Mias Verwirrung
- 3 years ago
- 35
- 0
Mia looked up from the book she was reading and sighed. She was sitting in the little private library in Liana’s chambers. The book was a record of all the different regions of the kingdom and the noble houses that controlled them, filled with long descriptions of the produce of the regions and the family histories of their rulers. Liana had decided that Mia should learn more about the kingdom, and Mia agreed, but this was not an exciting book.
It was evening and the lamplight gave the room a warm glow. The princess sat nearby in an armchair reading a far more interesting book. They had been here for several hours. Mia sighed again, not a little dramatically, and Liana looked up from her own reading.
“Are you bored already?” She asked in a teasing tone.
Mia turned to look at her as she replied.
“How could I not be? These aren’t exactly exciting stories like the one you’re reading you know.”
Liana replied in a stern voice, assuming an expression of mock outrage as she did so.
“That is very important history you’re criticising. I learned it all when I was just a child and I didn’t complain.” She was looking over the top of her book and Mia thought she was having trouble keeping a straight face. She imagined there had been rather a lot of complaining. The princess continued.
“Anyway, you had better pay attention because there will be a test.”
This was the first Mia had heard of a test, but she got the feeling Liana has something fun in mind. She replied with exaggerated surprise. “A test!”
“Yes. Tomorrow evening. I expect you to remember all the family names and when and how they earned their titles.”
The princess had put down her book now and she was fixing Mia with a stern expression, just a little too stern to be taken seriously. Mia pouted and held her gaze for a moment before she replied.
“I’ll never remember all that by then, there are so many of them.” She could see a flirtatious look in Liana’s eyes but the princess maintained her stern tone when she spoke.
“Then you had better study harder. There will be penalties for any wrong answers.”
Mia was sure she knew exactly what kind of penalties Liana had in mind. She was looking forward to them.
The next evening Mia was once again in the little library with the book infront of her. An hourglass sat on the desk beside it, not many grains left in the top half. Once it ran out she was to go to Liana’s study for her test. She had, infact, been studying. She thought she had managed to memorise most of the noble families and their domains, but she wasn’t going to be doing well in the test. Doing well would be no fun at all.
When the last grains of sand fell Mia closed the book and, with more enthusiasm than any student on their way to an exam, she hopped out of her chair and headed into the corridor.
Liana’s study was one door down from her bedroom. Although they had been lovers for several months now, Mia had not often been inside. She stood in front of the mahogany door and spent a moment straightening her hair and adjusting her skirt before knocking. There was a long pause, before Liana answered.
“You may enter.”
The princess spoke slowly, with a commanding and serious tone. Mia could feel her heart beating faster in anticipation as she turned the door handle and entered the study.
The room was small. The back wall covered with bookshelves, broken only by a large window, now veiled by a silk curtain. Two covered lamps gave the space a warm glow.
In the middle of the room was a large mahogany desk with a dark green leather cover. Liana sat behind the desk, her deep red hair tied back and a stern expression on her face. On the desk were a pair of implements. Mia smiled a little as she saw them, but forced the expression away, playing her role as the nervous student.
The first implement was a small wooden paddle with a round end. The second was a cane. Mia knew the paddle, but the cane was new. It was long, straight and fairly thick. One end was wrapped around with leather to make a grip. She felt a little shudder of anticipation as she looked at it, wondering how it would feel against her skin. Liana spoke.
“I hope you have done well with your studies Mia. As I see you have noticed, I have some implements ready to make sure you pay the proper penalty if you have been lazy.” A slight, flirtatious smile crossed the Princess’s face as she spoke. “Have you been lazy Mia?”
Mia was appreciating Liana’s swept back hair and the penetrating look in her eyes. The question took her a little off guard and she felt herself blushing as she stammered her reply.
“No Ma’am.”
The princess smiled a knowing smile before she continued.
“We will see Mia. I will explain the test now. I will ask you about ten of the kingdom’s regions. For each one you will tell me which family rules there, when they took control and how they earned the privilege.” Mia thought she could probably do all that for most of the regions. She also thought she probably wouldn’t. Liana continued her explanation.
“When we begin the test you will bend over the desk and I will give you the name of a region. If you tell me about it correctly I will give you the next region. If you answer incorrectly you will be spanked as a penalty. Do you understand so far?”
Mia was trying not to smile, a nervous student wouldn’t be smiling. She knew Liana would not force this on her if she didn’t want it, and they had a word that would alway stop any of these games, but the fantasy of not having control sent a giddy shiver through her. When she answered she tried to sound like the apprehensive student she was supposed to be.
