The OutsiderChapter 15 Two Thanksgivings
- 4 years ago
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During the days that followed our visit to the Petersen home I became suspicious. Laura was spending more time on the telephone than usual. It was finals week and I had one or two exams each day. As I worked at my desk each night I could hear her voice, muffled by the closed bedroom door. It was not uncommon for her to speak with Nadine for an hour but this was different. These telephone conversations were longer.
On Wednesday evening my exams were over. Sylvia, Laura and I were in the kitchen preparing the turkey and a variety of pies for the oven when the phone rang.
"Hi Randy, is Laura there?"
"It's Rosita," I said, offering Laura the phone.
"I know," she said as she headed to the bedroom, motioning for me to hang up the kitchen phone after she answered.
Sylvia and I worked together, making as many advanced preparations for Thanksgiving dinner as possible. She had everything organized. I could tell that she was curious about the phone call and the closed bedroom door, but I avoided the subject, simply saying it was a friend Laura was consoling.
In truth I did not know why Rosita was calling so often or what they were talking about. I assumed they were sympathizing with each other.
I gave Sylvia a brief rundown on everyone who had accepted our invitations for dinner the following day. In keeping with Laura's wishes, I avoided telling Sylvia the occupation of the four girls from the brothel or how we were acquainted.
For the past several days Laura had enumerated the pitfalls that she foresaw and how she hoped to avert them. I could tell she was nervous that the girls would let their vocabulary slip, that special way of talking whores use to express themselves. She enlisted my services to keep them from getting into fights and ruining our day.
Only four of the girls from the brothel had accepted our invitation. Laura suggested that they dress conservatively. She also instructed them not to mention their work and she especially warned them to call her Laura instead of Tess. I was to go after them the next morning and review Laura's instructions on the way to our house.
I named the four girls to Sylvia, Kelley, Ruby Mae, Tonya and Rachel, saying they were from Laura's work. Sylvia wanted to know more about the girls so she would be able to remember who was who.
"Kelley's only eighteen or nineteen, Ruby Mae is tall, Tonya is cute and Rachel is the oldest."
"Isn't Kelley cute?"
"Yeah, I guess you could say that."
I could see her point. Sylvia would be able to remember Ruby Mae because she was tall and Rachel because she was older than the others but I had described both Tonya and Kelley as being cute.
It would have been easy to give a distinguishing feature to describe Kelley. "Kelley's the one with the big mouth," I came close to saying but instead, "Tonya is probably thirty."
The four guys from school who worked part time for us had promised to come with huge appetites. Paul was the tallest. He and Ken were the first part-timers we had hired. Wally was small and wiry and Ben was built like a bear.
Invitations to the four college guys had been extended to keep them from going home for Thanksgiving. We needed all hands to start the demolition of the old house where Judge Waite's Home for Women was going to be built. The promise of a huge meal was enough enticement to get them to come. I hadn't told them about the four girls from the brothel.
Charles and Nadine were coming. Sylvia knew Charles of course and remembered Nadine from the hospital where she and Laura had shared a room.
Sylvia also knew Lacy and she had met Eric when he was painting our additions.
"That makes fifteen," Sylvia said, showing that she had been keeping count.
"Charles and Nadine will probably bring their kids and Davie is coming."
"Sure, you remember Davie. He helped paint the additions."
She froze, her hands clutching cut-up apple slices above a pie pan filled with dough. Her brow wrinkled and I saw a confident nod as she released the apple slices into the pan.
"How old is he? Is he... ?"
"Davie?" I asked nonchalantly. I loved to tease her.
She picked up the rolling pin and raised it menacingly.
"Davie's about thirty and yes, he's single."
She lowered the rolling pin and went back to filling the pie. Laura came out of the bedroom and wanted to know what she had missed.
"What did we miss?" Sylvia said in good-humored retort.
That night in bed Laura told me parts of her conversation with Rosita. "She wants to give me a good deal on a car. She said if we come by the lot on Saturday night she will sell us any car on the lot at cost."
"Ollie's cars are all big American crates. Do you think there will be something that will suit you?"
"I know," Laura said, running her hand over my chest, "I told her we'll drop by and look. She's just trying to make amends. It can't do any harm, can it?"
I agreed that it would do no harm to look, wondering why Rosita had made such a generous offer. It was clear to me that she and Laura were becoming friends. I wondered if it was their mutual aversion of Ollie that drew them together.
