IncentiveChapter 4 free porn video

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Saturday was a cool, clear day, just perfect for the big game. Sarah put her rucksack in the trunk of her car as she prepared to go to the stadium. She had packed her sleeping bag, foam mattress, extra clothes, necessities, and some other camping gear she thought she might need.

Cindy was driving her own car and Samantha would be driving up with Sarah after the game ... if the team won. Sarah had faith in Tim and Joe's abilities and she knew the team was motivated. She also knew that things could go wrong and wondered what else she could do. The game was being held at Westville, so they did have the home ground advantage. Sarah planned to tell the team before the game that Cindy and Samantha would also be helping her fulfill her end of the bargain when they won.

Sarah was dressed in her normal physical education outfit, skimpy running shorts with sweatpants pulled over top and her sports bra with a fleece jacket over that. She climbed into her car and drove to Westville High. Sarah had planned to arrive several hours prior to the start of the game, and was surprised to see that the bleachers were almost a third full on both sides of the field. She was even more surprised to see almost all of the team in the locker room.

"Morning, Coach," said Joe, cheerfully. "I guess we are all a little restless today. Everyone 's here except for our center, Charlie. You usually can't get him up in the morning unless you stick some dynamite under his ... uh ... butt."

"I noticed that there are a lot of spectators in the stands already," said Sarah.

"Getting the best seats," said Joe with a smile. "We were heading out to warm-up and stretch before we have to put on our gear. The other team should be arriving soon, so we will see you in about an hour or so."

"Um, what does the other team's arrival have to do with me?" asked Sarah.

"You don't know?" asked Tim. "I'm sorry. You're supposed to meet them in the parking lot and show them to their locker room ... make sure they have everything they need."

"I thought the staff did that," stated Sarah in surprise.

"Usually they do, but not for important games," said Joe. "You'll need to hurry."

Sarah raced out of the locker room and ran down the hallway to the doors leading out to the parking lot. She sighed in relief when she saw that the buses carrying the other team had not arrived yet. Warmed by the run, Sarah shucked her jacket and sweatpants. Looking out the doors again, she saw two school buses turn off the main street and into the school's parking lot. Bracing the door open, she jogged out to greet them.

"Holy shit! ... Look at dem tits! ... Oh, momma! ... Fuckin' A!..."

"QUIET!" yelled Coach Calricci from the front seat of the bus. He stood up and glared at all his players that were on his bus. "Get this straight because I'm only going to say this once. That is probably Coach Stevens, the Westville football coach. If any of you insult or offend her, I will bench you, and, if you don't play in the game, you don't participate in the win. Understand?"

"Yes, Coach!" came back the immediate response.

"Good! Warn the guys in the other bus, too."

Sarah slowed her progress towards the buses when she saw Principal Eversol exit his vehicle and head towards her. He was casually dressed in tan slacks, a black turtleneck, and tweed jacket. He smiled and extended his hand as they approached one another.

"Coach Stevens, it's a pleasure to see you again," he said, shaking her hand. "May I introduce Coach Mike Calricci?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Sarah to Mike. "I hope your trip was uneventful."

"It was," replied Mike with a smile. "I would like to wish you the best of luck in the game."

"Would it be bad taste to wish you the worst of luck?" asked Sarah. Both men broke out laughing and Sarah said, "No, I really do wish you the best, also. Let me show your team to their locker room."

Time passed quickly and it was now fifteen minutes before the kickoff. Sarah was meeting her team in the locker room, and she had Cindy and Samantha with her. Principal Schwartz had said her encouraging words to the team and had left to return to her seat in the stadium.

"Okay, guys, we've just heard from Principal Schwartz giving us her best wishes." said Sarah. "I know you have trained hard for this game with Joe and Tim, and I also know you are ready for this game. I want you to be as motivated as you were for the Regional's. I have no doubt that you will win, but it will be a tough battle. You should know that I will be meeting you at the campsite ... along with Nurse Brown and Samantha." The team gasped collectively and looked back and forth between the three women. "I'll also be bringing these along with me."

The entire team gasped again when Sarah pulled up her sports bra and her huge DD tits bounced into view. Cindy, with a sexy smile, undid the buttons to the front of her white uniform down to the waist and pulled it apart so that her large breasts sprang into view. The players turned as one to stare at Samantha to see what she would do, and then someone snickered.

