GardnerChapter 12 free porn video

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"I wasn't raped!

JJ couldn't believe Alice's words when she shouted them the first time. They were just as loud the second time she shouted. "But who? Why? JJ blurted the words at her.

"Why, does it make a difference? She shouted at him. "You'll leave regardless. You've made up you mind. I can see it in your face." She began sobbing as he released her.

JJ stood, looking from Alice, to the partially made bed, and back to Alice. She just told him she wasn't raped and he could see cum and pussy juice still oozing from her pussy. Her outer lips were red and enlarged, her breasts reddened, and she was remaking the bed. She fucked someone in his bed.

Rage overcame him, and he raised his hand to strike her, dropping it to his side quickly. He wasn't a violent person; however, she had degraded the bed they shared. Staring at the bed a full minute, he turned and walked from the room. He didn't understand how she could see the look of disgust he felt inside. Surely, it wasn't showing on his face as she declared. Then again, he knew he wasn't too good at hiding his feelings therefore, it may be possible. He thought again and realized there was a high probability she could see his displeasure. He saw soiled merchandise when he glared at her reddened breasts and dripping pussy.

He felt the tension building and he had to get her out of his sight. His steps were deliberate as he walked from the room and down the stairs. His fists were opening and closing and he felt the veins in his neck expanding. He was in the truck when she shouted at him.

"JJ, YOU ARE NEVER HOME ANYMORE AND I HAVE NEEDS. I can't help it; I did the same as you have been doing." She was shouting as she rushed toward the truck.

JJ drove to the end of the driveway with Alice rushing after him. Turning on the street, he glanced back and she had stopped. Driving without a predetermined destination, he found himself in a neighboring town. Stopping at a truck stop, he filled the gas tank and walked inside for a cup of coffee. Lingering for more than an hour, he ate a burger along with the coffee. The burger was actually a delay tactic. Alice's words continued running through his mind, 'I have needs... I did the same as you have been doing.' The words hurt because they were true. However, she had brought a man to their bed. To him, it seemed an unforgivable act.

Walking to his truck, JJ couldn't decide on a direction in which to drive. He couldn't return to their garage apartment, his rage would continue. He thought about going to his father's and changed his mind. It would look as though he was running home. Turning on the street that would take him to the highway, he eventually decided his sister was the one person with whom he would confide. Tina was older and she could advise him. Turning a 'U' on the highway, he cursed himself for driving aimlessly in the wrong direction; it would now be a six-hour trip to Tina.

The drive was troubling for JJ and as much as he knew, Alice's words were accurate. He was spending more time with others, particularly other women, and neglecting the one he held most dear. In an attempt to lay blame elsewhere, he felt Alice was responsible because she hadn't complained. Justifying his lack of foresight, he would have certainly spent more time with her if she simply brought the subject up, however she hadn't. He felt she was responsible.

Alice spent many hours with Helen and Morgan and surely, they would have brought the problem to his attention if they felt there was a problem. Erica visited Alice daily and she could have definitely informed him if she saw a problem. Neither Erica, nor his parents, had confronted him about an ongoing problem.

The searchlight caught his vision many miles back, and when he went over the rise he could see the light much clearer, however it was still miles ahead of him. As he approached the town, he noticed the sign as he passed read, "That's Her Man," and a few seconds later another sign appeared, "Burma Shave." Chuckling to himself, he thought of Alice reading a similar sign and commenting, "You're My Man." He was quite confident he had everything in perspective and he would spend two or three days a Tina's before Alice would call, apologizing, and begging him to come home.

He had attempted to sum up all logical reasons Alice would ask another man to their home, however he couldn't justify any of them. He was certain of one thing, he was not going to sleep on that bed again as it would go in the dump as soon as he returned. There were a few other things they would need to discuss, mainly the women Alice accused him of sleeping with. Actually, she was aware he wasn't sleeping with them, merely fucking them. The subject wasn't discussed at length; however, she had given her permission. She was well aware it was business.

