Spirit Ch 04
- 4 years ago
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When the train left Valencia to take Clovis and the governors home, Emperor Reba and his wives stayed behind to catch the next ship home. Izem and I planned the attack on the Vandals at Carthage. He was sure he could get 50,000 troops within three months so we set the attack date for September 1. I would provide three thousand ground troops armed with rifles, and two hundred mortar crews. The rifle infantry and mortars would cover the west wall since there was no other way for the people to escape. To the north was a mile or so of the peninsula and then the sea. To the south and east were a lake and the sea. My armada would blockade the port, capturing any ships attempting to flee. With the false dawn, the shipboard mortars would target the palace and barracks.
Once the shipboard mortars fired, Izem wanted Amazigh troops to rush the walls of the city while our land-based mortars targeted the walls. I suggested waiting until the mortars breached the walls, as it could take some time.
With a plan in place, Izem headed home with 10,000 crossbows and 10,000 of the Mongol short bows. They had enough of the Mongol short bows by now that they had plenty of men proficient with them. “Think you can handle this?” I asked Captain Drogo. His confident grin, knowing that I was yanking his chain told me how much he’d grown since taking over. Originally, he would have had to fight down his outrage that I would question his ability, even teasingly.
“I think we can handle a few Vandals,” he answered confidently. He went with Izem to help explain the plan to the other Amazigh chiefs and to help answer any questions.
I was finally able to turn my attention back to my dreaded “TTD List.” I wanted to do two things right away, one that I had put off since before starting on the steam engines. I put the second one off a few days more and began the first. I spread word that I was looking for woodcarvers who could read and write both Frankish and Latin. I found two men almost immediately in Valencia, and tasked them with carving each letter of the Frankish and Latin alphabets. I showed the men how big to make the letters (roughly a quarter inch tall). I wanted the letters plain and simple with no artistic flourishes. One of our scribes wrote out each letter the way I wanted it. Once they finished carving the letters, we would cast them in plaster, and then in steel to use in printing presses.
While they worked on that, I headed for my laboratory/workshop. Years ago, I collected the equipment and materials I would need, including our version of Pyrex glassware. I had previously explained to the glassmakers about borosilicate glass, indicating the necessary materials, giving them the recipe, and letting them play with it. I now have several shelves filled with their handiwork, with the spiral glass condensing tubes being the most intricate.
Using globs of animal fat that we save for making soap, I melted the fat and strained off the impurities. One of my assistants then dropped several long, thin strips of zinc into a large, corked beaker filled with hydrochloric acid and moved the beaker closer to the liquid fat. Glass tubing and rubber tubing ran from the top of the beaker (now producing hydrogen gas) to the bottom of the flask filled with melted fat. The hydrogen produced by the zinc and acid bubbled through the liquid fat while I swirled the flask to mix the melted fat and hydrogen. A second tube ran back out through the cork of the fat-filled flask, allowing the buildup of gas inside the flask to escape.
Through trial and error, I learned that it took about fifteen minutes of this to convert most of the liquid fat to the chemical I needed. After fifteen minutes, I allowed each batch to cool and separate into layers.
Next, I performed a similar reaction, but heated pyrolusite and potassium chlorate to form oxygen that I ran through a different batch of liquid fat to create adipic acid (adipic from the word adipose, meaning fat). When both batches were complete and separated into layers, I strained out the impurities, mixed the correct layer from each batch together and heated them, adding a little vinegar to remove even more impurities.
Finally, I poured the resulting mixture into a three-foot-long narrow stainless-steel tube. The cap, containing a plunger, screwed onto the open end of the tube sealing it, much like modern caulking guns. When I pressed the plunger, thin, threadlike nylon fibers came out through tiny holes I made in the bottom cap of each tube. When the nylon filaments reached a foot long, one of the women I had there grabbed them with a gloved hand and began twisting them as if making thread from cotton, wool, or silk. When the thread was long enough, she hooked it to a treadle-powered spinning wheel with a bobbin I hoped was large enough to hold the thread from the entire tube.
