The CatalystChapter 48 Back to Work
- 3 years ago
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Henry sat in the command chair of the small ship. It was not much larger than a simple shuttle. Both Mom and Bennechi were present to help power the craft. Its construction was aimed more at gaining stealth and speed than anything else. A great many small probes masquerading as asteroids had been assembled and modified. The new crystals also had the ability to be opaque to the sensors of this kind. A census of the system had a hundred and forty three vessels now operational or being worked on.
The small ceramic spheres were now made again and had a crystal in them making the small field that made them invisible. When at least three times more spheres than targets were made, they were propelled toward the ships. The power used was very low and their speed would slow as they approached their objectives. Small computers inside the spheres would try to place themselves in small crannies so when antimatter inside each of the spheres detonated the energy would do a great deal of damage. This was all low tech or the various sensors on the warships would detect this kind of attack.
The spheres had been going out for three days now. The idea was to have them come from all over the system and all reach their destinations at the same time. Their slow speed would not mark them as a danger and thus would not be destroyed. Two more days were needed to have all the mines reach their targets. The Fassoot ships would move from time to time but it was hoped that the computers would have enough targets to do the job without waste or survivors.
Three destroyers kept a perimeter detail but their random courses were analysed and computed by Mom. We needed to get close enough that we could get some of the antimatter into a vulnerable position. What the charge was able to accomplish would be dependant on how much antimatter met how much matter, and how close to the ship it was able to get. Shields were not usually held at maximum when in this situation because it interfered with the sensitivity of the sensors.
The other capital ships in the system had no such carefully laid out course and thus we could not tell where they would be. With good timing I hoped to lure them where I wanted.
The hulks of the three battleships were targeted with even larger charges because I did not want any survivors if possible even if they cost me a working computer.
The three battleships got three small visitors. A simple probe went deep into each and at the same time started to transmit data out of the system. This brought security, which also happened to be the large ships dealing with repair and system security. When they got close to see within the framework of the gigantic ships they were obliged to slow down. Debris was scattered throughout the system and now some pieces of rock moved in among the engines of each ship. This happened throughout the system as best as we could make it. All at the same time every piece of antimatter found an equal sized portion of matter. The combined mass was instantly converted to energy and sub atomic particles.
Every one of the ships around the hulks were destroyed along with the wrecks themselves. The smaller ships could not take that kind of force and died. The three on the outer perimeter were hit by our mines. One blew up while another was seriously damaged. The last though was only partially crippled.
It was madder than a hornet and I had sensors placed all over the system to see what their response would be. Data was stored because we could not afford to have it traced back to us. It took a half-day but soon the calls to the less damaged ship were heeded. It went to the aid of the next least damaged vessel to assist in recovery and repair. This is what I was waiting for and I again reached out with my mind and formed two gigantic tubes and placed them on the ships.
My mental efforts were detected. I worked now frantically because I could feel the attack building. Already my mind was giving me pain that discouraged me from doing more. I knew it would not stop until I died or was captured. As quick as I could, I smashed the two ships together. The shock was enough for them to momentarily stop their attack. The tubes now went inside breaches in their hull and the full force again was directed at each other. The two ships now blew up when their power source as well as their accumulators discharged.
Even before the fireball finished expanding I was attacked again but this time it was different. The sources were dispersed and each was weak or not in sync with the others. My tubes went out again and I held each of the small ships and burnt a hole through their hull. It took eleven instances of this reply to stop all of the pain.
Probes now went into the system to search for life. Here I was not going to rescue any of them. I stayed till I was exhausted dealing with the wounded. I felt good that I at least killed them quickly and as humanely as possible.
Probes had been disappearing on the planet. This could only be the Fassoot but they had not tried to flee or attack. Even though I was tired, more of the probes went to where their brethren had ceased functioning. I found a small ship hidden in a large cave. Checking the data I found that the ship had shot the probe because of its disturbance of the atmosphere. It then had made a dash for cover. An additional probe had been downed when it too got close.
Reaching through the atmosphere I found the hull and shot it out of the cave and into space. Much less energy was used or it would damage large areas of the unprotected planet. Well beyond the planet I cut the small ship in two. It now had no life in it.
The cave was investigated and no Fassoot life signs were found. Mom and Bennechi continued to monitor the situation while I slept.
When I woke up after a few hours I said, "Mom, what have you found?"
"There are no further signs of Fassoot life. I think we were very lucky to catch the vast majority of them on ships and not on the surface of the planet. The Tandra base has not been completely destroyed but there is none of that life either. Even the ova and sperm have been disintegrated. The computer is damaged but not completely destroyed."
I said, "Show me the computer." I was given a view of a neat hole in the hatch and very little damage beyond. The AI crystal had been removed and was just in a metallic mesh bag close to where it had been extracted.
Probes did not work that well in a computer and I knew I had to take a look for myself. Mom and Bennechi cautioned me but this too had to be done. When I got to the surface I found destruction all around. Tandra bodies and body parts were all over. I saw no indications of Fassoot casualties or even their damaged equipment. With the level of Tandra technology there may have not been any problems with the Fassoot just walking in and doing anything they wished and with impunity.
