ReunitedChapter 3 free porn video

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"Hey! Hey! Two can play at that game!" Terence laughed as Lisa smeared the icing on the slice of wedding cake on Terence's face. He managed to steal a bit from her hand and smear it on her lips, except that she licked it up.

They laughed and smiled as one of Lisa's friends snapped a picture of Terence with icing smeared across his cheek, as he smiled and held a laughing Lisa close by.

Terence turned to face her and took in her ravishing beauty. She usually dressed very conservatively, and didn't show much cleavage, but the stiff corset of her wedding dress held her breasts up as if to present them, and it just barely came up from under her breasts to cover her nipples. It looked like one could just reach in to her dress and scoop out her massive tits.

"I love you," Terence said in a moment of heartfelt sincerity, and the few friends and family around said, "awww." Lisa smiled a big, bright smile, and kissed him passionately on the mouth, even licking a little of the icing as she did. It was a little bit intense for a kiss in public, but no one minded as they were all taken in by the glowing love between the groom and the bride.

It was a small wedding, as Terence and Lisa couldn't afford anything too elaborate. Most of the money came from Lisa's side of the family, as Terence didn't have many friends, and had lost touch with most of his family. Lisa was a regular member of the congregation, and popular because of all her good work, so the church helped pitch in to make the wedding a special one.

Lisa positively glowed that day. Terence couldn't help but want to see her just before the wedding, as she was his rock, the person he turned to whenever he got nervous. He was having pre-wedding jitters so he knocked on her dressing room door. She yelled at him to stay out, that it was bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony. He relented, but when he saw her emerge at the doors at the top of the aisle, she looked like an angel stepping down from heaven, and he understood why it was important to wait.

When they sealed their marriage with a kiss, Terence teared up a bit, he was so happy. After his previous disastrous relationships, he didn't think he could ever love or trust again, let alone get married. Now he understood that he was only lost before because he didn't have a higher power to guide him. Now he had faith, which he didn't just turn on one day but worked hard to earn, and with it he built a foundation on which he could learn to love again.

It was a hard journey to this point, but worth every agonizing step to get to this point, looking into the sparkling blue eyes of his new wife, Lisa.

They had met while Terence was sitting in a church, on a rainy night when the rest of the church was empty and Terence had come because he had nowhere else to go except to ask God what to do. Lisa was beautiful, though she made a point of keeping her natural good looks muted with conservative clothes and simple make up. However, It didn't matter to Terence at the time, though. When they first met, if he had even noticed her beauty he would have hated her for it as he came to think that any woman who was even a little attractive was a lying, cheating, betraying whore.

It wasn't love at first sight, and it wasn't even attraction that brought them together. When they met, Terence was on the verge of suicide, so romance or relationships had nothing to do with it.

Terence didn't know how to pray or anything, he just sat there, hoping that if there was any guidance to be had, God would somehow let him know.

Lisa had been helping the pastor set up an email account. She wasn't a computer expert by any means, but she was merely familiar with computers as anyone is these days. The pastor, however, was from a different time and didn't catch on quite as quickly. The two of them stumbled through it, and then the pastor, who was a little brain tired, retired to his little living space in the back of the church, grateful for Lisa's offer to just look around the church in his place, to make sure all the doors were locked and everything was alright.

It wasn't unusual to find someone sitting or praying among the benches, but there was a dark cloud above Terence that one could feel just by looking at him. She knew that the homeless in the area could be a little mentally unstable, so she sat in the aisle in front of the aisle Terence was sitting in, just for safety. She just sat there for a while, not asking if Terence needed anything, just being there so he wasn't alone.

Eventually, he looked up, saw that she was probably some other Christian do-gooder who would sell him on the Bible, and he looked down again.

"I'm here to listen," Lisa said softly. "If you want."

Terence still said nothing, and Lisa just sat there. They sat in silence for forty minutes. As time went on, some part of Terence registered that she wasn't pushing anything, she was, by the simple action of being by his side, letting him know that he was not alone in his time of need. That softened him. He began to cry softly.

"You can't even imagine what I've been through," Terence said.

"I know," Lisa said. "Even if you tell me, I won't pretend I could ever know how it feels."

That made a strong impression on Terence. The last thing he wanted was someone's sympathy, even if it was well meaning. The thing he hated most in the world was dishonesty, even the kind where people are trying to be nice. No one could feel what he felt, and if someone tried to pretend they did, he would just resent it.

"I used to be successful," Terence said. Lisa said nothing, she just leaned forward and listened. Terence went on to tell his story.

Terence had spent a year being literally homeless after his last encounter with Todd. Not only had Todd destroyed or stolen all of Terence's wealth, Todd turned out to be right about Terence's house as well. It was over valued and he couldn't sell it. What little he had left was taken eventually taken by the bank. He applied for various programs to help get him on his feet, but there was little sympathy for someone who by all appearances had lost their money in playing risky games in stocks and investments.

Terence had to stay in shelters after the bank had quickly foreclosed his house. He went to soup kitchens and did odd jobs to make a little cash under the table. Not only was he broken down, but the economy was in bad shape. Sometimes he slept on the streets, sometimes he slept in shelters.

Mostly what kept Terence homeless, though, was the rage. Inside he burned with a rage that could power the sun itself. Todd had made Terence drink Todd's cum! How could any man walk away from such utter humiliation and not feel hatred in every cell of his being? Hatred, jealousy, envy, depression, desire, anger ... Every night and every day Terence was fueled by raw, fiery passions. His rage was palpable to anyone within sight of him, and that made a lot of people keep their distance. He was hard to employ because of his rage. He didn't make any friends. He was completely alone.

