Futile Resistance Ch. 08 free porn video

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Aidan jogged through the Public Garden, across Boston Common, then up and down the streets of Beacon Hill, pushing himself to run faster. There had been a break in the bitterly cold weather, but it was still only in the low to mid-thirties and the air sliced into his lungs with every breath. It was rough going, but he had needed the run in order to clear his head. In a way, he had escaped in the same way he accused French of doing. He understood her need for escape, her need to avoid dealing with things, a little better now. She accomplished escape through building walls around herself, he had escaped by running.

He had just had to get out, had needed time to think about what she had told him. It would have been impossible to do that with French screeching at him. He smirked to himself, thinking that she would kill him if she knew he thought she’d been screeching. Truthfully, he’d been about to lose it himself and had thought it better to remove himself than give in to the urge to punch something. He’d dressed in his running clothes that morning, thinking that later in the day, once it warmed up outside, he and French would go running together or at the very least for a walk. Neither of them was used to inactivity for more than a couple of days in a row and he knew they’d both be nursing a case of cabin fever after being indoors for several days leading up to and including Christmas. Lucky for him that he’d been dressed and had been able to walk out and hit the ground running, he thought. As he ran, he replayed their conversation in his head.

‘Bullshit. Talk,’ he had said.

‘Aidan, I’m telling you the truth. There is nothing going on,’ French had protested. The fact that she refused to meet his eyes and was fidgeting nervously had given lie to the words.

‘Hello?’ he’d said, waving a hand in front of her face, ‘I know you’re lying. I can always tell when you’re lying, you know.’

‘Aidan, just let it go. Trust me when I tell you that you need to just let it go.’

‘Let what go? You’re starting to annoy me, Legs.’

‘Heaven forbid that you get annoyed.’ she’d flared.

‘Stop trying to pick a fight,’ he’d told her, calling her out on what he knew was one of her avoidance tactics: picking a fight in order to avoid a difficult discussion.

‘OK. Fine. You asked for it. The problem is that I cannot imagine that the day will ever come when I will be able to tolerate Patrick Hurst. He is the worst excuse for a human being I’ve ever seen. He apparently feels the same way about me, thus the check he wrote. He wants me out of your life for good and is willing to pay me handsomely to see me gone. I know how important the Hursts are to your family, Aidan. So, I think maybe we should just call it quits. Find someone else, someone your family, including the great Paddy Hurst, will approve of, it’s probably the most sensible thing to do.’

‘You’re not serious. Is this about the money? Please don’t tell me you’re going to take the money, French.’

‘Damn it, Aidan, I don’t want Hurst’s money! I don’t have – nor have I ever had – any intention of taking it. I’m insulted that you think I would! In all honesty, I was planning to call it quits with you today anyway. There’s no way we could work – we’re too different. Insurmountably different.’

She had made her grand pronouncement with such bravado and sanctimony that he had wanted to choke her. He had almost been convinced that she meant it, except that she totally overdid it. It was too grand a statement, too simplistic, too illogical, too calm. Too everything. If he had accused her of taking the money under normal circumstances, she would have taken his head off. She hadn’t and thus he didn’t believe her. So he had played along, pressed her for more information, knew that eventually he’d trip her up.

‘French, our relationship would work just fine if you’d let it! But that’s an issue we can discuss later. You’re a grown woman, Paddy’s a grown man. Both of you should be able to contain your dislike for each other. Your suggestion to break up with me in order to avoid him is ludicrous! Think of how long we’ve been together without you seeing him. It could very well be that long again. There’s no reason for us to break up. Give this some time.’

‘Aidan, the man offered me money – lots of money – to leave you. Do you honestly think that he’s just going to fade into the background? He wants me gone. I’m sure he’ll make up a scandalous, salacious tale to tell your parents in order to turn them against me. How are you going to explain that to them?’

‘My parents are not idiots. They met you themselves, they can make up their own minds about you. They already have. They like you. Hearsay, even from Paddy, isn’t going to change what they think of you.’

