Oh BoyChapter 9 free porn video

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I didn't try to break the sound barrier on the way down, but I kept up a steady speed of about eighty all the way. The hypos (highway patrol) usually don't bother you if you don't try to outrun traffic, but they like to help you with some flashing lights if you want to lead the parade. I made one stop to pee and get some coffee, and arrived at the Port Charlotte training facility and Grapefruit League ballpark about 11:20.

I was sent to the office to check in and was treated as any other player. They said that the cafeteria was serving lunch and that I should go eat and come back to the office afterward.

The cafeteria was very good and served some good tasting food. There was a variety that had a lot of protein items that I filled up on along with iced tea. There was another player there but he didn't speak English so I left him alone. I probably could have upheld a conversation with him but he didn't act as if he wanted to be friendly.

After lunch I was sent to the local clinic they had set up. They were like a vampire in taking my blood, and watched as I peed in a cup. They took another X-ray of my wrist and an MRI on my mid-section to be sure where I been hit hard by a bad pitch didn't create a tumor.

I wanted to do something by two in the afternoon, and couldn't get the other players who were showing up to do anything. This was boring.

Joe Maddon saw me and pulled me to the side. "Go find a place to stay tonight if you don't want to stay in the training facility. You'll get more sleep in a hotel. The club will pick it up for you since we screwed you around so much. Just don't broadcast that you're getting special treatment. The guys will realize that soon enough. We do some workouts around nine in the morning, so be here and you can do some throwing. The afternoon might find some guys working some infield stuff, so stick around and see what you can get into."

The hotel he suggested was just down the road. I was able to get a room and stashed my stuff. The front desk wasn't that helpful in recommending a place to eat, so I decided to cruise the area to find something.

I found a barbecue place that had inside dining, and ate enough ribs to make them charge me a lot of money. I argued that I had two meals, but I didn't eat all of the baked beans of one, and only the slaw off one, and that I should get credit for that. The manager was grinning at me the whole time I discussed this with the cashier. He finally told the girl to add a couple of bucks to the bill and to tell me that was to tip the staff.

I looked at the guy and smiled. He winked at me and directed me to the side. "I know who you are and know you'll probably be one of the most famous ballplayers we'll ever have in here. You were cool when I suggested that you should tip the kids rather than get a discount. That told me it was really you. Joe Maddon often comes in, so make sure you tell the other guys about us. We do make some dynamite ribs."

I called home from the room to let them know all was well and that I had passed my physical. They were happy for me and said they already missed me. It sure was special to be loved by so many.

I was up and running within fifteen minutes the next morning. I worked out in the hotel gym after running, then showered and had a big breakfast of a steak, a half dozen eggs, and a couple of glasses of milk.

I had to wait for the security guard at the ballpark to let me in. He said, "No one gets here before eight, and the office staff shows up at eight-thirty. The group you'll be with doesn't show up until nine, so go have some coffee in the lounge and wait for the crowd.

I remembered the short period of time I was with the Marlins' major league club. The folks were all late risers, but a lot of that had to do with evening games, going to bed late, having something to eat, and traveling to the next venue. I would learn to get back into sleeping later in due time, but right now I wanted to run and exercise before breakfast and come in early.

The coffee was fresh in the lounge outside the cafeteria. I was sitting, drinking coffee when Andrew Friedman came in. He smiled at me and asked, "Did you drive down early this morning?"

"No Sir, I came yesterday so I wouldn't be in a rush. I suppose it probably isn't much of one, but I wanted to get here and settle in."

"You must be like me and enjoy getting up early. I usually try to do a little workout and run a while in the morning. Are you the guy who was out running early? I saw you when I came from the gym."

"That was me. I wanted to have breakfast before I came in and I like to be able to pick and choose what I order since I'm trying to stay on a high protein diet."

"You'll have to share your diet with me. I would love to bulk up a little and put on more muscle like you did. I'm going to go in and have breakfast. Come in, check out what they serve, and decide if you can eat here instead of the hotel restaurant."

We went in and Andrew told the cooks that I ate a special diet and I would tell them what I ate and they could tell me what they had. I explained that I was on a strict high protein diet with the big requirement being no carbs, or as few as possible, and lots of rich protein to help with muscle. The head cook or chef said, "I know what you want; something like an Atkins diet. We do that for a couple of people who are on a weight loss program. You're different because you want to pack it in. We do have baked chicken for lunch, so that will work for you and you can always eat the hamburgers without the buns. We don't use any filler. We don't serve a lot of steak, so if you're eating a lot of lean beef, you might have to continue to buy your meals."

