Emma 02 free porn video

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I stirred and noticed that the discomfort of a hard on was still present. Reaching over to the nightstand, I pushed the Play button on my stereo and a gentle whine of Mark Knopfler’s guitar filled the room. As if on cue, I heard heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs, and I hoped it was my mum coming to call me down for breakfast. Just as the sound of rushing feet reached my door, I heard her high-pitched yell coming from the kitchen. “Milo?” she yelled. “Come down, love and have some breakfast!” At the same time the doorknob turned and without knocking my father burst into my bedroom. I wasn’t worried, of course, but I have to admit, I felt very uncomfortable.

“Where have you been last night?” he asked without any introductory politeness of bidding me good morning. He stood in the door, meaty fingers of one hand holding onto the doorknob so tight they turned white, clearly exposing his anguish and probably anger.

“I went to a party.” I said nonchalantly, giving him the most innocent of smiles. “Why? Is something wrong?” I managed to slip a bit of concern into my voice. His love of stringent house rules prevented me from openly mocking him, as I didn’t want to alarm my mum by getting into a heavy argument.

Ignoring my question, he narrowed his eyes as if measuring my truthfulness. “When did you come back?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes as if thinking hard and retracing my steps. If I said I came home while he was still in the house, he would have known I lied and the jig would be up. It’s not like I was afraid, he couldn’t do anything to me for finding out his little secret, but I didn’t want to challenge his notoriously bad temper. “Probably after midnight, I’m not sure. Why, dad?” I asked again, my face a mask of undivided attention.

“There’s been a break in last night.” He lied smoothly, his eyes unwaveringly on me. “The student house.” He said, referring to the house across the street. “I was there checking up on the furnace, so I think I must have scared him off, but I thought you might have seen something.”

“Him?” I asked incredulously. “You saw who it was?”

“Well, no…” I caught him off guard. “I just presumed it was a man, or maybe more than one. I shouldn’t think girls would be breaking into houses in the middle of the night.” His face seemed to relax a little. “So, you haven’t seen anything, you think?”

“Well…” I dragged out the word, and with a yawn averted my eyes from the face that made me feel sick. “I don’t remember seeing anything. I wasn’t really looking, you know. I don’t even know if Emma was still up when I came home.”

At the mention of Emma’s name my dad’s eyes narrowed again and it had taken a lot of strength for me not to crack a smile.

“But all is well now, right?” I asked and plopped back down onto my pillow. As if in deep thought, my dad chewed on his lower lip, his forehead clearing after a moment.

“I suppose so. Nothing seems to have been stolen. No damage done.” He nodded and looked around the room as if searching for anything incriminating. “I’ll have to tell her to be more careful and lock the door when she’s all by herself.”

I nodded and with that my dad stepped out, closing the door behind him. I reached under the cover and squeezed my cock through my underwear, determined to do something about this spot of bother between my legs, which has deprived me of restful sleep the night before.

The door opened again and dad’s face, still plastered with suspicion poked inside the room. “Your mother is calling you to breakfast, Milosh.”

There! Milosh. He obviously didn’t believe my little story. I couldn’t care less. He was the one in trouble, not me and I decided not to feel or show any distress.

“I’ll just take a quick shower, dad. I’ll be down in a minute.” I said and he nodded again, this time leaving the room altogether. I waited for his heavy steps to thump down the stairs and remained in bed until I was certain he wouldn’t return.

A sunray poked through the shutters, tickling my eyes and I was grateful for this promise of a nice day, even though it would probably be a cold one. There were chores to be done and a party to get ready for. After all, it was almost Christmas and the best and most of the uninhibited of parties was about to happen. A Christmas bash at Brian’s was bound to be a success. Beer and whiskey were to be in abundance, so should be the array of girls. I have been torn between making a move on Linda, the geeky but very sexy girl from my art class and Penny, the new girl at college, who had been everybody’s pick this winter. I bet a lot of blokes from my college were thinking of her when wanking off, she looked that good. She was pretty and athletic, always laughing, sometimes to the point one would think her daft, but I seriously doubted that was the case. Only one way to find out, I supposed.

