K&T, LLC Ch. 01 free porn video

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Author’s Note: After some consideration, I will am retitling this story. It is still part of the Sean and Sheila saga, but a new volume. Volume one ended with their first night together. As before, sex is secondary, so look elsewhere if you want a stroke Story. Try Kitty & Teddy, LLC Ch. 06A, which will also make the first chapter easier to follow.

There is little sex in these chapters. Sorry.

Chapter 1 — Changes

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


‘Everyone knows about the wedding. Some of it is Justin’s incredible photography. The shot of the houseboat against the moonlight won major awards. Odd that he gave Mom a lot of the credit. His candid shots of the bridesmaids are hysterical. Justin somehow managed a shot of my Aunt Jo hanging Aunt Fran out of a window. That room is on the third floor and the whole level was ladies only. Aunt Jo would call it the mare moiety. They did get the makeup fixed in time for the ceremony.

‘Mom looked incredible. She made the cover of a bridal magazine, which embarrasses her no end. The whole, now famous, Victorian motif was hers, though Dad claims the equally famous dress. Somehow, they managed to set it up in one week, yet made it the event of the season. The week must have been frantic, though no one ever talks about it.


I was learning to love waking up after an evening with Sean. I was invariably sore, well rested and contented. That did not mean that something significant had not happened. Getting engaged rated as significant in my book. Looking over at Sean, I decided that my Teddy Bear would rank as significant just about every morning.

Things were going to be different, and soon. Once I started the thought, the train ran away with me. I had an apartment to consider, complete with a newly acquired submissive. I had a business to run, and G_d only knew what changes would take place there. Sean might want a honeymoon, which meant that I needed a fill in, and CC was not ready yet. The catalog had been put to bed, but there were wrap up details that still needed tidying. There were some unsettling rumors concerning my building, which deserved a long look. At least the wedding planning should be easy. How complicated could a small backyard wedding get, especially on our schedule?

First things first. I slipped out of bed and grabbed my phone on the way to the bathroom. As expected, Francine had sent me a dozen messages, getting progressively more profane. Knowing her habits, there was no way she was up. It would serve her right.

Phone: If this is Schwartzkopf, you are a shit, the lowest form of life and I am insanely jealous. I hope you had a good fuck. Meet me at the old diner at 9:00. Everyone else, screw yourself, I’m busy.

OK. Score that one for Francine. It was already 8:15 AM, so I needed to hurry. Running back into the bedroom, still naked, I looked for the inevitable intercom. It was on the wall, next to the door. I pressed a button and said, ‘Who is driving today?’ I took a moment, then a familiar voice responded.

This is Gerald. What can I do for you Miss Schwartz?

‘Gerald, this ought to be below your pay grade.’

You have a point ma’am, but this is an unusual situation.

Wow. I felt like Rene Russo, in The Thomas Crown Affair, when Pierce Brosnan said he never brought anyone to his cabin. Unless I missed my guess, Gerald was Sean’s head of security. That meant a lot of things, which I would have to sort out later. For the moment, I needed to get a ride.

‘Well, I think I can make it a bit more unusual. But first, would you have someone get a car ready. I need to meet someone in town, at 9:00, and I have no clothes to change into. Unless Sean keeps a closet full of woman’s clothes, for his guests … did I hear you snort?’

Yes, ma’am. Sorry, ma’am. I will have a car ready in ten minutes. Is there anything else?

‘Gerald, do you remember when I said I was glad you were the center of information flow?’

Uh, ma’am, that sounds very ominous.

‘Gerald, you barely know me, yet you know me well. Here is the short version, which you may unpack at leisure. Sean and I became engaged last night. The wedding is a week from today, here on the grounds, with a reception to follow. I would love to chat, but I have a meeting, and you have calls to make. Fortunately, most people are up by now. Now, aren’t you glad you got this message in person, so to speak?’


Waking is not usually difficult. There is a radio across the room, which plays annoying financial information til I shut it up. When Sheila came home with me, I had managed to switch the alarm off, so I had had more than two extra hours of sleep. Somehow the clock read 9:12 and I was still half asleep.