He approached the searchlight and saw it was an advertisement to a grand opening of a new service center for trucks. He saw the sign, "Free Coffee and Doughnuts," and a few hundred yards later a sign that read, "Gasoline 24.9 cents, Ethel 29.9 cents." He could picture a gas war starting in the area as he pulled into the station for a fill up. The two young and eager attendants were approaching the truck before he came to a full stop. Declining the Ethel fill up by requesting the regular, he walked to the restaurant and took a seat at the counter.

His server was cheerful, although she looked tired. He assumed she had a rough day and being six months pregnant wasn't helping matters. He noted she was a little flirty, bending at the waist when she spoke, exposing a great expanse of soon-to-be milk bearing breasts. In his opinion, she was overly friendly, and her direct approach placed a thought in his mind. He wondered if she had a boyfriend on the side or if she remained faithful to her husband. She was wearing, what appeared to be, an expensive looking engagement and wedding ring set. He tried to picture Alice tempting a man, as his server appeared to be doing. He wondered how she would lure them; her breast were much too small to use as bait.

JJ felt much better after draining his bladder, stretching his legs, and excepting the free coffee and doughnuts. The last few miles to Tina's passed quickly. He was anxious to see her although they had spoken to one another on the phone three weeks earlier. He knew she would be glad to see him because she sounded homesick when they spoke earlier.

He turned into her driveway expecting to see a darkened house. He was surprised to see a dimmed light through the curtains realizing a light was on somewhere in the house. After walking to the front door and knocking, he was again surprised to hear people talking before the porch light came on. The door opened quickly and Tina stood, mouth agape, staring at him. It seemed like a full minute after JJ said hello, before he opened the screen and walked in. She continued staring silently as he approached her.

"SMACK." He saw the hand coming, felt the sting, and heard the sound her hand made as it struck him.

"You bastard," she said as her words came at him sharp and spiteful. "What are you doing here? You should be at the hospital with your wife! What kind of a person do I have for a brother who has an argument with his wife and leaves her in the driveway?"

"What are you talking about? We didn't have an argument."

"I don't know whether to slap you again or hug you?"

"May I make a suggestion?"

"NO!" Tina yelled as she moved to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. "I'm so happy and proud; just think I'm an aunt now!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Alice! She had twins! You didn't know?" Tina spoke bubbling with joy and then looking at him as though he was strange. "You don't know that Alice had twins tonight?"

It suddenly dawned on JJ what she was trying to tell him. It took only a moment for him to feel a strange pride overcome him. "Are you telling me Alice had twins this evening?"

"Yes!" She shouted joyfully. "You really don't know?"

"No! Alice was at home when I left."

Suddenly Tina broke into tears and began pounding on his chest, "You son of a bitch! You left your wife lying in the driveway! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" She said repeatedly as she pounded on his chest, tears flowing from her eyes.

JJ became upset and grasped her wrist, preventing her from striking him further. "What are you saying? Alice was fine when I left home and yes, she was in the driveway and she was okay."

Tina stopped struggling and looked up to him through her tear stained eyes. "JJ, Alice was found lying in the drive tonight and they had to rush her to the hospital. She was hemorrhaging and they did an emergency C-section. You have twin daughters. You don't know?"

"No, as I said, Alice was standing in the driveway when I left. We had... ," he couldn't tell Tina what occurred therefore he ad-libed. "We had differences," he said in lieu of a better word. "I had to get away for a while and I thought about you, and here I am."

"Something doesn't sound right. Mom called at 10:00 p.m. and she said the babies were delivered at 6:00 p.m. There is a lot of time between 6 p.m. and the present time, 2:30 a.m. Something is going on; there is something you are not telling me. What is it?"

JJ thought for a moment before speaking, and as far as he could recall he had told her everything he wanted her to know. They had a disagreement and he left; he couldn't even call it an argument. It was as simple as that, or so he thought. "Look, it's like I told you, we had a disagreement and I left. I wanted to be alone for a while, and then I thought about coming here. So here I am. The reason it took me so long to get here is I had no thought of coming here, or anywhere else. I made up my mind to come here many hours after our disagreement."