I jumped out of my bed and realized that the hard on had become more than a mere discomfort by now. It wasn’t quite painful, but I knew I had to do something to relieve the tension or I’d be pissy all day. I walked into the small bathroom adjacent to my bedroom and turned on the water. Stripping off the underwear and a t-shirt, I stepped inside the shower, closed the curtain and reached for the baby oil, which I kept for the particular occasions of self-pleasuring. In fact, my mum had persuaded me to use it, but of course, she suggested it to be used as a way to keep my skin soft. Like I cared at that time if my skin was baby soft or not.

I squirted a generous amount of the slick liquid onto my palm and my, by now rock hard cock, closed my eyes, and supporting myself against the shower wall with the clean hand, I began wanking off with Emma in mind. I saw her firm and perky breasts, softly bobbing like leaves in a gentle breeze. I pictured her long, thin legs and arms wrapping themselves around my body while she laid beneath me, her dark eyes half closed in ecstasy that I was certain I could bring her to had she given me half a chance. I saw her long, blond hair brushing against my skin, her lips sucking on my nipples and belly and balls, her delicate tongue licking against my belly button. I saw her riding me wildly, her mouth half open, her delicate fingers digging into my chest, her entire body shivering with an oncoming orgasm, my big hands holding onto her hips and pulling her down on me, slamming her against my cock, making her gasp just like I heard her gasping the previous night.

At the thought of Emma and my dad and their gasping, my cock began going limp almost instantly. The beautiful illusion had turned into a nightmare, it seemed. I shook my head as if trying to push the picture of the two them out.

I never let go of my cock, rubbing it softly, trying to think of something else than the events of the previous night. I tried to picture the evening ahead. Penny with her silly giggle and Linda, completely unaware of how sexy her glasses made her look; the librarian type with a hidden wild side. It worked. My cock hardened again and I wanked off as if my life depended on it. I imagined myself with Linda and then I swapped her for Penny. Fuck, why not go for the obvious and have them both at the same time? Both of them falling all over each other trying to pleasure me, while according to my instructions, messing with each other, too.

I began imagining shagging them both. Dipping my cock into one pussy and then the other. The girls begging me for more, each softly purring when I shagged them hard, the other one massaging the tits of the one shagged, or squeezing my balls, or rubbing my crack.

I blinked in frustration. Yet again I managed to make my cock go limp on me. Why on earth was I thinking of anybody rubbing my crack? I’ve never had that done to me, never desired it so. It must have been the remnants of seeing my dad enjoy a finger up his arse, and frankly I didn’t want that. Didn’t want to see that again, or experience it for myself.

Frustrated now, as I had never had a problem to simply wank in a short period of time, I reached for some more baby oil and squirted it on my cock. “Come on, mate,” I whispered. This time, when I closed my eyes, a scene that had played in front of me the night before popped into my head. Emma on her knees, my dad grabbing onto her ponytails and pulling her mouth onto his cock roughly, making her gag and her eyes water. I remembered the sounds of her trying to breathe, even her retching seemed very erotic to me at that moment.

I stroked my cock hard and fast, just like I had seen Emma’s mouth stroking my dad’s cock. I stroked in the rhythm that I saw Emma move. I felt it was wrong to wank off on the memory of the two of them together, but I couldn’t help myself. I kept jerking my cock and in my head, Emma kept sucking off my dad. The more I pictured her laboring over the task, the closer I got to cumming. The water that fell on my back from the shower felt like gentle fingers caressing my skin, adding to the pleasure.

I felt my body stiffening; I sped up the stroking, in my mind Emma was close to unconsciousness being suffocated by a cock. This time, however, I pictured my own cock inside her mouth. The picture shifted and I saw her from above, my hands were holding onto her hair, it were my butt cheeks that she was squeezing. I leaned forward (still in my mind) and to my great delight saw a small hold of a butt plug sticking out of her arse. Obviously, the array of sex toys scattered about the room had made a great impression on me.

I imagined the discomfort that she would have felt from my cock deep inside her mouth, almost in her throat; the discomfort of the big butt plug inside her arse. I wished so much that she was in front of me right now. I would have reached over and pulled on the plug a little, just enough to make her squirm and yelp, perhaps. Not much yelping could be done, though. Not with my cock in her sweet, fat-lipped mouth and then I would tell her I was cumming and make her open her eyes and look at me while I was spraying inside her, not allowing her to move away. I would make her take every single drop I had for her. She would swallow it all and I would keep my cock in her until it went limp.

