- 3 years ago
- 23
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Devlin looked out the window at the snow piled in drifts across the streets. In the streetlight it was hard to see, but she didn't think the snowplow had been down here yet. I don't think I'm going to the hospital to see Sue, she thought. And Danny may not make it in to town from Toluca, either.
"Whazzit?" Connie asked from her bed.
"There's a lot of snow," Devlin said. "I don't know if there are going to be any classes today."
"Good. Sleep in." With that Connie rolled over and pulled the covers up.
Devlin slipped on her exercise clothes and grabbed her portable CD player. Snow or not, she had her exercises to do. As she tied her dance slippers she wondered how Connie kept in shape. In her case it was a constant battle, 45 minutes of exercise every weekday and careful eating. Connie nibbled constantly and the only exercise she got was when she walked to class. And she was as thin as a rail. It didn't seem fair.
The exercise room was dark, which wasn't surprising. She was usually the first one down here. Devlin began with her limbering, stretching the muscles and tendons that hadn't been used this way since Friday. She felt a little sore, some of the muscles that hadn't been used much in the last two years had certainly been worked hard this weekend. She had done her kegel exercises every morning, maybe she ought to step those up a bit to get that part of her back in tone.
She pulled a CD from the holder and dropped it in. These weren't labeled, so she didn't know which one it was--it could be any of the 30 she had. She put her hand on the bar and waited. The piano started in the background, and in her mind a voice snapped "First position!"
A hot and sweaty 45 minutes she was disappointed when the recording came to an end. You could lose your mind in Dance as thoroughly as you lost it in sex, maybe that's why she liked both. She was collecting her things when another girl showed up, sweats, leotard, headband. They nodded, as they did every morning. Desrah's routine was pretty much the same. Occasionally they worked out together, but almost never on Mondays. That was the day Desrah liked to sleep in.
Connie was asleep again. Devlin grabbed her shower things. The hallway was empty. When she opened the door to the bathrooms one of the showers was going. She pinned her hair up and laid her things out in the shower stall. The water was nice and hot when she slipped under it.
She shaved her legs like she did every Monday. She thought about shaving her pubic hair, but decided not to. It might appeal to Krissi, but she'd tried it and decided it wasn't for her.
She always thought she'd fall in love, she just never thought it would be with a woman. You don't think about such things. A guy, yes. Most of the gossip in the dorm was about who was going out with which guy, what gals saw in different guys, things like that. Gals were always trading tips on clothes, make-up, hair, nail polish, lipstick, things like that. What did you say, "I met the nicest gal, yesterday. Her skin was so soft, her lips were so sweet, the cute little rosebuds of her nipples were such a delicate shade of pink"--no, some things you couldn't say.
It always took her a while to dry her hair. It seemed to take longer this morning, and to brush it out afterwards, too. As she did so she tried to picture the reactions of the other gals on the floor if she told them about Krissi. Until this weekend she fit into an accepted stereotype--practically everyone on the floor knew about Jeff. They knew that the two of them slept together from time to time. Other gals did things like that, it was just one of those things a gal did. Of course they didn't know about Danny three days a week, and she wasn't about to tell them.
As she walked back to her room she could hear the first stirrings around her; here an alarm, there a radio playing softly, a voice, a door opening and closing, the dorm was coming to life. Connie was still asleep. Devlin peeked out the window, still no snowplow. She could see little curlicues of snow off the tops of the drifts. She plugged in her earphones and turned on her radio. After several minutes of pointless talk and a few commercials, the announcer finally got around to confirming what she'd suspected--no morning classes, the Bone was closed, but the food services in Linkins were open. The police were advising people to stay home.
She glanced at the clock--7:45. Probably no Danny today. All right, she could live with that. After this weekend she didn't feel any real desperate urge to get laid. She should spend the time studying... and with Krissi, if possible. Though she should probably give her time to write, not do what she wanted to do, take her to bed and lose herself in Krissi's blue eyes.
She dressed slowly. At one time she'd been worried about dressing fashionably. Those days were long gone. Now she was practical: jeans, blouse, turtleneck sweater, sweatshirt, heavy wool socks over her jeans and her heavy boots over her socks. She felt like she was packed in--she was packed in wool come to think of it.
She left a note for Connie--"No morning classes"--and wrestled on her heavy winter coat, hat, muffler and gloves. She thinned out her pack until she had just the necessities, then waddled out the door and down the stairs to the front door. She eyed the unbroken expanse of snow stretching out from the front door. She took a deep breath, pushed open the inside doors, and paused to make sure her face was covered--only her eyes were visible. She made a note, find her sunglasses so the glare off the snow wouldn't blind her.
The wind cut through her like a knife. Even through all the layers she felt the cold. She bent over and forced her way directly upwind. After a few yards she got in the lee of the next building. She breathed carefully; years ago she'd learned the hard way that it was a bad idea to take deep breaths when it was this cold. She gritted her teeth and repeated that for the next building, and the next until she finally reached Linkins.
Once inside she took off her hat and shook out her hair. She looked around, finally spying Krissi just coming in another door. "Hi, stranger," she said shyly, walking up behind her.
"Good morning," Krissi said. She was dressed in pink like she was going off on a ski trip. Everything was pink all the way down to her boots, and on her it looked right. "You look radiant on this beautiful February morning."
"Such a brisk and bracing day," Devlin said. "Wonderful morning."
"You almost said that with a straight face. How's your friend in the hospital?"
"I didn't go," Devlin said. "It's clear across town, and I'm not taking my car out in this."
"I don't blame you." Krissi finished stripping off her outer wear. "Oh, let's see, what do I want?" she asked as she stared at the food.
