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When Elena was seven years old her mom and dad said they had a big surprise for her: She was going to have a little sister. They didn’t sense it, but Elena wasn’t thrilled with this news. She didn’t want a little sister. She knew a little sister wasn’t the same as a new baby doll. She knew it meant she would no longer be the princess, her mama’s twinkling star, her daddy’s little lollypop.

And so after interminable months of being constantly reminded of what was to come, she was told that little Magda had arrived. Mama came home from the hospital and Aunt Emma and Uncle Michael and Aunt Barbara and Uncle Robert and Aunt Sophie and Uncle Scotty clustered around the bed and oohed and awed as they passed the baby from arms to arms.

Somebody remembered Elena and found her half hiding behind the window curtains. They brought her forward to meet her new little sister. When she approached the cradle Magda began squalling, kicking her feet, flailing her clenched fists and became bright red. Elena thought she was the ugliest thing she’d ever seen. And so began their life together.

As the years went by and Magda grew from cute to pretty Elena only saw her as an annoyance she wanted nothing to do with. When Elena was twenty-four and was planning her marriage she didn’t ask Magda to be a part of her wedding party. Her stated reasoning was that at seventeen her sister was too young to serve as her matron of honor and there was no room for another bridesmaid. Although this didn’t surprise Magda it still was an unforgivable affront.

Harvey was a mild-mannered man whose quiet demeanor tended to obscure his good looks. At thirty-two he was six years Elena’s senior and had early on established himself as a successful businessman. He was fascinated by the way Elena was flirtatious and at the same time determined in her opinions. He devoted himself to fulfilling her wishes. Elena was set for life.

Three years later Magda let it be known that she’d met a young man she was enamored with. He was ambitious, intelligent and inventive. His good-looks matched Magda’s. The romance flourished and became serious. He proposed marriage and she quickly accepted, but then he received an opportunity to advance significantly in his profession, which also meant a relocation to another part of the country.

Magda was disappointed to leave friends behind but not enough to dissuade her from marrying Quint. They moved the wedding date up and settled on a modest affair. Invitations were sent out and it was soon apparent that Elena, and by association Harvey, had been ignored.

Her mother expressed outrage and dismay but Magda maintained that this was to be her day and she would invite the people she wished to be a part of it. Her mother had no choice but to relent and assure Elena that the shame would fall on Magda.

Magda knew that she would be many hundreds of miles away and out of reach of any shame that might be hurled in her direction. The wedding went off without mishap and even the weather complied. The reception was festive and everyone cheered when they climbed into the limousine and headed for the airport. Their honeymoon was a weekend at the famous Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park on their way to their new home in Palo Alto, California.

And so Magda and Quint’s life together began, far away from where they’d grown up. A year later a daughter made them a family and three years later a boy was added.

Meanwhile, Elena and Harvey added two girls to the one they’d already had. Elena put on a few extra pounds and started a lifelong habit of dieting and worrying about her weight despite Harvey’s assuring her she was still beautiful and desirable.

Twelve years passed and in all that time Magda knew nothing about Elena’s life other than whatever her mother sent in a letter or mentioned when they talked by phone. Elena knew even less about Magda since she never questioned her mother for any bits she had picked up in any of those phone conversations.

But twelve years can bring changes not only in people but also in places, such as where we work. Quint had become increasingly more dissatisfied in how the company he worked for was run and the direction in which it was headed. It had grown successful beyond his expectations and many more people had been added to the workforce. With all this, things had become more impersonal and he’d become one more cog in the wheels that ground out the profits. He was unhappy.

Magda had become less involved with the daily social life she’d created for herself. She had always thrown herself fully into whatever her current interest was, but with time her interest waned and grew cold. Now she found she was restless but she wasn’t sure about what.

What she hadn’t realized was that although he hadn’t expressed it, she had sensed Quint’s unhappiness and it had infected her own feelings. It finally came to a head, but before there was any kind of eruption, they confronted the problem. But they didn’t have the answer.

But then serendipity entered the picture.

Magda got a letter from Marsha and Abner announcing that their fiftieth wedding anniversary was in the near future and they wanted to have a major celebration, which required the attendance of Magda and Quint and their grandkids whom they’d never even seen. There was to be no acceptable refusal.

In fact, they were insisting that Magda and Elena get together and handle the whole affair, which they’d pay for, but didn’t want to lift a finger preparing. They were to be the honorees and everything should be a surprise for them.

Magda knew that, of course, her mother would have her finger in everything and would make constant suggestions so that everything would be as she wished it to be. She told Quint that there was no way she could go back and do any of this. It would take weeks. She couldn’t be away that long. What about the kids? And could he get time off to attend the festivities?

He replied that it was the perfect catalyst that they needed. He’d give notice. It would mean the kids would have to change schools but they were at the beginning of summer and they could be settled in before the new school year started. It only meant getting them involved in having a great adventure. He was dying to start up his own business. He was ready to go home.

She said he was crazy. She was doubtful the kids would go along with his crazy plan. They’d have to leave all their friends behind. She reminded Quint that they would have to sell everything they had or pay a fortune to have it all moved.

