Lady s Last DanceChapter 6 Forest Outside of Akron
- 4 years ago
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Paul's maid was surveying the damage done to the house over the weekend. "I like Mr. Paul, he always cleans up after himself during the weekend. I know he was going to have guests this weekend, but the house, except the kitchen, is almost as clean as when I left it," she said to the empty room.
Rosa was a little present that Paul received with the house. He had never had a housekeeper in the past, but when Paul bought the house from Jerry, she was out of work. She was also in trouble with the INS. Paul got her green card back and was paying for classes to get an American citizenship. He was also helping Rosa get her family out of Central America. Rosa would have loved Paul even if he were a complete pig.
Rosa was a slightly built woman with shoulder length dark brown hair that she wore in a slight bubble. She stood 5' 4" and at 135 pounds she felt she was overweight, but whatever extra pounds she wore were distributed well about her hardened frame. Housework for the huge house, cooking, and complete access to the horses and swimming pool hindered the formation of any fat other than that necessary to soften the features of a very hard and well-tuned body.
Her perfectly smooth skin was bronzed with a healthy sparkle that had drawn the attention of Jerry, her original employer. He had been swept off his feet when the local priest had approached him about harboring an illegal immigrant.
She spoke better English than some of the kids in the local high schools, but she was not allowed to be an American citizen because she came from a Central American country whose government happened to be "friends" with the then President of the United States. Through no fault of her own, she was considered an enemy of that government. She had no skills, because she had been raised in a privileged family and had servants to do the chores. She had been raised to be the wife of a diplomat.
That fell apart when a military coup displaced the political party her father had been a part of. Her father and mother and all of her immediate family except her and her sister were killed by death squads set up to eliminate opposition to the military. Her sister was able to get out of the country because she had married an American. She was safe because she married a member of the party that supported the military.
At least she thought she was safe. A friend of her husband overheard a conversation between people whom he thought were members of the death squads. She was to be kidnapped and held to make sure her husband stayed the course and continued to support the military.
Rosa was taken to the local church and began an arduous journey that culminated in her being slipped into the United States. For 6 months, she hid in the basements of churches and was fed by Hispanic support groups. Jerry had expressed outrage to the local priest about the way Central American Refugees were treated by the government. So one day, the priest showed up at the big house with Rosa, and the rest went from there.
Rosa was still not out of the woods, because three months later, all of Jerry's land was placed under a tax lien, and Jerry couldn't support himself. He was in the process of going to jail when Paul Brown showed up and bought Jerry out of a potential jail sentence.
Rosa only stayed at Paul's house 5 days a week. On the weekends, she visited her sister in Cleveland. Paul had taught her how to drive and bought her a car so she no longer had to deal with catching busses and cabs. She was thinking of all the things this man had done for her and hers. He found her brother-in-law a job when the company he worked for folded. He paid the bills for her sister until they were back on their feet, and he was paying for the children's private schooling. The children loved Paul and called him Uncle Paul, so much to Paul's delight that he spoiled her sister's three daughters shamefully.
Paul did not like to be called Mr. 'anything', but Rosa found it uncomfortable to be too familiar with him. She loved this man, and could very easily fall in love with him if she did not keep the framework of their relationship formal. After all, she was still married. Mr. Paul was the compromise between Mr. Brown and Paul.
The phone pulled Rosa from her thoughts. "Hello, this is the Brown Residence. May I help you?"
As Rosa listened, she started shaking and her breathing became labored. "Why do you say such things? Miss Sally? You want what?" She became more and more agitated as the phone call went on. "Mr. Paul is not here. I do not know where he is. Yes! Yes, I will tell Mr. Paul."
Rosa carefully replaced the phone on the switch-hook and stood frozen in horror. With a deep breath she shook herself and ran to Sally's room. When she found nothing there, she ran to Paul's room, then to the other rooms. Finally she heard the noise of someone sleeping in one of the guestrooms.
"Miss Jamie! Miss Jamie! Wake up! Wake up!" The short pleasant woman was screaming in panic. Her perfect English became so heavily accented voice could normally be understood in normal conversations by anyone, but, now driven by fear, the more she screamed, the more difficult she became to understand
"I just got a phone call! They have my baby Sally!"