Mom's probes were everywhere and everywhere I saw death. This was a more progressive base and had what I guessed to be three thousand individuals. Some areas Mom warned me against viewing and I wisely agreed with her. A base this size would have a considerable number of children and infants.
When I got into the computer I moved directly to the AI crystal. The mesh bag was strong and not even secured but it took a considerable effort to even open the bag. I knew the Fassoot were physically strong and this was one of the reminders.
The AI crystal was reinserted and Mom transmitted the Imperial override by way of a probe at my side. In coming minutes the computer was interrogated. The ease of the Fassoot attack was seen first hand. The estimates of the speed of the ships were not to be believed by the computer and more and more readings had been taken. The estimate was 22,000 lights per day and this was deep in the system. Only with Mom, Bennechi and I working together, could we beat this and then not do it by much. The defences to this system were swept aside as if they didn't exist. The Tandra did put up a good fight but could do little to protect them selves from such a threat.
Mom tried to show only pertinent data but the three Fassoot that had entered the computer were not present. A small ship had dropped them off but had not had a chance to pick them up. The probes were mostly useless in this environment but the computer and AI could do whatever searches were necessary. There were no Fassoot in the computer or within range of whatever surviving sensors the computer had.
There was only one other place they could be and we were completely unprotected there. I gave immediate orders and in a few minutes I was decked out like an ancient samurai one more time. I did not know of any high tech weapons that would work in the maze but I was also sure that if any existed they would be in the many hands of the Fassoot.
Warnings of what might be found in the maze were passed to all of the AI family and I immediately went in. Once in the maze, I could feel a threat in three directions. This looked like the group had split up. The damage they could cause now would take years to repair but if I were dead then the repair would take a considerably longer time.
What seemed like a few minutes I came on one of the squat figures as it peered at one of the computers that were exposed and fully in the maze. I did not give it a chance to react but it turned towards me, sensing my approach. It brought something up in its hand and my sword slashed down severing one of the hands. The shock through my weapon told me that its body was very dense.
The sword reversed direction and came up and cut into the trunk of the Fassoot. The other hand continued to work as if disregarding its injuries and again the sword removed that appendage. An attack on my mind now occurred but one last slash of the sword removed the head. Even then the attack took a moment to completely stop.
The enemy was now approaching because they were well able to communicate in this realm. I just stepped to one side as something came close to me. It was the discharge of one of the hand weapons used by the Fassoot. The only escape was to push into the wall of the maze.
In seconds the Fassoot was in pursuit. I had changed course so I was at right angles to my first direction. My mind was working overtime trying to find an escape. More guessing had to be done and I changed course two more times before coming to the first intrusion into the maze wall. Just turning the corner to one side was the foot of my pursuer.
I tried to dampen my excited thoughts ran after this being. As I got only a metre away it started to turn. I used both the long and the short sword to cut it up quickly. Stabbing didn't seem to do much harm and only paring off body parts did this being seem to react.
The head seemed to work best if lopped off but even that did not end this hardy life form. They seemed to have much in common with a chicken.
When it stopped, I kicked the weapons away and removed the small hands for good measure.
I left quickly and waited before entering the maze proper. I could detect nothing specific but I knew the last Fassoot was close and possibly waiting to ambush me.
Mom was called, "Mind speak very loud and I will jump out. It may help."
She didn't object or caution me but immediately my mind rang with very loud thoughts from what I thought were the entire AI family. I staggered but thrust myself out of the wall and found the Fassoot a very short distance away. Its arms came around me. I was strong but this being was much stronger. Its mass was so great that I could do little to throw it anywhere.
The long sword fell but I had the short sword still in my hand. I could not use any of them though. My chest was starting to collapse and I knew that soon my strengthened bones would break. I could only think of the sword under my feet and used my PK to pick it up clumsily and get it to slash one of the mighty arms killing me.
I could not even see the blade but the picture in my mind gave me just enough information to bring the blade down with all of my mental might. I felt a searing pain in my back but the hold on me suddenly slackened especially in my right. The last major Fassoot hand came up with a hand weapon and the sword was able to remove it just in time.
I was very weak from the handling and the wound but in a last ditch will to live the sward flew and the Fassoot head fell to the floor.
Instead of thinking of the alien I held onto the portion of my back and used the PK ability to get me to the computer. My mind was groggy but I was able to part the veil enough to enter. I then just passed out.
Something was wrong and I needed to fix it or I would die. My eyes came open and I found myself in a medical tank. My quick breath hurt my lungs because I was immersed in liquid. There was enough oxygen in my system and I stopped the reflex to breathe. "Mom, are you there?"
I could not hear her but I did get a response. An AI replied to me, "Is there something you would like my Emperor?"
"Only a bit of information to start. Where am I, and where is Mom?" I asked an unfamiliar AI.
"You are in the Phottus system. I have read your mind or at least those portions that were open to me. I know who Mom is, but I do not know where she is. You just came into our computer and collapsed. You were put into medical after your identity crystal was read."
"Who knows that I came from an area behind the computer?"
"Seventeen Tandra saw you coming from the computer. After your memory was read, those people went into segregation."
