- 3 years ago
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Every so often Charlotte was required to be on duty to meet the public: usually just to answer their rather technical questions on tax status. There was a policy that interviewees should state whether or not they would be embarrassed by being interviewed by someone unclothed, but it was generally only a small minority of rather elderly clients who preferred not to. Ironically, it was those who were least enthusiastic about being interviewed by a naked woman that Charlotte felt least reserved about being naked with. She had adopted the policy of wearing the white coat provided when interviewing men and it was only for women and fairly asexual men that she would remove it.
Charlotte adopted her usual policy for interviewing Miss J. Taylor by preparing her notes but not bothering with the white coat. Miss Taylor was an actress concerned about a rebate that she felt was due her after a period of three months in a high street clothes shop at a lower rate of pay than for the other nine months of the tax year. It was only when Charlotte entered the interview booth that she realised that Miss Taylor was the Josephine she’d only met the once at her flat. She was wearing a prim white blouse with a silk black scarf and her hair was kept it in place by an ornate hair-clip.
It was an embarrassed start to the interview, but Charlotte soon relaxed and, after giving Josephine the required forms and explaining the procedures to her, they were able to chat about more general matters. Josephine was auditioning for several television plays, and her agent was very optimistic about her chances in at least one of these. Most of her recent work had been in commercials: and she’d been in enough of those to no longer need to work in Maurice’s (Gentleman Outfitters)for a while. The commercials had been of a generally saucy nature, which seemed a little odd when the products were for such things as detergent, formica furniture and road safety.
The interview seemed so brief, but in fact when Josephine had left they’d been talking for nearly an hour and a half. Charlotte arranged to meet Josephine for a meal later that week, which Josephine would cook. “I just love cooking!” she said. At first Charlotte suggested certain clubs and wine bars that she’d been to with Clarissa. “Oh, I don’t like the sound of the Haworth!” Josephine exclaimed. “It’s a naturist singles bar, isn’t it?” Charlotte couldn’t really argue with the description, but she felt it strange that someone like Charlotte who had become accustomed to making love for the camera would be so prudish about taking her clothes off in a place like that. Josephine admitted that she’d enjoyed her visit to Charlotte’s flat, but she hadn’t felt like going again. “It was almost like going to an audition,” she remarked. “Even though Emma and Harriett are such marvellous company.”
Charlotte watched Josephine with a feeling of elevation, curiously happy with herself and the world. That Josephine seemed only interested in her as a friend was perhaps as elating as anything else. Emma was not the Emma that Charlotte used to love so deeply: however much she still craved for her.
When Charlotte went home on the underground she felt she was on a cloud. She had a brief drink with Clarissa at a small wine bar near the office (not a naturist one) and found it difficult to even pretend to be interested in Clarissa’s converation which, as always, concentrated on her sexual encounters and how her boyfriend, despite being so wonderful, didn’t really understand her. When she ascended to the open air and walked through the suburban streets to her flat she was propelled by thoughts that took her past her flat and forced her to retrace her steps.
When she entered the flat, took off her clothes and announced her arrival, she was surprised to see Emma run towards her rather solicitously. Emma grasped her round the shoulders and hugged her against her chest. “Can you forgive me?” she asked.
“After how snotty I was last night when I saw you with Penelope! I don’t know what got into me! I must have been deranged! It must be with Harriett away. I don’t know! I shouldn’t have been like that! Of course you should feel free to make love with Penelope and whoever else you like! I shouldn’t be so selfish and get in the way of what you want. How can you ever forgive me?”
“That’s alright! I’d almost forgotten …”
Emma hurried Charlotte along with her into the living room, and Charlotte was very conscious of a very firm grip around her waist. “I’ve chatted with Penelope about it. She says I was just jealous. I think it’s worse than that. I just don’t think of your needs at all. While Harriett and I have been making love, I’ve just not thought of you (and a professed lesbian too!) having the same needs. But Penelope’s here.”
The two girls entered Emma’s bedroom and there indeed lying on her bed was Penelope who was, however, still dressed in the rather plain clothes she wore to her supermarket office. Penelope looked up shyly and, it seemed to Charlotte, with some embarrassment as well. What had Emma and Penelope been talking about?