Along the way, though, Terence kept meeting good people, who worked to help others. Terence was so shaped by his anger that he couldn't even believe people who tried to be nice and charitable to him. He immediately suspected they were trying to take something from him.

Most of all, he hated the Christian missionary types who wanted to help. A lot of the charitable food organizations he frequented to stay fed had connections to various churches, so he ran into a lot more Christians actively doing good work than he ever had before. They would want to read from the bible and from tell him that God had a plan for him. One time Terence literally spat on the Bible in a pastor's hand.

"If God has been planning my life so far," Terence shouted, "then God is a sadistic, evil cock!"

It came to the point where Terence wanted to die, except that he felt it was the ultimate loss to Todd. To just end his own life was an admission that people like Todd are the winners and people like Terence are the losers. At the same time, Terence just couldn't imagine building himself back up again. Even if he worked hard, even if he became successful, it would come crashing down when Todd inevitably stole whatever woman Terence fell in love with. What was the point of life without love?

Which brought Terence to that night at the church. He didn't see the point of going on. At the same time, he couldn't just give up. He was incapable of making his own decision, and even though he wasn't a church going type, he was desperate for some kind of guidance.

Lisa listened, and waited in silence for a long time to make sure that Terence had every opportunity to really let it all out. Then she told Terence the story of Job. How Job had everything taken and was tested by God more than any other man. She said an interesting thing which was that she could just point Terence to the story, and tell him about it, but she couldn't tell him what it meant. The girl said that most people hear the story and just think it's evidence of a cruel God, but that only someone who had Terence's experience could really feel it, and get to what it means. Only by feeling the pain could Terence see what it meant, more than anyone else who could only read the surface details of the story.

Terence thought deeply. It made sense. How could such misfortune have befallen him if it weren't to cure him. When he thought about it, wasn't it pride that made him want to have such beautiful women in his life? He was living his whole life trying to "win" some kind of master game. Really, though, was it all about winning? Even if Todd was the devil himself, maybe God was using him to show Terence that trying to win at games of pride was never going to work.

The real "win" was to lead a good life, one that no one could take away, because it wasn't built on showing people how well you had done but by being a good person that people respected.

From that moment on, Terence resolved to make a life that no one could take away from him.

Lisa recognized immediately that some kind of spark had been ignited in Terence, so she made some calls to help him out. She was most certainly not in love with Terence. When she saw him in that church, she saw him as one of many homeless people who needed a helping hand. He looked unclean and unkempt as they usually did, not at all the kind of man that a woman looks for. All that had changed after Terence had told his story is that she recognized that he was a man with potential who had been broken down, not just another person with mental issues who had been abandoned by society.

It was hard at first for Terence to earn people's trust. He had snapped and shouted at a lot of people during his difficult year of being homeless. A lot of people didn't want to deal with him, but only did so because Lisa vouched for him. Terence didn't see Lisa that much, she would just be in the church during Sunday mass, and often she was too busy to talk to other people to talk with Terence. Terence didn't mind, though, because even though he was trying to start over, he still didn't feel he was ready for any kind of romance.

In fact, at night, when he masturbated, he still had lingering thoughts of Amy and Angela, which bothered him. He just couldn't shake the memory of the visceral feeling of their smooth soft skin and the sight of their incredible bodies pressed against him. He would feel guilty and pathetic after he came, though. While the less rational part of him couldn't shake his lusts, his more rational part that took over when he wasn't horny would keep reminding him that he had to reach higher than lust as a foundation for a relationship.

Terence felt embarrassed at first that his first steady job was a paper route, but he bumped into Lisa one time and she said it was great. Real respect, she said, wasn't in what he did, but that he was trying so hard and willing to do what it takes to get where he was going.

He did that for a little while, and then the young man who distributed the papers recommended Terence for a job at a paper recycling plant. It was gritty work, and at the end of every day Terence had ink stains all over his hands, but it paid reasonably well, and he was able to get a really small apartment of his own. It had cockroaches and the fridge was literally beside his small cot, but at least he could say he wasn't homeless anymore.

It was nine months after his conversation with Lisa that Terence had a chance to really talk to her again. Lisa had been out of town for a while, finishing her graduate degree in a university out of town, and had been gone for the last half year, so she didn't see his gradual change. He was now clean, with new clothes, and somewhat fit again from all the manual labor. When she first saw him, he was thin as a rail, had a scraggly beard, and smelled terrible. She didn't recognize Terence at all when he came up and spoke to her.

"Terence? Is that really you?" She said, and she hugged him. That hug, pressing her body against his, ignited in Terence a feeling of attraction. An attraction he had assumed was futile, though. He looked at her with new eyes, and saw her for the beautiful girl she was. She had wavy light brown hair, blue eyes, and the face of an angel. She didn't show off her body, wearing clothes that fill well but were never so tight as to inspire too much attention or lust. No man who really looked at her, though, would have missed that underneath her clothes was the body of a hot young woman. Her breasts weren't huge like a porn star, but they were a lot bigger than most women, making them hard to ignore.

Terence figured that a woman like that would never be interested in a guy that she knew was homeless not even a year ago.

She was, however, willing to be friends at first, and so she and Terence started hanging out. She would invite him along to when she and her friends went out to see a movie, or if they were going to have a picnic in the park. She had an active social life and was willing to include him. Her friends were all good natured church members who didn't seem to judge him, even though there was clearly a slightly different atmosphere about him.

