Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 01 free porn video

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It had been a slow, lazy month since Béla’s judgement ended her month-long nightmare of mind-ripping interrogation by the Praetor. After all that mental torment, she still had difficulty believing it was over. Not only was she free, but the Praetor had determined that the ‘individual presently known as Béla was a random Quantum factor necessary to the survival of civilization. As such, her unimpeded…’

Béla didn’t remember all the elocutionary terms the Praetor had used, but her understanding of it was…

On two known occasions, her unpredicted influence had benefited the survival potential of civilization beyond its ability to be measured. The fact that that both of these events occurred within a relatively short time of each other indicated the likelihood of earlier, unknown events effecting civilization in a like manner.

In addition, as all previous attempts to curb her seemingly careless disregard of the civil codes had been disastrous, or, at best, was of indeterminate effect, she was granted ‘Carte Blanche’ status; complete freedom to do as she wished. She was not to be brought before judgement again, ever.

Although delighted with the assurance of her continued survival as a free being, Béla wasn’t sure it was a good idea to give her *that* much freedom. Most of the ‘improvements to civilization’ that she was aware of had been as a direct result of her adversarial confrontations with the judgement system (i.e. her father or the Praetor), forcing improved conditions for everyone. What the judgement had effectively done was grant her ‘queen of the world’ status for killing somebody. It would surely cause her problems, eventually.

For the last four weeks, Béla had spent at least half of her time recovering, allowing her mind to mend; doing absolutely nothing except lie in the sun and watch the clouds float over the inner surface. She discovered that she couldn’t track them completely around the entire circumference of New Eden. As they continually evaporated and reformed, individual clouds, and even masses of them, didn’t last that long. Besides, the air was too thick to see all the way across to the other side.

The southern crystal sun had been shining for almost a week now as Béla measured time. For the next two months, because of the tremendous output of the two crystal suns, one at each pole, there could be no travel between the surface and the great ship.

Béla had just finished her morning audience seated beside the Great Bard Geoffrey. She found it surprisingly easy to resolve disputes and determine punishments for various violations of the civil codes. The goddess had only to look into someone’s mind to determine what was required for that person’s continued civility.

As her psychic abilities improved, she became aware that many grievances between two parties were actually due to the fact that one or both litigants believed something about the other that simply wasn’t true. Once the falsehoods were cleared up, the involved, and often, embarrassed, participants usually resolved their grievances themselves.

The people of the Lorraine District loved and respected their goddess and her companion, the Great Bard Geoffrey, to the degree that they practically governed themselves in honor of them. They remembered their last master with his hated ‘goon squad’ and were grateful that the goddess had intervened.

They were, however, somewhat disappointed that she didn’t require their worship of her, especially after titillating tales of the ‘Goddess of the Land’s Spring Festival’ at New Hope began circulating.

Thinking about worshipping goddesses, Béla put her attention on Elaine’s mind as she slept in her own private audience chambers on the third floor of the manor. Currently she was lying naked in the middle of the cold marble floor, exhausted from a private little experiment she’d conducted with the help of a dozen of her more ardent new admirers.

Back on the ship, while the two sisters had feasted on each other celebrating Béla’s newly won freedom, Elaine, mind-linked with her sister, had discovered Béla’s memories of her sex club. Enthralled, Elaine vampirically embraced the concept of being violently mistreated while having sex with multiple male partners and wanted to experience it herself.

When Elaine had been a Mayan princess, she had never considered taking more than one sacrifice at a time. That may have been partly because no sacrifice ever survived any sexual encounter with the Espirito Sheba who now called herself Elaine.

Her first gangbang was much more exciting than feasting on her sacrificial partners had ever been. She found it impossible to control a dozen horny young men and quickly became the object of their lust, simply hanging on for the ride as she was passed around the room like one big, horny party favor. Plus, all of her worshipers survived, so it wasn’t necessary to find new and usually unwilling sacrificial replacements every time she wanted sex.

Elaine decided she liked being a goddess, again. She was going to have to think up a name for herself, since Espirito Sheba, Spirit (or Goddess) of the Land, had been usurped by Bard Geoffrey to describe her older sister, Béla.

Although Béla was being physically lazy, her mind was busy working on details of creating a hedonistic society similar to the Sumarian culture she experienced during her early years on Earth. Among other fundamental changes in earth culture that she’d lived through, the gradual, but sometimes violent, move from matriarchal to male-dominated societies was the cause of many cultural problems that had infested mankind throughout the ages. Once men got involved with power, war, and the enslavement of the female half of the population, they seemed to lose their empathic abilities.

‘Perhaps that was because they couldn’t bear to feel in their minds what they were doing to their women,’ thought Béla as she worked her way through the problem.

But that wasn’t going to happen again, because Béla and her sister ‘goddesses’ were fully and firmly in charge now.

This whole Victorian-Christian modesty bit was incredibly galling to her. She didn’t know any of her siblings who, once they learned how to fly, enjoyed having to wear clothes (well, except for Melinda and Hank – Hank had started this whole religion mess anyway and Melinda was a must-have-total-control-of-everything psycho nut case. They deserved each other, but Béla felt sorry for anyone living in their district).

Sexuality was much more expressed and appreciated back in Ur when she was a handmaiden to Nanna, the Moon Goddess. There were dozens of temples to many different gods and goddesses, most of which provided the same sexual service as hers. Plus, Hethemtima (her name back then) had also been a diviner.