“So,” announced Emma, emphasising her statement with a pause, “if the two of you would like to make love I’ll stay out of your way.” And with that Emma disappeared and left Charlotte with Penelope.
What followed was certainly not passion. More like duty performed for Emma’s benefit. After a short chat, where both Charlotte and Penelope skirted discreetly around any subject which could be construed about sex, Penelope shyly removed her clothes to reveal her pale boney frame. As the two girls entwined and went through the motions of what had been more successful the day before, Charlotte felt that perhaps their earlier conversation on the new robotic tills and the bar-codes on the new notes had, after all, been more satisfying. And this was only her second time of making love to a woman. What she’d always wanted! What, as a lesbian, should be the pinnacle of sexual activity!
Penelope must have felt much the same, because after only half an hour of groping, fumbling and rolling around together, they separated and, almost unconsciously, she started putting her clothes back on. She certainly wasn’t as hot after this as she’d been the previous night.
Emma was surprised to see Charlotte and Penelope emerge after such a short time. She was watching a film which was thankfully free of all the sex she’d had to watch the last few months, and she’d expected to be able to see that and perhaps another before the two lovers emerged. She was also slightly put off to see Penelope in her clothes again.
“Didn’t you make love?” she asked.
“Oh yes! We did!” said Penelope with a look of enthusiasm.
“And did you enjoy it?” addressing Charlotte quizzically.
“Yes. It was very nice,” said Charlotte in a way that left Emma more questions unanswered than she’d had before.
“Oh, that’s alright then,” said Emma conscious that further questioning was probably not in order. “Shall I wind back this film. It’s very good.”
“What is it?” asked Charlotte eagerly.
Emma looked at the video sleeve. “Mary Barton. It’s based on a book I believe. And it’s not a sex video. I promise you!”
It was a more relaxed Emma that Charlotte met in the kitchen before leaving for work. It was she, and not Charlotte, who had spent the night making love with Penelope, which, despite a certain element of envy, was actually a relief to Charlotte. Emma kissed Charlotte on the lips with Penelope’s arms around her waist and one of Penelope’s fingers lightly stroking her clitoris. Penelope then followed suit by giving Charlotte a somewhat more passionate kiss: her tongue skimming around Charlotte’s teeth and the roof of her mouth.
left for work feeling more than a little anxious about her evening with Josephine. She’d not felt such an anxiety about having an evening out with someone since she’d first been invited out for a date as a school-girl. An anxiety that proved to be well-founded when all the boy seemed interested in was getting his hands inside her clothes and pulling her knickers down. She just didn’t care enough about him to even bother stopping him. Her day at work seemed to drag on. Perhaps it was just that all the most tedious end of the month accounting happened on the same day. Or perhaps it was the way that the clock was going so much slower than usual.
There was a temp on reception who took naturist license a little further than most by straying out of the office with no clothes and down to the building’s foyer. This was the only incident of an otherwise tedious day, and by no means the first occasion that a temp had misinterpreted departmental policy for sexual license or overt exhibitionism. When the day ended, Charlotte found herself sitting next to this temp by the bus-stop waiting for the bus which would go to Josephine’s flat in a seedy but bohemian part of town distinguished principally by having no underground stations. She was going in the same direction, so Charlotte found herself doomed to nearly an hour of chatter about her boyfriends, her holidays abroad in tourist traps like Croatia, Albania and Libya, and how much she thought of herself like a naturist like Charlotte. “It must be great not wearing clothes all day!” she exclaimed rather loudly.
Charlotte didn’t really like the thought of everyone on the 73 bus imagining her naked, so she was quite relieved when she left the bus and followed the directions attached to a piece of paper in her A-Z and could wander about fairly sure that no one was aware she was a naturist. She wore rather more clothes than usual for a warm day, sure that Josephine would disapprove if she’d turned up even topless, and felt rather virtuous for it as she passed others in the street showing rather more flesh than she. Men, she noticed, always got away with flaunting rather more flesh than women, as she passed cars being washed in the street and workmen sitting on a wall.
Josephine’s flat was a tiny affair in a large rambling building, in obvious need of renovation. The door was almost bare of paint and an upstairs window was covered with cardboard to replace the glass. It was Josephine, though, who Charlotte had come to see, and her heart visibly thundered as the door came ajar and Josephine appeared. “I’m so glad you could make it,” she said smiling broadly. “It’s almost ready – the ratatouille that is.”