“Yes Ma’am. I understand.”
Liana smiled softly before she continued.
“For every penalty you suffer the next will be more severe. The first penalty will be delivered by hand over your undergarments, but if you continue to answer incorrectly eventually you will feel the cane on your bare behind. If you fail to answer too many questions you will fail the test and suffer a further penalty. Do you understand?”
Liana was speaking in a commanding tone and her expression was stern, every bit the dominant mistress. Mia was once again too busy admiring her lover and imagining what was to come to notice the question. Liana repeated herself, her tone sharp.
“Do you understand me Mia?”
Snapping out of her thoughts Mia replied
“Yes Ma’am. I understand.”
Now Liana stood up. She stepped aside, pushed the chair under the desk and, with a slow pace, walked around to stand beside Mia, fixing her all the while with a stern gaze.
“Now Mia. When I tell you, you will step forward and bend down over the desk. You will keep your legs apart and you will keep them straight. You will not move from your position unless you are told to do so. Is that clear.”
Mia’s heart was fluttering with anticipation now. She answered with as steady a tone as she could manage.
“Yes Ma’am. It’s clear.”
The princess stepped a little closer. Mia could feel her breath on the side of her neck as she spoke.
“Good. Now, bend over the desk.”
Mia stepped forward. Slowly, imagining Liana’s eyes watching her as she did so. She bent forward and lowered herself over the desk. The leather cover was cool through her thin blouse. She rested against the wide top, her arms stretched out infront of her and her chest pressed against the leather. Her legs were spread a little apart and her bottom slightly raised. She felt that she could feel Liana’s eyes on her and she lifted her behind a little higher, presenting it to her lover.
There was a long moment of silence. Mia turned her head to look at the implements that now lay beside her and imagined how they were going to feel, she was very curious about the cane. She heard Liana step forward and then felt the warm touch of the princess fingers against her legs as Liana reached down, lifted her skirt and folded it over her back, exposing her thin cotton panties and her bare thighs. Liana spoke.
“We will start the test now Mia. Remember that if you do not answer correctly you will have to endure the penalty. Are you ready?”
Mia did not let herself sound eager, she answered in a quiet, anxious, voice.
“Yes Ma’am. I’m ready.”
Liana’s hand rested on her lower back, holding her skirt in place. The princess spoke again.
“The first one is easy Mia. North March.”
Mia knew this one, she was tempted to get it wrong, but she wanted to show that she had learned something. She answered with a nervous tone, enjoying her role as the frightened student.
“The Grey’s rule North March. They took control in the year 872. The king granted them the title for their heroism in the war with the northmen that year.”
Liana was silent for a moment, and Mia wondered if maybe she had been too sure of herself, but then the princess spoke.
“Very good Mia, you are correct.” Mia thought she could hear a little disappointment in Liana’s voice, but the stern tone returned as she continued. “Now, the next region is East March.”
Mia knew this one too, but she didn’t want to answer right anymore. She hesitated for a moment then, trying to sound unsure, she gave the wrong answer.
“The Orlands rule East March. They took control in...” She hesitated and Liana broke the silence.
“That is not correct Mia. The rulers of East March are the Farrels. I am afraid you will have to take a penalty. The first penalty will be twenty strikes with the hand over your undergarments. Are you ready.”
Mia felt Liana’s hand on her back, pushing her down a little onto the desk. She shifted her position a little, then answered the princess, trying not to sound too excited.
“I’m ready Ma’am.”
There was a moment of silence. Mia pressed herself against the desk, raising her behind slightly and biting her lip as she anticipated the first blow. Liana made her wait. She could feel the warmth between her legs growing and becoming moist. She flexed her toes, lifting herself a little, pushing against the hand that held her down to the desk. Then the first slap came. It was hard, giving a sharp sting even through the cotton of her panties. She bit her lip, holding back a gasp as the blow pushed her thighs against the desk. The next slap found her other cheek and again the firm blow stung through the thin cotton.
Liana began to strike with a slow, steady rhythm. Each firm slap ringing against Mia’s behind. The blows left a painful sting and Mia began to feel heat building in her behind, fed by each stinging strike. She wanted to gasp and moan with each slap, but she forced herself to stay quiet, enjoying the struggle. She bit her lip and flexed, grasping the edge of the desk with her outstretched hands, clutching at it as the pain of each slap faded into the building heat.
