A Boy And His Dungeon III free porn video

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Jennifer called early the next day to let me know she wouldn't be coming over. She and her Mother were going to London to get her signed up for university, get her dormitory assignment, and buy her text books. I told her not to worry, as I had plenty of work to do. We made kissing noises to each other and rang off.

I had the scan file into a 3D video of her brain activity. In that view, I could make out the ghostly outline of her brain and within that were bright flashes indicating brain activity. There was an overall random background pattern of pinpoints.

As I hoped, the stimulus from yesterday showed up as small bright blobs on the screen. The 3D view let me look from any angle and get a clear picture of where each occurred. From that it was a matter of matching the reactions on the screen to where I touched her.

I worked through the morning, had a quick bite for lunch and continued.

By mid afternoon, I had located the 'spike' in the data and went on to map the erogenous zones. On the display an are began to glow, becoming steadily brighter as the touching progress. I surmised this represented her arousal. A little later I was into the unintentional recording of our love making and her orgasm.

Late that evening I got another call from Jennifer, they had arrived home safely and she would see me tomorrow, but was too tired now and it was too late to come over according to her mother. We talked for a bit then she rang off.

I decided to run a few tests before I went up to bed. I selected an early data point, and setting the program for minimum output, and short duration. I wasn't worried about hurting myself, but still decided to err on the side of caution. With the headset in place I clicked the button and almost jumped out of my skin! It felt like someone had touched me lightly on the shoulder.

I had to stop and look around to make sure I was alone.

I programmed a series touches from the same area of the data, then sat back with my eyes closed as I felt multiple touches; hand, forearm, upper arm, and shoulder. There was something, an odd feeling, about the touches I felt. After two repetitions of the sequence, it hit me. For some reason, I could have sworn it was a guy touching me. Maybe an overtone from Jennifer knowing that I, a guy, had been touching her.

I decided to curtail this series of tests. I had no experience with homosexuals, I certainly did not consider myself homophobic, but those overtones were a bit disconcerting.

The next day, Jennifer arrived at about nine on a new, shiny green, motor scooter. A gift from her mother to help her get around when she left for university next month. She had to show it off, taking me for a short wobbly ride around the house. She let me take it around solo once and I told her I would stick to my car. While I thought the scooter might have it's uses, it just wasn't something that flipped my switch.

Down in the dungeon, I told her about my tests from the night before. She agreed to a quick test. She gave a start when it first started, giving me a hard look from across the room.

“That's so weird,” she said, “you were way over there, but I could feel you touching me.”

“Wait a minute,” I said, “ you felt 'me' touching you? Not just 'somebody' touching you?”

“Yes, I could tell it was you.” she said.

“Last night, when I tried it, I felt like a guy was touching me. Let's run a test just like the other day, except this time I'll wear the headset.”

I set things up just like the day before yesterday, stripped off my shirt, pulled on the headset, and stretched out in the reclining chair.

“Just start the timer and hit the record button,” I told her, “ the timer will chime about every five seconds. When it does, move to the next location.”

She clicked where I told her and began touching me; hand, forearm, upper arm and so on. A bit later I heard the timer chime twice without her touching me, just as I was going to ask her about it, she pinched me, Hard!

“Yow! What was that for?” I yelped.

“Spike in the data.” she replied with a giggle “now relax and hold still.”

Now she began to run her fingers along the edges of my ears, across my lips, down to my chest, rubbing my nipples. I closed my eyes, enjoying her touch.

Some of the touches tickled, some were an enormous turn on. She seemed to pause for a few seconds the I felt her lips on my nipples, kissing them and sucking gently. I was instantly hard. She moved around, kissing me here and there, finally planting a deep demanding kiss on my lips, probing aggressively with her tongue. Another pause and the faint sound of cloth dropping to the floor. Suddenly I felt her straddle my waist, then something was rubbing my chest, vaguely familiar and arousing.

I opened my eyes. She had stripped to the waist, rubbing my chest with her bare tits. I started to put my arms around her, but she grabbed my wrists, gently pushing them back down.

“Hold still!” she commanded in a rasping voice.