"But what could be so bad that you would leave her lying in the driveway. That is the part I don't understand." She responded with a pathetic look on her face.

"I didn't leave her lying in the driveway; she was standing at the top of the driveway when I left." JJ was becoming agitated because of her false accusations. He looked across the room and Lana was standing in the hallway door, a look of disgust on her face. Pushing Tina from him, JJ stepped back, and shouted, "Look! Both of you, for the last time; Alice was okay when I left home this evening. She was standing at the top of the drive."

"I didn't say anything," Lana said sarcastically. "Don't you think the right thing to do is give her a call? You seem to have an answer for everything else. Try explaining your presence here instead of with her tonight."

Lana's tone was crisp and sharp as JJ stared at her. She was seven months pregnant and looked absolutely gorgeous posed in the doorway. He had to admit that pregnancy in no way hindered her looks. He did admit however, her bark was much sharper than he ever imagined within her capabilities.

One year later

"JJ, come over here and look at this," Helen said as she waved her hand frantically at her son.

JJ walked behind his mom and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her tightly against his body. He chuckled, "It's hard to tell the kids from the adults, isn't it?" His father and grandpa were on the floor with the twins, trying to keep the party hats on their heads.

"Yes, and it's a miracle your father gives thanks for constantly. He never thought he would get to see the twins reach their first birthday," Helen said as she placed her hands over JJ's and pressed his hands firmly against her soft body.

"I see five miracles," JJ said responding to her hands by kissing her lightly on the neck.

"You better watch it bud," Helen said and then asked. "Five, what are you counting?"

"Well dad, for one has outlived the time the doctors gave him. The twins were miracle births and as for Alice, they said she wouldn't make it; the same for grandpa when he had the heart attack. We have much to be thankful for, wouldn't you say?"

Helen nodded. "Alice told me why you weren't there when the girls were born." Helen spoke softly as she informed her son she knew of the reason for his absence.

"When did she do this? What have you two been talking about?"

"Don't worry; I'm not going to say anything. I made a comment about putting a chain around your neck next month to keep you home and she explained why you weren't here to see the girls born." Helen twisted her head and looked at JJ to see his expression, fearing she spoke when she should have been silent. Alice told her it was a forgotten subject.

"Do you know that you could probably get in Charlene and Erica's good graces if they knew the whole story? Have you thought of that?"

"Mom, neither Alice nor I are worried about what they think. We have talked about it many times. I have forbidden Alice to tell her mother anything about that afternoon; Erica will have to come to terms with her own conscious. It's her loss refusing to talk with us; she is missing the enjoyment of watching her granddaughters grow. Charlene, well she's another story. She just needs to mind her own business. You know that all she does is keep Erica upset about the entire ordeal. Erica has called a dozen times and asked to come over, and then she talks to Charlene who convinces her to stay away."

"But... Ellie... she comes to see you," Helen said looking confused.

JJ nodded, "Yes she does, but she never tells Charlene. Jessica comes often also. They are Alice's real friends," JJ said as he pulled Helen from the view of the partygoers. "And mom, you don't have to wait until the weekend to visit."

"Son, why did you allow Alice to become pregnant so soon after the twins? You know she had a very rough time. I heard the doctors tell her to wait at least a year, or longer."

"Mom, think about your question. You know Alice told them she was going to get pregnant the minute they told her she should wait. Furthermore, stop changing the subject; why wait until the weekend to visit? You know I'm out of town most weekends and I rarely see you and dad."

"That's something I have wondered!" Helen exclaimed pushing from JJ. "Why did you take that job traveling?"

"Mom, I work two days a week, three at the most. I have much more free time to spend with Alice and the girls. You are sure inquisitive. You know it's best for the girls to stay with me while Alice is in school, rather than some sitter. Martha and I do quite well and Sam helps out once in a while."

"JJ, I know that Martha is a good housekeeper, and Sam keeps the grounds immaculate, but why did you break up with Wigwam? I thought the two of you worked well together."

