Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 01 free porn video

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It had been a slow, lazy month since Béla’s judgement ended her month-long nightmare of mind-ripping interrogation by the Praetor. After all that mental torment, she still had difficulty believing it was over. Not only was she free, but the Praetor had determined that the ‘individual presently known as Béla was a random Quantum factor necessary to the survival of civilization. As such, her unimpeded…’

Béla didn’t remember all the elocutionary terms the Praetor had used, but her understanding of it was…

On two known occasions, her unpredicted influence had benefited the survival potential of civilization beyond its ability to be measured. The fact that that both of these events occurred within a relatively short time of each other indicated the likelihood of earlier, unknown events effecting civilization in a like manner.

In addition, as all previous attempts to curb her seemingly careless disregard of the civil codes had been disastrous, or, at best, was of indeterminate effect, she was granted ‘Carte Blanche’ status; complete freedom to do as she wished. She was not to be brought before judgement again, ever.

Although delighted with the assurance of her continued survival as a free being, Béla wasn’t sure it was a good idea to give her *that* much freedom. Most of the ‘improvements to civilization’ that she was aware of had been as a direct result of her adversarial confrontations with the judgement system (i.e. her father or the Praetor), forcing improved conditions for everyone. What the judgement had effectively done was grant her ‘queen of the world’ status for killing somebody. It would surely cause her problems, eventually.

For the last four weeks, Béla had spent at least half of her time recovering, allowing her mind to mend; doing absolutely nothing except lie in the sun and watch the clouds float over the inner surface. She discovered that she couldn’t track them completely around the entire circumference of New Eden. As they continually evaporated and reformed, individual clouds, and even masses of them, didn’t last that long. Besides, the air was too thick to see all the way across to the other side.

The southern crystal sun had been shining for almost a week now as Béla measured time. For the next two months, because of the tremendous output of the two crystal suns, one at each pole, there could be no travel between the surface and the great ship.

Béla had just finished her morning audience seated beside the Great Bard Geoffrey. She found it surprisingly easy to resolve disputes and determine punishments for various violations of the civil codes. The goddess had only to look into someone’s mind to determine what was required for that person’s continued civility.

As her psychic abilities improved, she became aware that many grievances between two parties were actually due to the fact that one or both litigants believed something about the other that simply wasn’t true. Once the falsehoods were cleared up, the involved, and often, embarrassed, participants usually resolved their grievances themselves.

The people of the Lorraine District loved and respected their goddess and her companion, the Great Bard Geoffrey, to the degree that they practically governed themselves in honor of them. They remembered their last master with his hated ‘goon squad’ and were grateful that the goddess had intervened.

They were, however, somewhat disappointed that she didn’t require their worship of her, especially after titillating tales of the ‘Goddess of the Land’s Spring Festival’ at New Hope began circulating.

Thinking about worshipping goddesses, Béla put her attention on Elaine’s mind as she slept in her own private audience chambers on the third floor of the manor. Currently she was lying naked in the middle of the cold marble floor, exhausted from a private little experiment she’d conducted with the help of a dozen of her more ardent new admirers.

Back on the ship, while the two sisters had feasted on each other celebrating Béla’s newly won freedom, Elaine, mind-linked with her sister, had discovered Béla’s memories of her sex club. Enthralled, Elaine vampirically embraced the concept of being violently mistreated while having sex with multiple male partners and wanted to experience it herself.

When Elaine had been a Mayan princess, she had never considered taking more than one sacrifice at a time. That may have been partly because no sacrifice ever survived any sexual encounter with the Espirito Sheba who now called herself Elaine.

Her first gangbang was much more exciting than feasting on her sacrificial partners had ever been. She found it impossible to control a dozen horny young men and quickly became the object of their lust, simply hanging on for the ride as she was passed around the room like one big, horny party favor. Plus, all of her worshipers survived, so it wasn’t necessary to find new and usually unwilling sacrificial replacements every time she wanted sex.

Elaine decided she liked being a goddess, again. She was going to have to think up a name for herself, since Espirito Sheba, Spirit (or Goddess) of the Land, had been usurped by Bard Geoffrey to describe her older sister, Béla.

Although Béla was being physically lazy, her mind was busy working on details of creating a hedonistic society similar to the Sumarian culture she experienced during her early years on Earth. Among other fundamental changes in earth culture that she’d lived through, the gradual, but sometimes violent, move from matriarchal to male-dominated societies was the cause of many cultural problems that had infested mankind throughout the ages. Once men got involved with power, war, and the enslavement of the female half of the population, they seemed to lose their empathic abilities.

‘Perhaps that was because they couldn’t bear to feel in their minds what they were doing to their women,’ thought Béla as she worked her way through the problem.

But that wasn’t going to happen again, because Béla and her sister ‘goddesses’ were fully and firmly in charge now.

This whole Victorian-Christian modesty bit was incredibly galling to her. She didn’t know any of her siblings who, once they learned how to fly, enjoyed having to wear clothes (well, except for Melinda and Hank – Hank had started this whole religion mess anyway and Melinda was a must-have-total-control-of-everything psycho nut case. They deserved each other, but Béla felt sorry for anyone living in their district).