"I'm having my usual," Devlin said. "I'll get us a table in the corner."
"Sure, I'll be over in a few minutes."
Devlin was stirring her yogurt when Krissi set her tray down. "So how's Jeff?" Krissi asked.
"I don't know. I haven't talked to him in a couple of days."
Krissi stirred her hot cereal thoughtfully. "How serious are you about him?" she finally asked. "Most girls I know would have been on the phone to their boyfriend just after getting back, if for no other reason than to say you got back all right."
"Things are... things are... I don't know, things are difficult between us right now."
"We can't ever seem to get time alone. His church has tutors helping him, and they're always there, every night, even on the weekends. About the only time I know I can see him is for a few minutes here and there between classes; I have an Econ class in the same building he has a Calculus class."
Krissi nodded slowly. "How much do you two have in common? Same interests? Same friends?"
"Not really. He has his Church all of the time. Between his tutors and Church he doesn't have much free time. And the friends we've made, most of them are from his classes."
"Uh huh." Krissi took a sip of her coffee. "So, what do you want to do today? All recovered from the weekend?"
"I was a little sore, but not as much as I thought."
"I hope it was nothing I did."
"I think it was from muscles that haven't been used for a while, or at least used that much."
"Are you sure you're getting enough men in your life?"
Devlin paused, the spoon halfway to her mouth. "I don't think I've had that sort of worry for a long time."
"We can get tired down there, too, you know."
"I realize that, now." Devlin smiled as she resumed eating. "I guess I'll have to exercise those muscles more often."
Krissi looked up from her oatmeal, her eyes twinkling. "Does that suggest what I think it suggests?"
"You can think whatever you like," Devlin said. "But the last time I checked you didn't have a certain something that I was thinking would help my exercising."
"It's always better to exercise with a friend," Krissi said. She ate in silence for a minute. "We have a semester break in a few weeks, what are your plans?"
"Same as last year," Devlin said. Krissi raised an eyebrow. "Last year I hung around campus for 20 days. It was boring, but it was a break."
"Didn't you visit your Mom or something?"
"She works nights, graveyard shift. That means she's asleep when I'd be awake. No, I see her about one weekend a month." She studied Krissi's face. "You have something in mind."
"Could be," Krissi said. "Have you considered going somewhere on your time off, some place warm?"
"Where? If you're thinking of the Gulf Coast, most places will be crawling with students, and while I'm into sexual debauchery, I'm not into it with people who aren't careful." She thought a moment. "Nor am I into alcohol that much."
"Not where I'm thinking."
Krissi picked at her food for a bit. "Last year, during Spring Break, I went to this one place down in Florida. I was there 10 days, it cost me, counting air fare, about $1,000."
"Yeah? And... ?"
She pulled a small picture album out of her purse. "I took some pictures."
Devlin opened the book. The first picture was of a small island covered with trees. You could just make out a dock and the roof of a house. The second picture was of the house. A few people were barely visible sitting on the porch. The third picture was of the inside of a bungalow. The bed frame seemed to be made out of driftwood, with displays of conch shells on the dresser. The fourth picture was of Krissi, naked, standing next to a guy, also naked. They both had on dark glasses, and Krissi's hair was swept back with a bandanna. They were both holding drinks.
"Who's the guy?"
Krissi leaned over and looked at the picture. "That's Rocky," she said. "I have more pictures of him."
"Not bad looking," Devlin said.
"Not bad in other ways, too," Krissi said, smiling.
Devlin gave her a mischievous smile and turned the page. Krissi was flat on her back with her legs wrapped around Rocky's hips and her hands on his shoulders. They were staring at each other intently. "I see what you mean," Devlin said.
In the next picture Krissi was on her hands and knees with Rocky behind her. His face and chest were red, her mouth was open, her eyes were closed and her nipples were sticking out like little thumbs. In the picture after that Rocky was on his back and Krissi was riding up and down on his clearly visible cock. Her breasts were in his face and he had clearly caught her nipple with his lips.
"From the look on your face this had to be taken at a climactic moment," Devlin said.
"Which one?" Krissi craned over for a better look. "Yeah, I was climaxing when that one was taken. I had the camera set up with the automatic timer turned on, and I was lucky to get that one. I think I climaxed about a half-dozen times with him. If I remember right, he came three times by the time we were done." She took a bite from an orange slice. "Most of those 10 days were like that."
"So it's 10 days of sex, sun, sex, swimming, sex, barbecuing, sex, drinking..."
"And sex. Don't forget that. That was very important, and very little drinking. All I wore for 10 days were flip-flops and a bandanna for my hair. I wore the bandanna to keep my scalp from getting sunburned."
"Sounds fun. Who all is involved?"
"Believe it or not, it's not really a couples only thing. Oh, there were several couples, but a lot of these people are singles in the lifestyle."
Devlin looked surprised. "I didn't know there were that many of us."
"The trouble with being single in the lifestyle is that if you're a guy some people think you're looking to get laid..."
"And that if you're a gal you're looking for a husband," Devlin finished. "I know, I've run into that before several times. How did they find these people?"
"Well, actually, most of the people there aren't really committed to the lifestyle, not like, say, you are, or me. Mostly they're college aged and casually involved."
"In other words, they want to get laid with no strings attached." Devlin looked up, a slight smile on her lips. "So, when do we go?"
Krissi laughed. "You're decisive, I like that."
"About some things, sure."
"You know exactly what you want."
"Other than you, sure. It's about 6 or 7 inches long, maybe a little longer. And by preference it's attached to someone with a nice back, a firm butt, good shoulders, a muscular chest and a trim belly."
Krissi laughed. "And should this paragon actually be good looking?"
