Party in a dark bar true story
- 4 years ago
- 29
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It was a little bit past 7pm when our folks came home.
The store usually closes at 6pm and they are home by 6;30! They looked very tired. I decided dinner tonight would be Jewel's and my treat.
"Mom — Dad, take a shower and relax! Dinner is on Jewel and me tonight! I'm ordering a pizza, along with some chicken strips and fries. You two relax and one of us will come and get you when the food is here, OK?"
"OK, honey! Thank you ... you can tell us about your trip today, did you have fun?"
"Oh yeah, Mom," Jewel responded, with a laugh in her voice. "We had a blast at OSU. Take a shower or a nap, you two look beat!"
When Jewel took over the conversation for me, I called and ordered the food ... they said it would be 45 minutes to an hour. I told Jewel that and she figured we had time for a quickie, which was exactly what I thought our parents were probably doing after they take their shower, maybe even ... in their shower. Thinking about my folks having shower sex got me hard — and I walked up to Jewel and gave her a great big kiss, then said, "Let's go up to my room, OK?"
"Yeah," answered Jewel. She quickly stripped down to only her panties, while I practically tore my clothes off myself. Jewel got herself up on my bed and splayed her legs apart, waiting for me. I decided to surprise her, so I went for her pussy with my mouth and lips, quickly digging in and making her moan ... a little too loud. I told her to shush a little and then I heard the same kind of moan, but it came from across the hall. Mom and Dad were going at it, hard! Jewel and I went back to what we were doing, but we got real quiet so we could hear our folks fucking.
I took her panties off and stuck a couple of fingers inside her, causing her to jump ... and groan a bit. Jewel decided that turnabout is fair play and grabbed me by the balls and rolled them in her hands, like dice ... making me jump a little. I got on my back and Jewel climbed aboard my 'love muscle' and started to fuck herself with my dick, raising herself up and dropping herself back down, hard. It only took a couple of those for me to cum inside her, spurting three times, causing her to yell my name, way too loud. We heard from across the hall, Mom yelling out, "Oh, John — John, that's it, fill me up with that wonderful juice of yours!"
I'm absolutely certain she knew what we were doing, and was having a little fun at our expense. I knew the food was going to be there any moment, so I got dressed to pay, and get the food. I decided to have some fun at my parents expense, and I knocked on their door saying, "Checkout time is a noon, folks! Change the sheets before you leave, please!" I heard my mother gasp and my father laugh at this. My work is finished here!
Less than five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened it and got the food and paid for it, leaving a five-dollar tip. My Dad told me how much an hour these delivery people actually make, so I've decided to be one of those nice tippers.
I heard Jewel come down the stairs, followed by Mom and Dad ... who looked much better than when they first arrived home this evening. I put my hand up and my Dad gave me a high-five. Jewel had a quizzical look on her face, but Mom knew why!
I had the table set with a knife next to the pizza, in case anyone wanted to play the 'pizza game' again. This would be the first dinner all together, since Jewel and I proclaimed our love for one another, and were caught fucking by our parents. Nevertheless, Jewel got up on my lap and started eating a piece of pizza. Mom copied this again, sitting across my Dad's legs, eating a piece of pizza and kissing each other, alternately. Jewel picked up a chicken leg and put it in her mouth and I put my mouth on the other side of the chicken leg.
Never has dinner been so erotic before! Jewel held the leg and we both stripped it clean with our mouths and lips ... Jewel removed the leg and we kissed each other, not bothering to look at what our parents were doing. Next I grabbed a fry and put it in my mouth ... Jewel grabbed the other end with her lips and we chewed it down rather quickly, our lips meeting again, and we kissed each other hard. We stopped eating for a minute, and we each picked up our glass of water, and decided to look over at our parents.
They were also playing the pizza game from the night before, with my Mom giggling more that I had ever heard before. The dinner had been wordless, up to this point. All you could hear were the sounds of eating and kissing. My mother, with a very decadent smile on her lips asked, "So ... how did your trip to OSU go today, kids? Anything interesting happen while you were there?"
