Reaper Script free porn video

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Scene 1:

(Gregory forces a young couple into dark alley with a gun. He is wearing a gray hoodie and jeans. The couple are wearing a fancy clothes for a night out on the town, as well as warm coats for the cold.)

Gregory: Give me your purse and don't say a word.

Woman: Please just take it.

(The woman hands over her purse, before the mugger shoots the man first. He turns the gun on the woman.)

Woman: Please ... don't...

(The mugger pulls the trigger again, and rushes off)

Scene 2:

(The mugger arrives at his apartment building and takes the stairs up to his room on the third floor. He feels something brush up against him, and looks around to find no one before continuing on. Arriving at his room he opens the door to his apartment and closes it behind him. Once inside he dumps the contents of his haul that night, and starts to sift through them.)

Reaper: Hello Gregory. My, my, that's much more than earlier this morning. Your earnings are improving.

(Pulling the gun out and pointing it at Reaper: who is in the form of a young white male dressed in average street clothes.)

Mugger: Who are you?

Reaper: I am someone you will make famous. Dodging the police will only add to the challenge of the kill, and I am so need of a challenge these days.

Mugger: Get the hell out of here or I'll kill you!

(Reaper laughs coldly.)

Reaper: Oh, I won't be the one dying tonight my friend. You have been a naughty boy Gregory. I can only imagine how sweet you'll taste.

(Mugger fires only to find no one in front of him, instead Reaper is now behind and whispers in his ear.)

Reaper: Did you get him?

Mugger: Aaaah!

(Reaper's hand bursts out of the mugger's stomach, spraying blood all over the carpet. Mugger collapses onto the floor. He tries to crawl away and makes it to the door before he turns around.)

Reaper: (Licks and sucks the blood off of his fingers) Ummm. I was right. You're just as sweet as I imagined.

(The mugger sees Reaper's fangs for the first time.)

Mugger: Oh God!

Reaper: I would think in your position, you might want to not end things on his bad side before you die, just a helpful suggestion.

Mugger: Please don't.

Reaper: Now that sounds familiar. Isn't that what your last victim said before she died?

(Reaper has an amused smirk on his face. His fingernails extend into claws inches from the mugger's face. Reaper uses them to slice open the mugger's throat in one quick movement. The mugger chokes on his own blood before Reaper's eyes. Dipping his fingers in the mugger's blood he writes "Reaper" on the wall. Reaper turns to the mugger's corpse)

Reaper: Thus shall the world come to know me by name, and from my works evildoers everywhere will learn to fear and remember that from me there is no safety.

(Sirens can be heard in the distance and Reaper withdraws.)

Scene 3:

(Detective Ortez enters the crime scene and begins looking around. Police and crime scene photographers are milling around taking pictures and collecting evidence around the room. Ortez moves to the window to look down on the street, and sees the Chief's car pull up, and the Chief and someone else step out.)

Scene 4:

(The Chief pulls in and parks, and he and Graves step out of the vehicle. Heading up the stairs past the news reporters outside, they both walk over to Ortez on the other side of the police tape in the room. )

Ortez: Detective Fernando Ortez. Welcome to our crime scene Mr...

Graves: Graves, just call me your local necromancer.

(Graves turns to the Chief.)

Graves: If the rest of your people have gathered all they need, then I'll need them to leave. Ortez here can remain. I can use him.

Chief: Alright the scene is yours. Tell me if you need anything, and thanks again for getting here so quickly.

(Graves and Chief shake hands.)

Graves: No problem Chief. I'll probably hold you to that.

(He smiles at the Chief, and the Chief smiles back. Chief exits the scene. A quizzical look appears on Ortez's face. He turns to Graves.)

Ortez: I'm sorry, but did you say necromancer?

Graves: This is a supernatural crime detective. You be surprised how normal my abilities are in such a setting.

Ortez: You're serious?

Graves: I'm very serious about what I do Detective Ortez.

Ortez: What am I supposed to call you? Mr. Necromancer, lord of the dead, or something else?

Graves: I have a pretty good sense of humor Fernando, but I don't like someone mocking my profession, especially when you haven't earned the right.

Ortez: It's detective sir.

(Graves looks him right in the eye.)

Graves: And it's Graves to you detective. Now let me make this abundantly clear for you detective: I'm offering you the opportunity to learn things you would normally not have access to. With this new knowledge you can be a credit to your department, and perhaps use it to make yourself invaluable, and rise up through the ranks. If you feel I have nothing to teach you, or you don't want to be involved, then turn around and get the hell out of my crime scene!

(Ortez takes a deep breath calming his anger.)

Ortez: Sorry Mr. Graves. Where would like to start?

(Graves crouches down next to the body, and looks it over.)

Graves: Just call me Graves, and come over here.

(Ortez comes over. Graves passes his hand over the body, but doesn't touch it. A focused look appears on his face.)

Ortez: Could I ask what exactly you are doing? Me being new at all this.

(Graves pauses over the puncture wounds on the body's neck. He offers Ortez his free hand.)

Ortez: What?

Graves: Take my hand and you'll find out.

(Ortez reluctantly takes his hand. After touching Graves' hand, he immediately let's go and jumps back, looking at the body.)

Ortez: What the hell was that?

Graves: What did you see?

(Ortez just stares at the body.)

Graves: Detective Ortez. I want you to take a deep breath and then answer my question: What did you see once you touched my hand?

(Ortez takes a deep breath and looks at Graves.)

Ortez: I saw a person with a large black aura around him, like a shadow. His eyes were the color of pitch black that seemed to go on forever. I saw him kill this man and draw something from him, some kind of red aura that he seemed to draw into himself with the blood.