The two girls went upstairs to Josephine’s flat which was full of the aroma of casserole and peppers. It was also full of cushions which covered most of the floor and most of a rather battered-looking sofa. The other thing it was full of were photographs and posters, all of a thespian nature, obscuring the rather dull and faded wallpaper. “You can take your clothes off now if you like,” announced Josephine kindly.
“Sorry, I’m …” began Charlotte, who had been convinced that she’d be spending the evening in the clothes she was wearing. The experience would even be quite a novel one. She now associated clothes as the rather clumsy things she was obliged to wear to keep her modesty when travelling to work or being in the public eye. But the proposition of spending an evening naked with a fully clothed woman itself seemed as peculiar as not being naked.
“Don’t be silly!” smiled Josephine. “I know you’re a naturist, and it doesn’t embarrass me at all.” This was quite a different image than the one projected by her reserved selection of clothes, which even as a concession to the warm weather (being a pair of white shorts and blouse) seemed quite prim. However, Charlotte couldn’t help feeling that the subject having been broached it would be rude to decline the offer, so she stripped off and laid her clothes neatly in a pile in the tiny hallway.
The meal Josephine prepared was truly sumptuous. Not large in quantity, but certainly so in taste. She was a witty woman, which was assisted by her ability as an actress to entertain Charlotte in a way that soon had her gasping for breath between gales of laughter. Her life as an actress had certainly involved quite a few misadventures, and meeting some very interesting people. Charlotte was no expert on the theatre or cinema but she knew at least the names of many of the people mentioned in Josephine’s anecdotes. After the meal, the two girls sat together amongst the cushions and the odd fluffy toy while Josephine flicked through a photograph album of stills from plays, films and advertisements she’d been in.
The great majority of her performances had involved her in performing naked and often in full penetration sex. The photographs Josephine showed was almost like a sequence of black-and-white and colour pages from a pornographic magazine. There were shots of her being buggered, of having semen squirted onto her face, of penises either fully in her mouth or on the edge of it, of objects as well as penises up her vagina, and shots of her on stage with more long-distant versions of the same kind of activity. Even many of her stills for television commercials or magazine advertisements involved some quite explicit sexual act.
“How can you make love in front of the camera?” wondered Charlotte.
“It’s just a performance,” Josephine admitted, looking ludicrously modest in the flesh compared to her photographic record. “You learn your lines and perform to the best of your ability. And it’s not the camera I perform to. It’s the audience that may be looking through that camera. That takes significantly more skill!” She smiled warmly at Charlotte. “But it takes a little bit more than just play-acting to perform sex successfully. So, I was pretty grateful to the assistance that Emma and Harriett gave me to learn lesbian love. I was able to sail through the auditions …”
“Well, they’ve got to be sure of how well you perform… I sailed through the auditions to get a part in the last film I was in where I had to make love to several women. Not just men, in this case. And here’s the proof!” She proudly showed a few photographs which showed her having very passionate sex with two women: one of whom was black and had a large pink dildo incongruously strapped round her waist. “That part got me more money than any part I’d played in a film before.”
As the evening progressed, and the two girls sipped the white wine that Charlotte had brought with her, it seemed natural for Charlotte to miss the last bus and stay semi-slumped on the cushions on Josephine’s floor. It also seemed natural when Josephine slipped off her clothes, in a practised and unembarrassed gesture that Charlotte for all her professed naturism was not really capable of. The two girls soon lapsed into a kind of contemplative silence, while a Compact Disc of a mid-twentieth century string quartet played in the background, their arms around each other, and Charlotte blissfully happy with the warmth of Josephine’s flesh against hers.
And it didn’t seem strange when the two girls drifted off to bed together and made the tender sort of love that Charlotte had always dreamed of making with Emma. No penetration. No toys. Not even an attempt at an orgasm. Just lying together exploring each other’s body with their eyes, hands and tongues. As Charlotte looked deep into Josephine’s beautiful large eyes her body and heart melted like ice-cream on a hot summer’s day. Her love for Josephine choked her, and the only thing she could do was allow a tear to gently loosen itself from her eye and onto her cheek. She could only hope that Josephine felt the same way. But she was sure. Oh so sure! That Josephine did.