Petitioners to the Moon Goddess often needed a ‘character reference’ to determine their sincerity. Hethemtima had excelled at providing this necessary and extremely pleasant service for her foster mother, the High Priestess. Because of her empathic abilities, she was usually correct in her assertion of the petitioner’s sincerity or lack of it.

Béla realized that major cultural changes took time. She had a good start with what she had accomplished so far. There were twenty-nine goddesses, including herself, spread across New Eden. Most had their own district of authority where they maintained order.

Right now, the power of the goddesses came from the fact that they had suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere; divine intervention to thwart an unstoppable, rampaging disease that was decimating the already sparse population of this little world. The survivors were more than grateful and happily turned the responsibility for their welfare over to their new saviors.

Béla decided she would bounce some of her ideas off her companion, Jeff, at the ‘evening’ meal. Right now, she was feeling restless and needed to fly.

She stood and, flexing her shoulders, stretched her arms up toward the sky. As her wings formed, she crouched low and jumped, pushing her wings down against the air. With several powerful strokes, she was dozens of meters high. She felt awe radiating from one of the gardeners as he watched her somewhat awkward rise into the sky.

'Sorry, but gaining altitude is a lot of work!' she thought at him as she reached for another wingful of air.

Moments later, she was gliding over the town and looked around at the green world surrounding her. It smelled wonderful. The people were happy. Some pointed at her and some waved as she sailed over their heads. Béla was used to being the center of attention. She liked being the center of attention.

Béla now had the freedom to go anywhere on the entire planet and do anything she wanted. She was known everywhere, mostly thanks to the Great Bard Geoffrey and his amazing stories about her. Wherever she went, people deferred to her with respect and admiration. She enjoyed it despite the fact that her high visibility seemed to attract a lot of trouble. Everywhere she went, people wanted her to solve their problems; respectfully, of course.

‘So why am I so restless?’ Béla asked herself. ‘I feel useless, bored, nothing to do. Is this what it’s like to have everything you’ve ever wanted handed to you?

‘I have conquered the world and have nothing to show for it.

‘Who said that, anyway? Hannibal or Alexander? I remember Hannibal – he wouldn’t have said anything like that… He needed speechwriters just to say ‘good morning’ to the Caesar when he arrived in Rome.

She smiled, though, as she remembered his stamina in her multi-colored tent.

Béla finished circling the Lorraine District and began her flight back to her estates. She decided to see Jeff now, rather than wait until dinner. She landed on the second-floor balcony outside her bedroom and stepped inside, out of the warm sunlight. Searching with her mind, she located the great bard in his study.

He was writing. He was always writing. He was writing about her; no doubt another epic tale to be included in his legends, another ode to his goddess.

‘I need to put that magnificently imaginative mind of his to work on something more productive than writing odes about me…’ she decided. ‘I’ll bet he can fix this mood I’m in – give me something worthwhile to do until the resources of the great ship are available again.’

Béla leaned against the doorway and gazed into the library. Jeff had his back to the door and was now studying a large, hard-back tome.

‘Probably an encyclopedia,’ she thought.

She could simply brush against his mind and find out what he was thinking, but she was constantly practicing restraint these days, knowing how much trouble her impetuous behavior had caused her before. Now that the Praetor wanted nothing more to do with her, she was going to have to restrain herself. No one else was going to do it.

Jeff laughed abruptly and radiated a selfish satisfaction with himself. “I was right!” he stated, unaware that anyone was around.

“Right about what?” Béla asked from the doorway.

Jeff jumped about a foot, dropping the book to the table. He looked up, surprised, then frowned.

“Will you put something on?” he asked impatiently. “Please?”

Every time he saw her, she was delightfully naked. Every time he saw her, he wanted to throw her sweet body against the wall and pin her there with his personal shaft. It was so… improper… to constantly think of his goddess that way.

‘I wouldn’t mind,’ she thought at him, grinning at his discomfort. ‘I’m ready if you are…’

“Do you realize there are petitioners at the front gate and that they’re lined up around the block?” he said, looking down his nose at her and trying not to stare at her bare breasts. “They come to see you – some just to touch you, some seeking your help to redress some real or imagined wrong. And here you are, parading around like… oh, my!”

“I wanted to talk to you about that,” Béla replied cheerfully. “There’s no established hierarchy now that we have goddesses floating around all over the place. A power structure needs to be established.”

“I was already on that track, Goddess,” Jeff replied smugly. “This is a passage about the Delphi Oracle. She had her own temple, handmaidens, and everything. I have realized that, in order to maintain order, a temple must be built to honor you, if you’ll pardon the expression, and from where you may hold court.”

“Well, actually, Dawn was the Oracle,” Béla replied, smiling, “but I was thinking along the same lines, especially regard…”

“The sunrise was an Oracle?” Jeff interrupted, confused.

“No, Darling,” Béla said sweetly. “Another of my sisters, Dawn, was the Oracle of Delphi. You met her. She was here with Jolene.”

“She was the Oracle? But that was thousands of years ago!” Jeff said, astounded. “Just how old are your sisters? How old are you, really? I know I saw you born a few weeks ago, but… How many times have you been born?”

