IncentiveChapter 4 free porn video

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Saturday was a cool, clear day, just perfect for the big game. Sarah put her rucksack in the trunk of her car as she prepared to go to the stadium. She had packed her sleeping bag, foam mattress, extra clothes, necessities, and some other camping gear she thought she might need.

Cindy was driving her own car and Samantha would be driving up with Sarah after the game ... if the team won. Sarah had faith in Tim and Joe's abilities and she knew the team was motivated. She also knew that things could go wrong and wondered what else she could do. The game was being held at Westville, so they did have the home ground advantage. Sarah planned to tell the team before the game that Cindy and Samantha would also be helping her fulfill her end of the bargain when they won.

Sarah was dressed in her normal physical education outfit, skimpy running shorts with sweatpants pulled over top and her sports bra with a fleece jacket over that. She climbed into her car and drove to Westville High. Sarah had planned to arrive several hours prior to the start of the game, and was surprised to see that the bleachers were almost a third full on both sides of the field. She was even more surprised to see almost all of the team in the locker room.

"Morning, Coach," said Joe, cheerfully. "I guess we are all a little restless today. Everyone 's here except for our center, Charlie. You usually can't get him up in the morning unless you stick some dynamite under his ... uh ... butt."

"I noticed that there are a lot of spectators in the stands already," said Sarah.

"Getting the best seats," said Joe with a smile. "We were heading out to warm-up and stretch before we have to put on our gear. The other team should be arriving soon, so we will see you in about an hour or so."

"Um, what does the other team's arrival have to do with me?" asked Sarah.

"You don't know?" asked Tim. "I'm sorry. You're supposed to meet them in the parking lot and show them to their locker room ... make sure they have everything they need."

"I thought the staff did that," stated Sarah in surprise.

"Usually they do, but not for important games," said Joe. "You'll need to hurry."

Sarah raced out of the locker room and ran down the hallway to the doors leading out to the parking lot. She sighed in relief when she saw that the buses carrying the other team had not arrived yet. Warmed by the run, Sarah shucked her jacket and sweatpants. Looking out the doors again, she saw two school buses turn off the main street and into the school's parking lot. Bracing the door open, she jogged out to greet them.

"Holy shit! ... Look at dem tits! ... Oh, momma! ... Fuckin' A!..."

"QUIET!" yelled Coach Calricci from the front seat of the bus. He stood up and glared at all his players that were on his bus. "Get this straight because I'm only going to say this once. That is probably Coach Stevens, the Westville football coach. If any of you insult or offend her, I will bench you, and, if you don't play in the game, you don't participate in the win. Understand?"

"Yes, Coach!" came back the immediate response.

"Good! Warn the guys in the other bus, too."

Sarah slowed her progress towards the buses when she saw Principal Eversol exit his vehicle and head towards her. He was casually dressed in tan slacks, a black turtleneck, and tweed jacket. He smiled and extended his hand as they approached one another.

"Coach Stevens, it's a pleasure to see you again," he said, shaking her hand. "May I introduce Coach Mike Calricci?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Sarah to Mike. "I hope your trip was uneventful."

"It was," replied Mike with a smile. "I would like to wish you the best of luck in the game."

"Would it be bad taste to wish you the worst of luck?" asked Sarah. Both men broke out laughing and Sarah said, "No, I really do wish you the best, also. Let me show your team to their locker room."

Time passed quickly and it was now fifteen minutes before the kickoff. Sarah was meeting her team in the locker room, and she had Cindy and Samantha with her. Principal Schwartz had said her encouraging words to the team and had left to return to her seat in the stadium.

"Okay, guys, we've just heard from Principal Schwartz giving us her best wishes." said Sarah. "I know you have trained hard for this game with Joe and Tim, and I also know you are ready for this game. I want you to be as motivated as you were for the Regional's. I have no doubt that you will win, but it will be a tough battle. You should know that I will be meeting you at the campsite ... along with Nurse Brown and Samantha." The team gasped collectively and looked back and forth between the three women. "I'll also be bringing these along with me."

