- 2 years ago
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At the same moment that the three friends were considering their fate, a plane was flying high over the Pacific Ocean on a return trip from Thailand on it's way back to San Fransisco. The sole passenger of the private aircraft, leaned back in his seat as a young asian woman dressed in a kimono served him tea. He sipped slowly, savoring the flavor while thinking of his short yet relaxing vacation trip. His thoughts drifted back to the events just prior to his departure, he reached for the cellular phone in the arm rest of his seat and quickly pushed the preset button on the phone, it auto-dialed the number for his home in San Fransisco. Before he heared a second ring, the phone was answered by his butler, he informs him that his plane is two hours away from the airport, and that his car and driver should be waiting for him when he arrived there.
"Very good sir", the butler answered. "Do you wish an update on the Blood Lords? I have been keeping track of their movements as you instructed."
"Yes, have they concluded the matter that Calvin and I discussed before my departure?", he asked while sipping his tea.
"I feel that the situation has gotten out of hand sir. The Blood Lords have killed the gun store owner in a most grizzly manner, and have as yet to locate the young man who shot the two members of their gang in the attempted robbery. They have at this point taken the young man's friends in an effort to extract the whereabouts of the young man in question from them."
"I see", He said coolly, putting down his cup. "I am very displeased at this. Perhaps Calvin has outlived his usefullness. When I arrive I will whish to speak with him personally before I come to a final descision."
"Very good sir. May I enquire as to if your vacation in your compound in Thailand was beneficial?"
"Very!", he said. "It was also most instuructive as well. I consulted a Feng Shui Man and his wife who was a Dream Teller. They gave me some very powerful insight into my life, and of my past as well. Of course I had them killed afterwards, so no one else may gain this most precious knowledge... pitty they were very good."
"I am very happy that you enjoyed yourself sir, I will have everything ready for you upon your arrival."
After hanging up the phone he called for the young woman to refill his glass, and as he sipped his tea once more he thought back to what the Feng Shui man had said.
"Destiny can not be denied, just as the circle can never remain unbroken. Your destiny lays in the Empire of Sian-kiang, and in it's re-emergence in the world of men once more!", the old man told him.
His Wife, the Dream Teller, had taken him into a small ante chamber and lit a special incense to help clear his mind. She had led him down the paths of memory, soon he came to his dream of falling once more. The images of the ground rushing towards him was a terrifying sight, but as he worked forward from that memory he began to recall more and more every moment he was there. He smiled to himself as he recalled the look on her face as he uttered words that had not been heard in quite some time, and of how she gasped when he strangeled her with his bare hands. He then ordered the aide that he had brought with him to shoot the Feng Shui Man so as not to leave any witnesses. He sipped his tea once once, and began to make new plans for the future. Very Important plans!
Part 14
Looking down at the ring in his hand, Ray had a strange feeling wash over him. Visions of his friends swam before his eyes, and a feeling of dread came to him. He gripped the ring tighter, the image of Mark came in to focus with great clarity.
"You have had a vision?", asked the Tulku.
"Yes, just for a moment I saw my friends. And then I saw Mark in my mind really clear."
"And how did this vision make you feel?"
"Uneasy", Ray said while looking down at the ring. "It was like I could tell something bad was going to happen to them!"
"Then you must heed the warning of the visions my son. You must go to your friends, for they need help that only The Shadow can give them." The Tulku clapped his hands and a Chela appeared carrying a wooden box. "Take this into the next room, inside you will find everything you will need to help your friends, and to bring your true inner self into focus!"
Ray took the the box from the smiling Chela, who then lead him into an adjoining room. Once inside, he lifted the lid and reached inside. His fingers touched cloth, and the smell of gun oil reached his nostrils. With an odd sense of familiarity he began to pull out the garments inside, and began to undress.
The younger Monks and Chelas outside wear puzzled expressions on their faces. They had no idea of what was going on, but the Tulku seemed pleased at the events so far.
"What will happen now Master?", asked one of the students that stood near him.
"An end of the life that our young friend once knew, and the begining of a new one. A life that will be steeped in darkness, but will serve the cause of light!"