"Preferable, but that's not required. I can always close my eyes. I've been with some guys who could stop traffic with their faces, literally, and maybe they did. But where it counts they've been just fine. In the dark, who can tell?"
Krissi finished the muffin she'd bought. "What was that bit before you got into describing your ideal male?"
"I had planned to spend the morning studying."
"Accounting, or anatomy?"
"Well, French, I'm not doing as well as I'd like in French."
"That sounds exciting." She looked up, her eyes twinkling. "I've taken some French, actually I sort of grew up learning to speak it. You could practice with me. They say French requires you to be very deft with your tongue."
"So they say," Devlin said, keeping her face straight. "What were you planning on doing this morning?"
"Well, I'm actually ahead on all my course work, so I was planning on spending the morning writing. But if I have a better offer..."
"Let me stop by my dorm room first," Devlin said. "I need to get my French book." She thought a moment. "And I'll need to get my Accounting book. Afternoon classes haven't been canceled, yet, and I have Accounting in the afternoon."
"So I'll help you count to 10," Krissi said. "You know, we women should be better at Accounting than men."
"It stands to reason," Krissi said. "A guy can only count to 21, but a woman can count to 22. Right?"
Devlin thought about it, counting to herself. "Oh," she said. She stuck her tongue out. "That's bad."
"Shall I prove it to you?" Krissi said. "I'll count to 22 with my tongue, all right?"
Devlin could feel something stirring deep inside her, and she suddenly realized she wanted to lose herself in Krissi. She knew she should study, but the temptation to play with Krissi, and be played with, was overwhelming.
She swallowed. "I-I think that's a good idea." She could feel her pulse hammering, and see Krissi's pulse fluttering in her neck. "Why don't we?"
When Devlin and Krissi stopped at Devlin's room Connie had finally gotten up. She was in her robe and slippers, sipping on hot chocolate and staring at the snow. "Hi, guys," she said, looking up. "How is it outside?"
"Bad," Devlin said. "Connie, this is Krissi. Krissi, Connie."
Connie picked up a note she'd laid next to the phone. "Before you go, some guy called, a Dan Harrison; said he can't make your lunch appointment due to bad weather."
"He's the guy at the bank I'm financing college through," Devlin said. "All right, I'll give him a call and reschedule. My mother found him for me."
Connie nodded. "You guys going out again?"
"Going over to Krissi's to study," Devlin said. She grabbed her French and Accounting books. "I'll see you later."
"Whatever," Connie said, waving.
"Banker?" Krissi said as they rode the elevator down to the first floor.
"Sure," Devlin said. "He's the banker, I'm the bank. He makes a deposit two or three times a week."
"Oh, that banker. He pays you?"
"No, he's my Mom's next door neighbor. He helped us set up the accounts I'm using to finance my education. His wife's the one who had back surgery that I didn't get to visit this morning."
Krissi nodded. Devlin would have said more, but she buried herself in her muffler and pushed open the front door. Twenty frozen minutes later they were in Krissi's apartment building, stomping the snow off their boots.
"It is downright nasty out there," Krissi muttered. "I'm half-frozen."
"Let's make some tea," Devlin said, eyeing an older woman who was peering at them from the front apartment. "Some hot tea should help thaw both of us out before we crack the books."
Krissi blew on her hands. "Just holding the cup should help."
The woman quietly closed her door. Krissi didn't say anything until they were in her apartment. "That's Mrs. Marquardt, my landlady. She has a thing about us inviting men into our apartments." She quirked a brief smile. "Another gal, though, is acceptable."
While Krissi started the teapot, Devlin emptied her pack. When she pulled off her boots and socks she wiggled her toes in pleasure. "Why didn't you tell me your apartment had warm floors?"
"You like that? That sold me on this place right away." She bent down and took off her own boots and socks. "Heavenly bliss."
She turned back to the cupboard to get out the cups. Devlin stepped up behind her and slipped her arms around Krissi's waist. She kissed the older girl just beneath the ear, once, lightly, more a caress than a kiss. Krissi pressed backwards into Devlin, drawing one of Devlin's hands up to her breasts. She turned around, and they kissed once, briefly, lips brushing each other.
Krissi drew a ragged breath. "Why don't you get the bed ready," she directed. "The tea will be ready in a minute."
Devlin closed the curtains and plumped the pillows on the bed. She didn't know what the procedure was for sharing sex with a woman. With a guy it was simple, she'd undress and flop back on the bed with her legs apart. He'd join her, figuratively and then literally. And after a time or two he'd doze while she just rested. But with another woman? Neither one should fall asleep. Oh, passing out from a climax was possible, but nobody was going to cum and fall asleep right away. She decided she would like it if there was the right ambiance, the right lighting, the bed carefully formed, the lights off, things like that. She set about getting everything ready. Of course Krissi might like it with the curtains wide open in front of as many people as possible, but somehow she doubted that.
Krissi brought both steaming mugs into the bedroom. She carefully set the alarm clock for 12:30. She looked around the bedroom, nodding. "I like it," she said.
She walked over to Devlin, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. She drew her to her feet, then pulled Devlin's sweater up. Devlin let her, shaking her hair out when she was done. Then she returned the favor.
Krissi was wearing an undershirt beneath her sweater. Devlin traced the edge of the cups of Krissi's bra through the fabric. "I heard you sell bras," Krissi said. "I suppose yours fits perfectly."
"Of course," Devlin said. She unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it to one side. "See?"
Krissi hefted Devlin's breasts, feeling and squeezing them through the fabric. "You convinced me."
"Let's see what we have here to work with," Devlin said. She helped Krissi off with her undershirt. "As I thought, your bra's just a little small."
"I've never found one that fits me exactly," Krissi said.
