Hanna Ch. 06-09 free porn video

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Chapter 6

Declarations and Dinner

The curtains had closed and the lights above gradually brightened just a little, then I was given several minutes to compose myself and return to reality before Hanna came back into the room. ‘Now you know a little of what we can do Mac.’ she said softly. ‘I hope you enjoyed the performance, we try to tailor these things to what we believe our clients will like. I trust we succeeded in your case.’

‘In every possible way Hanna.’ I replied, pulling the robe more tightly around myself.

‘Good, now, let me offer you another drink, I’m sure you are more than ready for one. And at the same time we can talk a little more.’ she said, moving towards the cabinet on the far side of the room.

Having poured us both a drink we sat and talked, at first about the ‘show’ as she referred to it, and my reactions to it. ‘As I told you, the more we know about a person’s deepest, sometimes subconscious thoughts, the better we can perform for them. So anything you wish to tell me at any time will be beneficial, for both of us.’ she added with a cheeky smile.

‘I must congratulate you, and the people that helped you of course.’ I said. ‘The way you captured and recreated the first scene was truly brilliant. It was as though you had been inside my head and read my memories. Everything was exactly right, even down to the tree branches around the window. And of course the girls, the women, were spectacular.’

‘And they truly enjoy doing what they do Mac, I don’t use prostitutes of course, all my people do what they do because they love it. But of course they do share in the financial rewards too.’

‘I should hope so. But where do you find them?’

‘Ah, I know you’ll understand if I just say that’s a trade secret Mac.’ she answered with a knowing smile.

‘Of course, but be sure to pass on my sincere compliments, especially to the young woman who took such very good care of me.’

‘I’ll do that with pleasure, but you could pass on your compliments in person if you wanted to. I know that particular woman would be very happy to share a bed with you, if you would like that.’

‘I don’t think that will be necessary Hanna. I would much prefer to spend a little time talking with you, if I may.’

‘Really, conversation rather than stimulation?’

‘Hanna, I find your company more stimulating than anything that woman, attractive and skilful as she is, could possibly do for me.’

Her skin was so white and her make-up so light that she couldn’t hide the faint flush of colour my words brought to her cheeks. ‘That’s nice to hear Mac, but I should tell you that when Gerry takes a fancy to a man, as she told me she did to you, I have heard that she gives a truly memorable performance. I don’t believe my conversation could possibly be compared with that.’

‘Let me be the judge of that Hanna. You must remember that I was drawn to you after just seeing a not so very good photograph in a newspaper. Since then, even though you have kept them most professional, the meetings and conversations we have had have only strengthened those initial feelings. I have to tell you that many of both my dreaming and waking hours during the last two weeks have been filled with images and thoughts of you.’

She said nothing for so long that her silence worried me. Even more so because until I heard myself saying it I’d had no intention of saying what I had. The outburst had been completely out of character for me. A man who had played mind games with some of the best negotiators in the business had blurted out his deepest feelings to someone he hardly knew, and to someone whom he had previously given the keys to his financial ruin.

While she remained silent her eyes were busy, staring deep into mine, her gaze flicking back and forth from one to the other, as though searching for some sort of additional information. After what seemed an eternity, but which was probably no more than the longest minute of my life, she said. ‘Would you like to stay for something to eat Mac? I can have something brought up to us and that would give us more time to talk.’

‘I can think of nothing I would like more Hanna.’

‘Really?’ she said, arching her eye-brows and giving me a cheeky grin. ‘I very much doubt that, but I’ll choose to believe you. You go and have a quick shower and get dressed, while I call down to the kitchen.’

I did as she suggested and in spite of the draining orgasm I’d just experienced was amazed to find that like some teen-age boy preparing for his first date I was trembling with rapidly re-building nervous excitement. My heart was beating wildly, my fingers refused to deal with buttons, I couldn’t get the knot in my tie to stay in place, and my hair seemed to refuse to do what it normally did. It was ridiculous! But the sense of excitement was also exhilarating.