All eyes turned as Ray entered the room once more. He is dressed all in black, a topcoat with twin shoulder holsters on the outside. In his hands he carried with him a black cloak, red scraf, and wide snap-brimmed hat. On his gloved left hand he wore the Girisol ring that now pulsed with new life.
"Your old garments were well preserved, and should serve you well", said the Tulku. "However you old weapons did not fare as well over time, and had to be replaced. I hope that you approve of the new ones."
Ray drew out one of the pistols and examined it more closely. At first glance it looked like a standard nickel- plated long slide .45cal colt pistol, but as he ran a gloved hand over the pearl grip he saw it was anything but ordinary. It was a custom model with a special frame designed to hold a double staggered magazine. Now instead of the standard seven rounds of an old model Colt, this one would hold fourteen rounds. Efectively doubling his fire-power. Sliding the pistol back into it's holster, Ray turned back to the seated Tulku. "What do I do to save them, where do I go first?"
"You must follow your instincts. The powers of the mind that have lain dormant within you are beginging to rise once more to the surface. Trust in them. For although you are fit by Western standards, you do not possess the physical conditioning that Kent Allard had when the left our temple many years ago. So for now you must use you most important weapon of all, your mind!"
Ray closed his eyes and worked to clear himself of all thought preparing for the task at hand. He quickly donned the cloak and scarf, and pulled the snap-brimmed hat low over his forehead. He felt different somehow, he felt a growing strength and confidence wash over him and when he opened his eyes he felt a raw, primal power surge thru his body as if a long hidden force within him had finally been released!
The monks and chelas in the chamber watched in awe as the young man in black underwent a strange transformation before their eyes! His profile took on a predatory, almost hawk-like appearance; his now open eyes had become orbs that seemed to glow with a burning power. The young man before them had become a strange dark-clad demon from their legends of old! He had become The Shadow!
Turning to leave The Shadow stopped and turned once more to face his old/new master. "Before I leave may I ask two questions of you?" His voice now deeper, and sounding as if it alone commanded the night.
"As your questions, I will answer as best I can my son."
"Will you still be here when I return, so that I may begin to train my body to it's former peak?"
"Yes. The visa's given to us expire in 3 months, that should be time enough for you to master the pysical training of the e-kung once more. And what is your second question?"
The Shadow looked into the eyes of his master. "When I... that is, when Kent Allard died what became of his body?"
"We were going to perform the sky burial ritual, as is our custom. But in going thru Allard's belongings we came across a letter, inside were instructions on what to do in the event of his death. We followed them by packing the body in Ice, and shipped it back to New York to a Dr. Roy Tam and a Mr. Shervenitz. I presume they gave him a proper burial when the body arrived. Why do you ask?"
"Just a strange feeling I had for a moment. Like a ghost of a memory. For now Kent Allard may be dead, but The Shadow is reborn!"
Those present in the room watched as the ebon figure stepped into the shadows, and was embraced by them as if long parted friends had been reunited once more, then he was gone. Outside the room a laughter that could chill the human soul could be heard on the night time wind.
for those of you wondering what happened to Kent Allard's body... check in with the story Shadow 2099, to be posted soon.
part 15
The tulku's advice of following his instincts seemed to be paying off, as he found himself standing outside of "Shriver's Auto Repair Shop." It was owned by Marks' father who also ran a limo service on the side. Quickly looking around his gaze came to rest on two low slung vehilces parked outside the shop. They weren't the type of cars that Mr. Shriver normally worked on, and as he examined the vehicles carefully his new found senses flashed a warning signal to him. He stepped back into the darkness just as the side door to the shop opened, a figure dressed in gang colors walked outside. His mind focused, and he willed himself not to be seen. The gang punk walked right past him and went to the nearest of the two vehicles, retrieveing what looked like a large combat knife he then went back inside. Rage flared up with in him as the image of Uncle Dave's corpse came into his mind. Concentrateing the full force of his will he moved towards the repair shop, steeling himself for the battle to come.