Béla smiled. Jeff was so innocent, and so intelligently inventive. She wasn’t going to have any trouble setting up her new land of Sumer.

“Originally, we were all born within a few hundred years of each other,” she told him.

She had to be careful with her words. She was aware that anything she said could end up in one of the epic tales he was constantly penning.

“I was the last to be born,” Béla continued. “I was brought down to Egypt, before the pyramids were built, and was raised in the land of Sumer.”

She noticed that Jeff had sat down and begun writing on the pad he constantly carried around with him.

“You’re taking notes?” she asked, annoyed.

‘I should have expected it! He’s going to end up being the official historian for New Eden.
‘Of course! That’s what a bard is! Stupid me!’ She laughed out loud.

“What?” Jeff asked.

Béla walked over and embraced him, hugging her bare breasts against the side of his head.

“I should be more careful of what tasks I set before others,” she said, cryptically.

Jeff had embraced the task his goddess had set before him, his bardic destiny, with a fervor that still could completely surprise her.

“You know, each of us has their own history,” Béla mentioned, teasing him again. “Elaine was a queen in Sheba who was deposed and fled across a great sea with a few of her devoted followers. She created her own empire in a new land halfway across the world. Melinda had her own castle in Spain back in the Middle Ages of Europe where many people were tortured and killed during the Great Inquisition. Beth was a consort to Count Dracula, himself. I personally was responsible for a lot of the Druid mythology five hundred years earlier.”

She didn’t feel right about mentioning the other great historical figure Beth had been consort to. Beth had been consort to both lord and devil and had preferred the devil.

Jeff had stopped writing while Béla was talking. He was staring at his goddess with his mouth open.

“You were talking about a temple for me?” Béla asked, quizzically.

Jeff blinked several times, trying to wrap his mind around dozens of goddesses roaming across the worlds creating all sorts of havoc.

“Speaking of havoc,” Béla mentioned, casually, “my sister, Jolene, was with Alexander…”

“Stop!” Jeff cried. “I get it!”

“And Helen eloped to Troy with her boyfriend,” Béla added as a joke, suppressing a laugh as Jeff began shaking her by her shoulders.

“I can’t do this!” Jeff cried, digging his fingers into Béla’s bare shoulders. Béla winced under the pressure of his farmer-strong hands.

“Relax, Darling,” she told him, her voice shaking as he shook her shoulders, “you have hundreds of years to sort it all out.”

Jeff looked at her, not believing what she was saying.

“What do you mean?” he asked, trying to control his anxiety.

He let go of his goddess, dropping her the inch or two that he had raised her off the ground.

“Did you think that being my consort wouldn’t have it’s rewards?” his goddess asked, “You have consumed my life essence. You will live long enough to complete your task, and longer. You will never be ill, again. You will have a rich, rewarding life, with many wives and children.”

Béla was being Hethemtima the Diviner now, surprising herself with the ease with which she again assumed her ancient mantel.

“You are going to be a great teacher,” she told him. “This manor, or another of your choosing, is to become a bardic school. You will teach the theology you are writing even now to students who will travel from town to town, even as they did on earth hundreds of years ago. If you wish, you can even set up a mathematics and a science department. It could be a university, if you choose it to be, teaching a myriad of subjects.”

“But I know nothing about these subjects,” Jeff protested.

The goddess silenced him gently, pressing a finger to his lips.

“Do you remember the great ship you arrived in?” she asked him.

Jeff nodded.

“Do you remember what a computer is?” Béla continued, knowing that a direct question regarding certain subjects defeated any mind-wipes the Praetor may have performed on him.

“Yes,” he said, thinking hard. “It’s a machine, with memory. It remembers things and calculates…”

“Good,” Béla acknowledged. “There are living computers on the great ship that have the entire histories of all our people; yours, mine, my father’s. It also contains all the scientific data known to my father’s people. It teaches my father’s people their history, their skills, and rounds out their education with mathematics and science.”

“Do they have all the information that is in these texts?” Jeff asked, indicating the wall full of encyclopedias and books.

Béla laughed, “Yes, they do, and much more, besides. But keep the books. They are a storehouse of knowledge and shouldn’t be destroyed. They may actually contain historical notes that are not known to my father’s people.”

“Then they are worth studying after all?” Jeff asked.

“Of course,” his goddess replied.

Jeff, feeling immensely relieved but not understanding why, embraced his goddess, hugging her tightly. Her naked form fit against his body so well – her hard nipples digging into his ribs right through his light robe.

Béla managed to twist her head around so that she could graze her teeth against Jeff’s soft neck. Biting down, but not breaking the skin, she opened her mind to his, letting him feel how erotically squeezable she felt in his tight embrace.

She smiled to herself as he groaned and squeezed her tighter. As her ribs were compressed even more tightly against her insides, Béla released his neck and bit down against Jeff’s jaw; harder, this time. Surprised, Jeff released his bear hug, but still held the dark-haired beauty tightly against him.

‘It’s all right,’ she thought into his mind. ‘Can’t you see I like how you make me feel?’

She and her pet bard had only made love a few times since her return from the great ship high above them. Aside from the fact that Jeff seemed to have a low-voltage sex drive, he also (still?) had problems with the idea of a mere, undeserving mortal making love to a divine entity.

'He's really going to have trouble with what Elaine is planning...' she thought to herself.

