JewelChapter 3 free porn video

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It was a little bit past 7pm when our folks came home.

The store usually closes at 6pm and they are home by 6;30! They looked very tired. I decided dinner tonight would be Jewel's and my treat.

"Mom — Dad, take a shower and relax! Dinner is on Jewel and me tonight! I'm ordering a pizza, along with some chicken strips and fries. You two relax and one of us will come and get you when the food is here, OK?"

"OK, honey! Thank you ... you can tell us about your trip today, did you have fun?"

"Oh yeah, Mom," Jewel responded, with a laugh in her voice. "We had a blast at OSU. Take a shower or a nap, you two look beat!"

When Jewel took over the conversation for me, I called and ordered the food ... they said it would be 45 minutes to an hour. I told Jewel that and she figured we had time for a quickie, which was exactly what I thought our parents were probably doing after they take their shower, maybe even ... in their shower. Thinking about my folks having shower sex got me hard — and I walked up to Jewel and gave her a great big kiss, then said, "Let's go up to my room, OK?"

"Yeah," answered Jewel. She quickly stripped down to only her panties, while I practically tore my clothes off myself. Jewel got herself up on my bed and splayed her legs apart, waiting for me. I decided to surprise her, so I went for her pussy with my mouth and lips, quickly digging in and making her moan ... a little too loud. I told her to shush a little and then I heard the same kind of moan, but it came from across the hall. Mom and Dad were going at it, hard! Jewel and I went back to what we were doing, but we got real quiet so we could hear our folks fucking.

I took her panties off and stuck a couple of fingers inside her, causing her to jump ... and groan a bit. Jewel decided that turnabout is fair play and grabbed me by the balls and rolled them in her hands, like dice ... making me jump a little. I got on my back and Jewel climbed aboard my 'love muscle' and started to fuck herself with my dick, raising herself up and dropping herself back down, hard. It only took a couple of those for me to cum inside her, spurting three times, causing her to yell my name, way too loud. We heard from across the hall, Mom yelling out, "Oh, John — John, that's it, fill me up with that wonderful juice of yours!"

I'm absolutely certain she knew what we were doing, and was having a little fun at our expense. I knew the food was going to be there any moment, so I got dressed to pay, and get the food. I decided to have some fun at my parents expense, and I knocked on their door saying, "Checkout time is a noon, folks! Change the sheets before you leave, please!" I heard my mother gasp and my father laugh at this. My work is finished here!

Less than five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened it and got the food and paid for it, leaving a five-dollar tip. My Dad told me how much an hour these delivery people actually make, so I've decided to be one of those nice tippers.

I heard Jewel come down the stairs, followed by Mom and Dad ... who looked much better than when they first arrived home this evening. I put my hand up and my Dad gave me a high-five. Jewel had a quizzical look on her face, but Mom knew why!

I had the table set with a knife next to the pizza, in case anyone wanted to play the 'pizza game' again. This would be the first dinner all together, since Jewel and I proclaimed our love for one another, and were caught fucking by our parents. Nevertheless, Jewel got up on my lap and started eating a piece of pizza. Mom copied this again, sitting across my Dad's legs, eating a piece of pizza and kissing each other, alternately. Jewel picked up a chicken leg and put it in her mouth and I put my mouth on the other side of the chicken leg.

Never has dinner been so erotic before! Jewel held the leg and we both stripped it clean with our mouths and lips ... Jewel removed the leg and we kissed each other, not bothering to look at what our parents were doing. Next I grabbed a fry and put it in my mouth ... Jewel grabbed the other end with her lips and we chewed it down rather quickly, our lips meeting again, and we kissed each other hard. We stopped eating for a minute, and we each picked up our glass of water, and decided to look over at our parents.

They were also playing the pizza game from the night before, with my Mom giggling more that I had ever heard before. The dinner had been wordless, up to this point. All you could hear were the sounds of eating and kissing. My mother, with a very decadent smile on her lips asked, "So ... how did your trip to OSU go today, kids? Anything interesting happen while you were there?"

"As a matter of fact, Mom," Jewel said. "Sammy Jaussad, a boy I knew from Oregon Coast Community College, came up to me and said Hello ... Joseph grabbed me by the waist, and we told Sammy we were up looking at apartments. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw Joseph and me kissing in front of him, like he wasn't even there!"

"I put my hands on Jewel's butt and slammed her crotch into mine," Joseph continued. "Then we had gotten ourselves so hot, we went to the Central City Park, found a very secluded place and fucked each other's brains out."