Mr. Friedman told me, "We'll go out together for supper and load up on steak. There are a couple of decent steakhouses here, and would you please stop calling me Mr. Friedman and doing the 'Sir' stuff. I'm Andy to you, but not to all the players. They have to earn that the way you did. I think that half the women on the front office staff would be taking a number outside your door if you weren't committed. They all think you're special by the way you are always soft spoken and courteous."

I smiled as my demeanor was the result of teaching by my mom and coach. It has always been easier to be nice than to be rude or a jerk.

I went to the locker room that was now unlocked after having some bacon with Andrew, and dressed in my workout clothes. I had brought my old gloves to use for part of spring training and would break in my new gloves a little at a time until I was one hundred percent confident with them.

It was still only eight fifteen, so I went to the indoor batting cage and loaded balls into the hopper. I found a bat that felt good and turned the machine on. It was throwing about eighty to eighty-five, so I used the time to get the feel of swinging through the ball and attempting to direct it to where I wanted. I always tried to put the ball right back to the hole it came out of whenever I was using a machine. I was being consistent this morning and hit the machine three times straight. I had to go straighten the machine before I began placing hits over what would be first and third.

I switched to batting left-handed about twenty minutes in, and was doing about the same routine. That's when the batting coach came in and asked, "Hey! What're ya tryin' to do, wear out my machine? We're getting another machine that can pitch up to about ninety-five so you can get some practice with some real fastballs. You have a good swing, but you don't step into the ball very hard. I think we'll work on your hips and shoulders a little and see how we can get you hitting even harder than you do now. Go out to the field. The other guys are running and you should be out there too."

I went out and ran the field with the other men there. Today was actually the reporting day, and there were only a couple of relievers who weren't there yet. This group looked to be ready to practice.

We went through little league type preparations by playing catch, lengthening our throws until they were only about half to three quarters of the distance for long toss. They didn't want to hurt any arms by over extending them this early in practice.

Joe Maddon came out and had me and a reliever pair up to do some real long toss because we were both prepared for the season. We began taking turns throwing off a mound from there, with a coach behind the catcher evaluating the pitches. I was asked to throw straight fastballs and to put them in the sweet spot my first time through. I threw five and was told to slow them down so I didn't wear my arm out.

I threw the four seam fastball the next time through, and was told to stay and throw the split finger. They told me to slow it down again.

If I have a weak pitch, it's my changeup. It'll work against a batter who is setup, but it's easy to hit if I throw it as a first pitch. The curve can be a good first pitch strike if the guy is known to take a pitch. It can also be good as a strikeout pitch, but my favorite is my slider.

I threw my slider that went from right to left and threw it perfectly five times in a row the last time up. I changed my stance a little and threw my slider that went the other way so it looked to be way outside and then darn near hit the batter. That was for lefties and situations where I needed a batter to get off the plate.

I was getting a little bored by lunch because we really didn't do anything but throw. We went in for lunch and I was amazed at the guys with their arms wrapped with ice. My goodness, they couldn't be sore from the little workout we just had. I ended up eating with the reliever who I had been paired with. He asked, "I work out in the fieldhouse of Okie State. I have several guys who will catch for me and my old pitching coach still helps me out. Where have you been practicing?"

I've been practicing with the Noles over the winter. We have baseball twelve months a year here in Florida, and the university coach still likes to work with me. He's the one who helped me get my curve to be consistent and taught me the backup slider."

"Figured you for doing something like that. You're ready for the season and I think I am too, but I don't think I'd be a good starter. I could do a spot start if needed, but I'm a damn good pressure reliever. I can give three innings all out, but I just don't have the stamina to do much more. Tell me about this high protein diet you're on. I might have to get on it with you. You seem to have all the energy in the world and you're really built. I thought you were skinny last year when I watched you play with the Marlins."

"I put on a lot of weight and now I'm about at my max weight. I'm trying to bulk up with muscle and the diet is helping. It's just a lot of food that's high in protein. I avoid carbs and only eat what's necessary."

We went out to toss the ball back and forth after lunch, but no long toss. A catcher came out and said he would dress if we wanted to practice some pitches. The reliever told the catcher to put his gear on as I was going to teach him how to throw a backup slider.

We were working on the pitch for almost an hour when the pitching coach came out. "What the fuck are you two doing? You had your practice this morning, and you shouldn't be throwing so much this early in training."