It surprised me when I found the girls dressed and ready to go as soon as I arrived at the brothel. I complemented them on how nice they looked. All four were wearing the same outfit, below the knee skirts with colorful silk blouses. They rushed to cover the blouses with a variety of imitation fur coats. Other than being cheap and ratty, the coats were quite different in style and length.
"We ordered these outfits alike because Laura doesn't want us showing leg," Ruby Mae said, a sarcastic tone in her voice. She had insisted on sitting in the front with me, much to the chagrin of Kelley.
"You're pissed because your legs are your pride and joy. They're the only thing about you that attracts attention."
Ruby Mae turned in the seat to glare at the younger girl.
Before I could say anything about Laura's request that there be no fights Kelley was off again. "The rest of us have tits and we like the way our asses fill out these skirts. You're pissed because your tits are tiny and your little round bottom is an embarrassment."
I decided to make an example of her. "Kelley, that's what Laura was talking about when she asked you to watch your language."
"What's wrong with pissed?" She leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "What if I say 'pass the fucking butter?' Will Tess be pissed?"
"Pissed is probably okay. It's the way you said it. You sounded pissed. And its Laura, not Tess, remember?"
"And don't say 'pass the fucking butter, '" Tonya was quick to correct her. "Say 'Please pass the fucking butter.'" The girls erupted in laughter, even Ruby Mae. She had forgotten about Kelley's comment about her breasts and ass.
"Please pass the fucking margarine," Rachel put in. This was followed by Tonya correcting Rachel, "Please pass the fucking oleo margarine. That's more correct, isn't it, Randy?"
The four girls kept up a steady stream of drivel, trying to outdo one another with their own version of vulgar table etiquette. "Please pass the fucking peas, one at a time," Ruby Mae said, delighted with her contribution to the hilarity, setting off another round of laughter.
"WE'RE NOT HAVING PEAS AND STOP SAYING 'FUCKING!'" I shouted, beside myself with frustration, angry at the girls for their silly behavior and embarrassed that I had lost my temper.
Ruby Mae wanted to know when she would receive the money she had earned for her part in Ollie's abduction and humiliation. I tried to quiet her, saying that it was being held as evidence and would be released soon. But she persisted, saying she had followed my instructions and deserved to get her money. "I did all the work. I didn't see you sucking his little cock or fucking him." I lost my temper again.
"STOP SAYING 'FUCKING, '" Ruby Mae blasted me. This brought the girls to gales of laughter. I drove in silence and tried to ignore their chatter. It was clear to me that Ruby Mae had told them all about our adventure with Ollie. It sounded like they had heard it a number of times. Kelley begged her not to repeat the story.
"Isn't this a cute house," Tonya exclaimed as I pulled into the driveway. A quick count of the cars in the street told me that everyone was there. They had left the driveway open for me to park my car.
I made one last effort to caution the girls about their behavior on the walk to the back door but they were already engaged in another argument. Kelley was bragging that she had been to the house before and Ruby Mae didn't believe her.
"Tell her, Randy. Tess, I mean Laura, sent me here one night because she said Randy needed some loving. We had whiskey together and we talked. He talked to me like I was his sister, not like the Johns talk. Tell her Randy."
Someone opened the back door and the girls filed in. The room became quiet. All conversation stopped as everyone in the crowded room turned to watch us enter, me and the four ladies in imitation fur. They were all male, except Lacy and Nadine's little girl who was busy squeezing between the legs of the guests. The other women, Laura, Nadine and Sylvia were in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the meal.
All eyes were upon the four new arrivals and me. I lifted the coats off their shoulders as I introduced the girls. "This is Tonya, this is Ruby Mae, this is Rachel and this is Kelley." Kelley attempted a curtsey but the others just smiled, timidly.
I was used to being around the four girls. I had watched them work and interact with their customers. We had eaten breakfast together at the end of a long shift and we had swapped stories. Suddenly, I noticed their perfume and how much makeup they wore. It must have occurred to them that they were out of place.
"Turn on the ceiling fan," I suggested to Charles and the little girl squealed, "Let me, let me."
Kelley helped me deliver the coats to my bedroom. "I'm not comfortable Randy. Maybe we shouldn't have come," she said as we dumped the coats on top of the bed. I held out my arms and she came to me.
"You'll be fine," I said, feeling the young girl tremble.
"It's just that I've never been anyplace for Thanksgiving before. We never celebrated holidays much at home."