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BDSMIt has been a long time since I added to this site but I am back, please let me know if you like this story and if you would like me to write a back story to it or continue on from here. As always any criticism is gratefully received. EMMA I pulled into the drive locked my car and virtually ran into my apartment, I was greeted by the most amazing aroma and dumping my briefcase and coat I headed into the kitchen. There she was the love of my life Emma, standing over the stove wearing...
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When they were growing up my daughter had a friend through a club they belonged to, called Gemma. She lived locally and my wife and I soon got used to her turning up on our doorstep most weekends and after school. Gemma's mum had been young when she had her and was still young and hot. I was secretly very pleased that the girls were such good friends, as we became friends with her mum too.The problem was that I don't think her mum was ready to settle down to being a mum. Gemma's dad lived a...
Emmanuel Hoofdstuk 1. Misschien kunt U mij helpen? De mensen waarvan ik een kamer heb gehuurd hebben het huis verkocht. En dus moet ik er uit. Maar een maand de tijd om iets anders te zoeken. Ik stap daarom naar de plaatselijke krant en geef daar aan een best leuk uitziende juffrouw een advertentie op: Te huur gevraagd. Een jongeman, 18 jaar, zoekt een vrije kamer in klein gezin of bij dame alleen, goede stand. Br. a nr. 146 v.d. bl. Het meisje zegt dat het in orde komt en ik...
The following story is based on the imagination of a reader who has given permission for the use of her ideas. For the sake of privacy, her name will not be published and does not bare any resemblance to the characters portrayed herein. The beginning is entirely her story, with only editorial alterations, background, in fills and the conclusion on my part. As with all of the works posted by me, under my name, it is protected by international copyright and may not be copied, published or...
I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire. It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office. This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy. He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile. It was also apparent that he was attracted to me. I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was here. ...
I arrived home from the night shift later than usual. The reason being that I had to take the car in for service. The house was empty when I got in, my wife was at work and my daughter, Gem at school. I was dog tired but decided to shower, get some food, catch the news and sleep, in that order.I can't remember now the exact details now but I do recall dozing off on the sofa as I watched the news. I was disturbed by the sound of the front door opening and the sound ofpeople talking.I...
I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire. It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office. This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy. He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile. It was also apparent that he was attracted to me. I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was...
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Tuesday night Christine and I dressed up to hand out Halloween candy with Doreen. We had been invited to join Tony and Tina at a costume party they were attending, but I didn't think Christine was quite ready for that show yet. Now if Amber had been there... Later, after the candy and kids were all gone and we called it a night, I went to see a young boy named Bobby. He had indeed come a long way in the last year and didn't need Walter to look after him any longer. The first thing I...
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When she answers a knock at the door, Nikki Knightly finds her brother-in-law-to-be standing in the doorway. He is there to deliver the paperwork she needs to sign for her upcoming wedding to his brother next week. Wearing her hijab, she answers the door and invites him to come in. They get to talking and Nikki reveals that she is feeling a little unsure about the impending nuptials. Is she making the right choice? We come to learn that she and the brother have some history together. The...
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When Mr. Tommy Pistol catches his stepdaughter going out dressed provocatively he has to set the record straight and let the girl know it could endanger her mom’s political career. But little Daizy Cooper doesn’t care about her controlling mother – she just wants to fuck her scholarly stepdaddy. By the tattoos on his back, she knows he must be a wild thing at heart and does her best to brings it back out. And does she ever as they fuck and suck all over the couch in the living...
xmoviesforyouStrangled for Her by Casanova X?Look darling, we’re all here. There’s Trish and Steff and her daughter Erica. They all came to help me snuff you. I know your eyesight is failing. That’s too bad. Trish has her string bikini on, you know, the one you like so much. You always got a stiffie when you saw her tanning by the pool in it. It’s okay, honey, I know. Yes, she’s my daughter, but, after all, you’re only a man and she does look adorable. Turn around Trish, honey, and give your step-daddy the...