I stumbled to the house com. Pressing the button I said, ‘Who is on this weekend.’ Then there was a noticeable delay. Gerald would be chewing someone out over that.

Good morning. This is Gerald. What can I do for you. Gerald?

‘Gerald, what the hell are you doing, at the com, on a Saturday morning? This is way below your pay grade.’ My God, Gerald laughed.

Sorry, Sir. It is just that Miss Schwartz used those exact words an hour ago. It has been a busy hour. Oh my hairy balls.

‘I take it Sheila informed you of her new status.’

Yes, Sir, in passing. The big news was the where and when of the nuptials.’ Oh shit. ‘If I may say, Sir, Miss Schwartz has an uncanny ability to do a thirty minute brief, in fifteen seconds. Are you sure that this is where you want to go, Sir? God I loved this woman.

‘Gerald, if that was entire briefing, she left out the part about wanting a room remodeled. Hopefully, we will need it in nine months. How is that for compact information?’

I stand corrected, Sir.

‘I assume you assigned Miss Schwartz a car and driver today. Did she take it?’

Yes, Sir, and no, Sir. She asked for a ride to her apartment. She was observed to make a quick change and drive off in her personal vehicle. She was not accompanied by Miss Collins. She indicated an 0900 meeting.

‘I cannot say I am surprised by any of that. Send her a text message, requesting a conference. She is to have have family grade access, both here at the house and in the garage, starting immediately. Her shadow, Miss Collins, will have overnight guest status, until further notice. We will need to work her apartment into the rotation, as soon as possible, and get her car vetted. Sell that to her as an oil change and tune up. See what she will sit still for and shoot me a note ASAP. Give me a full write up on everything tonight.

‘Enjoy your weekend.’

Security people will run your life, if you let them. I was glad to learn Sheila had her whip in hand when she dealt with them. Of course, finding Sheila with a whip in her hand is rarely surprising. Security would be putting in some serious overtime this week, and that was if things stayed small. As Han Solo would say, I had a bad feeling.

After talking with Gerald, I attacked the email stack. Word of my engagement had not hit, yet, but rumor of the catalog was running amok. Harold Johnstead sent personal assurances that everything would be available for the Monday mail. I wondered how many extra copies he would be keeping. Just to tweak his beak, I replied with a request for 200 wedding invitations, priority job.

There was nothing from Helen in the stack, but that only meant that she was doing something at church. At least I was not Catholic. Confessing fornication was not something I wanted to try. My best guess was that Sheila was a non practicing Jew, but I would need to ask. Pastor Myers would perform the ceremony, regardless, but I needed to find out. I had visions of stomping a glass in a yarmulke. Not going there. Thank God I owned a catering company.

Helen could handle the invitations. It would be strictly local and family, but I had a feeling that would not
hold the crowd down much. Sheila might want a small affair, but I had doubts. In the mean time, I needed to talk to Justin. Rumors would be bad enough, just from what I gave Harold. Having a local photographer would be even worse.

One interesting item was a note from Julian, the corset maker. He said the Bridal Corset would be ready for a fitting on Tuesday. He noted that he was aware of the dress requirements, and guaranteed proper fit. The dress was scheduled for Friday, which was cutting things close. I thanked him. I also told him to expect at least one other person for a fitting. Sheila had mentioned CC was a size 8. My eyeball analysis said 32 C. Hopefully that was enough to get Julian started. I did not bother mentioning Francine Martel, since she would likely wear a corset on the outside.

After that. I went to scrounge some breakfast. I could contemplate what Sheila’s reverse cowgirl was telling me. It was a nice counterpoint to fried egg on toast. Heaven help me when people started to get home from wherever they went on Saturday mornings.


I pulled up at the 7th Street Diner at 9:07 AM. That made me seven minutes late, by most standards, or 23 minutes early, by Francine time. However, I was not surprised to be met at the door with, ‘You’re late. Where the fuck have you been, and how much fucking was involved?’ Francine can be subtle. Really, she can. This was not going to be one of those times.