"I don't have their attributes," stated Samantha, reaching up and grasping the top of the row of lockers behind her. The team watched in wonder as she raised both of her legs to the outside and hooked her heels on the top edge of the lockers she was holding on to. Mouths dropped open when the players realized that Samantha was not wearing any panties underneath her cheerleader's uniform. Samantha smiled wickedly and said, "I am very flexible. Use your imagination."

Tim sprang to his feet and exclaimed, "That's all I need to know! Let's go win this!"

To say the game was brutal would be an understatement. Tim scored a quick touchdown in the first quarter with a long pass to the end zone. The Friendship Team came back with a series of running plays that ate up time, and netted them a touchdown despite Joe's best effort. Tim maneuvered his offense around during the second quarter and managed to get to the one yard line on another long pass. An end run and the extra point made the score 14 - 7 in favor of Westville. Joe was getting better at reading the Friendship offense and was managing to hold them when the first foul of the game occurred.

Todd, a Westville defensive lineman, crossed over the line of scrimmage before the ball was snapped and slammed his opponent to the ground. Both sides converged on the area as the Westville players pulled Todd away.

"What the hell was that?" hissed Joe angrily, helmet to helmet with Todd as the referee marked of the distance for a personal foul.

"Sorry," snapped Todd, still hot under the collar. "He called Miss Stevens a sleazy, slimy whore, whose only brains are in her tits."

Joe looked over. The Friendship player was sitting up, but still shaking his head as if he was dazed. Joe turned to Todd and said, "Go in."


"No buts! Go in. I'll call you back when I think you can handle it."

Todd turned and dejectedly jogged off the field as his replacement jammed on his helmet, while running out to take Todd's place. Joe walked over to the Friendship quarterback. Mark Tact, who was watching the assistant coach wave smelling salts under the lineman's nose.

"How is he?" asked Joe.

"I think he just got the wind knocked out of him, no thanks to your guy," said Mark bitterly.

"Then he shouldn't have insulted our coach," retorted Joe.

"I didn't realize you guys were so thin-skinned," scoffed Mark.

"Let's say we're very protective of her," replied Joe.

Mark looked at Joe for a second, then looked at Sarah, and then at his own coach. He took in a deep breath and shook his head before saying, "Our coach warned us not to insult her. Let's make a deal ... no more insults or reprisals on either side, okay?"

"Deal," said Joe as the two of them banged fists together. "We're even, agreed?"

"Yup," said Mark before heading over to the sidelines to talk to Coach Calricci.

Joe ran over to the sidelines to inform Tim as to what had happened so Tim could tell the rest of the team. He then raced back to bring his defensive squad up to speed and plan for the next play. However, Joe read the play wrong and closed his eyes in bitter disappointment as the Friendship receiver caught the ball right in the end zone.

"Sorry, Joe, I..."

"My fault," interrupted Joe at the huddle. "Sammy, I'm going to try to make a hole. I want you to run right up my back to block the kick."

"You got it," said Sammy.

As the Friendship center hiked the ball, Joe followed in on one of his lineman and then felt himself shoved aside by Sammy. Sammy lunged forward just as the kicker connected with the ball. The ball took off into the air and Sammy just managed to get a swipe at it as it sailed upward. The Westville bleachers roared out in cheers as the ball went wide of the goalposts.

The second quarter ended without either team scoring again. The teams trudged off to the locker rooms, while the bands and cheerleaders set up for the halftime entertainment. Sarah, walking behind the team, could see that some of the steam had gone out of them. She looked back out into the stadium, stopped, and then called the team towards her.

"Guys, I want you to see this," stated Sarah as the team gathered around her.

Samantha's vaulting box and gym mats had not been set up on the field, but on the running track that surround it. Samantha started off by doing a double twist over the box and rolling out to her mat where she did her dance routine while the band played. Samantha's flips, twists, turns, kicks, and splits held the team enthralled.

"I'll remind you that Samantha will be joining us tonight," said Sarah.

"No offense, Miss Stevens, but we all thought she was gay," said Todd. "She doesn't go out on dates or doing anything with the guys in school."

"Let's say, she has higher expectations than most of guys have shown her," stated Sarah. "C'mon, to the locker room."