Eventually, we wove nylon thread into fabric. Women loved the soft, silky feel of the fabric. Other of the nylon threads were braided together to make thicker nylon string, and even nylon rope. When everyone figured out that nylon rope didn’t rot like natural-fiber ropes did when they got wet, demand skyrocketed.
I used the first batches of nylon, however, to make special nets. We made the nets from heavy-duty nylon string with one-foot square gaps in the mesh. I then had slave women use wooden frames to meticulously hand-tie smaller meshes with one-inch gaps into one-foot by two-foot meshes. They folded those meshes to make a pocket a foot square and sewed the pockets on both sides and the across bottom into the one-foot-by-one-foot gaps in the nylon nets. Then they sewed one of the two top edges to the big net, leaving the top of the smaller mesh open. Once I was ready, I would drop a pearl oyster into each pocket and the entire net would hang offshore from floating wooden frames. We helped keep those wooden frames floating with basketball-sized glass floats.
Nylon ropes secured the bottom of the nets to a series of ten-pound lead weights. When the nets were in place, the lowest row of oysters would be at least twenty feet above the ocean bottom to avoid the worst of the silt. Each of the nets was ten feet high by fifty feet wide, and we could sew nets together to make nets twenty, thirty, or more feet deep depending on the water depth. Some would be ten net units, or a hundred feet deep. The first batch of nets and floats were ready about the time of the planned invasion of Carthage, so we held off installing them.
I did send instructions with ships leaving for Madagascar and places beyond. I wanted our ships to contact pearl divers in the easternmost part of Kantoli (part of what is modern Indonesia), as well as the areas that are modern Burma, Australia, and Japan. I wanted them to secure as many live pearl oysters as possible from the divers there. They were to keep the oysters in large barrels, adding fresh buckets of ocean water several times every day and night, letting the excess water spill over the top.
I wanted pearl oysters from Japan, as well as black lipped pearl oysters, white-lipped pearl oysters, and Gold-lipped pearl oysters from Kantoli, Burma, Australia, and environs. The instructions I sent were to bring back as many of each as possible, up to 3,000 of each variety. Any crew able to convince a family involved in the pearl industry to relocate would receive a hefty bonus. The family had to include at least one expert diver and one person expert at opening the oysters to check for pearls. I would work with the family or families to show them what I wanted. They also needed to bring back translators so we could communicate with the pearl industry families.
My agents had only recently concluded negotiations with the four hundred or so inhabitants of Sitra Island in the Persian Gulf to purchase it from them. The island is along the east side of Tubli Bay (just off the east coast of modern Bahrain) and has several freshwater springs that provide water for the population and livestock to drink, as well as for agriculture. I intended to build a sturdy wall around the entire island for protection since there was still the potential for raids on the island by pirates. I would also build several large stone cisterns to hold water and would install clay pipes to run water to irrigate fields.
I even intended to enlarge the island somewhat by importing rich soil from the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers some three hundred miles to the north. There was plenty of water on the island to increase agriculture, but very little fallow arable soil still available, just enough to grow crops to support the island’s current inhabitants. There were also date palms scattered across the island.
Fishing boats and pearl boats were able to dock in the shelter of the bay. We would build a single pier to the southeast and dredge a harbor deep enough to allow our Capital Class and Duchess Class ships to dock. The Capital Class ships could already reach several points on the eastern shore, but it was tricky.
I intended to increase the population of the island, including adding five hundred troops to protect it. Initially, most of the extra people would be engineers and slaves to do the building. Eventually, the island would be home to people involved with the pearl industry, agriculture, and other supporting businesses.
Breaching the outer walls of Carthage in five places only took a short time with our mortars, then the 50,000 Amazigh troops poured through the nearly undefended breaches. Once the mortar attack began, our riflemen began picking off any Vandal troops who showed themselves. Breaching the outer wall could have been quicker, but they originally trained half of the mortars on the Vandal barracks. They breached the second wall even before completely securing the first wall. They didn’t need to breach the third wall. Flags of surrender began waving shortly after the Amazigh troops took control of the two outer walls and showed how easily they could breach the walls.
