: going to do it now. Have a mtg at 9 8:43am daemon_male: so hot. IM later. 8:44am Casey reached into her file cabinet and pulled out the small gift box. Slipping the red ribbon into the trash basket, she stacked her phone and notebook on the box as she set out for her meeting. While her typical path led her through rows of drab,...
AnalFirst time writing, so all comments appreciated! ^_^Balls of paper flew around the classroom, narrowly avoiding Jack's face before pelting the class nerd Sophie in the back of the head. The 16 year old girl's eyes began to well up, as she charged out of the room, despite the frustrated cries of the tormented substitute teacher at the front of the room. 'Dammit Tom! I told you to sit down and stop throwing things!' Miss Smith moaned, as the group of boys at the back of the classroom burst into...
First TimeAbout 20 minutes later they pulled up so we finished our ice cream and went across the street. After some good natured ribbing about them being late we went into the theater. We sat about in the middle of the theater and watched the coming attractions and the movie. About a half hour into the movie, my phone went off as planned. It was on vibrate so it didn't make any sound. I looked at the phone and excused myself. I walked all the way to the back of the theater and took a seat in the...
My girlfriend and I are both 23 years old and live in the Los Angeles area. She is Latina with beautiful eyes and I am a Latino homeboy that is bisexual and she is cool with it. I used to be in a gang, but not anymore.We have been together for about 3 years and she is the coolest girl I have ever met. If I see a homeboy that I am attracted to and she agrees, she helps me seduce them into our bed!My sexual fantasies with other homeboys started when I started middle school. I told her that I...
Rick's POV The date I had with Sarah was amazing, all things considered. She's a strong, smart, funny, beautiful woman. I asked her for another date on friday and she accepted. We spent that night together and had coffee in the morning before I had to leave for work. Me and David are driving up to the police station. I had someone from our legal council ask the judge to postpone the trial and have Tommy moved into our custody. It gives us easier access to him rather then wasting time...
Donna worked at the local five and dime store where one of young bucks from her neighborhood had become a fairly regular customer. Regular enough that she started to wonder whether he really came in for pencils or a candy bar, or if it just made a good excuse to come in and see her... She had often caught him checking out her ample breasts and at first, she passed it off as just the raging hormones of youth; but after five years with her trusty vibrator as her only lover, the thought of his...
Molly tapped loudly on the J3 compartment door before opening it. As Sarah’s Clan, Molly, Kathleen, Jackie and Mairia entered the room, the J3 people turned toward them. It was apparent from the expressions on everyone’s face that their arrival had interrupted a discussion. Sarah said, “Oops, sorry, it looks like we interrupted something. We can come back later.” Anming quickly replied, “Please stay. We were having a discussion that doesn’t seem to have any solid answers, which means we...
This is a true story and one of my fondest memories:The Seventies, a time of movie house x-rated movies like Behind The Green Door, Deep Throat, and The Devil in Miss Jones. A time of no aids and sexual exploration. I worked for an engineering firm that shall remain nameless as the instrument man on their survey team. The team consisted of myself, the surveyor, Mike, and the 2 chain/rod men, Chris and Tom. We were to do a topographical survey of some land between Dallas and Ft. Worth off the...
A CAUTIONARY TALE – THE PUNISHMENT OF A KINKYBITCH.It seemed like a slow motion film, being frog-marched up the steps of the local office for the Ministry of Sexual Affairs, wearing only knickers and a pair of handcuffs, her attendant male had finally got her onto the second floor, where the Judges Chambers are situated.There was a green light over one of the chambers and they had gone straight in. From the adjacent chamber, she could hear the dull thwacks of a cane being administered to bare...
Joe Dolores was sheepish when she showed up in my office on Monday. "I'm sorry about the call, Mr. Dresdner. I ... I was with my old high school friends. It was girls only, a real pajama party. I was so happy, I had to call you. You made it possible." "Don't apologize. You may not believe me, but your call made my day. Next time, you better call me while you are still sober. I was thinking of having Sheriff Cramer perform an alcohol test on you, Ms. Jorgensen." She froze for a...
The ride to the local airport the next morning was glum. Helen boarded at the airport in Wenatchee. It was a commuter flight servicing a number of small cities between Wenatchee and Boise. She would have stops in Yakima, Pasco, Walla Walla and Lewiston before arrival in Boise. With all the stops it would be mid-afternoon before she arrived home. With many promises and a chaste kiss for Duncan, Helen boarded. Duncan stood, a forlorn sight, watching until her plane was out of sight. Driving...
The Explanation The computer mouse danced over multiple LCD monitors as Brian listened with lax enthusiasm to the various voices talking through the speakers. CNBC played on a large television near the window, the volume only barely discernible. Two German Shepherds were strewn along the two couches near the window, lying lazily as if waiting for Brian to finally find a tennis ball to throw. The various Directors from Finance, Sales and Operations recited their monthly reports: sales,...
Chapter 2The pair met again the following afternoon day when Dan brought a contractof employment. Blake didn't study it in detail but read the section aboutearnings before signing it. "I will hand in my notice immediately but Ithink I will be able to finish here on Friday of next week," he told Dan."That suits me," smiled Dan. "Gives me time to get everything organised. Bythe way, you will need to have a medical check-up before officiallybecoming an employee. I'll arrange that. Is there...
"I hope we don't stay long. We've got a lot to get done before we pick up the girls from school. So lets not dally," Dora said as they approached the Thomas' home. Right," he pulled up to the curb. They got out and ran up the stairs to the porch. Dora had the morning paper over her head to keep her hair dry. Ted rang the doorbell. This time it was the FBI agent who answered the door. "Say Ted, wazzup?" the black man smiled. "Say Francis, any news?" he entered the house. "By the...
By Jax_Teller These days connections are often made on-line in various different forms. I was no different in that I was looking for a situation and possibly a long term relationship. I of course was looking to have a fantasy fulfilled as well. In the chat rooms of the Internet there are places for all sorts of things and I figured I’d never find what I was fantasizing about in real life. One day while I was scanning the available chat rooms I saw one room titled ”want to be taken.” I...
Hello to all ISS reader, I read stories from this site from 10 years. I don’t know how people get chance to do sex with any one. Some time I think they are just imagination of people and some time think it may be possible. I m playboy (not real name) 30 years old still virgin having 8 inch average look little dark in color, never touch any gal before this. This is not a story like other to whom read any one get horny but this is a simple detail how I meet one sexy gal and this is real story....
I was hanging out in an adult site chat room late at night, eager to finally fulfill the growing fantasy I had about sucking dick.After a long time of dead ends, I was PM'd by a guy asking if I was serious about wanting to suck a dick. I said, yeah, I'd been thinking about it for a long time and finally decided that I was going to go ahead and actually do it. He agreed that he'd meet me outside where I worked at a university, and we'd find a place to go.I met Jamal outside my building, and we...