Money!Chapter 31 free porn video

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‘Bang, Bang.’

Someone was really pounding the door. I hopped up and opened the door ready for about anything. Our tour guide was standing there with a grin, and said, “I love to get your attention like that. Make sure that you have a lot of beer in the chow hall tonight so that you’ll be hard to wake up in the morning. I can really raise hell then.”

Fran was laughing and said to the guy, “What are you, a DI wannabe?”

The man asked, “Do you need anything before we go to the range?”

I said, “Covers or you might call them hats. We both want Boonies if you have them, or utility covers if that’s your uniform.”

“You can wear either or nothing, except that you’ll want something to wear outside if you are doing something out there. Let’s go to supply. That guy just loves to dribble stuff out. He likes the company.”

The supply guy gave us each three boonies and two utility covers. He gave us each a baseball cap as well, but it was a sort of funky color that really didn’t go with the BDUs. He said that he forgot to give me some workout clothes, and gave me a couple pair of sports shorts, some white socks, and a pair of tennis shoes. I thanked him, but Fran said, “You only gave me a single pair of shorts, no cotton socks, and no tennis shoes.”

The supply guy looked at his notes and smiled. He pulled a basket out and pushed it to her. “I like to have people come visit me, and this is the only way to do that. Come say hi sometime.”

We went back to the room to put the clothes in the drawers and found that the beds had been changed during that short time, even though we had made the beds. Everything was perfectly clean and neat.

Our guide asked if we would need a snack before supper. He told us that we could eat as soon as the range officer was through with us after our introduction. He also said the chow hall had food twenty-four hours a day.

The range officer was a pleasant man, and stated, “Your boss, Chuck Johnson, is a special marksman. He told me to watch you and see if I can make you as good as he is. He did a lot of sniper duty. What would qualify you to be a good marksman?”

He went on, “I see you were part of the new covert ops group, did the six months training, and went on three missions as the lead sniper,” when I didn’t answer right away. “I’ll be interested to watch you shoot. You had some remarkable scores in the Deputy school, Miss Cunningham. I think I need to teach you some spotting skills to go along with your shooting.”

The man had a couple Glock 22s lying on his table. He said, “Who wants to be first at twenty-five yards?”

I looked at Fran, and she stepped forward. Fran cycled the slide a couple of times, held the receiver open, and looked in the barrel. She said, “How about I clean this thing first. I shoot better with a clean weapon.”

The man smiled, and said, “That’s one point for you. You might as well clean yours too, Chuck, as it’s filthy as well.”

I pulled the gun apart and saw that the barrel was pretty nicked up around the nose. It might even be bad enough to throw a round off even at twenty-five yards. I was about to say something when Fran said, “This spring is older than I am, or at least it has seen that much use. This gun’s a mess. Are these here to just scare us, or what?”

I said, “Hey, it’s what she says. This piece is total junk. I don’t think there’s much on it that’s usable. The frame is even beat up. I’d suspect the firing pin is bad as well.”

The said, “Good soldiers. Put the guns back together, and I’ll use them on the next unsuspecting newbies.”

He pulled two boxes from this equipment drawer and laid them on the firing stations. I went for the boxes and handed one to Fran as I sat at the cleaning table. I think the rangemaster was trying to sucker us into firing the guns without checking them out and cleaning a new weapon. If Fran didn’t know to do that, she did now.

The officer said, “You two sure are picky, you don’t even trust a new weapon straight out of the box.”

I pointed to the box, and showed him that the box looked as if it had been opened a lot. I asked, “Do you check serial numbers that often?”

He shook his head. “Just what I need: a couple of picky jarheads. Give those back. They’re junk too. The man pulled two boxes from the next drawer down and handed them to us. He asked us to verify that the serial numbers corresponded to the number on the box and to give him the last four numbers. He made a note at a couple locations on his sheet. This was a good gun and was new. It was easy to clean and the parts all worked the way they should. I asked the rangemaster for some magazine sandpaper and emery cloth and he pulled out a piece of each. I sanded the magazine then used some emery cloth to smooth it out even more. I wiped the magazine with a slightly oiled paper towel and slid it in and out of the handle several times. I repeated the action with Fran’s magazine, and then handed it back to her. The rangemaster said, “Have you worked with guns much?”

“My dad used to take me shooting a lot, and he loved new guns. He showed me how to check them out when they were new. He told me that he had never seen many magazines that couldn’t use some sanding and an emery cloth polish. I want this gun to operate as smooth as can be if it’s going to be my friend. I’ll teach Fran while I do this stuff.”

He asked, “Do you want to do some shooting, or would you rather clean your other weapons too?”

Fran said, “We get more? Show us. We’ll clean those too.”

The rangemaster laughed, and said, “Spoken like a true enthusiast. Let me give you our version of a collapsible MP5. This is a great weapon to have if you’re carrying something like a fifty caliber. You can have a dependable short-barreled rifle that can be used close up while you still have the fifty available. It works the same way with your .308 too. Let me give you two new ones and see if you can take them apart. Marines should be able to because some of their ops people use these.”

Fran smiled at me knowing my background. I took mine apart and showed Fran how easy it was. She was amazed that it was easier than her M4 rifle which she originally used in training. I showed her the weak points that, if not corrected, could cause jams down the road. We had not worked on this problem with the MP5’s we had picked up at the arming station before we went to help free some captives. I asked for a couple of sizes of files and showed her what to do. It was easy to file off a little nub that was left on every one of these rifles I had seen. We polished it off and tried the action and it was smooth as silk. The rangemaster brought another of the fold up MP5s and a camera out. I took it apart and he photographed the part I had filed. I used a pencil to point out the tiny nub. I showed the rangemaster how the action caught right there every time. I did the filing and polishing, and used the pencil to point out the same place so he could take pictures again. The action was as smooth as silk after a drop of oil.