Sexuality was much more expressed and appreciated back in Ur when she was a handmaiden to Nanna, the Moon Goddess. There were dozens of temples to many different gods and goddesses, most of which provided the same sexual service as hers. Plus, Hethemtima (her name back then) had also been a diviner.

Petitioners to the Moon Goddess often needed a ‘character reference’ to determine their sincerity. Hethemtima had excelled at providing this necessary and extremely pleasant service for her foster mother, the High Priestess. Because of her empathic abilities, she was usually correct in her assertion of the petitioner’s sincerity or lack of it.

Béla realized that major cultural changes took time. She had a good start with what she had accomplished so far. There were twenty-nine goddesses, including herself, spread across New Eden. Most had their own district of authority where they maintained order.

Right now, the power of the goddesses came from the fact that they had suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere; divine intervention to thwart an unstoppable, rampaging disease that was decimating the already sparse population of this little world. The survivors were more than grateful and happily turned the responsibility for their welfare over to their new saviors.

Béla decided she would bounce some of her ideas off her companion, Jeff, at the ‘evening’ meal. Right now, she was feeling restless and needed to fly.

She stood and, flexing her shoulders, stretched her arms up toward the sky. As her wings formed, she crouched low and jumped, pushing her wings down against the air. With several powerful strokes, she was dozens of meters high. She felt awe radiating from one of the gardeners as he watched her somewhat awkward rise into the sky.

'Sorry, but gaining altitude is a lot of work!' she thought at him as she reached for another wingful of air.

Moments later, she was gliding over the town and looked around at the green world surrounding her. It smelled wonderful. The people were happy. Some pointed at her and some waved as she sailed over their heads. Béla was used to being the center of attention. She liked being the center of attention.

Béla now had the freedom to go anywhere on the entire planet and do anything she wanted. She was known everywhere, mostly thanks to the Great Bard Geoffrey and his amazing stories about her. Wherever she went, people deferred to her with respect and admiration. She enjoyed it despite the fact that her high visibility seemed to attract a lot of trouble. Everywhere she went, people wanted her to solve their problems; respectfully, of course.

‘So why am I so restless?’ Béla asked herself. ‘I feel useless, bored, nothing to do. Is this what it’s like to have everything you’ve ever wanted handed to you?

‘I have conquered the world and have nothing to show for it.

‘Who said that, anyway? Hannibal or Alexander? I remember Hannibal – he wouldn’t have said anything like that… He needed speechwriters just to say ‘good morning’ to the Caesar when he arrived in Rome.

She smiled, though, as she remembered his stamina in her multi-colored tent.

Béla finished circling the Lorraine District and began her flight back to her estates. She decided to see Jeff now, rather than wait until dinner. She landed on the second-floor balcony outside her bedroom and stepped inside, out of the warm sunlight. Searching with her mind, she located the great bard in his study.

He was writing. He was always writing. He was writing about her; no doubt another epic tale to be included in his legends, another ode to his goddess.

‘I need to put that magnificently imaginative mind of his to work on something more productive than writing odes about me…’ she decided. ‘I’ll bet he can fix this mood I’m in – give me something worthwhile to do until the resources of the great ship are available again.’

Béla leaned against the doorway and gazed into the library. Jeff had his back to the door and was now studying a large, hard-back tome.

‘Probably an encyclopedia,’ she thought.

She could simply brush against his mind and find out what he was thinking, but she was constantly practicing restraint these days, knowing how much trouble her impetuous behavior had caused her before. Now that the Praetor wanted nothing more to do with her, she was going to have to restrain herself. No one else was going to do it.

Jeff laughed abruptly and radiated a selfish satisfaction with himself. “I was right!” he stated, unaware that anyone was around.

“Right about what?” Béla asked from the doorway.

Jeff jumped about a foot, dropping the book to the table. He looked up, surprised, then frowned.

“Will you put something on?” he asked impatiently. “Please?”

Every time he saw her, she was delightfully naked. Every time he saw her, he wanted to throw her sweet body against the wall and pin her there with his personal shaft. It was so… improper… to constantly think of his goddess that way.

‘I wouldn’t mind,’ she thought at him, grinning at his discomfort. ‘I’m ready if you are…’

“Do you realize there are petitioners at the front gate and that they’re lined up around the block?” he said, looking down his nose at her and trying not to stare at her bare breasts. “They come to see you – some just to touch you, some seeking your help to redress some real or imagined wrong. And here you are, parading around like… oh, my!”

“I wanted to talk to you about that,” Béla replied cheerfully. “There’s no established hierarchy now that we have goddesses floating around all over the place. A power structure needs to be established.”

“I was already on that track, Goddess,” Jeff replied smugly. “This is a passage about the Delphi Oracle. She had her own temple, handmaidens, and everything. I have realized that, in order to maintain order, a temple must be built to honor you, if you’ll pardon the expression, and from where you may hold court.”

“Well, actually, Dawn was the Oracle,” Béla replied, smiling, “but I was thinking along the same lines, especially regard…”

“The sunrise was an Oracle?” Jeff interrupted, confused.

“No, Darling,” Béla said sweetly. “Another of my sisters, Dawn, was the Oracle of Delphi. You met her. She was here with Jolene.”