But if I had expected her to somehow signal we might be entering a new area of personal exploration together I would have been disappointed. When I returned she was sitting on one of the lounges, occasionally taking a small, absentminded sip from her glass as she stared into space. She was so deep in thought she obviously didn’t hear me return and it was only when I went to sit down opposite that she suddenly looked up.

‘Ah, Mac!’ she said as though surprised to see me. ‘I’m sorry, I was miles away, our meal will not be long now, just time to finish your drink.’ she added, passing me the glass I had left behind. Then, completely ignoring the remarks I had made just a few minutes before, she said.

‘Now, while we have this extra time together we have an opportunity to talk about how we can refine what we do for you, see what additions or changes might make what we do more realistic, more exciting for you.’

But I wasn’t going to be side-tracked quite that easily and, taking a calculated risk, replied. ‘Hanna, the only thing I can think of that would make it any better would be if you were personally involved, I mean in more that just the planning.’

‘I take that as a compliment, but I think it’s being a little mischievous of you.’ she replied somewhat cautiously.

‘I assure you it’s not meant as either, even before I said what I did earlier, you must have suspected how I had started to feel about you.’

‘Oh I could tell you were attracted to me, but then that’s not unusual.’

‘I imagine so, I imagine many of your clients offer to, shall we say, sweeten the pot, if you take part in their ‘show’. But I don’t think what I am experiencing is anything quite as shallow as that.’


‘Really. After all, we have much in common. Neither of us was born in this country, and the French are very adept at reminding us of that fact. Politely of course. We both have a similar love of music. We have both made whatever money we have from our own efforts. And if I am not mistaken, we both have more than our fair share of enthusiastic sexual energy.

And that’s without even considering how we might, given the opportunity, find we could feel about each other at another, more personal, more emotional level.’ I added.

‘All right, I’ll be as honest as I believe your are being with me. Yes I find you attractive, very attractive.’ she added with a grin. ‘I felt drawn to you that first evening, when I only had time for a quick glimpse of you, in the bar. Of course I already knew something about you, hearing of your enquiries about me sparked my usual suspicions. We have to be extremely cautious you understand. So I had a couple of my people check you out. You have managed to impress many people, and made very few enemies Mac, that in itself is quite an accomplishment.’ she added with a more conspiratorial smile.

‘So, having seen the face in the flesh, so to speak, I made a few more enquiries, then decided to arrange to bump into you. To tell the truth I can’t be absolutely sure as to whether it was the professional me, or the
woman who made that decision. The rest you know.’ she added, then took a sip from her glass before continuing.

‘When I first started the Foundation I made a rule that I would not, ever, allow my personal life to become entangled with what I do and the people I meet through its activities. I had men of course, but always made sure they and whatever we did together were totally separated from what I did with the Foundation. Like many people, so far as I am concerned business and pleasure must not mix.’ she said firmly.

‘Well I …’ I interjected, but fell silent when she stopped me.

‘No, please wait, let me finish. For the first few years there were no real problems, but as the Foundation grew, became more demanding of my time, something had to give. The man I was with at the time made it clear that he was not satisfied with the rapidly shrinking amount of time we could have together. And he was right, I was being totally unfair to him, I had to make the decision.

I did, I decided the Foundation was more important.’ She took another, longer sip of her drink and that time I remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

‘That was three years ago now, since then I have to all intents and purposes been celibate.’

The statement amazed me, and it obviously showed. She smiled. ‘Yes, odd isn’t it, in this day and age of free-wheeling sex, but I assure you it’s true. But all I can say is that in the last ten years the Foundation has grown from one woman’s somewhat bizarre idea into an organisation that has provided several million dollars for the support of new music and musicians. But that has been at a cost to me.

However, it has also developed into what I think of as a fraternity. Whilst I am still seen by those that know what we do as the figure-head, and I do also get involved in much of the creative side of our private activities, it no longer needs me to do everything. There are others who can and do take on many of the roles I used to have to do alone.

I suppose what I am trying to say, in a very round-about sort of way, is that I could now start to take time out for my personal life. Not that I would want to stop being involved with the Foundation altogether.’ she added quickly.