I told the rangemaster, “That’s what makes the AK such a decent weapon. Well, that and the chromed receiver and the avoidance of tight fits where tight fits aren’t required. The parts slide together smoothly and you can instantly feel what isn’t right. I’ve seen men use hammers to smooth parts out, and then go right out to fight. Our weapons are a little more intricate.”

We were given an awesome .308 with a swing-away scope for natural light, and another for night vision. This was a new model that could hold a twenty round magazine, as well as the six round magazines. The gun was well-made, and was perfect when you tried the various parts. We cleaned those as I told Fran, “I’ll show you how to knock off a caterpillar’s whisker at five hundred yards with this thing. It’s so accurate that the enemy will kill you to get it. We probably won’t ever be where that would happen again, but it’s an awesome weapon.”

Fran said, “This is similar to the rifles we were taught to use at the Deputy Academy, but this one looks like it’s put together a lot better.”

I smiled and said, “A whole lot better.”

The rangemaster said, “I’m not going to get the fifties out yet. I want you two to do some shooting tomorrow. Do you want to shoot after a workout in the mornings, or during the afternoon when you’re lazy after lunch?”

“You tell us. We’re up for any time. I’m sure we’re going to be doing more than shooting. What do you suggest?”

“You kids should eat breakfast, work out, do the courses they have set up for you, eat lunch, and then come play here for the afternoon. I’m supposed to have you for sixteen more hours, so we’ll have plenty of time. You’re both going to run right through our weapons, so you probably won’t really be here but twelve hours at most. We’ll see when we begin some live fire tomorrow.”

Our tour guide had magically appeared to take us to the chow hall. It was just after five, local time, when we entered the chow hall. Several people were sitting at tables with a bottle of beer. Some were using glasses, some not. A long table with a lot of bottles on it was pushed out to sit in a conspicuous place near the kitchen area.

I asked Fran, “Are you easily affected by alcohol? I’m asking as one of the things you’ll be tested on is if your tongue loosens when you drink or are your actions compromised. I’m lucky because I didn’t learn to drink anything until not that long ago. The man that taught me about booze can drink anyone under the table and still count backwards from one hundred by threes, fours, or any number. You’ll meet him if you stick around. So how are you with booze?”

Fran said, “Don’t let me have whiskey or champagne. I can drink good scotch and most vodkas all night long. What was that you were drinking while the men were talking to me this morning?”

“Beefeaters gin. It’s great with a salad or veggies with dips. I like it because I don’t get silly and it’s got a kick.”

Fran smiled, “Make me one and let me try. Stick close because I did get crazy a couple of times when we were all drinking in college. I think I could drink most anyone under the table if we stuck to beer, but I get too full. Let’s give your Beefeaters a try.”

I made two small drinks and gathered some veggies and dip for us to enjoy. Fran sort of snuck up on the drink and sipped it while having some carrots and celery sticks. I had put a couple of olives in the drink and she liked those. I made a second drink of the same size for us. I suggested that we get a salad since the serving line was open. We both had a Caesar salad and sat back down to enjoy it. Fran said, “You’re bad, Chuck,” about halfway through the salad. “I like your drink. It’s really good with the veggies and the Caesar dressing. You’re going to be alright to hang out with.”

That was our last drink because we wanted to enjoy our supper of some decent prime rib that wasn’t all fat. I was thinking of Dora’s restaurants, knowing that hers must be really good. I needed to take my tribe over to South Beach to treat them. Dora will go nuts trying to show them how great her brother is and how neat the restaurants are. I’d probably have to hire a limo and have sweet Colette do the driving. She wouldn’t be safe with the girls if they get wound up.

After supper we joined a group of men and women who were talking about an action in some hills near El Paso. They were saying that some black ops guys had come in, eliminated all the opposition, and freed some civilians. A guy said, “They were very efficient as they were able to free some people who had just been kidnapped, and five more that were up in a cave that had been dug out of the mountain. They were experienced since they didn’t even leave one shell casing. I know we were there when they were still around, but we didn’t see or hear them. I’ll bet they were ours. We have some awesome talent out here.”

I learned that Fran was originally raised in North Texas. She had decided to join the Marines when she finished Junior College because she didn’t know what she wanted to do. She found out that being a Navy corpsman assigned to the Marines was as close to being in combat as she could get, so she volunteered and spent almost a year with the Navy learning to be a combat medic. I gave her some of my history, and then said, “Let’s go to the room and Skype with the girls back home. You’ll like my friends.”

I used my cell phone to call Janet who quickly answered. She said, “I got your voicemail, but I was making a pickup with Sheena to take two couples to Costa Rica. I brought a couple back to Miami, so we made a buck both ways.”

I said, “Get on Skype with the girls if they’re around. I want you to meet my new partner. I’ll try to bring her home to meet you guys if I can.”

My laptop flashed and displayed a bunch of faces that were all smiling. Donna said, “We were waiting for you to call, and didn’t know who you would call first. This is even better.”

I said, “That is Donna, Fran. She’s in school to become an accountant. Show yourself, Gin.” The silly girl acted like she was going to strip. “That’s Grenaline, or Gin. She’s just begun medical school. The little person peeking around Gin is Nikki, my Polynesian beauty. She’s finished her RN and will be continuing in school to become a physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner. The dark beauty with the wonderful smile is Sheena. She’s finished her Junior College as an RN, but doesn’t know if she wants to continue. She’s the hostess for a lot of our charters.” I said, “Come on, Janet; show me the woman I’m in love with.” Janet got in front of the laptop screen in our room, and smiled. “That’s Janet. She also is a pilot who can fly almost everything I can, except rotary wing, that’s helicopters.”

I took a breath and put Fran in front of the screen and camera, “This is Fran Cunningham. She’s going to be my new partner for a while. We did a quick thing with Chuck and Sam Nightfox to get used to each other, and I think we’ll work out. She’s going to go through the training here with me, so we’ll be about equal. I have more combat experience than she does, but you’ll really be fascinated by what she did over there. So what do you think, can I bring her home to you guys?”