Joe had followed the coach out to the field and told him, "These two are ready for the season and have been practicing all winter. What are you doing, Don, teaching the kid something new?"

"No, Joe, Matt is teaching how he gets his slider to go the other way. The way he's showing me isn't that hard and I'm already getting good movement on the ball. We're not burning them, just trying to get the movement while I learn to throw the pitch."

The pitching coach was shaking his head. "Shit, what do they need me for? These two can teach the rest of these knuckleheads to throw. I think they need to teach them how to live and eat first. All of them were out drinking last night and that isn't the way to start spring training."

The catcher was walking out to Don and me, and as he passed the coach, he said, "And you were setting a good example. I left you at ten last night and you were entertaining all of them with a glass in your hand."

"Yeah, that was me, but I'm not being paid the big bucks like these guys to be ready for the spring."

I could see that the place could become too much of a party when the regular position players began coming in. I'll bet Joe settles them down right away and makes them get serious.

The rest of the players who were in camp came out on the field, and Joe asked, "Who wants some batting practice? You pitchers should stay sharp with a bat so you can hit when we play at a National League park. You know any of you who want can get some DH work on your off days or even get an at bat as a pinch hitter.

All of the position players in camp began setting the cages up. Joe told some pitchers to warm up so they could each throw ten to fifteen balls. Joe told me, "Go first, and do what your coach, Earl, said he taught you, bunt then bat, first left this time, then right next time through."

Don, the reliever, pushed to the front to throw to me. He had been told to throw batting practice pitches but I knew they were going to be fast and they would be accurate. I did the five bunts from the left with two of them going foul and one popping up. I blasted all he threw into the deep outfield or over the fence. Don threw a slider that I waved at when I switched to right. All of the players watching, including Don, laughed at how badly I missed the ball. I bunted the next pitch perfectly and did it again four more times. Don threw another wicked slider when I squared off to hit, but I was ready this time and put it into the next county. I hit the ball hard enough every time afterward that Joe finally said, "Enough, you're embarrassing a guy who isn't supposed to be throwing ninety miles an hour."

I grabbed my glove when I left the cage, and watched Don move to first. I began fielding the grounders and throwing them to Don on first. A tall, smiling player went to Don and acted like he had his feelings hurt. The two men were giving each other a hip push to move the other off first. That's when I realized it was James Loney, and he felt as if first base was his territory.

I was about to go out to the outfield when Joe told me to pitch. "Only throw batting practice pitches except to Don. You can do anything you want with him except hit him."

I must have thrown three hundred throws while the guys cycled through the cage batting left one time and right the next. A lot of guys were yelling that Don was a good bat when he got up, so I threw him a fat one that he watched go by. I hollered, "That was your cherry, now you get to look silly."

I threw him a slow slider that walked across the plate below his bat. The next was a split finger that danced all the way to the plate. I threw my change and I swear he swung twice at it before the ball fell into the catcher's mitt. I threw another blazing fastball that he was able to get a piece of and then threw my curve that almost looks like it will be off the plate but came back to drop into the mitt again. I decided to give him a back up slider and he noticed that I changed stance, so he was ready but I threw the pitch with split fingers and not only did it slide the other way, but it danced. I'm glad I tried that one. I hollered, "Get ready; here's a fat one to hit."

Don hit the ball hard driving it over the fence at the spectator berm.

Joe hollered for me to hand the ball to the next pitcher and waved at me to come to him and the pitching coach. He told me, "I really shouldn't let you throw so much, but I wanted to see if you'd say uncle. I guess not, so it's going to be up to us to pace you. Just don't hurt yourself so we have you for the whole year."

I knew that I wouldn't or couldn't be the same batter that I had been last year when I began seeing good major league pitching. You just can't hit that well the entire season, even by practicing all winter. I was going to try though.

I did have a little bit of a sore shoulder that evening, but it wasn't bad enough to get any aspirin. I soaked in the shower before going down to fill up on steak with broccoli, and I had a potato smothered in cheese, bacon, and sour cream tonight. Potatoes have a lot of protein, but they're also heavier in carbs. I figured I might need the bulk to keep my weight up since I was going to be working out more.

The girls were still at Mom's house, but were preparing to move back home. Mom would be lonely, but I'm sure the girls would be over often. Mom told me that the Regional Manager for Walmart interviewed her for the Store Manager position. She felt she had a good chance to get the promotion. She also mentioned that she had gone to dinner with a pharmaceutical salesman who came to the store. She told me that he wasn't the typical blowhard salesman, but seemed to be a nice guy. He said he would call her to do something this weekend. She seemed excited that she was getting some attention.