"Good, I think the secret needs to be kept a bit longer. Give me a map of where I am in relation to the rest of the galaxy."
I looked at the map and saw that I was about thirty six hundred light years from my last position. I got control of many of the sensors and looked about the base. Nearly twenty nine thousand Tandra populated it. Ships were being built but they were mainly small. A look at inventory showed that there were a great many more Tandra and they were all on ships. They had gone to other Tandra systems and it looked like they were working hard at putting up a good defence. From the state of the yards it was seen that they had been doing this for a few years
"Who are you fighting now?"
"Nobody, my Emperor. We are just following your existing orders and getting ready for the Samutz and the Thonas that your representative informed us about."
"What representative?"
"Captain Matthew Buchanan, my Emperor."
This did give me a chuckle. I soon found that he had been through here almost seventeen years ago on his trip home. He had spread more than the good word. It might have saved my life with the quick action. The fact that I corresponded to Matthew's command might have been the only reason I was not just put into stasis. If that happened they would wait for someone to claim my body and nobody even knew where I was.
I found out to that I had slashed seven of my own ribs and punctured one of my lungs. The time spent in the tank so far was two Earth days and about a half of a day remained. There was nothing I could do to contact either my biological or AI family so I just used my mind to direct a fabricator to make some small ships that would be useful for scouts and for high-speed transit. Crystals were brought to the tank and I was able to do a few but they were not close enough. I brought them into the tank one at a time and they really started to glow. It was still much easier to do this work in the maze.
Another portion of my mind worked on what assets we had in this area of the galaxy. At the moment there were close to a thousand systems including a handful of other races that were just being protected by the local Tandra bases.
When the time came to get out of the tank, I had to expel all the liquid from my lungs but a few transmitters continued to furnish me with oxygen. I dressed in a common Tandra suit and then sat by myself as I ravenously ate a large meal. This was all done in privacy though there was a rumour about something special happening in medical.
I was sleepy but it would be better to continue with two tasks. Personnel were banned from certain areas for the first time. In a moment, I made it to the computer. I was presented with long spools of substrate, which I took into the maze. The first time in I called Mom with my mind and happily got her reply. She did convey happiness in her voice and it felt good to be back. I gave her a short synopsis and began to roll out the spools of substrate. I had not made this type of connection far into the maze yet. I was happy to see that she had cleaned up two of the bodies.
I stopped where I had the second fight and then found the body parts as I left them. I dragged them into the maze till it was complete. The hand weapon intrigued me but now was not the time to work on them. The spools did not quite make it to Lazarus but that entity provided some that would complete this portion of the communications highway.
Mom immediately worked on my benefactor but she was already under imperial protocol for seventeen years previously.
Mom, I found, had continued to impersonate me to the family till I was proved dead or found my way back. The Alliance might not fall apart, but my family might have trouble running it till some of the Fassoot came this way to take it from us.
Back at my starting point I continued to lay new spools to the abandoned base at the very fringe of the galaxy closest to the Canis Major Galaxy. One large crystal had been sent to Lazarus and I went back and retrieved it. I walked back and purified it as I moved. I had to pause for a few minutes to finish the job while still in the maze. The linkage to this computer had already been completed and only one or possibly two things needed to be done.
I placed the crystal and stood back as it integrated with the computer. This took a longer than usual but when it was done the quality of the AI was many times improved. There was one last thing to do, "You do not have a name and I think all people should have one that is not a string of numbers. Do you like the name Phoebe?"
"I like the name my Emperor."
"Well call me Henry now that we are introduced. The title is only to impress others."
"Yes, Henry."
One more crystal was retrieved and this went to the world I now called 'Land's End' because of its distance from the main sequence of stars but also its proximity to Canis Major.
Before I temporarily left this section and Phoebe, the seventeen witnesses were taken to medical and that portion of their mind blanked off. I could have it removed but I thought this would be better for them. This would put more pressure on Phoebe but she was much more intelligent now to handle the problems.
When I walked out of the computer in the system the Fassoot had attacked, I found that Mom had worked hard to keep most of the better portions of the destroyed or damaged ships from drifting away. Since the AI on the planet's surface had no real duties to perform for biologicals, it could use all of its resources to find out some of the secrets of the Fassoot technology. To do some of this I made another ship that would be more of its eyes and ears and in this case hands too.
Fassoot technology if small enough was sent through the maze to those ships that could deliver it for us.
Mom, Bennechi, and I pushed hard in their smaller ship and we made it to the Phottus system and Phoebe in just a day and a half. We made it through the defences so fast that they didn't have time to activate. We were on the surface of the planet before anybody noticed we had arrived except Phoebe herself.
I made this entrance to let the other Tandra know that I could do this. It would also give a reason for the seventeen people with a blank spot in their memories to have a justification for the procedure to have happened.
Two destroyers and a new battleship were already in the system. Many other large ships were coming too and I had an important job for them.
The biological administrator was all beside herself with my arrival and was to be honest, quite flustered. I talked in private for a few minutes then she seemed to relax. She went with me to the battleship and waited outside as I hooked the ship up to Mom after she assured that the ship would not spill the beans about what exactly I was doing. I brought predictor crystals and improved the propulsion system so it would bypass the Tandra that normally pushed this ship.