"Now you have," Devlin said. "We'll make some time together and get you properly fitted." She slipped a finger under the top edge of the cup and ran it across the soft flesh. "In the mean time, let's get you out of that thing."
Yesterday she'd had only the vaguest impressions of Krissi's breasts, soft, round, full and very white. Now she could appreciate them, their size, their shape--round and full, the wide pink areola with the nub of her nipples just poking into view. She massaged them lightly, then a little firmer as her confidence grew. She enjoyed how they felt in her hands. Though she had her own, it still amazed her that she could push them and they'd spring back into place.
"Here," Krissi said after a bit. "Let's get your harness off. I want to see your beauties." In moments she began caressing Devlin's breasts. Then she leaned over and kissed them. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful these are?"
"Just guys wanting to get laid," Devlin said. She liked the attention Krissi was paying them. Most guys stopped briefly at her breasts before diving between her legs. Maybe it was because Krissi had her own soft pair. She'd wondered what a gal's breasts felt like, you never took time to squeeze your own, somehow that always seemed wrong. The only time you admitted touching them was when you were "examining yourself" in the shower.
"You know," she said, putting her hands over Krissi's. "You're very good at that."
"Your nips seem to think so, too."
"Oh, them," Devlin said. "They have minds of their own."
"And I know what they're thinking," Krissi said. She began to flick her thumbs across Devlin's nipples, lightly, maddeningly. They tightened, and it felt like every sensation in her chest was concentrated in her nipples. Krissi fondled and nibbled them, drawing them out into long dark peaks.
Devlin returned the favor, working on Krissi's breasts and nipples. The girl's flesh was so white, almost translucent... porcelain. She'd thought that before, now, in the clear light of day she decided that was the perfect explanation. And Krissi's nipples responded, the pink growing darker as blood rushed to them.
Krissi began to playfully rub her nipples against Devlin's. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before, being rubbed by something both hard and soft at the same time. And so female, Devlin thought. I could never do this with a guy.
The phone rang, a hard jarring of reality. Krissi looked torn. Finally she smiled. "Don't go away," she whispered. "I'll be right back."
Devlin lay back on the bed. Her nipples were so tight they ached. She cupped her breasts, playing with them. Her hand drifted lower, encountering her jeans. In sudden decision she peeled those off. That was better. She didn't want to take off her panties, she wanted Krissi to do that. Besides, it was like there was a threshold in her mind. It was somehow all right to play with each other's breasts, but once either of them took their panties off, that moved everything to a whole different level. That was an open acknowledgment that their relationship was sexual. It was, but she thought both of them wanted to take things slowly, step by step. Yesterday they'd both been swept up in the moment. This was different.
Krissi came back, muttering to herself. "Does your company do telephone solicitation?" she asked.
"No," Devlin said. "No, we don't."
"Good. Jeeze, that makes me mad. For crying out loud, can't we have a little privacy?"
"Apparently not," Devlin said. She drew Krissi down beside her on the bed and began massaging the girl's back and shoulders. She dropped a kiss on the back of her neck. "See? It's gotten you all tense. You should relax and ignore them."
She could see Krissi close her eyes, rocking back slightly against the gentle pressure of Devlin's hands. Then she lay back on the bed. Devlin moved above her, kissing her tenderly, her hands stroking Krissi's face, her lips nibbling at the soft pulse that fluttered in the hollow at the base of her neck. Slowly she kissed her way back to Krissi's pale porcelain breasts. She teased the blonde's nipples till they stood stiff and hard against her. She gently squeezed the fullness of Krissi's breast flesh, molding it, shaping it, loving the texture and feel of her womanly flesh. And then, fully knowing where she was going, she moved lower.
Krissi only stirred as Devlin kissed the sensitive flesh around her navel. Devlin unfastened the girl's jeans, tracing her tongue lightly along the slight line they left in Krissi's skin. And then she moved in slow gentle teasings back to Krissi's breasts.
"I could feast on these all day," she whispered. "They're so full, so round, so perfect, not at all like my big droopers."
"I like your breasts," Krissi said in a dreamy voice. "I like that there's so much of them." She reached up and began caressing them. "They're so womanly, so soft but immovable, just like a woman."
Devlin slid her hands down to Krissi's jeans. "Let's get these off," she whispered.
Krissi lifted her bottom off the bed. A few wiggles, a couple of tugs, and the two were lying together again, mutually stroking and caressing each other. Touch met touch, caress met caress. They kissed, their legs entwining, their breasts pressing together. Movement and pleasure merged as they pressed together.
A time, a long time of mutually enjoyed kisses, of heated touches, a time of delights and exploration... they were lying on their sides, still pressed together. "You know," Krissi said in a practical voice. "This would be a lot more interesting if we removed our panties."
"You mean it isn't already?" Devlin asked.
"If you don't want to, we don't have to," Krissi said.
Devlin scooted down, hooked her fingers in the elastic waistband of Krissi's panties, and pulled. In moments she had the tiny pink things on the floor.
"Does that answer your question?" she asked.
"My turn," Krissi said. Devlin rolled over. Krissi drew Devlin's panties down her legs slowly, kissing the flesh of her legs as each inch was revealed. Finally, with a flourish, she drew them off Devlin's feet and tossed them away.
"What a beautiful sight," she said, staring directly up Devlin's legs. "Tell me," she said, kissing Devlin's ankle. "How many people have taken the time to appreciate this view."
Devlin laughed, a low throaty laugh. "Well, my doctor, maybe a couple of guys."
"Maybe not," Krissi said. "I bet anybody who's had this view was more interested in sticking something inside you than anything else."
