K&T, LLC Ch. 05 free porn video

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Author’s note: This section contains a graphic depiction of a very dangerous bondage scene. If you are at all squeamish, please skip the last chapter. There is a plot summary following the chapter.

Chapter 11 — Old Friends and New

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


What can anyone say about the trip to New York. Maybe it would be that it was to Brooklyn, not Manhattan. Maybe that it was to a warehouse, not anyplace fancy. Maybe that Aunt Francine owned it through her production company. My personal favorite is that Mom met Angela and Pedro de la Garza. You have to be an insider like Aunt Frannie to know what that means.

Of course they also had the bridesmaids dresses made and designed the decorations for the reception ball.


I had a plan. Once we loaded up the cart and moved to checkout, I would pay for everything and say it was my wedding gift. Who knew Sheila would be flush and insist on paying herself? Then Jo Jo, the oversized little shit, slipped a gold card out while Schwartz and I were arguing. She and Little Miss Happy started hauling the clothes out, while Sheila and I were still arguing. It pisses me off when someone steals my lines, especially if I am paying good money for them.

We stopped in the lot long enough to snarf a decent sized snack, then stuffed everyone into the front seat and drove to Sheila’s car. Jo went on to Julian’s studio while the rest of us switched vehicles. When the three of us pulled up, Jo Jo was trying to climb some very nasty steps, in four inch heels. The damn woman was tall enough without them. Schwartz and I left Miss Serves a Lot to help her up.

That let us be inside to watch the M&M girls get their first sight of my work. Siobhan deserves a lot of the credit for the new look—she was wearing it after all—but Schwartz and I had gotten her into in the first place. An audience is necessary for the final judgment.

The look of Maggie’s face alone was worth the effort. I could not have scripted her line better, ‘Sure it is, Miss Siobhan, that ye are a fine looking woman. Right handsome, I say. I did nae think these two were wee fairies, but perhaps I’m bein’ mistaken.’

Then she collected Jo Jo to get her fitted. CC went along, so Sheila and I were left to pace, and I did not even have coffee. We discussed a lot of things, such as her ideas about set design for the wedding. I had to hand it to her. Doing the actual ceremony on a party barge had a lot of possibilities. It would be easy to do the set and the audience could not interfere. Sound might be an issue, but that was details.

Schwartz was also telling me more than I wanted to know about her business. It was only going to be for ten days to two weeks. I could wing it that long. Hell, negotiating a scene is half the fun. It was a pity none of her outfits would fit me. Sheila told me she had built up a nice wardrobe. Jo Jo might find something, since she could wear things that were fairly normal sized. Maybe not. Things were getting dull when Maggie brought Siobhan back. Whew.

If I was going to be critical, there were a lot of small issues. In a corset, the skirt hung like a bag. Only the belt kept it from sliding all the way off. The hair was an all morning job, followed by an afternoon working on the face and nails. Hell, I could give her a trip to the spa. All that would be criticizing. The transformation itself was stunning.

Siobhan would never be pretty. She was too big and her features were too strong. That said, she did a damn good feminine version of imposing, and there was no doubt about the feminine part. Siobhan was born for the boardroom. Hillary Clinton eat your heart out.

Sheila took a bunch of pictures, then went out the door. Maggie and CC disappeared, probably to see Julian. That gave me a minute to consider touch up. The natural colors were good and very untouched. The hair could be worn up.

Schwartz came back with a more adjustable skirt and her laptop. If she was doing pics, I could do makeup. I pulled Siobhan into the changing room and helped her step out of her skirt. God, this woman’s legs were longer than I was. The irony was that jeans would work, provided they were fitted. That was for later in the week. At the moment, I tied her hair in a quick knot and added some eye liner and lip gloss. It was purely icing on the cake.

I brought Siobhan out and Sheila shot more pictures. Then she showed them to us. It was one of those moments you never forget. In some ways it is not quite real til there is an image. Then, Jo asked the obvious question—how had she missed it? That let me explain what had been going on all day, or start. Halfway through I had to leave for my fitting.

