RoomersChapter 14 free porn video

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'How come you spend so much time lookin' outa that dam' window?' Jeez, what a dumb question.

My comfort zone, Annie. Guess it's where I do my thinkin'. You gotta go already?' She was dressed, hair still damp from the shower, looked exactly like a well-fucked woman. Fact is, she looked almost exactly like the first time I saw her. Older, sure, but she was handling it pretty good. Still gave the best BJ's in the fuckin' universe too. I was kinda glad ol' Ray was mostly out of her system.

'You're getting' too set in your ways, Doug. You wanna come eat with us? Kids been askin' about you some.' Women don't always appreciate I like being set in my goddam ways. I shrugged and wriggled my toes in the rug.

I kinda enjoy lookin' out the window, kid. You know that already. Spring's on the way, and it's always sorta pretty this time of year. What's the plan?' She snorted.

'Girls in spring clothes are sorta pretty, I guess you mean. What we'll do is pick up the kids from Maria's, hit the mini mart for beer, seein' as you're visitin', start cookin', thank God it's Sunday.' Sounded real dull to me

'How about pick the kids up, eat at Daisy's Diner, catch their early bird special? Easier for you, more fun for the kids.' She looked at me and grinned.

'And you won't be stuck waitin' for me to finish cookin'. Right?' Busted. I nodded and grinned back.

'That too. Use the truck, bring y'all back here after?'

'Jeez, Doug, I'm still kinda excited havin' a car and you won't even let me drive ya round town. Your way, I guess, less you're worried 'bout lookin' too much like a regular family.' Good point, but a good cause.

'Guess I'll risk it this time.' She looked sorta pleased when I said that, followed me out to the truck without any more moaning. I fired it up and we rolled. She was sitting quiet, looking pretty happy, and I gotta say she had reason. Three months since the shop opened and she reckoned she was gonna be showing a profit by six. That made me feel pretty good too. Smug as well, you want me to be totally honest. Entrepreneur Doug.

Fact is, entrepreneur ain't quite the word. Venture capitalist is nearer the mark, you wanna be picky. Any college town has a fixed proportion of hippy wannabes, and this one's no different. And Annie sure knew how to sell bongs and stuff so the kids thought they were getting advice from the horse's mouth. Which they were, come to think of it: woman was a goddam expert when it came to smoking out. Seemed like I'd done myself a real good turn too. I mean, I was gonna get my money back, plus some tax breaks, plus someone one hundred ten percent on my side, no questions; always useful. Guess I made that point already, but it sure is an important one. Sex was OK too. Regular occasional, getting better every time; I wasn't pushing any: making warm and sensitive, biding my time is all. You lose your husband in a real unpleasant way, you gotta right to a little space. Guess I'd called it right this time. Found that out the first evening I went round to the new shop. She'd smiled when I walked in.

'You know Kirsty came round, told me she was splittin' for a coupla weeks?' I'd nodded.

'Told her right at the beginnin' it was friends with privileges, no more no less. Might even have said it a little firm.' Snort from Annie.

'She still thinks the sun shines out of your selfish goddam ass. I kinda like her though. Awful young, but she's been real good with the kids, and she thinks stuff through some. I kinda admire her for that. Told me how she and you got together too. Thought I was gonna shit tryin' not to laugh.' I let that one slide.

'You give her any good advice?' She shrugged.

'What I told her before. You're red hot in the sack, you're a helluva lot of fun, and you're cold as fuckin' ice when you want something bad. Let her talk about you a little, told her she was smart enough to handle it. She's still hopin', but she ain't gonna collapse when she realizes it ain't gonna happen.' One of the things Annie does real good, she knows how women think.

'Cold as fuckin' ice? That's kinda hard, ain't it?' She'd smiled then.

'This is Annie, Doug. Knew you when you were a smartass freshman, and all that's happened since then is you got smarter. But when you're coverin' your smart ass, you're cold enough for fuckin' Frostbite City.' Mebbe she had a point.

'So what's next?' She'd faced me, grabbed my ears and hauled my face down to hers,

'Kids are asleep, I've finished here and it's about time we said 'hi' properly. Reckon you can do that stuff with your tongue if I crank you up first? That big ol' bed you bought needs christening.' Way to go.

That had been prime time. Felt to me like there was some gratitude hiding behind the enthusiasm, but hell, her mouth was God's gift to a hungry man and I didn't call her on it. Since then she'd gotten more relaxed, happier to be persuaded, and the times she wasn't, well, like I said, pushing a widow is kinda impolite. Worth hanging on for the times she was up for it, and that's for sure. Delayed gratification Doug, and I ain't kidding.

We pulled up outside Maria's, and two minutes later the cab of the truck was invaded by flying arms and legs. Goddam kids were all over me like white on rice and it took a while to clear them away, get 'em settled. Turned out tickling them was the best way, and it wasn't till that was finished, I noticed Annie standing watching, looking kinda dreamy. Hmmph.

'You wanna eat, you better hop in. Daisy's meatloaf is callin' me.' She shooed the kids into the back, checked their seatbelts, we headed off for food, me thinking hard that there was gonna be a balancing act for a while till she settled down, realized she was first among equals and not an inch more. I caught her glancing sideways at me.