After ten blows the princess increased her pace. Mia squeezed the edge of the desk and wriggled under the punishment, Liana’s hand on her back keeping her pressed down firmly. The burn grew and the sting of each slap became more intense. She tried to stay quiet as the sharp pain of the slaps fed the heat in her behind. She let out a silent gasp as the princess delivered the sixteenth slap. The next brought another, the pain of the sting forcing it from her. She bit her lip and endured the next silently, feeling the delightful burn the sting left behind.
The next blow was harder, it rang against her bottom with full force, sending a wave of exhilarating pain through her that forced a little cry out of her mouth. As that cry ended the final blow found her other cheek and she flexed as she cried out anew, then sank down, letting her weight fall against the desk. Her breathing was heavy and the heat left by the slaps was burning now. She let herself smile, forgetting for a moment her role in the game as she enjoyed the heat. She could feel Liana’s hand on her behind, warm through the thin fabric of her panties.
The princess stroked her lover for a long while as Mia’s heavy breathing slowed. Gently massaging her. Eventually she spoke again, lifting her hand from the girl’s behind and returning to her stern persona.
“You endured your penalty well Mia, but the next will be more severe. If you make a further mistake you will receive another twenty strikes but you will not have your undergarments to shield you. Are you ready to continue?”
Mia forced the smile from her face, getting into character again as she replied in a timid voice.
“Yes Ma’am. I’ll try to do better this time Ma’am.” Liana gave a soft laugh at that and there was a pause before she spoke again.
“The next region is the Western Winter Coast.”
This one Mia was not sure of. She had been going to answer wrong of course, but now she wanted to know if the name that came to her was right. She answered with genuine uncertainty.
“The Western Winter Coast is ruled by the Gorlic family. They gained their title in the year 1084 after the head of their house saved the queen’s life.” She was pretty sure she had got this one, and she rather wished she’d just answered wrong. Liana spoke.
“I’m sorry Mia but that is incorrect. The Gorlic family rule in the Eastern Winter Coast region.”
Mia found herself pouting, torn between annoyance that she had got it wrong and anticipation of the penalty to come. Liana continued.
“You should know these early answers Mia, these are the more well known regions. You will have to suffer another penalty for your lack of diligence.”
As the princess spoke Mia felt her fingers on her thighs, slowly they slid up then slipped under the edge of her panties. With a slow motion Liana lowered them, sliding the cotton across her still warm skin then allowing it to drop. A little shiver of anticipation ran through Mia as she felt the cold air of the room against her exposed skin. Once again she felt Liana’s hand rest against her back, pushing her down onto the desk. The Princess’s other hand came to rest on her behind, the smooth skin warm against her own. She lifted her bottom, pushing against the Princess’s palm, offering herself for her punishment. Liana spoke, a slightly breathless edge entering her voice.
“Are you ready to suffer your penalty Mia?”
Mia didn’t really try to sound nervous this time, she was enjoying the warm hand against her skin and the still exotic thrill of offering herself up so brazenly to the princess. She answered.
“Yes Ma’am. I’m ready for my penalty.”
Liana pushed her down against the desk a little more firmly, her hand sliding further up her back. Mia could feel her breasts pushing against the leather cover. The hand on her behind withdrew and she tensed a little, anticipating the blow.
Liana’s strike was firm, the sound of the slap against Mia’s bare skin filled the room. The sting was sharp and painful. She flexed against the desk, held down by her lover’s firm hand as she gasped. The pain faded into heat and she relaxed, only to flex again as the next stinging blow rang against her. She clutched the edge of the desk, each hard slap bringing a breathless gasp from her mouth as she pressed her thighs against the wood and arched her back, enduring the thrilling pain, far stronger now without the thin cotton to protect her. The heat the slaps left began to grow intense.
This time Liana did not increase her pace after the tenth slap but rather began to strike with greater force. The pain of the blows began to break through Mia’s composure and the clapping sound of each against her skin was followed by a little yelp as she wriggled and flexed. She felt her nails digging into the leather of the desk as she clutched the edge, pushing herself against it as the blows sent waves of sharp pain through her, feeding the luxurious burn in her behind. She allowed herself to get lost in the sensation, her little yelping cries faded into soft moans before rising once more as the next blow came.
The final two strikes were delivered with full force. Mia felt the ringing slap and the sharp pain and she cried out, louder now. She flexed under the punishment but Liana’s hand held her against the desk. Before she caught her breath the final blow rang against her skin and she let out a long breathless cry as the pain washed over her, then collapsed against the desk as it faded into burning heat. Her breath came in gasps as she lay against the soft leather. She had quite forgotten her role and she let her outward breaths become soft, satisfied moans.
