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We hit the road a week later. In the interim, Aaron gave us an update on the border project. He assured us that it would be ready and waiting for the unveiling. I was exceedingly pleased at this news. It would be a huge surprise and demonstrate our resolve to implement our agenda. The first campaign stop proved the worth of Rhonda's advice about doing the Oprah show.

For the first rally she had chosen Omaha Nebraska. I didn't understand her reasoning at first but was at least bright enough to catch on when she explained "a lot of people feel left out and neglected by politicians. This won't be easy but by covering the same places they do plus the spots they ignore we should pick up more votes."

When we hit the Border States our promise to stop illegal border crossings was met with deafening applause and cheers. I outlined exactly how much the problem was costing each state and the country. We also stressed the amount of illegal drugs smuggled across the border every day.

In manufacturing centers we outlined our ideas to improve trade by forcing countries to abide by trade agreements. In areas where tech industries were located our plan to protect intellectual properties and patents was well received but even more so was our outlining of improvements in education.

We saved our ideas on defense until we got to military bases. This is where it would get risky. I began by attacking the U.N., stating that it was "a corrupt organization populated by many countries that don't even have a legitimate government" and that "they use us as their enforcement arm and a cash cow to fight battles of no interest to America while letting corrupt dictators have free reign over innocent people in places where they could actually make a difference."

I then hit my main target. "Before long, we will have to fight a battle. Not against a country but against fanaticism. These terrorists hate America and everything she stands for. They despise the fact that we have freedom. They can't stand the fact that under our laws every male and female of every religion and ethnic group are equal and entitled to live and worship as they see fit. To them we are the 'Great Satan' who must be destroyed. They haven't learned from the others who have tried and failed miserably in this endeavor. When they strike, as they have before and will again, I ask that you be ready. If I am elected you can be assured that you will be equipped as never before to deal with our enemies. Technology is a wonderful thing, but only if you are intelligent enough to develop and use it. In this we are much better prepared than any enemy we will face. To put it bluntly, we are a lot brighter than they are. They actually believe that it is desirable to die for their cause. When they attack, you will be able to grant them their wish quickly and efficiently while helping me receive my wish that you are standing tall at the end."

I asked if there were any questions and of course there were. I knew the "new tech" would perk up some ears. They liked the idea of new lighter weight and better body armor and seemed intrigued by the hints of new weaponry. Almost as big a hit was the flat statement that the military was grossly underpaid for the service they provided. After that it was time for a mini concert.

Connie, Tina, Angel, Jackie, Angeni, Rhonda, George, Gene, Adam, and Kathy) were visiting the military installations with me. We had decided to record a live album containing message songs such as "It ain't easy bein' green" (we ripped off Kermit's title), "It's a long way down" (for the Airedales), and "on, over, under (the water)" (for the Navy). All the songs went over great. Of course, we took requests too and during these stops we usually performed for three hours or so. Needless to say, we weren't exactly running a conventional campaign.

John, Paul, and George weren't kidding when they said they appreciated what we had done for them. The Beatles reunion tour began in America. They donated all proceeds to the "America First" party. Our group joined them as the opening act at a couple of stops on the tour. Musically, it was the rally in Joe Robbie stadium that thrilled me the most. We performed with Jimmy Buffett there after the speeches were over. The place was packed and rocking like it was the Super Bowl again.

"Heat" joined us on many of our stops, also. Joan, Alannah, and the rest were still together and going strong. They refused to use Adam's program though. Actually, it was more like they were pissed because we offered it to them!

The most popular song we did there came from Adam's music program. Titled "Learn the Language", it had four verses. Each one described the difficulty communicating with someone who didn't speak english (convenience store, telemarketer, help desk, and employee). The chorus had the title in four different languages (plus english) for a total of twenty counting the fade-out.

The opposition finally woke up and realized we might be a threat. Old friends were calling and telling us that people had been asking questions and digging for dirt. Sometimes when they got too pushy, it almost came to blows.

They managed to find out very little and the majority of that wouldn't hurt us. The adoptions of Tina, Kathy, and Faith helped a lot, since we were often seen together. So did my long association with Rhonda. I hadn't been spotted with Jackie, Angeni, Angel, or Sharon for quite some time.