“She was the Oracle? But that was thousands of years ago!” Jeff said, astounded. “Just how old are your sisters? How old are you, really? I know I saw you born a few weeks ago, but… How many times have you been born?”

Béla smiled. Jeff was so innocent, and so intelligently inventive. She wasn’t going to have any trouble setting up her new land of Sumer.

“Originally, we were all born within a few hundred years of each other,” she told him.

She had to be careful with her words. She was aware that anything she said could end up in one of the epic tales he was constantly penning.

“I was the last to be born,” Béla continued. “I was brought down to Egypt, before the pyramids were built, and was raised in the land of Sumer.”

She noticed that Jeff had sat down and begun writing on the pad he constantly carried around with him.

“You’re taking notes?” she asked, annoyed.

‘I should have expected it! He’s going to end up being the official historian for New Eden.
‘Of course! That’s what a bard is! Stupid me!’ She laughed out loud.

“What?” Jeff asked.

Béla walked over and embraced him, hugging her bare breasts against the side of his head.

“I should be more careful of what tasks I set before others,” she said, cryptically.

Jeff had embraced the task his goddess had set before him, his bardic destiny, with a fervor that still could completely surprise her.

“You know, each of us has their own history,” Béla mentioned, teasing him again. “Elaine was a queen in Sheba who was deposed and fled across a great sea with a few of her devoted followers. She created her own empire in a new land halfway across the world. Melinda had her own castle in Spain back in the Middle Ages of Europe where many people were tortured and killed during the Great Inquisition. Beth was a consort to Count Dracula, himself. I personally was responsible for a lot of the Druid mythology five hundred years earlier.”

She didn’t feel right about mentioning the other great historical figure Beth had been consort to. Beth had been consort to both lord and devil and had preferred the devil.

Jeff had stopped writing while Béla was talking. He was staring at his goddess with his mouth open.

“You were talking about a temple for me?” Béla asked, quizzically.

Jeff blinked several times, trying to wrap his mind around dozens of goddesses roaming across the worlds creating all sorts of havoc.

“Speaking of havoc,” Béla mentioned, casually, “my sister, Jolene, was with Alexander…”

“Stop!” Jeff cried. “I get it!”

“And Helen eloped to Troy with her boyfriend,” Béla added as a joke, suppressing a laugh as Jeff began shaking her by her shoulders.

“I can’t do this!” Jeff cried, digging his fingers into Béla’s bare shoulders. Béla winced under the pressure of his farmer-strong hands.

“Relax, Darling,” she told him, her voice shaking as he shook her shoulders, “you have hundreds of years to sort it all out.”

Jeff looked at her, not believing what she was saying.

“What do you mean?” he asked, trying to control his anxiety.

He let go of his goddess, dropping her the inch or two that he had raised her off the ground.

“Did you think that being my consort wouldn’t have it’s rewards?” his goddess asked, “You have consumed my life essence. You will live long enough to complete your task, and longer. You will never be ill, again. You will have a rich, rewarding life, with many wives and children.”

Béla was being Hethemtima the Diviner now, surprising herself with the ease with which she again assumed her ancient mantel.

“You are going to be a great teacher,” she told him. “This manor, or another of your choosing, is to become a bardic school. You will teach the theology you are writing even now to students who will travel from town to town, even as they did on earth hundreds of years ago. If you wish, you can even set up a mathematics and a science department. It could be a university, if you choose it to be, teaching a myriad of subjects.”

“But I know nothing about these subjects,” Jeff protested.

The goddess silenced him gently, pressing a finger to his lips.

“Do you remember the great ship you arrived in?” she asked him.

Jeff nodded.

“Do you remember what a computer is?” Béla continued, knowing that a direct question regarding certain subjects defeated any mind-wipes the Praetor may have performed on him.

“Yes,” he said, thinking hard. “It’s a machine, with memory. It remembers things and calculates…”

“Good,” Béla acknowledged. “There are living computers on the great ship that have the entire histories of all our people; yours, mine, my father’s. It also contains all the scientific data known to my father’s people. It teaches my father’s people their history, their skills, and rounds out their education with mathematics and science.”

“Do they have all the information that is in these texts?” Jeff asked, indicating the wall full of encyclopedias and books.

Béla laughed, “Yes, they do, and much more, besides. But keep the books. They are a storehouse of knowledge and shouldn’t be destroyed. They may actually contain historical notes that are not known to my father’s people.”

“Then they are worth studying after all?” Jeff asked.

“Of course,” his goddess replied.

Jeff, feeling immensely relieved but not understanding why, embraced his goddess, hugging her tightly. Her naked form fit against his body so well – her hard nipples digging into his ribs right through his light robe.

Béla managed to twist her head around so that she could graze her teeth against Jeff’s soft neck. Biting down, but not breaking the skin, she opened her mind to his, letting him feel how erotically squeezable she felt in his tight embrace.

She smiled to herself as he groaned and squeezed her tighter. As her ribs were compressed even more tightly against her insides, Béla released his neck and bit down against Jeff’s jaw; harder, this time. Surprised, Jeff released his bear hug, but still held the dark-haired beauty tightly against him.

‘It’s all right,’ she thought into his mind. ‘Can’t you see I like how you make me feel?’

