TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 119: The Emperor’s New Clothes free porn video

As Bjorn Erikson stood there in down town Ulm he saw a middle aged woman coming towards him along the street. She was quite thick set and no beauty queen at this stage in her life but was dressed nicely and presented very well with a kind face that smiled and greeted people as she passed by. What caught Bjorn’s eye though was her knee length skirt. It had a large inverted delta V shape cut out in the front. That upside down V started at the knees where the hemline was and diminished down to the apex at the belt that ran around the waist. The woman’s bare legs were clearly visible through that V shaped hole as was one solid patch of dark pubic hair between those legs. The woman had no panties on and was quite proudly displaying her womanly charms to the world as she walked.
Once Bjorn had espied this woman with her delta V skirt he started seeing the same thing all over the place. It was like one minute they weren’t there then the next minute they were. Bjorn knew this was not the case and gave his head a little shake to help clear it even more now that he was starting to think and see more clearly. Everywhere he looked he saw about one in ten females sporting one of these designs in all its variations. He saw young girls in tight mini skirts with the same delta V cut into the fabric of the skirt allowing a nice view of some very nice vaginas and pussy lips hanging down between their legs. He saw shaved pussies and very hairy ones with black, red and blonde pubic bush and some coloured up in all the other colours of the rainbow.
The men weren’t exempt from this fashion statement either and once he saw one he started seeing them all over the place. These men had trousers with big holes cut into the material around the groin - holes that could be circular, or triangular, or square, and even heart shaped. This absence of cloth allowed the guy’s balls and penis to swing freely in the breeze and again they were sometimes coloured up in all those wonderful colours of the spectrum. Some of these penises on display were also proudly erect as part of the fashion statement. Bjorn found out later that you could buy a very specific and harmless drug here, not viagra, that would put a man’s dick into one solid stiffy for a few hours just for the fun of it. This hard-on was purely for display purposes and need not end in sex or masturbation of any form and would quietly go back to its flaccid state once the chemical purged itself from your system.
Bjorn laughed a bit to himself when he started seeing these hard-ons floating around the place and said to himself, “I gotta get me some of them trousers and some of that cock juice. Could make things a bit more fun around here when I do!”
Bjorn also started seeing topless girls wondering the streets as well and all sporting just great looking tits. It was evidently the thing here to make sure your breasts were tight and firm if you were going to display them. He saw several seventy year old ladies with bare boobs bouncing around like teenagers’ ones. Whether it was done by implants, or some sort of botox treatment, or just a skin tightening cream you could rub in, Bjorn did not know. He just knew that every set of bare breasts that swung by his way looked great - from the puffy nippled thirteen year old girls to the grandmothers with the wrinkled skin. All of them had great tits if they had them on display.
As well as the breasts and the groins on display Bjorn also started seeing just normal old Nudists about the place and again it was like they weren’t there one minute then the next minute they were. He saw one whole family casually cruise by on the other side of the road with mom and dad, a teenage son and two younger girls all totally naked and comfortable with it. People smiled and greeted them as they would everyone else as the two male penises bobbed along and mom’s big round breasts swung about just behind them and the two young girls pushed their chests forward to show how proud they were of their still developing, puffy titties.

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