It was only after one of her friends, a guy named Robert, told Terence that he should ask Lisa out that Terence even considered it. Robert said that Lisa talked about Terence all the time, how she was so impressed that he was working to make something of himself, and that she had such respect for that. It was obvious to Robert that she was interested. It was so outside of Terence's experience to think that a woman might like him for who he was inside and not for what he had accomplished, that he didn't even believe Robert when he heard it.

However, there was no denying that Terence was attracted to Lisa, so despite his disbelief, he really wanted to try. After he heard from Robert, he asked Lisa out that very night, and she agreed. They then started dating regularly.

They were chaste dates, very innocent, but that's exactly what Terence wanted. Terence had all sorts of complicated feelings about sex that left him without the confidence that he would be able to perform. He had too many hurtful memories and images in his brain. However, it turned out that Lisa planned to save herself for marriage, so she was actually happy that he was not interested in sex. She confided that even though many of the men she went out with either were abstinent themselves or respected her wishes, she could tell that ultimately they wanted to marry her so that they could have sex with her, as if it were the prize at the end of a long journey. She wanted to get married for other reasons, and sex was something she didn't want at the center of the relationship.

The two of them were brought together that much more with their shared attitude about sex, and their relationship deepened. People around them started talking like they might get married even before they did.

When they started talking about possibly getting married themselves, that's when Lisa dropped a bombshell that shook Terence to his core.

"Before we could get married," Lisa said one time as they were sitting on a park bench, "you would have to go face Todd."

"What? Why?" Terence blurted out.

"Because he still has power over you." Lisa continued. "You've come so far, and you're your own man now, but deep down, there's a part of you that still doesn't believe in yourself. Partly you're on the path you're on because you're still running from what he did to you. You need to look him in the eye and know in your heart that he can't hurt you anymore."

Terence looked down. He knew she was right, but just wasn't sure he was strong enough.

"It's not just for you," Lisa said. "It's for me. I need to know that you're not just agreeing to no sex with me because you're afraid of it because of him. I need to know it's because you respect me, and nothing to do with him. I also need to know that you want to marry me because it's the life you really want, not the life you think you can have because it's what he allows you to have."

"I love you!" Terence said frantically. "It's got nothing to do with anything else. You know what you mean to me, how I can only trust and love again because of you."

"I know," Lisa said calmly. "But you need to be a complete man, a man who isn't afraid of anyone, before you can really live up to those words. You know it. If you really do trust in God, then you know he'll be beside you the whole way. Todd can't do anything to you if you have God on your side."

Terence knew there was no way he could argue without revealing that his faith in God in this matter wasn't as strong as Lisa's. However, she was right. There was still a part of Terence that burned with rage and jealousy when it came to Todd, and he would need to extinguish that part before he could really claim his life was his own and not just a reaction to what happened before.

"What would I even say to him?" Terence asked.

"You would say the most strong thing you could say," Lisa said with a smile. "The thing that would show him you really are the stronger one now."

Weeks later they found themselves at the door to Todd's large mansion. There were expensive cars parked in the long driveway, there was a vast garden. It was palatial, well kept, and beautiful.

They were greeted at the door by Angela, who smiled a wide, delighted smile when she saw Terence. The last time Terence saw her, she was on her knees, lapping up cum from Todd's cock as the two of them laughed and indulged their sadism at having ruined Todd's life. Terence tensed up, but Lisa squeezed his hand as a gentle reminder that he was not alone, and didn't need to be afraid. Terence looked at Lisa with a moment of panic. By seeing Angela's face, he suddenly had this paranoid feeling that this time, maybe like last time, was some kind of set up. Maybe he would see Lisa laughing at him too, as some kind of horror unfolded.

However, Lisa had a look of firm determination just under a smile that was nothing except polite. Terence didn't feel at ease, but so far Lisa was still on his side, and he felt confident enough to keep going forward.

"Terence?" Angela said as if they were old friends and she hadn't tortured, betrayed, and ruined him merely for her own sexual gratification. Terence was struck by how these people could treat such evil behavior so casually. It made it that much more agonizing to see that they were so completely free of any hint of guilt or sympathy. "Todd said you were coming over and I didn't believe him." Angela looked at Lisa and looked her up and down. "Seems you've been doing well. That's great." Her tone was so sincere that it made it that much more frustrating for Terence. If there was even a hint of the evil that he knew was in her, he could say something back, something accusatory or cutting. However, since Angela was so oblivious, it only made it so that if Terence were to say anything, it would be him who looked confrontational.

"We're here to see Todd," Lisa said, politely, but firmly. She kept things down to business on behalf of Terence, sympathetic to the fact that he had a lump in his throat from the tension of walking straight into the center of hell.

"Of course, come in!" Angela said and opened the door wide. As Terence and Lisa stepped in, Terence had a moment to look at Angela. She was still drop dead gorgeous, and a few years had done nothing to change it. If anything, one could see how money and good living had improved her. Her clothes were perfectly tailored, she was fit, her hair was in beautiful condition. Her eyes twinkled and her smile beamed. She led them down a hallway.

As they walked down the hall and the moment of seeing Todd was upon him, Terence expected something horrible to happen as soon as Todd was revealed. Something like Todd in the process of fucking some woman that Terence would be shocked to see. Or that Lisa would walk over and immediately start sucking Todd's cock. Terence braced for some kind of shock which never came. When they turned the last corner and saw where Todd was, Terence saw a scene he never would have imagined.

They came to the back of the house where it looked like some kind of garden party was underway. Terence was shocked and confused. He had expected for Todd's house to be this hive of sin, perhaps with orgies or torture racks or something. However, here in front of him was what might be a family reunion, with a range of people from kids up to grandparents, and friends of the family, all laughing and playing like they were the model group of friends and family. The children laughed and played, the adults talked and smiled. Everyone looked bright and cheerful. Terence hated them all the more for having a full and beautiful life that was fulfilling and complete, and about much more than just sex. If it were just sex, he could look down on them in some way. The way it looked, though, it was the kind of life everyone wanted.