She and her pet bard had only made love a few times since her return from the great ship high above them. Aside from the fact that Jeff seemed to have a low-voltage sex drive, he also (still?) had problems with the idea of a mere, undeserving mortal making love to a divine entity.

'He's really going to have trouble with what Elaine is planning...' she thought to herself.

“You’re not mortal anymore,” Béla reminded him. “Remember? You drank my blood…”

She watched, amused, as Jeff worked the new information through his head. It was almost like watching switches turning on and off – switches that determined what he allowed himself to do, or even think about.

‘He’d make a good study for building a robot,’ Béla thought, watching the process.

After a moment, Jeff smiled, then kissed her passionately. He hadn’t kissed her since that very first day, when he thought she'd been made mortal and wanted to comfort her. Béla chuckled deep in her throat as she realized that she’d finally found and defeated the barrier that had kept Jeff from loving her completely. He was no longer a mere, undeserving mortal.

Jeff had been hard and aroused all along, or at least since he’d looked up to see his naked goddess leaning against the doorway watching him. Now he lowered his arms and pressed her smooth belly against him deliberately. Béla grinned up at him and wiggled her hips, rolling that erotic bulge beneath his robe back and forth.

In a moment, her twisting movements had Jeff’s robe open in the front with his warm cock pressed against her bare belly with nothing between it and her. Jeff stepped back, surprised at his own forward behavior, and watched as Béla slid her sensuous body down, caressing his hard cock with her stomach, then her breasts, then her hands and lips as she knelt down in front of him.

Before today, he would never, ever have allowed himself to shove his unworthy cock into his goddess’ mouth. But now, he throbbed with pure desire, knowing that his immortal cock was about to be surrounded by her immortal lips and her hot, willing mouth. He nearly came at just the thought of it.

“Oh, God… Goddess!” he gasped as Béla slid her lips over the end of his cock.

Béla almost laughed out loud as she watched her lover’s bardic mind compare the differences between his goddess’ mouth and her ‘nether regions’. He had only experienced her hot and hungry vulva, before. But now, he was…

‘Oh my God!’ Béla thought, delighted and almost choking on his cock in surprise. ‘This is his first blowjob! Ever! He’s a mouth virgin!’

She had intended to simply take him to the edge of orgasm, then ride his wonderful, hard cock until he exploded deep inside her aching pussy. But now, everything suddenly changed. She needed him to come in her mouth. After all, his first time in a girl’s mouth should be memorable.

She continued to suck on him, keeping track of the thoughts that flowed through Jeff’s mind. Her mouth was looser and much wetter than her pussy, but her tongue made him feel sensations in his cock that he’d never experienced before. She smiled as best she could and swirled her tongue around his tip several times, elliciting an excited groan and an uncontrolled forward thrust from her bard.

As he neared orgasm, he began pumping back and forth, attempting to fuck her mouth. The tightness and the pressure of actual fucking was completely missing, and he realized that, as wonderful as having her mouth around his cock was, he preferred the pressures he could exert against both their bodies during regular fucking. He simply had to be too gentle with her mouth…

Béla could easily see the problem in his mind and tightened her lips against his cock as hard as she could, wrapping her teeth with her lips and using her jaw muscles to press her lips harder against his cock. She didn’t enjoy that as much, though, and was quickly starting to feel her mouth getting raw from the friction.

Jeff, also mind-linked, could feel the subtle change in his goddess, and pulled his cock out of her mouth.

“Let’s do it the regular way, Goddess,” he said, smiling down at her.

Béla licked her sore lips and nodded. Jeff pulled her up to a standing position and they kissed again. He noticed that her mouth felt different, softer and a little puffier, now that his cock had been in there.

Sitting down on the edge of his chair, Jeff leaned back, holding his cock straight up, and invited Béla to sit on him. Béla quickly straddled him and sank down with a soft moan. Jeff moaned with her as he felt the tight, wet heat of her body surrounding his hard cock.

Béla leaned forward to lie against her lover and hooked her feet over his legs stretched out behind her. Jeff flexed his knees a little to hold her weight. Although Béla’s back was already arched in a really erotic pose, she managed to start moving her hips up and down on Jeff’s hard shaft, arching even more, then relaxing for each gentle stroke.

They both had lost a lot of sexual momentum during that position change, and getting back to ‘frenzied need’ took quite a while. Béla slowly pistoned her hips up and down, enjoying the sensation of that nice, hard shaft pressing directly against the hood of her clit on every downstroke.

Several times, Béla stopped moving and simply twitched for a minute or two. Jeff smiled and held her tightly against him, feeling each orgasm as it radiated through both their bodies. For some reason, her having orgasms didn’t make him want to orgasm, himself. He was too drunk on the fact that his cock was, for the moment, anyway, the very center of her sensual universe. He wanted his goddess to spend the rest of eternity grinding pleasantly against his hard cock.

After about her fifth orgasm, though, Jeff was starting to feel that familiar heat rising up his hard shaft. Cum was starting to throb its way up, and in another second or two, he would be pumping it deep into his goddess' loving cunt.

Béla raised her head, feeling his anxiety and the nearness of his orgasm. Her body was already completely satisfied, and she remembered that he was still a mouth virgin. Quickly, she raised her pelvis completely off his cock, surprising him and nearly killing his orgasm. She slid down his body like it was a board and engulfed his cock roughly with her mouth.

