More Than Just A Job - Book IChapter 5 free porn video

Sandy answered the softly trilling phone. It was her wake-up call for her assignment today. It was four o'clock in the afternoon. Boy, I really slept a lot. Sandy had two hours to get ready and meet Jackie in the hotel lobby. Jeanie was not around but Sandy knew that they had slept in her bed together last night. It seems like we sleep together more often than not.
Sandy remembered what Jackie had told her about being clean from top to bottom, inside and out. She went through the motions to clean her insides with the disposable enema. First I clean the inside... As Sandy took her shower her mind started worrying again. Can I pull it off? Will they like me? After all, I don't have the poise or experience of Jacqueline. Sandy washed her body automatically while her mind twisted and turned. She kept thinking of all the bad things that might happen until her mind was in a big knot that matched the one in her stomach.
Sandy got dressed after her shower, moving somewhat slow as she donned her 'wrapping' for the day. Wrapping, it makes sense after all we are basically eye-candy for the customers. Sandy looked in the mirror taking in the way her lime green full-length dress with the center slit and the five inch spike heels on her feet really showed off her fabulous legs.
She let her long auburn hair hang down her back accenting the shoulder and backless dress. A pair of earrings that matched the rhinestones in her dress completed the elegant, yet sultry, look. Sandy decided to skip getting something to eat, thinking that she'd never be able to hold it down anyway.
Jackie came to Sandy's room twenty minutes before their hostess job was due to start. She was also dressed in a strapless gown but her gown hugged her large breasts in front, exposing the upper half of her back. It was satiny white with a sparkly blue pattern of lines above the slit to mid thigh, the slit being on the left side of the gown. Her long blonde hair was in a coiffure. Her appearance complimented Sandy's without over powering it.
Jackie was 'wowed' by Sandy's arrangement. "You look like you need to Sandy, like a million yen. You can do this, just be enchanting and smile all the time. Our group tonight is with a Japanese businessman, Mr. Hito. Call him Hitosan. Also with him are his General Manager, Nagaguchi, and the Worker of the Year, one Atachi. Needless to say, Atachisan is the least important. Hitosan should get most of the attention, he is looking at RR Entertainment to decide if he will offer incentive trips as a bonus for his top employees. We want his business so this is very important. You may be passed over to Nagaguchisan to see to his needs. Just play it by ear." Sandy nodded her understanding.
Jackie held out the crook of her arm, nodding her head towards the door. Sandy took her arm and they walked to the hotel lobby together. The two made a stunning pair as they waited for their group of men. They brightened up the lobby, just like RR employees were supposed to do. They were the ultimate eye-candy, look but don't presume to touch, zero luscious calories. I know that Jackie has the entire package down. I just hope I can pull it off.
They didn't have long to wait before the men appeared in the lobby. Hitosan was walking in like he owned the place. Another Japanese man was following right behind him, ready to give him anything he needed, practically fawning over him. The third member of his group was trailing along, looking at everything with his mouth and eyes open wide.
Hitosan saw him lagging behind and uttered some terse words in Japanese. The third man, one Atachisan, apologized and hurried to catch up. Once he had rejoined Hitosan he bowed deeply in an act of contrition. As the group reached the reception desk Jacqueline intercepted Hitosan with her hand on his wrist. Once he had turned to face her, she bowed to him showing her respect. Sandy was struggling to keep up and performed a half bow while trying not to fall off her five-inch spike heels.
"We are here to welcome you Hitosan, on behalf of RR Enterprises. My friend Sandy and I are here to help you have an enjoyable time." Jacqueline held out her hand to Sandy and pulled her into a friendly embrace. Sandy smiled a shy, little smile and offered her hand.
Hitosan looked at Sandy's offered hand like it was dirty and continued on to the elevator. He stopped for a moment, looked in Jacqueline's eyes and told her that he would meet her in the casino in twenty minutes. He glanced at Sandy and said, "Bring her too."
Once the elevator doors had shut, Sandy dropped her wooden smile. "Do you believe the nerve of that Hito character? He acted like I was a dirty tramp from the street! I dressed up really special for this too." Sandy's face displayed a mixture of anger and dismay. She looked like she might break out in tears of frustration any second.
Jackie ushered Sandy into a nearby ladies room. Jackie turned Sandy to face her and stared into her misty grey eyes. "One thing you must remember. RR employees never air their dirty panties in public, as if we wore any." She grinned to herself, and then got serious again.
"Buck up, you're stronger than that. This just shows you how you may be treated as a hostess. The Japanese men are often like that. Hitosan apparently thinks of himself as God's gift to women and expects to be treated like that. You have to act like this is the best thing that has ever happened to you. And no tears, they would just ruin your beautiful make-up." Jackie stared at Sandy until she nodded and smiled. She then led Sandy arm-in-arm to the casino.
A wave of sound washed over Jackie and Sandy when they opened the double glass door between the lobby and the casino. The symphony of casino sounds could be divided into the clang and clunk of the slot machines, the fanning of cards being shuffled and dealt, the whirl of the roulette wheels, the announcement from the employees of the winners and losers, the exclamations of those winning or losing and the muted conversations of hundreds of people.