He made light of all her doubts and with time his enthusiasm infected her and she got increasingly excited as he played it up. He brought the kids in and successfully sold them on the idea of opening the door to a whole new world. If their enthusiasm faded it would be too late to back down, and he was sure he could fire them up again if necessary.

Plans were made and set in motion. Quint gave notice at his job and claimed his unused vacation time. A realtor was engaged to sell the house. Belongings were given to friends and charities. Boxes were packed and shipped. By the first of August, all was ready and Magda and the kids were put on a plane and flew away. The next morning Quint piled into the SUV with their two dogs and pulled out of the driveway and turned toward the east.

Three days later the kids were ecstatic to see their dogs but disappointed that they couldn’t stay in the hotel with them. Magda assured them that they would be fine at the boarding facility and they would go and visit them every day and Quint promised that they’d all be together in a house very soon.

The day after he arrived, Abner and Marsha invited the four of them to dinner. Magda suspected that Elena and Harvey would be there too but had prepared herself for the inevitable. When they arrived at the house Abner opened the door and Magda threw her arms around him. Marsha came hustling in from the kitchen drying her hands on her apron and pulled Magda from Abner and embraced her.

Abner shook Quint's hand and welcomed him. Quint held out his hand to Marsha but she tucked her chin down and clucked before she grabbed him and planted a kiss on his cheek with an exaggerated smack.

“Elena,” Marsha shouted over her shoulder and Elena came from the kitchen with a pained smile on her face. She and Magda exchanged air kisses and she extended her hand to Quint.

Harvey stuck his head out of the library door and then came toward the group beaming.

“Magda,” he said as he took each of her shoulders in his hands. “Look at you, more beautiful than ever.”

He kissed her on each cheek and then let her go and turned toward Quint.

And this must be Quint.” He clasped Quint’s hand in both of his. “You actually do exist. I often wondered. It’s great to finally meet you, brother.”

Quint smiled broadly. “It’s great to meet you, too. It’s been a long time coming.”

Suddenly Marsha cried out, “But where are my grandkids?”

Magda said, “Mom, the hotel provided a sitter. We thought it better for tonight if they didn’t come.”

Marsha looked pained. “Oh, no,” was all she could think to say.

“Our girls are upstairs,” Elena archly interjected.

In the silence that followed Quint looked from one to the other.

He spoke up. “Tell you what, I’ll bring them tomorrow for lunch. I’ll even bring the lunch. Can you bring your girls tomorrow?” he directed at Elena.

“I suppose,” she said with reluctance.

“Of course you can,” Harvey told her.

“But no bringing the lunch,” Marsha stated. “I’ll fix it.”

Quint smiled and frowned at the same time. “Can I bring a cake? Make it a tea party?”

Magda laughed. “A tea party with an eight-year-old boy? Good luck with that.”

“Ha!” Abner let out. “He and I will be the waiters. We’ll make it a game. We’ll even sneak bites behind the girl's backs.”

And so the reuniting of the two branches of the family began. The setting up of his own business occupied a large portion of Quint’s time, leaving little for house hunting. He left that to Magda who was also saddled with getting the kids into the proper school.

Marsha kept reminding her that the festive date would be there in a couple of months and she couldn’t leave everything for Elena to do. But once the house was found and papers signed, the basics bought and school started she was able to give her attention to what she’d been enlisted to do.

Meanwhile, Harvey had offered his hand in helping Quint to contact the correct people. Over the years Harvey had established himself in the business community and was well known by the movers and shakers in the city government. Quint found his help invaluable. He also found his intelligence and sense of humor delightful. He enjoyed their time together.

Football season was in full swing when on Friday Harvey called him.

“Hey, buddy. The Raiders are in town tomorrow. Can you get away?”

“Are you serious?” Quint exclaimed. “Wild horses, well, you know. Can we still get tickets?”

“Got ‘em. I’ll pick you up at noon?”

Quint chuckled. “Are we tailgating?”

“God, no. But we can pick up a pizza on the way,” Harvey suggested.

The afternoon was fueled by beer and the Raiders won, which was expected. The main thing was it kicked off a social connection between the two brothers-in-law.

Other games followed. Harvey introduced Quint to fly-fishing. Quint tried to get Harvey interested in playing tennis.

Harvey invited Quint to check out his gym. Workouts were followed by time talking in the sauna. Massages were followed by soaking in the pool. Quiet times set the stage for revealing conversations.

Harvey allowed that “I love Elena, I truly do, but she can be opinionated and stubborn. I’ve learned to give up and let her have her way. It isn’t worth it to dissolve into an argument which I’ll never win. You got the tame one.”

Quint countered by telling him, “When the kids started school Magda got involved with the PTA and we were swamped with meetings. That lasted for about five years. When Richie asked about the Boy Scouts she got all excited and urged Ashley to join the Girl Scouts and she became a Den Mother. And you know that died out too. Those are just two of the biggest. There have been a dozen others that only lasted months. Too many to remember. I never know what’s coming next. She’s a whiz for sure, but it can be exhausting.”