Graves: What you saw was a Revenant: a vampire that possesses the bodies of the evil dead. I say evil, because that is what they hunt: criminals and those of evil intent. Judging by this man's file, this one was a mugger. Pick pocketing, escalating into armed robbery. Seems the mugger killed two other people before he himself was murdered. I imagine the vampire was watching him and that final act clinched it.

Ortez: Why criminals? They could hunt anyone else.

Graves: Actually they can't. They exist under different rules than most vamps. What will hurt other species, might not hurt them and vice versa. The innocent have a natural protection against them. Have you heard about wards?

Ortez: You mean like a cross?

Graves: Yeah, that'll do. Picture any innocent person with a big freaking cross on them. While crosses don't mean anything by themselves to Revenants, innocence does. If you are a good person, they can't hurt you.

Ortez: Why don't crosses work?

Graves: Revenant inhabit bodies, technically this changes the nature of what can hurt them. Holy water, and crosses don't mean shit. If you do something evil and they've made you, consider yourself screwed, so my advice to you would be to keep your nose clean and stay that way. Morally questionable is one thing, evil is something else. If you have to question it, don't do it.

Ortez: Sounds fair enough. Same concept as heaven and hell, or karma. What else should I know?

Graves: As you can see from the body, they are quite vicious by nature. This one has a particularly sadistic side. Most of them feed and don't take their time at it. This one drew things out before he even laid a finger on the guy. He wanted to feed on the victim's fear first. Not that the mugger didn't have this coming.

Ortez: You mentioned that he watched this guy before he killed him. Is there any significance of that? Can't he tell if you are evil or not?

Graves: He can sense it. The evil in such a person calls to him. Any Revenant could find this mugger blind folded.

Ortez: Then why would he watch him? I'm not doubting your leap of intuition, but in my experience you should question the why. What made you think that this particular Revenant would take the extra time to track him visually?

Graves: It's the impression I get. Most Revenant are opportunists, kinda like sharks. They smell blood in the water and come. This one picks his prey. I can feel that about him.

(Getting up Graves heads towards the police tape at the edge of the crime scene)

Graves: Follow me Detective. We'll come back after I check out this hunch.

(Graves ducks underneath the police tape)

Ortez: What's the rush? The bodies have been moved already.

(Follows him out)

Scene 5:

Graves: Because that means their auras are dissipating. The stronger the presence, the clearer the images and feelings will be. Much of necromancy, at least when it comes to investigation is following hunches because time is of the essence.

(Graves is walking away from the scene in a hurry heads down the stairs to the street, Ortez tries to keep up. Cameras flash and reporters try to talk to them as they pass.)

Scene 6:

(Graves leads them to the second scene. Once they are far enough away they begin talking again.)

Ortez: Sounds like being a detective. I guess I can understand that.

(They hurry and arrive at the second crime scene in no time, and Ortez flashes his credentials to the officer guarding the scene.)

Officer: Go on in sir.

(Ducking under the tape, they enter the second scene, and Graves looks around, his eyes stopping on a spot near where the bodies were marked. He points the spot out to Ortez.)

Graves: (Points to a rooftop and then at the couple's chalk lines on the pavement.) The vampire was there, and the couple along with the mugger were right here. It's clear that the vampire was standing here from the impressions left, when he jumped down and followed the mugger. This Revenant is a serial killer. He's picking the most tasty of morsels. My guess would be murders, and rapists, anyone who directly harms their victims.

Ortez: So they are more evil in his eyes?

Graves: It leaves a deeper stain on the soul. Think of it like a dessert or a feast when they can get it. This one is focusing only on the fillet mignon, or cream of the crop of the criminal world. That leads me to believe one of two things: either something in his past has caused this and it's revenge, or he's in it for the challenge. His reward when it's all over is that he eats like a king.

Ortez: It's unsettling to think that to him and creatures like him, we are just food. I can't get over that.

Graves: Just be glad that they are so highly selective, and you aren't on the menu.

Ortez: The more I see, the more I agree with you. I can feel a cold presence here, and I can hear equally heartless laughter, but I don't see anyone. This presence you are talking about ... it's like an echo right? Something we all leave behind?

(Graves has surprised look on his face as he looks at the detective.)

Graves: Yes ... actually that's exactly it. Necromancers can pick out the supernatural presences that others don't notice.

Ortez: You're training me to be like you.

(Graves smiles, and heads back to the street. He pauses at the inside of the tape. Graves quietly listens to sounds of the city not looking at Ortez for a short time. )

Graves: I was wondering when you would ask that question, then again you are having to deal with a lot the first night.

Ortez: So it is true.

Graves: We are a rarity you and I Detective. Most people can't sense what we do. The thing is, you could have gone the rest of your life and gone untapped. If you want we can stop here. Right now you are slightly aware of the supernatural, but you're not far enough in that you can't live a normal life if you quit now. I wouldn't think any less of you if you did.

Ortez: And exactly who else is going to volunteer for this kind of assignment?

Graves: The trouble is you might not be a cop anymore if you go through with this.

Ortez: What do you mean?

Graves: When I approached you for this, the brass had already given their ok. I felt it was necessary that they understood, and they figured it out on their own that you could handle it. Your record speaks for itself. In the past you have shown great potential in your use of your intuition.

Ortez: Enough beating around the bush! What did you talk to the brass about?

Graves: A necromancer is an outsider Detective Ortez. If you learn from me, you will no longer be an official part of the department, at least not in your current unit. Most likely you would be a local outside consultant.

Ortez: You mean I can't be a cop anymore?

(Graves' looks at him sadly.)

Ortez: I can't just walk away.

Graves: Are you sure about this? Once you make this choice, there is no turning back the clock. You can't undo this Fernando. After this moment you will work for me, but you'll get to keep your badge until this is all over, after that the brass decides if they want to keep you in any official capacity.

(Ortez looks at Graves indignantly.)

Graves: Why don't you just think about it?