My mother's face when white... "Do you realize what would have happened if you had gotten caught? Kids, you've got to control your hormones better than that!"

"But Mom," I countered, "The reason we're going to OSU together, is so we can be with each other, in every way!"

"I understand, kids; just use a little more common sense. If you were caught, what would you have said to the cops? Let's play this out!"

"We would have said we were fiancés, going to OSU in the fall, and our emotions got the better of us!"

"Good so far! Now, if he wanted to see an ID, what would you have shown him?"

"Our driver's licenses!" Jewel said.

"And where does your drivers license say that you live?"

"OH ... SHIT ... sorry Mom ... you're right! We have to be more careful!" I responded.

My Dad asked, "You two really fuck ... made love on the grass at

Central City Park?" Mom was looking at him like he had two heads, "Really John ... that's all you have to say? Kids, your father and I did the same exact thing 20 years ago ... Jewel was conceived in that very park, no doubt on the Southwest Corner, under the cover of the conifer trees!"

"Great minds think alike, huh Mom!" I said. "In the future we'll be more careful. We promise!"

Jewel and I had decided to sleep together that night, since our parents had perfunctorily 'approved' our liaison. We would keep things as 'under the radar' as possible. Maybe my horny sister, and her pervert brother can take care of their needs, without fucking in the park. I must admit, though ... it was exciting! I just can't tell that to Jewel, or she'll have us fucking all over the Campus.

The next morning was the strangest morning of my young life. I awoke to a naked girl in my bed. It was heartwarming just how much I loved this girl. I looked over and I saw her slight breath, which told me she was sleeping contently, and her bosom was peeking out from behind the sheet that didn't quite cover her adequate breasts. I was preparing to grab my dick and wack off, when I realized ... I don't need to do that anymore, I've got me a real girl, a beautiful wonderful older woman. A woman who, if I'm real careful I can love forever. Cue the violins and the banjoes, and start the tympani ... I'm going to fuck me a sister!

I carefully pulled the sheet down off her breasts and started to gently suck on the nearest one. Oohh, she tastes so good. I reached over with my hand and softly played with the other one. My fingers quickly taking the nipple and rolling it between my fingertips. She made a noise ... but, false alarm. I didn't expect, or even want her to sleep through this ... I just wanted to show my sister my love. Using my leg I raised the sheet to verify she was naked. I was already quite hard, in anticipation of 'the main event.'

I crawled between her legs, separating them, and I went back to work gently licking on and rubbing both of her bountiful breasts. I pulled myself up and moved my face down towards her pussy. Gosh, she's so beautiful! I moved my head to just above her pussy and breathed on her, snaking out my tongue like the snaky brother that I am. As I touched her pussy lips with my lips, I felt her body tremble a little. I intended to wake her up with my next action.

Using my mouth, I grabbed her blood-filled clitoris and started to gently suck it all the way into my mouth. I pulled a little with my tongue and ran my teeth over it, causing a moan that could not deny she was awake ... and loving it. I started to hear my name, "Joseph, oohh ... Joseph, that feels so fucking good!"

I went from a loving suck to a 'less-gentle' version of what I was doing, Jewel's body confirming that she was enjoying the effort I was putting in, to be as gentle as possible. Her legs started to move around, like she was either getting into this, or she had to pee. To avoid a problem and a big mess, I softly asked, "Do you need to pee, Jewel?" It seemed such a mood breaker to ask that?

"No, Joseph ... I need you to fuck me, now!"

I raised my head and scooched myself towards her, spreading her legs as far apart as seemed comfortable to her. Then, with no fanfare, I put my hard as granite dick into her, and started the motion of fucking, first making sure we'd connected, then starting to go deep. As I started to really push, I leaned over and got face to face to her. I saw that smile and she said, "Hello, there." I licked around her mouth and started to kiss her hard, while I was fucking her. She started to buck, telling me she was close to an orgasm. We were now connected at the lips and the hips, and it felt so damn good.

Jewel was starting to moan rather loud, now ... not really saying anything that was comprehensible, just sounds of love. I decided to maintain the same 'radio silence' and just show her how much I loved her by my actions, and not my words. I was getting quite close ... I could sense she wasn't as close as I, so I slowed down a little bit. I took my fingertips and slowly ran them over her belly, just a moment of tactile bliss. Thinking now that we were together, I 'brought in on home.'

I started just moving myself in and out, not going deep and being careful we didn't disconnect. This is the moment ... when fucking becomes making love and making love turns into forever. I stopped, and I came ... I came so much ... I love her so much! She had her orgasm, as well. I looked up at her and she was crying, just like me. Staying connected for a moment longer, I leaned forward and gave my sister a wonderful loving kiss.

