My dream man
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
Henry sat in the command chair of the small ship. It was not much larger than a simple shuttle. Both Mom and Bennechi were present to help power the craft. Its construction was aimed more at gaining stealth and speed than anything else. A great many small probes masquerading as asteroids had been assembled and modified. The new crystals also had the ability to be opaque to the sensors of this kind. A census of the system had a hundred and forty three vessels now operational or being worked on.
The small ceramic spheres were now made again and had a crystal in them making the small field that made them invisible. When at least three times more spheres than targets were made, they were propelled toward the ships. The power used was very low and their speed would slow as they approached their objectives. Small computers inside the spheres would try to place themselves in small crannies so when antimatter inside each of the spheres detonated the energy would do a great deal of damage. This was all low tech or the various sensors on the warships would detect this kind of attack.
The spheres had been going out for three days now. The idea was to have them come from all over the system and all reach their destinations at the same time. Their slow speed would not mark them as a danger and thus would not be destroyed. Two more days were needed to have all the mines reach their targets. The Fassoot ships would move from time to time but it was hoped that the computers would have enough targets to do the job without waste or survivors.
Three destroyers kept a perimeter detail but their random courses were analysed and computed by Mom. We needed to get close enough that we could get some of the antimatter into a vulnerable position. What the charge was able to accomplish would be dependant on how much antimatter met how much matter, and how close to the ship it was able to get. Shields were not usually held at maximum when in this situation because it interfered with the sensitivity of the sensors.
The other capital ships in the system had no such carefully laid out course and thus we could not tell where they would be. With good timing I hoped to lure them where I wanted.
The hulks of the three battleships were targeted with even larger charges because I did not want any survivors if possible even if they cost me a working computer.
The three battleships got three small visitors. A simple probe went deep into each and at the same time started to transmit data out of the system. This brought security, which also happened to be the large ships dealing with repair and system security. When they got close to see within the framework of the gigantic ships they were obliged to slow down. Debris was scattered throughout the system and now some pieces of rock moved in among the engines of each ship. This happened throughout the system as best as we could make it. All at the same time every piece of antimatter found an equal sized portion of matter. The combined mass was instantly converted to energy and sub atomic particles.
Every one of the ships around the hulks were destroyed along with the wrecks themselves. The smaller ships could not take that kind of force and died. The three on the outer perimeter were hit by our mines. One blew up while another was seriously damaged. The last though was only partially crippled.
It was madder than a hornet and I had sensors placed all over the system to see what their response would be. Data was stored because we could not afford to have it traced back to us. It took a half-day but soon the calls to the less damaged ship were heeded. It went to the aid of the next least damaged vessel to assist in recovery and repair. This is what I was waiting for and I again reached out with my mind and formed two gigantic tubes and placed them on the ships.
My mental efforts were detected. I worked now frantically because I could feel the attack building. Already my mind was giving me pain that discouraged me from doing more. I knew it would not stop until I died or was captured. As quick as I could, I smashed the two ships together. The shock was enough for them to momentarily stop their attack. The tubes now went inside breaches in their hull and the full force again was directed at each other. The two ships now blew up when their power source as well as their accumulators discharged.
Even before the fireball finished expanding I was attacked again but this time it was different. The sources were dispersed and each was weak or not in sync with the others. My tubes went out again and I held each of the small ships and burnt a hole through their hull. It took eleven instances of this reply to stop all of the pain.
Probes now went into the system to search for life. Here I was not going to rescue any of them. I stayed till I was exhausted dealing with the wounded. I felt good that I at least killed them quickly and as humanely as possible.
Probes had been disappearing on the planet. This could only be the Fassoot but they had not tried to flee or attack. Even though I was tired, more of the probes went to where their brethren had ceased functioning. I found a small ship hidden in a large cave. Checking the data I found that the ship had shot the probe because of its disturbance of the atmosphere. It then had made a dash for cover. An additional probe had been downed when it too got close.
Reaching through the atmosphere I found the hull and shot it out of the cave and into space. Much less energy was used or it would damage large areas of the unprotected planet. Well beyond the planet I cut the small ship in two. It now had no life in it.
The cave was investigated and no Fassoot life signs were found. Mom and Bennechi continued to monitor the situation while I slept.
When I woke up after a few hours I said, "Mom, what have you found?"
"There are no further signs of Fassoot life. I think we were very lucky to catch the vast majority of them on ships and not on the surface of the planet. The Tandra base has not been completely destroyed but there is none of that life either. Even the ova and sperm have been disintegrated. The computer is damaged but not completely destroyed."
I said, "Show me the computer." I was given a view of a neat hole in the hatch and very little damage beyond. The AI crystal had been removed and was just in a metallic mesh bag close to where it had been extracted.
Probes did not work that well in a computer and I knew I had to take a look for myself. Mom and Bennechi cautioned me but this too had to be done. When I got to the surface I found destruction all around. Tandra bodies and body parts were all over. I saw no indications of Fassoot casualties or even their damaged equipment. With the level of Tandra technology there may have not been any problems with the Fassoot just walking in and doing anything they wished and with impunity.