'Stop lookin' worried, Doug. What you gotta do is remember who I fuckin' am. Don't want all of you: not any more. Look at it this way: you know about computers an' stuff right?' What's that got to do with anything?'

'Annie, you're gonna have to explain that.' She chuckled and dug me in the ribs.

'Think default setting. Shit, we both know you're never gonna settle, and I sure ain't lookin' to get hitched again. You said it in the kitchen the first morning after that Kirsty came back, right before you went and screwed her with the door open so's I could hear ya. You remember?' Jesus, what did I say four months ago?

'Uh, mebbe you better remind me.' She closed her eyes and recited.

'You said, "We're gonna fix it so you got somewhere to call home, and stuff to keep you busy, and then you can think what else you want. Me, I'll settle for what we had before. Now cook the goddam breakfast while I shower. Bacon too, OK?" You remember sayin' that?' It's hard to shrug while you're driving so I didn't.

'You say so, Annie, I guess I did. Whaddabout it?'

'Jeez, Doug, you're kinda slow today. I got a place to live, I'm busier than I wanna be, what we had before is comin' along nicely, so why are you so fuckin' worried? I been crazy in like with you for fuckin' years, what's to fix? You like the young stuff too, but that don't bother me. I kinda like the idea of bein' there for you when they split. Like I said, default setting. Only other thing you gotta do is paddle the kids when they get too big for me to do it. You good with that?' A surge of relief washed through me. Skinny little hippies got their good points I guess.

'Long as you promise not to leave town without permission.' She reached over and stroked my crotch, squeezed gently.

'Wouldn't fuckin' dream of it.' After that, supper was kinda fun. Daisy's meatloaf filled the gaps that an afternoon in bed can create, the kids behaved, were up for some more tickling after; Annie scooped them up after a while, gave me a kiss, took them home. I poured myself a cognac: kinda unusual, me being a Scotch drinker, but it seemed right for the occasion. Took it into the bay window and relaxed, sipping and feeling pretty dam' good. It ain't often you meet the perfect woman. Forget all that deaf, dumb, owns a bar crap. A perfect woman knows when to get the hell outa the way, knows when it's OK to say she's back. Now Chrissie, for instance, was close to perfect, except she arrived when she wanted. Hell, she always gave me some lead time, but that ain't the point. Candice and Ellen, different story, seeing as they were on site, so to speak, and wrapped up in each other too. Kirsty was still trying to handle a bunch of new stuff, and I was gonna be kinda glum if she couldn't hack it. Smart and innocent is a pretty nice combo. Annie though, she knew all about the real world, who I was, where I was coming from, plus, like I said, best BJs on the planet. I wriggled my toes in the sheepskin and thought about the only other one who ever came close. Trouble was, she'd started needing instead of liking, and that ain't ever a paying proposition. Think about her sometimes though, wonder whether I blew it when I made her choose. It had sure been a while ago though. Second year I had the house.

'Come on, Mr. Stud, decision time. You have three choices. Emma's throwing a party, just her and Wayne, three other couples, nothing raucous; next up is a movie, and no chick flicks, I promise; or we go have a quiet meal somewhere and look deep into each other's eyes. Take your pick.' I rolled over and looked at her. Her face was flushed, drops of dried cum in her hair from when she'd choked and had to pull back, but still cuter than a June bug. I thought about the options and wondered what to say. Partying with Emma and dumbshit Wayne plain didn't appeal, and movies, hell I go see a movie mebbe twice a year. Dinner? Tell the truth, looking deep into their eyes is for before, not after, far as I'm concerned. But she was being real thoughtful and I didn't want to offend.

'Jeez, Rachel, you got me spoiled for choice. Gonna have to think about that some, I guess. You mind if I snack a little, help me concentrate?' She made panting noises and let her thighs part some, eyes looking expectant. I headed south slowly, wondering what I was gonna say.

Rachel Curzon. Forty million dollars of trust fund on the hoof, and dam' near totally unspoiled. When I'd realized she was Donald Curzon's kid, I couldn't scarcely believe it. No-one expects to have the daughter of the richest guy in the state living in their house. Real unusual girl, smart as a whip too. Turned out she got royally pissed off if people sucked ass, didn't flash the cash hardly at all, refused every sorority offer point blank, had told her dam' trustees she'd just take a reasonable allowance, let the rest sit. Soon as I found that out I knew what it was gonna take to drill her. Psychologist Doug. I'd been right too: country boy with brains, unimpressed by money, was exactly what got her panties soaking. The lure of the unknown, I guess. Helped that she was kinda cute: little pixie face, tight body, small enough to control with one hand if you had to. She reckoned her ass was too big, but hell, so do half the women on the planet, and all but a few of them are plain wrong.

Shit, what I wanted to do was stay in, call for pizza, have a coupla beers, read a little: simple stuff like that. Didn't much care if she stayed or went, tell the truth. What I didn't want was to come across like some asshole who just wanted to fuck and run. One thing I learnt, women sure get upset if they think you're only there for the sex. Course, a lot of the time the only reason anyone's there is for the sex, but it's like I said: honesty don't always work.