Sucking hard, she pumped her head up and down a couple of times. Then, despite the fact that Jeff was now in more of a state of surprise than arousal, his cock started to spurt. Béla tightly gripped the base of his cock with her hand and fucked him with her mouth a couple more times.

Then she released her hand, and, with a loud moan, Jeff pumped his cum into her mouth, spurting several more times.

After a moment, Béla released him and his cock dropped down between his legs. Jeff gazed down at her for a moment, stunned by the sensation of coming down her throat. His first spurt, before Béla had been able to catch and wrap her fingers around the base of his cock, had spattered her left breast and her cheek. The rest of his cum had gone down her throat.

Still mind-linked with his goddess, he was amazed at how much she had enjoyed what he considered to be a very non-erotic sensation – swallowing his cum. He reached down and, letting her put her hands in his, pulled her up and against him.

When she gently kissed him, he could taste his own cum on her mouth. Perhaps the taste of cum wasn’t all that ‘non-erotic’, after all – especially when it was her sweet mouth he was tasting, as well.

“Now…” she murmured lovingly as she kissed him again. “About my temple…”


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In retrospect, it was hard for Amanda to believe everything that had happened, and that it had all happened so fast. It was all such a blur. One day she was just a high school student touring the local YMCA with her high school gym class; the next day she was being touted as some national hero – pictures of her on the front page of newspapers coast to coast and all over the internet; she herself appearing on a late night TV show – all because she’d successfully sucked the cock of some 83-year...

Group Sex
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Copyright© (c) 1994-2003 "Oden the bardling averred His muse was the bum of a bird, And his Lesbian wife Would finger his fife While Fisherwood waited as third." -author unknown She came highly recommended, with references and a resume that greatly impressed me. The children loved her, my wife was thankful of the excellent work she did, and I was able to spend more time with my work. The maid also entered my family and began to systematically control or terrorize everyone in the...

3 years ago
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The HoldupChapter 2

Abbot Balfour was still studying the sheen of the sheer tan pantyhose encasing the well-formed thighs of the pretty stewardess when she reached for the intercom microphone. This caused her skirt to open wider and Abbot's cock flinched as he took in an eyeful of the young woman's pristine white nylon panties which she wore over her pantyhose. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying Southern States Airlines; we have made good time and will be landing forty-five minutes ahead of schedule...

2 years ago
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This is a partially true story, embellished a little to make better reading, but most of the facts are true. Katie came running into the living room as the phone continued to ring. I never answered the phone, usually it was some guy trying to setup a fun evening and if I answered they would get spooked and never call back, then I would be in trouble for spoiling some of her fun. "Hello," Katie answered. "Hi Mom, anything wrong." "I was just wondering, you very seldom call during the...

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A bisexual woman8217s first time using a dog

Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn’t care who or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage to stuff into her aching pussy. “A girl can only go so long without riding the big shaft,” she thought, “and I’ve gone about as far as I want to go.” It had not been all that long. Only yesterday she had screwed the mail boy down in the basement of the building she worked in, and last night Ralph had pumped her cunt full of cum before he had to...

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Merry Exmas

A flip of a switch filled the yard with colored lights. Regina smiled while watching the spruce trees lining the sidewalk appear to spin. She didn't care that chasing lights were out of style - she liked them. Curtain lights, icicle lights, LEDs ... The trend changed every year anyway. Turning around, she sighed. It was hard to get into the spirit in an empty house. The loss of her dad five years earlier had started it, followed by her mother the following year, and then the divorce. This...

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Conversation with Ella

Ella is desperate for her sons.I received this email some time ago. It speaks for itself. But the exchange ended abruptly. Read on!OMG ...Thank you!I just finished A Conversation Online with Rene and am absolutely exhausted. I've carried a passion for i****t erotica for longer than I can remember hon. I'm married, with two sons, and live in what could be best described as Mayberry West, so it's obvious a fantasy I've hidden from all. Finding Literotica was such a treat and finding so many...

4 years ago
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SCALLY DELIGHTS CHAPTER 1 - DALE MA' BOY(Gay TM/M Submission/Domination)All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between a teenager and a middle aged married man. The teenager dominates the man.If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned.PS: I am not a native English speaker so grammar might not be perfect, but I hope you will enjoy the story regardless.MAIN CHARACTERSDavid = 45 Bank ManagerDale = 18 ChavI don't know why I accepted, I guess I could...

3 years ago
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You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 8

This is an addendum to Pretty Mouth Ch. 07, due to error on my part or Literotica's the ending was lost. This will conclude Ch. 07 and include a full story for the series. Thanks for all the wonderful emails praising my writing. I write fairly well but I think it is our twisted minds that make you enjoy my stories so much. For those who don't like my stories, that is fine too but you need to use more constructive criticism rather than boring vulgarities. I'll gladly try to incorporate all...