She began to kiss her way up Devlin's legs, slowly, lightly, just brushing the sensitive skin with her lips. Devlin closed her eyes, enjoying the warm shiver each kiss brought. Krissi stopped kissing at the top of Devlin's thighs. She seemed to sense this final barrier between them, too.
Krissi slowly... lightly... traced a finger up the sensitive skin on the inside of Devlin's thighs. "You're very pretty between your legs," she said. "I like the way your sex sort of folds, and your little clit..." She blew on it, a soft wash of warm air that seemed to wash through Devlin like a warm wave.
"I don't think anyone has ever told me that," Devlin said.
"Nobody's ever taken the time to appreciate what they're seeing," Krissi replied. "They're more interested in getting into it." She delicately traced the outline of Devlin's moist cleft with her fingertip. "How does that feel?"
"Ummm, like a shiver."
She kissed Devlin's clit, then resumed her kissing, touching, breath-caressing, across the plane of Devlin's tummy and slowly, so agonizingly, so pleasurably slowly back to Devlin's breasts. And then, finally, she kissed her way to Devlin's mouth, where she lingered for a while.
"Your body is so beautiful, Devlin. You are so beautiful."
Devlin caressed Krissi's face with her fingertips, then gently began to lightly trace over her skin. "Your skin is so soft," she whispered. "And it's so clear. It's like I can see right through it."
Krissi lay beside Devlin, touching her, lightly brushing her with just her fingertips. Devlin kissed her, then simply moved directly down to Krissi's legs. She propped them open and took a good look. "I've never seen one before," she said. "Not up close, that is."
"You mean... all these years and you haven't... ?"
"I know what guys look like," Devlin said. She rested her chin on Krissi's leg and studied the woman's sex. "I've probably sucked or blown a hundred guys, or something like that, and I'm very familiar with everything about a guy down here. But I've never really seen a gal up close before, not like this. I've never really had the chance."
Krissi laughed. "Yeah, I know what you mean. You never really look at another gal."
"You're pretty down here, though," she said. "You're all nice and pink." She kissed the skin on Krissi's tummy. "Did you know that?"
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And when you reach that end it's only natural to look back on what was and had been when everything was new and exciting. Looking back at those moments that changed the course of who you were into who you became. That it was love that did this only makes the remembering of it so much more special. *** Heather sat on the end of the bed and eased herself back so that she was propped up on her elbows as she listened to me taking off my tux. I stared down at her as she lay there waiting for...
It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from him. I don’t think a day’s gone by where I haven’t regretted that night. I’ve been listening to the same sad songs on Spotify on repeat. Routinely checking my phone, checking my messages to see not a single reply. Last online 40 minutes ago. Message seen, ten days ago. Two weeks ago to this day, he and I had been drinking. I know we shouldn’t have been meeting during lockdown, but we’d never gone that long without seeing one another. Daniel had been my...
First TimeYeh meri is website par pehali story hai. To seedhe topic par aa jata hu. Mere college ke dino mein mere class mein ek ladki ke sath mera affair tha. Uski figure 36-34-36 ki thi. Passout hone ke baad teen saal tak hamara koi contact nahi ho paya. Un dino mein uski shadi ho gayi aur woh Jaipur chali gayi lekin uske husband ka touring job hone ke karan woh use time nahi de pata tha. Ek din aisa aaya ki mujhe bhi Jaipur mein job mila aur mai waha chala gaya. Waha par ek flat rent par le ke waha...
The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again. I got up and sat on...
PLEASE NOTE There is no graphic sex described in this story. Chapter One Authors note: Denis Compton a renowned cricketer of that time, often known as ‘The Brylcreem Boy’ because of his dapper appearance and slicked hair. I lost Mavis a month ago. To tell the truth it wasn’t a surprise, she had fought long and hard, never complaining of the pain always talking of the better times to come when she was well again. We both knew that was Pie in the Sky, but neither of us admitted it to the...
Cute blonde stepdaughter Cecelia was enjoying herself in her room, taking some pics of her sweet pink pussy to send off to her friends. But her stepfather Brad, was observing the whole time and did not approve, barging into her room, demanding to see her phone. Cecelia now worried she is in trouble, reluctantly hands it over and quickly Brad is not only jealous but enamored with her beautiful body! He orders her to grab her new pink outfit and pose for him so he can enjoy seeing her as he...
xmoviesforyouFervour of the Past IV: Vault by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 After a week of unceasing labour, the water was removed from the vault, and the pumps could rest. The local workers moved on to removing the rock and soil from the newly revealed antechamber. Though the Roluans were just as fond of rumours as any other people I knew, my scuffle with the magnatess Sitolytta had barely registered in the local gossip. Apparently, women dropping out of windows wasn't all that interesting, at least...
Hailey paced around the deck wishing Phil was back. The others had grown increasingly drunk and boisterous. Even the usually reticent Katelyn was talking loudly and growing increasingly coarse. Hailey decided since Phil wasn’t here to babysit them it was her responsibility. She sipped ginger ale while the others imbibed a mixture of cocktails that seemed to have more and more alcohol each time. She regretted not getting Phil’s keycard before he’d left. She could go down and be waiting for...
My failed attempt to stop it all part 3 I drove home at the end of the day, my chest heaving in a fearful nervous anticipation of what I would discover and the things he had said in that email. I got out of the car almost reluctantly and went to the side door of the workshop, it was unlocked. I entered and saw a computer screen on my desk which had been moved to the middle of the room. As I looked the screen seemed to come alive before my eyes, I stood there watching it, my feet...