I'd reached the pleasure zone while I was thinking, and the only idea I'd had was to fuck her senseless, hope she'd be too tired to want to go out. Shower, share the pizza, goodnight pop, back up to her room to do her dam' homework, feeling grateful. Decision made. I slipped round so she was positioned right, started straight in on the party trick. She was still kinda warm from before, seeing as I'd dealt with her needs pretty thoroughly during the first bout, so she blasted off like a goddam rocket the minute my nose rubbed along her clit, and when the tongue homed in too, that was it: outa control. Don't like the taste of my own cum much, but sometimes you got no choice. Makes a woman feel kinda special too, and I never gone wrong helping them think that. Being a small girl her G spot was real easy to reach, and I was able to pull back some on the pressure, keep her hanging just over the edge, like a hog caught on an electric fence, but a whole lot prettier. Made the same kinda noises though. Me, I kept right on playing, and it was ten minutes easy before she gave in, reached down and rammed my head deep into her crotch, let everything go. Course, eating pussy always gets me hard so I moved up and slipped straight into her. Kinda tricky, her thrashing about, shaking like a plate of girl flavored Gell-O, but once I was there I sorta established a brisk rhythm, and kept right on going. Wipe out, and when I came too, pumping into her hard, number three washed over her and she collapsed under me, her whole body slack as taffy. I felt kinda pleased she'd had a nice time being corrected.

'Does this mean there's a fourth choice?' she gasped after a coupla minutes, wriggling some to let me know I was crushing her.

'Jeez, Rachel, you're way ahead of me. I'd hardly finished thinkin', tell the truth. Seem to have got a mite distracted.' I rolled over and she came with me, ended up balanced on my chest, her nose almost touching mine.

'You don't want to go anywhere, do you?' she said accusingly. Smiled as she said it though. Like I said, smart girl.

'Bein' with you is kinda what I'd been plannin' on, Rachel. Bring a book down, you want to, I'll let you share the couch.' She shook her head.

'You don't take instruction worth a damn, and you don't give a shit about what anyone else wants either. Most people think twice before they take a chance on making me pissed. Do you have any notion how refreshing that is?' Course not, dummy.

'Shit, Rachel, don't get philosophical with me, and don't be confusin' me with talk about your goddam money. I worked for a rich guy once, and his life weren't no more fun than mine; decided a long time ago, if I got everything I need and most of what I want, well hell, that's plenty. Wanted you the minute I saw you, and here you dam' well are, so I reckon I'm battin' pretty good. You want me to wash your back before I call for pizza?' Big hug, mumbling about natural goodness and stuff; total crap, but real pleasing, touching even, so I held her for a bit, let her carry on. My kinda evening. Wasn't till after the pizza, one more BJ, I started thinking. Seemed like she'd plain dropped all her plans the minute I hinted no. That ain't normal in any woman, and for a rich girl it's real rare. Dam' near perfect reaction. I put the thought aside for further consideration.

I have to say, that fall and spring were pretty damn sweet. Rachel was a walking dream: there when I wanted, gone when I hinted I was busy, ready for anything that two people can do with each other. Annie was still in town then, her and ol' Ray not hitched yet, so I had the best of both fuckin' worlds. Two sets of pussy, two types of fun, guys at the gym crapping hot rivets, frat rats the same, pure jealousy, both of them: I was happy as a pig in shit. Even had a good time when her family tried to horn in on the act.

It was Christmas break when a big Lincoln pulled up outside. House was empty: all the kids, Rachel too, gone back home to get spoiled by their dam' families. I was sipping beer, reading Grant's memoirs, planning to go see Annie later, mebbe take her out for dinner. Tall distinguished looking guy climbed out of the town car, started up towards the front door. I let him wait a little when he rang, then went to open.

'C'mon in, Mr. Curzon. I kinda guessed you'd be along eventually.' He looked like he wanted to be surprised but was too cultured to show it.

'You're Douglas Taylor?'

'Guilty as charged, Mr. Curzon. There's a lot of heat escapin' right now, and I'm gonna close the door real soon, so turn around or step in.' He looked surprised then: jumped through the doorway trying for casual, not quite making it. I gestured towards my apartment.

'Straight through, Mr. Curzon. Whyntcha take the armchair there. Couch is reserved for me mostly. What can I get you? Scotch, cognac, beer if you'd rather; I've got an Oregon red needs opening if you're a wine guy.' Shit, he was way off balance by now.

'I'll take a Scotch, young man.' I went to find it, came back with the bottle and two glasses, found him looking at the bookcase that covers my entire back wall. Seemed a mite puzzled. He looked surprised all over again when he saw the name on the bottle, but didn't say nothing. I poured him a shot, one for myself, sat down opposite him.

'What can I do for you Mr. Curzon? I guess you're feeling kinda indignant, so take a sip of Johnny Blue, two deep breaths, remember you're in my home, tell me what's on your mind.' Shit, I was enjoying myself. He remembered why he was there, looked at me kinda hard. Trouble is, old money ain't as hard as new. I been looked at hard by William McCarthy, and Donald Curzon didn't even come close.

