- 1 year ago
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We hit the road a week later. In the interim, Aaron gave us an update on the border project. He assured us that it would be ready and waiting for the unveiling. I was exceedingly pleased at this news. It would be a huge surprise and demonstrate our resolve to implement our agenda. The first campaign stop proved the worth of Rhonda's advice about doing the Oprah show.
For the first rally she had chosen Omaha Nebraska. I didn't understand her reasoning at first but was at least bright enough to catch on when she explained "a lot of people feel left out and neglected by politicians. This won't be easy but by covering the same places they do plus the spots they ignore we should pick up more votes."
When we hit the Border States our promise to stop illegal border crossings was met with deafening applause and cheers. I outlined exactly how much the problem was costing each state and the country. We also stressed the amount of illegal drugs smuggled across the border every day.
In manufacturing centers we outlined our ideas to improve trade by forcing countries to abide by trade agreements. In areas where tech industries were located our plan to protect intellectual properties and patents was well received but even more so was our outlining of improvements in education.
We saved our ideas on defense until we got to military bases. This is where it would get risky. I began by attacking the U.N., stating that it was "a corrupt organization populated by many countries that don't even have a legitimate government" and that "they use us as their enforcement arm and a cash cow to fight battles of no interest to America while letting corrupt dictators have free reign over innocent people in places where they could actually make a difference."
I then hit my main target. "Before long, we will have to fight a battle. Not against a country but against fanaticism. These terrorists hate America and everything she stands for. They despise the fact that we have freedom. They can't stand the fact that under our laws every male and female of every religion and ethnic group are equal and entitled to live and worship as they see fit. To them we are the 'Great Satan' who must be destroyed. They haven't learned from the others who have tried and failed miserably in this endeavor. When they strike, as they have before and will again, I ask that you be ready. If I am elected you can be assured that you will be equipped as never before to deal with our enemies. Technology is a wonderful thing, but only if you are intelligent enough to develop and use it. In this we are much better prepared than any enemy we will face. To put it bluntly, we are a lot brighter than they are. They actually believe that it is desirable to die for their cause. When they attack, you will be able to grant them their wish quickly and efficiently while helping me receive my wish that you are standing tall at the end."
I asked if there were any questions and of course there were. I knew the "new tech" would perk up some ears. They liked the idea of new lighter weight and better body armor and seemed intrigued by the hints of new weaponry. Almost as big a hit was the flat statement that the military was grossly underpaid for the service they provided. After that it was time for a mini concert.
Connie, Tina, Angel, Jackie, Angeni, Rhonda, George, Gene, Adam, and Kathy) were visiting the military installations with me. We had decided to record a live album containing message songs such as "It ain't easy bein' green" (we ripped off Kermit's title), "It's a long way down" (for the Airedales), and "on, over, under (the water)" (for the Navy). All the songs went over great. Of course, we took requests too and during these stops we usually performed for three hours or so. Needless to say, we weren't exactly running a conventional campaign.
John, Paul, and George weren't kidding when they said they appreciated what we had done for them. The Beatles reunion tour began in America. They donated all proceeds to the "America First" party. Our group joined them as the opening act at a couple of stops on the tour. Musically, it was the rally in Joe Robbie stadium that thrilled me the most. We performed with Jimmy Buffett there after the speeches were over. The place was packed and rocking like it was the Super Bowl again.
"Heat" joined us on many of our stops, also. Joan, Alannah, and the rest were still together and going strong. They refused to use Adam's program though. Actually, it was more like they were pissed because we offered it to them!
The most popular song we did there came from Adam's music program. Titled "Learn the Language", it had four verses. Each one described the difficulty communicating with someone who didn't speak english (convenience store, telemarketer, help desk, and employee). The chorus had the title in four different languages (plus english) for a total of twenty counting the fade-out.
The opposition finally woke up and realized we might be a threat. Old friends were calling and telling us that people had been asking questions and digging for dirt. Sometimes when they got too pushy, it almost came to blows.
They managed to find out very little and the majority of that wouldn't hurt us. The adoptions of Tina, Kathy, and Faith helped a lot, since we were often seen together. So did my long association with Rhonda. I hadn't been spotted with Jackie, Angeni, Angel, or Sharon for quite some time.