(They head back to Ortez's car with Graves in the passenger seat. They fasten their safety belts and Ortez turns to Graves.)

Ortez: Where to boss?

Scene 7:

(Reaper enters a sports bar and takes a seat at one of the tables. A local news station is playing on the T.V. behind the bar.)

Eddie: Hey Bill, can you change the channel. The game's on.

Bartender: Sure Eddie.

(The bartender heads over to change the channel. When he's almost there the latest news report comes on, and Reaper makes a simple gesture. The bartender stops in place, and stands there with a blank stare on his face. Reaper watches the television ignoring everyone else.)

Reporter: A mugger, who connected with multiple murders was killed himself last night. Police sources point to a situation gone bad between two accomplices, and that they are currently looking for the other individual connected to the crime.

(A scowl forms on Reaper's face, and he shakes with seething rage as he watches the screen. Taking a breath to calm himself he looks around the room. The bartender is released from his mental hold and immediately changes the channel. Reaper ignores him and focuses on a man on the far left side of the bar. The man gets up and walks into the bathroom. Reaper follows him in. The door closes behind Reaper.)

Scene 8:

(Ortez and Graves park next to a collection of abandoned buildings. Both get out, and Ortez looks around.)

Ortez: What are we supposed to find here?

Graves: Revenant.

(Ortez's hand immediately goes to his gun.)

Graves: That won't help very much. Remember they are merely inhabiting their current bodies ... like a suit.

Ortez: So what happens when I shoot them?

Graves: Their body dies, and they become very inclined to kill you when they come back as someone else ... that is if they don't get the drop on you first, which is entirely possible.

(Ortez slowly takes his hand away from his gun.)

Ortez: Ok ... why are we here?

Graves: We need information on our murderer. It stands to reason that his own people would be the most likely people to know who he is.

Ortez: Alright. Where are they?

Revenant leader: All around you.

(Revenant leader and twenty more Revenant appear from the shadows, surrounding them.)

Graves: You are the leader here?

Revenant leader: Yes I am Necromancer. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Graves: One of your kind has started killing publicly.

Revenant leader: How many?

Graves: One victim so far.

Revenant leader: Why is this so important to the authorities? Criminals die everyday.

Graves: The death was quite gruesome.

Revenant leader: How gruesome?

Graves: He took his time. The killer even wrote "Reaper" in his victim's blood.

(Ortez notices a look of fear cross all of the Revenants' faces before it's gone.)

Graves: I take it you know him.

Revenant leader: We know him.

Graves: Then perhaps you could provide us with information.

Revenant leader: I would hesitate to do so: if he discovers who told you, I may be next. We do not have your protections against him.

Ortez: What do you mean?

(Graves keeps his eyes on the leader.)

Graves: He means that Revenant don't tend to be innocent.

Ortez: So they won't help because they are afraid of him?

(The leader growls at Ortez menacingly, and the other Revenant follow suit.)

Graves: Be careful in your choice of wording detective.

(Graves forces on a smile while looking at the leader.)

Graves: He meant no offense. Let's keep this as casual and bloodless as possible, we are not here to cause trouble for you and your kind, but we do need more information on our killer.

(The leader turns his gaze to Graves.)

Revenant leader: There is good cause to be cautious when dealing with Reaper. This is not the first time he has played games with law enforcement, but before now no one ever truly knew what he was. He was careful in hiding his true identity.

Graves: Why the change?

(The leader shrugs.)

Revenant leader: I imagine he's bored.

Ortez: Bored? He's killing people because he bored? Who is this guy?

Revenant leader: No one knows his true name, or least the one we are all born with. What is known is that he is very powerful for one so young. We are certain he is not among the oldest of us, but his exact age eludes us.

Graves: I imagine that's on purpose.

(The leader nods.)

Ortez: Great so what can you tell us?

Revenant leader: Only that if you don't play his game he will make you regret it.

Ortez: What's his game?

Graves: Fame ... he wants fame.

(The leader nods in agreement.)

Ortez: And if we hid the truth from the general public, and downplayed the killing tonight?

Revenant leader: That would be very bad.

Ortez: How bad?

Revenant leader: From what I've heard, I wouldn't put it past him to paint the city red overnight.

Graves: And how did you come to that conclusion?

Revenant leader: There are rumors that not long after he was first turned, that corrupt priests and knights captured him during the time of the Crusades. Even as young as he was, Reaper was powerful enough to bring horrors out of the night; the stuff of nightmares.

Dead men walked and slew even where Reaper himself could not walk. They were his avenging hands, and his fingers did not stop at merely the corrupt, but any who had done enough evil to warrant his attention. Drunk with death he was marked by the local Revenant Leader, and our kind sought to hunt him down, much to our folly. Our own began to die as we discovered the extent of his power, and not one of us does not curse the day Reaper was made or the sire who created him.

Graves: Have you sought out this sire?

Revenant leader: If only we could. Some believe he died long ago, and others believe he watches from the shadows, glorifying in the monster he created. His name was Taris, and if you knew him then you would see a being who resembles his creation.

Graves: So the Reaper is merely a reflection of him...

(The Revenant leader shakes his head.)

Revenant leader: I knew Taris before he made Reaper. He was searching for someone who shared his love for killing; I believe he found that in Reaper: a vampire whose passion for death and destruction outweighed his own. In that arena Reaper has long since surpassed him, as much as an artist can surpass an amateur.

(Looking Ortez in the eye the Revenant leader speaks.)

Revenant leader: You think me afraid of Reaper. Very well, I will admit it. I am afraid, and if you possessed any measure of wisdom or self preservation, you would want him as far from you and your city as possible. He wants a challenge, and he will keep killing until he gets it. The more you block him, the more he will try to control you.

Ortez: That's what this is about? Control?

Graves: A Revenant on a power trip ... oh this won't end well.