Back in the locker room, Sarah said to the team, "You've taken on the number one team in the state and are winning, but we haven't beaten them yet. You know what is at stake." Sarah walked over to an easel and pulled off the cloth which had been draped over it. Underneath was a life-size cutout of Sarah completely naked. She was standing with her ass facing the camera and her upper torso turned so that one could see the sides of her huge breasts and her smiling face. "If you want this in the flesh, then you're going to have to fight for it. I'll meet you back out on the field," and then she left the room.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm not passing up the sexist teacher in the entire state," said Tim, standing up and moving next to the cutout. He kissed his hand and put it on her paper butt. He then yelled, "I'M WILLING TO FIGHT FOR HER! ARE YOU?"

The third quarter started with the teams playing with the same intensity as when they met at the first kickoff. Westville's defense held back the Friendship offense by sheer tenacity. The Friendship defense completely shut down Tim's offense. Neither team could gain an advantage and it stayed that way through most of the fourth quarter.

The two minute warning had gone off with Friendship in possession of the ball. They were steadily moving up the field, using quick snaps and running out of bounds to stop the clock. Friendship had pushed down to the thirty-eight yard line with three seconds on the clock.

"We've won! We've won!" yelled Sarah, jumping up and down.

Her mood was an indication of what everybody in the Westville bleachers felt. The score was 14 - 13 in favor of Westville and both the students and faculty felt that Friendship could not score in time. Friendship called for a timeout and both of their captains huddled down next to Coach Calricci.

"Easy, Miss Stevens," stated Tim. Sarah looked at him in surprise at the warning in his voice. "The play does not end when the time runs out. The play ends with either a tackle, an incomplete pass, or if they score."

"Oh," gasped Sarah. "Then, they still have a chance. What are they doing?"

Tim looked across the field and tried to assess what the other team may be planning. He then jumped a little.

"They're bringing out their kicker," said Tim. "They're gonna try for a field goal. Todd! Get in there!"

" ... But Joe said..."

"Let Joe know they're trying for a field goal!" said Tim quickly. "Tell him I think you've been punished enough."

"Thanks, Tim," said Todd as he jammed on his helmet.

Friendship was going for the field goal. It was a long kick and the position was off to one side. The ball was snapped and Westville piled into the Friendship line to try to block the kick. Joe grimaced and jumped to try to hit the ball as it sailed over his head. He turned to watch as the ball hit the top of its arch and began to spiral downward.

"It's not gonna make it!" exclaimed Tim excitedly. "It's not gonna make it!"

Everyone watched with rapt attention and dead silence as the ball tumbled end or end towards the goalposts. Tim's happiness turned to horror as the ball barely cleared the goalpost by a scant inch. The silence was deafening for a second or two before the Friendship fans broke out in boisterous yells and screams. The Westville side of the stadium just sat in stunned shock.

"C'mon, Miss Stevens," said Tim dejectedly. "We have to do the loser's walk across the field to congratulate the winners."

"I'm so sorry, Tim," said Sarah as she walked beside him. Joe ambled over to join them. "You, too, Joe. I'm sorry. It's just..."

"We tried our best," said Joe. "That's all anyone can ask for."

Sarah walked up to Coach Calricci and shook his hand.

"Congratulations," she said with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you," said Mike with sincerity. "Your boys played an excellent game. You should be proud of them."

"I am. I..." Sarah could feel the tears prickling at her eyes. She saw Principal Schwartz shaking hands with Principal Eversol. She quickly smiled at Mike and said, "If you'll please excuse me."

Sarah turned quickly and worked her way through the crowd. She was stopped by Tim and Joe who were talking to two Friendship players.

"Miss Stevens, this is Mark Tact, the quarterback, and Will Podowski, the defensive captain," said Tim. "Mark ... Will ... this is Miss Stevens, our coach."

"Congratulations," said Sarah, shaking both of their hands. "It was a great game."

"Coach Stevens?" asked a Friendship lineman, who had just walked up to her. "I was the guy your guy threw to the ground."

"Oh, I am so sorry he did that," apologized Sarah. "I hope you weren't hurt."

"No ... no, it was entirely my fault. I insulted you and he defended you. I wanted to apologize to you for the things I said about you."

"I forgive you," said Sarah with a smile. "Emotions can get the better of us at a time like this. I..." Just then, Sarah caught sight of Principal Schwartz, with Principal Eversol and Coach Calricci, pointing at her and start walking in her direction. Depression hit her again and Sarah did not feel like talking to them right now. "I'm sorry, guys. I've got to go."

Sarah turned and walked quickly away. She was almost off the field when her arm was snagged. She stopped and turned to see who was holding onto her arm, dearly hoping it was not either of the principals.