We got up and took a shower together ... that was fun. We dressed and went downstairs. Mom had left us a note.

"If you two decide to leave your bedroom today, could you please do some grocery shopping, the list is on the fridge, Thanx!" I saw the list and the cash to buy it.

"Mom is cooler than I thought," I said to Jewel.

"She understands what's happened to us, hasn't she, Joseph!"

"I barely do Jewel, but anything I can do with you, is better than anything I can do alone!" Jewel smiled at me and kissed me. I put my arms around her and we just held each other.

Mom left the keys to the car as well, so we decided to do the shopping first, then ... who knows what?

We got to the grocery store and started getting the stuff on the list. I was pushing the cart and Jewel had her arm in mine. It seemed innocent enough.

"Hey JoJo ... how's it hanging!"

That is the voice of Jimmy 'Danger' Zonn ... get it Danger Zone? He hung out with the group I went to school with, he was two years younger than me ... and never met my sister.

"To the left and to my knees, 'Danger!'" This made Jewel chuckle ... which in turn caught Jimmy's attention.

"Who's the ho, JoJo?"

I went up to him, grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, picked him up a foot off the ground and said, "That ... is not a ho, James! That is a woman, who knows how to please and to be pleased. Apologize to my girl, or I'll let her cut off your nuts, so you can have them for lunch, OK?"

"Sorry JoJo, and I'm real sorry JoJo's girl! Sometimes I just let my brain go wild and I say whatever comes to mind!"

"Well, 'Danger, '" Jewel said, "Apology accepted!"

"Bye, JoJo ... and JoJo's girl. See you in the funny pages?"

"I'm sorry about that JoJo's girl! He was a freshman when I was a junior in high school. He's mostly harmless ... but he has a gutter for a mouth. Must think it's cool to curse!"

"To the left and to my knees? Did you say that, back when you were running with the Danger Zonn?"

"Every one of the guys had a different answer to the 'how's it hanging' line ... and that was mine. You know that all guys wish their dick was longer ... well, so did I!"

"Did? Oh you don't anymore, lover?"

"Now that I know how much it takes to love you, all I need is what I have!"

"Now, That should be on a poster ... that's a really good expression, JoJo!"

"Cut it out, Jewel, let's finish the shopping, OK? Do you need anything from the Pharmacy, how are you on Birth Control Pills?"

"Oh, those? I stopped taking them two days ago ... I decided I want your baby, baby!"

I was flabbergasted..."What! You — You stopped taking them? Oh my god Jewel, Oh god! We better get a Pregnancy Test, shouldn't we?"

"Chill out, little brother ... I was just messing with you! I'm fine! You should have seen your face when I said that! It was priceless!"

"Let's finish shopping OK ... I've gotten a little horny and I want you, soon!"

I quickly got the last couple of things on the list. As we walked by the 'family planning' isle, Jewel picked up a bottle of something called Astroglide. I told her we didn't have the money to buy that ... she said she'd pay for it herself.

We left the store with our groceries in the trunk. We got home and quickly put everything away. I called Mom to tell her that we had gotten the groceries. She said thanks, and we should go out and do something fun together, or we could stay in and do something even more fun. She was laughing as I hung up the phone.

Jewel and I did make out for a while, but decided to head back to OSU, to check out more of the campus. I called Mom and she said fine, but be more careful where we 'park, ' as she put it!

We took our finished applications to the places we got them from. They all took them and thanked us, and said they would be in contact with us.

We went back to the Fillmore Inn Apartments, hoping to see somebody there this time. As we walked up, we encountered a very likeable gal in her early thirties.

"Hi, I'm Suzanne ... you two kids looking for an apartment?"

"Yes," I said. "We're starting in the Fall at OSU! We're engaged to be married and are looking for a place we can afford. I'm Joseph Josephson and this pretty girl is my fiancée, Jewel Williams!"

Jewel added, "We've been engaged for 5— months and we just have to find a place soon. We're currently living with Joseph's parents, but they are eager for us to find an apartment, if you know what I mean!"

"Well," Suzanne said, "You only need a one bedroom, you say?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I figured we would use the dining table for school work, so one bedroom, big enough for at least a queen bed would be good for us!"