"Well, you've been invited here today because you're our friend." I squeezed her to me before releasing her.
"Don't mess up my makeup. Tess will think I've been in here giving you a blowjob," she said seriously, looking young and innocent. But the sparkle in her eyes told me she was joking.
I could also see that her attempt at humor was to deflect her fear of meeting strangers in an unfamiliar environment. Greeting men at the brothel came easy to her but this was different. She didn't know how to interact with men whose attention was not transfixed by her scanty dress at the brothel. I knew she would adapt.
"Don't call her Tess or I'll say you need practice. Laura wouldn't smear her makeup."
Kelley backed away in dismay and I knew I had out-shocked her. She smiled as I took her hand. "And Laura's room is off limits," I said on the way to the kitchen.
"I remember from the other time I was here." Then, agitated and pleading, "Please tell Ruby Mae I was here before. Don't tell her we didn't do anything," Kelley said, almost insistent.
I introduced her to Sylvia and Nadine as we passed through the kitchen. Laura raised her eyebrows and I shook my head to indicate that reiterating the rules to the girls had not gone as planned. She frowned at me, perplexed. I shrugged, helpless.
I never got a chance to verify Kelley's story about her previous visit to the house. When we reached the doorway to the new room we stopped to appraise the situation. The guys from school and the girls had paired off. Eric was pouring wine for everyone and Lacy was off to the side, sulking because the attention of every male in the room had been diverted to the three girls. Kelley was quick to join them.
I busied myself by restocking the appetizer table and checking the wine supply. There were several bottles of white wine to go with the turkey but someone had unscrewed the cap from a gallon jug of burgundy. That was the wine Eric was pouring.
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Mother mostly satisfied ... mostly, and Daddy certain that he needed no wedding shotgun, Wendy ordered me a new breakfast ... and helped me eat it. Evidently, her developing teen body had yet to catch her 18 year old frame. Not to worry ... mom is hot ... smoking ... blazing ... the perfect mother I'd like to fuck. Want to know what a girl will look like in 20 years? Look at her mom. Understand one thing though ... if her mom is a domineering bitch ... she will be too. Beauty is skin deep...
Timepiece:8. The number one cause of divorce is weddings. If one never gets married there is no possibility of divorce. I realize that the idea is stupid ... but sometimes it IS necessary to explain things to some people ... like me. I did it twice. My father used to say, "You fool me once? Shame on you! You fool me twice? Shame on me!" He said that a lot. Supposing one did get married ... like my first time. The number two cause is the reception. That's when you meet the child...
Timepiece: 10. "I ... T," we shouted like twins. Seven gave us such a look. Six said, "If you had clicked your heels you might have ended up in the closet at the Addams Family mansion. "Now ... repeat it with me, There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home." "Hello, Tom. Hi, Six. Were you supposed to come?" The look on his face told me he wasn't. OOPS. There was a mass invasion of next-door neighbor. "Hi, Doc." She swung her shotgun...
"Umh, Six?" "Yeah?" "The cat," I was nervous about this, "Umh, Pyewacket?" "Yeah?" "She says," I said ... just to clarify that this isn't my idea, "She says you can fix her eyes..." He held up a hand, "Let me guess. So she can see in color?" "Huh?" "That's what they all ask for," he said, "Sure. Pyewacket?" Yes, my Lord?, she said. Pyewacket actually bowed. Groveled, really. She raised her haunches and lowered her front to the ground. Tail tucked between her...
Timepiece: 12. The backdoor opened and shut. There was the sound of cans in paper bags on the counters, Wendy, carrying Pyewacket, walked into the room. "Where have you two been?" I asked Wendy. Shopping, Pyewacket said. It was wonderful. "Like, stores and shops and places?" I was still asking Wendy. "It was so much fun," Wendy said. "Fabric stores are great places to teach a girl color." She bent down and head butted Pyewacket ... girl bonding. Pyewacket jumped down from Wendy...
The symposium was tremendously received by the audience and the newspapers. The box that we carried everywhere in Egypt was a disguised top of the line digital camera. It was a simple thing to set the camera to line drawing, project those drawings on a photo sensitive glass plate, follow the procedure for the plates and use Mr. Edison's electric light in a magic lantern to project the glass plate images on to a screen. The biggest problem was choosing which plates to show. Luxor was...