All of the position players came in over the next week, except a couple with passport problems. It's amazing how these guys put off problems with their passports until the last minute. They then end up late for camp and could be sent down to the minors or just flat released in some cases.

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"We've got all the bases covered, girls," said Susan Radson as she locked the front door to the house. "My parents are out of town, all your parents think we're having a sleepover at my house, and it's after ten, so no one's going to be calling us for fear of waking us up. Aaand, it's a Friday night, so no school to get up for early in the morning." Ann Went nodded and grinned. "Not that my parents are going to really care one way or the other," she said. "I argue with them so...

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University StepDaughter Exchange

It was a cold snow filled Monday morning and I had just arrived at my Step-Daughter Mandy`s University campus, it was the first time I had been there and was convinced I had picked up several fines for driving down streets that were meant for push bikes only; there were thousands of them seemingly abandoned in the snow white town. As I pulled up at the University gates, Mandy jumped out and grabbed her rucksack, she instructed me to bring her other belongings.“What did your last servant die...

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Tattletale The Aftermath

Edited by the incomparable ‘Wires’ as was TATTLETALE. To my eternal shame I failed to annotate TATTLETALE to credit Wires for his assistance. I hope he forgives me. His efforts have improved all my stories he has edited and this one is no different. Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky’s shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He...

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Lavender got married when she was nineteen-years-old. Within eighteen months after her marriage, Lavender discovered that she would never be able to produce a child. She had an inoperable blockage in her fallopian tubes. Strangely, twenty-years later this problem could easily have been rectified, but at that time alas, it was not.Lavender and her husband, Chris, therefore, decided that adoption was the only route that they could pursue. Over the following year, they were lucky enough to adopt...

Gay Male
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OkChapter 20

He heard the front door open and went to meet her. She put her briefcase down and slipped off her coat and hung it up, offering him a smile as she did so then a look of concern. He went to her and she came into his arms as they hugged and kissed. “You look so tired,” she said, searching his face. “So do you,” he responded, noting that she was not her usual ebullient self. “Welcome home,” she said kissing him again. “It’s been so long.” “I’ve missed you,” he said into her hair. “We’ve a...

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“Monica.” The sound of her name caused Monica Doyle to look up from the envelopes she’d just removed from the mailbox and glance past the open vestibule door into the hallway beyond. The twenty-four year old smiled when she saw the white haired septuagenarian stepping out of the front apartment, but delayed a response until the woman closed and locked her door, taking those few moments to lock her mailbox as well. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Pulaski,” Monica said as the woman turned back in her...

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HandsOnHardcore Susy Gala A Manager8217s Advantage Fucking The Secretary Under The Sun

Manager Alberto Bianco is a lucky guy. He makes a lot of money, lives in an awesome mansion with swimming pool, and gets a chance to fuck his secretary Susy Gala whenever he wants to! What a life. Sit back, and see for yourself… The busty brunette hot babe with brown eyes walks up to her boss and seduces him by grabbing him by the balls. The tattooed glamour porn star from Spain is so hot, Alberto’s dick get hard the moment he sees her. She takes off her bra and wraps her massive...

1 year ago
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CadeChapter 16 The Test

Cade searched the records at the public library, mostly looking for newspaper articles published on or around the date June 30, 1978, which had been the date his father had been shot and killed. Cade hated asking for assistance, but he had no choice in the matter, because he was puzzled about how to find what he was looking for. The librarian assisted him. He learned that he could print out the articles he found, for a small fee. He felt the fee was well worth it and he promptly paid. He was...

4 years ago
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Mommy Son and Best Friend

Introduction: Son and Friend want Mom badly! How brilliant would it be to fuck a woman right now? I commented to my best friend, Danny. That would rule! Danny confirmed. If a woman came in right now and asked us to fuck her, I continued, Id be so happy! Yeah. Guess it wont happen though. We can dream dude! My name is Cory. Im eleven-years-old, a slender blonde boy who, at this moment in time, was kneeling naked on a bed. Next to me was Danny Pearce, my best buddy in the whole world. He was...