"Wait here," Angela said, as she left Terence and Lisa standing beside the glass doors to the garden. She walked up to Todd, who was holding up a young child, about four or five years old, and laughing and playing with him. Beside him was Amy, wearing a sun dress, and looking positively radiant. Her dress was not intentionally sexy, but there was no denying her gorgeous body underneath the thin fabric. Angela came up to Todd and pointed back to Terence and Lisa as she told Todd of their presence. Todd put down the child who immediately went to Amy's side. Amy, Todd and Angela looked over to Terence, then back to themselves. Todd said something and all three laughed. Then Amy began playing with the child, Angela walked over to some other people and joined in a fun conversation, and Todd walked up to Terence.

As Todd walked up, Terence surveyed the crowd. He thought he saw Jeff, Taylor, Vicky and Kate in the crowd. They all looked healthy and happy. Terence wondered who all these people were. Did they know what kind of monster Todd was? Did they condone it? Was it a secret? Some must know, but it was hard to envision how it all worked out. All Terence knew was that somehow Todd had managed to balance everything so that he had it all. Terence hated that Todd's relationship with Amy and their child seemed to be both a positive, nurturing environment, and yet also allowed Todd to continue his evil ways.

"Hello, Terence." Todd said simply extending his hand. Terence didn't hold his hand out, so Todd simply put his down, and looked at Lisa. He didn't hide at all the fact that he stared directly at her chest, assessing the size of her massive tits underneath her plain white buttoned up blouse. "Come this way," Todd said, completely undisturbed at Terence's snubbing of his hand shake. He led them back into the house and up some stairs into a den with a window that over looked the garden party below. Todd walked over to beside the window, then casually turned around. "So, Terence, have you brought your wife to me this time? Have you finally accepted your place in the world?"

Lisa's jaw dropped. She had never before encountered such smug arrogance. Todd looked like he wasn't even joking. He looked as though Terence might seriously be bringing her here to be fucked by Todd.

"Fu..." Terence began, but then mindful of Lisa, he didn't want to be reduced to vulgarities. "No, not at all. I just came here to get some closure."

Todd laughed as if he had just heard a good joke.

"Terence," Todd said, with a tone as if he were sympathetic with Terence for making mistakes that Terence didn't understand, "you don't get to have closure unless I decide it. I can see that you've been building yourself up again. You've got a very attractive wife again. That's good for you. But don't think for a second that you are free from what I decide for you."

Terence balled up his hands into fists. Lisa could see Terence losing control, so she stood closer to him and put one hand on his back for comfort.

"If I want to fuck your wife, I will," Todd continued. "If I want to torture you, I will. I think you're wife is already thinking about fucking me. She's looking at my cock right now and wondering how it could be so powerful."

Terence quickly looked at Lisa to see if that was true. Lisa immediately looked up at Terence and said, "I was not!" She said it as much to Todd as to Terence.

"It's okay, Lisa," Todd said. "Some women are scared at first, but they can't help it. You can sense how other women have become a slave to my cock, and you can't help but wonder what it is they're getting that you're not."

"It's not true!" Lisa said, getting completely flustered. Terence could see that Lisa was losing control and Todd was beginning to dominate the interaction, so he decided to interrupt.

"Todd, you don't have power over me anymore," Terence said. "I have found a higher power. One you could never compete with."

"Oh, you've found religion," Todd said as if it were only as meaningful as someone taking up golf. "That's nice. I wonder how your religion can explain how my life is so great compared to yours."

"Your life is hollow," Terence said.

"Really?" Todd asked. "Look out there. Does that look like a shallow life? Many of those people I met at our church. Does that surprise you Lisa? You should come and see God's real plan, not suffer alongside people like Terence."

"Shut up!" Terence said, raising his voice. Then he regained his composure. He looked at Lisa who looked completely at a loss for how to react. "All that, that party down there, it's all just a show. There's no way you can be doing what you're doing and be truly happy. All the lies and cheating will come back and ruin you."

For an answer, Todd looked out and scanned the party, and then when he found what he was looking for, he pointed down in the direction of Angela.

"See that guy standing beside Angela, with his arm around her?" Todd asked, looking out the window. Terence leaned just a little toward the window so he could see a reasonably good looking man, with dusty brown hair beside Angela. The way he was standing, he wanted to be closer to her, but was being a little restrained, like someone on a first date, not sure how familiar they can be. "He and Angela have been dating a while, and he loves her deeply. He's got a poetic streak and likes to write her long love letters. We fuck while she reads them to me. He's actually pretty good. He really conveys he sincere love really well. We're hoping he'll propose to her, because we thought of this great way we can set it up so that he'll be holding the ring in his hand while I'll spray cum all over his face."

Lisa's eyes widened, and she looked back and forth between Terence and Todd. She was in complete shock.

"Does it surprise you that I can talk about such things in such a casual way while living such a happy life otherwise?" Todd continued. "What you don't get is that people like me live by different rules than people like you. You can't see how it all works because it is outside your imagination. You tell yourselves tales of morality to make yourselves feel better about the lives you have, because you can't have the life that I have."

Todd paused, and looked directly at Lisa.

"Well, Terence can't have this life," Todd said, "but you, Lisa, can be a part of it. Why don't you let me show you?"

Terence looked at Lisa hoping for a quick and immediate "no", but she looked confused, as if his words were getting to her. Terence nudged her to shake her back to reality, and she looked to Terence as if coming out of a dream.