Suzanne started walking saying, "This place is a two bedroom, but it shows the relative size of the kitchen and dining area. All of our apartments come with a Refrigerator, Stove/Oven and Dishwasher, and..." We didn't really pay attention to all she was saying, we were just walking around, arm in arm, looking at all of the cool amenities. We saw a trash compacter ... did she mention that? Oh boy! " ... and a beautiful view of Oak Creek City Park through that window! Isn't it lovely?"

I coughed and said, "It's all very nice, Suzanne ... how much a month did you say it was, again?"

"As I said, Joseph, it's only $465 dollars a month, we cover all of your utilities, except Internet!"

"What would it take to hold this for us, until school starts in September?" Jewel asked.

"First and last rent, or $930 dollars will hold it for you, don't worry if you don't have it now, we always have a number of units available! Are either of you on a scholarship that includes housing?"

"To be perfectly honest, Suzanne, I didn't notice! I have a partial academic scholarship while my ... Jewel is transferring from OCCC! Do you have a card, so we can be in contact with you about this?"

"Certainly, Thank you for looking at the Fillmore Inn Apartments, Joseph and Jewel! You two are the cutest couple I've seen come through here all summer! I hope things work out ... give me a call when you're ready to move in!"

"Thank you, Suzanne," Jewel said. "I just love him so much, we're getting married in December at ... his parents house in Lincoln City! I just can't wait to be Jewel Josephson!" That made me chuckle, which made Jewel giggle, which made Suzanne join in, but she obviously didn't get the joke.

I added, "We are getting some financial help from our ... her ... MY parents, at least I think we are, so we'll be in touch! Thank you for your time, Suzanne!"

"Bye, Kids!"

We walked out of the apartment we had been looking at, and I turned to Jewel, "I just can't wait to be Jewel Josephson? Wow sis, you were on the edge there, but it was cool!"

"Where to next, Hubby?"

"Let's check out the Campus Library, OK, honey?"

That made her giggle! And I love her laugh so much! We got into the car and drove over to the Valley Library, over by where we had our picnic the other day! It was open, but there was practically nobody in there, except for the student employee's. We wandered around, staying together so neither of us had to defend ourselves from an unwelcome advance.

Speaking of an unwelcome advance, whom do we run into, but Sammy Jaussad again! Jewel grabbed my arm a little tighter as he walked up to us and said, "Hi guys!"

"Hi Sammy," Jewel said, not looking up at him.

"Hi Sam," I said, walking to another stack of books.

"It's Sammy, Joseph! You guys come back to check out the library, huh?"

He has a firm grasp on the obvious, I thought.

"Yeah, Sam," I said, "Just walking around, minding our own business ... looking at the prices of stuff in here!"

"Yeah, they are pretty expensive, unless you go online to get textbooks, you can find a great deal on textbooks online!"

Yeah, I thought to myself, maybe you can find a slightly used brain on Craig's List. "Jewel, I've seen enough here ... let's head on to our next stop!"

"Where are you two off to?" Sammy asked.

Jewel responded, "We're going over to Central City Park to make out!"

I followed up with, "Are you seeing anyone, Sam ... anybody special in your life, you hiding some cute girl somewhere, or maybe a cute boy ... not that there's anything wrong with that, Sam?"

I think I stunned him a little, so we took the opportunity to bug out of the library. Jewel gave me a look and I thought she was going to hit me, but instead she grabbed me and kissed me and said, "Jealous Much?"

"You bet your pretty little ass, I'm jealous, although I can't believe you ever led him on ... but, he sure was into you, I could tell!"

"Let's go home, Joseph! I'm horny as hell and I want to be loud!" We walked back to the car. Jewel saw Sammy come out of the Library and she said, "Kiss me, Joseph!"

I took a step and smashed my mouth on hers, surprising her a little with my intensity. She put her hand on my butt, and I grabbed the nearest breast I could find. I leaned her over the car and pressed against her saying, "Do you want it right here, Jewel? — Right on the car, I'm so hard for you, I can't see straight!"

"OK, Joseph, he's gone now!"

"Who's gone, what do you mean?"

"Sammy walked out of the library and was walking towards us, so I said, 'Kiss me' and we ended up on the hood of the car!"

"You are the nastiest, most fascinating, wonderful and breath-taking piece of ass, I've ever had!"

She slapped me, and immediately started saying, "I'm sorry" over and over again. I felt my cheek, which would survive and said, "Our first fight, Honey! Let's go home and have some make-up sex, OK!"

"It's OK! What I said was out of line, but I meant it in a boyfriend sort of way! Are we good, Jewel?"

"We ... are great, Joseph."

We got home about 90 minutes later and saw a car in the driveway! It wasn't Mom and Dads! We walked in and saw Mom's sister, Jennifer lying on the sofa watching TV!

