A Peril At IshtarChapter 14: Landing At Ishtar free porn video

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Eight days later we received notice that we were two days out from the colony and should start preparations for landing. I had finally given up on finding some great use for the last pod and asked that it be turned into a multi-use hall for presentations, dances and parties. Since I indicated that there would only be a need for one floor, the AI said that a sizable room could be created, complete with a stage. Bethany and Tina loved the idea, and Janice even offered to see if a band or two could be organized out of the concubines once time permitted.

The bad news was that Yvette and the others were also spending long hours trying to get all the required sleep study in, and only a limited amount of work had been possible on contacting any of the other sponsors. Ruth's minions were now stalking the halls in groups of five or more, and word was received that three more concubines had died during beatings.

This news, and a series of calls from Ruth to every sponsor on board did end up helping us in our efforts to find support within the sponsors. Although Donna, Terrence and the twins never named me as the leader, a couple of the sponsors figured out that the calls they received from them were organized and used the AI to contact me. Shawna Summers proved to be a recent college graduate and although frightened had finally found the backbone she needed once she realized the two children traveling with her could be in danger. Louis Garrett was apparently a wealthy financial advisor back on Earth, but lacked any real fire. However the thought that his ex-wife and children who were travelling with him might find themselves at the hands of Ruth's friends scared him into contacting me and almost begging to help us. Both expressed surprise when the only instructions I gave was to find time to take the five hours of sleep courses covering command post duties. Unfortunately, the truncated travel schedule had left us little time for more thorough introductions.

Still, the offer brought our force up to ten. The last meetings using the AI had been surprisingly cheerful and as a group there was a feeling of hope that it might be possible to hold out through the initial fights we all knew were coming. The only worry we had was the complete silence from the front of the ship. The only information I was able to confirm from Captain Nelson and Sergeant Powell was that similar conditions reigned there although Manuel Matos was the ringleader of the aggressive faction, and the neutrals had no organization attempting to improve conditions. Donna and Terrence had both attempted a few calls to sponsors in the forward section, but all had been refused.

We finally reached planetary orbit, and there was a short announcement that the ship would begin detaching pods immediately. I don't know if Ruth had any of her thugs in the hall when the announcement went out, but a short time later the AI informed me that Sergeant Powell wished to talk to me, and the door to my pod opened.

I rushed over to the door, and found Sergeant Powell, Corporal Mattingly and Brenda all standing in the hallway. "We don't have a lot of time," the Sergeant said. "But I did want to personally wish you goodbye."

I reached out to shake his hand and smiled. "You did a lot for us," I replied. "Without your care, we wouldn't have the games that help pass the time, nor would Brittany be part of our family."

Behind me I could hear Brittany giggle happily as Brenda hugged Corporal Mattingly. "And who helped me meet Brenda?" he asked me.

I shook my head and looked behind him to see the grav sled carrying eight rabbit cages. I looked over at Brenda briefly.

"I know you wanted to trade some of the babies to help me out when it came to genetic diversity, but we had to leave too soon," she said. "I made sure that all the rabbits have food and water for the ride to the planet, and all cages are labeled, so you can tell which rabbit is which. I even noted which females were bred to which males. You are keeping seventeen pregnant females, ten more that are breeding age, but not pregnant, and thirteen junior females. There are sixteen males, ten adults and six juniors."

I laughed. "Thanks Brenda, I hope you are happy in the future."

Sergeant Powell gave one last smile. "You should be ok, but I'd watch out at first. Ruth and Manuel both want to be top dog and both are willing to fight to prove it."

I nodded. "We've heard from Ruth already. She's been a little less than civil."

The Sergeant laughed as the door closed and the AI called out. "Pod Green seven released, releasing green six in five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... releasing."

There was a momentary shake from the pod and then the power levels dropped. Immediately I called to the ladies. "Let's get in the bedroom and relax. This is probably going to be a bit bumpy ride because the pods are going to rush through the atmosphere."