Harvey shook his head. “They’re a pair, all right. I just wish they’d get along better. It would sure make everybody else’s life a lot easier.”

“Well, I wouldn’t sweat it,” Quint assured him. “It’ll all work out with time. If not, we’ll work it out.”

On one of those afternoons in the steam room, Harvey observed, “You know, you got a great body. I wish I had one like that.”

Quint responded. “You look fine. I don’t know why you don’t think so.”

Harvey scoffed. “When I was your age I didn’t even look like that. How old are you?”

“Thirty-two,” Quint answered.

“Yeah,” Harvey sighed. “What chance have I got now?”

Quint surprised himself when he answered, “Well, I think you’re handsome. Or maybe I should say distinguished.”

Harvey laughed. “You could’ve stopped with handsome.”

They both broke up.

The date of Abner and Marsha’s anniversary party arrived and it was a grand, over-the-top affair. Elena and Magda had outdone themselves and Harvey and Quint were both pleasantly surprised that they’d been able to work together. They put it down to maturity.

No one seemed to realize that the blending of the kids had forced the two mothers to quell their sharp remarks and the blossoming friendship their husbands had constantly put them in situations where civility was the overriding mode.

When the festivities were over and everything had returned to normal with the kids looking forward to Christmas, Quint and Harvey returned to their get-togethers. Magda and Elena suddenly found themselves with empty hours to fill. Both Quint and Harvey suggested they find something to get involved with.

Quint came up with the idea of a game night involving the kids and Elena decided that the adults should have a game night for themselves. The men gave in with the unstated knowledge that they could continue spending time pursuing their mutual interests.

As one of those game nights was winding down Quint asked Harvey, “I was thinking about something. You ever been White Water Rafting? It’s something I always wanted to try.”

“Oh, boy. I don’t know if I’m ready for doing that. I think I’m past the age for that.”

“Bullshit! Besides, there are different levels of difficulty. Anyway, we couldn’t do it until next spring. I was just thinking about it.”

“Huh-uh,” Harvey said. “But what about now. Next, you’ll want me to go skiing.”

“Why not?” Quint asked. “Haven’t you ever done that?”

“Nope,” Harvey said. “I was sure I’d end up crashing into a tree like Sonny Bono did.”


“Forget it. Never mind.”

“You know what? You gave me an idea.”

Harvey waited for Quint to go on.

“We could go cross country skiing or snowshoe hiking. No, wait. I don’t mean anything too rugged. Just get out in nature and spend an afternoon covering a small piece of territory. Nothing too strenuous. We could check it out first.”

Harvey chuckled. “Maybe we could rent a sled and dog team. I could sit on the sled while you shouted, ‘Mush’.”

The week after the New Year it snowed heavily and Quint brought up the suggestion again. Harvey got on the internet and read all he could about both winter hiking and cross country skiing. He decided the latter was doable and he was anxious to engage in some activity with Quint. It had been weeks since they’d gone off alone.

They decided that if the snow was still around the first week of February they would go then. It snowed twice more before the end of January. It was determined that they didn’t want to join the masses that they discovered loved engaging in this winter sport on weekends. The first Wednesday of the month would be ideal.

The day arrived and they set off when the sun was barely up, heading north for the Higgan’s Lake area of Michigan. It surprisingly felt liberating to be off on another day without their families.

The euphoria lasted for only a couple of hours as it began to snow heavily well before they reached their destination. The further north they progressed the thicker the snowfall became. Upon reaching the southernmost edge of Roscommon County they decided it was foolish to try to travel any farther. The windshield wipers couldn’t compete with the accumulation of snow and Harvey found it impossible to ascertain where the shoulder of the road was.

“This is awful,” Harvey complained. “And dangerous,” he added.

“Yeah,” Quint agreed as he squinted, trying to make out the road through the windshield.

“What are we going to do?” Harvey wondered.

“Don’t worry. We’ll work it out,” Quint assured him.

Just moments later they spotted a motel and pulled into the parking lot. Quint sprinted inside and inquired about a room. They were lucky that it wasn’t a weekend and a room was available. He signaled for Harvey to come in and they registered. Harvey thought it best to call Elena and let her know that they were safe but wouldn’t be returning that evening.

The motel had an attached coffee shop where they ordered lunch and spent an hour drinking coffee and watching the snow continuing to come down. When they returned to their room there was nothing to do but try unsuccessfully to find something on TV which they were interested in watching.

Midafternoon the snow slowly slacked off and eventually stopped. They pulled on their jackets and went out to survey their surroundings. Quint went into the office and enquired about places nearby where they could rent skis and receive instructions on cross country skiing.

They trudged through the snow, their feet getting wet, and found the shop the clerk had told them about but it was closed. There was to be no hiking or skiing on this day. They retraced their steps to the hotel and to their room.

They pulled off their wet shoes and socks and rolled up their pants legs. Laughing at their situation they took turns standing outside the shower and sticking one foot and then the other under the downpour of hot water to kill the chill.