Once again Liana was stroking her bottom, caressing the burning skin. Gently lifting the cheeks of her behind, her long fingers pressing softly into the skin. Though the heat in her bottom was fiery, Mia was acutely aware of another heat between her legs, which grew as she felt the Princess’s slender fingers against her skin. Liana continued to caress her, her fingers running across the punished skin. Slowly her hand moved down, brushing across the top of Mia’s thighs and then teasingly stroking the inside of her legs, sliding up to brush momentarily against her pussy. Mia let out a little groan, but the hand withdrew and delivered a soft slap to her behind that brought a little yelp of surprise from her mouth. The teasing touch left the heat between her legs stronger than ever.
Mia longed for her lover’s touch as she lay against the desk catching her breath, but the denial was its own pleasure. Soon Liana spoke once again.
“Since you have now got two answers wrong your next penalty will be delivered with the paddle. You will also be naked from the waist down. Now, stand up and turn around to face me.”
Slowly Mia lifted herself off the desk. She stood, feeling her skirt fall back into place over the tender skin of her behind. Turning, she came face to face with Liana who was standing close. The princess looked her in the eye with a gentle expression and Mia gave a soft smile, which Liana returned, before once again assuming her stern demeanour and taking a step back.
“You will now remove your skirt and socks. You will then place them neatly beside the desk before returning to your position. Do you understand?”
Mia replied once more in her shy, nervous voice.
“Yes Ma’am”
Then she reached down to remove her skirt. Slowly she unbuckled her belt keeping her eyes on Liana, the princess was maintaining her stern mistress persona. The belt loosened Mia began to slide the skirt down over her thighs, her eyes still fixed on her lover. She was glad to see the Princess’s cheeks colour a little and her stern expression waver as she watched her strip. Crouching down Mia brought the skirt to the floor, lowering her panties the rest of the way as she did so. She stood again and stepped forward, leaving the skirt and panties behind, moving closer to Liana who bit her lip a little. Mia couldn’t help but smile as she watched the princess trying to maintain her stern expression.
For a moment the two women stared at each other, then Mia turned and slowly, bent forwards to undo the little ties that held up her long socks, presenting her still hot and reddened behind to the princess. She could feel Lianas eyes on her as she slid each sock down, bending double as she did so.
Crouching to remove the socks she placed them down, folded the skirt and panties then picked up the little bundle. She placed it beside the desk and returned to stand in her position, facing Liana. The princess was blushing quite obviously now, and Mia thought she could see her nipples pressing against her fine silk blouse. Nonetheless Liana assumed her stern expression once more and spoke in a steady, severe tone.
“You have now got two answers wrong and there have only been three questions. The penalties will be harsher now so I suggest you try to do better. Now, turn around and bend over the desk. If you do not answer this question correctly you will receive ten swats with the paddle.”
Mia turned and, spreading her naked legs a little wider apart this time, she bent forward over the desk and waited for the next question.
“The next region is Greenvale.”
Mia knew this one quite well, but she wasn’t going to deny herself the paddle by getting it right. She answered in her best nervous voice.
“The Harlek family rule in Greenvale. They have ruled there since...” Liana cut her off.
“Wrong again Mia. I wonder if you have studied at all. Your penalty will be ten strikes with the paddle.”
Liana picked up the little round headed paddle from the desk. A moment later Mia felt the Princess’s hand, it slid over the top of her bottom and under her blouse, warm against the small of her back, pushing her firmly against the desk.
“You are doing very poorly Mia.” Liana said, a slightly playful edge to her voice. “You will hold still while you receive your penalty. Keep your legs straight.” The paddle came to rest against Mia’s behind, pressing firmly, the wood cold against her reddened skin. Liana spoke again.
“Are you ready?”
Mia paused for a moment before replying, readying herself for the swats, then she answered.
“Yes Ma’am.”
As soon as she spoke the paddle withdrew and she tensed in anticipation, her hands gripping the edge of the desk. There was a moment of silence, and then the paddle swung in against her naked skin. The pain of the swat was intense, a sensation both heavy and sharp that forced a yelp from Mia as she clutched at the edge of the desk and arched her back. Slowly the pain receded into a fiery heat. She tensed again as she felt the paddle touch against her other cheek. It pressed for a moment then withdrew. The second swat matched the first, exhilaratingly painful. Mia let out another little yelp as she squirmed under the blow. The fire burned in both cheeks of her behind now. As she relaxed against the desk she focused on that heat, a smile spreading across her face.
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Novels"Oh my gosh, Mia, you are crazy!" Christopher says, laughing as his friend Mia Matsumiya shimmies her slender body inside a circular metal wastepaper basket standing almost as tall as she is. The two pals are visiting The Container Store in New York--a shop specializing in selling various sized containers for almost every need. They've just had a nice lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, and drifted inside the shop, intrigued by the store's title. Standing at an adorably miniature...