Julian was exactly what I expected from a wardrobe genius. I did not want to waste time, so I tossed my top to Millie, who was standing in as the assistant. As I had expected, the corset was a cut down small. Seriously, short of making a new one, what choice was there. It was not like I needed one in the first place. Julian tried to fuss with it, but I closed it up and grabbed a bench. Julian gave a histrionic sigh, but complied.

When I opened the door to the parlor, Jo Jo had CC over her knee for a spanking. I was jealous and not sure of whom. Spanking CC is a lot of fun, but Siobhan was very good at it. I could cast myself in either role. Be that as it may, it was too good an entrance to waste.

‘Damn, Schwartz. Next time you schedule entertainment, let me know.’ Schwartz had Siobhan stand up, then demonstrated the correct form for taking a bow in a skirt. No one does a curtsy any more, but Sheila does one with real style. Then it was goodbye to the M&M ladies and off to Brooklyn.

I once asked why Pedro had built his costume and prop warehouse in the relative sticks of Brooklyn’s south side. I expected a money based answer, but he told me he met Angela in a school near there. That made no sense, because Angela is two years older and has multiple degrees. Pedro had a bit of education in Puerto Rico, but dropped out in what would be grade school. He’s proof that you do not need a degree to be smart, like Sheila. They could compare notes sometime.

Rather than move the merchandise, we elected to continue with Siobhan in the Mercedes and the rest of us in Sheila’s Volvo. Being in Elizabeth helped, since we were already well south. We headed across the bridge to Staten Island, then another bridge into Brooklyn. It was still rush hour, but we were headed toward Town, so it was not too bad.

Once in Brooklyn, we went to Bensonhurst, which is where it gets tricky. I was an old hand and Sheila’s driver never lost me, so he was pretty good. In the un-redeveloped part, not far from the beaches, are some old warehouses. I do not go around telling people, but I own three blocks and a few odd buildings. One of the things I do not own is a an old Dutch Reformed church. That was where Pedro and his people were waiting.

If you are not in theater, you may have never heard of Pedro de la Garza. Even if you are, his name is less known than his company, JB Productions, or his wife, Angela Molinari de la Garza. Angela is one of those women that always get pictures in the coverage of the Tonys and Academy Awards, generally with Edith Dryden. Pedro and Edith’s escort, usually Deirdre Walters, will arrive separately, so the two beauties can face the paparazzi. Do not be fooled. Pedro and Deirdre was also an interesting pair. Deirdre hung on Pedro the way CC revolved around Schwartz.

When I had called, I was expecting to meet Justice J Smith, Jr. my Manager. Pedro had retired almost five years before. However, 3J’s wife was in maternity, so Pedro volunteered. Even at 70, he cannot sit still. Unsurprisingly, Pedro was accompanied by Angela, his wife, and Deirdre, his shadow. I really needed to see Sheila, Sean and CC together, because I sensed the same sort of indivisible trio. Naturally, as soon as we piled out of the car
, Deirdre’s eyes went straight for CC. Like knows like.

It may be cliché, but Pedro and I first hit it off by comparing short stories. Even barefoot, he is five inches taller than I am, but that is still very short for a man. The thing is, Pedro had a feminine version, Patricia, that fooled even seasoned theater people. In four inch heels, Patricia was a tallish woman. I had asked what it was like being normal sized. We talked damn near til sunrise.

That led to my first profitable side venture. Pedro had a gift for seeing untapped potential, beginning with Edith Dryden. Hard as it is to believe, Edith once considered herself actively unattractive. Think Talia Shire in Rocky. The problem with discoveries is that they know nothing about anything. Edith was an established star by the time I met Pedro, but there was always another young thing who had no clue how to walk, talk or hit a mark. I tutored ‘deportment.’ Then I set up a company to do it, so that I could focus on the promising ones. These days Martel Academy has outlets near every major theater and film district. Up to his retirement, Pedro consistently sent me the best prospects.

It was that eye that I wanted to gauge, when Pedro saw our little group. As noted, CC peeled off and settled with Deirdre, who was old enough to be her grandmother. Sheila glided up, as only she could. Pedro bowed low and kissed her hand.

Without introduction Pedro said, ‘You can only be Senorita Schwartz, of whom we have heard so much for so long. My Francita is green with the envy. Now I see it is entirely justified. You move with the passion and sorrow of José de Espronceda’s poetry. It enlarges my heart to hear that you are engaged to marry. Is it not so?’ In response, Sheila blushed nicely and gave a curtsy I would kill to reproduce. Fortunately, Jo Richards arrived.

