271 Three sisters chapter 2
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Bambi didn’t have sex with me once in the hotel room with her friends.
Corwin loved having me there with her, but it was driving her crazy that her body still hadn’t gotten ready to have sex again. Tee and Dee didn’t want me ever to leave, but one more night of Bambi screwing me nonstop, and they sided with Corwin that I should go, but try to come to see them sometimes.
I drove the car someone left at Corwin’s house for me to where the GPS directed me. There inside a small hanger was one of the high-speed, quiet jets, camouflaged as a small personal type jet, with no pilot. I found my flight gear inside and a note that this one had remotely controlled assistance if they saw I was having problems. With it having all the correct numbers on it, I taxied out of the hanger and called to the tower for clearance to take off as required. It sounded every bit like a standard jet as I got in line and then took off. Once over the first mountain, it turned back to black and grey before doing whatever made it nearly invisible to the naked eye and impossible to track.
My flight plan took me to see Mary first and then after having dinner with her family, to Skylar.
In both cases, they wanted me to stay, but many of their sisters, half-sisters, and step-mothers delivered healthy babies. Skylar and Mary had the same problems as Corwin when we tried to have sex, even though they both had their babies around thirty-six weeks due to how large their babies were at that time. Their families felt that a visit for them to show me my sons and daughters was as much interaction as they wanted me to have until at least the spring vacation for the elite families this year.
Is this how an instant-read meat thermometer feels? Pop in, check things out, and go to the next place.
I don’t know what I felt like after I made myself seen in spots around the world with only enough time to show I wasn’t flying commercial or in a private jet. I made brief visits to specific families at most inopportune times. Those families found that some didn’t want to stop having illegal businesses. While not as bad as what I saw going on by the two lower-tier heads of Corwin’s families, each family I visited had found some form of child porn, child sex trafficking, adult sex trafficking, and outright slavery. I arrived just moments before the head of their family took corrective actions. I only observed, except one place, where they were technically making child porn. Their filming location was the size of a movie production’s sound stage. I stopped the man on the top of their family’s pyramid from taking any actions until I had a chance to look around and ask some questions from the kids there.
It doesn’t make me feel dirty, slimy, vile, or even slightly disgusted. I don’t want to see something happen that may not be what it seems.
I found that it was sort of what it seemed, but also wasn’t, as soon as I walked into one of the rooms with four girls having a muff munching fest. I found myself stripped with my head between the legs of one of the four girls showing her the difference between getting her pussy licked and eaten by a pro. I showed the other three as well. I didn’t expect all four to be virgins who still had their cherries, at least until they begged me, in four different languages, to let them thank me. Each had been munching muff for years and never had anything close to what I did for them by anyone, as they let someone eat them anytime and anywhere they wouldn’t get arrested, or raped. They begged me with the justification that they wanted to remember having the boy that gave them the best pussy eating of their lives also be their first, and maybe only, dick that goes inside them for the rest of their lives. They didn’t exactly hate men, like some lesbians, but wouldn’t go searching for one if stranded on an island.
When I laid back to let the first girl get me inside her, and do all the work at first, I watched the other three get high-end, ultra-high def cameras to film the action. They captured it from every possible angle, but they only showed the girl from the tits down, my dick and balls were the only part of me starring in their movies. The girls each rode me through the multiple orgasms it took until I came inside them. Each somehow knew when I was about to cum because they let the first few blasts fill their cock pockets before sliding off for the cameras to show the last few spurts and cum leaking from the just fucked girl.
They insisted on using the basin and soap to wash me clean before filming the other girls licking the cum from their deflowered pussies.
In the next room, I found seven boys fucking and sucking each other when they weren’t filming, and sometimes while one was filming them sucking him.
I continued my tour to find that the kids there were enthusiastically having sex with the others in the rooms. The big thing that made me very happy was seeing that young-looking boys were with girls around their age. No boys could be anywhere with a girl unless supervised, and even then, only if it appeared that the girl could take a boy’s dick inside them without pain.
A girl, who I had screwed at Elena’s resort during the spring break vacation last year, came to hook her arm in mine to “talk.”
“Darren, by the laws in most parts of the world, we do make child pornography here. A lot of it, in fact,” she told me happily. “In this country, we don’t have those laws and could legally do the nasty things you have found elsewhere. If you are angry and anyone is at fault, then it is me and only me. I did this all on my own because I saw a large demand to supply movies with kids having sex with each other. No adults can have sex with any of the kids here, not even if the kids beg them. Here it is a win for everyone as well. I found many of these kids exposing themselves and having sex on webchats. It was an even mix of other kids, adults who like to watch kids in these videos, and then the scum of the earth. The latter is extremely successful in getting the kids interested in making a lot of money doing what they are doing on camera for free. The sexual predator will rape, torture, and usually kill the kids within a day of having the kid come to them. It made me angry when I found out, so I did something about it, and this is the result.”