Mark had been working late at the shop for his dad to keep his mind off the events of the past week. He was worried by the fact that he was unable to contact his friends all day, as he had gone to pick up some auto parts from an out of town dealer. On his return he wasn't able to reach any of them, so when he heard a couple of cars pull up outside the shop he thought it was his friends come to talk. But as strong hands grabbed him roughly from behind and tied his hands, all thoughts friendship quickly fled his mind. There were eight of them, dressed in gang style clothes, four tied him to a nearby welders rack and began to punch and kick him for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes. When they stopped, the one who acted like he was in charge started to talk to him.
"Now that we've got your attention, I'm gonna ask you a question. If I like the answer you give me I won't have to hurt you. But If I don't like your answer I'm gonna make you scream!" He then motioned to one of the others who then left thru the side door.
"We shouldn't be doin' this man", said one of the others. "C.J. said that we was just to jack him, and bring him back with us."
"Well C.J. ain't here, and I'm in charge! Besides, if we get him to tell us where that punk who shot our homies is we can go find him and bring him back with us so C.J. can cap him personally! Then who do you think he's gonna thank for that? Us that's who!"
Mark knew then that it was Ray that they were looking for. He knew that they would kill him even if he could tell them where Ray was, so he readied himself for whatever pain was to come. He turned his head as he heard the side door to the shop open once more. The one gang punk had returned and was carrying a very long, sharp looking knife. Their leader then went over to the welding torch, and ignited it while holding the blade in the blue tinged flame. The knife began to glow with the heat, and handing the torch yo one of the otheres he advanced on Mark.
"Now, tell me where your college boy friend is hiding out!"
He held the blade close enough to feel the heat of it on his bare skin. Mark swallowed hard, and as a last act of defiance he spat in the knife wielder's face.
"Have it your way asshole, but sooner or later you'll beg to talk. I promise you will!"
Mark readied himself for the pain and intense heat, but the knife advanced no farther as some unseen force pushed him back into the midst of the others. It was then the sound of laughter filled the room. A deep, low, mocking sound that seemed to come from everywhere at once.
"What the hell is that?", yelled the knife wielder while drawing a pistol from his waistband. The others followed his example, trying to zero in on the source of the eerie sound. "I don't know who's playin' games but whoever you are you're a dead man!" He then motioned for the others to fan out and begin to search the shop. "Come on out now! No body messes with the Blood Lords!" Dark laughter answered back, then a sinister voice broke forth from all around them.
"Torture, attempted murder, and kidnapping. Is there any crime you scum haven't committed?"
One of the gang thugs began to panic from the strange voice. "Who's talking man, who's sayin' that!"
"Shut up!", yelled the leader. "Someone's just trying to scare us!" But even he was begining to sweat from terror. His grandmother had always told him that bad things waited in the dark to take bad people away with them, and now those old tales ran thru his mind as the voice spoke once more from the darkness.
"You should be frightened; did you think that you could get away with doing these things for long, did you thnk that I wouldn't know?"
When the laughter started once more, one of the younger gang thugs panicked and began shooting. This set off a chain reaction with the rest of them, as they too began firing in all directions, hoping to silence the sinister voice. But instead laughter grew in volume and from around them, shots were fired in return and found their way to their targets with lethal accuracy. Some tried to run, but were brought down by a hail of gunfire aimed at their legs as they tried to escape. Then, just as suddenly as the laughter and gunfire had began, it stopped and all was silent. Dead gangmenbers lay where they fell, and the wounded began to moan and tried to drag themselves away. The one who had acted as the leader was one of these, his legs shattered by gun shots, was stunned to feel unseen hands close around his jacket and lifted him off the ground!
"It's got me! Help me guys it's got me!", he screamed.
The surviving thugs and the still bound Mark could only stare in amazement as the wounded ex-leader hung suspened in the air, held by some unknown force for a few moments before being flung against a far wall.
"Now you will answer my questions!", the voice commanded. "Who sent you here, and why!"
"It was C.J. man", screamed the wounded thug as he tried to pull himself upright. "He runs the Blood Lords! He was the one who told us to grab this guy and bring him back with the others!"