"Hey, where are you rushing off to so fast?" asked Natalie Porter, the math teacher who had temporarily taken over the cheerleading team while Sarah was working with the football team.

"Hi," said Sarah. "I was just ... uh ... running up to my office for something."

"Had enough of the well-wishers?" asked Natalie rhetorically as she linked arms with Sarah and started walking towards the school. "I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but we lost. That's all there is to it."

Sarah smiled ruefully as they entered the school and headed down the hallway to her office.

"Thanks," she said to Natalie. "You know, I do feel better."

"What did I say?"

"We lost," repeated Sarah as they entered her office. "Not ... You played a great game or it was so close. I feel bad about losing the game, but it was everyone's..."

" ... condescending attitude and pity," finished Principal Eversol, lightly rapping on the door as he entered. Mike Calricci was right behind him. "Coach Stevens, do you realize how much your team won, even though they lost the game?"

"Please, call me Sarah. This is Natalie Porter, one of our math teachers. Natalie, This is Principal Eversol and Coach Calricci."

"Mike, please," said Coach Calricci. "The field goal was a Hail Mary play. We were out of plays, out of time, and out of steam. The field goal attempt was the only possible way we could score and win. The odds of making it were astronomical. The crosswind was working against us. The angle of the kick was all wrong, as was the distance the ball had to travel. Let's not forget your team was also on the field and they had blocked an extra point earlier."

"But your kicker did make the field goal and is now the hero of the hour," stated Natalie.

"Yes, but to those of us who know this game, we know the kick was a fluke," said Mike. "Jeremy, our kicker, is a good kid, but not that good. He'll be hailed as a hero in our school for the rest of the year, but the agents and scouts watching the game probably won't give him an offer. His stats don't support it. There are better kickers out there. The scouts will be after your two captains, the black linebacker, and a couple others."

"So, even though we lost..." Sarah started to say.

"You won," said Principal Eversol. "I'm proud that our two teams were able to meet for this game. I'm so proud that I asked Mark and Will to extend an invitation to your two captains to join us for part of our celebration. I would have invited your entire team, but our venue isn't large enough to handle them all."

"Our place is," laughed Sarah. "It's a campground that sleeps over one hundred and twenty."

"I know," said Principal Eversol with a smile. "Your captains declined our offer to stay with their team, but did invite our whole team over to join them ... if we get your permission to do so."

"Uh, how many are we talking about?" asked Sarah.

"There's fifty-six on our team," stated Mike. "With your forty-eight, that's one hundred and four."

"One hundred and four!?!" gasped Sarah. "That's ... that's..."

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Sierra was feeling extra playful one sunday morning! She decided to take her stepdaddys phone and her moms number with her own! This was just the start. She kept teasing him and flashing him too, causing him to make her leave the room. A bit later, he was getting texts from his wife about how she will be home early and how she wants to try something fun while Sierra was out at the movies. She suggested he blindfold himself in the living and wait for her, which was quite different, but he hadnt...

4 years ago
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Sally And DukeChapter 5

A few minutes later when she had sufficiently recovered her senses, Sally Denham sat up. Both men, she observed, had cleaned themselves up in a small adjoining powder room and she now walked with all the dignity she could muster into the little tiled enclosure to wash her face and try to make herself presentable enough to leave the bank. She came out of the room and began to dress silently. "Here," John Blodgett helped her with the zipper of her dress and Quigg collected her shoes and...

1 year ago
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I love a girl with a pretty face. I won’t deny that I get rock hard staring at women’s titties and asses, but the whole package is always enhanced when you put an angelic mug at the top. Like any attractive fuck-hole, the prettiest faces are the ones I always want to stick my cock deep inside. That’s probably why I’ve been spending a lot of time at Throated is a premium porn site where gorgeous women get their faces banged hard in exclusive deepthroat scenes. If you’re into...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
1 year ago
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varsity cheer

I always wanted to be a member of the Varsity cheer team.As a freshman, that was considered impossible, and most girls resorted totrying out for the freshmen squad. I, on the other hand, tried out for theVarsity and made last cuts. I still remember the dreaded news on the verylast day of cuts that I was going to be assigned to Junior varsity. Still,JV was nothing to laugh at, since only 2 other freshmen girls made thatteam.The summer between my freshmen and sophomore year was the longest one...