"No," Lisa said, a little weakly. Then, building her resolve as she spoke, she went on. "Sex is something that has twisted you up so much you don't even see the evil of your ways. I'm just not interested in what you offer."

"You don't know that," Todd said. "Unless you've tried."

"That's ridiculous," Lisa said. "Those are just words to try and trick me into bed with you."

"Of course they are," Todd said. "But it remains so. It's just like why Terence is here to face me. He's actually here, doing it, confronting what he is afraid of. But you, you have never been fucked by me. You have no idea what it is that makes all the other women bow down before me. I offer you this deal. Let me fuck you once..."

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Helping Out The Sitters

I had swung shut the door for the cab, waving again to the pleasant older man who had given us a lift home from our friend's house party.  It had been the first time out in a bit for us and my husband Mark had certainly taken advantage of the night. The cabbie had been great about it, helping me settle him in the back and letting me sit upfront.  I’m sure he wasn’t overly upset with having a chatty and obviously buzzing auburn-haired woman sitting beside him.  Since it had been a relaxed little...

1 year ago
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Being Late For Master

*Allcharacters and places in this story are fictional, and all content is the sole creation of mine and owned by beinggood. Checking the time, I already knew it was past 8pm. My heart raced as I remembered the last words He spoke to me on the phone…”Don’t be late”. I didn’t mean to stay after work and chat with the girls, but time just got away from me. I could lie and say I was stuck in traffic, but if He found out, I knew I was in great trouble. He was my Master, and he expected me to obey....

1 year ago
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Scheherazade Finale The Festival at Al Nen Drowd Stormy Intercourse and Shipwreck

After Lacie's extraordinary night with the young Prince and Princess, a sailor appeared at King Al Mikahil's palace to escort her back on board the Coq d'Or.A beaming Captain Sindwell welcomed her. "You have half an hour to prepare yourself," he said. "No, don't look distressed, it's not an ordeal. We're taking you to the market of Al Nen Drowd. It's a feast day, something you must see. Beautiful colours, tasty sweetmeats, aromatic scents everywhere."But how could Lacie give her mind to such...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Clare And James Part One That Time Clare Told James About Her Affair

By the time they'd left the Christmas house party, the world had become white. The cab driver hadn't wanted to go the extra two hundred yards on the untreated surface of their street, so he'd pulled up at the corner and Clare had stepped out onto a snowy carpet that enfolded her feet and hushed her heels as she walked alone towards their house, leaving James to pay the driver.The key won't go into the lock. Is this the right door? Yes, she is sure it is. But the snow has changed everything,...

Wife Lovers
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My Panty Fetish and my StepMum Mom Part 2

Well, due to the feedback I received about my first reminiscences of my relationship with my step-mother, and my panty fetish, I realise you might be interested to hear more about us. I'll start the very next morning.You can imagine I had a very pleasant night, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Really I'd been overwhelmed by it all, and I had to sort of explain it all to myself. I reckon my Mum (I'll continue to call her that, as I have ever since) had begun by indulging me over...

2 years ago
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Sex on the farm

Often, I would visualize the horses mating to help get myself aroused. Things got much better when I was twelve and had my first orgasm. I had felt funny all day and went down into the woods behind the north pasture. I thought of the most recent mating when a neighbor brought his mare over to be serviced by our stud. She was already in heat when they took her out of the trailer. Our stud caught a whiff of her arousal and almost went crazy. Fortunately, my father had tied him securely in his...

3 years ago
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El PasoChapter 7

I sat on the porch talking with Liz for another few minutes, then excused myself and took Melosa back to the stable. On the way, we rode up on a couple of women walking down the street. I smiled to myself, stopped Melosa and doffed my hat with a bow. Melosa caught the movement of my hat and did the curtsy thing again. She stayed in place until I swung my hat back onto my head. The women smiled at me and cooed over Melosa. Oh yeah, there would definitely be a prize in my little chick magnet’s...

4 years ago
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Corruption of Champions

A man of the age of eighteen walks forward slugglishly as the elders of the Village known as Ingram move him forward to his time. He looks around at the enviorment that he has grown used to and now forced to give up. Even though its for a good eason he just couldn't handle the idea of having to give up his life he managed to make form himself. He gives a heavy sigh as they walk into a cave where the rocks glows with darkness and an odd arouma feels the air. This was all meant to keep the...

3 years ago
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Every Pussy Needs A Cock 8211 Part 2 Fucked Aditi

Aditi had watched the porn videos on my laptop. I observed Aditi for some days but there was no change in her behavior also. So I decided to make a bold move. I planned to do something that happened accidentally. The next day she came, I was prepared. When she was almost done with Nitin’s room (coz mine was next) I played an interracial porn again with (with tags hardcore blowjob, anal) and went to the bathroom. I started the shower and waited for my prey to take the bait. I opened the bathroom...

1 year ago
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POVLife Vienna Rose Babysit On This Dick

After a busy day babysitting, Vienna Rose is sitting outside on the stoop, waiting for her ride, when our dude shows up. She lets him know that his wife and kids are home and he kindly offers to give her a ride. On their way there, he cant help but notice that her hand keeps moving closer and closer to the crotch of her ripped denim short shorts. When he asks what shes doing, shes happy to show him, giving him a nice view of her hairless cunt and her pink manicured nails. She knows its...