They did attack my association with American Health Products. This was the company Nina and Megan had started. We purchased much of the medicine for the state programs from them. The fact that the prices were lower and that other states were doing the same didn't seem to matter.

It only took one commercial to shoot that one full of holes. One 30 second slot showing a price comparison between AHP and their competitors, followed by the savings per year to the state, did the trick

The teachers union (American Federation of Teachers) launched a massive campaign against us, too. It was nice to not only have plenty of cash to drown them out with facts, but to have friends who did the same. For every ad they ran, there were three to prove they were being untruthful on every point.

Adam was being sneaky in the background. He let us know every move the competition was planning ahead of time. This helped immensely in counteracting any negatives. Another thing he came up with was kind of sneaky also, but it worked just as well.

Someone had actually started a "youtube" clone and two more had followed. Videos of Gore and Bush looking completely inept started appearing. There were many to choose from. This helped increase the interest of younger voters quite a bit. We were already stirring up support unheard of since the Kennedys.

"Learn the Language" shot to number one on the country charts, giving us hope among another crowd. Just for the heck of it, we quickly recorded an album with the same name filled with patriotic songs about hope for a brighter future and correcting the course we were on.

The idea of curtailing illegal immigration and increasing the levels of those allowed to enter through legal means was not forgotten. It was made a central theme of the campaign. Other items on the agenda were: a renewal of technical innovation, return of the responsibility of education to the states, and tax reform.

Our plan for taxes was to implement the "Fair Tax" ( We felt that the name was very near the truth. What better way to tax fairly than a consumption tax? Every point was stressed, including the fact that an amount equal to the expenditure in this plan up to the current poverty level would be returned to every household each month. Under this plan, if you made under that amount you weren't taxed at all. That wasn't the main reason we wanted it passed though. The benefits for buisinesses would be considerable.

We had started our campaign earlier than anyone for a specific reason. We needed poll numbers to force inclusion in the debates. Two months after we began not only were the debates assured but Bush and Gore had to be a bit petrified since the polls showed us with 32%. The debates made it even better. Here's how it went:

First debate:

MODERATOR: And now the first question as determined by a flip of a coin, it goes to Vice President Gore. Vice President Gore, you have questioned whether Governor Bush has the experience to be President of the United States. What exactly do you mean?

Gore replied about balancing the budget and started his "lockbox" spiel that comedians loved so much before talking about improving schools and lowering taxes. Bush had the first reply and describing how he'd use the budget surplus to cut taxes and how Gore would increase spending before I got my turn.

The Vice President and Governor have grand plans on what to do with a budget surplus. Tax reform, as well as protecting Social Security and Medicare should be top priorities. Unfortunately, I haven't heard them state where these surpluses would come from. My administration would build this surplus by restricting foreign aid to only those projects that are designed to make a nation self-sufficient and will be limited to goods and services. No aid would be provided that can not be delivered directly where needed, too much of this ends up in the hands of corrupt officials today. It disgusts me to see this great country of ours prop up dictators when we have so many problems here at home. Pork projects imbedded in bills will cause those bills to be vetoed and when that bill is vetoed I will be glad to tell the American public why I did it. There are also too many departments in the federal government with overlapping and conflicting responsibilities. This needs to be streamlined and rectified. This will result in a surplus which will be used to begin repaying the funds taken from the Social Security trust fund by the government. In addition, the monies in this fund should be invested in interest bearing accounts to work more like a savings account than the governments private slush fund it is today. Unlike my worthy opponents, Taxes may be reduced even further when our national debt is paid down. Many people do not realize that the third largest expenditure in the national budget is interest payments on our 362 trillion dollar debt. If we paid this off, taxes could be reduced drastically and we would still have a massive surplus. Until it is paid off, any statement about their being a surplus is fallacy. Presently, we're using our Visa to pay the MasterCard bill.

MODERATOR: Let me ask you all this and we'll move on on the subject. As a practical matter, all of you want to bring prescription drugs to seniors, correct?

