Incredible ChangesChapter 352 Righting Another rsquo s Wrongs
- 3 years ago
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And now I wait to see what or if she will tell me anything about her past.
She was lost in the scene outside the train window for a long time before finally turning to me to say, “Compared to my family, Teri’s family is ultra-progressive. I’ve never gotten a reason why my parents treated us like the most precious treasures in the world that they must hide away from the world. One day a man comes into our home with his son to stay with us. We bonded instantly. I had just turned eleven. He was sixteen when he came to visit for a few days. As he had in the past, he appeared there to stay with us for a few days. Instead, he came to my room in the middle of the night, woke me, and said he talked to his parents. If I wanted to leave with him, I would never be able to return to my family. His family would take me in as one of their own. I left with him wearing my sleep clothes and have never looked back. From that day forward, we were inseparable, including when one of us with using the bathroom, unless it stunk. We slept, bathed, traveled, and did everything together. Neither of us could stand to be away from each other for very long. By my fifteenth birthday, my body wanted him as a woman wants a man. He had wanted me in that way long before I started to become a woman, but never did anything sexual with me until I said I was ready. He always wore a rubber because he told me that he wasn’t ready to be a father, and I had a lot more living to do before becoming a mother. That lasted maybe six months before he entered me one night without a condom. It took me to a whole new level of sexual pleasure. I was reaching my peak easily and often. I knew he was close when his phone rang with a ringtone I had never heard before. He pulled out of me and ran for his phone. I had no idea who was calling that made him drop everything to answer. It didn’t take long to get back to where we were when the phone rang, but I knew something was off. He seemed disinterested in sex and was just going through the motions. Then without any signs of something being wrong, he punched me hard in the chest but never stopped screwing me. Anytime I got close, he would hit or pinch me. When I tried to get away from him, he used his belt to choke me until I passed out. When I awoke, she shoved his cock down my throat to get him hard and then went back to using me to get his pleasure as I was too scared to allow my body to cum again. He finally approached his orgasm, and I was happy because I would finally have his sperm inside me to have this over. Right as he was just about there, he pulled out, pushed it into my mouth, and then forced it into my throat. Gagging me didn’t bug him as he started fucking my face. While unconscious, he came in my throat. None seemed to question the bruises appearing on my wrists and ankles. Now the black eye and broken bones brought questions he didn’t want to answer, so he said we were going on a vacation from everyone so that we could work out how our relationship was going to work.”
She went back to staring out the window as we passed a train station without stopping. I reached over to rub her shoulder to comfort her.
“It started perfectly. My man was back to the man I knew, and we had sex multiple times with him ejaculating inside me without a condom. We rarely left bed for three days. Then he got a call. It pissed me off that he was doing work on our vacation. It wasn’t his work. Men came in that drugged me before taking me to some medical building. I couldn’t do anything as my man fucked me to where I would climax and then just stop. He did that for four days. Anytime I was partially awake, he was fucking me. By the tenth day of our vacation, I was only feeling discomfort when we had sex. I’ve always overproduced lubrication even when not aroused. I’ve never been dry and started feeling raw when he fucked me like nothing was wrong. Another time I awoke with him rubbing my clit, and that got me in the mood even if I could only feel the pressure of his penis moving inside me. Then came when I awoke with my vagina on fire. I was raw inside as he pounded my vagina until he came. If not for him finishing soon after I awoke, it would have done permanent damage. On returning home, I was distraught, and everyone at the house could tell, but his father seemed very pleased that I came home with only marks from being bound. Anytime he is away, his little sister snuck me out so I could have Teri hold me until I could face going back. One time I couldn’t go back. His little sister showed up at Teri’s apartment. I wish I had it in me to put her out of her suffering. When he found that I wasn’t at his home, he called a goon squad to kidnap her. They did every nasty thing they wanted to her except injure her to the point that she would die from her injuries,” the woman said softly. “His little sister is one tough girl. She took me to Teri’s to stay until she came for me. She and her brother were going to have a serious discussion about me. A week later, she came over being her normal chipper self as if nothing was wrong anywhere in the world. She explained that her brother saw it wasn’t good for him to risk his father’s wrath by doing something like that to her again. I was free to come and go as I wished so long as I was there for him to fuck until he was tired of raping me. If I didn’t return when he wanted me, I knew his sister had agreed to some penalty before coming to beg me to return.”