3 years ago
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Making the Most of It

What’s worse than going to your husband’s parents’ house for dinner? Nothing, echoed my mind. Sighing, I slid into my black heels and stared at myself in the mirror as I fixed my hair a little. His hands touched my sides and slowly roamed my curves, up and down. I smiled slyly when I heard him purr in approval of my choice of apparel. ‘Very nice, baby…’ He started trailing kisses down my long neck, and I wanted so badly for him to keep going, anything to delay this stupid dinner… But, we had...

1 year ago
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TotemChapter 14

"You know," Gina said the next morning, "I never realized how weird it felt to wear jeans with no underwear." Looking at herself in Sam's mirror, she ran a hand over her denim-clad rear. "Some Neanderthal ripped my panties off, and now I have to suffer the consequences." Sam chuckled. "Sorry about that. I'll buy you a new pair." "I bet you say that to all the girls." Gina leaned over and kissed him. She had already dressed, since she would have to go home and change before...

1 year ago
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Karen My Best Friends sister

Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...

3 years ago
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A Tragic Beginning

Of course I felt guilty; the opportunity of a lifetime had come to me and even if it turned out to be better than even my wildest dreams that wasn't the way I had wanted it to happen. I never wanted to profit from someone else's tragedy. My name is Josh Benning and I have been a closet crossdresser for most of my young life; living out of the clothes hamper of my female relations and those of my few friends. I was never caught, not once, in all those years of dressing up but that was...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 3

Just as Hannah thought, the bikers headed straight back to the bar. They’d been gone for only about an hour, but when they entered the parking lot Hannah noticed that there were at least 10 more motorcycles sitting there. Her heart was pounding in terror as she was hauled back into the large tavern, with the other Outlaws right behind her. There were several bikers hanging out in the lounge and drinking beers, but as soon as they saw Hannah they got up and followed her into the...

4 years ago
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fantasy and desires 3

Hello everyone fellow writers readers of eroctic stories fellow porn lovers.its me again!! yes... auntie norma :) as you all know if you've been keeping up with my stories you know about jake and my self.... ok.. lets cut to the chase'. well this is what should be the third of the story three in one and asking for fantasy and as you know if you have read all the stories combined between my nephew and my self then you know that he said yes and as well as now I am going to...

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The CEOs Unusual Retirement Party

by Vanessa Evans Graham Paxton was a very successful businessman who, in the 25 years that he built his business empire, had developed it to make it worth billions. Unfortunately that was at the cost of his wife who hated the long hours that he worked and she left him with a daughter (Siobhan) who Graham sent to a private boarding school. When she left the school she went and worked for him and after another 5 years she became her father’s assistant. It didn’t bother Siobhan that the office...

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Blame It On Hermione

Very important author’s notes: The spark for this lewd tale came from reading Harry Potter. Regardless of whether you like or dislike the movies or books, imagine how exciting it would be to utilize the ability to go back into someone’s memory and observe what happened to them at a certain point in time. These memories are stored in a stone receptacle . . . called a pensieve. A witch or wizard can extract their own memories or another person’s . . . and stores them in the pensieve, and reviews...

2 years ago
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A hard package to deliver

When I was at high school I started a job as a delivery boy.On the second week I got my delivery list and set off for the daily round.The last package was to be delivered at a huge manor house. I pressed the buzzer at the main entrance and waited. I pressed the buzzer again and a young girl’s voice asked who it was. I told her I had a parcel for her and then she let me in.I drove along a large drive to that manor house, I knocked on the door and a beautiful girl in a bathrobe answered. She was...

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We Werent Prepared for Camping Chapter 7

Having reached the Headland Look Out Observation Deck, they were all relaxing and enjoying the scenery. Sam was taking picturesque shots of Suzzie, Katie & Pat with the surrounding countryside as a stunning backdrop.After ten minutes or so, the girls were keen to move on again and asked Sam to show them the spot that Tammy liked up here so much. Samantha smiled, saying, “Follow Me,” and led them down a little track and around quite a few bends in the track for a good five minutes before they...

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Vacation with aunty

100% fiction! In my vacation i went to stay with my own aunt . She was married and have a boy who is working abroad. She is 40 now and have the look of native indian with a plump body. We both were attached very deep but when i grow into my teens i started to enjoy the woman in her rather than aunty. Occasionally when she visit our home she used to take me with her for a bath in the village pond. There i say her woman for the first time . I managed to see her breasts in her bra and her wet ass...

1 year ago
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Sleep over at my aunts

Mom was on the phone when I got home from school, she was talking to her sister, “John is going to a conference in New York and we were hoping to both go and stay for the weekend” I couldn’t hear what her sister Jenny was saying, but mom went on “Oh so Tony is working the late shift, but JJ could make his own way over to your house, if you’ll let him stay for a few days, and he is off school on Friday, I think there’s a bus, so he could get that on Monday morning. Her sister was speaking again,...

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Catching my wife Part 6

There I was, my wrists tied to the headboard in Connie’s, and her husband’s bedroom, my wife laying alongside me, her wrists secured as well, the TV clearly showing my wife’s naked and exposed body as at least two different men are fingering both of her holes. My wife, as is evident by the image and sound, is enjoying herself as I have only imagined, and the audio plays the sounds of Connie getting repeatedly gangbanged off camera, presumably by these two guys, neither of which is her husband....

1 year ago
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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 05

CHAPTER FIVE: A SECOND HIT Daniel looked around the Rio’s breakfast area and caught the eye of his waitress. As she walked over, he winked at Holly and turned his attention back to Norman Chad. ‘You guys are nicely positioned,’ the TV commentator was telling them. ‘Survive the first day, that’s all you had to do.’ Daniel wriggled in his chair. ‘I hear you, Norm. But for me it was a close thing.’ Chad laughed. ‘Now what have I been telling you this past year about the Ace of Spades? I guess...