‘And no man who respected you, or your achievements would want you to do that Hanna.’ I said reassuringly.

‘So although we have met the way we have, let us take a little time to get to know each other. If we find we have more in common than mere initial attraction, who knows. Can you understand what I mean, and more importantly, could you handle that sort of situation Mac?’

‘Yes, and with no trouble at all.’ I immediately replied confidently.

‘Good, then let’s ignore what has happened during the last hour or so, and get to know each other over dinner, like any other couple who have met through more normal social circumstances.’

I grinned and said. ‘I’m not at all sure I can easily ignore what has just happened to me, but I’ll certainly go along with the latter part of what you said.’

She laughed, that deep-throated laugh that had made my hair curl the first time I heard it. ‘Fair enough, and I’ll admit that there was a time there when I was tempted to join in what was happening. You are built very impressively Mac.’ she added in an under-tone.

‘You were watching?’

‘Someone has to, to ensure nothing goes wrong you understand. As it was you I didn’t want anyone else doing that. I’m not sure why. But I hope you are not too offended.’

‘Not at all, and yes I do understand. You liked what you saw?’

‘Mmm.’ she answered almost shyly, then gave another of those laughs and added. ‘Perhaps my celibacy has gone on for too long.’

‘Perhaps I arrived at just the right time.’ I responded with a grin.

‘Perhaps you have.’ she answered, and just then, as though on cue, her front door bell rang. ‘Ah, our meal.’ she said in an almost relieved tone as she got up and went across the room.

As I should have anticipated, her kitchen provided close to five star service. There was a delicious asparagus based soup with cracklingly fresh rolls, then very rare, thinly sliced roast beef with duchesse potatoes and a range of lightly steamed vegetables, followed by a fresh fruit compote and cheese platter. And an excellent Merlot both complimented the food and helped our conversation along.

I really don’t remember exactly what we talked about, I know we exchanged potted and probably heavily censored life histories. I discovered the rumours of her links with royalty were a little exaggerated, but that she did have links with both Czech and Romanian nobility from one of her grandparents, along with a mix of Polish and Ukrainian blood from another.

There had been sufficient money to give her an excellent education but little more than that, and once out of university she was on her own. Her love of music had drawn her into a public relations job with one of the big orchestras but the incessant political machinations had proved too much to continue a long-term career in that area.

Although she loved the classical repertoire she had always found contemporary music exciting, and before leaving her full-time job had begun trying to raise funds for a small, relatively unknown group specialising in that genre. And it was whilst trying to come up with ways of doing so that she first had the idea of the Foundation.

It was many months, and there had been numerous dead-ends before she succeeded in getting half a dozen like-minded people together who were prepared to give her ideas a trial run. And in the first full year there had been several extremely embarrassing failures. However, with determination, and a slowly growing number of hand-picked people the Foundation took shape, then once established, very quickly prospered.

She made no mention of whether or not she had actively participated in fulfilling the early client’s fantasies and I certainly didn’t pry, what had happened years ago to either of us was by then of no concern. But in addition to raising funds for music and musicians her contacts had, over time, given her several opportunities to invest and make money, which she had done both wisely and successfully.

Having given her a similarly truncated version of my own life to that point we began exchanging anecdotes about events from our past. Although I thought hers were significantly more humorous than mine, I was able to make her laugh at some of the scrapes I had got myself into and by the time the bottle was almost empty we both had tears streaming down our cheeks.

‘I don’t remember when I last enjoyed a meal as much as I have this one Hanna, thank you.’ I said, when there was finally a few moments silence.

‘Nor I Mac, it seems we have a similar sense of humour.’

‘And that’s important if two people are to become close to each other.’

‘I wonder …’ she said pensively, then without completing the sentence, pushed herself away from the table. ‘I don’t know about you Mac, but I think it’s time to see just how close we might become. Don’t you?’

‘Most definitely.’ I replied as I started to also get up.

‘No wait, I need a little time in the bath-room, finish your wine.’ she said, gently pushing me down again. My rooms are at the end of that corridor, finish your wine and then I’ll see you in a few minutes.’ She added, then bent and kissed me lightly on the lips before hurrying away.