They did attack my association with American Health Products. This was the company Nina and Megan had started. We purchased much of the medicine for the state programs from them. The fact that the prices were lower and that other states were doing the same didn't seem to matter.
It only took one commercial to shoot that one full of holes. One 30 second slot showing a price comparison between AHP and their competitors, followed by the savings per year to the state, did the trick
The teachers union (American Federation of Teachers) launched a massive campaign against us, too. It was nice to not only have plenty of cash to drown them out with facts, but to have friends who did the same. For every ad they ran, there were three to prove they were being untruthful on every point.
Adam was being sneaky in the background. He let us know every move the competition was planning ahead of time. This helped immensely in counteracting any negatives. Another thing he came up with was kind of sneaky also, but it worked just as well.
Someone had actually started a "youtube" clone and two more had followed. Videos of Gore and Bush looking completely inept started appearing. There were many to choose from. This helped increase the interest of younger voters quite a bit. We were already stirring up support unheard of since the Kennedys.
"Learn the Language" shot to number one on the country charts, giving us hope among another crowd. Just for the heck of it, we quickly recorded an album with the same name filled with patriotic songs about hope for a brighter future and correcting the course we were on.
The idea of curtailing illegal immigration and increasing the levels of those allowed to enter through legal means was not forgotten. It was made a central theme of the campaign. Other items on the agenda were: a renewal of technical innovation, return of the responsibility of education to the states, and tax reform.
Our plan for taxes was to implement the "Fair Tax" (fairtax.org). We felt that the name was very near the truth. What better way to tax fairly than a consumption tax? Every point was stressed, including the fact that an amount equal to the expenditure in this plan up to the current poverty level would be returned to every household each month. Under this plan, if you made under that amount you weren't taxed at all. That wasn't the main reason we wanted it passed though. The benefits for buisinesses would be considerable.
We had started our campaign earlier than anyone for a specific reason. We needed poll numbers to force inclusion in the debates. Two months after we began not only were the debates assured but Bush and Gore had to be a bit petrified since the polls showed us with 32%. The debates made it even better. Here's how it went:
First debate:MODERATOR: And now the first question as determined by a flip of a coin, it goes to Vice President Gore. Vice President Gore, you have questioned whether Governor Bush has the experience to be President of the United States. What exactly do you mean?
Gore replied about balancing the budget and started his "lockbox" spiel that comedians loved so much before talking about improving schools and lowering taxes. Bush had the first reply and describing how he'd use the budget surplus to cut taxes and how Gore would increase spending before I got my turn.
The Vice President and Governor have grand plans on what to do with a budget surplus. Tax reform, as well as protecting Social Security and Medicare should be top priorities. Unfortunately, I haven't heard them state where these surpluses would come from. My administration would build this surplus by restricting foreign aid to only those projects that are designed to make a nation self-sufficient and will be limited to goods and services. No aid would be provided that can not be delivered directly where needed, too much of this ends up in the hands of corrupt officials today. It disgusts me to see this great country of ours prop up dictators when we have so many problems here at home. Pork projects imbedded in bills will cause those bills to be vetoed and when that bill is vetoed I will be glad to tell the American public why I did it. There are also too many departments in the federal government with overlapping and conflicting responsibilities. This needs to be streamlined and rectified. This will result in a surplus which will be used to begin repaying the funds taken from the Social Security trust fund by the government. In addition, the monies in this fund should be invested in interest bearing accounts to work more like a savings account than the governments private slush fund it is today. Unlike my worthy opponents, Taxes may be reduced even further when our national debt is paid down. Many people do not realize that the third largest expenditure in the national budget is interest payments on our 362 trillion dollar debt. If we paid this off, taxes could be reduced drastically and we would still have a massive surplus. Until it is paid off, any statement about their being a surplus is fallacy. Presently, we're using our Visa to pay the MasterCard bill.
MODERATOR: Let me ask you all this and we'll move on on the subject. As a practical matter, all of you want to bring prescription drugs to seniors, correct?
GORE: Correct.
BUSH: Correct.
An argument began between Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum while I watched patiently until Jim asked me if I had a comment. "Let's let them calm down a bit first" got them to shut up finally before I responded.