"As a matter of fact, Mom," Jewel said. "Sammy Jaussad, a boy I knew from Oregon Coast Community College, came up to me and said Hello ... Joseph grabbed me by the waist, and we told Sammy we were up looking at apartments. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw Joseph and me kissing in front of him, like he wasn't even there!"
"I put my hands on Jewel's butt and slammed her crotch into mine," Joseph continued. "Then we had gotten ourselves so hot, we went to the Central City Park, found a very secluded place and fucked each other's brains out."
My mother's face when white... "Do you realize what would have happened if you had gotten caught? Kids, you've got to control your hormones better than that!"
"But Mom," I countered, "The reason we're going to OSU together, is so we can be with each other, in every way!"
"I understand, kids; just use a little more common sense. If you were caught, what would you have said to the cops? Let's play this out!"
"We would have said we were fiancés, going to OSU in the fall, and our emotions got the better of us!"
"Good so far! Now, if he wanted to see an ID, what would you have shown him?"
"Our driver's licenses!" Jewel said.
"And where does your drivers license say that you live?"
"OH ... SHIT ... sorry Mom ... you're right! We have to be more careful!" I responded.
My Dad asked, "You two really fuck ... made love on the grass at
Central City Park?" Mom was looking at him like he had two heads, "Really John ... that's all you have to say? Kids, your father and I did the same exact thing 20 years ago ... Jewel was conceived in that very park, no doubt on the Southwest Corner, under the cover of the conifer trees!"
"Great minds think alike, huh Mom!" I said. "In the future we'll be more careful. We promise!"
Jewel and I had decided to sleep together that night, since our parents had perfunctorily 'approved' our liaison. We would keep things as 'under the radar' as possible. Maybe my horny sister, and her pervert brother can take care of their needs, without fucking in the park. I must admit, though ... it was exciting! I just can't tell that to Jewel, or she'll have us fucking all over the Campus.
The next morning was the strangest morning of my young life. I awoke to a naked girl in my bed. It was heartwarming just how much I loved this girl. I looked over and I saw her slight breath, which told me she was sleeping contently, and her bosom was peeking out from behind the sheet that didn't quite cover her adequate breasts. I was preparing to grab my dick and wack off, when I realized ... I don't need to do that anymore, I've got me a real girl, a beautiful wonderful older woman. A woman who, if I'm real careful I can love forever. Cue the violins and the banjoes, and start the tympani ... I'm going to fuck me a sister!
I carefully pulled the sheet down off her breasts and started to gently suck on the nearest one. Oohh, she tastes so good. I reached over with my hand and softly played with the other one. My fingers quickly taking the nipple and rolling it between my fingertips. She made a noise ... but, false alarm. I didn't expect, or even want her to sleep through this ... I just wanted to show my sister my love. Using my leg I raised the sheet to verify she was naked. I was already quite hard, in anticipation of 'the main event.'
I crawled between her legs, separating them, and I went back to work gently licking on and rubbing both of her bountiful breasts. I pulled myself up and moved my face down towards her pussy. Gosh, she's so beautiful! I moved my head to just above her pussy and breathed on her, snaking out my tongue like the snaky brother that I am. As I touched her pussy lips with my lips, I felt her body tremble a little. I intended to wake her up with my next action.
Using my mouth, I grabbed her blood-filled clitoris and started to gently suck it all the way into my mouth. I pulled a little with my tongue and ran my teeth over it, causing a moan that could not deny she was awake ... and loving it. I started to hear my name, "Joseph, oohh ... Joseph, that feels so fucking good!"
I went from a loving suck to a 'less-gentle' version of what I was doing, Jewel's body confirming that she was enjoying the effort I was putting in, to be as gentle as possible. Her legs started to move around, like she was either getting into this, or she had to pee. To avoid a problem and a big mess, I softly asked, "Do you need to pee, Jewel?" It seemed such a mood breaker to ask that?
"No, Joseph ... I need you to fuck me, now!"
I raised my head and scooched myself towards her, spreading her legs as far apart as seemed comfortable to her. Then, with no fanfare, I put my hard as granite dick into her, and started the motion of fucking, first making sure we'd connected, then starting to go deep. As I started to really push, I leaned over and got face to face to her. I saw that smile and she said, "Hello, there." I licked around her mouth and started to kiss her hard, while I was fucking her. She started to buck, telling me she was close to an orgasm. We were now connected at the lips and the hips, and it felt so damn good.