'Mr. Taylor, you're all but cohabiting with my daughter, if she is to be believed, and I have not found her to be a liar. What have you to say?' Too easy.

'That would be your daughter Rachel who's over eighteen and controls her own money, I guess.' He looked like he'd swallowed a lemon so I carried on. 'Coupla things, Mr. Curzon. One, I ain't gonna talk about your daughter in the third person, not to you nor to the goddam pope, come to that. Two, she know you're here?' He colored a tad.

'Rachel is a young woman of high intelligence but limited experience. The fact that she chose to attend this college attests to that, but that is not my point. I have had you investigated, Mr. Taylor, and while you are not a criminal, you certainly have no moral values, and there is no doubt that you have taken advantage of her. I am here to persuade you that it would be in Rachel's best interests and yours if you were to terminate your relationship with her; any objective study of the situation should convince you of the fact that you are not helping her to fulfill her true potential. You would of course be adequately compensated for the... ' I interrupted him there. Tell the truth, I felt kinda insulted.

'If you had me investigated, Mr. Curzon, then you know I ain't hurtin' for money. Got taught about investment by William McCarthy, God rest his soul, and I'm a quick study. Don't mind you worryin' about your daughter either, hell, that's a father's job, but you suggest one more time that I want bucks from her or you or any other fuckin' person, I'll push your teeth down your goddam throat and then run your gold-plated ass outa my home. You got that? Now tell me if your daughter knows you're here. You want me to phone her, make this a conference call?' Righteous Doug. I took a sip of scotch and waited. I was probably gonna get another beautifully constructed goddam speech. Jeez, the man spoke in entire paragraphs: could have won a Pulitzer. He was trying hard, but I guess I shook him some. Most rich guys think money buys them everything.

'Rachel knows full well that her mother and I are not happy about the direction her life is currently taking... ' I cut in again. Candy from goddam babies.

'That don't answer my question, Mr. Curzon. You gotta understand, one, I don't wanna listen to you cryin' about your problems, two, I still ain't gonna talk about Rachel when she ain't around, and three, five will get you ten, she knew you were down here tryin' to buy me off, she'd go fuckin' ape all over you.' Bullseye. He actually blushed.

'You aren't as I'd imagined.' I should fuckin' hope not.

'Dam' good thing for both of us. Drink your scotch, Mr. Curzon, and go on home. College is for experiments and new experiences. Tell your wife Rachel's guy ain't got no jailhouse tattoos, reads a lotta serious stuff, ain't got designs on anything except her body, and for sure ain't stupid. Point out her grades are right up where they oughta be, she's pretty happy, everyone oughta be real pleased she ain't hangin' out with genuine lowlife. You do that, I'll manage to leave this discussion outa my sewing circle gossip. You good with that?'

Well, shit. He went round and around some, tryin' for a lever, and I sat tight, said nothing, and in the end he gave up and drove away. Me, I ditched the scotch, opened another beer, picked up my book, feeling kinda proud of myself. Hadn't even asked how much he was willing to spend keeping his daughter out of my goddam clutches. Don't be telling me I got no principles. Took Annie out that evening, had a real nice time.

Course, Rachel found out about her dad's visit. Guess he must have blabbed, or her mom, or someone. Hell, she could have had their bedroom bugged, all I know. Sure enough, she went ballistic, jumped in the car, arrived ten-thirty the next evening. Goodbye early night. You get a double handful of warm girl all over you an hour before Christmas, it's present time.

'Hey, Rachel, thought my gift'd be comin' down the chimney, not through the goddam front door. Whaddya doin' here?' She quit chewing on my neck.

'What did you say to my dad? He's really pissed and I'm really pissed with him.' Oh ho.

'Nothin' interestin', kid. Told him no way I was gonna talk about you like you were a fuckin' trophy is all. Rest of the conversation was kinda borin'. Guess that's why he left.' She tried and wriggled and squirmed some, but I held firm. 'Didn't talk to him about you, ain't gonna talk to you about him, Rachel. Truth is, I need your goddam family dynamics like I need an extra asshole. You come down to say Happy Christmas or to grill me?' Her arms were still round my neck and she leaned back and looked at me.

'You are so not what you seem. Happy Christmas, and you'd better have enough energy to say it back for a long time.'

'Wanna play in the shower some first, recharge my batteries?' She was up for that.

'Don't stop.' Her voice was kinda hoarse and her thighs were trembling. We were hunkered down on the bed, head to tail, and I was running my tongue and lips idly round the target. Seemed to suit her; she was doing the same to me and it sure felt excellent.

'Ain't gonna stop till you surrender, kid. That crack about energy riled me some.' Her body quivered as she stifled a giggle and her lips brushed my cock gently.

'Why do I feel like I want to devote everything to pleasing you? I mean, I just want you to be happy, and that's weird. But why?' Because I ring your bells, dummy. What else is there?

'Shit, girl, it's a gift. I guess I'm just goddam irresistible when I put my mind to it.' Her mouth slithered the length of my shaft.