By the time the AI completed her job, the two destroyers were starting their own treatment to the same upgrade. Diplomatic protocols really suffered as new ships came into the system and I immediately went to them to do the same improvements.
I had to stay two weeks doing everything necessary. Some of our videophones were put on some ships after having been shipped through the maze. They went out on the fast ships to the thousand Tandra bases in this area. With a bit of bamboozling the 1093 worlds would get the radios then supposedly have the unit incorporated into the delicate circuits of the computer. The computers would then be able to communicate with the rest of the worlds. They already had this ability but it was just a way of justifying it to the Tandra.
We left Phottus with six battleships and many smaller ships in their bays. Six days later through our combined thrust, we were at the site of the Tandra base's destruction and the annihilation of the Fassoot task force.
The Fassoot shuttle computer and ship parts were recovered and I now worked full time on trying to find a way into the simpler computer. Some were physical which used the matter transmitter crystals and some were through the ports trying to interface with the machine.
The crystals did not work well. It was as if the shield was thicker than the range of crystal. Mom telecast what was happening as she had other projects so Tandra and other races on our system could learn. Mom said, "Admiral Buchanan's people found a possible solution. They suggest that you use one of the dimensional mines to shear off a portion of the computer so you can gain access."
"That sounds like a workable idea. Give his people my thanks."
I started to think on the best way to proceed with this idea and the others started to do our own repairs to the wrecks. Our own computers were used in this instance. This worked but the speed was not nearly as great as what it should be. The Fassoot computer did something that allowed even more speed and I had no idea what it was.
My own experiment should not be conducted on the planet. I took a range of various sized mines and went into a large open area of space. This time I took a battleship because of the strength of its shields. It held the first mine in position at the end of its tractors and the shuttle computer in another group.
The first mine was the lowest power we had but it did nothing. I want through all six sizes till the strongest sheared a wall off the computer. The shield had collapsed and the armour removed but the shield had come back. More of the largest mines were fabricated and it wasn't till the fourth try that we must have damaged the shield generation circuit.
I could now see why the computer was so heavy. I had once carried a computer in my hands while using my mind to warp all five dimensions to make it fit. This allowed me to get it through a small opening into its new home. The Fassoot computer sprang open as if it was foam expanding to fill a large cavity. In doing so there must have been a lot of damage because this was not done the way it should be.
The real work now began because the computer had to be deciphered. Clouds of probes were released and many of the AIs in the galaxy now worked to see what they could find while sorting through this damaged machine. Some things were obvious though. There were far less crystals and the majority of those we found were of the new variety we had just come across.
From my own perspective I found the computer very difficult to figure out. It was made by a group of aliens that must think altogether differently than Tandra or Humans. Some things looked efficient while others did not. Since their technology was further advanced than ours, I was not going to discount anything yet. The new crystals could mean that some components were made to work in more than five dimensions. What these did in three, four, or five dimensions was probably not the same in a sixth or more.
In the next few hours we found another similar computer in a damaged ship. Again our largest mine was used on it but this time the piece to be thrown someplace else was taken at right angles to the piece we already had. Probes went to this new portion just after the mine had sheared a portion off.
If this were done enough times it was much more likely that we would be able to work around the damage we caused and find the fundamental workings of the Fassoot computer. Some of the components were removed to be investigated how they worked in more than three dimensions.
The time spent examining the portions that were brought to me was more than just exhausting. It reminded me of a dog that had to sniff out drugs. Its nose worked so hard that it was the same as a very long run. I may not have moved far but I certainly was fatigued.
When I was about to leave the large lab set up in one of the boat bays I found a sudden cessation of noise and a great many mental exclamations. When my mind quested out I found that I had visitors. The transporters moved me to the point closest and I saw two very beautiful women walking purposely to where I was. They stopped in mid stride and then turned to approach me.
I walked close and stopped a metre away and formally bowed. "My ladies, you do me honour."
Taylar who should have known better the meaning of protocol rushed in and hugged me to her. Ingrid came close and just waited her turn. I kissed Taylar and said, "I didn't expect to see you here." Turning to Ingrid I pulled her to me with my other arm and said, "You both, are a very welcome sight."
My fatigue was momentarily forgotten as I showed them what I had found. They must have been in the little relative class ships for weeks to get here. When I had talked to them as they flew here they had made it appear that they were back in Defren. I was a little put out too at the subterfuge but I was even guiltier of that than they were.
They had just arrived and very curious. They had been following all the updates and suggesting avenues to work on as most of the viewing public were now doing. This, I was told was the equivalent of an interactive mini series to find out about the invaders from our next-door galaxy. Even though they were keeping tabs on their own affairs, and handling the family business of running the empire they had their own input.
Ingrid said, "This technology you have found has stirred up everybody on our network. Mom has offered prizes or awards to the people that come up with useful suggestions. The grand prize I heard was the chance to meet you in a large gathering of other winners. Taylar and I decided to cheat and get to take some of your time and help you too."
I raised my eyebrows. They may help but they were also very distracting to me. We had a meal with the officers of this battleship as the work continued to find out the secrets of the Fassoot. This meal had all the trappings of another formal occasions but it was not to be helped I guess.