The entire team gasped again when Sarah pulled up her sports bra and her huge DD tits bounced into view. Cindy, with a sexy smile, undid the buttons to the front of her white uniform down to the waist and pulled it apart so that her large breasts sprang into view. The players turned as one to stare at Samantha to see what she would do, and then someone snickered.

"I don't have their attributes," stated Samantha, reaching up and grasping the top of the row of lockers behind her. The team watched in wonder as she raised both of her legs to the outside and hooked her heels on the top edge of the lockers she was holding on to. Mouths dropped open when the players realized that Samantha was not wearing any panties underneath her cheerleader's uniform. Samantha smiled wickedly and said, "I am very flexible. Use your imagination."

Tim sprang to his feet and exclaimed, "That's all I need to know! Let's go win this!"

To say the game was brutal would be an understatement. Tim scored a quick touchdown in the first quarter with a long pass to the end zone. The Friendship Team came back with a series of running plays that ate up time, and netted them a touchdown despite Joe's best effort. Tim maneuvered his offense around during the second quarter and managed to get to the one yard line on another long pass. An end run and the extra point made the score 14 - 7 in favor of Westville. Joe was getting better at reading the Friendship offense and was managing to hold them when the first foul of the game occurred.

Todd, a Westville defensive lineman, crossed over the line of scrimmage before the ball was snapped and slammed his opponent to the ground. Both sides converged on the area as the Westville players pulled Todd away.

"What the hell was that?" hissed Joe angrily, helmet to helmet with Todd as the referee marked of the distance for a personal foul.

"Sorry," snapped Todd, still hot under the collar. "He called Miss Stevens a sleazy, slimy whore, whose only brains are in her tits."

Joe looked over. The Friendship player was sitting up, but still shaking his head as if he was dazed. Joe turned to Todd and said, "Go in."


"No buts! Go in. I'll call you back when I think you can handle it."

Todd turned and dejectedly jogged off the field as his replacement jammed on his helmet, while running out to take Todd's place. Joe walked over to the Friendship quarterback. Mark Tact, who was watching the assistant coach wave smelling salts under the lineman's nose.

"How is he?" asked Joe.

"I think he just got the wind knocked out of him, no thanks to your guy," said Mark bitterly.

"Then he shouldn't have insulted our coach," retorted Joe.

"I didn't realize you guys were so thin-skinned," scoffed Mark.

"Let's say we're very protective of her," replied Joe.

Mark looked at Joe for a second, then looked at Sarah, and then at his own coach. He took in a deep breath and shook his head before saying, "Our coach warned us not to insult her. Let's make a deal ... no more insults or reprisals on either side, okay?"

"Deal," said Joe as the two of them banged fists together. "We're even, agreed?"

"Yup," said Mark before heading over to the sidelines to talk to Coach Calricci.

Joe ran over to the sidelines to inform Tim as to what had happened so Tim could tell the rest of the team. He then raced back to bring his defensive squad up to speed and plan for the next play. However, Joe read the play wrong and closed his eyes in bitter disappointment as the Friendship receiver caught the ball right in the end zone.

"Sorry, Joe, I..."

"My fault," interrupted Joe at the huddle. "Sammy, I'm going to try to make a hole. I want you to run right up my back to block the kick."

"You got it," said Sammy.

As the Friendship center hiked the ball, Joe followed in on one of his lineman and then felt himself shoved aside by Sammy. Sammy lunged forward just as the kicker connected with the ball. The ball took off into the air and Sammy just managed to get a swipe at it as it sailed upward. The Westville bleachers roared out in cheers as the ball went wide of the goalposts.

The second quarter ended without either team scoring again. The teams trudged off to the locker rooms, while the bands and cheerleaders set up for the halftime entertainment. Sarah, walking behind the team, could see that some of the steam had gone out of them. She looked back out into the stadium, stopped, and then called the team towards her.