"Aunt Jennifer," I said. "Mom didn't tell us her beautiful little sister was coming to visit us!"

"Hey, Jewel and Joseph! I expected Julia and John to be at work, but where were you two?"

"Scoping out Oregon State University, we're going there in the fall! We were looking for an apartment and we walked around the Campus a little!" Jewel said.

"Well, it was quite last minute. I caught my boyfriend Daniel screwing another girl in our bed! So I grabbed some clothes and drove here straight thru from Medford, which took me about six hours to get here!"

"How long will you be staying?" I asked.

"Well, I told the sonofabitch to leave and take everything with him, including that slut he was fucking when I walked in on them!"

Same as Jewel
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My name is Jack and I don't lead a very interesting life. As a matter of fact, I lead a rather dull life. I am an educated, middle aged, middle class, balding man, with a bit of ponch and I'm not very tall. I'm embarassed to say that I actually where lifts in my shoes...not surprising is it? No...I didn't think so. I rarely ever date, as the women that I find attractive, would never dream of even looking in my direction and so I say why bother?I have a nice predictable job at a very cold and...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Carter Cruise Alina Lopez Party Plans

Alina Lopez is on the phone solidifying her plans for a big party. Her parents are out of town and she’s planning on taking full advantage. As she juggles all her incoming calls, someone knocks at her bedroom door. Baffled since she’s home alone, she introduces herself and asks the stranger who she is. Carter Cruise introduces herself as the babysitter Alina’s mom hired to look after her. Alina can’t believe her mother would hire a babysitter; she just turned 18! When...

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The Awakening of Christine

My wife, Chris, and I live in an urban center on the east coast. We're both successful lawyers who work downtown and have been married for 15 years; 14 of them in total monogamy. I am 50 years old and she is my second wife.Chris, who is 38, stands 5'5" tall, has short brunette hair, 116 lbs., beautiful legs with breasts in total proportion to her body; a lovely figure with a defined, European face...big eyes and soft lips. (Her parents came from Sweden.) We don't have any c***dren by choice....

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In the hair salon

Josh loved big woman and he found Lauren’s large build very appealing to his sexual appetite. She had huge tits and nice thick legs. Today she wore a short jean skirt, blue halter top, and high healed sandals. He looked up at her gorgeous face, long blond hair, blue eyes, and great smile while she shampooed his head. He fantasized about seducing Lauren which started making the blood flow to his cock. She wrapped a towel around his head and they headed for the styling chair. She...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 09

CHAPTER NINE: THE FUTURE LOOKS ROSIE Carly was frustrated. Despite three calls to Joshua, she had yet to get through. She didn’t understand. Unless he was in a business meeting, he always took her calls. Instinct told her something was wrong. Parker hadn’t helped. When he’d told her he’d arranged for her to have a day off to talk about a couple of things going on at the club, it had set her mind racing. Something was up. But the upside was that this was her big opportunity to find out exactly...

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The Heart Holds No Reason

Chapter One Kelly and Dan had been best friends for as long as they could remember. They had grown up neighbors and had spent their youth playing games with each other. As they got older they stayed close friends, even though they hung out with different crowds at their high school. They went away to college together, and moved back into their parents home's at the same time. They even got a job at the same company. They were inseparable. They always told each other about their...

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Sam Falls Even Further From Grace

© Copyright 2002 It is rare for me to revisit a cast of characters, generally once a story is completed I move on to the next. However, in this case there has been such a demand for a follow on story that I felt compelled to attempt it. I'm afraid it is a little long and starts very slow. Scorpio00155 It had been two months since my wife Sam's fall from grace with the man Steve in a night club. That night had been one of shock, guilt and inexplicable excitement for both of us. In...

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Uncharmed Circle

Uncharmed Circle By Bill Hart I stood and stared at the image being reflected back at me from the silvered surface. Everything certainly seemed all right. It was, of course, me that I saw reflected there. That made perfect sense. Who else could it possibly be but me standing before the mirror? Mirrors simply didn't lie. Reflections couldn't possibly be anything or anyone other than what or whom they appeared to be. Whenever I stood in front of some mirror, then whatever I saw...

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Shalini Mam Ko Fuck Kiya Patakar

Hello everyone,this is Sam back again with one of my sex experience This is my 4th real story on ISS. I’m from Chandigarh and I’m muscular & athletic because I workout regularly and do yoga. I love sucking on big tits.So if any lady wants to hookup,contact me @ Coming to the sex story. Ye baat kuch mahine pehle ki hai jab I was working in a private company and a new lady product trainer joined the office.Her name was shalini and her figure was 36-26-38,5ft 4in tall and very beautiful Mai toh...