As the two hostesses walked into the casino, conversation actually stopped. Jackie chuckled to herself at Sandy's reaction. "Shut your mouth, girl. You really need to become more nonchalant and less reactive, Sandy. You now are a hostess of RR Entertainment and the way you act directly affects the image they are trying to project. So don't be surprised at anything that happens and for God's sake, keep smiling."
Sandy nodded almost imperceptibly to show her agreement as she smiled at the casino patrons. A man at a dice table lost his place as the shooter and walked up to Sandy. "How 'bout a kiss for luck love", he said as he playfully swatted her ass. Sandy just smiled bigger and gave him a kiss on the cheek and then gave him a little shove back towards the tables.
Hitosan and his entourage appeared out of nowhere and he stood with his arms crossed, staring at Sandy. "I thought we were your guests, not some besotted Australian laborer." Hito said. Sandy tried to mumble an apology, while Jackie took Hitosan's arm in hers and whispered something in Japanese in his ear. Hitosan laughed out loud and said something in Japanese to Jackie. Jackie led him to a roulette table with a confused Sandy following along like a lost puppy.
Hitosan placed his bets and then said something in Japanese to Nagaguchi. Nagaguchi bowed deeply to Hitosan and responded in the same language. Nagaguchi then sidled up next to Sandy and put his arm around her waist. Sandy bowed to Nagaguchisan smiling like she had just won the Kentucky Derby. She tried to fawn over him as he placed a smaller bet on the table. Atachisan was very hesitant as he placed an even lower valued chip on the table. I guess Atachisan is the odd man out. I hope he wins big, so he has something to show for the evening.
The wheel was spun with Hitosan's number coming up. He let his winnings ride for two more spins, each winning. He looked over at Nagaguchisan, laughed and asked a question. Nagachisan glanced at Sandy then responded to Hitosan. The tone that Nagaguchisan used and the short barking laugh from Hitosan told Sandy that she was not a favorite of the General Manager.
Sandy blushed, her smile wavering a bit as Hitosan raked in his winnings and handed Jackie a shiny chip. "Let's go to dinner." Hitosan ordered as he stuck out his arm to Jackie. She graciously acknowledged Hitosan's guesture as she took his arm. The group walked towards the restaurant except for Sandy who was waiting in vain for Nagaguchi's arm. She blushed and hurried to rejoin the group, taking the rear.
Jacqueline led them to the Kikyo restaurant, where they were escorted to their table by an oriental woman wearing a traditional geisha outfit. She even took Atachisan's shoes off for him as there was no hostess to do so. Sandy took Nagaguchisan's shoes off while managing not to wrinkle her nose at his smelly feet. They have been traveling all day, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Their waitress brought Daiginjo-shu Sake heated up to the temperature that Hitosan preferred. Jackie poured sake for Hitosan then passed the bottle to Sandy. She poured a drink for Nagaguchisan and Atachisan as she was sitting between them. At a nod from Jackie, she poured her and then herself a drink. Hitosan raised his cup and said "Banzai" (10,000 Years) before drinking it all in one gulp. The rest of the group followed his lead and emptied their cups. The cups were immediately refilled by the women, just in time for Hitosan to offer another "Banzai" toast.
As the ladies were filling the cups for the third time, the waitress brought platters of sushi and sashimi with individual cups of 'sticky' rice for each person. The ladies kept the men's sake cups filled during the meal, Nagaguchisan ensuring that Sandy drank hers before it became cool. I'm becoming light-headed; I shouldn't have skipped breakfast or lunch.
Finally the meal was over. Sandy ended up drinking a lot more than she ate. The two Japanese men sitting next to her saw to that. Every time she tried to catch a bite to eat one of them seemed to need her attention. When Hitosan rose to head back to the casino with the others in tow, it was Sandy who was the last to follow on legs that wobbled.
When the group arrived back at the casino, this time at a Blackjack table, Jackie sidled over next to Sandy and asked if she was OK. Sandy replied, "Yes, I am fine, just fine. "Are you having fun? I am and I can't wait for our next assignment. Being a hostess is so much fun!"
She leaned close to Jackie whispering and breathing sake fumes into her face. "Don't look now but that is Jeanie, my lover, over there dealing cards." Jackie looked and saw a topless blonde, Jeanie, dealing Blackjack at a nearby table. Sandy tried to wave to Jeanie without attracting attention but all she ended up doing was knocking over Nagaguchisan's drink. The conversation near their table was cut off, then slowly restarted.
The drink spilled over the blackjack table causing Hitosan to pull his hand away in a hurry so it wouldn't get wet. He rose from his seat with a smooth, fast motion. So fast in fact that the others in the group didn't start to rise until he was already standing on his feet. Hitosan was patient; however, he waited until all had risen. He turned to Jacqueline and took her hand in his. He kissed her hand saying, "You have been enchanting, my dear. I hope to enjoy your company again when I return." Jackie bowed and walked off.
Sandy didn't know what to do. She still couldn't believe that she had knocked over Nagaguchisan's drink. Hitosan stared into Sandy's eyes, smiled and said, "Follow me." Sandy noticed that his smile did not extend to his eyes but she had drunk too much sake and was too confused to really think about it. Hitosan strode out of the casino towards the elevator with his two employees following him and Sandy following them.

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