"Guys, I want you to see this," stated Sarah as the team gathered around her.

Samantha's vaulting box and gym mats had not been set up on the field, but on the running track that surround it. Samantha started off by doing a double twist over the box and rolling out to her mat where she did her dance routine while the band played. Samantha's flips, twists, turns, kicks, and splits held the team enthralled.

"I'll remind you that Samantha will be joining us tonight," said Sarah.

"No offense, Miss Stevens, but we all thought she was gay," said Todd. "She doesn't go out on dates or doing anything with the guys in school."

"Let's say, she has higher expectations than most of guys have shown her," stated Sarah. "C'mon, to the locker room."

Back in the locker room, Sarah said to the team, "You've taken on the number one team in the state and are winning, but we haven't beaten them yet. You know what is at stake." Sarah walked over to an easel and pulled off the cloth which had been draped over it. Underneath was a life-size cutout of Sarah completely naked. She was standing with her ass facing the camera and her upper torso turned so that one could see the sides of her huge breasts and her smiling face. "If you want this in the flesh, then you're going to have to fight for it. I'll meet you back out on the field," and then she left the room.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm not passing up the sexist teacher in the entire state," said Tim, standing up and moving next to the cutout. He kissed his hand and put it on her paper butt. He then yelled, "I'M WILLING TO FIGHT FOR HER! ARE YOU?"

The third quarter started with the teams playing with the same intensity as when they met at the first kickoff. Westville's defense held back the Friendship offense by sheer tenacity. The Friendship defense completely shut down Tim's offense. Neither team could gain an advantage and it stayed that way through most of the fourth quarter.

The two minute warning had gone off with Friendship in possession of the ball. They were steadily moving up the field, using quick snaps and running out of bounds to stop the clock. Friendship had pushed down to the thirty-eight yard line with three seconds on the clock.

"We've won! We've won!" yelled Sarah, jumping up and down.

Her mood was an indication of what everybody in the Westville bleachers felt. The score was 14 - 13 in favor of Westville and both the students and faculty felt that Friendship could not score in time. Friendship called for a timeout and both of their captains huddled down next to Coach Calricci.

"Easy, Miss Stevens," stated Tim. Sarah looked at him in surprise at the warning in his voice. "The play does not end when the time runs out. The play ends with either a tackle, an incomplete pass, or if they score."

"Oh," gasped Sarah. "Then, they still have a chance. What are they doing?"

Tim looked across the field and tried to assess what the other team may be planning. He then jumped a little.

"They're bringing out their kicker," said Tim. "They're gonna try for a field goal. Todd! Get in there!"

" ... But Joe said..."

"Let Joe know they're trying for a field goal!" said Tim quickly. "Tell him I think you've been punished enough."

"Thanks, Tim," said Todd as he jammed on his helmet.

Friendship was going for the field goal. It was a long kick and the position was off to one side. The ball was snapped and Westville piled into the Friendship line to try to block the kick. Joe grimaced and jumped to try to hit the ball as it sailed over his head. He turned to watch as the ball hit the top of its arch and began to spiral downward.

"It's not gonna make it!" exclaimed Tim excitedly. "It's not gonna make it!"

Everyone watched with rapt attention and dead silence as the ball tumbled end or end towards the goalposts. Tim's happiness turned to horror as the ball barely cleared the goalpost by a scant inch. The silence was deafening for a second or two before the Friendship fans broke out in boisterous yells and screams. The Westville side of the stadium just sat in stunned shock.

"C'mon, Miss Stevens," said Tim dejectedly. "We have to do the loser's walk across the field to congratulate the winners."

"I'm so sorry, Tim," said Sarah as she walked beside him. Joe ambled over to join them. "You, too, Joe. I'm sorry. It's just..."

"We tried our best," said Joe. "That's all anyone can ask for."