She stared blankly out the window for the rest of the ride. I rubbed her shoulders, arm, and back since it seemed to help her relax a lot. Only as we left the train did I find she was returning to that bastard. The woman had no clue who I was when she came to Teri’s room in the middle of the night, only that I was someone who could help her, and I would without anything in return.”
The woman was maybe five feet in front of me, so the girl who came running to jump into the woman’s arms didn’t see me. I hung back as the girl hugged the woman like she had been gone for months and was surprised she returned.
“Jasmine, I brought a friend Teri met only yesterday. She said he is strong and quick. He has good friends that will protect him from your brother,” the woman told her.
“I doubt anyone can protect us from my brother,” Jasmine told her with a sad tone in her voice. “Where is he anyway? Did he get scared? I wouldn’t blame him.”
I don’t know if Jasmine heard the woman say my name, or it was the recognition in her eyes when she saw who I was. Either way, she ran at me and jumped up to lock her arms and legs around me. I put one hand on her head to comfort her as she cried against my chest. The woman, who still wouldn’t give me her name, led us up the road the house and then down into the bowels of the mansion. Jasmine wouldn’t tell the woman why she had a death grip around my body as we walked to the woman’s rooms.
Inside she did let me put her down. Taking my hand, she led me away from where the woman went and stripped. I saw the woman sparingly putting in lubricating jelly in preparation for the arrival of her man.
Jasmine whispered to me, “He has a routine. In three minutes, he will enter, tell her to get where he will strap her down, rape her until he gets bored, and then tell her to get her ready for dinner. He will make a phone call to tell someone not to come after me today because she returned.”
“What is her name anyway. She won’t tell me,” I asked Jasmine.
Looking sad, she said, “She has none anymore. The bastard sent burnt remains to her family after making sure the dental records would match hers. They declared her dead shortly after she came here to live. He never uses a name with her, and she can’t remember it. After making his call to his goons, I want you standing in the door facing him. It will give him time to see who is standing there to keep him from raping her. Use him as a punching bag. He will not miss coming to dinner if he wants to continue to have things how he likes them. Father will ask what the fuck happened to him. Jasmine and I will help him to the table before taking my seat. That is when you will come in to offer to explain what happened to him, but not the why, yet, since he can’t speak for himself. You see, Teri got me a tiny projector that uses lasers instead of bright lights. Once I made sure I connected it to power, hid it, and placed in standby, I only need to run the app she installed on my phone. Maybe later you can explain to me her cryptic comment about people never realize that anything they record always gets out.”
A few minutes later than his scheduled arrival time, he saw the woman had returned, and he called someone to leave his sister alone for today. I was right where his sister suggested for him to notice I was blocking his way.
“I’m feeling generous today, so I will give you a free shot,” I told him.
How he could leave bruises on that woman and why he needed goons to work his sister over became immediately evident when his punch connected.
Looking at him in the eyes, I said, “I know what you did. I bet I can guess exactly why you did it too. Now it is your turn to see how it feels to be beaten and abused by someone bigger than you.”
I know I’m mad as hell, but I don’t want to kill him, or even maim him. I can use my implant to cause a bit of brain damage, though.
I beat the shit out of him. I didn’t break any bones or cause any internal bleeding. What I did do was use the knowledge I got from putting Paula back together to rewire is brain a bit. He could still get hard, enjoy sex, and cum, but only if he was doing it to give pleasure to the woman, man, boy, or girl he was with at the time. If not, he would feel intense pain in his dick and balls. Oh, and no passing out for him. The discomfort would eventually lessen, but never quite go away until he got the forgiveness of the person he hurt. I was kind enough to make sure it didn’t happen if the person he was getting it on with was into pain and abuse. That was something completely different. That wouldn’t be fair to them.
His sister and the woman helped him drag his ass upstairs to the dining room, where he sat at the right hand of the chair at the head of the table. His sister used the belt he tied around the woman’s hips to keep her from moving, under his armpits and around the chair.