She climbed a little higher, brushing her tits across my lips, I tried to lick her nipples. Then she started to slide back down, kissing my eyelids and nose. I felt her nip at my lips gently with her teeth. She worked her way down my neck and back to my nipples, nipping at them lightly with her teeth. She moved down further, kissing across my stomach. I felt her pulling at my belt, then opening my pants. I I raised my hips slightly and she pulled my pants down to my thighs.

My cock leaped up, stiff and throbbing. She took my cock in one hand, gently rolling my balls in the other. She began to lick the head like some fleshy lolly. I couldn't help trying to thrust with my hips, but she pulled back a little every time I did. She kept licking, driving me mad with lust.

“Jenn, what are you doing?” I gasped out, “either go ahead or stop. I can't take this. It feels so good it almost hurts.”

“Shush,” she commanded.

She licked me a few more times, then took me into her mouth. Unlike before, she didn't strive for deep penetration, but held me there, swirling her tongue around and around. I felt the familiar tightness in my balls.

“Jenn, I'm going to . . .”

She growled in her throat, making short strokes and working her tongue. I shot into her mouth while she made noisy slurping sounds. As I finished, she didn't pull away, nor did she continue to suck as she had last time. After a moment she again held my balls in one hand and my softening cock in the other. She licked my balls, and along the shaft and kissing the tip now and then.

Soon I was hard as I had ever been. She made another growling sound and suddenly drove her mouth down to the very root of my cock, her throat seemed to clamp around me like a vice. She held me there for just a second then pulled back, looking at my cock as she bent it this way and that.

“Mine!” she pronounced, kissing the tip again, “don't move!”

She jumped up and stepped to the bench, digging out the shop bag from the other day, she extracted the condoms and lube. She absently stroked my cock a few times as she read the directions on the lube. She quickly kicked off her shoes and pulled off her shorts and panties, kicking them across the room. She examined the box of condoms for a moment.

“Do you know how . . .?” she asked, handing the box to me.

“Yeah, I think so,” I replied, “health class . . .”

She climbed back up, to straddle my thighs as I fumbled with the box. I managed to separate one of the little foil packets, and open it. I quickly rolled the sheath down over my ridged cock. She squirted a blob of the lube on her fingers and reached down to spread in in her slit. She jumped a bit and yelped.

“This stuff is cold!” she muttered as she continued to rub the lube into her slit.

She closed her eyes and began to make a purring sound, driving her fingers deeper and began to buck against her fingers. She pulled her hand away and wiped the residue onto my condom wrapped cock.

She knee walked her way up to straddle my hips. I reached for her tits, rubbing them with my palms and rolling her nipples between thumb and forefinger. She moaned, leaning into my hands. She reached down to firmly hold my cock and raised herself up over my erect tool. With a little fumbling she had the head nestled in her folds.

She pressed down slowly, no more than half an inch, then stopped. With a determined look, she licked her lips once and suddenly dropped over my cock, driving it deep into her vagina in one quick thrust.

“Ow!” she yelped.

“Sweetheart?” I asked, worried that I'd hurt her somehow.

“It's okay.” she said raggedly, “So much for my carefully protected hymen.”

For a moment she sat there, holding very still while her vagina squeezed my cock. Then she slowly relaxed, laying down on my chest. I craned my head down to kiss her.

After a moment she pushed herself upright. She moved her hips with a small circular motion, and broke into a smile

“That feels good.” she said, “I was afraid I might be sore for a while.”

She increased the range of her motion, sending waves of pleasure through me.

My mind wandered off somewhere, I couldn't think or speak, just experience her incredible tightness. As much as she pleasured herself, she pleasured me. Long slow strokes, short quick strokes, and slow grinding circles. She fucked herself on my cock with a single minded determination. Her breath came quicker as she increased her pace, throwing here head from side to side, whipping her hair across my chest. She started moan, slamming herself onto me, then pulling slowly back, only to slam down again.