2 years ago
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Bianca Paragon Part Two

Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post Bianca Paragon here. Here's part two of four parts. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love Perfected by ...

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The First Time I Gave A Blow Job

All my life I have been bi-sexual and never knew it until the year I turned 25, spring 1998. Now don't get me wrong, despite begin completely fixated with big tits, round asses, and pussy, I had had my fair share of being fascinated with cock too, but mostly my own. My cock interested and confused me since the day it began growing hair on it, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about those short little flare ups of mystical curiosity that made me question the mysteries of...

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A Day In A Lungi

Hi, this is writing this story. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. It was when I came back from playing football that my mother told me about this news. It was summer vacation and I was a keen football player, spending almost the entire day on the ground. That is why I didn’t like the idea when my mother told that I will have to stay out of home for the night to give company to an aunty who is our distant relative. It is like her husband had to suddenly go out of town on account of a...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Strip Club List! Do you have some dollars to spend? Then sit tight. By the end of this, you should know how to put those extra bucks into good use. Thing is, many guys I know love spending a little money at strip clubs and those who say they don’t are fucking faggots. Well, no problem with that, but who in their right mind would mind having a fucking hot lass with nothing but a bikini perform a lap dance on you? Anyway, do you crazily need to add a bit of spice in your life? Well,...

Escort Sites
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First Summer Class Today excited for summer

So here I am taking summer classes - it may seem like a bad situation - but knowing how many attractive ladies are in my class everyday; well it passes the time.In particular there is this one girl that I had the pleasure of spending an entire spring break with on a field assignment; and it turns out this cutie was also in another one of my classes. We ended up talking here and there throughout the semester and I have creeped on her facebook profile a bit and I am very very interested in this...

1 year ago
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Nothin but Skin

INTRODUCTION This is the third story about Sandy and Tim. The first several stories are being written and told in chronological order. Even though each story stands on its own, you might find that reading them in order helps you better understand who they are. The earlier stories are: It Started in Drivers' Ed Class, which tells the story about how Tim and Sandy met, and I Can't See You, in which Tim "helps" Sandy get ready for a date. I hope you enjoy. SATURDAY NIGHT "What time...

3 years ago
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Power Tool Original versionChapter 05

Waking up at 5:30 a.m. John continues to lay there cuddling Wendy as she wakes up, followed by Brooke. A few minutes before 6:00 a.m. they stand at the window and watch as Marcia gets the papers. When James arrives the building workers, who were busy getting set for the day, stop and make themselves comfortable. Marcia strides out and gets the papers, nodding at the men like a queen acknowledging her court. As she’s walking back to the house and the men are now buying their papers one of the...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Lovely Sister In Hyderabad 8211 Part 1

Hello, everyone, this is hydsex02 again, back with a fantasy story of mine. Hoping it would be fulfilled one day or other. Hope you have read my earlier story about how my sister had seduced me and we ended up having loads of fun. I am Aakash, a regular reader of this site for the past few years. I am 20, from Hyderabad currently pursuing my b.Tech. I have a cousin sister who is 26 years elder to me and she is a very beautiful woman. She has a medium dark complexion like the typical Indian...

2 years ago
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Princess Diaries 03 Cindy

“Wait, wait,” said Cindy. She pointed back to Jasmine, “you were in a private porno and you think I’m a slut?” “Sure,” shrugged Jasmine. “I’ve only been with Aaron. You’ve been around, that’s the rumor, anyway.” Ariel sighed in relief. Jasmine didn’t have any other boyfriends. Aaron and she sounded like fuck buddies, nothing for Ariel to feel jealous about. “I haven’t been around and or on camera,” corrected Cindy dramatically. Then she perked up, with a cheshire smile, “can we see?” Jasmine’s...

First Time
3 years ago
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Alexandra Ch 02

It had been over a year since I moved in with my best friend, and lover, Alexandra. It wasn't known we were lesbians, just that we were roommates. We were at a party to kick off the second semester of sophomore year. I was having a great time, chatting with friends I'd made, dancing occasionally, and chowing down on the chips and delicious home-made guacamole provided. I could see that Alexandra was also enjoying herself. Things were going well... until I saw her expression suddenly...