Jewel was starting to moan rather loud, now ... not really saying anything that was comprehensible, just sounds of love. I decided to maintain the same 'radio silence' and just show her how much I loved her by my actions, and not my words. I was getting quite close ... I could sense she wasn't as close as I, so I slowed down a little bit. I took my fingertips and slowly ran them over her belly, just a moment of tactile bliss. Thinking now that we were together, I 'brought in on home.'
I started just moving myself in and out, not going deep and being careful we didn't disconnect. This is the moment ... when fucking becomes making love and making love turns into forever. I stopped, and I came ... I came so much ... I love her so much! She had her orgasm, as well. I looked up at her and she was crying, just like me. Staying connected for a moment longer, I leaned forward and gave my sister a wonderful loving kiss.
We got up and took a shower together ... that was fun. We dressed and went downstairs. Mom had left us a note.
"If you two decide to leave your bedroom today, could you please do some grocery shopping, the list is on the fridge, Thanx!" I saw the list and the cash to buy it.
"Mom is cooler than I thought," I said to Jewel.
"She understands what's happened to us, hasn't she, Joseph!"
"I barely do Jewel, but anything I can do with you, is better than anything I can do alone!" Jewel smiled at me and kissed me. I put my arms around her and we just held each other.
Mom left the keys to the car as well, so we decided to do the shopping first, then ... who knows what?
We got to the grocery store and started getting the stuff on the list. I was pushing the cart and Jewel had her arm in mine. It seemed innocent enough.
"Hey JoJo ... how's it hanging!"
That is the voice of Jimmy 'Danger' Zonn ... get it Danger Zone? He hung out with the group I went to school with, he was two years younger than me ... and never met my sister.
"To the left and to my knees, 'Danger!'" This made Jewel chuckle ... which in turn caught Jimmy's attention.
"Who's the ho, JoJo?"
I went up to him, grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, picked him up a foot off the ground and said, "That ... is not a ho, James! That is a woman, who knows how to please and to be pleased. Apologize to my girl, or I'll let her cut off your nuts, so you can have them for lunch, OK?"
"Sorry JoJo, and I'm real sorry JoJo's girl! Sometimes I just let my brain go wild and I say whatever comes to mind!"
"Well, 'Danger, '" Jewel said, "Apology accepted!"
"Bye, JoJo ... and JoJo's girl. See you in the funny pages?"
"I'm sorry about that JoJo's girl! He was a freshman when I was a junior in high school. He's mostly harmless ... but he has a gutter for a mouth. Must think it's cool to curse!"
"To the left and to my knees? Did you say that, back when you were running with the Danger Zonn?"
"Every one of the guys had a different answer to the 'how's it hanging' line ... and that was mine. You know that all guys wish their dick was longer ... well, so did I!"
"Did? Oh you don't anymore, lover?"
"Now that I know how much it takes to love you, all I need is what I have!"
"Now, That should be on a poster ... that's a really good expression, JoJo!"
"Cut it out, Jewel, let's finish the shopping, OK? Do you need anything from the Pharmacy, how are you on Birth Control Pills?"
"Oh, those? I stopped taking them two days ago ... I decided I want your baby, baby!"
I was flabbergasted..."What! You — You stopped taking them? Oh my god Jewel, Oh god! We better get a Pregnancy Test, shouldn't we?"
"Chill out, little brother ... I was just messing with you! I'm fine! You should have seen your face when I said that! It was priceless!"
"Let's finish shopping OK ... I've gotten a little horny and I want you, soon!"
I quickly got the last couple of things on the list. As we walked by the 'family planning' isle, Jewel picked up a bottle of something called Astroglide. I told her we didn't have the money to buy that ... she said she'd pay for it herself.
We left the store with our groceries in the trunk. We got home and quickly put everything away. I called Mom to tell her that we had gotten the groceries. She said thanks, and we should go out and do something fun together, or we could stay in and do something even more fun. She was laughing as I hung up the phone.
Jewel and I did make out for a while, but decided to head back to OSU, to check out more of the campus. I called Mom and she said fine, but be more careful where we 'park, ' as she put it!