She took me to her office to show me that in addition to the feeds from the cameras used to film things, there were dozens of cameras and microphones in every room. She had AI software that listened and analyzed the audio from each to cause her safety staff to check the situation and intervene where required.
“My business model is simple. Kids that want to have sex with each other or who like showing their bodies to strangers on video chats have a lot of options. Those that want to do things alone while someone watches them, or at the same time as someone, can do so as much as they like. We do have them use a secured video chat site that lets them give little peeks but requires the viewers to request to join the private chat. This video chat site needs so many random objects that the people wanting to go into a private chat must purchase access with tokens they earn from people giving them a thumbs up for creating discussion rooms where everyone is anonymous. They rate each other’s comments on how good they think they are. We moderate the channels using AI and humans to check for trolls trying to get kids from one channel to join a private channel on a different server,” she explained.
Each person in the chat needed an average score for being on-topic and then scored for how many times they used specific phrases or words. They immediately flagged anyone posting links, including those who thought that they were smart by using spaces or some “decryption” scheme to figure out the web address without getting flagged. Instead, that made them pop right to the top of the watch lists.
“We have helped our police forces catch those who wish to lure the children to them for whatever heinous reason,” she told me. “The number of dead raped children has dropped to near zero in my small country. I don’t know the full impact elsewhere.”
After needing to excuse herself for a few minutes, she said, “I’m sorry for wasting your time Darren by not cutting right to what you want to know. Each kid here is here because they want to do all they are doing. They eat well, visit onsite pediatricians every other day, and even have any dental needs addressed. Each attends schooling daily in a school we run that caters to their capabilities in each subject. Those in chat rooms get to choose if they want to let a kid into their rooms by sending them the items needed to pay to go private. Discussion rooms take a long time to build up coins to buy what they need to get into a private room, so we also sell coins, but they aren’t exactly inexpensive. Kids who want to get off in front of each other, or watch kids getting off together, they rarely have trouble going private with whom they want. For that side of the business, we split up each Euro and Dollar into respective cost centers. Around half goes toward the cost we incur providing this place and the care of the children here. The remainder, we split three ways. One part goes to our profit, another to pay taxes on the other two thirds, and the remainder goes to the kids based on the number of coins, not items, used to enter a private room with them. We limit all private rooms to ten minutes, and then anyone wanting back in must pay again, but we allow the girls to check the kids they let in for free to stay in the private room. After thirty minutes, they can’t go private again for an hour and only then after dressing appropriately to walk around, eating a healthy meal, going to walk peacefully in our garden, or relax in one of the various areas the kids said they wanted.”
Interrupted, again, she looked a bit annoyed and told the person to make it known that she was meeting with the most powerful person in the world right now and to leave her alone until she told them otherwise.
“We don’t permit sex in any areas except the rooms. They can make out, play stink fingers, and do some quick oral, but that is it, and we frequently monitor to ensure compliance. For most of the video chat is only kids, they aren’t any more mature than the kids their ages around the world who are doing the same types of sexual exploration. Here they aren’t going to get raped because the boy wants more than the girl is ready to do,” she told me after locking her office door, stripping, getting my dick out, sucking me hard, and then sliding my dick up inside her. “I am still surprised by how some days we earn more from private chat sessions than the movies the kids are making of them having sex. Our rules only permit kids close in age that agree beforehand how far any of them want to go. There are always at least three in the room when only two want to have sex with each other. Since more cameras make better videos, we normally have three kids just running cameras. Those times when we don’t have enough of one age, we do have other kids go in to film, but they stay fully dressed and cannot remove any clothing in the room for any reason. Some don’t particularly like not being allowed to participate, but they do like the money they earn. Like the chatrooms, half comes off the top to cover our expenses. We don’t sell the movies directly on the web. We provide them to contacts who pay a minimum fee upfront for the content and then half of the money made from distribution. We recently began exploring a request service. A customer chooses up to six kids, races, skin color, hair color, and age grouping. We don’t mix kids between age groups regardless of how much money they offer. It is still a work in progress, but so far, we have had success by getting the kids to mark off on tablets what they will do, with what gender, color, race, and with how many partners at the same time. The systems here use that to enable and disable which options the customer can select as they narrow down their wants. Much like the peep shows that my parents told me about, customers pay in Bitcoin or various other cryptocurrencies on a per-minute basis. They know they are joining a live session already in progress. Requesting a custom session from start to finish is more expensive.”