Darkness came on quickly and it became apparent they would have to have dinner in the same place they’d had lunch. A leisurely dinner and a couple of hours more of television used up a few more hours of the day. They decided they would turn in and get an early start in the morning.

Harvey showered and observed that they hadn’t brought the change of clothes and other items they would have if a night away from home had been planned. When Quint came from the shower Harvey was in the bed next to the window.

“Damn,” he said. “It’s chilly in here. Can you bump up the thermostat?”

Quint upped the temperature setting five degrees. He climbed in the other bed.

“Shit, these sheets are like ice. I might have to put my clothes back on,” he complained.

They lay without talking while watching the ten o’clock news. When it ended Quint reached for the remote and clicked the TV off. He then turned off the lamp on the table that separated the two beds.

Half an hour later Harvey was still turning in one direction and the other, trying to get comfortable.

“Quint,” he whispered. “Are you asleep yet?”

“No,” Quint answered. “What’s up?”

“I’m freezing my balls off. I don’t think it’s any warmer in here.”

Quint clicked on the lamp and got out of the bed and looked at the thermostat.

“No, you’re right. It hasn’t gone up. It’s gone down a notch.”

He climbed back in bed. “I guess it’s broken. I wonder if we could get another room?”

“It’s kind of late to try to do that. Are you cold?” Harvey asked.

“Shit, yeah. I said I might have to sleep in my clothes.”

A few minutes of silence followed, broken by Harvey.

“I can feel cold coming through the window. What can we do?”

“Let me think about it,” Quint mused. We’ll work it out.”

Another couple of minutes ticked by. Harvey spoke again.

“I know one solution, but don’t know how you’d feel.”


“We could put the blankets on one bed and share it. We’d also share body heat.”

He waited for an answer.

“Yeah, we could do that. It’d certainly be better than shivering here all night.”

Quint clicked the light on again. Harvey sprang up and stripped the blanket and bedspread from his bed and threw them so they covered Quint’s bed. He grabbed his pillow and tossed it onto the bed next to Quint’s. He slid under the covers.

“I’ve never wished so much I had a pair of pajamas,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, flannel. Or maybe sweats.”

A few minutes later Harvey said, “I feel warmer already. I think you’re putting out heat like a stove.”

“That’s because I’m a hot number,” Quint scoffed.

“Yeah,” Harvey whispered, “I’ve always thought so.”

Quint didn’t respond.

Harvey covered the silence with, “But my feet are still cold.”

There was some movement and he felt Quint’s feet find his.

“That help?” Quint asked.

“Yes.” A moment passed. “What about my cold ass?”

Quint turned onto his side and put his arm around Harvey and pulled him closer, pressing his dick against Harvey’s ass.

“Let me know if it starts to burn you,” he whispered in Harvey’s ear.

Harvey found to his regret that he couldn’t take it any farther. He clenched his eyes and bit his bottom lip. In a few minutes, he heard Quint’s breathing slow and knew he was asleep. Soon after, he fell into a deep sleep.

Morning light came through the curtains waking Quint. They had both moved during the night but their bare legs were entwined and one arm was lying against Harvey’s back. Quint rolled onto his back and crossed his arms behind his head. Harvey awoke to his movements and opened his eyes. He turned his head and looked at Quint.

“Morning,” he said.

Quint cut his eyes at him and answered, “Morning.”

“Thanks,” Harvey said.

Quint frowned, showing he didn’t understand.

“For letting me sleep with you. For keeping me warm.”

Quint’s frown changed to a smile. “Oh, no problem. You returned the favor. You hungry?”

“I guess. The same place?”

“I don’t know where else. We ain’t dead yet, so I guess it’s safe, and their coffee is good. You want to get up first or me?”

“This bed will be cold without you, so I’ll go first, but I’ll hurry.”

Over breakfast, they decided they were going to spend the whole day exploring and spend another night, as long as they could get another room. One with heat that worked. Quint said he’d call Magda and explain the situation. He knew she wouldn’t complain and if she wouldn’t call Elena she could call their mother and she’d relay the information to Elena.

The manager apologized for the problem and said he’d have it fixed but they insisted they be allowed to change rooms. They noted there was no offer of a discount to make up for the discomfort they’d endured.

They returned to the ski shop and got fitted for skies and joined a small group of other novices for instructions on using the skies. They decided to remain with the group for a guided tour of the trails through the surrounding forest.

At the end of the morning, they found their way to a nearby lodge where they had a lunch that cost twice what they paid at the motel coffee shop. They lounged around the lobby for over an hour and then returned to the ski shop.

They’d decided to try the snowshoe hiking, just to see if they could conquer that too. It was mostly Quint who challenged Harvey to do it and Harvey’s desire to please Quint that led them to undertake the venture.

A couple of hours of that proved to be enough to satisfy each of them. They returned to the hotel and Harvey opted to take a shower. For dinner, they decided it was worth the price to return to the lodge instead of dining in the motel coffee shop. After eating they joined some of the lodge’s guests who had gathered in front of the large fireplace for drinks.