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A Cruise with my daughter Part 1

Making sure she saw me there was important not only because she needed the support but also because she needed to know I could show up. I've always had a very hectic schedule with work and haven't always been able to make time for her various volleyball games, debate tournaments and what not. We had a great relationship overall, but I had earned a bit of a reputation as a no-show. After the ceremony, we joined Tiffany to get some pictures with her and her friends in their caps and gowns....

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Exposing sister in the Library Part II

Exposing sister in the Library - Part II Posted by Paul606 For the next few weeks, Jennifer and I were nearly inseparable. I’m glad my mother’s work picked up, and that my father was still out of town, or someone surely would have noticed how much our relationship had changed, and how whenever we were alone, we would look flushed and even a little sweaty when someone came to find us. My older siblings were off to college, which meant that for most of the time when we were not at school or...

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Cat Fight 20 Living Past0

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks Malant -  2 1/2 months quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan Cit-Chac-Coh  King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 21 Conflicts of Interest

BEN MARCH 29, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR "Good morning, Ben." "Dawn!" I exclaimed in surprise. My gorgeous best friend had clearly just woken up and just as clearly spent the night here. Her sunny blonde hair was clipped into a loose ponytail. The blouse she was wearing was the same as yesterday. And she seemed to be going without a bra, her nipples hardening beneath the sheer fabric. "Still here?" She nodded with a smug grin. "Spent the night with Adrienne." I arched an eyebrow and...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 10 Naughty Fairy Spying

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Ten: Naughty Fairy Spying By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Naughty Fairy Spying Princess Ava – Forest of Lhes, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My rose-quartz fingers spread apart Kora's pink petals. I licked my lips, staring at the flood of Sven's cum, her brother's cum, pouring out of her pussy. A surge of taboo lust shot through me at the incestuous mixing of...

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Sanuras Tale Part 8 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 8 By Britney McMaster The next few days were pretty much the same old routine other than basketball practice after school. The time passed quickly and soon the school week was over. Looking back I still find it amazing how normal life seemed now that I'd got used to all this girl stuff I have to do. I was really looking forward to Saturday. I was going to be going on my first official date with Amy. I had a hard time going to sleep Friday night and was...

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Need you NOW

We'd been moving during the kiss and she playfully pushed me back. I smirked as I let my body fall back on the queen sized bed behind us like she wanted. She bent over pressing those lovely massive 42 E's against my chest as she kissed me again. Then I felt her hand on my belt and knew just what she wanted. My baby loves giving head, loves having my cock in her mouth almost more than sex. So I kicked off my boots and she began to slowly undo my pants. She looked like a little girl...

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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 22

It was towards the end of the summer when I was processing data that I came across a name I recognized. Sean Mackenzie. He was working in the basement with the R&D department, and I grinned when I changed and headed down shortly before lunch. And I smiled when I finally saw my friend for the first time. He had a shock of red hair, and a big grin as he and Kirk were working on a computer. “Oh, Dire. Meet Sean, he joined our team last week. We were just going over plans for work on Clint’s...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katies Hallowe

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...

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Goetic Justice 2Chapter 9 Cabin in the Woods

The sun was just beginning to rise by the time the party finally came across the hunting cabin. Calling it rustic would have been an understatement, it was obviously quite old and fairly dilapidated, the forest slowly encroaching on the land that had been cleared around it. It was a squat building made from wooden paneling rather than the logs that he had expected. It had a roof and a porch, a door, and a few windows with glass too dirty to see through. Clearly, the park services didn’t pay...

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Becoming a Vampire VixenChapter 6

The blonde was still staring at me in the mirror, and I shivered as I thought of his arrival an hour earlier, to find me waiting, naked, on the porch. All through the day I had considered what he had implanted in my mind, the long painful conversion I would endure, the need for blood, for a large harem to spare me the need to constantly hunt, avoiding the weakening of the daylight, the dangers from hunters, but also the adventures and need to seek novelty in an eternal life. But I realized,...

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Is it love

Why was this day so bad? Well for one I was at my cousins house helping her get ready for her sweet sixteen party later today. And I hated it cause she was such a bitch and a snob to everyone especially me.  It happened in school. She was in the 11th grade while I was in 12th. There were many other times we fought in school but this one was probably the one that caused everything to happen. I caught her one day picking on a girl and told her to lay off. I told her that she didn't have any...

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The Pool

It was a hot, sultry night in the deep South. Jasmine lived in a small apartment with just one room air conditioner. She was sweating all over as she sat in her apartment with the air cranked up as high as it would go. She decided she couldn’t stand it anymore, she needed to go to the pool. She headed to her room, stripping her clothes off along the way, leaving a trail behind her. She arrived at her dress completely naked, soaking wet from the sweat. She opened the drawer and pulls out her...