Every time she slammed down I thrust upward. She hooked her legs behind my knees, locking us together. Her gasps and moans turned into little yelps of pleasure. She arched her back, bracing herself with her hands on my thighs. I reached between us an placed a finger on her nub. She threw her head back, thrusting her tits into the air. Her nipples were hard little nubs, her areolae were crinkled tightly. She began a fast back and forth motion, more of a twitch than anything else. I gave her nub a gentle round massage. Her body went ridged, her vagina clamped down on me hard enough to hurt.

'Aiiiiiiiieeeeeee!” She screamed, in a louder, longer version of the last time.

Three times she screeched out her release, on the third I blew my load into her, seizing her hips as I tried to drive my cock even deeper into her.

Some timeless moment later we both began to relax a little. She slumped down onto my chest almost totally limp, I wrapped her in my arms and we lay there trying to get our breathing under control. Every few seconds her body would give a little shudder.

Several minutes later she lifted her head, looking into my eyes, she worked her way up my body, finally pulling herself off my cock, took my face in her palms and gave me a slow lingering kiss.

“That was . . . so . . .” she stopped, searching for a word, “Thank you.” she finally said.

“ you are most welcome, sweetheart.” I replied.

We lapsed back into a contented silence. I stroked her back and caressed her ass. After several more minutes, she shivered and began to carefully climb off me.

“I'm getting cold,” she said, “and I need to clean up a bit. She moved in an odd wide legged gait to the shelves where the package of wet wipes was. She pulled out several and began to wipe herself.

“Oh!” she gasped, “I am tender.”

She resorted to blotting more than wiping. I took a few wipes, and cleaned myself up, disposing of the used condom. I absently noted some flecks of blood.

Belatedly, I removed the headset and stopped the recording. I glanced at a clock. I thought it should have been evening already, but it was just before noon.

I gathered up our clothes, handing her the shirt and shorts she'd worn and pulling on my own pants, the rest I rolled into a tight bundle.

“Come on, there's a bidet in the upstairs bath.”I told her.

Upstairs, she went into the bath and I turned toward Mother and Father's room. I recalled a track suit my mother had bought in a moment of extreme optimism but had never managed to fit into. A brief rummage in the closet and I returned to the bath. I knocked softly and opened the door.

“Put this on and we'll run things in the washer.” I said.

I got out a washcloth and towel for her, setting them on the edge of the sink.

“I'll get us some lunch, come down to the kitchen when you're ready.”

In the kitchen, made sandwiches, laid out a bag of crisps and poured two large glasses from a jug of fruit punch. I drank almost half of mine and refilled it, then left the jug on the table.

When Jennifer came in I had to smile. While much too small for Mother, Jennifer had still needed to roll up the sleeves and pants to get even close to a proper fit on her petite frame. We sat down to eat.

“I never knew it could be like that.” she said.

“Me either,” I said, “I mean, I've . . . uh . . . masturbated, but it never felt like that.”

“Me too,” she said, “but I'd never felt . . . fireworks like that.”

“I kind of want to do it again and again, but . . .”

“Me too, but I think I need a day or two to recover. When Mum told me about sex and stuff, she said a little bleeding is normal and it can take a few days to heal over. I just need to keep myself clean while it does.”

“ I can understand that,” I said, “Besides, it would never do for Mother to discover our bodies after we screwed ourselves to death.” I laughed.

She started to laugh too.

“I can imagine your Mother,” she laughed, “ 'Oh, bother, they've stained the carpet.'.”

We dissolved into gales of laughter.

Shortly we straightened the kitchen, started the washer and went back down to the dungeon.

“Show me how you process the data,” she asked, “it has to be a bigger job that what we did before.”

“It is,” I said, “the interpreter ran overnight and I spent most of yesterday parsing out the stimuli.”

I ran the video, pointing out the flashes of activity and how I linked them to the various stimuli.

“What's that one?” she asked, indicating pale blob toward the end of the video.

“I'm not sure, I answered, “but it's the last event before I took the headset off you.”

“Can you cue it up?” she asked.

“Sure, that part is easy,” I said, “but are you sure you want to try it?”

“It should be okay,” she said, “I mean its something that was already in my head.”

“Okay,” I said, “I'm curious about it too.”

I set up the program and put the headset on her.

“That event was several minutes long,” I told her, “I'm only going to give you a second or so to start.”