Everyone started toward the car, but CC is the one that made it to the door. She helped Jo Jo out of the car and gave her a shoulder to balance on. Schwartz said, ‘¿Puedo presentar mi cuñada, Siobhan Richards?’ (May I present my sister in law, Siobhan Richards). Damn show off. That was the kind of thing Deirdre used to do. Pedro responded, ‘Encantado, mi querido.’ (Enchanted, my dear). Then, to Jo Richards, ‘I see much progress, but also much potential. Francita was not exaggerating. But come, we have a few blocks to drive.’

The warehouse was a converted produce market. There were loading docks on both sides, then strings of blocky rooms opening out, with a spinal hallway. It was useful for separating periods and types of costumes. You could drive a truck directly to the one you wanted. I owned the place, but it was years since I had spent time there. Pedro led us to the part of the building furthest from the gate. Once inside, I immediately recognized the costumes to Dorian Gray.

You had to know her well to see it, but Sheila was just a step removed from orgasmic.


Once I had sent our grad students off for their beer and pizza, I went up to security central. Chaos would be the polite word.

It is a fundamental law that everyone likes toys. For security geeks, high definition, motion tracking cameras almost define the term. Given that Sheila had only four cameras, you would think the project was well contained. Wrong. Everyone wanted in on the job. As their ultimate boss, I drew a shred of respect, but it only cut the din slightly. I just shook my head and went to Gerald’s office.

Understandably, Gerald was upset that his staff was behaving like a bunch of boys with a new bicycle. I waved it off. It is rarely a good idea to be a wet blanket—unless there is a fire to smother. Gerald knew this as well as I did. His team would be putting in a lot of overtime in the coming days. This installation would be the highlight of their week.

Instead, I wanted reports from the building professionals that had been nosing around. Normally, this would have been Mitchell’s area, but he was busy with our grad students. Richard’s Enterprises had a master electrician on staff, so I asked him to come out and evaluate our possibilities. Things were not as bad as I had expected.

Little of the old house was properly wired, but almost all of it had been fitted with gas lights. All that gas piping could be removed and the holes used for electrical conduit. The gas light sconces could be wired or replaced. It was simple work, which would give us basic lighting for the foyer and the parlors. That work was well under way. Lighting the Ballroom was more difficult, because the main chandelier was for candles. An electrical conversion was not doable in our time frame.

Albert, one of my tech geeks, had a solution. Rather than attempt a full scale conversion, use battery operated lights. Given that the room was originally lit with candles, this had merit. Dozens of fake candles could be placed as easily as real ones. A supply house in Philadelphia had sufficient on hand and could deliver next day. I authorized the approach. Since they were available from the same source, I told them to get several dozen small LED lights. Events could supply paper bags. These could be made into luminaries for the driveway and waterfront.

Next up was the Fire Marshall’s assessment. He set a limit of 115 people in the Ballroom proper. That ought to be plenty. Given that we expected Amish manpower, he was willing to tolerate kerosene lights, provided they were actual lamps or lanterns. Surprisingly, he signed off on the stoves in the kitchen. Some were gas, but others were wood fired. It seemed that some century old regulations were still in force and the flues passed muster. Naturally, the gas lights were not acceptable.

Ventilation was another area I had worried about. This turned out to be the simplest of all the issues. One of the nice things about competent ancestors is that they think about little things like hot weather. This time of year, the breezes are off the lake, and the house is designed to catch them. Some long unused baffles on the roof needed to be opened, but the Ballroom had flow-through ventilation designed in. Events would be setting up water spray cooling for the outdoor seating. The same air would be pulled through the house. It was not air conditioning, but it would be endurable.

Food service was taking shape. The weather forecast was for sunny and temperatures in the mid 80s. This was ideal for serving a variety of cold food, such as Gerald’s sandwich stand, plus cold chicken, potato salad, fresh fruit and garden salad. The only hot items would be bread and sweet rolls. For drinks, we would have tea and lemonade in large stoneware crocks, bottled beer and vintage blend soda in tubs of ice. Supporting all of this were two refrigerated containers, already delivered. One was set for 35° and the other for -5°. They would be an inconvenient, but sizable, walk in refrigerator and freezer. We also had a freezer for bagged ice and a delivery contract.