As planned, our ships stationed just offshore targeted the palace and barracks to begin the attack. They found King Thrasamund’s body several days later in the rubble of the palace. Less than half of the Vandal soldiers survived, with less than half of those uninjured. Sailors rushing to the military harbor stopped in their tracks when they saw our ships offshore. By then, everyone knew what one of our ships did to a coordinated attacking fleet of a hundred Roman ships. None of the Vandal sailors even thought about trying to attack our armada. They concentrated on staying hidden to avoid flying debris.
When it was over, any Vandals who owned Amazigh slaves were shackled, chained, and sent to Valencia. From there, we sorted them out and sent them elsewhere depending on what they knew how to do. Originally, the Amazigh had planned a bloodbath in the city, but Captain Drogo told them we wouldn’t help if they did. Eventually, they agreed on our plan to make slaves of the Vandals (and others) who had Amazigh slaves. They did make the Vandal men who owned slaves watch as their wives and daughters were raped, the same as happened to the Amazigh females when they became slaves. After that, the married Vandal men who owned slaves went to Valencia, never to see their families again. The Amazigh troops kept single Vandal men shackled as slaves for several projects Izem had in mind.
They kept many of the younger Vandal women as concubines or second wives, but Izem insisted on saving the best-looking two. The one with the biggest tits went to Clovis (he loves big tits), and the taller of the two was sent to me. It’s not that I don’t like big tits, mind you, but I am able to appreciate other features, too, especially a tall, attractive woman. The woman sent to Clovis carried the tattered banner of King Thrasamund for Clovis to add to his collection. Those women deemed too old or too young to consider as concubines were sent to Valencia. By then, the Vandal men had been reassigned to other locations, with detailed notes about who we sent where so family members didn’t end up together. Most of the older women fit right in at our cotton, silk, and nylon mills, and silkworm warehouses. We introduced Rodelinda, the Vandal woman sent to me, into our bed the first night she was here.
They plundered the city of Carthage, stripping it of its wealth. One quarter of the wealth came to Valencia in payment for our support. One quarter went to the Amazigh troops and the chieftains who supplied them. The remainder Izem used to repair the damage to the walls and barracks in Carthage, and to repair and expand existing Roman roads. Many of the Amazigh chieftains had seen Malaga, including our concrete roads and our railroads. They agreed that both would both enhance trade and speed up travel in their territory, as would rebuilding their main harbors to be more like ours. They planned to use the Vandal ships for trade, even the military ones.
Now, aside from two tribes of Huns living in the northeast corner of the Black Sea, every shore of or adjoining the Mediterranean was now under Frankish control or control of an ally.
Izem traded half of the male Vandal slaves and ten pounds of gold to us for an equal number of the Sassanid slaves with experience building and concreting our roads. We again ramped up our cement production and stockpiled it in warehouses in Malaga waiting for Amazigh ships to pick it up. It probably would have been faster and more cost effective for us to deliver it, but they were excited about having such a large fleet of ships and wanted to put them to immediate use.
For a month, the conquest of Vandal territory continued. With Carthage captured and the king dead, only the biggest cities put up any real resistance, and their determination was short lived. The remaining cities surrendered within an hour, providing even more slaves for the Amazigh and freeing thousands of Amazigh who had been kept as slaves.
Others of my troops secured the islands we gained: Corsica, Sardinia, and Malta. There was little resistance since the islanders didn’t really care which country claimed them as long as we left them alone. Sardinia already knew us because we already had more than a dozen mines there. They were actually encouraged to hear that they were part of The Frankish Empire now. We told the Vandals on the islands that we would leave them in peace so long as there were no problems. When we explained what happened to the Vandals captured by the Amazigh, they suddenly became much more agreeable.
While the Amazigh troops and my loaner troops were mopping up, my wives and I headed for Sitra Island to check on the progress. I already had ten pearl divers there using the diving helmets and air hoses. They had reached a compromise with the locals who were initially upset by the advantage our divers had. Our divers agreed not to take pearl oysters in water less than a hundred feet deep, the deepest the free divers could go and still be able to work long enough to make the effort worthwhile.
