Shroom Dungeon - First Delve free porn video

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*************************************** - - - Prologue - - - *************************************** "Come on, Tiberius. You can do it!" Conway coughed up blood as if last words drew his last energy forth. He was behind Tiberius. Down on one knee and clutching his side. "We are doomed if you don't pull that off." Sinea sounded strained. She was mostly okay - save for a few superficial cuts all over her body - but was heaving their bleeding rogue on her shoulder. "Go kill .... that bastard ... of a Lich," Debtar, the party's rogue, managed to say between labored breaths. Strengthened by the words of courage, Tiberius grabbed his staff harder and turned towards his foe. The skeletal mage - a Lich - was worse for wear. Already taking a beating by Tiberius' group. But now, only Tiberius was left. The young mage gathered his courage and magic. "Time to end this!" he growled out between clenched teeth. "Wake up Tiberius! Time to rise and shine!" A groan escaped the young mage and suddenly the dark dungeon was gone. Replaced by bed and sheets. Bleary-eyed, Tiberius looked around. Right. They stayed at an inn. He shared, as always, a room with Conway and Debtar. The former was already strapping on his enchanted armor. The rogue, however, took a dramatic pose right in the middle of the room. Not minding one bit that he was just in his underpants. "Time to end this! I vanquish thee!" Mockingly swinging an imaginary staff around and pretending to cast spells. Not for long, as he broke into chuckles. Playfully, the rogue cuffed Tiberius in the shoulder. "Did you dream of the Lich again?" As an answer, Tiberius gave a deep sigh. "Judging by that performance, I guess you already know the answer." "Don't give the kid a hard time," Conway said as he buckled close the last pieces of armor. "After all, he defeated the Lich. Let him savor his victory." "Does it even count?" Sadly the reality and Tiberius' dream varied wildly. Not nearly as dramatic. His group had beaten the Lich to an inch of his undead life. With hardly any help from Tiberius. They were, after all, veterans of the adventuring trade. "It counts," Debtar said with a resolute nod. "You landed the killing blow." "Because you held back and let me do the honors," Tiberius couldn't help but point out. "True," Conway said. Taking a seat beside Tiberius made the bed groan under the heavy weight. "Look. Sinea, Debtar, and I have been adventuring for over a decade now. When we decided to add a mage to our team we chose you for a reason. And so far you haven't disappointed us. Even with you having less than a year of practical experience, you are valued by us. Else we wouldn't bother with you." "Yeah," Tiberius said reluctantly as Conway gave him a pat on the shoulder and stood up. "Because I am not as arrogant as other mages. That's what you told me." "Yes!" Debtar shouted out. "Mages are an arrogant bunch of assholes. But you aren't. Not if we can prevent it. And if we have to mock you a little for talking in your sleep then that's a sacrifice we are willing to make." "Are we done here?" Conway asked. "Time to get dressed. I bet Sinea is already waiting for us downstairs." Giving his friends a quirky smile, Tiberius got up and hurried to throw clothes on as well. After all, Conway was right. Surely Sinea was waiting. And every minute late they would pay for it. Still, the trio of adventurers took the time to bring the small room up into a decent shape. Leaving a pigsty wasn't a good habit. The group had Tiberius memorize an old saying: you always stay at an inn at least twice in your life. Adventurers who couldn't show some restraint usually get the worst rooms from an innkeeper. Just as predicted, Sinea already sat in the common room of the inn. Hunched over a bowl of porridge and a mug of ale. As the three walked down the stairs, she looked up and a smirk appeared on her face. "Look who made it. Ladies, what took you so long. Did you do your hair before dressing?" "A lady needs her beauty sleep," Conway waved off the huntress's snide remark and walked towards the counter to get his own breakfast. Not so Debtar. He chose confrontation and posed himself up just for it. "What do you know of ladies? That world is utterly foreign to you, Sinea. You couldn't be one even if you tried." The counter made Sinea laugh out loud. After calming down, she looked at Tiberius as if the next verbal attack would be coming from him. But he avoided her eyes and hurried to the counter too. Even after almost a year with this group, he wasn't used to their tough love and needling of each other. At least not to the point where he would join in. That, of course, didn't mean he got off scot-free. "So, how many Lich have you slain by now, Tiber?" Sinea's question made him turn around in shock. "How do you know about that? Am I talking that loud in my sleep?" "You? No," Sinea waved him off. After drinking a gulp of ale she pointed at Debtar. "But our wannabe thespian here was probably loud enough to wake the whole inn." "That he was." Tiberius was surprised as a new voice joined in. Coming down the stairs was a huge man flanked by two beautiful maidens. Tiberius had no clue who they were, but apparently, his group did. "Malvis you asshole!" Sinea shouted as she stood up. Leaning forward and resting her fists on the table. She glared at the man like it could kill him. Just as Tiberius got worried, Sinea broke out into a huge smile. "It's good to see you, you large cuddle bear." "Annevi. Gisenne." Debtar rushes to the beauties. "Aren't you tired of this big oaf yet?" "Never," the two answered in unison. But Annevi couldn't help but add: "You might have a chance if you just weren't as scrawny." "Scrawny? Look at these muscles!" The overdone posing the rogue did was met with chuckles all around. "Alright. Alright. Everyone pipe down." The strong voice of Conway had the desired effect. The gathered adventurers settled down. Before Tiberius knew what was happening, his party leader had an arm over him and led him to the new arrivals. "Annevi. Gisenne. Melvis. I want to introduce you to someone. This is Tiberius. Our newest member." Hearing those words, Melvis squared up and took on a somber expression. Crisply he raised his hand for a handshake. "My deepest condolences. I wouldn't wish this fate on my worst enemy." The shocked and flabbergasted Tiberius didn't have to suffer for long. A flying mug of ale bounced off the brute. Courtesy of Sinea and some choice words. But Melvis was even betrayed even by his own group. Annevi and Gisenne both slapped him on the back of his head. "Don't mind him," Gisenne said to Tiberius as she stepped close and gave him a friendly hug. "All his training for strength left him bare in other departments." "Like wit and a sense of humor," Annevi added before following suit. Giving a hug of her own. "I-it's fine," Tiberius pressed out. Fighting in vain to stave off an oncoming blush. "I am kidding," Melvis proclaimed and slapped Tiberius' shoulder playfully. Still, the heft of that man's arm nearly made the young man stumble. "So, what is the terrible trio up to these days?" Sinea asked. "What?" Annevi looked truly confused. Gisenne eyed Tiberius's group wearily. "We all know who the real terrible trio is." "But Gisenne," Debtar cut in with a charming smile. "We have Tiberius now. That means we can't be a trio. That only leaves you guys." "That's right," Sinea confirmed. "We are now the quartet of dread." Everyone groaned at Sinea's joke. Even Conway - who often stoically endured Sinea's and Debtar's attempts at humor - and Tiberius. "Before this goes any further," Conway spoke up and cut off any reply. "Let's sit and eat." After getting their food from the innkeeper - that man must have seen a lot as he didn't even blink at the adventurers' banter - they all sat down at two tables pushed together. The quiet brought on by eating and drinking didn't last long. "So, what was that about a Lich?" Gisenne asked while she half-heartedly pushed her spoon through the porridge. "Well, our whelp of a mage has defeated a Lich. Blasted it to smithereens," Debtar proclaimed proudly. Slapping Tiberius on the shoulder. Tiberius tried to hide a wince. If this goes on he'd need a healing potion just for his bruised shoulder alone. "The others did the most work," he protested aloud. Blushing and looking down he added: "It's no big deal." "No big deal?" Gisenne let her spoon fall down into her food in surprise. "A humble mage? Where did you find that boy? Did a unicorn deliver him to you as a baby?" "Nah," Sinea waived those questions away. "Tiberius is a decent guy. Of course, napping him away from the academy right after graduation helped. The old geezers there hadn't corrupted him too much and others couldn't sink their claws into his ego yet." "Wait." Melvis looked like he had a sudden epiphany. A little porridge actually spewed from his mouth. Earning a sigh from Annevi who witnessed it "The Lich from the tower of Belerus?" Conway paused his own eating to respond properly. "Yes. We had a quest to subdue the tower. Pulled it off two weeks ago." "That's where we wanted to go," Melvis admitted and deflated in his seat. "Ha! Beat you again, you slowpokes," Sinea cut in. A triumphant smile on her face. "But to beat you by two weeks? Did you take a detour?" The newly named terrible trio looked at each other with conspiratorial glances. But it was Annevi who broke the silence. "Oh. Not much. Just a quick trip to Shroom Dung-" "Shroom Dungeon!" Sinea shouted out while pushing up from her seat. "You went to Shroom Dungeon! Conway." She looked pleadingly to their party leader, like a little child stopping at the candy display of the local general store. "Can we go? I totally forgot, but the dungeon is practically right around the corner. Can we?" "What is Shroom Dungeon?" Sinea motioned with both arms at Tiberius. "He doesn't know what Shroom Dungeon is. Our fledgling had never been there!" "We haven't been in over a year," Debtar casually added to Sinea's plea. It earned him a look and then vigorous nodding from her. "Fine!" Conway agreed with a tone similar to a parent who relented to the demands of a spoiled child. "We could use a vacation." "Yay!" Sinea pushed away from the table and started to dance around the table. "Shroom Dungeon. Shroom Dungeon. Shroom Dungeon." To Tiberius' surprise, Annevi and Gisenne left their place too and joined the improvised dance. Leaving him even more confused. "Just what is so special about this dungeon?" At once, everyone took a somber look on their face. It was Conway who spoke up. "We can't tell you. You see, there are rules for Shroom Dungeon. And one counts even outside of it. It is-" "What happens in Shroom Dungeon stays in Shroom Dungeon," both groups said in perfect unison. "Well, that is helpful," Tiberius remarked dryly. "Cheer up kid," Debtar gave the dejected mage a pat on the shoulder. "You'll find out soon enough." *************************************** - - - Chapter 1 - - - *************************************** Sinea's statement of Shroom Dungeon being right around the corner was a tad misleading. At least, so Tiberius thought. It was two days of hard tracking later when Debtar announced he saw the entrance. If they had wandered at their usual speed, Tiberius had guessed they probably would have needed three days instead. But his group was giddy with excitement and walked like possessed. He had a hard time getting into the same mood. Not to mention that they still blocked every question Tiberius asked. It didn't help that they were far from the only adventurers traveling to the shroom dungeon. There was a steady trickle to and from the dungeon. Those heading to it with excitement on their faces and those leaving with silly grins and knowing glances. Many friendly greetings were exchanged, but none would talk about the dungeon. The dungeon itself appeared to be accessed from the side of a mountain, but his group didn't steer directly toward it. Instead, just like every other group before them, they headed to a large lush tree decorated with thousands of vivid-colored ribbons. Some were simply hanging down from branches. Others were wrapped around. Tiberius spotted at least a half dozen dwellings woven with the fabric. It was clear to him that a fairy lived here. The smallfolk with wings usually led solitary lives. Deep in the forest. Far away from humans and other annoying races. Not so those fairies that practiced the job of soul-keeper. They could entangle a soul with a place. Binding it. If the person bound died, the fairy would use her magic to resurrect them. At least if the person didn't die too far away. They, the soul-keepers, provided an important job for adventurers. Taking the biggest punishment an adventurer could face off the table: their death. In return, it was customary for adventurers to leave small presents to the fairy they were bound to. Thankfully every fairy had a passion for collecting something. "Moe! Good to see you." Sinea was the first to greet the little fairy. Making Tiberius' ears perk up. To be friendly with a fairy was common. But to know one's name and use it publicly was rare. "If it isn't Sinea from the terrible trio." "Ah. Ah. Ah," Debtar chided her. "We are the quartet of dread now, Moline. Look, we got a mage." "Did you kidnap him?" Moline shot back. "He doesn't know better," Conway remarked. "And we keep him until he does. Moline, this is Tiberius. Tiberius, meet Moline. The busiest fairy to exist." "Friends call me Moe," the fairy said as she flew closer to Tiberius. "And hardly busy. Getting gifts, sure. Binding adventurers, yeah. But I can't remember when the last time was when I had to revive someone." "All the good with none of the bad, eh?" Conway asked. "Speaking off. Tiberius has your gifts." "Oh, right." Now reminded, Tiberius looked into his backpack. Fishing out the small package of wrapped fabric. Four ribbons. One for each of them. "I enchanted them myself," he said as Tiberius presented them. "Nicely done," Moline remarked. With a wave of her hand, the ribbons came alive. Fluttering towards the tree like eels swimming through the ocean. Then, in turn, the fairy flew to each of them and cast her magic to bind the adventurers' souls. Once done, turning towards Conway, she remarked: "That boy shows promise. Those ribbons will make a fine addition." "I am twenty-five," Tiberius piped up. His pride was a little hurt. "Centuries?" Moline retorted. "I think not. Don't mind me. To me, all the short-living races are boys and girls. Dying before reaching adulthood." "I am an adult," Sinea proclaimed. However, her grin showed her statement was made in jest. "You?" Moe gave a heartfelt laugh. "You are the worst brat of all. Now shoo. The next group is arriving. More presents. We can talk more when you come back." Just as the group turned to walk away, Moline had to add something: "If you see my brother down there, say hi for me." "Will do," Conway promised. "Wait a moment." Tiberius shook his head slightly to clear the confusion. "Aren't all fairies women? It is a one-gender species." "It is," Conway confirmed. Much to the amusement of Debtar and Sinea who had a knowing smirk on their faces. "Then how can she have a brother?" "Can't tell you," his leader waved him off. "Sorry, but it has to wait until we are in the dungeon." "Don't worry," Sinea said as she slung an arm around Tiberius and patted his chest with her other hand. "Look. We are nearly there." Following her suggestion, Tiberius looked ahead and grew more confused. A dungeon was defined as something that needed regular suppression by adventurers. It could be anything. From a cave where monsters used to breed continuously to the castle of a vampire that just couldn't be killed. Only suspended in near death. Most dungeons only needed suppression every decade or two. Then why was a group just leaving? Not to mention all the others that left the dungeon. The entrance itself was curious too. Quite unlike other caves, this one wasn't left natural. Sculptures and carvings out of stone dotted the entrance. All of them in various forms of mushrooms. But the most foreboding aspect was the pitch-black month of the entrance. Just a few feet in, all light was absorbed. Just a large canvas of blackness that couldn't be breached. "I don't understand." Confused, Tiberius looked to his group leader. "They just defeated the dungeon, right? What are we doing here? Or everyone else." "Tiber, the third rule of Shroom Dungeon is not that you defeat it." Conway gave him a serious look that slipped away to a mischievous grin. An unusual occurrence for the serious man. "We are here to be defeated by it." Still baffled, Tiberius followed his friends into the cave. Well, Sinea was still guiding him. Her arm still slung around him and steered him towards the darkness. "What now follows can be disorienting for newcomers," Debtar explained as he approached the impenetrable black. "Just let Sinea lead you." With those words, the party's rogue pushed an arm into the darkness and moved part of it away. Now Tiberius saw that there was no magic at play here. Just heavy drapes dyed black. The rogue slipped into the cave beyond. Followed by Conway. Once it was Sinea's and Tiberius' turn, he had to help push the heavy fabric away. Just stepping inside revealed more blackness. Then the fabric fell behind them back in place and Tiberius was plunged into darkness. Utterly blind, he had to follow Sinea's lead who slowly proceeded forward. Just a few steps forward brought them to another partition of canvas. They pushed towards it together. Not for the last time as two more fabric walls had been hung in place. As they parted the last heavy canvas, Tiberius had to blink at the sudden brightness. There were lights everywhere. Assaulting him from every direction at once. Thankfully, Sinea braced him as he stumbled a step back. Mushrooms. Bioluminescent mushrooms. They carpeted the floor and clung to walls and ceiling. Glowing all in different colors of the rainbow. "Welcome to Shroom Dungeon!" Debtar boomed from not far ahead. Not much quieter, he continued. "I guess now you know why it is called that." "And now that you have seen the inside we can start filling you into the rules of this place," Conway added. "About time," Tiberius grumbled as he slipped out of Sinea's grasp and stepped close to a few mushrooms growing on the wall. Studying them. While most were bioluminescent, not all were. "But first, we have to get dressed," their party leader decreed. Once again confused, Tiberius looked to Conway. "But we are already dressed." "Not appropriately." Conway turned around and walked a long stretched hallway. Steering to a passage where light flooded out. "Follow me." "Don't have to be told twice," Sinea quipped back. "Race you," Debtar said a moment before starting to dash down the hallway. Despite having a headstart, Sinea took off too. Giggling like a small child. Shaking his head, Tiberius followed. The antics of his party made him caught off guard by what happened in the large room he entered. Debtar and Sinea were in the progress of being disrobed by a bunch of Succubus. Female lust demons. His party was clearly outnumbered and more of the female vixen turned towards Conway and him. Instinct took over and Tiberius raised his hand. Channeling mana from the surroundings to create a ball of fire in the palm of his hand. Taking on two dozen Succubus might be a losing battle, but Tiberius had to try. "Don't!" Conway grabbed Tiberius' arm and pushed it down before the young mage could release it. "Rule number two. No harmful attacks within the dungeon. Be it physical or magical. Besides, these are friendlies. Not part of the official dungeon." "But those are demons!" Tiberius protested. "Despite how they look, everyone here is human." Conway's strict voice left Tiberius at a loss. Without even realizing it, Tiberius let the mana in his hand disappear. "Let me guess. A newcomer?" The voice oozing sexuality belonged to a Succubus slightly taller than the two that flanked her. She was scantily clad and despite Conway's words clearly had features not quite human. There were the bat wings growing out of her shoulders and reaching slightly past them. Or the prehensile tail that swished behind her. Not to mention her eyes that not only had a deep purple iris but were somehow shaped like hearts. "Yes. Sorry." Conway actually looked sheepish for once. A way Tiberius had never seen him before. "We should have eased him in more, but my companions just couldn't wait." The companions in question were butt-naked and pretended to not hear a word. Their display made Tiberius look away in embarrassment, but the new view was worse. The bosom of the Succubus in full view. "Let me explain then." The voluptuous temptress gave Tiberius a huge hug. One that smashed his face in her bosom. Leaving him shocked and dazed. No, more than that. Paralyzed. Tiberius recognized that she had enchanted him, but with a type of magic utterly unfamiliar. He could only stand there. Slack-jawed and staring at her chest. "Now sweetie, welcome to Shroom Dungeon." She actually lifted his chin with her finger so Tiberius could look at her magnificent purple-colored eyes. "I am Alune, the headmistress of the Impish Armory. But let's start with the basics." Gently, Alune took his hand and led him to a padded bench. It was as if she could take control of his body with just a touch. Her magic coursed through his veins. As both had sat down, she picked up one of many mushrooms from a nearby tray. Presenting it so Tiberius could get a good look at it. "It was half a millennia ago that explorers found a strange mushroom in a cave. This cave." Her soft purring voice nearly made Tiberius forget that she controlled his body through magic. "Not only proved the shroom eatable, but it also had strange magic to it. One that could transform people. Intrigued, the explorers tried to take the mushroom with them, but once it hit sunlight, the mushroom disintegrated. All magic and transformation done by it vanished too." Alune bit into the mushroom she was holding and Tiberius could see it was juicy. Part of it ran down the Succubus' cheek and Tiberius was tempted to lick it off her. Then again, he was quite paralyzed. "Some liked the taste. Either of the mushroom or the strange magic it extruded. They erected a camp to study the shroom. Researchers came. Be it mage, enchanter or botanist. Slowly it was growing. Eventually evolving to this." "Now." Alune looked him deep into the eyes. "In a moment, I will undo the magical hold I have over you. Please remain calm and we can go through the rest, okay." From one second to the next, Tiberius could move of his own accord again. At once, he averted his eyes. His ingrained shyness coming to the forefront again. Sitting so close to a not just beautiful, but sexy, woman was a bit much for him. His mind needed a distraction. It came in the form of the mushrooms on the tray nearby. Examining it, Tiberius could indeed detect a faint magical aura. One quite unfamiliar, still he recognized it as the same magic Alune had used to not just paralyze him, but also steer him like a puppet. The mushroom piqued Tiberius' interest for sure. "It is sensitive to sunlight you say? Is that why the heavy blackout curtains are installed at the entrance." "Oh, he is a mage alright," Alune said over her shoulder to Conway. Quickly turning around, she corrected Tiberius. "Not just sunlight. The pale light of the moon does the same, but slower. And yes, that is the reason why we cordon off the entrance." Tiberius nodded at the explanation, but his curiosity was far from satisfied. Sometimes, experimentation was warranted. Not even hesitating, he took a big bite out of the mushroom. It tasted sweeter than he expected. The flavor of the juice washing over his tongue was delightful. But Tiberius knew better than to simply enjoy it. His focus was inward. Tracing the strange magic as it spread from his stomach to the rest of his body. If there was a transformative aspect, then Tiberius couldn't tell. "I don't see or feel any changes," Tiberius admitted. "The effect is gradual," Alune explained. "And well done. Most hesitate to take their first bite. The magic of the shroom acts faster the higher the level of it is within the body. You'd have to eat about ten to see a noticeable difference. About ninety would complete the transformation. But it depends on the type of mushroom. Over time, the residents here have bred many for all kinds of purposes and transformations. Here." The Succubus picked up a new shroom from the tray that looked a little different. Taking it from Alune, Tiberius examined it. It had a deep red cap with a slight pinkish stem. Two extensions on the cap looked like horns and on the backside, there was a growth that reminded him of a tail. Just like the one Alune and every other Succubus here had. "What does it do?" he asked, despite suspecting the answer. "Would it make me a lust demon too?" In reply, Alune leaned forward and Tiberius instinctively leaned back. Not far enough, as she could easily reach his far enough to snip at his forehead. Earning her a small yelp from him. "Your head appears to be a bit thick. No one here is a demon. You've got to remember that every themed mushroom type still only creates facsimiles. I may look like a Succubus, but I still ain't one. But yes, eating enough of them would make you just like me. That's why this breed of mushroom is commonly called 'Shroomcubus'." "Can we do the rest inside?" Sinea asked aloud. Looking past Alune, Tiberius saw the huntress buck naked sitting on her own bench. Not even showing signs of feeling indecent. Instead, she looked bored with a big pout on her face. Tiberius quickly averted his eyes. This was not how he wanted to see his group member. It made him uncomfortable. It wasn't helped that not much further, Debtar and Conway had stripped too. Quite a strange sight as Conway rarely let go of his armor. It was enchanted and quite valuable. "Right," Alune said with a clap. Drawing Tiberius' gaze back to her. "The basics are done. Time to get you naked." "What?" They wanted him to strip too? "In the shroom dungeon it is a tradition that one only wears items and clothing made inside the dungeon," Conway explained. "That's why the Impish Armory exists. Mistress Alune here will take out gear and safely store it for us. In exchange, we get dungeon-approved starter gear." "That is unless someone holds everyone up." The accusive tone in Sinea's voice was palatable. "Is there somewhere I can change in private?" "Nope." With one word Sinea crushed Tiberius' hopes of a shred of decency. "In that case, I need a minute," Tiberius admitted. Sinea pounced on his roundabout confession. "Is your little mage excited?" "Sinea. Play nice." Of course, Tiberius could count on Conway to discipline his group. "Tiber, look at me." When the young mage listened, Conway pointed down. To the shock of Tiberius, the hardened warrior flew full mast too and wasn't even ashamed of it. "This dungeon will teach you that sometimes you have to go with what you have. And if you got nothing, then you fight naked. Modesty is good for society, but not so much for adventurers. We all had wardrobe malfunctions. Sometimes in the middle of a fight. We can't pause to get decent. One has to fight on. To overcome this modesty is part of this dungeon." "Oh, is that what this dungeon is all about?" Debtar piped up. "I had no idea." That earned the rogue a few chuckles from all around, but Sinea got laughter when she pointed out: "That's because you didn't have modesty in the first place." As the gathered folk settled down, Alune addressed Tiberius. "Do you need help? I do have willing assistants." She pointed to two younger Succubus lounging nearby. They did eye Tiberius too. As if they were hungry and he was a piece of candy. "I am fine," the young mage blurred out. With trembling hands, Tiberius started to undress. Growing redder and redder the more he proceeded. Quite aware of how big his audience was. At last, he was buck naked too, and hid his junk behind his hands. "Alright. Let's get this show on the road," Alune exclaimed and stood up. Clapping her hands twice. The Impish Armory sprung into action. Attendants picked up the discarded gear, folded it neatly if necessary, and stood behind each adventurer. On Alune's behest, the group followed her deeper into the armory. They passed rows and rows of what Tiberius identified as safes. Arriving at four that were open, the attendants proceeded to place the gear inside. The mistress of the Armory was helpful enough to guide Tiberius through the process. "Listen up. Place your hand on the closed safe. Once you do, the safe memorizes your aura. Meaning only you can unlock it." Tiberius did as told and at once, paint appeared on the door of the safe. Stating his name and a countdown that steadily declined. Starting at seven days. "What's the timer for?" Tiberius wanted to know. "And what happens if the time runs out?" "The safe unlocks," Alune revealed with a mischievous smirk. "And all your items inside are forfeited." "Don't worry," Debtar chimed in. "Well be back way before that. Do you really think Conway would risk losing his enchanted gear? That stuff is worth a fortune. Usually, he urges us to leave on the sixth day." "Six days? How do we even know when those are up?" "With this." Alune took Tiberius' left hand and clasped a simple bracelet on. It featured a milky white stone in the center. "This crystal always knows if it is day or night. At day, it is white like now. In the evening, it fades to black. To return to full whiteness in the morning. Now, physically connect the bracelet to your safe. A brief moment is enough." After gently bumping the bracelet against the safe, a red ring started to appear on it. Circling the inlet crystal. "Now you synchronized the bracelet with the safe." Alune pointed at the red ring. "The red will slowly disappear. It takes exactly the same time to do so the safe is locked. One glance at it and you should know a rough estimate on how much time is left." As Tiberius nodded, Alune turned around and inspected the rest of the group. "Everyone squared away? Then it is time to get dressed." On clapping twice, the assistants shuffled out and a whole new group of them came in. They each held a small bundle. As Tiberius received his own, relief washed over him. Those were clothes and sandals. But doubt settled in quick. "What are these made of?" Tiberius asked as he held one piece up against the light. It was slightly yellow-tinged white. Some parts were opaque, while others turned slightly transparent. The pattern reminded Tiberius of roots crisscrossing each other. "It feels like thick paper." "It is," Alune confirmed. "Sort of. This is made of mycelium. They are like the root-like extensions of mushrooms. While often used as paper, it is tradition to send entering adventurers in dressed like this." "I have my doubts about the durability," Tiberius admitted as he stepped into the shorts provided. The paper-like material felt flimsy on his skin. "These are just one step away from a wardrobe malfunction." "Maybe that's the point," Sinea said. Then proceeded to tear her newly donned skirt at the hem. Slowly elongating the break and steadily progressing to her privates. "Any moment now-" Just on cue, Tiberius heard a ripping sound. Felt it too. Just when he had calmed down his little magus, Sinea had to tease it back to life. Now, Tiberius had a tear in his shorts and it threatened to widen even more. "Sinea!" Tiberius said in protest. Then, a little softer, he asked Alune: "Would it be possible to get a replacement?" With a soft chuckle, Alune clapped her hands twice more. "Sure. But only this time. An exception just for you. Be more careful with the next. I'll take these." With those words, the mistress of the Impish Armory tore off the rest of Tiberius' shorts. Leaving him once again buck naked and scrambling to cover up. When the replacement arrived, Tiberius grabbed it so fast that he nearly tore it too. For his sanity, he turned around to get dressed. Pointedly looking away from Sinea, Alune, or any other woman around. Joined by the shorts were a light short tunic of the same material and a pair of sandals. At least the latter appeared to be more sturdy. Once Tiberius was dressed, Conway spoke up. "Alright. Enough time wasted. Time to delve a dungeon." Earning him enthusiastic agreement from Debtar and Sinea. As he walked by Tiberius, the group leader gave a short pat on his shoulder and a few words of encouragement. "Don't worry. These garbs don't have to hold for long. The dungeon is full of loot." But Conway wasn't the only one. Debtar had some words too. "I liked what I saw. Great potential, but you need to work out more." With a wink, the rogue walked away. "Did he just flirt with me?" Tiberius asked in shock. "Oh, you don't know?" Sinea asked innocently. "Debtar is bisexual. Well, he only really expresses it inside Shroom Dungeon." Tiberius stood stunned. Until Sinea grabbed him and pulled him along. A few steps more and she turned around and walked backward. Just to reveal more and see the young mage's reaction. "Conway by the way too. And before you ask, I also swing both ways. Though right now, I wouldn't mind exploring a certain mage. Who knew your mage staff was anything but little." Getting Tiberius to blush deeply was seemingly enough for the huntress. Turning around, she pulled him now more eagerly along. Until they reached the foyer of the Impish Armory. There already was another group waiting to stow their stuff. The fact was very evident as they were naked too. Tiberius quickly averted his eyes as he saw the two women of the new group. Less he'd suffer a new wardrobe malfunction. Outside, Debtar and Conway were already deep in an argument while examining a large map. Where they had gotten it, Tiberius couldn't tell. Just a glance, clued him in that the dungeon had surprisingly many districts. Each was named and with rudimentary descriptions of how to reach it. "Anything new?" Sinea asked aloud. "The factory," Debtar said while pointing at a district at the edge of the map. Then his finger moved again. "And the Flower Garden." The other districts were equally named. If not even stranger. There was one named 'Kitten Basket' and decorated with a few balls of yarn. A little further was 'The Barnyard' and pictures of bottles of milk drawn beside. 'Harem's Sprawl' was penciled in a few times and appeared to be acting as buffers between larger districts. Tiberius tried to make sense of 'The Driplands' when it became too much for him. He had no clue about any of that. "So, where does anyone want to go?" Conway asked. Shocking Tiberius in turn. Normally, the group leader decided and the others followed. "I promised you revenge at The Barnyard, Conway," Debtar needled. "And I keep my promises." "But I wanna see one of the new areas," Sinea pouted. "How about this. We start here. Make our way through the harems sprawl here and hit The Flower Garden first. Neither of us was there before, so we and Tiberius are on an equal footing. Then, we go through 'Hive Life', 'The Barnyard', and 'Kitten Basket'. From there we can hit the 'Curated Gallery' and then at last 'The Factory'. Sounds like a plan?" Debtar nodded. "Sure. As long as we hit 'The Barnyard'." "It does," Conway agreed. "What do you think. Tiberius?" The young mage looked at his group leader as if he had sprouted a second head. "I have no idea what any of that means. I guess this plan is as good as any." "Then it is decided," Sinea decreed. "Onward we go." "Sinea is always so bossy." That complaint by Conway could be barely heard and Tiberius didn't know if the rogue or huntress had noticed it. Once again they walked below a cornucopia of colors as they headed deeper into the dungeon. Thanks to the myriads of bioluminescent mushrooms growing on the walls, but mostly on the ceiling. The floor was walked smoothed by probably thousands of visitors over the centuries. Not that it mattered. Just a few dozen steps in, the mushrooms claimed the floor too. A type different from all others covered the bare rock up. Giving the ground a soft but firm feel under Tiberius' feet. While Conway and Tiberius walked at a slow pace, Debtar and Sinea raced to and from both walls. Hunting for special mushrooms growing on the sides. Not that there were many. Apparently, close to the entrance most had been plucked by previous adventurer groups. Still, sometimes they got lucky and shouted out their success. "I got a Mushyshroom!" "Two Plushrooms, but they are kind of small." "A Bloomshroom. Nice!" They even found a mushroom they didn't know. But it surely was something special, as the mushroom resembled a large metal screw that had been bent and twisted out of shape. It joined their meager bounty. Tiberius deducted that each of them would cause a specific transformation, but questioning his friends yielded nothing. They were tight-lipped and simply said it wasn't time yet. Once again, leaving him clueless. By the time they reached the first major crossroad, Debtar and Sinea held half a dozen mushrooms each. They would have double the amount, but both had snacked on a few. Crude arrows with names were nailed to the wall. Indicating what direction one had to take. "There! The 'Flower Garden'," Sinea exclaimed while pointing. A mistake, as half her bounty fell to the ground. Making her curse out loud. After gathering up, they took the leftmost branch. Leading deeper into the dungeon. "All the directions are only rough estimates," Conway explained. "The dungeon is a maze in itself, but if you follow the direction indicated, sooner or later you will arrive there." "I see a chest!" Debtar shouted out and sprinted down a side corridor. Leaving Tiberius stumped. Normally the rogue was cautious in a dungeon and checked carefully for hidden traps and ambushes. This was simply reckless. Sinea took off after him and even Conway broke out into a small jog. Making Tiberius hurry to catch up. The side corridor wasn't very long and at the end, Debtar waited beside a large chest. Giddy with impatience. Once again, Tiberius was reminded by him and Sinea of small children. Making it hard to remember that they were in fact at least a decade older than him. "Who gets to open it?" Debtar asked. "We don't have any dice yet." "Standard loot rules for now?" Sinea suggested. "Who needs it the most gets it." Conway gave the mage a slight push forward. "Tiberius, why don't you do the honors?" Tiberius nodded but knew the drill. No opening chests before the rogue gave the okay. "Did you check it for traps already?" In reply, Debtar broke out in laughter. "Oh, Tiber. This is a vacation. No work allowed, you hear me? And checking chests for traps sounds like work." "Go ahead," Sinea urged him. "If there is a trap then it won't be harmful. Most are silly things or pushing you along a transformation path." With a sigh, Tiberius did as told. Pushing open the lid and bracing for impact. Instead, a soft glow came from the chest. Even inside the chest, bioluminescent fungi had found their home. Giving him a good look at what was inside. At first, Tiberius thought there were more paper clothes inside. Instead, each item of loot was wrapped individually in the same material. "Alright. Here we go. The first loot is-" Tiberius carefully unwrapped a bunch of mushrooms. Twenty to be exact as he counted them. They surely were transformative ones with a theme. He made out animal ears on top - probably from a cat - and whiskers. "Are those mushrooms for cat features?" "Yep," Sinea confirmed as she took the bundle from him. "Meowshrooms I think. One. Two. Hmm. Hmm. Twenty? Should be a nice starter for later." "Could be a Nyashroom too," Debtar pointed out. "Isn't one mushroom for each type of feature enough?" Tiberius wanted to know. "I would have agreed with you at some point," Debtar replied. "But the Nyashroom is a breed off branch of the Moewshroom. It has some unique quirks." "Let's move on," Sinea urged. "I wanna see loot." Shrugging, Tiberius got back to the task of emptying the large chest. The next package was quite big. Looking into the wrapping paper revealed leather. Maybe some kind of harness. He heaved it out and handed it to Debtar. "Great. A backpack." The rogue gave the item to Sinea who unfolded and slung it on her back. It looked quite large on her small frame. For a moment, Tiberius thought of suggesting Conway would take it but thought better of it. Sinea looked quite pleased. Instead, Tiberius grabbed for the next item. There was already a heft poking out and he could guess what it was by its size. A large dagger or short sword. Complete with belt and sheath. But then, Tiberius noticed something strange. Just by judging the sheath alone, the blade must not just be wide, but thick too. Confused, Tiberius pulled it out. What flopped into view was something so absurd he needed seconds to grasp that was he was seeing was real. Mounted on the heft was a realistic formed- "Oh, sweet. A dildo dagger," Debtar exclaimed and snatched it out of Tiberius' hands. "That's clearly a rogue weapon. Nice size too." "Wha-" The question died on his lips. Too strange was the view. Debtar was mesmerized by a veiny phallus, flopping around with each flick of the rogue's wrist. There was only one last item in the chest and Tiberius was eager to get it over with. Pulling the paper away revealed something silky. Folding it out, revealed a very skimpy and slightly see-through robe. Not a practical one. If Tiberius would have guessed the ladies of the night in a city's red-light district might wear something like it. Wordless he presented it to Sinea, but the huntress refused to take it. Conway stepped in and reminded Tiberius of his duties. "First, what enchantments has it?" Tiberius was baffled. Yes, as a mage it was his duty to determine if an item was magical and identify it as best as he could. But enchanted gear was rare. Surely they wouldn't stumble upon it at the very first chest. Still, reminded of his duty, Tiberius focused his magic sense. Yes, the robe was brimming with magic. The same strange one from the mushrooms. "I can't read some of the enchantments," Tiberius admitted. "But from what I can tell this one helps gather and store mana." "Mage robe," Sinea decreed. "So, it is yours, Tiber." "You expect me to wear this?" Just to underline his statement, Tiberius held up the garment. Revealing it in all its glory of delicate silk and lace. His group shared glances that spoke of a conspiracy. So much Tiberius could tell. It was Debtar who took Tiberius to the side and clued him in. "Look. Mage gear goes to mages, right? You don't have to wear it. But be mindful of what we are wearing. Wardrobe malfunctions can happen easily. Not just to you or me, but to others. Just imagine it. A young maiden trying to hide her nakedness. You, as cavalier, donate the robe to her. A knight in shining armor just when she needs one." "That sounds a little far-fetched," Tiberius pointed out. "Maybe," Debtar agreed. "But you never know when you need to cover up a naked maiden. In any other case, bartering is a thing in Shroom Dungeon. Hold on to that robe. It might get you exactly what you need later." "I guess." With the first loot plundered, the group moved on. The next three chests were sadly empty. But Sinea still found something to put in her large backpack. Dozens of random mushrooms. By now, Tiberius was curious to see what they would do, but his curiosity was swatted away. He only got "not yet" and "later" as replies. After an hour of walking, the cave changed. The design was still labyrinthian, but now it became decorated. Padded benches, daybeds with pillows, and curtains of silk. The walls changed to brick and mortar. Still, mushrooms poked out here and there. Hallways still split and merged at random, but now, when they did, it was always in a large room. "We are entering the 'Harem's Sprawl'," Conway explained. "So far, we didn't have any chance encounters, but that will now change. It is practically guaranteed we will run into someone." Tiberius gave a nod to indicate he understood. And for a moment, he was relieved. This was what he was used to. Conway giving heads up about sections of a dungeon. Not this childish and reckless behavior his group had shown today. "There are a few more things you should know," Conway continued. "Encounters are one on one. More like a duel than regular fighting. Keep in mind that every enemy, no matter how monstrous or strange they look, are volunteers and human. That means no harm should befall them. Most duels are mock battles anyway. The winner can demand a prize. Be it an item, an action, or even a service rendered. But the defeated party can haggle. Because, above all else, one rule is paramount: permission and consent are key. No one is forced to do anything they don't want to. You understand." "I think so." Tiberius shifted the concept in his mind around to formulate it anew. He liked to bounce this off Conway to show that he really understood what the group leader said. "In essence, we are all here to have fun. That includes the volunteers." "That's right!" Conway gave Tiberius a pat on the shoulder. "No means no. But sometimes asking can't hurt. You'd be surprised with what some volunteers agree to." "Like what?" Conway pointed at Sinea who walked eagerly ahead. Now and then stopping and looking back with a look that said: "hurry up". "Two years ago she asked every opponent she bested for the enemy's undergarments. None refused. They could have if they wanted. By the end, there were so many panties tied to his belt as trophies that it looked like a skirt." "His belt?" Tiberius asked in reflex. Surely he must have misheard. "Her belt," Conway corrected with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "Intruders!" The loud shout surprised Tiberius. His group had just entered a large room where several hallways connected or branched off. For a moment, he had to hunt for the source of the voice. The group had walked past her who lounged on a daybed behind some silken curtains. As the volunteers playing roaming monster stood up, Tiberius had to take a double look. The white-haired girl was strikingly beautiful, but other details made his mind boggle. Some details just didn't belong on a human. The big fluffy ears, for example, sprouted from the top of her head and flopped down on the sides. Next, her piercing eyes caught his attention. Tiberius had never seen irises so blue. And below, he could have sworn those were whiskers. She was dressed strangely too. A short black tunic with white accents revealed entirely too much. It was so short, it concealed nothing of her thighs. Not to mention that her cleavage was so low, most of her breasts were prominently displayed. In no way Tiberius could rate this tunic as armor. The most important area - right above the heart - was completely left bare. And just to make the outfit more impractical, she wore a big white ribbon around her waist instead of a belt. "I may be just a lonely bunny girl tasked with filling chests, but I can't let you roam unchecked. Prepare yourself!" "Uhh, time to throw Tiberius into a fight," Sinea said. Clearly excited by the prospect. "I don't think that is a good idea," Conway shot her down. Earning him a pout by the huntress. "It would be quite unfair to him." "It can't be helped!" Debtar shouted out. Pushing his friends aside and stepping forward. With great theatrics, he pointed towards his hip. Or rather the dildo dagger that was sheathed there. "Only I am armed. My compatriots, stand back. For I will defend you." The white-haired bunny girl gave him a discerning look up and down. "You'll do nicely." "Prepare yourself, foul creature," Debtar shouted while drawing the floppy dagger imitation. With a yell, he started charging. Three steps in, he suddenly exclaimed "Oh, no. I tripped!" and promptly did so. Over what Tiberius couldn't tell. The ground was smooth. The rogue tumbled to rest on the floor. Then rolled further toward the bunny girl as if someone had shoved him with telekinesis. His priced weapon didn't just fall out of his hand, he flung it aside with a flick of his wrist. "Damn you, creature!" Despite the hard words, Debtar's voice was laced with humor. "How easily you have bested me. Now I am at your mercy." Not just the bunny girl chuckled at the antics of the rogue. All except Tiberius, who was too stunned with confusion to do so. Not so the bunny girl. "Let's see," she said while crouching down. "No loot worth taking." Her hand roamed over Debtar's chest. "I guess you have to pay with your body." "If that is the price I have to pay to soothe your wrath, so be it." The bunny girl grabbed the collar of Debtar's tunic and tore it off his chest. The thin material gave away clean. Revealing the rogue's chiseled chest. "Nice," the girl exclaimed. "Let's see if down there matches." Debtar's shorts were torn to shreds a second later. And by the looks of it, he was ready for her. She mounted him without a second thought and leaned down to exchange a hungry kiss. The movement made her tunic ride up high and he could see that she also had a small white bunny tail growing from her buttocks. It was too much for Tiberius. The young mage looked away. What was happening? Of all things possible, he hadn't imagined this would. He had expected something like the wandering carnivals roaming the lands. Just themed for adventurers. This was a lot more than Tiberius could have even dreamed of. "Don't look away," Conway said. The serious tone made Tiberius look to the group leader on instinct. Conway studied the sexual tangle before them with professional distance and a schooled face. Not so Sinea. She had taken a seat on a bench and munched on mushrooms while leaning forward and focusing on the action. Conway led him to sit beside Sinea but hardly looked away. This was more to him than just voyeurism. Something took his attention. It wasn't long before he clued Tiberius in. "You know my gift in magic is limited. That through my family I inherited the ability to strengthen any enchantment on gear that I wear. But spells are too much for me. I can sense it. Barely, but this is different. There is a lot there. Can't you tell?" Baffled, Tiberius turned back towards Debtar and the bunny girl riding him. She was bouncing on his dick as if madness possessed her. Making her ears and breasts hop with each thrust. But when Tiberius blended that out and concentrated on other senses then it drew another picture. "I can't believe it. Such amount of mana within someone. More than the Lich we defeated. That's close to what the principal arch-mage could hold in the academy." "What else can you sense? Details, Tiber." "It is the same mana from that strange mushroom magic," Tiberius said as soon as he was sure. "No, wait. It is similar. An offspring? Maybe a variant based on a breed type of mushroom. But it appears she can't hold it all. She is leaking mana. No, that isn't quite right. The mana flows only into Debtar. It is controlled. Directed. I think she is using it to change him." Tiberius focused his sense to track the mana and its path within the rogue. Most of it settled on his chest. And there, it pushed outward, yet stayed beneath the skin. A paradox? To make sense, Tiberius dismissed his mana sight and immediately gasped. Standing up slightly in alarm. "Debtar has breasts! She is changing him into-" "Debbie," Sinea threw in. "We know. They know. It was the expected outcome. Mushroom?" Tiberius eyed the huntress and the offered mushroom as if she had sprouted a second head. "But-" "Just watch and learn, kid," Conway said while pulling Tiberius down onto the bench again. "And don't block the view. It looks like the climax is near." A little overwhelmed, Tiberius looked back to the bunny girl and Debtar. No, that was hardly appropriate anymore. The rogue had taken on feminine curves. Debbie might be more fitting now. Only when Tiberius activated his mana sense, he could tell that one part hadn't changed yet. Guess the bunny girl didn't want to lose the dick that gave her pleasure. At last, Debtar bucked. Pushing them both to a climax. It was at that moment, Tiberius witnessed the last deed of transformative magic done. Shrinking and then inverting the rogue's genitals. There was no mistaking it now. Debtar became Debbie. A complete woman. Huffing, but with a blissful smile, Debbie addressed the victorious bunny girl. "You had my body - like promised - and in more than one way. Was my payment satisfactory?" "You think we are done?" the bunny girl asked as she stood up. With a smirk, she looked down at Debbie. Not for long. A few steps brought her to the discarded dildo-dagger. "You wanted to poke me with this, right? It is only fair if I poke you with your own weapon. Get ready for round two." "Oh, I am." Tiberius settled in. It looked like they would stay for a while. *************************************** - - - Chapter 2 - - - *************************************** It was a half-hour later, that the group made ready to head deeper into the dungeon. The bunny girl had excused herself. Heaving a large sack on her back and heading out. To stock empty chests, as Conway explained. "It's so cute, Debbie," Sinea gushed. Swatting at Debbie's tail. Tiberius still had trouble acknowledging the part. He had thought the bunny girl had been satisfied making Debtar into Debbie, but right at the end, she had used a little more magic to give the feminized rogue a bunny tail. Just like her own. "I know, right?" Debbie agreed. Shaking her bum and tail for all to see. "What do you think, Tiber? Cute or rather sexy?" Blushing, Tiberius looked away. But the rogue was in a mischievous mood. Sauntering over, she placed an arm around the mage's shoulder. "Hey, Tiber. We are friends, right? So, I am willing to help a fellow out. How about it? Wanna lose your virginity to me?" "What? No fair!" Sinea stormed over. "I wanted to do the honors." "I am not a virgin!" Tiberius shouted out and pushed to get free of the two girls. "Tiber, you don't have to pretend that- " "I am not pretending." Tiberius cut Debbie off. "There was this girl at the academy. We were lab partners in 'intermediate alchemy' and-" "You two experimented on the side," Sinea concluded. "Nice!" Tiberius pointedly ignored the offered high-five of the huntress and turned around. Wringing the red silken robe in his hand. As he had no backpack like Sinea, he had to carry it by hand and it was a good thing he did. The spectacle of the last hour would haunt his wet dreams to come. But for now, he didn't want his teammates to see just how much he was turned on and tempted. And to hide his stiffness, the balled-up robe was good enough. "Kids, leave Tiberius alone." Conway waved at them like a mother having caught their children sneaking into the kitchen to steal a piece of a pie. "Go find us some treasure." As a reply, Tiberius only heard giggling. Sinea was first to rush ahead. Carrying her large, but still mostly empty backpack on her back. Then Debbie shot past. Essentially naked, she only wore the belt that held the sheath of the dildo-dagger. Tiberius started to walk as Conway caught up and fell in step with him. "I am still getting used to Sinea being all rowdy," Tiberius admitted. "And now we have two of her." "Don't worry. They'll calm down soon. It is just pent-up frustration. I told you Debtar is bisexual, remember?" As Tiberius nodded, Conway continued. "When I first met Debtar he was very different. A real ladies charmer." "He still is," Tiberius interrupted. "Flirts in every tavern we stay." "True. But how many times did he actually bed someone? You see, now it is mostly for having a good time. Back then, he was serious. As if possessed or if he had to prove something. To be honest, I didn't like the Debtar from back then. He was a new addition to the group I ran with back then. Cocky and too sure of himself. It also led to tension in the group." "So, what changed?" "This!" Conway gestured to the dungeon around them while walking down the hallway. "The women in our group decided to teach him a lesson. They convinced our group leader to come to Shroom Dungeon. It was my second time, so I knew what to expect. But it was Debtar's first time." "You knew that he would become Debbie," Tiberius concluded. "Walk in the shoes of a woman for a while. Smarten up. Built character." "That was the plan. You should have seen her face when Debbie first came to be. Hilarious. Grumpy for the first two days, you wouldn't believe it. A real downer." "But something must have happened. Now he - well, she - loves Shroom Dungeon." "Not what. Who." Conway gave him a wicked grin that looked so wrong on the warrior's face. "On the third day, she had enough. Telling us she would head out of the dungeon and wait there for us. As Debtar. Honestly, we were glad. And between us, the group debated kicking Debtar out. The experiment had failed. But on her way out, Debbie ran into Sindor. All male. Muscular and handsome. A volunteer who played roaming monster. And here the magic happened. You see, without us around, for the first time, Debbie felt secure enough to experiment. To actually have sex with a man." "And she liked it?" "She loved it," Conway corrected. "We stumbled a day later over her amidst an orgy that put all our exploits before shame. It was there that Debbie - and Debtar - acknowledged he was bisexual. Before, he had denied it even to himself that it was a possibility. Apparently, his upbringing was very uptight on the subject of same-sex love. He still is rather muted expressing it outside of Shroom Dungeon. Coming here is-" "I think I get it," Tiberius picked up as Conway was searching for the right words. "A lot of pent-up stress and now it is all unloading at once." Before Conway could reply, Debbie and Sinea came back out of a smaller passage they had explored ahead of them. "Look, Tiber. I have dressed up all for you. Now I am all modest." As the newly made girl posed for him, Tiberius thought better than to speak his first impulse. For Shroom Dungeon, the outfit might be modest for all he knew. But chances were slim. Debbie wore a dark red brassiere that covered next to nothing. Her breasts were on full display save for the barest hint of cups on the underside. Further down was a garter belt of the same color that held stockings of black lace. To make the ensemble even more absurd, Debbie wore something around her arms and shoulders. Something like a snake, just made out of feathers. It was pastel pink. Tiberius swallowed hard. Only when he was sure to have his voice under control, he replied in the driest way possible. "It appears the volunteer stocking the treasure chest you've found forgot to put panties in it." "You mean these ones?" Sinea asked as she pulled out a thong that matched the dark red of Debbie's lingerie. "If you wanna make a woman in Shroom Dungeon wear panties, you'll have to put them on yourself." With those words, Sinea snipped the panties at Tiberius. It sailed in a perfect arc to land on his head. Partially obscuring his view. "You are welcome to try," Debbie challenged. Turning around and slapping her own butt. But before Tiberius could answer, both women took off in a sprint. Like naughty children trying to escape punishment. "Well," Tiberius finally said as he pulled the pantie from his head. "That's a professional huntress to you. Hits bullseye even with undergarments." Conway chuckled before starting to walk again. "Don't let them hear it or more will come your way." "Maybe it is the other way around? Who knows what else they are willing to do if I tease them enough." This one got roaring laughter out of Conway, who gave a good slap on Tiberius' shoulder. For a minute, they walked in silence. But something was on the young mage's mind. "These here-" He held up the balled-up silk robe and lacy pantie. "They aren't for a woman I meet here, right? More not-so-subtle hints I'll be joining Debbie in womanhood soon." "Yes," Conway confirmed. The mirth had vanished from his voice. "Well, maybe. You remember what I told you about consent in Shroom Dungeon? That counts for everything. If you don't want the change, just tell it beforehand. Everyone will understand. Heck, I know people who have not once transformed here. Just come for the sex and nothing more." "But that's not the point of coming here, right? Just for sex," Tiberius mused aloud. "Just like with Debtar. To broaden your horizon and understanding." Conway nodded. Staying silent for a while as they walked through the dungeon. "You'd be surprised," he suddenly spoke up. Startling Tiberius, who thought their talk had ended. "I've been coming here now for well over a decade. And still, I learn things. Not just how things are as a woman. As revealing as this dungeon is, it will always only offer a slice of what it truly means to be female. No, whenever I come here, I learn things about me." "I don't understand," Tiberius admitted. "You are a mage. Part of your education is based on experimentation and drawing conclusions, right? Well, some things outside of a laboratory can be examined in different ways with different conclusions. All depending on the point of view of the observer." As Conway fell silent again, Tiberius mulled the words over. If he was honest, he was surprised. The tone of the warrior reminded Tiberius of the days at the academy. There the teachers had similar wisdom to bestow. But it was never easy and rarely straightforward. One had to think and gleam the meaning of it by rationalization. "In that case, one has to shift perspective multiple times," Tiberius concluded out loud. "Then compare the results and see what overlaps. Only then one gets a true picture." "Well said." The warrior stopped as giggling could be heard ahead. Tiberius expected Debbie and Sinea to jump out from somewhere again, but that didn't happen. When it was clear they still had time alone, Conway continued. "I know what I am as a man. Know my good and my bad sides. But coming here, I see my personality shift when I am a woman. Comparing both experiences I can glimpse what is truly me. The core of my being." Just as Tiberius was about to comment, the words died on his lips. He could spy Debbie and Sinea ahead. Standing with their backs towards the two men and at the entrance of another large room. Something must have caught their attention. A little worried, Tiberius hurried to catch up. Only to feel foolish. The room was occupied by another group. But they weren't alone. They had run into a random encounter. A woman, unlike anything Tiberius had ever seen. She was see-through. Made just out of a jelly-like substance with a viscosity of honey. Her clear white form showed no sign of internal organs. The emptiness highlighted the two foreign objects invading her. Two men from the other group took the monster girl from both sides. Their dicks could clearly be seen pushing and out deep into her. "What is she?" The question slipped past Tiberius' tongue. Voicing his confusion and fascination too. "Do you remember the gelatinous cubes from Asarek's cellar of madness?" Sinea asked without taking her eyes off the spectacle. An involuntary shudder ran through Tiberius. Gelatinous cubes were surprisingly tough enemies. Animated slime that consumed anything with a basic animalistic instinct. Their name came from the fact that they usually grew to fit wherever they lived. Typically the hallways of dungeons. Hence their roughly cubic form. They weren't very fast predators, but if one didn't see them their near glass-like clarity made them easy to overlook. There are always fresh new tales of adventurers who walked by accident into a gelatinous cube. It was not a pretty death, as Tiberius knew firsthand. The gelatinous cube there had the dubious honor of killing the young mage. Thankfully