Everyone agreed and a moment later we were lying on the bed as the pod began a rather bumpy descent to the planet's surface. It was a quite rough, and I worried a bit about the rabbits that were dropping just ahead of us. However, the pod held up, and even the transition from artificial to natural gravity within the pod was smooth.

Because of the roaring sound that seemed the envelop the pod, and the constant shaking the descent seemed to last for hours, but the AI reported that the pods were only spending twenty minutes between first contact with the atmosphere and their landing on the ground.

The pod came to a halt and a new AI voice called out. "Pod motion has stopped and positioning check shows it is properly placed. Tunnel extension will take approximately two hours."

"What about the rabbits in pod Green Seven?" I asked.

The AI immediately answered. "The pod arrived at its designated destination unharmed. The pod AI reports no vocal contact with the inhabitants."

Tina laughed. "Rabbit don't talk."

I sighed. "We'll have to check them in two hours then." I waved to the girls. "Let's go around and check the pod, make sure that nothing was damaged."

The girls jumped up and started checking the various sections of the pod. The shaking had caused some of the DVD's and console games to fall down, but overall the pod had held up amazingly well.

We were worried about the landing of the other pods, and a somber mood settled over all of us. Also the pod AI reported that because of the atmospheric conditions each pod was dropping with a limited battery supply that was needed to extend the tunnels until contact with the colony center and the main power reactors could be established, so use of the consoles and videos was restricted. Bethany suggested that we play cards and a quiet game of poker started up as we waited through the long hours of the tunnel extension. Finally the AI spoke again, this time with a bit more energy. "The tunnel extension is complete. Passage to pod Green seven is possible. Please note that connection with the rest of the colony is not complete at this time. It will take about three more hours before connection with pods Green four and Green three. Connection with the center of the colony and the primary power reactor is estimated to take four days. Contact with all pods within your designated plan will take a total of two days."

I paused. "Once we have power again from this reactor, will it be possible for others to disrupt our supply?" I asked,

"No," the AI replied. "The power supply runs through a special conduit on the bottom of the tunnels, and can only be shut off by destroying the tunnel outright. The reactor itself is buried more than a mile under the colony and operated solely by AI."

"Well, let's go check on the rabbits then," I said. Brittany jumped first and dashed to the door, only to have to stop abruptly when it failed to open.

"Why?" she cried.

The AI ignored her, but I could see the problem. "AI, are we going to have a door in the tunnel just past the point where the tunnels from this pod and Pod Green Seven meet?"

"Yes," the AI responded. "Currently the door is not operational, as beyond that point automatic devices are still extending the tunnel, but the area between the two pods is pressurized."

I smiled. "AI, when the tunnel is completed, the outside door will answer to my command only. For now, the doors to both this pod and pod Green Seven should now open to any of my concubines, unless I give you a direct command to refuse them access."

There was a pause and then the door opened. Brittany gave a cheer and dashed through it, cursing when she stumbled in her rush. The rest of us laughed and followed a bit more slowly, but I could feel the enthusiasm from all my ladies.

We entered a room that contained a number of frightened rabbits cowering in their cages. Most were lying still, and in many the whites of their eyes showed, a sign of their fear. I could not see any who appeared hurt and ventured deeper inside with Brittany and Meiko as Tina, Janice and Bethany started a cage-by-cage check.

The back rooms contained more frightened and upset rabbits and unfortunately a few wet ones as well. Part of the water delivery system come apart during the shaking the pod suffered upon entry and one wall got showered with water, soaking the eight rabbits who had cages lining the wall. Brittany immediately looked at me. "We should dry these rabbits, ' she said.

I nodded. "AI, please provide some towels and replacement bedding through the replicators. We need to get these rabbits cleaned up.

The replicator in the room hummed. Meiko and Brittany quickly gathered the items and started work on making the rabbits a bit more comfortable. As they did I checked the remaining cages to find that no rabbit appeared to be hurt but many were still frightened. I worried about the pregnant females, as the possibility of spontaneous abortion due to stress was evident in the eyes of many of the rabbits. Like the ladies I took to comforting and petting each rabbit until I could see it relax.