The slender girl stood in the temple of Kassau, encased in a cap of white fur of the northern sea sleen. It was almost unbearable in the heat of the close confines of those pressed within, the heavy clouds of incense adding to her misery and boredom. She removed the cape to expose blonde tendrils that hung down her back, threaded with filaments of golden wire and scarlet yarn. Glancing around for some diversion, she seemed quite bored with the whole spectacle that was supposed to be paying...
Mark already had his clothes off and was stroking his erection. As soon as Tim got out of the way, he climbed on Catherine’s hot sexy body. Sliding his hard cock into her very wet pussy, Mark started fucking the sexy blonde wife with hard strokes. Catherine continued to moan while working her hips, fucking him as he slammed his cock into her. Mark then leaned back on his knees and grabbed both of her large breasts in his hands. Pulling on her nipples, he continued to ride her. Catherine was...
If it had been anyone else besides Amanda calling to wake Hayley up after two, maybe three hours of sleep and dared to be cheery while Hayley wanted nothing more than to be allowed to be aggressively pissed off at everyone and everything in the world Hayley likely would have snapped and not just because she was tired. She was also hung over, broke and unemployed. She really hated all three, but the hangover was simply the worst. To make matters worse she'd also wasted the alcoholic buzz that...
She fucked many guys before, but never a guy with a insane cock like this! She does her best to take it as deep as possible and gets a cum shower! Hello, everybody: first thing first, I wish to congratulate and praise these site administrators for the wonderful work here. I like to keep in touch with young people in the web, and today, I’m telling you how I began to get better within this environment, as well as having fantasy, castles in the sky, with these young people, until the whole...
(Author's note: My thanks to Blot for allowing me to be the first 'outside' author in the Costume Gun universe. I have done my best to be faithful to all particulars of the gun's workings, but if I've erred in any aspect, please consider this to be 'non-canon.') Costume Gun: Michelle By Heather St. Claire Hi. My name is Michelle Guptill, I'm 44 years old, and I'm dying of lung cancer. I don't have an ounce of self-pity, because I brought all of this on myself. I do feel terrible...
Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...
Main Character William Viking, 19 year old blind man. Been blind all his life Sandi Bedford, 21 year old blond, works for a computer consultant company. Her uncle is a US Senator. Nancy Jenna Maria Holland, 23, African American, Nancy is a trauma nurse at the local hospital. Dogs Golden Retrievers Traveler Star, Lady, Jessie Cody Friends Earth Senator John Bedford, 49 year old Senator from Idaho Cody Bedford, 8 year old son of John and Suzie Bedford Doctor Lisa Suri, William's...
It was a cold evening in the coastal city of Deni. Fog and mist filled the night air, and fur-covered guardsmen walked the streets, carrying torches that lit the dim night. The shops in the small Nordic merchant town were closing their doors, and the mead halls were coming to life. Meanwhile, a few guardsmen were posted on towers overlooking the cost to make sure that the city stayed lit, and to ensure that incoming ships wouldn’t run into the rocks. As one guardsman stood watch on his tower,...
FantasyThe sun woke me, its warm rays caressing me, pulling me slowly awake. I stretched, groaning, then settled back into the mattress, my gaze on the window. This was the first day of summer vacation; I had nowhere to be and, aside from my chores, I had nothing planned.I turned my head at the knock on my door. "Come in."The door opened and my mother appeared, smiling. "Morning, sweetheart. Thought I heard you."My brow twitched, my gaze dropping for the briefest moment. She was wearing a white...
When the phone rang, I immediately jumped up to answer. I knew my daughter was out, and as all parents do, I was worried. Abby was a very responsible girl, but you know how teens are. She had just turned 18 and was out celebrating with a few friends. "Hey, Dad, would you come and pick Chelsea and me up? We've had a little too much to drink, and, well you know what you told me..." Of course, I recalled our conversation. I'd told her months before that I would rather her call home than drive...
Creative Non-Fiction Creative Writing 214 Clara Gould Questions I saw you running in PE class! Your buns are really cute! They make me hot! the note read. Below the message, as a signature, was written: Your Admirer! Peter had waited until almost the end of the class on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted to put off disappointment should a note not be there, and to make the discovery of the note, if present, sweetened by anticipation. He folded the note, slipped it into his left jeans pocket. He...
It all began 15 years ago but I remember it as clearly as if it hadhappened yesterday. I was with my best friend at the time Diane, we were celebratingour 30th birthday together. Nothing big, nothing fancy, we'd both left ourk**s and husbands at home and gone off on a spa-weekend together. Dianeand I had been best friends since college, I've never had anything butfriendly warm feelings for her, perhaps too friendly but I've never desiredher in a more intimate, sexual way, to this day I still...
I tapped my foot on the living room floor. My daughter Amy still wasn’t back from last night. She was fourteen and had been at her first Halloween high school hang out. I wasn’t worried about her, I knew she was with her close friends. I was mad that she hadn’t called or gotten home at a reasonable hour. I wasn’t sure what I’d do when she got back, but it would be her worst punishment yet. Probably months of being grounded. My brother Gary appeared in the living room. “Not back yet, John?” he...
Monday, February 12th, 2006 was another day I circled on my calendar in red. The first thing that Mr. Kennedy did in government class was hand back our tests. And not to brag or anything, but YESSS! "A-plus — Excellent work, Mr. Sterling." Maybe my answer had been correct; maybe the twenty-first step in a bill's journey to becoming law was having the President pro tempore of the Senate impress the bill for the register. Sure. My success was based on nothing more than my having remembered...