"What others?", the voice demanded angrily.
"Two other guys, and some asian bitch. C.J. was real pissed when Darryl couldn't get the old dude to tell where the punk who shot some of our homies was at, so he had us grab his friends and is gonna make them talk!" He felt invisible grab him once more. They lifted him off the floor once more and pinned him to the wall.
"You mean that your gang was responsible for the murder of David Grant?!", the voice demanded.
"Yea, but it was Darryl that did the old dude!", he said while squirming in an unseen grip.
"While you on the other hand were going to toture, and then murder the man tied up eh? You will tell me where the others are being held, then you will be left here for the police. When they arrive you will confess to every crime that you have ever committed, and you will plead guilt to all of them. If you don't, I will find you no matter where you go and the fate you will suffer will be far worse than even you can imagine!"
When the gang thug finished telling everything he knew, he was dropped once more to the ground. Pulling himself up the wounded punk mustered what little courage he had left and shouted into the dark. "You're dead meat if you go up against C.J. and the rest of the Blood Lords! You hear me? Dead Meat!" He opened his mouth to shout out once more but was silenced as a shadow appeared on the floor in front of him, elongated in his direction until it covered him completely, and rose high onto the wall behind him. Mark and the other wounded gang bangers saw this too, and all eyes followed it back to it's source at the far wall where parts of the smoke from the exchange of gunfire still hung in the air seeming to merge with the dark there. The smoke and shadows parted slowly, as if a curtain was being drawn open, to reveal the figure of a man dressed all in black from shoes to hat, which was pulled down low. What little could be seen of his face, behind the covering of his red scarf, was fierce-eyed and hawk-like in appearance and behind him a dark cloak fluttered and snapped like a living part of the night, even though there is no wind inside the shop. His eyes went wide with terror as the dark clad figure advanced on him like the spectre of death itself!
"No. It is you and criminals like you that are finished in this city because I now claim it as my own, and I will defend it against those who would seek to do evil!", the dark figure intoned while standing over him. "The weed of crime bears bitter fruit, crime does not pay! Remeber that, for if you are ever released from prison, I will be waiting! And should you commit another crime you shall receive the final justice that your friends received here tonight... death!!! The black clad figure watched with amusement as the once haughty leader fainted dead away on the ground. He then turned, and freed Mark from his bonds.
"I don't know who, or what you are mister. But thanks for saving my ass!", Mark said while rubbing his wrists to get the blood flowing in them again.
"I have indeed saved your life Mark Shiver. Now I will ask you, are willing to risk it again to help your friends?"
Mark looked at the dark figure in front of him. "Shouldn't we let the police handle this?"
"The police would take too long, and as you have witnessed here I can go places where they could not, and remain unseen! By the time they reached them they would more than likely be dead."
Mark couldn't argue with that. He had seen what these animals could do. If anyone could save them, this man could! "All right, I'm game!"
The black clad avenger turned and headed for the door as Mark got a shirt and jacket from the nearby table. Reaching the outside he closed the door, locking the gang punks inside for the police to find. Mark got in the drivers seat, as his passenger got into the back. "Before we do this, can I ask a couple of questions? Who are you, and how did you know that I was in trouble?"
"I have been called by many names, but most know me as The Shadow!"
"Well, that seems to describe you petty well", Mark said while adjusting the rear view mirror. "But how did you know I needed help?"
The Shadow's laugh filled the car as the engine started. "Believe me, I Know!"
Part 16
Mark drove thru the dark city streets, following the directions that his dark clad passenger had gotten out of the knife wielding thug. He occasionally glanced in the rear-view mirror to watch the man who had appeared so suddenly, and saved hi life. Many questions ran thru his mind, who was he, where had he come from, and what was his interest in him and his friends? He wondered if he knew the whereabouts of Ray, but before he could ask the voice from the back seat ordered him to stop the car and park. Pulling over to the curb he complied, and looked back at his passenger. "Why did we stop here?"