The work was slow. Some of the rabbits did perk up quickly, and soon we had the fourteen youngest running around the pod, while we continued our cleanup for the various cages. Brenda had spent some of her time giving every rabbit a unique ear tattoo, so we did not have to worry about losing track of which rabbit went in which cage.

It was about two hours later that all the rabbits were calmed and resting a bit more comfortably. Of the seventeen females that had been pregnant before the drop, two still showed signs of distress, and I suspected that both would lose their litters. The others were still upset, but the stress had left, and many were now curiously looking out of their cages as Tina and Janice finished filling food bowls. Brittany had decided to take one of the young males out for a cuddle and was giggling as the young rabbit licked at her nose when the AI chimed. "Sir, the tunnel expansion to pods Green three and four is complete and there is now pressure between the pods. A Tamara Jenkins is wondering if she and her concubines might come over for a visit."

There was a brief cheer from my ladies at the prospect of visitors. I shook my fist at Bethany and then smiled. "We'd be glad to have them visit. Let me know when they arrive at our outer door."

I waved my ladies back to the pod door. "Let's meet them in our main pod. I think the rabbits need a bit of quiet time."

Brittany turned to put the rabbit she was cuddling back, but then turned back to me and held him against her chest. "May I?" she asked mournfully.

I smiled and nodded. "But you will have to return him to his cage after the visit," I told her as she ran up to kiss me on the cheek.

Meiko giggled and grabbed my arm as the others led the short journey back to our home.

Once inside Bethany began leading Tina and Janice in organizing the game room and setting up for entertaining. She also looked at the outfits each girl was wearing, and shook her head. "Tina, the maid outfit really isn't right for company, nor is the cheerleading outfit Janice. How about we all switch to the black halter-top and mini-skirts? We know that James will be happy to remove those later."

The girls laughed, but Janice looked at Bethany. "I like how you think, but we do need to celebrate being in our new permanent home."

The girls disappeared into the master bedroom to change, with Brittany leaving the rabbit with me. He seemed content to rest on the table and accept an occasional ear and nose rub until Meiko returned and the AI chimed. "Your visitors have arrived. I should note that all pods have now landed. Official word through the AI interface is that there are no fatalities although the rough landing has left a few concubines with broken bones. Attempts will be made to get them medical attention once the pods establish contact with the colony center."

I stood up to head to the entrance, handing the young rabbit to Meiko first. Brittany stepped up to walk with me. "Are any of the casualties in our group? Would they benefit from visiting the medical pod we are establishing?" I asked.

"No," the AI said. "The sponsors in this section of the colony have reported no injury worse than a bruise. However, the seven empty pods will require between seven and twenty days to configure, and will not be operational for that time. The configuration will require access to the master power supply."

I paused. "Does that mean we need to get to the main command post?"

"No," the AI replied as I reached the door and it opened. "The colony was established ahead of schedule due to problems on the transport. Accordingly, the command post was not expected operational for another seven weeks. If you can bring it up in fifteen days when the pod finishes its conversion, no penalties will be enforced."

The AI finished as the Jenkins twins stepped through the opening doorway. Behind them I could see four others. One I recognized as Craig, now looking a bit more humble than the previous day when we had the discussion in the corridor. He had an arm around the teenage black girl I had frightened that same day, and I remembered him using the name Jillian, so I guessed that was her name. I also recognized the young brunette in her mid-twenties, from my visit to Tamara's pod, but not the teen girl with brunette hair hiding behind her. All four were naked, and blushing just a little.

The twins noticed Brittany and spoke. "Sorry"

"We forgot"

"That you"

"Let your"

"Concubines wear"


Brittany stiffened in shock and gripped my arm, but I laughed and waved everyone back towards the pod itself. "I understand. It's not like clothing is required in the pods. If you want, I can ask my ladies to go naked, they won't mind."

The twins shook their heads in unison as we entered the pod, and found Meiko standing there petting the rabbit.