3 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 26

They had lunch in their favorite restaurant on the Isle des Loisiers, one of four little islands in the Port of Cap d'Agde. They had spent a warm, passionate and romantic night together when she returned from Freiburg. Now, Helen told Sandy about her visit and what had happened there. "... and, when we got back to the hotel, we found my room had been entered and disturbed. Not plundered; I think they wanted to impress me." She looked at him across the table. "They did. And then, Rummy...

1 year ago
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Nice Surprise After Getting Caught By Wife Jacking

N I C E S U R P R I S E A F T E R A F T E R G E T T I N G C A U G H T True story… I usually get up a few hours before my wife. So I’m on the computer, on X-Hamster, talking to a guy who wants to show me his tiny dick and masturbate. I oblige him and get my camera set up to point at my crotch when my wife shows up out of nowhere. She hardly ever gets up this early. Before I could close the page, she get a good glance at what I’m looking at. I had just...

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A simple party

Dan was in his car going to a high school "party" he finally got to the driveway and notice all the cars were of most of his friends. A sigh of relif came over Dan as he knocked on the front door. Bryan opened and said hey dude! Er.. Hi Dan replied. Dan walked in and gasped. The house was breathtaking. But he also noticed that Austin was there looking deeply in his eyes. Dan had a crush on Austin in 5th grade he never knew he was gay but never told anyone. But something about austin made his...

2 years ago
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Kappy Son of KaptainChapter 3

There was something about Mrs. Keele deciding to use Ken as a chauffeur that hadn't set at all well with Jean Wilson, but there was little she or her young husband could do about it, she realized. Mr. Keele had brought the uniform down to the kitchen while Jean was preparing the beautiful Superintendent's breakfast, ordering Ken, who sat at the table having his coffee, to get into it, that his wife intended to use him in that, as well as other capacities. It was the way he had said it, in...

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Healing A sister Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was bisexual and everyone knew that. I had friends who knew I was mostly gay, but chose “girlfriends” based on looks and jealousy although I never really intended to fuck them much. I was mostly just one of the girls with a few different, if at times somewhat more entertaining, parts. To me we were all just sisters and, though a few of them like to sleep together every now and them to relieve personal or sexual stress or to experiment. Few of us...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Dharma If I Cant Fuck Your Pussy I Gotta Fuck Your Ass

This week we’ve got social media manager Dharma gracing us with her presence on the couch. You’ve already seen a little snippet on Friday where Rick first brought her in to get an initial look at the goods before we bring her in for an actual interview. Now, I’m gonna go ahead and preface this scene with some key details. We got Dharma back pretty quickly, however, it would seem not quickly enough. We find out pretty soon after stripping her outta those clothes that Dharma got a very...

2 years ago
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E and Ls Adventures Part 2 New friends

After that night (see Part 1.) many things were left unsaid. I promised to explain but somehow not everything is out in the open. The weeks go by. You’re angry with me yes but also a little with yourself for the way you acquiesced. On top of that, while, on the surface you want to pretend it never happened, your thoughts keep coming back to that night. What must the guy be thinking of you?? You’ve never been overly confident about your body but you’d blown two guys and that wouldn’t have...

2 years ago
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The Picard ManoeuvreChapter 2

In the office I sat in one of the fancy swivel chairs which had arrived not long before. I didn’t like them much; they had arms which made it awkward for me to cuddle Anya or Romy while occupying them. Anya took another, though she sat poised to leap out of it. We both looked at Romy, who was blushing. At length, she began to speak. “Hex, you know there are details about this planet and the technology here that I haven’t briefed you on. You didn’t follow up on my comment that the landing...

3 years ago
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Work In ProgressPart 7

Sophia lays there, controlling her breathing, staring at Stephen. Shes not exactly sure why hes regarding her with indifference. "How have I displeased you, Stephen? Havent I suffered enough for you?" Hes listening to her with half interest. Its as if hes been distracted. Even during her final beating, he seemed withdrawn. "I suppose you have. For now. Your body needs time to heal, and if you were to undergo another whipping, Im afraid you would bleed. And how would we explain that to...

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Jupiter Youre Only a Star

It is said that as you grow older certain memories shine through the dense blur that is your life. As an elder, humans often reflect on the ‘What ifs.’ Not in regret, but in natural curiosity. Which is perfectly understandable, because what is life without the persistent enigma? And although I will never survey my life, pointing out my apparent flaws. I will always wonder who I would be today without those who’ve changed my life in ways beyond reason. He may come upon this. That prospect is...

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Out with Ash

Ash was in the backseat. I opened the door for her, held her hand as she got into the car. The GPS told me to turn, go this far. I did not say a word, did not ask anything. Lessons had been learned, Ash owned me and i knew my place and loved it!After two hours no idea where i was. I pull the car up to a private garage door. It rolled up Ash ordered me to drive in and to the left. i will see where to park. A space said Ms.Ash. I slide her car into the space, jumped out, ran to open Ms. Ash's...

3 years ago
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Trapped In A Sensual Whirl

I couldn't believe how much I had enjoyed my first adventure on my bi side with Mary. I had been very much against same-sex relations all my life for some reason. Probably just my upbringing.Now, I had experienced another lady bringing me to several orgasms, and I had repaid her the same way. Not only that, but she was beautiful.When I told Gary, my hubby, all about it, it drove him wild. It was pretty clear that both hubby and I wanted more of it, and we were both very impatient about it.Mary...