The gorgeous Rachel Rose comes in to meet up with J. Cannon and talk about her services. He mentions he wants to try out a kink of his and its to put Rachel in a girl scout outfit and role play. After the business exchange is over, Rachel walks her tight ass over to the bathroom and changes. She looks hot as hell when she squeezes her tits in the girl scout top. She walks out and J can’t keep his eyes off her. She twirls around for the camera before J lifts her skirt up and we see that...
xmoviesforyouSally wondered how she had got herself into this situation, it was definitely one she thought she would never put herself into or closer to the truth one she would allow someone else to put her into. After all she was a respectable married woman with two kids but yet here she was standing there, or more closely to the truth tied there against the stairs in a hotel cabin at the mercy of James who could come down the stairs any minute. Like any married couple Sally and James had their ups and...
Wife LoversBrandy had a new car every year and the finest clothes a nice house and money to spend. Erin had the best education I could provide, dance lessons and she had the chance to travel, something many kids her age would've loved to do. But I wasn't there when Erin began to make the change from little girl to young lady, and I didn't realize what had happened until that one Christmas. I had just finished a big assignment in Europe and at Thanksgiving I had my wife and daughter join me in Europe...
Ann was always the type of girl who did what she thought was right even if it meant going against what was popular. She wasn't the type of person who liked confutation but she wasn't afraid to fight for what she believed in. Which means she isn't a push over by any means believe me I know from experience. She would also do anything for love as long as it didn't go against her beliefs or so she thought. When she was fourteen she met a boy by the name of Brandon who she instantly fell head...
This sex story is not letting me relax, I can’t stop myself writing this sex story. I am sure you can’t read another sex story same day once you experience this one. I am married for 6 years with a beautiful girl from a small town, she is very fair as I and she has long silky hairs up to lower back. Her height is also making her special, with 5.8-inch height she has 36c size milk parlors, which always catch people’s eyeballs and balls. Her waist is 30 with little flash at her tummy supported by...
Introduction: Blue finds out about the world… I awoke seconds before my alarm went off. I sat up with wide open eyes and an even wider smile, today was the day, my 17th birthday, the day I has been waiting for since I was 6. I practically leapt out of bed, opened the curtains and opened the door to my room, ignoring the TV I had left in accidentally overnight. I pranced to the stairs, sliding down the banisters and kicking open the door to the bathroom. I pulled off my nightclothes, throwing...
Being the opening chapter of Isabella Silverto’s story of remembrance and awakening in which a funeral brings back memories of a dark family secret and Isabella renews an acquaintance. * Naples June 1736: The family of Alberto Silverto was in mourning. The family matriarch, and Alberto’s aunt on his father’s side, Donna Elvira Del Malachi Silverto had finally passed on and the extended family, now scattered widely over the Southern states of what we now call Italy, was gathering in Naples to...
Hello ISS horny friends!! ;) I got so many great responses from my second story which was Maid Out Full Satisfaction and even got the opportunity to help few readers with their personal issues that they shared with me. Thank you all for such great responses. I hope this bond with my readers continues for infinity. Well you can always search my pen-name “rustychanged” and read my incidents that I shared. Disclaimer: I, whatsoever have no right to share any person’s information of any sort to...
Rose Monroes body pops in all the right places. Her sexy curves poke out perfectly. Today, she is lounging out by the beach. Lucky for us, she wants us to watch. She rolls around in the sand, showing off her fat tits and thick ass before getting introduced to our studs gigantic meat. She takes his cock in her mouth and thrusts her head down on his shaft. She licks and plays with his dick until she is ready to open up her pussy for him. Then he sticks his dong inside, stroking her Latina love...
xmoviesforyouMy wife has wore the pants and i the panties in our marriage. We meet this black dom d**g dealer at the bar we work at one sunday morning . she works the door, and i am bartender there she gets off two hours early than me at ..she always dress like a slut no bra or panties under her short skirts and i have to way the pair panties she tells me to...THAT night this handsome tall dom black man came in he knew how to get the ladies. i look up and he was in her booth and she was smile from...
As Brian slammed his cock in and out of Sally’s pussy, she constantly groaned with pleasure, as her tits swayed with every thrust Brian spanked his wife’s buttocks, Sally said she was Cumming and with a ear piercing scream she orgasmed, like mad Brian gripped her hips and drove deep, before filling his young wife’s pussy, collapsing on the bed unable to speak, they had made love nearly all night, as it would be nearly a month before Brian returned home from a business trip, getting in the...
IncestWe enjoy a passionate moment. Let me bend you over and slowly lick your hot slit from the back. Sucking on your clit using my lower lip to peel that little piece of skin back. I work it with my wet tongue all around the lips. You begin arching your back and pressing towards me, so my tongue slips inside you. I wanna lick every inch of your beautiful body, so I repeatedly slide my wet tongue across your anus. Then slip it inside your vaginal walls. As I taste you, I feel you start to cum. So...
Quickie SexKeeping the Books. PL and JL read my previous stories and made some helpful comments. They did have a complaint and that was that my protagonists were generally weak characters. JL also said that I did not spend enough time discussing the clothes. OK PL and JL, this one is for you. Introduction: When Uncle Peter's secretary called to tell me that he wanted to see me after work I was not surprised. I had an interesting history with Uncle Peter. After I had moved east to work at his...
Payton Preslee joins us this week to show us what she’s working with. Honestly, she has a slot going for her, She has a a huge pair of tits and a perfectly round ass. Add to that a tight little pussy that just begs to get fucked. Payton teases her perfect tits around to the camera for some time. Then our boy, Tommy Pistol is the lucky SOB that’s in charged of showing this beauty a good time. By good time, I mean fucking shit out of her. Her pussy is penetrated in several different positions...
xmoviesforyouVankam enathu peyar Kannan vayathu 22 naan polachiyil poriyiyal kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enathu vagupil pengalukum irupaargal ithu engaluku kadaisu varudan itharku pinner naangal santhika poovathu illai. Enathu pen thozhigal ennidam nandraga pazhaguvaargal enaku athil oru pennai mattum migavum pidikum. Aval paarpatharku azhagaga irupaal ennidam avalavaaga pesa maatal aval niraiya neram pengaludane irupaal. Veru entha pasangaludanum aval avalavaaga pesa maatal aanal ennai appdi parka maatal...