Hi all. It’s been nice to meet you all thru ISS once again. I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have so far posted 3 stories in ISS. Now it’s time I pen down my 4th story which happened to me in the last week of December 2014. To give a small intro about myself, I’m 6ft tall, black guy. I’m from southern part of Tamilnadu. Recently moved to Chennai. I have been working in the field of sales for more than 6 years. I love matured ladies a lot and I love to do groping in buses or any crowded...
I got on my horse and led Rory and Opal Anne, in the wagon, towards Daisy O’Rourke’s house. On the way I stopped at the bank to see Mr. Banks, waving the wagon to go on to Daisy’s house. As soon as I entered the bank Cody Banks stood to welcome me. “Hello Paul! Nice to see you so soon as seeing Mick.” I took his offered hand and then, very seriously, I spoke. “Cody, I would like to meet with you and Dewey after I’ve been to see Daisy O’Rourke.” He immediately assumed his full business...
Maria looked in the mirror on Saturday, October 30. This was the night every girl in her residence was probably doing the same thing. Looking in the mirror at their scantily clad reflection and wondering about the nights activities. Maria was heading downtown to a local strip of bars that always had the best costume parties and the best dance music in the city. Her girlfriends were all getting ready around her but she couldn’t hear them… the only thing on her mind were the last minute regrets...
Heather could not decide what disturbed her more on the bus ride home, the empty seat where Jason normally sat, or her little sister squirming in rising sexual need. She had tried to sit next to Melinda only to be waved off. Melinda refused to talk and kept her eyes averted, her cheeks faintly pink. Heather had stared at her little sister too long, as her thoughts returned to the special panties which still sat in the pocket of her jeans. Every glance at Melinda's writhing hips triggered...
A number of years ago, an old girlfriend and I were drunkenly confessing some of the things we got up too in our past.My girlfriend Bev confessed that as a young girl, She always prefered her father to give her a bath, rather than her mother.When I asked why, she told me it was because he always washed her whole body with his hands, even her private parts. But her mother always stopped at them, and told her to wash your bits.She even confessed this carried on right up to her body developing....
This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only. All others please ignore this work from my twisted mind. Send comments to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. Hell in a Cabin Written by 4play My wife Mary and I had met in college and got married soon after graduating. We were both in the business world and doing quite well. We both worked long hard hours but made a nice living. After more than two years...
Hello mera name rahu hai from delhi main ek 23 saal ka ladka hu aur mujhe bahut achcha lagta hai apne naye naye frnds banana , ag koi aunty ho jo chahti ho to spend sometime with me then can mail me on my id ..ye baat hai jab ki jab main ek ladki ko chahta tha magar kya batao aapko wo bahut bhaav khaati thi aur hamesha mujhe alag ajeeb nazar se dekti thi samjh nahi aata tha ki ki ye pyaar hai ya koi lust hai jise main chodna chahta tha magar aakhir kaar maine usey chod diya tha aur …garmi ka...
Usually, I-75 from Fort Lauderdale to Naples isn't a very exciting ride. But as my car sped along, passing Florida State Road 19 at around 75 mph, I was pretty fired up. Yeah, I noticed the hundred or so gators sunning themselves on the embankment that lines the interstate; that was different. However, the hormones that were coursing through me this day didn't have anything to do with being excited over cars, or mileage, or gators. The drive itself was a nuisance.I had met her three years...
Hello dosto mera nam sam hai .Aur ye meri dusari story hai .Is story me 4 character hai mom raveena age 45,budhe naukar ramu kaka aur namdev kaka jo ki 65 ke hoge.Aur mai nam sam age 25 .Mom ki dost aneeta aur uski family 1 month ke liye foreign ja rahe the is liye aneeta ne mom ko kaha ki 1 month wo unhe tiffin pahucha de.Mom ne bhi ha kah diya kyoki wo dono bahut purani saheliya thi shadi ke bhi pahle ki .Tiffin pahuchane ka kam mera hi tha .Pahle do teen to hamari koi bat nhi huyi badme meri...
Her brain was racing. What a night. It all started with a quiet dinner. Alex was a great cook. And an even better lover. How many orgasms was it? Well two on the sofa to start. Then a third on the bed. Another in the shower. A fifth on the bed and maybe a sixth? Then the last one after breakfast. And he came four times? The first when he fucked her on the sofa. That was nice. Then again when in bed. Then he covered her face when in the shower. The bed again. And then this...