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Nagerkoil Tamil Kamma of AP

I am a trained graduate teacher and working in the Central Kendriya vidyalaya schools all over. I was recently posted to Hyderabad and I actually belong to southern tip of Nagerkoil and we belong to meenavar community (also called fishermen) and we daily take fish food at home and outside. I am the only male graduate in my family and all other boys are in Dubai with their technical education. I am a well built and tall of 5′-10″ height with muscular body. But I am a little black-skin person. I...

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My Wife In Gym Class

Hello I am amit , i am sexually charged guy , always want to beat the ass out of the lady who will give me a sign and some tricks from her eyes or vice versed , i am 27 now and i am ready to take over the world. i am currently working in a company and get a okay wage , i am dark not that tall not that build up but have a penis that ladies would not getting tired of putting it inside them mouths. So here is my story in disguise i want to share it with all of you. Currently i am married and not...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 106

Snooty was between Karla the bitch and the black haired girl in a leather jacket. They were trying to double team her. The jacket was trying to get her arms so the bitch could throw punches at will but Snooty had already landed several good body punches on the jacket. I shoved the bitch out of the fight and at the same time yelled, "That's enough." That brought the pushing and shoving to a halt. "You are not members here. Get out now," I said. The bitch yelled,"This is not your...

4 years ago
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I Receive The Ultimate Gift

After a long, romantic walk on the beach, we return to our blanket and I build a fire with the wood we had earlier collected. The night sky is crystal clear and it seems we can see every star. The gentle breeze from the ocean occasionally wafts over us and makes your long hair wave a ‘thank you’ to this unseen entity. I reach behind us and grab the large thermos of coffee. You watch in amazement as I pour the perfect amount of creamer into your cup and pour in the coffee. ‘How did you know I...

1 year ago
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The CavemanChapter 33

I feel much shame. I have not acted well. I complain always of not working for money, so much that Linda becomes angry with me just as I do with Unkgat for his whining complaints in the hunt, and then when she tells me stop my talk I am so foolish as to use strong drink—alcohol, Linda says is name—to forget what I see as my sorrows. The alcohol is as stupid as I think when I have seen others use it for that reason, or any reason. At first it gives a little lightness, but soon all seems still...

4 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 23 Conclusions

1876 M. Peter Holmes stared down at the man with the big pistol in his hand, feeling his pulse quickly increase, his stomach churn, his eyelids flutter. The flickering gaslight was behind the gunman, and Holmes could not make out his bristly face. He quickly reached for his whip, and the man smashed his forearm with the barrel of his heavy weapon, a Navy Colt from the look of it. "Git down," he demanded. "Be quick about it. Ain' gonna tell you agin." Holmes stepped to the brick street...

3 years ago
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Lusting for Laura

She was so god damn cute I nearly ejaculated in my pants every time I saw her. Her apartment was close to mine where she lived with her husband, dammit! The thought of him between her legs made me jealous but he was her husband, after all. Her short red hair and cone shaped tits reminded me of an early love of mine that had been hot but ended abruptly when she found someone else. I was thirty years older than she so it was just a jack-off fantasy, albeit the best one that I had. I made every...

1 year ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 6

"So no one in your family had a problem going nude?" I asked him. "They never mentioned it to me if they did." "I imagine you guys are the exception rather than the norm. I can't believe it's that easy to adjust." "Well you can ask them if you'd like. They're on their way inside right now." I hadn't seen them get up and before I knew it they were in the kitchen for lunch. "Good to see you again, Joe. We haven't seen you for quite a while. How are you?" asked Ted's...

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BangBrosClips Helena Price Giant Dick Fits in Tiny Pussy

Vlad hurt his ankle and needed a physical therapist. Helena Price came to treat to him. She started to exercise his ankle and lower leg. She noticed something big sticking out from underneath the towel. It seems he liked it when she was massaging his foot as all of a sudden the towel grew and it grew to giant size. Helena took off the towel. Underneath was the biggest dick the world has ever seen. This must be a world record. Her professional curiosity made her examine it. First she measured...