French’s face had blanked with surprise. She hadn’t known what to say to that, hadn’t been able to come up with a reasonable rebuttal. She had seemed to be having an internal struggle about what to say next. He’d watched her face and seen the wheels turning in her mind. Finally, she reached her decision. She took a deep breath and said,

‘Aidan, Patrick Hurst is my biological father.’ She had said it simply. She may as well have been saying, ‘Aidan we’re having roast chicken for dinner’ there was so little emotion in her tone.

‘What?’ he’d asked, shaking his head as though to clear away cobwebs that were keeping him from hearing her properly. Whatever he’d expected to hear, it certainly wasn’t that.

‘He’s my father. Patrick Hurst is my father.’

‘He can’t be. He’s got Paddy Jr, Pierce and Paige…’

‘Don’t you dare mention their names to me!’ came her fierce reply. She didn’t want to hear anything about her half-siblings.

‘But, French, I don’t understand. Paddy would never…’ he was at an utter loss for words.

‘I assure you, Aidan, ‘Paddy’ would and he did,’ she said angrily through gritted teeth.

‘Are you serious? How can this be possible?’

‘Let me break it down for you, because you seem to be confused,’ she said, then continued in a singsong voice, ‘Hurst is a man. Maman is a woman. They fucked,’ she said, trying to shock him with the foulness of her word choice and also because, in truth, that was all it had been. It hadn’t been making love, it hadn’t even been sex between two adults who had respected each other, were attracted to one another and sought pleasure together. No, it had been fucking, pure and simple. Each of the parties involved had been using the other to get something they wanted.

‘They fucked,’ she said again, ‘et voilà, nine months later, baby Francoise made her world debut.’

‘Stop patronizing me. I’m asking how this is possible because Patrick Jr. is the same age as you, maybe…’ he trailed off and did the math in his head, ‘ two months older. How could you be Paddy’s daughter?’

‘Aidan, I know you believe that everything is always exactly as it should be, but that statement’s a little naïve, even for you. Hurst obviously cheated on his wife with my mother.’ Her voice had been laden with sarcasm and disdain that he had thought was totally uncalled for.

‘Goddamn it, French, stop it! You’ve just dropped an enormous pile of shit in my lap, let me think!’ he’d ground out. But he couldn’t think, his mind was one great, big giant blank.

He had turned his back to her, walked a little distance away and stared out of his living room window, seeing nothing of the city landscape that spread out in front of him. He was having difficulty wrapping his mind around what French had told him. Paddy was her father. It just didn’t compute. Paddy, the avuncular man he had known his entire life was her father?! Paddy was a fixture in Aidan’s life. His earliest memories included Paddy. Holidays, vacations, graduations, births, deaths and every other of life’s special occasions. Paddy had always just been there. It was inconceivable to Aidan that the man he thought he knew so well
could have harbored such a secret. How could Paddy have known that he had a daughter somewhere and not want to be a part of her life?

‘Did he – does he know?’ Aidan asked.

‘Yes, he did and he does. He paid my mother child support – or should I call it hush money? – for years. It wasn’t much, but it was always on time. I’ll give the guy that,’ came her bitter reply. ‘In fact, he owned the house I grew up in, deeded it over to Maman when I was a kid.’

Oh God, it just kept getting worse. Paddy had known exactly where to find his daughter and had never gone to see her, had never taken any interest in her whatsoever? Jesus. Paddy wasn’t the type of man who could do something like that. Paddy was a wonderful father. He had always been just as devoted to his wife and family as Iain was to Maggie, Brian and him. Paddy was the friend, the surrogate father – a confidant, the guy he’d been able to talk to about things he had foolishly been unwilling to go to his own father about.