GORE: Correct.

BUSH: Correct.


An argument began between Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum while I watched patiently until Jim asked me if I had a comment. "Let's let them calm down a bit first" got them to shut up finally before I responded.

Sussmann: The problem with prescription drugs is immense. It takes over 350 million dollars and 3 years to get a new drug approved. These costs are passed on solely to the American consumer and a very large portion of those consumers are the elderly. I will propose a prescription drug plan that will cost Medicare recipients twenty dollars per month and cover 100% of their prescription drug costs. Drug approval will be faster, cheaper, and the patent period extended to fifteen years. Drugs will be imported if the same product can be purchase for less cost overseas. The result will be that a one hundred dollar medication that can be purchased for twenty dollars in India will cost twenty-five everywhere. The up-front cost to drug companies will be greatly reduced and that cost will be spread over all consumers and not just Americans.

That got them fired up again and I heard FDA approval, unsafe, and other drivel before I got the last word.

Gentlemen, I am talking about drugs the FDA has approved for sale in this country, manufactured by the same companies which hold the patents. Why should the American consumer pay twice the amount for the exact same product? You say it would be unsafe, and to that I would ask; why are we allowing American drug companies to manufacture and market unsafe drugs overseas?"

They started spluttering again until Jim interrupted them.

MODERATOR: I have an idea. If you have any more to say about this, you can say it in your closing statements and we'll move on, okay? New question. Vice President Gore. How would you contrast your approach to preventing future oil price and supply problems like we have now to the approach of Governor Bush and Governor Sussmann?

He replied with the pat answers about renewable energy and increasing supply. Bush responded with heating assistance and tapping the Alaskan reserve. What an opening!

Those are some grand plans, I'll grant you. My idea is a bit different, however. Personally, I believe it is time to wean ourselves from the Middle Eastern teat. Yes, we should cut that umbilical cord right now. Private enterprise in this endeavor has been stifled for decades in this nation. That time will be over if I am elected. Within one year we will have an alternative source of energy and within five years we will no longer need to import oil. If I am not elected this will still occur, but take much longer. Many people have purchased my book outlining our plan, and for this I am grateful. It has allowed many schools to become world class learning institutions. More than a few have declared it a work of fiction and me a dreamer... or an idiot. Some critics such as the Vice President have even read it. Others, like Governor Bush, used the cliff-notes at best. Maybe I am a dreamer. I dream of greatness yet to come. I am not the first to do this, however. Bobby Kennedy once said. "There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?" I believe as he did. So I say to the disbelievers, make room on the non-fiction shelf for that book. You're going to need it. After all, it is quite a large tome.

I thought the last debate went just as well. The first question was:

"There has been talk of discontinuing so called 'birthright citizenship' in this country even though the 14th amendment states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." What is your position on this?"

The question was for Bush, and he was sucking up to the Latino population as usual. He used up his time speaking but saying nothing. Gore was almost as bad, but more boring. Unlike them, I had something to say on the matter.

"It's true that many people believe the 14th amendment means that if you are born in this country you are automatically a citizen. They should do some research. The intent of the amendment can be determined quite clearly from the transcript of the debate when it was proposed. It is clear from the record that they meant subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in every sense and not owing allegiance to anyone else. It would be difficult to argue that illegal aliens and temporary visitors are not subject to a foreign power, or that they do not owe allegiance to anyone but the United States. This would make any offspring subject to the jurisdiction of the same government as their parents. They should not be granted citizenship automatically. American citizenship is not cheap. It must be earned to be of any value. It shouldn't be automatically granted because you or your parents broke the law by sneaking into the country. I believe that confusion like this was anticipated and was the reason article five of the 14th amendment states that 'The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article'. We don't need a new amendment to correct the problem. Simple legislation would clarify things."

The second question was for Bush and on trade. "There is great concern in America regarding the trade imbalance. How would you address this issue if elected?"

He showed his ineptitude once again, spouting his "free trade" agenda. I got to respond first and jumped all over him.