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Behavior Modification

Donna fidgeted nervously, a cigarette in her hands. She knew, as she brought it to her lips, that she'd regret it later. But damnit, quitting cold turkey was just so hard! She didn't care so much that smoking was bad for her, but now the rule at work was that you had to stand 20 feet away from the door outside to smoke, which was great fun when it was raining. The last straw was the latest tax increase on tobacco. She decided she had to try to quit again, if for no other reason than she could...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Husband Alan

As far as Tuesdays went this one sucked big time. I was ten minutes early and not even at my desk yet when my boss hollered at me to come into his office. I was no sooner in the door when he threw a piece of paper at me and said: "What the hell is this shit?" I looked at it and saw that it was an e-mail from the XYZ Corporation telling us that we were being removed from their list of preferred customers. I had no idea of what kind of response was expected from me so I just shrugged my...

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I imagine anyone who,s sexually active has a favourite position for sex.Some addicts will say “all of them” but according to the ancient Karma Sutra unless one,s extremely flexible it,s not possible to do all of them. Obviously when you,re young and justblesrning the ropes the Missionary Position is the first one you try and then you go on from there. There,s no “hard and fast” rule in the game of sexual love, but my favourite is with the woman or man above, most of the time a woman except for...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy.Sissies are...

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Varsha Mami Ka Palang Tod Gangbang

Hi iss readers. Thanks for loving varsha mami sex stories and making it a sensation on iss. Aap sabhi ko pata hai ki, kaise maine meri varsha mami ko patake choda tha. Uske baad maine post graduation ke liye jaan bujh kar mama ke city wale ek college me admission le liya. Ek din mama ne mujhe call kiya. Mama: are tera college kab start hone wala hai? Main: next week. Mama: tu idhar hi rehne ke liya aaja. Main: nahi mama, main hostel book kar deta hoo. Aap bhi ghar me nahi hote, hamesha...

2 years ago
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DiscoveriesChapter 8

"Ugh!... OWW!" I yelled as he jerked his hips, jamming his huge cock against the back of my cunt. He didn't bother to pull back much, he just pushed at me, and I felt something inside me tense. His hands squeezed around my waist. "O... Ugh!" I shrieked again as he plowed into me. A tense pain shot from my belly, but as it relaxed it felt so good and I moaned. He pulled me at his cock. The hunk of meat pressing firmly against my stretched cunt. He girated his hips. "AHHH..." I moaned,...

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DoorToDoor SalesmanChapter 7

Doug felt strangely nervous as he pulled up in the driveway, and the sight of the strange car did nothing to soothe his apprehension. It was three days since he had broken off with Selma, and he had decided to make a real effort to patch things up with Betty. But she seemed so busy lately. She didn't come home until late in the evening the first two days, and last night, she had been so moody and preoccupied that he hardly dared broach the subject. A definite change had come over her, and...

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Tomorrow Idin Noah Book 2Chapter 5

Idin sat in his Mobile command center, he was deeping in meditation, his company stock had fell dramaticly, his investments still held value, and he had a large cash reserve around the world, he was pulling information from his own brain as he meditated, he had to recall things precisely, as he meditated his hand wrote out reams of information. "How long as he been like that?" Morgana asked. "Since he found out the security company was attacked." Kei Said looking worried. "That was...

2 years ago
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Welcome to CollegeChapter 2

The next morning we woke up early and snuck back up on the roof. We laid out towels, stripped naked, and put on sunscreen. "Why don't I do your back?" Jack offered. I rolled over and let him rub sunscreen all over my back. He paid special attention to my ass, of course, but his hands rubbing into my back felt really good too. "Now turn over." I complied, and my now erect cock pointed straight up. "I think that's grown since you put sunscreen on it," Jack said, "why don't I put...

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Hiding in Plain Sight

Hiding in plain sight Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Tom and I went all through school together, but we were never close friends. It was only when we found out that we were both attending the same college we decided to room together. He seemed fine at first, then he began to change. Tom's moods would swing from high to low then back again, plus, he developed an ugly temper. It wasn't pretty, and it became harder for me to be around him. He also developed some kind of...

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The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 5 Third Year Trepidations Part 1

The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 5: Third Year Trepidations Part 1 Written August - September 2019 "Aughhh, ah.... that felt good," Matt uttered as he got up, looking over to the window showing the rising sun on this nice August morning. It was a week before start of fall term, and Matt, well Claire, had spent the rest of July after the Florida trip at the apartment house she and her three sorority sisters resided in. Well, now it would be soon four, with the addition of Stella...

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I parked my car under the bridge close to the freeway and as I watched the homeless people rummaged through the trash I couldn’t help but think of my once job. Not only did I think about my job but I though the endless days that Big Jerry ( a he called his 400lb self) would through me over his lap, spread my ass cheeks open and pour all sorts on condiments in my crack so he could lick, suck an finger fuck my ass and pussy. Those memories had me so livid that I pushed my finger down my pants...