Mom's probes were everywhere and everywhere I saw death. This was a more progressive base and had what I guessed to be three thousand individuals. Some areas Mom warned me against viewing and I wisely agreed with her. A base this size would have a considerable number of children and infants.
When I got into the computer I moved directly to the AI crystal. The mesh bag was strong and not even secured but it took a considerable effort to even open the bag. I knew the Fassoot were physically strong and this was one of the reminders.
The AI crystal was reinserted and Mom transmitted the Imperial override by way of a probe at my side. In coming minutes the computer was interrogated. The ease of the Fassoot attack was seen first hand. The estimates of the speed of the ships were not to be believed by the computer and more and more readings had been taken. The estimate was 22,000 lights per day and this was deep in the system. Only with Mom, Bennechi and I working together, could we beat this and then not do it by much. The defences to this system were swept aside as if they didn't exist. The Tandra did put up a good fight but could do little to protect them selves from such a threat.
Mom tried to show only pertinent data but the three Fassoot that had entered the computer were not present. A small ship had dropped them off but had not had a chance to pick them up. The probes were mostly useless in this environment but the computer and AI could do whatever searches were necessary. There were no Fassoot in the computer or within range of whatever surviving sensors the computer had.
There was only one other place they could be and we were completely unprotected there. I gave immediate orders and in a few minutes I was decked out like an ancient samurai one more time. I did not know of any high tech weapons that would work in the maze but I was also sure that if any existed they would be in the many hands of the Fassoot.
Warnings of what might be found in the maze were passed to all of the AI family and I immediately went in. Once in the maze, I could feel a threat in three directions. This looked like the group had split up. The damage they could cause now would take years to repair but if I were dead then the repair would take a considerably longer time.
What seemed like a few minutes I came on one of the squat figures as it peered at one of the computers that were exposed and fully in the maze. I did not give it a chance to react but it turned towards me, sensing my approach. It brought something up in its hand and my sword slashed down severing one of the hands. The shock through my weapon told me that its body was very dense.
The sword reversed direction and came up and cut into the trunk of the Fassoot. The other hand continued to work as if disregarding its injuries and again the sword removed that appendage. An attack on my mind now occurred but one last slash of the sword removed the head. Even then the attack took a moment to completely stop.
The enemy was now approaching because they were well able to communicate in this realm. I just stepped to one side as something came close to me. It was the discharge of one of the hand weapons used by the Fassoot. The only escape was to push into the wall of the maze.
In seconds the Fassoot was in pursuit. I had changed course so I was at right angles to my first direction. My mind was working overtime trying to find an escape. More guessing had to be done and I changed course two more times before coming to the first intrusion into the maze wall. Just turning the corner to one side was the foot of my pursuer.
I tried to dampen my excited thoughts ran after this being. As I got only a metre away it started to turn. I used both the long and the short sword to cut it up quickly. Stabbing didn't seem to do much harm and only paring off body parts did this being seem to react.
The head seemed to work best if lopped off but even that did not end this hardy life form. They seemed to have much in common with a chicken.
When it stopped, I kicked the weapons away and removed the small hands for good measure.
I left quickly and waited before entering the maze proper. I could detect nothing specific but I knew the last Fassoot was close and possibly waiting to ambush me.
Mom was called, "Mind speak very loud and I will jump out. It may help."
She didn't object or caution me but immediately my mind rang with very loud thoughts from what I thought were the entire AI family. I staggered but thrust myself out of the wall and found the Fassoot a very short distance away. Its arms came around me. I was strong but this being was much stronger. Its mass was so great that I could do little to throw it anywhere.
The long sword fell but I had the short sword still in my hand. I could not use any of them though. My chest was starting to collapse and I knew that soon my strengthened bones would break. I could only think of the sword under my feet and used my PK to pick it up clumsily and get it to slash one of the mighty arms killing me.
I could not even see the blade but the picture in my mind gave me just enough information to bring the blade down with all of my mental might. I felt a searing pain in my back but the hold on me suddenly slackened especially in my right. The last major Fassoot hand came up with a hand weapon and the sword was able to remove it just in time.
I was very weak from the handling and the wound but in a last ditch will to live the sward flew and the Fassoot head fell to the floor.
Instead of thinking of the alien I held onto the portion of my back and used the PK ability to get me to the computer. My mind was groggy but I was able to part the veil enough to enter. I then just passed out.
Something was wrong and I needed to fix it or I would die. My eyes came open and I found myself in a medical tank. My quick breath hurt my lungs because I was immersed in liquid. There was enough oxygen in my system and I stopped the reflex to breathe. "Mom, are you there?"
I could not hear her but I did get a response. An AI replied to me, "Is there something you would like my Emperor?"
"Only a bit of information to start. Where am I, and where is Mom?" I asked an unfamiliar AI.
"You are in the Phottus system. I have read your mind or at least those portions that were open to me. I know who Mom is, but I do not know where she is. You just came into our computer and collapsed. You were put into medical after your identity crystal was read."
"Who knows that I came from an area behind the computer?"
"Seventeen Tandra saw you coming from the computer. After your memory was read, those people went into segregation."