An urgent pounding on the door made her pull off my dick and quickly dress to see what someone needed urgently enough to disturb us.
You’ve found some new friends in law enforcement.
The girl planned her building designs well. Someone came to escort me down a long stairway, with the kids that needed to get out of the place without whoever was at the front door seeing them. At the bottom was a battery-powered cart that rushed us down a long tunnel that ended at the door opening into what looked to be a unisex bathroom. When closed, the tiles on the bathroom side of the door completely hid it. There was no way to unlock the bathroom wall door from the outside. When we came out of the bathroom, we turned the corner to find the public restrooms for this train stop. All the kids with me who needed the train to get home went down the stairs like normal. I went up with seven kids to exit at the street level. I pulled them into a used clothes store and quickly got them well-worn hoodies to hide their faces from people searching for them. Two girls held onto my hands as we made our way up to the line of black vehicles and local cop cars with their lights flashing brightly.
I listened to the various languages spoken around me before I saw the girl that made this place walk over to address whatever law enforcement was here to push their laws on her in this own country, where it wasn’t against the law. The age of consent is still twelve.
“You need not disturb the local traffic or deny those who live near here access to their homes. You need not have a measuring contest to see who is more powerful. The front door wasn’t locked, and only the emergency exits prevent entrance from the outside. Whoever you think you are, you will replace my front door before we conclude whatever business you have with me, or you will find how poorly the local prison’s maintenance is this time of year,” she said as she went back in the front door as if they were nobody.
Using the man-in-the-machine’s implant, I miraculously got my phone showing various cameras following the mass of heavily armed men, and some women, as they rushed through the building. I knew better than to interact with whoever these people were, as I couldn’t be Mr. Smith with the all-access badge to wherever I wanted to enter.
Some kids were actively screwing on camera, and some others were playing peek-a-boo on web chats. Most of the kids had dressed as they were hanging out waiting until they could have sex again or show off their bodies in private chat rooms. In one area, four kids were filming the three kids twisting and turning around on the bed. When a group of the armed people rushed into the room, the interlopers took the cameras away but had no clue how to turn them off.
“Sorry. It appears some random group of cops is preempting us by doing their master’s bidding to push their country’s laws onto others,” The girl on the bed said, loudly. “Please keep watching for free. It will be a good show.”
One girl next to me whispered in my ear, “Every live broadcast website is seeing this in real-time. It happens every month or two. They can’t do jack here. We have no extradition treaties, and it isn’t illegal here. No one can force anyone to do anything here. We chose what, or who, we want to do.”
I received an alert, via my implant, that told me I needed to be somewhere else, quickly.
Using my martial arts skills and having the place in my head let me see only wireframes of the buildings, I slipped out of the crowd. I gave both girls some local money to get them some food. While they rushed off happily, I went to a building that had roof access. Running up twelve flights of stairs barely raised my heartbeat. On the roof, I found a mostly invisible jet. I didn’t bother to put on my flight suit before taking to controls to take off. Pushing this “aircraft?” as fast as it could go, had me landing on a lawn of one of the elite families. I received a message to use a door on the side of the building. I was to change into the suit waiting for me there.
Is this what you call a suit? I hate to see your idea of a tuxedo!
The suit I put on showed the power I had over the families but did so in a way to not cause anyone to think I was here for anything more than a social visit. The butler at the door asked to see my invitation. It was a private party, and people off the street just couldn’t attend.
Hmm. Where did I put that black “super” card? Ah, here it is.
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Thank you very much to all comments and constructive criticism. Sorry if you do find these rushed, it's just because with just a vivid memory and recollection my cock quickly fills up with cum and I have to go have a quick cold shower. Again, the names have been all changed to keep anyone out of trouble! If you haven't read my other stories, I'd recommend it! Instead of retelling stories and background etc. I hate to be boring for you guys! ;) Anyway, this story is about my first...
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“A Guild Navigator is a fictional humanoid in the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. In this series, starships called heighliners employ a scientific phenomenon known as the Holtzman effect to ‘fold space’ and thereby travel great distances across the universe instantaneously. Navigators are able to use a limited form of prescience to safely navigate interstellar space. To enable their prescience, Guild Navigators consume large quantities of the spice known as Melange which is found only...
“A Guild Navigator is a fictional humanoid in the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. In this series, starships called heighliners employ a scientific phenomenon known as the Holtzman effect to "fold space" and thereby travel great distances across the universe instantaneously. Navigators are able to use a limited form of prescience to safely navigate interstellar space. To enable their prescience, Guild Navigators consume large quantities of the spice known as Melange which is found only...