NOTE: To aid in the visualization, check out the "Mia Matsumiya: How To Be A Good Girl" thread in the Sex Stories section of the forum. Trust me, it'll be worth it! Mia Matsumiya, a 24 year-old beautiful Japanese violinist, is on the last leg of her tour in France with one of the avant-garde bands she plays with. This is a rare night off from playing though for the petite, 4'9" beauty, who by chance ran into a couple of friends--Lisann and her husband Rob--at an outdoor cafe earlier...
For a description of Mia and Martin and the formation of our relationship please see Mia & Martin – Party of the YearMy name is Martin, I'm 35 years old and have recently found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. I thought I would reminisce about life during my sophomore year in university. While this story is true, certain details have been changed or left obscure to avoid identifying anyone involved.The year was 2005.At the start of sophomore year Mia rented an apartment off...
For a description of Mia and Martin and the formation of our relationship please see Mia & Martin – Party of the Yearand Mia & Martin – Beat the Clock.My name is Martin, I'm 35 years old and have recently found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. I thought I would reminisce about life during my sophomore year in university. While this story is true, certain details have been changed or left obscure to avoid identifying anyone involved.It was the fall of 2005. Mia and I were 20...
Mia was always horny. She wasn't always thinking about boys, she just knew that when she did think about them, she'd get horny. And when she got horny, she just had to do something about it. Usually she went somewhere private, where she could slide her fingers inside of her damp panties, and rub her hot little clit until she felt the sweet release of her orgasm. Then her panties would really be wet.Mia is a very pretty woman. At twenty-seven, she wore her chestnut hair in soft waves that fell...
PART 1: THE REUNION It's been 8 months since Stan fulfilled his fantasies of raping Mia Matsumiya, the beautiful young Japanese violinist, in the dingy restroom of a bar. To his surprise, she hadn't called the cops--or at least, he had been lucky enough that they never found him, if she did. It took him four months to work up the nerve to show up to another one of her band's gigs, where he took a seat in the rear so he could watch her play, wondering how she'd do on stage; if she...
This is my first time writing anything of length, so any feedback would be much appreciated. All the characters are of legal age (18 and older). Happy reading. ********* The alarm blared and Mia jumped awake, grabbing at the big clock that had startled her out of her sleep. For the life of her she couldn’t understand why her mum had bought her something so deafening. She closed her eyes and continued to lay in bed, buried under the duvet, listening to the sound of dishes downstairs, and...
Against her better judgement, Mia allowed Stan to come back to her apartment, since he already knew where she lived, and had been secretly stashing monthly child support payments in her mailbox, out of some twisted desire to prove himself as a good father. Once there, he forced himself upon Mia once more in spite of her protests, spooning with her on the bed and gently fucking her in the ass. However to her own surprise, Mia found herself more receptive to him this time, and not only...
N.B. All information is fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I know it’s been a while since I last posted, which may be why my writing reads as somewhat scattered – I have no idea where this is going anymore! If any of you have any input, then please do let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. Happy reading! **************************** ‘I don’t think we should see one another anymore…’ Caleb leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his...
As you might recall from the story of the Silver Dress, my wife, Carole and I liked to have a few cocktails and dinner out on Friday nights. We both worked hard during the week and it was a really nice time to focus on each other and unwind together. We had met Mia had a cozy piano bar where her brother was playing. She was wearing a very inviting short silver dress that she had borrowed from the store where she worked. Mia is tall, slim, and brunette built very similar to Carole. On a dare,...
Anal"This is fine; just helping a buddy out," Jesse assured himself as he made sure all the electrical outlets were switched off around the apartment. He was also giving Mia plenty of time to get ready for bed. He knocked his bedroom door and waited for her to give him the okay to enter. "Holy shit she’s just made that t-shirt the sexiest thing I own!" Jesse endeavored to contain his excitement as he watched Mia, who was now only dressed in one of his baggy Toronto Maple Leafs' tees, perch...
NovelsFour hours had passed since they arrived at the Kappa Pi Epsilon party and the running tally was: Kristopher: 2, Norah: 3, Mia: 2 and Patrice: 5 “Couldn’t we have just made it how many shots we could do in a night?” moaned Kristopher. “This is getting embarrassing.” “You’d still be losing!” laughed Norah. “Yeah but I’d never thought Patrice would be winning this. You and Mia maybe... not him! Where is Mia anyway?” he asked looking over all the heads of the party goers, but unable to see her...