3 years ago
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Lost and FoundChapter 6

Friday morning, it was back to summer, almost. The wind was down to force three and veering easterly, which meant that although dry the wind was a little cool. We took off the tiers and hoisted the sails so they would dry and opened ports and vents to air the cabins; we took the opportunity to shower, change and do some laundry. We took the foot-ferry across to Harwich and had lunch in the café on the Halfpenny Pier. When we returned the sails were dry, so we did a harbour stow and put the...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 112

The scene shifted an instant before Jeff asked the AI to show the helipad. On the screen, an Escalade, driven by Arlene, stopped well back until the helicopter settled and its rotors had stopped. Reed and his wife exited the copter, then assisted the Wade family in getting out. Arlene drove her vehicle nearer the helicopter, stopped, got out and opened the doors of the Escalade. Jeff Watched as Wade, carrying a large bouquet of flowers, obviously introduced his family, then Arlene ushered...

4 years ago
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Brightest Star of All

‘Shall I help you wash up?’ Lucy asked, bringing me the last of the dishes. ‘No, it’s OK,’ I replied, adding some more washing up liquid to the water in the sink. ‘Can you go up to my room and fetch the DVD? It’s on top of the shelf with my hi-fi.’ I began scrubbing the plates as she left. My housemates had all gone home for the weekend, so Lucy had suggested we have a night in and watch Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for the nth time, as we both loved that film. I’d already cooked us both a...

3 years ago
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Raping Roz Doyle

“Please let me go”, she said shaking with fear. “I have money, and you can have it all, just don’t hurt me please”. “Shhs” , I cooed her trying to calm her down. “I’m not going to hurt you Roz, and thanks, but I don’t want your money, I only want to please you…and myself of course”. I said in a calm and non-threatening voice. “If you only cooperate and not try to alarm anyone I’ll be done within an hour or two, and you may even experience pleasure in this”. “So you just want to use me like...

2 years ago
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The Solitary ArrowPart 22

While the citizens of Embalis were glad of the arrival of the Windy Island Rangers, mood was somber this day, though as it was a day of mourning. The people greeted the newcomers with polite words, and with generous smiles and warm embraces, but slight was the joviality in the meeting. The rangers, for their part, noticed this subdued mood and restrained their natural exuberance. Thirty-two of the Rangers of Morrovale and seventy-five of the elven guard and villagers had died. A hundred and...

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Yearbook 2005les

*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 The 2005 yearbook of St. Thomas Aquinas has the usual groups of photographs, graduating seniors, the other classes, faculty, sports and intramural clubs. In the rear of the book are the various photographs of slices of life at St. Thomas Aquinas for the School year of 2004-2005. One page is titled ‘Crutches, braces and casts.’ Kaitlin Monroe, broken arm in cast and sling, is the first...

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Never Enough

[Another for Robert...!]Why do older gay (or bisexual) men crave younger men so much? I can't answer for every older gay/bi man, but for me, the reason I crave a younger man so very much is partly that they are younger (of course!), but along with being younger, they have this incredible lustful energy, that infuses everything else!As you get older, and whether your gay, bi, straight, or other wise, you start to find yourself becoming invisible to the rest of the world (and this seems to be...

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ChristinaChapter 16

There was an IHOP just a bit up the road. I'd noted its location on the way to dinner. We loaded up in the car again, the girls in the back seat giggling in the delightful way that somehow disappears from females as age advances. Hearing it from the girl I loved and her friend was very pleasant. I looked at Dan. "Didn't expect to be on the road at this hour." "Me neither," Dan said. "But I learned a long time ago that hanging around with Cindy was gonna result in a few random...

2 years ago
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Rape My Face Japan

It had been my first time on a plane, and I was extremely tired. I guess thats what they call "jet lag" as I felt like it was early morning, but the sun told me its late afternoon. "Yokoso! Yokoso!" rang out in chorus as my group left baggage claim and proceeded to the exit. I didnt have a bag as I opted to ship my luggage via UPS ahead to my hotel. There was a shuttle bus waiting for our group, but I wanted to experience the Japanese train system, so my friend Dave and I headed to the...

3 years ago
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At the Cabin

Welcome, everyone. Thanks for checking out the story! This is 'At the Cabin', but despite of its title, over time it became more than just a story about teens spending time at a cabin, because it became more about the characters than the setting as we expanded on their backstories, their families and the small town they live on. The story wasn't and isn't written and developed just by me, Duskford, a multitude of other writers have already added a whole thread or just chapters, and this is the...