Jamie was coming out of a very short sleep after a very long night and was fighting off the effects of bodily abuse. However, the words 'they have my baby Sally" brought her out of the haze like a shot. "Who has Sally? What are you talking about? Calm down, Rosa. Take a deep breath and tell me what is going on!"
"I got a call from a man with a funny voice. A voice like in the Star Wars movie Sally has. He said that he took Sally and another woman while they were riding this morning. He told me not to go to the police or he would kill both of them. He also told me that if we did not give him ten million dollars that he would rape and kill them both. He used all kinds of nasty words, but that is what he said. He said he would call back and tell us how to get the money to him, but we had to have it in two days."
Jamie's training immediately took over. "Did you see if Sally is in her room?"
"I looked, but I saw her on the golf cart with Miss Theresa and some other woman going to Mr. Jerry's horse barn early this morning. I could not find Mr. Paul or anyone else."
"What's all the screaming about?" asked Jack.
"Someone has Sally!" Jamie said.
"Sally and Heather were going to go horseback ridding this morning. We sent Theresa with them for protection. She is armed. I don't think an army could get past that tomcat. Let's find Paul and we can go out looking for them. I'm sure they are out skinny dipping in the little lake."
Just then they heard the back door slam shut. "Cindy, see if you can find Jack. He needs to secure that trail until the police can get here. I'll call the police and get them out here now."
Rosa took off like a shot and ran to the balcony above the living room. "NO! Mr. Paul, don't call the police, they will kill our little Sally!"
"Rosa, what are you talking about?"
Jamie followed Rosa and explained what had happened as Rosa broke down and sobbed into her hands
"Well, at least we know what happened."
TC came in the door. "Come you guys. Let's get going. I want to make sure Theresa is OK."
"TC, they have kidnapped Sally and Heather. You take Theresa to Akron City and get her checked out," replied Paul. "Cindy, how are you holding up?"
"I'm mad as hell. I've got to do something or I'll go nuts. What do you want me to do?"
"Good. Here, take my phone and go with TC to the hospital. Try to keep Theresa from finding out about the girls until she gets a clean bill of health from the doctors. There is a battery charger in the glove compartment of the SUV. Don't let the battery get low. We may need you back at any time. I'll call you as soon as we know anything.
"Jim and his people should be here any time. Jack, you need to make sure no one goes in or out of the trails until the police get here. Jamie, call Jim and tell him to keep a low profile in case we are being watched, then see if you can calm down Rosa. We are going to need her. She's no help this way."
"What's going on here?" asked Bob as he came though the front door. "Jerry said something about an emergency. Is Sally OK?"
"Bob, sit down!" commanded Paul. "Someone has kidnapped Sally."
"Sally? Why? What for? How do you know?"
"Everyone, get to work!" As everyone ran to his or her assigned jobs, Paul continued, "Buttermilk returned to the barn this morning without Sally. Jerry called me, and we went out to look for them. We found TJ shot in the chest. Apparently, TC gave her his lucky silver dollar necklace as an engagement present, and that saved her life. TC and Cindy are taking her to Akron City for tests. She seems to be fine, but we need to make sure. She was unconscious for quite a while and we don't know what trauma her heart received.
"While we were out, Rosa got a call from some guy who wants ten million dollars for Sally and Heather. He is going to call us back with instructions. Jim and a team of investigators will be here at any time to go over the crime scene. That's all I know."
"Oh yeah, this is gonna work. Boy, did you scare that spic, Ratso! We gonna be rich."
"We're not there yet, Sleazy, but it sure sounds good, don't it?"
"The first thing I'm gonna do is get me a high class bitch like Hobo's got. She is a hot piece of cunt."
"Sleazy, didn't I just tell you we are not there yet?"
"OK, Ratso, I won't say anything else. There is that snotty bitch's store, slow down."
Ratso slowed the stolen car down and stopped in front of Jen's Shop. Sleazy jumped out of the car, lifted the wrapped fire extinguisher over his head, threw it through the plate glass window, and jumped back in the car. Ratso sped away.