“You’re not mortal anymore,” Béla reminded him. “Remember? You drank my blood…”

She watched, amused, as Jeff worked the new information through his head. It was almost like watching switches turning on and off – switches that determined what he allowed himself to do, or even think about.

‘He’d make a good study for building a robot,’ Béla thought, watching the process.

After a moment, Jeff smiled, then kissed her passionately. He hadn’t kissed her since that very first day, when he thought she'd been made mortal and wanted to comfort her. Béla chuckled deep in her throat as she realized that she’d finally found and defeated the barrier that had kept Jeff from loving her completely. He was no longer a mere, undeserving mortal.

Jeff had been hard and aroused all along, or at least since he’d looked up to see his naked goddess leaning against the doorway watching him. Now he lowered his arms and pressed her smooth belly against him deliberately. Béla grinned up at him and wiggled her hips, rolling that erotic bulge beneath his robe back and forth.

In a moment, her twisting movements had Jeff’s robe open in the front with his warm cock pressed against her bare belly with nothing between it and her. Jeff stepped back, surprised at his own forward behavior, and watched as Béla slid her sensuous body down, caressing his hard cock with her stomach, then her breasts, then her hands and lips as she knelt down in front of him.

Before today, he would never, ever have allowed himself to shove his unworthy cock into his goddess’ mouth. But now, he throbbed with pure desire, knowing that his immortal cock was about to be surrounded by her immortal lips and her hot, willing mouth. He nearly came at just the thought of it.

“Oh, God… Goddess!” he gasped as Béla slid her lips over the end of his cock.

Béla almost laughed out loud as she watched her lover’s bardic mind compare the differences between his goddess’ mouth and her ‘nether regions’. He had only experienced her hot and hungry vulva, before. But now, he was…

‘Oh my God!’ Béla thought, delighted and almost choking on his cock in surprise. ‘This is his first blowjob! Ever! He’s a mouth virgin!’

She had intended to simply take him to the edge of orgasm, then ride his wonderful, hard cock until he exploded deep inside her aching pussy. But now, everything suddenly changed. She needed him to come in her mouth. After all, his first time in a girl’s mouth should be memorable.

She continued to suck on him, keeping track of the thoughts that flowed through Jeff’s mind. Her mouth was looser and much wetter than her pussy, but her tongue made him feel sensations in his cock that he’d never experienced before. She smiled as best she could and swirled her tongue around his tip several times, elliciting an excited groan and an uncontrolled forward thrust from her bard.

As he neared orgasm, he began pumping back and forth, attempting to fuck her mouth. The tightness and the pressure of actual fucking was completely missing, and he realized that, as wonderful as having her mouth around his cock was, he preferred the pressures he could exert against both their bodies during regular fucking. He simply had to be too gentle with her mouth…

Béla could easily see the problem in his mind and tightened her lips against his cock as hard as she could, wrapping her teeth with her lips and using her jaw muscles to press her lips harder against his cock. She didn’t enjoy that as much, though, and was quickly starting to feel her mouth getting raw from the friction.

Jeff, also mind-linked, could feel the subtle change in his goddess, and pulled his cock out of her mouth.

“Let’s do it the regular way, Goddess,” he said, smiling down at her.

Béla licked her sore lips and nodded. Jeff pulled her up to a standing position and they kissed again. He noticed that her mouth felt different, softer and a little puffier, now that his cock had been in there.

Sitting down on the edge of his chair, Jeff leaned back, holding his cock straight up, and invited Béla to sit on him. Béla quickly straddled him and sank down with a soft moan. Jeff moaned with her as he felt the tight, wet heat of her body surrounding his hard cock.

Béla leaned forward to lie against her lover and hooked her feet over his legs stretched out behind her. Jeff flexed his knees a little to hold her weight. Although Béla’s back was already arched in a really erotic pose, she managed to start moving her hips up and down on Jeff’s hard shaft, arching even more, then relaxing for each gentle stroke.

They both had lost a lot of sexual momentum during that position change, and getting back to ‘frenzied need’ took quite a while. Béla slowly pistoned her hips up and down, enjoying the sensation of that nice, hard shaft pressing directly against the hood of her clit on every downstroke.

Several times, Béla stopped moving and simply twitched for a minute or two. Jeff smiled and held her tightly against him, feeling each orgasm as it radiated through both their bodies. For some reason, her having orgasms didn’t make him want to orgasm, himself. He was too drunk on the fact that his cock was, for the moment, anyway, the very center of her sensual universe. He wanted his goddess to spend the rest of eternity grinding pleasantly against his hard cock.

After about her fifth orgasm, though, Jeff was starting to feel that familiar heat rising up his hard shaft. Cum was starting to throb its way up, and in another second or two, he would be pumping it deep into his goddess' loving cunt.

Béla raised her head, feeling his anxiety and the nearness of his orgasm. Her body was already completely satisfied, and she remembered that he was still a mouth virgin. Quickly, she raised her pelvis completely off his cock, surprising him and nearly killing his orgasm. She slid down his body like it was a board and engulfed his cock roughly with her mouth.

Sucking hard, she pumped her head up and down a couple of times. Then, despite the fact that Jeff was now in more of a state of surprise than arousal, his cock started to spurt. Béla tightly gripped the base of his cock with her hand and fucked him with her mouth a couple more times.