I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. ...
The tavern was half full of evening diners. Flower moved through the crowd easily to remove dishes or mugs as she sang. I was singing a counterpoint to her song as little Sky held her fist to her mouth and kept yawning as she fought to keep from going to sleep. I glanced at the door as three sidhe entered. They looked around and stared at me before moving to a table. One of the serving girls went to take their order as Henry slipped out the kitchen door. Her crossed to me and I leaned over...
Lauren Phillips has some bad news for her step dad. She just saw her mom cheating – fucking another man behind his back. But she has an idea cheer up her step daddy: payback. Lauren’s always wanted to taste her step dad’s cock; to wrap her big natural tits around him, and take him in her tight pussy. With a little convincing, the slutty redhead gets what she wants. Her step daddy’s cock grows hard. She makes him feel better with an epic fucking blowjob. Once his cock is wet...
xmoviesforyouWhitney's Song: Every Teenaged Girl in America Wants To Be Me By Pirategrrl (c) 2000 1. SMUGNESS IS NOT HAPPINESS. "New message, left today at 11:35 am," the quasi-sexy voice cooed as I checked my voicemail messages from behind my desk. The snottiest, most overeducated assistant I ever had used to call it my Ayn Rand desk; gleaming metal, dominating the landscape of my office with swoops of stainless steel, black marble and ego, covered in the monuments of my importance as a...
Room 112Im Vanessa my friends call me Vee for short. Im 5’2 about 180 lbs solid I do try my best to maintain as much as I can. I have short shaven black hair and brown eyes I wear heavy dark olive green frames glasses that add a hint of character to my face. I been at this training camp thing that I unknowingly signed up thought it be fun but I have since quickly realized its not what it was meant to be but I have already signed up and I am already here so might as well push on forward. This...
Kim Sawyer cursed silently as she stubbed her foot against the packing crate in the dimly lit basement. Kim, a twenty-two-year old graduate student in archeology, had been assigned to inventory what seemed like an endless number of old field study boxes in the basement of the ancient Natural Sciences building in preparation for their movement to the new Science Studies complex being constructed across campus. Most of the boxes contain materials, notes, and minor specimens from university digs...
Chapter 1 Ella was walking down the street towards Club Dom. It was a special club, her brother owned it. Even though she was only 18 she was the clubs main attraction on many nights. She loved dancing in the hanging cages. She walked around the back to the workers entrance and knocked on the door. Her cousin Wolf looked out through the little slat in the door. " it's not your scheduled day Ella, what are you doing here?" She poked out her lower lip so subtly that he only...
Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net . This is banty again. I hope you all remember me? Are bhul gaye kya? Mene niki aur pooja wali stories post ki thi na kuch years pehele. Forget it. Im back on track again. Me iss ka bohot purana reader hu. Me twenty three years ka hu, educated hu, good average looking bhi hu aur five feet and ten inch is my height. I’m not a good story teller so sorry for all my mistakes. Aaj me apna intro wagaire dene me apna aur aapka time waste nahi karunga. Hello...
October 28, 1990, Chicago, Illinois Early on Sunday afternoon the phone rang and I went from the sunroom to my study to answer it. It was Ted Farley calling. He said he had some information, so I asked him to hold while I called Katy into the room. I put the phone on speaker and told him to go ahead. “The first thing I discovered, and it makes me very suspicious, is that she withdrew from all of her classes at UIC. Did either of you have any idea that she might do that?” “No way!” Katy...
I had issues getting over a bad break up. I confided in a female friend that i been talking to for months. She told me she was a lesbian, and hadnt had dick in two years. We would hang out, shoot pool--look at women in the mall. She was like one of the fellas. A stud, and she was proud of making hetero women weak with her tounge. We got extremely close, to the point where id sleep ova her house if i had to many beers. I woke up one morning still feeling dizzy from my buzz, an hopped in the...
Memories Revisited: Closing Up Shop? By Heather St. Claire Most people like to think they live well-ordered lives, that they are the masters of their destiny, rather than victims of random fate. Try telling that to Alexis and Charles Boyd?not that they would have any idea of what you were talking about. On the surface, they look to be a perfectly ordinary young couple; as far as they know, that's exactly what they are. Two young teachers at the same high school who fell in love...