Sussmann: The problem with prescription drugs is immense. It takes over 350 million dollars and 3 years to get a new drug approved. These costs are passed on solely to the American consumer and a very large portion of those consumers are the elderly. I will propose a prescription drug plan that will cost Medicare recipients twenty dollars per month and cover 100% of their prescription drug costs. Drug approval will be faster, cheaper, and the patent period extended to fifteen years. Drugs will be imported if the same product can be purchase for less cost overseas. The result will be that a one hundred dollar medication that can be purchased for twenty dollars in India will cost twenty-five everywhere. The up-front cost to drug companies will be greatly reduced and that cost will be spread over all consumers and not just Americans.
That got them fired up again and I heard FDA approval, unsafe, and other drivel before I got the last word.
Gentlemen, I am talking about drugs the FDA has approved for sale in this country, manufactured by the same companies which hold the patents. Why should the American consumer pay twice the amount for the exact same product? You say it would be unsafe, and to that I would ask; why are we allowing American drug companies to manufacture and market unsafe drugs overseas?"
They started spluttering again until Jim interrupted them.
MODERATOR: I have an idea. If you have any more to say about this, you can say it in your closing statements and we'll move on, okay? New question. Vice President Gore. How would you contrast your approach to preventing future oil price and supply problems like we have now to the approach of Governor Bush and Governor Sussmann?
He replied with the pat answers about renewable energy and increasing supply. Bush responded with heating assistance and tapping the Alaskan reserve. What an opening!
Those are some grand plans, I'll grant you. My idea is a bit different, however. Personally, I believe it is time to wean ourselves from the Middle Eastern teat. Yes, we should cut that umbilical cord right now. Private enterprise in this endeavor has been stifled for decades in this nation. That time will be over if I am elected. Within one year we will have an alternative source of energy and within five years we will no longer need to import oil. If I am not elected this will still occur, but take much longer. Many people have purchased my book outlining our plan, and for this I am grateful. It has allowed many schools to become world class learning institutions. More than a few have declared it a work of fiction and me a dreamer... or an idiot. Some critics such as the Vice President have even read it. Others, like Governor Bush, used the cliff-notes at best. Maybe I am a dreamer. I dream of greatness yet to come. I am not the first to do this, however. Bobby Kennedy once said. "There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?" I believe as he did. So I say to the disbelievers, make room on the non-fiction shelf for that book. You're going to need it. After all, it is quite a large tome.
I thought the last debate went just as well. The first question was:
"There has been talk of discontinuing so called 'birthright citizenship' in this country even though the 14th amendment states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." What is your position on this?"
The question was for Bush, and he was sucking up to the Latino population as usual. He used up his time speaking but saying nothing. Gore was almost as bad, but more boring. Unlike them, I had something to say on the matter.
"It's true that many people believe the 14th amendment means that if you are born in this country you are automatically a citizen. They should do some research. The intent of the amendment can be determined quite clearly from the transcript of the debate when it was proposed. It is clear from the record that they meant subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in every sense and not owing allegiance to anyone else. It would be difficult to argue that illegal aliens and temporary visitors are not subject to a foreign power, or that they do not owe allegiance to anyone but the United States. This would make any offspring subject to the jurisdiction of the same government as their parents. They should not be granted citizenship automatically. American citizenship is not cheap. It must be earned to be of any value. It shouldn't be automatically granted because you or your parents broke the law by sneaking into the country. I believe that confusion like this was anticipated and was the reason article five of the 14th amendment states that 'The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article'. We don't need a new amendment to correct the problem. Simple legislation would clarify things."
The second question was for Bush and on trade. "There is great concern in America regarding the trade imbalance. How would you address this issue if elected?"
He showed his ineptitude once again, spouting his "free trade" agenda. I got to respond first and jumped all over him.