fairies and their resurrection magic existed. "Well, that's a gelatinous girl," Debbie added without looking away at the spectacle. "Never seen a complete one. The Jellyshroom isn't new, but rumor has it, it is hard to cultivate. She must have worked a while to make a complete transformation." On cue, both men came inside the gelatinous girl. Tiberius could make out their cum as it shot inside the transparent body, but not for long. It was consumed into the jelly. Both penises started to shrink. At first, Tiberius thought it was the typical post-coitus fatigue but soon was reminded of where exactly he was. As the dicks vanished, the men became women as their rugged lines gave way to female curves. The gelatinous girl was already looking for her next victim. She found it in the one remaining men from the other group. "Show is over," Conway announced. "Unless you want to join in, Tiber?" As the young mage shook his head no, the warrior shepherded his own group on. It wasn't far when the opulence of the 'harem's sprawl' gave way again to the mushroom-covered caves. It appeared they were close to their destiny. Making everyone giddy with excitement. Sinea and Debbie even ignored side passages that led to chests and rather moved onward. Eager to reach the district that would be new to all of them. They all stumbled and blinked as the half-darkness of the shroom dungeon gave way to bright light. For a moment, Tiberius thought they had left the dungeon and were out in an open field. But as soon as his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he saw through the illusion. They had entered a huge cavern. The whole ceiling was taken up by just one type of bio-luminescent fungus that shone a bright blue light down. Mimicking the sky of a summer day. Crouching down, Tiberius noted that even the grass field was an illusion. Thousands of long, but slim green mushrooms acted as a grass substitute. Just like the name 'Flower Garden' suggested, there were flowers of every color and size everywhere. But those too were mushrooms imitating the real thing. Some were more faithful, while others boasted with unnatural sizes or with rare colors. "Pretty," Sinea gushed as she rushed onto the field. Twirling there to take it all in. "Reminds me of The Barnyard." "But where are all the encounters?" Debbie asked. "I can't see anyone besides us." "My guess is they are preparing an ambush." The group looked around from where the new voice came from but drew zilch. Until one of the flower beds started to tremble. The largest flower started to rise from the ground and a head appeared. Then a very voluptuous female body. The woman emerging reminded Tiberius of succulent plants. Her skin was green and slightly translucent. Fake leaves dotted her skin and here and there mushrooms imitating flowers decorated her body. No, Tiberius had to revise his first impression. The flowers appeared to be part of the alluring creature before him. Even the large blossom on her head was part of her. Replacing normal hair. "Oh, I am quite smitten with you," Sinea purred. Letting her gaze roam the green-skinned woman. "But one woman is no ambush." "How about two?" a new woman asked as another figure emerged from a different flower bed. "Or three?" A fourth one rose from behind them. "I think we got you surrounded well." That earned the flower dryads roaring laughter from Debbie. But it was aimed at Sinea. "Someone had been too cocky. What'cha gonna do?" Sinea placed her hands on her hips. "Surrounded? Us? No way. We have an ace up our sleeve." With more flare than necessary, she turned around and pointed at Conway. "I choose you, knight. Defend this maidens honor." If Conway was surprised, then not for long. Falling to one knee before Sinea. "Yes, my lady. You can count on me." Raising to his feet, Conway let his muscles play. Flexing them to show his bulk. Even without his enchanted armor, the fighter was an impressive sight. Especially if he chooses to show off. Tiberius never had seen his group leader go for theatrics, but now he rose to the occasion. "Villainous foes. I, Conway, will best you all. For the honor of my lady, I'll wrestle you to the ground. You've already lost. I'll just have to convince you of the truth." "Challenge accepted," the first flower dryad replied. "Girls, get him!" Giggling, the four green-skinned women rushed Conway. Jumping and grappling him. But to their surprise, Conway still stood tall. His countermove surprised Tiberius even more. Tickling the exposed sides of two until they fell to the ground laughing. An opportunity Conway used to pin them down. What followed started as wrestling and ended in an orgy. One that lasted so long, that Debbie, Sinea, and Tiberius looked for a spot to sit down and watch. By the time Conway shifted into his female self, two flower dryads had extracted themselves and lay exhausted aside. Still, the warrior kept going. Not even slowing down when she didn't have a dick anymore. Tiberius could only describe it as being unconventional and creative. "Damn, she is going at it." All three spectators jumped up in shock. Right behind them, a head poked out of the flower patch. Another dryad had lain there in ambush. "Well, that's Connie for you," Sinea said as the group sat down again. "Legendary stamina." "Connie?" Tiberius asked. Debbie leaned over and in a conspiratorial voice clued the young mage in. "Conway, while drunk, once admitted he tried to get his old group to call him - while being female - Constance. But his old group was having none of it and butchered it down to Connie. Since then, the name stuck." "Well, looks like my friends need help taking that behemoth of a woman down," the dryad said as she stood up. "Time to give them reinforcement." As she walked by, Tiberius blushed and looked aside. Just for a moment, he had witnessed that the flower dryad walking past was already producing 'nectar' from her most important blossom. Even with help, the dryads were fighting a losing battle. All too soon, only the lone flower dryad joining last remained. As Connie was eating her out, the girl had enough. "A third? That's too much for me. I yield! Surrender! Mercy." "Once again I am undefeated!" Connie shouted out as she stood up. Giving them all a good look at how far the transformation had gone. Despite being the target for the magic of five dryads, Connie didn't turn out as a delicate flower. She still had nearly the same bulk Conway called his own. Her muscles glistened with spent sweat. Her skin had taken on a green tinge. Showing everyone that she was well on her way to becoming a dryad herself. But more pronounced was her hair. Or the replacement that took its place. Mid-orgy, Conway's hair had grown long. By the time she had become Connie, it had reached the small of her back and turned dark green. Now, it resembled more vines than actual hair. It even was decorated as dozens of flowers blossomed within the tangles. "Now, for my price. What do I get?" Connie kneed down to heave the last dryad on her shoulders. "You? A fine trophy indeed." The flower dryad wasn't upset. But it took her a moment to protest as she was giggling madly. "I can't. Sorry. The Flower Garden is still new and there aren't enough dryads to spare even one. But there are chests in each of our flower beds." Just as Connie let the dryad down, she was besieged by two new girls. "Connie!" Sinea and Debbie squealed together. The latter added: "We missed you." "I missed you too. You two are safe from stuffy old Conway for a while." Then a loud moan escaped her throat. "Careful, those are sensitive." "Really?" Sinea asked who had one of Connie's flowers in her hand. Still attached to the vine-like hair. With a mischievous smirk, she leaned forward and started to make out with the blossom. She was rewarded with more moans and a Connie that fell to her knees. "The giantess brought low by me! Now, who is the champion here?" "That's neat," Debbie exclaimed. "I want one too." Making puppy eyes at the dryad worked. The flower girl leaned over and touched Debbie just above her left ear. Tiberius witnessed the sharp and focused transfer of mana. As result, an orchid-like flower blossomed. Complimenting Debbie's own beauty nicely. "You too?" the dryad asked Sinea. "Can't," the huntress admitted. "I haven't gotten through my change yet. Same with him." Sinea's words and pointing toward him made Tiberius sigh and give them a weary smile. To her, it was a foregone conclusion that he too would soon be a woman. "Alright. Time for loot" Sinea decreed instead. "Yes. Yes. My lady," Debbie said as she passed the huntress and grabbed Tiberius by the shoulder. Dragging him along. When looking for the first treasure chest, she whispered to him. "Always so pushy in here. Mark my words, it will only get worse." Then she flashed him a cheeky grin. "Not that I really mind." Together they looked through the prizes won. There were a lot of mushrooms in all kinds of shapes. Some even looked more like succulent flowers. Tiberius guessed those would be for the flower dryad transformation. At last, they found a brassiere shaped to resemble myriads of small leaves clinging together. "Let me guess," Tiberius remarked in a resigned voice. "The bra is for me, right? For when I meet that special woman." "Don't be egoistic," Debbie said while elbowing the mage in the side. "That's for Connie to decide. Or Sinea. Connie often passes on the responsibility. At least here, in Shroom Dungeon." The next chest contained sandals and more mushrooms. Yet Tiberius had never seen sandals like these. Yes, the leather strips holding it together would wind up the leg up to the calf and resembled vines were uncommon. But it was the sole that confused the young mage. It vaguely resembled those of riding boots as in it had a separated heel for finding purchase in a saddle's stir-ups. But these heels couldn't fulfill the same purpose. For one they were too narrow and dainty. Making Tiberius think they would break off easily. Then there was the length of the heel. It was so high that it pushed the sole upward. Whoever would wear these would rest mostly their body weight on the toes. But before Tiberius could study them further, Debbie grasped them from him. "Sinea, look!" the feminized rogue exclaimed while holding the sandals over her head. "High heels! And this early. Can I have them?" Sinea was quick to shoot Debbie's enthusiasm down. "Well decide once we have all the loot in a pile." Confused, Tiberius made his way to the next chest. Why would Debbie even want these? It must be all but impossible to walk in these so-called high heels. It would require a lot of dexterity to pull that off. Maybe that was why. A matter of pride and showing off. If anyone had the grace and dexterity to pull it off, it must be Debbie. As Debtar, Tiberius had witnessed several highly acrobatic moves by the rogue. The next loot pile not only yielded more mushrooms but a length of rolled-up vine. Only picking it up, Tiberius grasped what it really was. A whip. "I thought hurtful weapons aren't allowed in the Shroom Dungeon." "They aren't," the last dryad assured him. "May I demonstrate?" A little weary, Tiberius looked at Conway. Instead, his eyes found Connie. The silent nod was all the former, but the mischievous grin was new. With a small sigh, Tiberius handed the whip to the dryad. Uncurling it, the flower dryad took a few practice swings. The crack of air when she snapped the weapon back, made him flinch every time. Then, before he could react, the dryad turned around and let the weapon loose on him. He felt a length of whip coil around him, but to his amazement, no pain. Instead, it felt more like a tickle. Looking down, he saw the whip had sunken into his flesh. As if both occupied the same space. Then, like a piece of wood pushed under water, the whip popped out of his skin and laid on top. Still, with two coils of it around Tiberius' body, he was unable to resist. Both of his arms had been pinned to his side. "See?" The dryad asked. "You aren't hurt, are you? But the whip can do more." The coils around him started to move, and as Tiberius looked down, he saw that the length of the whip started to extend. Slithering around his torso like a snake. Tiberius gulped as the dryad came closer with a hungry look on her face. Was this it? Would she pull him into a session of lovemaking that would rob him of his manhood? After all, he gave her his consent in a roundabout way. "Looks like you are utterly defeated, little mage," the dryad purred. "Now what should I do with-" The dryad was suddenly yanked away. She let go of the whip and it started to unravel around him, but Tiberius hardly noticed. Instead, he was baffled by the display before him. Connie was lifting the dryad up with one arm and tickling her with another. "Look who's still in the mood for fighting!" The warrior shouted out. "I thought I tired you out. Let me remedy that." At last - a few minutes later - the group gathered around a pile of loot. Most of it was mushrooms. The fourth flower bed hadn't contained anything special, while the fifth had contained a silver circlet that had flowers of gemstone embedded in the delicate metalwork. "I expected better loot," Sinea said with a big pout at the end. Then she turned to the only flower dryad still awake. "You sure you aren't holding out on us. Squirreled away some stuff." "Of course, we have more loot," the dryad admitted. Then quickly raised her hand to cut off protests by Sinea and her group. "Sorry, but the Flower Garden is very new as a district. There are only ten volunteers and we barely can keep up. It is surprisingly popular and we have to stretch the loot we have to offer something to all visitors. In time, I guess more items are made for the Flower Garden and get into circulation." "Circulation?" Tiberius pipped up before the others could complain. "We can't keep the items." "Tiber. Tiber. Tiber," Debbie said as she leaned over and placed her arm around his shoulder. He was very aware that the rogue's breasts pushed against his arm. But he wasn't distracted enough to hear her explain. "Of course, we give them back. No matter how solid these items look, they are all made of mushrooms. Yes, the residents here learned even to mimic a vast array of metals and gemstones. But remember, whatever is made of mushroom turns to dust if exposed to sun- or moonlight." Tiberius picked up the circlet. Was it really only mushrooms he was holding? It felt like metal and had weight. The gemstones, he guessed, were rubies, topaz, and emeralds. They looked a little more cloudy than those he was used to. "Well, while you are holding that, you can start identifying it," Sinea suggested. "Time to split the loot." With a sigh, Tiberius did as told. Blending out the world as he focused all his magical senses on the circlet in his hand. At once, Tiberius had to stifle a gasp of surprise. The item was bursting with the strange magic of the mushrooms. Flowing as if alive in a confusing tangle of strands and knots. Hardly he had seen an item this overloaded with enchantments before. "I can make out a reservoir for mana," Tiberius started. That was the easiest enchantment to decipher. "As well as an aid for mana replenishment. Wait, is that-" Tiberius fell silent in astonishment. It must have been evident on his face, as Sinea was quick to urge him on. "What? Come on. Don't leave us hanging." "It's a focus," the young mage revealed. Most users of magical powers used one. Be it staff, scepter, wand, or orb. Tiberius himself used a shortened staff. Though now, it rested in the safe of the Impish Armory. "But there is more. I think it has spells woven into it. Accessible like a magic tome." Debbie snatched the circlet out of his hand and then placed it on Tiberius' head. "Mage stuff. Boring. What's next? The high heels? Please tell me they're for rogues." Ignoring the circlet wasn't easy. He could feel the power radiating from it through his skull. Teasing him with power laid bare before him. Never had he heard of an item worn on the head as a focus before. The implications fascinated him. Still. He relented as Debbie grew restless beside him. Grabbing the so-called high heels had him shake his head slightly. Having them in his hand made them somehow seem even more absurd. Pushing his bemusement aside, Tiberius concentrated on them. At once, he knew they were highly enchanted too. Though less than the circlet. Half was taken up by a dexterity enchantment. Though the name was slightly misleading. The enchantment monitored and helped coordinate the muscles that were in range. Facilitating it through a feedback loop to the wearer through the subconsciousness. It resulted in finer and more precise movement. But most didn't care for the details and simply called it a dexterity enchantment. But there was more. An unfamiliar enchantment. He could make out some components and guess what they did. "Well, it has a muscle-coordination enchantment," Tiberius started. As he saw confused faces, he let out a small sigh. "A dexterity enchantment." That got a burst of happy shouts out of Debbie. "However, there is another enchantment that I have trouble pinpointing. Something about magically anchoring and a link to a person's mind." "That's a Sure Step enchantment," Sinea broke in and waved off any further explanation. "Pretty standard for high heels in these parts. The wearer can use the magic of the shoes to find a grip on any surface. Even smooth stuff like ice." "That's rogue stuff!" Debbie decreed. Still, she looked pleadingly toward Sinea. "Right?" "Of course," the huntress agreed. "I wouldn't miss you strutting your stuff in front of me." At once, Debbie snatched the high heels out of Tiberius' grasp and proceeded to put them on. It was apparent she had worn shoes like these before. Standing up, she moved around like she was born wearing high heels. Strutting, as Sinea had called it, was a fitting term. Debbie made a show of walking around. Maybe Tiberius imagined it, but he could swear Debbie swayed her hips more than necessary. If that was on purpose or due to the shoes, he couldn't tell. "Halfway done," Sinea said as she tossed Tiberius the leaf bra to the young mage. As Tiberius was very distracted, the garment found a temporary place on his head. Giving Sinea a short annoyed look, he pulled the bra down and gave it his attention. This time it was easy to make out the enchantment. "This one changes size to fit its wearer. A good thing as it also enhances specific attributes." "What attributes?" Connie asked innocently enough. "Well, you know." Tiberius mimed with his hands having breasts and them expanding. "I didn't get that," Sinea said with a smirk that spoke volumes. That Connie showed a small smirk too, clued everyone in that her question hadn't been that naive either. "We wanna hear it." "Breasts," Tiberius pushed out with mock annoyance. "It enhances your breasts. Makes them grow bigger. Happy now." "Very," Sinea replied sweetly. Then tossing the enchanted bra to Connie who immediately started putting it on. Of all the girls here, Tiberius thought Connie needed the bra the least. While proportionally a normal size, due to her massive stature her breasts were equally massive. Well, Tiberius was used to it. Not that he would admit it aloud. People always assumed mages of the academy were virgins and prude nerds. Far from it. He reasoned every student had a phase of exploration when exactly those same magical effects had been taught in the fifth semester. Tiberius himself needed less than a half day to determine that to be hung like a horse was less than practical. "That leaves the whip," Tiberius concluded. The enchantment and its function intrigued him. To temporarily occupy the same space as a person and then spring out of it was fascinating. "If you don't mind, I'd like to have it for study." To his surprise, everyone else wanted the weapon too. As none usually used a whip, Tiberius could only conclude that the others wanted it for nefarious or lewd reasons. Probably both at the same time. "I'll take it," Sinea said with authority and hastily added to it as the others were about to protest. "For safekeeping. It remains in my backpack until we find a proper die to roll it out. Let luck determine who takes it." With the normal loot split, Sinea filled the backpack with the small mountain of mushrooms. As Debbie explained, they could not only be eaten but were used for bartering as well. The very thought of currency that was grown and consumed was amusing to Tiberius. At last, Sinea lifted her backpack. At least, she tried. It took a while to actually heave it onto her back. Tiberius expected Connie to step up and offer to carry the backpack, but she remained quiet. Sinea didn't appear to mind that she was stuck with backpack duty. After all, she had taken it upon herself from the start. Yet, she couldn't help but voice out loud: "That's it. The next duel to lose will be mine." A little confused, Tiberius followed as his group made their way out of the Flower Garden. Now, Sinea wasn't running ahead. Overloaded as she was. Instead, it was Debbie who played guide to them all. Walking ahead, it was no wonder the other three stayed behind and enjoyed the view. For Debbie's butt swayed back and forth was almost hypnotic. *************************************** - - - Chapter 3 - - - *************************************** Once again, they made their way through the cavern system. It was rather eventless, as Sinea forbade any excursion to find possible treasure chests. Not while she was still overloaded as is. That, of course, didn't stop Debbie from teasing her every time the hallway branched off. Even Connie and Tiberius chimed in a few times. Soon, they made their way through a Harem's Sprawl again. Tiberius couldn't tell if it was the same district as before or a new one. According to the map, this mini-district type was scattered a few times through the dungeon. One event hinted that it was the same through. They encountered the same gelatinous girl from before. Again, right in time for an orgy going on. Though it was a new group the monster girl had ambushed. Tiberius was a little disappointed as Sinea urged them on. He was quite fascinated by the facsimile transformation based on one of the deadliest monsters Tiberius knew. As they once again left plush and silk behind, they soon encountered the first sign of a new district ahead. The faint smell of honey. Soon, Tiberius spotted more and more amber-colored mushrooms among the usual fungal flora of the dungeon. "Ah! The smell of Hive Life," Sinea exclaimed. "Just the place for a crushing defeat. I am sure the drones will help a pal out." A little confused, Tiberius let Sinea lead on. The prospect of this new district actually spurned the huntress on to quicken her pace. Tiberius was a little more cautious. He had no idea what to expect, but he dreaded it having something to do with insects. Those he hated, and the word hive in the name heavily implied his fears could come true. A few moments later, a new kind of mushroom became apparent as it clung to the floor, ceiling, and walls. It soon pushed away all other kinds of shrooms. It was large and had roughly the shape of a hexagon. The denser its population became, the more they fit into each other perfectly. All too soon, they walked down a corridor that was made up of flawlessly tiled hexagons. Just when Tiberius was about to comment on it, the hallway opened up to a big chamber. It reminded him of a beehive. Dozens of monstrous, yet sexy women milled around. Some carried baskets full of amber mushrooms while others ate the same one with abandon. The same shroom was also put into a six-sided container and sealed away. All these details eluded Tiberius as he stared at the inhabitants of the Hive Life district. These women looked like a strange mix of humans and bees. Their waists might be waspish, but their colors were those of bumblebees. At first, Tiberius thought they wore armor, but then it dawned on him. Parts of them were covered in chitin. Walking around, the young mage noticed that they too wore those high heels Debbie seemed to like. Just made from a material that resembled chitin too. But then Tiberius took a closer look and grew confused. He couldn't tell where the high heels ended and the legs of the women started. Or if it even was separate at all. "Greetings. Welcome to Hive-Life." One of the buzzing around women had walked over and now gracefully had bowed before them. "My name is Karina. We have plenty of drones available for service. How can we be of help?" Involuntary, Tiberius stumbled a step back. The chitin he could endure. It even had some kind of sex appeal. But not her eyes. Not quite like a bug, her normal whites, iris, and pupils had been exchanged for something black with multiple facets. As if someone had polished obsidian and set it into her eye sockets. "I'll take a room," Sinea said as she lowered her backpack to the ground. Apparently, she had no trouble with the alien appearance of their greeter. "And a half dozen of your finest drones." "Certainly," Karina said with a motion halfway between curtsy and bow. "That will be sixty mushrooms." "Thirty," Sinea countered. "And my body." Karina flashed a smile. To Tiberius, it looked disturbingly predatory. "Nice. Someone who knows how to haggle. But our services don't come cheap. Thirty shrooms, your body, and twenty percent change." "Ten percent. No more." To twist the truth of her own words, Sinea continued after a mischievous wink. "Unless you can sufficiently distract me." "Challenge accepted." Karina gave a slight wave and another drone appeared. She took the thirty mushrooms Sinea promised and handed them over. Then, Karina offered her arm to Sinea. As the huntress complied, the drone turned to Tiberius. "And you? A little relaxation might do you good." Looking into her dark eyes, Tiberius had to suppress a shudder. No, those drones of Hive-Life weren't for him. He needed a way out. "I already have another district for that in mind." "That's good to hear," Karina practically cooed. Turning around, she led Sinea away. The last they could hear was: "Let's get you settled, shall we?" Suddenly one short, the group made its way over into a lounge area. At least, Tiberius thought about it as such. A few upholstered benches were scattered around and in between some very low tables. Connie dragged the backpack over and upheaved the contents over one of them. Together with Debbie, she started to sort through the many different kinds of mushrooms they had gathered. While it was fascinating to speculate what each does, Tiberius still grew bored fast. Yet, he reasoned this might take a while. But from the top of his head, he had the solution. Literally. As Tiberius finally had the time to further inspect the circlet. There were definitely spells inscribed in it. All he had to do was channel mana into it and willed the spell forth. Hopefully, none were destructive, as Tiberius intended to find out what they did. But try as he might, the spells wouldn't come out. It was as if the circlet was fighting him. That, or a barrier cut him off. Not to give up easily, Tiberius kept going. Ever so slowly, testing out different approaches. It took him over an hour until there was the first success. A tiny little vine sprouted from his wrist. Thankfully, it wasn't painful. With patience, he made the small plant climb along his arm. "Impressive growth." The shout by Debbie threw Tiberius off his concentration. Before he could stabilize its magic again, the vine vanished into thin air. Annoyed, he threw an angry look at the feminized rogue. "I know it wasn't much. Stop mocking me. There is something in the circlet fighting me." Leaning over so she could be seen from behind Debbie, Connie made herself known. "The plant was cute, but not what Dabs was talking about." The young mage took a deep breath and folded his arms over his chest. But the harsh reply died on his lips. Something was wrong. And it wasn't that he only now noticed the changes Connie and Debbie had gone through. Small horns poked through the warrior's hairline, while the rogue had a long prehensile tail swish behind her instead of her previous cute bunny tail. Her new one was just like the ones the Succubus at the Impish Armory had. No, it was the feel of his chest underneath his arms. It was oddly cushioned. As if there was padding his arms rested on. Confused, Tiberius glanced down and blurted out a curse. He had breasts. Small ones, but he couldn't deny that they were there. While they weren't very visible under the tunic, the material had tears in it despite his best efforts to prevent that. "Who did this to me?" the young mage demanded to know. "I am no expert in magic," Debbie said with a shrug. "But I think you did. The magic of the mushroom and items made from it can only be accessed by those already transformed. I guess you tried to use the circlet, right?" That surprisingly made sense. While forcing the circlet, some of its magic must have leaked into him. Tiberius had no one to blame other than himself. Before Tiberius could say anything more to it, a deep voice broke the quiet. "Hey, guys. Missed me?" In the blink of an eye, Debbie shot up and used her bench for a jump to catapult herself into a mountain of a man. He might even be bigger than Conway in his normal male form. The rogue then silenced the hunk with deep needy kisses. While Tiberius was momentarily stunned, Connie came over. "Tiberius, meet Sindor." That name sounded familiar. It only took a moment for Tiberius to click. "That's the guy from the story you told me. The one helped Debtar slash Debbie, to be honest with themselves." "Tiber!" the mountain of a man bellowed. "I love what you started there." Sindor motioned with his left hand the curvature of a breast. Not with his right though. As his right arm was used up by Debbie sitting on it. Her prehensile tail also had wound itself around Sindor's biceps. "How does he-" Tiberius cut himself off. His mind already provided the answer to how Sindor knew him. "You are Sinea!" "Sinea isn't here right now. Only Sindor." Puzzle pieces fell in place for Tiberius. That's how his group had met. Conway and Debtar had been part of an adventurer group that visited Shroom Dungeon. When Debtar first became Debbie, she stormed out of the dungeon while throwing a tantrum. But she never made it to the exit. She ran into Sindor, who then sexually enlightened her. That's when Connie ran into them. There was one last piece missing, but in the end, the three formed a new adventurer group together. It was no wonder that Shroom Dungeon held a special place in their hearts. Taking a closer look at Sindor, Tiberius couldn't help that the former huntress didn't look completely human anymore. Parts of his hands, chest, and legs were covered in chitin. It gave him an odd look. Like he was haphazardly dressed in pieces of armor. "Well then," Sindor said. "Time to get going. Unless you want to finish what you started, Tiber?" As the young mage shook his head, the hunter lifted his backpack with only the left arm on his shoulder. "Is it just me or was it heavier before?" "We had a few snacks," Debbie said while drawing hearts on Sindor's chest. "Anything for my little devil." With those words, Sindor gave her a passionate kiss. Watching them from the sidelines, Tiberius grew more and more confused. "They act like-" "Lovers?" Connie suggested from beside him. "All lovey-dovey? Like newlyweds on their honeymoon? You'd better get used to it. That's always how they behave in Shroom Dungeon. At least, in the beginning." Shaking his head, Tiberius followed the strange pair out of the Hive- Life district. It was a wonder Sindor didn't run into a wall as Debbie did her best to distract him. While the young mage only saw their backside, the giggling and smooching sounds clued him in enough. As the walls returned to their natural cave appearance, Tiberius felt the tension leave his body. The last district really hadn't been his cup of tea. He was glad to leave the insect-inspired area behind. But soon a new distraction arose. The papery material of the tunic moved over his budding breasts with each step he took. It was distracting. Women probably wouldn't even notice it. For them, it was just normal. But for Tiberius, even his small chest was a new and unfamiliar experience. And it wasn't like they would stay this small. Tiberius was under no illusions that soon he would turn into a complete woman. He wasn't completely sure how he felt about that. Yes, he could refuse this opportunity, but talking to Connie had given him perspective. It was a chance to expand his horizon. Gain an understanding of the women around him. But still, a small voice of concern was talking in the back of his head. "We'll camp here for the night," Sindor said loud enough to pull Tiberius out of his thoughts. "Tomorrow, we'll reach The Barnyard. Knowing us, we'll probably spend the day there. Then, the day after, we can pass through the Kitten Basket district and the Curated Gallery. With luck, we should arrive at The Factory same time the day after tomorrow." A little startled, Tiberius glanced at the bracelet he had gotten in the Impish Armory. Indeed, the crystal that told the time was dark as the night. Now, as the excitement ebbed off, Tiberius could feel the fatigue that had accumulated. Not just had they marched like possessed to the dungeon, but most of the time in Shroom Dungeon they had walked as well. He really could use a good night's sleep. Not that he would get it. "Who takes which watch?" he asked aloud. "No one takes none," Sindor said in response and got giggles in return. At least Connie was helpful. "Remember, there are no real monsters or enemies inside. Go catch all the sleep you can get. Tomorrow will be a busy day." Tiberius frowned a little. He spied a slight mischievous smirk on Connie at the end. One that was infectious as both, Debbie and Sindor, shared it for a moment. The young mage might not be as experienced as the rest of the group, but he knew they were up to something. Probably planning his transformation into a woman the next day. Not giving them the satisfaction, Tiberius looked around for a sleeping spot. Only now he noticed that they had entered another Harem's Sprawl mini-district. He really had been lost in thought earlier. But he had to admit Sindor made a good choice for a resting place. The whole area was furnished with padded benches and daybeds. Today, Tiberius would not need to sleep on the hard ground. Just as he laid down, he heard the grunting and moaning of Debbie and Sindor. It sounded like they had an intimate way to get reacquainted. Not that it mattered to him. Sleep came to him fast and easy. He didn't even get to witness when Connie joined in and made it officially a threesome. *************************************** - - - Chapter 4 - - - *************************************** Something awoke Tiberius. Without even opening his eyes he could feel a body slipping onto the daybed he had chosen for himself. It was a woman. Definitely not Connie. The body snuggling up to him wasn't big enough. That left only the rogue. "I am not in the mood, Debbie," Tiberius said as he shifted away. "But what if I ain't Debbie," a seductive voice said right beside his ear. Shocked, Tiberius tried to get up but failed miserably. The person pushed him down easily. At least now, when Tiberius opened his eyes, he saw her. Just as she pushed herself up to straddle him. "Foolish little adventurer," a raven-haired beauty said. "Taking a rest without having one on the watch." "Connie said we don't-" "Ah. Ah. Ahh." She chided him, by placing a delicate finger on his lip to shut him up. "Save your little lies and excuses. Nessa won't have it. I ambushed you fair and square. Now, how do you intend to pay me off?" His heart quickened. Tiberius knew this was it. Yes, he could refuse her. Deny his consent. But did he want that? Nessa was a beauty for sure. He could already feel his mage staff below stirring. By the look of it, she had noticed too. A glance around him showed his companions sleeping. What better time to embrace the change than now? Without onlookers or commentary. No, Tiberius decided to be brave. To play along. "Yes, you beat me." Once he had admitted it out aloud the rest of the words came easier. "But what can I give you to spare my life. I have a robe, but it would be a shame to cover up your beauty. I am afraid all I can offer is my body." "Oh, my! What a way with words," Nessa said while standing up. Now Tiberius saw her in all her naked glory. To his surprise, even towering over him, her raven hair was long enough to still tickle his skin. She eyed him critically. "Let's see if your body is as fine as your words." Tiberius was momentarily stunned as Nessa's hair came alive. Strands of it became animate and moved like tentacles around. They started to roam over his body. Caressing it. Cherishing his contours. But with a sudden violent spur, they tangled with his cloth and ripped them apart. "I think I like what I see," Nessa said with a hungry smile. "And I know you too." Slowly, she lowered herself down again. But while her already wet sex brushed against his throbbing member, she didn't claim it yet. Instead, her hands and strands of hair caressed Tiberius' budding breasts. "What's these? So small. Let me help you with that." Knowing what would happen, Tiberius was still stunned into watching as Nessa started her work. Strands of animated hair started to cup his budding breasts. When fully covered, the mess of hair started to grow, but Tiberius felt the truth. His chest was pushing outward. Swelling until it reached the preferred size of the ambusher. Nessa didn't stop there. Her hair started to caress his whole body. Thick strands of robe wound around his waist. Constricting it and with magic, slimming it down. Contrary, Tiberius could feel his butt and hips expand. How much, he couldn't tell, as Nessa leaned over and kissed him deeply. Lost in a haze of needy kissing and caressing of myriads of soft strands of hair, Tiberius nearly missed Nessa pushing herself on his member. At least this part of his male anatomy she hadn't rend down yet. He enjoyed a few thrusts by her, but then focused on the present again. He knew sex was a dance for two and he wasn't without knowledge of dance moves. His hands reached for her hips. Felt them. Trailed along them. Cherished them. Then Tiberius moved up. Step by step in the rhythm of Nessa riding him. Cupping her waspish waist. Feeling the first over her rips. Then the perfect mounts of flesh beneath his fingers. She smiled at him. Cherished his attention to her needs. But not for long. She gently grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands from her chest to his. Now Tiberius cupped his own breasts. It was an alien sensation. Feeling his budding breasts before hadn't prepared him for the delight these full-bodied orbs of flesh gave him. In a split second, Tiberius decided he liked the feeling and much of his hesitation fell away. It was a turn-on for Nessa. Watching him play. That much Tiberius could tell. Watching him experiment. Twisting, pinching, and groping. Finding out what he liked and loved. He knew, intellectually, that every woman liked different things. And now he could hardly deny it. He was nearly a woman too. Would he be one that didn't like attention to her breasts or one who loved it as much as the act of sex itself? Judging by the first impression, Tiberius would bet the latter. When Nessa's rhythm increased, Tiberius knew she was close. Her hands sought out his, and once intertwined, she leaned forward. As they shared another passionate kiss, Tiberius was introduced to another new sensation. Nessa was so close that with each thrust her nipples brushed past Tiberius' own. It was delightful but didn't last long. The shift in position made his dick grind harder against her vaginal walls. He grunted as came and was rewarded with moans breathed into his own as Nessa came too. As always, the climax didn't last. A few seconds later, Tiberius could feel his manhood shrinking. Spent for now. Yet this time, it did go further. Withdrawing out of Nessa's netherly confines and dwindling further. He could feel the magic at work, and Tiberius knew that this was it. The last vestige of being a man would vanish. Ironic, yet humorous, that it was his manhood itself. Nessa rolled off him. Giving Tiberius an unobstructed view. Not that it mattered for long. There was soon nothing to see, but a virgin slit. This was it. Tiberius was now a woman. Hesitantly, he reached out to touch his new sex but stopped short. "Your first time as a woman?" Nessa asked as she settled beside him. When he nodded, she reached out too. Cupping Tiberius' hand with her own, she guided it downward. It wasn't the first time that his hand touched a vagina. But it was the first time feeling the touch on his own. She let him explore for a moment, before pushing her - his own - middle finger into the needy sex. And it was indeed wanting. Tiberius could feel it. The eroticism of the situation. It made his netherly grotto slick with anticipation. But it was different than usual. It was difficult for him to describe. More dispersed than the usual focus. "Does it feel nice?" Nessa whispered into his ear. "I bet it does. New girls always are like musical instruments. If I give a gentle rub here- What a nice moan. Let's try a bit deeper. Oh, you like that." Instrument indeed. She played Tiberius like a fiddle. He hadn't known how sensitive a vagina could be. All he ever heard was how filling or deep a girl wanted. Never how different areas gave different pleasures. But now he found out. And in spades. Her administration already made his heart beat faster. Flooding his system with arousal. Tiberius wasn't used to it. As a man, he needed some time for a new round. But now he was a woman and the old rules he lived by were chucked out of the window. "Do you want more?" Tiberius nodded. Not trusting his voice to form words instead of moans. Nessa guided his own and her second digit into the needy snatch. It filled him up well, but not good enough. Without prompt, he inserted a third finger. "Oh, I see how it is. Wait a moment for me. Keep yourself entertained." As Nessa slipped out of his daybed, Tiberius let out a small moan of disappointment. He already missed her expert fingers. As a conciliatory price, he got to see her gorgeous body in full detail again. She didn't go far. Close by was a bundle of discarded clothes and a small leather satchel. From the latter, she withdrew something that made him gasp. It was some kind of reinforced pantie. With belts and buckles. And it needed to be sturdy as someone had stuck two phalli to it. One on the outside and one on the inside. Astonished, Tiberius watched as Nessa shimmied into the garment. At least until the internal phallus touched her netherly lips. She made a show for him. Grabbing the dildo and slowly inserting it into herself. She was very verbal about it too. At last, it was all in, and she buckled it tight. Nessa posed for him just a moment, before stalking back to the daybed. There, she once again climbed onto it. The tip of her fake dick bumped into him. Brushing here and there against his legs, until it came to a rest just above his hand still buried half in his snatch. Eagerly, he moved it aside. His view was shifted when Nessa pushed his chin up with two fingers. Her deep dark eyes caught his own. Holding his attention, Nessa asked: "Are you ready?" The implications were clear. Was he? Only recently sex as a woman had been theoretical. While coming to terms that he would shift into a woman the next day, the midnight encounter had thrown a wrench into Tiberius' plans. But despite that, knowing Nessa for less than a half-hour, he was sure to trust her. It might be the arousal burning like a fever through his veins, but he was more than ready. He was eager for it. Tiberius gave her a strong nod. "Sorry, but that won't do," Nessa said while holding his gaze. "I need to hear it." Tiberius swallowed. He already gave her his consent, but finding and uttering the words was harder. His throat was suddenly dry. And while he gathered his courage, Nessa waited patiently. Even teasingly. As Tiberius could feel her strapped-on dick just gently brushing his skin. "Yes." That one word opened the float gates. "Please take me. I want you to-" She silenced him with a kiss. A little forceful - even domineering - but exactly what Tiberius craved. And while his tongue was intertwined with hers, he could feel it. Slowly Nessa guided her member into him. The tip gradually pushed apart his vaginal lips. Steadily, Nessa lowered herself deeper. Surprising Tiberius just how thick her member was. The fake phallus hadn't even been that large. Tiberius had sported larger. Thanks to magic. But as it displaced needy flesh, it certainly felt bigger. Fulfilling. Now he knew what exactly woman meant by it. A theoretical understanding wasn't even worth mentioning compared to feeling it himself. Once Tiberius had swallowed up most of the dick, Nessa started to grind into him at a slow - maddeningly - pace. With each stroke, Tiberius' arousal grew. Reaching heights he thought impossible. Moans escaped his throat and, even muffled by the locked lips, they couldn't be denied. Announcing to the world how close he was. Desperate, Tiberius drew Nessa closer to himself. Raking her back when his fingers couldn't find purchase. But it had the desired intent. Nessa increased her pace. It was all that Tiberius needed. At last, his arousal peeked, and a sudden wave blossomed through his whole body. For a few endless seconds, Tiberius couldn't control either limbs or throat. Thrashing and arching, while moaning in delight. As the wave ebbed away, Tiberius breathed hard. As if he had run a marathon. With her goal achieved, Nessa slipped out of him. Resting her slick member - covered with his juices - on his tight, while snuggling against him. He enjoyed the warmth of her body against his own, while slowly Tiberius breathing normalization. He could have fallen asleep like that, but Nessa suddenly pushed up. "Well, I guess your payment is done," she said with a knowing smirk. "I had your body in every way I wanted to imagine." Tiberius was saddened. Was she leaving him? Just as they had enjoyed such an intimate moment. "Do you have to go?" "Yes. The night is still young and there are others to ambush. I hoped you liked it." "I loved it," Tiberius said. And he meant it too. "Great," Nessa said before looking away from him. "And what does the jury say?" "Ten points!" Sindor said in his low rumble, while Connie gave a more relaxed: "Same." Shocked, Tiberius sat up. Looking over he saw that everyone was awake. More than that, they each held a sign up with a number. Just as they had said, Sindor's and Connie's signs displayed a ten. Debbie's only showed a three. "You guys are awake?" The young mage was baffled. "How could we not?" Sindor asked. "Even if we hadn't been awake before, you moaned loud enough to wake the dead." "But I checked," Tiberius protested. "You were fast asleep." "I think that's my cue to leave," Nessa said before making a quick retreat. Debbie took it as a cue to walk over and plop down beside the young mage. "She tried to ambush us first, but we showed her a more worthwhile victim. All we had to do was to pretend for a few seconds to be asleep." Tiberius groaned and sunk his head down. He should have known his group was up to no good. They had planned this. From the moment they had stopped for the night. He threw Sindor and Connie a dirty look to let them know what he thought about it. Debbie was about to be next when he spied the discarded sign that had a three on it. "Glad to be of service in the pursuit of your entertainment." Then he gave Debbie a mock annoyed look. "But only three points from you? Really?" Debbie gave him a nonchalant shrug. "It was the highest number I could find." Having a sudden epiphany, Debbie leaned forward until she could rummage head over what was under the bed. A moment later she threw a sign into Tiberius' lap. "Here. Now you have earned a nine." Tiberius had barely time to roll his eyes when Sindor asked a question that caught him off-guard: "Well, how do you rate your first time? As a woman." "It was-" Tiberius hunted for words, but his mind drew blanks. Instead, there was only one reaction. "Wow." "Wow indeed," Debbie said as she slung her arms around him from behind. Pulling him so close that he could feel her breasts squishing against his back. "But don't let that get to your head. Let me tell you a secret. Orgasms in the Shroom Dungeon are enhanced." "They are?" "Think about it," Connie said to pick up the topic. "The original mushroom changed genders and a whole economy sprang forth from it. Many breeds were created artificially. Do you really think those dabbling in the modifications couldn't resist making it a little better?" "We have more than just speculations," Sindor took over. "Some liked their changed gender so much that they sought out means to bend their gender outside of Shroom Dungeon. Only to find out that the orgasms they experienced outside aren't as powerful." "Rumor is," Debbie said from behind him. "That there are people who bend their gender outside of Shroom Dungeon just so they can experience the enhanced orgasms in their original gender." Tiberius scratched his head and found more hair than he had expected. Patting it down, he noticed it was now long enough to reach just past his shoulders. Having filed that information away, he returned to the topic at hand. "It sounds like someone could get addicted to it." Debbie playfully slapped him on the head. "Duh! Why do you think so many volunteers run around in Shroom Dungeon?" Tiberius' eyes darted to the one person he knew was a volunteer before. Sindor. The giant gave a bellowing laugh as he noticed the mage's attention. "Yes. That's right. I was a junkie. Still am, if I am honest. But listen, Tiber. Most of us realize something important. Gratification is temporary. Sexually even more so. There are other forms of pleasure one can hunt. I take the satisfaction of knowing that I saved a whole village from blood-frenzied orcs any time of the day over a hundred orgasms. Because even now, remembering my deed fills me with a warmth that can't be compared." "As good as sex here is in Shroom Dungeon, it is best enjoyed in measures," Connie said sagely and a little aloof. "Why else do you think the Impish Armory confiscates equipment after seven days. Those who don't show up in time usually don't do for weeks or even months." "So, enjoy it while it lasts," Tiberius concluded. "Treat it as a vacation." Debbie gave him a squeezing hug from behind. "Exactly. But here is a little tidbit of information for a scholar like you. Orgasms aren't all the same. Yes, depending on the techniques used, they can differ. But, what many people don't know is, that the body one inhabits plays a big role too. Things like how muscular you are or general fitness. Size and weight. Many things. And guess what? In Shroom Dungeon all those things are malleable. Experimenting with different mushrooms doesn't just give you a new body. It also changes how our minds and souls interpret an orgasm. Isn't that neat?" "Debbie's unofficial motto is: 'gotta experience them all'", Sindor said sotto voce. Then snapping out of it, he addressed them all. "Anyways. All that detailed stuff you can explain to her in the morning. That's right. Her. Tiberius is no more. And this newly made lamb of a woman needs a name." "Oh my gods, yes!" Debbie shouted. Nearly deafening Tiberius in turn. "Uhh, that might be a challenge." Despite her words, Connie rubbed her in anticipation. "Well, knowing it would come to this sooner or later I gave it some thought and-" Whatever else Tiberius wanted to say was muffled out as Debbie clamped her hands over his mouth. "Sorry, honey," the rogue said with a shrug. "But tradition is that one gets named. You have no say in it." The young mage gave a deep - muffled - sigh and gave a nod. But Debbie was having none of it. Her hands stayed put. "What is the female form of Tiberius?" Sindor asked into the round. "Tiberia? Tiberine?" "I am not even sure there is one," Connie said aloud. She appeared in thought for a moment, before keeling over and hugging a pillow. "Tiberna. Tiberta. Not sure we get something good just changing the end." "I've got it!" Debbie shouted out and threw her hands in the air. Making Tiberius wince again. "What do we call Tiberius half the time? Tiber. And if you be generous with modifying it, you get- Tabby!" Sindor and Connie gave themselves a look and nodded. The look on their faces said all. They were on board. But before anyone could reaffirm it, Tiberius - finally unmuffled - took the initiative. "Why does it even have to be based on my name? I mean Tabby? Really? We had a cat at the academy's dormitories named like that." Debbie jumped half up. Nearly pushing Tiberius off the daybed. "Sindor-" "I am way ahead of you." The only remaining man in the group had heaved the backpack onto his lab. Rummaging in it and now and then pulling specific mushrooms. Those Connie scooted up and carried them over to Tiberius. "I guess you want me to eat them," Tiberius concluded. Instead of an answer, they all stared at him expectantly. Knowing he was on lost ground, he began to eat. With each mushroom he ate, Tiberius could feel the magic course through him. It started in his stomach and then rushed to his head. He knew something happened, but not what. Whatever transformation happened was too quick to decipher while eating. For a moment he could have sworn he lost hearing. But it soon returned. At last, he finished the last shroom. "Awww. Not enough for a tail," Debbie exclaimed sadly. But then perked up. "May I present you: Tabby the catgirl!" "Catgirl?" While the group went wild, the young mage reached up. What the hand felt was definitely not a human ear. Not to mention it was higher up and had fur. "I have cat ears." "Yes!" Debbie said while jumping up and down. "Say it. What are you?" A deep sigh. "A catgirl." "And what is your name?" Sindor asked with a mischievous knowing grin. "Tabby," the newly made catgirl said defeated. "My name is Tabby and I am a catgirl, nyah." Her new ears twitched in confusion. "Why did I say that? Nyah, I didn't mean to- Again." "Those were Nyashroom after all" Sindor unnecessarily confirmed for the group. "That 'speech impairment is part of the Nyashroom," Connie simply added. "But why, nyah?" Tabby asked. "Probably part of a fetish of the mage who made that shroom breed, to begin with," Debbie said with a shrug. "I have a feeling - nyah - that this will get old really quick." Tabby gave the others a dirty look. "And I bet you knew that beforehand." "Well, with Tabby named it is time for bed," Sindor quickly said to change the topic. "Get some rest. Tomorrow we'll hit The Barnyard. And knowing us, we'll spend a day there." "But-" Debbie was quick to cut Tabbie off. "Gladly." A moment later, the young catgirl got her ass massaged. "That's not what I meant, nyah," Tabby sighed. She pointed to Sindor and Connie who both laid down again. "Don't you wanna join them?" "I am fine where I am. Come on. Let's go to sleep." With another sigh - a habit Tabby was quickly developing - the catgirl laid down. Only to find herself spooned by Debbie. And despite that the rogue rested possessively a hand on her tight, Tabby fell asleep in seconds. With all the excitement gone, her exhaustion clearly won out. *************************************** - - - Chapter 5 - - - *************************************** When Tiberius woke up, he was alone. Around him were the cold hard walls of a cave and none of his group were present. "Hello?" His shout echoed away. Unanswered. But there was a light sparking up at the end of a passageway. Naked and confused, Tiberius made for it. The closer he came, the more convinced he was that someone was there. Walking towards him. They would reach each other just at the lonely two torches that barely lit up the cave. There was a ripple in the air. Just between the torches was a distortion. As if someone had put the surface of a pond sideways. And beyond stood the other figure. It was Tiberius. Naked. Confused. A mirror image. The fluid mirror rippled again and Tiberius could see his mirror image change. Gradually shifting into a woman. Even stranger, he could feel the same changes in himself. In seconds, he was nearly a complete woman, but something was missing. "What type of catgirl are you?" Tiberius spun around to suddenly find himself in a room with wooden walls. An inn? Standing there was Sinea, but not the one he was used to. She had cat ears and a tail, but her most striking feature was her chest. Instead of breasts, she had two balls of yarn stuck to them. "A catgirl can't run around with a flat chest like you," Sinea continued. She grabbed her balls of yarn and popped them loose. Holding them out for Tiberius. "Take them. They will look good on you." "No, take mine." Suddenly Debbie - as a catgirl - was there too. Offering her own balls of yarn. "I wanna make Tabby complete." Who was Tabby? Then Tiberius remembered. He was. At least, he should be. All he had was to decide. Who's balls would he take? "Those are too small." Tiberius turned around to see Connie standing there. Towering three heads taller than him. She too popped her balls of yarn loose and held them out. Just inches away from Tiberius' chest. While they looked right on Connie's chest, they would be massive on him. "Take them," Connie urged him. "Become our Tabby." "I can't," Tiberius said as he stumbled back. "They are too large Connie. Too large!" Tabby shot up from her daybed. Momentarily confused. She wasn't in the room anymore. Instead, she saw the familiar walls of the Harem's Sprawl around her. Along with softly padded benches and beds all around. Sindor, Debbie and Connie were there too. Right in the middle of getting dressed in the few meager articles of clothing they had. It had been a dream. Nothing more. Tabby slumped down in relief. "Too large?" Connie grabbed her own breasts. Normal ones that were made out of flesh. "I don't think so." "If anything they're too small." Debbie gave her warrior a mischievous grin. "But that can be helped." "Well, Tabby, now that you are awake, get dressed." Sindor threw a ball of red toward Tabby who barely managed to catch it. It was the red silky robe Tiberius had carried with him through half the dungeon. "Provided you are still into such things. The barnyard awaits." Blushing, Tabby became aware that she was nude. Ever since Nessa - their nightly encounter - had ripped those paper-like clothes off them. Tabby even had slept like that. More than a little embarrassed, Tabby slipped her arms into the silken robe. Only to stop halfway. It was so smooth on her skin that a shiver of surprise ran through her. It only lasted for a second, but Tabby was thoroughly off-guard as she finished donning the robe. She had never worn anything of this quality. But the robe was not finished with its surprises. In vain Tabby looked for any means to close it. No buttons or belt left the front open. Threatening to tease anyone looking too close. Looking around, Tabby spotted the panties Debbie had gifted her. If one counted flinging them towards Tiberius as gifting. They fit pretty well and snuggly. There was only one last piece of equipment to don. Before Tabby could even look for it, Debbie presented it to her. "Your tiara, princess." "It's a circlet, nya," Tabby said automatically. And she could help but add: "And I am not a princess." "If you say so, your highness." As Tabby was too peeved to take the circlet, Debbie took charge. With a "allow me", she placed the delicate headband on Tabby's head. Which was easier said than done, as Tabby's cat ears high on her head proved difficult for a moment to get past. "Let's get moving," Sindor said to urge them on. "You can play princess and maid on the move." "Yes, my lord Sindor," Debbie said while performing a flawless bow toward him. Arriving at The Barnyard was equally confusing as The Flower Garden had been. The cave walls fell away and sky-blue light shone down on them. A massive cavern stretched out before them with the best illusion possible to make it appear as if they were outside. Tabby could swear there even was wind here that gently played with her hair. A vast pasture stretched out before them. Filled with the same longish green mushrooms that mimicked grass. But crouching down, Tabby could spot thin white stripes running along the stem. She wondered why those were different. Here and there, they spotted other adventurers. Some were in groups, while others were alone. Most of them sat somewhere and were busy chewing on the fake grass. A sentiment Debbie seemed to share. Pulling out a bundle of mushroom grass, she presented it to Connie. "Time to pay up. Or eat up? Get chewing." "You know that I will get my revenge right?" Connie asked. Despite her words, she started to eat the offered mushrooms. "That's a problem for future Debbie," the rogue waved the concern off. Then fetched more grass. Bemused, Tabby followed the exchange. To lighten her confusion, she stepped to Sindor. "Nya, what's with them?" "An old feud. Or competition." Sindor was walking towards the end of the cavern where one could see farm buildings. But he had to stop plenty as Debbie and Connie were slow to catch up. With the rogue gathering mushroom grass and the warrior busy munching on it. "They're at it each year. Taking turns. Don't let their bantering fool you. They're both into it." "Into what, nya?" Tabby grabbed a handful of mushroom grass too. "What do these do?" "Eat them and find out," Sindor simply said before heading his own advice. Picking up bundles of fake grass and eating it. Shrugging, Tabby did the same. The first bite surprised her. It didn't taste like mushrooms. More like milk mixed in with herbs. It wasn't as much as unpleasant as it was unexpected. Tabby didn't mind it but concluded it was one of those foods that were an acquired taste. Coming closer to the farm, they passed a few grazing groups and individuals. Now Tabby could make out details. It made her spit out the fake grass she was chewing on. "It's turning us into cows?" Sindor looked at the young mage in surprise and then bellowed out in laughter. "No. No. That would be the Mooshroom cultivated in the southern cavern. You see, The Barnyard district has four caverns or pastures. West and east are for grazing. To the south and north, they grow large quantities of specialized mushrooms. A part of it is used to stock up the surrounding dungeon with loot." Tabby looked down at her half-eaten bundle of mushroom grass. "So these won't transform me, nya?" "Not directly," Sindor said to calm her down. "Some mushrooms transform. Others are bred to enhance or give added functionality. This one has a fun little twist." "Which, nya, is?" "Only one way to find out," Sindor said with a wink before resuming eating. As they neared the farm, Sindor steered them off the path and onto the pasture. To a nice spot, no one else had used or chewed up yet. While Connie and Debbie were slow to catch up, someone from the farm sprinted over. It was a bunny girl carrying a large basket. She looked similar to the one that had made Debtar into Debbie but was a redhead. And Tabby guessed technically the bunny girl was a red-tail too. "Welcome to The Barnyard. I am Oline," the bunny girl said as she placed the basket in front of them. From the top of it, Oline pulled out a big blanket and spread it out on the grass. "There you go. Are you new to The Barnyard? There are a few services proved." "Tabby here is new," Sindor volunteered. Then continued with a chuckle. "But I rather teach her myself. For now, I'd like to barter for forty Mooshrooms." Tabby quickly lost