All These Things That I've DoneChapter 8: I've Got Soul But I'm Not A Soldier free porn video

The escalation pushed the students who leaned in Earth First's direction out of the fight permanently. The Christian students who agreed with Earth First from a faith perspective decided turning the other cheek was better than having their heads blown off. There were no 'true' believers in Earth First principles among the students, so it left only the assholes who just wanted a reason to beat the fuck out of somebody, but fighting a part of the student body highly motivated to work together was a losing proposition. One of the female sponsors educated an asshole about it. She got bumped a little too hard in the hallway. She crashed into a locker and bounced out swinging a spring loaded baton. It turned out her daddy taught a course to police in the weapon. The asshole was down before his friends realized they picked on the wrong person. She invited the others to dance but got no takers.
Sponsors no longer walked the halls alone. I had the Marines and Berto's goons following me around. The other sponsors moved in groups of three or more.
Nobody believed the lull in the shooting would last, but it gave a few days of peace.
"So when can I cut in?" Daniel asked me.
I was at my locker before the start of my eighth period elective.
"Cut in to what?" I pulled my typing book out of the locker. A typing class seemed like a particularly no-brains-needed class to take for my senior year. I had taken the first level in my junior year and found it very relaxing.
Danny reached out and grabbed Marissa Jessa as she passed by. "The Jessa sisters."
Marissa wore her cheerleader uniform. The other cheerleaders who had been walking by stopped to watch. Danny winked at them. The girls looked like they would be happy to jump into the action if either Danny or I asked.
"I heard you kissed Alba," Danny told me. "So you must still be interested, but let's be real--dibs don't last forever!"
He pressed Marissa against his chest. She looked over her shoulder at me. Danny's hands lifted her cheerleader's skirt to expose her bottoms.
The cheerleaders were the first to react to sponsors selecting concubines. They populated most guys' fantasy list and knew it. I urged the sponsors to look elsewhere; the cheerleaders countered with changes to their uniforms. Marissa wore a thong under her cheerleader's skirt. It had an open triangle at the small of her back.
Marissa's ass was very nice. She did not have Alba's size, but her petiteness was femininely proportional. Her ass cheeks ended in a clear delineation with her thighs. Marissa did not have an unnecessary ounce of fat on her body.
I put my hand on the patch of skin inside the thong's open triangle. Marissa arched her ass at me. I followed the thong between her ass cheeks. Marissa stood up on her toes, angling her hips a little more to give my fingers access to her pussy. I pressed the thong in between her pussy lips. Marissa put her forehead on Daniel's chest. I pushed the thong in and out of her pussy a few times.
"You haven't picked a single concubine yet, Danny," I said.
I pulled Marissa's thong aside. I pushed my middle and index finger into Marissa's pussy. Hooking my thumb, I fucked it into Marissa's asshole. Her ass tensed at the invasion, but she did not give any other reaction.
"I think you only want to test-drive two of the finest girls in school," I told Daniel.
"And you don't?" he asked, smiling as I fucked Marissa's pussy and asshole with my fingers.
"I'm willing to put my concubine slots where my dick fucks," I said. "You're just doing a whole lot of window shopping."
I pulled out of Marissa's holes and placed the thong back. One of the cheerleaders grabbed my hand to suck my fingers clean.
"Do you girls keep your assholes pristine in case something like this happens?" I asked the cheerleader. "That thumb was in her ass, girl!"
She shrugged.
"Look, Danny," I said to my classmate. "Pick a concubine ... any concubine. Maybe one of these girls! If you do, I'll skip eighth period or a whole day of classes if you don't want to do it today. We'll pull Alba out of class, then we take the Jessa sisters on an around the world test-drive and if you want them, it's a done deal. Otherwise, I'll take them."
The cheerleaders sucked in their breath loudly. I was guaranteeing Marissa and Alba slots either with with Daniel or me. Daniel let go of Marissa. She moved to stand between her friends and us.
"I'll think about it," he told me. "Ladies, if I have to pick a concubine, it's time for serious test-drives and not joyrides."
I laughed when the cheerleaders pushed Marissa out of the way. Turning around, I headed to my typing class.
The cheerleaders proved that candidates had power. A majority of sponsors at the school were teenage males and could be 'handled'. The uniform changes and being more uninhibited than other girls kept the cheerleaders at the top of the guys' lists until most of them were chosen. It helped that the sponsors felt peer pressure to play it straight with girls. The girls would be more willing to test-drive if they knew the sponsors would seriously consider them. The smarter sponsors explained to the others that we got more leeway with the girls by playing nice than by being assholes. Other girls took note of the cheerleaders' success.
Guys are guys and teenage girls are evolutionarily armed to get their attention.
I set up my typing book and looked over the day's exercise. When I looked up, Cindy Marie was walking towards me. She wore a green and black horizontal stripe sweater dress with a black belt at the waist. Cindy Marie wore the dress in my typing class the year before. I did not strike a single key correctly for the entire class. I thought it had been a private experience, but Cindy Marie must have noticed the effect she had on me that day.
Cindy Marie was probably twenty pounds overweight, but the extra fat dripped from all the right places. If there was any doubt about it, the sweater dress proved it! Her tits swayed in the top part; the dress hugged her wide hips. Cindy Marie smiled at me before setting her book-bag down and bending over to get her book out. Cindy's ass kept the promise made by her hips.
I stood up. Walking behind Cindy Marie, I put my left hand on her belt and pressed my groin against her ass. She moved her ass up and down on me.
I stepped back and stripped out of my clothes. Grabbing the bottom of Cindy Marie's dress, I pulled it up and over her ass. Her panties had to be for a girl at least four sizes smaller; they were stretched to the breaking point. I placed my cock in the valley of her ass. Cindy Marie moved up and down again, rubbing my cock along the separation of her ass cheeks. I grabbed her panties and ripped them off her body. She arched her back so that her ass raised higher.
Pushing Cindy Marie down, I made her bend over the seat of the chair. It meant she could rest her weight on the chair and I could take my time. She put her hands on the ground, her stomach on the chair, and raised her ass to me.
I remembered wanting to do this exact thing when I saw Cindy Marie in the dress the first time. She knew it and wanted to draw out the reaction from me.

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