Sarah walked up to Coach Calricci and shook his hand.

"Congratulations," she said with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you," said Mike with sincerity. "Your boys played an excellent game. You should be proud of them."

"I am. I..." Sarah could feel the tears prickling at her eyes. She saw Principal Schwartz shaking hands with Principal Eversol. She quickly smiled at Mike and said, "If you'll please excuse me."

Sarah turned quickly and worked her way through the crowd. She was stopped by Tim and Joe who were talking to two Friendship players.

"Miss Stevens, this is Mark Tact, the quarterback, and Will Podowski, the defensive captain," said Tim. "Mark ... Will ... this is Miss Stevens, our coach."

"Congratulations," said Sarah, shaking both of their hands. "It was a great game."

"Coach Stevens?" asked a Friendship lineman, who had just walked up to her. "I was the guy your guy threw to the ground."

"Oh, I am so sorry he did that," apologized Sarah. "I hope you weren't hurt."

"No ... no, it was entirely my fault. I insulted you and he defended you. I wanted to apologize to you for the things I said about you."

"I forgive you," said Sarah with a smile. "Emotions can get the better of us at a time like this. I..." Just then, Sarah caught sight of Principal Schwartz, with Principal Eversol and Coach Calricci, pointing at her and start walking in her direction. Depression hit her again and Sarah did not feel like talking to them right now. "I'm sorry, guys. I've got to go."

Sarah turned and walked quickly away. She was almost off the field when her arm was snagged. She stopped and turned to see who was holding onto her arm, dearly hoping it was not either of the principals.

"Hey, where are you rushing off to so fast?" asked Natalie Porter, the math teacher who had temporarily taken over the cheerleading team while Sarah was working with the football team.

"Hi," said Sarah. "I was just ... uh ... running up to my office for something."

"Had enough of the well-wishers?" asked Natalie rhetorically as she linked arms with Sarah and started walking towards the school. "I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but we lost. That's all there is to it."

Sarah smiled ruefully as they entered the school and headed down the hallway to her office.

"Thanks," she said to Natalie. "You know, I do feel better."

"What did I say?"

"We lost," repeated Sarah as they entered her office. "Not ... You played a great game or it was so close. I feel bad about losing the game, but it was everyone's..."

" ... condescending attitude and pity," finished Principal Eversol, lightly rapping on the door as he entered. Mike Calricci was right behind him. "Coach Stevens, do you realize how much your team won, even though they lost the game?"

"Please, call me Sarah. This is Natalie Porter, one of our math teachers. Natalie, This is Principal Eversol and Coach Calricci."

"Mike, please," said Coach Calricci. "The field goal was a Hail Mary play. We were out of plays, out of time, and out of steam. The field goal attempt was the only possible way we could score and win. The odds of making it were astronomical. The crosswind was working against us. The angle of the kick was all wrong, as was the distance the ball had to travel. Let's not forget your team was also on the field and they had blocked an extra point earlier."

"But your kicker did make the field goal and is now the hero of the hour," stated Natalie.

"Yes, but to those of us who know this game, we know the kick was a fluke," said Mike. "Jeremy, our kicker, is a good kid, but not that good. He'll be hailed as a hero in our school for the rest of the year, but the agents and scouts watching the game probably won't give him an offer. His stats don't support it. There are better kickers out there. The scouts will be after your two captains, the black linebacker, and a couple others."

"So, even though we lost..." Sarah started to say.

"You won," said Principal Eversol. "I'm proud that our two teams were able to meet for this game. I'm so proud that I asked Mark and Will to extend an invitation to your two captains to join us for part of our celebration. I would have invited your entire team, but our venue isn't large enough to handle them all."

"Our place is," laughed Sarah. "It's a campground that sleeps over one hundred and twenty."

"I know," said Principal Eversol with a smile. "Your captains declined our offer to stay with their team, but did invite our whole team over to join them ... if we get your permission to do so."