1 year ago
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AssassinChapter 16

With approval for Hailey and Rosalee to stay for pizza dinner, we set out for home. Hailey had won the right to ride shotgun next to me first, with the others taking their turns before we were too close to the city to permit any further fun and games in the car. Hailey sat at an angle, mainly looking across at me but being able to establish eye contact with the back seat. I don't know who started matters off but I did notice Hailey rubbing her crotch before I heard conclusive sounds from...

1 year ago
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Tami and her brother discover their love for one a

She came bouncing down the stairs all ready to go to the gym, and god, she looked stunning. I'm talking about my sister, Tami. She's been after me for a month to take her to the gym with me so she can get in shape for the summer, not that she really needs to. She looks great to me the way she is, although, at 18 and a senior is high school, she is a 'late bloomer,' as mom constantly says, which drives Tami crazy. She's a little on the thin side, but still looks great. I think it's her face that...

1 year ago
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Libyan Bully Triumphant

TUESDAY AFTERNOON At 3PM Aisha walked along the empty hallway in the secondary school building then she saw her classmate Shakira, and Shakira saw her. Oh no, Aisha thought, but before Aisha could run, Shakira caught up with her and pinned her against the wall. "So little girl where is my money?" Shakira asked. "You can't continue to bully us forever," Aisha replied trying to be defiant. Shakira was a head taller than Aisha and hit her hard on the shoulder. Aisha cried in pain,...

1 year ago
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Pendants of Aeternitas Afterword

Zapper has graciously given me permission to add a kinda of footnote to his great story. He didn't want to dilute of horror of his ordinal ending but anything telling what happened later. But here is my take on a possible conclusion. It takes place in the comfortable home of Mark Thompson and his beautiful young wife Susan. I hope you like it and it may encourage you to read or re-read Zapper's truly remarkable story! 'Happy Halloween!" Note: Bob H has written a longer take in his...

3 years ago
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Better late than never

My husband (who I will call Andy) and I have been together since we were teenagers, and are each other’s first everything when it comes to sex. When we started sleeping together we quickly became experimental, wanting to try everything together. We would spend a small fortune in Ann Summers on sex books, porn dvds, flavoured lubes, cock rings, vibrators/dildos, handcuffs and blindfolds, condoms, adult games etc, you name it – we tried it. We were very comfortable with each other as neither of...

3 years ago
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Nudism with mom Part 1

Hi,first of all I don'tknow why part two was publiced,but not part one, so here it is...This all happend some years ago, and is completly true story of how I got into nudism. Living with my mom on the countryside of Sweden, with no close neighbours, I had a quite boring life, until I found out about nudism andswimming naked. My mom had a friend over for some days, named Barbro. She was a school teacher, some years older than my mom and quite strict and a bit boring. One morning I woke up early...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Hey guys, so yeah I wrote this for a friend as a birthday present last year so my writing skills arent quite as developed as they are now. Although, I do hope you enjoy. Its only short, Id love some feedback without the kik me hornyguy6969 spam. Thanks xx. P.S. it was just a bit of fun, so Im sorry if you think im weird lmao bye I plunked down next to you on the couch as you played another one of your video games. I grabbed the game case off the table and glanced at the cover....

2 years ago
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Vampires suck cock

Edward and Cullen are 2 vampires that are madly in love with each other, they live together in a luxurious mansion. Cullen a young looking man with short curly blond well styled hair, a pretty boy and with jade green eyes. Edward taller, more dark in manor and speech, shoulder length deep dark black hair, less attractive than his vampire mate Cullen. The immortal vampires enjoy nothing more than the sexual arts. On 1 especially gloomy night Cullen and Edward spoon in bed naked as...

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Jaya My Dream Girl

Hello friends this is Ravi from Pune, I often check out the stories in ISS. This is my first story and today I am sharing with you my best moment of the life. As I am not married till yet so I am still looking for another such lady or better call her my dream girl.I still remember the first day I saw her outside my apartment, I just got down from my flat and was going out to Mumbai for my office meeting. Suddenly she came out from her balcony with a bang on the door and was drying her hair with...

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my older sisiter

We are four members in my family. Me, my elder sister aged 24, my mom and dad. Both my mom and dad are working. As i grew up to 18 I started masturbating dreaming of girls and at times peeping in my mom and dad’s room and getting me blow off. My sister and I used to sleep in the same room on a big double bed. One such night when I wake up to have a glass of water I saw my sister sleeping and her night has been raised up above her thighs. She was looking very sexy and at that night I closely...

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