Aidan remembered going to Paddy when he had had his first wet dream. Paddy had laughed and thrown an arm around his shoulder. He had assured young Aidan that it was all entirely normal, he’d gone so far as to suggest that with the occurrence of a wet dream, Aidan had become a man and was eligible for entry to an exclusive club. He’d given Aidan the old ‘wink wink nudge nudge’. It wasn’t that Aidan couldn’t have gone to his dad about it, but that Paddy had always seemed a little more openly sexual than Iain was. Aidan had been naive enough to want to talk to a man’s man, one who wouldn’t discuss the responsibilities that came along with manhood, Iain, on the other hand, definitely would have treated the situation with the solemnity required to convey the consequences of sex to a young boy. Not so with Paddy. He had had a love ’em and leave ’em attitude and thought that a guy should get as many notches on his bedpost as he could. He’d been the type who took what he wanted and to hell with the consequences.

Aidan had thought that Paddy’s theories about women and sex had been just that. Theories. Because the real Paddy – the one he had thought he’d known – didn’t actually behave in that way. What he knew of Paddy just didn’t jibe with the version of him that French had presented. They were two entirely different people. Paddy was loyal and faithful, a true blue husband, father and friend. Hurst – as he’d come to think of the dark side of Paddy – was a cruel manipulator. How could two such opposite personas be contained in one person? Aidan had trouble believing that anyone could perpetrate such a farce for thirty or so years. At some point, there would have been a crack, something small that gave him away.

‘Yoo-hoo? Aidan?’ French called him back to the here and now.

‘I’m sorry,’ he’d said abstractedly. ‘I’m having a little trouble synthesizing this.’

‘Ha. You’re having trouble. Imagine my utter delight when I met him in your parents’ driveway last night!’

‘Paddy would never do that…’ No, Paddy wouldn’t – couldn’t – but, Hurst could. Aidan believed that Paddy or Hurst – hell, whoever – had probably compartmentalized his life to such a degree that he had no trouble living with what he did.

‘Aidan, he did! He is my father!’ French insisted, misunderstanding what Aidan had meant by his last statement of denial. ‘Goddamn it! I knew this would happen. You just go right ahead and defend your precious Paddy. Go right ahead, see if I care! But you can do it without me. I don’t want to hear another fucking word about Patrick Hurst!’

‘French, wait -,’ Aidan tried to stop her.

French charged up the stairs to the bedroom, intending to grab her things and get the hell out of there. Then she remembered that she wasn’t dressed and that her clothes were in Aidan’s car. Goddamn it! She charged back down the stairs, almost losing her footing, and stormed up to Aidan.

‘Get my things out of your car. I want to get out of here.’

‘Honey, wait. Just calm down.’

‘Don’t ‘honey’ me! I’m through with being calm. I’ve been calm all my life! I’ve tried to be the calm, dignified person people like you and Patrick Hurst would accept and look where it’s gotten me! I’m done with it! Fuck you. And fuck Patrick Hurst! How dare you stand there and tell me ‘Paddy would never do that’?!’ she asked him, throwing his words back in his face. ‘Get my things!!’ she screamed, beyond all control.

‘No! There’s no reasoning with you when you’re like this. I’m going for a run.’


After hearing about Hurst, Aidan had walked away from her, leaving her trapped in his apartment. Fury boiled in French’s veins. She wanted to tear her hair out, break things. She was seething with fury and outrage, felt that doing damage to something or someone would soothe some of the hurt she was feeling. She wanted out – out of the apartment, out of Aidan’s life. Out of her life. She was sick to death of being Francoise Delauney.

She paced furiously, thinking about how she would get out of there before Aidan got back from running. Suddenly she remembered that Aidan had a spare set of keys in his studio. She ran down the hallway situated beneath the stairs, skidded across the hardwood floor into Aidan’s office and ransacked his desk drawers until she found them. She left the contents of his desk a shambles, but she was beyond caring. She just wanted out.

She knew she would look like a lunatic running through the building wearing nothing but a men’s shirt and a pair of socks, but she’d risk it if it meant escaping. Besides, if she was lucky, she wouldn’t run into anyone, it was the holiday weekend, after all, and it was likely that most people were out of town. Or so she hoped.