The Governor has just outlined the path to unemployment and poverty in this country. I sincerely doubt the public cares to follow that path. Free trade has been attempted. The result is the largest trade deficit in history and the exporting of American jobs overseas. Ross Perot's "giant sucking sound" is now a reality. Our steel, textile, and high tech industries have been greatly harmed because trade agreements are not enforced. Countries are allowed to steal patents, dump goods, and pay their employees wages that are barely above slave labor status while we do nothing. Until we can repair the mess we're presently stuck with, no new agreements should be struck. What good do cheaper sneakers do us if people don't have a job to buy them? What incentive do people have to invent and innovate when those ideas can be stolen from them without fear of repercussion? How are we helping people in other countries when the results keep them living in poverty? I have seen too many jobs around this nation leave for China, India, Mexico, and other places to believe that the Governor is correct."
I didn't understand Gore's response, he rambled on about us being the greatest power and human rights but I didn't hear a word about trade.
MODERATOR: All right. Another -- the next question also on health issue is from -- it will be asked by Marie Payne Kloep, and it goes to Governor Bush.
MEMBER OF AUDIENCE: Are any of you concerned with -- are any of you concerned with finding some feasible way to lower the price of pharmaceutical drugs such as education on minimizing intake, revamp of the FDA process or streamlining the drug companies' procedures instead of just finding more money to pay for them?
He went into his disastrous Medicare drug proposal and Gore rebutted with his "he supports big drug companies" and "he's in bed with big drug companies" directed at me.
"My solution is a bit different, as I stated in a previous debate. I would propose that re-importation of medication from other countries be pursued. These medicines are the exact same drugs produced here, and by the same companies, yet the average cost savings is 40%. Why is that? The American consumer is footing the bill for the research, that's why. In many cases the research costs are vastly inflated due to the fact that much of it is done by federally funded university studies. We should have a federal drug program that has a schedule of what will be paid for each medication. If a company won't sell it at that price, we'll find a different supplier. Why also is it that the 'big drug company' that the Vice President infers I favor sells its product at a vastly lower price than the average? Perhaps because that company values public health over profits but I'll leave that up to you to judge. This, along with increased patent length, speedier approval, and lower costs for clinical trials would have an immense impact on prices."
October 6, 2040 We did eventually get to go to college, but there were a lot of thing that happened before we did, and naturally it wasn't in the usual way that we got admitted, but then nothing in our lives had been done in the usual way. When the Paranormal Investigation Service had been approved and budgeted by Congress later that year, it instantly became known by its initials PIS, only everyone pronounced it 'piss'. It was something the White House advisers had overlooked when they...
Hey, I am gonna write about my sexual adventures that happened when I was in high-school. I will not be mentioning my name, for obvious reasons. I was 18, at the time. 5 foot 9. My breasts are well rounded and big. Curvy hips and big well rounded ass. I had long legs. White in complexion. I had uniform on, of course. I wore a read panty and a black bra that day.Anyways let’s get down to business.It was a cloudy afternoon and I just got on a public bus, after staying back for a group project. As...
It was the summer of 1977. Kelly and I had finished our Junior year of high school. We attended a party the previous summer where we both got very drunk and high to boot. One thing led to another and we both had sex with other people at the party. For sixteen-year-olds that was a lot of mental baggage to deal with (at least back then, these days it seems like every teenager is living the life of a porn star.)However, as Kelly and I dealt with it a couple of things became very, very clear. One,...
TeenHi friends, Kp here again…Thanks for the reviews and response to my last two stories… Here writing one of my experience again. Hopefully, you will all like it. Share your views with me Coming back to the story. I was moving on a bike in that day Gurgaon area…. That day it was around 8 pm..So somehow dark here.You guys know How much traffic here in gurgaon..So near iffco chowk, there was a huge traffic..I was stuck there For around 30 min..Hence I was trying to move fast from there…So I drove...
Hi all Here I am going to narrate about my first complete love making in my life happened with a women who is elder to me by 8 years. However I had some experience (only kissing and sucking) with my ex gf when I was doing my 12. The complete experience I had when I was 23 and she was 31. Coming to the matter, I will explain about the second encounter which I had with her. So the question is what happened on the first encounter? Let me tell. It was a disaster since I was a very new to the world...
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"That'll be King," Valerie said, smiling. "I'll bet he got a whiff of your pussy--and I'll bet he's got a hard-on too." "Are you gonna... ?" "I'll take care of King, first. And then I'll go down on you again, after you're all hot and horny." Cindy was in two minds about this. She hated to have Valerie's mouth neglect her cunt, but she knew how thrilling it was to watch the depraved woman fuck her dogs. She smiled weakly and nodded. Valerie got up and moved to the door....