I came inside to find Francine next to the wreckage of a three egg omelet, half a dozen donuts, three cups of coffee and at least five cigarette butts. By law, all restaurants are non-smoking, but that has never applied to divas like Francine Martel. Fortunately, there was a cold cup of black coffee on the other side of the table. I drained it and waived it in the air until someone picked up a pot. Only then did I look at my recently refound friend. Everything I was prepared to say died at the sight.

Francine was not only an hour early to a meeting, which should have been impossible, she was absolutely riveted on my face. My guess was that she had been up since 5:00 AM. at the latest, which would be three hours ahead of schedule, on a workday. My engagement was the only thing out of the ordinary, so this was all for my benefit. I would have been flattered, if I were not so appalled. Instead, I came around the table and gave her a Sean-like hug. Funny how I associated hugs and Sean so quickly.

Much of the tension ran out of Francine, but she was still a gossip queen in full bore. I had to tell her every detail of the proposal. Every few seconds I would get a ‘No’ or a ‘You’re shitting me.’ I did not not slow down til I heard, ‘Holy shit, you left before dinner was served?’ I guess we had, hence eating at Wendy’s. Holy shit, indeed.

About that time, the waitress came around wanting my order. Francine ordered a trucker breakfast, while I asked for boiled egg and oatmeal. And more coffee. Suddenly I felt like I was going on four hours of sleep, even though it had been closer to six. Francine gave a knowing look and said nothing. I believe I have mentioned how nervous a quiet Francine makes me.

So, I told her about my time in Sean’s shower and bed. I went through it all in loving detail. When I finally reached the part where I heard her message, still less than an hour earlier, Francine gave me a sour look. Other than that, not a thing.

Finally, she spoke. ‘Split the bamboo.’ Say what? I must have looked confused. ‘It’s from the Kama Sutra. Look it up. Good God Schwartz, how can you be so innocent? You have been whipping naked men for a decade, and you do not even know basic sex techniques. You are describing A zone stimulation–look that up too–which you get when Ricky bumps your cervix. I would lay money you own a vibrator that is at least a foot long.’ I think I blushed at that.

‘While you are at it, look up the ballerina position. Sean will love it and you can do it anywhere. Its absolutely perfect for airline sex. I can not do it. I’m too fucking short. Never mind looking it up, I will send you a copy. I have a dozen.

‘So, you are getting married. When?’

I had dreaded this question. There was no way I could pull off a nonchalant with Francine. Instead, I went very still, looked Francine straight in the eyes and spit it out. ‘Next Saturday, at Sean’s house. Will you be one of my ladies?’ Up til now, I only thought Francine was unnaturally quiet. She might have turned to stone, except that her mouth fell open and she dropped a donut she had been dunking.

It only lasted a moment. ‘Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women… Fucking A, Schwartz, you know how to drop big fucking bombs. Are there any small surprises?’ Oh my G_d. I had not even thought of that.

‘No, Francine, I am not pregnant. Hopefully, that will change next weekend.’

‘OK. That covers the next three questions. What about the dress?’

‘Sean ordered me one.’

‘That’s right, you said. Here’s the deal. I may not be able to get off next Saturday. If I do, it will be because of who you are, not who I am. I have to be honest, I am no longer the headliner I was five years ago. On the other hand, Mistress Cynthia is both famous and infamous. Do you want me to try? Better yet, do you want me to drop the show? Elizabethtown is the last stop, and my understudy, whatever her name is, can use some stage time.’

That was a bag of questions. Dropping a show was a big deal. However, dropping one town in a run, to an understudy, was much more acceptable. An important wedding was reasonable grounds. The second level was that Francine was offering to help with the wedding, and possibly more. My clients were going to need someone, if I took a week for a honeymoon. I am not sure I trusted Francine long term, but she would get off on the costumes and theatrics for a while. There was also the subtext that Francine could use my name profitably, which struck me as upside down.