There is no slouching to hide asshole.
I half expected his father to notice right off, but he was too distracted by the papers he brought to the table with him while waiting for the servants to start serving dinner. Only when he noticed his son hadn’t even touched his glass of wine did he look to see why.
The response was immediate, “Who the hell in this world did you piss off that doesn’t care that they are dead as soon as I find their sorry asses? Answer me.”
I changed Jasmine’s plan, after the butler, with a satisfied grin on his face, told me to enter from behind the man, put my hand in his shoulder, and spin the chair around to have the man face me.
That works for me.
“I will be that sorry ass that you will fail to kill,” I told him as I spun his chair around to face me like it was a child’s top. “A group of arguably the best in the world tried and failed. But you know, you are welcome to try. I would enjoy having the honor of discussing creative ways to address the matter at hand with your daughter and your son’s woman. Now before we begin our conversation, I was promised a movie.”
If they were part of any other social circle in the world, the younger children wouldn’t be here to watch what Jasmine started projecting on the wall.
I saw his father’s anger towards me quickly drain from his face as he paled. Soon he did look a bit green.
First up on the video was the night the woman said things changed. Both were showing their love for each other as they finally progressed to unprotected sex. The woman was moaning out for him to cum inside her. They had waited so long for this day. On this hidden video stream in the cloud, we heard his phone’s odd ring tone and saw him scrambling toward it with his shiny boner bobbing wildly in front of him. I expected I would expect to listen to the head of this family’s voice, not that of someone speaking in a thick German accent. The son was the only person who could understand the man, so we were getting subtitles in their local language. The call amounted to this man watching the video and threatening to spread it around the world to show he was a weak man who allowed his woman to get pleasure during sex. Women weren’t here to enjoy sex. They were there to be cum dumps. I saw that the son was down with the suggestions from the person on the phone.
We all saw it as he choked her out with his belt, punched her, or did other things to hurt her anytime she was about to cum. The next ten minutes appeared to be a clip show of every time he hit hurt, choked her out with his belt, her face turning blue as he made her pass out with his dick shoved down her throat, and the other unthinkable things he did to her. It changed to their going on vacation.
Now what I am seeing is beyond disgusting.
Sure, they did fuck for three days, only stopping for food, bathroom breaks, and sleep. What the woman never knew was that she was under the effect of various drugs that made her not notice the big helmet-like thing around her head or any of the wires connected to pads around her pussy. After the third day, going the last part of the day without food or water, she went into surgery. Using precise tools, the group of surgeons used the helmet to map the nerves in her crotch that went to the pleasure centers of her brain. This woman’s bastard lover thoroughly enjoyed fucking her while she was off in some sort of fantasy world, believing he was the fantastic lover she remembered. We heard the surgeon explaining how he tracked and cut every nerve connected to her brain’s pleasure centers but made sure to leave those for pressure and pain. We got to see the plastic surgeon use something like what the man-in-the-machine’s micromachines did to sew up Paula.
The date appeared in the lower corner to show that it hadn’t been the short vacation she thought. After the surgery, they kept her off in a fantasy place until her pubic hair had grown back to the length it was when she arrived. Her man would come back for a few days to check out their handiwork before leaving again to ensure the scars faded and became nearly invisible before returning home with her. Another clip show ran us through months of his abusing her anytime the mood hit him.
His father wasn’t as pale anymore. Now his mother, on the other hand, was madder than hell. Only living her entire life in this elite world kept her sitting there quietly. That was good, because the dramatic pause, there to make them believe it was over, wasn’t the end.
It was the day when the woman didn’t return from Traci’s home. Jasmine’s brother beat many of the staff trying to find out where the woman went and who snuck her out. When he found it was his little sister, he called some goons to pick her up and do whatever they wanted except cause any injuries that would kill her.
It seems that they at least knew there were limits to even what they could get away with if they wanted to live.