Though the girls were not tired they went to bed with me to keep me company. I replied to their thoughtfulness by making slow tender love to each of them, mindful that they were each carrying my children. Ingrid wanted her wife to go first and Taylar agreed. I worked from her ears to her neck then caressed the breasts that I wanted to feed our child. She had not had me for a considerable time and came quite forcefully with just this.
I called Ingrid over and she now felt more of involved by working on Taylar's other breast. I just stayed just a moment and then went south at a slow pace with my lips and small nibbles to show Taylar where I was going.
Her long clit was standing proudly waiting for attention but I just came close. She moaned verbally as I continued down her legs. I changed position and then picked up her left leg and kissed the sensitive skin on the inner thigh and ran my tongue along the fine hairs. Her hands came out to grasp me but Ingrid held her back and protected me.
My lips continued their journey down to her foot and kissed the sole and then each of her toes. Moving over to the other leg I did everything one more time but in reverse. When I kissed under the knee her body shook with another orgasm and Ingrid had a difficult time holding her in place. She shook violently as I continued my voyage.
At the juncture of her legs I continued to harass my poor victim by ignoring the clits and just did what I could to get her as high as possible without that little bit extra she needed. My kissed went to her abdomen and she fought again to push my head back to where it belonged Again Ingrid did what she could. My fingers though traced around the small clits and pushed her lips further apart. Her legs were wide but now she strained even harder to get as wide as possible.
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xmoviesforyouI could see the 4th of July sweat glistening on Molly's skin and her wry grin of pleasure, as I rolled off of her. The pool of fluid oozing from her tight little hole was spreading on the cushion between her legs. We were both panting heavily and gloriously as we reveled in our mutual satisfaction. I couldn't remember the last time we both had cum so hard. This night had been a long time in coming. No pun intended. I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the...
Number 24 of a series of individual stories. A Day on My Own - By Sonia (e-mail: [email protected] - Please send comments!) Chapter 1 - A Disappointment My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sally Anne and I had planned for a special sexy day on Saturday and I had been looking forward to it...
Consensual Sex,, Teen Female Solo, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Toys, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Cum Swallowing, Male Solo, Anal.. “Oh my gosh, what time is it?” Casey suddenly jumped up, looking for the clock in Dan’s room while pulling her t-shirt back down over her breasts. “My parents are gonna call around nine. Darn it!.” The clock read 8:50. She jumped up, pulling her skirt down as she ran out of the room, leaving Dan naked on his bed to contemplate what had just...
*Author's message* I'm real sorry about the delay for the next chapter. My computer crashed and it was getting fixed. It seems fixed now. Or at least in working order. =) I appreciate all the reviews, both good and bad and all the input. Thank you for reading. Part 7 Jordan sat on the front porch steps of the apartment where he and Anna lived. He had a Miller Lite beer bottle half full in one hand and a cigarette in his other. The sports section of the Arizona Sun...
Several weeks had gone by since the rave at Carnelian beach and Victor Savage , a police officer with the Obsidian Police Department, was on patrol in the early morning hours, looking into the disappearance Fawnie Dimple. The beach had already been searched so he went to search around the young woman’s home which she shared with her brother in Hematite. As he walked down the road, the smell from the sulfur swamps would cause his to close. When he finally rounded the corner and arrived at the...
Hi indian sex friends. Mera naam tom (name changed) hai. Mai delhi me rehta hu. Mai ek engineer hu. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai. Meri pichhli indian sex story pasand karne ke liye aap sab ka bohot bohot shukriya. Aaj mai aapko ek threesome experience ke baare me bataunga. Jaisa ki aap logo ko pata hai mera sex sambandh meri mami se reh chuka hai. Meri mami ka naam rupam (real name) hai. Ab mai apni mami ko sirf occasionally chod pata tha kyuki jab se mere mama ko mami pe shak hua hai, tab se mai...
Hi, sex story fans, Chandana was our maid for the last 3 years. She used to live on the outskirts of Kolkata, with her husband who was a wage worker, & 2 kids. To describe her she was 5ft 4in with stats of 34- 26-36, with a tanned complexion. Initially, she used to come at her timings in the morning, cook for us & leave. I had no other intentions of getting laid with her. I used to hardly have any conversation with her as my wife used to deal with her regarding the daily chores. Things turned...
Being myself with Marian By Jessie I have a short little story to share about an event in my life. It happened when I was only sixteen. I'd always been fascinated with the way women dress. When I was a kid I'd tried dressing up in my mothers clothes until I was caught one day. My mother made me feel so bad about myself that I swore I'd never do it again. She really made me feel like I was the sickest creature alive, when all I was doing was experimenting. I hated her for the...