In a way, it was a depressing report. I had good people and they could see what needed to be done. I was left with nothing to do but endorse their recommendations. It was gratifying, of course, but I felt like a fifth wheel. I recalled one of the meetings at Harold’s print shop. My most useful contribution was switching Sheila’s empty water bottle for a full one. Here, my only suggestion was to see if an old fashioned commercial size ice cream freezer was available.

Surprisingly, this led to an extended discussion. There was a WW I vintage one lung motor in the garage’s machine shop. We could use it for power, provided it was running. The motor’s distinctive popping sound would make a great attraction for our little carnival. Gerald thought that might be doable. One of the auto mechanics liked to tinker with old engines. As for the freezer, White Mountain still made them. If necessary, we could get a new one shipped for a few hundred bucks. I could give it to Events and charge the cost against my bill. I also thought the Amish would appreciate chu
rned ice cream.

Feeling a little better, I asked if Gerald had heard from the girls. I was shocked to see him blush. Without explanation, Gerald turned to his computer and pulled up an email. Attached was a picture of an imposing woman in a business suit. The email was from Sheila and had only two words, ‘Pay up.’ I was at a loss for a moment, then I recognized Jo’s distinctive chin. Sweet Baby Jesus. I stared at it for a while, then turned to Gerald and said, ‘You have to now.’

Gerald understood that I meant. He would have to dance with my sister, but this did not seem to bother him nearly as much as I had expected. Sweet Lord, Sheila had done it again. She had seen what was in front of me the whole time, but I had overlooked. Gerald had a soft spot for my baby sister. True, he had always been harsh and demanding of Jo. The military has an expression for that kind of constant attention. They call it love.


Among Francine’s many accomplishments was a driver’s license. Considering her lead foot, this was one of the more unlikely ones. Somehow we negotiated rush hour traffic, across the bridge to Staten Island, then across the island itself, then another bridge into Brooklyn. I more or less understood where we were. It was the run down section near the touristy places on the water front.

We pulled into the parking lot of a 200 year old church, where a vintage Lincoln Limo was parked. Everyone piled out of the cars, except Siobhan, who was using a sane driver. Francine put on her company manners and led me to a short Hispanic man. I recognized his wife, so I knew who he was. My knees still went weak. Pedro de la Garza is one of the quiet giants of the New York theater scene and Francine was saying that he was here to see me. Before Francine could make introductions, he bowed and kissed my hand.

He said, ‘You can only be Senorita Schwartz, of whom we have heard so much, for so long. My Francita is green with the envy. Now I see it is entirely justified. You move with the passion and sorrow of José de Espronceda’s poetry. It enlarges my heart to hear that you are engaged to marry. Is it not so?’ Where I had felt frozen a moment before, I suddenly burned. I did a cortsy, then turned, because Siobhan had arrived.

We all started for the car, but it was Christine who helped Siobhan out. As they walked up, I indicated Siobhan and said, ‘¿Puedo presentar mi cuñada, Siobhan Richards?’ Mr. De la Garza responded to me, ‘Encantado, mi querido.’ Then he said to Siobhan, ‘I see much progress, but also much potential. Francita was not exaggerating. But come, we have a few blocks to drive.’

It was rather further than a few blocks, but eventually we reached a fenced yard, with long, squat building inside. All along both sides of the building were loading docks. It reminded me of a farm market, with each dock being a different grower. Mr. de la Garza headed to the back. Inside we found my costume room—on steroids. It was dedicated to hundred year old fashions. I was in love.

It did not take long for our group to break apart. Francine and Angela de la Garza drifted off, with Francine talking enough for both of them. They were obviously old friends. Mr. de la Garza delegated someone to escort Siobhan to the ‘Executive Suite.’ Christine went with them, which left me alone with one of the most famous people I had ever met. Suddenly, I felt incredibly shy, in spite of the fact that Mr. De la Garza was about 70 years old. Clearly, he noticed.