At that point our food arrived. I ate my oatmeal and egg, while Francine inhaled another couple thousand calories. By the time I was sipping my coffee, wishing it were tea, I had half a plan.

‘Francine, I will not say yes or no now. Go to practice and float a balloon. We will talk tonight. Either way, I may need some of your contacts. Doing things on the fly, like we will have to, a costuming company might be the source for the maid’s dresses. In fact, a set company might be good for our reception. Give em a call, whenever, and we will talk.’ I stood and put $10 on the table.

‘For now, I need to go take CC shopping. I gave her to Jason last night, so I need to see if she is still my submissive.’ I heard a fork clatter and caught a glimpse of Francine’s open mouth. It was probably the first time in ten years that Francine had let someone else get the last word, much less paid for a meal. It was turning into a good morning.

Rather than go directly to the hotel, I went back to my apartment and made up a crash bag: toilet kit, change of clothes, flogger, restraints, etc. I was not sure who I would pick up. If she was CC, that required one response. Tess would require a different one. My best guess was a close call. I just hoped her night had been as memorable as mine.

I drove the car around to Jason’s room and honked the horn. After a short pause, the door opened and both Jason and CC came out. One glance at their faces told me that I needed a fourth option. Something significant had gone on, and it was not just sex. Jason had a notepad in his hand, so I rolled the window down and he handed it to me. I asked what was going on, but Jason said it was too complex for a parking lot. Seeing CC, I believed him, so I let it lie.

As we drove us off, I examined CC. There was a lot to take in. She was freshly washed, but she was wearing the same clothes she had worn the day before. She had a well fucked aura, but not a satisfied one. Far from it. At that point, I realized I was g
oing to deal with this as a CC issue. We needed to talk, but, with CC, that was a problem. I was at a loss, when I saw a sign ahead.

It read ‘Best Buy.’


After talking to Gerald, I pulled on a pair of shorts and pumped iron for half an hour. Then I climbed on the bike and set the gauge for 10/20. This meant I was going to ride for 10 simulated miles, and the computer would ding me when I dropped below 20 miles per hour. After I worked up to speed, I started making notes on the recorder I keep mounted on the bars.

Open the main ballroom and clean thoroughly, top priority.

Notify kitchen staff that a major event was coming.

Have Henri coordinate food prep with Richard in Catering.

Hire dance music for the ball room and a DJ for outside.

Get outdoor sound, tables and chairs from Events.

Get with Sheila on decorations.

Contact family, get RSVP. Check with Sheila about having Jo in her party.

Get the grounds crew started. The gazebo will do for the altar, but seating must be laid out.

Priority calls:

Mother and Father

Jo and George


Best Man

House and Grounds

Once I finished my ride, I did a quick shower and started on the calls. Easiest first, which mean my baby sister, who was now a grad student at Dartmoth. Fortunately, semester was over, so she probably only had research to do.

Phone: Hello.

‘Good Morning Jo Jo. This is your big brother calling.’

Phone: Don’t call me that. It’s almost as bad as my real name. Is someone in the hospital?

‘Close. I am getting married. Can you make it down this week?’

Phone: Clarence, it is not nice to even joke about things like that. Now, what is really going on?

‘I am cold serious. The wedding is set for next Saturday, here at the house. Can you make it, and do you want to be in the bridal party?’

Phone: Oh my God. Are you serious? Of course I will be down. When did this happen? How did Mother react? Have you told Father? Why so soon?

‘Slow down. Let me get that in order. Yes, I am completely serious. I proposed last night and we decided to make it as soon as possible, then cut off a week. You are the first I am telling, so neither Mother or Father have had a comment. Tracking Father down may not be easy. Frankly, I expect Mother to send regrets and a white elephant. I hope to have George in my party, but he may have more trouble getting away, if he remembers. Before you ask, no, she is not pregnant, but she wants to be.