The Governor has just outlined the path to unemployment and poverty in this country. I sincerely doubt the public cares to follow that path. Free trade has been attempted. The result is the largest trade deficit in history and the exporting of American jobs overseas. Ross Perot's "giant sucking sound" is now a reality. Our steel, textile, and high tech industries have been greatly harmed because trade agreements are not enforced. Countries are allowed to steal patents, dump goods, and pay their employees wages that are barely above slave labor status while we do nothing. Until we can repair the mess we're presently stuck with, no new agreements should be struck. What good do cheaper sneakers do us if people don't have a job to buy them? What incentive do people have to invent and innovate when those ideas can be stolen from them without fear of repercussion? How are we helping people in other countries when the results keep them living in poverty? I have seen too many jobs around this nation leave for China, India, Mexico, and other places to believe that the Governor is correct."

I didn't understand Gore's response, he rambled on about us being the greatest power and human rights but I didn't hear a word about trade.

MODERATOR: All right. Another -- the next question also on health issue is from -- it will be asked by Marie Payne Kloep, and it goes to Governor Bush.

MEMBER OF AUDIENCE: Are any of you concerned with -- are any of you concerned with finding some feasible way to lower the price of pharmaceutical drugs such as education on minimizing intake, revamp of the FDA process or streamlining the drug companies' procedures instead of just finding more money to pay for them?

He went into his disastrous Medicare drug proposal and Gore rebutted with his "he supports big drug companies" and "he's in bed with big drug companies" directed at me.

"My solution is a bit different, as I stated in a previous debate. I would propose that re-importation of medication from other countries be pursued. These medicines are the exact same drugs produced here, and by the same companies, yet the average cost savings is 40%. Why is that? The American consumer is footing the bill for the research, that's why. In many cases the research costs are vastly inflated due to the fact that much of it is done by federally funded university studies. We should have a federal drug program that has a schedule of what will be paid for each medication. If a company won't sell it at that price, we'll find a different supplier. Why also is it that the 'big drug company' that the Vice President infers I favor sells its product at a vastly lower price than the average? Perhaps because that company values public health over profits but I'll leave that up to you to judge. This, along with increased patent length, speedier approval, and lower costs for clinical trials would have an immense impact on prices."

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“Aaaaarrggghhhhhh!” groaned Jamahl as hips thrust up hard and his cock spurted forth three solid bursts of ejaculate. The sexual climax of his orgasm felt just amazing as Shona Grig’s hand slipped up and down his penis shaft. Jamahl also felt that wonderful buzz that a man gets right at the base of his penis as his sexual arousal was building up to its explosive climax. He also clearly felt that lovely warm feel of Shona’s hand wrapped around his penile shaft as that hand bounced back and...

1 year ago
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A Flash of Moms FleshChapter 7

When her son pulled his cock out of her mouth, cum dripped from it. Then Keith was pulling his cock from her cunt, and she felt his juices dripping out of it, down her creamy smooth inner thighs to her feet on the floor. She was aware the two boys were standing back and looking at her, but she was so weak from ecstasy, she didn’t care now. She didn’t blush with embarrassment, either. What she was feeling left no room for her to be embarrassed. “I want more,” she moaned. “Are you sure,...

4 years ago
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Small dick laughed at by 2 nurses

A friend of mine is a doctor and as part of her training she did a stint in the sexual health wing of the hospital she was working in. She is a very game girl constantly regaling us with tales of funny medical incidents. She told me about games she and her colleagues played to keep themselves amused and spirits high while working in quite a gritty environment.She said they had a hilarious time asking really intimate questions because people would answer 100% honestly (very eye opening she...

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I had first met Mike in grade school and soon after we started middle school we had become lovers. I know, we had heard all the arguments against sex at such a young age, except for one, but like any hardheaded kid we didn't listen. When we graduated from high school we got married. Now at twenty-two we were paying the price. First let me just say that Mike and I love each other deeply, yet something has gone out of our relationship. At twenty-two sex has become boring! That right, now all it...