‘No. No. No. Such things are for my Deirdre or your Christina. You and I are ones who decide, like your cuñada, Señorita Siovan. I am pleasured to have met her, but this day is about you, no? My Francita, she is very pleased that you have finally found el muchacho verdad, a real man. If this man is Señorita Siovan’s brother, then all is explained. But come. You must call me Pedro. I am a poor worker from the sugar cane in Puerto Rice, whatever may have happen since.’ G_d, the man was humble on top of everything else.

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x Hamster (not "xhampster" lol)! Any serious pornoholic has definitely at least heard of xhamster.com. Most of you, I’m willing to wager, have fapped to this tube website on more than one occasion. For some of you, it might even be your go-to porn tube site. And, if that is the case, you are certainly not alone. There are 10 million others who fap to xHamster frequently enough to be registered users. After XVideos and Pornhub, it is the third most popular pornographic site on the internet...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Undercover Ch 13

An hour later Erin still felt like a total mess. She had managed to adjust her clothes and make-up, but she still looked like a woman who had only recently fallen out of the bed after a night of extensive lovemaking. It didn’t help much either that she knew the rumours had spread like fire in dried grass. Everywhere she went the women were giggling and looking at her as they whispered among themselves. She had even dropped going to lunch and settled instead for a dry sandwich from a machine...

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Irenes story Chapter 6 Canary Isle vacation at Spice resort

As you know from my first five chapters, my name is Irene. I am a forty-two year old mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. Until very recently, I had never been intimate with any man other than my husband. But on a Friday night several weeks ago, that all changed. To celebrate Oscar's birthday, my husband dressed me in a very revealing outfit and took me across town to the Hotel Vela in Barcelona. He escorted me to the club located on the twentieth floor of the hotel and...

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Dungeon Keeper Conquest of Avalon

In the deep lurking depths of the Underworld there lies a vast network of caverns, chambers and tunnels keeping ancient relics, ruins and cities hidden, from these dark caverns had ancient relics of power been discovered. Remnants of an ancient age when beings of vast power ruled over all of Avalon in harmony before falling away during a great cataclysm, leaving nothing but lost and forgotten knowledge amongst their underground citadels. These relics were to be called, Dungeon Hearts, when it...

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SSBBW CoWorker

A while ago I had a friend that worked with me at the same company for a while. She was an older, short, white, super-sized BBW, definitely a GILF. And like all the women I like, she had an enormous, wobbly ass. Even though I was maybe 25 years younger than her, I have to admit I was still attracted to her. Well, I was attracted to her ass, anyway. We got along nicely with each other. From time to time I helped her out with a few projects that she was working on. And she always showed her...

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Sex with mom 2

Hi, i am mahesh and this is to narrate what i narrated about my experience with mom that sunday afternoon. After having fully exhausted, i slept the entire afternoon. In the evening, mom woke me up and told that she is going out to buy grocery. I timidly asked her, ‘mom, what about night? Are we really….’. Mom broke in and said, ‘mahesh, i told you that i have enjoyed every bit of our afternoon. We will enjoy more in the night. Ok?’ Mom returned after an hour. Since we stay on the 11th floor...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 19 Vengeance Two

Ted looked down at Shawn, and said, "Raise construction dock one, I want to talk to the Commodore Thompson in person." "Aye-aye, Captain." Turning the com on again, he said, "USS Oregon to Space Dock One." "This is dock one, Ensign Vincent Hubber speaking. How could I direct your request?" "Ensign Hubber, Captain White needs to speak with Commodore Thompson ASAP." "I will transfer you to his office." Shawn quickly replied, "Thank you." "Commodore Thompson's office, how...

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From Train To Hospital Ki Yatra

Namaskar mai aapka professor mai aaj kai mahino baad apni kahani likh raha hu . Ye baat garmiyo ki chutti ki hai mai kisi kaam se lakhnau se delhi train me ja raha tha mera plan achank bana isliye train me reservation nh kara paya to general dabbe me chadh gaya train me bhut bheed thi kyoki garmi ki chutti ka wakt tha mujhe kissi tarah khade rehne ki jagah mil gayi. Mai bhut paresaan tha ki itni lambi journi kaise kategi us samay saam ke 8 baj rahe honge train poori poori pack thi achanak meri...