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Las Vegas is America's adult amusement park. I try to spend two or three weeks a year there to gamble and enjoy the other festivities. I am never a big winner or loser unless you consider $20,000 a trip big. At thirty-seven, I was in my fifteenth year of Vegas trips, and over the years, I was actually ahead by more than a hundred thousand. I always stay at the same place and gamble there much of the time. As a regular, I get the freebies they offer to generate repeat business, such as...
The next morning I awoke with those same loving eyes still staring at me. It was just Elenita, she must have sent the others on their way, with a generous bonus – she usually did, and they certainly earned it. Although it was accompanied by a bit of disorientation, I felt at peace. No stolen memories lingered in back of my mind, no guilt gnawed at guts, no paranoia crawled along my spine, no rage pressed on my skull. It wouldn't last – but I had it now. And I intended to enjoy...
Hi, I am rayan from Dhaka,Bangladesh. Here I will tell you my first experience with my mami. It’s not my imagination it’s a real story of my life. And dear hot aunties, widow, women who’s husband lives in abroad and sexy girls if you need any satisfaction please give me a chance to serve you; I promise that I will keep it secret. For more information/suggestions/comments you can mail me at: All started after my SSC exam back in 2006. My mama got married, and you can understand looking at the...
IncestI submitted this before the previous chapter has posted, so I have no idea how it was received. I’ve been travelling and as a result, I haven’t been near internet nearly as often or conveniently as the wireless I’m used to. But I am still planning to finish this ASAP. Happy New Year! All feedback is welcome and appreciated! Thanks for reading, ~ewebie ~~o~~ Langdon felt her left foot leave the ground and she knew that her weight was too far back, there was no way she was going to be...
Ok this girl, my sisters friend, she's not hot, but not average either, like in between. She has big breast C34. 5'5 and light skin. Anyway I dont have feelings for her at all, im just obssessed with her boobs. I just know shes a girl that comes around a lot during weekends and i never realized it but im able to get in to her privacy. like it means nothing to her when i use the restroom while shes doing her hair or make up, i could be in the restroom while shes taking a shower or when shes...
(hello and hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it! PLEASE give your thought and upvote, NOW enjoy!!!) The next afternoon found me sitting on the passenger side of Veronica’s car, a very posh leather-clad full size truck with very dark tint. It was not what I pictured a truck as being & I felt like I was in a drug deal or something. Issue was, I was the deal; well, part of me was the deal. “How is this going to work?” I asked timidly. Already, Veronica was driving, taking me...
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After breakfast, we finished the loading of the stone and lumber then loaded our supplies. We said goodbye to the much larger group of people and headed back to Hildestun. The men were sleepy but still very alert for an ambush. We went as fast as we could push the horses with the loaded wagons. Most of the time we were on the road but we still cut cross country with our heavy load. I began to think I was wrong in making large wagons. Two smaller wagons would be more manoeuvrable. We climbed...
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Sunday morning when Cade woke up, he knew it was time to get rid of his houseguests. He walked downstairs. Seth was asleep, and Cade woke him up and suggested it was time for him to leave. "I'm not going anywhere." Seth said in a tired voice. Cade resented Seth's arrogance. He realized that he didn't want to go to work on Monday and leave Seth, Annie, and Quinn home with Callie and the children. Thinking about it made his flesh crawl. "It's time for you to go," Cade said. "We have...
Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...
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You are bored! You watch the time endlessly tick one second at a time. You are wishing for excitement. Your eyes shut and your mind starts to wander down your body. Your hand follows your thoughts tracing itself down your scrubs gently caressing, as if a lover. As you reach your breasts, you have a sudden convulsion. Your muscles contract including your pussy. Your eyes spring open with shock. ‘No,’ you think to yourself. ‘Not here.’ You go back to watching the clock. Another minute has...
"I'll take two." Mike slid a card off the deck and across the bed. I lifted the corner. A ten. He slid me another card. I peeked. Another ten. Life is good. Larry took one, then Mike didn't take any. Jimmy Prescott made a disgusted sound and tossed his cards in the middle. Phil Barnes laughed, then opened for a nickel. I looked confident as I picked up my cards and fanned them out. I took a quick look, then folded them together again. I smiled and picked up a quarter. I hesitated,...