The young brunette saw the rabbit and shrieked. "A bunny!" and charged at Meiko, who stood there frozen.

"Paula!" the older lady barked as the girl rushed forward. The girl stopped and looked back for a moment, first at the woman who spoke and then at one of the twins.

"I'm sorry," she said and knelt on the floor for a moment. Meiko watched all this with a quizzical look, but then walked forward to kneel next to the girl and showed her the bunny.

One of the twins quietly said. "It's okay." And Paula tentatively reached out to pet the rabbit, squealing in pleasure when it kicked for a moment.

The older female concubine shook her head. "Teenagers!" she muttered.

At that moment Bethany came out from the back and saw everyone. "Oh good, I was thinking that since this is a social call we could all head into the game room where we have a number of games and a few refreshments set out." She said with the air of a hostess.

I noticed that both of the older concubines looked at her in surprise and the woman turned to me to ask a question when I noticed the twin's whispering. Before the woman could speak one of the twins stepped forward blushing.

"James," she began. "Um ... well ... you know that we've been trapped in our pods for weeks, and that means that Craig has been trapped in one pod ... Do you think I could... ?"

I looked down at the blushing girl and smiled. "Say no more. AI please grant either of the Jenkins twins a temporary right to ask for a room door to close for privacy for the duration of this visit." I heard the gasp from the twin in front of me and smiled. "There is one extra room on this floor," I said, pointing to the room with the sleep trainer as it also had a couch. "Or you can go upstairs and use any of the rooms there."

The girl suddenly realized what I was saying and gave me a big hug before grabbing the hands of both Craig and the older woman and pulling them with her to the stairs. Her sister watched her run off and laughed. "Marilyn probably needs it worse than Tammy does," she said as the trio rushed up the stairs.

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Late night landing crossing Part One

My next door neighbours, Chris and Jane, have been friends with my parents for years. I’d always liked them too. Jane was friendly enough to me and had me babysit their little boy for them a few times. I knew Chris ‘liked’ me too. I’d seen him looking at me, but was sure that he wouldn’t do anything with a girl my age, who lived next door and knew his wife.A couple of months ago, my Mum and Dad went away for two weeks to Cyprus. I wasn’t invited (!) for it was just the two of them. I was meant...

3 years ago
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First Carrier Landing Flash

If you fly or if you have ever flown a small aircraft, you have flown to the aircraft's maximum range at least once, some of us multiple times. As an enthusiastic young pilot in a USMC scout aircraft, a Cessna 0-1, the range was variable depending on all of the weather conditions. If hot, you burned a lot of fuel on takeoff limiting your mission time. If reasonably cool and you were not changing altitude constantly, you could really extend your range. This incident was sometime during 1964...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 29 Last Place for a Landing

It was strange to wake up. I was still on the couch, but Heather was gone, and I was horizontal and covered by a blanket. I could hear my moms and aunt chatting in the living room, since I was occupying their usual morning hangout spot. Then again, the sun was bright and the shadows on the porch floor were well past parallel to the wood beams, suggesting that my first meal of the day would be called ‘late lunch’ and certainly not ‘breakfast’. So, I really took their usual afternoon spot......

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I David Cross laughed, shaking his head as he watched the computer monitor. "Imagine that! The first major success of our business is dropping its largest and most expensive asset into a hole and burying it. Good thing we didn't put that in the business plan!" Elaine Norman, the sole woman of the trio, joined with her two partners in laughing. She turned serious a millisecond later. "The regolith looks like it has the consistency of cat litter. Works for cats." "There's bound to be...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 2

Thursday afternoon, 12.40 pmDana Jones stood in front of the vanity units in the office restroom and regarded herself critically in the enormous mirrors. Her dark shoulder length hair normally pulled back into an ugly bun, was loose and wild looking. The tiny amount of make-up she usually wore wouldn't have turned any heads in Los Angeles more popular singles bars, let alone the office, and that was fine. However, Dana was anticipating something a lot more exciting than an afternoon of looking...