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Learning How to Talk and Act Dirty On Board Episode 2

“And I suppose you will be watching us too, huh?” she chimed in. “Of course. Your Daddy loves to shoot his load and you will be learning how and where to catch my hot cum as it splashes in and all over your naked body! Let’s start off with a couple of tame shots, and see if he is eager for something even more naughty.” “Okay. So you want me to put back on my clothes?” Amy asked. “How about a pair of shorts . . . like regular shorts . . . not panties and a button-down top? Guys love to be...

2 years ago
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Horny working babe

Ye baat june 06 ki hai, jab main punjab main naya naya job ke liye aaya tha. Mujhe wahan ek company main job mil gai usme mujhe badi corporates main jake projects ko sale karna hota tha. Chuki main mnc co main tha so mere dress ups and personality ko maintain karke visits pe jana hota tha. Well i am 5.9” height a built body and having a very smart looks. This is a real story. Now come to story muje ek din ek insurence co ke office main jana tha wahan mujhe ek ladki se milna tha par main busy...

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Maid made me mad

About me Ashis, 28, not so fair, Project lead in a software firm in Bangalore. This is my third true posting and I have 1 more to publish soon. I was staying with my friends in Bangalore for 2 year in an apartment but then I went to Norway for 6 months and when I came back everybody except me was in Hyderabad. I though of staying with some of my colleagues but then something urged me to take an independent house. I took a 1-bedroom house in Kormongla area. After some days I had to hire a maid...

4 years ago
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FateChapter 16 Wrapping Things Up

The next morning I was in the office early. The party with Pam and Stan and Bambi had broken up about midnight and I had slept like a baby after a hot shower, just exhausted. Things were shaping up at work to enable me to get away and the way we had things planned and organized would give Stan time to grow into the job. Tony dropped by my office mid morning and invited me to his house for dinner that night with he and Tess. I accepted with pleasure and a run away imagination. Pam came by and...

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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 21 This Is All Your Fault

The rest of the evening proceeded smoothly with everyone eating way too much cake and probably drinking a little too much beer. Rhea got some lovely presents from her friends and a very nice digital camera from Jennifer and Adam. The last gift presented to Rhea was an envelope from her mother. Inside were her acceptance papers and receipts for a full four years tuition at Blanke Schande College when she finished High School. There was also a little pile of gift vouchers that Rhea could use at...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Reagan Foxx Alex De La Flor The Kissing Bandit

Since Karen (Brandi Love) starts her blog Girls Kissing Girls one couple attracts a lot of attention. The Governor’s daughter, Heidi (Alex De La Flor) and her teacher, Gina (Reagan Foxx). The last time she wrote about them, Heidi was leaving high school for college. Gina did not expect Heidi to come visit her so quickly, until Heidi discovered something special in college. She realized that she prefers the touch of women. Gina is openly gay and Heidi tries to get answers for all her...

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An Office Romance

Rebecca had always been quiet and meek around others. She kept herself to herself and clung to her few, close, friends who liked her just as she was…and why would she want anything more? Her days were usually long and stressful but knowing that the weekend was coming up made it all worth while. She took a sip of water and continued reading through the last few chapters; she worked for Python Publishing. Her boss had been keen to get this book edited and published by today and Becca was not...

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A Charity CaseChapter 4 Beginnings

Deirdre was another matter. As a Fifth Floor girl, she was in the know. Also, of all the girls in the hotel, she was the best linguist. Her father was German, her mother French, her governess Dutch and her nanny Italian. There had also been a Mexican gardener, but rumors about him were spoken in hushed tones. Suffice to say that Deirdre spoke four languages fluently and six or seven more somewhat. Rural Spanish counting as a "somewhat." Moreover, she had gotten the twin's version of the...

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CovetingChapter 6

"When did you get a new game, Vince?" Margie asked. "I've had it a while," he replied. "But, Vince, I thought you two were into bondage type stuff," Danny said. "We are," Vince admitted, "But this is a slight variation, expanded for more players." "More players?" said both women at the same time. Danny moved closer, obviously interested in this new game being introduced by Vince. He hadn't mentioned it to Danny, and had him very curious. From the box he produced a leather...