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Sex With Neighborhood Aunty

Hello Friends.. Mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hu.. 4 saal se lagatar ISS pe stories padhte aa raha hu to maine bhi socha apna real life experience ap logo ke sath share karne ka.. ye aj se 6 months phle ki baat hai.. mere pados me ek newly married couple shift hue the.. Sorry mai apne bare me btana bhul hi gaya.. i am saurabh (name changed) from Nagpur. Engineering student. Height 5’6″ With a hard rod cock.. Ha to story pe aate hai.. mere padose me ek newly married couple shift hue the just mere...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 14

The controller sat alone, a smug smile firmly in place. The tip-off to the police had achieved the desired results - Kenny had been arrested. Even if he knew the truth about what had been happening over the past eight years, there was no way he could share that with anyone else and hope to be believed. Even better than having Kenny out of the way, the police must have turned his computer on. The controller had been able to copy and then delete the database of all those Kenny had programmed...

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Hansel and Gretel II

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello, everyone. This is a narrative about an experience very special to me and about a person very special to me. I'm talking about my sister, who is five years younger than me. We both manage the hardware store in New Delhi that our parents left to us when they passed away. Their death and our natural bond brought us closer and closer. But whenever two people of the opposite sex are concerned, there is always a high chance that physical attraction...

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Painful Piano Lesson Part 2

As you can read in part one I was made to undress totally before being given the cane by my piano teacher Miss Edwards and then she spanked my cock because I got an erection. I couldn’t help it, she’s slim, young and very attractive even though her glasses make her look a little strict. Two weeks later I was a little early for my piano lesson and a very pretty dark haired lass, not much older than me, with puffy red eyes, was leaving in some distress. I realised I wasn’t the only one getting...

3 years ago
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Firoza Aunty Ki Mast Chudai

Mere pyare dosto mera name Pritesh hai or meri age 22 hai or higth 5 feet 3 inches hai me Gujarat ke ek chote se gav ka rahene wala hu ajj me apko. Meri paheli kahani suna raha hu aj se pahele mene koi kahani nahi likhi hai aj me apko mera first ex bata raha hu mere gav bahut hi chhota hai mere gav me berojgar log jyada hai khas kar meri age ke ladke. Me bhi berojgar tha muje bade saher me jane ka bahot hi sokh tha ek di Muje sahar jana hua meri bua ke ghar me bus me beth ke saher chala gaya...

2 years ago
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Trapped Married Woman Then Explode Her 8211 Part III

Last part of my story please read the part I and II first:She started caressing it slowly and I also put the hand inside her Bermuda and started rubbing her clit at the same time, I was sipping my drink and she had finished her juice already and was concentrated in caressing my cock. I rubbed her clit for 5 minutes and she suddenly arched her body and gave away a loud moan aaamaaaa her all the juices she squirted on my hand which was rubbing her clit. My hand was full of her juices. I then...

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Breaking the MoldChapter 9

It was the first Monday in November when Mary looked out the front window, watching her daughter Madison drive away in the Toyota Tercel that Lee had driven when he was still in high school. As the dented, red car belched a plume of smoke she blurted, “Yep, I’ll talk with Arthur about it.” The conversation started at the breakfast table when Madison said, “I can’t wait for Christmas when Lee will be home again.” Mary looked at her elegant teenage daughter and muttered “Christmas. She will...

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Brad cant go back

It was a foggy evening in the Town. Brad was walking beside the road that lead to a truck stop. He couldn’t help but wonder how the hell everything happend so quickly. Brad was 19 year old boy who seemed to be an ordinary c***d of an ordinary family. He was a dark haired skinny boy and had a bit of a feminine features. He was currently in no school as he was not admitted to any since he didn’t do well on the tests. He was living with his mother, enjoying the carefree lifestyle of a student who...

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My Wifes Boudoir Photo Shoot

I have a sexy idea – I think I will surprise my husband, Ben, with some sexy boudoir pictures. I found a female photographer with a really nice studio. We met and she was so disarming. We talked about taking some tasteful, semi-nude photos for Ben’s birthday. I tell her that I’ll even consider doing something racier, but I’d have to be really comfortable with her to do something more explicit. Maybe a few nude photos, but I want to be discreet. She assures me she will be discreet, so I decide...


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