I got home at my usual time Friday night and walked into the house. I noticed how quiet it was as I put my keys and things on the table and walked to our bedroom as usual to change clothes. I had noticed she wasn't around but, didn't give it much thought, I just figured she was in the back yard or something. When I arrived at the bedroom door, it was closed and a sign was taped to the door. It said, "open the door slowly and don't say anything, just use me for your pleasure". Well, that got my...
the last time my dick was inside a was a couple of weeks ago,with a girl I knew from sometimes and we had messed around in the bedroom before,but not in a long took me sometime to metabolyze it every man with a small dick should,I'm pretty good at oral and other stuff,at least that good that from time to time I've even had girls coming back and ignoring my lacks like this one..we where in bed and I was touching her ass till my tiny little dick got hard(it's not that...
this is a true story about having sex with my mom. im 38 and i grew up in rochester hills michigan. my parents divorced when iwas 8 yrs old and i went to live with my mom would walk around naked when she got out of the shower and while she got ready. and i noticed her! shes 5ft 2in,big boobs,wide hips,and a hairy pussy.she had a guy over one night and i woke up to piss or whatever and saw my mom naked in the living room so i hid and watched her have sex. i knew when she was gonna have...
It was a cold and rainy afternoon. I was leaving college on my way to my apartment from registration. I lived only two blocks from school so the walk wasn't too bad. "Hey Brad!" I heard a girl yell from behind and to the left. As I turned and looked I could see my sister running my way. "Oh that's right I thought" This was my sister's registration day too. She was a freshman this year she planned on living in the dorms I thought, "so why is she coming this way" I wondered. It was really pouring...
IncestHe watched his full seven inches slide into the teen's cunny beneath him. The sight of his thick member sliding into such a tight hole made him even stiffer and he shoved it into her extra hard, rocking her body and making her squeal as her tits bounced up and down. In and out, he fed her horny wet puss the meat it craved. "Oh, Daddy," was her horny moan as he picked up speed. She relished the sensation of his balls rubbing up against her asshole while he pumped his stiff erection in and out of...
I woke up invigorated and ready to take on the world. There were empty spaces where Jules and Katie should have been. Not knowing where they would be, I put on workout clothes and went downstairs. Auli was at the bar with a Mr. Coffee and some snacks. I questioningly looked at him, and he pointed toward the office. I looked into the office and about fainted. The place was a wreck. There were scraps of paper everywhere. Katie was busy writing on a slip of paper, tearing it off, pinning it...
[Anger?] She heard Sam's thought interject. [No it's more like piss me off to the extreme. You really don't want to do that, not now.] [All I want is to end hostilities with you Sam. I...] Drivas started. [You, I have no qualms with Drivas. Neither do I, with you Thellus, though I will defend myself. As I am sure the both of you have felt I am far beyond the both of you. Though I have to admit you are closer to talking with your minds as I do. So they want me to stop? Not going to...
The first time When Gayatri was at college, she wasn’t in good shape as she was nine years after. She wasn’t fat, but she wasn’t fit, so she wasn’t self-confident. This was the case during the first semester of her college. Also, because she was rather shy, she had no male friends except one. He was Raj. So this happened at the end of their first year of college. Gayatri went home for the summer vacation. When she did so, she also met Anvi, her cousin from Delhi, who had come to meet her, and...
My parents were having some work doing in their house and asked me if I’d stay in the property whilst they were there. This Wednesday morning they arrived at 9:30, and after introducing themselves got on with the job. 10:45 and the older man, Terry, said to me “I have to go out for some things is it Ok to leave Sean here”, I replied “Of Course”.As I got him a coke we were talking “You got yourself a girlfriend” I asked, “No I’m not into girls” he replied and I smiled at him, then he smiled. He...
TALL TALE TALL TALEby Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] (MF, Bond) *?? *?? *??...
Well he really did it to himself this time. I had to laugh when Buzz told me he had no date to take to some company party. It actually serves him right. Buzz always had a bad habit of putting women down. He would date a girl no more than 3 times before she would tell him to shove it. I would often bet against him to see how long she would last with him. I would always win, that's just the way he was. "What am I going to do Rob?" Buzz said. "Everyone is going to the party. I just...
Weekend Story - Part One Thursday night found us packing the cases ready for a very naughty weekend. It seemed to have taken forever to get here. We were now middle aged, without family responsibilities, free to do what we wanted and to please ourselves. Both still fit, good looking, me slim and blonde, Rob tall and dark and both with a hunger for plenty of good adventurous sex. Rob came into the bedroom and looked at the piles of my sexy clothes next to the suitcase. "We're only taking one...
Wife LoversPOV: Joy"So, you're not the only one that likes to fuck her mom?" I pondered, closing the gap."Yes, perv, how long have you been watching?" Kaylee asked, leaning up to me"Just a few minutes," I answered, before kissing her. "If you did leave me for a woman, I'd want it to be your mom," I pointed out, prior to checking her body. "Shit on a stick, Darcie, you have somebody.""Thank you, Joy," she responded, rising to me too. "May I kiss your girlfriend, Kaylee?""Sure, Mom."Darcie...
IncestVictoria woke up the next morning. Disoriented, she tried to recall the events of the previous evening. She stretched, noticing that she was still on her chaise lounge. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed, aloud. Her mind was flooded with the naughty things that Dr Reeves had done to her body. Victoria’s cheeks were bright red and hot, but the thoughts of how he made her feel sent shivers up and down her body. She was aware of parts of her body that had previously never crossed her mind. As a...