Jackie was talking to a customer when she heard the breaking of the storefront windows. Before it completely registered, something hit the back of her head and knocked her to the floor. Jen came running out of her office to see Jackie lying on the floor covered with glass and blood. Jackie was still groggy as she tried to get up.
Jen pushed her back down to the floor. "Stay there for a moment. Let me take a look."
Blood was running out of Jackie's inch long black hair. Jen placed a piece of cloth over the wound and applied pressure. She moved Jackie's hand to the rag and said, "Hold that there until I tell you not to." She turned to the customer and shouted, "Call the paramedics!"
Jen looked through the rubble, and picked up the fire extinguisher. Tied to it were two sets of women's clothing. When she opened the clothes, a series of instant pictures fell out. Jen picked them up and started shaking. The photos were of Sally and Heather. Both were in the buff. They had been posed in a lurid manner with their leg's spread and overlapped. The adjacent arm of each girl placed on the breast of the other. A piece of paper fell from between the photos.
Written on it were the words, "Just to show you we got the two fucken bitches. If you don't have the ten million dollars in small bills by the time we tell you, we will kill the old one. If you then don't have the money 24 hours later, we will fuck the kid until she dies. We will call you with instructions. Remember, if you call the cops, both die."
Jen picked up the photos, the clothes and the note and quickly took them to her office. Before she left the room, she turned to the customer and asked, "Can you stay with Jackie until I call the police?"
"Yes, of course," replied the pretty blonde. "The paramedics are on the way. You do what you have to do. I don't dance until the late shift. TC says I that I should have been getting more of those shifts. He wants to make it up to me."
"Thanks, Serena, I owe you one. One more thing, don't mention that I took this stuff."
"Sure. I don't like cops either."
Jen quickly went to her office, but she did not call the police. She called Paul.
"Yes!" Paul's excited voice answered the phone.
Jen almost screamed at her brother, "What the fuck is going on over there? Someone just threw Heather's and Sally's clothes through the shop window. There were pictures of both of them without clothes, and a note that said that they want ten million dollars."
"Jen, try to calm down. Yes, Sally and Heather are both missing and Theresa is on the way to the Akron City Medical Center. Rosa got a call saying from some obscene asshole who claimed to have the girls. Now, take what you have and put it in a bag. Bring it to my place. Do me one other favor, call Mom and Mitchell and have them come to the house now. We need them. Call Shawn at 555-1212, and ask her to come over here too. Call Helen and ask her to keep Sissy for another day. Then get that stuff over here ASAP."
"Consider it done. What do you want me to tell the police about the window?"
"Vandals. Do not show them the stuff that came through the window with the fire extinguisher. We will go through Jim and Jamie on this. I don't want any of this to leak out."
Jen made the call to the police and returned to the front of the store. "Serena, I have to ask you to do me a great favor. There is a family emergency at my brother's house and I have to get there. The police have confirmed the paramedics are on the way to look after your sister. Do you know any carpenters?"
"Yes, I just danced at a bachelor party for one. I have his number in my purse. He is out of work right now, so I bet I can get him to fix your window."
"Great! Could you stay here until he gets here, and lock up the place? I will make you a new outfit for your show if you do."
"No need for that, but if you want to, wow!"
"Good. Here are the keys. I will come by the club tonight and pick them up. Here is my cell phone number. Call me if anything comes up."
Jen went back to her office, made the rest of the calls, and left the store as the paramedics got there.
Akron City Hospital
TC gently laid Theresa into the back of the SUV. "God, Baby, you scared the hell out of me. I am so mad that I wasn't there to help you."
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FetishHi everyone….I am Rajeev from Chennai…just finished my Eng and waiting for my placements….this is my first post in Iss-hope you like it….I am a big fan of Iss for a long time and I love the site for its simplicity and no-strings attached service…great work guys….keep it up… Some intro about myself….I am 22yrs old….stay with my parents in Chennai…only son…prototypical middle class guy :) the incident which I am going to share now happened two weeks back….I had just finished my grad and like my...
Hi everyone….I am Rajeev from Chennai…just finished my Eng and waiting for my placements….this is my first post in Iss-hope you like it….I am a big fan of Iss for a long time and I love the site for its simplicity and no-strings attached service…great work guys….keep it up… Some intro about myself….I am 22yrs old….stay with my parents in Chennai…only son…prototypical middle class guy :) the incident which I am going to share now happened two weeks back…. I had just finished my grad and like my...