2 years ago
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Spizoo Lily Lane Girlfriends Experience

Damn it. I was in Las Vegas the other week and I saw online that Lily Lane, this tattoo hottie, was available for private meetings. I called her agent and it was really easy to deal with it and Lily was already on her way to my hotel room. OMG, she is hot in pictures but in person she is smoking hot, She is a sexy tattoo girl and I love edgy girl and her ass is something that you can just fall in love for it. She was really friendly and after she got my comfy I pulled out my cock I fucked her...

2 years ago
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Shukhi Dampotto 8211 Part III

Amar boyosh 20. Amar boro bou(amar ma) er boyosh 36, choto bou(amar khala) er boyosh 30. Boro bouer ghore dui sontan, 6 bosorer ekti meye, seler boyosh 1. R ase nani abong dadi. Rat 10ta. Ami bisanay shue ma amak dudh disse. Ma blouse khule duto mai-e ber kore rekhese. Tar vor nitol dudu duto dudhe aro var hoye ase. Ami tar boroy bichir moto ekti bota mukhe nie tene tene dudh khassi. Ma chokhe-mukhe tripti nie amak dekhse. Khala ghere elo. Se khater upor amder pase bose amak dudh khaoano...

4 years ago
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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

4 years ago
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Maxines New Life Ch 11

Chapter 51 JENNIFER I recognized the ten year old black Cadillac parked outside the China Palace. It had been in my office parking lot earlier in the day. That meant that it had to be Reverend Archer’s car. It really didn’t stand out in the China Palace’s parking lot, but my shiny BMW would. I could only hope that my paint was still the same, when I finished my meal. One never knows these days, I thought. The China Palace was a minor restaurant as those things go. It would seat about fifty...

4 years ago
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Tempest of LiesChapter 33

Amanda awoke with a start, her eyes flying open and seeing nothing but smooth stone a hand's breadth from her face. She did not know where she was until she turned over on the soft furs. She blinked and squinted at the bright, late morning light. She did not remember returning to the slave quarters, let alone her own niche. She had been so tired she had fallen asleep in the carriage despite her injuries. She looked down at her feet and felt her cheek and lips, but found nothing but smooth...

3 years ago
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Office Sissy 3

The meeting the day before, at which I'd told everyone in the office, in extensive detail, about all of my preferences and fantasies and desires, had been an incredibly exciting experience. It was all verbal, no one even touched me, but exciting nonetheless to have revealed myself as a helplessly and easily arousable submissive sissy. I told them all how much I loved to crossdress and be treated as a sexy little girl, told them my secret names, Jennypout or 'little jenny', that I got an...

1 year ago
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Shevampire a fantasy

I have to share this with you. - Two of my closest friends (who have the perpetual hots for each other) continually flirt and beat around the bush with their attraction, but neither of them had got up the nerve to actually act on their blatant mutual desire for one another. Tina (not her real name) came to me and asked for advice as she had several fantasies about Chris (not his real name) and wondered if she should let him know. I advised her to send one to him in an email and see what his...

Adult Humor
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Part 27 Perfect Circle

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 27: Perfect Circle It was a Saturday afternoon. Holly and I had been out doing the typical couple stuff, shopping, eating lunch, nothing out of the ordinary. As I pulled into the driveway, we both noticed some extra vehicles. We walked in the front door, to a surprise. There was six girls sitting in our living room. Sandy and Stephanie, of course. Sandy, the short latino with large natural breasts, Stephanie the blonde with small tits. But also...

4 years ago
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Now I can tell her story

Wife and I have just parted ways, and I told her as long as we were together that I wouldn't tell people about her past and what she's done for fun. Guess what, it's tell time. Before I met her my recent ex used to be a call girl/hooker in Charolotte. She told me that early on in our relationship and I was excited with the idea of having a woman who would do just about anything. When we met she had just recently moved here and didn't have any friends in the area, so we would hang out with my...

2 years ago
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Stacys Diary Chapter 1 Part 1

Dear Diary, I haven't written in a long time. I have changed alot. I know, weird, right? I am now sixteen years of age and I have made some wonderful friends at my school; There is Beck, Cassy, Victoria, Lisa, and Monette. They are all really great friends. I seem to be getting too ahead of myself... I Guess I'll start from the beginning.... Chapter 1 It all started two months ago. Dad told me and Ryan, my older brother, that we were moving. From New York to California....

4 years ago
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The Rebellion Part One

*Princess T*  I spit and struggle, my limbs aching from the tight bonds, made tighter by the cruel slavers. They repaid my escape attempts and struggles with a vicious beating, leaving me tender and weak. The narrow confines below deck are cramped, and I can hear the creaking of wood and the calls of sailors. I know I am far from the beloved mountains and forests of my home."Quit yer fighting, whore. You are bound to a noble's bed, and our pockets will be heavy with silver!" The slavers cackle,...

4 years ago
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A Window Into Sex

The scream came in the windows with the hot summer air and woke us. When I opened my eyes my wife was sitting up next to me in bed, alarm showing clearly on her face in the dim light in our room. “Did you hear it?” she said in a stage whisper. “Yeah.” I was half asleep. A moment later we heard whimpering, like an injured puppy. My frightened wife clutched my arm and shook it. Her grip was not comfortable. “Did you hear that?” I sat up. “Yeah, yeah. Listen.” Another scream ripped the night,...