2 years ago
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 6

Rafael Girarde was a handsome man by any measure of standard. He was tall, broad shoul-dered and lean hipped, wore his well-cut, tailored clothes with a flair, smiled broadly with an open, warm expression, his discerning blue eyes spar-kling sincerely, his deep masculine, resonant voice inspiring confidence. Madeleine was particularly taken with his heavy shock of waved, greying hair, the one single tell-tale of his fifty odd years. She was surprised at his simple, lackluster office, knowing...

1 year ago
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A Getaway to Remember

I awoke from the best sleep I had had in ages. It was the first holiday I had managed for over a year and I was looking forward to a week in the Italian sun, recharging my batteries after spending my days in front of a computer screen. I had arrived yesterday evening and had only just time to shower and change for dinner, which was classic Italian food. I had bumped into Jessica, a single girl, who by chance was in the room next to mine on the third floor of the boutique hotel overlooking the...

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Acting Innocent Paid Dividends

This is a real story which happened accidentally and to start with a couple who were known to my family were looking for a rented premises and landed in our house on rent basis even though knowing there was not a ready bathroom which we were about to complete. I got myself introduced to them and got to know that her husband was working in multinational company and Priya was a house wife. I have just completed my college and vacations were on since in my house all were at work in day time and I...

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Angel My Teen Lover

At the time I met Angel I was 29, average, if a bit sexually wild, and fairly cute, but when I met Angel little did I know just how wild my sex life could get. I first met Angel when she was a very ripe looking 15 year old neighbor of mine. I used to see her coming home from school and I couldn't help notice how very sexy she was. I thought she was much older than she was. She always dressed very sexily, and unless it was freezing out you could count on her wearing a miniskirt, revealing top,...

3 years ago
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Goes Around Comes Around

Introduction: This story is about revenge and Rape If this sis not your thing please move on. The second part is more about the charactors sexual adventures. Goes Around / Comes Around By Jax_Teller I had done many things in my life to make money but this was going to be different. As a young man, a fighter and ex-military man I was well conditioned and fit so to speak. I had been living life hard and fast and this job was going to be more than just interesting, it was an awakening. I would do...

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An Unsettled CalmChapter 4

For the next few days I followed Marks, being careful not to be seen. I needed to get the low down on Marks for my client. Just the fact that he was pitching woo with this broad might be enough for Miss Sykes, but I wanted to go the distance for her and put the finger on this dame. I found out she was a blonde, about 5' 2" tall, wore fur and was always togged to the bricks. I swapped heaps with the Joe at the service station, so Marks and his hatchetmen wouldn't crab to my watching them....

3 years ago
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Lesbian to Escort and back again

Its the diary/ blog of a young Lesbian Asian American girl (me) who bored with conservative living in the USA breaks away to travel the world and find herself. The story is long so I can't post it here, but here's the link to my blog, I hope you read it. It's free and not spam. A snip from the last post/ page: On return ing to Kunming we relaxed, messed around and did "normal person" things. One evening Gemstone gave us all...

4 years ago
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Our 1st text message fantasy

Is this how you envision things when you watch me with another man? Yes I sure fucking do So still participating minimally but mostly watching Will call in a bit As for your, I plan to join in after he nuts at least twice!! Mmmmmm How would like to see this go down? There is no wrong answer to this question See you watching me with another man? C go down? Yessss Ooooh I really like the profile No answer why? Well I would like you to get me primed and ready before he get excited...

1 year ago
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Cucked Edyn Blair A Real Man Lasts Longer Than 30 Seconds

Edyn Blair is so tired of her pathetic Husband. The sex just isn’t enough for her. 30 seconds?!? Is that all he can do? She needs to orgasm and wants so badly to feel a guys cock that can make her cum all over it. In comes John Strong and he shows Edyn just how long a real guy should last as he fucks her in doggy while she humiliates her pathetic Husband. Edyn wants to ride that cock and feel it completely inside her as she moans out and is amazed just how awesome good sex is. She can not...

2 years ago
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Sex with Jan and friend part 2

Jan and I then gave each other a smoky blowjob each. Slowly, and seductively blowing smoke over each others throbbing monsters, in between sucking and licking each other gently, tasting each other lustfully, but not enough to tip one another too far. Jans beautiful shiny black mac rustled gently as she pushed me away from her purple glans. 'Redo your makeup up and then I want you to fuck me.' she whispered. So we both applied so much gloss and lipstick, our lips shone like our plastic macs....

4 years ago
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Straight Invaded Chapter 2

He walked over to number 2, took the camera and ordered me, "stand up." Then he told number 2, "Take off your pants and assume the bottom position, face down and ass out on the edge of the bed." The leader gently grabbed my cock and turned me toward the ass. He was on the bed, face down ass up, with his feet hanging over the edge, spread apart as much as he could, with his knees pulled up under his chest. His arms were over his head, spread out palms down, with his head down looking at...

1 year ago
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BethChapter 5

May 28, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written May 29th] This date provided yet more drama in my life. The day started great, went sharply downhill in mid-morning, and got quite a bit better by the end of the day. I woke to find myself wrapped in Rhee’s embrace, my ass spooned into her crotch, her breasts smooshed against my back. I snuggled more completely back into her, put my left hand onto hers as it was holding my right breast, and luxuriated in the feeling. [Quick aside: I had not...

2 years ago
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"You're not angry with me then?" Sarah asked. "If you aren't angry with me," Jason answered. "No. Not at all. I know that you are older. You are used to girls who go farther. I just get angry at that 'You do or you don't' business. We've had two dates. Maybe our relationship will deepen, or maybe we'll end up as friends. I wouldn't mind that. I don't have any friends with your experience and understanding. I like you. I respect you. I'd be a fake to say that I love you. You'd...

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