‘About my fiancé, she is a local business woman, but very low key. She owns some important real estate and has just finished a major publishing project. You should absolutely get together and compare notes. To give one example, she owns, and uses, a collection of authentic, 19th century, hand lacquered, oriental hair pins. If you are going to be in her party, I should warn you that the wedding dress is a Victorian design, including a corset. Her name is Sheila Schwartz.’

Phone: No! A corset? Really? Wait a minute, that name is familiar. Why?

‘Think dance.’

Phone: Right. She was at Gruber’s studio the year Mother forced me to attend. She and that short little bitch, what was her name, were the stars. I remember she was going to do a part in The Nutcracker at Lincoln Center. Then. she just disappeared.

‘I think she did play at Lincoln Center. I would have to check. However, she overdeveloped, and Herr Gruber, rather unceremoniously, dumped her. That was ten or eleven years ago, but it left scars.’

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Truth or Dare postgraduate

The four of us, two girls, two guys, have been friends from our college days.  We dated each other once or twice, but nothing serious developed.  So we remained friends, just not lovers.  But even with friends, flirtations and sexual tension has a way of seeping into a relationship.  I especially liked one of the girls, Amy, a tall beauty, 5’8”, with auburn hair, an athletic build and lovely breasts.  She was just my type and I always hoped to get a privileged view of her beauty.  The other...

Group Sex
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The dark mistress pondered her dilemma. She had no control over who took what pills at a rave. As other pushers had done, she donated her samples to the promoter's supply even though her motive was a bit different than most. Yet, her dope was popular, and she usually had a selection of a few potential victims each time. Her last two pairs of subjects had perished of starvation and dehydration within days of being placed in her dungeon. The third, she hoped, would be the charm. This was the...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 04 Ch 05

Five days later, November 9th, Katie and Matt stood on their balcony looking down at steady line of passengers disembarking. Fifteen days ago they had stood in that same spot with the ship docked in Barcelona, watching those same passengers coming on board. Then they had just moved into their suite, and, now, in Miami, they were leaving it. Their possessions, personal and professional, were ready to be moved off-ship, go through customs and be transferred to their condo. ‘Come on, Katie, there...

2 years ago
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Christmas Slave

It’s Saturday 23rd December. My partner, Donna, and I are curled up on the sofa. I ask her the same question that I have been asking for weeks. “What do you want for Xmas?” She smiles and says, “I know what I’d really like- I’d like you to be my slave again. I’d like a slave from tomorrow until boxing day night.” She looks at me with a wicked glint in her eye and a huge smile across her face. “I loved having you as a slave the other week.” “Ok if that’s what you want then I’ll be your slave...

2 years ago
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Army Boot Camp BBW STYLE Repost

Army Boot Camp - BBW STYLE!Chapter 1Back when I was in the army, I spent a few years as a boot camp instructor. It was always an interesting experience watching a group of completely disorganized, scared, and naive group of strangers turn into a cohesive, trained platoon of soldiers.Cohesion and teamwork are key, and as a drill sergeant, I always emphasized that they would only get through the course together. If they chose to argue, bicker and work against each other, they wouldn't make it...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 8 Felicity ChumleyChapter 4

As it turned out, as Felicity barged into the library, Chester was just showing Bobby out. She pulled the door open and jumped back, when she was confronted with two men, standing there. “I see you’ve been making cookies again,” said Chester, smiling at her. She looked at her hands, and flushed deep red. “I need to talk to you,” she said. “about this...” she waved a doughy hand at Bobby. “about him...” “Excellent!” said Chester. “I need to talk to you too. I’ve hired Mister Dalton here to...

4 years ago
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Just Getting Started1

After work one day we were back at his place playing videogames. The rain was really coming down hard and it was getting late. Steve had me cal my parents and let them know I was ok, he spoke to them and reassured them that he had no problem letting me stay at his place until the storm let up. My dad had no problem with it he met Steve and knew he was a good guy. We went back to our video games but the storm just got worse. Eventually the power went out. “Well now what are we going to do...