The evening slipped by until the group began breaking up. It was a delightful end to an exhilarating day. They returned to their room and the reality that they needed to check out the next morning and resume their daily life.

As Quint closed and locked the door he said, “I’m gonna shower. You need to use the head before I take it over?”

“Just let me brush my teeth,” Harvey said.

When Quint came out of the bath Harvey was in bed and appeared to be asleep. Quint got in his bed and turned off the light.

In the dark Harvey said, “Goodnight.”

“Oh, goodnight,” Quint responded.

After a few minutes, Quint quietly asked, “Are you warm enough?”

Harvey said, “Huh? Oh, yeah. Except my feet are always cold.”

In the same quiet voice, Quint said, “You could come over here and I’ll warm them up like last night.”

Harvey repeated, “Huh? Oh, really?”

“If you want.”

Another moment passed and Quint heard the covers thrown back. He raised the blankets and Harvey slipped in beside him. As he got in he brushed against Quint.

“Are you naked?” he asked in a surprised voice.

“Yeah, I don’t have a change of underwear and thought I should air those out. You mind?”

“N-o-o-o,” Harvey drawled out. “It sounds like a good idea.”

Harvey sat up and pulled off his T-shirt and wiggled out of his boxers. He chuckled as he snuggled back down under the covers. He felt Quint's breath on his cheek.

“You comfortable?”


Harvey turned his face toward Quint and kissed his lips. He hurriedly withdrew.

“Sorry,” he choked out.

Quint put his hand on the back of Harvey’s head and pulled him roughly forward, smashing his mouth on Harvey’s, forcing his tongue inside. Their bodies came together and Quint threw his leg over Harvey’s pulling him closer, their dicks pressing together.

For several minutes they writhed their bodies and tongues together, their dicks growing hard. Quint pulled his head back.

“I want to fuck you, Harvey.”

“I’ve never done that.”

“Is that a no?”

“No” Harvey took a breath. “No, I mean no, it isn’t a no.”

Quint chuckled and kissed him again. “Wait here.”

He got up and trotted into the bathroom. He looked around and spotted a small plastic tube of shampoo neither of them had used. He twisted the top off and squeezed half of it on his erect dick, smearing it over the head and partly down its length. He returned to the bed.

“In case you’re wondering, I’ve never done this either because I’ve never wanted to. Not like I do now.”

He kissed Harvey again.

“You ready?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Are you sure about this?”

Harvey answered by kissing him and turning his back to Quint.

Quint put his hand on Harvey’s leg and bent his knee. He took hold of his dick and moved it up and down the crack of Harvey’s ass until he was sure he’d found the opening.

He pushed his hips forward and the head of his dick pressed against the muscle. He pushed again and he felt the muscle give and his dick enter. Another push and he slid in smoothly.

“You okay?” he repeated.

In a harsh whisper, Harvey said, “Yes.”

Quint pushed again until his dick was all the way in and his pubic hairs were pressed against Harvey’s smooth butt.

“Jeeze,” he hissed.

“What?” Harvey asked.

“You’re so hot and tight. I never felt anything like it.”

“I never felt anything like you inside me. I didn’t know you were so big.”

“Huh!” Quint scoffed.

He pulled his dick back and it slipped out. He quickly pushed it back in.

This time he snorted out, “Fuck.”

He slowly pulled back and pushed back in, repeating it twice.

“Damn, you’re good,” Harvey said.

Quint did it half a dozen more times.

“Is it good to you?”

“Yes, Quint. I can’t say why, but it’s good. Don’t stop. Fuck me.”

Quint began to plungeTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Workmates aged 14 and 16 end up working on each other alone in a tent HOT

Introduction: This is about Jordan and me, we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night alone in a tent! WARNING: SERIOUSLY SEXY! ???? Hay, If youve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My names Josh, Im an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it...

4 years ago
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The Dugout

Cherie is a lovely Asian woman. She seems like a typical wife and mother. But there is a dark side to her. Cherie is one of those fiery tiger moms who thinks her son can do no wrong and that she deserves to be in control. Not always. Cherie was watching her son play little league baseball with the other moms. The game was intense, and Cherie was really animated and vocal about what was going on in the field. Her son was at bat and had two strikes against him. Both were questionable calls, in...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E16 Tamara Cooper 32 from Southampton

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of St Mary’s Stadium, home of Southampton Football Club ... Then spinning around to look over the River Solent, zooming in on a large, gray-green structure with little round windows ... Then we cut to that building – on a dusty industrial estate - with the river and St Mary’s Stadium in the background. A sign on the front of the building reads “MAIN AGGREGATES”. Our host steps into frame from the side, immediately making the scene better to...

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Wells College and its First Males

Wells College and its First Males In real life, Wells College will admit males as students in the fall of 2005. 136 years of tradition will bite the dust. I have no ties to Wells College. This story is a work of pure fiction. No buildings mentioned here exist at Wells College at the time of this writing. No people or animals were hurt in the writing of this tale. Beware of my use of historical characters in slightly different roles. See if you can spot them all. I am side stepping here....