'Of course you are. But that's what, not why. You don't love me, do you?' Certainly fuckin' not.

'Got burned real bad doin' that, long time ago. Crazy in like with you though, you wanna know.' Thanks for the line, Annie. Works a dream with smart girls. Her tongue danced slowly over the head of my cock, and I knew she was thinking.

'I don't love you either, yet, but it'd be easy to take the plunge.' Easy and dumb, like a lot of stuff.

'You oughta try to avoid that, Rachel. I'm real good at fun, excellent at like, fuckin' ace at friends, but love ain't on the menu. Pavlovian reaction, kid, and that's a fact.' Jeez, girl, settle for what you've got, will you. Sure didn't want the problem of finding a replacement, plus trying to let her room, middle of the fuckin' school year. Didn't much want to watch her hurting either. I let my tongue get a tad closer to the action, distract her some. Good move: her thighs clamped over my ears and her mouth snapped back to my cock, drew me into her in one smooth rush. I nuzzled her hard little clit happily, went right on doing what I like doing best, only a tiny part of me worrying about devotion.

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Day at the Pool

When I was in college I had studied writing namely I took creative writing classes. I also took a few photography courses. Photography was more of a hobby as I didn't think I could turn that in to a living. My mom had died just last spring from lung cancer. She had smoked for years and the only thing that stopped her from smoking was her being diagnosed with lung cancer. The truth is if she hadn't passed there is no way I would be able to pay for college but her life insurance policy was...

3 years ago
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Another Welcomed Guest 5

Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister of Zeus Ares - Son of Zeus and Hera, god of war Apollo - Son of Zeus and Leto - god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy...

2 years ago
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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 7 MILF Teachers MindControlled Gangban

Chapter Seven: MILF Teacher's Mind-Controlled Gangbang By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara was having fun spreading rumors about the students. Those vicious assholes at her college were all so eager to run with them. All she had to do was tweet something, and all the people who bullied her were having rumors spread about them. “I can't believe people think those stuck up cunts are strippers,” Clara chortled to herself as she read some of the tweets. Like Georgia...

1 year ago
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Amy the Cherry Popper

Hi. I'm michael and I am going to tell you about my first sex story. I had when I was 18. It was with my girlfriend at the time, amy. She had long red hair that curled in the summer and lay flat in the winter. Her face was angellic and her green eyes could melt anyones soul. Her legs were long and slender with no hair. But her breasts were by far her best feature. I don't know bra sizes but her tits were so big that she could suck on them herself. Mmmmmm... I can still remember her tight cunt...

First Time
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Marquis to Marquise

MARQUIS TO MARQUISE I was born a male in 1757. That must seem like a very strange phrasing but you'll see why I use it. My name is Jean Paul Richard. I was the firstborn child of my father, the leading aristocrat of our region in the east of France at the foot of the mountains leading into Switzerland. But I have no brothers, only two sisters, so there was never any question who would succeed my father, Luc Richard, the Marquis. There was little else I could wish to do as I...

3 years ago
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my neices photoshoot

I ran into my neice(my wifes brothers daughter) at the mall recently and she asked me why we(my wife and I ) dont come around anymore. I told her it was my fault. she asked what that ment, and i told her your aunt doesw not "feel comfortable" around you. she asked why and I told her Mandy(my wife) caught me masturbating while I was looking at a picture of her(my neice). she blushed some then asked me what picture was it. I told her it was a picture of her from a party where...

2 years ago
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French tourist getting blackmailed by a local girl

It was such a warm day in Pangkor lsland, an island off the coast of Malaysia in South East Asia. Francesca Marceau was a French tourist staying all by herself in a motel. She rented a motel room, over-facing a large beach all by herself. Unlike other holiday resort parts of Malaysia, this one was one of the least crowded, for any season at any time. Francesca Marceau was an attractive French Brunette who bore a strong resemblance to that French actress from that hit 70s British sitcom Mind...

1 year ago
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Mom Chudi Gas Delivery Boy Se

Hi Friends, I am Vikram ek bar phir aap logo k leye aapni maa ki chudai la k aya hu.Sab se phele to us sab frnd ko Thanks Jin logo na mere Story padi Like kari mere ko mail kara Thanks my friends Mere Stories 1. 2. 3. In k bad aaj mai aapko aapni maa ki chudai ki ek or khani sunna ja raha hu umeed karta hu ki sab ko ye bhi utni hi pasand aegi or is bar mere ko us se jyada mail aye Jo new Reader hai un ko mai phele aapni maa k bare mai bata du Mere maa k naam sapna hai hum ek midail class...

3 years ago
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Dads Prescription

Present Day:“Dad… Dad, are you in there?”Silly question really because I know he is in the house somewhere.I work as a Family Physician in a local medical clinic and visit home a couple of times a week to check on my father who lives alone. This evening when I enter the house, it is dark, no lights, and the heating is set excessively low. I turn up the thermostat and switch on the kitchen and living room lights.I find dad asleep, sitting in his recliner in front of the switched off...