Then she released her hand, and, with a loud moan, Jeff pumped his cum into her mouth, spurting several more times.

After a moment, Béla released him and his cock dropped down between his legs. Jeff gazed down at her for a moment, stunned by the sensation of coming down her throat. His first spurt, before Béla had been able to catch and wrap her fingers around the base of his cock, had spattered her left breast and her cheek. The rest of his cum had gone down her throat.

Still mind-linked with his goddess, he was amazed at how much she had enjoyed what he considered to be a very non-erotic sensation – swallowing his cum. He reached down and, letting her put her hands in his, pulled her up and against him.

When she gently kissed him, he could taste his own cum on her mouth. Perhaps the taste of cum wasn’t all that ‘non-erotic’, after all – especially when it was her sweet mouth he was tasting, as well.

“Now…” she murmured lovingly as she kissed him again. “About my temple…”


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Lesbian Lovers Melissa Moore and Jenna Sativa make passionate love on their bed before Jenna leaves to work. They hold each other tightly, eat one another’s pussies and Jenna fingers Melissa until she cries out undeniably satisfied. Jenna’s sister, Gina Valentina knocks on their door, reminding Jenna that she will be late for work. Jenna takes off and Melissa decides to take a hot bath to relax her sexual strain. Unbeknownst to her, alien life forces invade the planet, targeting...

2 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 33 Obscurity of Vision

Paramedics arrived in what I considered record time. I was sure they were a special squad sent by House Isaacs. I watched them check Randal over and then prep him for transport. I walked up to him. I was feeling torn. Torn between what he had done to my family and the fact that he was my grandfather. I wanted to talk to him, to know him better, but from the chaos I had seen in his mind before the clarity of how my parents had died, I wasn't sure if he would or even could talk coherently....

4 years ago
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This story was written for Tiffany, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, the fantasies described her were fantasies that we shared. My biggest regret is that we never got to act them out in real life; we have to be content to enjoy them in our minds.Living in an apartment complex can mean that ones privacy is sometimes compromised. This is not however always a bad thing as I found out.My wife, Tiffany, and I had recently moved into a very nice 3-bed room apartment on the ground...

2 years ago
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Business Proposal

At last, we fill our cups with fresh coffee. Sitting across from her at the table, I watch her fingers as they reach around the cup, holding the cup between her palms, cupping the mug gently. I watch her lips as she moves the mug to her mouth slowly, gently wrapping her lips on the edge of the mug. I see her grasping my cock, pulling it to her waiting mouth, tongue extending beyond her lips to lick the head of my monster cock. She suctions her lips to my cock, sucking any pre-cum from the...

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You in Bitch dom instructions to pussyboys

You in Bitch – dom instructions to pussyboysOnline instructions from a dom to his sissy pussyboy.O.K cunt! Enough of this on-line shit! Time to put your mouth where mycock is! You've told me about your sleazy desires and fantasies, and your nasty needto be dominated. Either we're going to do something about it, or you canjust fuck off! I don't have time for pussy boys who don't followthrough. I've been thinking about what I'd like to do to you! Heregoes! I'm gonna get a hold of as many rough...

2 years ago
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My brother Jeff

This is a true story told to me by a friend of mine. She did not want to write it herself so I wrote it and she supervised. Amy is blonde with blue eyes, petite athletic body. She was a cheerleader in highschool Jeff is my older brother, my only brother. he is two years older than I. We have always been very close and share alot of things. Jeff was the first guy that I ever saw naked and he was the first guy to see me naked.We have studied each other naked bodies over the years and had very...

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A Firm Spanking

He turns down the lights, so low my eyes search for him walking toward me, the soft glow of four candles and the fire now the major source of illumination in the room. Tori Amos sings her piano ballad over the speakers, my excitement grows with every note. The wine glass feels heavy as he stands before me, his chest and arms glistening in the soft light. My head feels light, possibly from the wine, but also from what I know is to come. I set down the glass as my heart pounds in anticipation. He...

1 year ago
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The Mad Stroking Beast On the Train

My name is Annie and I am a 28 year old Night School . I teach remedial English and enjoy my job. I am not very social really, as my job does not really alot me too much time to socialize, what with all those papers to grade and meetings to attend, so I usually stay in with a good movie and a big bowl of popcorn to chase away the blues. I am probably the last woman on earth who still enjoys wearing dresses to work. I suppose because it reminds me of my childhood, when Mother use to dress me and...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 46 Trust in Me The Pythons Song

Labatt’s Guest House, London, Ontario 8:14am, Friday, January 4, 1980 “Ha! I can’t believe that me and Lynette beat you at mini-golf last night, Cuda,” Shannon laughed as we huddled around the kitchen island in the guest house at the Labatt’s property. We had about twenty-five friends, who went to Red Lobster for dinner and then over to Fleetway-40 to bowl and play a round of indoor mini-golf. “Well, it was kinda hard to hit good putts when you were either jigglin’ your boobs in my line of...

4 years ago
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Got Intimate With Smaller Cousin Part 8211 2

Hey guys…So as I had left the other part that we had a nice time in the lawn, that night we just dressed and left. After a week or so, Priyansh and I met again at his house and this time we both saw each other in a very different way than we used to as the erotic scenes of that night flashed through and mind, and was visible through our bulges also. Now when we met again I instantly went near him and kissed him very passionately and we both had each other’s tongues in our mouth and we had a...