We took our finished applications to the places we got them from. They all took them and thanked us, and said they would be in contact with us.
We went back to the Fillmore Inn Apartments, hoping to see somebody there this time. As we walked up, we encountered a very likeable gal in her early thirties.
"Hi, I'm Suzanne ... you two kids looking for an apartment?"
"Yes," I said. "We're starting in the Fall at OSU! We're engaged to be married and are looking for a place we can afford. I'm Joseph Josephson and this pretty girl is my fiancée, Jewel Williams!"
Jewel added, "We've been engaged for 5— months and we just have to find a place soon. We're currently living with Joseph's parents, but they are eager for us to find an apartment, if you know what I mean!"
"Well," Suzanne said, "You only need a one bedroom, you say?"
"Yeah," I replied. "I figured we would use the dining table for school work, so one bedroom, big enough for at least a queen bed would be good for us!"
Suzanne started walking saying, "This place is a two bedroom, but it shows the relative size of the kitchen and dining area. All of our apartments come with a Refrigerator, Stove/Oven and Dishwasher, and..." We didn't really pay attention to all she was saying, we were just walking around, arm in arm, looking at all of the cool amenities. We saw a trash compacter ... did she mention that? Oh boy! " ... and a beautiful view of Oak Creek City Park through that window! Isn't it lovely?"
I coughed and said, "It's all very nice, Suzanne ... how much a month did you say it was, again?"
"As I said, Joseph, it's only $465 dollars a month, we cover all of your utilities, except Internet!"
"What would it take to hold this for us, until school starts in September?" Jewel asked.
"First and last rent, or $930 dollars will hold it for you, don't worry if you don't have it now, we always have a number of units available! Are either of you on a scholarship that includes housing?"
"To be perfectly honest, Suzanne, I didn't notice! I have a partial academic scholarship while my ... Jewel is transferring from OCCC! Do you have a card, so we can be in contact with you about this?"
"Certainly, Thank you for looking at the Fillmore Inn Apartments, Joseph and Jewel! You two are the cutest couple I've seen come through here all summer! I hope things work out ... give me a call when you're ready to move in!"
"Thank you, Suzanne," Jewel said. "I just love him so much, we're getting married in December at ... his parents house in Lincoln City! I just can't wait to be Jewel Josephson!" That made me chuckle, which made Jewel giggle, which made Suzanne join in, but she obviously didn't get the joke.
I added, "We are getting some financial help from our ... her ... MY parents, at least I think we are, so we'll be in touch! Thank you for your time, Suzanne!"
"Bye, Kids!"
We walked out of the apartment we had been looking at, and I turned to Jewel, "I just can't wait to be Jewel Josephson? Wow sis, you were on the edge there, but it was cool!"
"Where to next, Hubby?"
"Let's check out the Campus Library, OK, honey?"
That made her giggle! And I love her laugh so much! We got into the car and drove over to the Valley Library, over by where we had our picnic the other day! It was open, but there was practically nobody in there, except for the student employee's. We wandered around, staying together so neither of us had to defend ourselves from an unwelcome advance.
Speaking of an unwelcome advance, whom do we run into, but Sammy Jaussad again! Jewel grabbed my arm a little tighter as he walked up to us and said, "Hi guys!"
"Hi Sammy," Jewel said, not looking up at him.
"Hi Sam," I said, walking to another stack of books.
"It's Sammy, Joseph! You guys come back to check out the library, huh?"
He has a firm grasp on the obvious, I thought.
"Yeah, Sam," I said, "Just walking around, minding our own business ... looking at the prices of stuff in here!"
"Yeah, they are pretty expensive, unless you go online to get textbooks, you can find a great deal on textbooks online!"
Yeah, I thought to myself, maybe you can find a slightly used brain on Craig's List. "Jewel, I've seen enough here ... let's head on to our next stop!"
"Where are you two off to?" Sammy asked.
Jewel responded, "We're going over to Central City Park to make out!"
I followed up with, "Are you seeing anyone, Sam ... anybody special in your life, you hiding some cute girl somewhere, or maybe a cute boy ... not that there's anything wrong with that, Sam?"