She hopped in the elevator, praying that she wouldn’t see anyone. She was lucky for once in her life and made it to his car without being seen. She unlocked the trunk and began rifling through her bags until she found the pair of jeans she was looking for. Without stopping to think, she yanked them on, then stuffed her feet into her running shoes. Shit! She’d left her coat upstairs. There was no way she was going back up and risk running into Aidan. She checked her bag again and found a pullover sweater. It would have to do. She struggled into it and grabbed the rest of her things out of the trunk. Loaded down with bags and boxes, she tossed the spare set of keys into the trunk and slammed it shut. Take that, you asshole, she thought with grim satisfaction as she hightailed it out of the garage toward home.


Running along the Charles River now, Aidan continued to puzzle over what French had told him. Hurst was obviously a master of deception. He was manipulative, cunning and secretive. He felt a fool for having believed in the man’s goodness his whole life. He was livid with Hurst for trying to interfere in his and French’s relationship. How dare the man try to bribe the woman he loved in order to get her to exit stage left? What if French had actually been scared off by him and walked out of Aidan’s life without a by-your-leave? Thank God she was made of sterner stuff than that. She was mad as hell, but he’d go home after he’d had time to process all of this and deal with her.

Aidan wasn’t fooled. He knew that Hurst’s attempt to remove French from his life had had nothing to do with wanting to protect Aidan. No, Hurst had wanted French gone so that he could protect himself. Hurst had too much going for himself to allow a mistake from his past to come blasting into the present and expose him for the creep he was. Aidan wondered what else Hurst was hiding. Hell – if he could hide the fact that he had a daughter, he could hide anything.

In fact, what was real about him? Which persona was the real Patrick Hurst? Did such a man even exist? Will the real Patrick Hurst please stand up? he thought bitterly.

Questions. All he had were questions, it seemed. Did his parents know about Hurst’s illegitimate daughter? He
doubted it. Not that his parents were uptight about that kind of thing. Quite the contrary. But he thought that they would have at least encouraged Hurst to have a relationship with his daughter. They were of the school of thought that parents were responsible for more than the financial upkeep of their children. A parent was a teacher, a guide, a confidant, a protector. Hurst had been none of those things for French. French especially had needed someone to look after her and care for her, considering her sorry excuse for a mother. Knowing that Hurst had been an excellent parent to his other children, but not for French, made Aidan angry. French deserved better than to be thrown away.

He couldn’t imagine that his parents would have remained bosom buddies with Hurst if they had known. They would have – surely they would have – subtly distanced themselves from him if they had even an inkling of what the man was capable of. He hoped so. But then, he thought he’d known Paddy. Did you ever really, truly know a person or did you only know what that person wanted you to know? He had to wonder. God, was he honestly doubting his parents’ integrity? he thought, shaken by the possibility that he was doing exactly that.

He was on shaky ground if he was thinking that way. He was unaccustomed to the idea that he couldn’t trust them. Yes, of course, he knew that there were untrustworthy people in the world and those were the people he avoided like the plague. He had always surrounded himself with genuine people, just as his parents had taught him – both through what they said and did – to do. His breath came a little easier when he reminded himself of that. Iain and Maggie weren’t hypocrites or phonies. They wouldn’t tell him one thing and do something entirely different. There was no way they knew about Paddy and French.

Now, the question was, should he tell them? It didn’t take much more than a second for him to decide that of course he would tell them. They would be as shocked as he was, but they would deal with it. They would help him – and French – deal with it. He could think of no better allies to have in this situation. They would easily see that none of this was French’s fault – that went without saying. She’d been a pawn her whole life, since before she’d even been born.

He was under no illusions about French’s mother, Marcheline. She had probably gotten pregnant on purpose, hoping to secure a cushy future for herself. Goddamn it. He was growing weary just thinking about it. French had lived it, it was no wonder she was skittish.

With that thought, he changed direction and headed back toward home. He realized that he needed to get to French. She would need him right now. It was time to circle the wagons. He would call his parents, maybe go back up to their house so they could figure out what to do. Between the four of them, five including Brian, they’d figure something out. Right now he needed his family – all of them, including French – around him. She needed them, too, whether she would admit it or not.