(Looking at the Revenant Leader, Graves speaks.)

Graves: Thanks for the information.

Revenant leader: Don't come back here Necromancer. Neither you or your companion, not until Reaper is dead and gone. Until we have nothing more to fear from him, you will see none of us.

(Turning away, the Revenant leader and the other Revenant slip into the shadows and disappear from view.)

Ortez: I must be missing something: why would an entire race be afraid of one individual?

Graves: Look at the big picture detective. The reason is right in front of you: why would this Reaper character be upset that we are downplaying his killings?

Ortez: Because he is seeking fame.

Graves: And what would happen if human society found out about the Revenant because of him? What have Humans done to everything they are afraid of?

Ortez: Humans everywhere would do their best to hunt all Revenant down.

Graves: They would fail because the Revenant are far too good at staying in the shadows, but that is not the point. The Revenant would be forced deeper into hiding, and this change in behavior would affect human society negatively.

Ortez: How so?

Graves: Who do the Revenant hunt?

Ortez: They feed on...

(A mixture of shock and understanding shows on Ortez's face.)

Graves: Think of how many they kill: your evil ones, those that are a plague onto society. How many murders, rapists, arsonists, or any other types of criminal are stopped before they can do more damage? Unlike Reaper, these creatures do their part quietly. You'll never know how much impact they have on your daily life, how much worse things could be if they didn't hunt your streets anymore.

Ortez: Dammit!

Graves: Now you know the stakes we face. No one else can know what we now know, or it will cause a panic one way or another. That is why I'm here, and that's why I need your help. We are playing this very deadly game of his by his rules, and that puts us at the disadvantage.

Scene 9:

(Reaper is driving a white van with five other men armed with shotguns, disguised as the man he saw in the bar.)

Robber 1: Pull it in here Tommy, and keep the engine running

Reaper: Got it.

(The four armed bank robbers put on ski masks and head inside the bank. Gunfire can be heard, and one of the bank robbers heads out the front doors of the bank a few minutes later, carrying a large bag of money, only to find no one in the driver seat.)

Robber 2: Where the hell did Tommy go?

Reaper: He's right behind you.

(Before Robber 2 can even turn around, with a quick twist, Reaper snaps his neck.)

Reaper: No one ignores me.

(Stuffing the body into the van, Reaper takes his ski mask and gun and puts the mask on.)

Scene 10:

(Walking into the bank Reaper finds hostages pressed face down on the floor with one gunman watching the customers while the other three are out of view. Robber 3 turns to Reaper and speaks.)

Robber 3: Took you long enough.

Reaper: Sorry man, problems with the driver.

Robber 3: Right, we'll talk about it later. They'll want you back in the safe again.

Reaper: Alright ... wait ... do you hear that?

(Reaper inclines his head as if he hears a far away sound. Robber turns to his right and copies him, listening.)

Robber 3: What?

(With his back facing Reaper, Reaper takes the butt of his shotgun and hits him in the back of the head, knocking him out. Looking at some of the hostages who peek their heads up, Reaper lifts a finger to his lips to keep them quiet. He walks to the nearest hostage and points the gun at him.)

Reaper: Either you and the others here leave quietly through the front doors, or I start killing you one by one until I run out of bullets. Now move!

(The hostages pass the word quietly and file out the front with as little noise as possible. Reaper walks back to the unconscious Robber 3 and stops, noticing the state flag in its stand near the front doors. Pulling it out, he aims it like a spear and impales Robber 3, killing him. Next Reaper aims his own shotgun at the ceiling and fires a round off, and then immediately lays face down, and plays dead. Robber 4 enters the lobby from the back offices and finds Reaper, Robber 3 and no hostages.)

Robber 4: Steve, George come quick! Something has happened!

(Bending over Reaper, Robber 4 sets down his gun and flips Reaper onto his back. Immediately Reaper's eyes pop open and he strikes, using his hand to penetrate Robber 4's chest and rip out his heart. Spitting up blood Robber 4's face is frozen in shock as he dies. Dropping the heart Reaper grabs the embedded flag and pulls it out before Robbers 1, 5 rush into view. Hurling the flag like a javelin Reaper watches as it strikes Robber 5 in the gut and knocks him down.)

Robber 1: You son of a...

(Robber 1 tries to shoot Reaper, but Reaper is faster and manages to blow off Robber 1's left leg. Robber 1 drops his gun and falls to the ground screaming.)

Robber 1: Aaaaah! You bastard! I'll kill you, I'll kill you!

Reaper: I find that very unlikely Stevie, but don't you go dying on me just yet, I have something special planned just for you.

(Bending down he takes the guns from both Robber 1 and 5 and sets them on a nearby desk, before taking off his mask.)

Robber 5: Tommy? Why?

Reaper: I'm afraid Tommy was killed earlier today. I'm acting as his stand in, but don't worry the three of us are going to get to know each other before the police arrive, after all I need something to pass the time.

(Reaper starts searching through the desk and its drawers for a letter opener.)

Reaper: Ah! Here it is.

(Reaper walks back to the two wounded Robbers holding the fake knife.)

Reaper: Now who do I choose first?

Robber 1: If you're going to kill us, then get it over with!

(Reaper chuckles.)

Reaper: But that's only half the fun. You see I call this game, "Who Really Wants To Die First?"

Robber 5: Couldn't you just let us go? We won't talk, I swear! You can keep the money.

Reaper: George, George ... I don't think you get the point of all this. That's my fault of course because I haven't explained it clearly. My name is Reaper and I'm looking to make a name for myself, but the police have decided to downplay my last murder. Now here I am with two victims to increase my chances. If that isn't good enough we also have built-in video cameras to record the whole thing. If it makes you feel any better I promise to eventually kill the both of you, and the good news is you get to convince me which one of you will get to die first.