Gin asked, “How are you at getting along with a bunch of women, Fran?”

Fran said, “A lot better than I am with a bunch of men. Chuck is a real gentleman and seems to focus on what needs to be done and isn’t distracted by a female. I promise not to tease him, but I don’t think he’d be a problem even if I did.”

Donna told Fran, “We’ll tell you how good Chuck is when we meet you. We didn’t tease him either, but he could have been a problem. He wasn’t and it made us surer than ever that we wanted to be with him. All of us here right now are his women, and only his women. We’ll tell you about it when you come to visit.”

I told the girls, “It’s possible we’ll have to find a place for her to live because she may have to be near me to respond to action requests. She’s like I was and Janet was. The Marshal Service and Agency are shipping her goods from her apartment and her car to the trailer park. Everything is going to be shipped to Chuck’s to keep until she gets there. Watch for it.”

Janet said, “Sheena and Nikki are flying with me to pick up a couple with kids in Sacramento to go to Costa Rica tomorrow. They want the whole thing with food and babysitting. It’s a nice fare. Lisa Johnson, Chuck’s woman, is going to fly with me. She says it’s been too long since she’s been on a charter.”

“That’s great that she’ll fly with you. You know that she’s still a Deputy Marshal and was Chuck Johnson’s Agency partner, which makes her good to have along. Make sure she’s packing because you never know. I’m surprised that she can stand to be away from her babies that long. I’ll bet she’s going crazy by the time you get home.”

Janet said, “Probably, but I really like her. Her doctor friend is sort of special to all of us lately, because we visited with them when you were in school and we’re all invited to go play over there again while you’re gone. You don’t mind if we have some girlfriends, do you?”

I smiled into the camera and said, “Not as long as at least some of you come home when I’m home.”

All five laughed. Nikki said, “I talked to your sister, and she says that she wants to visit for a long weekend soon. She knows you’re off on assignment but said for you to stay ready because she’s drooling waiting to be with you.”

Fran gasped, but I just smiled at her and mouthed ‘later’. Gin said, “Right. Later when you’re unsuspecting and he’s chasing you around your room. Just tell him to wait and we’ll get you primed. You may not ever enjoy our man, but you can enjoy us if I get your drift.”

Fran grinned at the girls and gave them an air kiss.

“Okay, Girls, get some sleep and I’ll be home that much sooner. Goodnight, Loves. I love you all.”

Skype clicked off.

Fran said, “You really do live with a bunch of women. Guys brag about stuff, but you didn’t talk about them as if you were bragging. You talked about them in the same manner a guy would talk about his wife or girlfriend. What’s this about your sister? Are you from the hills somewhere?”

I was checking my e-mail and said, “No, Sis and I were born and raised in Florida. We very recently found we might enjoy expanding our relationship. I suppose that you would say she plays in both fields. She lives with her business partners on South Beach. Those business partners are women who enjoy sharing their lives with each other. I guess they are a little strange.”

Fran was smiling as she was undressing to get ready for bed. I shut my laptop down and closed it before beginning to undress. We both brushed our teeth while standing at the sink next to each other in undies and T-shirt. We were sitting on our beds, when Fran said, “I’ve been waiting to feel some remorse for neutralizing those men, but I don’t feel anything for them and do feel good about those women we freed. I’ll be able to not hesitate now that I’ve experienced doing what we did. The strength that you showed during our action really helped me know I was doing what was right; vicious, but the right thing to do.”

I said, “It’s easy when the enemy is doing what they were doing with innocent people. I hope they all made it to paradise. I don’t think they intended to be good citizens here.”

“It was easy, Chuck. The men who held me captive for so long were tiring of me, and I’m sure my head would have been sent to my former unit. I was a novelty they could smack around and do what they wanted to with me in the beginning. They would beat me that much harder when I fought them, and then make me do even more atrocious things. I prayed every night that I wouldn’t get pregnant, and didn’t by some stroke of luck. I’ll be one hell of a force to reckon with if most of the men I have to face are like those who held me captive and those last night. Keep me sane and don’t let me go over the edge, Chuck.”

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Fran. You’re through with what happened over there and you’ve now begun a new life and new career.”

Fran slid under the covers, and as I turned out the light, said, “I think I’m going to dream about seeing your place with all those girls in Florida. That’ll be a good dream.”

I lay in bed and searched Fran a minute, and then sent mental pictures of the luscious girls back home. I heard her sigh and knew she was going to sleep. I closed my eyes thinking gentle thoughts toward the girls at home.

I woke up just before six and thought that it would be good to go to the gym early. I woke Fran and she bounced up looking at me as I was slipping a jock and workout shorts on. She used the bathroom, put a sports bra on, and then pulled her T-shirt back on. I picked up the handset of the wall phone by the door, and a voice asked, “How may I help you?”

I said, “This is Charles Miller. I want to use the gym, but I don’t know where it is. Can you direct us? We can run to it as part of our workout preparation.”

The voice said, “Go to the street hallway, turn to the right, and run at a moderate pace for about ten minutes and you’ll see a sign that says gym. Continue down that hallway and keep taking right turns at intersections if you want a longer run, and you’ll be back to where the gym is. Make sure you stretch first. Enjoy.”

I repeated what I had been told, so we left the room and went out the doors to the hallway they called a street. You thought of it as a street considering carts used it, but it was actually a wide hallway. A cart came at us and passed us. I realized that the hallway was plenty wide enough for two carts to pass each other. I asked Fran if she wanted a longer run on the way to the gym, and she agreed with me we probably needed it. We passed the sign that said ‘Gym’, and continued to run and went right at the next intersection. The entire circuit took almost forty minutes, so we had run an hour by the time we went into the gym. Both of us used the free weights and pulleys for a good workout. The room needed to be larger so that we could do some Tai Chi stretching, but that would be best just before a shower and breakfast.