Title: She Ra, whore to the goblins. Author: slaveboyusa Send comments to: [email protected] Date: 1/14/2009 Summary: She Ra, while very beautiful, is still a virgin and therefore ripe for impregnating. A goblin horde has set it eyes on She Ra. They hatch a plan to kidnap her. When the goblins have She Ra in their little green clutches, they take the future queen down a notch.She Ra was still virgin at age 28. She is engaged to a prince and she is to bare him many children. It is important...
(Die Bilder sind von IronHawk-R, zu finden bei "DeviantArt" und mit seinem Einverständnis veröffentlicht, bisher nur das Startbild, aber passend zum Storyverlauf kommen vielleicht auch noch weitere dazu) Die wilden Lande verdienten ihren Namen eigentlich nicht mehr. Früher war es hier wahrlich wild zugegangen, plündernde Orks, Zentauren und viele andere Schrecken hatten das Land unsicher gemacht. Doch dann kamen die Amazonen! Sie sorgten für Sicherheit und brachten tatsächlich den Frieden. Die...
What do I do now? Nothing on TV, no books to read, and no Emily to cuddle. At least there is a pen and some paper in the drawer from before. Arthur said I needed to practice as much as I could, so I closed my eyes to start looking at the kids around me. I might as well see if I can guess what is wrong with them and ask the chief pediatrician tomorrow if I was right. I started looking toward the wall of my room to see into the next room in front of me. I found out I was seeing the wiring,...
Lurking in the shadows of the alley way their waylay a duo of monstrous beings. Two goblins stared at her delicious frame as they laughed wicked, giving each other a playful shove. One having a crimson red hue of skin and green eyes the other has moss green skin with red eyes. The red one liked dealing pain and pleasure, the other liked hearing screams and moans. Both were deviants of sex rape and torture. Devilish fiends of chaos. Wearing black cloaks they waited until the night drew and the...
"Poppy!" "Jack," she cried, and a few more drivers blew their horns. "What are you doing?" "Having some fun," she giggled and looked at him. "What, you think you are the only person who likes showing off in public?" "You'll get arrested." "I haven't yet," she responded, and Jack looked at her vivacious body. She was well proportioned with gentle curves and a generous bust. "Why?" She turned to him again and gave a shrug. "Why not? It's fun. It's a rush. Try...
“Hi Winston! How’s my boy?” the girl exclaimed cheerfully, bringing the large dog’s tail back to half mast with a tentative wag of greeting. Recognition dawned. The pretty blonde was one of the girls who lived on the other side of the fence. When the Bothwells went on vacation, they usually hired Jenny to house-sit and take care of their dog. She wasn’t Winston’s “people”, but she would do for company until his masters returned. The Setter pumped more energy into his tail and trotted...
It was 7:03 am and Claire Robbins marched quickly in her cheetah print pumps through the brisk March air. The sun was peaking through the city skyline and sent beams of light onto the trashy sidewalks, which illuminated her path. She had her arms wrapped tightly around herself, trying to contain as much body heat as possible. Though with each step in her 4-inch heels, the edges of her body hugging black dress would ride up her backside causing her to occasionally pull the dress...
Jack held his head in his hands as the door slammed in the Police van. "Fuckin' 'ell mate," a voice in front of him cried. "This is against 'our 'uman rights." Jack had lost sight of Poppy and guessed she was in another vehicle, but the indignant man in front of him yelled constantly – despite being ignored by Police officers – for them to release him. The Police station in Northwich seemed barely able to cope with the influx of the two-dozen doggers and Jack was led in to the small...
‘Calling all Goblins.’ It was a cheerful, deep-toned voice, and Laurie turned her attention away from the chore of trying to find the ripest melon on the stack in the produce bins to taking a straight shot look down the cereal aisle. There a good-looking young man was gathering in three racing young boys, ranging, it appeared, from the age of three up to five. He held two boxes of cereal in his hands and apparently was opening the choice up for a vote. The vote, of course, was split—and...
J’ai découvert l’épilation intégrale il y a quelques années et depuis je ne peux plus m’en passer. J’ai commencé par de la crème dépilatoire, puis ma tendance exhibitionniste m’a poussé vers les salons d’esthétique. Et je me suis vite aperçu que beaucoup d’hommes s’y rendaient, et les salons sont de plus en plus nombreux à proposer cette prestation pour homme. Pour les femmes c’est plus ancien mais pour les hommes la partie « maillot » est plus longue à réaliser et donc le prix proposé est...