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An Old Flame Returns Hayley visits Jon

The day after Rebecca had her way with me I felt confident and ready to take on the world. Violet didn’t show up to Econ so afterwards I went to get lunch and found Rebecca and Christine eating. “Hey guys! Have you seen Violet all day?” I asked. “No but I heard she was with Rich, which is probably why we haven’t seen him yet either,” Christine said. Rebecca didn’t speak. I felt my stomach drop. Although Violet and I definitely weren’t a thing I didn’t think that Rich would make a move. Not to...

Straight Sex
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Coffee Shop Madness

My name is Selena, a 40 year old, professional who is married with children.   My children are grown and my husband has his own career and is gone most of the time.   My husband and I had decided how important a healthy sexual activity was in our marriage.   So I placed an ad on a friend finder and meet Abigail.   Abigail was also in a similar situation and began to write back and forth.   We discussed our likes and dislikes and then agreed one day to meet.   Abigail and I had finally made...

3 years ago
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First Bisexual Couple PART 1

I had heard back that same day to my posting looking for a bi couple. Out of the few promising responses one caught my eye. It was an older man, about 55 years old italian man, he was interested in having me come over and give him and his wife a massage. We set up a date for a little later that week and they sent me a picture. He was very attractive and in shape, especially for his age, and his wife was a gorgeous latina, she was about 32 years old. I was full of anticipation all week as...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 11

Frank dropped Jake off at his apartment, after obtaining his release from the hospital with the promise that if his almost-healed stomach wound started turning red around the stitches, he would come right back. Nobody could tell that the only part of the wound remaining was the stitches, themselves. Not even Frank knew, as he didn't know about Béla's ability to transfer her healing powers. Afterward, Frank had driven around aimlessly, not wanting to go to the Target Club while the work...

4 years ago
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Dont insult a stripper

"Damn baby!" Matt laughed as slapped the stripper on the ass. "How's it feel to have demean yourself form money?" Candy turned her head in shock, her eyes looking at the smug man in the business suit. "Excuse me?" she asked as she stopped her routine. The men sitting next to Matt looked around awkwardly as Matt puffed out his chest. "I said," he said loudly. "How's it feel to have to demean yourself for money? I bet your mom and dad are real proud." Candy eyed the men sitting...

1 year ago
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End of the friend zone

They kissed. At first it was a little awkward. She'd known him since he started working in the same office four years ago. They clicked right away and had become close friends. They had been through quite a bit together and had always been there for each other. There were no secrets between the two. He knew everything about her. Including some things that she would have died before revealing to anyone else. Yet she was still completely surprised when he explained that, no he didn't want to...

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Learning From Daddy

FIRST SIGHTINGSI was sixteen last week, and I hadn't had any sexual experience. I wondered what all the fuss was about sex.Then one night, about 1:00am, I woke up, having to pee. I padded to the bathroom and did it. On the way back to my bedroom, I heard faint voices from downstairs. I was curious, so I padded down the stairs. The sound was coming from Daddy's study.I quietly crept to the door, and slowly opened it a crack. I saw my daddy at his desk, looking at his laptop. The voices became...

3 years ago
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Courtney couldn’t resist.  Pierce groaned when she squeezed his hard cock through his jeans while he unlocked his apartment door.  It was only their second date, but it had gone well.  The conversation had strayed in a slightly sexual direction at the bar, and then lost the slightly.She was too hot and bothered to hold out until the third date.Consumed by need, she crushed her body against him and kissed him hard even before the door closed.  His fingers ran through her long, dark hair.  Her...

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Part 5 Busty Young Liz Open All Hours

Liz had come along way sexually within the last three years. From losing her virginity at sixteen to her steady boyfriend, she had been spit roasted by two doormen, fucked by her fifty year old boss, taken by her brothers friends big cock, then recently the gardener managed to fuck her inbetween laying a patio. Not bad for a rather shy young girl, and not bad for someone who was in a steady relationship whilst most of this took place. Liz wasn’t a slut though, far from it, she was shy, quite...

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First Taste Of Cock

When I was younger I would have never been curious about another man’s cock, but the older I got the more curious I became. I sometimes wonder if that was because by the time that I was in my late forties, I had done everything that a man and a woman can do together or with others, except crossing over to the other side. Now that I think back, perhaps, in fact, I was curious earlier in life but just didn’t realize the fact. I say this because I was always fascinated by watching a nice cock...