I clicked the button. Jennifer went limp in the chair, making a little satisfied 'hmm' deep in her throat. It was over almost before it began. She sat up, blinking, looking a little confused.

“That was . . . nice” she said in dreamy voice, “Can we do it more?”

“Do you know what it was?” I asked.

“I guess it was what they call 'afterglow'” she said, “I felt all dreamy and relaxed and so satisfied.”

“You make it sound like a drug,” I said.

“On second thought, maybe more of that is not a good idea,” she said, “I can see how that might be addictive.”

We talked about it for while then she ran upstairs to move the clothes to the dryer. When she came back down, we discussed some of the ways this might be used or misused.

“This is getting a little scary,” I said, “providing and then withholding a stimulus could allow someone to make someone do almost anything. Like they say drug users will do anything for their next fix.”

“I think you're right, she said soberly, “that is a scary idea.”

when the dryer finished she put her own clothes back on and shortly after, mounted her new scooter and buzzed her way back home.

I wadded up Mothers track suit and hid it my room, it had Jennifer's scent on it.

I spent a sleepless night, thinking about her and worrying about what kind of genie we might be letting out of the bottle.


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Dungeon Keeper

The Horned Reaper stood alone in the dank darkness of the long-abandoned dungeon. He sneered. Long abandoned. Being abandoned entailed it being occupied in the first place. This was no Dungeon. It was a tomb. His tomb. Long ago, he had been the most powerful servant of a powerful Keeper. In the name of his master, he had killed… Well… He couldn't remember how many people he'd killed but he'd killed a whole load of them. After all, it was not like he ever counted. That would not be classy. As a...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

2 years ago
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black man slut andalways III

Introduction: The cuckolding of my husband Black mans slut and always III John could see that I had something special to tell him. I started when I was on Spring Break six year ago in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I had come down with another girl from college and we had made passionate love that night and we had fucked each other with a 10 dildo. We had talked about my really wanting to meet a black man and had always fantasized about BBC and I wanted to get fuck with a large cock on this trip....

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Sukky Foxxe in the dungeon

In DemandSukky was having coffee with Sheila, in their usual haunt, down by the harbour. It had become an almost regular thing, every couple of weeks or so they would meet up for a chat. “So how is your new career going” Sheila asked. “Great, all thanks to you and Chris. I did another session with him yesterday, he wanted some stills for some website.”“Yes he told me, you seem to be very much in demand.” “Did he tell you I am doing videos as well?” “No, are you, really?” Sheila pretended to be...

2 years ago
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Dungeon of Bad Ends

Introduction. All great stories must start with an introduction. Welcome to the Dungeon of Bad Ends! Here, the harrowing main characters will do everything in their power to escape from the dungeon unscathed, fighting through many, many, wrong turns on the way out! The dungeon is a massive structure, existing in its own time period as it lays right under the crust of the Earth, containing much to be desired. While the Dungeon has other names, most just refer to it as the Bad End Dungeon. Untold...

1 year ago
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Dungeon Delving

The cave before Kasha the Elven adventurer seemed far too unremarkable to be worth her time, but rumor said there was a difficult new dungeon inside. Stepping out of the sunlight and into the cave, Kasha was now illuminated by the torches set up by previous adventurers. Even in that dim light, Kasha still looked impressive. She wore a loose green cloak over her leather armor, which covered up her impressive figure. With blonde hair and features as sharp as her ears, Kasha would have gotten...

3 years ago
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Dungeon Master

You awaken in a room filled with darkness. As your eyes flutter open you hear a small giggle. "Finally awake are we?" calls a high pitched but arrogant sounding voice. "Yeah yeah, I'm sure you've got a bunch of questions but I don't really care to explain it all to you in bits so I'm gonna keep talking. You keep listening and we'll have the Q&A at the end." She says dismissively. You try to pipe up but your voice doesn't come out, as if she's muted you. "There's a lot to go over so I'm just...