Gay Male
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Master PC Creampie EditionChapter 9

Chris stood at the doorway and watched Vanessa drove off in her car. Chris had just finished the private tutoring session with her on business management. He turned back and walked straight to the guest bedroom. He picked up his clothes from the floor and took them into the bathroom where he deposited them into the laundry basket. He left the cum-stained bedding for the cleaning maid to wash tomorrow. It had been over three years since Chris received The Program, he thought to himself as...

1 year ago
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Goa Me Ammi Ka Gangbang

Hi all me amanmirza apke lie ek excitement story lekar aya hu iski heroin hai meri ammi uska boyfriend ramu or uske 4 dost ummed hai apko ye story pasand aegi Me introduction karva deta hu meri ammi ka name rubina banu hai age 52 years hight 5 3 rang gora bade boobs or gand wali hot aurat hai ramu jo humare ghar sabji bechne ata tha vo ab ammi ka boyfriend hai vse to usne ammi ka rape hi kia tha par ab ammi ko uske sath maza ata hai vo ab uski girlfriend ban gai hai ramu normal hight wala 40...

2 years ago
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Cousins in Arms

Cousins in arms by QModo edited by Amanda Lynn and Rosemary Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? * * * 1. Flapper girl Ray had lost the bet and he had to come to the school Halloween costume party as a girl with a companion. Later I'd got to know it wasn't just companion but rather a date. Don't ask what bet. His...

4 years ago
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My friend fucking my wife in her van at noon

My wife sucked my friend Robert's cock at parties a few times, and then Robert and his wife separated. He was soon very horny, so he started calling my wife Janet for sex. He later told me what was going on, since he knows I find it exciting for her to be unfaithful, and he knows Janet is pretty loose with her pussy. He figured that since I let her suck his cock, that I wouldn't mind if she helped him out with a little pussy every once in a while.He said the first time he called her and asked...

2 years ago
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Journey of Discovery Part 4

Mark woke up to find himself amazingly clear-headed and refreshed. First thing he realized was that he had at least one dream about Lysa, and it wasn't one he could write home to mom about. It began with her doing lap dance for him - right up in his face with her cleavage. And then she leaned toward him and kissed him, falling on top of him with both of them landing on a bed behind him. And if he was recalling it correctly, there was one part of the dream where he only saw his own face....

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 25 A Phone Call Changes Everything

Donna sat up, slowly waking up. What woke her up? She looked around the room. It was still dark, still early. “What time is it?” she said softly to herself, as she sleepily looked for the alarm clock somewhere on the nightstand. Then she heard what had woke her up. The phone was ringing downstairs. “Four o’clock.” Donna saw, “Who would be calling me at this hour?” She turned on the light, and searched for a night gown or something, and found a bath robe. As she tucked herself in she...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 5

Cruise Ship Regeneration 05 The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 05.01 Ethan and Shawn: 05.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 05.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 05.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 05.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 05.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 05.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 05.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 05.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 05.10 Ethan, Plant,...

4 years ago
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Spanish Dreams

Thursday The ocean lapped at our feet as palm trees swayed in a slight breeze to our right. With a red head on either arm and the sounds of Reggae wafting across the dunes life couldn't get much better. Sailboats hugged the horizon, their colorful sails stretched tight by the afternoon winds. The ladies with me laughed at my clever jokes and we all knew what lay in store for us at the cabana we were casually strolling toward. In the distance, I could see a phone on the beach. Not very big at...

4 years ago
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Watching Daughter

I stumbled upon it by accident; seeing a soft glow of light coming from the tent when I awoke. I thought about pulling the plug of the extension cord but thought it better to walk the distance and check on them. It was supposed to be only Janet and Betty for the sleepover. To my surprise I heard their voices still awake at one o’clock in the morning, but then I heard other murmurs, male voices. My guess was that Janet left sometime earlier, but her boyfriend Rob stayed. I was ready to...

2 years ago
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Sexy Reward For Being Helpful

My elder sister Rakhi is 38 yrs old, divorced, and lives with her 15 yr old daughter in a large house not far from mine. There is lot of work to do around that house, and a for the last 8/9 yrs, I volunteer or am asked to help out with ‘yard work, maintenance, and other stuff.’ During this period of time, my sister and I have grown much closer and she’s a lot more comfortable talking to me about things than in the past. Last couple of years, our topics of conversation have been how lonely she...

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The Rape of Mrs Briggs

Chapter One Mrs Vera Briggs was a member of the local council and chaired many other organisations. At the age of forty-five she was a lady of good looks and a formidable character. She was, unfortunately, a pompous, conceited, racist, and she was my mother-in-law. It was very hurtful to me to find that my prospective mother-in-law hated me. Mrs Briggs was an arrogant snob and full of her own self-importance. Six months ago I overheard my darling Amy telling her that we were getting...

3 years ago
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Perfect pricless profane prostitute Princess You are you a degraded trumpet that I love, x-rated scarlett – sorry xxx rated scarlett I would love to chat with you and have you cum over and over and over. Do you charge men to fuck you like a sexy cheap back alley whore that you are should? They piss on you? Shit on you? Both? Do you use a cheap hotel or do it in the back alley? Are you horny with the truth I am telling you? Rubbing that cunt now? Times have never been better, and you are the...