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MommysGirl Nina Elle Angel Youngs Aria Banks Let8217s Find You A StepSister

Nina Elle is in a sexual relationship with her stepdaughter, Angel Youngs. They decide it would be fun to bring a third person into the bedroom, resolving to get Angel a new stepsister. Angel suggests that a classmate – Aria Banks – is the perfect candidate, because her parents are divorced. Nina resolves to make it happen. Days later, Nina returns home after a date with the ex-husband from Aria’s family, enthusiastic about the prospects and revealing that this is all part of...

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Black Garters and White Cheeks

There is not much that I can remember of Miss Brooks' facial characteristics but when I think of her as I often do these days, I see her glorious backside bent over and framed by those exciting black garters and her translucent skin that will forever beckon me like a sensuous siren in the fog calling to me from the dangerous rocks. It never fails to arouse me from my dormant state of libido-barren loneliness whenever I imagine her heart-shaped bottom under my control and her deep blue eyes...

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Private Scarlett Jones Feisty And Elegant

A sexy redhead with big tits, that’s Scarlett Jones, every man’s dream and today in Private Specials, Elegant Sexy Ladies, she’s here to prove it! Scarlett’s husband, Jesús Reyes, can’t understand why she needs to buy so many clothes, however, when it comes to lingerie… the more the better! So watch this incredible redhead in action on www.private.com where she takes on her man’s BBC with a sloppy blowjob and titfuck before showing off her impressive curves in a breath-taking interracial that...

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Ben Sissy And The Picnic Table

At the top of a hill, in the corner of the lot sat a blue Camry, still running. The driver, a woman, more nervous on this day than she ever had been, sat staring at the wheel. She was jolted out of her mindless gazing by the radio host yelling in that over the top voice that could only belong to a disc jockey. She turned the car off and sat very still. She still couldn't believe she was actually here. Actually going through with it.Her name was Sarah but everyone called her Sissy. Sissy saw...

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Last one to know chapter three

A noise woke me and it took a second to realize it was the phone ringing. By the time I was awake enough to try to answer it Mom come into the bedroom and picked it up and said hello. I heard her say Hi Honey, then picked the phone up and walked away from the bed and was talking in a very love voice. It took a second to notice that Mom was only wearing her kitchen apron and nothing else. I could feel a naked body touching my back and as I turned my head to see who it was Tammy raised...

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Lexi and I PT11

My brother was about twice my age with 4 lovely daughters and two handsome sons. Jacob and Jackson where the oldest boys. Jacob was 22 and Jackson was 21. Jackson's twin sister was Lexi. Lexi was about 5 foot five with long curly blonde hair trailing down her back stopping at the edge of her butt. Then there was Samantha who was 17 with brown hair stopping at the top of her breast line. She was 5 foot one with the best blue eyes I'd ever seen. Than there was Chloe who was 12 years old...

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Incestuous HaremChapter 12 Big Sis is Horny

Leann “Lee” Samuels My mouth lingered with the nasty taste of pussy and pee. Alicia’s fresh juices smeared across my mouth, mixing with her urine. After bullying my half-sisters for years—thinking she was only my fourteen-year-old cousin—she was eager to get all the revenge she could on me. And I loved it. It was so humiliating to drink her pee and lick her pussy. I must be the only straight woman in the family. I’d rather eat cum and suck cock then devour a pussy. But being forced to made...

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Training Your Cuckold Husband

Think of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...

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Horny Nirmala Aunty

Hi readers.. I am going to tell you real life story. I am sajan from Tamilnadu . I am 24 years old, I am going to tell you about a real life story that happened 2 years back when I was studying. Contact me on We are living in a small town a little away from Coimbatore and I was studying in a well reputed school. My father is a govt employee and my mother is running a small ladies’ textile shop and we had furniture shop also. so after his work my father will be going to the shop and so both...

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Spanking Service for a Housewife 2

I arrived at their house at the appointed time, walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A minute later it was opened by a beautiful naked woman, as expected. However, it was not the woman I expected. This was a thin tanned younger female! She looked very nervous and was looking out past me like she was worried the neighbors would see her through the open door. She stepped back and I said "I am here to...", she cut me off "Yes, I know, come in so I can close the door". I...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 24 Moving Up and Hitting the Fan

Mark and some of his extended family came by the Circle on Friday evening for cocktails and dinner. Mark sought out Dave as soon as he walked onto the patio. Dave was tending bar along with Phil. The bar was again a new one, this time a more permanent installation outside on the patio and able to seat sixteen people on the new barstools. More than that could gather around. Several new high-top tables that matched the older ones were also nearby. The bar had turned out to be the hub for the...