"Good, I think the secret needs to be kept a bit longer. Give me a map of where I am in relation to the rest of the galaxy."
I looked at the map and saw that I was about thirty six hundred light years from my last position. I got control of many of the sensors and looked about the base. Nearly twenty nine thousand Tandra populated it. Ships were being built but they were mainly small. A look at inventory showed that there were a great many more Tandra and they were all on ships. They had gone to other Tandra systems and it looked like they were working hard at putting up a good defence. From the state of the yards it was seen that they had been doing this for a few years
"Who are you fighting now?"
"Nobody, my Emperor. We are just following your existing orders and getting ready for the Samutz and the Thonas that your representative informed us about."
"What representative?"
"Captain Matthew Buchanan, my Emperor."
This did give me a chuckle. I soon found that he had been through here almost seventeen years ago on his trip home. He had spread more than the good word. It might have saved my life with the quick action. The fact that I corresponded to Matthew's command might have been the only reason I was not just put into stasis. If that happened they would wait for someone to claim my body and nobody even knew where I was.
I found out to that I had slashed seven of my own ribs and punctured one of my lungs. The time spent in the tank so far was two Earth days and about a half of a day remained. There was nothing I could do to contact either my biological or AI family so I just used my mind to direct a fabricator to make some small ships that would be useful for scouts and for high-speed transit. Crystals were brought to the tank and I was able to do a few but they were not close enough. I brought them into the tank one at a time and they really started to glow. It was still much easier to do this work in the maze.
Another portion of my mind worked on what assets we had in this area of the galaxy. At the moment there were close to a thousand systems including a handful of other races that were just being protected by the local Tandra bases.
When the time came to get out of the tank, I had to expel all the liquid from my lungs but a few transmitters continued to furnish me with oxygen. I dressed in a common Tandra suit and then sat by myself as I ravenously ate a large meal. This was all done in privacy though there was a rumour about something special happening in medical.
I was sleepy but it would be better to continue with two tasks. Personnel were banned from certain areas for the first time. In a moment, I made it to the computer. I was presented with long spools of substrate, which I took into the maze. The first time in I called Mom with my mind and happily got her reply. She did convey happiness in her voice and it felt good to be back. I gave her a short synopsis and began to roll out the spools of substrate. I had not made this type of connection far into the maze yet. I was happy to see that she had cleaned up two of the bodies.
I stopped where I had the second fight and then found the body parts as I left them. I dragged them into the maze till it was complete. The hand weapon intrigued me but now was not the time to work on them. The spools did not quite make it to Lazarus but that entity provided some that would complete this portion of the communications highway.
Mom immediately worked on my benefactor but she was already under imperial protocol for seventeen years previously.
Mom, I found, had continued to impersonate me to the family till I was proved dead or found my way back. The Alliance might not fall apart, but my family might have trouble running it till some of the Fassoot came this way to take it from us.
Back at my starting point I continued to lay new spools to the abandoned base at the very fringe of the galaxy closest to the Canis Major Galaxy. One large crystal had been sent to Lazarus and I went back and retrieved it. I walked back and purified it as I moved. I had to pause for a few minutes to finish the job while still in the maze. The linkage to this computer had already been completed and only one or possibly two things needed to be done.
I placed the crystal and stood back as it integrated with the computer. This took a longer than usual but when it was done the quality of the AI was many times improved. There was one last thing to do, "You do not have a name and I think all people should have one that is not a string of numbers. Do you like the name Phoebe?"
"I like the name my Emperor."
"Well call me Henry now that we are introduced. The title is only to impress others."
"Yes, Henry."
One more crystal was retrieved and this went to the world I now called 'Land's End' because of its distance from the main sequence of stars but also its proximity to Canis Major.
Before I temporarily left this section and Phoebe, the seventeen witnesses were taken to medical and that portion of their mind blanked off. I could have it removed but I thought this would be better for them. This would put more pressure on Phoebe but she was much more intelligent now to handle the problems.
When I walked out of the computer in the system the Fassoot had attacked, I found that Mom had worked hard to keep most of the better portions of the destroyed or damaged ships from drifting away. Since the AI on the planet's surface had no real duties to perform for biologicals, it could use all of its resources to find out some of the secrets of the Fassoot technology. To do some of this I made another ship that would be more of its eyes and ears and in this case hands too.
Fassoot technology if small enough was sent through the maze to those ships that could deliver it for us.
Mom, Bennechi, and I pushed hard in their smaller ship and we made it to the Phottus system and Phoebe in just a day and a half. We made it through the defences so fast that they didn't have time to activate. We were on the surface of the planet before anybody noticed we had arrived except Phoebe herself.
I made this entrance to let the other Tandra know that I could do this. It would also give a reason for the seventeen people with a blank spot in their memories to have a justification for the procedure to have happened.
Two destroyers and a new battleship were already in the system. Many other large ships were coming too and I had an important job for them.