1 year ago
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Such a bad little fucktoy

Emma turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. She rubbed the towel through her brunette hair before wrapping it around her body. She stepped into the bedroom to choose a clean pair of panties but stopped short as she found her girlfriend, Carol, standing in the bedroom glaring at her and holding Emma’s phone.“You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you, Emma?”Emma swallowed, she felt vulnerable standing there, the flimsy towel offered no protection as she watched Carol stepping closer.“You...

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Packing Clarissas GenesChapter 3

Matt looked up at his sister, who had released his wrists, but was still sitting on his boner. She had a really funny look on her face too. She was flushed, and she was breathing much more deeply than her recent physical expense of energy could account for. "Are you going to let me up?" he asked. "I don't know," she said dreamily. Her hands came up and Matt watched in amazement as she rubbed her breasts. "Rissa? What are you doing?" Her eyes cleared suddenly and she looked at her...

3 years ago
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Emma Ch 43

XLIII At last the day of Josephine and Charlotte’s wedding came along. A day Charlotte had been dreading but looking forward to so much. At last she could put a seal on the love she felt towards her lover. At last she would be able to say to the world that Josephine was the one for her, and that it was her intention to stay with her until death did them part. She was equally worried about her pregnancy, now so obvious and such an added burden to her otherwise slim frame. But although...

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VengeanceChapter 2

The next afternoon, I was back in town. I was in the office when the girls first started arriving for their shifts and decided to put my next part of the plan into action. I picked up the phone and called Elliot. It was time to get him to cuckquean Paisley. He answered the phone, thinking it was his bitch phoning. LMAO, what a retard. I invited him to the club, telling him I had a job for him or some shit. Anything to get him there. I did need somebody new in acquisitions I didn’t have...

3 years ago
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You make me so wet

I couldn’t think of how I could get him. I had come up with a few plans but none seemed coy enough to have him alone. So, I went with a classic. “I need help on an English paper” seemed pretty legit.. in my mind. I went about my plan anyways. Called him up, explained that I was in a pinch and needed help asap. He complied, told me to come over later. I did. But, I didn’t go unprepared. I threw on some lacey lingerie under my ass-hugging jeans & low cut shirt. I grabbed my bag, and left. ...

1 year ago
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The Sinners CanonChapter 17

I was ready to fuck again pretty damn fast, of course, and sure enough, I began pounding Carmen’s mother from behind, her panties now down on the floor where they belonged. I knew, of course, that this was sure to give Carmen a baby brother or sister, but that was the plan all along. Demon seed never missed, after all. I was going to breed the fuck out of the women of that family, just as I warned earlier. By now, of course, Carmen’s undies were out of her mouth and on the floor as...

1 year ago
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FilthyFamily Cherie Deville Kenzie Reeves StepMom Teaches Me To Fuck Her BF

Cherie and her step-daughter Kenzie are fighting over Cherie’s outfit for a date with her new boyfriend Tommy. They have a bad relationship and are always arguing. When Tommy arrives for the date, they sit on the couch to watch a movie, cuddle, touch each other and kiss. Kenzie sneaks in to find out, who her Mom’s new boyfriend is and without being noticed by Cherie flirts with Tommy, she is horny and takes her shorts out to dance for him on her underwear. When Cherie decides to go...

2 years ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 6

Charles didn't say anything in reply. Part of him felt the same way. Still part told him that they needed Clyde alive if they were going to get their world back. So, instead of saying anything, Charles gazed up at the girl. That was when he recognized her. The girl was Connie Adams. Connie was a petite red head, whose long straight hair hung down her front, covering her small, round breasts. Her skin was pale and her eyes were green. Connie was in his sister's homeroom class. She was...

2 years ago
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The Best of Times and The Worst of Times The Beginning

The Best of Times and The Worst of Times - The Beginning By: Rachael Free It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. Sounds like an old clich? doesn't it? The funny part is? it's very true. Let me tell you my story. I have been married for over 25 years and absolutely faithful the entire period of time. Of course I would let loose now and then and tie one on with my buddies, frequent a few strip clubs, get a few lap dances but never take it any further. Some of my f...

2 years ago
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Puppy Love

Puppy LoveI was watching football when I heard my boyfriend, James, come home with the groceries.  It was a close game, and my beloved Vikings were down by only 2 points with just 15 minutes left in the final quarter.  I could hear James thumping around in the kitchen putting groceries away, and I thought guiltily that I ought to go help, but I didn’t want to miss the end.  When the game was over I went into the kitchen where I found him putting the last few items in the cupboard.  I put my...

4 years ago
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The Day Tucker Became His Sister III

The Day Tucker Became His Sister Part III By Wolverine "I wonder what Tucker wants." said Patrick after hanging up the phone. Tucker's mom had just called and said that Tucker wanted to see him. Patrick started to get dressed. He was 6'1", husky, but not really fat, and intelligent. He was the type that would probably beg for sex. Fortunately for him, he could be quite witty at points. Patrick started to leave, but then stopped himself. He needed to call Laura. Laura was a...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Mini Stallion The Aerial Porn Show

We recently introduced you to 4-foot-4 ? ebony pornstar Mini Stallion and you guys loved her so much that we brought her back right away! This time she’s paired up with legendary pornstud Jmac, who I guess we can call Captain ?‍✈️ because he’s flying the little spinner around the room! ?? Seeing as Jmac can easily lift 74 pounds ? the aerial positions in this scene are phenomenal! ? Please remain in your seats, buckle your safety belts and put your tray tables in their full upright...