the overview of the ensuing negotiation. Different mushrooms had different values. Apparently, those that grew farther away had a higher value than those close by. By the end, they had traded away thirty-one mushrooms. Shrinking their remaining provisions to barely a dozen left. "Do you still offer dice?" Sindor asked. "Of course!" The very notion that The Barnyard would do so made Oline sound offended. "How many faces? Oh, six-sided might be out. I'd have to check to be sure." Sindor scratched his chin. That drew Tabby's attention. Was he growing a beard? She could spot stubble. It should be logical but still threw Tabby off. "We'll take a ten-sided one," Sindor finally said after making his decision. The payment was seven more shrooms. They all were put into Oline's basket. "I'll be right back," the bunny girl said with a bow. Then hurried off. "Why the nya do we need a die?" Tabby wanted to know. "You'll see in a moment," Sindor said before looking around. "Provided Connie and Debbie make it here." Still far off, it was Oline who arrived first. This time without a basket, but carrying a large ten-sided die. "There you go. Have fun." Another bow and she was gone again. The die immediately confused Tabby who picked it up. It was slightly bigger than a head. Hence it had some good weight to it. But it was too light for its appearance as Tabby would have guessed obsidian as material. Strangest of all, each of the ten sides was empty. No numbers or dots marking a value. "Looks like those two will still need a moment. Give me the dice and I'll show you how to set it up." As Sindor took the die from Tabby, he placed a hand on one of the sides. A small magical light emerged and shot up. It came to a hover just before Sindor's face. As he withdrew his hand, there was a small flash and the light was gone. Sindor showed Tabby the die who marveled at the outcome. The die was the same save for the one side Sindor had used. There a realistic portrait of Sindor was painted onto it. Sindor repeated the process with another side and then handed the magical object over to Tabby. "Pick two empty sides and repeat what I did." Shrugging, Tabby did as told. The first attempt wasn't to her liking. Thankfully sides could be overwritten and Tabby got to do as many do- overs as she wanted. It also was the first time Tabby saw her own face - aside from a very bizarre dream - and took a moment to appreciate it. She was cute with those cat ears. Beautiful too. Something she could be proud of. "You got a die," Debbie said as she finally arrived. "Good thinking." It was only logical that the other members would register on it too, so Tabby handed it to Debbie. Or tried, as it fell out of her hands as she spotted Connie. Still a few feet away, the warrior was munching on grass mushrooms while walking over. What shocked Tabby and made her speechless was the warrior's chest. Her breasts had been big before, but now they were enormous. "That's nothing yet," Debbie said as she gently pushed Tabby's mouth shut. "You'd really be floored if you see her in a few hours. A ten- sided die this time?" Sindor shrugged. "We are four now and they usually run out of six-sided ones. My thinking was two sides for each of us. We can either leave two blank or someone daring claims one or two." "I think I'll take one of those. Three total," Debbie said before registering on the die. Instead of looking for a good or cute picture, the rogue made a different grimace each time. "For what do we need a die anyway?" Tabby asked. "What exactly did I agree upon when I registered myself." "It's our tiebreaker in Shroom Dungeon. For example, if everyone wants a certain whip-" Sindor pulled out the vine-like weapon from the backpack. "- we roll for it. But don't be too quick to claim an additional side in hopes of luck. We also role for dares and punishment. For example, the pile of Mooshrooms I got us." Tabby gulped nervously. Indeed she hoped to get her fingers on that whip. Its unique magical function and inner workings intrigued her. But being the focus of a random transformation might not be so good. She was pretty sure those Mooshrooms were responsible for the cowgirl transformations around them. Sindor pretty much eluded to that. With her luck, Tabby would probably end up half catgirl and half cowgirl. Not to mention that the Mooshroom could add weird ticks to her speech. How silly would it sound if she had to say 'nya' and 'moo' in each sentence? Tabby hoped she wouldn't find out. When Connie finally - officially - arrived, she plopped down on the blanket. Still munching on grass mushroom she motioned for Debbie to hand the die over. Catching in barely - she did have to let her snack fall down - Connie registered her two sides. That left one side unclaimed. "What happens when we roll the blank face of the die, nya?" Tabby wanted to know. "Either we roll again or keep the prize until the next role. Making the stakes higher." Sindor motioned for Connie to throw the die over. "Time to find out who gets the whip." Tabby wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not, but Connie launched the die right at Sindor's head. But an elegant side-step avoided injury. Instead, the die rolled away and Debbie sprinted after it. Not far, the throwable object came to a halt and the rogue picked it up. "Looks like beginner's luck," Debbie said as she picked the die up and showed which side landed up. They all saw Tabby's face. "Guess the whip is yours after all. With the pomp of someone bestowing a scepter to a king or a blacksmith handing their masterwork to a hero, Sindor offered the vine-whip with both hands to Tabby. The young mage grinned as she took it. Whips weren't her forte. Any melee weapon really. But this one intrigued her. Not just from the magical aspect. The unique enchantments it carried. Yes, she wanted to study it. But her fingers itched to use the whip as well. Not that she would admit to it openly. "Now, let's see if your beginners' luck holds or if it turns against you." Sindor gave her a mischievous wink. "We have forty Mooshrooms who need a home in someone's belly. The next roll will show the face that will have to stuff itself with shrooms. Debbie, if you would do the honors?" The rogue didn't have to be asked twice. A quick glance towards Connie and Debbie gleefully threw the dice. Something was wrong. Mischief was afoot and Tabby acted. After all, she needed an excuse to use her new toy. Despite no experience with it, she managed to catch Debbie with the whip's grasp and prevented her to run after the die. No cheating will be done by her. "Sindor, I think Debbie might be inclined to favor a certain outcome," Tabby said aloud. Ignoring the big -way overdone - pout from the rogue. "Would you be so nya to check the result?" "Certainly, my princess." With a cavalier's bow, Sindor turned to go after the die. The catgirl blushed. "Not you too, nya!" "You can't have it both ways," Debbie said as she walked closer. Giving the whip slack in return. "Either claim authority or don't. Speaking off, will you finish what you started?" On cue, the rogue used her prehensile tail to wrap it around Tabby and pulled her close. "I- " Tabby broke off, blushing. Even letting the whip slack further and roll off. Then happily looked away as Sindor came back. "And? Who won?" "I am afraid I have bad news," Sindor said as he showed Connie her own face on the die. "Ha! See?" Debbie gestured at the die. "Even the gods are on board with my plan and sealed Connie's fate." "Hacks! Cheats!" Connie cried out. But despite her words, she didn't really look upset. "Just hand over those damned shrooms so I can go back to eating grass." For a moment, Tabby considered advocating for a do-over. Maybe Sindor was in on it. After all, he had purchased the Mooshrooms. Was he enabling Debbie? But then she thought better of it. After all, in a fair roll, there was a one in five chance she would have to eat those. So, Tabby stayed silent as Debbie let go of her and practically hopped with glee over to Connie. To feed her the Mooshrooms one by one. And as Tabby witnessed it, she couldn't help but note the magical effects that altered the warrior further. Since the district Hive Life, Connie had small horns. She had probably eaten there some Mooshrooms too. As she now ate more, those horns grew. Until they pushed out half a hand span from her skull. After twenty, Connie repositioned herself to give a newly grown cow-tail freedom to move. By thirty, her skin looked strange. Her tan faded in places and got stronger in others. The young mage was confused until it was clear that this was the Mooshroom's version of a cow-print. But as strange as that change was, Tabby had mostly eyes for one detail. Well, two. Connie's breasts, already massive, grew even further. Just how big would they get? Tabby had the dreadful premonition that she would find out, but not anytime soon. Tabby couldn't help herself. She stepped closer. "Those got awful big. Are you okay, Connie?" "Moo!" "Was that-" Tabby inspected the warrior who was now busy again munching on the fake grass. "A yes or a no?" "Moo!" The mage's eyes grew wide. Connie must suffer from a magical speech impediment. Just like Tabby, but worse. "Is that all she can say?" Her reaction made the others break out in laughter. Even Connie stopped shortly until Debbie handed her more grass. "Don't worry," Sindor said after a few seconds passed. "She's just messing with you. Mooshrooms don't limit speech. At least the breed I know. Maybe they made a new one? Anyway. Cowgirls saying moo is like an inside joke that somehow hasn't gotten stale even after centuries." "Spoilsport," Connie said with a full mouth while chewing. Making her hard to understand. Quickly followed by: "Ups. I mean: moo!" Grumbling to herself, Tabby took a seat on the blanket just after Sindor did. With Connie taking up half of it alone, there wasn't much space for Debbie anymore. Not that the rogue even tried. She was busy harvesting grass and carrying it over. Keeping the three of them well-fed. Well, mostly Connie. For each handful of grass Sindor or Tabby ate, she consumed four. It wasn't hard to guess what those mushrooms mimicking grass did. Not with the evidence so clear on Connie's chest. Tabby could feel it too. Even with her robe tied off - now with the whip instead of a magicked vine - she started to spill out. Flashing everyone. The silk had a harder and harder time keeping Tabby decent. "So, the grass makes us women grow big, nya," Tabby said as a means to stop eating without being declared a spoilsport too. "But what does it do for you, Sindor?" "Explaining it would ruin the fun. I'll show you later. Promise." As Tabby didn't continue to eat, Sindor was smart enough to figure out what was wrong. "Come on. Let's go for a small walk." "I don't know how much Conway told you while heading inside," Sindor said once they had walked a few steps away. "And since Connie is busy eating I guess it falls to me to answer your questions. Look, you know that Shroom Dungeon is kind of a place for adventurers to have a vacation, right? Well, over time it got a little sex-heavy." "What? I haven't noticed." Tabby's dripping sarcasm was spoiled as she couldn't help but at a "nya" at the end. "Well. It does. And people are onto some kinky things." Sindor paused to scratch his day-old beard. "Different strokes for different folks, you know? So, each district in Shroom Dungeon started to attract like-minded people for certain fetishes. The Barnyard is no exception." "Yeah, I am not really into big boobs," Tabby admitted. "Sorry, but I don't see the appeal. Especially having them myself." "I get that," Sindor said with a nod. "To be honest, I think for Debbie and Connie it is less the breast thing and more the aspects of curiosity and rendering someone helpless. Look, The Barnyard is more than just cowgirls and big breasts. Have a stroll around. Look if you can find something that speaks to you. We ain't going anywhere today. So you have time." Tabby spared a glance towards Connie. "Well, certainly Connie isn't going anywhere. I doubt she can stand up for more than a few seconds now. Those udders got to be heavy." "Yeah," Sindor slowly agreed. "Do me a favor and find a farmhand while you explore. We need to get Connie inside while it is still possible. Oh, and if you want to get rid of your extra size, head to the barn over there. The red one." "Will do," Tabby promised. And while she intended to look around like Sindor suggested, her feet carried her towards the red barn. Time to get these jugs from her chest. She would have said they were large. Huge even. But now that she had witnessed what Connie could achieve her sense of size was thrown out of the window. While walking over, she spotted a bunny girl in a skimpy coverall pushing a loaded wheelbarrow through the central plaza of The Barnyard. She reasoned that must be one of the farmhands Sindor had mentioned. "Excuse me." The bunny girl came to an abrupt stop. "Sorry, these mushrooms are not for sale yet. That's not what you want? Oh. What then?" "My friends, nya, need help to get someone inside." Now that Tabby said it out loud, she knew she sounded silly. To make her point, Tabby pointed out to the pasture. Connie was so big that even from afar her mighty bosom could be spotted. The bunny-girls eyes grew wide. "Are those Connie and Debbie? Fuck! My back still hurts from the last time they were here. I've got to get the troop together. Maybe that one visitor with the levitation magic is still around." Tabby seemingly forgotten, the bunny-girl hurried off. No doubt to gather help. Not that Tabby minded. She was a little dumbfounded too. Sindor had said that Connie and Debbie are at it every visit, but somehow Tabby hadn't realized what that implicated. They were infamous. At last, Tabby shook her head. That wasn't her problem anymore. At least for now. She had her own "chest-melons" to worry about. Try as she might she couldn't stretch her silk robe enough to cover them up. Not even just her nipples. It made her feel so lewd, she had to do something about it. Resolute, she continued her walk towards the red barn. Tabby steeled herself for any weirdness, but as she stepped in, she was still left stunned and speechless. There were rows of strange contraptions and in them were women strapped in. They didn't look in distress. That was at least something. Judging by the sound of it, quite a few found it actually quite pleasurable. "Your first time?" Tabby turned to see another bunny girl leaning beside the barn door. Her hair, long ears, and tail were a spotty mix of black, white, and light brown. Not trusting her own voice, Tabby gave a nod. "And I guess your group didn't prepare you thoroughly for The Barnyard. You ate a bunch of the grass, right? Well, their magic gathers inside your chest. The only way to get rid of it is to get milked." Tabby's eyes once again grew wide. In what exact mess had her group landed her this time? Still, she had to ask. "Like cows, nya?" The bunny-girl shrugged. "Well, yes. Unless you wanna milk yourself. But most find this more pleasurable and relaxed. The machines are free, but for the right price some farmhands are willing to help you up close and private." Tabby looked from the bunny girl to the contraptions and bit her lip in concentration. Carefully weighing her options. Not that there were many. Mushrooms were the currency in the dungeon and she didn't have any on her. The few they had were squirreled away in Sindor's backpack. Waiting for her group to help was a bad idea. They'd be busy for a while. That left milking herself or trying one of those contraptions. Both would be embarrassing, but the latter option at least promised to be efficient. "I guess I'll try one of those," Tabby eventually said out loud. "How do I get into them?" "That's why I am here," the bunny girl said while gently taking Tabby by her shoulders and leading her deeper into the barn. "The proper fitting is important. Now, lay down belly first on this bench." The proper position wasn't hard to figure out. Tabby only had to look at the other women around her. Slipping out of her robe, she hung her stuff on nearby hooks. Then carefully laid down on the padded bench. It was rather high and short. Supporting her upper body, but left her legs dangling down on the sides. There were cutouts for her breasts and face. Though most of the other women preferred to prop their heads up with their hands. As Tabby settled in, she noticed a long half-pipe running the length between the contraptions. Easily within her reach. In it was water, but it was slightly cloudy. It reminded Tabby of her thirst. When had she last quenched it? It must have been more than a day ago. Most of the shrooms she had eaten were surprisingly juicy, but now she was reminded just how parched she was. There was a cup nearby and Tabby reached for it, but her hand was swatted away. "In a moment, dear," the farmhand promised. "First we need you to get properly fitted on the milking machine." Tabby gave a nod but waited impatiently for the bunny girl to do her work. Belts were worked over her body. Strapping her down on the bench so she couldn't shift or fall down. Then a flexible harness was fitted on each breast. "Now for the fun part." The bunny-girl grabbed two metal cylinders hanging nearby. They had tubing that went up into the rafters. "Most need a moment to get used to them, but it is worth it. Believe me." The lip of the first cylinder touched Tabby's left breast. With a small plop, it suctioned itself over her nipple. She had to suppress a moan as the device varied its suctioning strength in pulses. And to her embarrassment, it did feel good as Tabby felt milk being squeezed out of her breast. Despite hiding her face in the padded hole of the bench made for it, she was eager for her right breast to be milked too. But the bunny-girl took her time fastening the contraption to the harness. Then the second cylinder found its place. Doubling up the pleasure Tabby experienced. It couldn't be normal, a small part of her reasoned. It was too much. The euphoria was out of bounds. It must be the mushroom, Tabby reasoned. Making it more pleasurable than what was provided by nature. But her thoughts soon were focused on keeping the moans in check. Despite the company, she didn't want to sound like a lewd slut. Even though others didn't have that problem. Arousal ran through her body and without thinking, Tabby shifted one of her hands down. To take care of the one hotspot of need the milkers didn't care for. Only to let out a grunt of frustration. She couldn't reach it. Strapped down as she was, Tabby couldn't even get a finger between her and the bench. "Don't forget to drink, dear." Tabby looked up and hunted for the person talking to her. Just past the half-pipe with fluid was another bench and a cowgirl strapped down on it. And she earned that name. Not just by her large breasts, but she had fitting horns, ears, and tail. Being reminded brought the thirst back. It was a surprisingly welcome distraction from the arousal and pleasure brought forth by the milkers. She grabbed the provided cup and filled it. But before she put the cup to her lips, Tabby's suspicion returned. "What is in it, nya?" "Mostly water." The cowgirl shrugged. Or tried to. She was strapped down as well as Tabby was. "Well, a bit of squeezed grass and milk." "Milk?" The one word cut through Tabby's haze. She eyed the cup wearily. "Our milk?" "In general terms, yes. But probably from the shift before us. What do you think they do with it? There is only so much cheese and butter to make." "Has it the same effect as the grass? Will it keep me here without ever running my breasts dry?" The cow-girl chuckled which turned into a moan. She too was enjoying herself. "Yes, but it is diluted enough that you eventually run out of steam. So, you might want to chuck down some your throat or you'll be gone before a volunteer makes their round." "Volunteer?" The word slipped out of Tabby half in fear and half in longing. "Of course. Most of us can't orgasm by being milked alone." The cowgirl gave her a knowing grin. "I saw your attempt at pleasuring yourself. Didn't work out so much, right?" Not trusting her voice, Tabby simply shook her head and then looked at the cup of milky water. It put her before a hard choice. She couldn't drink and might be released before someone showed up to take care of her needs. Being left horny and wanting. Or she could chuck down the liquid as much as she could. Just like the cowgirl before her suggested. In the hopes to produce longer milk herself and earning the attention she craved. Normally, Tabby was logical and reasonable. But right now, she was horny. And horny Tabby knew what to do. The cup found its way to her lips and she drank greedily. Once empty, she refilled it. Again and again. It might have been her tenth cup when the barn door opened. The unmistakable deep voice of a man boomed from there. "I heard there are women in need of my services." Happy "moo's" echoed back. But Tabby didn't pitch in. Instead, a cold shudder ran through her. She knew that voice. Even though she heard it first less than a day ago. It was Sindor. She had known that the volunteer most likely would be a man. Even made her peace with it. As Conway had said, they were here to experiment. To be open to new experiences. But she hadn't even entertained the thought that Sindor might be the one. Was the timing coincidental? Or did he show up now on purpose? When he knew Tabby would be helpless. More so from her arousal than the belts that held her. It was a small mercy that Sindor didn't start at Tabby's row. Instead, on the row opposite of her. Instead, she got a good view as Sindor lazily rested his dick on the butt-cheeks of the first girl strapped down in a milker. Had he been always this endowed? Tabby wasn't sure anymore. Maybe it was her own arousal making her see things. "Well, my little cowgirl," Sindor said while patting his prey. "Do you want me to attend you?" An enthusiastic "Moo!" came back and made Sindor chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes." A second later everyone could hear as he pushed into the cowgirl. Every thrust was accompanied by a sound half "moo" and half moan. The rhythm increased. The girl was getting close. And as she exploded into an orgasm, the whole barn could hear it. Tabby saw a splash of white gunk hit the floor as Sindor pulled out. Even more continued to dribble out of the girl and grew the white puddle beneath. That wasn't normal, Tabby thought. No man can come that much. Just to spite her knowledge of male anatomy even more, Sindor walked to the next girl. Offered his services again. No refractory time was needed. He was immediately ready for another round. This display of male prowess was repeated time and time again. With each cowgirl satisfied, another unholy amount of cum splattered the ground. Maybe the worst was when Sindor fucked the cowgirl in front of her. She not only had a woman screaming her heart out in pleasure right in front of her. No, Tabby caught the wink Sindor gave her. He knew she was still here. Strapped down. Waiting. By the time Sindor started on Tabby's row, she had drunken who knows how many cups of spiked water. It did its work. The milkers still had work to do on her. But she could feel it wasn't much anymore. Maybe she should have eaten more grass before coming here. But all thoughts about hindsight eluded her as a thick and wet dick came to rest on her buttocks. "Honestly, I'd thought you'd be gone by the time I made my entrance here," Sindor admitted. "But maybe you want me to pound you too? What shall it be, Tabby?" There were a lot of thoughts in the back of Tabby's mind. Among them that if she led this happen Sinea would tease Tiberius about the fact that "she" topped "him" for the rest of their lives. Not to mention that it would shift the dynamic of their relationship irrevocably. But Tabby didn't voice any of her concerns. Because she was dripping wet. Had been for quite a while. And she didn't care about any of that. Not right now. "Just shut up and fuck me already!" "As you wish, my princess." He was thicker than Tabby expected. Despite having witnessed a dozen girls fucked by him already. His girth was bigger than the strap-on Nessa had used on her. But still, she was slick with arousal, and Sindor slipped in without a problem. With the first thrusts of his hips, Tabby tried to suppress her moans. Not for long. It was too much. The sucking of her nips. The pounding of her pussy. Tabby was in trance. Riding a wave of pleasure and arousal that left her body acting on instinct. She grew louder in voice, as Tabby inched closer to the sweet release and shouted her throat raw as she came. At the same time, she could feel Sindor come too. As her pussy clenched down on his dick, his cum poured out in torrents. Pushing back against her flesh and spouting out of her netherly confines. Tabby was happy but exhausted as Sindor slipped out of her. She didn't even mind that the nice warmth of his cock left her. She was thoroughly satisfied. "Did that satisfy you, my princess?" Sindor asked while tracing her backside with his big and rough hands. A spike of annoyance flashed through her. Now Sindor was starting with that princess crap too. Fine, if they wanted a princess, Tabby could be one. Lazily, she kicked out with her right leg and actually managed to hit Sindor. Pushing him on. "You did well enough, knave. Now go on and fuck the next. Let me enjoy my afterglow in peace." He left her with a "yes, princess" and Tabby was left alone to enjoy the warm feeling inside her. And by that, she didn't mean the excess cum still dripping out of her. She was pretty sure she now knew what that milk grass did for men. Sindor had indeed shown it to her. Her calm enjoyment was a misnomer too. Around her was a cacophony of "moos". Most of them were voluntary and on purpose. The humor of cowgirls she guessed. But one stood always out. Was louder than the rest. The one that was serviced by Sindor. So every few minutes the main singer in a chorus of moo's changed tone. She didn't even notice the farmhand returning until the first milker was removed. Tabby was glad. With the milk gone, and her original size returned, the suction became uncomfortable on her breasts. Tabby had to wait patiently until the second milker, breast harnesses, and the many belts had been loosened before she could finally stand up and stretch. It was a good feeling. At least until she felt more cum run down the inside of her legs. Just how much had Sindor pumped inside her. Judging by the puddle at her feet, all had been drippled out already. More than that. She couldn't believe all that had been once inside her. "Thank you," Tabby said as the bunny girl handed her a clean cloth. Now she could at least wipe away most of the mess. But no matter how often she swiped her still sensitive pussy, more dripped out. The bunny-girl was busy wiping down the bench, but when she noticed Tabby's plight, she spoke up. "Oh, don't worry about that dear. It's the cum enhanced by the grass. Something about the properties that make the men cum buckets without inflating their balls. Not sure why, but the spunk still inside you keeps multiplying until the magic runs out." "Great!" Tabby exclaimed and shot Sindor an angry glare. Not that he noticed. He was balls deep in a cowgirl. Literally. Tabby also noticed that he had started his second round. Just how much stamina-boosting was that mushroom grass? Tabby wasn't sure she wanted to find out. Instead, she grabbed the robe and whip of the nearby hook and got dressed. Then, she reached for the red pantie Debbie had "gifted" her but stopped. What was the point? It would be soiled in seconds anyway. Not to mention that no one else bothered with them. So, why should she? Just as Tabby adjusted her circlet - or tiara as her group insisted - the farmhand was done mopping up the puddle of cum. At least most of it. The few stains that remained already started gowing again. Not to mention that Tabby still produced her own new puddle where she stood. Still, the bunny girl waved to a nearby woman with very large breasts ready to be milked. "In here please," she told the woman and then addressed Tabby. "Sorry, hun. If you want another ride you best get eating grass again." "Maybe this time stock up a little more," the cow-girl that had been opposite of Tabby shouted. Tabby gave a non-committal smile and took her leave. It had been an experience, alright. But she wasn't sure if she was ready to repeat it so soon. Her legs still felt a little weak. Slipping out of the barn, Tabby wondered what to do next. Maybe it would be best to check on Debbie and Connie. But peeking at the pasture revealed their group's spot deserted. Right. They wanted to bring Connie in. But where? The farm of The Barnyard consisted of more than a dozen buildings. She could ask one of the many bunny girls that seemed to man the farm and hurried around, but Tabby thought that might be the easy and boring way out. After all, didn't her group say time and time again that she should explore new stuff? Looking around, Tabby could hardly determine what each building did aside from the barns. Tiberius had grown up in the inner city. Having seen his first farm only when he joined the adventurer group. Before, he had led a sheltered life. That left Tabby hardly with any clue about where to go next. There was one big farmhouse, but it appeared to be busy. Lots of bunny girls and even more adventurers visiting. Instead, Tabby steered towards a large building that looked like a chicken coop. Just way overblown. There was a certain curiosity on her part. No doubt there would be chicken girls in there. Tabby couldn't deny, she wanted to find out what these human-animal hybrids would look like. The sight that greeted her left Tabby speechless. There were many rods and beams for chicken girls to be sitting on. But none were in sight. Instead, Tabby came face to face with the facsimiles of a monster-girl type she had only read about: harpies. According to the books, the creature should have plumages in colors brown, grey, and black. Yet those perched before Tabby boasted vibrant colors. She could spot pink, blue, green, violet, red, and yellow. Even mixtures and gradients of those. It was fascinating. As she studied the harpies, Tabby noticed details. Most obvious was that they looked like women that had wings instead of arms and bird-like legs. But on closer examination Tabby saw that the hair on their heads had been changed to feathers too. "Hey, you! Tabby's attention was drawn to a harpy that had a dark blue plumage that faded to a light teal. She too was perched upon a beam as thick as Tabby's own biceps. The harpy didn't even attempt to use her large wings to cover her own nudity. "Don't just stand and gape there," the harpy continued. "Grab a basket and come closer. Of the two attendants for us, one is busy, and the other left because of an emergency." Unsure what else to do, Tabby grabbed one of those wickered baskets and stepped closer. Up close, she could see that the harpy was even more beautiful. She also noticed that the feathers had a metallic sheen to them. As if they had been made with metal. It fascinated her. "Gawk later," the harpy said before letting out a moan that was half a grunt. "Hold the basket up. Right between my legs." Tabby did as told and stepped even closer. As she lifted the basket up, she got an intimate view up close of the harpy's privates. She was highly aroused too. Her nipples were perky and her netherly lips were wet. "Do you want me to-" "Just hold it there," the harpy interrupted her. Then broke out in more moans. She started to move her wings in excitement as more and more moans escaped her. "Don't let any drop," was the only warning Tabby got as the harpy let out an animalistic grunt and tensed her body. Tabby's eyes grew wide as saucers as something pushed the harpy's vaginal lips apart. It was white and quite big with blue sprinkles. With a sudden plop, it dislodged and landed in the basket. It had the size of an ostrich's egg. She was about to withdraw the basket when a new crescendo of moans erupted from the harpy. Clearly, it was quite enjoyable to her as another egg made its way out and fell into the basket too. Four more eggs fell into the basket and Tabby was sure the harpy had orgasmed more than once. "Thanks," the harpy said. She sounded tired. "I'd hate to just drop them and them going to waste." "You are welcome," Tabby said in reply and looked down at the basket. With six eggs in total, it had grown heavy. "What do I do with them?" But the harpy didn't reply. Her eyes were closed and her chest was barely heaving with each breath. Even in her sleep, she had a serene and satisfied smile on her face." Just then a bunny girl appeared from deeper within the harpy coop. Carrying two baskets at once. Both were overloaded with harpy eggs. "Hey, you aren't supposed to be here. Only volunteers. Wait, did you help out with Cindella here?" "Is that her name?" Tabby asked. "I only wanted to take a peek inside, but she recruited me to catch these. Where do you want me to put them." "Normally, by the wall." The bunny-girl paused in thought. "Well, given that you helped out, why don't I reward you with a little more work. Bring your basket over to the kitchen in the farmhouse. They'll take it off you. And while you are there, let them make an omelet for you. Cindella would like that." "Alright." Tabby was about to turn towards the door when one more thought popped into her mind. "These aren't- You know. Fertilized?" "Gods no," the bunny girl assured her. "Pure magical construct by the mushroom magic. Still, very delicious." Breathing a sigh of relief, Tabby hurried out of the coop with her basket. But taking one last glance at the harpies before closing the door. They really were beautiful with their colorful and metallic plumages. But as mesmerizing as they were, Tabby didn't want to join them. With the magic around here that was certainly a possibility. But she'd miss the use of her arms and quite frankly the thought of laying eggs bemused her. The farmhouse was a hub of activity and coming close, Tabby even saw a waiting line outside. As she pushed past them, she heard protests and felt slightly guilty. Despite being on a mission. Another bunny girl, this one sand-colored, stopped her at the door. "Sorry, sweetie. No cutting the line." "I don't." Tabby cut her explanation short and rather showed the basket. "I was asked to bring these to the kitchen." "You don't look like a farmhand. Are you a new volunteer?" "Nya. I mean, no. Just helping out this time." Instead of just taking the basket from Tabby, the bunny girl looked behind her. The inside very much resembled a tavern. Packed full with over sixty visitors. Only three bunny girls hurried to and fro as wrenches. "You know what?" the bunny girl asked. "See that dark brown door over there? That leads to the kitchen. Just walk right through." With a nod, Tabby slipped past. Leaving renewed protests of waiting guests behind. She wasn't really cutting the line, Tabby reminded herself. Just running a small errand. The inside was lively and many adventurers were eating or drinking. Did they brew ale or other alcoholic beverages out of mushrooms? Tabby didn't want to find out. With her luck, she probably would get an enchantment for permanent drunkenness. But the most distracting were those engaged in sex. Tabby had to shake her head. Some had sex right on the table. But then she saw a few naked people on tables loaded with food. As if they were living trays. Maybe both activities were connected. Tabby didn't stick around to find out for sure. Eventually, she avoided humping patrons and a small food fight enough to make her way to the door. It was one without a knob and Tabby used her shoulder to push in. She was greeted by a bull of a man. Even larger than Sindor. The man was behind a large stove with dozens of pots and pans within his reach. The horns he sported barely avoided scratching the ceiling - though a few scratches could still be seen - and a cow-tail flicked behind him. But the most impressive features were the six arms that restlessly stirred meals, flipped pancakes, and cut things that needed it. "What the- Wait. Are those harpy eggs?" His voice boomed over Tabby. "We nearly ran out of those." "Freshly laid," Tabby replied. "I was asked to bring them here." A squeak of a voice nearly made Tabby jump. "I'll take those." Turning around there was this mouse girl. A good head smaller than Tabby. She had not just the ears and tails of a mouse, but also the whiskers. "Blue and teal sprinkles," the mouse girl noted as she took the basket. "Are those Cindella's eggs? Anyway. Why are you here instead of one of the attendants?" "There was only one," Tabby said to pacify the small woman. "She said the other one left because of an emergency." "What's going on?" the cook asked in annoyance. Throwing two of his six arms in the air to underline the question. "Half our waitresses are gone too. No one tells us anything. The last time we were this understaffed, the terrible trio was here." "Shush you," the mouse girl piped up. "Don't you mention them! That brings bad luck." "Well, actually, they are now the quartet of dread." Tabby slowly admitted. "At least, if you are talking about Debbie, Con-" "Don't speak their names!" The mouse girl twirled three times in panic. Or maybe superstition. "And a fourth one like them. Poor us if they ever come here again." "It's too late. They are here." "How do you know?" the bull-man asked. "Did they announce themselves?" "I arrived with them," Tabby sheepishly admitted. "Apparently I am the fourth one you so fear." "You?" the mouse girl put the basket aside so she could walk around Tabby. Inspecting every inch in search of something. Then, with a clear surprise on her face, she stepped back. "You neither look as lewd nor evil as those three. Are you sure?" "Quite," Tabby said with a sigh. "I admit they can be lewd. And teasing. And sometimes downright vexing. Not to mention pushy. But evil?" "How long have you known them for?" the mouse girl inquired. Tabby shrugged. "A little over a year ago." "Well, maybe outside they behave themselves," the small woman admitted. "But last time they had been here they left the Barnyard a swamp for days." "Hard to not get wet feet when walking from building to building," the cook added. Tabby wasn't sure if they were serious or not, but maybe it was best if Tabby found out. "I guess I'll better check in them." "Wait." The mouse girl shook her head. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you off. And if they are here we are doomed anyway. You brought some of Cindella's eggs. At least let Bewey here make you an omelet as thanks." "It will be good," the cook, now known to Tabby as Bewey, promised. "Alright. The attendant said I should try one. I am Tabby by the way." "Denia," the mouse girl said while giving a slight bow. Then she pointed to a stack of crates in the corner of the kitchen. "Make yourself at home. The omelet won't be taking long. And it is nice to meet you. Despite the company you keep." Doing as told, Tabby took a seat. From here she had an excellent view of the stove Bewey used and a prepping station. It was there Denia hurried. Placing the harpy eggs at a place the cook could reach, she reached for some vegetables to cut. Though Tabby suspected most of them were actually mushrooms in disguise. Maybe even all of them. "So," Denia said while pausing her chopping for just a minute. "What kind of mushrooms do you want to be sprinkled into your omelet?" That got Tabby thinking. Obviously whatever she chose would transform her further. Her potential options were rather limited though. She hardly could remember the names of the mushrooms she had encountered. Maybe she should have paid more attention. Maybe she should go for more cat-girl? Tabby was kind of curious about what a tail would feel like. Not to mention the steps she had taken towards being a cat-girl had been because of her new name. It kind of felt right to make her first full transformation into being one. "Nyashroom, please." "Nyashroom?" Dewey spoke up. "Why? That's the modified Meowshroom with that added speech tick, right? Why not go for the normal?" The question caught Tabby off-guard. Why had she chosen this one? Come to think of it, the last few hours she had hardly said "nya" at all. Maybe the mushrooms she had eaten since this morning had diluted the effect? Was she missing it? In the end, she chose to voice out the only reason she got. Even if it was a weak one. "I started out on Nyashroom. And by now, my group expects me to say 'nya' every so often. Even if I go for Meowshroom they would tease me until I do it. Might as well make it natural." Denia gave her a pregnant look. "Are you sure that is the company to keep?" "They're not that bad," Tabby said in defense of her group. But couldn't help to add: "Well, outside of Shroom Dungeon. Inside, it's like they are whole new people." "Well, that's what we all have in common here," Denia said sagely. "Alright. One serving of chopped Nyashroom coming up." True to her words, the mouse girl had the shroom diced in seconds. Meanwhile, Dewey cracked one of Cindella's eggs. Tabby had to look twice as the egg's size wasn't the only difference from a normal egg. Instead of yellow egg yolk, it was dark blue with smaller blotches of teal. A moment later everything turned to a light blue as Dewey started to whisk it up. Meanwhile a bunny girl - one of the waitresses - rushed in, deposited a few dirty plates and utensils on an already towering pile of dirty dishes, and grabbed a few new plates Denia had prepared. All within a span of Dewey beating up the egg and adding the diced mushroom. The mix landed with a sizzle in a hot pan. The final omelet reminded Tabby of a bright summer day. It was sky-blue with white fluffy pieces of mushroom instead of clouds. As the main room of the farmhouse was still packed, Denia motioned for Tabby to remain seated and eat in the corner. At least it was quiet here, Tabby reasoned. And she had a full view of two professionals at work. Bull-man and mouse-girl were a perfect team and worked in harmony. Despite the waitresses snowing in and out at an increasingly rushed pace. While distracted, Tabby couldn't help but notice that the omelet was extraordinary. It was soft and filled her mouth with new flavors. She would have enjoyed it more if there hadn't been that itch on her scalp. It was distracting. All too soon it was gone. Tabby was about to ask if she could have a second one when her lower backside started to itch. Right above her tailbone. And just as Tabby looked said bone became aptly named as a long furry tail sprang forth. Tabby could feel it and with a little concentration, she even could move it. Else it would react on instinct. But examining it, Tabby had one pressing issue. "Why is it blue fading into teal? Because of the egg?" Denia snickered. "That isn't the only thing blue about you." Eliciting a snicker from Dewey too. Tabby's hand shot up and caught a strand of her hair. It was longer than she remembered and had stopped 'waving in the wind'. Probably because the magic responsible had faded or had been overridden. For example by the harpy egg. It had made Tabby's hair dark blue at the root and faded to a light teal at the end. That, along with a slight metallic sheen, Tabby had expected. Not that her hair had become thicker. The strand she held might have contained a thousand individual hairs before, but now only held about a hundred thicker ones. She wondered if that was a precursor to growing feathers. Maybe a second omelet wasn't such a good idea. "If you want, you can check yourself out in our volunteer restroom," Denia said and pulled Tabby out of her inner reflection. "It's through that door and then the second on the left." "I think I will," Tabby said before standing up and hurrying to the indicated door. Beyond was a small hallway that led to the rest of the farmhouse. Tabby suspected that this was an area usually reserved for the volunteers. Finding the bathroom wasn't hard. However, inside she had to stop and stare as her eyes caught her own reflection in a mirror. She was an odd mix of vibrant colors. Her blue and teal hair fell over her deep red robe and contrasted with the pale skin beneath. Growing up, Tiberius had mostly stayed inside. Always studying. It was a family trait. Mother, father, and sister shared his pale disposition. Even a year of adventuring hadn't given Tiberius much of a tan. Not when half the time he was in some dungeon or cave. Tabby now had inherited the pale skin from Tiberius. A sudden thought made her snicker. Maybe there was a mushroom in here that gave someone a tan. Surely they must have, or all the volunteers would end up long-term with an even fairer skin than Tabby. The amusement made her tail swish excitedly and her cat ears twitch. They had grown, Tabby noticed. Not by much, but they now stood out more from her head. Hopefully, they wouldn't grow much more. Once done checking herself out, Tabby's eyes fell on the toilet. A rather luxurious feature. It had taken Tiberius a while to just 'simply go into the woods' or 'use a quiet corner' in a dungeon or cave. No one ever talked about the icky side of the adventuring business. Now that she saw it, Tabby was reminded of how much she had drunk in the red barn. Thankfully she could figure out how to do her business with toilet paper and other modern conveniences. Having herself freshened up, Tabby returned to the kitchen but stopped in the doorway. Denia was busy filling the serving trays of two waitresses with plates. The little mouse girl was like a dervish. Spinning through the small kitchen in hectic movement. "I better be going," Tabby hear herself say out loud. Then, realizing what she had said, she continued the sentiment. "It looks like you are busy and don't need me standing in the way." "It was nice meeting you," Dewey said while pausing at his stove. "Swing by again if you happen to stumble upon more harpy eggs." "I would give you a hug, but-" Denia shrugged despite heaving two full plates. "Well, Dewey was right. It was nice meeting you. Maybe swing by in the evening?" "Maybe," Tabby said noncommittally. "I better go check on my group. If they haven't caused too much trouble, I might do so." Dewey gave her instructions on how to get outside without walking through the packed dining room. A few moments later, Tabby breathed in the fresh air. As fresh as an underground cavern mimicking open pastures could be. For what it was worth, Tabby could smell the grass and other typical farm smells. Stepping out of the farmhouse, Tabby was nearly run through by a cowgirl pushing a wheelbarrow full of freshly cut Milkweed. The apology was so hasty muttered that Tabby understood a word as the cowgirl hurried on. Something about an emergency. She decided to investigate. Following the track of the wheelbarrow, Tabby found the cowgirl standing in front of a yellow barn. She wasn't the only one. Two more bunny girls had their own wheelbarrows and there was a hybrid of woman and horse that was reared in before a small cart. They all carried Milkweed. The barn's door opened up for a moment. A cowgirl with an empty wheelbarrow hurried out - back towards one of the pastures - and one of the bunny girls pushed hers in. For a moment, Tabby could have sworn she heard Debbie. Recalling Denia's warnings, Tabby's curiosity was replaced by concern. It was time to investigate. "You can't go in th-" Tabby ignored the warning of one bunny girl and pulled open the yellow barn door. The sight that unfolded left her stunned. But not long. It was replaced by anger. There was a giant breast in the way. Easily as tall and wide as Tabby. To the side was an equally impressive twin. Barely noticeable at first was the comparatively tiny head of Connie. Busy eating Milkweed and chugging white liquid from a large mug. Tabby had no doubt it was freshly milked from cow-girls of this farm. Maybe even her own. "Look, Tabby, look!" Debbie danced between the young mage and the enormous Connie with glee. "She's already this big. Just one or two hours more and she will break my record." "Have you lost your mind, nya?" Tabby asked as she finally trusted her voice again to convey her fury. "What is this? This has to stop!" Debbie waved her off nonchalantly. "Don't be a spoilsport. This is just harmless fun." "Harmless-" Tabby's anger flared up again and cut off her words. This was far from harmless. To her, Connie was alight with magic. She had never seen a person with that much magic concentrated in them. This was more than reckless. It was dangerous. Tabby knew she had to act. "Everyone stop!" Tabby bellowed in a voice that she hadn't known she possessed. It was time to end this madness. As the many attendants froze mid-movement, Tabby unfurled her whip. Before Debbie could protest, the young mage ensnared her with the whip. Just to be sure, she used the magic of the circlet to grow roots and vines. Trapping the rogue even more until she could barely move anymore. "Oh, come on. Don't be a spoiled princess." As that comment by Debbie made Tabby only glare more at her, she switched tactics. "I know this isn't your fetish, but-" "No! You listen to me!" Tabby pointed to Connie who looked confused now that no Milkweed was handed to her. "Yes, that's not my kink. Certainly, I don't find that sexy. But this is different. It's dangerous." "I was bigger than that last year and I was fi-" "Lucky!" Tabby said to cut off the rogue. "And from now on I forbid you to engage in this dangerous endeavor ever again." "You aren't really a princess, you know?" Debbie asked in a light humorous tone. Deciding that a switch in approach was in order. But Tabby was having none of it. "You can't have it both ways. Either I am your princess or I am not. What am I even saying? That shouldn't even factor in. Debbie, why did you, Sinea, and Conway recruit me?" "Well, you used to be not as arrogant as other mages." Tabby let out a sigh. It was like speaking to a little child throwing a tantrum. "Not me personally, nya. Why get a mage in the first place?" That actually got Debbie thinking. "Well," she said after a good minute. "Someone to identify items is useful. And they do good damage. Now and then we run into wild magic and a mage can determine if it is benign or dangerous. Oh! You are saying this is dangerous?" "Oh, indeed, nya," Tabby said bitterly. Finally, she had gotten through. "It is dangerous. Freaking nya-ing dangerous. So dangerous that I am surprised none of you two exploded. And I mean in the literal sense. Blood, gore, nya, and entrails everywhere." "Can that really happen?" one of the cowgirls asked. "How big is still safe?" That was a good question. Tabby needed a moment to think. Certainly, the mushroom's magic proved to be more stable in condensed form than other forms of magic. But still, there had to be limits. "Tits the size of buckets should be nya. I mean fine." Tabby pinched her nose. Fearing a migraine coming up. It was like talking to a bunch of children. Had no one a shred of common sense? "The size of melons or pumpkins. Or a wheel of cheese. If you need a nya-ing wheelbarrow to lug your flesh around then you are too nya-ing big. Got it?" As the cowgirl nodded, Tabby noticed the other attendants in the barn. Most of them were now suspiciously close to the barn door. "And where the nya are you all going? You might bitch around what chaos these two caused every year, but we all know the truth, nya. You have been enabling them. Instead of saying no, you helped them each time. Carting loads of milkweed to them. You are just as nya-ing curious about how big they can get as they are. You share the blame." When no one moved, Tabby lost her last shred of patience. "That means to get the nya milking! We need to get that magic out of Connie as soon as possible. And those responsible should do it right now. So get moving!" There was a moment of hesitation and Tabby feared her orders would be ignored. Then the first farmhands moved towards Connie. Spurring on the rest. However, milking Connie proved to be a difficult venture. Her nipples were so big that no milking machine had even the chance to fit. Thankfully there were veterans of last year's milking present who coordinated the task. Soon, three women were working on each tit. Two trying to stimulate the nipple in front of them while one was laying on top of all that breast flesh and messaging what was beneath. It might have been humorous if Tabby hadn't been so angry and disappointed. "I could help," Debbie suggested from her prison of roots. "If you free me." "I wish I could trust you right nya-ow," Tabby said without daring to look at the rogue. Fearing she would falter if she looked at her friend. No, she needed to stay strong. Be strict. "You'll stay put until this is over." It didn't take long for Connie to start lactating. She was ready to burst with milk and the first of her white liquid sprayed deep into the room. Some of it managed to hit Tabby, which grew her anger and annoyance. "Nya! Watch out where you aim that thing. Don't hit anyone and especially not Debbie or Connie." Soon, Connie's mill was flowing freely. Like faucets or little fountains. Making Tabby wonder how it was physically possible that the warrior could produce that much. But Tabby had more than a hint of what was going on. It was all the magic. In the red barn, she had learned that the cum enhanced by it was to a degree self-replicating. And now that she thought of it, she was sure that she too produced more milk than was normal when she had been milked. Tabby's biggest fear was that this self-replication was already happening within the mammary tissue. If so, Connie still had a good chance to explode. A good half hour later, Connie's breasts had barely lost volume. Instead, Tabby had to seek high ground. The barn's ground had been slick with milk at first, but now thick white milk reached the farmhands up to the ankle. Soon, it would spill out of the barn and indeed flood the whole district. It turned out Denia and Dewey hadn't joked about that swamp. Tabby highly suspected it was too late to prevent it from happening again. When Sindor finally showed up, he did so happily. Splashing milk everywhere with each step. Taking in the sight before him, he asked: "You already started the milking? Looks like I missed it." Then he noticed that Tabby was present. Sitting on a high chair made up of conjured roots and vines. It more than resembled a throne. "Ah, princess. Sitting in the front row for a good view?" "You-" Whatever Tabby wanted to say over a smoldering glare was cut off by Debbie, who tried to warn Sindor: "She's gone power-mad. Save yourself! It's too late for me." "What the-" Sindor only now noticed Debbie in her tight prison of roots. The moment of hesitation cost him as plants snaked up his own legs. "I am not power-hungry," Tabby growled towards Debbie. Then she turned her glare towards Sindor again. "But someone has to take responsibility and stop this nonsense. It is mad and dangerous. Your little tradition stops here for good." Sindor raised his arms to placate his group member. "That's Debbie's and Connie's little-" "Don't give me that bullshit, nya!" Tabby leaned forward threateningly. "You enabled them. And don't tell me you bought those forty Mooshrooms without some ulterior motives. Looking back, I am pretty sure that that nya-ing dice throw who gets to eat them was fixed too. So don't give me that nya about you being innocent." Leaning back, Tabby felt good. Getting all that off her chest was liberating. Just then, she heard a whispered exchange behind her back. "She's so scary." "But the good kind of scary." "Definitely." The little exchange flattered Tabby. Raising her ego a little. She was far from arrogant as Debbie made her out to be, but deep within she had to admit that she wasn't the same anymore. That the Tiberius who will walk out of this dungeon won't be the same that entered. But that was a few days off and she will remain Tabby for a while longer. She asked herself how much more she will change before then. But for now, she had other concerns. Having calmed down a little, she addressed Sindor again. "The situation is direr than you know. Connie is ripe with magic on a level of concentration that might be unhealthy. Or even fatal. You have the choice. Either you help or you watch like Debbie. But there is no running from it." At least Sindor was faster at picking up the seriousness of the situation. Or less stubborn. "How can I help?" "You will like this one," Tabby said and gave him a humorless smile. Then she released the roots holding Sindor down. "I am not sure, but chances are milking Connie goes faster if she is aroused or even having an orgasm. You seemed to have some stamina. So, get to it. Fuck her silly." "If you are sure?" Sindor looked doubtful. "If so then I need Milkweed." "No more Milkweed. It might be too big a temptation for someone to continue feeding Connie." But after a moment Tabby relented. After all, Sindor would need to last a while. And for that, he needed the magic. Thankfully, there was another source. "But you can drink milk. We have plenty." Indeed, the room was full of it and a steady stream flowed out. Shrugging, Sindor waded through the milk and vanished behind one massive boob of Connie. Some words were exchanged that Tabby couldn't make out. Then Connie shouted an enthusiastic "Moo!" followed by a soon steady pace of quieter ones. It appeared the warrior was quite willing to be pounded for the night. With this detail settled, Tabby prepared herself. This would be a long and exhausting night. *************************************** - - - Chapter 6 - - - *************************************** Tabby yawned. She had barely slept the previous night. Technically this early morning. But now it was nearly midday of the following day. Stepping out of the green barn in The Barnyard district offered a chilling view. The central plaza of the farm was one giant pit of mud. Not that some adventurers minded. She could spot a few who wrestled naked in it. They had caused more than a commotion the previous night. Once Connie's milk had been really flowing, it was hard to keep this disaster secret. Those adventurers that only tried to gawk hadn't even been the worst problem. Some tried to get in to "sample some milk from the source", while others even tried to get more Milkweed to Connie. That, Tabby couldn't allow. She even had to send out groups of adventurers to stop and lecture those who had the bright idea to mimic Connie's endeavor. Not sure what else to offer, the reward was to try to drink directly from Connie. With the predictable outcome. They all failed while coughing as the flow was just too strong and milk shot where it didn't belong. It had been early in the morning when Connie's bosom was finally small enough that they could hook her on milking machines. Previously she had exhausted three shifts of farmhands milking her. Only then, tired to the bone, Tabby had made her way towards the green barn. Apparently, it was where adventurers stayed the night. Even though she was still tired to the bone, Tabby wanted to leave The Barnyard behind. There was just too much temptation for her group. Speaking off the rascals, Debbie and Sindor came out behind her. Somehow, they even looked refreshed. A fact that annoyed Tabby slightly. "Well, time to pick up Connie and get the nya out of here." "As you wish, princess," Sindor said in reply. Eliciting a sigh from Tabby. After making their way through the mud, they found Connie indeed in the red barn. Sleeping soundly on one of the padded benches. Tabby let out a silent prayer of thanks as their warrior's chest was close to normal again. Now without milking machines attached. They probably didn't mean to wake her once she was done getting milked. Carefully, Tabby made her way over to Connie and shook her. "Morning. How are you feeling?" she asked when the warrior blinked awake. "Moo-rning," Connie said while sitting up. "I feel fine." Indeed, after rubbing her eyes a bit, she looked bright and chipper. Making Tabby jealous in turn. "It is time to leave," Tabby said, before turning around. However, as she stepped out of the barn, a small group had gathered. "Tabby, you are leaving?" Denia, the mouse girl from the kitchen, asked. "It will be sad to see you go," Dewey added. "I have to." Tabby pointed behind her. "Before those get into the next trouble." "Well, we have a swamp again," Denia unnecessarily remarked. "But it was good to have you here. Finally, someone to take charge and keep order. You know we could use someone like you. Keeping this place running and orderly." Tabby scratched her head when she heard the offer. It came unexpectedly. She liked Denia and Dewey. Wouldn't even mind getting to know them better. But she couldn't just give up her life outside the dungeon. It would mean staying as Tabby, at least for a while, and she didn't know how to feel about that. She had grown up as Tiberius. That's what she is used to. Yes, becoming a woman, here in Shroom Dungeon, was exciting. But would it last? Was she really favoring being a woman over a man when she hardly had experience as such? For now, she pushed the topic aside. "I am sorry, but I don't feel ready yet, nya. There is so much to see and learn. That's why I joined those do-no-goods. To see the world, nya. I think I am not ready yet to settle." "It's okay sweetie," Denia said before pulling Tabby in a hug. "Maybe one day. Until then, safe travels." The mouse girl continued in a whisper. "And keep those three out of trouble, will'ya?" "Will do," Tabby promised. There was a short, but surprisingly heartfelt, goodbye from the gathered group, and then Tabby's group of misfits set forth to continue their adventure. Only to run into a problem. "It was the eastern pasture leading to the Kitten Basket district, right?" Sindor asked. "I guess we have to swim." Before them, the cavern of the pasture to the east opened up to a lake of white. No doubt it was Connie's milk. This cavern must be lower than the others and had acted as a drain for all the fluids spilled. Now, most of the pasture was flooded to some degree and the rest appeared to indeed turn into a swamp. Tabby wondered how long it would take to return the farm to normal. But, for now, she had more pressing concerns. "No way we will go in there," Tabby said after turning around to face her group. "I can't trust you right now. One or all of you could be tempted to drink that milk. We could end up with an isle of Debbie or Connie and a Sindor whose only thought would be to hump the new landmasses." "Tabby, we get it," Debbie said with her best serious face. "We learned our lesson. There is still a way toward the north. It might take longer, but will get us there." "What lesson?" Connie asked innocently enough. Eliciting a glare and growl from Tabby. "What?" the warrior continued. "In case you haven't noticed, I was a little out of it yesterday. What did I miss? Did I break Debbie's record?" "No, you didn't break it. And you never will!" While they aimed for the northern pasture, Tabby explained in detail what happened and what could have happened. By the end, Connie was a little pale and swore she would never attempt such a dare again. To Tabby's surprise, the northern pasture was dry and ill-fitting named. The path leading out of the farm gently sloped upward. Past terraces that contained fields for various mushrooms mimicking vegetables. And making it poorly. There was something wrong with seeing a "carrot" grow a handspan above the ground on a small white stalk. She could also spy potatoes and lettuce. Most of these fields must be reserved for Dewey's and Denia's kitchen. They must need tons in a year to feed all these