I was stroking myself very hard and fast now. Despite the warmth of the water on my back I could feel the coldness of the sweat beads on my chest and forehead. I stroked and stroked, seeing Emma’s beautiful eyes stare at me, her face a mixture of alarm as she couldn’t breathe and pleasure, knowing that she was giving me the ultimate ecstasy.

“Milo?” I heard my mother’s voice, to my horror it wasn’t in the bedroom, it was closer, she must have been standing a foot or two away, on the other side of the shower curtain. Yet, I couldn’t stop. I simply couldn’t. I had to finish what I had started, already having been interrupted twice by my own thoughts that were not pleasing to my mind.

Emma’s face, the memory of her voice, my father’s grunts and my mother’s all too real voice within a reach of the shower curtain finally pushed me over the brink and for a moment the world swayed in front of me, then went blank and I felt my cock throbbing in my hand, chunks of cum spewing onto the shower wall.

I stilled myself then, breathing hard and turned my head towards the shower curtain. I couldn’t see anybody’s silhouette standing on the other side as I knew I would have had my mother been there. If I knew I could see her and she really did enter the bathroom a few moments before, then she certainly saw me wanking off in the shower.

I felt ashamed and utterly annoyed. “Fuck!” I yelled. I really wanted to just bust out of the bathroom and then my bedroom, stand on the landing and yell off the top of my lungs: ‘Can’t a person even peacefully wank off in this house?’

Of course I did none of that. It was one of those crazy moments when a person thinks they are just about to stand up in a class enveloped in silence and scream in frustration. The pressure that was building up in me since last night finally released, I felt calmer although not as of yet completely satisfied. I poked my head around the curtain and looked around. My mum was nowhere to be seen.

“Mum?” I asked quietly, but there was no response. I hoped to god that it had all been just my imagination and she didn’t catch me in an uncompromising act. I cleaned the spunk off the wall and took a quick shower, almost running down the stairs, fresh clothes thrown haphazardly on my still wet body.

“Mum?” I said when I finally entered the kitchen. She was standing in the corner pouring a cup of coffee, with my dad sitting at the breakfast table, very predictably reading his newspaper. “Mum?” I asked again and she turned around. I could see distress in her eyes. She had been in my bathroom only minutes before! Deep shame flushed through my entire body and I knew my face must have flushed beetroot red.

“Come, Milo,” she smiled gently. “Let’s have breakfast.”

With a heavy heart I sat down and accepted the plate full of toast that she had offered. I didn’t dare look into her eyes again; I was too embarrassed.

I felt a rising anger towards dad, who in some crazy sort of way was responsible for me masturbating in the shower that morning and mum walking in on me. Of course I knew she would never mention it, but then, she needn’t to. I saw her face when I first walked into the kitchen. It wasn’t disappointment, not exactly that. She was merely mortified over barging in on me and putting her own mind into a whirlpool of cacophonic thoughts.

I looked at dad and satisfyingly noted that he had been oblivious to our little exchanges of shame and discomfort.

“So, dad…” I couldn’t help myself. Why would mum and I be the only ones in distress? “What are you going to do then?” I asked, deliberately ignoring the warning stare he had given me. “Will you call the police?” He would have choked me with his bare hands if he had a chance; I could see that.

“Why on earth would you be calling the police, Peter?” asked mum as she joined us at the table.

“Oh,” I said, making myself sound surprised. The bastard just came up with the break in thing to confront me with a more appropriate question that he didn’t dare voice out loud. “Didn’t dad tell you? There’s been a break in last night.”

My mother flushed with momentary panic. “A break in? Where?”

“The student house.” I said, noting that my father had not said a word since I walked into the kitchen, appearing as if his head was just about to explode with anger.

“Good god!” my mother was genuinely alarmed by now. “Peter!”

“It’s nothing Muriel. Nothing happened, really. I was over there checking on a furnace and…”

I gave him a look of utter contempt. ‘Furnace, yes. But, you fail to elaborate which one, you bastard!’ went through my mind.

“When was that?” asked my mum and I felt sorry for her. Here she was, full of concern and anguish, while my dad tried to lie his way out of trouble, obviously unashamedly determined to pull me into it, as well.

“I couldn’t sleep last night.” He said calmly, watching me like a hawk. “So, I went over there to check on the furnace that Milo had fixed earlier. While I was there, the front door slammed, that was all. It might have just been the wind.”

Uncertain about the situation, my mum was eager to continue the conversation and reach some sort of conclusion. “But, Peter…” she began.

“It was nothing, Muriel, for god’s sake!” he bellowed out, making mum and I both jump in our seats. “Why do you always have to make such a fuss about everything? That’s why…” he nearly choked trying to think fast over how to get himself out of the predicament. “That’s why,” he repeated calmly, “I don’t tell you about little things like that, love.” He smiled at mum and although still uncertain, she seemed to accept his explanation. “No need to worry yourself over nothing, is there?”

I had been defeated.

“Besides, I had to go and see that Milosh here did a good job, didn’t I? You know how careless he can be sometimes. I just wanted to make sure the girl had heat for the night.”

I dropped my half eaten toast onto the plate. By now, I had completely lost my appetite. He didn’t just defeat me; he also kicked me in the stomach while I lay in the dust. Bastard!

“It’s all in running order now, nothing’s happened, and let’s just have breakfast in peace and quiet.” he commanded and as far as mum was concerned, that was that. He asked no more questions and I didn’t prod him anymore, either.

I forced myself to finish the breakfast, with my mother cheerfully discussing her plans for the evening and my father returning his full attention to the newspaper.

As I was leaving to go to Brian’s, dad caught up with me outside in the driveway. He grabbed my forearm and squeezed it to the point of pain.

“You do that again, you little bastard and I’ll… I’ll…”

I shook him off, got in the car and drove away. If I said another word, I knew the inevitable consequence would be for mum to find out what had been really going on in the ‘student house’ the night before. My dad and I would have gotten into a huge argument and I would have spilled the beans. I didn’t want to hurt her like that, or at least that’s what I had been telling myself ever since.

My determination to take revenge upon Emma and dad, however, only became firmer. They would both regret their actions; I was going to make sure of that.


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To set the experience.I'm Mexican and all my friends were also. Being Mexican we would go to parties where adults and teenagers are all drinking. That's how I grew up. It all started on a cold Wisconsin night.It was my birthday and i just turned 18 and was in a car with my friends going to a house party in Illinois about an hour away.The party was fine for awhile,but we decided to leave.A big breasted, red headed woman name Lynn at the party asked us if we could give her a ride home,...

2 years ago
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The Erotic Sex Adventures Of Ramya 8211 Part 2

Hi, Welcome to ISS (Indian Sex Stories). I am Rishi of age 29, from Hyderabad. I am working as a software individual in an MNC company. This story of erotic sex adventures is a continuation of my previous story. When I woke up, we were in the same position as we slept in the night. Slowly I started sucking her left boob. Ramya: Good morning (With a smile on her face) Me: Good morning. Sorry for waking you up. Ramya: No, I was already awake, just waiting for you to be awake. Me: Oh, is it?...

2 years ago
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Alchemical Ink Shattered Angel

The Alchemist was getting ready to close his tattoo shop when the bells on his door chimed. He turned and there she was, a shattered angel. She stood paused, frozen in his doorway, neither in nor out, motionless on the threshold, undecided. The setting sun bled over the rooftops from across the street, staining her hair and cheek with the illusion of mortal wounds. The empty hunger in the crushed blue of her eyes screamed of lethal injuries hemorrhaging but invisible on the surface of her skin....

1 year ago
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When did it all actually start Chapter 1

Chapter 1 You ever catch yourself thinking "when did it all actually start"? Thats what I caught myself doing today as I stood over an ironing board ironing my wifes shortest sexiest dress while I was dressed in a french maid outfit with matching red high heels and apron as I listened to her go on and on about Doctor Jerome and how he is taking her some place special tonight and she wants to look her best. Maybe if I tell you the whole story you could help me figure it out. My name...

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The Mortification of Millie

It was fifteen minutes from quitting time when Millie got called into Mr. Carrolton's office. In the fifteen years of working her way up through the ranks at Carrolton Manufacturing, this was the first time she had ever set foot in his office. She was very nervous, as people rarely got called into that office for good reasons. When she entered, she immediately saw Mr. Carrolton sitting behind his very large desk. Mr. Wallace, her immediate supervisor, was in a chair to her right. Millie was...

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Emma Ch 39

Emma took her role as Maisie’s guardian at least as seriously as she took her role as her lover. She knew the importance of education, and arranged a place for her in the city’s premier Naturist College. It was, of course, a private college (the fees for which Emma could now easily afford) and was attended by the children of the wealthy and well-to-do who wished their children to have as fully as possible a naturist upbringing. Not a few were workers in the sex industry like Emma herself, and...

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Mum and Tara Secret Powers 8

Continued from Meeting Lydia (Secret Powers 7)I get home and see Mum on the sofa in the lounge room."Hi, Mary, how was work? Did anything interesting happen?""Slow at the shop," I reply. I mention the mum and daughter on the bus, but I don't mention Lydia, who is still in my mind. "When did you want to go to Tara's?"I am glad that she's decided to go. "I said I'd be there at four o'clock, so I guess leaving here at twenty to.""Okay."I head to my bedroom, take off my skirt, top and bra and put...

4 years ago
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“You ought to be sleeping at legitimate hours.” A private message from Chuck, 221 am. “Trust me, I wish I could, but my body is convinced it’d rather be doing something else but sleep. There’s hardly anything I can do!” “There’s only one thing you should be doing at this hour. And it shouldn’t involve being online.” I paused and smiled to myself. Chuck is the assistant coach to the tennis team I joined at the country club. He was nothing like the rest of the eager male morons trying to flaunt...

Straight Sex
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BusherChapter 9 Eddie

Cap Rogers, the Keys' ace lefthander, was pitching in the Friday night series opener with Lynchburg, and he was really on his game. After four innings, the visiting Hillcats had zero hits and only one base runner -- he'd made it to first on a wildly thrown third strike pitch in the second inning. No catcher -- not even Dave -- could have stopped that one! Maybe Yao Ming could have flagged it down. I was amazed the hitter swung at it! "This is why Dave is such a great catcher!" I told...

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Market ForcesChapter 25 Quest for the Questors

"The question is, can you do it?" Word, it seemed was getting around about the willingness of Clegg Enterprises to take on apparently difficult projects. Peter Hananni was the latest of a series of individuals that had appeared with a range of challenges to Clegg's research and snatch teams. "I was put on to you by a mutual friend. The Kalinin of Kushtia? He indicated that you had been able to help him out with some of his requirements." "Yes," I said. "The Kalinin is a valued...

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The Turn Part 4

Note to the reader: This short chapter is intended as a bridge to take our girls‘ story in a different direction than I originally had in mind. FYI, there are a crazy amount of real details hidden in this story from my own life. Like Monica, I am ready to start taking steps towards what’s next for me, Monika. Given that; I’d like your participation. In this few paragraphs you’ll learn about some teased instructions prepared for her and I’d like to incorporate your ideas into these. I’ll give it...

1 year ago
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Kiwi Swingers! I know some of you fucks out there actually know how to get some pussy. You can’t all be basement-dwelling fappers with chafed cocks and bacne. Hell, some of you might even have a kinky girlfriend, partner, or spouse who likes to get down and dirty with other sex-addicted couples. Maybe you like being cucked. Perhaps you enjoy sharing the fun. Or, hell, possibly you just want to land a devil’s threesome with another couple. I sure as hell am not here to judge your tastes. What...

Hookup Sites
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A Game of FootsieChapter 22

Life is never without bumps in the road. I was reminded of this when picking up Sia from her sleepover at Lara’s. Outwardly bubbly and peppering me with questions about how my date with Mrs. Sanderson had gone, trying to interrogate me for details I wouldn’t reveal, I noticed her eyes. Sia could hide nothing from me and those mismatched eyes were troubled. Knowing from experience not to press, I waited patiently for her to mull, let her thoughts ferment until she couldn’t remain silent. I...

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SelfTaught Sex Education

I am an only child, and my parents were married 18 years before I made an appearance.  I think they figured they would never have children.  Needless to say, I was a daddy’s girl, through and through.  My mother was a hard woman to love, and even harder to live with.  She had a vicious temper and tended to self-medicate with alcohol a bit too much.  My father, on the other hand, could do no wrong, in my eyes.    When I was five, my dad changed jobs for health reasons, and his new job...

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TeenCreeper Gina Valentina Poolside Prowler E06

Gina Valentina is one tasty teen dish, and she’s no stranger to rough sex, but this little exhibitionist has no idea what a workout her cunt, mouth and other fuckholes are in for wwhen she becomes the Teen Creeper’s latest victim. Gina is enjoying the hot sun and her swimming pool in a sexy black bikini when she gets an obscene phone call from a creepy stranger who says he is going to fuck her. He also lets Gina know he is watching her. Frightened at the certain danger the psycho...

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Jon Snow Takes WesterosOr just its Women Pt 2

A letter arrives for her and Maester Luwin brings it to her attention. She takes it and reads it in her room. It is an invitation to visit The vale for a festival and then onto a visit to the Riverlands. She would have loved to attend but now….? She lets her hand move down to stroke her bulging belly lovingly, her womb nurturing Jon's child. The "first of many" as Jon had told her fiercely. No doubt she would be spending most of her days in bed, whelping out Jon's offspring. Jon saw it...

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Angies Dog OrgyChapter 10

Nick Petrushka had been reading meters now for close to twenty years, and he figured he had the job aced. In fact, to the point where it actually had become quite boring. Same old round-- ring the doorbell, lady in scruffy slippers and bathrobe, curlers in her hair, lets you in, you read the numbers, and you're gone. That's all there was to it. Every work day for nineteen years and seven months. Here we go again, Nick sighed to himself as he headed up the walk towards the attractive yellow...

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Stranded DaddiesChapter 6

As soon as the girls were left alone, they faced each other. "Can you BELIEVE IT?" asked Denise, instantly excited. "I thought they were going to freak out!" sighed Cindy. "They HEARD us!" said Denise. "And they didn't even YELL at us!" "Didn't you hear them Neece?" asked Cindy, a look of wonder on her face. "They want to sleep with us too!" "I can't believe that!" said Denise, wonder in her voice. To her, she was just a kid. Uncle Dave was a big, strong man, whom she...

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Room descriptionThe room contains a bed, two lamps either side of the bed. On the wall is a picture of the face of a Thai girl taken from a magazine. Object DescriptionYou see nothing special. In the room there is: Mi Li Examine Mi Li She is a short dark-skinned Thai girl of about twenty, dressed in her underwear and black stockings... Mi Li has been logged on to #RL for 06 hrs 04 minutes.The phrase "as psychologically astute as a Thai prostitute" is not in common usage. It should...

1 year ago
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Old girlfriend

One of my old flames found me from out of the blue one day. She was married and unsatisfied. She had put on a few pounds in the 10+ years I had not seen her, but she was still sexy and it just made those jugs of hers bigger.She was proud of her nipples, she would say "I have nice aerolas, don't I" and she still had dynomite legs with a grasp to hold my ass into that hole.I went by her house during the day when her husband was gone. She had me sit on the couch next to her. Cuddling led to...

2 years ago
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The New Guy In The OfficeChapter 4 Matty

The next day at work one of the first people I saw was Sonia and as our eyes met she quickly looked away. Around nine Mary came over and sat down on the edge of my desk. "So, how did it go last night?" "What do you mean?" "I mean how did your evening with Sonia go?" "It was okay." "Just okay?" "Hey, what can I say. Sometimes things just don't click." "She wasn't any good in the sack huh?" "No, that wasn't it at all. We both enjoyed it, but I doubt that we will be...

2 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 24

Ariel gave Jack a towel and they both dried off, then got dressed. "Well honey, I think we should pack up and head home so we can get rested up for the work week ahead of us. I'll bring the table and chairs back inside while you tidy up and pack our dirty laundry into the picnic basket. I'll also roll up that blanket outside so we can take it home to wash, ok honey?" he said. Ariel agreed, then began packing up their dirty laundry into the basket. She made the bed, swept the floor, then...

1 year ago
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Masters slave

KNEEL!!! Was His first command to me. i quickly knelt down, blushing of shame. People stopped to look and laugh, i saw them shaking their head as they walked past us. i looked down at His boots. A pair of dirty army boots He wore. i felt His strong hand jerking me up. FOLLOW!! i walked behing Him, nervous, scared. What had i done? Why was i doing this? Shall i run? These were the toghts in my head as i followed this strong Man. He was dressed in army boots, leather pants, with a pair of steel...

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Arousing LeighaChapter 7 Anticipation

It was tempting. Rhonda almost had to bit her lip to keep from guiding Marty into that little closet on Tuesday night. She knew Dusty would be in room three with Leigha and wouldn't that be a jolt for Marty... with no warning, no breaking in period, watching his good friend Dusty and his young innocent wife as she was taking it up the ass! And moaning her appreciation for it as it happened! Rhonda wanted it in the worse way but she knew two things; one, he needed to be primed just a little...

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Dad8217s love

Soon after dad emptied his cock load in my wet and steamy pussy, we straight went to dad’s bed room all naked. Dad was real happy at this accidental discovery of a young and tight pussy of his daughter who was willing to take his meat loaf deep down her love hole and was continuously thumping my ass while going upstairs. “Your pussy is too deep and fluffy doll, your boy friend must have got a long and fatty dick” daddy asked me while smiling wickedly. “No dad, I do have a number of boyfriends...

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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Autumn Falls 24863

Autumn Falls has been giving Peter piano lessons, but this week he seems to be really distracted. You see, Autumn and Peter’s girlfriend Katie, are best friends, so he feels awful that he wants to fuck his girl’s bestie. He can’t help himself, with her big natural tits busting out of her top, it’s a terrible predicament. Autumn agrees to let him see her huge tits as he begs her to touch them. Of course, he gets a raging boner which turns her on and she starts sucking his...

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I suppose my interest in bra's began in my late teens, as I remember getting ready to go to bed and washing up. Mom just left the shower and I saw her white bra hanging out of the red wicker hamper and I picked it up. I don't know why her white silky and lacey bra turned me on but it did and that bra found its way into the back pocket of my jeans and the bulge covered by a flannel shirt ... When I thought of the times I saw a bit of moms boobs, well that only made romancing her bra a lot...

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The materials from my work desk filled two cardboard boxes. I put them in a corner of our hotel room office. I went back to the limo for my briefcase and laptop, said a final "Thanks, and goodbye," to the driver. I gave him an envelope with a note and parting check. My work was done here. Suitcoat and tie went in the drycleaning hamper, replaced by cardigan and loafers. I went to the formal dining room, fixed a Dewar's on ice, then reviewed the materials spread on the table. I had two...

4 years ago
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My mum teaches me some sex moves

I was excited and nervous about Lana coming over. Only less than 24 hours ago my relationship with my gorgeous mother had completely changed for the better, and now I was going to fuck her sexy friend. This was beyond my wildest dreams and fantasies and a bit too much to digest for my young mind, but hey, I was not complaining! I was laying on my mom's bed and watching her getting ready for the night. Just watching her, carefully putting her make up on and brushing her beautiful golden hair...

3 years ago
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Persuading Mom To Pose Chapter 3

We lay together for several minutes, enjoying the cuddling while she softly stroked my chest, then moved to my abdomen. "You know, Jimmy, you have grown into quite a handsome man. I never realized it either until just now, but you are pretty sexy in your own right!"Then her hand moved even further south and wrapped around my still rock-hard cock. "And now that Tiffany is all rested up, she'd like to play some more... if you're 'up' for it, James!""You're a naughty little slut aren't you,...

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Finishing up with Next Door Neighbor Casey

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... part 12, part 3 of Ethan and Casey"Oh God," Casey groaned. She was practically sobbing when Ethan rubbed the smooth head of his cock across her wet slit. He eased the head past her pussy lips into her tiny opening. She responded with a deep, primal groan. Ethan held her by her hips and slowly pushed his cock into her."Uhn... uhn," she grunted. She was just as tight as the first time. He eased up to give her a moment to catch her breath, then continued."Oh...

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