Sarah Jessie loves to work hard and play harder! She gets nice and sweaty staying in tip top shape to screw on film, and when dousing herself with water doesn’t help, Markus Dupree shows up just in time to assist her cool down – hot hardcore fucking! He bends her over to lube up her sex with his mouth from behind and delivers an immaculate doggystyle pounding to her pierced velveteen cunt making her squirt! Sarah salivates for a throat fucking and rides him like a stallion before...
xmoviesforyouAfter reading so many stories on this website and others over the years, I thought I would take the opportunity to share some of my experiences and memories if for no other reason than for my own Amusement but hopefully it will be of interest to the community at large so I would appreciate any feedback you have to offer. Also I'm using voice recognition so I apologize in advance for any errors.I am remembering today a relationship that I had that was spawned through the days of an AOL chat...
Finally as the New Year began, my discussions with Annie finally lead to closure on the divorce. One Sunday, I had come over for lunch and was planning to stay awhile. Sarah had a friend over to work on a school project, while Lacey had a ton of homework to finish. After a while, Annie asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. We walked to the park down the street and set off on a stroll around the pond. After a few minutes, Annie glanced over to me with a rueful smile. ‘Bill, is it too late to...
Mandy and I had been in our unique sexual relationship for 3 years or so and I called her up again one morning and told her where to meet me at noon that day. We had a couple of hotels that we preferred and I asked her to meet me in the hotel restaurant of one of them. On my way to my midday sexual rendezvous with my sexy mistress, I thought back to our last fuck together 5 months earlier. Mandy was looking sexier than ever, she'd lost a few pounds and she seemed randier than normal....
Cheri Deville is in the locker room after the big game getting an exclusive interview. The QB walks in and doesn’t care about her interview and lets his towel drop. Cheri gets an eyeful that she can’t get out of her mind. When the cameras cut he offers Cheri his big black cock and that slut is down to suck. Cheri makes quick work of his cock, but Cheri is a team player and she’s down to suck the running back too. The two black studs take turns using Cheri’s mouth and...
xmoviesforyouMy name is David and I am 14 years old and I live alone with my 30 year old Mom. My Dad accidentally got my Mom pregnant so they decided to get married. From what my Mom tells me my Dad was a loving and proud father but he passed away in when I was a baby leaving my Mother as my sole parent. She did the best she could but her job as an elementary school teacher didn’t provide much for us. We made due though, we bought a one bedroom rancher out in the country, it was small but we liked to think...
When Jennifer closed the door, I felt as though the lights went out in the world. There was such an incredible emptiness in my heart that I was sure I'd die soon. I didn't care if the projects were finished, or if I even returned to school at all. It all seemed so pointless. I never turned a light on that day and only got up to use the rest room. Food didn't appeal to me, and just the thought of drinking wine made me ill. In the middle of the night, I sat in the darkness, staring out at the...
"Okay, I'll go with you," Matt said. Abby had asked him on Monday to accompany her to a charity fund raiser that coming weekend. "But my good suit will have to be enough; I'm not wearing a tux. And you'll owe me for making me get dressed up." She smiled, hugged me and gave me a kiss that left me breathing hard. "Consider that a down payment on my bill." Saturday evening at 7 we entered the ball room of The Four Seasons Hotel. The hotel sat one block from the Mississippi shore line,...
During the renovation of the new house, Sally had suggested restoring the basketball court that I had practiced on growing up. I had played endless games of one-on-one with Mac on that old broken concrete slab and it held many fond memories. It felt good to have Janey and Simone using it now. They had chipped in their own money to get a fancy backboard and a new hoop and net. They got a book of rules that had the specifications for the lines for the key and the baseline and had painted the...
Betty looked up. She saw his balls. "Now, open that fuckin' mouth. Yeah, that's right. Now lemme see your fuckin' tongue. Yeah, you oughtta be proud of it. That tongue's terrific! Man, the way it was movin' around my cock made me want to cum a helluva lot sooner than I finally did." Betty closed her eyes again, taking deep, puffing gasps. She could feel her large tits rising and falling with her chest, the full tits rubbing against one another. David moved one foot up to her pussy,...