When he got to his apartment, he called out for her. She didn’t answer. He checked the downstairs bathroom, then ran upstairs to see if she had gone back to bed or if she was in the bathroom up there. She wasn’t there. He ran back downstairs to check the closet and saw her coat still hanging there. He was becoming alarmed. Where could she have gone with no clothes and shoes? He checked his office and saw the mess on top of his desk and it hit him – she had found his spare keys. He left the apartment at a sprint, racing to the garage to see if he could catch her.

She was gone. He ran back inside and, too impatient to wait for the elevator, took the fire stairs up to his floor. Frantically, he dialed her phone number. No answer. Again he dialed, no answer. He let the phone ring until her voice mail message came on. He hung up and called her over and over again, hoping that the constant, insistent ringing of the phone would annoy her so badly that she would finally answer.

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I Cant Resist

The following story has nothing to do with Peter, Dash or anyone from The Day Tucker Became His Sister. I decided to increase the small supply of ghost-domination stories out there. So here we go. I Can't Resist By Wolverine Hi, my name is William Smith. Pretty stupid, huh? I hate getting called Will Smith. Well, I can't help it. At the young age of 15, I don't have much of a choice on my name right now. I tried to change it, but my father said, "Son, be proud of your...

3 years ago
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Mother in Law Cannot Resist

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Fiona tries to resist her son-in-law's cock but cannot.The following stories all started almost 10 years ago when i was twenty years old and I moved into my girlfriend's house after being booted out of home by my parents. My wife lived there with her mother Fiona who was thirty seven her dad Alan who was forty four and her sister Alice who was f******n. It was a little crowded in the house at...

4 years ago
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Daddy and MeChapter 2 He Cant Resist

I am kind of disappointed to say my Dad hadn’t touched me since that first time. It had been weeks. I could see him looking at me often. He looked at me like a man in torment. Like he was torn between lust and regret. I tried tantalizing him. I left the bedroom door open when I was changing. I wore skimpy clothes. He seemed to be able to resist. I had a dance to go to on a Friday. I asked him to drop me off. He agreed. I told him I had a ride home. I went to the dance and got a ride home...

3 years ago
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sisterinlaw could not resist

Well, my name is Cameron and here is a little story of how my sister-in-law couldn't resist her wants needs and aches for her own husbands brother cock. 17 short hair, 5""10" athletic, i work out a lot. tan skin. blue eyes. god blessed with manhood. but enough about me, let's talk of my sister-in-law chelly. Smokin' hot chick. Dark hair down to her shoulders. Half german so she has perfect tits. 36C. just enough to grip onto tightly. Slinder down to the most perfect ass you could fuck....

5 years ago
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Wifey finally tries ANAL after years of resisting

(From Dec 30 2016)After all these years I have FINALLY popped my wifes ANAL cherry and it was totally fucking amazing !!!! We are having a night away and after a relaxed afternoon sex session and a couple bottles of wine later and she was up for indulging me in my anal fantasy. What was most surprising was how fast we went from a finger, thumb then straight into having my cock balls deep in her little virgin ass and me pumping for all I was worth and filling her ass tube with my sour ball...

3 years ago
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Mother in law resisted

If you've read my previous stories you'll know I was sleeping with my mother in law several years ago. After a few months we decided it was wrong and put a stop to it. Although hard cos she was amazing in bed we managed to stop fucking, Fast forward a few years and me and my wife are having problems in the bedroom department after giving birth s year ago she went off sex completely I tried my best to be faithful but after several months I ended up fucking a local slag I confessed to my wife...

3 years ago
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She Is Too Hot To Resist

Hi friends I am big fan of ISS , Special Incest , here brothers makes love with their hot sister. I’m raj age 28, 5.9 tall , well built , It was party in our society, I generally don’t go to such events, but due to option and much forced by mom I have to go. It was boring their many old aged peoples where in party. I was feeling I too old in them 8 PM I was busy chatting on phone with friends, Now Slowly the crowd was increasing and many hot girls and young boys were arriving to the...