I think I stunned him a little, so we took the opportunity to bug out of the library. Jewel gave me a look and I thought she was going to hit me, but instead she grabbed me and kissed me and said, "Jealous Much?"
"You bet your pretty little ass, I'm jealous, although I can't believe you ever led him on ... but, he sure was into you, I could tell!"
"Let's go home, Joseph! I'm horny as hell and I want to be loud!" We walked back to the car. Jewel saw Sammy come out of the Library and she said, "Kiss me, Joseph!"
I took a step and smashed my mouth on hers, surprising her a little with my intensity. She put her hand on my butt, and I grabbed the nearest breast I could find. I leaned her over the car and pressed against her saying, "Do you want it right here, Jewel? — Right on the car, I'm so hard for you, I can't see straight!"
"OK, Joseph, he's gone now!"
"Who's gone, what do you mean?"
"Sammy walked out of the library and was walking towards us, so I said, 'Kiss me' and we ended up on the hood of the car!"
"You are the nastiest, most fascinating, wonderful and breath-taking piece of ass, I've ever had!"
She slapped me, and immediately started saying, "I'm sorry" over and over again. I felt my cheek, which would survive and said, "Our first fight, Honey! Let's go home and have some make-up sex, OK!"
"It's OK! What I said was out of line, but I meant it in a boyfriend sort of way! Are we good, Jewel?"
"We ... are great, Joseph."
We got home about 90 minutes later and saw a car in the driveway! It wasn't Mom and Dads! We walked in and saw Mom's sister, Jennifer lying on the sofa watching TV!
"Aunt Jennifer," I said. "Mom didn't tell us her beautiful little sister was coming to visit us!"
"Hey, Jewel and Joseph! I expected Julia and John to be at work, but where were you two?"
"Scoping out Oregon State University, we're going there in the fall! We were looking for an apartment and we walked around the Campus a little!" Jewel said.
"Well, it was quite last minute. I caught my boyfriend Daniel screwing another girl in our bed! So I grabbed some clothes and drove here straight thru from Medford, which took me about six hours to get here!"
"How long will you be staying?" I asked.
"Well, I told the sonofabitch to leave and take everything with him, including that slut he was fucking when I walked in on them!"
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People who do not like stories of this kind are strongly advised not to read them. Vacation By Margaret Jeanette Marshall and Janice Morgan were going on vacation. Marshall put the suitcases in the trunk of their car except for two there was no room for in the trunk. He hung the garment bags in back and was all ready to go. They both had two weeks vacation and they were going to drive all over the western half of the country. "Everything's packed and ready to go. Let's...
Hello again. So ive already told you about M when she got fucked by R and B after their drinking night in. So heres another littlestory she tells me as well. And just so you know, these stories are all taken from her diaries. She didnt write full details but would make notes, then over time she has shown them to me which then allows me to ask questions and its then that she elaborates. These diaries were all written before I met her.So, for this story she was still in the bedsit in London. I...
The mansion glowed. Not only were there lanterns everywhere, but the owner had gone so far as to have magical lights summoned to the house’s window sills, bathing the whole structure in a swirling rainbow of ethereal hues. The large, round flower bed in the driveway seemed like one single pool of fire, made from hundreds of candles planted onto the frozen earth. When we exited the coach, I could hear soft string music, wafting from the open doorway. And guarding said doorway were ......
Story buried her sister in the wee hours of the morning. Sage thought it best to wait a few days before going for the extraction point. Story didn’t want to wait afraid that her transformation would take place. Sage, of course, insured her that the information that Doctor Reading supplied said the transformation would take time. And so time they had, too. So the pair settled in for a rest in an old abandoned building while Tanttan stood guard. With the array of sensors and weapons and...
Steph wanted to say thank you but Lexi quickly turned around and had already left the room. Leaving Steph completely alone in the room. Steph looked around the room and almost wanted to get up so she could check out the rest of the room. Possibly get something to eat. She just realized that she was hungry. It had been awhile since she last ate. But she also didn’t really want to get up. Before Steph could make up her mind whether to get up and get a quick snack or just lay there and wait, she...