Robber 1: You won't get away with this. They'll kill you if you spend too much time here. I think I can already hear the sirens.

Reaper: My dear boy, I want them to kill this body. To tell you the truth, it's all part of my plan. I would tell you the beauty of it in its entirety, but we are short on time, so we should get started and with that I think George will go first.

Robber 5: No! Wait!

(The scene cuts out with a picture of Reaper's shadow plunging the knife repeatedly into Robber 5's body and him screaming.)

Scene 11:

(Ortez and Graves pull up at the crime scene with a young cop puking his guts out in the bushes.)

Ortez: That's not a good sign.

Graves: We both knew this was going to be bad.

Ortez: Yeah, but the question is how bad?

(Opening one of the front doors Ortez leads the way in. Cops clear the way and give them plenty of room, leaving them alone with the bodies. They find five bodies inside on the floor, and one of them is full of bullets with a sick smile on his face.)

Graves: That would be him.

Ortez: Why did he let the hostages go? I don't see any other bodies.

Graves: He probably didn't think he needed them to be here, besides look around.

(Graves points out the video camera.)

Ortez: Now it will be harder to hide the truth.

Graves: And that was his plan.

Ortez: It looks like he took his time killing both of them. Each was slowly tortured, but this doesn't make sense...

Graves: What?

Ortez: I want our coroner to check the victims just to be sure. When do you think he'll show up again?

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The Script

Several years back I wrote and submitted a screen play for a pornographic film. I had never heard back and completely forgot about it, until I received an email from a production company. I called back and was told that the script was good and that it fit the line of movies that they were shooting. We negotiated the rights, and as part of the agreement, I asked to be able to watch them shoot the scenes.It was an early call the day of the shoot. I showed up and was introduced to the director,...

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Reapers 7

Anisa sits up, looking around the small room she’s found herself in, a bed the only piece of furniture, no windows and only one door. She wonders what could have happened on her wedding day, why she was there, and most importantly where was Shan "Sleeping beauty awakes."   Shan walks in, looking exhausted, but smiling none the less She smiles softly “Hi… I feel like someone tried to split my head open… What happened? How long have I been out? Are mom and dad okay?” "They're...

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Market ForcesChapter 20 Not In The Script

With the Kalinin's requirements well in hand, I had some time to spend on the video. I'd sketched out the framework for Rachel and she'd already let me have a storyboard and I'd set up to visit the Prep Centre to run through the script. I'd told them to let her have some decent clothes as long as she was behaving. When I got there I could see that she was making an effort to impress, she'd obviously been well enough behaved to keep the guards happy. Or maybe she'd been using some...

2 years ago
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Reapers 2

Kail paces the length of the tent, anger rising off him in waves of visible heat; John rummages through some paperwork, the title reads “Death Certification". “We can’t just assume she’s dead! We need to know for sure! We have to find proof!! Aren’t you even the least bit concerned that your daughter may be out there somewhere?? Cold and alone and scared???” “If she was anywhere near by then she would have turned up by now… If I know her like I hope I do, then she’s out there somewhere,...

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Disciplinary Script

Good Morning Mrs Jackson – I do hope you are well. I must say it’s very nice to see you. I thought I’d just call in just to see how things were going. Shall we sit down? Thank you so much. Well then, it’s been how long since your suspension from work - 10 days is it? I thought so. And what have you been up to in that time? Had a bit of time to reflect on your actions? That’s good. You see it’s been quite difficult for the company because of the nature of your misconduct so to speak – they...

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This is what I came up with for my hypnosis video thus far. Just the text. I don't know how to incorporate images and such into the mix let alone have a program for someone speaking the words. You love femininityYou adore femininityWhen you see femininity it turns you onYou want to be feminineYou have strong desires to be feminineYou are feminineSay I want to be feminineYOU ARE A SUBMISSIVE SISSY SLUTYou love lingerieYou adore lingerieWhen you see lingerie it turns you onYou want to wear...

3 years ago
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Involuntary Females Jona a script

EXT., HIGHWAY, NIGHT A highway in Kansas, the Pony Express Highway, somewhere in the flat emptiness between two towns that are several miles away. It's night, and it storms and rains heavily. The road is dark, no street-lamps. And no cars. Hardly visible, a woman in a black hooded rain cape fights against the storm and tried to stay exactly beside the road. We see her only from behind, so we don't know how she looks like, just that she seems to be slim. ...

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A Birthday Present for Allmen Another Forced Femme Hypnosis Script

Hi sweety, so you are uncomfortable and lack confidence around women. That is why you do not date. You are hoping I can hypnotise you to have more confidence and be more comfortable around women. Well let's see what we can do about that. Okay first lie your head back and close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice. Sleep now. Sleep now. You are relaxed, you are comfortable, you are stress free. I want you to imagine all of your anxieties, insecurities, distrust, and suspicions as...

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A Changing Script

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here..The weeks turned into months with my daughter Faith living, not only under my roof, but also in my bed. Before I knew it, May turned into June and the time for Hope’s graduation from college...

4 years ago
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Poltergeist Script

Scene 1: (Karen opens the front door of her new home and walks inside. The phone rings.) Karen: Hello? Yeah Mary I just arrived. How do you get here? Just take a left Harrison Street and follow it down to 42nd Street where you'll take a right. The house is the third on the left. Alright I'll see you here. I'm just going to take a quick shower. Scene 2: (Karen brings her bags upstairs and heads to her room to the right.) Scene 3: (Setting down her bags by her bed Karen opens a bag and...

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Jessica Part 5 Piercing and Postscript

It took almost two days for me to find the right piercing shop to get Jess what she wanted. Even at that the guy at the shop thought she might be just a little crazy to do all four at once. He did suggest some loose clothing, that would be fairly lightweight, since she would be tender for a day or two. Jess selected a loose lightweight dress and I picked her up and took her to the shop. When we arrived we spent a few minutes deciding on exactly what she wanted, then the piercer told her...