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The Dungeon of Lewd Perversions

Serra the Knight sighed as the last of the kobolds fell beneath her sword and wiped away the blood. The foul little reptilians had been too busy raping her predecessor to see her coming, and then spent so much time trying to disarm and capture her that she was able to defeat the small band. “Scum” she spat at the dead monster and sheathed her sword. Her sister knight, Farah, lay on the ground naked and covered in cum. The strong stench of sex made Serra want to gag, but she fought back the urge...

2 years ago
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Country BoysChapter 8

Pepper looked around at his surroundings in confusion. He was currently standing in the middle of nowhere. There wasn’t a single thing made by a human within sight. There were a few scrub trees, a lot of dirt, a few cacti, and not much else. He asked, “Where’s the hotel?” “What hotel?” Donny asked amused by the question. “You said this is where we are staying for the night,” Pepper said. “That’s right,” Donny said. Pepper said, “So where’s the hotel?” “We aren’t staying in a hotel,”...

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Doc Ch 18

Early the next morning we had breakfast with Grandpa, and the rest of the family. Judge Mitchell showed up at the stables as we were hitching the mules to the wagons. ‘Clay, I need to speak to you before you leave. Do you have a minute?’ he asked. Going over to him, I said, ‘Sure, Judge. We was just getting ready to go. What can I do for you this morning?’ ‘The telegraph we sent to Fort Laramie hasn’t had any results as of yet, so here is a warrant for Jack McCall. I’m also giving you ten...

3 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 27 Making Plans

Monday night I got to sit down with Mom and ask how her weekend had gone. “So, did Daddy like your new jewelry?” I asked. Mom blushed bright red, but she smiled and nodded. “I couldn’t believe it! It was like we were back on our honeymoon; he was insatiable!” “Where’d you go for dinner?” Mom shrugged. “I don’t really know the name of the place. It was over on the other side of town, very dark and quiet. We didn’t run into anybody we knew, thank God!” I raised my eyebrows comically at this....

2 years ago
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Teen walks in on me licking her BBW mum

This story is from an experience I had 10-11 years ago. I was 24 at the time and the mature lady in question looked very much like the BBW in this video - It was the usual Friday night down at the Glory pub in Nelson, Lancashire - a Northern soul DJ was spinning the same tunes in the same order as he had been doing for years and the bar was busy with the same weird mix of younger punters using it as a starting off point before getting the...

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Georgie GirlChapter 8 Rest Recovery and Reorganization

I was released on Saturday, just before they served lunch. They plunked me in a wheelchair and an orderly pushed me to the elevator and then through the lobby to the main entrance and out into the brilliant sunshine. Waiting for me was Devon and my parents, along with Georgette. Devon was driving the biggest Chev Suburban they made. I was helped into it by my father and Devon and made myself as comfortable as I could. I wasn't keen on the shoulder belt, but I did it up anyway. I was stiff...

4 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 22

It seemed to Dan that he was always busy. He worked five nights a week at the restaurant, and one afternoon a week at the construction company. He had Wednesday and Saturday nights off. Saturday was the one day of the week when he really tried to rest. Once or twice a week he would visit with Sue Adams, usually meeting at a coffee shop to talk. He had come to value his friendship with Sue very much. It seemed to him that she was always trying to fix him up with women. This was very strange...

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Going Down the Fire Road

Going Down on the Fire Road A few weeks earlier Tom had just gotten his new, to him, Jeep. He was so anxious to take it four wheeling. His girlfriend has been busting on him about how it would be show and no go. But was talking about him or the Jeep? Finally on a Sunday morning he called Tracy up and told her that today was the day. He was going to be by her place in an hour or so and had her pack a cooler. Tracy was 23 and had the girl next door looks. She had brown curly, shoulder length...

Straight Sex
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A Real Life Story

It was unexpected and unbelievable experience which completely turned my life. I never thought even in my dream that could happen to me. I believe myself to be a normal self like any other young person after graduation; I was working in a retail shop as a host cum accountant. I had many responsibilities but the pay was handsome. I was generally happy and was staying in a rented room alone. My parents used to come once in a while to stay with me for few days. My shop owners were also good and...

Gay Male
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I did not write this, if you did and want me to take it down just say so.His SurpriseThe k**s were off to grandma's so they had the night to themselves. It had been a while since they had any real privacy, and at first they seemed lost in the silence that fell like a blanket over their otherwise frantic domain. Matt uncorked a bottle of good wine and suggested that they play a game of backgammon on the back patio and enjoy the sunset and each other.While they played, their three dogs romped...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 8 Secrets and Choices

Yankee Swap, Chapter 8: Secrets and Choices Dawn broke over the foothills of the White Mountains of New Hampshire at 7:17AM on New Year's Day, and found Kim wide awake in Kelly's guest room. The room was simple and plain, decorated in pale yellow and green, with a simple twin bed and dresser of white pressed wood, like something you got at IKEA for your new college apartment. It occurred to Kim as she sat watching the room slowly brighten from the rising sun, that it would have been...

1 year ago
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I really love Young Cock

100% fiction! How I got myself into this situation I do not know but I don’t want to stop. Hi my name is Amy I’m married with two lovely boys. I have been married for 18 years to a wonderful man and have a great marriage Sex is so good and I love him so much I just wish he were at home more his job takes him away for weeks on end. My only escape while he’s away is going out with the girls every week for a meal and then onto a club to dance the night away. I’m very lucky, as my husband let’s me...