They had the nylon mesh nets set up and were experimenting with seeding the pearls the way I showed them. Unfortunately, I’d only seen the procedure performed on television, and had never attempted it. The ten oysters I operated on died. The others had similar results for a short time before they began to get the hang of it and were proficient enough now that ninety-five percent of the oysters survived.
I made small, hand-cranked tumblers for families to use on pieces of shell, rounding the edges. First, their families carefully filed each piece to make it reasonably rounded. Then, they tumbled a handful or two for several days. Anytime someone in the family wasn’t doing something else, they cranked the tumbler to make shell beads. Even the kids were able to help with the tumbling. We brought several thousand of the beads with us. For now, I had women across Iberia turning more pieces of oyster and clam shells into small, roundish beads. Eventually, I planned to move that industry to Sitra Island, too.
When we arrived, two Capital Class ships were dredging the island’s harbor. The ships were rigged with steam-driven dredging equipment. A long conveyor belt-like device was outfitted with stainless steel buckets that dredged silt from the shallow ocean floor. The buckets emptied into a wide U-shaped chute that angled down to barges. Once each barge was full, it carried the muck to the Gulf of Oman to dump it while another barge took its place. Still more barges brought in a steady supply of rock that they dumped into the water, forming what would become the new, eastern edge of the island.
Adonis growled harshly, though his agony stemmed from something other than pain. He moaned and groaned; his limbs moved heavily with a dead weight. The Greek attire he wore was tattered, torn, and hung from an equally torn body. There was no more blood. Actually, there was no pain either, and it felt very odd. He had yet to acclimate himself, being suspended in the Middle World and the world below it. The Middle World still coursed through his veins, the Under World, through his soul. It was...
Thanks to Jim for editing! I first met James at a Christmas party my parents were throwing. He was the contractor they had hired to put together the new house they were building as an anniversary gift to each other. It would be a lot bigger than the two-storied, three-bedroom house I'd grown up in, which meant that there would be plenty of room for either me or my sister if we needed it, which wasn't something I was about to complain about, considering that at twenty-four, I was about to run...
Jun 6, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Two A Special Night Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on March 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...
Sep 7, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Nine A Fresh Assignment Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...
It's four a.m. the feel of your soft caress down my back awakens me. I turn over to say I love you and kiss you and no one is beside me. I close my eyes wondering if I was dreaming when I felt your touch. I feel you presence as you arms pull me closer and our lips touch. The intensity of your kiss make my body tremble clear to my soul. I hear our hearts beat in unison as your spirit intertwines my soul. I feel your touch as it sets me afire and you utter, "Kandy, I love you!" I touch...
Aug 30, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Eight Prime Suspect Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...
Jul 21, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Seven Waking Up Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended...
Jul 12, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Six ‘Highway Murders’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...
Jun 6, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Three Technicalities Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on March 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...
Jun 6, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter One Reflections From a Prison Cell Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on March 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These...
May 24, 2009 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Prologue Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...
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I was still confused and even angry, but I couldn't stand for her to be in tears. I rose up enough to wrap my arms around her and held her to me while she calmed down. The girls came in after a few minutes and Kelly wondered why her mother was upset. Donna told her not to worry about it now and we all would sit down and talk later. We had a nice, if subdued dinner and the women headed toward home with the promise that I would visit there tomorrow. I tried to sleep that night, but the events...
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I woke up the next day. At least I assumed it was the next day. It was hard to tell in this windowless cellar. I was cold and stiff; I couldn't stretch out properly, so my limbs hurt. I pushed the hurt to the back of my mind and examined my cage more carefully in the hopes of finding some way out of this nightmare. It was made of thick steel sections welded together. The door was secured by a heavy padlock l couldn't quite get at, I had no idea how to pick locks anyway. I was cold and...
I woke the next day barely able to move. The area around one of my eyes was so swollen that I couldn't open it. Every move was torture. My fur hid the damage mostly. I was probably bruised all over but it was only places where they had broken the skin with the fur matted with blood that you could see the damage they had wrought. Sandra came to rub salt in my wounds, with another round of her "training". By the end of the day I had gone from barely able to move to completely unable to...