1 year ago
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Project Zulo Postscript

(Author's Note: This isn't so much a story as an interlude, a brief postscript to Altered Fates: Project Zulo. There was a request for a family tree, and brief precis of the transformations that occurred among the Peyton family in the dozen or so stories that culminated in Project Zulo, for easy reference. Well, I aim to please so here, presented as a conversation between two characters, is that data. If you haven't read Project Zulo you probably shouldn't read this one since it contains...

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Indian Princess Revisited PostScript

If you read my last post "Indian Princess Revisited," you know she and I got together for a late afternoon/evening/overnight connection. At the end of the story, I indicated it would be nice to just hold each other and drift off to sleep. That's what I envisioned, anyway.Actually, that is pretty much what happened. We slept through the night, very soundly. As tired as each of us was, we both awakened slightly before the alarm clock was due to go crazy. We looked at each other while our heads...

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Concluding Unscientific Postscript

Concluding Unscientific Postscript By Cal Y. Pygia Dr. Percy Stanley detested etiological, or so-called explanatory, myths, the lies that ancient storytellers had told to gullible audiences to explain--supposedly--how such-and-such an island came to be, why there are seasons, or how the world began. Nowadays, mothers had inherited the role of the ancient liars, it seemed, for Percy had just heard one of them answer her young son's query as to what causes thunder with just such an...

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CONSCRIPT by Annie James Author's Note: Names have been omitted wherever possible in the writing of this autobiography. Where it has been absolutely essential to include a name for the sake of the story line, the name chosen, like the story itself, is fictitious. Induction This story begins like many others with a call to arms at the beginning of World War II. My experience was not however typical of all those young men who were conscripted in 1939. I was still finishing...

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The Scriptwriter

Dramatis Personae: Sunshine: Large breasted woman. Lingerie model. Desmond: Geeky-looking guy. Scriptwriter. Herbert Chin: Overweight, balding, middle-aged man. Porn Movie Producer. Misty: Porn Starlet Tracy: Porn Starlet Buster Beaver: Male porn star. Johnny Rubber: Male porn star Act I Pan across a bedroom in which there is a large double bed and a mirror closet. Focus on the reflection of a naked woman, Sunshine, who is masturbating loudly and enthusiastically with a vibrator. Zoom...

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Hawk in a Chicken CoopChapter 2 A First Attempt at Conscription

October 1, 1986 General Wynn, as was his habit, slowly walked along the walkway of the great wall inspecting the academy grounds. Every morning he would leave his townhouse and walk to the wall, climb the stairway to the top, and look out over the grounds. Then he would slowly make his way to the front gate, pausing occasionally to observe the students in their training. From the front gate, he would either continue his walk to the far side of the street upon which his townhouse was located...

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Hawk in a Chicken CoopChapter 4 A Second Attempt at Conscription

October 21, 1986 Major Chavan had a problem. The rebels were running all over the southern portion of Inra. The regular army wasn’t able to catch up with them. Everyone said that it was because the army was slow, that it took too much time to provision the forces, load them in the trucks, and get them to the destination. He knew the real problem. The men in charge wouldn’t move until they knew with absolute certainty where the rebels were located. However, by the time they arrived, the...

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Hawk in a Chicken CoopChapter 5 A Third Attempt at Conscription

October 28, 1986 Major Chavan stood on a bridge that crossed over the major line of the railroad. He looked out on the chaos below trying to take in all that was happening. There were at least five separate areas of activity. Near the train, sergeants were yelling at the top of their voices, directing the unloading of the five tanks that were chained to flatbed rail cars. They had to yell to be heard over the noise of the loud diesel engines that powered the massive vehicles. From his...

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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 11 Postscript

It had been a rapid erosion of male rights that led to the rebellion to restore the United States of America. The effort of restoration was even more rapid as the false government and laws quickly crumbled. Interim President Bill Johnson immediately created a temporary cabinet consisting of a diverse representation of both males and females with various ethnic origins. He temporarily suspended and power of all branches of government, including the Supreme Court until all offices and...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 67 Postscript

As she looked around the dazzling, obviously brand new surroundings in the waiting room, Carly Brewer tried to be interested in all of the photos, mounted posters and even some ballet shoes under a lit glass dome. But the truth was, all she wanted to do was move. Not dance, necessarily; she would have been perfectly content to skip around the spacious parking area atop this amazing hill? Mountain? Plateau? She had no idea. But she did know this was the go-to place on the West Coast for...

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Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. * Magnolia Retreat was a beautiful place, but I still didn’t understand why my mother insisted on going there rather than stay with us. I was the eldest daughter and felt responsible for her since Dad died three years ago. She was only sixty-three years old and in pretty good shape for an old lady. I shouldn’t say things like that about my mother. She was in good health but needed a few things to help her stay that way. One pill kept...

1 year ago
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SPH by Blonde Big Tit Ex Slut Video Transcript

SPH by Blonde Big Tit Ex Wife Hot Slut: Personal Amatuer Video TranscriptFrom 2014.might be cloudyWoman: Come take it off (braw) oh yeah oh yeah oh lick my pussy you like that is that what you wanted you always wanted my pussy like thatMan: yeahWoman: you wanted it in your mouth like thatMan: where the big cocks have been?Woman: ahh I am gonna need to get the dildo soon and fuck me with it because I’ve been deserving of a big fucking cock like that that’s what I need ahh Ahh...