NovelsTHREE DAYS LATER SPARTA "It is truly beautiful here Martin." Tarifa spoke softly. They walked along the garden path within the walls of Martin's villa above Sparta. The day was warm but a cool breeze through the mountains from the east was lazily blowing across the land. Tarifa wore a loose fitting ankle length gown of light blue with a seductive cut down the middle of her abdomen that highlighted her tanned skin and firm breasts. Walter had created the elves here on Earth to not be shy...
I stood at the door of Ryan's apartment, growing impatient. The books I was carrying were getting heavy and he wasn't answering the door. I looked at my watch. 7:03. I was on time. We had made plans earlierthat day to study for our calculus exam and surely he hadn't already forgotten. I pressed my ear to the door and heard the boom boom boom of his stereo. He must just be listening to his music too loud and can't hear me knocking, I realized. I tried the door and fortunately it was unlocked so...
Group SexAuthor Note: This is one I wrote years ago when I first started writing and just recently found again on a disk. I thought The readers of Literotica might like it. ************ The Roamers had just finished their lunch and set off for Hyaline for supplies. As they neared Hyaline they could hear the sound of battle and as they got closer they could see that Hyaline was under attack from an army of wastelanders. These were those that had been affected by the radiation of the Great War and...
Hi lads. Thanks for reading my last story! Highest amount of comments so far. Thank you all. Again, true story, only names changed to protect other people. If you like it, COMMENT, LIKE or FAV to help grow my fan base. As always, all friend requests accepted. Enjoy! ********************************************* £7.50 for a return ticket to Durham from where we live. Arriva. Or an outrageous price via Darlington on the train. Either way, I absolutely adore Durham. Student city. Strangely...
The Fool Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Any fool can wear a dress," that's what mom told me, every time I was her dress dummy, more than once I might add, and true enough, there I was again, wearing a dress. I looked ridiculous. No boobs, no hips, and no makeup, just that dress. I could not, for the life of me understand how she thought that she could ever make me look like a girl, because I was the least likely candidate you could find. I stand 5' 7" and weigh in at a...
Chicago By Suzi (Johnson) Thomas I was in Chicago, but I really didn't want to be there. My company was a sponsor of an investment seminar that was being given as a fund raising event for the university that our chairman had attended, and as my boss had explained to me, the company had to send representatives to "show the flag." As though a $50,000 contribution weren't enough, the chairman had decided that two portfolio managers had to show up as well. I was selected to...
Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girlThis is the story of where that wish is granted.It's an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It's not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it)Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing; a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...
MasturbationI had wanted to fuck my best friend Mari since the day when we were 17 and we fooled around in the movie theater. We had decided to ditch school that day to go the movies instead. We sat in the back of the empty theater. The movie was boring, and soon we were macking on each other, Mari straddling my lap with her jean skirt hiked up, one of my hands up her tight sweater and the other under her skirt, two fingers in her wet pussy, thumb rubbing her clit. We kissed hard, our tongues dueling back...
“Daniel, Camryn’s here!” the yelling voice muffled from its journey up the stairwell and through my closed bedroom door. I had told my mom to steer her and Corey away if they came over or called for me. For a week it had worked, but the last time she talked them away, she said it would be the last; if we had a fight, I should act more mature and at least let them talk to me. I would be spending two weeks alone soon so making up with them would be best done sooner than later she stated. ...
This story was pieced together from several conversations with my wife, normally after several drinks when she was more open to sharing. Even then, she was pretty reluctant to talk about it but I am the kind of guy who wants to hear details. I'll share more details about my wife's past in a later story but although out of character for my wife at the time, let's just say there is some history here.About 10 years ago, my wife used to attend Bunco parties in a different neighborhood. If you...
Affect 3D! Every lover of 3D pornography and games should know about, and if you have never visited the site before, it is time to give it a shot. I know that we all have our own dirty wishes when it comes to porn, but at the same time, I am pretty sure that most of you will enjoy the content offered here.If you are not open-minded, then you should probably visit a basic porn site instead, since here they offer a lot of variety. From the basic shit in 3D to futanari porn, you have...
Hentai Porn SitesI think it was just after that when Captain Foster sent me down to the barrens south of Trenton to see about a friend of his. Somehow he had received a message about some kind of trouble so he gave me directions, told me to take three days' rations and go find out what was happening. "This here's a friend, now, remember that," he said with a smile. "And stay out a'her bed. Her man was a good soldier, died bravely on Long Island. Him and me chased the girls together when we was...