I loveeee covid quarantine without it i could have never let him see i am a sissy white boy who love to please bigger better black cock in secretHis wife a health care worker he take care of his young k** of 6 and spend alot of time at the park with himthats how i got his attention, after learning when he went out i put on bright pink panty and girl leggings making sure to pass by him arching my back and wiggle my ass left n right It took a couple of time but he eventually wave at me his k**...
this one is a little shorter but i'm trying to build a story here :) Still being a little lightheaded from the great sex we just had, I was reading a magazine on the kitchen counter. I was standing but I had to bend over a little because the counter was a little bit to low. I heard Linda (that's here name) walking towards me. I didn't pay to much attention to here because the articles where really interesting. Suddenly I felt something looking for my asshole. I looked behind me and saw...
When he saw it in his in-basket he was not surprised. Even without opening it he knew exactly what it was, and had a fairly good idea already of what it said. The truth was that it was something he had been waiting for, and expecting, for a little over three weeks. Shawn Spencer considered himself to be a reasonably intelligent man, and many times he could see how things would turn out, just by expecting things to happen in their natural order. The fact it had taken so long was the only...
True story? You decide A couple of years ago, I decided to lose weight and bought a bike for exercise. A few years later, I got a gym membership. Last Christmas, because I got tired of riding the bike in rush hour I got an elliptical machine. Between the workouts at home and at the gym and the long bike rides, I was, if I do say so myself, turning into middle-aged stud muffin. As I was trimming up, my wife of fifteen years was making no headway. She was always on the heavy side. With the...
ToysReddit YouTubeTitties, aka r/YouTubeTitties! Let’s be honest; most of us think that YouTube is filled with only SFW type of content; sure, a lot of us can find sexual themes, but that mostly includes talking. What I am saying is that you cannot really see nudity on YouTube, right? Well, wrong. There are lots of hidden gems, where you can actually see nudity on YouTube.com, but they are difficult to actually find.Well, well, well… that is why r/youtubetitties/ was created. I mean, the name...
Reddit NSFW ListA Night of Firsts By Sexy Laura This story is property of me, and may not be resubmitted without my consent. [email protected] ************************* "Tommy.. Can you give me a hand for a second?? Please???" I hated when my sister Shelley asked me for a favor when she had clients over. I always feel uncomfortable. Especially since my sister has a clientele that is slightly different then most people would imagine. She is a professional dominatrix. Complete with the...
The day was beautiful outside, the sun shine through the window of the shop. A girl quietly folding a pill of the fall clothes by color. She was a bit chubby but what she wore really showed her well.She wore an ensemble white and bleu. The skirt had small fold that came down to her knee high white stocking. As for each worker she didn't got away with the small name tag: Leah. In the shop men’s side Paul attached belts to the wall. Doing it but not really paying attention to what he was doing....
Chapter 10 - Steffi Loses the Right To Wear White We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity. Fred had snuck into the bathroom to have a private conversation with his girlfriend, Lucy. He took the opportunity to do a little sexting in anticipation of the night of hot sex he had planned. He tiptoed back to his office he shared with Steve only to find it empty. His partner was AWOL. Fred scanned the room and saw a slip of paper on the...
People say they are happy, but are they? What is the purpose of our living? Some answer that in terms of success, some in terms of fame, some in terms of money and some like me answer in terms of happiness. But the question is that have we really found the reason to be happy? Can we sustain the happiness or is it just a momentarily pleasure? At least I don’t know the answer. But isn’t it the obvious that we should do what we like to do. I do sex! Yes, sex makes me happy. Lots and lots of sex....
Prologue The doors slid open allowing the woman to step inside. As her left foot crossed over the threshold of the elevator compartment, she briefly glanced toward its only other occupant. Her eyes registered her shock. The other occupant mirrored the expression and it was in that second a tenuous connection was made. The man watched as she turned away, noting her embarrassment and apparent nervousness. He studied her from behind wondering: Who she was? Had they met before? Would they meet...