The biological administrator was all beside herself with my arrival and was to be honest, quite flustered. I talked in private for a few minutes then she seemed to relax. She went with me to the battleship and waited outside as I hooked the ship up to Mom after she assured that the ship would not spill the beans about what exactly I was doing. I brought predictor crystals and improved the propulsion system so it would bypass the Tandra that normally pushed this ship.
By the time the AI completed her job, the two destroyers were starting their own treatment to the same upgrade. Diplomatic protocols really suffered as new ships came into the system and I immediately went to them to do the same improvements.
I had to stay two weeks doing everything necessary. Some of our videophones were put on some ships after having been shipped through the maze. They went out on the fast ships to the thousand Tandra bases in this area. With a bit of bamboozling the 1093 worlds would get the radios then supposedly have the unit incorporated into the delicate circuits of the computer. The computers would then be able to communicate with the rest of the worlds. They already had this ability but it was just a way of justifying it to the Tandra.
We left Phottus with six battleships and many smaller ships in their bays. Six days later through our combined thrust, we were at the site of the Tandra base's destruction and the annihilation of the Fassoot task force.
The Fassoot shuttle computer and ship parts were recovered and I now worked full time on trying to find a way into the simpler computer. Some were physical which used the matter transmitter crystals and some were through the ports trying to interface with the machine.
The crystals did not work well. It was as if the shield was thicker than the range of crystal. Mom telecast what was happening as she had other projects so Tandra and other races on our system could learn. Mom said, "Admiral Buchanan's people found a possible solution. They suggest that you use one of the dimensional mines to shear off a portion of the computer so you can gain access."
"That sounds like a workable idea. Give his people my thanks."
I started to think on the best way to proceed with this idea and the others started to do our own repairs to the wrecks. Our own computers were used in this instance. This worked but the speed was not nearly as great as what it should be. The Fassoot computer did something that allowed even more speed and I had no idea what it was.
My own experiment should not be conducted on the planet. I took a range of various sized mines and went into a large open area of space. This time I took a battleship because of the strength of its shields. It held the first mine in position at the end of its tractors and the shuttle computer in another group.
The first mine was the lowest power we had but it did nothing. I want through all six sizes till the strongest sheared a wall off the computer. The shield had collapsed and the armour removed but the shield had come back. More of the largest mines were fabricated and it wasn't till the fourth try that we must have damaged the shield generation circuit.
I could now see why the computer was so heavy. I had once carried a computer in my hands while using my mind to warp all five dimensions to make it fit. This allowed me to get it through a small opening into its new home. The Fassoot computer sprang open as if it was foam expanding to fill a large cavity. In doing so there must have been a lot of damage because this was not done the way it should be.
The real work now began because the computer had to be deciphered. Clouds of probes were released and many of the AIs in the galaxy now worked to see what they could find while sorting through this damaged machine. Some things were obvious though. There were far less crystals and the majority of those we found were of the new variety we had just come across.
From my own perspective I found the computer very difficult to figure out. It was made by a group of aliens that must think altogether differently than Tandra or Humans. Some things looked efficient while others did not. Since their technology was further advanced than ours, I was not going to discount anything yet. The new crystals could mean that some components were made to work in more than five dimensions. What these did in three, four, or five dimensions was probably not the same in a sixth or more.
In the next few hours we found another similar computer in a damaged ship. Again our largest mine was used on it but this time the piece to be thrown someplace else was taken at right angles to the piece we already had. Probes went to this new portion just after the mine had sheared a portion off.
If this were done enough times it was much more likely that we would be able to work around the damage we caused and find the fundamental workings of the Fassoot computer. Some of the components were removed to be investigated how they worked in more than three dimensions.
The time spent examining the portions that were brought to me was more than just exhausting. It reminded me of a dog that had to sniff out drugs. Its nose worked so hard that it was the same as a very long run. I may not have moved far but I certainly was fatigued.
When I was about to leave the large lab set up in one of the boat bays I found a sudden cessation of noise and a great many mental exclamations. When my mind quested out I found that I had visitors. The transporters moved me to the point closest and I saw two very beautiful women walking purposely to where I was. They stopped in mid stride and then turned to approach me.
I walked close and stopped a metre away and formally bowed. "My ladies, you do me honour."
Taylar who should have known better the meaning of protocol rushed in and hugged me to her. Ingrid came close and just waited her turn. I kissed Taylar and said, "I didn't expect to see you here." Turning to Ingrid I pulled her to me with my other arm and said, "You both, are a very welcome sight."
My fatigue was momentarily forgotten as I showed them what I had found. They must have been in the little relative class ships for weeks to get here. When I had talked to them as they flew here they had made it appear that they were back in Defren. I was a little put out too at the subterfuge but I was even guiltier of that than they were.
They had just arrived and very curious. They had been following all the updates and suggesting avenues to work on as most of the viewing public were now doing. This, I was told was the equivalent of an interactive mini series to find out about the invaders from our next-door galaxy. Even though they were keeping tabs on their own affairs, and handling the family business of running the empire they had their own input.
Ingrid said, "This technology you have found has stirred up everybody on our network. Mom has offered prizes or awards to the people that come up with useful suggestions. The grand prize I heard was the chance to meet you in a large gathering of other winners. Taylar and I decided to cheat and get to take some of your time and help you too."