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Pre-recorded music was only in record form in 1958. Eight or the rare four track cartridges were not even around then. Phillips made tape recorders but they were the reel to reel type. There were some quality problems with sound and maintenance. There was a very noticeable hiss from the tape that could be corrected by using a ceramic head. These devices had not invented yet. Also later on, two ridges on the head were used to guide the edges of the tape so it didn't wander. Another...
The bus trip to Toronto was boring but I managed to get a seat that had some light and I buried my nose in a Chemistry book from the library. When things quieted down, I was able to lean on a metal partition and get some sleep. Surprisingly nobody recognised me. At fifteen minutes after seven in the morning we got into the bus station. I had got my bag from overhead and felt bad because I had to have help to both put it in place and retrieve it. A familiar suit and face was waiting in the...
While Mr Holtzman spoke, I absently caressed Corinne's hair and continued working on the ideas that had to be covered in the patent. I must have been at this for ten minutes before I heard my host. "Jeff, will you come here? Mr Sackman is on the phone." "Sure." I put the clipboard aside then tried to slip from under Corinne without waking her. I put her head down and she just went back to sleep. "Hello Mr Sackman. How are you doing?" "Hello to you too Mr Congdon, and I'm feeling...
Paige and I got to Miss Floit's room before the first class. The teacher smiled and said, "Hello Jeff, Paige. How are the pair of you doing?" "Not bad for health but Paige is singing flat again." Paige retorted but only with a little anger. "I am not — " She saw the smile and blushed. I said, "I came here to ask you something. Susan is canvassing for a small band to play with her and the other girls when they play 'Everybody's Somebody's Fool'." "Is that another of your...
I woke up the next morning with someone spreading a bad case of morning breath at me. We were holding each other and it felt good to be where I was. It was still early so I went back to sleep but moved the pillow to deflect the air flow. The second time I awoke it was to people moving in the house. There was an analogue clock on the table because digital clocks were not invented yet. That may be another thing to make when I got LCDs done. Corinne looked very beautiful as she rested quietly....
It was a different student this time. He yelled at me, "Watch where the fuck you're going. You trip me again and I'll pound the crap outta you good and I won't let you drop a rock on me either." My shoulder that suffered from the gunshot hurt like hell. The young man was bigger than the last, and maybe grade eleven or twelve but I wasn't sure. I got up with difficulty and said, "Did she promise you some good pussy for this. I doubt if she will pay up. That makes you a fool." The...
The next day at gym, Mr Renzo didn't mention health class at all. I did get a little shit for not being as fast as I should be. The students looked sharply at me as if I was going to flatten the teacher. Later, though, they had lots of questions. I had even less time to answer them. Home Ec was better because Mrs Cameron was talking about budgets and then negotiating for a good price. Since I had mentioned this the first day of class, I was asked again. I had fun talking about the machines...
The girls used the phone to contact friends and I started to make lunch. We ate together as usual but this time Susan was talking of her plan. It had some thought put into it. I politely shot some holes in it so she could find ways to patch her strategy. The basement called me and I went down with a bit more hope in wringing out some information to make something that I had seen thousands of times. Jane made supper and she whispered to me, "They are still very excited. They called lots of...
Monday morning, Mr Sharp unexpectedly said, "Jeff, Mrs Cameron would like to see you. She said you may want to take an extra Home Ec class today." "That is a hard choice to make. I like this class or I would not have taken it. If I go to Home Ec, I have to eat all my mistakes. Would you get better response from your students if you instituted the same rules?" He smiled and pointed. "Get out of here." I smiled back and left. It wasn't until I knocked and was let in that I noticed...
Wednesday I saw more of the proud looking girls. Their backs were straight and they walked with graceful steps. If the queen had come, she could walk no better. Some nodded their heads at me as if signalling that I was at least partially acceptable. When I got into Home Ec, Janice came to me quickly before the class started. I thought she was going to ask about a suitable boy but she said, "Jeff are you going to give us a talk too." Mrs Cameron came in right behind her and interrupted,...