1 year ago
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I Just Couldnt Resist

A few years ago I was dating this guy who was great, and really into me, but always busy and we had never addressed the issue of sex since at the time neither of us had the pleasure of that experience. His name was Todd, and he was the kind of guy who was always practical and although he never said anything to slight me and was very open to my ideas about our relationship, he never really did any of those little things that in a relationship, such as little cute surprises or whatnot. In the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Sometimes you cant resist

It was my first semester of my Sophomore year of High School, and I was in trouble. I've never been a ladies man, always the dork. Always shy, and here I was in a class full of teenage girls. I stuttered every answer to every question, and the seating wasn't exactly conducive to avoiding eye contact. Small tables, with two people on each side, facing each other. I was facing a freshmen, a girl named Charley. She was pretty, not gorgeous, not a stick, plump, rounded. And she, for some...

4 years ago
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Too Tired To Resist

I wake to the feeling of her sliding into bed behind me. She’s coming home from work and it’s late. I can smell the scent of her sweat from long day of hard work teaching lessons at the ice rink. I’m exhausted too. The two of us are in our twenties, trying to make ends meet in a ski resort community with a ridiculous cost of living. For me, a twelve hour driving shift is the norm, today was thirteen hours and full of complications. At this point I’m certainly too exhausted to start anything,...

2 years ago
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Emily resists

Emily was sitting bedside. Terry, her father, was asleep in his hospital bed. He was having complications after hip replacement surgery. She slipped off her Tory Burch heels and stretched her legs. The chairs here were uncomfortable and she was stiff from sitting all day behind her desk. Emily was one of the hospital’s top administrators.  ‘You’d think I would get a better chair,’ she thought.  She got up, her hips moving smoothly in her pencil skirt, and bent down to stretch her hamstrings....

3 years ago
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She Just Couldnt Resist

The front door opened and Mike peered round the door frame. “Where’s Emily, where’s my daughter?” shouted Jan, as she shoved past Mike and headed for the lounge. Mike never had a chance to stop her as he was pushed to one side. Jan was through the door and immediately clasped eyes on Emily on all fours, raising her head from Maggie’s pussy as both women heard the commotion in the hall. “Mother,” Emily cried as she turned to face her. “What the fuck are you doing Emily, get home right now,”...

3 years ago
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Emily resists

Emily was sitting bedside. Terry, her father, was asleep in his hospital bed. He was having complications after hip replacement surgery. She slipped off her Tory Burch heels and stretched her legs. The chairs here were uncomfortable and she was stiff from sitting all day behind her desk. Emily was one of the hospital's top administrators. "You'd think I would get a better chair," she thought.  She got up, her hips moving smoothly in her pencil skirt, and bent down to stretch her hamstrings....

4 years ago
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Too Tired To Resist

I wake to the feeling of her sliding into bed behind me. She's coming home from work and it's late. I can smell the scent of her sweat from long day of hard work teaching lessons at the ice rink. I'm exhausted too. The two of us are in our twenties, trying to make ends meet in a ski resort community with a ridiculous cost of living. For me, a twelve hour driving shift is the norm, today was thirteen hours and full of complications. At this point I'm certainly too exhausted to start anything,...

4 years ago
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Help From Stranger That I Couldn8217t Resist

Hi,  guys, this is Renee for you again. Loved your emails every bit of it. I tried to respond to every mail I could hopefully you guys find me on facebook using and we can be good friends. It’s been a long time since I shared my story. I decided to share another story of mine in Hindi on public demand. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy and apologise for any mistake.   Toh ye kahani pichle mahine ki h ki kaise maine paiso k liye ek anjan insan ko santusht kiya. Jaise ki aap sab jante h ki mera...

4 years ago
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Tried To Resist

all started one Friday night after a long day at school. It was the first semester of freshman year in high school and a guy named Paul and I had become great friends. I had planned a small party at my house for about 10 guys and girls. Paul was staying at my house because his parents were out of town, so he rode home with me once school got out. Being that it was mid December, it snowed a lot. Before we knew it, a huge snow storm had come in and shut down everything in the city. None of my...