We jogged back to our room where I asked Fran before we entered, “Do you remember the Tai Chi stretching we did at the Academy? I really enjoy that and it relaxes me. How about we do some here in the hallway? There’s enough room and we’ll feel better afterward.”

Fran shrugged her shoulders, and said, “Lead on, Master. You’re the same in the real world as you were at the Academy. I wish the others were with us to enjoy this training too. I’ll bet we’ll run into them while working for these people.”

We did forms for twenty minutes before going in to shower and dress for the day. There was a note on the table that said, “Wear utility covers.” I showed it to Fran and we both put the billed utility cap on. We were going to call to get directions to the chow hall, but there was a ‘Bang, Bang’ on the door. Our tour guide was standing there smiling. He asked, “Hungry?”

We both smiled and nodded and he led us out to his cart that was parked against the wall. We watched two carts pass each other and didn’t clip our cart or the other one, so we got a demonstration of how wide the hallway was.

I asked, “You had a gas cart yesterday, and today the cart is electric. How do you keep the exhaust emissions from killing you?” on the way to the chow hall.

The guy said, “That’s easy; see those vents in the ceiling about every twenty yards? Those are air exchangers. Between the vents are air return ducts that either send the air outside or run it through scrubbers. We have a huge plant that keeps the interior at a constant seventy-two degrees in the hallways and seventy-four to seventy-five degrees in the offices and rooms. Alarms will go off all over the place if there is a failure of the air handling system, and we will all grab the first cart that passes and get out of here. We have drills about once a month. Oh, our gas carts run on natural gas, so they don’t have the same quality of emissions as a gasoline cart.”

Sitting with full trays of food was very relaxing. Our guide said, “You two are ahead of the curve because you did an hour of running this morning and a good workout in the gym. The training instructors enjoyed your doing Tai Chi forms in the hallway. They said you two should do the observation classes this morning. We’ll see if you paid attention at the Deputy Academy. You can go to our investigation classes that are similar to what you learned if you two remember what was taught. You can do some shooting this afternoon. Fran is going to an interrogation class tomorrow morning, and you will be flying some of our helicopters, Chuck. We need to know your proficiency. Finish your coffee and let’s go to observation class.

The man teaching the class wasn’t as thorough as the Deputy class, and had us watch a short video and then report what we saw. Both of us saw the hidden people and the weapons that were laying almost in open view. I think this video was the same as one of the first ones we saw in Marshal training. We watched a second five minute video that was sped up to confuse the observer, but we knew what to look for. The instructor said, “Get out of here” after we answered multiple choice questions. I’m taking you to our detective course. Let’s see if you learned how to investigate the same as how to observe.”

We went next door and almost laughed at the textbooks on the desks. These were the same as the ones at the Academy. I doubt there would be much need for us to take this course considering how they had emphasized our learning these techniques. It was exactly like the Deputy Academy. They gave us a crime scene and had us ask questions to find the answers to the problems the crime scene showed us. I think Fran’s memory is even better than mine and she could probably quote right out of the book. Fran finally told the man, “This is the exact same textbook we used at the Academy we just finished. You’re not covering any new material. We already learned this unless you have some new crime scenes or different scenarios. Do you have any equipment the Marshal Service may not have? I know we’re going to be confronted with a lot of very different situations, but I think we know this material.”

The instructor said, “We have your Deputy Academy transcripts that show you two among five who were unusually outstanding. The interrogation class for Frances tomorrow may have some new techniques, but then may not. We really need Chuck to go through our helicopter training, but I think we’ll have to have Fran do something productive while he’s doing that. It’s almost that time, so let’s go to lunch and get you to the range early.”

Our tour guide was watching training videos on his iPad, so he was right there to take us to the chow hall. He said, “You may be finished tomorrow depending on how you two do on the range and how Chuck does in the helicopters. I think the only person disappointed will be the range master. We were told you two would be keepers, so it isn’t a shock.”

We ate a decent lunch, but not so much as to become lethargic. We had a second cup of decent coffee and left for the range.

The range master had just returned from his lunch and had our weapons displayed so that we could use them. We went through the firing positions with the .308s, including wind effects, night vision, and using the range finders in the scopes. Both of our accuracy was as nearly perfect as you could want. We fired the fold up MP5 and had some fun snap shooting. We were then both handed a new fifty caliber sniper rifle. It didn’t seem as heavy as the one we had fired in Deputy Academy, and were told how the manufacturer had used some alloys that made the weapon a little lighter, and also absorbed the recoil even better. This weapon was a beast. You could hit a tiny dot at seven hundred yards. We each blew up a fake car with explosive rounds, and enjoyed being able to shoot in heavy wind and night conditions.

We had cleaned the new weapons when the range master said, “Okay, now for some sidearm practice. Who’s first?”

Fran jumped up while I was left at the table stuffing rounds into magazines. I had to stop, sand, and polish magazines, as the range master kept giving me new ones. I at least I knew that we now had good magazines that wouldn’t catch or jam, distracting us if we were in a situation.

I think Fran surprised the range master as she was able to hole out targets at twenty-five, fifty, and seventy-five yards. She brought her weapon and empty magazines to the table, and said, “Beat that, Buddy. I’m hot today.”

I put the ear and eye protection on and emptied a magazine at twenty-five, one at fifty, and another at seventy-five yards. I asked the range master, “Do you have a hundred meter position for pistols?”

The man said, “Are you like Chuck Johnson who thinks that he can hit anything, anytime?”

The target was way down there, but I hit the bell and fired a magazine at the body mass, one at the head, and the last split between the two. Every round was in the paint. I told the rangemaster, “What’s with the wind on a pistol range. That really screws up the concentration.”

Fran jumped up with three magazines, and said, “I want to try at a hundred yards. I can do it too if he can.”

Fran did hit the target with every round, but had some out of the paint without the wind. She looked disappointed, and said, “I should come down here and practice until I can do what you do. I can’t believe that you can shoot that well. It must be what you said about your dad teaching you when you were young.”