Straight SexOn Saturday morning Laura joined Ada for tennis, or a tennis lesson, as promised. Ada had a town house in Walnut Creek, where the weather and population density made Saturday morning tennis a more agreeable prospect, and Laura drove out to her place. She was agreeably surprised, trying hard to suppress her excitement, when Ada met her at the door wearing a white tennis outfit styled like the ones Venus Williams wore. It was cut out at the sides in wide scoops, leaving her lower back...
Mum was like a dog in heat as she got ready, she put on a tiny white micro skirt which barely covered her gorgeous little bottom. A sheer white vest top through which her nipples were clearly visible and the tiniest white thong I’d ever seen, coupled with a pair of lace up Roman type sandals, completed her outfit, she looked stunning and I told her so.“I feel so fucking horny darling, that if you touch me now, I’ll explode.”So I didn’t touch her.People looked as we walked out through the hotel...
IncestJust Like A Girl Part 8 by Mellissa 43 Authors Note: A short chapter adding to the anticipation. Thanks for all the feedback it really makes it worthwhile to know some people are enjoying my first ever story! If you want to send feedback direct: [email protected] Chapter 8 My legs were aching but I wanted to ensure my nose stayed on the mark. I was sure the hour was up, then I heard John, "That's a good 45 minutes now for the final 15 it will be harder! But it will all...
This one is compliments of the 'Shy One.' As I get older I realize: 1. I talk to myself, because sometimes I need expert advice. 2. Sometimes I roll my eyes out loud. 3. I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! 4. My people skills are just fine! It is my tolerance of idiots that needs work! 5. The biggest lie I tell myself is "I don't need to write things down, I'll remember it." 6. When I was a child I thought nap time was punishment. Now it is like...
I want to say in advance that english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any error .Enjoy it!It was the halftime show at Super Bowl 50, I was one of the lucky few to be on the field under the stage .I was dreaming of seeing Beyonce live for ages, I was kind of obsessed with her .I didn't like her song much but for sure I liked her body and especially her big ass .Seeing her shaking it at like 15 ft from me was absolutely incredible .I was there with a boner just for seeing here dancing...
you see my husband leave for work and know you have 8 hours to do what ever you want to me. you come over, and walk right in the back door cause you know i leave it unlocked for you. you go up stairs and see me in my room starting to get dressed. you come up behind me and put your hand around my mouth and grind your cock against my ass. you lean down and whisper in my ear that its time that i pleasure you. you put me on my knees and tell me to take out your cock. i do as i'm told and look up at...
It was the hottest summer I could remember. My sister and I had been hanging out every day at the lake. We swam every day, and then took off our clothes and lay in the warm sun. We hung out every day. Sometimes we took our friends with us and sometimes we didn’t. My sister was very beautiful. She looked like me only a bit more voluptuous. She had beautiful legs and a heart shaped ass. She had round tits with large nipples that were almost cherry red. Clear green eyes and dark hair complimented...
IncestThe Long Con By Amy B "You really don't remember do you?" quipped Tracy. I shook my head no. "About three months ago, you were fixing your makeup in the ladies room here and I was making out in one of the stalls and you yelled 'get a friggin' room sluts', it was then that we decided to teach you a lesson." I guess I should back up a little bit. I'm a closet transvestite. After moving from my wholesome Midwestern town and hiding my proclivities, I found myself in the big city....
Doll's House By Trainmaster The box came when my college roommate, David, was at class. It was huge, nearly the size of a washing machine. I signed for it, wondering what might be inside, and the delivery guy pushed it out of the tiny entry into the kitchen for me. It barely fit and he huffed and puffed as though it wasn't light. When Dave came home from his classes, he scratched his head. "I dunno what it is. Who's it say it's from?" In addition to the form I'd signed, which...
Cindy returned this kiss and in her mind stated. “Wonder what mother would do if she could see me now?”When the kiss broke she winked and asked, “What are we going to do tonight in our little prayer meeting?”He pulled her close, nuzzled her ear and whispered, “Anything you want Lil-darling.”Cindy couldn’t help but snicker and reply, “Oh we could kneel, and ask for his help to guide us.”“My dear, I don’t think he would offer us any kind of help in the sex department.”“I know, but it sounded...
Straight SexBeing in a wheelchair and having to use the restroom at the local mall, I never paid attention to the holes in the sides of the handicap stall. Until all of a sudden a big black cock appeared in one of them. Being 26 years old and in a wheelchair for the last 8 years of my life, one public restroom is just like the other. I used to believe this was true. Until one day at the local mall me and my wife were cruising the shops when I just had to go. I told her to give me a little while because she...
Hi friends, my name is Pooja.i am a reguler reader of ISS. Today i am writing my story…we were three members in the family, my father had got expired, my mother is staying with me at delhi. My sisiter had already got married…jiju and didi was staying at noida , but now my jiju had got transeferd to didi had also searched a job in mumbai….abot my jiju and didi , it is a very nice didi and me very open with each other. Even didi has shared his sex experience with jiju with...