adventurers coming by. Here and there she saw bunny girls cutting finished formed fake vegetables and putting them in a wheelbarrow. Those were brought to a central place where one of those horse girls waited with a hitched card. Waiting impatiently for it to be loaded so she could stretch her legs. As Tabby and her group walked by, the horse-girl gave a wave with a hand that wasn't quite human, but not fully hoof either. As the cavern came to an end, a new one opened up that mimicked an open grass field too. For a moment, Tabby was worried there might be more Milkweed, but this fake grass lacked the thin white stripes. There was a surprising amount of activity. Not by cowgirls munching in the grass but by dozens of horse girls participating in various challenges. Tabby could see slalom, racing, and even a parkour course. To the side, she spied horse girls partaking in dressage and some complicated game where they had to follow paths that they had previously memorized. To the side was a small group of female adventurers who surrounded a trainer. These women were partially undressed and in the process of donning various equipment that would allow them to mimic the horse girls around them. Tabby guessed they were curious enough, but not ready to commit to the full horse-girl transformation. So, a harness with a sewn- on tail and boots shaped like hoofs had to suffice. "You know Tabby, those trainers and pony-girls take this very seriously," Debby said while they passed the group of wannabes. "Most courses have leaderboards and competitions. Even tournaments. One could say they ain't just horsing around." The bad pun by the rogue had the desired effect. Earning her groans and shaking heads all around. "Let's just go," Tabby said. "Before one of those serious horse girls hears you and tramples you to death." "They are called pony-girls," Connie corrected. "Pony-girls. Horse-girls. Whatever." And with resolute steps, Tabby marched on. Leaving said whatevers behind. The young mage let out a breath of relief when those more familiar passages of connected stone tunnels engulfed them again. Here, hopefully, her teammates couldn't make too much of a mess. Soon, they started to go hunting for loot again. The amount of clothing and equipment was meager this close to the popular districts. But they got a good spread of various mushrooms. They took nearly all of it with them. Save for those Milkweeds. Tabby insisted they leave those behind. When they finally got some clothes, it was a whole outfit. Connie and Debbie held the pieces up and Tabby had to shake her head. Whoever had designed it had entirely too much lace on hand and lewd ideas. The ensemble was in black and white. It reminded Tabby off- "It's a maid uniform," Debbie exclaimed. "You know like one they use in those rich households or at court. Damn, this thing hides nothing!" "I grew up in one such household and I visited more than one royal court," Tabby said as she inspected the material closer. "That's not a maid uniform I have ever seen." "Well, not in the public areas," Debbie murmured. "Judging by the size, I doubt it will fit me," Connie mused aloud. Then spoke up clearly. "So, either Debbie or Tabby. Depending on what enchantments are on it. Or you both could roll the die and see who gets lucky." "Oh, I already know who will wear it," Tabby said with a smirk. "This screams Debbie." "Oh, does it?" Debbie asked. "What if I don't wanna wear something this sexy and impractical." Tabby shrugged and gave her a cheeky grin. "Though luck. As my maid, this is your official uniform." "I am your what now?" "Well, think about it," Tabby said and started to count her points on her fingers. "You all decided I should be a princess. Well, a princess needs staff. Connie is my bodyguard. Sindor my mule." "Hey!" "It fits, doesn't it? Well, anyway. All that is left is that any decent princess needs a handmaiden. And that's you, Debbie." "We created a monster, didn't we?" Debbie asked into the round. It made the group laugh and after a moment, she joined in. Then, with a sigh, the rogue grabbed the lacy bit of nearly nothing. "Fine. But don't complain when this flimsy piece of an excuse for clothing breaks in the first encounter that requires even a modicum of physical extortion." She stepped into that bundle of lace and had a hard time doing it without snagging it on the high heels she wore. Pulling it up, the next problem was getting it over her hips. Debbie still had that demonic tail with a flared tip growing out of her tailbone. The maid uniform had a hole for that - apparently tails were quite common in Shroom Dungeon - but needed help from Tabby to threat hers through it. Pulling it up and over her shoulders completed the task. Leaving the group in snickers. The deep plunging neckline might as well, be non- existent as the black lace was so transparent that Debbie still appeared to be naked. Around her waist and hips was inlet white lace in a mockery of an apron. To push it even more over the top was that each hem was lined with small black or white bows. It looked ridiculous and to Tabby simply perfect. "You know I will get back to you for this, right?" Debbie asked. "Can't wait," Tabby said with a wink and strutted off. The intended effect of utter aloofness was ruined as Sindor said: "Wrong direction, Tabby. We need to head that way." "That was a test," the chosen princess said to downplay her mistake. "Where are we going now anyways?" "Since we can't go the direct way, we have to skirt the Red Flame district," Connie explained. "Then onto The Village and then we can hit the Kitten Basket." "There is a village in Shroom Dungeon?" Tabby asked with doubt coloring her voice. "Not a real village, mind you," Sindor pitched in. "It is a district like any other here. A mockery of things outside of Shroom Dungeon. There, things are allowed that are usually forbidden in real villages." "Such as?" Tabby asked. "Oh, you'll see soon enough," Debbie said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Let's get a move on. Maybe in the Red Flame district, I can become a little more demonic. That's their focus. Demonic facilities. Don't worry. The people there aren't really evil. They only play as such, but still, they respect the unwritten rules of Shroom Dungeon." "Well, then let's go," Tabby said. "Lead the way." It took them nearly three hours to arrive. They could have made it in half the time, but there still was loot to be had. Each treasure chest was hidden in a tunnel leading away from the main road. That meant they had to explore each and then double back. One chest earned Tabby sandals with a small heel. Not because she won a roll of the die or because the enchantment made sense for her - it left small illusionary flames in her wake - but because this type of sandal was described as having "kitten heels". Which obviously meant that the resident cat-girl of the group had to wear them. While the heel wasn't as high as those on the sandals Debbie wore, Tabby still had to fight with them. Now and then cursing them as they made her stumble. Thankfully, by the time they reached the Red Flame district, Tabby had gotten used to them. One item they found was a necklace that bestowed stamina. They all wanted it. Save for Sindor who dismissed it as "too girly". It made Tabby snicker as Sinea would have been all over it. In the end, they had to roll the die and, of course, it landed on Sindor. Without much ado, he gifted it to Connie. But arriving at the Red Flame district distracted Tabby from musings about previous loot and her weary feet - stupid kitten heels - and drew her attention to the changing Cave. It was warmer, but not uncomfortably so. The rock around them changed to a reddish hue and most mushrooms dotting it changed to crimson. Soon, flames leaked out of fissures everywhere, and even small rivers of lava. Concerned, Tabby stopped at one and frowned. This looked highly dangerous. It only took a moment for Debbie to step beside her. "Do you remember when I said I get back at you for the maid uniform?" "Yeah-" Tabby's weary step backward had the wrong timing, as Debbie gave her a playful slap on the shoulder that someone might also describe as a push. Windmilling with her arms, Tabby's eyes grew wide as she fell forward. Warm fluid greeted her, as Tabby fell head-first into the "lava". Or what counted as such. Pushing out of it, Tabby gasped for air and only then noticed that she wasn't burning to death. In fact, standing up, the lava substitute only reached to her waist. Running through it with her hand, Tabby noticed that it was too viscous to be water, but it had to be something along the lines. The fluid was just enchanted to look like molten rock. "You should see your face," Debbie said between bellows of laughter. Eliciting shakes of heads from the rest of the group. "Don't worry. It's all fake. Even the flames and such. They're the same as those small ones your kitten heels produce." "I thought I'd die!" Tabby shouted back. Then given the rogue a big pout and stretched out her arm. "Alright. Very funny. Now help me out." "You really think I fall for that?" Debbie asked and gave Tabby a sardonic grin. "I wasn't born yesterday." If Tabby was bothered by it, she didn't show. Instead, she gave a nonchalant shrug. "I guess I have to do with this vine," Tabby said before grabbing what swished before her. Debbie had just enough time to yell "Not my tail!" before she joined Tabby with a splash. Splattering more fake lava everywhere. By the time Debbie got her bearing, Tabby was already crawling out of the lava stream. Quickly rolling to the side as Debbie tried grabbing her tail in retaliation. "I think that makes us even," Tabby remarked with a grin. "It does," Debbie agreed. "For now." The stream of lava soon widened and they all had to press against the wall to not fall in. Naturally, Tabby made sure that Debbie wasn't beside her, but had Connie as a spacer. She was, after all, her bodyguard. As they walked around a large bend, the tunnel opened to a large cavern. Most of it was filled with lava and only here and there small rock platforms protruded out. "Remember," Debbie said before taking a running start. "The floor is lava!" "The goal is to reach that platform in the middle," Connie said and pointed out a larger rock in the middle of the lake of molten rock. Her pointing was hardly necessary, as Debbie was nearly there. Jumping gracefully from stepping stone to stepping stone." The tall warrior was quick to join their rogue on the central island. Tabby was slower - cursing all the while those kitten heels - but managed to stay dry this time. How had Debbie managed this with her high heels? To her surprise, Sindor had a harder time. She was halfway there when there was a large splash behind her. Now wet, it got only worse for Sindor. With his large mass, he often slipped on his landings. Resulting in two more dives into the lava. At the last one, he simply gave up and walked through the thick soup of fake hotness until he arrived at the group. "What now?" Tabby asked in the ensuing silence. "Now we wait for the guardian of hell," Connie said simply. Then pointed to a spot in the lava lake. "There they come." At first, Tabby saw nothing. It took her a moment to notice the bronze- colored dildo emerging from the lava. It rose higher and revealed a rod beneath. Then pointed horns broke the surface. Followed by a beautiful face that had deep red skin and was framed by ebony hair. Higher and higher the guardian rose until the demoness stepped onto the platform. With authority she slammed down her long rod with attached dildo - Tabby thought it parodied a pike - and addressed those gathered before her. "Who dares to seek entrance to the Red Flame district? Hero? Villain? I see at least one of you walking the path of the Succubus and-" The demoness lost her grandeur. "Sindor?" "Abyss-girl!" He exclaimed and rushed to give the baffled guardian a huge hug. Lifting her off her feet. "Let me go you oaf!" she protested. "And it's Abigail. You know I hate this stupid nickname of yours." "Oh, don't be like that. You look good. Fantastic even. But I thought you left Shroom Dungeon." Abigail leaned on her rod and gave a sigh. "I did. Went home. Visited the folks and old buddies. But it isn't the same, you know? Didn't last four years outside. Shroom Dungeon is too much in my blood. I also like being Abigail. Thought about paying a mage to become her outside of Shroom Dungeon, but no. It's more fun being here. And you?" "Still drifting from adventure to adventure with Conway and Debtar. Say hi to Abigail." On Sindor's prompt, Connie and Debbie gave a lazy wave. "But look here. That's Tabby. Tiberius outside of Shroom Dungeon. Our newest edition." "Pleasure to meet you," Abigail said and offered her hand. The situation made Tabby nearly laugh out loud as she shook the demoness's hand. Or the facsimile of a demoness. All this around them was fake and Sindor acted like they came by for a late afternoon get- together for tea and cake. "You know, you could catch up in private," Debbie suggested. "Once we are inside?" "Ah, right." Abigail straightened up again. "I grant you passage to the Red Flame, but hear my warning. The dark goddess Dorothea reigns supreme. Alongside her demi-god consort Dantus. Be sure to speak her name in reverence. Now then-" She turned around and knocked the ground with her rod three times. On cue, a bridge of stone emerged from the lava, and part of the cave wall parted away. "Keep your horns straight," Debbie said before marching off. Connie gave a more somber:" It was good to see you, Abigail." Tabby bowed and hurried after them. Falling in line with Connie. "I never heard of a dark goddess by the name of Dorothea. I thought this was all play pretend. If they worship a real-" "She is fake," Connie said after a small chuckle. "You've got to remember, the volunteers want to have fun too. At the end of each month, the demons of the Red Flame vote who had been the best among them. Said winner gets to dethrone the last dark god or goddess and rule themselves for a month. It's a volunteer of the month position." "I see," Tabby said aloud, but internally she shook her head. Shroom Dungeon was just always so weird. By the time she has gotten used to one district's antics, they stumbled into the next one. Behind the secret passage, the Red Flame district unfolded itself. At the first glance, Tabby mistook it for a normal bazaar. Then she noticed the wares on offer. One merchant had different kinds of phalluses on display. Another offered realistic hand-sized vagina imitations. The next stall offered lacy garments that rivaled Debbie's maid uniform in skimpiness. Debbie, being at the front, steered towards a weapons merchant. "We need a few rupees to pass the time. Doubt we see Sindor anytime soon." The rogue proceeded to sell the dildo-dagger she got at the start of Shroom Dungeon. It would be in good company as all the weapons on display were not for killing, but fucking. Most were shaped like dicks, but Tabby saw a few contraptions based on breasts and other naughty bits. "What's with Debbie?" Tabby asked Connie, while Debbie was distracted haggling. "She sounds a bit on edge." "It's complicated," Connie said and pulled Tabby further away so they couldn't be overheard "Debbie and Sindor never officially became an item and if they had a relationship, it probably would be open. But still, Debbie sort of sees Sindor as 'her man'. You know. With the history they had. Drop into this mess Abigail and it complicates things. You see, Debbie doesn't mind sharing Sindor with anyone but her. Because she is sort of his ex-girlfriend." "Oh," Tabby simply said. That did indeed sound complicated and a mess. "Doesn't Sindor know about-" "From woman to woman, let me tell you a secret," Connie said and leaned over more. "Guys are usually clueless." The reveal made Tabby laugh out loud. "And you are such an expert? You're a part-time woman at best." "Exactly!" Connie said undeterred. "I know how clueless men can be because I was like that too. It is one area Shroom Dungeon can really help out." Before Tabby could say anything, Debbie rushed over. "So, he offered eleven rupees, but I negotiated a possible bonus. Tabby, if I fuck you with it and sell it slick with your juices then we get-" "What? Are you crazy?" Tabby looked at the rogue as if she had lost her mind. Which, granted by their location, might be a possibility. "I am not gonna let you fuck me in the street with that." "We could go behind that stall and-" "No!" "Fine!" Debbie said with a sigh. "Guess eleven rupees it is." "Rupees?" Tabby asked Connie. "It is the local currency of the Red Flame district. The Village has a counterpart: emeralds. They can be exchanged in both districts. You see both districts are sort of in competition and they both raid each other. For fun, of course. Snatching up the currency of the rival district shows how successful you have been. And, of course, you can exchange it for the currency accepted locally." "Sounds a bit stupid," Tabby said after a moment. "Maybe," Connie agreed. "But it is fun and that's what counts." "Eleven isn't much, but it should last for dinner," Debbie said as she rejoined. Showing Tabby her spoils. The hexagonal rupees clearly weren't real. The same kind of fake Tabby had in her circlet. The rogue led them through the winding road and market stalls. Eventually arriving at a small square with a big platform at the end. Tabby had heard the market crier for a while, but only now understood them enough to get the meaning. "Slaves! Beautiful slaves! Look at this one, devious Sir. Ain't her breasts big and bouncy. Perfect for a titty-fuck. You there, Mistress. I swear this slave licks pussy like no other." As Tabby stopped and stiffened, Connie placed a hand on her shoulder. "Those aren't real slaves mind you. Some are volunteers and others are adventurers. You see the sleeves they have on their right arm." "It's the only thing they are wearing," Tabby said in reply. Her voice was colored with doubt. "What are those symbols?" "It is important to know that they all want to live out a fantasy," Connie said before explaining further. "But with the whole slavery roleplay asking for consent can be tricky. That's what sleeves are for. Each symbol with a green background shows an interest and red backgrounds show limits not to be breached. And the word stitched above the lower hem is a safeword. Each slave can say it and the roleplay ends." "But why go through this?" Tabby wanted to know. "Surely there are easier ways to get laid." "Maybe," Connie said. "But it is to fulfill certain fantasies. Some like to experience a little humiliation. Others get a kick out of it to hand off responsibility for their own action. There are many reasons." "Plain greed is one of them," Debbie chimed in. "Once, we let Sindor sell us as slaves for three days. The plan was that we would splurge those rupees after our term was served. Well, didn't work out. Sindor that ass had already spent most of them. Was still fun though." "Made a few new friends that one time," Connie added. "One of my 'owners' even volunteered to be our slave for two days for the measly price of one rupee." "Tabby look!" Debbie pointed to a lightly demonic-looking girl in the second row of the stage. "She has the symbols for servitude and domestic services. If we only had more rupees, we could get you a real maid." "Well, good thing we don't have them," Tabby shot back. "You ain't getting out of that uniform that easily." "You know, not all durations are measured in days," Connie now said seriously. "You could try it out for an hour or two and get a little bit of spending money. Could be a nice experience." If Debbie had suggested it, Tabby would be sure to dismiss the notion. But she trusted Connie more and gave it some thought. Could she give up control for some time? Pondering that question brought her back to how she ended up as Tabby in the first place. The bunny girl Nessa had found Tiberius in the night. She had been forceful, but not too pushy. Tiberius - and later Tabby - had gladly given up the initiative. Leaving most of the decisions to Nessa. A little pile of rupees might be nice. She could even buy her own slave for some time. Experience then the other side of the equation. If she was honest with herself, she did like bossing around her group. Maybe just a little too much. But in the end, another feeling made her decision. "Not right now. I am starving. Didn't you mention dinner?" "Ha! Yeah! Follow me." But Debbie couldn't help to add:" I have the perfect place in mind. It will leave you speechless?" "Is the food that good?" Tabby asked. "If it is the place I think it is, then that too," Connie said instead of the rogue who trailblazed a new path through the crowd. Their goal was a small establishment with just three long tables with two benches each. As luck would have it, they had the choice of seating as they were the only patrons right now. "Shouldn't we wait for Sindor?" Tabby asked as they sat down. "We'll be finished by the time Sindor arrives," Connie simply said. Debbie was a little crasser. "They are fucking, Tabby. It will take a while." Connie was quick to steer the topic to something less sensitive. "Now, Tabby, before we eat we've got to explain a little. And it starts with a history lesson. The guy who came up with the Red Flame district grew annoyed that people ate all those decorative crimson mushrooms he breed for the district. So, he bred them further. Making them spicy." "So hot, it will burn a hole into your stomach," Debbie added in. "You'd drink the lava pools dry in hopes to stop it and it will still keep going." "No, seriously, it is that hot," Connie said to give Debbie's statement credence. "It had the intended effect. Adventurers stayed away from the mushrooms around here. At least, for a while." Just then, two women came out. Tabby recognized one as a cook by her apron, but the other was nearly naked. She only wore pasties over her nipples and a small cover over her pubic mount. How it stayed in place was beyond Tabby. "I am Chandra," the nearly naked girl said as she stepped onto one bench and then onto the table. Something sweet-smelling whiffed over to Tabby. Laying down on the tabletop, she continued. "I'll be your Saucy. Please dip into me kindly." That statement didn't make much sense to Tabby. Even less when Chandra was tied down on the table by the cook with the help of Debbie and Connie. The crimson manacles and fetters contrasted strongly against Chandra's ashen skin. Her hands were tied at one end of the table, while her feet were at the other. But she wasn't finished yet. Her thick curly horns - reminding Tabby of a goat - got soft rubbery tips on their end and even the demoness' prehensile tail was strapped down on the table. At last, a round soft gag was pushed between her teeth. "Is that really necessary?" Tabby asked taken aback. "It is for her own protection as much as ours," Connie assured her. Debbie gave her a mischievous wink. "Saucy's can get loud without a gag. Your ears will thank us later." Chandra, who followed the exchange muted, gave a cheeky grin around her gag and gave a shrug. Or at least tired. There wasn't much slack in her restraints. To Tabby's surprise, the table was wide enough that, despite Chandra taking up the middle of it, they still had enough space for plates of sliced crimson mushrooms and mugs filled with water. Those, the cook carried out a moment later. Connie took up her explanation as if there hadn't been a pause in between. She picked up a slice of mushroom and held it up before saying: "The hotness of the mushroom is reduced in two steps. First, they get steamed. That's already done for these. Then, we dip them in the sauce." Before Tabby could ask what sauce Connie meant, the warrior was pulling off the pubic mount covering of Chandra. With it came out an attached fake dick. Dripping with a thick viscous sauce that was amber-colored with a pinch of red thrown in. At once, the sweet smell Tabby had noticed earlier became fairly strong. "Now, this is important," Connie said to continue her lecture. "Take a slice of mushroom and dip it in." With those words, Connie did just that. Not just swiping the slice of mushroom along the nether lips of Chandra, but pushing it in. Eliciting an unabashed, but gagged moan from the Saucy. "Make sure it is nicely coated from all sides." Connie pulled the slice of mushroom out and presented it to Tabby from both sides. "Wait about fifteen seconds before eating so the sauce can do its work. Then enjoy. Once you get used to it, you can reduce the time. Most aim for ten seconds. Remember, the less time it has gotten quick-marinaded, the spicer it is." As Connie popped the slice of mushroom in her mouth, Tabby blushed as she heard the warrior moan in culinary delight. The young mage had witnessed a lot of lewdness and depravity by now in this dungeon. Yet this display made her blood shot into her face. Even with the absurdity of a farm swamped by milk, Tabby would not have guessed waking up today that she would use mushrooms to spoon out carnal juices produced by a demoness. Even if it was just a facsimile. And there was no doubt in her mind that Tabby would try it. Not because she was hungry - and the sweet tangy smell waving over from Chandra didn't help there - but because her own depraved curiosity was awakened. With a slightly trembling hand, Tabby picked up a slice and moved toward Chandra's honeypot. Only to be stopped by Connie. "One last thing," she said while holding Tabby's hand at bay. "Leave no spot of the mushroom raw. You'll regret it. Beside you is a mug of water. Use it if needed, but those are for small accidents. See that jug beside the kitchen? That's the pitcher of shame. There is fresh milk in it. Probably from The Barnyard. It helps against the burn." With that last warning, Tabby was allowed to proceed. It felt wrong, pushing the piece of shroom into Chandra. Even with the Saucy bucking her hips as far as she could to show how eager she was. The inside was practically swimming with sauce and Tabby lost her piece for a moment as it turned slippery. She pulled the slice out under load moans coming from Chandra. The gag didn't even nearly do a good enough job to muffle them. Then, with bated breath, Tabby counted the seconds. At last, she arrived at thirteen and devoured the mushroom whole. An explosion of taste nearly overwhelmed her. There was still spiciness left. Mixed with the sweet and tangy from the sauce and earthy hearty flavors of the shroom. It rivaled some of the delicacies he had sampled at court. Mentally comparing it to meats that had been marinated and cooked for hours. Even days. Yet this morsel of delight topped them all. "Good?" Debbie asked. Tabby could only nod. Too preoccupied with savoring the flavors. "Well, then it is time for me to dig in too." While Connie and Tabby sat left and right of Chandra's pelvis, Debbie at the Saucy's large breasts right before her. Just when Tabby was about to scoot over for Debbie, the rogue grabbed for those pastries the demoness sported. Slowly, the rogue pulled on them, and now Tabby could see how they had been held in place. They too had fake dicks on the inside. It didn't make sense to Tabby how that was possible until Debbie finished her pull and showed off the demoness's chest. "What's wrong, Tabby," Debbie asked with a grin like a cat having caught a bird alive. "Never seen a demoness with tit-pussies instead of nips?" Baffled, Tabby just had to take a closer look. Indeed, each breast held a complete and fully formed vagina. Glistening with the same sweet- smelling sauce her lower lips leaked too. Slowly, nearly sensually, Debbie took a slice of mushroom and dipped it in. Showing Tabby that the modification was more than just superficial or cosmetic. If the carnal channels reached all the way to the rips, then the breasts might be big enough to be fully fuckable by a penis. Judging by those pulled-out pastries, the chance for that wasn't far off. "You might want to stop staring and keep eating," Connie said to remind her why they were there. Tabby hadn't to be told twice. She wasn't just hungry. Now, having a taste, she was eager. With each slice, Tabby experimented more. Gradually reducing the time for the sauce to marinate the mushroom. She stopped at nine seconds. It had still a spiciness she liked. Just going one second down was too much for the young mage. She had to gulp down her mug of water. The meal went by quietly. At least on the group's part. Chandra was moaning up a storm and Tabby was sure the Saucy had at least three orgasms. Once finished, Tabby was still ready for more. Thankfully Debbie had the same idea. Gesturing to the cook for a second serving. "While we wait, Connie, how about you show Tabby what to do when a Saucy runs a bit dry." "Good idea." The warrior stood up and cleared her throat. "Now. If a Saucy runs dry - like now - you have to help her a little." To Tabby Chandra still looked plenty juicy, but remained quiet. Connie meanwhile positioned her fingers as if she was about to dip another slice of mushroom. "Now, gently you push in. First the fingers. Then the knuckles. You keep on going." As Tabby watched, Connie's whole hand vanished inside the demoness. While slimmed down in her gender bend, Connie's arm was still twice the size of Tabby's. Or even of Tiberius. Making it quite the feat to fit it in its entirety. But Connie wasn't done. She kept gently pushing and her wrist disappeared. Slowly sinking her forearm into the moaning demoness. It appeared Chandra liked the attempt to make her juicy again very much. At the elbow, Connie stopped and couldn't help but grin. "Now I could shake and pump a little. Saucy's enjoy that very much." But to the dismay of Chandra, she pulled out her arm. Now slick with sauce. Connie didn't even bother to wipe it off. Just then, the cook appeared and placed new plates of sliced mushrooms in front of them. Connie was quick to grab a slice and dip it in. "Only to frown. Still a little dry. Guess I wasn't good enough. Why don't you try, Tabby." Tabby, already with a new slice herself in her hand, gave Connie a meaningful look. She knew a set up when she saw one. Still, she was intrigued. Altered or not, surely no woman could be penetrated that deep. There was only one way to find out. Slowly, still mushroom in hand, Tabby pushed apart the vaginal lips. She slowly worked her way deeper. Each measure sank into her, Chandra enthusiastically commented with moans. Soon, Tabby was working on vanishing her forearm too. It amazed her. By now she would have hit the pelvic bone or the innards. Yet the fleshy channel led her deeper and deeper. Until she too was up to her elbow in Chandra. And she still couldn't feel the end of it. "Just how deep does it go?" Tabby wondered aloud. "Watch this!" Debbie said after jumping to her feet too. She dipped her hand in the tit closest to her and just kept pushing down. "That's impossible!" Tabby said in shock. "There should be rips. Lungs!" "Should be. Is not," Debbie said and pushed deeper. Now past her elbow. "Thanks for the mushroom, Tabby." Suddenly the piece of mushroom Tabby was still grasping within Chandra was snatched from her fingers. It reappeared as Debbie pulled out her arm. Holding it up for a few seconds in victory, before popping it triumphantly into her mouth. There was a slow transformation on Debbie's face. Not of the magical kind. Her expression changed from amusement to utter panic. "Hot! Oh my gods, hot!" The rogue drained her mug of water in a second flat. It wasn't enough. With dread, she looked to the pitcher of shame, but only hesitated shortly. Rushing over and filled her mug with milk, inhaled that too, and then filled it again. While the display amused her, Tabby's mind concluded certain things. The piece of mushroom had plenty of time to soak in Chandra's sauce while being within. Yet that didn't count to counteract the spiciness. That must mean the quick-marinating process probably needed air to work. But as Tabby slipped out her arm, to the protested mewl of Chandra, she couldn't help but wonder about the bigger mystery. Her own arm had been in there up to the elbow, but Debbie had sunk hers nearly up to the shoulder. Yet the rogue was barely able to snatch the mushroom from Tabby. Not only was it physically impossible to get that far into Chandra in the first place, but the connecting tunnel that led from tit to twat was somehow even longer than Chandra's torso. It didn't make sense. Unless- "May I try something?" "Sure, Tabby," Connie said while being distracted from watching a huffing Debbie. "Go ahead." "I wasn't talking to you," Tabby corrected her. She then made sure that Chandra was looking at her. "May I try something? For research?" While Chandra couldn't voice her opinion, her nodding was eager enough. She probably thought that whatever Tabby was up to, it would bring her pleasure. Having her consent, Tabby climbed onto the table and then sank to her knees. Straddling Chandra's waist. That definitely got Debbie's and Connie's attention, who sat down to get a good viewing spot. Tabby laid her left hand on Chandra's right breast and slowly parted the lips of the vagina that had no reason to be there. Then felt the opening. "Fully formed and functional," she said aloud before moving in deeper. "More muscular tissue than usual in a breast, but consistent with vaginal walls." Now, she pushed her whole left hand in. "I should now have reached the rips, but there is nothing to be felt from the inside." With her right hand, Tabby touched and prodded the base of Chandra's breast. "Can't feel the compression of flesh from outside or from the inside. Fascinating. There is definitely spatial folding at work here." "Spadeial what?" Debbie asked. "Spatial," Connie said when Tabby remained silent. "It is bigger on the inside than on the outside." "Like a bag of holding?" "Exactly." Meanwhile, Tabby slowly moved deeper. Half her forearm was now swallowed up. "I should now have reached lungs. And to the side of her heart. Nothing. I only feel muscles, fat, and connective tissue. I couldn't even feel the transition from normal to extra-dimensional space. Fascinating. And the needed magic is sustained by the host. The only comparison that comes to mind are mimics." Tabby suddenly looked to Connie and Debbie who were startled to be the sudden focus of her attention. "Are there facsimiles of mimics in Shroom Dungeon?" "Not that I am aware of," Connie said slowly. "Too bad. Alright. Going deeper." When she reached her elbow she stopped. "I should have reached the table by now. Yet there is nothing. To reach the real vagina, it should make a turn, but it continues on straight. No, wait. There is an opening here. I wonder-" Tabby used her right hand to push into Chandra's left breast. Faster this time and without much restraint. The inside was well lubricated by plenty of sauce. As her right arm caught up, she pushed both of her arms deeper. Just past the elbows, she could actually feel her hands meeting inside Chandra's flesh. "As I thought. Strange. My arms are nearly parallel, yet they come together at an angle. Something between thirty and forty degrees. That is very telling of the internal layout of the spatial fold." "I am not sure if Tabby's clinical commentary makes it more or less hot," Debbie whispered to Connie. The warrior only gave a non-committal grunt in return. Meanwhile, Tabby scooted a little lower on Chandra. She still wasn't done experimenting and continued pushing her arms down. With each measure won, Chandra's moans grew louder and Tabby's face got closer to her subject of study. At last, Tabby was nearly up to her shoulders in Chandra. Practically laying on the wiggling demoness. The breasts had been pushed to the sides to accommodate Tabby's width of shoulders, yet the mage's arms were still parallel. At least to the juncture within Chandra. Even reaching past it, Tabby hadn't reached the other end. "That's as far as I can go," Tabby said aloud. Still using her magic senses to feel details within Chandra's extraordinary body. But just as she wanted to pull out, a new idea sprang forth. "Well, maybe if I-" Tabby called onto the magic and spells of her circlet. Making magical vines grow out of her fingertips. With these tendrils, she could examine the fleshy folds even more deeply. Making Chandra buck and twist in throws off passion. Even with a gag, her moans were deafening to Tabby. Thankfully Chandra was tied down and Tabby was rooted to her by the measure of having her arms buried to the hilt. Else she might have thrown off. Despite the distraction, Tabby was engrossed in her study. Not only pushing at all the walls of this extradimensional vaginal channel but exploring even deeper. Until she finally reached the end. A huge splattering noise could be heard and suddenly Tabby's groin - which was by now parked over Chandra's - was suddenly wet. In fact, her legs and feet were wet too. "What just happened?" Tabby asked as she strained to look there, but was blocked by her own and Chandra's bodies. "I think Chandra just came," Debbie said. "Buckets. Literally buckets. I've never seen a Saucy produce this much. What did you do?" "N-nothing," Tabby was quick to say. "Just massaged her a little. From inside. Chandra, you are okay?" There was no reply. Not even a moaned one. The Saucy had a silly grin on her lips and glassy eyes. Now, Tabby was a little worried. Maybe she had gone too far. Time to end the experiment. She dismissed the vines and then tried to pull out. Only to fail. Her arms were stuck inside and trying to push out with her legs was futile. The tabletop was so slick that she didn't find the purchase. Slipping away with her knees whenever Tabby tried to build up leverage. "A little help here," Tabby pleaded. After a few snickers, Debbie and Connie tried to help. It was slow going pulling Tabby out. Apparently, those muscles she felt could be controlled by Chandra. And the demoness' instinct wasn't to let go of what brought her his much pleasure. Still, pull by pull, Tabby was slowly freed. Until she finally got her hands free. As she stepped down the table, cheers erupted around her. She hadn't even noticed that the spectacle had drawn a small crowd. A few even set down on the other tables and the cook called into the backroom. Two more Saucy's appeared and made their way over to the tables. "Research all done?" Debbie asked with a grin that spoke volumes. "Yeah," Tabby said exhausted. And if she felt like that, how well was Chandra even fairing? "Chandra, you okay there?" The Saucy was coherent enough again to give a nod. It wasn't as enthusiastic as before, but Tabby thought that might be because the demoness was exhausted too. "Mind if we continue eating with you?" Connie asked. "Or should we ask for a replacement Saucy?" The evil look Chandra threw her made clear what she thought about being exchanged. Maybe it was the pride that made her want to endure the whole meal. Or it was the hopes of more pleasure. Relieved that they hadn't broken Chandra, Tabby sat down on the bench again. It was drenched in sauce, but so were her legs, arms, and clothes. She enjoyed the second meal, even though the sauce had made it onto her plate and had already marinated the mushroom to varying degrees. It made it hard to judge how much more dipping and marinating was needed. As Tabby was about to dip the last piece - one that miraculously had avoided any sauce so far - Debbie addressed her with mischief in her eyes. "I dare you to eat that." "That was the plan," Tabby said, confused. With a smirk, Debbie added: "Raw." "Debbie, no," Connie immediately spoke up. Then softer, she said to Tabby: "You don't have to prove anything." "I am not that stupid," Tabby said. "I saw panicking Debbie before and racing to the pitcher of shame. And that was with a slice of about four seconds worth of marinating. I don't think I would fare differently." "No one said you wouldn't," Debbie said nonchalantly. Not even looking at Tabby. "I just thought you would want to find out. Just how spicy it would be. How long you could last before folding." Tabby looked at the slice in her hand in a new light. "Damn you, Debbie. And damn my own curiosity." Then, in a very unlike her usual manner, Tabby said "fuck it" and popped the slice in whole. Tabby froze. Her eyes grew wide. Her whole mouth was on fire. Overwhelming her senses enough that it took several seconds for her mind to actually formulate thoughts. And when they did, they were in jumbles. By the time she had thought about drinking water to mitigate the hotness, her body had already reacted. Not just downing her mug, but Debbie's and Connie's too. Her eyes fell on the pitcher of shame. Filled with milk promising relief. It wasn't a question of how long she could avoid it. Instead, Tabby clamored to be there as soon as possible. She didn't come far. Slipping on the sauce-drenched floor. Barely catching herself on another table. As she stabilized, there was a mug of water right in front of her eyes. She gulped it down without a second thought and already turned back toward the pitcher as she let the mug fall carelessly. Arriving at her destiny, Tabby didn't care for decorum. She put the lip of the pitcher to her mouth and drank greedily and with need. Probably spilling a substantial amount over herself. This was the first time she drank undiluted milk from The Barnyard. In the back of her mind, she noticed the creamy richness. Slightly chilled. Perfect. She also knew it would make her bosom swell again. Soon making her lactate again. But Tabby didn't care. Having thoughts at all was on the back burner. Drinking and dosing the flames of hotness in her mouth and stomach took priority. As she upended the pitcher completely and urged the last few drops out, Tabby saw herself stuck with an old dilemma. She was still burning up. The spiciness had permeated her being. Seeped into her tongue, throat, and stomach. The milk had helped. Lessening, but not neutralizing it. In desperation, she turned to the one thing she had neglected in the last half minute: thinking. Her mind was still a jumbled mess, but it start to work. She needed something to counteract the spiciness that was stronger than milk. The answer was obvious. Simple really. Still, it caught everyone off-guard as Tabby rushed back to their table. More sliding than stopping, Tabby bumped into the table and then climbed on it. Straddling the still-bound Chandra again. Sauce! It was the solution. And Tabby had three sources to choose from. Most came from the Saucy's honeypot. Tabby bent to drink directly from it, but instead of sauce, flesh, and vaginal lips, she tasted fabric. Some of her silken robe had gotten in the way. Tabby shrugged out of it. The robe was probably ruined anyway. Drenched in sauce and milk. With abandon, Tabby did go down on Chandra again. Driving deep with her tongue and urging more sauce to fill her mouth, throat, and belly. Fighting to stay on top of Chandra, who bucked in orgasmic delight. What felt like an eternity later, Tabby sat up. Nearly her whole torso - from mouth to toes - was covered in sauce. She had eaten and drunk so much sauce that her belly dented outward. Her bosom had grown in size and proudly stood on her chest. Her group and patrons alike gacked at her silently. And in that deafening silence, Tabby belched. Like a mighty roar of an ancient monster. But all that she didn't care about. The heat was gone. She was finally safe again. Unsteady, she got on her feet. Looking for a way down from the table. Connie was there. Offering her arm for guidance. She gratefully accepted it and got down to the floor. Only to sink down lower. Collapsing against a nearby wall. "Debbie?" Tabby weakly managed to say. The rogue was by her side in seconds. "Yes, sweety?" Tabby gave her a weak lop-sided grin. One of silliness and exhaustion. "I hate you now. Just a little. For making me do this." "I guess that is fair," the rogue replied. Despite her words, Tabby pulled her friends close and used them as a crutch to get up. Just in time to get the view of Chandra being unchained. She too needed help to stand. For a moment, Tabby was worried. Had she gone too far? But a tired smile assured her Chandra wasn't mad at her. The Saucy even managed to come over and drew a bewildered Tabby into a tight hug. "I don't know what you did inside of me, but it was fantastic. I've never felt anything like it in my life. From now on, if you come by on my shift, you'll eat for free." Then she gave Tabby a surprisingly chaste kiss high on the cheek. But instead of drawing away, her lips moved to Tabby's ear and whispered. "I may even pay you for the privilege." As the Saucy drew away, Tabby found a single rupee in her hand. It was framed by gold application. Unsure what to do, Tabby was about to ask Chandra, but the Saucy was distracted. She was pushing those coverings of her pussies back into place. Each elicited a moan. Then the Saucy turned towards the kitchen. "I think that's our cue to leave," Connie unnecessarily said. As they walked out arm in arm, a new group pushed in. Taking seats at the table they just vacated. Not minding that the benches and table were drenched thoroughly with sauce. But Tabby speculated that they maybe were this eager to sit down before anyone could clean up this mess. Not five steps out of the restaurant a familiar voice greeted them. "By Coleburn and Mezeestos, what the hell happened to Tabby," Sindor asked. "She looks like someone tried to drown her in the sauce." Tabby's tired mind barely caught it, but then confusion came over her. Sindor had invoked Coleburn and Mezeestos. Just like her parents always did when cursing them out. Tabby - as Tiberius - had asked her parents what those names meant, but she never got a straight answer. If Sindor uses them too then maybe- "She did that to herself," Debbie said in reply and Connie gave a simple nod to underline the statement. Tabby's mind snapped back to reality. What had she thinking about? Still, she might as well defend herself. "I had no choice. Debbie made me eat raw nether shroom." "See? I don't know why Abigail was concerned," Sindor said lightheartedly. "You guys are perfectly capable of making stupid choices without me." Tabby didn't even need to look to know Debbie had rolled her eyes. It was clear enough in her voice. "I think it is time we leave the Red Flame district." "Are you sure?" Sindor asked. "Normally, if you have horns, you go to a beautician here. Maybe a bit of jewelry? A little painting them? Don't you like it when they polish them for you?" Debbie let go of Tabby and crossed her arms. "Well. We are flat broke. So no spa treatment for me." "Are you sure?" Sindor produced a dozen rupees out of his backpack. "I know you love your horny treatments, so I asked Abigail to lend me-" "We are going," Debbie said and stormed away without looking if the others followed. "Oh, don't be like that," Sindor said as he followed. "He can't be that clueless," Tabby whispered baffled. "Sometimes I think it is his way to pressure Debbie to finally get into a relationship with him," Connie remarked. "To say claim me or others will." Just then a shout from Sindor carried over the crowd. "Debbie, wait! Here is the salon Abigail recommended for you." "Or maybe he is just an asshole?" Tabby said deadpan. "Certainly a possibility," Connie agreed. Following the shouts, Tabby and Connie made their way through the crowd. There was indeed a beauty salon that was filled with demons who got their horns buffed, painted, or adorned with jewelry. But Tabby couldn't stay and gawk as her group moved on. Halfway out of the Red Flame district, Tabby became aware that she was naked. Not that she stood out as such. Most demons around her walked around naked or in outfits that just didn't deserve to be named clothing in her mind. Else she might consider the drying and congealing sauce on her body clothing too. It did fit in a manner. Her arms were covered up to the shoulders and mimicked gloves. Most of her legs had been covered in the sauce too when she had been on the table. And thanks to her last actions, nearly all of her front was covered too. Just the back and most of the top of her head had been spared. If only the sauce wasn't so translucent. Debbie and Sindor waited for them at the edge of the Red Flame district. Not at the same entrance they had come through, but close. "This path should take us well south of The Battlefield," Debbie said and looked to Sindor. He looked lost in thought for a moment but then nodded. "Last I heard they had expended it southward. Not officially though. We might skirt it, but still, arrive at The Village within a few hours." "There is a battlefield?" Tabby asked as the group set out. "Well, not officially," Connie conceded. "The Battlefield is the area between the Red Flame district and The Village. As the former raid the latter and vice versa, the space in between is pretty much where ninety percent of the action unfolds. Aside from that, it is the usual cave labyrinth and even has a small Harem's Sprawl within." "I see," Tabby said. But it was a lie. Some aspects of Shroom Dungeon still didn't make sense to her, but she had the hunch she'll find out more in The Village. Debbie set a quick pace for the group. Probably to get away from her rival Abigail. It nearly made Tabby complain. Now that the adrenaline was gone, she felt tired. Her belly was still dented by all she had drunken and eaten. Not to mention that she could still feel her breasts swelling. Probably from the raw milk she had practically inhaled. Sooner or later she might need to milk herself. Or get milked. It was Debbie's fault, Tabby mused to herself. And she was a maid too. So the rogue was perfect for the job. Tabby nearly bumped into Connie as the group had stopped and the young mage hadn't noticed. When she saw the reason for it, the young mage grew more alert again. There she was again. That gelatinous girl from before. This time taking in three guys at once. She could see the dicks pumping in and out of the translucent girl. It somehow was mesmerizing. For a moment, Tabby was curious if it would feel different than having normal sex. Not that most of her previous encounters could claim to be normal. "Come on. We need to go," Debbie said gently right beside her. Glancing over, Tabby saw Sindor and Connie already a length down the next tunnel. Waiting on them. Had she been that occupied by the display before her? "You like what you see?" Debbie asked in a purr. "How she is fucked by three guys at once." Tabby nodded wordlessly. There was more to it, but Tabby wasn't in the mood to articulate them. Something drew her attention downward. Debbie's impish tail was caressing her leg. Her spade-shaped tip moved as if it was a snake or tentacle searching for something. Its goal became clear as it rubbed against Tabby's pussy. "Should I make you feel as good?" Debbie asked innocently. Tabby bit her lower lip and gave a slight moan. If she was honest, she needed an orgasm. She had been aroused by all the sights and activities around her for a while. And while she had given plenty of release to Chandra the Saucy, she had walked away without. Not trusting her voice, Tabby just gave a nod. Debbie's response was immediate and very welcome. Her tail's tip slit into Tabby who moaned in delight. It felt different than the fake dick of Nessa's strap-on or the real one of Sindor. Both had stretched her uniformly. Pushing at all the fleshy walls of her vagina at the same time with their girth. But Debbie's tail was different. Its unique shape meant that it slowly expanded to the side and then abruptly slimmed down to the slim tail. As Debbie started pumping it was a smooth increase in size on the push and a brutal, yet satisfying, transition on the pull. The first few strokes by the tail's tip had Tabby moaning and closing her eyes. Enjoying the feeling within. But then the strokes were getting shorter. In fact, the tip was threatening to slip out again. A glance told her that Debbie was walking away. With each step, her long prehensile tail grew more taunt between the two women. Just as it was about to slip out for good, Debbie turned around. "You can either continue to watch or you follow me to bliss." Tabby didn't have to be asked twice. While she gave a last glance to the spectacle unfolding, she immediately stumbled after Debbie. It was a nice view too, Tabby had to admit to herself. While she walked in her kitten heels, Debbie made most of those high heels she like so much. Her gait made her hips sway from side to side and it translated over to the tail. Resulting in a slight twisting of the tail's tip within Tabby. At first, Debbie's plan worked. Making Tabby follow along despite being tired and distracted. But soon Tabby slowed down again against her best affords. Debbie could tell Tabby was getting close to her orgasmic release. Despite the rogue's attempts to delay it. They had to admit defeat. She couldn't lead Tabby like a puppy indefinitely. But she still had an ace up her sleeve. "Sindor! I think we both need to hitch a ride." That Sindor walked over and his short talk with Debbie was lost on Tabby. She was so close. However, she noticed when Sindor picked her up and placed her on his left forearm. Making her sit as if she was sitting on a tree branch. On instinct, Tabby slung her arms around Sindor's neck. Barely noticing that Debbie mirrored her on Sindor's right arm. What she did notice was that Debbie picking up the pace. Now fucking Tabby with abandon. It didn't take long until Tabby screamed out her orgasm into the nape of Sindor's neck. There she remained even as the afterglow slowly faded away. Leaning against the hulking muscular body of him. As she closed her eyes Tabby smelled the strange mixture of his musk, the dried sauce on her skin, and the leather of his backpack. To it, and the gently rocking of Sindor's gait, Tabby fell asleep. *************************************** - - - Chapter 7 - - - *************************************** Tabby found herself surrounded by breasts. They were everywhere. Lined the room's walls, floor, and ceiling like some kind of perverted mosaic. She had a good look at it from her throne. Which was, naturally, made out of more breasts. If she leaned back, her headrest was between a soft bosom and her very seat was one giant tit. Right between her legs was a long and thick nipple. If she would scoot just a little forward, she could ride it like- "My queen," a guard said. Where had he come from? "We have prisoners." Tabby regarded her guard standing at attention. He was littered with breasts. His bronze armor had rows of them on the front and his helmet was one big one. His polearm one could think was an elongated mace if not for the wobbling tit on top instead of a normal weapon head. "Bring them in," Tabby found herself saying. Two door-sized breasts wobbled to the side and revealed a passage. Through it, more guards arrived. Between them were Connie, Debbie, and Sinea. Something about that struck Tabby as wrong, but she didn't spare a thought about the problem. Instead, she felt rage. Each of the women sported mountains of tits. At least as large as Connie had been at The Barnyard. How they could still stand and walk was beyond her. "They defied your law and rule, my queen," a guard spoke up. "They need to be punished." "And they will!" Tabby's voice boomed through the room. Somehow it made every breast in the room jiggle. "Oh, they will!" She lifted her right hand and magical pink tendrils emerged from them. They latched onto the prisoners' tits and started to suck. Instead of milk, glowing spheres of light were pushed out. With each one, the monstrous large tits shrank a little. But where the spheres landed, the breast hit grew. With cackling laughter Tabby drained them of their endowment. Not caring that some of the breasts on the fleshy wall grew too big and fell off. Those shook for a moment and then started to creep through the room like slugs. A fact that was somehow immensely funny to Tabby. She left none of it for Connie, Debbie, and Sinea. Flat-chested they looked dejected to the ground. Making Tabby howl in laughter even more. "Breasts, boobs, and tits! They are all mine!" Tabby shouted. "Mine and mine alone!" A sudden slamming of wood against wood made Tabby blink. Gone was the room of wobbling and jiggling breasts. Instead of a throne, she was in a bed. One she didn't know as much as the room or the stranger who was halfway through the sunshine-flooded window. Beside her was a toppled stool. Probably the very same that had woken her. "Sorry to disturb your dream," the woman apologized. "I didn't mean to wake you. There was no other place to hide from the guards and I am on my last heart." Confused, Tabby took in the woman that had entered through the window. She was wearing something skintight made of black leather but somehow managed to expose all the parts one usually wanted to have protected. Not just was her bosom on full display, but Tabby could clearly see her naughty bits exposed between her legs. The only functional parts of the outfit were a belt with fittings for three walnut-sized hearts - of those two were missing - and a sleek backpack. "Where the hell am I?" Tabby made her confusion known. Brushing away blue strands of thick hair, she took in a plain room. There was one more bed and two nightstands. Each had a stool, but one was tipped over. "This is my room?" "Did you drink too much ale last night?" The intruder asked. "You're in The Village. More specifically the Green Door Inn. Was it red or blue ale that did you in? Whatever did, I must try it too. Sounded like you had an interesting dream." "It was-" Tabby hunted for words. "Unique," was the best she could manage. "Well, while I am hiding out, wanna play with mine?" the woman asked. Cupping her bosom. "After all, all the breasts, boobs, and tits are yours, right?" Tabby blushed deep red. "You heard that?" "You do talk in your sleep," the intruder said. "Did anyone tell you that? Anyway. Where are my manners? I'm Yvolea. Thief by trade. Don't worry, I haven't stolen anything from you." The thief pointed to the bedside table closest to Tabby. On it was Tabby's whip and circlet. New was a belt that looked just like Yvolea's. With ornate fittings for three crystal hearts. However, this belt still had all three of them. Looking at the floor, Tabby spotted her kitten heels tugged halfway under her bed. "All the time. Name is Tabby." As she stretched out her hand in greeting, she stopped confused. Her arm was encased in a flexible brown material. It looked unevenly distributed. As if someone had poured brown candle wax over Tabby. Yet it moved and flexed without a problem. She even could spot her skin beneath, as the material was slightly translucent. Peeking below her covers, most of her body was covered with the stuff. "Well, Tabby, looks like the guard is gone," Yvolea said after a moment. "I'll be on my way. Unless you really want to play with my tits." To Tabby's shame she hesitated a few seconds before saying: "Tempting, but no thanks." "Maybe another time," the thief said. She gave a lazy wave and jumped out of the window. Alone again, Tabby pushed the blanket covering herself off. Examining the weird material she was wearing. In most areas, it was quite thick and barely see-through. But around her tits, the material was thin and nearly transparent. And Tabby definitely counted her breasts right now as tits. They were still swollen from the milk she had drunk in the Saucy restaurant. It probably contained a lot of Milkweed magic. Getting out of bed, Tabby stretched and then examined herself more. Strange, most of her back was uncovered. But it reached up her neck and clung even to her lower lips. It finally clicked in her head. It had to be the sauce of the Saucy that had covered her. Just dried or congealed. With little effort, she peeled the saucy membrane off her lips and face. But going further down was harder. Whatever the sauce had turned into was very stretchable and resistant to tearing. Tabby had to pull apart the material and shrug her shoulders through the opening. Peeling it step by step, Tabby barely managed to uncover her chest when the door suddenly opened. Tabby moved to cover herself up, but then stopped. It was Connie standing in the doorway. "Good. You are awake. Need help with that?" "Yes," Tabby said with gusto. "That stuff is clinging to me like nothing I've ever experienced." "You did overdo it a bit," Connie said as she closed the door and stepped close to Tabby. "Normally we like it when the sauce is drying on our skin. Makes for kinda kinky gloves. Those we can roll off easily enough. We hadn't tried- This." "Less lecture and more helping, please," Tabby said with a sigh. "Alright." The warrior grabbed the bunched-up material on Tabby's hips and pulled them apart. Just when Tabby thought she might be able to slip out, the material actually started to tear. Splitting the rest right down to the middle until it came apart at her crotch. Now it looked like she was wearing stockings. Those too Connie made short order of. "Great. Finally free," Tabby exclaimed. "Not that I minded the feeling, but I really need to get milked. These orbs stuck to my chest are enormous and kinda uncomfortable. Not sure why you did go bigger." "After a certain point, they get very sensitive and pleasurable." Before Tabby could warn her about going too big again, Connie cut her off beforehand. "Need help? With the milking?" "I-" Tabby broke off her own refusal. Would it be so bad accepting help? Certainly, she and Connie had grown a lot closer in the last few days. "I think I'd like that." "Alright. Be right back," Connie said before slipping back out of the room. Not for long, as she returned with a bucket. "We wouldn't want to make a mess right?" She then sat down on Tabby's bed and leaned against the wall. Having made herself comfortable, she motioned for Tabby to sit on her lap. A little reluctant, Tabby did as indicated. She barely sat down when Connie picked her up and pulled her close. Letting Tabby down on her tights, pulling the mages back to her stomach, and letting Tabby's head rest between her large bosom. That gave Tabby a short flashback to her dream. As if she was resting on her throne all over again. "Is this alright?" Connie asked as she cupped Tabby's breasts. It was a strange feeling. Before, they had been either held by her own or played with in the throws of sex. Now Connie took them gently into her hands. Tabby could feel the warmth radiate from the warrior's fingers. Her hands were calloused from years of fighting as an adventurer but less so than Tabby had expected. It wasn't entirely unpleasant, as it gave grip when Connie gently started to massage her breasts. Then there was a pinch and tug. Urging not only the first squirt of milk from Tabby but a moan too. In one regard, Connie had been right. Breasts inflated by Milkweed - or the milk produced by it - had heightened sensitivity. Which resulted in pleasure that made Tabby squirm and moan. It got her hot and bothered in seconds. Making her abandon her usual shy and reserved self. With Connie having her tits and their milking in a firm grip, Tabby's own hands needed activity. They found it between her legs. Plunging her fingers into an already slick pussy. Expertly, Connie milked her squirt by squirt. It gave Tabby more pleasure than Tabby could manage on her own. She was close, but she needed more. On instinct, she turned around. Not even bothered by the fact that the bucket fell from her lap and made a mess after all. If Connie was surprised that Tabby kissed her, then the warrior hid it well. Instead, kissing her with the same intensity back. The act only ramped up Tabby's arousal more. With need, she pushed closer to Connie. Smashing their tits against each other. But she still needed more. Her womanly body yearned to be penetrated, but Connie lacked the equipment to do so. If the warrior had still been Conway- Instead, in frustration, Tabby rubbed her needy pussy on Connie's tight. It wasn't nearly as fulfilling as she hoped, but animated her partner to spring into action. For a moment, Tabby was expertly manhandled until she ended up scissoring Connie. Their sexes rubbed at each other. It confused Tabby how good it felt. Their bits weren't made for each other by nature, yet they provided more than enough pleasure to ramp up Tabby's arousal more. It didn't take long for Tabby to reach her peak. Breaking her kiss with Connie to scream out her moans while burying her face in Connie's bosom. The warrior had no such means to muffle her pleasure. Coming close behind Tabby. Exhausted, both women slipped down on the bed. Connie was below and Tabby was on top. Shamefully miss-using Connie's breasts as pillows. Maybe big breasts had something going for them after all. For a while, Tabby was content to listen to Connie's heart pumping and the slow breaths that filled and emptied her lungs. Tabby had nearly assumed Connie had fallen asleep when the warrior drew in a deep breath. "Ready to finish your milking?" Tabby glanced down. Her breasts were still enlarged, but not by much. Mentally, she didn't even automatically categorize them as tits anymore. Squeezing out the rest might only get her hot and bothered again. "Nah. Think they are fine now as they are. But thanks for the help just now. It was something." "Well, I do have some experience in that regard." The statement was punctured by a laugh that had Tabby's Connie-shaped mattress heaving up and down. When the warrior calmed down, she gave Tabby a playful slap on the bare bottom. "In that case, come on, get up. Sindor and Debbie are waiting for us. Knowing them, if we aren't there soon, one of them will have managed to be thrown in jail. Maybe even both." "Alright. Alright." A little disappointed, Tabby got up. Connie did make a lovely warm mattress to doze off. But maybe that was the cat-girl part of her speaking. Standing up, made her feet wet and nearly slip. The floor was soaking wet with milk and the bucket lay overturned to the side. "Guess we made a mess after all." "Ah, the innkeeper is used to it," Connie said nonchalantly. "I kinda hoped to sell your milk for an emerald or two." "I am shocked!" Tabby exclaimed while turning around. But seeing Connie's unreadable expression, she couldn't say if the tall woman was having a joke on her cost or was serious. Instead, she grabbed her things. Not that there was much to wear or even get decent. First was the circlet. Placing it on her head felt natural. As if the absence before had been a mistake. Next were the kitten heels. She had no silken robe anymore but slung the whip around her waist nonetheless. That only left the strange belt with the three inlet crystal hearts on her nightstand. "That isn't mine." "It is," Connie assured her. "Everyone gets one of these when you enter The Village. You were just tuckered out and asleep when we arrived." Now that Connie mentioned it, Tabby noticed that she was wearing such a belt too. However, one heart was missing. Leaving her with only two. Yvolea had sported a belt with one heart. That awoke Tabby's natural curiosity. "What are they for and what denotes the count of the crystal hearts?" "We call those hearts 'lives'," Connie said while pointing to her belt. More specifically to the one outline of a heart that missed its crystal counterpart. "We all start with three hearts, but we lose one if we get caught by the guards doing anything illegal." "And you did what to already have one missing?" Tabby asked. "I may have distracted a guard while Debbie broke right behind her into a villa," Connie admitted with a shrug. "It worked. Well, until I stole said guards' panties. I mean who wears panties in Shroom Dungeon anyway, right?" Tabby's mouth fell half open. Her bemusement only lasted a few seconds though. "You did what? I can't believe you are enabling Debbie's antics. Wasn't what happened at The Barnyard lesson enough?" "Easy. Easy," Connie said while holding her hands up to placate Tabby. "I ain't enabling anything. The Village is. That's what this district is for. All the things adventurers sometimes want to do in civilization, but are forbidden to do. Be it by law or common sense. Here, it is allowed. Encouraged even. And yes, there are guards. Because that adds to the challenge. Else our rogues and thieves would find it boring. What point would there be without adversaries?" "Every time I think I get a grasp on Shroom Dungeon something else pulls the carpet from under my feet," Tabby complained. Then she grabbed the belt with crystal hearts. "I guess I better wear this. Or else they will throw me in jail too." "They wouldn't. Participation is voluntary. Besides, making a jailbreak is half the fun. Before I forget-" Connie pulled a familiar gold-framed rupee out. "You lost this while gawking at a certain gelatinous girl. Didn't even seem to notice. Where did you get it?" "It was a gift," Tabby said as she took the rupee. "By the Saucy Chandra. Too bad we can't use it anymore. I don't. Think we will return to the Red Flame anytime soon." "Gift? Maybe. More likely Chandra gave it to you as a quest reward. Many of the quests in The Village are to pacify demons of the Red Flame district by means of sexual gratification and exhaustion." Connie gave her a cheeky grin. "And she looked plenty pacified in both categories." After eliciting the desired groan from Tabby, Connie continued. "As for spending it, that is still possible. You've got to remember that The Village and the Red Flame districts have a symbiotic relationship. Rupees won in the Red Flame can be exchanged for emeralds. Of course, emeralds won in a raid here can be exchanged in the Red Flame." "Why am I not surprised?" Tabby asked. "Anyway, where do we go now?" "Sindor - and hopefully Debbie - are waiting at the pottery shop." "Well, lead the way." Stepping outside, brought them to a narrow hallway. Not far were the stairs to the ground floor. As they stepped down, for a moment all eyes turned to them. It looked like the inn doubled as a small tavern. One packed full of patrons. Tabby now was very much aware of how indecent she was dressed. If her items worn even counted as such. But then the onlookers turned back to their activities. Probably because two barely dressed women were nothing new to them. Most were equally skimpy-clad. That calmed Tabby down some. But the next blush came over her when she saw something drip down in the middle of the room. The puddle was a very familiar shade of white. Hurrying outside, Tabby had to blink away tears at the sudden brightness. The shrooms clinging to the cavern ceiling must be extra potent at giving off light. It reminded her of the sun in the southern countries. Those close to the desert. That impression was deepened when she could see again. The buildings around here mimicked the flat-roof clay buildings found in the southern region. Not to mention the market stalls that lined the streets and the fine sand that clung to every edge and corner of the streets. "Follow me," Connie said as she walked ahead. "It isn't far." Just a few steps following Connie made Tabby glad she had those kitten heels. Below her sole, the pavement felt warm. Probably hot to bare feet. Not that everyone used the streets. She saw plenty of people run and jump from roof to roof. Now and then ducking cover as a guard patrolled the street. Now she knew why the builders of this district had gone for this architectural style. The flat roofs were perfect for thieves to traverse. They spotted Sindor standing in a small line before a huge building. Strangely enough, it was decorated with all kinds of pottery. Meanwhile, Debbie was nowhere to be seen. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Sindor greeted Tabby as he spotted the duo coming his way. "Did you have good dreams?" "Oh, no," Tabby said while blushing. "How much did you overhear?" "Damn. Nothing," Sindor cursed out loud. "I missed one of Tabby's sleep ravings." "Never mind that," Connie said. "Where is Debbie?" Sindor gave a long sigh. "I give you guys three guesses, but I suspect you will only guess once." "Jail," Connie and Tabby said in unison. "So, do we break her out?" Tabby asked. "Or what are you waiting for? What is this place?" "That is the pottery shop," Sindor said after pointing at the building in a sweeping motion. "That's not its official name. It has a backstory and all. Wealthy merchants collected ancient pottery from all over the world and yadda, yadda, yadda. That is all boring set dressing. The fun starts once we get inside." "And what do we do inside?" Tabby asked. "See that map?" Connie asked while pointing close to the entrance. "Memorize it. The inside is like a labyrinth. When we head in, we look for treasure. They usually hide a bunch of emeralds inside. Sometimes even items. All we have to do is find them within the time limit." "But be aware," Sindor said as Connie fell silent. "There are two guards inside. Patrolling at random. The cost of getting caught is one crystal heart. If you are really bad at this mini-game then you could lose all three and end in jail." Just then, the line moved. To her surprise, Tabby found her group stopping right before the entrance. Guarded by a woman with a stern look who had her armor in all the wrong spots. It was sexy - very much so - but entirely unfit for any kind of battle. Unless someone counted a group orgy as a fight. Standing here gave Tabby a good look at the map. No room on it had the same size or shape. They all fit into each other in a haphazard way. Most of the rooms also had three or more connections to others. To their surprise, their turn at the pottery shop came sooner than expected. Namely, the previous group was led out in cuffs by a guard. The losers took it surprisingly well. Chatting and joking as if nothing was wrong. It took a moment to reset the building and then Tabby and her companions were ushered in. They found themselves in a large foyer. Passages to all sides and no guards in sight. "This way," Sindor whispered. Leading them down the second passage to the right. Only to lead them to a dead end. "Damn! They remodeled." "Shhh," Connie admonished him but gave a giggle a moment later. "Did one of you study the map?" Tabby asked. As both avoided her gaze, she said: "Typical. Follow me." Tip-toeing around was surprisingly fun. Twice, they nearly ran into guards, but Tabby noticed them in time and pushed her companions back. They snuck from chest to chest. Sometimes hiding behind pillars or large pots. Those were in nearly every room. Not all of the chests held emeralds though. Still, soon they had about a dozen. Two of them were framed in a delicate silver frame. "I think those were all chests," Tabby remarked a little out of breath. "We were in all rooms." "Now the fun part starts," Sindor said with a smirk. One mirrored by Connie. "Get ready." Both lifted up pots high over their heads. Smiling with mischief. "What are you-" The loud crashes of two pots on the floor cut Tabby off. Before she even could process what happened, Sindor had snatched an emerald out of the debris, while Connie lifted a new pot. It followed its brethren in destruction. "Don't just stand there," Sindor said. "Smash something." "But we can't just-" "They're magic," Connie interrupted her. "After five minutes they reform by themselves. Like brand new." "Footsteps!" Sindor suddenly shouted. "Guards! Run!" Tabby took only a second longer to break out into a run. Sindor led them through rooms at random. Stopping after three to start smashing pots again. Of course, the racket could be heard far and alerted the guards of their new position. Just two pots found their end before the group sprinted at random to a new position. Four rooms further, the destruction continued. This time Tabby took part. Lifting a pot that was surprisingly light in weight. Seeing it crash brought a surprising glee to Tabby. She joined Debbie and Connie in barely suppressed laughter when they ran from the guards again. At the next stop, Tabby not just smashed one pot on the floor but did go for a second. A mistake as when its debris cluttered the floor, Debbie and Connie already had moved on. With no idea where they had gone, Tabby broke out in a sprint in a random direction. Only to literally bump into a guard as she rounded a corner. Surprised, they looked at each other. Too much caught off-guard to react. But the magic in the place had no such qualms. There was a shattering sound and Tabby saw one of her crystal hearts trickle to the floor. Suddenly she was yanked back around the corner by a hand. Then pulling her along. It was Sindor who couldn't help but rub it in. "You are supposed to evade the guards. Not stop and flirt with them." "I didn't!" They skitted to a stop in a room they definitely had been before. Already destroyed pots littered the ground. Two more were still intact. Not for long. "Listen. There are two ways out," Sindor said between huffs as they sprinted again. "Both are through the front door. The way we came in. You can do so voluntarily or in handcuffs. Your choice." "Where is Connie?" "Lost a heart. Tapped out." "Then it is just us," Tabby concluded. Then broke out in a grin. "There are still some pots left." "Plenty," Sindor said. They rushed to a new room. Barely avoiding the guards. More emeralds were found and Tabby was glad Sindor was still there. She could only clutch so many emeralds against her naked chest and bosom. Dumping them into Sindor's backpack freed up her hands to do more carnage. A few sprints and two stops in rooms later, Tabby held something else than an emerald up. "Sindor, look. A crystal heart." Sindor shook his head as Tabby tried to fit it into her belt. "Just shatter it. Throw it onto the floor or step on it. The magic will do the rest." Tabby contemplated more questions, but then shrugged. Time was of the essence and the guards could show up any minute. Throwing the crystal heart to the floor made it shatter into a dozen pieces. Those turned to a red smoke that gathered, twirled a few times around itself, and then flew into the empty spot on Tabby's belt. Coalescing into a new crystal heart. "Neat!" Tabby said aloud, while her mind was already busy figuring out the magic behind it. She pushed those thoughts aside as Sindor took off in a run again. She followed suit. They hit one more room before they run into a problem. By now only a few rooms had escaped their wrath. All in one wing of the building. The guards weren't stupid. Now, they patrolled this area exclusively. Judging the challenge now as too hard, Sindor and Tabby decided to head for the exit. Naturally, they were unopposed to doing so. They found Connie close by and to Tabby's surprise, she was dressed. Wearing a tunic that covered her chest. Tabby rolled her eyes as she noticed that the tunic barely stopped before covering Connie's privates. Then she noticed that the tunic had writing on it. Stating "Alumni of the pottery crash course". "Where did you get that one?" Tabby asked. "Oh, there are vendors all over," Connie said in reply. "Let's get your rupees exchanged for emeralds and then we'll get you one too." Indeed, was a small exchange not far from them. For her single gold framed rupee Tabby got a gold framed emerald back. Sindor too exchanged a few rupees. But of the normal kind. Probably those gifted to him by Abigail. "Now then," Connie said aloud. "Time to get you both dressed village- style." The market stalls Connie had mentioned weren't far off. Many traders competed here with the same product: tunics. Their main difference was the slogans stitched on them. A few were sex-themed with texts like "Ask me where I want my sex-slave tattoo!", "I can do magic too! My throat can make your dick disappear.", or "I left my cock outside of Shroom Dungeon. Can I borrow yours?". Others were targeted at specific districts of Shroom Dungeon. Boasting slogans like "I can be milked even outside The Barnyard!", "High Five for Hive Life.", or simply "Milk Addict!". Of course, there was a series of "My favorite district is:" with a tunic variant for every district of Shroom Dungeon. Should Tabby ever run into Nessa again then the "Harem's Sprawl Night-Raid Squad!" would be a fitting gift. "Hey Tabby!" Connie shouted to get the attention of the young mage. "How about this one for you?" Holding up a tunic with the stylized text of "Original Hellfire-Mushroom BBQ" followed by "Saucy style since 459". Tabby couldn't help it. The tunic made her chuckle. And the memory that it brought forth. "If I don't find anything better- Sure." Two tunics stood out for Tabby that were themed to the Factory district. Proclaiming "I visited The Factory and screw that. Screw me. Screw everything." and "My factory job? I was just another cock in the machine." It made her wonder what the district was all about. She knew that The Factory was one of the two new districts and the goal of this dive into Shroom Dungeon. The other had been The Flower Garden, but Tabby couldn't find merchandise for it. It must be the newer one of both districts. In the end, Tabby bought for herself the saucy tunic and one for the group. The latter one states proudly "Official Slut Of This Group". "That's a bold move, Tabby," Sindor said and pointed to the second tunic. "Do you want to tell us something with it?" Tabby gave a cheeky grin back. "Me? Maybe. Once we have rescued Debbie, we'll roll for it. See who deserves it most. You still got the die, right?" "Of course!" Sindor said. Slightly looking hurt that Tabby would even insinuate he would have forgotten it. "Save and sound in the backpack. And I like your thinking. Now, Connie and you have a tunic. Debbie gets one for free in jail. That leaves only me. How about this one?" Tabby groaned as she saw him holding up a tunic stating "King's Appointed Pussy Inspector". And to her dismay, Sindor actually bought it. On their way to the jail, Tabby purchased a little pouch too. Not quite big enough to earn the distinction to be called a backpack. She had money to spare. It turned out that a silver framed emerald was worth five normal ones and a gold one were worth ten of the silver ones. Along with her share of the pottery run, it made her quite wealthy. Her little pouch was filled with various treats. Of course, all made of mushrooms. Some were dried and quite jerky while others were sugary delights wrapped in special paper. The group also bought breakfast to go as neither of them had eaten yet. On their way to the prison, Sindor stopped at a large building that had been boarded up. As Tabby noticed him staring, she stopped and asked: "What is it?" "This used to be a brothel," Sindor said while gesturing at the building. "I had made many fond memories here. Learned a lot too." "Do you know what happened?" "The owner left Shroom Dungeon," Sindor remarked. "She had been here over twenty years. No one thought she would actually leave. But she did. And then, we thought she'd return soon. Some people are just made to be in Shroom Dungeon, you know. But it has been over two years now and she hasn't returned." Then, Sindor cheered up. "Well, that's the prerogative of a volunteer, right? Now let's go save Debbie. Before she spends two decades in that prison cell." Walking up to the prison, Tabby was surprised by the sheer size. It was big enough to be a small village in its own right. There was one large building - Connie told her there would be the jail cells - and a number of smaller ones. The whole complex was surrounded by not one, but two walls. The vast area before Tabby made her forget that this was actually another cavern. With the fake sky and big areas like these, the fact could easily be forgotten. Close to the first wall, Connie directed them to a small house hugging the cavern wall. For convenience, someone had placed a ladder against the side. Scaling the building revealed that they weren't the only ones intending to use it as a vantage point to plot their jailbreak. Two other groups were there and - to Tabby's surprise - a merchant who sold helpful tools for facilitating prison breaks. Grappling hooks and ropes were the main drawing point. The strangest one was a cake that promised a file inside. For those who wanted to walk straight in as a visitor and hand the tool of escape over right under the nose of the guards. Tabby doubted that would work. Then again, this was Shroom Dungeon. It was cheesy enough of a plan that guards might overlook it on purpose. "I hope you have saved a few emeralds, Tabby," Connie said while studying the prison complex. "We need at least two long ropes and a file or saw." Tabby looked to the vendor and then back at the prison. Slowly, a mischievous grin appeared on her face. "Or a good use of magic." "No blowing up the walls," Connie protested as Tabby got up. "Have a little faith," Tabby said before walking towards the ladder. Arriving at the wall, Tabby channeled magic into her circlet. Making roots spawn from the very wall she wanted to scale. They were an easy foothold and Tabby easily got to the top. Then, she carefully peeked over it. Only two guards patrolled the perimeter. Probably to make it easy, yet provide at least a little challenge. Waiting for the closest guard to walk past her didn't take long. Then she spawned magical roots on the other side of the wall. As Tabby swung her leg over the wall, she saw that not only Sindor and Connie had caught up to her. The two groups from the rooftop decided to use the opportunity too. She just hoped they wouldn't make too much noise. The path to the next wall was peppered with large crates that barely had a shred of legitimacy to even be here. Convenient obstacles to break the line of sight to the guards. It was as if this prison wanted to have prison breaks. Then again, Tabby reasoned, this probably was exactly the purpose of this prison. Arriving at the next perimeter wall, Tabby was about to cast a new summon for roots when something caught her eye. It made her groan. Stepping on a small barrel, she could heave herself up to one of the crates. Two little jumps from one crate to another brought her to one directly placed against the wall. Even someone as unathletic as her had no problem climbing over it now. Jumping down on the other side Tabby could already spy a similar arrangement of parkour objects to make up a staircase leading back. Shaking her head, Tabby muttered a curse and opted to summon roots after all. Hopefully making their escape more convenient. The three groups spread out. Hoping to locate their imprisoned teammates. Tabby just hoped Debbie was located on the ground floor. If not they might have to scale the outer wall or actually sneak inside. "Tabby. Connie. Over here." Sindor waved them over to a small window with bars before them. It wasn't hard to determine what had alerted Sindor. "I know those moans!" Connie said, before looking through the window. Sindor did the same, but Tabby was slightly too small. Hence she used her teammates as an improvised ladder. As she peeked in, another groan escaped her. While they were busy planning the jailbreak, Debbie had been busy too. If one counted being eaten out by a fellow inmate. The rogue even noticed them. She gave a small wave but didn't bother notifying her cellmate. Judging by the moans, Tabby thought Debbie was close to release. "Time to ruin her vacation?" Tabby asked. "For sure," Connie agreed. The plan to spring Debbie was amazingly straightforward. The iron bars looked rusted and fragile. They reasoned a little demonstration of force would do the trick. After Tabby took a few steps back, Sindor and Connie grabbed two iron bars each. Now it paid off that both were total beefcakes. Instead of just the iron bars coming apart, a whole chunk of the wall popped out. Window and iron bars included. Nearly making Sindor and Connie stumble as it came free. Tabby just facepalmed. The ridiculous nature of Shroom Dungeon tethered in her mind on the fine balance of love and hate. "Just. A moment," Debbie said while holding her hand up to indicate to her friends they should wait. They didn't have to wait long, as Debbie came hard and loud. As Debbie stood up from her poor inmate's face, said prisoner looked around unfocused. At least, until her eyes settled on the young mage. "Hey Tabby. Hope you don't mind. I found someone else to play with my boobs." It was Yvolea. The same mischievous thief that had teased Tabby this morning in the inn. It appeared she couldn't avoid the guards after all. "You know each other?" Debbie asked. "In passing," Tabby managed to squeak out while turning beet red. As Tabby cleared the hole, Sindor poked his head in. "Come on. This is a jailbreak. You can tattle and drink tea later." As Tabby now spearheaded their entourage again, she aimed straight for the mini parkour of crates and barrels that would lead them out. The whole affair was louder than she hoped as the two additional groups rejoined. Getting them all over the first wall took forever. Even worse was the second wall. Thankfully her own group was out when she heard a loud yell. "Halt! Prison break! We have a prison break!" They couldn't hear more as they didn't stop and ran past the first few buildings. When they stopped, Tabby was surprised that Yvolea was still with them. "That was fun," the tagging-along rogue said. "It was," Debbie agreed. Fun? Tabby scratched her head. The whole prison break was more annoying than fun, she reasoned. Unless the two rogues meant their romp before? Tabby had no desire to find out. "So, where do we go from here?" "Back to your room in the inn?" Yvolea suggested. "Maybe now you are ready for me." A renewed blush got to Tabby. "A-Aren't you tuckered out by Debbie?" "That was just foreplay," Yvolea waved her off. "Foreplay? I gave you three - THREE! - orgasms." Debbie was definitely not happy and gave the other rogue the stink eye. "Well, this is Shroom Dungeon, right?" Yvolea asked. "Aren't we all a bit nympho here?" "Sure. Sure," Connie said before the discussion escalated more. "Sadly, we are on a timetable. Right, guys? Sorry, but Tabby is eager to get to the Kitten Basket district. To finish her catgirl transformation." "Awww. You are cute already," Yvolea said, just before ruffling Tabby's hair. "Maybe hit me up on your way back? My breasts aren't made out of balls of yarn, but kittens still have fun playing with them." Tabby mumbled a reply that might have sounded vaguely like a "maybe". But before anyone could ask her to clarify, Debbie put her arm around her shoulders. "Yes, we better get going." Debbie steered Tabby away. Connie and Sindor soon followed. The latter couldn't help, but ask: "What was that all about?" "Who knows," Connie said as neither, Debbie nor Tabby, answered. Trailing the three ladies, Sindor shook his head. "Women", he muttered sotto voce. Apparently not quiet enough as an "oof" escaped him as Connie elbowed him into the rips. Either unaware of the irony that a man, that spends most of his time as a woman, complains about them or she ignored it on purpose. As they neared the exit of The Village district, Tabby couldn't hold her curiosity back anymore. "There isn't really a mushroom to turn your breasts to yarn, right?" Sindor and Debbie were quick to answer with a resolute "no", but Connie took longer to answer. "Not yet. Or rather not that I know off." Feeling three pairs of eyes resting on her, Connie felt she should defend her answer. "I mean, come on. Balls of yarn sound silly. Then again, this is Shroom Dungeon. Half the transformations here are silly. If it is possible then the question isn't if it will be done, but when." Tabby shook her head with a bemused grin. Of course, Connie was right. If there was one place in this world for silly transformation, then it was Shroom Dungeon. Tabby was ready to put the topic to rest, but her mind had other plans. Once again her curiosity led her down a strange path. How would it feel to have a body part made out of yarn? What would be beneath? Was it even possible? What about other types of fabric? The last question reminded her of something. "Say, Debbie, what are you wearing?" "Oh, this?" Debbie asked as she unhooked from Tabby. She sped up to gain a few steps ahead and turned around. Now walking backward. She was sporting some kind of tunic that was entirely made up of horizontal black and white stripes. There was some writing, but Tabby couldn't make it out. The tunic was at least one size too big and hung like drapes from Debbie. "Sadly, my maid uniform got damaged in the pursuit by guards. Very unfortunate. So, when they hauled me to jail, they gave me this." "What does it say?" Tabby asked. In reply, Debbie grabbed the fabric and stretched the front so everyone could see. The stripes gave way to black letters on white background. Proudly proclaiming: "I was thrown in jail at The Village and all I got was this lousy tunic!" Reading it made her group groan and Debbie gave a bemused smirk. "I know, right? Kind of cheesy. The maid uniform might have been better after all. Not to mention that this tunic is too big for me. I think they hand out oversized ones on purpose. Make it harder for rogues and thieves to move, right?" "I think I can help you out," Tabby said after a moment. Looking through her small pouch. Her targeted item wasn't hard to find and Tabby pulled it out and held it up for Debbie to see. "I bought this to have us roll for it. But if you call dips then you can have it." "Official Slut Of This Group," Debbie read aloud the slogan on the tunic. "Nice try, but I don't think so." "Are you sure?" Tabby asked, drenched with mischief. "Sindor, I think we need the die after all." "I see you get the hang out of Shroom Dungeon," Sindor said as he slung the backpack around and grabbed for the die. "Here you go." "I don't think the tunic will fit Sindor or myself." Connie mused aloud. "We can always modify it with a few cuts," Tabby said with a shrug. "So, who wants the honor of rolling?" "Gimme," Debbie mumbled and took the dice a second later. "No way I entrust my fate to your luck." Debbie took a huge swing and threw the die along the way they wanted to take. It rolled too fast to make out the pictures of their faces on them. They all were a blur. The group jogged after it. Witnessing how it slowed down. Soon, they could see their faces spin by. Connie. Sindor. Tabby. Sindor again. Then it finally stopped. Debbie let out a groan as she saw her face up top. Ignoring the laughter and playful slaps on the shoulders. It was harder to ignore Sindor's comment, as it cut too close: "Wasn't Tabby's luck dooming you. It was your destiny." "Funny. Very funny," Debbie remarked as she stripped out of her oversized tunic. She pouted after slipping into the new tunic. Proclaiming her the official slut of the party. But not for long. Her eyes narrowed on Tabby and a smirk came forth. "So, you learned our unofficial rules and used them successfully. Great. Now, I won't need to hold back." It opened the floodgates to jesting and boasting as the group moved on. Leaving The Village and its many attractions behind. *************************************** - - - Chapter 8 - - - *************************************** It took the group no more than an hour to reach the district known as Kitten Basket. Tabby had tried to imagine what the district would be like but didn't anticipate the first sign she found. The always-present mushrooms on the cave walls slowly gave way to kinds that appeared reedy or rooty. Slowly turning into a tangle that got tighter with each step they took. Soon, the weave of roots was close-knit. Taking on a uniformity that rivaled human craftsmanship. It also looked deceptively close to basketry. "Welcome to Kitten Basket," Debbie proclaimed as they entered a large cavern. Not that much of the stone was visible. The basket-like material covered the walls and ceiling. Even more astounding was the fact that it was used as a building material. Everywhere Tabby looked she could see platforms made from it. Some hung from the ceiling by rooty vines, while others built onto each other from the ground floor up. Mimicking terraces. Yet their insides were hollow and provided more space for the residents. The inhabitants of Kitten Basket were everywhere. Many catgirls and catboys lay lazily on pillows scattered on the platform. Seemingly undisturbed by those racing and climbing around. Tabby made out claws that she didn't possess. Probably because her own transformation to a catgirl wasn't complete. The mix of human hands and cat paws gave the residents a remarkable grip and explained how they could easily scale walls. Here and there, Tabby also spied catgirls doing remarkable jumps. Either to reach platforms further up or to get down. Just in the span of a few breaths, Tabby witnessed a few residents letting themselves fall down to reach the ground. Instead of injury or even death, they all landed safely on their feet. Debbie grabbed Tabby by the shoulders and led her deeper into the district. "Here, they have everything your inner kitty needs, Tabby. Plenty to run, jump, and climb." Tabby eyed the various platforms warily. "I don't know." Most of these looked dangerous and Tiberius had never been very athletic. Neither was Tabby. "Relax!" Debbie insisted. "Live a little. Take a walk. Smell the catnip. Play in yarn a little." "Baby steps," Sindor interrupted. "We have a few hours here. Maybe Tabby can do the yarn-ball challenge." "The what?" Tabby asked, her curiosity awakened. "See that vendor over there?" Connie asked while pointing to it. "Over the whole district, there are different colored balls of yarn hidden. You can exchange them over there for a prize. The prize itself varies depending on how many balls of yarn you bring." "It is a good starter activity for new catgirls," Sindor said to take over. "Each color represents another difficulty. Start hunting the easy ones and see how far you can get." Tabby saw the expecting looks on her friends' faces and knew she wouldn't get out of here without at least trying. "Alright. Where do I start?" Three hands pointed to a wall of woven mushrooms. Ideal for climbing even if one didn't have claws yet. There were plenty of platforms scattered around and Tabby could see the logic for them. If one fell, there always was something to fall onto not too far away. Hopefully, she wouldn't need them. Walking over, Tabby examined the mushroom. It looked much like hardened vines or roots that twisted around themselves to form a kind of lattice. Pulling at it revealed that it was sturdy enough. It didn't even budge a little. Every doubt was scattered as another catgirl ran past Tabby, jumped onto the wall, and scampered up at amazing speed. Slower and a lot more cautious, Tabby started her own climb. It was easier than she had thought. There was plenty of grip for hands and feet. But as she reached the second platform, she was winded enough to consider a break. Tabby wasn't very disappointed that no cheering or other encouragement came from her companions. She was more peeved as she couldn't spy them anywhere anymore. "Probably ditched me to get into pervy things. Or shenanigans. Maybe even pervy shenanigans. Strike that. Definitely the latter." Tabby turned around to the task at hand. Grabbing for the next good handhold. "It's not that I need them to have fun." "Probably not, nyah," a voice from above agreed. Looking up, spotted a hand waving around some mushrooms from the next platform up. "But you'll need these, nyah. You're such a slowpoke without them." Glaring up at someone she couldn't see, didn't help, so Tabby resorted to attacking the climbing wall again. Going step by step until her head crescented the next platform. As expected, she found a cat girl lazing around on her back and munching on mushrooms. "For the record," Tabby pushed out as she heaved herself on the edge of the next platform. "I am new to this whole catgirl thing. So, easing into those things here is smart." "Nah, that's because you are barely a catgirl, nyah!" "What do you mean? I have the ears." Tabby pointed to her feline ears atop her head. Then lifted up her tail. "And a cat's tail I have too." The catgirl rolled over on her belly to get a better look at Tabby. "Yeah, but no claws. Nyah. This probably means your ears and tail are still mostly decorative. You need to eat more Meowshrooms. Or Nyashrooms, nyah." Helpfully, she let a few drop in front of Tabby. "Fully developed ears help with perception and - nyah - the tail will help keep your balance. I don't need to explain what the claws do, right? But not every nyah change is visible. They give you more strength, dexterity, nyah, and stamina. So, eat up, little kitten." Tabby shrugged. The girl before her probably had a point. While munching, she held out her hand. "I am Tabby, by the way." "At least your name is already kitten ready, nyah," the girl said while shaking Tabby's hand. "Rosalint the eighth. With a T at the end. Don't ask, nyah. Part of a pun." "A pun lasting eight generations?" Tabby asked between chewing. "It's my eighth time visiting Shroom Dungeon," Rosalint admitted with a shrug. "Each time, Rosalint is reincarnated anew. Say, I haven't seen a catgirl with blue hair yet. How did you manage that?" Now it was Tabby's turn to shrug. "Harpy egg at The Barnyard." "Nyah! I have to try that sometime." Rosalint got up as Tabby swallowed the last mushroom. "Come on. There are more to find and eat further up." Tabby sighed as her new friend took a leap and landed a good three meters above her on the wall. But there she waited for Tabby to follow. Attacking the wall again, Tabby had to admit that Rosalint was right. Just with a few more Meowshrooms in her system, it was easier to climb. A little more strength in her arms eased the strain when hoisting herself higher. And while she had no claws yet, her nails changed a little. Making them longer and slightly curved. Reaching the top revealed an entire floor that couldn't be seen from the cavern floor. Many daybeds in the form of shallow baskets were littered around. Between them, Meowshrooms grew everywhere. Tabby guessed it was time to eat more. However, taking a few steps closer revealed a bin close by full of brightly colored green yarn. The first item of her quest was within reach. "Oh, don't bother with those," Rosalint remarked as she stepped close to Tabby and leaned casually on her shoulder. "At least, not yet. Let me tell you, carrying them with you is a drag. Makes much more sense to become a full catgirl first. Then get used to your new body. Have a bunch of fun. And in the end, when you are ready to leave, snatch as many as you can as fast as you can." "Hmm," Tabby said aloud to indicate deep thinking. Only to abruptly step aside and see Rosalint - robbed of her Tabby-pole - land on her butt. "Makes sense. But tell me, aren't catgirls always supposed to be landing on their feet?" "Nyah!" Rosalint scratched her head. "You aren't much better." A little wink was all that Tabby got as a warning. Twirling on the floor, Rosalint kicked the legs out from under Tabby. Making Tabby deftly land beside her. "I guess I deserved that one," Tabby admitted. A second later, both catgirls burst out laughing. "Ahh, catgirls," Rosalint sighed. "Always good for some mischief. Now eat up. Then I can show you what trouble we really can be." Tabby just shrugged and went for the shrooms. She hadn't exactly asked for a mentor in catgirlness, but she liked Rosalint well enough. For now, Tabby decided to follow her instructions. After about thirty, Tabby felt pleasantly satiated and her claws had come along nicely. For cats, claws were situated between the fingers of their paws. Whoever had made the Meowshrooms had opted for retractable claws that were part of the fingertips. It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant. "You ready?" Rosalint wanted to know. Tabby quirked her eyebrow. "I thought you were the expert. Shouldn't you tell me?" "Smartass!" Rosalint exclaimed, before taking off in a sprint. Running straight off the platform. To Tabby's relief, there was another close by on which her mentor landed. Only to turn around and taunt her. "Come on. Keep up." A little more hesitant, Tabby walked towards the edge. It was a long way down, but the next platform was close. As Tiberius, she had jumped worse in dungeons. Taking a few steps back for a running leap, she made it just fine to the next platform. Instead of applause or encouragement, Rosalint took off again. Tabby, of course, chased after her. Rosalint led her from platform to platform in a pattern that steadily increased the distance between them. At last, Rosalint took a mighty leap and sailed through the air to the sims of protruding rock at least twenty meters away. Tabby herself barely managed to skid to a halt at the edge of her platform. "Are you insane?" Tabby shouted horrified. The abyss before her was probably a death sentence for anybody not making the jump. "You could have died!" Rosalint burst out laughing. "This little leap? Are you kidding me? This is nothing Tabby. You can do it too." "No way!" Tabby took a step back from the edge. "I thought you were a catgirl," Rosalint taunted her. "Not a scared little rabbit girl." "I am not scared," Tabby shot back. Not very convincing as she inched further away. "But if I miss that jump, I'll be a pancake for sure." "And then you wake up at the fairy outside. Big deal, Nyah." Clearly making no headway with Tabby, Rosalint changed tactics. "Hey, Kittens! This is Tabby. Scared of the Big Leap. How about some encouragement?" The catgirls around Tabby stirred from their daybeds, stopped some orgies going on in nooks and crannies, and some chases came to a halt early. They all shouted encouragements at Tabby at the same time that she couldn't understand even one word in the cacophony. It was a figure stirring close by that caught Tabby's attention. It was the first catboy she saw in the Kitten Basket and blushed as he was very naked. "Tabby, right?" As she nodded, the catboy continued. "The Big Leap is a tradition for newly made catgirls and catboys. It looks scary. I was freaked out of my mind the first time. But it is meant to show how much you can achieve as a catgirl. Just, take a good running start and you will be fine. No harm will come to you." Tabby hesitated. Maybe she was wrong? All the other catgirls seemed to think she could do it. If this was a common test then that spoke of the fact that it was possible. Rosalint had made the jump, so why shouldn't she? Gathering her courage, Tabby walked to the furthest part of the platform from the ledge. There she jumped a few times. Limbered up with a few stretches. She could do it. Catboy practically had guaranteed she would be fine. Tabby started her run. With large steps, the ledge loomed within seconds. She lept. Time seemed to slow down. Her trajectory still arced up. For a split second, Tabby worried she might actually impact against the cavern's roof, but then gravity took hold of her again. Rosalint and the safety of the next platform rushed toward her. And then Tabby noticed. She was already too low to land there. Desperately she reached out to catch the next platform. Her new claws caught mushrooms hard as wood. Created a furrow in the material, but failed to bury itself into it. Tabby fell. Just the barest hint of scratching the platform made Tabby fall into a tumble. Instinct took over. Tabby twisted mid-air. Managing to get her feet below just as the ground rushed towards her. The impact was hard but bearable. Her legs absorbed most of the shock before Tabby used the last of her momentum to roll forward and land on her butt. Confused, she looked around. Feeling up her whole body. "I am okay? I'm okay!" No broken bones. Not even bruised skin. Her butt was a bit cold on the floor and her hip pack chafed a little, but Tabby couldn't find a single thing that was wrong. "Nyah!!!!" The long shout made Tabby look up. Just in time to see Rosalint falling down. Landing heavily, but gracefully not a meter from Tabby. The veteran catgirl didn't even need to roll to arrest her momentum. Grinning, the catgirl crouched down beside Tabby. "Just for the record. Catgirls always fall on their feet. If the fall is high enough." "You-" Tabby was stunned. What kind of test was this. They made her believe she could do the leap. Falling down had been terrifying. "You knew I would fall!" "Most fall," Rosalint admitted with a shrug. "The first time I fell too. That's the whole point. Now you know what you really can do." "You!" Tabby took a threatening step forward. She hadn't planned to do more, but when Rosalint took off in a sprint while giggling, Tabby's step turned into a run. Rosalint only had a fraction of a second headstart, but it was enough to gain some distance. Taking a running start to leap onto the same overgrown wall where she had met Tabby. Not even thinking about it, Tabby followed suit. Determined to stay close to Rosalint's trail. As her prey stopped climbing and leaping higher instead, Tabby copied her perfectly. Arriving at the top just a second after Rosalint. Her query was already in full sprint. Leaping from platform to platform to the cheers of other catgirls. It only made Tabby even more eager to catch up. A few times, Tabby nearly got hold of Rosalint. The vexing catgirl always slipping out just from under her fingers. At last, they arrived on a larger platform. Enough for a good-sized sprint. Rosalint aimed full tilt for a ledge and Tabby gave chase. Both catgirls jumped within a fraction of a second apart. At the height of their arc, both catgirls collided. Landing in a tangle on the next platform. Both panting heavily, but Tabby remained focused. Squirming on top and pinning Rosalint down. To her surprise, the other catgirl didn't look upset. Rather, smug as she looked up to Tabby. "See? I told you that you can make the jump." Tabby risked a glance back. It was enough to confirm what she hadn't realized before. Their last jump had been the same one Tabby had failed before. "You tricked me!" Rosalint grinned even more. "What'cha gonna do about it?" Tabby was at a loss for words. Even more when she noticed her predicament. Below her squirmed a naked catgirl. Breathing heavily so close to Tabby. Who didn't wear much more either. It was a reflex. A random thought turned into action. The kiss connected both catgirl's breaths for a moment. Tabby leaned back. Unsure if she had gone too far. Rosalint was having none of it. Robbing the next kiss from Tabby. Then, it didn't matter anymore who pinned who to the floor. Both catgirls channeled their adrenaline high to satisfy each other. *************************************** Tabby was surrounded by warm softness. It was below her. Draped over her. Framed her. It was cozy. It felt safe. It made for a nice bed to take a nap in. But someone was poking her and denying her sweet dreams. Reluctant, she opened her eyes to see who annoyed her. The sight unfolding was one of limps and bodies entangled around her. An abstract sight she had to slowly digest. She was in a dog pile of gently breathing men and women. Kind of ironic, as those were catgirls and catboys. Now the memories came back. Spontaneously, she had sex with Rosalint. But somehow their little fooling around drew onlookers. Who got turned on and started their own fun. Somehow, that had evolved into a full- blown orgy. What poked her now was a dick. Not a real one. An imitation mounted on a pole. Extended over the mass of sleeping bodies and tapped her body on random spots. The wielder of the phallic weapon was Sindor. Which reaffirmed her first thought: the person poking her was a dick. "Would you stop doing that?" Groaning, Tabby untangled herself from limbs and bodies that half buried her. Part of her really wanted to sink back in and continue her nap. Having sex with dozens of people could be surprisingly exhausting. "Time is up," Connie said from close by. "We have to get going to reach our next goal before night falls." "Fine. Fine," Tabby murmured. Then stopped her carefully walking over the living carpet of catgirls. "What happened to you two? And where is Debbie?" Connie's skin was now dark brown with a strong tinge of violet mixed in. She had lilac spots all over that reminded Tabby of cows, but smaller. Sindor wasn't much better. What first appeared to be grey armor proved itself to be an exoskeleton of bone and horns. Said horns looked oddly phallic to Tabby too. "Oh, nothing," Sindor said after lifting the dick-pole. "Played some cards for mushrooms. Lost big time." "What are you talking about?" Debbie's voice came from the off. "We won big time." Confused. Tabby made her way over to her friends. Only to burst out laughing as she spied Debbie. It was apparent she had continued down the path of a demoness. Her skin was pitch black with sprinkles of grey and red all over. She still had her tail and now two horns on her head. Her breasts, hips, and tights had gotten a generous boost. Her new stature was highlighted by her new height. With Debbie being around one and a quarter meters tall, Tabby now towered over her. "Looks more like small-time." Tabby couldn't help it. This was too precious of an opportunity to let pass. "How is the air down there?" "Laugh all you want!" Debbie stared defiantly up. "You don't know what you are missing. Sindor?" "Again?" "Again!" Debbie insisted. But instead of doing whatever Debbie wanted, Sindor turned to Connie. "You could take a turn, you know?" "But she asked for you." Connie's reply sounded innocent enough, but her grin spoke volumes too. "The honor is all yours." With a sigh, Sindor crouched down. Propping his right elbow on the ground while forming a fist pointing to the ceiling. Debbie wasted no time. "For small people, many things feel big. And if they are bigger to begin with-" Debbie crouched down in a fluid motion. Tabby's mouth fell open as Sindor's fist vanished inside Debbie. Her netherly lips were tight against Sindors wrist. But the magic trick wasn't over. Sindor stood up and lifted Debbie into the air. Slowly, she sank lower on Sindor's arm. Impaling her even further. It was even more grotesque by the fact that Tabby could still see the outline of Sindor's fist and arm under Debbie's skin. Steadily traveling up as Debbie slid down. The whole act was underlined by Debbie's moans. "That's impossible!" Tabby exclaimed as Sindor's fist displaced Debbie's ribcage. "How are you even alive?" "How was the saucy alive when you buried both your arms in her tits?" Debbie haltingly retorted. Her breath was labored and broken up by more moans. "Behold! Me! The human glove!" Tabby sighed. "I'll leave you alone for one hour and-" "Five," Connie corrected. "Five hours. And we got to get a move on if we want to make it to the Curated Gallery by nightfall." "But I am a human miracle," Debbie protested. Tabby had her own reason to whine. "But I haven't collected any balls of yarn yet." Connie placed her arms on her hips. "We all make our own bed to sleep in." She peeked past Tabby. "In your case, it looks naughty." She turned to Debbie and opened her mouth for the next lecture. Only to close it again and sigh. "Come on, you two. If we want to reach The Factory tomorrow, we'll have to get a move on. And Debbie, just think about how artful a human glove would be at The Gallery." "Oh, my gosh, yes!" With a squelch, she slipped off Sindor's arm. Then enthusiastically climb down to reach the ground level. "But my yarn," Tabby weakly protested. Recognizing lost ground when she walked upon it, she gave a sigh and followed. At least, she was the first down. A good jump did the trick. "I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Rosalint," she murmured as she eventually followed the others out of the Kitten Basket district. *************************************** - - - Chapter 9 - - - *************************************** "Do we really have to do that art-thingy?" Tabby asked. "I am dead on my feet. Looking at paintings or whatnot will make me fall asleep while standing." The response was a bunch of chuckles and Debbie trying to intimidate Connie. Shaking her fist. "Don't you dare ruin the surprise!" As Connie was nearly twice the rogue's size, the act was rather amusing to Tabby. "Are we there yet?" Tabby asked not for the first time. "Nearly," Sindor replied. A change from the usual "soon". The arrival at the Curated Gallery was different from other districts. Those before had gradually transitioned. For the Curated Gallery, it was a strong contrast. One moment they wandered untreated stone tunnels and the next, they stepped into marmor-clad hallways with plenty of width and alcoves for extra space. It was needed. Pedestals and sims were scattered everywhere. Even strange picture frames. Instead of art or tapestry, the framed recesses for even more display space. The gallery was clearly curated in a manner that made Tabby blush. Statues were scattered all over the district and they had one thing in common: all displayed acts of a deviant sexual nature. Just in the first few steps, Tabby walked past a couple of female statues in alabaster frozen in the act of eating each other out, and a man and woman immortalized in obsidian while doing it doggy style. "And?" Debbie leaned on Tabby's shoulder to whisper into her ear. "Still tired?" Tabby shrugged her off and gave a big overdone yawn. "Those tame things? Boring. If we stay too long I just might claim one of the empty pedestals and take a catnap on it." That brought her chuckles from her friends and knowing grins. Obviously, there was something she didn't get about this district. But, for now, Tabby decided to play it nonchalantly. Sooner or later her companions would reveal the gimmick of this district. There always was one. That much Tabby had learned in her visit to Shroom Dungeon. She just had to wait to find out. "Boring? We can't have that." Tabby nearly jumped as a woman started to move nearby. Before, she had been so still that Tabby instinctively categorized her as just another statue. She wore a long dark brown gown that trailed down to the floor. It suited her slender stature nicely. Her skin was so pale that she must have been in the dungeon for years. Even her long straight hair somehow evoked the feeling of beauty untouched by time. "Curator," Tabby's companions said in unison. Much to her confusion. It deepened when Debbie and Connie curtsied and Sindor gave a small bow. "If it ain't the Terrible Trio," the curator remarked with a silky smooth voice. "You three are some of my favorite subjects. Always good for some creativity." "Actually, we are now the Quartet of Dread," Debbie was quick to correct. "Tabby here joined our ranks." Tabby wasn't sure if it was Sindor or Connie who gave her a gentle push forward. The Curator, now within reach of Tabby, took her hand and gave it a soft kiss. "A delight to meet you. If you are just half as wicked of mind as your illustrious companions, I am sure you'll contribute nicely to the gallery." "I'll try my best," Tabby promised, despite not really knowing what was going on. As the Curator turned around and walked to a large stone basin, Tabby stopped Connie from following and pulled her down to whisper. "I can't do art. I'm horrible at it." Connie gave a chuckle. "Tabby. Come on. This is Shroom Dungeon. What do you think will happen?" Tabby's tired mind gave a last afford at thinking for the evening. Looking at the statues around her, she slowly noticed just how detailed those were. Lifelike. As if they had been people one moment and statues at the next. "I am not doing art," Tabby concluded. Her eyes were now wide and alert. "I'll be art!" "And you even can claim one of those empty pedestals as you wanted," Connie said with a wink, before joining the rest of the group. Hurrying up, Tabby found Debbie and Sindor busy munching on mushrooms that filled the large stone basin. Their snack had some crush to it and strongly resembled rocks roughly chiseled into the form of mushrooms. Debbie snatched those white as marble, while Sindor munched on those imitating limestone. "I guess we need to eat our fill?" Tabby guessed while reaching for the basin. Connie stopped her gently before she did. "How eager," the Curator remarked with a small chuckle. "You are here for the first time, right? Just take the time and watch. There is a lot you can learn from your compatriots." Her head suddenly snapped around to Debbie and Sindor. "Twenty-three. That should be enough to last you the night. Unless you plan for a longer stay?" "We are on a timetable," Connie answered instead. Shoo-ing Debbie and Sindor away. "If time permits, maybe we swing by on our way out." "A shame," the Curator remarked. Sadness tinged her voice. "You three are always a delight to behold." Tabby, Connie, and Curator followed Debbie and Sindor who hadn't gotten far away. They were making out heavily, while Debbie sat on a slim pedestal. A sudden jerk and squeal left Debbie a handspan lower. Her unnatural stretchy pussy had started to consume the pedestal underneath her. Sindor helped along by pushing her lower. It was grotesque how the pedestal dented out Debbies skin as it traveled deeper and deeper, yet Tabby couldn't resist looking. At last, Debbie was low enough impaled for her mouth to be at hip height for Sindor. A fact that he used to his advantage. Grabbing his man-meat he guided it into Debbie's waiting mouth and then started pumping. Tabby could witness how it dented out the rogue's throat with each thrust. But not for long. Sindor moved slower and slower. Debbie's fondling of herself came to an abrupt stop. Frozen while one hand teased her clit and another squeezed one breast. A few seconds later, Sindor ceased all movement too. "What is going-" Tabby started to ask but trailed off as the answer became obvious. A stone-like texture started to creep over the skin of both of them. Debbie's lost color as it turned nearly completely white. Swirls of light pink remained and left the impression of white marble on Tabby. Sindor was changing too. He, however, took the appearance of a yellowish stone. "They turned to statues," Tabby stated the obvious. "For the night," Connie added. "Come. Take a look." Tabby didn't need the suggestion. Her curiosity already got the better of her. Taking appreciative strokes of the skin of her companions. Debbie's surface was cool and smooth. Tabby's finger glided over it without resistance. While Sindor turned out a little rougher. She could feel the many tiny pits that marred his petrified skin. She felt especially naughty as Tabby traced the dented-out body of Debbie. The shape of the pedestal Debbie had impaled herself on could clearly be seen and felt. Even more lewd was the act of stroking Debbie's throat. It was filled with Sindor's manhood and Tabby had the impression of stroking him through Debbie. "Keep it up if you want," Connie said as Tabby removed her hand. "They probably appreciate it." "What?" Tabby looked confused at her petrified friends. "They are statues. They shouldn't feel-" "Oh, they are fully aware," Connie cut her off and then chuckled. "Yes, normally flesh-to-stone spells cut off the awareness of the victim. But this is Shroom Dungeon. Being aware of strange changes is half the fun." Tabby's head swiveled repeatedly between Connie and the statues of Debbie and Sindor. "But they are mid-" She blushed. "Being a statue while having sex is one of the more pleasurable ways to spend the time," the Curator now pitched in. "In fact, most of the volunteers who join my gallery choose this path. I can hardly fault them for it." Tabby nodded absently. Her gaze still lingered on her friends. Being frozen in such a lewd act was oddly intriguing. She could feel her heart beat faster just thinking about it. But her mind was not as easily convinced. It had questions. "And they stay like this? The whole night? What if they get tired? Can they get tired? They certainly can't sleep like this, right?" "Of course, they can," the Curator insisted. Then taking Tabby by the shoulders and turning her around. "But it is boring to explain it. The best way is to experience it." Tabby found herself led back to the basin. Her eyes roamed over the large pile of mushrooms contained within. Did she dare to join her friends in frozen beauty? Tabby gave a resigned sigh. "What's the saying? Curiosity petrified the catgirl?" "That's the spirit," Connie exclaimed and cuffed Tabby on the shoulder. Nearly hard enough for her to let a mushroom fall from her grasp. Tabby went for dark black mushrooms. If she was to be a statue, then she wanted to be smooth like Debbie. She reasoned this would give her the appearance of either black marble or obsidian. Biting into them surprised her with the overwhelming flavor of rich dark chocolate. Slightly bitter, but she didn't mind. She had a dozen eaten when Connie snatched one from Tabby's grasp and placed a white one there instead. "You can mix and match. Try going for one-third with a different kind." Tabby shrugged. Why not? Connie had gone for the white ones at first and now picked a few of the black ones. She could do the same and mirror her by eating a few white ones too. "Stop," the Curator said gently to break their feasting. "This amount should bring you through the night. Unless you want to decorate my gallery longer?" "And if we do stay a day, you suggest a week," Connie guessed. "Or a month. A year. You always try." The Curator only shrugged. "Can you blame a woman for trying?" Connie then turned to Tabby and offered her hand. "Do you want to pose together? I don't mind if you prefer to pose alone, but as a couple, it is usually more fun." The simple question made Tabby's heart race. A single glance from Connie toward the lewd sculpture of Debbie and Sindor underlined the question even more. And if Tabby was honest with herself, she was intrigued. As Tiberius, she hadn't been attracted to Conway. But Connie was definitely her type. Even more after their little milking session in the inn at The Village. "I'd love to," Tabby purred. Surprising herself with how honest and eager she sounded. "Do you have a pose in mind? Because I have no idea." Connie only offered her hand in reply. As Tabby took it, she was led right into the middle of The Curated Gallery. Climbing on a dais they were visible to everyone. Even to themselves as a floor-to-ceiling mirror finished the end of the grand hallway. It started with a kiss. Unbroken even when they undressed each other. Not that much landed on the floor. Connie only stopped the kiss as Tabby was about to slip off her circlet. "Keep your crown. I like you with it." "Circlet," Tabby corrected by habit. "It's a crown if I treat you like a queen," Connie insisted and planted another kiss on Tabby's lips before she could protest about silly semantics. While they made out heavily, they both slowed down. It became harder to move. As if they had a little drag to them at every limb and muscle. "That's the pose you want to keep?" Tabby teased, as they broke for air. "A kiss shared through the night?" "A kiss can be fun if done right," Connie said and then grabbed Tabby by the waist. She was hoisted up before she could protest. Just a little manhandling later and Tabby's legs rested on Connie's shoulders. Her butt was supported by large firm hands. The kiss the warrior then planted was on her netherly lips and elicited a surprised "Oh!" followed by a deep moan. Her elicited cries of passion only grew as Connie added her tongue. Gradually, their little display of carnal desire slowed down. It grew harder and harder to voice out what Connie was doing to her. The last twist of her lover's tongue made Tabby grab Connie's hair. Partially to hold on, but more urgently to push her closer. It was then - amidst a long drawn-out moan and wide eyes - that Tabby froze. Connie wasn't moving