NovelsFinally – this shift has dragged in! Jesse thought to himself as he hurriedly left the HQ for Campus Accommodation. It was early Saturday evening, but with his flat mate gone for the weekend and the soccer season over he was looking forward to chilling out on the sofa and watching TV. He was half way to his apartment when he heard an all too familiar voice call out his name. “Jesse! Wait up.” He turned around and saw the delightful brunette that he had been no-so-secretly pining for over the...
NovelsI would not see Mia for another 6 months. However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again. In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit. Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty. Even in her letters, Mia would...
Group SexN.B. All information (ie phone numbers) are fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I appreciate some of you thought the last instalment was categorised incorrectly, and I’m not sure this belongs in the same one, but it seems the most viable option. Happy reading! ********** Caleb made it to school just in time to get settled and ready for his form class. He was uncertain as to whether leaving Mia alone in his home was a good idea or not, but he couldn’t...
Alex drove Mia home. She got out of the car and came around to his window for a quick kiss. Alex handed her a small package and told her to open it when she was alone. Burning with curiosity she hurried inside and ran into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She ripped open the package and found a short note from Alex at the top, which she immediately read. "Put it in and leave in. I'll pick you up around three tomorrow." That was all the note said. Impatiently, she tipped the...
30 Aug 2010 Dear Mia, Great to hear you are having a great time. Wish I could say the same. I’m getting grilled from my folks about the amount of times I’ve been going out – hello I’m 20 years old for fuck sake. As much as I know this academic year is going to be difficult they don’t need to keep reminding me. They don’t see that I’m using my last chances to come in a 5am then not wake up to like 2pm. But that’s a rant for another day. Actually can’t wait to move out again. I like how...
NovelsMy name is Martin, I'm 35 years old and have recently found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. I thought I would reminisce about life during my freshman year in university. While this story is true, certain details have been changed or left obscure to avoid identifying anyone involved.The year was 2005.I had met an amazing woman Mia the previous semester, shortly after New Year's we started spending a lot of time together. Mia was cool, much cooler than I. She was always the shortest...
I was twenty-two years old and married for nearly two years. I was so happy and in love with my husband and made it my goal to be a loyal and faithful wife. Had I only known what the future had in store.I had been working as a bartender for a year now and I loved my coworkers. Everyone got along and made the environment a fun one. The group of bartenders and waitresses were attractive and fun people. The one that stood out though was Mia.A twenty-nine-year-old gorgeous Latin and black woman who...
ThreesomesChapter 1 - Introductions 10 Aug 2010 Dearest Mia, I’m using the several thousand miles between us as an opportunity to start my letter writing hobby. I think as a generation we lack the romance of a hand written letter being delivered through the post. That being said, it also gives me the chance to perfect my English language skills and feel a bit more Jane Austen-esque. J (Damn it. I almost wrote a smiley face there.) I also think you get more out of a handwritten letter than Facebook,...
NovelsMia had been on her phone on Instagram checking out who had been liking and sharing her recent pictures. Mia was a beautiful girl. Mia rarely used any filters unless it was to add effect to her pictures. Mia had a short curly jet black pixie cut with honey almond highlights that looked wonderful with her mocha brown complexion and her wide sparkly dark brown eyes. Mia went by MiaBuddaflyKiss3s on her Instagram and twitter account. Per request from some of her older male followers she had a...
Mia - Part Two - Not close enough for comfortI took my wife’s advice to heart, and between the weather turning cloudy and cold limiting the use of the garden as well as business picking up keeping me away from home for days at a time, it was over a month before I saw Mia for more than a few seconds in passing. Her own life as well as my eldest son’s had also got increasingly fraught with the approach of their exams, and although both had more time at home, most of that was used for revision,...
TabooRainy cold Tuesday morning, I just dropped off my brother for a minor outpatient surgery. Once he was checked in, I really wanted a cup of coffee. I stopped at a coffee shop down the street and stood in a short line to place my order. A woman turned from the counter and looked at me. I politely smiled at her and her glance shifted down from my face.“Did she just check me out?” I asked myself. I checked my zipper to confirm it was secured, it was.The woman, I will call her “Mia’, turned and...
Part One - Too close for comfortShe was the sort of girl who simply did your head in. Mine at least! Part of it, of course was that I had known her almost all her life, she was after all only a month younger than my eldest son and had lived next door since she was eight months old. She was in effect the daughter I never had. I had watched her grow and was almost as protective of her as her father, my very good friend and neighbour, Pete. Mia was almost sixteen and a half and although she...