I knew Taylor Made Clips would have some exciting stuff even before I pulled up the site. You see, I’ve been reviewing smut long enough to know that custom porn shops are much more likely to cater to kinky fetishes than your average, vanilla lesbian-and-blowjob porno operation. I certainly don’t have anything against the tried and true formulas, but sometimes you want a break from the normal. And for a lot of you hardcore fetishists, that’s the only way you’ll even get off.So, have you got any...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesPart 1 : Rachel and the Ring Yesterday was clear with a light but chilling winter wind present to remind all that the bit of warmth in the sun would only last a couple of hours at best. I struggled between sweating and freezing as I worked to remove the winter street grime from my roadster. Top up and windows closed may have some keep the roadster in the garage all winter but not me. Unless it is icy, I want to drive the corner hugging, light and fast two seat roadster in all seasons. The...
She MalesCourse 8 / Day 27: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: I conducted an informal progress review with Fifty this pm. I'm pleased overall with her progress. After worries early on as to how well she would respond to obedience training (given her initial presentation when she started the course), I consider that those issues need no longer give concern. Fifty appears comfortable (or at least acquiesces) with the regime and her expectations from the course seem to be being met....
I was working out of town again when I decided to stop by the adult bookstore to check out the theater and arcades. Most of the time I just stroke my cock while watching some girl getting her ass fucked and cum shot in her mouth. (wishing I was her) I put my money in as I always do looking trhu the channels for some cumslut I found a great clip of a girl at a gloryhole sucking one cock after another taking their cum down her throat. I decided to look in the next booth thru the gloryhole when...
I'm Jackson Bailey, 19 and just arrived home for the summer after my first semester of college. I'm majoring in archaeology. My parents left yesterday to spend the summer in Britain where my father, a professor of linguistics will be teaching a summer course at a university. I have the place to myself. I noticed a moving van backing into the house next door that had a "For Sale" sign with a "Sold" banner on it. I went next door to welcome the new neighbor.
MILFWe made love three more times that night. He was a fantastic lover just as I knew he would be and he told me I had the prettiest little cunt he'd ever seen. "Tell me that again daddy," I giggled as I lay in his arms, "It made me go all gooey." "It ain't just pretty," he said and eased me off his chest, "It's a beautiful little cunt." I shuddered as he lay between my legs and felt his warm breath on me, he kissed the flesh of both my inner thighs gently while I lay there in complete abandonment....
Incesthi to all desi readers i am big fan of this site my name is akshay fake i am a pakistani guy the story i m going to narrate you is the continution of my last story i told u. I told you people about the fuck of my friend`s mother now i am going to narrate you the experience of his sister. After that day sam`s realtion with me has changed she is now all mine and we were having sex almost everyday. When i got a chance i went and fucked her so hard. One day we were having sex suddenly her daughter...
Game 4 Monday is never a good day for me but I knew in advance that there would be at least games four and five ahead. That was good because I faced reduced adventure opportunities in the summer and I hoped I wouldn't still be sore. But I was. I felt like I needed a vacation or something nice. Anyway, I got a text saying that he would be driving to the game early and I replied, Going to the gym then calling it a night. That was likely to be true as I really hadn’t found anything or anyone I...
CheatingHere's a few fun tips n tricks we've found very enjoyable and fun...Hope you will try some n enjoy 2!- Buy a massaging showerhead. Use on clit, dick, but don't direct the jets directly inside you coz u can get tiny air bubbles in which isn't good at all. Also high power waterjet can cause water to go into womb or urethra. So OUTSIDE USE yeah? I like to put it on slow massage, good jet power & work on my clit underwater....Feels much nicer that way, a bit softer than if its out of water. If...
I was going to US on official work, my family came to give me send off, I was talking to my parents during that time, my eyes fell on a girl getting out of a cab, she was tall beautiful. I continued my conversation with my parents. After an hour, I went inside the airport, took my boarding pass and headed towards check-in, there she was standing in queue, I was watching her sideways, she wasn’t too curvy, but has ample flesh enough to make you look at her beauty, her hair was untied, she was...