"Mom, we didn't break up, we're still partners. Let me explain please. I did a lot of thinking the two weeks Alice was in the hospital. I became aware, after she pointed it out, we were drifting apart, and each had many changes to make if we were going to survive our marriage. You know the talk after we married, the chances of us surviving marriage. Grandma and grandpa made us this proposition and we talked about it at great lengths. It was a giant step for each of us, however we are much better for the decision we made."

Same as Gardner
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Happy Birthday Wife

I am Sudhir, aged about 36 year and married for last 10 years, my wife Priya, aged 34 is a good housewife and does all her duties very diligently. She is bit fat with large body (large boobs and butt) to be played with and not very good looking, however she is very good in bed and crazy about sex. She is very horny in bed and she would need 2 men to satisfy her at the same time. I know I am not able to satisfy her since my dick is only 4” (when erect) and most of the time does not get erection...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 6

"Marshal, I think it would be in your best interest to listen to our husbands. Those men were trying to steal our belongings, and they would have succeeded if Gil hadn't finished eating sooner than expected. Now, I want you and your deputy to drop your guns, slowly ... Good, now deputy, you get your worthless hide down to that freight office and get the agent up here. While you are at it, find the President of the Bank. Our husband just happened to have a friendly game of cards with Mr....

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Crush Me

Introduction: A sweet snuff fantasy They had been seeing each other for a while, coming up to 6 months. She knew what she wanted from him – what she had always wanted but had been too afraid to ask for. She was sure he was the one. I want you crush me she whispered into his ear post coital – his limp dick still inside her sopping cunt. Crush you? He repeated. He slid his dick out of her cunt and moved his body off of her, propping up his head on his elbow. He looked directly at her. I want...

1 year ago
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Hurricane Evacuees

According to the weatherman, the hurricane was set to make landfall within the next 36 hours. Thankfully, roommates and best friends, Fabrici Mora and Gabriel Valverde, had evacuated the coastal city they now called home. Both of the young men were of Costa Rican heritage and grew up in New York. After finishing their studies to become dental hygienist at Hostos Community College, they decided to move south. They settled on the popular resort that hosted two events which they loved - Black...

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The Geography Fieldtrip Part Two

After four hours of traveling, the group of geography students had arrived at the coast. Ms McCarthy parked the minibus in a car park which sat delicately upon a limestone cliff. Small, hardy shrubs clung to the sandy cliff, eroded by the many years of sea spray and harsh winds. A flock of seagulls flew confidently in the breeze. Ian stepped out of the bus, stooping his head so that he didn’t bump it. His hair immediately shot backwards as a gust of wind blew through the sky. The other students...

First Time
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Predatory MothersChapter 7 The Garage Door

Dana had decided on a halter that zipped up the front. It was form fitting, and did a pretty good job of covering her huge tits. However, it didn't leave any doubt about how large they were as well as showing off her narrow waist and toned abs. She went with the same pair of stretchy black pants that she had been wearing when Joseph arrived at her house yesterday. She decided the look would be sufficiently sexy that her son would agree to her experiment without making her look scandalous....

2 years ago
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Memories Chapter 1

I was watching a video on Xhamster today, and it reminded me of a girl I was fucking as a 19 year old. I posted a comment about her in the comments section of that video, but I thought I would expand upon her here. Stephanie was about 22, and we both worked at the local grocery store. She was a smoking hot blonde. When I say "smoking hot" - I mean, she could've been a model, not a fucking cashier at the local grocery chain making a little more than minimum wage! Her true talents were deep...

3 years ago
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Girl Gets Her Man Ch 12

– -Hey, bay. It’s your dad. We’ll be coming down to visit.- – Joanne looked down at the answering machine in confusion as she got ready for class. The parents hadn’t come to visit her since she was at the dorms. Something was up or they had another reason for being in the area. – – I thought I’d call and tell you. We’ll be there to visit an old friend, so don’t expect us to crowd you. Or, I won’t anyway. You’re mama’s still worried bought you, though. You sounded a bit down, last night....