2 years ago
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TangentChapter 10 Outpost

Judy was woken for the second day in a row by a kick on the foot. She cracked an eye and saw Tanda Havra once again standing over her. "Breakfast," Tanda informed Judy. "Then horse or wagon." Judy looked around the tent, empty except for the two of them. She must have been tired to sleep past the others getting up! "Horse," Judy said almost without thinking. She'd seen the wagons yesterday. They bumped and jolted you; there were no springs. "Be ready, be quick!" Tanda told her,...

2 years ago
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Coworker and I have gay sex outdoors

I was horny and in need of fucking some gay ass so I ended up blowing off my gf's plans one weekend, telling her i had to work and instead I met up with my coworker who I had been fucking. We met at his place, and I thought we were going to fuck like usual. We would just take off our clothes and lose control all over his house, fucking like crazy, but his time however, he said we things would be different. Either we do a quickie, roughly 5 minutes or less or not do anything at all since his gf...

3 years ago
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the workmen go to work

We are having a lot of work done on the house and l have taken time off work to be at home whilst its done. l haven’t had sex for a couple of weeks and l have enjoyed flirting with the different workmen that come and then masturbating in my bedroom whilst they work away in another room, thinking about them fucking me.   The last few days John a 40something and Andy in his 20s have been doing some electrics work and l have been flirting outrageously with John in particular. This morning l...

4 years ago
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the workmen go to work

We are having a lot of work done on the house and l have taken time off work to be at home whilst its done. l haven't had sex for a couple of weeks and l have enjoyed flirting with the different workmen that come and then masturbating in my bedroom whilst they work away in another room, thinking about them fucking me.   The last few days John a 40something and Andy in his 20s have been doing some electrics work and l have been flirting outrageously with John in particular. This...

Straight Sex
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Slave of the Outcast

Chapter 1Charles Greene and his three mates were loitering around the lower floor of the mall. There were lots pf people in the mall. Kids running around and screaming. Cliques of women pacing around,  carrying bags of purchases. Elderly couples eating their ice cream cones.  Charles Green’s mates were also his classmates and their names were Jim, Casper and Norman.  They had finally finished their secondary school education. They had finally finished school and were now on holiday....

1 year ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part six reworked

Transition to Vikki, part six (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next chapter of Steven's change into becoming Vikki, initial steps are taken and new friends made.This is the next part of the story, like those before it has been taken back to the laptop and reworked. Additions have been made, some other parts were removed. Typo's were corrected, grammar has been brushed up and...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part five reworked

Transition to Vikki, part five (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steve, Gina and Valerie's sexual adventures after his first encounter. This is the next reworked chapter in the story. Altered, edited and amended to remove typos, grammar errors and story cock ups. This follows the previous parts one to four amended editions.As I've seen from other people's...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part three reworked

Transition to Vikki, part three (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of how Steven Jennings became Vikki. A new playmate is encountered and life stories of the main characters begin to be told. Following after the two newer rewrites, this one has also been updated. Typos have been corrected, grammar put straight and plot errors sorted out. Some parts have been added,...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part two reworked

Transition to Vikki, part two (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steven Jennings, Gina and his transformation to Vikki. This is part two of the reworked original story. All original scripts have been rewritten to this new format. Changes have been made to streamline the story where I thought it was needed. Typos corrected, grammar put right and story plot...

4 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part one reworked

Transition to Vikki, part one (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The full story of Steven Jennings and how he left his previous life behind for someone new.This story takes numerous chapters to tell. After most of the original drafts were written well over a year ago, I thought it was high time to take them back to the laptop and look at them again. There they were read through,...

2 years ago
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215 Wendy and Andrew reworked

215 Wendy and Andrew reworked This story has been reworked due to hubby sending me his version of his involvement!They were living in Norfolk it was a nice house, not new but very well appointed, it had a long and secluded garden at its rear fenced to 6ft on all sides. A neighbouring house was the only other home in range so the pretty 38year-old Wendy always sunbathed nude. Her husband Andrew and she being the only ones around except as I said the one next-door neighbour, she tended to throw...

3 years ago
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The Outsiders

This story was inspired from the Highlander movies and TV series but takes place in a separate world with its own rules. The Outsiders By Morpheus It was a dark and windy night as I staggered home from the bar, more than a little drunk. I staggered just a little with each step, enough to reveal to anyone who saw that I wasn't completely sober. However, I made a straight line home, eager to climb into bed. I only dreaded going to work in the morning with the hangover I was bound to...

2 years ago
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Patchwork People Chapter II The Good Man Hard to Find

II. The good man hard to find. Marcia was soaping the morning coffee carafes in the back room when she heard the jangle of the bells and Walt's cheery "hello." She smiled as she continued to scrub away at the indestructible orange ring at the bottom of the pot, listening to the flirtatious interplay between Walt and Grace, as regular and satisfying as a ritual. At last, Marcia dried her hands on the dish towel. She poked her head around the corner to say "hi." "Hey there," Walt...