2 years ago
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Smile By Ed Miller ========================================= My girlfriend was a witch. I know it sounds like bullshit, but it's the simple truth. She was a real witch, with magic spells and everything. I'll tell you about it. She didn't look like a witch, of course. Witches (at least to my mind) are supposed to be old hags with warts, only three teeth, and long, knobby noses. Tina was none of that. She was an absolutely stunning little girl, about five and a half...

2 years ago
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Scratching that Itch Lesbian

Penny lay in the bathtub with the warm, soapy water caressing her body and soothing away the tightness in her muscles. For months now she had been in a state of inner frustration and turmoil about her sensual desires to make love with a woman, desires that had been building and becoming stronger with each passing day."I've been happily married for six years and have a three-year old daughter," Penny thought to herself, "and my husband and I have a very good sex life. Mark and I are even...

2 years ago
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Birthday Suprise

I have had a bad run with women over the last year. I tried online dating, speed dating, the clubs, and no luck.To say the least it has been a long time since I got some pussy. I have been so horny lately that I have been consideringseeing a prostitute. My birthday was this Thursday and one of my male coworkers wanted to take me out with his wife to show me a good time. I agreed, and we set up a night out on Thursday. Parker and Emma picked me up at my apartment around 8 pm. Emma...

4 years ago
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Candy Naked in SchoolChapter 2

Tuesday: At 2:00 AM Candy woke up screaming. She must have been making a lot of noise before she actually awoke, because both her father and mother were at either side of her. In her sleep she had relived her rape but this time instead of the nine teachers it was all the boys from the football team, the basketball team, the track team, and the baseball team. About 200 boys in all and instead of only fucking in one hole or another all 200 fucked her in mouth, pussy, and ass. Both her mother...

4 years ago
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Sexy Sister Seduced Me

Hey guys, I am a boy from Kolkata and if any girl is interested in one night stand, message me at This is my first story so please ignore the mistakes you come across. This story is about my sexy sister whose figure is 36-24-38. Her name is Radhika. She is an absolute sex bomb with smoking hot figure. Her skin tone is medium, almost fair and she has pink nipples with straight long hair. It all started when I was in class 12 and my sister was in 1st year college. She was a year senior to me. We...

3 years ago
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Wife used for revenge

For my birthday in august, we went to Las Vegas. After about 2 days of partying were were walking around pretty smashed. My wife and I had talked about trying to hook up with another girl and have a threesome. We went to a club and my wife met a girl and started fucking with her but when I got close, my wife broke it up and said never mind. I got really fucking mad but held it in cause I didn't want to ruin our time because we were with friends. When wegot back to the hotel my wife was so...

1 year ago
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A Camping Trip I wont forget

I went on a school camping trip recently, and it was a blast. It was a small group of friends and teachers and their family. We went on separate cars and was all to meet at the camp grounds. It was a nice little area with cabins mess hall etc. When we arrived we got settled into the cabins and went out to check out the camp grounds. I noticed from a far a beautiful young woman walking up to the camp. She was a small american woman with short brown eyes a tight slim body and a nice pair of...

1 year ago
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Everyday Screw The Cab Ride

Being a LYFT driver in the city isn't all bad. Especially when things start heating up at night. Drunken coeds, bored moms, bachelorette parties; it's all good. Usually, the more alcohol that has been flowing, the better the view you have of the passengers. Sometimes it's a good thing you don't have to get up and walk around; you'd be pointing out all the tourist attractions in the area with your cock. Today just had an especially good vibe. You started on shift at 6pm, and it was still plenty...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love 8211 Part 1

Rani and Kumar had been married for more than 15 years. It was a marriage by arrangement. Rani came from a poor family background, one of the six daughters to a lowly paid blue collar worker. They lived in a village in the deep south of Tamil Nadu. To get a daughter married, it cost an arm and a leg, especially for the dowry demanded by the groom’s parents. Rani’s father had hell of a job to scrounge enough dowries to get his elder two daughters married and he was dreading how on earth he was...