The bomb shell that my imaginary friend wasn't imaginary at all was something of a shock. "but ... but ... how can I hear you? And for that matter how can you hear me," I thought. I don't know, said Jessica, Oh, It must be telepathy! You're reading my thoughts!? I sent. I guess so, I don't really know. I can't think of any other explanation. I guess, unable to think of a more plausible explanation, me being crazy seemed high up on the list though. I was a little shocked by the...
I woke up feeling a bit stronger than the last few days. I sorted out some breakfast for myself and Jessica and then I told her about my explorations the previous night. I tried to find somewhere I could get help, but I can only just reach the edge of Little Greenvale and I doubt anyone there would help us, I said. Well I did hear the local Doctor was somewhat sympathetic, but his practice is on the other side of the village from here, said Jessica. Maybe you could contact him...
It was a very bright day some number weeks later when things got back to a more normal footing. I had been out of hospital for a while and soon returned to school. I did my best to visit Jessica every day as she spent more time getting well and strong again. She gradually got to a more healthy weight and previously her painfully thin body filled out, becoming more and more beautiful. Thanks to the healing powers of a bio-elemental we both regained our voices and it was a surprise to both of...
Before I returned to Audoflede and the others, Clovis and I established a code of sorts. Using Audoflede’s name at the beginning of a message I sent would indicate that the message was true. Mentioning Gotberga’s name would indicate that an immediate attack against the Romans was necessary. Mentioning neither name would signify danger, probably an imminent attack on Tournai. The women were relieved when I returned from the castle. Audoflede was going stir crazy by the afternoon since she...
A few hours after we finally fell asleep, I managed to extricate myself from the tangle of warm, naked bodies and interwoven appendages without waking them. I grabbed fruit and cheese to eat from the kitchen and headed for the stables, fully armed and ready for whatever I encountered. After saddling my horse and loading two packhorses each with two amphorae of unadulterated wine, I hurried to town. When I was close, I tethered the horses, did my forms to center myself, and jogged the final...
Surprisingly, I wasn’t in as much trouble as I thought I’d be when I got back to the castle. In fact, the women easily forgave me for sneaking off this morning to work. With all the construction we planned, Audoflede suggested sending messengers throughout Clovis’ territory with an offer of work for laborers, hoping to attract craftsmen, too. That way we would have more help available to do all the new things I wanted. Once the new help learned our new ideas and techniques, they could spread...
In addition, by the time our harvest was complete, I had already made a quick trip (for this time period, anyway), sailing from Rouen to Valencia and back. In Valencia, I found an estate I liked and hired a man named Andagus to run it. Andagus was excited about the scope and the enormity of my plan. When I left, fields were already being prepared for crops, and orchards were being planted. The two hundred potted trees we had of each of the two types of orange trees (Valencia and Navel) were...
With so much new help, things started happening quickly. The Valencia quickly took shape, Ragno had several batches of powder finished, and we made rice paper. The extra help let us work on other projects, too. The millrace was nearing completion, with two sawmills and two gristmills well underway. The millrace would redirect about ninety percent of the water unless the river reached flood stage. At that point, the extra water would continue down the old course of the river. I turned my...
Our arrival at Cologne provided us a surprise. Our flags had been flying at towns all along the river. Two miles before reaching the heavily walled city of Cologne, a gathering of people was frantically waving one of our flags at us. Our lookouts reported that our flag wasn’t flying at Cologne, so we stopped to talk with the people. They had the tribute for all of the villages along the river, but the riders said Cologne felt they were safe since their walls were higher and thicker and they...
After tearfully hugging each of my wives and concubines, I hurriedly introduced them to the newest group, and then ran back aboard the Audoflede to go help the Marise. I noticed King Tassimut staring at the sunken fleet after hearing that the citizens of the city did most of the fighting. My troops had remained aboard, figuring that we would head out again once they heard what happened. Once we reloaded food, ammunition for the mortars, and another five hundred archers, we left the Saxon...