either. They have been petrified and so had their lovemaking. At first, Tabby wanted to howl out in frustration. She had been so close to an earth-shattering orgasm. Now, she was caught so close to her release, it was maddening. Yet her arousal didn't stay the same or ebbed away. She could still feel Connie's tongue deep within her. Adding to her pleasure, despite being frozen in place. Eventually, Tabby's orgasm came, but unlike one she had experienced as a man or woman. There was no instinctive movement. No cry out or moans escaped her lips. Her body not moving an inch. As her release flooded through her, Tabby could only endure and enjoy. As the euphoria ebbed away, Tabby finally could think clearly again. Just what had she signed up for? She was petrified as a lewd display in the middle of the gallery. There was no mistaking just how debased the display was as she could see herself and Connie in the mirror that took up the end of the gallery. True enough, her body resembled marble with slivers of deep black streaked throughout. Connie was the opposite. Gleaming black with just enough white marring her skin to highlight her muscles and contours. Both were caught in a lewd act that would have Tabby blushing if she could. But it was also erotic. Arousing. Or was it- She could still feel Connie's carnal kiss. Her tongue within. It radiated out new pleasure. Ramped up Tabby's own arousal. It was slower this time. Gradually. Nearly maddening as it took its sweet time. But eventually, Tabby came again. As the second orgasm took its leave, Tabby realized what she was in for. She was trapped for the night. One orgasm would chase the next. Constant growing arousal. Briefly interrupted by sweet release. There was no escape. She was in for the long haul. But while she already named the Curator and Connie liars, her fatigue caught up and she slipped into a deep dream. *************************************** Tiberius was proud. And why shouldn't he be? The old master had outdone himself. Tiberius was rend out from a block of marble. Chunk by chunk of rock had been chipped away until he had taken form. He was perfection. The picture of a man. Muscular, yet lean. Powerful. Intimidating. And his abs were literally chiseled. Perks of being a statue. "It is ours now," Sindor exclaimed as he walked into the workshop. Or was it Sinea? The figure shifted constantly between man and woman. Debtar entered next. But he too shifted to and from. Often taking on the form of Debbie. "With the old master gone, it is." The last apprentice followed close by. "Only if we make it our own," Connie said. Or was it Conway? The hulking figure looked at Tiberius and the other two followed suit. "It's too bad the master never finished this last piece," Debbie lamented. Maybe a little overdone. What were they talking about? Tiberius knew he was done. Depicted in a heroic pose as if a hero of old caught in his moment of triumph. His right leg propped up on the skull of a vanquished Lich. His arm raised skyward with a powerful scepter in his grasp. What more was there to add? "Yeah," Sinea agreed and continued a moment later as Sindor. "A real shame." The apprentice suddenly had a hammer and chisel in hand. "Time to fix it." Together they attacked Tiberius with their tools. Reshaping his marble once again. His legs and arms got slimmer. Most was chipped away at his waist. Making it positively narrow. Even his face was a target of their chisels. Remade to be a lot round, soft, and smooth. The strangest part was their work on his chest, butt, and hips. Despite feeling the chisels all over them, each chip somehow added material. It made no sense, but it was undeniable. His posterior grew big. Generous even. And his chest- It wasn't manly anymore. In fact, it looked like he was growing breasts with each strike of their tools. At last, they stepped away. Smirking in unison. It was Connie who spoke up. "Such a fine display of art and beauty needs a title. How about we name her Tabby?" A new name. He was Tiberius. Mighty mage. What was Tabby but a silly name? It even sounded like a woman's. Yet, there was some truth. His new form. Every uncultured peasant might say he was one. "I like it," Debtar said and Sinea vigorously nodded. "But there is one last detail to be addressed. Debbie stepped forward and placed her chisel on the base of Tiberius' penis. Surely she wouldn't. It was the only thing left Tiberius could claim of his own. Conway moved up next. Placing his chisel right beside Debbie's. Tiberius started to feel doomed. But it wouldn't be the end, right? Sindor looked up at Tiberius' face. A smirk on his own. Then joined the others. A third chisel was placed. Tiberius' fear spiked. But there was a new voice within him. One who looked forward in anticipation. "On three," Connie said and raised her hammer. If Tabby wasn't made of stone, her heart would beat faster now. "One." Sinea started the count. In a few moments, it would be complete. "Two," Debtar said and all three raised their hammers. She would be Tabby. Forever. Feminine perfection. At last. Connie opened her mouth and- *************************************** When Tabby woke up, her first thought was that she was still dreaming. She couldn't move. Couldn't yawn. Not even wiggle her toes. The view was bizarre. It was from a few meters up and looked along the gallery. It seemingly stretched on forever, as both ends of The Curated Gallery had been clad in mirrors. But what drew Tabby's attention was the sculpture in the middle. It was of a girl. Naked. With cat ears and tail. A crown resting on her head. She was caught perfectly in the throws of passion. Resting on top of another statue. Lifted up by it. Held form as the cat girl clawed herself fixed in the mane of hair of her partner below. That statue was muscular and stood tall. And while the whole sculpture rested on just two feet, the person carved below looked solid enough to brace against vandals and earthquakes alike. But there was more. Tabby couldn't see it. She knew that the woman below had her tongue deeply buried deeply in the snatch of the catgirl. She was so sure of it, Tabby could feel it. As if she too had- Memories caught up with her. Their arrival at The Curated Gallery. Debbie's and Sindor's lewd display as they petrified themselves with mushrooms. Herself accepting Connie's offer to do the same. A heavy make-out session followed by the strangest orgasm she had ever experienced. It was exciting. The memory lighting a fire from within. Making her burn with arousal. Or was that Connie's tongue still within her? She still could feel it. Exploring her inner sanctum. Frozen in place, yet steadily ongoing. It ramped up again. Made Tabby alight with arousal. And, soon enough, gifted her a third strange orgasm that she couldn't voice out loud. In the afterglow, she noticed new details. Some of the earlier sculptures were gone. New ones had taken their place. And even as she looked, one display shifted from smooth rocky texture to skin. A trio of adventurers slowly began to stir. Unfolding themselves and having a shared laugh. They grabbed their nearby loot and equipment, before heading out chatting loudly and laughing. Tabby's arousal already began to rise again, when she noticed the Curator walking into the middle of the gallery. Carrying an easel and stool under her arms. She set herself up right in front of Connie and Tabby. To Tabby's great bemusement, the Curator started to sketch with charcoal. Catching them in a state of lewdness, but maybe also beauty. Tabby hoped so. She certainly was glad no one knew when the framing fire within her spiked yet again. It was the fourth time Tabby came and with each new one she experienced, she got used to these strange orgasms a little more. As Tabby calmed down, she knew her time was coming to an end. Distracted as she had been, she failed to notice that Debbie and Sindor were flesh and blood again. They stood by the Curator - still naked, of course - and chatted amicably. Connie unfroze first. Not a lot, but the steady companion of her tongue started to tease Tabby again. By the time the cat girl could feel movement return, she was well on her way to her next climax. Her first sound in hours was a deep drawn-out moan that escaped her. Followed by faster and faster ones. Connie resumed her lovemaking as if nothing happened. The night as statues was just an inconvenient break that didn't matter. After Tabby could finally howl out her peak of excitement, she slumped over. Resting heavily on her friend. At last, she tapped Connie on her shoulder to let her know it was alright to let her down. Gently, she was placed on the floor. A good thing, as Tabby doubted her legs would carry her right now. "That was something else," Tabby admitted as her breathing normalized. Earning her a rather proud smirk from Connie. "Though, I may need a rest from my rest after what you did to me." "Oh, you are always welcome to display yourself anew," the Curator said. Tabby hadn't even noticed her or her friends joining them. "Thanks, but-" Tabby hunted for words. Her mind was still a bit of a jumble. "If I don't leave now, perhaps I never will." "You wouldn't be the first one," the Curator admitted with a sly smile but walked off before Tabby could comment on it. "Nice pose," Debbie gushed. "Nearly makes me envious. Well, Sindor and I had fun too. Was it planned?" "Not on my part," Tabby said before Connie could. A discussion broke out about which pose was the best. Tabby learned a few ones that they tried before. It made her blush deeply and clued her in that it wasn't the first time for the others by a long shot. When the three were truly engaged, Tabby ducked out. Curiosity drew her closer to the easel and she couldn't help but peek. It was a masterpiece. Sure, the background was only lightly sketched, but Connie and herself were depicted in great detail. She could even make out her own expression of wanton lust, despite being drawn with charcoal. Not the best medium for finer details. "For my private collection." The sudden voice made Tabby jump. Just a step away stood the Curator. Where had she gone to and come back from, Tabby couldn't tell. She had a habit of vanishing and reappearing. Despite that The Curated Gallery wasn't that large and lacked convenient hiding places. If this was just a sketch, then Tabby was intrigued. "Is there a way to visit it? Your private collection." "Sure, my dear." The Curator displayed a hungry smile. "The day you join it." For a brief moment, Tabby was tempted. Trying to imagine her last night for the rest of her life. At times, it had been peaceful. The short moments between intense pleasure. Yet the temptation didn't last. She was a curious person. That much she had learned here, in Shroom Dungeon. What else might she find if she explored more? "Tempting, but I must decline." "You know where to find me," the Curator said while packing up her things. "Ready?" Connie asked as Tabby joined her group again. They all had dressed again while Tabby was off chatting. "Give me a moment," Tabby said while reaching for her own stuff. For Debbie, it wasn't fast enough. "Come on. Hurry up." "What's the rush?" Sindor wanted to know. "Next up is The Factory District." Debbie rolled her eyes. Clearly annoyed she actually had to explain herself. "A new District. We haven't been there before. And it might be bigger than The Flower Garden. More established too. I can't wait." "Then let's go," Tabby said as she used her vine whip as a belt around her waist again. "I can't wait either. Finally, a district again where you are just as clueless as me." That drew some chuckles and together, they departed for their next exciting destination. *************************************** - - - Chapter 10 - - - *************************************** It was fascinating. The first glimpse of The Factory district was the ceiling lights they encountered. Tabby had never seen anything like them. Each light was connected with three transparent pipes. Two were full of fluorescent fluid. One in bright blue and the other in bright red. Upon closer examination - getting a lift by Sindor and Connie to reach the height - Tabby could see both fluids drip minuscule amounts into the lamp. There they mixed into a pale violet solution that emitted quite a lot of light. At one end, the resulting violet fluid that had spent its luminescence was separated and sucked out into the third pipe. "Did you satisfy your curiosity?" Debbie was looking up at her with hands on her hips and her right foot tapping the floor impatiently. "If anything, I am even more curious," Tabby admitted. "You can let me down again." Once placed on the floor, she couldn't hold her excitement. "I've seen alchemical reactions like this before. Small scale in the laboratory. Not like this. I wonder what fluids they used for their alchemical reaction." "We would find out if you got a move on," Sindor pointed out. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go." Sometimes it was very clear to Tabby that her companions were in the adventuring business for a very different reason than herself. Loot and glory. Mostly loot. And in Shroom Dungeon, pleasure too. The path to The Factory was a winding tunnel that, for once, was brightly illuminated. As they came closer, they noticed patches of mushrooms growing on the wall. Each was quite distinctive. "Never seen this type of mushroom before," Debbie said as she picked one up that looked misshapen and a mix of metal and glass. It didn't look edible but Tabby doubted not for a second that one could eat it. All the shrooms in this Dungeon were. The only question was which effect they would have. Of course, Tabby had to try one. "Sweet. Like rock candy," she said after picking up one herself and biting into it. "The glass-looking parts anyway. The metal bits are more like bitter chocolate." "You just gonna eat them without knowing what they do?" Connie asked. Tabby shrugged. "How else are we gonna find out? You don't know. And what are the chances we run into someone who explains it to us? Even if we do, there might be a chance they omit or falsify facts. And knowing Shroom Dungeon so far, it will either result in something weird or pleasurable. Probably both." "Well, you know the saying. Curiosity transformed the catgirl or something like that." As Sindor's joke fell a bit flat, he grabbed for one of the mushrooms that looked like a big screw with a hexagonal head. "I say Tabby has the right idea. So, I'll test these ones." "From cat girl to guinea pig. I like it!" Debbie was quick to pluck more mushrooms off the wall and unload them into Tabby's arms. "Here. Eat up." "That's the plan," Tabby agreed. Only to run into a problem. Someone overloaded her with mushrooms and she couldn't free even one arm. "Guess you have to feed me," she pointed out smugly. "Alright. Alright." Progress slowed down even more. Walking and being fed was rather awkward. Still, the group managed to advance at a snail's pace. The first changes were visible on Sindor. A metallic sheen crept out from under his tunic and slowly overtook his skin. Followed closely by a color change to a mix of copper and bronze. Small indents and bumps appeared. Making him look like assembled with metal plates that were riveted in place. "You look like one of those Dwarven constructs," Connie remarked. "The ones we fought in the foundry of Smoke Mountain." "Not quite," Sindor remarked. "I am twice as big and have no beard." While slower, Tabby's transformation followed a similar route. However, she soon had to stop Debbie from feeding her more. "Hold on. I think my belt is getting a bit tight." Debbie stopped to look down at Tabby and frowned. "I didn't feed you that many and yet-" Wanting to get a better look, Tabby placed the many mushrooms on a small ledge close by. Finally, she could undo the whip she used as a belt. Now, she could see what had Debbie confused. Her own tunic convulsed outward with a small but noticeable bump. As if she had eaten the feast of her life or- "Why, Tabby, how many months are you along?" Sindor asked, only to let out a grunt as Connie elbowed him in the stomach. "Well, you wanted weird. You get weird," Connie pointed out. "Now, let's see the damage. And don't worry. This is Shroom Dungeon. If worse comes to worst, we find someone here who has a kink for mothers-to-be." "I am not really getting a baby from a mushroom." However, doubt came quickly to Tabby. "Right? I mean, that is absurd. Then again, this is Shroom Dungeon. Okay. Here we go-" No one of the four of them expected what Tabby revealed as she lifted her tunic. Her belly pushed outward rather proudly and still grew a bit as they looked. What had them really stunned was that it wasn't the fake metal skin like the rest that took her over. Her belly was transparent. She could look right through it. Thankfully, no organs could be seen. Rather, her whole belly had turned into a hollow dome of glass. It even sounded like it as Tabby gave it a tap. "I say, it got weird," Tabby spoke up after a few seconds. "But what is this for? There has to be a purpose. A function." Her friends only shrugged. Giving one of her own, Tabby picked up the discarded mushrooms and started eating again. As she saw the questioning looks, she felt the need to explain. "If we can't say why it is like it is, then maybe the transformation isn't done or not far enough along. Only one way to find out." Not far off, they found the official entrance to The Factory. They emerged from one of the multiple tunnels that arrive at a large hall that had three entrances. "Fluidic Lab," Debbie read aloud from a sign at the left entrance. She looked back at Tabby. "Maybe that is where you now belong. Or those like you." "The middle leads to The Assembly Line," Sindor remarked. "Right one leads to a showroom." "The last one might give us a clue what we are in for," Connie pointed out. "Let's go," Debbie shouted and was the first one through the door. Tabby was the last. By now she had the girth of a woman six months pregnant. Thankfully, the belly was still hollow and not that heavy. Still, with her new circumference, Tabby started to waddle a bit. If she wanted to or not. The showroom was even larger than The Curated Gallery. Dais of different heights lined the room. On each was a mannequin. None of them were quite the same. They didn't just wear different garments but appeared to be made out of different materials. Most of them were metal, some made of wood, and others of porcelain. None matched each other. A few had moving parts and Sindor jumped back as one mannequin close to him had a small metal bird jump out of a clock at her waist and twittered up a storm. Others simply had rotating cogs or spinning wheels with unknown practical functions. As they walked from dais to dais, Debbie gave a running commentary for display. "Interesting. Wouldn't mind her in my bed. This one looks impractical. Hello, gorgeous. Meh, this one has a boring pose, and-" "Why don't you do something about it?" Debbie stumbled backward as the last mannequin spoke up. Tabby couldn't help but giggle. Despite her mouth stuffed full of mushrooms. This was Shroom Dungeon. Of course, the mannequins were alive. Probably adventurers and not even volunteers. After The Curated Gallery, Tabby decided to err on the side of lewd. If someone was into something strange, but kinky, it either is in Shroom Dungeon or someone is working to add it. Of that, she was convinced. "What do you mean?" Debbie asked after recovering. "You want me to pose you?" "Sure. You wouldn't be the first one," the living mannequin admitted. "Just don't give me a boring pose like the last person that played with me. Visitors can be awfully judgy." Debbie didn't have to be told twice. "Don't mind if I do." Tabby was intrigued too. "Can only you be posed?" "Oh, we all can move." To prove her point, the mannequin snatched Debbie's hand who was just moving the mannequin's arm to a new position. She was spun in a twirl as if they were dancing. But the mannequin was quick to return to a static pose. "It's just fun to be posed. To not decide how you will be perceived by the next visitor. If someone else will mind, they'll tell you. Go nuts. Pose as you want. Save for you. How many Shroomolembric did you eat?" "These ones?" Tabby held one of the strange metal and glass-looking mushrooms up. "A lot." "You might want to head to the Fluidic Lab before you are done transforming. The mini-game there is a lot of fun," the mannequin said with a wink. "The rest might need to catch up to join her. Or you take your time posing us. If both don't strike your fancy, you can go to The Assembly Line." "Not sure if I like that vibe," Sindor said while gesturing to Tabby, whose belly was even more pronounced now. "And I know Debbie. She will pose all mannequins here - twice - and hiss at anyone daring to undo her work. So, I vote for The Assembly Line." Connie looked at the small bracelet they got at The Impish Armory. "Well, we have plenty of time. Let's split up and meet back later. We can then decide where to go next. Sounds good?" They all agreed. Save for Debbie who was finished giving her mannequin a lewd pose and jumped to the next to give it an even more sexualized stance. Tabby waved Connie and Sindor farewell for now as they headed to The Assembly Line. A little bit excited, Tabby headed to her own destination. Her own transformation intrigued her and she was still changing. She got a good look at it as she found - to her surprise - a large mirror in the hallway to the lab. Taking a moment to exercise herself, she marveled at her reflection. From head to toe, she appeared to be out of bronze. Even her hair had the color and metallic sheen. It looked even more impressive when she combed through it with her fingers. Of course, not everything was bronze. Her belly jutted out like that of a woman nine months pregnant. It was completely transparent and hollow. Thankfully, the backside was covered in bronze skin too. There was no view of her internal organs. That would've been disturbing and too much for Tabby. However, looking at her reflection, Tabby noticed something new. Her nipples stood erect and hard, despite not being aroused. And while she watched, they lost color too. Before her very eyes, they turned glass-like and transparent. Soon, the rest of her breasts followed. They too turned out to be hollow. Confusing and intriguing Tabby even more. It was time to find out what all this was for. Resolute, she turned around and headed into the lab. What she saw had her stunned. As Tiberius, she had seen plenty of alchemical labs. Her parents' private one had been meticulously tidy. The ones at the university were less so, as countless students had introduced chaos. And the few she had seen in private residences had been controlled chaos. This was on a whole new level. Workbenches, crates, and jugs have been scattered around wherever they fit. Tools, beakers, and mushrooms were sprawled out everywhere without remembering or reason. Frantic movement and muttered curses of "Where is it? It was somewhere around here." drew Tabby's focus to a girl rummaging through a heap of mushrooms. From what she could see, the girl had the same transformation as herself. Maybe further along. "Hello?" Tabby tried. "What are you looking for?" The girl stopped examining mushrooms in different shades of blue. Twirling around, the girl took a look at Tabby and grinned. "Another one! It was getting lonely here. Name is Charlissa. Come here. Let me see. You are not quite done yet." That was an understatement as far as Tabby could tell. Charlissa had the same transparent hollow belly. Her breasts were further along too. What was odd - in her opinion even more so than the rest - was that Charlissa's nipples had turned downward and grown in length. Until they merged - as two long glass tubes - at the belly button. Within the belly, Tabby could see even more tubes. Most of them - as well as some parts of the belly and breasts - were filled with colored liquids. It all reminded Tabby of- "Is that an alembic in your stomach?" "Yeah, it is," Charlissa brimmed with excitement. "Welcome to the best mini-game Shroom Dungeon has to offer. At least in my opinion." She stepped forward to offer Tabby a hand, but her legs nearly buckled as she let out an involuntary moan. "Sorry. I took on too much liquid and- Oh, the feeling is divine." Within her, the fluid slushed around wildly. And even more moans escaped until Charlissa could subdue her involuntary bucking and come to a rest. Tiberius might have been worried. Not so Tabby. She was intrigued. And whatever Charlissa was into, she wanted to be part of too. "So, how did you, you know, fill up?" "Do you see the bulbous mushrooms colored wildly and scattered literally everywhere? They are very juicy and each adds fluid to your belly in their color." As Tabby picked up a bright orange one, Charlissa grabbed her hand and stopped her from eating it. However, Tabby had to wait a while as Charlissa's fluids were sloshing around again and had the girl moaning. "Don't just eat them. You need a plan. And for that, you need a goal. Come here." A living alembic girl walked over to a dildo fixed on the floor. Tabby hadn't noticed it as the visual clutter in bright colors overshadowed it. But once aware, Tabby saw a few more. Either fixed to the floor or on a wall, but not directly. At the base of the dildo was always a small hatch. Charlissa slowly crouched down. Taking extra care to not introduce too much momentum to the fluids within her. "These small hatches contain treasure. But they are locked. To unlock them, you have to ride them. Or, well, give them a blow Job. But it is not as easy as that." She pointed at the tip of the dildo that was bright teal in color. "To unlock it the fluid within your belly has to match closely to the top of the dildo. If you succeed, all the fluid of that color gets drained and it unlocks. But-" Her finger wandered downward and pointed at the base and balls of the dildo that was colored orange. "Fail, and you get a shot of fluid matching the color displayed on the lower shaft." Carefully, Charlissa stood back up. "Of course, whatever fluids are in your belly mix together. So, plan the mushrooms you eat depending on what color you want to match. Pro tip, you can fail on specific dildos that have rare colors. But you never know how much they inject into you. It's a gamble, but it sometimes pays off. Those are the basics. You got that?" Tabby nodded. It wasn't too complicated. A little color theory and a good eye for mixing colors were all that was needed. And the actual act might sound fun in itself too. But that didn't explain all the features Charlissa displayed or Tabby just now developed. "What's all this about?" she asked while pointing at her own breasts and nipples. She had to avoid a snort of amusement as the latter had grown longer and started to dip down to her belly. Yet, they still fell quite short of it. "Ah, that is the advanced part," Charlissa admitted. "To be honest, I am still figuring it out myself. There is no manual. It has many functions. The easiest is to store some liquid separately and reintroduce it later. Good to save colors for when they are needed. But there are other functions. Most require you to apply heat in a specific way while doing certain- Stuff. People around here made notes. Trying to figure things out. But half the notes around here are wrong. I am sure of it. Maybe placed as decoys?" "Sounds intriguing," Tabby said aloud. She liked puzzles. Even more so when things aren't as clear and straightforward as one thinks. This might prove more than just more naughty fun but actually challenge her too. "Let's get to it." While Charlissa started again frantically looking around for the right mushrooms, Tabby started at a more serene pace. She selected one of the dildos that had a bright green tip and a dark blue base. If she got it wrong, she might get blue fluid inside her, but she reasoned she could always counteract with some yellow mushrooms to get back to green. While hunting, she glanced at the notes others left behind. Some were quite cryptic. Random thoughts were put into words. Others had sentences that might make sense later when she developed into a full alembic girl. "Yes! Oh, yes!" The ecstatic shout that turned to moans belonged to Charlissa. Tabby saw her in the throws of passion while being impaled on a dildo. It was obvious that the fluid in her belly was draining. However, smaller quantities remained. Once calmed down, Charlissa opened the small hatch beneath the dildo and produced small thick cards. For Tabby, they reminded her of the costers her mother insisted they used for their drinks. Least they leave stains. "What are those for?" Tabby asked while pointing at the strange loot. "Tokens for The Assembly Line," Charlissa said. "But it's best if you find out the rest for yourself." Now, Tabby was even more determined to cracker her chosen dildo and its color puzzle. Hunting a little more enthusiastically for the right green mushrooms. With each mushroom eaten, small dribbles of fluid filled her belly. She could actually feel them inside herself. Like a small tickling inside. Just a few mushrooms in, she had a small puddle contained within her. She started to get why Charlissa was so excited. Just swirling and sloshing around gave Tabby a pleasant feeling. Like the gentle caress of a feather used in foreplay. And with each mushroom eaten and tiny measure of fluid won, the feeling intensified. At last, Tabby had a good approximation of the green she tried to match. Excited and more than a little aroused already, Tabby crouched down over her chosen dildo. Eagerly, she impaled herself. Each up and down not only stroked her inner sanctum. She could feel her fluids splashing and sloshing around. With both of these sensations combined, Tabby didn't last long. As her breathing returned to normal, she suddenly felt pressure beneath and the dildo twitching. "What the-" Standing up quickly clued Tabby in on what went wrong. The soft caress her fluid had bestowed her inner belly had turned to a heavier sensation. Less feathery foreplay and more intense. Comparable to Connie's tongue exploring her insides. This could get distracting quite fast, Tabby reasoned. "Your green was a little bit too light," Charlissa remarked. "Use the mirrors. And be reminded that your belly wall slightly discolors what you see too. I'll be off. My friends are waiting. Maybe we'll see each other on The Assembly Line or in the showroom. Until then." Tabby waved her goodbye and immediately regretted it. The slight movement translated well down to her fluid. Once Charlissa was gone, Tabby walked to the closest of the mirrors that were scattered around. Her tubular nipples had dipped down further. Not much longer and they would connect to her belly. She could also see some tubes grow within. The lower third of her belly was taken up by a bluish-green liquid. "Just a bit more yellow." Tabby started hunting again. This time, she meticulously checked the mirror each time she consumed a mushroom. Of course, the amount added was little, and to mix it in properly, Tabby had to gyrate her belly a few times. Each instance only made her even more hot and bothered. At last, she tried again. Dripping wet, just pushing down on the dildo made her cum. Even more satisfying was the drain she felt. Like a little maelstrom, the fluid rushed out of her. It was an experience unlike anything in her life before. And as a last reward, she heard a click. It took her a moment to gather herself enough to actually check what she had won. Three of the coster-like cards were beneath the hatch in a small hollowed-out space. Each depicting a small strange item. The first was a cog located on the biceps, using the arm itself as a shaft. An impossible narrow-looking waist corset was drawn on the second card over the faint silhouette of a woman. The third had her stumped. It looked like a thick solid cylinder, but the end looked like it featured a very lifelike vagina. Frowning, Tabby stared at it, until she noticed a small flat button was part of the card. Pressing it made her gasp. A light-based illusion appeared over the card. What some of her colleagues at her old university tried to rename to hologram. A stupid name if anyone asked Tabby. This light- based illusion showed the object on the card but in three dimensions. It rotated slowly and Tabby could make out more details now. The end opposite of the vagina was rounded. As the cylinder rotated further, Tabby let out a confused gasp. The other side was a cut away. Showing a fleshy tunnel behind and inside of the object. But not one natural, Tabby reasoned. All these little nobs and nipples inside looked to be too orderly to be placed by nature. And she knew enough to know she didn't have a hundred of them inside her. Nor any woman she had ever slept with. Including those, she had bedded as Tiberius. The purpose of the cards was still a little unclear to Tabby. Were those items that were handed out? What was the tube for? Could someone really wear a corset this small? Even by Shroom Dungeon standards, it looked impossible. She could find out. Charlissa had said at The Assembly Line she would get an explanation. It was tempting, just to satisfy her curiosity. Still, the lab held more surprises. Tabby was sure of it. And just now, her tube-like nipples had reached the space towards her belly and fused to it. How can she leave now, before figuring the function of this part of her transformation out? Besides, was she satisfied with only having solved the probably easiest dildo to beat? More light-footed - now that there was no fluid sloshing around in her - Tabby examined the lab again. Hunting for a new target. She found one that appeared to be easy. A yellow tip and shaft. She had seen plenty of yellow mushrooms. Gathering a few of them clued her in on the difficulty. The dildo was a lighter shade of yellow, while those mushrooms she gathered were all darker in comparison. She could eat them, but how would she get the fluid within her to lighten up to the right shade? The question was bugging her until Tabby recalled one of the notes. A quick hunt got her a piece of paper with a summary of the basic functions of her alembic body she now possessed. The first details were basic enough. Stroking her tubes from belly to breasts would transfer some liquid to them up. The reverse would drain her breasts again. It was useful to know. Even more so, she could stroke her tube up and down while a breast already held a liquid inside. It would try draining more liquid of the same kind from her belly. Sort of mixing in reverse. At last, the note mentioned a bleaching process. Twisting the tube while stroking upward. That sounded promising. However, the last two processes mentioned the addition of heat. How was she supposed to accomplish that? Tabby could see no fireplace or open flame in the lab. Besides, that struck her as a risky proposition. Her skin looked like bronze. It didn't mean that it actually was bronze. No, another form of heat might be what they were going with. They couldn't mean- Tabby nearly facepalmed herself, but a groan still escaped her. This was Shroom Dungeon. The heat was probably anything that got her hot and bothered. Of course, by now Shroom Dungeon had eroded her sense of shame enough that she just had to try it. The yellow dildo was her logical choice. She already got yellow mushrooms ready. After mushing them away, a nice yellow puddle formed within her. Time for alchemy to do its magic. Hopefully, she was better at it than Tiberius had been at the university. He had been banned from practical experimentation after the third unintentional explosion. Finding a nice comfy spot, Tabby sat down. She actually had to sit leaned back. Her belly was so big that sitting upright actually denied her access to her own carnal furnace between her legs. The very one she had to stroke a fire within. With her left hand, she started to twist her left tube-like nipple. Not that the tube itself turned, but her fingers rubbing over it was quite pleasant. Her right hand snaked down and started on the fire. Even leaning back she barely managed to reach her snatch. Arousal rose within her and at the same time, the yellow liquid appeared to begin boiling. Yellow steam appeared and was promptly sucked into her left nipple-tube and deposited into her left breast, where it condensed back into liquid. Tabby knew that this was a very liberal interpretation of how an alembic worked, but she was too worked up to care. It felt amazing and that's what counted. Soon, her left breast was half full and Tabby could tell that the inner glass wall of it was more sensitive than that of the belly. Just the little swirling around her maturation session incited was enough to add its own heat to her arousal. While she liked the feeling, Tabby reasoned filling her breast up completely might be the smart move. Then nothing could move around within. Smart ideas had a tendency to backfire. As Tabby was reminded again. She managed to fill her left breast completely, but now it felt stuffed. Overpressurized. She might guess it was similar to the feeling of mounting a dildo nearly too big for oneself. Calming down now was harder than before. There still was liquid in her belly and the pressure in her left breast constantly added up to a nice low-key horniness. Still, she had to get up and take stock. The little walk to the nearest mirror was a little adventure in itself. She had overdone it. That was plain to see. The liquid up in her chest was maybe half as yellow as the rest. But that was okay. A little downward stroking released some pressure in her breast and lightened up the liquid in her belly. Of course, she had to swirl it around to mix it well. In turn, fanning the flames of her arousal again. Then she went to compare the shade to that of the dildo. She had to rinse and repeat three times before she was confident it matched her chosen dildo. Like last time, Tabby barely had mounted the dildo before she came. And this time, she got it right the first time. Breathing heavily, her eyes roamed the room before she even claimed her reward. There were many dildos in all kinds of colors still waiting for her. And she could hardly wait to solve them all. *************************************** Challenging the last one definitely had been a mistake. It was the only one left that Tabby hadn't solved. It was also the same that Charlissa had trouble with. And now, Tabby had messed up even worse. Her breasts were both full. And her belly was nearly so. She had maybe space for one or two more mushrooms. Once she was full Tabby reasoned there was only one course of action left. To change out of the human alembic form and into something else. Regardless if she solved it or not, she had to move on soon anyway. She didn't exactly recall how long she had spent in the lab. Her two little naps didn't help the cause either. On the workbench she leaned against, five mushrooms were laid out. All in the shade of pink. She had been debating which one would help her to achieve her goal and solve the last puzzle. But thinking was hard. The pressure in her breasts had her in a constant excited state. Her belly was nearly there too. And each breath she took made the fluid within move just a tiny bit too much. Tabby had cum two times while leaning on the workbench just from breathing. "This one," she decided. Tabby wasn't sure. But she had to end it. After chewing and swallowing, Tabby made her way over to the last dildo. Not even detouring to a mirror. Either it worked or it didn't. Practically falling on the dildo, Tabby moaned in relief. Yes, she climaxed. Again. She couldn't even count how many times she had done so since arriving in the lab. She felt the fluid within drain away. That was a sweeter reward than having solved the actual puzzle or the accomplishment of knowing she had solved every last one of these riddles. Who knew a little play with colors could be this challenging. It was time, Tabby reasoned. Who knew when the others wanted to move on and Tabby had so far only seen the lab and the showroom. Not that she even participated in the latter. She wanted to, at least, explore The Assembly Line a little bit. Before they rushed off to the next adventure. And as much as she liked exploring the lab, it was time to get rid of the pregnant-looking belly and her full breasts. Stepping into the entrance to The Assembly Line exposed Tabby to the faint rhythm of working machinery not far off. She even could feel it through her feet. As tiny vibrations under her sole. Her first decision was another branching of the hallway. A small door led to a staff area. Apparently, they were recruiting as a big poster said as much. It promised loot as a reward. Tabby walked instead through the larger door labeled "raw goods". She had enough loot for now. Tabby clutched a small pile of cards to her chest. She hoped the actual loot wouldn't be too cumbersome, as she didn't have a backpack. "Welcome. Welcome," a man intoned as soon as Tabby entered. He was much the same bronze as Sindor had been. Plate and rivet look included. But he had a few additional features. Spinning cogs and screw sticking out in odd places. Tabby reasoned they were ornamental in nature. "My name is Ademsta and I oversee the intake of raw goods." Ademsta stood behind a counter and Tabby walked over intrigued. "Tabby. What raw goods?" "Why, you of course," he said as if she missed the most obvious point. "Here we apply processing cards to people who are in the Ferro-Golem form. I see you have been very successful in the lab. That's quite the hoard of processing cards." "Thanks." Tabby couldn't suppress a blush as surely Ademsta would know what she had to go through to acquire that many processing cards. At the same time, she couldn't help but boast a little. "I solved all the puzzles. One twice. Because it was convenient." "Impressive. Most have their fill after two or three of them." Grinning, Ademsta leaned forward on his counter. "But mostly utterly wasted if you don't the cards on the assembly line. Shall we proceed?" "Sure." All the spoils in the world wouldn't do her good if Tabby didn't enjoy them. "What do I have to do?" "First, unburden yourself." Ademsta stepped out from his counter to a wooden pallet suspended over some kind of rail system. Most of it was padded on top, but Tabby saw a few holes with threading for screws. There were also six indents that she guessed would fit the processing cards nicely. However, a new feature became apparent when Ademsta kicked his side of the pallet and a drawer slit open to Tabby's side. "Put everything in there except your processing cards. Yes, all your clothes too. We don't want them to get caught in anything or hinder the process, right?" The Tabby first emerging in Shroom Dungeon would have refused. Now, she could hardly claim modesty anymore. Everything landed in the drawer. Even her circlet and whip. "Do you see those indents?" Ademsta asked as Tabby was finished undressing. "These see your slots for your processing cards. Each run through The Assembly Line can process up to six cards. You want more? Simply return here and go for the ride again. If a new processing card interferes with a previously applied one, the older modification is removed and the new one is then applied. Got it?" "I think so," Tabby said, though she wasn't exactly sure how this applying and modifying would turn out. At least, she could experiment aplenty. Dumping her little hoard of cards on the counter, she was ready to assemble her first set. "Hold your horses there." Ademsta gave her another cheeky grin as he stepped behind the counter again. "Not everyone was as fortunate as you are in the lab. As such, I am allowed to provide up to three randomly drawn cards. Not for keeps, mind you. But you can use one or more of them if you like. Stretch your spoils out a little longer." Tabby nodded. It made sense. Allowing visitors that go directly to The Assembly Line to participate. Tabby had enough cards to forgo the pull, but why should she? Maybe she wanted as many runs through the line as possible. She would only know once through. "Alright," Tabby said while tapping the counter twice with her fingers. "Show me what Lady Fortuna has in store for me." "Coming right up." With another grin, Ademsta pulled out a card from behind the counter with much flourish. The hard he placed in front of him showed a blond mane of hair. Long with many curls. Yet, upon closer inspection, Tabby revised her guess. It looked more like pure spun gold than blond. Or natural hair. Drawing the second card was as much of a show as the first one. Depicted on this one were shoes, much like Debbie had worn. Those with an impossibly high and narrow heel. But they weren't quite the same. Debbie's were open and going up to the knee, while these ones only reached to the ankle and were closed. The last one showed a metallic torso that had three large holes going all the way through from front to back. "This one for sure," Tabby said while pointing at the golden hair. "I doubt I can stand on these." Part of her wanted to try the shoes with impossibly high heels, but falling on her face aplenty didn't sound like a good idea to Tabby. However, she had a similar card. It didn't take long to find. Placing it beside the card with the high-heeled shoes it proved to be nearly identical. Thankfully, the heel was only half as high and not as narrow. Tabby decided to try it. If it was too high for her, she still could slip them off. Waist full of holes unsettled Tabby. Still, something for her waist might be nice. She had gotten a few cards that depicted a narrower waist. Probably corsets that matched the skin color. Tabby looked for one of the less severe when Ademsta spoke up. "Be careful with these." He tapped on one of those cards that depicted a cylinder with a vagina on one side and strange innards. Tabby had gotten a few of them and their cut-away all revealed different designs. Before Tabby could ask, Ademsta explained. "I can't tell you what they do beforehand. Part of the experience, you see. But I can warn you. These are fun. If you use one or two. Don't go for three. It is possible but challenging." Tabby picked up one of these cards. What exactly were they good for? She had no idea. And Ademsta said he wasn't allowed to tell. If she wanted to find out, she needed to pick one or more up. Her curiosity won and Tabby placed one aside. It left her with four cards chosen. The golden hair, followed by the not-quite-high-heels shoes and the strange vagina cylinder. And, at last, a corset for a narrower waist. She probably didn't need to choose a full set of six cards, but on a whim, she added one that showed gems placed on a chest as if they were part of an elaborate necklace. "I think these five for the start." "Good choice," Ademsta remarked. "Now, store the rest of your cards in the drawer of the pallet. Then hop onto it. You, as raw goods, will travel along The Assembly Line. There will be seven stations and each has a function. But you'll soon find out." Taking a seat, Tabby was ready for whatever was in store for her. Yet Ademsta had a last few words. "The next part involves some bondage. Nothing strict or hurtful, but if it gets too much the safeword of today is 'pineapple'. If you happen to be unable to speak, there is this little button here." He pressed a small red button in a corner of the pallet and a magicked voice spoke up. "I have safeworded. Please release me." "Everything clear? Are you ready?" Ademsta asked again. "I think so," Tabby replied a little nervously. Hoping Ademsta was right and she didn't even need to use the safeword. "Then off you go." Ademsta pulled a tall lever built into the floor behind his counter. Tabby felt the pallet drop below her a small distance. Caught now on the rails, it started to move. Taking Tabby with it. Their first destination was a tunnel hidden by a velvety curtain. It automatically opened as Tabby and her pallet came close. The tunnel she entered wasn't very large and nothing illuminated it except the opening to the next room that appeared to be a dozen meters away. At the snail's pace the pallet was traveling, it took her two minutes to reach her destination. She could have walked faster. Even waddling with her pseudo-pregnant belly and having to hunch low because of the low ceiling of the tunnel. But she guessed that would upset the volunteers who manned this district. The next room wasn't very large. She might have been whisked away into the next tunnel within a half minute, but a small t-junction pulled her aside. The offshoot rails weren't very long and Tabby's pallet came to a rest before a workstation, manned by a female bronze golem with coppery red hair. Just as Tabby wanted to introduce herself, the pallet jerked and then slowly rose up, until it reached the same height as the workstation. The view beyond the golem filled Tabby with a little bit of dread. She saw shelves with all kinds of manacles, collars, and other utensils of restraint. "Hi there." The cheerful greeting of the golem was a stark contrast to the display behind her. "I'm Evennine. First time? Thought so. I see you are a full alembic girl. Nice. Hope you had fun. But for what comes next, we need you in pure golem form. That's why you are here at the prep station. My job is to get you ready and nicely secured for what's to come. Don't want any limbs caught in a gear or such, right? Anyway. There are two ways to make you a pure golem. Either I hand-feed you Ferro-shroom - takes forever and is boring - or we go fast by giving you a slurry of the Ferro-shroom. The second one is better in my humble opinion if you ask." Tabby waited for a second or two if Evennine would continue. That girl could talk without a break and taking a breath. She hadn't even found an opening to introduce herself. But now that the golem had shut up, Tabby finally could do so. "I guess I'll try the slurry. I'm Tabby by the way." "Good choice. And what a nice name. Hi Tabby. I'm Evennine." Before Tabby could point out that Evennine had introduced herself twice, the golem continued in her fast-paced speech. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, I need to secure you. Place your right feet here." A little bemused, Tabby followed directions. Her ankles were fixed with manacles to the corners of the pallet behind her. So that she rested on her shins. Next, she had to lower herself on her forearms and her wrists were secured to the corners before her. Tabby was tempted to call this all off, but her right hand was affixed right beside the red button. She could easily press it if needed. A little pacified by this safety measure, Tabby reasoned she could go through with it all. "Now, open wide." Tabby was about to ask why, when Evennine shoved something past her lips and teeth. That girl really was a bit overeager in Tabby's opinion. Whatever filled her mouth felt vaguely phallic to her tongue and was quickly fixed in place with leather straps that were buckled behind her head. Evennine walked away only to come back with a glass jar in her hands that had a flexible tube at the bottom. Said tube was connected to whatever held her mouth pried open. The jar itself appeared to be filled with liquid metal. Probably the mush of mushrooms Tabby had agreed to. "Come on, girl," Evennine urged as Tabby failed to grasp what was expected of her in time. "Suck. How else do you expect to empty this?" Tabby couldn't help but roll her eyes. Hesitant, she sucked on the phallic intruder and after a while, something of the liquid got into her mouth. As it filled her more, Tabby had to alternate between sucking and swallowing. It was humiliating in a way and Tabby nearly put an end to it. However, she refrained as she noticed that she actually was turned on a little bit. Calling it quits would make her feel like a hypocrite. Especially since she did kind of enjoy it. Even if it was humiliating. "Well done," Evennine said as the last of the mush was slumped out of the jar. She waited until Tabby had sucked up most of what remained in the tube before disconnecting it. "Now we wait for you to turn golem. Don't worry. Won't take that long. Living alembics are part way there already." Tabby would have commented, but her mouth was still full. Pointing that out was hard too. Her grunts were mistaken for moaning and Evennine was quick to misinterpret. "Yeah, isn't it nice?" She let her hands roam over Tabby's belly which visibly shrank with every second. Her tube-like nipples disconnected from her belly button and were fast receding to their normal length. Her parts once completely see-through now turned cloudy and slowly blended with the surrounding bronze skin. "Ah, looks like one jar wasn't enough," Evennine remarked as Tabby's change stopped before her bulbous belly vanished completely. "Not to worry. I have more." Bringing a new jar with mush, Tabby had to, once again, suck it up. Surely she didn't need to drink all of it to finish the transformation, but Evennine gave her no choice. Waiting until Tabby finished the next full jar. "There, nice and flat," Evennine remarked and stroked Tabby's belly. "Let me get something to make you more comfortable." She got a pipe and a board with padding on it from one of the shelves. Lifting Tabby up, she placed the board right under her and then screwed in the pipe in one of the holes the pallet had. When she affixed the board, Tabby could actually rest her torso comfortably on the padded board. Of course, she was still naked and all her naughty bits were exposed. With the board in place, she couldn't even wiggle much. "And I think you are ready. Off you go on your journey. Have fun." Tabby didn't even get more than a grunt out before Evennine pulled a lever and Tabby's pallet lowered itself onto the rail again. She was returned to the junction and was placed back on the main line. Just as she was about to enter the next tunnel, Tabby heard the opening of a door and Evennine vanishing through it. Then darkness enveloped her again. This time the pallet moved at a faster pace. It was hard to judge, but Tabby reasoned the speed was of a brisk walk. Whoever designed The Factory district probably reasoned it was now safe to do so. Now that Tabby was restrained, she couldn't fall off her pallet or do other stupid things. She passed through two more rooms that looked like copies of the prep station that started her whole ordeal. They looked identical, but Tabby didn't get a good look before she was whisked away again. In the next room, her pallet slowed down again. Once again, it was singled out at the junction and moved towards a workstation. As the pallet was risen up, Tabby saw a heavily breathing Evennine taking a seat behind it. However, she now wore a top hat and a fake mustache. "Ah, what do we have here. Lovely. Lovely. New raw goods. My name is Halfennine. I'll be the one applying the first card." As Tabby's pallet stopped at the right height, Evennine frowned a little too much to count as natural. "Who left that gag in you? That is supposed to remain at the prep stations. Let me help you with that." Tabby worked her jaw a few times after the gag was undone. Only then she addressed her captor. "Are the theatrics really necessary?" "Ah, you meet my twin sister!" Halfennine exclaimed. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Such a ditz sometimes. No wonder the gag got misplaced. Sometimes I think she might lose her head if it wasn't attached. But what theatrics are you speaking about?" Tabby didn't dignify the question with an answer. At least not a verbal one. She couldn't keep herself from rolling her eyes again. "Now. Let's see what cards you got. Hmm. Pretty safe selection. And only one-" Halfennine trailed off as she twirled her fake mustache. However, she picked up the first card. "Ah, a golden mane of hair. Let's get you started." After punching a number into a strange machine, Halfennine gathered Tabby's hair behind her head and secured it with a strange bubble of solid, but stretchy slime residue. Just in time as Tabby heard rattling above her and she couldn't help but look. Mounted to the ceiling was a rail she hadn't before. It was transporting a box that was then lowered to Halfennine's workstation. Her captor rushed to it at once and withdrew a wig of golden tresses. Not quite hair, Tabby noticed. The individual strands were composed of golden wires. Surprisingly carefully and gently, Halfennine placed the wig on Tabby. She tucked it here and there until it sat perfectly. Once done, Halfennine waited. Just when Tabby was about to ask, she felt a warmth radiate from her scalp. Halfennine must have figured that something had happened. She combed through the golden hair with her fingers and asked: "Can you feel it?" To Tabby's surprise, she could. It reminded her of the hair she had gotten from Nessa. The roaming "monster girl" that had claimed Tiberius' manhood. Part of the hair had been not just feeling through them, but the ability to animate it slightly. Tabby wondered if this one could do the same. It took a few tries, but Tabby managed to make it move. With a little more practice, she might animate strands individually. "Oh, we can't have that!" Halfennine said as she noticed Tabby's hair wriggling around. She gathered it into a ponytail and not only bound it together with a string of leather but tied it to Tabby's waist too. "There. Nice and tight. Believe me, you don't want to get your hair stuck in some of the cogs around here." "Thanks, I guess?" Tabby wasn't yet sure if she liked The Assembly Line yet. The bondage aspect was strange. And she thoroughly misjudged what it was about. If all things were fused to her instead of simply worn, she might have chosen different cards. "And that concludes my portion of the work," Halfennine said before pulling a lever. Sending Tabby once more unto the central rail. "Have fun." The next tunnel Tabby went through made her glad to be strapped to a pallet and moving on rails. All around her were spinning cogs and shafts in various sizes. She couldn't even fathom what function this mess of machinery had. If it had one and wasn't just pure set dressing. Tabby just knew that the safety of bondage suddenly felt very warranted. She could easily imagine what happened if she put a hand somewhere between the cogs and wheels. The very thought made her cringe. She was glad as she arrived at the next station. It promised even more distance from an ugly accident waiting to happen. Once again, her pallet was picked up from the main rail line and shifted to the side. As it was lifted up to the workstation Tabby half expected Evennine to show up in a new tacky disguise. Instead, a familiar face greeted her. "Sindor!" "Look what the line dragged in. A Tabby. Did you have fun in the lab?" Tabby blushed. Hopefully, it wasn't too evident on the bronze skin she now possessed. "It was a unique experience and quite challenging at times." "Nice. Haven't given it a try," Sindor admitted. "I am pretty much stuck here. Originally to earn cards for myself, but by now they all go to Debbie. I swear she is riding the line at least once an hour. If she isn't busy posing the poor mannequins in the showroom, that is." Of course, Tabby knew that her three friends hadn't been to the lab. She had pretty much occupied it by herself the whole time. Now, Sindor - and supposedly Debbie - were accounted for. "And Connie? I haven't seen her around." "She is- Around. Earning cards for Debbie too. Connie has a little more hands-on approach. You could say she has become part of the machinery." Tabby frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Hard to explain," Sindor admitted and scratched his nose. "Just, keep a lookout. Maybe you'll catch a glimpse of her between the innards of the machine." Tabby shrugged rather awkwardly. Bound down as she was, it was harder to give a proper shrug. "So, you'll be the one to add the next part to me?" "Right! Totally forgot I have a job to do." He snatched up the next card that was affixed on Tabby's pallet. Then typed in a long number into a device next to him."High heels. Nice. Trying to give Debbie a run for her money? In that case, you should go higher." "I hope I can manage even those," Tabby burst out. "If not, I have to ditch-" She fell silent as a thought occurred to her. "You do know that these fuse to you, right?" Sindor asked. "Hard to slip them off when they are part of your feet." Tabby blushed once more. "I didn't know that when I chose them." "We didn't either," Sindor said to console her and patted her naked ass. Then a box arrived and Sindor withdrew a pair of shoes with heels out. "You know, I can always skip adding them. All you have to do is to ask. Well, beg. Come on. Ask nicely for your hero Sindor to rescue you." "As if," Tabby spat. Then gave a grin. "Not giving you that satisfaction. Come on, factory worker. Do your job." "As milady wishes," Sindor said, before giving her a mock bow. Tabby only rolled her eyes in reply. Before he fastened the shoes to her feet, Sindor redid the shackles of her feet. Adding padding that propped up her shins slightly. Probably to accommodate her altered feet better once done. But it also made her stick out her naked butt more. Then, Sindor slipped over the shoes. Again, Tabby felt a warm sensation rush through her. This time, concentrated on her feet. It didn't last long. "Can you feel this?" Sindor asked as he gingerly let a finger glide over her new sole. "I can," Tabby confirmed. "As if it is part of me." "The way I understand it, they are now," Sindor confirmed and changed to swipe at her heels. "That too. Feels strange." Other changes were more natural to Tabby. Just exaggerations of natural features. The more extreme had been small parts that had been changed to mimic flora or fauna. However, a dorn like this was quite unnatural. "The shoes have fused really tightly. I can't even tell where my feet end and the shoes start. Not even able to wiggle my toes." "Can you even feel them?" Sindor asked. "I would bet you don't even have them anymore. Some of the modifications here- Let's just say this isn't even the strangest I've seen." Sindor was right. She couldn't. Which implied several strange facts Tabby would love to examine. But for that, she first had to be free again. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, this is starting to get uncomfortable," Tabby admitted. "Can you send me on?" "Sure," Sindor said with a shrug. "We can chat more soon enough." With the pull of a lever, Tabby was once again sent on to the next station. The brief interlude of the tunnel was once again terrifying with all those moving parts so close to her. And within the web of cogs and shafts, she could swear she had seen two figures - bronze golem like her - deep within the mess. The next workstation was a carbon copy of Halfennine's and Sindor's. As her pallet was shifted to the side and lifted up, Tabby frowned. There was no one here. She briefly wondered how long she'd have to wait when a door opened and Sindor walked in. "Ah, Tabby. Fancy meeting you here." "Sindor?" Tabby smirked. "What? Not enough workers?" "As a matter of fact, yes," Sindor confirmed. "I am currently manning two of the six stations." Tabby shrugged. Or tried to. It was hard to do while being tied down. "At least you don't wear a fake mustache and pretend to be someone else." Sindor chuckled. "Ah, yes. You met Evennine and Halfennine. Wait until you meet Curvennine. She mans stations four and five. Maybe six too, but you don't have a sixth card, so it doesn't matter anyways." Facepalming herself was equally hard to do when strapped down. A rolling of her eyes had to suffice. Thankfully, Sindor was already moving on. Typing in the number of Tabby's third card. "I like these," Sindor said while holding up the card with the fake vagina at the end of a cylinder. "I tried to get Debbie to fuse with three, but she wouldn't go for it." "Ademsta warned me about that," Tabby remarked. "Not even sure why. What are they? And where do they get fused to?" "These?" Sindor grabbed the strange object from the box that just arrived and held it under Tabby's nose. "Funny you don't recognize it. Why Tabby, this is a vagina. Also known as a cunt. Snatch. Pussy-" "Smartass," Tabby exclaimed deadpan. "I mean it is an unusual design and I wondered just where they attach. Ademsta wasn't willing to share." "Oh, that is easy enough to figure out," Sindor said nonchalantly. "They are meant to be stuffed in your holes." Surely Sindor didn't mean- "That will never fit!" Tabby protested. "It is way too thick for that." Easily twice as thick as any dildo she had the pleasure of using since becoming a woman. As Tiberius, she had experimented with enlarging his penis with magic, it had been mostly for length and not to such a girth. "Of course, it will fit. The golem body is made to be modified and to accommodate different attachments. Here. Let me demonstrate." For a moment, Tabby feared Sindor would just ram it in. Instead, he gently placed the cylinder with its round side at Tabby's netherly lips. They parted by themselves and Sindor gently pushed the object in. Tabby was flabbergasted. It fit. Not just barely. It was as if her body adjusted to it. And while she could barely see past the padding her body rested on, she could feel the thick shaft dent her skin outward. She felt pressure within her unlike anything before, but she was even more confused as the feeling started to fade away, while a familiar warmth radiated through her. Only seconds later, Tabby couldn't even tell that something was within her. "And that is how you get new lips," Sindor said proudly. "Want to know how it feels?" Tabby's mind raced. Did Sindor offer what she thinks he is offering? Sex with one of her teammates wasn't something Tiberius had ever considered before coming to Shroom Dungeon. Yet Tabby had already gotten naughty with Connie and she recalled a very naughty tail by Debbie exploring her thoroughly. And thinking back to The Barnyard, she already had the pleasure of being serviced by Sindor. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was very good at it. "I think I can spare the time," Tabby said in hopes to overplay her nervousness. "Ah. How generous of you." Sindor smirked. "I shall try to keep you entertained then, milady. Lest I waste your time." Tabby was about to snap that he should drop the theatrics when she felt Sindors fingers start to tease her remade womanly blossom. Tabby had to hand it to him. He was an expert and had her grunting and moaning in no time. Briefly, she wondered where he had learned to give that much pleasure through fingers alone, but then remembered that Sindor is Sinea after all. Spending the majority of their life as a woman. It was when Sindor pushed in a finger that things got wild for Tabby. She hadn't had a pussy for long, but by now she knew how it felt. This felt different. She could feel the many tiny nobs she had previously seen in the cutaway preview of the item. Felt them being rubbed by his finger and against each other. It was good, yet she needed more. "Come on," she begged. "Stick it in already." "Like this?" Instead of his manhood, Tabby felt a second finger slip in. For a moment, she couldn't answer. Whatever Sindor was doing, his complex massaging of her inner walls had her moan as if she was in heat. But it still wasn't enough. "Enough foreplay," Tabby snapped. Despite that, a part of her definitely wanted it to continue. "Man up already." "Everybody's a critic," Sindor murmured, but a chuckle followed. Betraying how he really thought. "Alright." Tabby braced herself. This wouldn't be special. While not a woman for long, she had impaled herself on many dildos by now. Having the real thing couldn't be that- Sindor climbed up behind her and his erect member brushed over her inner thighs. Suddenly, her heart beat even faster. She could feel him lining up and then Sindor pushed in. For a split second, her brain turned to mush. Forgetting how to think or to breathe. It returned when Sindor pulled out halfway and then went for his second stroke. The first few pushes were slow. Maddeningly so. Gradually becoming fast and with them, Tabby's breathing quickened. Unlike her times with dildos, this time Tabby had no control. Sindor dictated each push and pull. She couldn't even hump or wriggle, as she was strapped down tightly to the pallet and the padding. All she could do was moan out her delight and take what was given. And that was a lot. Sindor played her like a fiddle. He knew exactly how to push her buttons. When Tabby came, it was in perfect concert with Sindor's own. Afterward, Tabby could only pant for a while. Despite doing anything really to contribute, she felt like she had run a marathon. It took longer than normal for her breathing to calm down. "Neat, right?" Sindor asked casually. As if he hadn't just shattered her worldview a little of what was the norm for orgasm. "I still prefer the natural feel, but these altered love channels certainly bring some spice and excitement to it. Some variety. Don't you agree?" "I don't really have a comparison," Tabby admitted. "How did you do that? I mean, yes I am new to being a woman, but this felt unlike anything I experienced so far." "Well-" Sindor actually sounded a little bit embarrassed. "You know. Spent a few years in Shroom Dungeon. Had lots of sex. Learned a trick or two. The usual, really. Nothing special. " Tabby didn't dignify this fake humbleness with a response. At least, she thought it was fake. However, she now didn't mind anymore to have sex with Sindor. In fact, she wouldn't mind doing it again. "Well, I have won a few of these replacement vaginas. That really needs a better name. Maybe I should ride the assembly line a few more times. Let us find out how they differ in feeling." "Uh, you should totally go for three at once," Sindor suggested. Clearly hyped by the idea. "Fewer rides and more ease. For testing, you know." Three? Ademsta had warned her about it. Where would they even fit? Sindor mentioned it was for her holes. One of them, Tabby had experienced. The second was probably her ass. That struck her as strange, but also intriguing. And the third- Tabby's eyes grew wide. The only other hole she could imagine would be her mouth. Surely, that couldn't be it, right? Yet, her imagination ran wild. How perverted would it be to run around with three sets of pussies? It felt like the very thought was the height of depravity. Whoever would go for it truly earned the nickname 'cunt'. Tabby's mind tried to wrap itself around the concept of being penetrated three times simultaneously. It had the potential for truly being mind-blowing. She was actually intrigued. Then, reasoning returned to her. How would she eat? Or talk. She doubted pronunciation would be great. Or possible at all. Tabby doubted she could handle it. "Sorry, Sindor. I might try two, but three sounds a bit extreme." "Don't worry," Sindor waved her off. "I am sure one of the ladies coming through will go for it. One of them has to. Only a matter of time." "Sure-" Tabby doubted it, but hesitated to shatter Sindor's dream. "Well, I guess I should move on?" "What? Oh, yeah." Sindor walked over and pulled the next lever. Sending Tabby to the next station. "Remember, I'll man stations two and three. Probably for a little while more. I have too much fun modifying peeps. And helping them test things out. I had that one girl that-" His voice trailed off as Tabby entered the next tunnel. Two more modifications awaited her. She doubted they would be as extreme as the ones before. The cards certainly hadn't looked like it. More on the cosmetic side. Her musing came to an end when Tabby arrived at the next room. Even from afar, Tabby could spot Evennine with a new ridiculous getup. Some wide- brimmed hat with peacock feathers added at the side. She also wore a monocle. "Welcome. I am Curvennine," she introduced herself as Tabby's pallet reached her workstation. "I'll be delighted to modify you further. Oh, I know that look. You think I am Evennine in disguise. Well, let me assure you that this is not the case. We are triplets, you know?" "Sure. Let's go with that." Tabby doubted arguing would lead anywhere. And if Evennine wanted to play her games, who was Tabby to ruin her fun?" "Oh!" Curvennine exclaimed and leaned forward to get a better look at Tabby's behind. "Someone had fun with Sindor." How did she know? Then it dawned on Tabby. She was leaking. How much had he pumped into her? "Oh, no need to blush, dear," Curvennine assured her with a dismissive wave. "He is a looker and I myself have 'sampled the wares' as they say. Quite skillful too. Makes me believe the rumors are true that he had volunteered here for some time." "It's true," Tabby confirmed. "I came with him and I heard the whole story of how he and Debbie met while Sindor had volunteered here." "Ah, Debbie. Such a rascal." Curvennine beamed at the mention. "You just missed her. By now she had been through half a dozen times. Gets bolder and bolder with each round. Provided she gets the right cards from the random pull." "She is also siphoning off Sindor and Connie." A thought occurred to Tabby and she had to voice it out loud. "She'll not be getting mine." "Speaking of- Let's see what I can do for you. Ah, the corset card. Fun. Maybe next time you find one of the stricter ones. The one you got has barely any punch to it." "Let's see how I can handle this one," Tabby said and wondered if she could even breathe in it. It might be the tamest of those cards, but it still looked like it might squeeze her lungs well. "Pretty sure you can." A ding alerted Curvennine that a box had arrived. She pulled out a bronze-colored corset. Tabby thought they must have gotten the wrong one. There were no strings or laces to tighten the corset, but this wasn't what gave Tabby pause. The corset was way too large. "Let's just get this under you and-" Curvennine shimmied the corset between Tabby and the padding her stomach was resting on. She heard a click as Curvennine closed it behind her and Tabby thought she was right. Even closed it was nowhere tight. But then she noticed the corset pulling together to her skin. It was shrinking. And the moment it touched all of her skin, the familiar warmth of fusion flooded her. When the warmth stopped, Tabby's waist was noticeably narrower. She could feel the area where the corset had fused to her. It was hard not to notice the roaming fingers of Curvennine who explored her altered figure. She also couldn't feel the padding anymore right below her belly button. Clueing her in just how narrow her waist had become. "I think you are handling this one just fine," Curvennine purred. Tabby had to agree. There was no trouble breathing at all. She always heard that corsets restricted breathing, but she didn't even feel the corset anymore. Let alone any restriction by it. "Just one more card for you," Curvennine pointed out. "See you at the next station." Tabby was tempted to point out that she might as well do it here in one go, but it probably wouldn't matter. Going from station to station appeared to be part of the intended flare for this district. Going step by step. Methodical all the way. Curvennine hit the lever and Tabby was once again sent on the main rail. This time, the tunnel was a bit longer and curved around. Innards of a complex machine worked all around Tabby. And in between, Tabby spotted a familiar figure. Connie was strapped into a strange contraption. The warrior was cranking a wheel so large, she had to squat and lift it to turn it. With each push-up, a dildo on a piston was pushed to her hilt down her throat, and going further up pushed the piston up. Two more dildos with a similar setup were below and teased Connie's snatch and butthole with each squat. Connie recognized her too and stopped to wave. Most of the machinery around them stopped moving. Even Tabby's pallet came to a stop on the rails. Connie gave her a shrug and then started to move the wheel again. Wheels, cogs, and belts started to turn again. As Tabby moved past Connie she could clearly see the Warrior had fun. Glistening with sweat while being impaled in three offices. Tabby wondered how long Connie had been at it. Tabby arrived at the next station and had to wait a whole minute before Curvennine arrived. The worker actually had to turn her head as her wide-brimmed hat wouldn't fit through the door otherwise. "Sorry, my dear," Curvennine said as she sat down behind the workstation. "Some parts of The Assembly Line are like a maze. Now, let's see what is in store for you next. Ah, yes. Gemstones. Time to get creative." "Creative?" Tabby asked as Curvennine inputted the number to summon the next box full of modifications. "Well, some parts have fixed places. Others are- Less defined. Oh, right. I should adjust." Curvennine unchained Tabby's arms. Only to move them behind her back and lock them there. It made Tabby thrust out her chest and arch her back. "Better. Now you make the perfect canvas." The next box arrived and Curvennine emptied it into a tray. Gemstones in all kinds of colors could be seen. Some were quite small. The size of a pea maybe. Others larger. Two rubies were as wide as the tip of her thumbs. A few were elongated like rice, but most were round or oval. One detail they all shared. Clearly, an expert jeweler had given these gems facets. "You know, the rules say that gems provided by this card go around your neck and collarbone. Like a necklace," Curvennine explained while dragging a stool over. Taking a seat right before Tabby and pulled the tray over. Taking tweezers she hovered over the tray and eventually decided on a bluish sapphire of medium size and oval shape. While holding it close to Tabby, she continued her lecture. "And rules are important. One shouldn't break them. But if you are creative, one can bend them a little." It was for Tabby to decide. Curvennine was clearly waiting for an answer. A normal pattern probably would have her fused with gems that mimicked a necklace. Kind of nice, Tabby guessed. In fact, she recalled two of the mannequins in the showroom who had displayed gems just like that. Tabby bit her lip. She felt playful. And normal was boring anyways. "Go for it." "Glad you agree." Curvennine gave her a grin before leaning in. Tabby felt the gem touch her throat. Right above the collarbone. A little bit of spreading warmth and it was fused. Putting away the tweezers for the moment, Curvennine caressed the sapphire with her thumb. "Can you feel this?" Tabby's breath caught in her lungs the first time she tried to answer. The feeling through the fused gem was sensual. Erotic even. Not like getting pounded or doing the pounding. More like a gentle caress of her breasts or inner thighs. Just a little more focused. "Oh, yes," Tabby said with a bit of a breezy voice. "Do more." Curvennine gave her a grin. "Of course. That's the plan all along." More gems joined Tabby's throat. All the way up right under her chin. Then Curvennine widened the chain. Giving Tabby's whole throat and part of her neck an elaborate design. For Tabby, it came as quite a surprise. She had expected that the gems would purely be aesthetic. But each clearing of her throat or swallowing flexed her muscles and made them glide beneath the gems. It was slightly addicting and turned her on. She wondered what swallowing food would feel like. And, for the first time since becoming a woman, she could imagine giving some man, maybe even Sindor, a blowjob. That would stretch her throat nicely and rub her muscles against the gems even more. "All done." "Not quite," Tabby said and pointed with a nod at the tray. "You missed two." Curvennine gave a mischievous grin. "Oh, yeah. How about that." She picked up the two rubies. The largest of the gems. "I wonder where these go." Placing them at the same time on Tabby's nipples enticed a cute moan out of her. The rubies started to fuse and it was the most delectable feeling yet. As they had sunk half into Tabby's areola, Curvennine stopped. To Tabby's amazement, she could still see her nipples. Caught in the rubies like in prisons of sheer red ice. Curvennine gave them a flick and a twist and both made Tabby moan out loud. It was a delectable feeling. Even more sensitive than her nipples before, they begged to be played with. And Tabby nearly did so by voicing it out loud. "Nice, right?" Curvennine asked as she stepped back and put the stool away. "Maybe I will come by later. See how you do in the showroom. Or, my dear, you run a line a few more times. These-" She flicked the rubies again and elicited another deep moan from Tabby. "Aren't the only tricks I got in my bag. But for now, time to get you ready for transport again." Tabby's arms were freed, but not for long. Again, they were secured to the forward corners of the pallet and Tabby stood upright on all fours. "Aww, not fair!" she exclaimed a moment after Curvennine had pulled the next lever. "You can't leave a girl like this. Getting me hot and bothered. Finish what you started." But Tabby's taunting fell on deaf ears. Curvennine only gave her a wave and a grin as she was transported away. Once more, Tabby traveled through a tunnel. This time, she urged the pallet on. She needed relief. Desperately. Yet strapped down like she was, there was nothing she could do. Thankfully, the pallet bypassed the next station as Tabby hadn't chosen a sixth card. One more tunnel and Tabby feverishly awaited its end. A grinning Ademsta waited at the end of the line. "Had fun?" Tabby was too far gone for big talk or rhetoric. "Unstrap me right now and I will make it worth your while!" Ademsta's grin only grew wilder. "Gods, I love my job." *************************************** A half-hour later, Ademsta was escorting Tabby to the showroom. He even was nice enough to carry her stuff. It left Tabby to the task of balancing on her new feet. The heels, now a semi-permanent part of her, certainly were a challenge. Thankfully she hadn't used a card with heels as high as Debbie's were. "Why don't you take this dais?" Ademsta suggested. Pointing to an empty one with his chin. "I'll put these away for you?" As Tabby climbed upon it, Ademsta opened a compartment at the bottom of the dais to store her stuff. Keeping it all safe until she was leaving. Only then, he joined her on the dais. "Let's get you into a nice pose." Tabby was about to protest that she could pose herself when the thought tethered off. The way Ademsta grabbed her legs and positioned them new was kind of intriguing. What pose would he choose for her? Could she hold it? The thought was surprisingly erotic. To not determine herself. Be a plaything of someone else. Give in to the whim of others. For now, she decided to follow this new direction. She could always pose herself differently later if she didn't like Ademsta's vision. Ademsta posed her with her legs spread apart. Her hands propped on her narrow waist that didn't show a corset. Only bronze skin. Her back was slightly arched. Pushing out her breasts, and gem-encapsulated nipples, for all to see. Her head was tilted slightly upward, so the elaborate mosaic on her throat was on full display. As Tabby stood very still, she didn't even have a problem balancing on her new heels. A definite plus in her book. "There," Ademsta said, after walking around her twice to inspect his work. "This should highlight all your modifications nicely." "Thanks," Tabby pressed out through barely moving lips. She didn't want to ruin Ademsta's work by losing the pose by accident. Ademsta gave her a deep bow. "You see welcome. Enjoy your time here on display, but don't hesitate to come for a new ride along the line. You've still got plenty of loot cards in your stash." As he walked away, Tabby wondered how long she could hold this specific pose. So far, she didn't have trouble at all. Just like a mannequin should. Now she was part of the half a dozen others that posed on their dais. Not long after, one of the mannequins started to move. Giggling, she came closer. Tabby didn't recognize her by her looks alone. The bronze golem had an elaborate mask fused to her skin and so many armor plates all over her body that she might count as living armor. But the moment she spoke, Tabby knew she might be in trouble. "What do we have here? Oh, Ademsta. Always choosing such boring poses?" Tabby nearly smirked. But that might ruin the pose. Instead, she went for a little callback. "Then, why don't you do something about it." "Tabby!" Debbie exclaimed. Throwing her arms around Tabby and hugging her so fiercely that both landed on their butt. Definitely ruining the pose. "I didn't recognize you at first." A lecherous grin came moments before the smarmy remark. "Your rubies held my attention." "They are quite neat," Tabby said before frowning. "Now you ruined my pose." "I'll give you a better one," Debbie promised. "That's what I do around here. Posing or posing - get it? - or riding the line for new mods. Did I hear right? You got a big stash?" "My stash. My cards," Tabby made immediately clear. "You ain't smooching off me like Sindor and Connie." "Aww. That just earned you a spanking. Yes, it did. Speaking of- Have you seen them?" "I spotted Connie deep within the bowls of whatever machinery they got there and Sindor- He helped fuse some parts to me." "Ahh, I know that blush," Debbie said and pointed at Tabby with glee. "He helped test them too, didn't he." Tabby looked aside. "No comment." "Oh, that devil," Debbie exclaimed while slapping her own leg. "Can't fault you for it. He's good, right?" Tabby's blush only deepened. That was all the answer Debbie needed. "Come on," she said while standing up and offering Tabby a hand. "I promised you a new pose. And a spanking. Let's get to it." Tabby rolled her eyes but complied. First, Debbie had her face the wall with her legs closed together. Then slowly lean forward until her butt pushed outward and her ruby-nipples pointed at the floor. "Now you twist your torso so that you look backward," Debbie directed. "And now your right arm here and your left one-" The final pose had Tabby place her right hand on her right butt cheek as if she just had spanked herself. Her left arm was close to her torso and her left pointer finger was seductively between her lips. It gave the impression of Tabby being caught in a naughty act but trying to entice whoever had found her to take advantage of it. "See you in a few," Debbie promised and skipped back to her own dais. Taking up an even more seductive pose. Tabby was amazed. Not by the pose itself. A bit too naughty for her, but she chose to try keeping it for a while. Just to pacify Debbie. What amazed her was how easily she could hold the pose. Walking on high heels had her shake like a newborn foal. Now, posed, she held her balance perfectly. She wondered for how long she could do so. Judging by the other mannequins, she might be here a while. *************************************** - - - Chapter 11 - - - *************************************** Tabby was proud of herself. Not of the pose she currently held. That had been done by Debbie. Tabby was splayed on her dais in a display of wanton lust. Her legs spread wide to invite visitors to use her. No, what she was proud of was her current body. It had taken quite a few rides on The Assembly Line to get it just right. Luck had been part of it. To pull the right cards on the random draw. She even had to engage in bartering with Debbie to get all she wanted. Anyone walking by might mistake her for a life-sized version of a porcelain doll. She even had ball joints. Moving them was quite a strange feeling. Her skin gleamed and was of a flawless white color that looked like painted ceramic. A neutral background that was ideal for the main draw of her built. Gemstones dotted her body. It wasn't just her throat and nipples anymore that held these exquisite decorations. She collected similar cards until she was bedazzled from head to toe. Her face had dozens of small ones arranged in a pattern that mimicked the mask of a masquerade ball. About thirty tiny ones literally painted her lips the color of rubies. Curvennine had done her very best on Tabby's torso too. Here the gems mimicked lingerie. Giving the impression of a corset, panties, and garter. Fake stocking bedazzled her legs and her arms were encased in faux gloves. The crowning joy of Tabby's body was her hair or the lack thereof. A nest of hexagonal crystals sprouted from the crown of her head. Pointing in every direction. They even glowed slightly. Giving Tabby even more of an inhuman appearance. Maybe giving Curvennine permission to decorate her privates had been a mistake though. The many small gems that contoured her womanly folds, she could endure. But the large diamond encasing her clitoris had kept Tabby on a low level of horniness for hours now. It took all her willpower to keep the current pose and not furiously masturbate. She was, after all, right now a piece of art. And art needed to be displayed. Distracted by her body, Tabby was slow to notice that Connie had walked into the Showroom. Her arguing with Debbie finally caught Tabby's attention. She could see Sindor enter the room just as Connie made her way over. "It is time," the warrior said. Tabby was confused. "Time? For what?" Connie crouched down to be more on the same level as Tabby. She held out her wrist and Tabby needed a moment to recognize the bracelet worn there. The same bracelet she had in the storage compartment of her dais. They had gotten them in the Impish Armory and it showed the vague approximation of the current sun or moon phase outside of the dungeon. A red line had circled the bracelet to indicate the one-week deadline they had before they had to leave Shroom Dungeon or forfeit their original items. The same line had shrunk a lot. "We have less than a day to get back to the Impish Armory," Connie explained. "So, come on. Up you go." "Fine," Tabby replied. A little annoyance colored her voice despite trying to keep it neutral. Arriving late would make them lose all their stuff. Painful for her, Debbie, or Sindor. But nowhere compared to Connie's potential loss. She - well, Conway - had the hereditary family trait that all enchantments they wore doubled in strength. Hence, Conway ran around with a small fortune in armor pieces. "Before we leave we should return all the modifications we got here," Sindor pointed out. "We lose them if we transition out from the golem for anyways and the other volunteers told me it is a pain in the ass to collect the discarded pieces when they are scattered all over the dungeon." He gave Tabby a pointed look. "Especially small gems." "Aww." Tabby couldn't help but be disappointed. Just when she had managed to get her body to this stage of being perfect art. She had hoped to enjoy it for a few more hours. But she guessed it made sense. Especially getting rid of the diamond encasing her love button. That might drive her crazy on the long walk back to the entrance. "I know. I'll get it. How do we do that?" "Ademsta has special potions," Sindor said and pointed in the direction of the Assembly Line. "Then let's go," Connie decided. She sounded more like Conway again. More determined and in charge. Less like the happy-go-lucky Connie Tabby got to know in the last few days. And while Sindor and Connie were quick to leave the room, Debbie and Tabby slinked after them more reluctantly. "You are leaving?" Tabby heard Ademsta ask just as she entered his room. "What a shame." "It is time," Connie repeated. "Oh well." Ademsta produced vials of clear liquid. "Please step over here and drink them in turn." Connie was first and it was strange to see all the fusions become undone at the same time. Nuts, bits, and bolts rained down with cogs and wheels. Connie truly had become part of the machinery. Sindor was the fastest. He hadn't gone for many modifications. Just a few bits and pieces. Tabby guessed he had more fun modifying others. Debbie's had more to lose. She had collected every eccentric piece she could get her hands on. Strangest of all was her doubled-up waist. The inner one was so narrow it couldn't possibly contain more than her spine. The outer one was normal-sized and transparent. In between was water. And fishes. She ran around with an aquarium as a torso. Tabby seriously wanted to know who came up with that. That person needed help in her opinion. At last, Tabby took the indicated place and drank her vial. It sounded like hail as hundreds of gems unfused, popped free, and rained down. Other modifications took longer. Her ball joints grew bigger and detached from the skin below. Now, Tabby could pull them off like sleeves. As Tabby stepped away, she left behind a small mountain of modifications. "Let's get our stashes and head out," Connie decided. They said their goodbyes and left the room. Just as they did, Tabby stopped to see three women arrive behind Admesta to help clean up the mess. It was Evennine, Halfennine, and Curvennine. "What?" Sindor asked from beside her. "Did you fall for the old triplets-pretending-to-be-one-person-pretending-to-be-triplets scheme?" "I mean- Yeah," Tabby admitted. "With names like that? It had to be fake." "Apparently it is some kind of wordplay," Sindor said as they walked on. "Their original names, outside Shroom Dungeon, are Oddar, Fulldar, and Straighdar." "Who names their children like that?" Tabby demanded to know. "I bet it was the mother's revenge for having to bear triplets." Laughing, they moved on. *************************************** They were about two hours into their march back to the entrance when Connie stopped Tabby and motioned for her to be quiet. "What is it?" Tabby whispered. Were they about to walk into an ambush? If so, Connie was perfectly fine letting Sindor and Debbie walk into it ahead. "Give them a moment," Connie whispered back. Pointing to Debbie and Sindor walking hand in hand. Tabby frowned. She couldn't make out what made this place special. Her friends were just about to walk into a junction where dozens of tunnels ran together. Nothing stood out to her from the dozens of dozens of junctions like this one before. "It's here where they met," Connie explained. "It holds special meaning to them. Let's give them some space." As Connie led her back to the last bent in the tunnel, Tabby looked again. She couldn't even make out any discerning features of the junction. But Debbie was leaning against Sindor and they certainly looked in a nostalgic mood. Connie was right. Tabby gave her friends the space they needed. *************************************** "Tabitha! Breakfast!" The shout woke Tabby up. At once, she knew she was home. The room Tiberius had grown up in. No, not quite. It looked more feminine. More pastel colors and the wallpaper was lavender instead of the dark blue Tiberius had grown up with. Pushing herself up, Tabby noticed her bed was huge. No, that wasn't quite right. She was small. Not a woman, but a girl. Walking over to her mirror, she guessed she was about four or five years old. That was strange. She could swear she had been older. "Tabitha!" a woman shouted again. On instinct, Tabby shouted "Coming!" back. Heading out, Tabby walked the familiar hallway of her family's home. Cutting through the large library they possessed as a shortcut. "I told you to not get in there," a woman said that Tabby had never seen before. Yet she looked familiar. She reminded her of her father. No, of Tiberius' father. Right. Hadn't she been a boy once? A man even. "Oh, cut her some slack, dear," a man said who sat at the table and was half buried in a newspaper. He looked strangely familiar too, but Tabby couldn't place him. But he seemed to know her as he gave a hidden little wink. "Ravons?!" The woman shouted out again. Another shout came from behind Tabby. "Coming!" She turned around just as a boy around her age arounded the corner. He shoved her to the side as Tabby wasn't quick enough to step aside. "Ravons?!" "She was blocking my way," the boy protested while taking his seat at the table. "You are a year older than your sister," the woman insisted. "I expect you to act like it." That boy was her brother? It struck Tabby as wrong. She had a sister. Ravea. Or, at least, Tiberius had. "Come sit, Tabitha," the man said before burying his nose in the newspaper again. Reluctant, Tabby followed the suggestion and climbed a chair that was taller than she remembered. "Mushrooms? Again?" her brother asked. It only got a sigh out of their parents. The plate in front of Tabby indeed offered mushrooms, but before she could dig in, something else drew her attention. Their dining room had large windows out to the city. It was the familiar skyline she remembered. Not quite. The houses looked strange. More as if they were built out of mushrooms. Or grown. And since when was her home city located underground. She could see a huge cavern instead of a horizon and blue sky. "Tabitha." Tabby frowned. This wasn't right. "Tabitha." This was her home, but it was wrong. "Tabitha!" *************************************** "Tabby. Tabby, wake up." Tabby blinked and saw Connie leaning over her. Behind her was the familiar decor of a Harem's Sprawl. Sitting up from the daybed she had slept on, Tabby was relieved to be big again. "What a weird dream," she murmured while rubbing her eyes. "What?" Debbie asked from nearby while slipping into her high heels again. "Did you defeat something other than a Lich this time?" "No," Tabby admitted. "It was strange. I dreamed I was young again. But not as Tiberius. As Tabby. And I was home. But also in Shroom Dungeon at the same time." "Just your mind processing what happened in the last few days," Connie remarked. "A lot happened. I think you learned a few things about yourself, didn't you? It takes time to process all that." "Yeah," Tabby agreed. Still, something wasn't quite right. A little thing was bouncing in the back of her head and she couldn't quite put a finger on it. "Come on," Connie urged again. "We have to go. Time is running out." After hours of marching, they convinced Connie of all of them to take a short nap. It appeared they had overslept a bit. "I wanna sleep more!" Debbie mewled. "Sindor! Carry me!" "Nope! Get your lazy butt up. I want to see it sway as you walk ahead." Whatever romantic mood they had shared, Tabby reasoned it was over. Sindor and Debbie were back to their usual banter and teasing. Tabby got up and grabbed her stuff. Not that there was much left. Only her whip and circlet. Didn't she have a tunic at some point? And shoes? The last few days had been a whirlwind of activity and new impressions. Tabby thought Connie was right. There was a lot to process. And quite a few memories she would cherish forever. *************************************** "Cutting is close, are we?" Mistress Alune asked as the group dragged themselves into the Impish Armory. "And here I thought I'd get a shiny new set of enchanted armor." "There is still time," Connie said while walking closer and tapping on her bracelet. "See? There is still red." "That? That's hardly anything," Alune exclaimed. Then she broke out in a smile."Alright. Alright. I am joking. No, we haven't raided your lockers yet. Your stuff is still all there. Girls! Make way." The fake demonic girls that helped Mistress Alune out sprang into action. Landing them further into the armory and to their lockers. Now, thinking back, Tabby was amused at the memory not quite seven days old. What a prude Tiberius had been. How eager to vanquish evil here. And now? Tabby walked around practically naked and had done debauchery Tiberius hadn't even been able to imagine. "Alright," Mistress Alune spoke up. "Now for the hardest part. Pony up the loot. I know your very instinct is to keep it, but it wouldn't do you good on the outside. Unless you need dust. Because that's what mushrooms turn to." "My beautiful heels," Debbie lamented, but dutifully stripped them and the rest of the loot she had. Tabby had no problem letting go of her whip. At first, it had been fascinating and new. By now she had seen way crazier applications of magic and the weapon had lost its appeal. The circlet was harder to let go of. Yes, she hadn't used it much. But it stood for something. She might have protested out loud, but part of her liked to be called princess or queen. To be shown respect. "Most of you know what comes now, but you still have a newbie in your group, so I will explain again." Alune led them to booths clad in heavy black fabric. Not unlike the curtains that prevent sunlight from coming into Shroom Dungeon at the entrance. "Inside, there is a small box that contains a sunstone. A gem with the property to store and release the light of the sun. Please make sure the curtains are closed before you open the box. It should undo your transformation in all but a few moments. Then close the box and step out. We will then lead you to your locker." This was it. The end of Shroom Dungeon. Debbie, Sindor, and Connie were quick to enter their booths. Tabby was more reluctant. At last, she stepped into the booth. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to open the simple wooden box. If she opened it, there would be no more Tabby. At least, for the foreseeable future. It would be back to Tiberius and exploring normal dungeons. Once, that thought had been intriguing. To explore new things. least to him given that these dungeons are often centuries old. Now, it all paled to the wonders she experienced as Tabby in Shroom Dungeon. She had no doubt that she hadn't even seen half the wonders it offered. But maybe even more surprising was how much she had discovered about herself. Conway had warned her it would happen. No, there hadn't been some big epiphanies. More like small little details here and there. Quirks she didn't know she or Tiberius had. For that matter, how much she liked being Tabby. Tears started to dwell in her eyes. This wasn't fair. She wasn't ready yet. There was still so much to explore. Within herself and outside in Shroom Dungeon. She just couldn't. The thought to return to being Tiberius now filled her with dread. The wooden box loomed before her and she took a step back. Then another and another. Until she pushed through and the fabric took the box from her sight. "Tabby, what is wrong?" Strong hands gripped her shoulders and gently turned her around. It was Conway. All male again. Connie was just a memory now until they came back to Shroom Dungeon. "Talk to me." Behind Conway, Tabby could see Debtar and Sinea back to their original gender. They looked concerned too. Would they understand? She had to try. "I can't leave. Not yet." Tabby hunted for words. Her throat threatened to close up and fresh tears started to roll. "It's not enough. I just got here and- I am learning things that I thought wouldn't be possible. About myself. The world. Magic. How can I walk away now?" Conway smiled. It was a reassuring smile Tiberius had often seen. In a way, Conway had been more a mentor to Tiberius than Debtar or Sinea combined. Or any professors at her former university. The same smile usually marked the beginning of a lecture. "We understand. Believe me, we do." Conway pointed behind himself at Sinea. "She spent years here as Sindor. Sometimes, you've got to follow your heart. If you aren't ready yet, then stay. You can explore Shroom Dungeon on your own or you can volunteer." Sinea stepped closer and gave Tabby a firm hug. "Stay. It is the right thing to do. And we'll be back. By then maybe you are ready. Maybe not. Just know we'll always have a spot for you in our group." "I don't know," came from Debtar. The three turned to the rogue who looked deeply concerned. "This isn't the Tiberius we know that we leave behind. We are talking about Tabby here. I'm just saying, has anyone thought about if Shroom Dungeon is ready for her?" A stifled laugh burst out of Tabby. Followed by more she couldn't suppress. Her friends fell in. And it was good to laugh. To clear the heavy atmosphere. But Debtar wasn't finished. "In all seriousness," the rogue continued as they had calmed down. "Knowing you, things will change around here. I have a nose for that. Ideas are floating behind your eyes and I, for one, can't wait for what you have in store for us. I doubt, the next time we visit Shroom Dungeon, it will be the one we know. So, give them hell girl, you hear me." "Deal." Tabby shook her friend's hand. Now she couldn't simply back out. There was work to be done. The next few minutes went by fast and with more lividity. There was joking all around as her friends collected their gear and got dressed. Of course, Sinea had to point out that Tabby couldn't help checking out her friends. Conway's body was pure muscle all over and Debtar had a nice athletic and nimble body. And she had a slight crush on Sinea even before Shroom Dungeon. Tiberius might have been mortified ogling his friends. But Tabby didn't care anymore. Their goodbyes were heartfelt and probably way too long. Still, Tabby would see them again. She was sure of it. And knowing this made it less painful. "So, what do you want to do now?" Alune asked. Tabby looked a little lost at the mistress of the Impish Armory. She hadn't thought that far ahead. Or at all. She only knew she wasn't ready to leave Shroom Dungeon yet. Exploring Shroom Dungeon was an option, but without her friends, it wouldn't be the same. Maybe she should volunteer somewhere. She had the invitation to stay at The Barnyard. Maybe even to claim it as her own. Now that her friends were far away and couldn't mock her, she had to admit to herself she liked it when they called her queen or princess. Someone of authority. It made her feel special. Thinking of her friends made her recall Debtar's words. Could she add to Shroom Dungeon? The possibility sounded intriguing. And someone had to, right? All these districts had to be the brainchild of someone? Probably more than one person. Didn't her friends say Shroom Dungeon is over a century old? "I'd like to know how it all works," Tabby said as she made her mind up. "All the work in the background. The magic. I want to understand it. And maybe I can help to grow Shroom Dungeon." "Ah." Alune nodded seriously. "A mage, right? We certainly can use you. It is always a struggle to get academics to stay. Well, in this case, you need to go to Shroom City." She looked around and then waved one of the Impish women over. "Desmodia. Come here." Sin pressed in corporeal form walked over. Or so would have Tiberius thought. Tabby certainly appreciated the Succubus facsimile, but her worldview had been screwed with. After a few things she had done, she wondered if any real Succubus still could tempt her. Not that she really wanted to find out. "Desmodia", she introduced herself before giving Tabby a deep curtsy. Tabby nearly laughed. It looked so tame compared to a few things she had witnessed or even done herself. "This is Tabby. She'll be joining us not just as a volunteer, but as a researcher," Alune explained. "Could you please take her to Shroom City and get her situated. Maybe even find her a mentor." "Of course," the Succubus purred. Again, Tabby had to stifle a grin. For a wannabe demoness, Desmodia acted way too polite. Not that Tabby really minded. Desmodia offered her hand and led her to the backrooms. "You can stay naked if you want, but if you see something you like, you can adorn yourself with it. These baskets are filled with the loot and spoils that adventurers leave behind when they exit Shroom Dungeon. Here, we clean them and bring them back into circulation." "Not a bad idea," Tabby agreed. Stepping closer, she was a little disappointed. The basket containing things for the Flower Basket district was empty. Probably already whisked away. So much for her beloved circlet. She wouldn't have minded having the whip back too. Tabby walked along the other baskets until she spotted something out of the Red Flame district basket. A pair of high heels. Unlike the ones that Debbie had, these had a closed leather shaft that probably reached up to Tabby's thighs. "You can walk in these?" Desmodia asked. Skepsis colored her voice. "I admit every time I try one of these, I'll fall flat in seconds." "Oh, I doubt I will fair better," Tabby admitted. "But ever since- Our rogue, Debbie, found a pair in the Flower Basket district and the way she walked. The further we headed in, the more I wanted to try them too. I was half-minded to ask her to borrow them, but- Yeah. Me falling on my face would be just another reason for needling and jokes. I would rather try them now. And maybe you can help me a bit?" Desmodia shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" Sitting down on a chair, Tabby slipped them on her feet. Whoever wore them before had been smaller, but the enchantments placed on the pair adjusted them just fine. Lacing them up took a while, but with each eyelet Tabby pulled the string through, the leather continued to hug her skin even more. At last, she finished and slowly managed to stand up while grabbing Desmodia's arm. "Not as bad as I feared," Tabby said after balancing on the spot for a few moments. Then she tried to take a step. Thankfully, Desmodia was right there. Else, Tabby might have made intimate acquaintance with the floor. It took a few tries until Tabby was able to walk alone. Even if it was only with mincing steps. "I think you need a little bit more than the heels," Desmodia suggested once Tabby managed a slow circuit around the room on her own. "How about-" She rummaged in the basket again and pulled out a leather body. It was ripe with cutouts that were overlaid with a lattice of leather strings. "Might as well," Tabby agreed. Reaching for it was nearly her undoing again. How did Debbie make walking in these look so effortless? Once she was clad in even more leather, Tabby looked around what else might be good to take. Her eyes fell on a pot full of Shroomcubus mushrooms. "Uhh, can I try these?" Desmodia gave a laugh. "Sure. They are here for the volunteers after all. And we have plenty." Tabby dug in at once. Without all the modifications, the golem form was rather boring. She was glad to have the opportunity to switch to something else. Being a Succubus? Why not? Tabby remembered all too well how Debbie had teased her as one. She especially looked forward to the prehensile tail. She had been on the receiving end of one and now, she could experience the other side. When Tabby had her fill, she wasn't nearly as far along as Demodia was. Her new guide had crimson skin, large horns, and a very long tail. Even wings. There were no wings for Tabby and her skin had faded from a deep bronze tone to her usually pale skin with a tinge of pink in it. She had small nubs of horns and her tail barely reached the ground. Still, it was enough. "I think I am ready," Tabby concluded. "If you say so," Desmodia remarked with mirth in her voice. "Then follow me. Shroom City awaits." Tabby had problems keeping up. Her mincing steps were ways slower than Desmodia's casual gait. At least, she didn't fall. Her new tail actually helped to keep her balance. She caught up to Desmodia at a small intersection. "Alright. Here we have the stairs to Shroom City. It takes forever and no one uses these. Usually. And I am not taking you along that path while you are slower than a snail. Thankfully, there is an alternative. A fun one." Her guide walked into a small room that was mostly featureless, save for a large horizontal pipe with a cutout so big, they could easily step into it. Desmodia walked to the side where two levers were recessed into the wall. One was marked "one seat" and the other "two seats". Desmodia pulled the latter. A large thud could be heard and then a wooden sled slowly came into view. Set inside the pipe. It had two seats. "You can take the front seat, Tabby," Desmodia offered. "My guest of honor." "Sure," Tabby said despite thinking this might be some kind of trap. Sitting down revealed that the sled was nearly flat-bottomed and appeared to mimic the curvature of the pipe. Below, Tabby saw a small stream of water rush by. "Is this some kind of boat?" "Yeah. Let's go with that." Desmodia gave her a wild cheeky grin as she took a seat behind Tabby. "Hold on tight!" She released the brakes and the sled slowly took up speed. For the first few seconds, it only had the speed of a fast-paced walk and Tabby wondered why Desmodia was so excited. Then she spotted the drop off of the pipe ahead. Maybe she should brace after all. Frantically looking, she found two handlebars each to the side of her. She grabbed them just in time. The pipe had been at a declining angle in the single digits when Tabby had entered. Now, it went to ten, then twenty, and then dropped to about forty. More water rushed by underneath them, but the sled was rapidly accelerating to match speeds. Wherever Shroom City was, at their new pace Tabby reasoned they would be there in no time. And then came the first curve- The sled banked hard as their speed pushed them up the side of the pipe. Tabby's stomach had barely settled down when the next curve came up. Desmodia behind her was screaming loudly and in excitement. After a few more curves, she tapped Tabby on the shoulder. "Brace yourself, now comes the best part." As it turned out, it was the start of the worst part. More curves came in rapid sequence, followed by one that surely must have corkscrewed them down for a few spins. Her stomach did a flip as they rushed through a part that might have been a looping. Tabby got a short break as the pipe turned straight. The top half turned transparent as a huge cavern filled with lights stretched open to Tabby's sights. Just as she tried to make out details, their sled plunged into the next chapter of their ordeal. More twists and turns assaulted Tabby. Flinging her left and right. Her hands turned white grabbing the handrails of the sled with all her might. At last, the angle evened out and the sled bled off speed. "Wasn't that the best? I love our waterslide." Tabby didn't answer Desmodia's question. She was busy dragging herself on all four to a nearby trash can. Hurling out her last meal as soon as she reached it. Only now Desmodia caught up. "Uh, right. You just ate. I should've thought about that. We volunteers kind of get used to the slide and-" "Are you sure-" Tabby broke off to take a few more gulps of air. Her heart was still racing. Only when it slowed down, she tried again. "You sure you aren't a real fiend? Maybe snuck in here and prey on easy targets." "Oh, shush you," Desmodia waved her off. "Your compliments make me blush all red." Desmodia was already red, but Tabby didn't point it out. Instead, she motioned for Desmodia to come over. "I think I need help standing up. Now, more so than before." Snickering, Desmodia did just that. With Tabby leaning heavily on her, they made their way out of the waterslide station. The minute they did, the largest cavern yet opened up before Tabby. Buildings hundreds of meters high hugged the even higher cavern walls. A large bazaar spread out before them and beyond, she could see gardens and large plots of farmland. In all, she recognized thousands of mushrooms in motifs or incorporated into the architecture. "By Coleburn and Mezzestos," Tabby gasped. "I've never seen anything like this." Yet her dream came back unbidden. A skyline made up of buildings shaped like mushrooms. It had been the last view inside her dream. Desmodia looked at Tabby quizzically. "Are you sure you haven't volunteered before? That saying-" "Oh, my parents used to say it all the time when I was young," Tabby explained. "I sort of picked it up. Why?" "I think I have to show you something." Desmodia helped Tabby to reach a large plaza with a fountain that surrounded two large stone sculptures. One handsome man on the left and an alluring Succubus to the right. Desmodia pointed at the man first. "Tabby, meet Jennos Coleburn and that's his partner, Alestia Mezzestos." Tabby walked a few steps closer. Embossed below the statues were the names Desmodia had just mentioned. "I don't understand." Tabby frowned. "Why would my parents mention them?" "They are famous around these parts!" Desmodia gushed. "I mean, Coleburn was the mind behind Shroom Dungeon. Yes, caverns and the mushroom existed before, but it was he who had the idea for districts, volunteers, and altering the transformation properties of the mushroom to various effects. And Mezzestos - such a beauty - was the genius who made it all possible. She pioneered the breeding and magical alterations of mushrooms and it was she that laid the foundation for all the transformation and effects you see today. No wonder your parents knew them. Every volunteer does." "My parents? Volunteers? Here, in Shroom Dungeon?" Tabby shuddered. "Oh, no. They're boring professors at a university. Yes, they do some research, but nothing like this. No, you must be mistaken." "If you say so. Speaking of research. Listen, you need a mentor. Someone who teaches you all this stuff. Where do you want to contribute? It could give us a hint about who would be best for you." Tabby scrunched her face. "I don't exactly know where. You see, I ran into this gelatinous girl transformation and-" Desmodia groaned. It was followed by a wince. "I know exactly who you need to talk to. They are a bit- Eccentric." "I think I can handle that," Tabby boasted. "Your funeral. Follow me. Any other questions I can answer?" "Not so fast," Tabby complained as Desmoria started a fast pace through the Bazaar they arrived at. Momentarily, Tabby was distracted. Dozens of vendors offered mushrooms in all shapes and colors. Yet she saw no prices to them. Even the equipment was put out and had no tag. "With what do you pay around here? Normal coins?" Not that she had any. The small sum of money she had was left behind in the locker Tiberius had filled and never emptied. "Oh, no. This isn't really a market. More like a warehouse," Desmodia corrected her. "Volunteers can come by to stock up for their districts. Or if you are a free agent, fill up a bag and scatter them in the many chests that pepper the hallways of Shroom Dungeon. It is also a good stop if you want to play a roaming monster and slip into a specific form. Having it all out like this makes it more fun." "I see. Hmm, where do volunteers sleep?" "Ah! Good question." Desmodia practically beamed. "There are lots and apartments. Plots and farms. You register at the city hall and you get the closest one to your desired spot that is free. Most of the inner city is taken up by long-term volunteers. I am speaking of people who stayed here for years. But sometimes, you get lucky. No need to pay rent or so. Shroom City is very communal and there are volunteers who just do maintenance instead of going up to the districts." It sounded to Tabby as if all her basic needs were covered. As if all the volunteers pulled on the same rope to make Shroom Dungeon a possibility. In a way, it was inspiring to her. They had nearly reached one of the buildings that hugged a cavern wall when Tabby had her next question ready. "What's the oldest district? Or the first." "Oh, that's easy," Desmodia said as she pushed the call button of an elevator. Impressing Tabby in turn. Elevators were rare, as they used a lot of magic, and weren't cheap to maintain. "The first district was the Impish Parlor. You see, Mezzestos wanted to be a Succubus. And Coleburn - her lover - built her a playground." "Was?" Tabby dug deeper. "Well, Shroom Dungeon grew steadily. The Impish Parlor became sort of the landing point for it." The elevator arrived and both entered. Only then, Desmodia continued. "As the function changed, it was renamed to the Impish Armory. If you disqualify it because of the remodeling, then I think the red flame district. That's where Mezzestos and her fellow imps moved next. But it is hard to tell. There was a big land grab at that time and Shroom Dungeon grew fast. It then slowed down for a few decades as the districts really came to be into themselves, you know?" "I guess," Tabby offered. "We are here," Desmodia said as they exited the elevator. A window clued Tabby in that they were high up. While Tabby contemplated that she might be in the highest building she had ever been in, Desmodia knocked on a door close by. They heard steps and a moment later an old man opened the door. It was the most buff elderly Tabby had ever seen. The muscles were bulging and it was easy to do, as the man wore no shirt or tunic. "What?" he demanded. Before Tabby could say anything, Desmodia pushed her a step forward. Nearly making her stumble. "New trainee for you. Have fun. Bye." And she was gone. Desmodia didn't even bother with the elevator. Rushing down the stairs two steps at a time. "So, a new trainee, eh?" The man leaned back and muscles under his skin moved like lumbering giants under the foliage of a forest. "Come in. At least I can hear you out." She was led to a lounge that had a fantastic view of Shroom City through a floor-to-ceiling panoramic window. There, she was offered a seat. "Now, tell me, what brings you here?" Tabby swallowed. For an old man, he looked imposing. "Well, my name is Tabby and I was referred to you because- I saw this form multiple times in my journey that intrigued me. A gelatinous cube, but in the form of-" "Of course!" The man jumped up. "My slime girl. Over a decade in the works. Now, finally perfected and the Jellyshroom is ready to be farmed in quantity. Such an achievement. I'd say even Mezzestos would congratulate me, Berasius the magnificent, if she were still around. And now, you came to learn from the best. Is that correct?" "Well-" Tabby wet her lips. There was no easy way to say it. "I actually wanted to use it as a base for a modifi-" "What? You dare say my slime girls aren't perfect yet?" For a moment, Tabby feared Berasius would get violent. Instead, he paced the room. "Years of research. Do you know how hard it was? Make all the icky human organs disappear? To create transparent skin. The ability to morph. To adjust the shape. Blasphemy, I say. There is nothing to add. They are perfect. Perfect I say. What possibility was there that needs modifying?" "No. No. It is fine," Tabby was quick to add. "Lovely, really. Would love to try out being a slime girl myself, really. Just hadn't the opportunity. But, you see, I met this other form, whose traits equally intrigued me. They are called Saucy and-" "The Saucy?" Berasius waved her off. "That old form. Granted, I looked into it for my slime girls to produce more slime. Just like the Saucy's use mana to replenish themselves. No, the only halfway decent trait is-" He stopped. His eyes narrowed. "Their internal spatial transition that- Genius!" All anger had vanished from his face or his body. Instead, he walked calmly over to Tabby and offered his hand. "Tabby is it? I think we will work out just fine." Tabby had her doubts but shook the offered hand anyways. It looked like she had found her new home for now. All she had to do was to finish her work before her friends came back to Shroom Dungeon. Hopefully, she wouldn't need a decade or more to do it. And she looked forward to the challenge. The end. (For Tabby's arc) *************************************** - - - Epilogue - - - *************************************** Chalmis took his time buttering his bread. As usual. Brunch in their household could take a while. His wife Helna hadn't even started yet. Her bigger appetite was for knowledge and her nose was buried deep in this weekend's newspaper. With a small sigh, he placed his buttered bread on her plate and grabbed a new one for himself. The clicking of small kitten heels alerted Chalmis that they weren't alone anymore. One of the maids was hurrying over. Chalmis raised an eyebrow as he noticed the maids shorter skirt. Once, their maid's skirts had reached down to the floor. But since their children had moved out, the maids skirts constantly grew shorter. Now, it barely covered their knees. The maid stopped in front of his wife and bowed deeply. "A letter arrived for you, Mistress." Helna looked annoyed as she folded up her newspaper. She regarded the maid for a moment before taking the envelope. As the maid curtsied and walked away, Chalmis spotted his wife staring after the maid and her shapely legs. Chalmis took the strawberry jam and started to spread it on his bread. "You are fucking her," he said casually, without looking up. "Of course, I do." Noticing the buttered bread on her own plate, Helna was quick to act. Switching it with Chalmis completed one without a hint of shame. "If you would hold fewer lectures and be around more, I wouldn't need to step in as much. Or are you jealous? Does Crystal want to come out to play?" Chalmis knew better than to be baited by his wife. "What does the letter say?" he asked while grabbing the jam again. "It says, husband in urgent need to be fucked by wife's strap-on." As Chalmis didn't even flinch, Helna sighed and opened the letter. It must have been a short letter as Helna leaned back shortly after and regarded the letter quite contemplatively. "Say, honey, why did we leave Shroom Dungeon again?" Chalmis nearly dropped his knife. "Because we both agreed it would be no place to raise our children." "Well, both our children have left the nest," Helna pointed out. Then took a big bite. It didn't stop her from talking more. "Nothing stopping us from visiting. Come on. We both know you want to be Crystal again. To be ravaged and pimped out by your husband, Heltor. We might even find a few new things to explore." Despite his heart beating faster, Chalmis schooled his face. When he knew he could trust his voice again, Chalmis when for a distant mood to inquire more. "It may have crossed my mind. But love, we have responsibilities here. Students to teach. Maybe over summer break. Which one of our old friends reached out?" Helna gave him an insufferable sly grin. He knew he was in trouble. "None of them." She raised the envelope. "Our daughter managed to reach Shroom Dungeon." "Ravea?" Chalmis dropped any hint of cool detachment. "That's horrible. She got a stick up her ass a yard long. What chaos has she caused?" "Honey. Stop." Helna offered up the letter. "Our other daughter." Momentarily confused, Chalmis took the letter. It was indeed short. For anyone without knowledge of Shroom Dungeon, it might even sound cryptic. #======================================# Dear parents. I'll be staying in Shroom Dungeon for a while. In love, your daughter Tabby. #======================================# Chalmis leaned back with a lazy grin. "Looks like Tabitha found her way home. You are right. It is time to return to Shroom Dungeon. A little family reunion is long overdue." "Right." Helna beamed at the prospect. Then sobered up quickly. "Without Revea, right?" "That goes without saying," Chamis agreed. "How did we manage to raise such a self-righteous prude? If she ever finds Shroom Dungeon, it might just be the end of it." "No, Revea," Helna agreed and slightly slapped the table to underline the point. Then the naughtiness returned. "What about taking the maids?" "The maids?" Chalmis grew even more serious. "You didn't tell them about Shroom Dungeon, did you?" "Of course, not," Helna insisted. Clearly feeling offended by the notion. "But while you were out lecturing young minds about magical harmonics in low entropic magic fields, I taught our maids how to wield a strap-on. And I believe it is an excellent transferable skill." For a moment, Chalmis eyes clouded with a daydream. Heltor and three young studs? Of course, Crystal could not say no to that. "And I believe we both have to leave the semester early. Family emergency." "Now we are talking," Helna agreed. "I'll let the maids know. It will be good to be back." Chalmis nodded. "That it will."