I raised my eyebrows. They may help but they were also very distracting to me. We had a meal with the officers of this battleship as the work continued to find out the secrets of the Fassoot. This meal had all the trappings of another formal occasions but it was not to be helped I guess.
Though the girls were not tired they went to bed with me to keep me company. I replied to their thoughtfulness by making slow tender love to each of them, mindful that they were each carrying my children. Ingrid wanted her wife to go first and Taylar agreed. I worked from her ears to her neck then caressed the breasts that I wanted to feed our child. She had not had me for a considerable time and came quite forcefully with just this.
I called Ingrid over and she now felt more of involved by working on Taylar's other breast. I just stayed just a moment and then went south at a slow pace with my lips and small nibbles to show Taylar where I was going.
Her long clit was standing proudly waiting for attention but I just came close. She moaned verbally as I continued down her legs. I changed position and then picked up her left leg and kissed the sensitive skin on the inner thigh and ran my tongue along the fine hairs. Her hands came out to grasp me but Ingrid held her back and protected me.
My lips continued their journey down to her foot and kissed the sole and then each of her toes. Moving over to the other leg I did everything one more time but in reverse. When I kissed under the knee her body shook with another orgasm and Ingrid had a difficult time holding her in place. She shook violently as I continued my voyage.
At the juncture of her legs I continued to harass my poor victim by ignoring the clits and just did what I could to get her as high as possible without that little bit extra she needed. My kissed went to her abdomen and she fought again to push my head back to where it belonged Again Ingrid did what she could. My fingers though traced around the small clits and pushed her lips further apart. Her legs were wide but now she strained even harder to get as wide as possible.
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had never thought my mind capable of such imaginings. My dream was of a young girl at the school at wich I teach. She is so young and beautiful. Her youngness makes all of this seem so evil, yet the beauty of her innocent age, I believe, is what drew me in, and captivated me. I saw her for the first time in the classroom of an associate teacher. Immediately upon entering the room I noticed her sitting at her desk, her dark eyes softly studying mine. I looked away quickly but was so...
The best throated scene to date: triple the girls, triple the beauty and triple the pleasure. As three goddesses descended from mount Olympus Leigh Raven, Honey Gold & Chloe Couture present themselves scantly clad in sensual lingerie. As preliminary they get playful between them but soon they are tackling a massive black monster cock. They take turns, deepthroat it, suck it simultaneously, lick the balls, push each other heads and get gagged. Your wildest cock sucking fantasies fulfilled...
xmoviesforyouDeAnn's Submissive WeekendPart 13======================================================================Suzy, as I was finding out, is not only very bi, but she's also veryaggressive and likes to play rough too. Quite a difference from the submissive,eager to please, persona she displays when she is with my husband Mark. I'msexually submissive with both sexes so I was really enjoying being with Suzyin a one on one situation where she could reveal more of her bi, dominatrixside. What a gorgeous...
I took Gerry's advice and wandered down to the basement and the three ladies were sitting around the table there drinking tea. "Would you like a cup of tea Sir, "Mary asked. "Mary please don't call me Sir, you know my name it's Denis, and that applies to all of you. Don't try to raise my station in life, and yes!" I said to her giving her a tap on the bottom. The Cook was a Pakistan lady, she was dressed in a sari which somehow didn't look out of place, it seemed part of her. Her...
“Whoa! Now who is THIS sexy beauty?” He asked Steven. His eyes were nearly popping out of his head as he absent mindedly wiped saliva from his gaping mouth. “Isn’t she something else?” Steven beamed proudly. “And get a load of these curves. To be honest, I used to spend hours caressing her in bed before going to sleep.” “I can see why.” Adam nodded in approval. “That’s basically every red-blooded man’s dream. Mind if I hold her?” “I don’t mind; just be careful. She requires a...
The most beautiful women ever in Throated join forces to take you to the deep throating heaven. Veruca James, Valentina Nappi & Karlee Gray share something in common: dark hair, big natural boobs, round succulent asses and a unnatural talent for sloppy deepthroating. In the most impressive cocksucking scene ever see them tackling a black monster cock simultaneously with their mouths, tits and hands. Triple blowjob, double titfuck, infinite pleasure. A clip you’ll definitely want to...
xmoviesforyouI even wondered whether it had been a ploy by her in sending me the pictures on purpose, but then dismissed the idea, as she wasn’t usually a devious person. As much as I enjoyed it, I was obviously concerned I had just had a sexual encounter with my own sister, but from the way my cock now stood erect again I guessed I wasn’t that concerned! I grabbed some tissues from my bedside cabinet and wiped away the worst of the mess before getting off the bed and stripping my boxers. I screwed...
“I’m 18 years old and my name is Chris. Sounds typical enough, right? You may as well finish the story yourself. It’s not like you don’t meet a million people like me every day. But there always has to be a twist to every story, and here you have it – a young preppy, girlie-girl blonde with an androgynous name. It kinda changes things a bit, doesn’t it? I have a love and obsession, of course. Don’t we all? His name is Steve. What a hunny. It always sounds strange when we are mentioned as a...