1 year ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 26 Landing Party

Claude hadn’t realised it would be so violent. It had been impossible to be below or even think straight, while they’d been crashing up and down at eighty miles an hour into the swell and wind, with the engines bellowing. And for ten hours, nearly! The kids had thought it was great of course, even with half of it being in the dark - rocketing into pitch black relying on the radar, and gambling there wouldn’t be a rogue wave. Luckily the sea had been a little calmer than forecast. The one...

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Landreys CrashLanding

With blood trailing from her eyebrow, Lily shook off the shock of the crash, and unsnapped her emergency restraints. With a quick glance out the viewport in front of her, seeing nothing but tree trunks and snow, the young woman scrambled back through the bulkhead that separated the pilot’s node from the body of the craft. She jogged the length of the cargo bay, which took up most of the body of the craft, only stopping to key in a few commands at a console. At the rear of the bay was a locker,...

2 years ago
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Crash Landing

Preface: Blake's friend James invites him on a cruise, to a small Bahamian island, with his local church. They were having fun on the ship when all of the sudden a massive storm system sweeps right over top of their boat. Unfortunately no one but the 6 boys and the minister Neil were on the ship. Neil was the captain and said he could get them there but he was wrong. This is a story about how Blake, James, James's two younger brothers Caleb and Christian, and two other boys that go to the...

4 years ago
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Landing My Dream Job

The job I recently secured required a little extra effort on my part in order to land the gig. They were supposedly concerned about my lack of a degree so Jim (one of the attorneys) wanted to meet me at the office. After I got there, we chatted for awhile then later asked if he could take me to lunch. Of course, I agreed and we made off to his Mercedes SUV.The conversation turned personal on the way to lunch as he asked me about my personal life and other details about my life. I returned the...

Wife Lovers
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Manson Woodstock Moon landingI meet Katie

In the summer of 1969, I hitch-hiked from Laramie, Wyoming to Michigan. I needed to get away from the Air Force for a while. I went to visit my parents at their summer home on an island in Lake Huron. I went on a " double date" with my younger brother and his soon to be bride and a sweet and earnest young Christian woman who was a counselor at the 4-H camp next to my parent's "farm." Katie and my mom were friends, and she was at their house a lot. My mom was often there by herself, and my dad...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 4

Thursday afternoon 2.20 pmThe two men timed their thrusts, one pushing in while the other pulled out. It meant there wasn't a given moment when Dana’s orifices weren’t being ravaged by hard cocks. The double-barrelled action created a sensual roller coaster ride and wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body. Unable to contain the depth of her ecstasy, Dana threw her head back and, with eyes closed, moaned loudly as the studs got into their stride.She couldn’t decide which cock was...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract

Thursday afternoon, 2:00 pm  "Come on, Mark, fuck me… get on with it… yes… yes… oooh… that's it, Mark, let me feel it deep in me,” Dana moaned as Mark's searing hot flesh pierced her pink wetness. Her ragged breathing filled the office as his huge, thick cock jack-hammered into her silky hot tunnel. "Ooh, you fucking bastards," she groaned, head hanging down in a gesture of submission. Dana Jones, a tall, lithe, attractive 32-year-old, stood in front of her desk, her skirt and panties discarded...

2 years ago
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Hot Lust on the Landing

Vix stood about halfway down the stairs gently called ‘Trish, you sexy thing, what do you think of these?’ Trish came and stood at the bottom of the stairs to be greeted by Vix, with her short dark hair just brushing the top of her shoulders wearing a shiny necklace and a pair of blue jeans. Her large, tanned boobs looked delicious as she modeled her new purchase. ‘You look amazing,’ said Trish ‘Now turn around.’ Vix, doing what she was told, slowly turned around and wiggled her bum a little,...

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Landing The Contract The Tales of Dana Jones Part 4

Thursday Afternoon 2.20 pm The two men started timing their thrusts, one pushing in and one pulling out. This meant that at any given moment, Dana’s orifices were being deliciously ravaged by rock hard pricks. This wonderful action was causing wave after wave of pleasure to ripple through her body, and Dana, unable to contain her feelings, threw her head backwards, closed her eyes and began moaning loudly as the two studs really started to get the hang of it. Dana couldn’t decide which cock...