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A reunion at the funeral the final chapter

I reach out and take his hand into mine. The feel of the heat as I get close to him almost making me gasp. I had almost put to the back of my mind just how worked up I was. “ this doesn’t look good Ellis I know… but Grandma could have been wrong, besides she fell down the stairs you know that” I tell him not wanting to believe my grandfather, as cold as he may be, would kill his own wife. As I speak Ellis lets out an exasperated breath. “Freya… for once will you just fucking listen” he says...

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How I became a Kissogram Girl PART TWO Making my own Way in a strange City

Cowboys may stay in the saddle a little bit longer but they get bored very easily. Soon my cowboy and I after a year of living like man and wife were continually at each other’s throats. Mostly because he became so jealous. An older lover is great but they have to be confident in themselves.So here I stood, in a city, I did not know and with only a few clothes I had brought with me. I had enough money for a room and food, for about a month. I had to find a job pretty fast. I went to the local...

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Journey Towards My Online Mom

Hi friends.. This is Bhargav from Andhra Pradesh. I am 18 now. This is my first story and some what lengthy of how I lost my virginity to a 36 year old female! This is a real story which happened in Hyderabad in a hotel… Her name is Sujatha(names not changed) I met her in a stranger meeting site. She is from Kerala. Her body stats are 34c-32-36.. Yes she got sexy ass. I am 6 feet tall with 7 inch tool… We were chatting on yahoo for really long like an year. We were chatting like mother and son...

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My BestFriends Hands

I watched him as he strummed his guitar beat by beat. It was after school and i had gone up to the third floor just to see my best friend play his guitar for his major's final. My boyfriend was standing next to me complimenting on how good and great my best friend's guitar skills were. Meanwhile he was listening to the music and keeping up with the beat of the drum led by the teacher i was silently observing my best friend's fingers. His fingers were long, strong, fast and thick a girl couldn't...

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Chudai Ki Maari Chachi Bechari

Hi dosto. Main Ajay fir se hazir hu meri ek aur kahani lekar. Agar apne meri pichli kahani padi hai to aap log jante hoge main jyada idhar udhar ki baate nahi karta. To main direct apni nayi kahani pe aata hu. Meri biwi mujhse kuch nahi chupati. Aise hi aksar wo mujhe batati rahti hai ki wo apne mayeke mein apni chichi se sab kuch share karti hai. Yahan tak ki wo dono sex ke bare mein bhi baate karti rahti hai aur apne sex experience bhi ek dusre se share karti rahti hai. Meri biwi batati rahti...

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The Lonely Wife Chapter 2 Revised

Chapter 2 - A New JobDarren could not believe he had to take a job as window cleaner after his Uncle fell and broke his leg. Here he was a qualified teacher and was reduced to washing windows for a living mind you if yesterday was anything to go by he was going to enjoy this job. His cock already started to harden just thinking about what he did with that Anita yesterday, and she also paid him £500 for the windows and he supposed his services to her.Well now he had his Uncle’s biggest client...

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Where to start? I don't know. Well, my mother was a legal secretary, one of many attractive women working in a large law firm. Most of the women were on the lookout for a husband and dressed to the nines, in full battle competition, going breast to breast with their coworkers. A lot of lawyers were aware of the situation, of course, and used it to their advantage to get laid regularly while being careful not to pay a price. What most of those lawyers didn't realize, being blinded by lust and...

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She Normally Gives Me Socks

Fuck, fuck, fuck and other words associated with sex, bollocks and cunt too sprang to mind, and I had silently screamed them all. Trying to calm myself down I had made coffee with whiskey, at ten in the morning! Well, it was nearly Christmas I thought. I had been enjoying a marvelous ride; my dildo stuck to the shower wall. In my fantasy world, my Italian stud was fucking me in the sun; my first, of hopefully many climaxes approaching as he expertly controlled his large cock. When. The suction...


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