4 years ago
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Suzanne 3

The next morning I dreamt that my cock was in someone's mouth. Eventually I woke up enough to realise that my cock really was in a mouth, Suzanne's mouth. By then she had been bobbing up and down for some minutes and I realised that I was about to cum. When we had been together in Melbourne she had always swallowed my cum when she sucked me off, so I did not warn her that I was cuming. She swallowed the lot, then sat up and smiled at me. “Good morning sleepy head. You took ages to wake...

2 years ago
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Threesome In The Playground

Hannah caught Jade’s eyes and held them, then turned her gaze out over the river, both their bodies facing the edge of the bridge while people passed by behind them. Without a word, Hannah’s hand brushed against Jade’s thigh. Jade sighed involuntarily, sinking against her soft touch. Hannah leaned over, whispering in Jade’s ear “I need to touch your pussy now”. Jade caught her breath as Hannah’s hand traced slowly, further up her inner thigh. She looked around, people continued to walk...

2 years ago
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EssChad ProjectChapter 4 Lost

Pete roused to the sound of howling winds and the pounding of rain against bare metal. He moved, trying to sit up; fell back, moaning, as lances of pain drilled through his head. "Lie still. It's all right," a soft voice soothed, almost inaudible amidst the storm, and cool fingers smoothed his brow. "Nancy! Are you all right? We crashed. I crashed!" "You did a wonderful job. You saved all of our lives. Steve hurt his arm, and KeeBar says his tail is sprained, but you got the worst of...

1 year ago
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Discovering The Real World Part 1

I can say that I am a product of the video game world. Starting playing video games at the age of ten and still living at home and playing ten years after High School. Having spent most of my awake hours indoors I can say physically I was more on the slob side than the athletic. I had managed to have a few jobs but when they took up too much of my video game time I would find a reason to get myself fired. No need to say that this kept me on the bad list with my parents. They even started making...

2 years ago
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A Mother in law affair

It’s strange but since my wife and I got engaged, I have had a major crush on my mother-in-law (Judy). I never really noticed her body or sexiness before I put a rock on her daughter’s hand but after that event, for whatever reason, I have not been able to get my mind off Judy. We were engaged for about a year before our wedding and we’ve been married for a year and a half so, all told, this crush is about two and a half years in the making. During that same stretch, I noticed that Judy was...

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the padlocked nurse

303 The padlocked part 1Mandy is a nurse, she has been for quite a while, well since school anyway, wanted, like most girls to be one as a c***d, but never grew out of the idea. John, her husband of four years now is a chief-clerk at an engineering factory, they are very much in love, and she worships the very ground he walks on. Sadly, after extensive tests in the second year it was found that she could not bear c***dren, which suited John, (though he said the was heartbroken), as he had had...

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Sinful Pleasures

Sinful Pleasures - The Beginning By Lesley Renee Charles Christopher Martin was late for his curfew, so he decided to cut through the forest. It was a clear night, with a full moon shining brightly. It was also a little after midnight. He was trying to be careful not to make too much noise, as he didn't know what might be prowling around in the dark. Nearing a spot, that looked like it was a small clearing, he heard several female voices. He thought he recognized a few from...

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Unexpected Sex With A Stranger In Train

Hi ISS readers. My name is Rahul. I am 27, single, not well-built or athletic but surely a good-hearted person. I’m basically from Mysore. Now shifted to Mangalore, a beautiful city in Karnataka. I’m narrating a story in which I had fun with a stranger on the train. Let’s get into the story. I had to attend my friend’s marriage in Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. I was so restless and frustrated with sex. I attended the function just to try my luck and find someone for a night there. But it did not...