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Lonnie was running hard on the beach, sweating bullets. It was late on the Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend, and the sun was hot and the sky was high. Humid as hell, too. He was about halfway through his fourth mile, and in a few minutes he would be leaving the beach and getting back on the pavement. Then he would run the five blocks to his condo complex and jump in the pool.He loved running on the beach for several reasons. There was usually a breeze. The hard-packed sand was the ideal...
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It was my last day in Pennsylvania. The travel piece, 20,000 words on why the state was as culturally rich as it’s more popular near neighbour New York, (a presumption I thought I would struggle to validate but I had surprised myself and managed to give the place an ego boost) was emailed to my editor back in London leaving me a few days grace before the pedant came back with his endless notes and ideas to improve the article. We then engage in our customary email exchange where I quietly...
Valerie’s Monday night tennis matchValerie always looked forward to her games of tennis with Jill. In the summer they would play outdoors but in the winter they continued to play in the local school hall. Although she enjoyed the tennis it was really the after match sexual activities with Jill that she enjoyed the most. Both Valerie and Jill were happily married mothers but for several years now they had been enjoying satisfying each other sexually.Valerie was getting ready for her Monday night...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 13: Monday Night Dreams Kim arrived at the salon just as most of the customers were leaving, going home to fix dinners or prepare for evening activities. It occurred to her she would not have been stopping this time last year. She thought of Cheree and Annie, and let the emotions flow. She actually thought of her wife and daughter several times in any given day, but had become adept at stuffing those feelings deep down and going on with her day. From time to...
Ding-Ding ... Ding-Ding Our doorbell was ringing and that was weird. Nobody ever rang our doorbell. Nobody ever came over, except Josh maybe, but it was barely three-thirty. He'd still be at school, or walking home maybe and he wouldn't ring it anyway. Angie might ring the doorbell, but she went to college until like four or something. "It's that woman from the news," I decided and we'd kind of forgotten about her. "What was that about anyway?" Mom wondered and she was getting off...
It was during the summer between my sophomore and junior years in high school went I moved from Canada to a very small town in Northern Nevada. Now I’m used to big city life. Always having somewhere to go, something to do, and people to meet. Well, maybe not people to meet. You see, throughout my life, I was… A loner. Yeah. That’s what I was. Kept to myself most of the time. Well anyway, I found the adjustment to small town life rather hard at first. The first person I met down there was Sandy...
ONE WEEK IN THE LIFE OF "THE SISSY." Monday--Mr. Gould "To succeed in this world we do everything we can to appear successful." This was my mantra during two decades of making The City Club what it is today. But now that apparent success is on a par with the actual, Jameson Gould honors only a few guiding principles: Discretion, discrimination, taste. Respect, respectability, and never fucking the staff. The latter isn't so difficult for me, as I'm straight as they come. ...
I hate Mondays, I'm not too keen on Tuesdays either and the rest of the days of the week all depress me to some extent. Everything bad that's happened to me over the years has always been on one of these days. Take last Monday for instance... There I was, at work early in the cold and the frost, and the automatic timer hadn't worked yet again and my office was like a refrigerator. Being a dispatcher for a small transport company in a small country town in the middle of nowhere had lost a...
Sunday evening, after a relaxing weekend with her hubby, Steve, Olivia logged onto her Hot Wife Hotel account to check for messages and to confirm her appointments. Steve brought her a glass of wine and glanced at the computer screen, “Looks like a sex-filled Monday for my sexy little Hot Wife!”“No doubt,” Liv chuckled, looking at her completely booked schedule.12:00 Jay 2:00 Emir3:00 Adam4:00 Ian6:00 Ray8:00 DarylAll repeat clients, except for Jay. It would be a delightful day! Next, she...
Wife LoversThis is a fictional story with all characters over eighteen and all rights reserved to the author. Special thanks to Allison. ***** Monday morning, it was back to work, with no time to concentrate on anything else. The market began the week losing 269 points, followed with two more down days, sending signals that a bear trend might begin. I was so deep into work that until Wednesday I barely stopped to breath. Late hours kept me at the office too late to even get in any tennis. If this week...