When I say, Wouldn't allow us to talk about it, I mean just that; it is against the law of the land to discuss sex with any person. Thank Anthony Comstock; Be it enacted ... That whoever, within the District of Columbia or any of the Territories of the United States ... shall sell ... or shall offer to sell, or to lend, or to give away, or in any manner to exhibit, or shall otherwise publish or offer to publish in any manner, or shall have in his possession, for any such purpose or...
Pyewacket was hit by a car, today. She may be injured or worse. Worse would mean she died after leaving the scene. If we could find her ... we could take her to the vet. But we can’t. She’s not in her normal hiding spots... We know she was hit by a car because the driver stopped and searched the street. We heard the squall of tires and looked out the window. Since the auto was sideways in the street, we went outside. “Problem?” I asked the sixteen year old blonde. “I think I hit your...
We have nine ... count 'em ... nine interesting nearly identical kittens. They have enough variation in their spots that they are identifiable, it's a mind teaser but it is possible. Mom left us when they were seven weeks old. So, bottle fed babies. With nine of the little buggers, it's a chore. At nine weeks they weren't ready to be weened ... are we ever? At least, Pyewacket was around long enough to get them past the icky part. The icky part is where she used the roughness and...
Annabelle Carson was a late bloomer. Beginning at about 12, men started noticing her face and hair. At 13, stick figures had better curves. At 14 the stick developed erasers. At 15 men started noticing her face last. At 16 her body went bananas; after that it took a lot longer for men to notice her face ... some never did. “Beautiful girl,” said one man to another. “I never noticed,” he replied. “Built like a brick outhouse.” And he rearranged his discomfort. It was because she looked...
Wendy stopped at the convenience store slash gas station to fill up the Volvo. She pumped 20 gallons from the red hose into the 22 gallon tank, checked the oil and looked at the windshield washer fluid ... it was low ... so ... instead of pay at the pump like she usually did, Wendy hiked her cute little butt inside and bought a gallon of fluid, a cup of coffee a la Wendy ... half coffee and half hot chocolate. Standing at the counter, she noticed the Blue LOTTO Stand. Numbers popped into her...
And, yes indeed, the ticket was a the sole winner of a two week old lottery jackpot drawing. Ten million is your basic jackpot drawing. The jackpot payout increase averages 15 million per drawing. Day one= $10, ooo, ooo Add 15 Second drawing = $25,000,000 Add 15 Third drawing= $40,000,000 Add 15 Since a winning ticket had been sold the next jackpot drawing started at Ten million. By the end of the second week and four drawings the jackpot was $60 million. Wendy took the payout... $30...
Seven said, “I know the lottery is the way most of you people account for your money.” Wendy shrieked! “Oops! Sorry about that,” the Powers that Be said in harmony. “Where are you going?” Wendy was heading for the bedroom door. “You scared the pee right outta me. I need to change panties.” “Want company?” “No,” Wendy said, just as the bedroom door closed. It’s not like I’m going to the ladies room in a bar. I don’t need company at home. Okay, thought the Powers, You people are...
“Exactly what kind of fun is she having?” I asked. My suspicious mind thought, Not that I don’t trust Wendy. I do. No ... Really ... I do. And I chuckled. “Not that kind of fun,” said Four. “She is with Seven. You know how straight laced Seven is.” “Well, I don’t know,” I said. “Your Austin clan ... it’s so hard to remember you’re not related,” Six said. Four said, “It’s a chore keeping you separated in our head. There are so many of you ... and all doing the same general type of work for...
Psst, David. Over here. I jumped. “You know,” I said, “Since you can speak in my thoughts, why whisper?” Oops. That brought me to the immediate attention of the Trooper at the door. “What?” said the State Trooper. “Did I speak?” “Yes,” he said. “Odd, that,” I said. “You’re sure?” “Yes, you spoke,” he said. “Hmm,” I said, “What did I say?” “What?” “You said that,” I said. “What?” “Yes.” Suddenly, the trooper was on his lapel mike, then he was listening to his coily earpiece. He...
“The girl I see is perfect for me.” “What a sappy line that one is,” Wendy said. “It sounds like the opening song from a Broadway musical.” “Broadway musical?” I questioned, “Not a Country and Western song.” “Nope, the first line doesn’t mention Chevrolet, divorce or cheating. A country song would go like this, “Pink is just pain with a K.”” Wendy sang it through her nose. “Pank” is the way she pronounced pink. She rambled on about a high school dropout who drove her “Pank Shevolay” to the...