4 years ago
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Wellington Sevens Year Two

See "My Trip to Wellington Sevens" for the first part of this story.Last year I went to the Wellington Sevens rugby tournament. It is a fantastic rugby event where teams from all over the world play a form of rugby with seven players. Very fast and the guys have to be so fit. The tradition for spectators for the two day event is to wear a costume. From say a nurse to a super hero, all great fun and most are reveling clothes. Last year I was invited to a party after the rugby late on the...

2 years ago
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The Outbreak

One month ago an outbreak occurred. The infection spread like wild fire, through out the world. Between the infection, the chaos, and the destruction infecties have inflicted, the death toll has been staggering. Infecties, have become known as zombies, creatures reduced to their primal instinct, with no morals. Creatures seemingly bent on feeding, and killing. But since the outbreak, mutations have sprung up. Aberrant zombies, unique from their more normal counterpart. The world hasn't ended,...

1 year ago
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NSFW YouTube

It goes without saying that NSFW YouTube is my favorite YouTube. After all, I am a professional masturbator, a world-renown internet pornography expert, and a self-described pervert. I mean, sure, sometimes I’ve got to watch the same SFW tutorial videos as you when I’m figuring out how to upgrade the RAM on my laptop, but it’s only so I can watch higher-tech porn. (Those VR gadgets can be a real motherfucker, can’t they?) ThePornDude ain’t just a clever internet nickname, you...

Porn for Women Sites
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JacquelineChapter 2 Laura and the workman

"BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!" Laura Poultney-Davis woke to the sound of loud hammering and rending of timber. "Oh what now! As if that row last night wasn't bad enough I have to be woken up by bloody workmen." She thought back to the argument that had raged the previous evening. She didn't want to marry that peasant from Birchtree Farm. "How can they expect me to even try to seduce such an uncouth slob?" she asked herself. But of course her parents insisted that it would be to her benefit...

3 years ago
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Wells Males Part Six

Wells College First Males Part Six Nicole gets in a jam and Larry comes to the rescue. Wells College Two Days Later. Bobbie had Nicole in the Security office and they were talking with Kit Carson, President Walker, and Lt. Georgia Custer in the security office. Dr. Walker asked, "Is this for real? Can you be sure of your facts?" Bobbie said, "Yes we can Dr. Walker. Both Georgia and myself interviewed all the injured parties. They confirmed who attacked them. Positive I.D....

1 year ago
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Horny Aunt Swathi When Her Husband Is Working Outstation

Let me not waste not much time, this incident happened to me two years back I was doing my 2nd year b.com I stay in a qtrs. And I always had a dream of fucking someone to the core till that day I didn’t had notice a lady who was staying next to our building one fine morning that lady swathi her name I used to call swathi aunty had come to my house to call my dad that there was a power cut in there house and my dad was an electrician that was the first time I had seen her she was so beautiful I...

4 years ago
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The Fire Brand Outcast

1. “The Priest Hydra is in the clearing up ahead, it appears to be rather large.” The hunter informs me softly patting the head of his soul bound hawk. Priest Hydras are nasty things, they have a body like a lizard, six snake like heads that have hoods that look like the hoods of a Priest, the source of the Hydras name. You have to be careful when fighting any kind of Hydra because the blood of a Hydra is highly acidic to the point that it can burn through most things. Hydra bites...

3 years ago
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Chapter Eight Youth group cookout

A week later... It only had been only a week since Stephanie and I had made love and during that next week I was riddled with guilt knowing for second time in less that year I had been unfaithful sexually to the woman who I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I didn’t really want to tell Jackie about what happened with Stephanie and I just week before because I had this overwhelming feeling this time around Jackie would decide to break up with me for sure. But like the old saying...

2 years ago
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The Cookout

It was time for the summer time barbeque family reunion! The weather was perfect and things couldnt get any better. Elle Monique & Ava Dominique were enjoying themselves as they saw cousins, aunties, uncles, that they havent seen in years. They were almost brought to tears when they saw they great grandma was able to make it this year. The cookout at the park was on the one of the hottest days of the summer during a record breaking heatwave, so all the ladies were half naked & all the...

3 years ago
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Tales form Portsmouth

I have been ever so lucky and met some very nice people from here and through other websites, and I would like to tell you about these people, and how we met, and some of our adventures. For obvious reasons I have changed their names, but the events are how they happened are retold as they happened. This is about let’s call them Eamon and Ruth. I live near to Portsmouth on the south coast of England and Portsmouth being a naval base has a lot of sailors posted in the area. Eamon was in the army...

1 year ago
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Tales form Portsmouth

I have been ever so lucky and met some very nice people from here and through other websites, and I would like to tell you about these people, and how we met, and some of our adventures.For obvious reasons I have changed their names, but the events are how they happened are retold as they happened.This is about let's call them Eamon and Ruth. I live near to Portsmouth on the south coast of England and Portsmouth being a naval base has a lot of sailors posted in the area. Eamon was in the army...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e13 Stephanie 53 sex shop worker from Southampton

Series 3, Episode 13: Stephanie We’re in a sex shop – nothing big or flashy, but it’s not too dark and seedy either. Two aisles running from front to back – one filled with magazines and DVDs, the other with dildos and vibrators. The rear wall covered with kinky costumes, and at the front a single member of staff. There are no customers in the store, perhaps scared off by our camera crew. The member of staff is middle-aged going on old – wearing a little red dress that she’s really 20, or...