2 years ago
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Permission to Stray

I had not thought about the permission story in a long time. Writing for Lush has stirred the sediment deep in the pond of my memories. Mental images from long ago are now floating lazily and randomly toward the surface. Some reach the top with total clarity while some hover just deep enough that I can’t quite tease out the details. This ‘permission story’ is like that. Some things are clear and some are hazy, so the tale I tell will be partly fact and partly fiction. I can’t remember it well...

1 year ago
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Victorias Punishment

After her last class of the day had finished, Victoria walked with heavy thoughts down the Assumption Catholic High School hallway to her history classroom. This was her third detention in two weeks, and she was dreading having to face Mr. O yet again. She really hated to disappoint him; mostly out of respect and a mild crush, but also out of fear. He was usually easy-going, but could become very strict at times. While his voice never rose above its usual strong, baritone frequency, his icy...

2 years ago
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I like to show off with hubby

Here it is 2010 which started out very well when my husband and I went out on the town and stayed at a nice motel on the way home.  Sure, we could have easily made it home but my husband had other ideas since when I have had a few drinks, he knows I am wide open for adventure.  I have been an exhibitionist for many years and have to say that many men have seen me either naked or partially clothed.  I suppose I am chicken to do many things when alone so am lucky to have an understanding husband...

3 years ago
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I Got a Lover My Son

I finished the book I was reading and looked at the wall clock, it was well past midnight. I am usually an early sleeper but today somehow I was not able to sleep, so I took this book, an erotic novel. I found it fascinating and finished it in one go. Now I was feeling very wet down my thighs and I knew I was very horny. My cunt was on fire and I had nothing else other than my fingers to satisfy my urges. But I wanted something real inside me. My fingers were not able to satisfy my desires. My...

3 years ago
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Birth of a Bull continued

Now that i knew my place as the owner of both the slut wife, and her sissy husband, work became much very interesting. My amount of time doing my previous tasks decreased, and much of the time I spent running "errands" with the wife. She would give me the husbands keys to the brand new mercedes and i would take her places like the post office, although there were a lot of "quick stops" along the way. The trips usually changed direction after she would pull my cock out of my pants as i was...

3 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 39

It was after midnight on Friday evening when Dave saw the lights of Shae's Taurus pulling into the driveway. This wasn't unexpected; when she'd called for the boys' bedtime story she explained they'd had to shoot later in the afternoon than planned, but was going to drive right straight through from the minute Avalon had wrapped for the day. Dave saved the open file on the novel -- having an unexpected weekend in Bradford gave him a little more time than he had been anticipating, so he...

1 year ago
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Charlene is Eye Candy

Tommy grabbed his bag of stuff and went to Charlene's door. It was shut. He hollered through the door, “You ready?”“Yeah, yeah, just a minute,” she replied through the door.“We need to get moving, Blake's already outside waiting.”“I understand. You go wait in the truck. I'll be right out.”“Okay, but don't be long. We're waiting.”Charlene still hadn't made up her mind about what to wear for the trip. She had put on a new pair of satin panties and had found a skirt she wanted to wear but the top...

College Sex
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Mind the TimeChapter 23

There wasn't a reasonable house for sale in Konstanz. The military base was on the other side of the lake and 16 kilometers inland, although there was Bodensee access and a dock? Some would call it a dock. Vee didn't. She needed a place to lay her head on this side of the lake ... but not in Switzerland. Switzerland wasn't too far south but it had border crossings. In the past year, the border had been closed seven times for as long as three days. The University students who were taking...

1 year ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 16

"Mitch, 'sup?" the kid at the counter hailed my young acquaintance. "Kory, I wanna find this dude here a laptop. What's the nicest piece of iron you got?" "For reals? Wow, uhh ... you need wireless, bluetooth, the works?" "Yes," I agreed, seeing Mitch nodding his head. In my head I was wondering what the hell bluetooth was. "Probably this HP then, he said turning back to the combination shelving unit and display. "802.11 N & G wireless adapter, 100 meg ethernet adapter,...

1 year ago
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Deep and lovely dark Chapter 5

"are you ok?" Vlad heard behind him. He turned to see Rachel behind him standing in the door way. "im fine" he replied. "small vials of blood aren't enough anymore. As my power increases, so does my thirst". Rachel went up behind him and slipped her arms around Vlad. "Lets go out for dinner tonight. It'll take your mind off things." "maybe your right" he replied. The day went on the same as the night before. Full of hardcore fucking, orgasms and cum on Rachel's face. Rachel...

2 years ago
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Days Of Passion 8211 A Journey Of Wild Sex Encounters

Hi guys I am Chetan 25 years old practicing lawyer from Bangalore. Average built about 5’10 tall. The incident that I am describing here took place 4 years back in the second year of my college. Our college was located on the outskirts of the city in the lap of the forests and surrounded by an artificial lake giving it the most scenic setting for college. Being a partially- residential university 70% of its students stayed on the campus itself. It was the month of November when the early winter...

3 years ago
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Confession 1 Kiara

I don’t remember being touched. I don’t remember being fondled. I don’t recall being ****d. I do recall having what a Psychologist might call an unhealthy interest in sex. It all started with my best friend Steven and I showing each other our dinky little dicks when we were young That lit a fire in my curiosity and, allow me to say it, pure perversion. Where it led from there was countless sexual encounters with countless other c***dren. The one that stands out the most is the time that I ****d...