TabooThere was more after that, of course. His words rolled on and on in a pathetic monologue about how much he hated standing me up. If only it weren't for this or that or the other thing... Bla bla bla... It was all a bunch of pathetic excuses that didn't mean shit to me. I mean, there I was, with my make up all perfect and everything and wearing a tiny back dress that was just made for being pulled off of my tight, little body! I was finally ready to fuck him senseless and he wasn't going...
Die beiden Schwestern liebten es, alleine daheim zu sein. Das mag für die meisten Teens komisch erscheinen, die lieber zusammen um die Häuser ziehen, aber Mia und Conny waren nichts anderes gewöhnt. Sie kannten sich gegenseitig. Sie mochten sich sogar. Und sie hatten viel gemeinsam. Ihre Freundschaft war dadurch begründet, dass ihre Eltern beide gut vertdienten, aber dafür so gut wie nie zuhause waren um in ihren Büros für noch mehr Wohlstand zu sorgen. Schon immer lebten die beiden im Luxus,...
TeenI walked into the cantina just as “Happy Hour” started. “Perfect timing,” the young, dark-haired woman behind the bar said. “What’ll you have?”“What would you suggest,” I asked her. As I draped my jacket over the back of the bar stool. “It’s been a rough day, so the first one needs to hit me hard.”“I got just what you need,” she smiled. She grabbed a glass, and a couple of bottles, and went to work. After the tall glass was filled, she places it on a napkin in front of me. “Want to start a...
Oral SexIs Mia Khalifa doing porn again? That’s one of those eternal questions in porno these days, to be honest, and I woke up this morning wanting to solve the mystery. Well, I craved to jerk off to a video of Mia getting fucked, but I figured I could do my Porn Dude diligence—I am one of the world’s most respected and highly regarded porno experts, after all. Some folks slack off on the job by rubbing out a quickie on company time, but I’m only hard on the job when I’m hard on the job. So figuring...
Premium Arab Porn SitesMia Malkova Reddit, aka r/MiaMalkova! If you are here, then I can safely assume that you are a big fan of Mia Malkova, right? It is either that, or you just wanted to know who the fuck that is. Well, whichever the case might be, I am sure that you will not be disappointed, because Mia Malkova has made a ton of amazing pornography, and r/MiaMalkova/ is solely dedicated to this gorgeous girl.Now, if you are expecting anything else from r/MiaMalkova/ other than content featuring this cutie, then...
Reddit NSFW List‘This is fine, just helping a buddy out,’ Jesse assured himself as he made sure all the electrical outlets were switched off around the apartment. He was also giving Mia plenty of time to get ready for bed. He knocked his bedroom door and waited for her to give him the okay to enter. ‘Holy shit she’s just made that t-shirt the sexiest thing I own!’ Jesse endeavored to contain his excitement as he watched Mia, who was now only dressed in one of his baggy Toronto Maple Leafs’ tees,...
Whether you have enjoyed the fruit of the vine yourself or not, everyone knows how fun it is to bump uglies with Latin bitches. Bitches like Mia Marin are known the world over for their sexual exploits. Latin chicks are fiery, sexy, and ready to do the deed at the drop of a hat. There is nothing like Mia's sexy Latin voice crying out for more in Spanish. It could make me bust a nut in a second flat.Soul SuckersI feel bad if you have never dipped your dong in one of these ladies. I can still...
Twitter Porn AccountsI was overjoyed as my surrogate teenage daughter was coming to stay with us for a few weeks. She and her mother have not been getting along very well at all, in fact there is huge resentment between them. Both are to blame but the main problem as I see it is that Mia feels unloved by both her Father, Mother and other people close to her. I waited at the airport for Mia to arrive. It wasn’t long when I saw this incredibly sexy young lady in a short skirt and a revealing top walking...
I was 25 and working to finish my PhD. My older brother - who was 38 and had married y oung - and his wife Janettte were looking to take a holiday without their two ki ds, Mia and Jen. Mia was 14 and Jen was 10. I agreed that I could stay in their house for 2 weeks in August and let them have a holiday.Mia was a tall slim redhead with long hair and fair skin. She was precocious for her age. Her breasts though small were already developed and she had hips that made her look good in tight jeans,...
Reddit Mia Khalifa, aka r/MiaKhalifa! In her short pornographic career, Mia Khalifa made some incredible content, and I am sure many of you still drool over her. Well, there is actually a subreddit created just for her naughty content, and it is obviously called r/Miakhalifa/. So, if you ever thought that this babe is hot and you would love to get access to all kinds of pornographic shit featuring this beautiful girl, you are welcome to check out r/Miakhalifa/.I am sure that all of you already...