"Uh, how many are we talking about?" asked Sarah.

"There's fifty-six on our team," stated Mike. "With your forty-eight, that's one hundred and four."

"One hundred and four!?!" gasped Sarah. "That's ... that's..."

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I Almost Impregnated My Hot Cousin

A lot of you might remember me from my previous sex story on ISS. I have shared a few stories here and have received quite good feedback from my readers. Many of those readers have become good friends over these years. For those who don’t know me, my name is Paul, I am a single guy aged 29 and after my MBA I found employment with one of the top MNCs in Bangalore. I am 5’7″, athletic and an award-winning endurance cyclist. If you’re a cyclist, chances are we know each other. So without further...

3 years ago
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Fog in the HeadChapter 4

It seemed like I'd just got off one endless flight before hopping onto another one. We did wait a week though, Dagmar and I, and managed to become closer to each other by the end of that week. By then I had every confidence that she wouldn't try running away. I think my calling her Dagmar and never Linda had a lot to do with it. The sex did too. It wasn't nearly as intense of a relationship as some of my others. It had much more of a friendship quality to it rather than a torrential love...

3 years ago
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Episode 119 Rachael growing up

November 2009A call arrives from his young daughter: "Daddy, I thought you said a man puts his penis into a ladies vagina" ."Yes, that's right, darling - when a man and a woman are in love and want to make a baby"."But, this man has his penis in the lady's bottom and they both seem to be enjoying it".Bugger, thought daddy - is she ready for this yet?"You can't believe everything you read in your mother's magazines, baby girl"."No daddy - I'm watching the sextape labelled Swingers 2002 you left...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Bailey Base The Pantie Bandit

Every so often, Bailey Base would walk into her room and discover her panties were thrown around everywhere. She figured it could only be one person. Her roommate, Peter Green. One day she devised a plan to catch him in the act. She left a trail of panties on the floor. Once Peter discovered them, he began to follow the trail as he sniffed each and every one of them. However, he was unaware of the fact that a fully naked Bailey was at the end of the said trail. Once he reached the end, she...

4 years ago
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The Hunger appeased For now

THE HUNGERMy body was telling me I needed to start planning dinner. I don't need to eat the way you might. I sustain my life with fluids, but my race always calls it The Hunger.My life-mate and I were the last of our line on this continent. She was destroyed by the Others. No one seems to know why they hate Us. I'm not even sure if the Others know any more. Their attacks on Us have cost me some friends over the years. Of course, it affected me, but those who had been destroyed had not been...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 33

We arrived at the gates of Solitude in time to break up a vampire attack. “Okay, that’s enough of this. I thought that helping Sybille would take care of the issues locally. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to find the Thalmor helping the vampires in this.” It was early evening, so we grabbed something to eat, then I sought Viarmo out at the Bards College. “Here’s the verse about King Olaf you were seeking.” “Ah, let me see. Oh, no! It’s aged such that parts of it are unreadable. And...

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Watching my wife help my friend

Over the summer my friend George was visiting from PA. He had not had a girl in months and was constantly complaining about it. Later that day my Wife came home. She went to the bathroom and when she came back out she was in her sports bra and shorts. She walked to the bedroom and said hi to George on her way. George was sitting on the couch rubbing his crotch area. I was like cmon man knock it off. He said man your wife just looked hot as hell walking past there. I found this to actually turn...

2 years ago
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Vasanthi8217s Sex Pics

I love my mother a lot, I do. I have tremendous respect for her. She took care of me and my younger brother all by herself after my father cheated on her and ran away with some whore. My mother, who goes by the name Vasanthi, pretends to be strong for us. But deep down I can understand that she is also a human. She feels pain too. She too can make mistakes. I know it, but I just hope someone would have told me this that night. It was around 10 pm after dinner. The family was seated at the...