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It's Your Destiny Part 2 Thank you for the positive responses to Part one. I'm afraid that there won't be any cheerleading in this one, although a dream of being one has always been in the back of mine. Not that I wouldn't do it, but it just doesn't fit in this story. I have enjoyed a number of books and movies over the years that show that the line between what we consider great fiction in our world and whether there is a place where it really exists in another dimension can be...

2 years ago
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Bingo at Roosters

To the outside world I was your normal boring 44 year old male accountant in kaki slacks and a pullover top. The kinda man women want after they sow their wild oats with the band members, the bikers and the body builders. But for me, while the outside was pure boring vanellia the inside was a raging crossdressser who adored pretty silky panties, tight bras, and the highest CFM heels she could find. My account with ebay was over $600 this year in purchases of the...

4 years ago
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72 Hours of Hell

72 Hours of Hell: Kunt’s PunishmentKarla was cheating on Don.  She knew better.  She knew what she was doing was wrong.  She looked pathetic.  She was on her knees, her robe was wide open in full view of the web cam so the man on the other side could see her doing the nasty thing with her pussy.  Master Mark had been out of town for two weeks, she hadn’t had an orgasm since then and it was driving her crazy.  She just couldn’t help it anymore.  Mark stood at the entrance of the den with his...

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Mistress Demi

Here are the first 2 chapters. I will post more chapters of this fantasy. As of now it is a dozen chapters and close to 40,000 words. I hope people enjoy it. I pulled up to the address of my new job. I was happy to see it was a nice place in a nice neighborhood. Being a sober companion I have stayed in a lot of sketchy places and a few downright dumps. I grabbed my bags and headed to the front door. I hit the buzzer and after a few moments I hear a young woman's voice. "Who is it?" ...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Keisha Grey Natural Busty Teen Milks Manuelss Cock

Keisha Grey takes a hardcore pounding from Manuel! All natural goddess Keisha has made her way back to JJV for another epic fuck session. She’s looking hot as ever in her tiny pink top, pink patent leather skirt and high heels as she shows off her body by the pool. Keisha sheds herself of her restrictive clothing to reveal a sexy pink lace lingerie set underneath that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. She makes her way inside where she meets up with Manuel in the bedroom....

3 years ago
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Bosss Nieces Birthday

The phone on my office desk rang. At home, there's a race to see who'll pick it up first, me or my daughter. Here, it's no contest. "Marcus speaking." "Harvey, this is Madeline in Mr. Tashun's office. He want's to see you right now." Tashun is my boss's boss's boss's ... well, you get the idea. I thought I was just another anonymous middle manager. Now Tashun was asking for me. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad day after all. On the ride up to the top floor, I daydreamed reasons...

4 years ago
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White Wife Breed by Older bbc3

Wife has slept with a different man about every six months for years now, really likes the excitement of it. She'll spend either a day or usually a weekend with him. We attend many nude functions to facilitate this, she likes seeing new men. Wife always has her choice in men, she's gorgeous, 42DD-35-41, all natural, curvy, blonde, blue eyed, full bush, large pussy lips. This pierced penis (picture not available here) reminds her of an experience back when she was 48. We attended this function,...

2 years ago
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My Friends Daughter Chapter 4

All persons in this story are over the age of 18. This story is complete and utter fiction. But please read on for your personal enjoyment. I would also recommend that you read the previous three chapters, My Friend’s Daughter, My Friend’s Daughter Chapter 2 and My Friend’s Daughter Chapter 3, for a better understanding of the story. Also feedback and comments are encouraged and welcomed. Thank you for reading and for voting.My Friend’s DaughterChapter 4 If you haven’t read Chapters 1,2, and 3....

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Roommates Chapter 4 Im not gay

"I have been fucked to exhaustion," announced Emily. She was stretched out naked on the futon in her loft apartment. Her roommates, Doug and Jason, also both naked, lay beside her."I'm still in the mood," said Doug. He was the aggressive one of the pair."I could do it again, Emily, but whatever you want is fine with me," said Jason. He was the cupcake, warm, loving, and wimpy."The two of you are too much for me," she replied."I need to come again," said Doug. He sat up on his knees. "I will...