1 year ago
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A True Autobiographical Chamar Mother8217s Story 8211 Part 2

I am pleasantly surprised over huge emails from all of you. Thanks for your response. In fact, as I told you, it is not just a story but a true happening of my life. I am a well read person and I have educated myself by correspondence degrees. In fact, I have an M Phil in English Literature and I have read a lot of novels. This is the reason for my polished prose. Some of you also wanted to know my stats which I have not mentioned in the previous story. In fact, I am 5 .7 feet, very fair with...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 30

We ended up spending three days in Whiterun getting everything ready to head out again. Argis got to meet Irileth and Jarl Balgruuf when we had dinner with the Jarl the second evening. Proventius was unhappy at the influence I had in the Jarl’s court, and did a poor job of hiding it. Farengar, on the other hand, was ecstatic that I was able to provide him with some samples of dragon blood and bone, courtesy of the dead dragon just outside the walls, and begged for me to do that more often –...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed by Grandfather

Blackmailed by Grandfather By billy69boyDuring the summer, when we were young, our grandmother used to invite her many grandci1dren to stay over for a few nights. She would host two of us at a time. Her five grown chi1dren were all married and had several chi1dren of their own, so there were plenty of us to go around.One summer, I was paired up with my cousin Cindy, who was a couple years younger than me. Cindy was a pretty little thing, blonde hair and blue eyes that always seemed to be...

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Second ChanceChapter 20

I LOVE MY PLANE! Just thought I would let you know... The G650 is fast, quiet, sexy, big enough for a party of one – which happened to be the current size of my family, beautiful AND MINE! When we bought the G5 and the seven-thirty-seven, I did not react with anywhere near the joy that I got from boarding and flying to Florida in my G650. Gotta' love that Arab sheik, somewhere, who just had to have something better. He made my day. The pilots, however, had the personality of a snail...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Valentines Present

It’s coming up to valentines day and I don’t have a clue what gift to buy for my fiancé this year, I want it to be something extra special. A shopping trip is definitely in order. As I wonder around the high street looking at teddy bears and balloons I realise none of this stuff is good enough. After spending the whole afternoon looking all I have bought is a big card, but no present. In a last attempt I decide to trawl through the net looking for saucy ideas. For a giggle I decided to look...

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I showered carefully, the soap slipping through my hands as I rubbed it over my skin, the water quickly running the suds away, the droplets pooling to collect in my bellybutton or get caught the dark thatch of my hair between my legs. I paid especial attention there, rinsing it and running my fingers along my slit, rubbing and stroking for a moment before I turned off the water, wringing the wetness from my hair. The heat had steamed up the mirror, and I passed my hand over it to briefly show...

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A New LifeChapter 8

August 30, 1848 We began our journey back to Oregon today. Our party has increased by ten men and older boys who have been persuaded to return to Oregon. I have noticed that many of the men feel uneasy that the women are carrying weapons and two husbands have made attempts to have their wives give them the guns. One man succeeded and they are riding somewhat separated from the main group. Two other men came over to me and demanded that I take the guns away from their wives. I told them that...

2 years ago
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Oh What A Night

As the old 4 Season’s song stated, oh what a night. Having been a crossdresser on and off my entire life, I have done the old collect and purge routine too many times. After putting Jennifer away several years and relationships ago, the old urges returned recently. Having lost a considerable amount of weight and working out my feminine side emerged once and again, and boy am I having some fun. More about that in a later post. For now I want to share one of the hottest nights I have ever had...

1 year ago
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My Experience With My Teacher

Hi, all. Single girls, unsatisfied aunts may email me at 100% privacy guaranteed. Now moving to the sex story. This all happened as one day I saw my fav teacher of school times on Facebook. Instantly I sent her a friend request. Luckily it got accepted. Let me tell u about her. She was my fav teacher during school times. Had perfect assets.She always wore I tight churidar which made my dick excited. As we were friends now, the messages started with a hi hello sort of thing. We started...