The Koumbi marketplace was a cacophony of excited voices as buyers tried to talk and shout over each other. Then there were the constant bleats, bellows, growls, grunts, and roars from upset camels. I was dealing with one of the wealthy men when it got so quiet that I thought for a second that I’d gone deaf. Only noise from rambunctious camels let me know I hadn’t. Turning to find Izem and ask about the sudden quiet, I found him genuflecting towards my rear, just like the wealthy merchant. I...
I sent a missive to Clovis requesting permission to purchase large tracts of the just conquered Eastern Roman Empire. Along the coast in what would be modern Lebanon I wanted to grow bananas. Along the coast in what would be modern Israel I wanted to grow sugar cane. Along the Nile valley, it would be cotton, sugar cane, and bananas. Land around Constantinople would be for growing a delightful spice as of yet unknown in Europe, Asia, and Africa. My query received a positive...
Another load of goods for Izem sailed at the end of January, along with fifty troops to accompany his caravan to Tissinte and back. Tissinte, the name of my new town at the salt mine, was derived from the Berber word for salt. Ten of the troops who made the first trip were among those to continue helping the rest learn the Berber and Soninke languages. The new troops had been practicing the languages for three months, and even learned to ride camels. We’d brought fifty camels to Valencia to...
Our first group of homing pigeons was finally ready to test. We’d raised hundreds in each capital and cities along the routes to other capitals and then transferred groups to different cities. They’d make their way home to where they were born and raised when released, taking our messages with them. The initial messages asked what time of day the pigeons arrived at each relay station (early morning, mid-morning, noon, etc.), and then each capital. Clovis’s first message, talking about the...
Hi Friends, This is my first story to ISS. As a big fan of ISS, I have read many stories on this site and so I really want to share my experiences about sex with you all. Mai vaise bhi bahot sex ka shokin hu…mai aapke samne mera ek experience share karna chahta hu. Mai Gujarat mai Ahmedabad ka rahene vala hu or single hu. Mujhe 30+ or aged ladies jyada pasand hai or jab bhi unko dekhta hu lund ko kuchh kuchh hone lagta hai. Ye baat un dino ki hai jab mai ek aisi company mai job karta tha jaha...
For Laura Lyn ‘Oops, that was it,’ Lola muttered as she past the dirt road she should have turned left on. She backed up, made the turn, and headed south 2.7 miles according to her directions. The sun was blistering and it hadn’t rained in weeks. Dust fogged the inside of the old ’87 Grand Am she’d driven since she was in high school, making it hard to breathe. She pressed on down the gravel country roads. Naturally the air-conditioning picked this day to be temperamental. ‘It can’t be too...
When Abbie and her husband Mel bought an old Victorian mansion on the outskirts of the city, they did so with two goals. The first was to convert the big, run-down house into a bed-and-breakfast. Their plan was to rent out rooms to businessmen tired of cookie-cutter motels, providing a more home-like atmosphere. They were reasonably close to the city’s financial center and since Mel was an executive with a major insurance company, he had the kind of contacts to make this feasible. Their...
Hi all, my name is Raghu and I am from Hyderabad. I am 28 years old working for an NGO in Hyderabad. I work as the project head for south India. I love contributing something to the society rather than working for Corporates and earning lakhs of rupees where I will not have time to spend that money. So this is my basic intro. I am new to ISS and also to sex life. I come from an orthodox family where my parents were very strict in upbringing me. Please read on ISS. Now coming to the story, this...
Spiritual Wandering by Kevin "Now, everyone, let us clear our minds to reach full enlightenment." Kevin looked around the room at all of his students in his meditation class. They all had their eyes closed, and they were all sitting cross-legged on the floor of the room. About an hour later, all of his student had left the room and he was still sitting. He closed his eyes for his own time of meditation. He cleared his mind of all of his thoughts and sat surrounded in...
I'd like to dream that what happened next was an instant orgy with all three girls cuddling into bed with me. I'd like to, but it sadly wasn't what happened. The fear that Courtney had exhibited managed to put us all completely out of the mood. When sleep came to me finally, it was only in fits and starts, and I found myself feeling the edge of a dream only to have it snatched away by a nervous breath. "I didn't want to hurt her..." The voice was stronger now than it had ever been...