1 year ago
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Journeys West Chapter 8 Cheap Whisky and Expensive Cigars

Chapter 8 - Cheap Whisky and Expensive Cigars By Marina Kelly and Monica Rose Editor: Qmodo Their walk back to the library was spent talking about what growing up in Laramie was like for Pat. He pointed out the tree he had fallen out of and broken his arm. She was treated to a detailed explanation of how he and his friends played baseball in the empty lot they passed. When they passed the fire station, the truck had been pulled out of its bay and was blocking the sidewalk. As...

3 years ago
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My Young Flower 3

Introduction: Okay people, Im taking a pole. In your comments, vote if you want the Kassy brought into the story, or not. The most votes wins. I awoke suddenly to feel my sis grabbing my morning wood. Oh god Brandon. Have a good dream about yesterday? Your as hard as a rock! she squeezed my dicks shaft. You know that its not because of my dream&hellip,. although I did have a good one I winked at rose after saying it. Maybe you should tell me what it is and I can make it happen she had a lust...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sisters

Sissy Sisters The steel band around his neck held him fast on his back on the changing table in his nursery. His Governess had locked him in place bathed and naked to await his wife, and his Mistress's, homecoming from a trip into Eastern Europe. Away for two weeks she was keen to see how he was progressing and prepare him for a visit from one of her friends that evening. He himself had only been back home for a day after being confined for a month in the Community Protection Unit...

2 years ago
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Meeting a jackoff buddy online Part 1

I was sent out on a project outside ofCincinnati a 30-day project. Feeling horny and thinking about my other jackoff buddy Mike. I logged into a adult local chat. Made contact that went by principle33. Making small chat told him I was married and in town and had a local room outside of the city. He told me his name was Dave he was married had 2 small k**s. His wife wasn't interested in sex after the second one. That he was curious, looked at cocks on the Internet, never been with another guy....

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The bets and dares between us

As of the end of January there have been three bets between us. I have won two and Jane has won one. Its quite hard to think of dares for each other. So when I won the first bet I was struggling a bit for ideas and just came up with daring Jane to model some of her underwear. I dared her to model 5 sets. Like a catwalk model, she gets changed in my bedroom then enters the front room and slowly walks the whole length of the room twice before returning to the bedroom to change for another walk....

2 years ago
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Hot Night With My Unsatisfied And Divorced Friend

Hey guys! This is Shiva again from down south. I heartily thank all the lovely readers who responded to the previous threads of my experiences with their valuable feedbacks. I am lucky to have got your friendship guys. It means a lot. I am back with this story after a long time now because I didn’t want to write any fantasy stories. All my previous stories have been real and so will be my future stories too. That’s the reason for this long break. A small intro about myself for the new...

2 years ago
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Oral Pleasures Busted

Introduction: My first experience with oral fun… Before I begin, let me tell you a little bit about the background of my story&hellip, My name is Mina. I am 56 and weigh 127 lbs with dark blue eyes, curly brown hair that, pale skin covered in freckles and an unimpressive 32B bust with embarrassingly large pink nipples. Like many stories&hellip,mine begins with a stupid crush on an incredibly stupid boy whose name happens to be Alex. Standing at 63 he was thinner, with broad shoulders (which...

3 years ago
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From Business To Pleasure Episode 6 Back To Business

I open my eyes after a few moments. I haven't fallen back asleep, but have used the last two minutes to relax and shut out the light of the sun, which has risen steadily, casting a bright patch creeping lower on the wall. My fingers are laced with Yuki's as we lie there, face-up, naked on her bed, silent now. Our breathing has returned to normal after the loud and vigorous activity of our frisky sex. The central air leaking out of the vents provides some comfort, but I sure could use a ceiling...