3 years ago
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Trials of Kardan Chapter V

Author's note: A sincere thanks to all those who comment on my stories, I appreciate the advice and the criticism. Hopefully my work is improving, despite how quickly I write most of these things. Chapter V: The March West Kardan and Bethany paused on a rocky ridge that overlooked the small town they had just abandoned. From their perch on the wooded outcropping they could see the smoke rising as the last remnants of Bethany's old life smouldered and turned to ash. The erstwhile...

4 years ago
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Roger and Lori

Roger is looking over his computer, trying to determine what is going on in the company that he is auditing the books. He is doing just fine, as he has done this company in the past. Roger hears a car in the drive, and sees that it is only one thirty. He knows his wife should not be home for hours from work. He quickly saves what he is doing, and hears the doorbell ring as he clears the monitor. He does not want anyone to see the information that he is working with. He goes to the front door,...

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Summer Princess

Summer Princess Mom thought it might be a good idea to write this down, so I could show it to the therapist. I guess that's ok, and better than having to do some "How I spent my summer" essay for school. I guess there are some advantages to being home schooled, at least for now. My summer started by going to Uncle Mike's place, because my mom was sick, and she wanted me to have a normal summer for once. Little did she know. When I got to his place, it turned out that Uncle Mike had...

2 years ago
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A Day by the Pool Part II

It took awhile to get time to write the second part of this story. “Steve, this is my neighbor, Nancy,’ Sara said. ‘She was being a naughty girl and was spying on me.” I was going to protest but I didn’t know what to say. I mean I was naked and Steve just saw us kissing. “ Nancy , you shouldn’t be spying on other people,’ Steve said. ‘You need to be punished. Sara, go get your handcuffs, bring some shaving cream and your razor also.” ‘I really need to get going now. My family will be home...

1 year ago
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An unexpected suprise part 1

Let me first start off by saying I am not the most popular guy around. I am only about 5’8, brown hair and I’m not the strongest but I can hold my ground. Everything that happened was an unexpected surprise. Here it is.I am on the track team and we had just finished a long and tiring meet in New York. By the time we were even half way home (DC), it was already pitch black. Everyone was either sleeping or listening to their iPods. I was sitting in the middle of the bus while others were...

4 years ago
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Haircut for Julie

She was one of the regular customers, a woman probably in her late twenties with long brown hair that she had trimmed regularly and she always asked for me instead of either of the two girls I employed,"Hi Andrea," she smiled as she took her seat, "You look very nice today in that outfit. Are you going somewhere special after work?"I was wearing a black lycra mini skirt and a white tee shirt, no bra and a sexy little thong underneath had kept me feeling sexy all day, in anticipation of a nice...

3 years ago
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The discussion around the dinner table in a large and very busy upper-class restaurant took a dangerous turn. Someone mentioned that she was recently part of a threesome with two men, something I had never experienced before. My boyfriend, Jack, who wasn’t there because he and his mates went to a pub, said he never wanted to share me with anybody. I was his alone. He was the jealous type.Next to me sat two strangers, friends of my best friend, Jill. Blondie on my left, had his hand on my thigh...

Group Sex
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Main maa ko randi banaya

Hi ISS reader im Nikky.main patna ka rehana wala hoon .ek bar ki baat hai mera papa business ke silsila main delhi gaya hue the meri ma ka figure hai 38 – 29 – 38.meri maa ko dekh kar collony kai log madhos ho jate hai.ek din mera dost aslam,khan,aur do dost aaya.un sab ne jab meri maa ko dekha to wo log mere maa ko hi dekhta reh gai.phir wo log mujse mil kar chale din sam main main jab aslam kay ghar gaya to wo log meri maa ki husn ki batein kar rahe thai khan ne kaha kal kay party...

1 year ago
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The True Source of Magic 1st part

PrologueMagic was once abundant in the world: most agree with that.  What people disagree on is how to bring the magic back.Some say the magic will never return, that it is a punishment for past sins.  Some say the magic will return once the sins have been atoned for, or when wrongs have been righted.  Others say that magic can be made abundant again through effort and intelligence. Most say that the world was paradise when magic was abundant, and will be again, if ever the source of magic can...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Nerd Wars Episode 1

Thoughts began rushing through my mind, and I began wondering how I managed to come across this goddess of the final frontier, because just two hours ago, I had been sitting in my apartment, awaiting what I thought would be just another day in a sci-fi convention. I know by now you are probably wondering just who the hell I am, so let me take you back and fill you in on the details. My name is Luke Stevens. I am six feet tall, about 180 pounds with short, brown hair and murky, blue...

4 years ago
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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 11

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Cracker, John Staff Sergeant, Addison National Guard, Game Warden, 6’-0’’ tall, 175 pounds, 32 years old, sun bleached blond hair, blue eyes Sergeant Cornplanter was in the cab of the deuce and a-half with the driver, and I quickly moved to stop them before Miranda could drop the wards and they left. “Sergeant Cornplanter, the guard you have won’t be a lot of help sitting in the back with the passengers,” I told her from...

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