3 years ago
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Pehli Chudayi Washroom Mai

By : Seducing Muskaan Hello dosto. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. Kahani shuru karne se pehle main apne bare mey aap ko batadu. Mera naam muskaan hai. Main Hyderabad kii rehne wali hu. Meri umar 24 saal hai. Mera khad 5’3 hai. Rang gora aur main slim hu. Mere duddu na bahut bade hai aur na chote. Bahut gore aur phule hue duddu hai aur tits pink color ke hai. Meri choot ka rang kaala hai aur bahut choti choot hai meri. Koi naa mard bhi dekhle usey toh uska bhi lund khada hojaega. Ye ek kahani nahi...

3 years ago
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Gianna Michales Catches a peeping Tom cockuld tea

Ted was your average day Peeping Tom pervert. He took picture of porn stars and celebrities without them knowing and publishes it on his website, Gianna Michaels was one of his targets. She was a gorgeous and wild porn start, with huge breast and black hair. She stood 5.10 and was known for her thick ass and big breast and just a wild slutty demeanorShe had a wide mouth, and perfect blow jobs lips, as well as a cute button nose. Ted was ready. He had found where she lived,...

4 years ago
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Messing With the Bull

There is an old saying that goes: "If you mess with the bull, you get the horn". It simply means that if you do something dangerous or stupid you can and most probably will get hurt. Have you even had one of those days that start out in the toilet and goes downhill from there? Last Friday was just such a day; at least for me. I found out on Saturday that Friday hadn't been such a good day for my wife, Emma, either. I was on a sales trip to Chicago and was due to fly back home to San...

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Veronica the Babysitter

Veronica was an 18 year old firecracker. With her long tan legs, perky titties and plump ass, the men were always looking at her, fantasizing about her. She was truly one of a kind. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded perfectly down her back, and her big green eyes hypnotized man after man. But she was no slut. She was smart, and only slept with the men who proved worthy. As a part time job, Veronica picked up babysitting. She babysat for many single moms, and was surprised when she...

Straight Sex
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Mummas Ass In Train

By : Mommy, come on we re getting late for the train. I shouted asking her round sexy butt faster into the taxi. It was a hot summer and we had to catch a train to Delhi from puna and my fucking bad luck we did not have a reservation even. Mom you always do this as she hooped on at the back seat with me taking her big bag after her she just crushed my thighs she was busty I always loved her big round jiggling ass when she wore the cotton nightie and walked round the house in the sun as the car...

1 year ago
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Full Moon Syndrome Chronicles Cedrics Story

(Long story short Jan our hero gives into his sexual urges and pretty much rapes our 13yr pedo-magnet Cedric. Jan passes out and the following morning Jan wakes up to find that Cedric is okay with this. Jan decides to test Cedric durability and pain tolerance as well as his control. Jan decides to put Cedric to the ultimate test of tender sex.) Sorry if the last part didn’t make sense there is very little blood going to my head right now, giggity (YES I know I am sick freak.) If you...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 15 EEEE

Richard Hyder was apoplectic, “Your Honor! This is outrageous! Trial by ambush! I’ve never seen anything so ... underhanded, so deceitful, in my forty-one years before the bar.” “Is there an objection in there?” Judge Graves seemed more amused than annoyed. “Yes! Yes there is. The Defense hasn’t even begun to present its case and this ... this ... private eye miraculously points the way ... I object! This ... these items cannot be entered into evidence.” “Grounds?” “Illegal search and...

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Seduced By Neighbourhood Aunty Archana

This story is about how I was seduced by neighbor aunty archana for sex Archana aunty was around 30 years old very hot with big boobs, a hot ass and a sexy figure she is a horny bitch she was married and her husband was working in a software firm she is a mother to a c***d.I used to work in marketing field once I was travelling I saw Archana aunty was waiting for a bus so I gradually I went and asked can I drop you aunty with a smiling face she said ok. While travelling we exchanged few words...

1 year ago
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He doesnt deserve you

I held my dress in front of me as I looked in the mirror. It was Friday evening and I had a date with my ten month boyfriend Derek. I wasn’t sure if I should wear this, I hated to flatter myself with dresses. It’s not that I was afraid, it’s just I didn’t see a need to when I wasn’t looking for someone. I hated when guys flirted with me, If only Derek felt the same way. He liked to show me off like a trophy. I’d talked to him about it before but he only said that I was meant to be exploited....

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