3 years ago
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Landing The Contract The tales of Dana Jones Part 2

Chapter 1 Thursday Afternoon 12.40 pm Dana Jones stood in front of the vanity units in the office restroom, and regarded herself critically in the enormous mirrors that covered the wall. Her dark shoulder length hair which normally looked so neat and tidy was now looking wild and abandoned, especially after applying some mousse and then writhing her hands through it. The tiny amount of make-up she had on wouldn’t have turned any heads in Los Angeles more popular singles bars, but for the...

2 years ago
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Landing the Contract The tales of Dana Jones Part one

Thursday afternoon 2.00 pm  “Come on Mark, fuck me…get on with it…yes…yes…oooooh…that’s it, Mark, let me feel it deep inside me!” Dana moaned loudly as Mark’s searing hot flesh pierced her soaking wet pink hole. Her breathing was ragged as his huge, thick cock jack-hammered its way into her silky hot tunnel. “Ooooohh, you fucking bastards,” she moaned as her head hung forward in a gesture of submission. Dana Jones, 32, tall, lithe and devastatingly attractive, stood in front of her desk,...

1 year ago
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Crash Landing at a Space Convent

Your name is Robert Marshall, you are 21 years old, and your ship is crashing. It was supposed to be a simple mission; carry a shipment of armaments to a planet not too far into unregulated space, the area was pretty empty too so the worst you could expect was an errant border patrol checking your trading permits. Hell, your vessel was quite fast for a freighter so even pirates wouldn't have been too hard to handle. What you hadn't expected, though, was a catastrophic systems failure leaving...

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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 3

Thursday afternoon 1.35 pmBefore approaching Dana from behind, Robert Cranton-Smith had unzipped his fly and fished out his erection in anticipation of her reaction. After wrapping his arms around her, he pushed his huge manhood into her shapely rear-end.Dana felt the hard flesh nestle between her buttocks, despite her tight skirt. She reached for it, and even with Robert's body pressing against her, she slipped her hand easily between them. Then her delicate fingers encircled his flesh. His...

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Late night landing crossing Part Five

Jane had done this before, I knew at once. She went straight for my clit with her tongue and swirled it around it. She chewed on it, as well on my pussy lips. Fingers went carefully inside me too. Jane knew how to give good head to a woman. Chris was watching all of this too. I laid there getting head from his wife and he starred with keen interest.I came twice for Jane. My legs wrapped around her head the first time, then they were open as wide as I could for the second. I had never been...

1 year ago
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Late night landing crossing ndash Part Four

I did want it and I wanted it in my mouth straight away. My hand came out of my knickers and I stood up before climbing onto the bed beside Jane. Chris’ dick smelt of pussy and I went towards it. Jane guided towards my mouth as I wet my lips.My mouth filled with the tip of Chris’ dick and I begun to give it treatment. My tongue swirled around the head of it and my teeth clenched it. Jane had her mouth on the base of it and then went down towards his balls – licking them too. Chris was grunting...

1 year ago
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Secluded HouseChapter 4 Landing

I contemplated my situation for hours. Without any result. I had formed a wrong opinion about Steven. He was so kind at first. Everything that happened made me feel very stupid. Now, I was convinced that he was doing something illegal. What's he going to do with me? Around noon, Steven unlocked the door and came in carrying a tray. "I brought you some food," he said and put the tray on the table. Good. This is definitely a good sign. "I am not hungry," I hissed. "I understand how...

1 year ago
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GoddessChapter 15 Soft Landing

[SESSION CONDUCTED BY RANGER JACQUELINE F, RESUMED] WITNESS: Thanks. I needed that. OK, back to work. Harry stood without speaking, his gaze fixed on me, his cock still erect and pointing at me. At last he stepped close and released my bonds and raised me to my feet. He stopped me when I tried to embrace him. I wanted to do more than embrace him. I wanted to eat him alive. I wanted his cock inside me. I wanted to rape him. Did I say rape? No. I wanted to possess him. I wanted to envelop...