It was a perfect summer's day, and the ocean waves were as calm and warm as the air was hot humid. It was the perfect day for a swim, and Becky couldn't refuse the moment the idea popped into her little head. Stripping down completely, leaving her jean shorts and t-shirt on the private, white sandy beach, the little thirteen year old ran stark naked and laughing into the nearly clear water. As it sprayed up around her, hundreds of brightly coloured tropical fish scattered in all...
Sadie Hawkins by Annie James To most younger persons today the name Sadie Hawkins means little. They do not remember cartoonist Al Capp's famous comic strip Lil' Abner with its characters drawn from the mythical backwoods hamlet of Dogpatch. Among the innocent inhabitants of Dogpatch, Capp drew one character as the ugliest girl in town. Sadie was so ugly that even in Dogpatch she had no chance of landing a husband. To cope with this situation, her father, the mayor, decreed that...
When we woke up the next morning, we ate breakfast quickly at the same truck stop. It was a choke-and-puke right outta Smokey And The Bandit, swear to god. I mean the waitress was an old slut with boobs bigger than her head, and she was constantly flirting with both of us. It was kind of cute and also kind of weird. The food was greasier than most- which is saying something. All the food in my time with Jake was greasy, except for the time with Jenny. The room was full of truckers, but if...
It's only the first weekend of spring and today it is ungodly hot outside. I have all the windows open. A light breeze flows through the house and relief covers my body. That breeze is the only relief thats drifted through this house since about 9am this morning.It's so hot I don't hear kids playing around outside and it's only 11:30. I'm sprawled out on my bed with nothing on. Peter, my boyfriend, will be coming over in a little bit to fix my A.C. I thought I could go without one for a while,...
Quickie SexI HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY I WAS SENT A refreshingly brisk breeze entered the quiet hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap, kissed his cheek, and rattled off questions, "Hi Pops, how are you? How's Grammy feeling? Don't you wish she'd hurry up and get to feeling better? How long has she been asleep?"Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous...
A refreshing breeze entered the hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather’s side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man’s lap. She kissed his cheek and softly asked, “Hi Pops. How’s Grammy? How long has she been asleep?” Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous thrill to this man’s heart whenever she was near. At 16, the girl was a petite, pretty, and perky handful of infectious fun. ...
Cathy Turnbull wanted a job to earn a little extra spending money. Her husband, Dennis, had a good job, and now that their mortgage was paid up and their daughter, Sarah, was married, they had fewer overheads and more income available for their personal use. However, Cathy also had time on her hands and wanted to do something useful with it. She saw an advert in her local newspaper, asking for people who wanted to help the elderly with their housekeeping and getting shopping and so on, as well...
Rest assured - No Dolphins were porpoise-ly abused in the writing of this story. The one Dolphin that was unfortunately injured when she banged her nose on the bottom of my kayak during this stories research phase is now resting comfortably at a Dolphin hospice two miles east of South Beach. She's under the tender care of her Daddy. "Hello beautiful," was gaily sung out and into my ear when I reluctantly picked up the phone on a dreary and cold, early December, Ohio morning. 'What does...
With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...
Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...
A refreshing breeze entered the hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap. She kissed his cheek and softly asked, "Hi Pops. How's Grammy? How long has she been asleep?" Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous thrill to this man's heart whenever she was near. At 16, the girl was a petite, pretty, and perky handful of infectious fun. The...
Mr Robinson "Mr Robinson, you are going to break many men's heart looking like that tonight at the club." Mrs Robinson playfully said to her husband, who was wearing a nice turquoise silk blouse with a pussybow, high waist black slacks, and 4" heels. Most men who crossdress cannot pull off this look, but the daring Mr Murray Robinson could. In fact, the outfit was exceptionally flattering on him, for he had the figure and the confidence to wear it. He also had the look, he was a...
"Good morning," He said as she, startled, turned her head to Him. She quickly sat up in bed for Him. "I trust you slept well?" Her eyes were on the bedspread, but she nodded in reply. She couldn't help but bite her lip as she thought about yesterday. She had surprised herself and taken His anal toy with gusto and literally collapsed out of sheer exhaustion from the excellent fucking she received. "You behaved very well yesterday." He said, reading her mind. "I am pleased." She...
[/image] Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Craig looked at the clock on his bedside table. 3:27 in the morning. Whothe fuck could be ringing his doorbell at this hour? He climbed out of bedand quickly grabbed a pair of his briefs from the hamper, then wipedhimself down. The undies were absolutely drenched--it was like his ballscould somehow generate more jizz whenever he huffed those awful poppers. He quickly slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of...