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Her name was Sylwia, Polish, blonde hair, and a womanly figure at 30yrs - and by that i mean a nice full shapely arse and some pert titties up top too. At a guess i'd say she was about 5ft 5".We met on a Sunday uptown and our date had gotten off to a great start, and it was clear that there was a real attraction between the two of us. We'd met online and after a couple of weeks of constant chat we'd agreed to meet up for a few drinks.It was a summer afternoon and Sylwia was dressed in that...

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Is this a Fantasy

I am Bob and I have a lovely wife who is 14 years younger than myself. She is only 5’ tall, petite with big lovely tits. We are very sexually active and it is not unusual for us to make love twice a day but, due to work commitments, we were now lucky if we make love twice a week. In an attempt to spice our sex life up, I bought her a blindfold and a few sex toys, as she sometimes likes it rough. I ran her a nice hot bath for her, after work. She stripped and her naked body slid into the bath....

Wife Lovers
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RubyChapter 7 With A Song In Her Heart

To Ruby, the early Sunday morning sunshine seemed brighter than usual. She stretched hard and rolled over to look at Jimmy. He was awake. "I like to look at you, Ruby." His soft voice sent shivers through her stomach. Ruby kissed his bared chest and burrowed her face hard against his nipple. "Jimmy," she whispered. She rubbed her naked body against his. They began to make slow and gentle love, never in a hurry. She felt him tense, hug her tight and pour himself inside her. "I love you...

1 year ago
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Whats a Father to DoChapter 2 A Turn for the Better

Sam called back about an hour later, "It's all set up, buddy boy, we leave for the airport in a limo at 10 in the morning, we fly out of DFW at 2, and we will be in Florida before you know it. We have a condo, well, like a real large suite, one with four bedrooms, a sitting room, and a kitchen. We are about a hundred yards from the monorail station at the resort, then it's ride the rail to the park. I have us booked for three weeks, is that going to be ok? I mean we can stay longer if we...

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My InheritanceChapter 13 Home Again

After stopping at the tattoo parlor where I had a gold ring inserted through Lisa’s clit hood, Andy, Lisa and I drove in the Bronco from the Denver airport to the ranch north of Glenwood Springs which I had inherited from Uncle Bert. It was a cold, clear, crisp Colorado day, with the sun bright in the sky with we arrived about three in the afternoon. Andy and I were glad to be home. We had been gone a month, training in New York with Mistress Diana, the Amazon dominatrix, and in San...

2 years ago
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A Chance of a Lifetime Meeting Part 2

A Chance of a Lifetime Meeting....(Please note, this is in 3 parts. I previously posted part 1, and have repeated it here along with part 2, if you already read part 1, then scroll down to chapter 2)It wasn’t the kind of bar that I would regularly go to try and pick someone up. It was just a place to go to grab a drink before going back to my hotel room. I had been in town for 3 days already and was just looking to get a couple of beers and head back to my room. My flight back home wasn’t until...

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Pretty China Girl

What I was doing was certainly illegal back home, and yet no other option appeared available. My thoughts were raging and I had to consciously force them down, to subdue their warnings as they raised their ugly heads. I shuddered briefly. Circumstances were forcing me to do things, things I didn’t want, things that were wrong, and things that concerned this woman. I caught the flicker of a smile as she averted her eyes, her fingers playing with the folds in her dress. She knew what was...

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The continuation...(the entire story is available as a Kindle Download from Amazon under the title, A CRACK ON THE BEACH (65 pages!) Enjoy.“Do you want to see more of her?” I asked quietly, my breath out of sync.She kept looking at my wife, moulding her breasts, almost mashing them. She took her time in replying. She finally nodded, not even glancing my way. I stood up and took off my shorts, but kept my underpants on. As much as I wanted to be naked, I didn't want to spoil Cee’s experience and...