2 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 9 Landing

The Navigation Room was not designed for comfortable sleeping, but Tara and I managed to use some old bedding, the towels and a musty duvet to fashion a mattress and bed and we settled down for the night. Tara was not in the mood to talk to me, being tired and so all I really got was a warm cuddle. The following day, Tara and I were awake and up before the rest of the crew. We had a quick shower, used the lavatory and got breakfast before I woke the Captain, whose wound was still weeping. I...

3 years ago
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Delayed ReactionChapter 6 A Soft Landing

Ramona Leiter looked up as I approached John's office. "He's expecting you," she said without expression. "Thanks," I said, recognizing she was aware of the seriousness of my visit. I knocked and entered, seeing the drawn look on John Hoffer as he sat behind his desk. He rose and gestured toward the small table off to the side with comfortable chairs surrounding it. I moved toward it and selected a seat. "Thank you for coming so promptly, Cam. This is a very distressing situation....

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Allan In Wonderful Land

Allan In Wonderful Land Disclaimer: Any characters, events or whatever depicted in this story and the real world is purely coincidental. That very thought is too silly an too scary to contemplate. As to it's maybe copying a certain story by the author, Lewis Carroll, so what? This is a satire, a parody and just a silly comedic story, so get over with it and yourself at the same time. The use of the word, "fanny," in this story does not indicate a particular part of the female anatomy...

3 years ago
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Gand Main Land Part Part II

By : Today97 I hope you like my first story. M aage ki kahni sunta hu ab aap ko us raat hum dono so gayhe subhe phle m uta tha maine subhe hi subhe monu k land k darshan kiyhe wo kada hu tha mast leag rha tha uske baad m uta or apni gand k hole ko chua wo toda sa bhr k tarf aa gaya tha or usmain azeeb c chiz jaise dard ho rha tha or suj b gai thi.pir maine uske land ko dubaar deke or socha ek baar pir ise gand m le lu wo sidha leta hua tha maine uske upeer beth gaya or uske land Ko pakad kr...

2 years ago
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Land Ki Pyas Bujhaniwali Chahiye

Hi mera naam aadi hain mera email id hain ….Ye bat un dino ki 6mahine pahle ki hain meri mausi ki ladki jo mujhse 1 saal badi hai mausi ke saath humare ghar aayi aur humare ghar me aakar ma se kaha ki ye 2 –3 mahine idhar hi rahegi to maa boli kyu tab mausi ne kah are tuze bataya nahi tha kya ki amarnaath aur udhar ke saare tirth karne hai to maa boli are didi main to bhul hi gayi thi tub maine kaha ki maa tum jaogi to khana kaun banayega bhabhi bhi bhiya ke saath tour pe gaye hai who log bhi 2...

4 years ago
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Mami Ki Gaand Ko Trupt Kiya Mere 7 Inch Ke Land Ne

Hi dosto first of all let me thank all ISS user who liked my first story “Didi Ki Gaand Marne Ko Pyaasa Mera 7 inch Ka Lauda” you can find it in incest section or go to this address http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Incest/didi_ki_gaand_marne_ko_pyaasa_mera_7_inch_ka_lauda_118548.html And also like to thank you all who spend time to email me and praised my first story. Mai pichle 3 saal se england mai mere family ke saath rehta hu magar pehle mai ahmadabad mai tha jaha maine mere cousin ko...

2 years ago
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Welcome To Fictionmania Land

Hi here is my contest entry and my Valentine to the group and it's authors. I hope you will see this as the tribute it is meant to be and try to find all the TG refernces made in it. Welcome To Fictionmania Land by Cabinessence (Fictionmania Contest Entry) I have always been more of a stay at home guy rather than a social animal. I'd much rather spend quiet evenings just hanging around the dorm than going out partying as many of the other guys who lived in my dorm did....

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