4 years ago
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Clockwork Caroline

Steam was King! Steam was clean, the cheap power to the masses. From the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century, steam drove everything. And in that time, inventions were all powered by steam.Big and small, steam was there, the driving force of all industry. And along with steam came the fashions of the time, heavy calico shirts, and dresses, corsets, and trusses for the bodies, hobnail boots, and woollen stockings, all were there. And controlling it all was the vast...

2 years ago
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Wells Males Part Four

Bobbie and Nicole go in deep cover to find their foe. Insertion Time. It was time for Bobbie and Nicole to go to Wells College. Nicole loved Cinnamom Cigars and Bobbie liked the Cohibas. Bobbie admitted Berings worked perfectly for cover. Bobbie liked Scott's and Nicole's thinking on a Spa Fest at the end. A long soak in a hot tub with scented oils and candles sounded great. Relaxing with good tunes, good food, a little wine, and good friends. A great way to spend an afternoon....

3 years ago
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GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...

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Vanessa and the workmen

The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...

2 years ago
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Maxwell and Janet

Janet ‘Oh my. Oh. Yes, Yes, Yes, work it. Right there, yes.’ He was finally done. He rolled over and was gasping for air like he was in a marathon. ‘You liked it baby?’ Dixon asked. I put on a fake smile. ‘Baby, do you really need to ask?’ Couldn’t he tell by the fucking fake screams? ‘You right baby. I’ll see you in the morning.’ Every time I look at this puta I ask myself why I am with him. I can’t believe I lost my virginity to him those months ago. I went to sleep disgusted....

3 years ago
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motel blackout

I always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people.After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...

2 years ago
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Motel Blackout

I always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people. After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...

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Motel Blackout

I always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people. After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...

2 years ago
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Handwork To Bedwork With Sister

All stories goes on a different path while mines also the same… Sex with girls u have been lusting for years and when u get to fuck her in which ever way you want with a bonus that she asks you to fuck her…. Just amazingggg… Same is my story.. About me I’m Darren from Mumbai,wheatish in colour with medium built and a cock with 7 inch n width of 3 inch rare combination. And my fucking partner my sis her name is radika(name change) fair skin sexy figure her description is in the story… Coming...

3 years ago
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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Five Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Five: Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End After lunch the ladies and their sissy candidates assemble in break-out groups where the candidates are stripped, shaved and locked in chastity as each of the pathetic males experiences new levels of shame and humiliation as they are displayed publicly and most for the first time. As the sissy graduates helped herd the male candidates into the appropriate classroom I...

4 years ago
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Frank was going to the ball field for a little practice with his old teammates. He looked around the kitchen to make sure nothing was left turned on. When he was satisfied everything was in order, he put on his team cap and left for the field.The ongoing rivalry between him and his younger sister made him decide to walk to the ball field; otherwise he would have to ask his sister Trish to give him a ride. Frank and his friends couldn't help noticing Trish. She had become quite a cocktease. She...

1 year ago
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The Dugout

"Why the hell did they pull me up from Toledo if they didn't intend to use me?" Steve Strathmore sat on the bench in the dugout at Comerica Park in Detroit, watching as the fans slowly filed out of the ballpark. He'd been called up from Triple A Toledo for a month while one of the Detroit Tigers' star players recovered from an injury, and since his arrival two weeks ago, he'd played exactly two games. He loved the game, had since he was a kid. This was his shot at the big...

3 years ago
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Patchwork Knight

Author’s Notes: ‘Patchwork Knight’ is set in the Sweet Dreams universe, but is otherwise a standalone story. *** ‘Patchwork Knight’ *** Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if he were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that she is the standard by which every other woman that he has admired or dated is judged, and has found them lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in those glory days of high...

2 years ago
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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmates After moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed, I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and...

1 year ago
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I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...

2 years ago
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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmatesAfter moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed; I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and low...

2 years ago
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I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacks

I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacksmiths AnvilThis is an individual story but might be easier to understand after reading Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThe next week Julia came in to the quarry for the coal with the car and stopped me in the carpark “I’ve been talking to a friend about daydreams, the one we had last week, she wants the same one”“What with me”“Yes but it has to be two weeks today”“That’s very precise,” I Said“Yes it is, do you want to do...

4 years ago
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Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths Anvil

Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThis happened way back in the very late eighties, I worked one season for the silage contractor before getting a full time job in a quarry. I worked my way up to being a mobile plant fitter. The only time the quarry was quite was a Saturday lunch time when the men that was working the full day got together and we had our bait together, we would have a laugh and take the piss out of each other.One Saturday I told the men about a dream I had about one...

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