4 years ago
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Moms Stroll Through the Dungeon

I’d been building a dungeon in my house for my new girlfriend, being that she was leading me down the decadent path of a little light BDSM now and again. Nothing heavy or brutal, just some fun bondage here, a little spanking there, and a lot of hot, steamy sex everywhere.The tricky part was hiding our little den of debauchery from my eighty-five-year-old mother who was a full-time resident in my home. Fortunately, my aunt took pity on me and would take my mother every other weekend. Also,...

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The Dungeon Bar

On Saturdays, I had a regular breakfast gathering with two of my longest-standing buddies. We were all in our mid-twenties and had known one another for over five years. The place we frequented made the most incredible three duck egg omelette. Comparing a duck egg to a chicken egg, if you will forgive my ridiculous comparison, is like comparing Swiss chocolate to homemade fudge.One Saturday morning, as we gathered for our weekly indulgence, Peter, who was one of the three, then intrigued us...

Gay Male
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Dylans Dungeon

CHAPTER 1 - CAPTUREDylan relaxed his shoulders and straightened his neck. The last bitch finally shut up. She would be asleep soon. He turned up his radio and sang along to Sweet Home Alabama. He reached below the radio and flipped the power switch on his radio jammer. Then he checked his phone. 0 bars. Perfect. Nobody could track their cell phones now. They were all fast asleep. The sleeping gas had knocked them out very well. Over the next 3 hours he continued along the interstate like his...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Girlfriend With Her Sister And Mother Anokha Andaz 8211 Part III

Hello friends this is is the third part of my real life sex story. My firt part is fucking my girl friend with her sister and mother, then second part is fucking my girl friend with her mother (anokha andaz) – 2. Iska aur parts padhte jayiye aur maja bhi lijiye. Ab main mera asli story main aa raha hoon jise hi aunty uncle ke sath bat karte huye mujhe apni chut ko suck karne ko bola maine kiya aur aunty ki bat bhi khatam ho gaya. Phir aunty ne mujhe bola ” aj tu sonu ko kuch surprise dene wala...

1 year ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

2 years ago
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SlutSport Part III

Part III - Day 1 of Tournament Fighting of the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I and II for context, backstory and to get primed and ready for Part III you sluts...and as always, comments/suggestions are always welcome!] SlutSport - Part II After the "opening ceremony" of Sluttimay, I had to refocus at the task at hand. So much had happened in so little time on top of which I recognized the number two terrorist in the world in Kong Fi and I couldn't do...

1 year ago
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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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Doing MandyChapter 7 The Final Day III

Tom and Mandy had just finished their second fuck. He'd instructed his supervisor, Mandy, to be waiting for him at the local Best Western in sexy bra, panties, and negligee. She'd been there waiting for him just as he'd instructed. Tom had quickly removed everything from Mandy's sexy young 20-something body except for a black satin garter belt and thigh high stockings that she had bought on her own and worn for him as well. He intended to have his way with her in the most complete manner...

4 years ago
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Grandmas Magic Resort Part III

'Grandma's Magic Resort - Part III'(or 'One Fam1ly Visits The 'Real' Happiest Place On Earth)an erotic journey by DizzyDSusan finally gets itAfter their dinner with Joni and Walter, Susan got a restful night’s sl3ep, thanks in part to the two bottles of wine they had shared, but when she awoke the next morning her mind was filled with the memory of what had happened between her and Tommy during their nature hike.As she lay in bed thinking about her son massaging her hard clit until she came,...

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A Trans Girl Takes The Dungeon Master To The Next Level

I am a geek at heart! A game nerd if you like. I like video games, board games and tabletop games with friends. I love fantasy and science fiction, mainly.I am not ashamed.I was playing Dungeon and Dragons at my local games store. They have an area in the back that is just for my fellow geeks to get together. It was me, another girl and four guys and the Dungeon Master, Rick. I was a new addition to their game, only my second time, but they were all very welcoming. If they knew I was a trans...

4 years ago
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House in the Woods Sarah and Penny Try Out the Dungeon

Copyright© 2004 - Shakes Peer2B Penny sat facing away from me, watching her mother enjoy the attentions of my half-Wolf companion, Caesar, while she slowly rode my cock. Sarah, her mother, had just screamed her way through her umpteenth orgasm as Caesar blasted his superheated dog cum deep in her body, his knot swelling her belly as if she were pregnant. Caesar's brother, Czar, another half-Wolf, half-Malamute brute, lay in the corner licking Penny's essence off the pink flesh of his...

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Kay and the dungeon 1 Kay met him on the internet, some time ago, they had chatted for quite a while before the fact came up that he was into BDSM and had his own dungeon just for his own private use. risky to a degree, yes. but that added to the excitement of it all, the anticipation leading up to it had her literally dripping. Also, she felt she did soon know him quite a bit through their chats. when he sent her pics of his cellar which pretty much decided it for her knowing by the tidiness...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His dungeon XIII

Jill wandered in at about 5:00 and with everyone there the conversation turned serious. Conner thought we needed a better place to work. With more space and a way to insure privacy for the research division, citing Saturdays incident. Lisa thought that might be a good idea, but liked the easy relaxed atmosphere here Jill also liked it here, but pointed out that this was a residential area and the city might cause problems for us if our commercial enterprises came to their attention. Claudia...

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Andella A Dungeon Damsel Tale 1

Andella A Dungeon Damsel Story Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: This story involves a TG without consent. The carriage was gone. Stolen, in the night, the horse along with it. All the goods Jordan had prepped to sell, all the clothes he had to...

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Grims Dungeon Level 1

Welcome Adventurer! What lies before is a classic dungeon crawl using a very simplified rules system. This one will be short as I just want to find out how much effort this sort of thing takes. If it works out well I may do a Level 2. You will need a six sided die (otherwise called a d6) or access to d6 roller such as this one. You may also want a pencil in piece of paper to keep track of what rooms you have completed or to map. Fear not, this is not a complex dungeon. You will notice a list of...

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Subriannas first dungeon experience

She parked in the parking lot across the street like Master had told her to. She watched a couple get out of a car next to her pull two bags out of their car and walk to the dungeon. She felt her nervousness settle in as she checked her face in the mirror and saw heavily lined eyes, mascara, and retro red lipstick on her lips. Master had wanted her to look slutty tonight. Her instructions were simple; wear something sexy with no bra or panties under, red lips, slutty eyes, stripper shoes. She...

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Welcome to the Dungeon of Delicious Debaucheries

"Welcome to the Dungeon of Delicious Debaucheries!"You are the First Shield Maiden, my newest and most favourite female sub. You will be most honoured while you are here. Providing you obey the rules of course...I wave you in and gesture for you to take your pick of the diversions by way of apology as I would oblige you myself only Dominatrix Emma is sat on my face... I'm quite partial to face sitting, first with underwear on, then off... because I'm almost certainly going to confis**te your...

1 year ago
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The Wax Dungeon

The Wax Dungeon. By AnagramJessica handed over twenty Euros to the old lady behind the glass pane, who in return handed back a small, red, unmarked ticket. Jess stepped past the gilded booth and through a turnstile into what she was certain would be nothing more than an over-priced tourist trap. With two hours to wait for her train she had chosen to kill time at what the pamphlet from the hotel called ?most terrified experiencing of city?. Once inside, however, she was mildly comforted by the...

4 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 4 Second Phase

2700 DP for invader’s entry 1800 for killing the leaders and an additional 2200 for the followers. Each death was worth double of the entrance value. There was also an additional 700 for chasing the remainder soldiers out. 7400 earned points with a loss of one Soldier, four Battle Slaves and fourteen out of thirty sentries. Soldiers are golden. The Battle Slaves weren’t bad either I thought. All in all, my troops did amazingly. Fuck! ... Pila ... Sigh... I admitted to myself that it was...

2 years ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 14 To the Dungeon

14 “Nivra, you must diligently resist temptation, or you will lose your purity.” Lionel, our paladin, lectured me over our breakfast. I mostly ignored his ranting. I don’t follow his god, but that never stopped him from preaching before, and I don’t expect him to change now. My parents are wealthy merchants, trying to buy their way into nobility. When they found out that Lord Hamelon, a high ranking noble with a sinister reputation, was looking for a new human wife, they only saw an...

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