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Direct Message Transcript

Hi this is a transcript of the Direct Messages with someone called Pirate69 I've had over recently. I wanked while talking to him, cum loads, he is a dirty slut. Look him up the type in italic is meHello Mister. 09:44hi, how are u today 09:46Waiting for you to manhandle me! 10:11on your knees boy, open wide 10:32Down my throat or up my tight ass, the choice is yours! 10:35sloppy bj, deep throat hold me close by grabbing my ass, lick my balls 10:44Gonna gag on your cock as you feed it to me,...

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Sravya8217s Tale Lesbian Chat Transcript

Well, read the chat transcript and enjoy if you aren’t bored. This is in between two lesbian friends. Passionate and erotic, have some patience. And if you like it, get back to me at   Priya: Hey Sravya: Hi Priya: Saw you somehow. Felt you are not fake, so added you. I hope you don’t mind Priya: Okay, No issues   Priya: Myself Priya from Mumbai Sravya: Sravya from Hyderabad Priya: Ok so are you straight or lesbian? Sravya: straight Priya: Then, why in this chat room   Sravya: Saba is my...

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Talk Show Transcript

TRANSCRIPT OF A TALKSHOW. DATED MARCH 10TH 20__ MUSIC CUES ANNOUNCER: Hey everybody! Welcome to "Fuck Talk" with Melanie Jackson"! The show that talks about, you guessed it! FUCKING! Any kind of fucking! Straight fucking! Gay fucking! Any kind of fucking you can think of! Aaaaand nowww, here's the host of "Fuck Talk", Melanie Jackson!" The audience goes wild. MELANIE: O kay everybody, are you ready to talk about FUCKING?!" The audience goes wild again. MELANIE: Before...

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The Perfect Prescription

"Pull over," Master told me. I was driving him to the airport at 3 in the morning. Master had been trying unsuccessfully to joke me out of my bad mood since we had left the house. I hate it whenever Master leaves, but he had forbidden me from being sad on our drives. He told me to smile and be happy, and I had forced a smile, but I hadn’t fooled Master. I never do. Now, as I pulled over onto the shoulder, I saw Master set his jaw. He told me to shut off the car. He stepped out onto the road,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 29 A Special Prescription

November 17, 1994, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “The first thing I want to say is that I believe you are in a good frame of mind. I’m not worried about you going home today.” “Were you worried on Monday?” Doctor Mercer nodded, “A bit, but probably not for the reason you think.” “You were concerned that I was overly critical of myself, and that might LEAD to clinical depression, not that I was actually clinically depressed.” She laughed, “Some days, I don’t know why I bother!” “Don’t be TOO...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 43 A Strong Prescription

Theophany, January 6, 1985, McKinley, Ohio After I dropped Elizaveta at home, I took a chance and drove to Father Nicholas’ house. Matushka Natalya greeted me at the door and let me in. Father Nicholas invited me to his study. “Sorry to bother you at home, but the bishop suggested I speak to you.” “Am I going to be happy at the end of this conversation?” “Angie drove from Cincinnati on New Year’s Day to talk to me.” “I thought she wasn’t supposed to drive!” “She’s not. She did it...

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The Manuscript.By jjcoleI had been trying to write a Great American novel for years but had only succeed in writing an episodic tale of a town, an episodic tale of a singer, and a convoluted science fiction story. My agents found online publishers for each but not print publishers.My agents were a lesbian couple that would kindly be described as colorful. I described them as batty. One, her name was Virginia, appeared to be mostly sane but appearances were deceiving. She was a weirdo, a very...

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Rescripted Holy Scripture

You come from a religious family. You have religious parents. You’re not sure about the whole thing yourself but you were raised to believe. To be honest you were always kind of skeptical about the idea of a higher power described in those old books. Especially after reading through many of the passages yourself. That is until the day you discovered something… the copy of the text you had been given for your 18th birthday was... special. The cover of it looked old and worn but the pages within...

Mind Control
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Dads Prescription

Present Day:“Dad… Dad, are you in there?”Silly question really because I know he is in the house somewhere.I work as a Family Physician in a local medical clinic and visit home a couple of times a week to check on my father who lives alone. This evening when I enter the house, it is dark, no lights, and the heating is set excessively low. I turn up the thermostat and switch on the kitchen and living room lights.I find dad asleep, sitting in his recliner in front of the switched off...

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Dads Prescription

Present Day:“Dad… Dad, are you in there?”Silly question really because I know he is in the house somewhere.I work as a Family Physician in a local medical clinic and visit home a couple of times a week to check on my father who lives alone. This evening when I enter the house, it is dark, no lights, and the heating is set excessively low. I turn up the thermostat and switch on the kitchen and living room lights.I find dad asleep, sitting in his recliner in front of the switched off...

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Bulgbator cam transcript

bulge_bater: rest your hand on your dickbulge_bater: gentlybulge_bater: tap it with your fingersbulge_bater: gently at the tipbulge_bater: always gets me stiffbulge_bater: i want to see it slowly erectbulge_bater: thickeningbulge_bater: lengtheningbulge_bater: moving up your thighbulge_bater: it's startingbulge_bater: your erectionbulge_bater: fondle the tipbulge_bater: gentlybulge_bater: tease your toolbulge_bater: naughty wankerbulge_bater: that's itbulge_bater: gently stroke the...

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Clandestine sex transcript

princess has signed back in.i look at your pics a lot...mmmmm... what do you imagine?i think how it would feel in my mouthwould be so hot watching you lick and suck my cockyour nipples getting harder and harderyessrunning your lips up and down my shaftso hoti think about what i did around your unit a lotme too... I think about walking in on you and seeing you naked and fingering your wet cunt thinking about my cockin the toilet downstairs? when i went in there?yesmy cock was so incredibly...

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We met on a sex site after all transcript

you currently appear offlineI sent a pic as a file here on the IMI've just logged in to messenger...Oh..that's where I was talking to you froma smile for you...for some strange reason I can use messenger through my email interface...Very nice!...thank youI'll send you some picsI hope i didn't shock you!!*laughs*I have your picture before me... the floral B/W numberOf course the hair!!*blushes*I sent a few pics by emailthat is so lovely of you...These pics aren't on any...