LesbianPut a man's name as First Name Put a woman's name for Miss 76 as Last Name It is the middle of summer and the start of the holiday you booked for yourself. You are standing in line on the dock waiting to board the ship that will be your home for the next 2 weeks. Your luggage has been sent ahead to your cabin. While you are waiting, you read the promotional brochure that was given to you by one of the crew. "A Holiday for Singles" it says in big letters at the top. "14 fun filled days for...
I came home early that day because of a cancelled tutorial. Going straight to my room I dumped a couple of adult sex stories books and some notes I’d taken during a lecture on the desk and wondered what to do. I could have got down to some studying, and had almost reluctantly made up my mind to do just that, when my attention was caught by a strange sound. At first I wasn’t sure if it was inside or outside the house. When I’d entered the house I thought no one was home. If there was anyone at...
IncestThank you guys for an amazing feedback for the previous story! For those who have not read the first part, please read it first. “Aaah.. Aaaaahh… Aaaaah Dan fuckkk bastard you came inside your cousin’s pussy! Damn, you are such a horny brother!” Akanksha was breathing heavily and talking dirty to me. I was so lost. I let go of her boobs as I felt my penis soften, my cum pouring out of her pussy and dripping on to her asshole. I pulled my penis out and lied on top of her. Her pussy was...
IncestKim's heart beat fast in anticipation. Suddenly the turmoil, the traumatic adventure with Ken was behind her. She had to do it, she reflected. Kim would have done anything in the world for the chance to be with the woman of her dreams. The price of giving the vile old man a most disgusting blowjob had been worth it. Besides, it wasn't nearly as bad as she would have thought. Kim rubbed the filthy slim off her face and watched the two Pattersons plus her little brother depart the house out the...
"She didn't make it on the team." "That's disappointing," a cold, stoic voice replied. "Now, please Barbara, go to the kitchen or something and send Ally this way when she returns home." "Will do, honey. I love you," she threw out on a hopeful whim to her long incumbent husband. "You too, Barbara," was his neutral response. She fought back allowing a crushed sigh to escape from her lips, and simply strolled off. A timid, ashamed knock tapped against the door. "Daddy," a fearful voice called...
IncestI have to say when you are a dom master bbc stud like me it truly is like taking candy when you can have a night out at the club scene and by nights end have some discreet married white female discovering ther first taste of bbc....well this little black cock tale is a gem of real life events I had when I went out with buddy at this hot spot dance club in LA last summer when I was there visiting from Nor Cal...this club was really cool and banging cus most of the people in there was over 30 and...
This had the effect of eliminating old women leaving only those under 35. Amy would be one of 20 executed by hanging today. They draw numbers to determine the order they would die. The fist to die today were Amy followed by Angie, Roxana, Christine, Lyn, Kristy, Nancy, Janice, Kristy, Crystal, Janis, Irene, Bonnie, Jessica, Dee, Alexia, Barbra, Colleen, Patti, and Betty. They were all naked and barefoot to die as they were born. They stood in caged area so the could be seen by the...
Becky's Story By Julie Finch I still remember Becky's first appointment even though it was quite some time ago. I remember when she first came in to my salon with her Mistress, and I think that was the last and only time she even looked slightly masculine. I had worked with Becky's Mistress a few times before on other sissies, but Becky was going to be by far her biggest focus of time and attention. It seemed that Becky's Mistress had just started her own business importing...
David pulled his fingers out of Rachel's pussy and greedily licked them. "Oh, baby, you taste so good, I could eat you for days." Rachel, still breathing hard with her eyes closed, smiled. "There's more where that came from," she said and pushed his head down between her legs. He lapped at her pussy lips with a soft, wide tongue at first, making sure to lick up all her juices, then stiffened his tongue and drove it into her. Rachel began writhing on the couch, moaning and thrusting her hips...
I Tried for Cousin Sis but Got Her Aunt Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without...
IncestHey Lily, You have trees outside the dome? I thought your homes were underwater. Or are you saying that there are additional domes, away from your "home" dome. Just trying to get a picture of your setup. I know Willow wrote a bit about ours to her brother back when we first landed over a year ago. Wow, it's been a long time since we came. The island we are on is large considering that several people estimate that it was once the top of a volcano crater. One of the college prof corporals...
Jack Wetherley walked slowly, morosely, along the front of the new stables. Not since the death of his father six years earlier, had he ever felt so low. Passing the open-gated front of the twenty, as yet, unused stalls, he was asking himself whether his months of intimacy, with Becky, the niece of Sir Oswald Brandling, were about to tear them apart.They had both been aware of the risks they were taking in prolonging their warm affair. But life had a way of biting just as everything looked rosy...
HistoricalMy name is Norrin Radd. Ever since Galactus has chosen me to be his herald, I have searched the cosmos for Uninhabited planets. I find it harder and harder to find suitable planets, and now, it seems I have no choice. I must do the unthinkable and bring my master to the only planets left... The ones teeming with life... But there is another reason I do not traverse life-filled planets. With all the Cosmic power at my disposal, there is a draw back. I find it extremely difficult to resist the...
Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic! Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island...
I enter my dorm and shut the door behind me. I sigh as I set my bag on a table—it had been a long day, and I need to wind down. I sit down on a chair and turn on the TV, looking for something good to put on. I switch through the channels, bored until I hit one called “Extasy”. Curious, I let the image load, and I’m met with the scene of a young couple fucking, moaning loudly. I scramble to hit mute, not wanting my neighbors to hear, but my mind immediately started wandering.I’ve never had a...
MasturbationCurvy blonde, Kali Roses, is sharing a cool drink with her man, Jessie Jones. The refreshing glass of ice-cold juice is not enough to cool down Jessie’s lustful desire for the voluptuous blonde. Jessi plays with Kali’s round ass and pierced pussy before going down and licking her pink pussy and asshole. Kali can’t help but moan as Jessie plays with her clit using his tongue. The naughty blonde returns the pleasure by giving her man a sloppy blowjob and deepthroat. After the...
xmoviesforyouAmber and the kids came back the next day and Kathy and my unbridled sex sessions came to end. So much had changed in last few days. I was looking at my kids in a different light. Every time Adam and Mahi were alone, I wondered what they might be doing. I would wake up in the middle of the night to go check on them to see if Adam was dipping his young cock in his sister’s pussy. I was also concerned about my 13-year-old Sara, I imagined that it was only a matter of time before Adam would want...
Jeff drove his son down without his wife. She was probably still at their beach house on the coast drunk and too bothered to travel to the tournament. That was exactly what Jeff wanted since he was hoping for an opportunity to fuck Vicki again. He had a chubby most of the trip thinking about the last time they were together and hoping to be buried again deep in her sweet pussy. He knew her husband could not stay the entire time and thought of ways to get her alone with him again. It was the...
Living Dolls Characters in order of appearance: Brandon as Betsi Wetsi number one; Agatha as Witch #1; Mark as the Fairy Princess; John as the white Teddy Bear; Tom as the Teddy Bear in the pink tutu; Rick as Chatty Cathy; Alan as Saucy Walker; Carl as Betsi Wetsi #2; Hazel as Witch #2; Missy Ann as Witch #3; Joey as Maria. Synopsis: She collects dolls. Ever since she was a little girl she's collected and played with dolls. Back then she only talked to her dolls and imagined...
This is a real story that recently happened.Ok first off im a young horny black guy who loves bbw mature and big asses and tits so happen my grandmother has all of that. I live with my grandparents. One day it was a hot muggy rainy day in Houston. Lighting struck our a/c unit outside so it stopped working but we still had power. I was home alone and really bored (horny) and pulled out my laptop. Iknew my grandfather wouldnt be home soon but my grandmother would be home in 45 minutes. I went to...
Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you for all the positive feedback on the previous parts. Before I get into the story, I would like to say that the series ‘Sexting My Mother’ is nearing its end. And, my biggest, and most punctual, work till date, is heading towards its climax. The next part will, in all probability, be the last episode. I know there will be a few who are disappointed about having no ‘real sex’ in this story. I am sorry to say there won’t be any of it, even in the final episode. I...
IncestHi, Dear Indian Sex Stories dot net readers this is Mohan from Delhi and this is my first story in Indian Sex Stories dot net. I have been a regular reader of this site. First, let me introduce myself I am 5 feet 10 inches and have a very attractive face and body. I am a national player so u can understand about my physique.So now let me start with the story let me tell you about this incident which happened in Delhi itself. In our country, we have many societies and I am part of one of such...
One day in last year spring I happened to read newspaper’s story about poor family, where father lost his job because of poor eyesight and they had a big trouble to survive, because they had 8 children – five daughters aged 17, 15, 13, 10 and 6, three boys aged 12, 7 and 4. Suddenly I saw an opportunity – I will give helping hand to the family and in return maybe I can fulfill my sexual dream to walk naked with teengirls. Maybe even I have a possibility to see, how they can handle a public...
Hi. My name is Victoria Rose. I'm a sixteen year old girl whose parents have a very high income and I'm told to have a great body. I have long chocolate brown hair that goes to right above my bottom, bright ocean blue eyes, delicate long black eyelashes, a fair/ tanned skin (I live in Hawaii, which is where I am right now), a strong flat stomach, breasts that are size C4, a curved body and manicured finger nails and toe nails. I've decided to go to the pool today, but this isn't just any pool....
Two hearts beating, the only sound, the slight yet relaxed rhythmical breathing of two souls in the half light afforded by the red numerals on the digital clock. In another time it would have been the muted mechanical ticking of a mantle clock or grandfather clock that tapped out the time in a comfortable yet strangely familiar beat. In this digital age it would appear that this would be a poor substitute yet at the same time this is a warm, embracing and friendly light that softens the...
"You want me to be Charli Adamos?" "Replace Charlii Adamos for an unknown period of time." "The Charlii Adamos? The gamer girl who has a huge army of simps that live streams everyday?" "Her father, Lord Patrician Adamos is a high admiral. We have recently found credible evidence that the Classic League seeks to abduct Charli and extort her father with it. If we can however replace her with you we can simply have you be abducted and we can follow a hyper covert trace back to your...