The doorbell rang. Chachu opened the door. "Good morning Maya, come on in," chachu said. "Good morning Sir, this is my sister Mala. Afzal sir has just released her yesterday," Maya said. "Namaste, sir," Mala said politely. Chachu looked at Mala. She was around thirteen/fourteen years of age and had a marked resemblance to her sister. "That is very nice," chachu said, "what can I do for her?" "She is looking for job. Maybe you have an opening," Maya said. "I'll have to...
Over the next couple of months, we saw Jake and Sue several times socially for backyard barbecues or a few beers, but around midsummer, we were invited over to their place for dinner. Sue served a delicious dinner with copious amounts of wine as the accompaniment and we all relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. When dinner was over we adjourned to the living room for more drinks and conversation. Inevitably the conversation eventually turned to the game of strip poker we had played at our place and...
Group SexPt. XIV: The Bait Jack persuaded Kim to pick up Caitlin at McCarran International Airport. ‘It will give you a chance to get to know one another. I’m going to meet with the governor’s daughter, Sal Bridge.’ ‘Sure Jack, I’ll go get her. I feel like I already know her quite well. Do you think Caitlin made reservations at a hotel?’ ‘I doubt it, why do you ask, Kim? Caitlin most likely assumes I will get her a room at my hotel, which I certainly will do if that’s what she wants.’ ‘My friends,...
Linzee Ryder is such a slut. She always is laying around masturbating. No matter the time of day; you can bet her fingers are buried in her pussy. Her Husband is never around to satisfy her sexual cravings and when he is he has a limp dick. Lucky for her; there is a milk man that delivers more than just the daily milk to this horny MILF. Milk man Steve makes Linzee stroke his hard cock milking him for that cum. He buries that cock in that lonely wife; there is no tip like that of a hard long...
xmoviesforyouThe year was 1943. German troops were in Paris, Warsaw, Rome and were advancing toward Kursk in the Soviet Union. American troops were fighting the Nazi's in Europe as well as the Japanese on Guadalcanal. WWII was raging with no end in sight.At home, everyone did their best to keep their spirits up. Rosie the Riveter was on the assembly line welding and riveting munitions for victory. Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Judy Garland were making hit records. Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma" was...
Love StoriesI was out in my local pub with a few of my girlie friends. we had been in there for a few hours and i noticed a hot indian guy keep checking me out. I went and stood at the bar next to him, he smiled and offered to buy me a drink so i asked for a double vodka & pepsi. I got my drink saying thank you, his name was Raj, we talked for a while before we both headed outside for a cigarette. We laughed and joked and Raj kept complimenting me how fit i was and how he wanted to fuck my white...
Chapter 10 Mrs. Herd, the art teacher, clicked the mouse and the next picture showed up on the wall. She asked, “What do you think of this picture?” It was the picture that he had taken of the girl on the bleachers studying. Seeing an image projected on such a large screen, rather than the little one of the camera, made obvious every little flaw of a picture. He didn’t see much wrong with it. “I like it,” Danny said. “In fact, I think it is one of the best pictures I took that...
Matthew F. X. Fitzgerald’s morning erection hovered over the sink as he leaned against the vanity. A pair of brown eyes stared blankly back at him from the mirror. Blink. He popped the toothbrush into the brass holder and wandered down the hallway, trying to tuck his stiff joint back into the fly of his pajamas. Damn annoyance, he thought, a waste of good wood. He wondered what his wife had gotten into so early on a Sunday. This was the one day of the week he could sleep late. Yet, somewhere...
Rob asked me to house sit and I didn't hesitate since he lives in abeautiful big house on the end of a Cul de Sac. There is only onehouse next to his and no one can see his backyard except the housenext to his.His neighbor Bryan is a local college professor at the communitycollege and doesn't seem to mind when we skinny dip in the middle ofa Saturday afternoon. He seems cool so I thought this was going tobe a great two weeks. I had no idea what was going to happen duringthese two weeks.It was...
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to another edition of 'Letters To Santa', the show where yours truly reads letters from viewers like you on the air. Now before we get to this weeks' letters, Santa wants all of you to know that this past year has been one for the ages, and not in a good way. As I'm certain many of you already know, Santa has had a few legal problems I had to deal with. You may recall on last years' Christmas show, I threatened to burn down the house of a man named Jay, from New York. Well...