Reddit NSFW ListEvery man has his own favorite body parts that turn him on the most, but some things are universal. For example, everyone loves a beautiful pair of bouncy breasts, no matter the size. Big, small, medium, gigantic, they're all worth a squeeze. Ladies obsess about titty size, and men have preferences, but in the end, every boob is a great fucking boob. I'll take one of each.Teen TNABut bitches aren't just tits with a head. There is more to love about the female form than the big mama milkers....
Twitter Porn AccountsMia hatte es satt. Ständig nervte ihre fürsorgliche Mutter. Sie war immerhin schon neunzehn Jahre alt und konnte das Gelaber nicht mehr hören. Mit wem sie ausging und ob sie diesen „Jungen“ auch wirklich gut genug kannte und wann sie denn zurück käme. Die Mutter lebte seid ihrer Scheidung von Mias Vater Männerlos. Sie konnte nicht verstehen das Mia sich mit solchen „Strolchen“ verabredete. Mit Sicherheit wäre die Mutter an die Decke gesprungen, hätte sie gewußt das ihr „Miachen“ schon mit...
2012 Mia got out of the taxi. The email told her Unit4 Merchantile Avenue which cut through a trading estate outside Heathrow airport. It looked like a nondescript modern industrial unit landscaped with young saplings and low maintenance shrubbery. It was mid morning and the pale autumnal sun struggled to burn through the thick stubborn clouds. Mia was dressed, as asked in the email, in an outfit she would wear on a date night. So an electric blue dress that fell just short of the knee,...
Mia Allowed DarioBy: Londebaaz Chohan This relation flourished so quickly because it started very quickly as well. Mia got a very bad cut and luckily Dario could help as a start. Here is what happened in a “Brief detail”!It was a Saturday afternoon and they had planned a dinner and drinks get together. Dario was to get the grill going with different meats sizzling while Mia was supposed to get the desserts. As Dario walked in his kitchen from the backyard he heard a loud smash of a glass...
Finally – this shift has dragged in! Jesse thought to himself as he hurriedly left the HQ for Campus Accommodation. It was early Saturday evening, but with his flat mate gone for the weekend and the soccer season over he was looking forward to chilling out on the sofa and watching TV. He was half way to his apartment when he heard an all too familiar voice call out his name. “Jesse! Wait up.” He turned around and saw the delightful brunette that he had been no-so-secretly pining for over the...
How fucking sexy is Mia Malkova? So goddamn sexy that she’s making some mainstream splashes. She’s hot as fuck, has a sexy personality, and she looks pretty damn stunning even with clothes on. No wonder she made a recent appearance on G4.And you would know that if you followed her on Twitter.com/MiaMalkova. If so, you could follow all the latest happening in the crazy goddamn world of Mia Malkova. It’s all here for you to learn more about where is she, what she’s up to, and where she’s going....
Twitter Porn AccountsEs war ein schöner Morgen. die Sonne schien und Mia genoss den warmen Staub unter ihren nackten Füßen. Das dünne, weise Kleidchen, das nur von einem schmalen Gürtel in Form gehalten wurde, strich sachte über ihre noch jugendlichen Brüste. Sie ging entspannt auf die Kleine Holzbaracke zu vor der bereits, Amalia und Amy saßen. Amalia war ca. 25 Jahre alt und groß gewachsen, hatte wilde blonde Locken und einen gigantischen Busen, weshalb sie ausschließlich kurze Hotpants trug. Amy war 19 hatte...
TeenMia was eighteen and had a huge set of tits like her mother. Her mother was sexually active and just married her fourth husband who was much younger and had a big appetite for sex. Mia could hear them fucking every night. One day when her mom had just left for work Mia was in the kitchen getting breakfast in her robe. The new hubby named Nick came up behind her and put his arms around her and opened her robe and began feeling her tits. He whispered in her ear "Your tits are so firm and even...
Mia Melano Reddit, aka r/MiaMelano! Do I have any huge Mia Melano fans here? If so, then you have come to the right subreddit, and if not, you are about to become her fan. Meet the lovely Mia Melano, a gorgeous blonde girl with a fantastic body. Of course, the name of the subreddit is rather straightforward, as it is just her name, r/MiaMelano/. But, the subreddit is more than just that!First of all, how much do you actually know about Reddit? Well, you are about to learn a lot more, as I shall...
Reddit NSFW ListI would not see Mia for another 6 months. However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again. In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit. Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty. Even in her letters, Mia would...
It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...
Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia...