Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 08 free porn video

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Jake had been retired since 2080, almost two years now. He thought back on his hundred and twelve years of life. He had seen the Third World plight end as the Semitic races, each full of unreasoning hatred for the other, destroyed themselves in nuclear fire. Now, their precious oil fields and fabulous monuments to their historic faiths were a radioactive wasteland. Humankind had not only destroyed Béla, it had also destroyed the race that had been her human half. (That actually wasn’t true; the tribal people who had occupied that land for the last few thousand years swept through and replaced the original indigent population a few hundred years after Béla had arrived there.)

He had seen a resurgence of the Black Plague and the common flu wipe out almost half the remaining planetary population. It hit worst in the overpopulated areas that were already affected by nuclear radiation from the recent war, like India and China. In the U.S., it wiped out a quarter of the population, mostly in the ghettos of the big cities, causing massive riots and thousands of trillions of dollars in property destruction.

U.S. business, taking advantage of the chaos, slipped into power and began running the government. Now, instead of a president and congress, there existed the Supreme Board of Directors with each board member the president or CEO of at least one major industry. The individual states still maintained their autonomic governorships, but most of the property in the country was now owned by businesses, not individuals. ‘Buying’ and ‘selling’ of individual homes had changed some, and had actually become easier now that there was no profit motive for holding onto or selling a property. It was actually more of a trading system. Often, corporation employees were simply assigned housing and were expected to maintain the property.

Jake closed his eyes, but only for a moment. He could still see the flaming conflagration that had consumed Béla eighty-seven years earlier. He still had to have constant noise around him to drown out the unearthly screams she’d made as she perished, her regenerative ability betraying her in the end.

Unable to escape her flaming vehicle, pinned in her seat by a simple mechanical latch that had welded itself shut in the first few seconds of the explosion, her screams ceased only when her blood reached its boiling point, bursting her charred lungs and ending her tortured existence forever.

Jake opened his eyes again, unwilling to view that image indelibly etched on the backs of his eyelids any longer, and got up to go inside. Despite the fact that he looked like he was in his early twenty’s, his hundred and twelve-year old joints let him know they didn’t like being out in this breezy, forty-degree weather. It was pleasantly warmer (compared to last month), but even basking in the sun on your own porch has its limits when it’s this cold.

Once in the kitchen, he puttered around for awhile, then started a pot of coffee. It was almost five p.m. and would be starting to get dark, soon, but he ate and slept when he felt like it, and, right now, coffee was what he felt like. If he stayed awake long enough, maybe Béla's ghost wouldn’t come to him tonight.

Taking his coffee in his hand, he went upstairs to his bedroom and got undressed. Then, walking into the bathroom, he sat down on the john.

“Shelf,” he said to the wall. A foot-long flat shelf slid out of the wall. He set his coffee cup on it and said, “Console.”

The panel just above the shelf opened, revealing a wall console. While he sat, he did his mail. He had quite a bit to sort through as he hadn’t accessed his mail site, or even turned on his console for almost two weeks. About halfway through, he got bored and accessed a puzzle site to see if anyone had posted any new ‘stumpers’. He could finish his mail, later. He always saved his personal messages ’til last – it seemed more pleasant to end his weekly or bi-weekly junk mail sessions with personal messages instead of the other way around.

‘Stumpers’ was carrying an ad for another new ‘Suicide’ club. Suicide clubs began springing up all over the U.S. after the Supreme Court redefined the legal definition of murder so that assisted suicide was no longer illegal.

Jake frowned as he remembered his single visit to one of those clubs. His date had invited him to come and join the club with her. When he picked her up, she was wearing an incredible costume that consisted of one long purple ribbon, two inches wide, that wrapped around her body several times, leaving lots of skin in between. Her arms and legs were laced with leather straps. Her skin, where it was visible, was painted in wide swathes of silver and turquoise – even her face. Her lips and eyes matched the purple of the ribbon she wore.

“I don’t think I’m dressed for this,” Jake had told her, trying to back out after seeing her outlandish, but very erotic outfit. His semi-formal dark gray jacket and slacks didn’t seem appropriate to take this dazzling dame anywhere without one of them embarrassing the other.

“Oh, nonsense, Darling,” Rachel replied, smiling. “You’re just my escort. I’m the showpiece!”

At the door, everyone signed that they were either a member or a member’s guest. Members were put into a lottery – guests could volunteer to enter the lottery, but weren’t required to.

What had interested him the most was that most of the couples were dressed similar to them. The ladies wore flamboyant, attention-demanding costumes that often displayed more flesh than they should for the shape they were in. The men were dressed more casually, or semi-formal, like Jake. This club was definitely a showcase for female flesh.

After about a hour of strolling around and meeting all of Rachel’s acquaintances and lady-friends (“Darling, how ARE you! It’s been so LONG!”), and munching anything that came by on a catered tray, the crowd began milling toward the stage. The curtains were lit, indicating that a show was soon to begin.

Ten minutes later, the curtains were drawn back. On one side of the lighted stage was a stand-alone wall about eight feet high. Attached to the wall were four manacles; two near the top and two near the bottom. Off to the other side, a high bench held several weapons; a bow and arrow, a handgun, a rifle and a hand-held energy weapon.

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Gray Mouse Suicide Club,” an announcer dressed in a black tuxedo said as he walked onto the stage.

The lights darkened in the rest of the room and everyone became quieter. There was an excited tension in the air as they gazed toward the brightly-lit stage.

“This is the fun part,” Rachel whispered into Jake’s ear. “Watch what everyone’s doing…”

Jake looked around the room, noticing that, although everyone was watching the stage, many were also hugging, embracing or petting whoever they were next to.

“For this evening’s entertainment,” the MC continued, speaking very dramatically, “we have the typical ‘Execution Wall’ and a variety of ‘Instruments of Death!’ Each weapon can be used only once, and the couple who are selected as our lottery winners get to select which weapons to use.”

“What?” Jake whispered at Rachel. “One mate is going to kill the other?”

“Of course!” Rachel whispered back. “It’s a suicide club! People come here to die! Others, like me, come here to watch. Pay attention! It’s a real turn-on!”

Jake could see that, sure enough, other couples were getting more involved with each other. Rachel was absently stroking one of her nipples right through the ribbon that (barely) hid it from view. A nearby girl wearing nothing but paint already had her partner’s pants open and was playing with his cock right in the middle of the room.

“The Lottery Number for tonight is,” the MC said, looking out at the crowd for a moment to make sure he had everyone’s attention, “Thirty-six!”

“Oh my God!” someone exclaimed. “That’s you! I mean – that’s us!”

The crowd cleared around the ‘lucky’ couple and made room for them to reach the stage. The woman, dressed in a skintight Lycra, held out her arms for people to caress as she walked slowly forward. As people became bolder, she held her arms over her head to allow them to stroke and caress her body. Several began undressing her as she continued her fatal journey toward the stage.

As Jake watched this performance, Rachel turned toward him and began rubbing her breasts against his shirt, recapturing his attention. As he gazed at her, she pulled a piece of her costume loose from her shoulder and the whole thing unraveled, leaving her completely naked, standing in front of him wearing nothing but blue and silver stripes of body paint that swirled around her, not hiding anything.

“You like?” she asked, smiling at him.

Jake couldn’t answer. He couldn’t get his vocal cords to work.

Rachel began unbuttoning his shirt. “You’re quite a prize, Darling. Not many men in here look as good as you… I hope you have the equipment to match your looks.”

When she reached his waist, Rachel deftly unfastened his belt, then unzipped his trousers. As they fell to the floor, trapping Jake where he was standing, Rachel rubbed her bare belly against his.

“Watch the show, Darling,” she whispered, “while I get you warmed up.”

She sensuously slid her body down the length of his, leaving sparkles of paint on his chest hairs that reflected the bright lights from the stage. Her movement was so erotic that she reminded Jake of the slithering of a snake as it traveled. His attention was drawn back across the room to the doomed woman, now naked, whom several men were sexually mauling.

“Are they going to gang-bang her?” Jake asked, looking down at Rachel as she played with his growing cock.

“Yes,” she replied. “I can tell by the way your cock jumps that it turns you on. Do you want to fuck her, too? It will be her last fuck. I’m certain that you could make her happy, and she’d probably love the idea that someone as handsome as you would remember her.”

“I’m with you,” Jake reminded her. “Wouldn’t you rather have me to yourself?”

“How sweet and old-fashioned you are, Darling,” Rachel replied, then licked his hard cock for an few seconds. “But, I can have you next week. She can’t. She won’t be here. And when you fuck me then, we can both remember her.”

“I, uh… I don’t think…” Jake began. He wasn’t feeling as aroused as he had been.

“That’s all right, Darling,” Rachel said, standing up. “It’s not a requirement. I didn’t really bring you here to give you to someone else.”

Jake thought she sounded disappointed. She was. She was hoping that she’d win the lottery this week. She’d found this hunky, young guy to take her out, and now she was going to have to wait another month.

The selected victim was being sandwiched between two men and moaning loudly as Jake and Rachel watched.

“When they’re finished, and she indicates she’s ready,” Rachel told him, “they’ll carry her on stage and chain her to the wall. Then they will choose which weapon to kill her with.”

“What if he doesn’t kill her?” Jake asked, concerned. After all, that girl was only human. “What happens if he only wounds her?”

“Then he can pick another weapon,” Rachel explained. “I’ve seen this setup before. Each weapon is more deadly that the last. Sometimes the girl doesn’t want to be killed. There are quite a few members that sport their scars as part of their costumes.”

“I haven’t see any,” Jake told her.

“Of course you have!” Rachel laughed. “Look!”

She pointed to her stomach where the swirls of paint began. From the center of an uneven circular ‘birthmark’, bright silver and turquoise stripes swirled off in every direction.

“I was shot right here,” Rachel said, smiling at him. “It hurt really bad, and I didn’t think I could take another one, so I called it ‘quits’.”

“You can do that?” Jake asked, somewhat relieved. If the girl wasn’t killed on the first try, she could still back out and live to see another day.

“Yes, but sometimes I wish I hadn’t,” she replied, more somber, now.

“Rachel, I think we all feel that way sometimes,” Jake comforted her. “But if you have a family or close friends who would be devestated if you died, then you shouldn’t try to kill yourself – unless, of course, you really want to destroy the people who care about you. But if that’s what you want, then you’re just being selfish.”

“Selfish?” Rachel asked, intrigued by this young boy with the hundred-year-old eyes. “Really, how do you figure that?”

“It’s simple,” Jake explained. “If you die, you’re out of the game. Nothing more, either good or bad, will ever happen to you. But the people you never said goodbye to will always be connected, maybe just psychically, to who you were. They’ll never be free of you, or your influence on their lives. So, committing suicide is not only selfish, it’s cruel, as well!

“And besides that,” Jake continued, now that he was on his soap box, “it’s also pretty stupid. Conditions are always changing in a person’s life. What’s killing you now might not be there next year.”

“Yeah! It’ll be something else!” Rachel laughed. “I like you. You think you have everything all worked out, even as young as you are.”

“I guess I do,” Jake admitted. “But, we live and learn.”

“Ugh!” she muttered. “Stop talking now.”

She stretched up and kissed him, then turned in his arms so that her darling rump had his dick trapped against it, and watched the show.

The woman was being carried up onto the stage, now. Her thirty-five or forty year-old body seemed to be in pretty good condition. Jake wondered why she wanted to die. Maybe she’d lost her children or something. That would be as bad as losing a mate. But, her mate would be the one to kill her. How was he feeling about that?

Jake shook his head, realizing that he didn’t understand a lot about human emotion, even as old as he was.

The woman was chained, now. In the bright lights of the stage, the streaks of male cum were easily visible on her stomach and between her legs. The man who had accompanied her began caressing her breasts. The woman moaned, and arched her belly forward.

The man, wearing only a shirt, began to masturbate. After a moment, he shoved his cock up into her well-lubricated pussy, causing the woman to cry out. In only a moment, his buttocks clenched and he was obviously filling her with his cum. He kissed her passionately for another moment, then backed away. A long, sticky strand of cum stretched from her well-used pussy to his half-hard glistening dick, then dropped away.

“Does anyone else desire the use of our lottery winner while she’s chained up?” the MC asked, distracting everyone from the erotic scene. There weren’t any more takers. Most everyone who had a hard-on already had it buried in whoever they were with.

Rachel squirmed her ass against Jake’s boner. Turning her blue-and-silver striped face up at him, Rachel whispered, “Fuck me. I need you inside me.”

She mover her painted butt away, freeing Jake’s hard cock from the confines of her ass-crack. Stretching upward on her toes, she backed back up against him, working her hips so that his cock was sliding along against the length of her pussy. After another couple of thrusts back and forth, the head of his cock easily slipped inside her.

Jake let go of her shoulders and wrapped his arms underneath hers so that he could squeeze her blue and silver striped breasts while holding her against his torso. Rachel moved slowly back and forth on his cock while they watched the pantless man on the stage walk over to the weapons stand.

“Do you suppose he’s her husband?” Jake whispered into Rachel’s ear.

“I don’t know,” Rachel replied. “He could be anybody. They might not even know each other.”

“He must know something if he agreed to kill her,” Jake replied.

“Just watch and enjoy the show,” Rachel told him. “That woman is giving up everything just to entertain you.”

Jake watched silently, remembering a dark-haired knife-bearing beauty who once sliced her tongue just to entertain her audience. She’d given up everything, too, although she hadn’t meant to do that.

The man picked up the bow and looked at the chained woman across the stage. She shook her head, not believing he could hit her with that. He moved on and picked up the pistol. He, along with everyone else, watched her nod slightly.

Taking his time, he took careful aim, then pulled the trigger. A loud report sounded throughout the room. Jake felt Rachel jerk at the sudden sound. Probably most everyone in the room flinched.

The chained-up girl gasped, then began to whimper. There was a dark hole in her chest next to her breastbone – almost directly between her breasts. It wasn’t bleeding much, but the woman was trembling with pain, and probably fear, as well.

The scent of sex began wafting through the air. People in the audience were actually getting off watching that woman being murdered. As disgusted as Jake felt, his cock was enjoying the show. Jake wondered just how closely sex and death were related in the base emotions that ruled most of humanity.

As the man picked up the rifle, Jake felt Rachel’s body tense up. She moaned as she came on his cock, then was still for a moment.

“Does anyone in the audience wish to use our lottery winner right now?” the MC asked the audience.

This time, two men scrambled up onto the stage. The first one there grabbed the woman’s face and made her look at him. Even from where Jake was standing, he could see the sick gleam and the cruel smile on the man’s face as the man rammed his cock into the wounded woman’s pussy. He held her face, making her gaze into his eyes as he pumped in and out of her. In less than a minute, he was coming. He let go of her face and grabbed both her breasts in his hands as he strained to pump one last spurt of cum inside her.

He stepped away, his chest and belly glistening with the woman’s blood and the other man stepped up. Without any prelude or fanfare, the second man shoved his cock in and began rapidly fucking the dying woman. He took longer than the first man had, and, when he came, he raised her head up to look into her face. He stared into her eyes for a moment, the let her head fall against her shoulder.

She was dead.

There were tears in the second man’s eyes when he turned to leave the stage. There were tears in Jake’s eyes too, but that didn’t stop his cock from throbbing inside Rachel’s wet pussy. Rachel whimpered from the fierce pressure of Jake’s hands crushing her breasts as he came inside her.

The MC and the man who had accompanied the dead woman up onto the stage unchained her and lay her body on a massage table, then strapped her down. With one person at each end, they carried her down into the audience for viewing.

When the MC straightened up, he announced, “The volunteer for this month has requested that, after her performance she be made available for anyone to use as they wish.”

“They’re going to dead-fuck her?” Jake asked, really disgusted now, especially since he had gotten off on her death just like all the other sick people here. “Did they do that to you when you decided not to be killed?”

“Yes,” Rachel replied, then shivered. “It was at least an hour before anyone dressed my wound. One man even stuck his dick in it.”

“That must’ve been really awful,” Jake said, comforting her again.

“There are drugs offered for the pain, if you live,” she told him. “I wasn’t feeling much of anything. I was actually enjoying the attention. You can expect to be used by everyone here who came to watch you die, whether you live or not. You can still fuck her, if you want.”

“No,” Jake told her, his voice cold and defensive. “I don’t want.”

“Then we can leave,” Rachel replied. “The show’s over ’til next month, unless you want to watch.”

“Let’s just leave, shall we?” Jake said, feeling half sick to his stomach.

He bent down and pulled his pants back up from around his ankles. There were wet places that made them uncomfortable as the cold, damp fabric pressed against his flesh. He hoped that the wet places were from their own lovemaking…

Rachel stayed with him for several weeks, then left to continue her own life, complaining that Jake was simply too depressing to be around all the time.

His mind drifted back into the bathroom, where he was sitting on the john. His one single visit to a suicide club had occurred when he was still living in Albuquerque, just before he retired. He wondered if Rachel was still alive. Reaching for the console to find out, he suddenly realized his legs were asleep.

‘Damn! They can make a toilet that washes your ass, but they can’t make one that doesn’t cut off your circulation!’

A sonic boom shook the ceiling and walls, announcing that company was arriving.

‘I can look up Rachel later, I guess,’ he thought as he staggered to his feet.


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Note to readers: This is set in the same story universe as the other stories in the Prisoner's Dilemma word, "Curiosity Killed the Cat" and "Separate the Men From the Boys," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Nor Hell a Fury like a Woman Scorned Lockman University had been in turmoil since Professor Ripley had invented the biomass reorganizer four years before. The astonishing new creation hadn't simply thrown communities of physicists and doctors...

1 year ago
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A Mature Neighbor Comes to Call

It had been several months since Henry had been asked to introduce some of his neighbors’ teenaged daughters to the world of sex. The girls and their mothers had wanted, no they had almost insisted, Henry at over fifty years of age take the girl’s virginities and show them how wonderful sex could be. The mothers were afraid their sixteen-year-old daughters would end up getting screwed and knocked-up in the back seat of some boy’s car unless they knew what they were doing sexually. It had been a...

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Fantasy of a Fantasy

It wasn't that I was opposed to man-on-man sex. It's that I wasn't for it. I mean, it didn't get me hard, but it didn't turn me off either. I know this not because I sought it out, but a gal I dated for a while confessed she loved gay porn, and had a fantasy of a threesome, where she'd back off and watch the two guys go at it. This was years ago, of course, and being the open minded guy I was, I said I'd consider it, if, big if, the other dude was okay.But, as I said, this was years ago,...

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The AdvocateChapter 3

Dave pulled a reluctant and Pamela to him and started kissing her. She tried to pull away, but he held her tight. His hands roamed her body as they kissed. Her will to fight was fading and I could tell from her body language that she didn’t want to submit to Dave or anyone else. The problem was that Dave’s experienced hands were having an effect on her body and her cool demeanor was warming fast. A weak. “Noooooooo.” Escaped her lips and I could see all opposition leave her The handsome...

1 year ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 6

“So ... what happened tonight?” I asked. Cyn was a mess. “I couldn’t sleep ... and there’s things going on.” “Like ... bump in the night?” “And the boat suddenly lurching ... like someone was climbing on board. Heavy breathing outside my port light. Slithering on deck ... and more lurches ... and splashes ... all night long. You scared me half to death when you fumbled with the lock.” “Harbour seals,” said Zoe. “They’re a problem. And protected.” “Can’t blame her,” I said, “We were...

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Mosi Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hi readers me Vrinsh from bilimora. Aaj me aapse apni life ki sacchi ghatna btana ja raha hu ki kese mene apni mashi ki ladki ko kese choda. Phle me aap logo ko apne bare me btata hu meri hight 5.11 inch hai or normal indian body hai. Or mere ghr me mere papa mumny or 1 bhen hai. Or mashi ki ldki mujse 10 km me rehti hai uski age abhhi 17 ki hogi or figer 30 26 30 hai koi bhi dekh kr use chodna chahe ga. To ab story pr ata hu. Baat aaj aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai jb. Mere ghr wale dashere ke...

3 years ago
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Masters IslandChapter 12 The Next Morning

The rising sun warmed the new day. The sand on the beach was dark and hard packed from the receding tide. Two nymphs pranced naked in the surf. They were focused on a hapless overturned turtle. Its struggles made their determined efforts to drag it from the waves seem hilarious. The girlish squeals carried above the constant ocean roar. I opened my eyes and sat up. Looking out the hut door I watched my two charges as they labored with their prize. A plowed furrow led from the upended turtle...

4 years ago
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Melissas World

Based on the 1959 short story "The Malted Milk Monster" by Philip Klass * * * * * Melissa's World by Pretzelgirl The instant I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. The unnatural blue of the sky, the perfect shape of the puffy white clouds, the exaggerated slope of the cartoon hills in the distance. And the suffacatingly overpowering smell of chocolate in the area. No doubt about it. I could stand here staring at the...

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EscapedChapter 9

Joe took my hand as we walked into the master bedroom. Once inside I closed the door and asked Joe if we could talk quietly. He told me we could and then asked what I wanted. So, I said, “I think mom is a submissive. I mean I think she has been a submissive before and I think she may be doing whatever daddy wants.” Joe said, “Why do you think that. She was quite put out when we showed up and tried to correct our ways. I am not sure this is what she is.” I said, “Well, it is just the way...

3 years ago
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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 27 Idaho

My Army buddy, Craig Olson, welcomed me to his home in Coeur d'Alene with a big hug and much backslapping. I had contacted him weeks earlier about visiting and emailed him with updates about my travel and arrival dates. I called ahead from Montana to let him know I'd be arriving around seven in the evening after riding hard all day from Montana. Craig helped me unload my motorcycle and move my things into his guest room. He had a town house in a nice area of town; later I'd learn that all...

2 years ago
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A Rescued Teen Slut

My wife and I were on a small vacation at a Hotel in Daytona Beach in Florida. It was the off-season so we could save a little money and we prefer it when the hotels and other places are not so packed with people. Before I get into the story I should tell you that my wife and I are what you might call `good Samaritans’ we’re always ready and willing to extend a hand to help someone in need. My wife is especially attuned to those in need and we’ve even pulled our car over...

1 year ago
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How we want a BBC

My wife and I had been married about 5 years when I finally confessed my craving for sucking cock. We were on a long drive and we always talked about sex and fantasies or would visit the sex shops we passed as we traveled. She was taken back at first but wanted to hear about my fantasies. It started like most, in my teens and hanging with a close male family member. One thing lead to another and as horny teens go, we started with touching each others cocks and moved to sucking each other until...

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NFBusty Lucy Li Vanessa Decker Buxom Babes

Lucy Li and Vanessa Decker are both decked out in matching lingerie, with bras that strain to hold in the bounty of their big breasts. Lucy watches as Vanessa caresses her snatch above her thong, and then joins her on the bed. Soon the girls are locked in a passionate embrace that only breaks so that they can relieve each other of their bras. Dipping her head to lap at Lucy’s breasts, Vanessa buries her face in the buxom bounty before her. Lucy mimics her girlfriend’s movements,...

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What Lies Beneath0

The fabric he had put there was woven with micro thin wires. His laptop was connected wirelessly to the device, and it would send subliminal suggestions to his sister while she slept. It would also monitor her brain waves and send the appropriate signals when she was in the various stage of sleep. She was conservative in her dress and repressed emotionally, and he wanted to see if he could get her to open up a little. Her driving need for excellence, to be the best, was the most...

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Alexandra part two

We had been out on the lake for a couple of hours now. I was really enjoying her company at this point. We decided that we wanted to take a quick dip to cool off, so I dropped the anchor and we dove in. We spent some time playing around and splashing each other. Not only was Alexandra one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen, but she was really fun to be around. I got out of the water and on to the boat first, and then helped her back in. Taking her by the hand, I pulled her into the...

4 years ago
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It’s a beautiful spring morning and you wake early to the sunlight streaming in through your windows, you stretch and rub the sleep from your eyes, turn over and glance at the bedside clock hoping it’s not too early, but it reads 5.30am !! Oh god you think I wont go back to sleep now. You get out of bed and go to the bathroom and run your shower, go to the loo and clean your teeth, by which time the shower has come up to temperature, you step in and feel the fine jets of warm water wash...

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Global Freeuse Laws

Well, recently the entire world started accepting the new law that changed the world completely. They call it the Forced Nudity/Free Use Act which was passed in 2050 by the US Government. The law promised a decline in the rate of daily sexual assault reported in the country, and to be honest the gamble paid well there was a dip of 70% in sexual assault cases by 2055. This entire new law was a risky situation for the US Government as they have to prove that their country was safe for a woman to...

3 years ago
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wife out

"So, did you get lucky last night? Did you get some action?" I asked my wife, as we finally cuddled in bed one Sunday night. She had been sleeping most of the day after returning at 8am from a night out, and there hadn't been any opportunities to ask my burning question due to the k**s and other commitments. We didn't have an open relationship, but I felt sure it was a reasonable question to ask in the circumstances."What do you mean? Of course not," came her slightly stiff reply. "Like I said,...

4 years ago
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Feed Me

FEED ME by Emma Finn 1 Meeting Adam changed my life. I'd been burned by love before - badly burned - and I wasn't really on the lookout for somebody new. I missed the companionship and, God help me, I missed the affection (not that I'd ever had enough of that), but I was also very wary about trusting again. I'd been in a long term relationship for nine years with a guy called Jonathan and really, looking back, it had been nine years in prison. He'd treated me badly; made...

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I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Harvey, my husband of six years was on our patio with his friend Gary. They’d just finished playing golf and were having a drink under the shade of our umbrella. I’d been working on my flower beds, and I was currently no more than a couple of feet from the corner of the house. The patio was just around the corner. I heard Gary ask Harvey, “I didn’t want to ask in front of the other guys, but have you had any luck getting Jill to loosen up yet?” “Nah” my...

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Good Hott Meal

"Hi, Mr. Paris, what are you going to do for Thanksgiving?" The question came from Mae, his newly hired, twenty-three-year-old, part-time, paralegal. "The same as last year, I guess, a Swanson's turkey pot pie and a football game." Everybody in the office knew that he had been divorced for over three years and had turned into a workaholic, dividing his time between the office and his bachelor apartment. "Why don't you come and have Thanksgiving dinner with me and my roommate?" Ken...

2 years ago
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Modern Love StoryChapter 10

A routine was established and it seemed to be working out for all concerned. On Friday nights Kelly would go out with Carl and would stay overnight at his place. I had got used to her weekly absence. I missed her, of course, but I could look forward to the Saturday morning when she returned, when our passion knew no bounds, especially on those occasions when she would leave Carl in his bed, drive home and immediately get into our bed with me. But there was a change to the established routine...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Paige Owens Anal Gaping And Orgasm

Wearing leather lingerie, Paige Owens spreads her plump cheeks and winks her pink asshole. She gives veteran stud Mick Blue a blowjob, drooling as she shoves his cock as far down her throat as she can. Paige jerks his shaft and tongues his bunghole in a slobbering rim job. Mick plugs her butthole with a clear dildo and then replaces it with his big cock. Paige moans as Mick fucks her pulsing sphincter hard. She masturbates to an intense anal orgasm! See expansive rectal gaping and an...

4 years ago
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The mechanic

I was fixing her car outside on the drive, I was a very hot day and I was dripping with perspiration, I knocked at the door, Eve opened the door. It’s all done I said just need to wash up and I’ll be gone. Ok she said. Eve was wearing a long tight figure hugging dress that not only showed off her great figure but the dress was that tight I could make out the lines of her underwear. It looked like Eve was wearing stockings because I could see the tell-tale suspender clips poking through her...

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Mrs Hendersons problem 3Loving it

The car took Harriet to the end of the road off her property and swung a sharp left. From here she was lost, having never ventured off her place in the 11 months they had lived there.Later the driver swung a sharp left then a wide sweeping right and travelled for a few more miles before coming to the front of a huge ranch style mansion. She was greatly impressed.As the car came to a stop the front door was opened and out stepped an immaculately dressed servant to open the car door for her.She...

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Joan my wife a kennel bitch

We have four friends all around my age who I play golf with, all are single, two being divorced. We have them over to our house some weekends for drinks and a meal. Joan always wears a short skirt on these occasions and the lads get an eyeful when she is serving drinks in the lounge after the meal. Sometime back we all had more than our share of drink and everyone was tipsy, and Joan was sat cross legged on the floor giving everyone a good look at her hairy bush, I could see the lads were...

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The Lost Tablet

Lucas Barrett boarded the train after a long day, and a long week of work. The area he normally sat in was full of other people wearing a range of business suits to fast-food uniforms. He climbed upstairs where he saw several empty seats. This area was less popular as most passengers wanted to be near the door when their stop arrived. Since Lucas knew he'd be on the train for a while, he didn't mind. He set his jacket and briefcase in one seat and sat down near the window when he felt...

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One Night Stand

It was the Wednesday Night we had all finished secondary school (Year/Grade11) and this was our prom night, and the night most of us war eloping to lose our virginity at the after prom I had lost mine the year before but that was with someone I only knew for a week to think this could be a night with someone I had know for 5 years or more if it was with a friend I had known since primary or even nursery. Oh, how I was excited for the prom and the after party. These could be the last times I...

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Silver ArrowChapter 9 The Darkest Hours

It took me a few minutes to compose myself as we rode toward our destination. "Was it a traffic accident?" I asked at length. "No, sir," Litchfield answered, but said no more. "What was it then? How did she die?" I saw the two men glance at each other before answering. "We believe your wife was murdered, Mr. Hansen," Etchevarry answered. "Oh God, no! How could that be? Who would murder her? Did this happen in our home?" "No, sir," Etchevarry responded. "She was discovered...

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Unplanned Kinky Experience

Danny a tall good looking hunk of a man introduced his wife Judy, a beautiful trophy wife with perfect tits, ass and legs, to BD/SM sex shortly after their marriage twenty years earlier. They both worked at maintaining their individual looks over the years with diet and exercise. Both of them have always enjoyed and looked for different ways to make their kinky sex exciting. They thought of different ways to have sex most always involving bondage even though they still enjoyed occasional...

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My Introduction to Incest

Our day started as many others with breakfast and watching tv but, this day would move into territory I could only imagine prior to the "event". We were playing under mom's bed with Annie's dolls and the one I had just had to fuck the girl doll because that was what adults did right? Well her doll was a Barbie and the one I used was a Ken and she was doing the usual girl things - dancing, vamping and so forth and mine was cock of the walk and he told Barbie to get in the bedroom. ...

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Sir LancelotChapter 12

The farm that Silk Weaver had referred to was remotely located in the back-country some ten miles north of Parksburg. Burke, a tall, pasty- faced individual with vicious eyes and limp-wrists, drove the Buick sedan. Jamey rode beside him with Lou Freed on his right, while Silk sat in back with Susan and Nadine under his constant surveillance. Nadine couldn't restrain the tears of shame and near-terror that dribbled down her lovely young face, at last, realizing that had it not been for her...

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Meeting Liz

She was a girl on a porn site and so was I. Every night, I frequently search thru looking for good pictures or videos to jerk off to. There were several ladies that turn me on but this one in particular just lit my balls on my fire. We'd met online originally and in person week's after we played in chat. Liz was (and I assume still is) GORGEOUS! About fun size, curvy but not overweight, long, light brown hair, big, full breasts, the kind that women who get implants would KILL for. And she loved...

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PenthouseGold Allyssa Hall Horny Cheerleader Gets What She Wants

Young blonde Alyssa Hall is yet another one of our horny cheerleaders that’s always out on the hunt for a well-hung stud to fuck her good. In today’s exclusive Penthouse video the cheerleader babe finds Danny Mountain focusing on a game of billiards. With a little cheer and a shake of her pompoms, Alyssa succeeds to get Danny focusing on her perky little tits instead. After a good blowjob down on her knees, he’s soon putting the rest of his concentration on fucking the nympho...

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Fucking the brothers

I have known Matt for many years. He was a senior when I first met him. Being part of the football team and six foot tall, he was a girls dream. Many girls fawned over him and he enjoyed being the school jock. Being the junior I had my hots for him and eventually one day at a party we made out and I gave him a quick blow job, although we never managed to fuck. Recently, through mutual friends I heard that Matt was coming to my town to help his elder brother move after a nasty divorce. I had...

4 years ago
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Public Bathroom Encounter

This happened to me when I was 22 years old. I was on my friend Sonia's birthday, I had drunk too much, when the birthday cake came, which also carried alcohol, I ate a portion and felt that the world was spinning at my feet, I was very dizzy. I decided to retire from the party and return to my house. I walked to Dalkey station, it was raining, so I walked through the middle of the street to get wet and clear a little. It was too late and there was no one out there. I took the train, but the...

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HunterChapter 6

I liked the idea of having more than one customer, so much so that I started looking around for possibilities. What was bothering me was the fact that I could now get everything Mr. Benson wanted in half a day. I was sure that I could get 12-15 adult hog carcasses in a day with three dogs working for me. The big trouble was that I could not get rid of the hogs fast enough to make that practical. I couldn't just kill every hog that I found and feed them out slowly to Mr. Benson because most...

4 years ago
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Confessions of an Erotic Pornstar in heat

I want to kiss you on the nape of ya neck while rubbing ice on ya left nipple because it's the most sensitive. While I'm standing behind you kissing you on ya neck... I drag the Ice cube down your stomach; circling it around your navel letting, the drops of water run between ya pussy lips. I kiss n lick down the spine of your back, squeezing your nipples each time I kiss you. I lick between ya ass cheeks while I spread em` open working my way to the wet hotbox & eat ya pussy from back to...

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