3 years ago
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A very big family secret

Let me start by giving some family background. I have a mother and father and one sister, Virginia, who is almost f******n years older than I am. When I was three, going on four years old, my sister ran off with her high school boy friend to get married. Over the next 20 years I saw her from time to time at family holidays and of course funerals. Her and her husband let the family know that they had two daughters over those 20 years.I’m now in my twenty’s and this happened just last...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 1 In The Beginning

‘What do you mean?’ I asked Charlie’s friend in disbelief. ‘Are you saying you will pay me to have sex with some of your lady friends? Uhhh , are you serious?’ It seemed like I was entering someone else’s fantasy. This would certainly beat the hell out a real 9 to 5 job at the hardware store, or mowing yards all summer I thought. I was nearly twenty-one, was going to college and living the good life. It wasn’t like I was starved for affection, but I admit to wandering in and out of short term...

1 year ago
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The Nightclub

"What can I get yeah?" they looked up at the voice and saw a cute blond wearing a white blouse and black slacks waiting patiently for their reply. "Bud light bottle and a Smirnoff ice." Matt said, with a friendly smile. "She is cute." Jill said. "Very, but no girl play for you tonight, you know why we are here. And you promised." he said. "Here you go, that'll be $7.50." the waitress said as she placed the drinks in front of them. Matt handed her the money. "I...

2 years ago
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Crater Hill

Crater Hill is story-focussed, but contains plenty of sexual themes should you decide to take careless decisions. I try to give you as the player the most options possible for deciding your path throughout the story, but I am obviously limited in how fast I can write chapters. Different branches may reveal different insights into characters and events, while other storybranches may end up coming back together later. You can customize your character name on the right, in the 'customize' tab. It...

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My Big Strong Daddy

Note : This story is complete fictional! When I turned 18 years old I was beginning to fill out. I would look at my body and be satisfied that it looked good. I began feeling urges. I let my next door neighbor boy who was also 13 fuck me but it was not what I thought it would be. My daddy could do anything, he could fix anything, he was strong and handsome and all the neighbor women always looked at my dad with lust in their eyes. It made me jealous and mad. After trying sex with the neighbor...

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My Girlfriend Gangbang With Friends

To the new readers, my name is Hemanth from Andhra. Coming to the story I have a girlfriend and her name is Jahnavi (name changed), her age is 20, she is about 5.8 feet, I don’t know about her stats but her boobs are handy and her butt is as smooth as silk.She is a year bigger than me.We had a relationship from last two years.I used to meet her only when I went to my home for the holidays.It was everything good but a few months back we had a clash and decided to break off.We didn’t talk for...

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Pictures and Prompts

Welcome to Pictures and Prompts, a place where you can post some pictures and an accompanying prompt/idea, so people can pick them up and do some short stories with them, before posting their own combination of pictures and prompts. Some rules to make it work: 1) This is a give-and-take, so the whole concept lives from people participating. If you feel inspired by a picture and a prompt, add an chapter and write your story there. Afterwards, add another chapter, where you post your pictures and...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 41 Christmas Break Part II

December 1978 On Friday, Stephanie and I did our usual morning routine and then I worked on the programs for Doctor Grossi. I had figured out how to make the connections between the pets and the owners and was working on a way to create invoices. I was confident that we’d have it working well enough for him to test it by the end of January. Joyce arrived to pick me up at 5:00pm for our date. We deviated from our usual pattern in that we didn’t make love before she cooked and we ate....

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The Shortest Skirt in School Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 After a while of comparing the guys and what they’d done to us I noticed that it was getting cooler. “Fancy another swim before it gets cold?” I asked. “Shall we go and tell the guys that we’re going into the pool?” “That depends on if you want them to start grabbing your tits and pussy.” Lizzy smiled and replied, “I’ll go and tell them.” A few minutes later Lizzy came back out followed by the 3 guys, Duncan and Luke having put their shirts on. “Not coming for...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 2 Father and Son

We will leave Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantes, who, after having traversed La Canebiere, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allees de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door,...