This past Monday I had a day to remember. I decided to go on the pc and see if anyone was looking for a cocksucker at about 8:30am. A semi regular of mine was online and said he was ready and had a friend I would like so could I come over and suck them both off at 9:30. I of course jumped at the opportunity. At the same time another man (Whom I had never met)had been chatting with me and asked if I was available at about 11am. I again said of course, after asking the usual questions about age,...
My buddy just couldn't see how such a thing could happen. A woman just 43 years old back in the work force with a husband and two sons and a daughter still in school. Yet I could look at her resume and look at her and sense that she was exactly what I needed if I wanted to blow off steam as my sexual pet in the office when the time would arise.Her nervousness in the interview told me that she'd been cooped up socially for sometime. Her fair skin and her shoulder length brunette hair announced...
Monday Morning Exhibition By Jerri Lea Monday morning. Right now I'm shaving my legs. They look so smooth and sexy without hair. Everything is so much harder wearing long nails, but I love the effect. I wouldn't take them off for anything. My glued on breasts sway from side to side as I shave my legs. I love seeing them hang and sway so firm and full. I caress the slit in my flesh colored girdle. As you recall, it looks and feels real to a sexual partner. It's thin...
Cheryl and I have shared many fantasies with each other during our Monday morning coffee dates. Some of them have even come true. This one particular Monday I was feeling a bit more raunchy than usual the weekend was crap so I made some last minute calls to arrange for some additional relief. Cheryl arrived and could tell that something was up but I gave no answer to her question I just led her to the kitchen for our coffee and some small talk. After a short while the doorbell rang and I told...
Monday Night in L.A. Not your typical weeknight out, but something that you could hope you'd get to do at least once... It was Monday about 6:00 in the evening and I had decided that I was going to go out, regardless of the heat. There was only one TG club in town that evening, and it had a reputation for usually having working gurls there. I had not been there in some time, and thought that after time that it might be a little different. So after the usual prepping in the...
Hello friends. I am Casanova, back with yet another sex incident that happened just this monday i.e 11 June. I received a very good response to my previous two stories and . I really appreciate the feedback, and through those feedbacks I met two gorgeous girls and made sweet love to them. Now, without wasting any more of your time, I...
The House Couture Looking back, I could never have understood how important this week in February was going to be to me or to my life. I mean, I started the week as a young man, intent on cracking into his industry and I ended the week as a bride! MONDAY I had been looking forward to February for a long time. Through several pulled strings and a little bit of sorcery, if I do say so myself, I had scored an invitation to one of the fashion world's most exclusive gatherings,...
The following story contains mention of drug use and is sexual in nature, featuring explicit terms that some may find objectionable. While some members of the LGBTQ+ community accept and use these descriptions, I am aware that some choose not to and may find them distasteful. No offence is intended. In my defence I prefer to treat every character in my story as different, with a unique personality, lifestyle, and language that I feel reflects all aspects of the community. I hope you will...
Monday morning, Matt and Peter speak shortly before work starts about the meeting later that day. They trust Tim and know he will not do anything to jeopardize their jobs. But how much should they tell? Both agree they would see how things go in the meeting and who all is there.At the break at ten, Matt and Peter meet again and hurry to get out of their coveralls. Both wear suits today, at the insistence of Martha and Sarah. They straighten their ties and put on the jackets before heading...
Trans(This story is just for fun. No deep meaning or relationship issues, just sex) My current girl friend and I had been arguing quite a lot of late, so it was almost with a sigh of relief from both of us when she went on a weeklong business trip. I had no intentions of sitting at home while she was gone. She knew it and I knew she did. I decided to go down to Antoine's for two reasons. First, of course, was the fact that Sandra hadn't been putting out for two weeks now and I was some kinda...
Getting up early he quietly completed his morning ablutions, dressed and left for the office before Susan woke. He wondered if she would go into her office today after the strain of the weekend. He wondered what her reaction to John Stickner would be when she saw him again. Would the pain of the week end dim and her vows that she still loved Early fade when she returned to Stickners sphere of influence and the pressure charged atmosphere of her office? He dreaded Susan returning to that...