1 year ago
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The Rendevous

The Rendezvous   He called Saturday night just after ten. His wife was being admitted and they may induce her labor. He told me how much he missed me and how needy he was for my warm, wet mouth. I told him to be patient. His responsibility was to take good care of business. He told me that his wife was fine and that he hoped to see me on Sunday. We hung up.   I hadn't meant for it to happen, but it did. I'd been drunk and tired and that night at the party when the hot stud...

3 years ago
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Me Beth and Maria makes three part 2

Part 2Now Beth was about 5 ft 4 inches tall, blond shoulder length hair which she always tied up in a pony tail when we were working, but let it hang loose when relaxing....fuck did she look good when her hair was down so sexy. She had an hour glass figure and often when she lost some wait was waif like, she didn’t like her legs she said they were short and chunky, I called them nice and shapely, her arse was perfect round not plump and her pussy....well I knew it was shaved as she told me so,...

2 years ago
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I got married a few years ago. It was to a woman from my job. It seemed like a decent idea at the time but lately we just don't get along. I would have left her, actually I considered it until I learned something she has and I want... her daughter.Her daughter was 16 when we got married, and not at all in the mood for some stranger to be giving her orders. Her mom tried to make the best of it, and although I really didn't care much if the little brat liked me, mom tried anyway. She even forced...

3 years ago
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Story Of A Small Boob Girl

Hi readers; my name is Kabita. I belong to a small town. I got married at the age of 18. My husband is Sunder. He is a Manager in a reputed farm. Actually he was forced to marry me by his grandmother. My husband is 12 years elder than me. Actually his grandmother had promised to my family to make me her granddaughter in law. But when she got seriously ill, she wished Sunder to get married as soon as possible. So sunder married me and took me with his to a big city. At the time of marriage my...

1 year ago
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Bath time with nanny and her niece

James lay his bed think about the accident he had been out with friends swimming in the lake in was sunny day there was five girls and eight boys all in the bathing suits enjoying the summer heat wave. Everyone was talking about the party the night before were everyone had a great time and drank a bit too much. Alex (Jason best friend) climbs up tree that was about four feet away from lake. Jump of the tree in to the lake with huge cannon ball that everyone there applauds. Jason seen...

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Enjoying Life

I am a 40 year old 5’7″ tall fair fit & fine body male from Hyderabad. Generally my this is for married women’s who seek some adventure + fun in their life. I saw lot of females who had very good & satisfied married life but somewhere in their subconscious they feel some loneliness and an satisfaction about life. Why this kind of thoughts come because their children’s become somewhere busy in their education, Husband is very busy in earning and very little time to spend with their spouse who...

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The Village of Agony and EctasyChapter 5

This chapter is being submitted as part of a contest to write a story that corresponds to a particular drawing that the site picked. The picture so accurately portrayed the story, that I submitted this chapter to the contest. There was almost no change in the story line to follow the theme of the picture. In order for others to follow the plot, I will give the following synopsis. This tale is set in a time where the strongest controlled the countryside. Young woman and men were taken from their...

3 years ago
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The Sexy Neighbour Rekha

I am rohan from bhopal, this is my first story and is also my fantasy, I hope you guys like it. So, it’s 2016 I was a 16 year old boy relatively new to the world of sexual fantasy and desires. Well, its tender age when your mind can be easily diverted, and that did happen on day when I saw my sexy neighbour, rekha. Let me tell you about her, a mother of 2 children her elder son was 15 and younger daughter was 10. She was a typical milf aunty, I dont know her exact measurements but her boobs...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad

My Best Friend's Dad     by Ms Marca         My high school years ******* I've been told that I have a perfect body for cock teasing. It just doesn’t occur to me to walk or stand any differently, but guys of all ages react the same way whenever they see me. I like knowing that they are looking at me and thinking about how I would look naked. I always enjoyed the attention.   I was over at Deena's house and we were sitting outside next to her pool...