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MotherInLaw 1

This is a true account of something that started over ten years ago. I was35 and my mother-in-law was 60 when it all started. Yes, she's nearly 71 nowand I'm 45. I've decided to start writing about our experiences with eachother simply because it turns me on looking back and remembering what we'vedone. I didn't think I'd remember as much as I have but as I was writingthings just came flooding back. It's almost like re-living it again. Let me know what you think so far. I know there isn't much...

3 years ago
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The Cube Farmer Extreme Porn

Cube farmers get to overhear all sorts of conversations, given the lack of privacy that comes with working in a huge open office. A whisper, a giggle, a private phone call overheard can open doors or something a lot more enjoyable. I was in my mid-20s, happily dating women my age, and working at a semi-challenging job that I hoped would lead me onward and upward. My office was a typical gray-walled cube on the third floor of a midrise building in an office park filled with similar...

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Jerome againalways Jerome

Jerome called me at my office that early afternoon. He warned me he was in town and willing about fucking my sexy wife in front of me. I told him he was a fucking nigger bastard; but he just laughed on the phone and hung up.Jerome was my wife’s Black Master. Ana had been hypnotized by this well hung black man and she would do anything for having his hard thick cock in any of her sweet holes. When I came home at evening and entered the living room; I could hear our marital bed squeaking from the...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 8 Farming

Ty and Willow headed upstairs after dinner. Ty made her sit on the bed beside him. “Willow, we have to discuss our relationship and how this is going to work. I know I did the wrong thing encouraging you to sleep with me. You are a breathtaking and desirable woman. But if you were to have a chance of finding a husband, it would be best we didn’t continue to sleep together. Willow looked at him, “So I’m not good enough for you is that it?” Ty rubbed his face and stood. He paced the room and...

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Bhabhi Ke Sath Gujara Rat

Hi friend my name jay.I m 21 year old dikhne me to acha hu.Mere lund ki size 8 inch.Aur me aunty,bhabhi,girls,etc ki chudai karta hu aur jaise ki mene apne pehle khani me btaya tha ki main mel-jol jaldi ho jate hai sbse.Aur kisi ko impress bhi jaldi kar leta hu.Ab apka time khrab and karte hue ye kahani aage le jata hu.. .Ye kahani hai ek bhabhi ki jo mere ghar ke bagal me rhti hai.Jo 25 year age hai.Unki sadi ko 1 year hi hua hai…Unki fig. 30-28-30 hai..Thodi sawali hai but face cut achha...

1 year ago
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The Girl That Needed To Get Fucked

Mitch was gone. He was off to his business lunch and then flying back to Texas to his wife and children. I was not falling in love with Mitch. And I don't think it was even him that I was missing. He triggered a hunger within me that still needed to be fed. He had made me his slut. He transformed me into his fucktoy and I fervently embraced that role. Don't get me wrong, I was not playing the part of his slut but in that moment, I truly became his slut. And I loved it. I reveled in it. No...

4 years ago
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Billy got his baseball team mother in the equipmen

Our Sr baseball league team mom is the mom of my friend Kyle. On Saturday she ask me to help her in the equipment shed. Told me I was tall enough to get the boxes on the top shelf. While the rest of the team went to Kmart and did a car wash fun raiser, we worked. I held the ladder while she went up and looked at boxes. I could see up her dress, when she bent over I could see her tits. Her rust color hair can be seen outside the undies she wore. The hard nipples and soft pure white skin of her...

2 years ago
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Strange temptations

Devyani Dutta was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she had hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Delhi just informed her that a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room for the last two nights. This night as well she was there… For more than two hours.“Sonofabitch… !” She fumed with anger as she cut the phone. “The bastard is busy screwing a bitch on his wedding anniversary.”She lay on her bed trying to control her rage. She looked...

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Rhett Cheer

Rhett CheerI was heading back home from Southern California when I had an urgent need to both pee and recharge with some coffee. The nearest spot was just over the river so I held out until I made the exit, then dashed in to a truck stop and parked. I made the dash in to the men’s room not thinking that I had left my sweat shirt in the car and was wearing a black tank top with a rainbow speckled butterfly emblazoned on the front. Oh well. When you gotta go you gotta go! Anyway, I made it to the...

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