"Stevie, dear," Daphne explained. "One of our rules here is that anyone on this platform longer than five minutes must be spanked. You've run out your time likea naughty girl and now must be punished!" "But I didn't know!" I protested. "The rules are clearly written on the paddle here." She showed me. "And you don't want to break any of the rules--do you Honey? Now be a good sport." Encouragement came from the crowd that gathered about the platform. Fear gripped me. I was...
As a gift to you loyal Marilyn fans at FictionMania, I present to you the ?lost? Marilyn. This story was co-written with a good friend of mine, Ebonerosgoddess, who doesn?t normally write within this genre. (If you wish to check out her work, she posted at LitErotica. We met after I complemented her work. As a result, she discovered my work, and we developed a relationship. During May of this past year, we decided to collaborate on a work together featuring our characters...
"Jeanette, seriously, we can't have sex again, it would break your dad's heart if he found out," I said. "I hear you Callie. I see you really got issues with this and I'm sorry once again. I won't ask you to do that again, but it will be hard though. It was really just something I wanted to do with just you honestly. You are a very sexy lady," Jeanette replied. "Well thank you, but still we're done with sex," I said. Then she gave me a hug, she understood, but of course...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
As the day of Tom and Yolanda’s wedding approached, activity around the Hacienda exploded. We were expecting fifty people from Las Cruces to begin arriving three days before the wedding, all expecting accommodation at the Hacienda. Luckily most of those people were Yolanda’s extended family, so putting as many as five or six into a single room wasn’t going to cause much concern. Regardless, for the very first time, every room in the Hacienda was going to be used. Every room was assigned to a...
(Please read our other stories to better understand this one) Jenny and Tom were away on vacation. It was an ideal Saturday afternoon spent shopping, visiting museums, and eating out at different locations. The walk back to the hotel however was a stark difference from the rest of the day. A simple conversation turned into a heated debate, and bordered on an argument. Such is a normal and healthy part of any relationship, but with Tom and Jenny, it was different. Both are extremely bright and...
Chapter Six: Friendship I do not remember much of that next day, I truly don’t. Nor do I remember falling asleep the night before. I don’t remember much of anything, its all a hazy blur to tell you the truth. I had resigned myself to my fate and just waited for the end to come. I had tried my best to show these people that I was a good person and not a spy but in the end, it mattered little. The fact that I drew breath and had set foot on Tania seemed to be my greatest crime. Death loomed...
This happened when my suddenly in my life with a distant married cousin. I m residing in mumbai and she was also residing here few months back when this encounter happened. My jija went to US for higher studies leaving his darling wife. Based on my parents insistence I started visiting her as she was leaving day she asked me moved in her house as she feels alone so I moved. We started going out like brother n sisters for movie shopping. One day I saw her dirty many in the bathroom...
IncestHello everyone, I have listened to your advice and got an editor. I was scared because the last one didn’t work out so well but hopefully this one will make the difference the story and you all deserve. I realized I wasn’t paying attention to the story as much as I needed to. So now I’m going to buckle down and make ‘My only Regret’ a truly worthy piece of work. Thank you for ALL your comments. They helped me out and woke me up. I may even re-write the first two chapters and put them together...
I met a girl named Alice the other day. She was taking a walk with her dog. My dog Frankie noticed Alice’s dog and started barking. I thought Frankie was trying to tell me that Alice’s boobs are going to squeeze her little doggie to death. They were large indeed, and she had her dog Bond right between them. Bond got so afraid of Frankie’s barks, that he flinched. He flinched so tightly that the place between Alice’s boobs got too wide for him. Bond fell apart, and ran away into the forest. ...
Introduction: Husbands gone, time to play… Monica was 8 months pregnant. Her husband Greg was an over-the-road truck driver and was usually gone 6 days a week. Monicas hormones were in overdrive. She was so horny, and she really needed to get laid. So, the day she watched her son Jeff as he climbed out of the shower didnt help her much. It was an accident. She had been doing the laundry and was taking a load of clean towels to the bathroom. As she entered the bathroom, her son Jeff had just...
A Painful Anniversary01/11/12Nothing motivates like pain.? It's a feral beast, an animal that tears into you, spurring action. It makes you move, to seek relief, and it does so easily, without thought.? Of course, pain can also do other things, especially to someone like me, if it's applied correctly, thoughtfully, deliberately, with intent to motivate certain behaviors.? It can make me do crazy things, in wild places, along with making me very very wet. ? But what can I say?? I'm a nympho...
Nicole is a 5'6", 34c, one hundred twenty-pound stunning blonde. At twenty-three years old, she has been with her current boyfriend Alex for three years. She is sexy, beautiful, but a little prudish when it comes to sex. Her idea of sex is behind closed doors and traditional. Alex is her boyfriend, 6 foot tall, chiseled like an Egyptian god who works out daily to look hot. He is twenty-six years old and works in the construction business. Being outside also gives him a great tan. Nicole will...
Group SexAlice’s parents had always insisted that these harsh drills and routines were necessary for the children’s character building, but as Alice helped matron to administer them she developed a real passion for inflicting them. Since inheriting St Saviour’s, Alice Marchant has introduced many new and even more sadistic routines, that now attract many wealthy patrons who pay to watch and participate in there enforcement. It has only been a week since their arrival, but the children are...