I stumbled down the alley in the predawn feeling the burning of my broken ribs. I lean against the wall of the building beside me and rest for a moment, looking up at the skyline. Between all the buildings I could see the barriers that held the atmosphere in our section of the city. The thought of those barriers made me cringe; I looked down to my watch and realized I only had about six hours left to stop what was coming. But no one wanted to believe me, in about six hours one of the barriers...
This is a tale of male deviant self satisfaction and a wicked imagination involving a wife’s infidelity and number of other lusts. Enjoy. Home Alone I unzip my fly and take out my cock. I feel flaccid and warm in my hands. I am alone in my bedroom and the lamp is not lit, plunging the room into darkness. I close my eyes and as I start to stroke, feeling myself getting harder and thicker. I allow my mind wonder into the dirty abyss that is my middle aged thoughts. Full of...
My company decided to send me to a conference in San Jose, CA on pretty short notice. Sheri had a bunch of vacation time, so I asked my boss if she could join me. It was no problem, but finding a hotel room in close proximity was much harder. We were always supposed to stay in the main chains of hotels because we got corporate discounts. With basically everything else booked, I found a small boutique hotel that had rooms available. The best part was it was within walking distance to the site of...
Wife LoversBig Al and his younger brother Dwayne arrived as promised at half six for dinner and a little fun. I greeted them at the door in my black leather harness with a sheer off-the-shoulder black dress over, fishnets and heels too. The boys seemed to be extremely pleased with my appearance.I had a couple of bottles of Moretti waiting for them on the coffee table. We made our way to the sofa to await the delivery guy with our Italian meal, no way was I going to waste time preparing something. It...
Threesomes[For tej4901--- for the nice comments. Enjoy!]He gave his name as "James", but I didn't really know if that was his 'real name', or not, but it didn't really matter if it was, or wasn't. Besides, a certain anonymity was what a glory hole was all about! Mystery. Uncertainty. Adventure. An orgasm. A nice load of cum, given urgently, passionately, completely---that, for me especially, was the entire allure of having a glory hole. I was always ready for yet another cock to suck, and hot load of...
Mike, Ben, Van, and Val left the shop at a little past 9 that night. Van crawled up, with assistance from Mike, into the passenger seat of his pickup, and he closed the door for her. He went around to the other side, checking each of the three doors as he went to the driver's side to get in. The rear door, where Val was sitting, had a tendency to not shut completely. He had taken it to get it checked several times, and they had ordered the new locking mechanism for it. It had been a week, and...
Hi, my name is Dileep(name changed). I am 22 years old, very fair complexion, lean built, straight hair guy with 6″ penis thick and good round head.I am from Bangalore(place changed). This story happened 2 years before.I am bi and have had sex experiences before and gay handjob only. That was the time when I had been in a breakup situation with my GF.We stopped texting, calling and meeting.So I decided to meet new people, so registered on some social site/app .After a week some guy sent me a...
Gay MaleFierce blue eyes. She gets out of a car and comes to me, yells at me, provoke me.– Hit me !– No. I don't hit women.– Hit me, you can't hurt me !– No !– Are you afraid ? Do you think I would break ?– Yes! And that's why I won't do it! Are you mad ?She spits on me, pushes me. Now I get mad. Maybe I hit her, or she runs into me but in any case she is tough and doesn't flinch. She is still looking me straight in the eyes, with a smile.– See? I didn't cry!There is that fierce tone in her voice. She...
Just to see what difference it made, Geoff had selected ‘shortest route’ on the hired car SatNav. He soon found out. The ‘Southern Belle’ voice directed him off the Freeway and onto country roads, but he didn’t realise it was going to take him directly to a wonderful sexual experience. It was early afternoon and he was just north of Marshallville in deep Georgian country side, with about one hundred miles to go to Atlanta and the airport hotel he was staying in for his last night in the...
Straight SexI wanted to say thank to everyone who gave me input on part 1. I have tried my best to improve my grammar. I hope this part is easier to read. Feel free to email me any suggestions at [email protected]. Part 2 of Lord, Princess and the Empire William was confused "Empress, I don't understand. How can I replace Elaine? Unless you have a daughter I don't know of?" "I will let your mother explain the hows. I have come to understand that your sister Elaine would not be a good...
Patrick hat ein trauriges Leben. Er ist 27 Jahre alt und arbeitet seit 2 Jahren als IT-Administrator in einem kleinen Unternehmen in einer größeren deutschen Stadt. Er hat eine kleine 2 Zimmer Wohnung in der Innenstadt. Er verdient zwar ganz gut, aber sein Beruf macht ihm keinen wirklichen Spass. Ständig beschwert sich seine Chefin, die absolut keine Ahnung von Software oder Technik hat, dass er nicht schnell genug arbeite. Dass sie einmal seinen Ständer bemerkt hatte, machte es für ihn nicht...
Mind ControlThis is a work of pure fiction. Fantasy is an incrediblething, reality is not. OUR FUN WITH LITTLE CRYSTAL My wife and I picked up this young girl near a school last summer. She wasplaying on the swings without a care in the world, so full of innocence andnaivety. I never knew her age, only that her name was Crystal Murray. She wasjust beginning to develop soft titties that would become huge one day and hershape showed she was about to grow into a very sexy piece of ass. She had longstraight...