First I would like to begin by this story being purely fictional. However, it is very real in the sense that it could possibly be happening at this moment in time to someone who is reading it. This story is also very personal to me. It reveals some feelings and emotions that I have kept to myself for some time. I have not even shared them with my spouse. Some things however are for adding meat and potatoes to the writing. If it touches you in some way, makes you cry, or causes an emotion of...
No, I can't forget tomorrow, When I think of all my sorrows, When I had you there but then I let you go. And now it's only fair That I should let you know What you should know... --Without You (Harry Nilsson) We didn't do much Friday night. Kristen suggested we order take-out Chinese and she passed an order to the main house to have somebody pick it up for us. Harry arrived about forty-five minutes later, our meals in those white cardboard cartons. Lynette and Kristen drank white...
The slow clip-clop of the horses' hooves made a steady, repeating background for the irregular bursts of loud laughter and the rising and falling murmur of quiet conversation. A gust of slightly colder wind stirred the loose straw and made its way inside the collar of Jennifer's jacket and on down the neck of her sweater. She shivered and snuggled closer into the niche formed by Steve's arm and shoulder. He tightened his grasp and asked, "Cold?" "No, just getting comfortable." Steve...
1 hot day I'm at work bored I get an anonymous text frm my ex. "What are doing" said, I replied "nothing at work bored" she ask am I around anybody I say a minute later I get pic of her pussy saying she horny I replay I am to I send her a pic back of my dick makes her even wetter. She replied " daddy I'm wet now I need yo dick in me where u working at tonight "I reply "at the equinox gym" she says "I'm on my way" I said OK as if I didn't believe her. 20 mins later she calls me "daddy I'm here...
Tour De Frances I Driving through the French contryside brought back so many memories and great success I had achieved over the past 4 years. It was once again time for the greatest cycling event on the planet and my trip to the Palermo castle was the first order of business. Hanna, my trainer, personal physician, and chauffer, had carefully prepared me for the race I was favored to win again for the 5th year in a row. I personaly did not feel my best going into the race as my times...
Angel pounded her fist against the table with such force that the cherry wood veneer splintered into toothpick sized shards. Angry didn't begin to define her reaction to Kayla's news. "I can't believe you're considering this!" she shouted. Rage tinted her normally brown eyes, infusing them with flares of gold and amber. Unblinking, Kayla stood across the table from her completely unaffected by the outburst. And her reaction or rather non-reaction made Angel seethe with fury. "How stupid are...
Lilly awoke with a start and a gasp. Her nights dreams had been particularly erotic and the shock of returning to the waking world hit her all at once. As her confusion passed she became aware of the state of her body, of her painfully erect nipples, her dripping wet slit and her tingling, yearning clit. Her breath came in gasps, no doubt from her excitement and her pelvis was unconsciously thrusting ever so little, pushing towards whatever dream lover had ravaged her in her sleep. Like always...
We were lying in bed together, naked. Mindy had just spent the last half hour feeding me whipped cream with her tits and pussy. Obviously, this is not your ordinary weekend in Las Vegas. Mindy is my reluctant sex slave. Mindy owes $30,000 to her church. Her church and her church treasurer boyfriend don’t know that Mindy owes the money. This is because she took it and gambled it away, back home in Colorado. The church books are being audited on Monday. Mindy knows that I have come into enough...
This is the fifth of twelve chapters. To really understand it, you should read the previous chapters before reading this one. Once again, I want to thank my editor Terry for his valuable help! I hope you enjoy the story. The house was finally ready for Christmas Eve. Bridget looked around and everything seemed just right. She took the 23rd off so that she could get everything done. She still had needed to get some shopping done so she got that out of the way first thing. But then the rest of...
Caroline lugged her huge green hamper up three flights of stairs to the end of her hallway. She pushed open her door and dragged the heavy clothes in the hamper into her room. Caroline had worked six hours previously today and attended all her early afternoon classes. ‘I don’t have much energy left,’ she told herself. So, she flipped off the lights and plopped down onto her incredibly comfortable bed. Meanwhile, Ethan pulled his old hatchback Subaru up to a cozy looking courtyard with three...