Friday morning had an inch of snow on the ground. This was almost nothing to us. A few fools forgot that they had to use more room to stop and got into accidents. I knew that even this much snow would stop some warm cities because nobody had any experience driving in this condition. I listened to the girls talk as the snow crunched under their boots. I wondered why Sam Johnson had not phoned last night and put it off as his method of saying he wasn't really interested in my songs. That was...
At nine thirty we got to John's home and I just wanted to sleep. Corinne wanted to talk and play. I had a quick shower and talked to the child for a half hour then went to sleep. Corinne got on the bed later and watched me wondering why I wanted to do a stupid thing like sleep when I could be playing or talking with her. I got up at four with a headache from changing my sleep pattern. Corinne was happy that I came to my senses. I wanted to do some shopping before the stores closed. Sunday...
I was able to have lunch with Paige the next day. We enjoyed ourselves even more because Marcy didn't come around to bother us or abuse me. There was not even a large young man ready to do damage either. Other young men bothered me though. It was not the same group but either they had the same complaint or Marcy had found a more subtle way of attacking me. I could see her quite easily stirring up the guys by blaming me for all their ills. I did another small experiment in chemistry and at...
James and Jane were sitting down drinking some tea when I arrived. He seemed to like some of Jane's pastries. He jumped up when I got there. I had to smile and said, "Sit and eat. We are not in that much of a rush." He nervously said, "I got most of the things you wanted. The planning department provided me the maps without a problem." "Did you find out about the crusher?" "It was bought by a scrap yard. I went by and saw that it has not been cut up yet. I don't know how good it...
It was a cold morning although there was no new snow. We talked as we walked to school, and I was worried about the girls. "Jennifer, why don't you set aside some time for music? You too Susan. You can still have your social gatherings but you did start the other tasks." It was Susan that answered. "I guess we could." She looked around at the other girls and they seemed to nod in acceptance. I guess they were looking for a way to get back to their old routine, they just needed a small...
When I regained my seat I said, "How many of these can we get? I want to put out the possibility of letting the current tenants stay in the house until we are ready to upgrade the street." Both were staring at me. Jane was the one that broke first. "Well?" "Well, What?" "The loan?" "Oh, it looks like I got it." "How much?" "It's on a sliding scale. The line of credit is based on what I currently own. When I use the money to buy any particular property then that loan can be...
That night Paige and I bathed in our own en suite. I couldn't wait and made love to her in the enclosure. She returned the favour as I held her head to me. When we got out I carefully dried each inch of her body and kissed the portions to make sure. She shivered though as I continued until the job was done to my satisfaction. We hurried back to bed so I could begin again to make love to my future wife. The door opened slowly and I stopped what I was doing. The eye looking at me was only...
We got into North Bay at a little after eight. We all went to our house in two taxis. I opened the door first and knew there was something wrong. I could detect the faint smell of cigarette smoke. It was old but not that old. Being at the front of the bus all that time kept the smell of cigarettes away from me. I pulled Jane off to one side for a moment and whispered, "Someone was in our house. Don't say anything that can harm the family. Tell the other girls though. I don't want to upset...
Wednesday was almost a non-event. I was still not ready to participate much in school life. Jamie invited me over to his home but I had to refuse. Mr Grissom gave me some pamphlets and even some phone numbers to try, but because Barry was now twenty, getting him educational help it was not going to be easy. There was no such thing as an adult education centre anywhere that I knew of other than at a college or university. Ian though was coming around enough that I was able to introduce him to...
When I woke up the four engineers were still there with six others. Mrs. MacIntee was making breakfast, and when she bent down to put a plate in front of me I impulsively kissed her cheek then said, "Thanks, you are a great cook." "Thank you too Mr Congdon." "I think we have known each other for a while now. We can go by first names. Mr Holtzman runs his home his way but I like to be more personal." "My name is Rose." I went upstairs later and woke up a sleepy little girl by...
Jamie came in with a bruise on his face. His walk was odd; and it could have been from a fall as he said. It was during gym that I saw the bruising on his arm much like a strong man had squeezed him on both arms. After gym I said, "Jamie, will you do as I say? I am your friend." "Yes — yes I will." I pulled him back into a corner and hand him face away from the light. "Bend over and touch your toes and keep your hands there." "Why?" "Am I your friend?" He did as I asked but did...