2 years ago
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Clarice moved in to Richard's spare room after a dinner at the Finny's that culminated in his offering the room to Clarice. Her parents, Pierce and Jacky welcomed the move to keep their daughter close to home and give her the chance to have her own responsibilities. Little did they know that she was in a sexual relationship with Richard. She got to experience his tongue in the vagina before she sucked his cock a week ago. At the dinner last night Jacky revealed her desire to suck cock by...

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Time Stands Still Chapter Five Change of Heart

Time Stands Still Chapter Five: Change of heart By 8:00 a.m. "We aren't done yet, officer. I think this whole situation needs to be reexamined carefully." Jack smiles, still lying on the rug, totally spent and satisfied. Even lying on his back, he looked good. I climb up on top of Jack. Straddling him with my legs, I lift my butt off of him. I center myself over his flat, muscular belly. I release a huge amount of air from my rectum right on his body. I am...

1 year ago
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Fucking Horny Sarohi 8211 Part II

Hello everyone, this incident is the continuation of my previous story about how Ananya found me and Sarohi in bed. FYI, Ananya and Sarohi joined the same company and we came closer because I helped them find a flat for them. This incident took place the next day after me and Sarohi had a nice time fucking each other. Earlier I helped them find a flat and then they decided to shift from the Guest house to that flat the very next day. I went to office with them and after the shift I went to the...

3 years ago
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After the FallChapter 12

A few days after the meeting with Girl’s people, Clipper got the itch to try some more panning. They were running out of a lot of things, and their cash supply was pretty low. He gathered up his pan, some jerky, his bow, fishing rods, and on impulse he strapped the AK on his back just in case something worth shooting showed up. They took off to the east along the side of the mountain into country that Clipper had never seen before. An Indian summer was in full swing, and the weather was...

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My Cabin Experience

My Cabin ExperienceEvery summer, it is nice to be able to drive up north to a cabin, and be away from computers, telephones, and other distractions. It is even more fun when the cabin is located on a lake. I had been dating a woman called Nancy for a few months and she owned such a cabin. So one weekend, she invited up to her cabin. The cabin was about a three-hour drive from where Nancy lived, and we decided that both of us would leave work early on Friday, and spend the weekend at the...

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When Joe met Mary Aly met Sam both for sex h

This is the first story although they can be read in any order. Joe & Aly came to Sam & Mary for help with their sex lives. They agreed to certain conditions chief of which was that they could not say no to anything suggested to them. They also had to agree to do anything they were ordered to do. When they hesitated they were led to the front door, at which point they both pleaded to Sam & Mary to take them on as clients. At that point they were told another condition is they would...

4 years ago
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Carabella Ch 03

Her hand behind his head, bringing him once again to her starving mouth cut the cord to his common sense, and he devoured her, pressing her into the cushions of the sofa, rolling his hips between her spread legs, feeling her heat. He could feel her heartbeat against his mouth and hands, and he was sure she could feel his, too. He struggled to think through the heat of her, through the sweet taste of her, and failed utterly. ‘Does this mean I can stay all night?’ he whispered harshly against...

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Caught And used The rest of what happened

So I walk back into the master bathroom to work on my hair. I grab a comb and start teasing my hair up. After a few minutes I really like how my hair looked so I stopped and started checking my makeup. Looking into the mirror I was so turned on by what I was seeing. I looked like a woman. But i realized I looked like a white trash slut. Not a little. I was full on white trash bar whore. I loved it. Now fully dressed I turn to head back into the living room. Looking down at my feet seeing my red...

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Wifes friend comes for a visit

Enough time has passed after my divorce, (12 years now) that now allows me to tell this story, where it wouldn’t matter any longer to those who might think it was a story about them. Some names have been changed, but most “is”, as it occurred, barring memory loss from time lapses. So, enough disclaimer, on with the story. Scratching my chin, looking up in the air sideways, eyes half closed, as one does when they are trying to remember. Seems to me it happened this way, and in this...

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