1 year ago
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Medicine by mouth Part 3 Best Cocksucker competition

To say that JoAnne G. was a household name would be a gross understatement. But to a pretty cashier in London, Ontario named Stacey Staples, JoAnne was much more than that. To begin with, JoAnne was a hometown girl, born and raised not far from where Stacey now worked. But that was just the start. Within twelve years of her 18th birthday, JoAnne had now sucked just shy of 60,000 cocks, at least one quarter of these blowjobs having been enjoyed by males with names like Bucky, Pluto, and Big...

Group Sex
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Stories of The Relic The Book of Keilari Part 1 Prologue

Stories of The Relic: The Book of Keilari - Prologue By Alexander Kung Bell Air 1991 Michael Sanderson considered himself a man of wealth and taste, The ultimate connoisseur of the finer things in life. Born into an immensely wealthy family, he truly felt he was entitled to the very best, because he could afford to. "I'm a Sanderson" he chuckled to himself as he walked about his grand estate, "I deserve nothing but the best!" Opening a secret door,he made his way down toward...

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Its good to have a BiSexual Wife

My wife and I have had our problems in the past but we worked them out when we found out we were having sex with the same woman, and what was funny was, that my wife set it all up just to show me that she was bi-sexual. Susan had always been very much into sex during our marriage, then as my work took more and more of my time she felt neglected and found other ways to fill her needs. Even thought we were still sexually active with each other, it was if we lost the spark that we once had. Susan...

3 years ago
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Another Love

You couldn’t hear the roar of the Boeing 737 Turbofan jet engines from the airport observation deck, but you could see the tremble of the large plane as the twenty thousand pounds of thrust kicked in. A jet engine is a marvelous creation. It is as beautiful as any work of art and has the deceptive simplicity of a flower, each delicate part intricately dependent on the others. I have spent the greater portion of my life in the pursuit of my passion for these beautiful and powerful creations....

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Enslaved Chapter 27

Glenda Osman was appraising her new quarters. She was not exactly crazy about Scottish baronial halls – nor Scottish weather - but she had to admit there were compensations.Quentin had spared no expense in furnishings and decor; her private bedroom and drawing room were as comfortable as she could have wished. I am living like a ‘Lady’ she told herself. Like a ‘Lady’ of Edwardian times. That was quite something for a girl who was brought up on the wrong side of the tracks in Tulsa.Still, all...

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Fucked My Cousin Sister With My Friend8217s Help 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, my name is Rohit (name changed) and I am writing the second part of my real story. For those who haven’t read my first story, Sonia is my cousin sister with figure 36-26-38 white skin, and Khalid is my online friend who helped me to fuck my cousin sister. Sonia was totally surprised and shocked and she couldn’t believe her ears listening to these bad words from me. Sonia: You bastard, how dare you are having bad intentions for your sister?! I am going to call your mom. I was so...

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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 7 Going Home for Christmas

Leaving Evansville and my new found nieces is the hardest thing I have done during this trip. Just the thought of Rebecca and Tracy has me trembling with an emptiness I have never experienced before. Leaving the many other preteens during my trip was sad, but in my nieces’ case, it is so different. Recalling how we spent the last weekend together certainly doesn’t help. Spending the majority of it in bed and enjoying the wonders of sex, is still vivid in my mind. It is a good thing I am still...

4 years ago
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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 3 Helena

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Man with bright green umbrella

Kari shivered as she run her hands along her wet clothes. She was waiting for the bus in the hard rain that had caught her off guard. She was just returning home from after having gone to see movies for the first time all alone. “I’m going to catch cold like this,” she mumbled to herself while rolling her arms around her sides as if hugging herself. Suddenly as Kari looked to her side she noticed a man looking at her. The man wore completely black clothes and a hoodie that concealed his...

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One Dark NightChapter 15

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Rick stood there staring at her. She looked up at him startled. Her gown up at her waist and her naked bottom exposed pleasuring herself and with the phone in her other hand. Laughing and joking with Curly on the other end. How long he had been standing there, she didn't know. He yanked the phone out of her hand and put it up to his ear. He could hear a male voice asking "Raven? Raven? What's going on? " but he couldn't place the voice. It sounded familiar...

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One Day

The Pharmacy is a place to get medicine for healing, a dreary place where truth be told nothing ever exciting happens at least that’s what I thought. It was a Saturday, a little down in temperature, but still mildly pleasant. I was standing in line, I was greeted by an amazing and beautiful sight. A woman stood in down the aisle to my left, who looked gorgeous, she was clad in attire for colder climates. Her dark hair cascaded down onto her shoulders and her light blue eyes created an...

3 years ago
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Seducing My Virgin Sister

The incest taboo is an instinct that usually develops when one grows up with those whom it places beyond the range of sexual desire. I felt enough of that instinct to feel guilty about desiring my teenage sister, but not enough to avoid desiring her. My seventeen year old sister had the face of a beautiful child, and the shapely body of a young woman. In spite of my best efforts, I could not help but admire her large and firm breasts, her slender waist, and her rounded hips....

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