A few with pencil dicks did screw her butt. The tiny movement in Jasmine’s face and her breathing increasing showed she liked it. No one else seemed to notice over the grunts of pain when they pushed her against somewhere that they hit her. None fucked her, though they did use some nasty dildoes that stretched the first inch of her cock socket painfully enough for her to scream out. It never got to the point of causing permanent damage or tear any part of her open. A few dumb ones tried to force her to suck them only to find out that getting the shit slapped out of her, punched, and kicked was a fair trade for leaving bloody bite marks on their shafts and to the head of one’s dick. Like the other clip shows, it showed every time someone touched her anywhere. Finally, they dropped her off at her brother’s feet.
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Unwanted Attention - Part 4: X-Scullcrasher 3000 By MindlessPath There were 2 cafeterias on the campus. I had been able to get free meals at one thanks to being a scholarship student. The problem was that you had to show a valid ID to get into the building it was located in. The other cafeteria was super expensive, I didn't know what kind of security measures it had as I had never been there as I knew I could not afford to. I didn't have any kind of valid ID so I probably couldn't get...
CHAPTER 1 : Flight to London >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 1624 NON-STOP TO LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT!" "Shit!" I ran down the terminal in Atlanta to catch my flight to England. My last flight from Florida arrived late and I barely had any time to run to my next gate to catch my connecting flight to London. I heard the last call for my flight to London. I had to pick up the pace because the gate was on the complete other side of the terminal...just my luck. When I...
CHAPTER 1 : Flight to London >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 1624 NON-STOP TO LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT!" "Shit!" I ran down the terminal in Atlanta to catch my flight to England. I slept in for more than an hour and had to skip breakfast at the hotel. Traffic wasn't too bad but the security checkpoint was a nightmare thanks to TSA. I heard the last call for my flight to London. I had to start running because the gate was on the complete other side of the terminal...just...
... I could see my girlfirend was furious. She was torn between the desire to kill Loren and the desire to lap up all my cum. She took her anger out on Loren's pussy - I could see she was fingering her as hard as she could. Suddenly she slapped Loren hard across the face.Loren fell to the floor, on her back wuth her legs wide open. My girlfriend shouted at her 'if you can suck his cock, then you can taste my pussy'. She hitched up her skirt showing her tight wet pussy and no knickers. Then she...
That night at the restaurant was proving difficult. My girlfriend was trying to talk about something important, but I was distracted. Over her shoulder, at the next table, was the sexiest girl I'd ever seen.Loren (as I later found out her name was) was in a stunning pink dress that showed of her sexy figure, and her beautiful face was made even sexier by a stylish pair of glasses. Just looking at her was making my cock so hard.A little later, as I was leaving the men's bathroom, I saw Loren...
All characters, settings, and storyline are a work of pure fiction and fantasy. This is a long story divided into ten chapters. This is the sequel to “The 2300 Gathering” written and published in 2018. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1: STUDYING ABROAD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing has been the same since that night four months ago. Ever since Gwen introduced me to her family’s taboo and crazy lifestyle with the 2300 Gatherings, all I can think about is sex. Group sex. Kinky sex. It...
CHAPTER 1: Three Years Later >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It’s been over three years since my Study Abroad program came to an end. I spent six months in England studying and traveling around Europe. I made lifelong friends along the way. I met an extraordinary babe named Gwen Edwards who showed me around. Gwen is a gorgeous British woman, now in her late twenties with blonde hair. Her breasts are mid-sized, nice and perky with clear areolas and cute nipples. She comes from a line of...
This is the sequel to “2300 Gathering Part II” published in August 2020. Please feel free to go back and enjoy the series in order: -The 2300 Gathering (1) -2300 Gathering Part II -The 2300 Gathering (3) and (4) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 7: Stewardess and Copilot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Edwards family and I are just over an hour into the flight to Dubai at this point. The mile-high 2300 Gathering is in full action with most of Gwen’s family in the lounge area...
The sun has set upon the sands of the American Wastes as we finish setting up camp, the concrete sand warm on our feet. After a long day of nothing but walking and the occasional skirmish with the wildlife, the whole squad is happy to hunker down between the wind-bitten ruins of whatever city this used to be. If only they weren't too degraded, we'd find an old luxury hotel and camp there. Maybe see if there were any canned peaches or whatever in the kitchen. Instead, we'll just be passing a...