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Geena And Me

Geena Kackmarinski was the classic example of the girl who was born into the lap of luxury. Her unintentional conception had been the result of a careless moment after a night of revelry, during a moment of passion and had come as some inconvenience to her busy parents but they compensated to give Geena everything. Her mother and Father were well known in the highest levels of society and their daughter was to be raised for a proper position in that social strata. Geena had a full-time...

1 year ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 13

Lou lay half propped on one elbow and continued to quench his thirst. Taking water in small draughts from his cupped palm, savoring every drop of moisture, he studied the skittish young woman sitting at the cook fire. She sure was a pretty young thing. Auburn hair was piled in haphazard disarray above a face with delicate features, a pert little nose, brown eyes with a touch of green to them, and a complexion like fresh cream; smooth and soft. It was a gentle face. A might dirty one at the...

3 years ago
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Tits on Display Chapter 2

The Women in the Red BlouseOkay, I am 70, so all of you guys that are middle 40’s and below have this image of an old grampa that can’t get it up can move along and find another story to get you hard. The rest of you that want to hear the fantasy produced by my shopping trip read on.Yes, it was a trip to the grocery store for a loaf of bread. I suppose if I was a professional porn writer I would have changed the loaf of bread to a grocery shopping trip for a sausage, but it really was a loaf of...

3 years ago
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Mothers Night

It was a Friday night in a random week; it was 23:42, and I climbed out of bed to get myself a glass of water. I walked down the stairs to the 1st floor, when I heard the muffled sound of a voice coming from my mother's bedroom. I noticed the door was slightly open and dimmed light was shining through the opening. Because I didn't know what was going on (my mother and I lived alone, my two sisters had their own place), because she was supposed to be alone in her room, and I heard a voice, I...

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Jeu La pire journe de ma vie version fille

Avec l'accord et la complicité d'Assguard, la version fille de son jeu. Le réveil vient de sonner, tôt. Plus tôt que d'habitude. La patronne m'a convoquée à la première heure, j'avais anticipé en me couchant tôt, mais c'était sans compter sur mes difficultés à m'endormir depuis que Matthieu m'a quittée. Je compte sur la douche pour me réveiller un petit peu. Je dois être opérationnelle aujourd'hui, je joue sans doute ma place. Ma cheffe avait un air suffisamment sévère lorsqu'elle m'a...

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The Sun Hat Conclusion

I recommend you read The Sun Hat before you read this conclusion to the story. (It's listed under 'Wife Lovers') The climb up the private stairway was everything that Greg had hoped it would be. She led the way and he followed closely, two steps below, his face just inches from her jiggling buttocks which warmly smelled of the coconut suntan lotion she used. Even though they had already shared a most intimate sexual experience, they had yet to touch in an intimate way. However, his hands could...

Wife Lovers
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Alice Is Spanked Again

The holiday was going by all too quickly for Alice, although she had already agreed to meet up with Melanie when they got home as they didn’t live very far from each other.Melanie had retained her very strict and quick to discipline attitude towards Alice who, at fifty-eight-years-old, loved submitting to eighteen-year-old Melanie. What was better, for Alice, was to find out that she wasn’t the only granny figure to be disciplined by a teenager at the camp. Although Alice hadn’t realised when...

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6 Clan Amir The Shukra WarChapter 06

At 8:30 a.m. Major Pargrew leads a dozen vehicles up the slope to the ridge overlooking the battlefield. The three regional governors plus several media people disembark and look at the valley. The visitors can easily see the destroyed vehicles with many dead and parts of the dead still lying around, as well as the mass graves dug nearby with the busy Swords carrying the enemy dead to the graves. The film crews start their cameras when they alight. Now many turn them off because this sight is...

1 year ago
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My bitch

Her bitch is running late tonight and she isn't sure why and not sure she cares why ...she is pissed. He will be punished for this . He knows he must never be late without asking her first even if they were to need him to work late he should have called and asked. She goes to get his leash and collar and a whip. Then returns to the living room waiting to hear him pull in the drive way. She could call and see where he is but it is his responsibility to call for permission. So she will just...

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