I just nodded, but also knew that the instructor in the ops training had been one of the best.

The range master brought out equipment cases that held our three rifles, all the magazines already filled with rounds, and additional magazines for our sidearm, while we cleaned our pistols. He showed us how to arrange the weapons and how to affix the straps that would keep them in place. The case was heavy, but would be within reason. There was room for our armor and possibly our equipment vest. There was a place for the K-Bar, and for the noise suppressors for the MP5, .308, and pistol, along with a threaded barrel for the Glock. It was amazing how the weapons could be broken down and stored in such a small case.

Same as Money!
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Nazareth woke late the next morning, the edges of his block-out blinds glowing with the morning sun. He stretched, yawned and rolled over to looked at the clock, marvelling at the fact he was able to sleep uninterrupted for the first time in a week. If he got up quickly, he could go for a run, get a coffee and come back to do some work. The blind rolled up with a sharp squeal as he looked out the window of his bedroom. The grass wasn’t too bad, he could probably mow it next week. He pulled a...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 1 Where are they now Again

"I still don't see why I have to go to college!" Vicky said angrily while holding her clinched fists on her hips in the same manner that Jen did when she was trying to get a point across. We had had this same conversation at least a dozen times in the past ever since Vicky had graduated from high school a little less than a year ago and so far it had always come out a tie. "Sweetie, you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to do," I told her, "but if you go to college...

2 years ago
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Wife swinging turned into cuckold part 2

Back to reality, Reality was... i had been tricked and my wife was now getting fucked in front of me. As he fucked her from behind ,he had full control of her body and was rubbing her breast as he was slowly fucking her with steady thrust, he moved his hand and started rubbing her clit as Adriana was moaning and forgetting I was even there. They fucked like this for a couple of minutes and he laid on his back pulling her on top of him so she could ride his big rod. She wasted no time getting...

1 year ago
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FirstBGG Hanna Rey Milka A Roommates orgasm all together

Hanna Rey feels bored, so she decides to check on what her roommate Milka and her boyfriend do. So she knocks on the door of their room and joins the couple. Hanna Rey asks Milka to make some tea so she can get a chance to tease her boyfriend while she is in the kitchen. First, the dude tries to resist Hanna Rey, but she proves she can be very persuasive. Milka enters the room just in time to catch her boyfriend caressing Hanna Rey’s pussy. She joins the sex game to play with her best friend...

2 years ago
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Chloe -- the G Man - 2004 She was in a padded cell unlike anything she had known. It was on the smallside, but not cramped. The walls were padded in a soft white. The lightingwas warm and illuminating, coming from a mirrored ceiling. On one wall wasa ?couch? formed into it seamlessly. The wall curved out and then back to thefloor to provide the seat. The floor was covered in an off white spongy rubberlike material. Firm enough to be stable to walk on but with enough spring toprevent injury....

4 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 32

The next evening we were loading up in Jacklyn’s Cadillac again. Jacklyn wasn’t with us, she was going to the shower with her boss, Willard Musgrave since they have just about made final commitments to each other after just one date that lasted one day and two nights. I knew I’d get some more of Jacklyn’s pussy before I returned home, and from the way Willard looked my teenage friends over, those girls may just get a big bonus from the rich old fart tonight. They were dressed to kill too,...

3 years ago
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Flashing the Maid During Her Interview

Though I am retired and stay at home all day my wife and I discussed hiring a maid. We had wanted to hire one that was somewhat young, strong, and most of all quick to do her work as long as she was also efficient; not some old lady who would take all day long to do one room.I had already seen 4 or 5 other girls but didn't hire like any of them. Being an exhibitionist I was having fun and flashed the gals to see how uninhibited they might be. A few of them immediately avoided looking at my...

1 year ago
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Trouble with Roxy Part I

The last few months have been tough for Matt, working long days at work and being without a girlfriend for the last few months. Everything seemed to be going fine with Rachel but then one day he got the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ line. Sure they could still be friends but she never did return any of Matt’s calls. He really missed Rachel. She was a little wild, unlike Matt, who was a bit conservative in manner and not very out-going. She always said he should take more risks and be more fun....

4 years ago
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My Choice

My Choice By Jennifer Allison A scream vibrated through the mall. "My wife must have just woke up from her hypnotic trance," a man said to himself, sitting on a bench near the ladies bathroom. I was the one who let out this loud scream. I awoke from a sleep looking at someone I had never seen before. Staring back at me in the mirror. What I found staring back at me was a beautiful twenty-four year old woman. Wearing a blouse showing off plenty of cleavage. Wearing a...

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Runners MoonChapter 14

It was easy to resist the urge to race into the fire station and check his time and restart position, but Josh knew that would be fruitless: it would be several minutes before his time was posted, and the restart position wouldn't be firm until the starting time differential for the teams behind him passed, anyway. Besides, there were more important things to do. Mike took Alco by the collar and with the help of some finish line handlers, led him down the alley beside the fire station, to...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Abby Somers Hot and Down To Fuck LIVE

Naughty MILF Abby Somers is turning heads and making cocks hard as she shows off her tight black lingerie set. How do you like how her bra holds up those beautiful tits or the way her bikini bottom shows off the cheeks of that ass. Abby knows how hot she looks and wants to make you all pull out your cocks and masturbate for her. Chad Alva is down to fuck and gets Abby bent over in doggy so he can fuck that pussy so deep. Abby moans and begs for all that cock fucking her deep as it can go. Slap...

4 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 02 Ch 04

Very little was said as Katie and Matt went to free Tony from exile in the sports bar. The only significant exchange between them was when he looked at her with a conspiratorial grin and arched eyebrow and commented, ‘No panties?’ She grinned back, hugging his arm, ‘It seemed more convenient!’ When they got back to their suite, however, the conversation was considerably more effusive. Katie was first, saying with relief, ‘She certainly was under tonight again. I assumed that she would be, but...