As always: this is a work of fiction, any names used are NOT REAL, and if it is similar to any other stories found on the net, well, thank god there are more people like me. Sorority House Scavenger Hunt By Catherine Steward PART 1 One night while on a scavenger hunt for my fraternity, the other pledges and I had to find several items that would require breaking into a girl's dorm or apartment. I suggested to my brothers that we could easily acquire most of the items at a...
Corsets and Boots: Part Ten Chapter Nineteen Last Orders. That reminiscence about extreme tight lacing has prompted me to insert some of my own hints about the general art of tight lacing, because it is a subject that has often been abused both by the Cinema and by inexperienced authors. I feel qualified to write about tight lacing because Dorothy and I both gained considerable experience over a great many years of lacing our different customers. If you study the old cinema...
About a week had passed since the incident with Casey coming by my work place, trying to blackmail me, by telling my friends I was dating a transsexual. I had talked with Christina about the whole situation, and she had been able to calm me down and help me relax. I had been so pissed off at first, that I couldn't even think clearly at the time. But with Christina's help, I was now seeing things a little more clearly than before, and I had even come to a decision of how I thought I could solve...
This is a work of pure fiction.A Chance EncounterBusiness trips always seem to be glamorous, you get to see so many parts of the world and you visit so many cities and sights. You also spend a lot of time in airport terminals doing absolutely nothing, and you spend a great deal of time eating and drinking by yourself even in nice restaurants.This business trip was to be no different. At the end of the month I found myself on a plane bound for Toronto. It would be a two, maybe three day trip. I...
FetishThanks to the work of far too many superheroes and heroines, crime in Omen City had all but been stopped -- petty crime was long extinct, and all that remained were the superpowered criminals that considered themselves be matches for all of the city's goldbrick do-gooders. They rarely succeeded, and in the cases which they did, another hero would step in before anything permanent could be changed. One of these many supervillains was a woman in her mid-20's, June Spinster, who ran her criminal...
But if you're going to start bitching at me then whatever. Feel however you want." He hangs up the phone. At that moment I started sobbing. I was so heartbroken. I was hoping this was some kind of bad dream but it wasn't. Nope, it's just reality fucked-up reality. Natalie was overthinking things and thinking that it was her fault that for some reason or another the reason he broke up with her was that she wasn't pleasing him or she wasn't good in the bed. She didn't know what else to do...
My photographic work had, over the past few years, changed from filming in far-flung parts of the world to being almost entirely studio based. Whilst the portable camera excelled in capturing events as they happened, my early training in stage lighting served me well in the studio and earned me a good living. Today, my subjects were two women, Jill and Susie, in their late twenties who wanted some erotic pictures for their own private collection. So, Jim, my assistant and I had been...
ExhibitionismDid you read Huckleberry Finn when you were in high school? Well, this story starts like that: you won’t know anything about Kathy or me unless you’ve read a story titled ‘The Big Girl’, but that doesn’t really make a difference to this one. Kathy and I had been going together about four months when this story starts. I’m a Joe Average. I work in the accounting department of a medical insurance office, which means I know little about insurance and less about medicine. I like sports and music,...
The character SweetWitch/Molly Wens was used with permission of the author. As far as I know, DanielleKitten has never written a novella called ‘The Soul’s Abyss.’ But if she did, I’m sure it would be excellent. * I managed to ignore the phone the first two times that it rang, on the theory that it must have been a wrong number. Anyone who knew me, anyone to whom I had given my phone number, would know that I had worked the late shift last night. They would know that I wouldn’t have arrived...
Hi doston mera name nimku hai aur mere lund ka size hai 7inch aur koi bhi girl ya aunt free mein satisfy hona chahti aur free home chudai chahti hai toh mail karen par Toh story ki heroine hai afsana ji jo ek muslim lady hai aur dikhne mein ekdum disha patani jaisi hai usse bhi jyada sexy hai aur woh ek mild hai lekin sexiness ke mamle mein disha ko bhi beat kar de apni adaon se aur apne sexy curves se unka figure 40-36-38 hai unka bra size 40c hai abhi likhte samay bhi unki chuchi yaad karte...
Beth scowled at the water. She was sitting on the shore of the Labyrinth’s circular river, watching it rush past. Her knees were pulled against her chest beneath a powder blue skirt, and she tossed another rock into the cold water. It disappeared with a small splash, and Asterion lifted his head from his position next to her to see what had happened. “Is everything okay?” he asked. She rolled her eyes, but didn’t look at the minotaur. “Yeah, it’s fine.” In truth, it wasn’t. Ever since her...
Voyeurs Come KnockingIt was late and Cindy had just got home from work dressed in a skirt, blouse, and heels. Just as she was about to walk in the three voyeurs came around the corner.“Hey look here it’s the show girl, so you want to put on another show for us tonight” Cindy was a little afraid and then again a lot more excited as they all looked rather nice so she sort of played along.“Sure come on in boys and let’s get started” She could not believe she said that but what the hell let’s see...