Same as Shroom Dungeon - First Delve Videos

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Welcome to the Dungeon of Delicious Debaucheries

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A Boy and His dungeon V

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A Boy and His dungeon II

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Drexlers Dungeon

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A Week In A Dungeon Day 4D

~~~~~ DAY 4-D ~~~~~ "What the fuck are you doing slave!?" Mistress demands from the doorway. It feels like a lifetime ago, but it was only yesterday when Ashley last heard Mistress' commanding voice. Ashley feels helpless in her bound state. Arms still strapped to the side of her leather table. Her legs spread wide open, unable to bring themselves together thanks to the thick restraints buckled around her ankles. The chastity belt tightly pressing against her asshole. It keeps her pussy lips...

4 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 4C

~~~~~~ DAY 4-C ~~~~~~ Ashley feels lost for a moment. Her eyes are open, but her mind is entranced. Her Mistress' ass, open and begging for attention, mere inches from her trembling mouth. Forgetting for a moment that she is shackled to the table, she attempts to move away from Miss Rose. Her wrists don't budge and Ashley is shaken back to reality. This powerful, gorgeous woman, would finally relieve Ashley of all of her pent up sexual agony, if she would insert her tongue into the woman's ass....

3 years ago
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Abbot Colombanus was sitting behind his study desk viewing the list of boys and girls that would present themselves before him today for punishment. Some names he recognised,some would be over his knee or feel his cane for the first time. The old Abbot had spent almost thirty years at the Monastery,during that time he had punished many subjects,as he called the boys and girls. He had seen many red,sore and weal covered bare bottoms in his time.He had become almost immune to the cries of...

2 years ago
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A Night in the Dungeon

Come with me, my sweet..." Master Marcus' deep, resonant voice commanded the pretty young wench. He led Wendy, his slave for the evening, down the spiral staircase of his big house in the countryside. Marcus was a handsome man of thirty-four, with a stocky build, a clean-shaven chin, and a head of wavy brown hair. His black-leather outfit complemented his looks and frame well. When Wendy had first seen Marcus at the invitation-only S&M party earlier that evening, she knew that he was born...

3 years ago
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The Dungeon Part 1

Jon and Kat were excited. It was their first visit to the Dungeon in L.A.. They were taking along their bodyguard Dennis, just in case of any problems. Jon was always protective of Kat in these situations, he wanted her to have a good time and he and Dennis would watch out for anything that would spoil her time.It was costume night at the Dungeon, and Kat had chosen the outfits for all of them. For Jon, she had chosen a short roman toga costume, complete with sandals, the gold rope tied low...

1 year ago
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Raiders Dungeon

RAIDERS DUNGEON Raiders Dungeon Part 1 celeste The night was starless. The mist swirled around Wolfs Lair castle like acape, its black stone visage loomed ominously in the dark. It is Lord Raiderscastle, Raider of the mist they called him because of his uncanny way of simplyappearing. He made no sound as he walked. A man to be respected yet fearedshould you cross him. This story neither ends nor begins here but it is whereI shall start it. The year is 2245. Many changes have come about over...

3 years ago
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The Naked Dungeon

Tears ran down my cheeks as I knelt on the cold floor of my cell. My training collar was locked around my neck, and the collar was locked to a short, thick chain to the wall of my cell. There was a ledge intended to serve as a bed, but the chain was too short to allow me to reach it. There was a blanket on the cold floor. There was a hole in the floor for a toilet. And there was a camera high up in a corner that pointed towards me always, watching every move I made, every breath I...

4 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 3 Invaders

I created three more A level Treasure Chests. One was placed in the second empty house to the right of the entrance. I also summoned furniture for the ‘Bait’ house and had Ora live there for two days. She was instructed to not clean up after herself. She disliked the command but followed it. Two new Monsters were listed which surprised me. One was Battle Slave for 100 DP the other Body Servant for a Paltry 1500 DP. Sheesh... Calling my Soldiers over, I asked them about Battle Slaves. Ora...

2 years ago
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Dungeon SlutChapter 3

I am 18 years old and now have power of attorney over our parents estate. Tammy happily took the $50,000 I gave her for taking care of us, she moved across country after she graduated college. Having no more worries about what people might think my sister and I really start looking as slutty as we felt. Joy is starting high school and wants to do it right, which means letting everyone know what a slut she is. I make a deal with her, she can be as slutty as she wants but can’t tell anyone...

1 year ago
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Dungeon Lady

Lord Daniel, a tall, broad shouldered man, took another chug of his flagon of ale. His smiling eyes looked over at his friend, Lord Stephen, who was enjoying the aftertaste of his own ale, as the two old chums wallowed away the hours on this Saturday evening at the local pub. Daniel’s ruddy facial cheeks filled with air as he spoke. His combed back dark hair remained in place, as his hearty laughter characterized the affect of the ale. “Did I tell you how my Lady became the castle slut?”...

Cheating Wifes
1 year ago
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Sex in a Dungeon with my Wife part 2

I told her in an angry tone that her “insolence would not be tolerated” and let loose with a flurry of blows to her already red swollen ass. Her screams grew louder so I found the ball gag on the trolley, placed it in her mouth and buckled it tight around her head and neck. Straddling a pommel horse shaped bench covered in studded leather, my wife sat naked in the dimly light dungeon. Her body trembled with excitement and anticipation. Her eyes were wide open, staring at me wantonly, desperate...

2 years ago
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First Dungeon

"Do you have bondage fantasies?"That's what the title of the ad read. It struck a chord with me. I've always been curious about being dominated and knew it would take some degree of bondage for me to accept any form of man sex. I've had men present themselves to me for reciprocation in the past but always shied away from it. Though I've had some truly nice cocks that tempted me, I always turned away at the moment of truth. I just couldn't bring myself to go through with it. I guess I...

3 years ago
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Escape from the Dungeon

Escape from the Dungeons – 8/12/08It took three strong men to hold her still, despite her being chained hand and foot. She had been brought to the Regent’s study, but within minutes she had kicked one man so hard that he had been sent to the infirmary. So more guards were summoned and while three held her down she was tied harshly with rope so that she could not move. She was hauled up again, and a guard hit her hard in the stomach. ?Is she ready for judgement, Sergeant?? the Regent asked. He...

2 years ago
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Erotic Dungeon Crawl

Welcome to my newest story. For the full effect, remember to select, "Start Game", on the right side of the window. This allows the story to track conditions as well as provide a proper narrative (don't worry there are no dead ends in this one). The image is from the game, "Sakura Fantasy", and the full image can be found here. The setting of this story is an unspecific high fantasy world of elves, dragons, tantalising cleavage, etc. You know, the norm. It's written in the 3rd person, which is...

4 years ago
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Dungeon Duo

I will have harmony in the harem. The girls know this from the day they arrive. I know better than to require perfect pitch. There will always be competition, petty jealousy and idle bitchiness when sex slaves are held in close quarters. Where punishments are plentiful and favours are few, some competition is inevitable. But every girl within these stone walls must cooperate smoothly, whatever her personal relationships, for the pleasure of her master. For the use of their owners, they must...

1 year ago
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Welcome to the Pleasure Dungeon

Welcome to the Pleasure Dungeon!The PD is slightly less dungeony than the Triple D, classier and a bit more burlesque. The walls are covered with tapestries and soft hangings. There are Silk ropes as well as chains on racks, stocks, x-frames and spanking horses. There are also couple of cages for display of the subs - somewhere to keep subs somewhere until doms are ready."Welcome sir, if you wouldn't mind stepping this way? You can leave your clothes, you won't be needing them."You step out of...

1 year ago
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A Boy and His dungeon III

Jennifer called early the next day to let me know she wouldn't be coming over. She and her Mother were going to London to get her signed up for university, get her dormitory assignment, and buy her text books. I told her not to worry, as I had plenty of work to do. We made kissing noises to each other and rang off. I had the scan file into a 3D video of her brain activity. In that view, I could make out the ghostly outline of her brain and within that were bright flashes indicating brain...

2 years ago
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A Boy and His dungeon

My name is James, and I love really old houses. The architectural oddities, secret rooms and passages, and the sense of living history have always fascinated me. Our home was no exception. My family had owned, worked and lived on the land as far back as anyone could tell. The old rambling house sat on about five hundred acres of what was currently rolling meadows and a large wood lot close to the Welsh coast. I spent a good deal of my early years exploring the 'big house', out...

3 years ago
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Pillbox Sex Dungeon In the beginning prologue Chapter 1

The prologue sets the scene so if you are here just for the sex, skip to Chapter 1. The story is a little slow to get going but I felt it needed some explanation and is worth it once we get there. Enjoy Pillbox Sex Dungeon - In the beginning (prologue & Chapter 1) Teen, MF, oral, light BDSM Prologue Gemma and Dan had been 'going steady' for about a month or so. Despite the age gap, other than some very heavy petting nothing had happened between the two, Dan being 22 and...

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