I woke up now very mindful of the microphone. A hand was holding my erection while Jamie was cuddled to my back. I could feel that a portion of his anatomy had slipped out of its confines and was now between my legs. When I moved to get up Jamie moved to keep me in place as if it were important we stayed this way. It took a little work but I got away from him and covered him with the blankets again. I walked into the kitchen with my pajama bottoms sticking out and found Edgar there having a...
He didn't argue but couldn't get Jamie to respond. When the boy started to collapse the man moved faster than I could believe possible and scooped him up. Everybody now was concerned. I picked up the box and said, "Jamie is still upset. He is just going for a rest." I hurried up the stairs and found Jamie on the bed and Charley kneeling beside it trying to think of what to do. I sat on the bed looking at the boy and Charley said, "Do you want me to go?" "No." I stroked Jamie's...
Mr Sackman left the next day. He took the 'Star' newspaper with him to read about what happened in North Bay. He said, "With this I can make you even richer." John went to work. Carm and I went with him and used his car. We toured Chinatown; and it was a lot smaller than what it would become in years to come. I bought oriental vegetables, rice, spices and a great many more articles including various kinds of tea. When I found that Carm had not been paid yet I gave him some money as an...
We arrived on the thirteenth and tomorrow would be Wednesday, Maggie's birthday. John was going to stay over and go to the party even if it was just a small one with just our extended family. Paige came running to see me. We hugged and kissed right in the street. The ladies were lined up and I kissed all of them but had to do it more chastely for real family. Corinne was happy to see both her Grampy and me. All the girls kissed Jamie more thoroughly than I had been greeted, and he seemed to...
Things had not settled down at school. People who didn't know me avoided me as if I would suddenly attack them. Cops wore guns in later years and the police were usually known for being stable. The gun was not noticed as much. I hoped that they could see that I was not going to do anything unless I was threatened. The people that did know me avoided me as if they didn't want to hurt a celebrity. I just tried to act as like a dopey kid and hope they bought it. I was able to eat lunch with...
We went to Toronto with presents for Corinne. John had some for me too. MGM had bought Jaws and the novel 'Star Wars' was going to be published late in the fall. The deal for the razors went through and we even got an offer from Bell or rather AT&T. It was a lowball figure and I was not letting them get away with it. We had sent the same design out to various countries in Europe. They had not got back to us even though they had the parts and drawings for just as long. A similar circuit...
The two weeks before the trip were hectic. The band and everyone else expected me to get everything ready. I got everyone's birth certificate as this was all that was needed to cross the border. Flashing money at a problem was not good so I just made use of the bus system one more time. I purchased tickets ahead of time for an express coach to Toronto, followed by a short stop over and a regular bus to Fort Erie and then over the bridge to Buffalo. In Buffalo we would get onboard a flight...
The trip home was not as exciting as the one going south. We had slept on the flight with the help of hypnosis. The band members were not involved in this. Angela's parents and Paige's came over and the group let them in on the details. The highlight was to meet some of the professional singers. Everyone here had a chance to shake hands with Elvis among others. I received some good and bad news too. The city fathers were having a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss the sale of the land....
The courtroom the next day was exactly the same. The Crown Attorney took up where he had left off and dealt with the next set of charges against Goldbalm. "Tell us what happened when you were chased by Mr Sinclair." I had a folder in my hand with my notes and went through them point by point. The courtroom gasped as I took out Mr Sinclair's eye then his testicles and jaw. I explained how I was hurt but still got the man into the car. I mentioned his gun but he was in no condition to get...
When I left the house and went back to town I stopped off at the lab. Edgar showed me the ruby laser in operation. There was more dispersion in the beam and Edgar said, "We are doing other crystals too to get the strongest results. The chrome works great. What else can we use?" "Pick something and try it. I want your name out there too and not just as the guy that built the device for me. I do have two more kinds of crystals to make then we are going public. We could get more done but I...