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The Hammers Manuscript

Dietrich stood on the bridge of the Trotzig, a Battle Barge in the service of the Hammers of Defiance. He looked out into the void and frowned, today was not going to be the easiest day in the ancient Marine's life or service. He frowns to himself and looks across the bridge of the 8.2km ship. It had the full compliment of 3 entire companies of his Hammers, two wore the Black and Gold of the Elite troops of the Hammers, while the last company, the First Company, wore mainly the Black and Gold...

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"Mom! Dad!" I squealed as my parents entered my examining room. I was both delighted and shocked to see them. Delighted because I loved them terribly and hadn't seen them for two weeks. Shocked because they had never come to my hospital before - and had never needed to. I was a specialist in gynaecology, and so far, all my patients had been females. My parents smiled at me, and the three of us hugged lovingly. The distance of three hundred miles between our residences only increased the...

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You are John Doe, a man who has so far had an average life. You found as life went on that you had an amazing skill for quickly making gorgeous jewellery and trinkets by hand, however, apparently there's a limited market for such things, so you're stuck with an average life. You're by no means unhappy though. You make a decent amount from it, and you enjoy it, so you're relatively happy. You sell your creations at a little store in a nearby mall which you snagged, and you live in a fairly...

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The Perfect Prescription

‘Pull over,’ Master told me. I was driving him to the airport at 3 in the morning. Master had been trying unsuccessfully to joke me out of my bad mood since we had left the house. I hate it whenever Master leaves, but he had forbidden me from being sad on our drives. He told me to smile and be happy, and I had forced a smile, but I hadn’t fooled Master. I never do. Now, as I pulled over onto the shoulder, I saw Master set his jaw. He told me to shut off the car. He stepped out onto the road,...

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Doctor gets a prescription

Hello ISS Lovers! Please don’t forget to send your feedback to Sujitha was a Doctor by profession living in a small place in Kerala. After completing medicine, she was content managing her small clinic which was a bit far away from her house. A single woman, she was devoted to her work and bubbling with enthusiasm to lead a happy life. Although she grew up without her parents, she had a close acquaintance with her aunt who frequently visited her. While she was perceived as a decent Doctor,...

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Tape SlavesChapter 10 The Prescription

"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rage at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." DYLAN THOMAS "There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say." CYRIL CONNOLLY Blackness. More blackness. Take a black handkerchief, drop it, and let it drift to the floor in a pitch black room. It falls to the ground in a second or so. Now take away the lights, the furniture, the rug, the doors, the walls, the...

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Doing More then the Job Description

I worked for a graphic designer in the Upper West side of Manhattan. I was working on going to school to become one myself. I was in my second year, and had gone to a Vocational High School, and majored in Graphic Communications. I made sixteen dollars an hour, and did little designs here and there for small companies around the city. I had gained a spot on the team, not officially a graphic designer, but doing what they do. I’d been working for this company for eight months and was doing my...

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Sissy Rules Reads like a proper job description

(Found this on the internet... #65 seems especially made for me) Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows...

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Black Widow Chronicles

A puff of smoke, exhaled from my lungs, drifts onto the snowy city below me. Standing in my penthouse, I am a woman on top of the world. In one hand alone, I have held the lives of countless men, and with the other, brought ruin to them all. A black widow. I don't think there's a better term to describe a woman like me, though the men in my life might prefer 'whore', or 'bitch', or 'mistress.' I wasn't always this way though. It all began one winter night much like this one, many...

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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] “Thank you, Isabel. I am expecting you to try out for LES MISÉRABLES. I need a pretty little blonde girl just like you to sing that song in front of everyone who can hear you.” “Thank you, Michael. That is a wonderful song. I must go on to my next class. Goodbye,” my future Little Cosette said to me. She was running. Clara walked in and said, “She is fabulous, Michael. A perfect Little...

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Old is gold2

At my previous story “old is gold” I described my experience of fucking an old woman. In this story I will tell how I first fucked two old sexy women at same bed same time. I & Gita Mausi use to make sex thrice or more a week since last one year. Even I fuck her whole night. As she lives alone at her home, we can make sex freely. We normally remain naked when we are together & play with each others body. We use sexy languages & talk about sex freely. One night when I was fucking Gita Mausi I...

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Mature horny lady

Hi I am also regular reader of ISS it is very good EROTIC SEX Site. I am asking my exp. Of this site because of this site I get lot of contact and joy too. But all the way I keep secrecy of my sex partner who is having very good status in society, community and with relatives too. I am from Mumbai suburban side. Here there is very higher middle class people locality and rich locality. It is two years back story when I produce my student story on this site. I get good response on my e-mail id – ...

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Perfect First Date

This short story was written as a fantasy for Wicked Kitty. I hope all enjoy. * This will be our first date we have, not yet met. We have had correspondence on the computer through email. We have learned a little about each other. We know what each other likes. The foods we like. The places we like to go to. What turns us on. We feel that it is time to meet and get to know each other further. You find yourself home getting ready for the evening. As you shower and scrub your body it tingles...

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda

Hello dosto mai apke liye fir se ek nayi kahani lekar aaya hu. Mera name jay hai or pyar se log mujhe jacks kahte hai. meri age 25 year hai. mere land ka size 6’’ hai or mera body type athletics hai. mai gujrat ka rahne wala hu. Agar koi ladki, bhabhi mujhe chat karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar shakti hai mera mail id hai. Meri yeh kahani aaj se 3 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 22 year ka tha. Yeh kahani meri or sumita aunty ki hai. sumita aunty jo ki mera friend Krunal ki mother hai. aunty ka...

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