3 years ago
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A chance encounter1

I pulled in and, as expected, there was nobody around. I drove to the back of the park to one of two covered shelters, each with a long, concrete picnic table down the center. In addition to being a nice, quiet place to chill for a while, this park — and this shelter in particular — was a well-known cruising area. Guys, girls and couples would come from several surrounding communities to play or hook up. I’d been sitting on top of the picnic table and was starting on my second brew when I...

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DirtyWivesClub Stella Cox 22553

Some ladies love firefighters, but Stella Cox is making a name for housepainters! The sexy Brit’s got a few chaps in her home giving the interior some fresh color, but she really wants is for them to give her interior some work! The naughty wife goes so far as to call her husband and get permission from him to “play” with the two craftsmen, one of whom walks in on her masturbating! It’s game over after that, as Stella pulls out her big natural tits and gives one painter a deepthroat blowjob...

2 years ago
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Best Day Birthday With My Best Friend

Hi this is Vikram 5.2 feet Tamil gay boy, this story is about my real sex experience with my close friend Madhan 5.8 feet. First I am a gay from starting seduced by my brother and had sex with few friends, I am black little fatty with small 4 inch cock with little womanly chest hairy and big butt, and my friend madhan is a straight black skinny boy with 7 inch bended cock, with fit body and hairless guy It is my 21 st b’day as a friend I invited madhan to my home as he is from nearby town he...

Gay Male
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Virtual Slavery Ch 10

10 Lynn I became an asshole. No doubt many of the people I work with would say I had been one all along. But now I became my own asshole. It filled my mind, just as he intended. I was constantly aware of it because he was constantly fucking it. On my way to the office in the morning. In the middle of the day. On my way home at night. He told me that was all he was going to do to me. I found myself thinking of it, obsessing about it. During waking hours, his cock was up my ass, or it just...

2 years ago
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My Maria Scene 6

Saturday dawned with such promise. Maria’s husband had taken the boys for an overnight to the Sierra foothills. Maria and I decided to spend the day together thinking about how to take our life together to the next level. We were neighbors who had become friends and shared our days and some nights together with her friends. It all started innocently with me watching Maria entertain her friends in the Play Room of her home. I gradually stopped watching and became a participant in the games. I...

Group Sex
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SweetSinner Kenna James The Voyeur8217s New Muse

After risking everything to install hidden cameras in public places, Kenna decides to risk one more thing by seducing her landlord and voyeur, Logan. Knowing full well he has watched her countless times on the hidden cameras he has installed in her own home, Kenna asks Logan to tell her what he has learned about her. Sucked in by his observation and wanting to know, even more, Kenna leans in for a kiss. With nobody else in the world to express his sexual desires with, Logan quickly succumbs to...

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Perfect Nine

I phoned Jen to apprise her of our situation. "We've set down in Denver. The pilot says we'll be on the ground about an hour before another plane can be made available," I explained, trying to make the conversation a brief one, not knowing how long I could hide the anguish gnawing at my insides, like heartburn, only more painful... "Oh, my god, what was wrong with the plane you were on?" "Someone said they saw flames from engine number three but I doubt if he even knows which one...

4 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin in Vermont pt 3

Jenna and I decided that the hot tub was a must. We'd already christenfucked the entire cabin. It smelled like sweat and pussy in our room and we needed some fresh air... I slipped on a tiny black triangle bikini and wrapped myself in a silk Armani robe. Jenna emerged from the bedroom in a pink thong bikini with the top untied. "Do the honors. Strap my tits in tight, babe." Jenna turned her back to me and pressed her ass against me. I pulled the strings of her top behind her back and knotted...

Group Sex
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A Brand New ManChapter 35

“So, does this make Stick my brother as well?” I asked Gavin as we wrapped things up at the Purdy house and Caroline joined us for our next venture. “No, it doesn’t. He’s half-brother to Claudia, Caroline, and their other sister, Candice on their mother’s side, just as you’re their half-brother on your father’s. Yes, there’s another sister. It seems that Stick’s parents were in what’s called a ‘lavender marriage,’ meaning that his father was also fond of cock. That apple didn’t fall far from...

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The FETISH Ray Tales Evelyn and Franks Story Hate

By Fidget Hate: Evelyn and Frank's Story "Fuck you, Frank! No girl would ever want to have sex with you, you sexist pig, least of all me! Now get out of my house!" "We'll see how you feel now that I have this!" Frank said, pulling what looked like a toy raygun out of his bag and brandishing it at her. Evelyn knew exactly what the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray was after seeing it on the news earlier that day, and knew that she was probably about to be instilled with a series of irresistible sexual...

1 year ago
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All Cock And Balls

I got a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University in England after taking a top honors at Princeton. My Dad gave me the party of my life after he heard my news. He had never really believed in my academic skills before I achieved that superb result: I had always been a slow learner compared with my older brothers who had studied Law at Harvard and who were doing so well. I so loved my Dad from my early childhood. He was a loving and encouraging guy and, when I reached my early teens, I simply...

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Playing Doctor0

This story is a work of fiction, a fantasy if you prefer. Some characters are, however, based very loosely on actual acquaintances. I have submitted this story twice prior to this time and both times it was posted, it was scrambled, so it resembled "Groundhog Day". Maybe third time's a charm. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. It was time for my annual physical. I did look forward to these every year. The doctor, Amy Paul was very attractive, though I would never admit to...

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The Gardener Part 3

I am a haunted man. Haunted by a demon that has invaded my mind. A demon that has made the darkest parts of my soul surface without mercy. A demon who's grip on me has sent me into the realms of insanity. That demon's name? Leah. Meeting her was a revelation. It awoke something in me that I can't even dare to understand, something dark, something primeval and something very dangerous. I am infatuated with her but more than that, I crave her. She consumes my every thought, waking or asleep and...