3 years ago
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My wife a seat cover store owner

I worked in a business that was adjacent to seek cover company separated by a chain-link fence I was able to observe everything going in there parking lot. One day I observed the owner feeling up one of the ladies customers we were good friends I said nothing to him. One day we were talking he asked me if I can come over to his home take a look at his washing machine my wife and I arrived it is very lavish home which he was quite proud of. He wanted to give us a tour the downstairs anyone of us...

3 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 34

Sunday, March 19, 1848 Ed: Day 24 of the Dayton to Boston trip It seemed almost sinful to sleep late, then wander down for a leisurely breakfast. We didn't let that bother us, though. Kate had never been to Boston and she had never seen the ocean, so we decided to do a little exploring. We wandered around the city for a while. Since it was Sunday, all of the stores were closed, but there wasn't anything we wanted to buy anyway. I had always been fascinated by sailing ships, so I asked...

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My neighbour aunt

I don't know where to start and where to stop.. It was my early age we moved to a new place to live and starting new life with dad at his work,mom at home myself to college and my sister to her new school, we have a family in our neighbours, with a couple and three k**s, Mr was like in his 40's,Mrs were like early 30s,with three small k**s like 6,4 &2, we are starting to know each each othrr as my mom is kinda social and always meet neighbours, it was summers and day time is like...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Ride Home

Kevin picked me up that night. I climbed in to see he had no pants on. No boxers on much less. He smiled, as he jerked himself off. ‘Going home,’ he asked, smiling. ‘Yeah,’ I said, watching his thick white cock. I saw the veins going up and down his shaft. ‘You want to taste,’ he asked. Obviously he had caught me watching. I bent down and as he drove, I sucked on his cock. He sighed as ran my tongue along his piss slit. He pushed my head farther down. ‘Yeah baby, work on me,’ he groaned.

2 years ago
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Skipping School with Mommy

I remember it quite clearly to this day. Every detail, every image, all of it forever in my mind. A teenage girl is never supposed to catch her mother in such a... a... I was skipping school that day. I got fed up with studies and needed some free time like any teenager. So during lunch I simply skipped out the back door and walked home. Luckily home isn't that far away and in no time I'd be there relaxing by myself, free from the boredom of classes and stupid teachers. Who knows what...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 57 Sixth Bottleneck Of Insight

“Zax?” A voice so faint that it could get blown by the lightest breeze ... that was the last thing he heard from her. Everything slowed down till it got frozen in place after the explosion. A sense of incomprehensible dread consumed from the very depth of his being. He wanted to reach out, to charge with his dark attribute energy and what minuscule amount of dark element energy he could muster, but for this instance his perception was heightened well beyond all other of his capabilities....

1 year ago
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Submissive Male Lessons

My assumption of you, the reader, is that you are a woman whose husband or boyfriend is sexually submissive. He may have expressed an interest in exploring this with you. Perhaps you are already exploring this dynamic but are looking for additional suggestions to try with him. You may also be a man who hungers to submit to a woman but need something to show her to give her a better idea of what being submissive actually means.I'm also assuming that both you and your partner are heterosexual....

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Finding HomeChapter 16

A few minutes to take our leave before Rob and I are in the car with the girl. Turning to the girl I speak perfect Japanese as I ask her name. She grins, and says, “My name’s Akimi, Master. Please speak English, as I don’t speak much Japanese while you speak it better than I do. My father owed a large gambling debt to Mister Bento. I was given to him to pay it. If I return home father will only use me like that again. Luckily I have no sister, and he won’t use his sons in such a way. He will...

1 year ago
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Twins n best buds V

Introduction: Maybe brothers with benefirs huh Twins n best buds V First off, something about our fun with Gavin, the kid at the water park. After we met him on one of the water slides the 3 of us started hanging out. We sat by the wave pool checking out the girls and judging who we thought was hot and who wasnt and that got us talking about sex. Gavin asked us what we had done with girls so we told him and he told us about stuff he had done. His experiences were pretty close to ours except he...

2 years ago
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(Activate Game Mode) Millions of people dream of being a famous actor or actress. Thousands head to Hollywood each year to chase those dreams. This year, you are one of them. You start out at the very bottom, along with countless other Hollywood hopefuls. If you want to make it you have to distinguish yourself from the pack. You must have the looks, the skills, and the determination to even have a shot at making a name for yourself; and even then there will be plenty of bumps along the way. As...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 66

September 20, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Practice today was good, with our O showing a bit of snap, scoring two goals on the starting back line. I think we have figured out how to use Jess’s skills in the new formation. She and Rhee pulled off a great combo for one of our goals, with Rhee making a spectacular drop for Jess who came streaking in from the left and popping the ball past Hope. Coach had Civia fill in for Rhee for a bit and she managed our other goal, off the 270-degree move that...