3 years ago
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A Long Hard Look part 2

My gait got slower as I stopped to think about what was said and done on the bus. My panties were soaked everytime he would look at me, even before that day. I always had to cross my legs together in order to avoid embarrassment and a possible orgasm on the bus. Although I've often wondered what that would be like... just to have someone's eyes glued upon me as I worked my magic (touch!). They could even be masturbating as well... as long as we would all gather in the enjoyment, perhaps even...

1 year ago
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At My Dommes Table

Mistress Angela had been recommended to me by an acquaintance who had served her several months ago. He told me she was a beautiful woman in her 30’s. She had long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a slender body that bordered on athletic. Her client list was long and impressive, but she was extremely strict. My friend had become overly frustrated during a session and had turned aggressive. She whipped him like a dog and banned him from returning. Although I was hesitant, he had assured me...

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48 Strip Club

PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Paul Clair Macon and Paula Claire Akron set in the living room of Ted Michaels, their legal guardian. Their heads were bowed, and they were frowning. Ted was there, as were several of their friends’ parents. These parents were glaring at them, and even Ted seemed unhappy with his charges. Paul and Paula had been caught. Their friend Neil had stolen six dollars from his parents and, when confronted, had sang like the proverbial canary. His parents had...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 2 Come What May

January 10, 1977 The kitchen in the Flynn household was Martha Flynn's domain, and everyone was glad. Sean's adopted mother was a very good cook. Fresh baked biscuit aromas were overlaid with the smell of bacon frying. Sean knew that butter from their own cows, and Jams and Jellies from their own orchard would complement the biscuits. Eggs and finely sliced sautéed potatoes would accompany the bacon to make a meal fit for a king, or a hungry young Wizard. Sean smiled as he pushed the...

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Life Long Love 2

It was the summer of 1998 and 25- year-old Elliot Johnson was working as a mechanic in his small town. That day he had just gotten back from lunch when a 1993 Mazda Protege was towed into the shop and a beautiful lady came in. The lady is Emma Thomas and ever since she moved here she has been turning heads because of how beautiful she is. She said, "I can't believe it I have so much business to tend to and I just got copies made and I came out and my car won't start." Elliot...

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Fucking My Horny Housewife Mother 8211 Pt 3 Hot Beach Sex

The next morning I woke up to a flurry of activities in the house. I had slept late as I was busy fantasizing about my sexy mother all night, even jerking off to her bra once. “Hey sexy, good morning” I grabbed mom’s waist while dad wasn’t looking. “Shh.. not now”. Mom freed herself from me and went into the kitchen. “Go on and get ready quickly, we have to go to Mangalore”, mom said. “Why?”, I asked. “Your father’s granduncle passed away last night. We have to leave right away. Your dad has...

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Missy Part III

Missy found that she couldn’t stop thinking about sex and not just with Alec. Every man she saw she found herself wondering about how big their cock was or how good of a fuck they would be. It was having an effect on her and not negatively. She was becoming more open, more personable, flirtier. She suddenly became aware of just how unhappy she had been for all those years and she vowed to make up for it.Her pussy salivated as she drove home. Missy had been extremely horny all afternoon and...

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Playful Wrestling becomes FuckFest for Wife

My wife has always played the tough invisible role. Despite her 5'4" 112 pound size, she never backed away regardless of the gender or size of her opponent. She had confided in me that over the years growing up that this trait had got her ass kicked on more than one occasion. If nothing else, my wife has always been a very competitive person in all regard, whether it was academically, or physically. Growing up, I had two close friends, both of who joined the army when they reached eighteen....

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The PensionChapter 6 The Risk

Her head buzzed and whirled, like a computer being switched on, waking up from sleep mode. She couldn’t feel her body or sense her immediate surroundings. She remembered her name and every new thought opened new pathways of awareness. She sensed there was light, although her eyelids were glued shut. With grueling willpower and concentration, she was able to open them, but the light burned and she immediately closed them. She also sensed that she was lying on her back, but didn’t recognize on...

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Pop Star to whore in one stop We had been driving for maybe five hours, droning south west at what ever the posted limit was, cruising down the freeway through the swamps where I grew up and on past my hometown as I drove Claudia down towards Orlando for her next sell out gig. Claudia, this seasons teen singing sensation, at least her records were sensational, a tribute to the tech guys and auto tune, Aileen she was christened, I knew that I saw her ID enough times when I took her...

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