Straight Sex
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A Fresh StartChapter 172 Campaign 2008

There wasn’t going to be a whole lot of grand legislation going on in 2008. This was an election year, and it was going to be a big one. We would start off with the primaries, which would take up most of the late winter and early spring. After that we would have a brief lull through the summer, and then go into the conventions. After the conventions it would be full out bloody warfare. This was on top of the regular fun and games. Every House seat was up for election, as were one in three...

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Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume Ch 02

by floridaguy2001 © Two straight friends share a halloween costume Part 2 This is a continuation of part one, it really does not stand on it's own so the reader will get more out of the story if you read part one first. So Tom and I headed out of the bathroom, and as we walked into the living room and ran into Mandy. "Hey Dave where have you been, I have been looking for you?" "I was in the bathroom" As I said this, she took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor. "Wait a minute...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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JulesJordan Bridgette B Big Tit MILF Gets A Bonus For All Her Hard Work A Big Black Cock

Jules Jordan’s new secretary Bridgette B. earns herself a bonus from the BBC King, Dredd. Bridgette is walking around the warehouse picking some DVD’s for her boss when she notices Dredd’s giant BBC on the box cover. Much to her delight Dredd is in the office with Jules, and after a short exchange Bridgette is on her knees stroking, licking, and sucking that monster cock. Dredd helps her out of her business attire to expose that massive rack and perfect ass before bending...

2 years ago
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Daphnes Lesson Ch 4

Mallory couldn’t believe her ears. She paced in a tight circle like a caged tigress, her mind spinning. Their conversation, Holly’s request for a date with Daphne grew quiet. Mallory inched closer to hear precious tidbits of sound. No such luck. Holly turned to leave with such speed at which she came. Mallory holstered her tremblings hands to her sides as she posted herself back at the same vending machine. “So what was that about?” She asked under her breath. “She - ” Daphne paused. “Holly...

4 years ago
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Touching Myself

I sighed, closed my laptop, and turned off the light. It was 1:57am and I had to be at work at 8am - story of my life. I was restless with worry about impressing my boss at my new job, but staying up late and getting five hours of sleep was probably not the way to do it.I was in a state of too much stress, not enough down time, and practically a zero in my sex life. Every 23-year-old's dream, I thought to myself. I fell asleep with this sarcasm on my mind.I awoke in the night and glanced at the...

3 years ago
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Screaming His Name

Barb finally got the boys to bed and was waiting for Joe to be available. She couldn’t stop thinking about how good the last time she was in his arms. The feel of his skin against her hot sensual body. She sat infront of her computer with only his sweatshirt on for comfort. She needed him and hoped he was in the mood to comply. Barb was so restless she decided to get up and get herself a glass of wine. She padded into the kitchen and went to the fridge enjoying the feel of her nipples...

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Journey Towards Mumbai Giglostory 8211 Part 1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, mera nam rajiv he. Age 23 height 6ft dick 6.3” .   Email id: any sex starving females contact me and I’ll show you what is heaven. Without wasting time let’s start the story.   Ye story 3 weeks pehle ki he. Aur is 3 weeks ke period ne muze mumbai ka giglo bna diya. Muze mumbai aa kar 2 months ho gaye the me mere mausi ke ghr rehta hu. Waise to meri sexlife acchese chal rahi thi meri girlfriend bomb he aur usko mene tarah tarah se chodke khush rkha he....

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The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Part 3

This third part picks up exactly were part 2 finished, but goes in a little different direction for this installment of the story, though I don't think the guys will mind too much. (A readers suggestion) I would appreciate any comments, especially from the ladies reading this, because I really had to stretch my imagination to try and write this from a woman’s perspective. I would sort of like to know if I came close or if I didn’t, what I may have got wrong and what to do to improve it...

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My Boss And My Wife

TDS_Submission: I was 28 years old when I married my wife Bernadette. She was twenty. We were both very naive back then. Anyway, I had been working at a Dry-Cleaning shop for two years. The only males there were my boss, Mr Bell, a very tall reddish-skinned balding guy in his 50's, and me. The other five workers were women. I used to wonder why the women were always polite and obliging to Mr. Bell. They even seemed a bit scared of him. Nowdays, I know why. Bernadette and I had only been married...

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HotMilfsFuck Julia Eat My Pussy and Say MMMbop

The best thing about MILFs is that they are chock full of personality, and our girl Julia here won’t just squeeze every ounce of baby batter outta you, she’ll have you laughing your ass off all night too. You would think if she’s this outgoing and sexy she must be getting laid left and right, right? As a matter of fact the last time this cat mom’s gotten her own little kitty purring was way back in January, so again, we graciously accept the honor of stretching her tight slit back to life...

4 years ago
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Master Jimmy His Wenches

Chapter 1 Pam was 56 years old & Jimmy's mom .She was married to Jimmy's stepdad Ernie , currently completely nude & in the doggystyle position Pam was on Jimmy's bed getting fucked up the ass . Six months ago she had been brainwashed & was now serving her well-hung son , master constantly . His 11 inch cock gaped Pam's shithole , before he ended creampieing her . Pam took a shower , before she & Jim left to go next door . So she could perform a camshow with Wanda . The door was...

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PrologueI knew I would always remember taking my high school buddy, Napoleon’s virgin ass on that picnic table in a warm lemon grove back in my hometown of Laredo. There was so much I would remember from that trip back in July- my twin brother’s military funeral the day before, after he’d been killed in a bombing in Iraq… the wild encounter that erupted the same evening between our old high school friend Napoleon and me when I found him going through my brother’s stash of old, cum-stained porn...

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Young Sissy Ch 02

I was walking in a field, the cool grass crushed softly between my toes, the sun warm on my skin, the smells of spring were in the air and every deep breath I took filled my lungs with the promise of a fresh start and new hope. The sky was a flawless blue and looked clear enough to take a swim in. Everywhere I turned, all I could see was endless rows of rolling hills...there wasn't a soul in sight...and yet, for some reason, I didn't feel frightened or lonely like I usually do by myself. It was...