3 years ago
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Secret Pleasures For Two

I met Jen several years ago when both of our sons were in chess club. We always seemed to hit it off. Now here we are so many years later. It started of innocent enough, as I am sure it always does. I have been having trouble at home. She found out her husband was having an affair. We started out texting each other about our troubles and the more we opened up, the more relaxed we got. Before long during those long nights of texting each other as we both drank and smoked our troubles away,...

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Annies Story Chapter 2 A Rediscovery

As I hurried out the door of the physical therapy office, I pulled on my light rain coat and zipped it up.  The weather was by no means dreary or brisk, but I was glad I had grabbed it on my way out of the house this afternoon.  The coat allowed for me to conceal the physical symptoms of my arousal.  However, I had to do my best not to show the arousal in my face, or with my body language.  As I walked along, the constant movement of the tank top, as well as the coat, were doing nothing but...

3 years ago
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A Close Call Book 2 a Try for UtopiaChapter 7

A contingent of scouts, all USTs, were sent to the region of the galaxy where these disappearances had happened. At first, there did not seem to be anyone in the vicinity, but a flash of plasma was detected in a nearby system. A UST was dispatched to Ixilon to investigate and its report was received with horror. Ixilon IV, a planet containing a barely sentient species of amorphous blobs of protein, simply was no longer there. The people of Ixilon IV had no access to space travel since they...

4 years ago
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Lovers Game

“You know you’re distracting me!” I said while looking at Michael.  Michael was lying completely naked with his thick legs slightly spread, his muscled arms crossed behind his head and flaccid penis resting on his stomach. “How am I distracting you?” “I keep looking at you and wanting to just talk with you but every time I think of something so say I get distracted at how beautiful you are.” Michael opened his eyes and a smile crossed his lips. “May I kiss you?” I asked. “Only if you tell me...

3 years ago
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The Adult Toy Store

My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sexual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 127 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length auburn hair. She inherited her long, sexy legs from her mother's side of the family. She loves to dress to show off her great shape that she works hard at the gym to maintain. Sometimes, she undresses to show off her incredible body. We have experimented with a...

Group Sex
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GangbangCreampie Lisey G135

It’s Fuck-me Friday, and you’re front and center for the main event. Lisey is here to get fucked filled and fed for your viewing pleasure.. and her pleasure… and of course our pleasure. We’ve got this sultry slut on our bench, she’s playing with her cunt on the bench and she’s ready to get it on. The guys lay her back, strip her clothes, and let her take care of their cocks. There’s room for everyone as she strokes them off, while taking one in her...

4 years ago
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Who Needs HumiliationChapter 7 The Games Continue

On Monday Carla was no more friendly or unfriendly then she had been since the first day of class. She would talk to me about work but nothing else. I had noticed one thing that day. During the lecture portion of class that morning anytime I answered a question or made a comment in class I could see that it bothered Carla. She seldom spoke in class. I wondered if she was having trouble keeping up with the class work. That evening when everyone came down to the bar for drinks I noticed that...

2 years ago
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My Young Niece Watches Me Cum

It was the morning after The First Time With My Young Niece (see story) and as usual she was up fairly early. Thinking of the evening before, I just had to get up also and go and see her, one to see if there was going to be any reaction from her, which would mean she had awoke last night and also because I was horny for her again. I went into the living room and she was sitting on the floor watching telly. She didn’t say anything as I entered and I simply asked if she was alright. She just...

4 years ago
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Les aventures de Martine

Martine est une jeune fille de bonne famille élevée dans un milieu puritain ou parler ou même évoquer le sexe créait un scandale. Martine a aujourd'hui 18 ans et à cette occasion, ses parents la laisse partir deux semaines chez la soeur de sa mère, une tante qu'elle aime beaucoup et chez qui rien n'est tabou, ni les gestes ni les paroles. (cela les parents l'ignorent). Je dois tout d'abord vous décrire Martine, c'est une petite brunette d'1m75, pour 60 kg, elle a une poitrine 90C, de longues...

4 years ago
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Thinking Outside of the Box

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. “Mom! Curt is cheating again!” “I am not! You’re just a sore loser.” “Yes, you are. You reprogrammed the game! You cheater.” “How could I do that? It’s an AI! Hey, leave my setup alone. House! Secure battle plan!” “No, show me what he did.” “All right you two. Knock it off!” Veronica came out of the bedroom wearing only a...

3 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 49

Aunt Karen and Ramon had stayed the night at Dusty’s which surprised me. The next morning, they helped Mom and Dusty cook breakfast for all of us who spent the night in the barn. When we went to the house, they had folding tables set up with our breakfast served buffet-style. There were eleven of us kids and four adults for breakfast and we literally cleaned house. When we had eaten everything they cooked, we kids cleaned the kitchen with Billie giving orders as to how and where it all...

1 year ago
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The Red Twin

Kieran had been swimming regularly for nearly two years. He had been overweight and bullied as a kid, but at the age of eighteen, he was now slim and toned, with a strong, athletic physique. He visited the pool for an hour at 6 am, three or four times a week. It was a small town pool, and usually empty in the morning except for a couple of old ladies doing lethargic backstroke. Nothing much of interest had ever happened in all the time he’d been swimming there, until the day the twins...


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