Porn 300...This is Sparta!!! Well, with so many god damned free porn tube sites on the web nowadays, it can be extremely easy for a site to get swept under the rug and forgotten about. Competition is stiff. Almost as stiff as I was when I fucked your mom in the ass. Sites really have to make themselves stand out somehow in order to survive the giant fuck pile of free porn tubes. Or else they will get crushed to death or suffocate under all the naked limbs and tits and cocks. You really have to...
Free Porn Tube SitesWhat’s the 300 stand for in MILF 300? I assumed right away it didn’t stand for the number of videos in the collection, as 300 ain’t a very impressive number for a free tube. On the contrary, this cougar-loving free tube has well over 3,000 MILF movies in its archives. Maybe it’s a reference to that 2006 Frank Miller flick about the Spartans and the Persians, though there’s way less violence here and the sex scenes are considerably more explicit.Honestly, I don’t know what the 300 in
Mature Porn SitesWhat was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people...
Yesterday i had an incredible experience with my new friend Mr. K.We had been talking through email for a few days, and i really was getting excited to meet him since we talked a lot about naughty things... He came to my home straight after work, and asked me if he could take a shower first.I agreed and told him i could use the time to dress myself up for him.I felt extremely horny and decided to wear my short purple skirt, "open" pantyhose with a nice black thong. I also wore a white shirt...
This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...
A loud knock startled her from her trance. Running to the door, and flinging it open, she could see 7 very large men, towering iver her 5'1" petite frame. "But where is everyone else?" she asked, disappointed. They had promised her a group of 27, and she had reserved 2 whole nights for this. "Dont worry about it whore, theyre coming" the closest man replied, as he shoved her down onto the floor. Then the men started filing in.. one after another. Some of them spat on her as they passed....
Comic look at futuristic sex: In this age of virtual fucking, is it still possible to fall in love? ..."This dream was not so much the dream of a perfect woman As a spectre, sick of unbeing, That had taken possession of his body To find herself a life." (Tales From Ovid, tr. Ted Hughes). "What would you like to do today?""I don't know. Are there any good programs?" "None of your favorite shows have new...
Straight SexHi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin thangaiyai 3000 kodhuthu matter adithen. Eppadi avalai oothen enbathai intha kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar arul vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku oru nanban irukiraan avanuku oru thangai irukiraal peyar anandhi . Aval paarka sexiyaaga irupaal, avalin iru mulaiyum perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Avalin soothu pilathu kondu irukum, niraiya aangaludan oothu irukiraal, aval karupaaga irunthaalum kaamamaaga irupaal. Niraiya aagal avalai...
Stephanie's Slavery Synopsis After complaining that her boss was a slave driver, Stephanie is forced to really become his slave.Stephanie's Slavery by obohoboWarning The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spank Rom If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...
Slavery in our TimePart 1 – Her Strange FascinationLaura walked down the aisle gazing at all the merchandise around her. Since she was a child, Laura had always been fascinated with the selection of slaves at the department store. Highclass was a superior department store and the quality of the slaves was high. Highclass offered a wide selection of quality slaves from domestics and nannies to gardeners and chefs. Slaves varied in price due to a number of factors such as age, health,...
Tracey looked out of the air plane window and wondered what awaited her on the ground below.They were approaching the imaginatively named Zonga International Airport, in the capital city of Zonga in the country of Zonga. Why choose different names when one will do thought Tracey wryly.Not that many people had heard of Zonga up until two years ago, with good reason, it was a backward little country on the eastern side of Africa with one capital city which was also it's only port, and not much...
Return to slavery by Rowena Return to slavery by Rowena Rachel sat in her beautifully appointed office ,dressed elegantly in the latest and most tasteful fashion a white silk blouse buttoned to the neck, a smart black skirt to just below the knee, her long blond hair piled high on her head, so very different to the slutty clothes she wore when she was a slavegirl so long ago. She sighed contentedly. She was now a successful and rich business woman. She enjoyed her power and wealth....
My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...
CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was...