1 year ago
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TonightsGirlfriend Ashley Lane 24907

Wow, I’m a lucky man. Tonight is Ashley Lane’s first time with a client, she’s a little on the nervous side. I made her very comfortable. She looks great with a perfect little body. I’m really pleased she took a chance with me. I get off on having sex with porn stars and women I don’t know, so it’s a perfect situation. I bought Ashley new lingerie and tonight I will tell her what I want her to do. She is submissive and I am dominate. I can hardly wait to own...

4 years ago
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Sister home from uni

My sister was home form university for a long weekend, she was eighteen and I was a little younger. As she was home our parents decided to have a few days away with friends. It was early evening and I went for a shower, I had just started when the bathroom door opened and sis' walked in, she sat on the loo and was watching me. " I see you are still taking my panties while I have been away", I looked at her and felt very awkward. "It's o.k I don't mind, do you wank in them, do they give you a...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 9 My People

Wednesday, July 13, 1971 “Ladies and gentlemen, we have been cleared for take-off. Please be seated and fasten your seatbelts. Stewardesses, please secure the aircraft for take-off,” the voice over the intercom announced. Most of us were still a little bleary-eyed, as we scrambled to find a seat and get buckled. Yesterday had been a very full day with a trip out to Oahu’s North Shore, where we explored the Waimea Valley, including a botanical garden and the beautiful Waimea Falls. That was...

2 years ago
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The Photographer

I first met him when I was eighteen-years-old at Kings Cross railway station in London England. I had run away from home and I was not quite sure of where I was going to sleep that night. All of a sudden, out of nowhere came this tall grey-haired man. He looked like he was at least seventy years old. He was a very charming man, the sort that instantly made you at ease when you talked to him. We chatted for what seemed like hours and then he expressed he had an interest in photography. He told...

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My First Threesome

Henry opened the door in response to my knock and when he saw me, a big smile lit up his face. I couldn’t help but be pleased at his reaction – even though there had been a couple of emails and phone calls back and forth, this first meeting was nerve-wracking. He stepped back and waved me in, bending down to take my knapsack from my hand as I walked by. It was a nice house in a quiet neighbourhood, never giving away what would be going on inside. A sweet, portly woman with beautiful, flowing...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Problem Solved

Note: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper...

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Home from College0

After I graduated from high school, I went off to college at CSU Long Beach, so I was a few hours away from home. My parents had given me a fair amount of freedom as I progressed through high school. They kept interested in what I did and who my friends were, but my curfew kept getting pushed later and later until finally I didn't even have one. As a result, I didn't go totally crazy my first night on my own. I was a bit more responsible with things since I had already been used to that...

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My First Glory Hole

This is another true story about and adventure with me (Lynlee) and my husband (Charles)My hubby and I had at this point had quite a few different men come play with us. We mostly found people on Craigslist. Our latest fantasy was to find a real glory hole. We searched on google for any known spots nearby. There was a restaurant that supposedly had a hole in a bathroom stall that was used frequently. We decided to check it out. We got toe the restraint and got seated at a table. As the internet...

2 years ago
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A Schoolgirls First Time

A Schoolgirl's First Time By Phillipa Angel I'd been emailing and phoning Dan for several weeks when he first suggested that we meet up. It was very exciting and I couldn't wait. My every waking hour was spent thinking about it. The only odd thing was the request he'd made. "Can I ask you a bit of a kinky favour?" He'd said as we arranged the meeting. "Err okay." I'd replied. "I wondered if you'd dress up as a schoolgirl for me," he stated hesitantly. Not sure whether I'd go...

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My first time

I was about 16 and me and best friend hung out all the time well one night I was getting up late at night to use the bathroom at his house and when I walked into the hallway I could hear moaning and groaning so being curious I looked and seen my buddies dad there naked getting a blowjob from another guy seen in the neighborhood and then heard him grunt and say I'm coming and the other guy just held his mouth down and swallowed the he said it's your turn that was the first time I seen two guys...

4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 54

Arthur Weasley held in his hands the detailed report on everything Skeeter had learned from her investigation of the Muggle who went missing from Whittington hospital. Skeeter had not been able to meet the deadline Weasley had set, and several weeks had passed since she had begun her inquiries. But she had kept Weasley apprised of her progress, and there was no doubt that the report was worth the wait. Weasley had been hoping for a reasonably literate pro forma exercise that would satisfy the...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Andi Epic natural busty redhead MILF

– 53 years old divorced single cougar – Saw MomPov on twitter and had to try it – Is very new to the adult industry – She’s a MILF who wants to just enjoy life – Loves all types of men and experiencing new people – Just recently fucked a 19 year old to use his young hard cock – Since her divorce she has enjoyed the swinger lifestyle – She prefers meeting couples to be the unicorn in 3ways – Sometimes goes to swinger clubs for some random sex – Loves watching gangbang porn, has fantasies of...

4 years ago
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Living with my uncles family Part 1

Now I lived with my Uncles family. My parents did visit every here and then since both of them were always out on business trips. My Aunt treated me like her own son, she always wanted a son but never had one. Now my uncle also worked with my family and he was also mostly out for business with them. At home, my relationship with Julie and Jane were great, they both loved me alot. Things with Hira werent bad but not good either, she spent most of her time alone and we didnt interact alot....

4 years ago
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First Gay Sex Experience With My Roomate

Hello ISS Readers, this is milomionan from Chennai. This is my first story in ISS, kindly bear with me for any mistakes This is about me and my friend during our college days. It happened like 6 Years back, while we were pursuing our engineering from a reputed College in Bangalore. Myself 24 from Chennai, average body, and dick size. My friend is from the Southern part of Tamilnadu with an average physique and childish behavior and of course well maintained dick. I was staying in the Hostel; he...

Gay Male

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