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The unPleasant Rise to Power

"There it is, at long last!" I exclaim, as my eyes set sight on a lone statue in the centre of the chamber. It was surprisingly well lit by the rays of light seeping in from cracks in the ceiling. I scan the area for any obvious traps, and after considering the month long journey it took to get here from the capital it seems like dying at the foot of success would be an ironic way to go. Cautiously, I walk down the path, passing the marble pillars that held high above. My reflection painted...

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Dinner with Charlie

 I lay on a blanket in the grass, sun reflecting off my black sunglasses and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. "I'm so nervous!" I said. "Really? It's just dinner and a movie, right? What's there to be nervous about!" replied Monica lying next to me on the blanket. She was looking for shapes in the clouds floating by in the sky as we waited."No, he said dinner and a show. I think it's not a movie he has planned for us. But what kind of show is the question," I explained to her. I slid...

Straight Sex
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PureTaboo Piper Perri Fall Down Dad

SCENE opens on eggs cracking in a pan of bacon. As the eggs sizzle, the camera leans out to reveal Andi, a petite 18-year-old girl, making breakfast in the kitchen. Frail and timid, she nervously flips the eggs and butters some toast while keeping an eye on the door. The room feels heavy and silent … until a kitchen timer goes off and makes her jump. At the same time, a door bursts open and Fred, herscruffy slob of a step-father, staggers into the kitchen demanding his meal. Andi snaps...

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Going to the Gyno with My Mother

"Paul," my mother hollered from across the hall. "My gyno appointment is in an hour, are you coming with me?""Yes I am, mommy, I'm ready," I answered back.My mother and I made our way down to her doctor's office. We reached our destination and entered the building and were greeted by the receptionist. "Hello, I'm Carolina and I'm here for my examination," my mother told the receptionist."Very well, Carolina, please have a seat and we'll call you soon," the receptionist told my mother.After...

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My Mom

This is a true story that was told to me by my friend Greg. I will tell it to you just as he told it to me. I had never been attracted to my mother. At the age of thirteen I jacked off every chance I got. I had an older sister who kind of did a "I will show you mine if you show me yours" deal a couple of times but I never really got to explore my sister's goodies. I would sneak porn mags from my friends and had to imagine about the girls I saw at the pool. I lived with my mom and sister in...

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Eta alphapilambdaalphaupsilonsigma

Μωράκι μου η συνάντηση μας θα είναι μια απο αυτές που χαράχτηκαν μέσα στην ψυχή μου.....Η απόλυτη απόλαυση .....Το ραντεβού μας αυτήν την φορά ήταν κλεισμένο για Πέμπτη απόγευμα! Όπως κάθε φορά περίμενα με μεγάλη λαχτάρα να συναντήσω τον μοναδικό μου έρωτα!! Πέρασε τόσος καιρός και όμως όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον είδα μου κόπηκαν τα πόδια! Αρχισε να με φιλάει στα χείλη μου, στον λαιμό μου, να με χουφτώνει τις βυζάρες μου κι εγώ να τρέμω ολόκληρη απο την καύλα μου!! Τον θέλω απίστευτα πολύ...

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Clothes Over Body

Ben was your average teenage boy. At the age of 15, he was going into his sophomore year of high school. He had everything going for him, good grades, good looks, good friends, everything. Then, one summer afternoon, his parents left for a 2 week vacation, but said they could not take Ben with them, so he had the house to himself for 2 weeks. As soon as his parents left, he began to wonder what he would do during those 2 weeks. As he began going back up to his bedroom, the doorbell...

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A Few Stolen Days Ch 07

A Few Stolen Days Chapter 7: The Game Travis reached over and playfully swatted Brandi’s naked butt. It popped louder than he had intended and drew an immediate look from Brandi. He had intended to prompt her to get up and shower while he fixed them a light breakfast, but now he wondered if he had been too bold. He caught a quick glance at the pale redness where he had caught the full flesh of her butt cheek. His hand had hit her with more of the flat of his hand than he had intended. Before...

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