3 years ago
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My lovers Son proves too much to resist

If the truth be told, I am not a woman who lusts for young boys, it's not something I have ever thought about, or dwelt on, even in those quieter moments, when ones inner feelings tend to take hold, lustful thoughts, forbidden sex, where no law or person can intervene, its you, your darker innermost secrets and desires, combine to weave you into a playful fulfillment, you, your thoughts, and the gentle vibrations and fingertips, your tools, gliding over your hot and moistened flesh, you writhe...

2 years ago
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Just Could Not Resist

A couple of years ago I was so horny I found myself jacking off to all kinds of things that I had never experienced. I would check out different websites but never really felt safe with any of them.One day I was on Craigslist and decided to check out M2M. I saw a lot of photos of guys showing their cocks and then there was this one where a guy was just looking for a jackoff buddy. I was tempted to respond but then changed my mind. Next day, after thinking more about it, I decided to take a...

4 years ago
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See Was Too Hot To Resist

Hi, main —— hoon…maire email id hai …. aur aap sab se apni real life story share karna chahta hoon…main mandsaur ka rehne walan hoon… baat tab ki hain jab main 18 saal ka tha.. aur apni 12th ki studies poori kar chuka tha..aur grdauarion karne ke liye ..kisi achhi jagah i mean university ki talash kar raha tha… tab mere doston ne bolan ki “tu mumbai kyun nahin chala jata padhne ke liye mujhe ye idea sahi laga aur maine gharwalon se baat ki to vo raaji ho gaye….fir maine mumbai ke ek colg...

3 years ago
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Slaves Is It Rape If She Doesnt Resist

The covered truck drove through the gates and past the bit white house. It pulled off the concrete roadway onto the dirt track that led to the quarters. The small unpainted buildings were set in a circle. Nine small houses each one room, twenty feet square with a door and two windows. They were not proper houses with sheet rock covering the wall studs, but the roofs would keep out the rain and each had a small kitchen with a pantry and two beds against the back wall. Now they were new, but...

4 years ago
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Too Good To Resist

By the time I was eighteen I was married and pregnant, by the time I was twenty my husband had left me with a two-year-old son to raise and no forwarding address. Of course, I applied for a divorce and got one very quickly thanks to the fact that no-one could find the sod so there was no contesting of the divorce, at twenty-one I was free yet still lumbered with a kid to bring up. I suppose in a way I took out some of my anger with my ex-husband on my son Max; don't get me wrong I loved him,...

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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 3 Linda tries very hard to resist

Linda walked down the school hall almost trembling. The thirst was very strong, and she knew what would satisfy it. Worse was the fact that she couldn't help but stare at every boy's crotch, imagining his penis, thinking how would his sperm taste. And it made her so horny that her panties were already soaked. In a few more hours she would be dripping! "Hi Linda!" Linda was startled by Nicole's voice from behind her... "Earth to Linda. Do you hear me?" Debbie said as she approached....

1 year ago
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Auntie cant resist

Note : This story is completely fictional! Aunt Mauree flew in on a cool spring eve.I had no clue she was visiting until I recieved a suprise call. I had recently moved into an apartment and she wanted to see it. So,I gave her directions and she showed up later that night. She strolled in with her luggage and set them down. I asked if she needed a place to stay. She said,"If you don't mind." I instantly approved seeing that I always stay with her when i visit her. I was more focused on her...

1 year ago
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To Big To Resist

100% fiction! After having my brothers 9.5 inch thick cock explode in my mouth, I knew I had to have it inside my wet pussy. My pussy wanted his huge cock inside it. He stayed hard after I sucked him off. I came twice as I enjoyed him in my mouth. I have never been so horny. My pussy ached for him. I pushed him onto his back and straddled his beautiful cock. I was so wet he slipped easily into me. His thick cock filled my pussy. I came instantly. I never thought I could take a cock so big. It...

1 year ago
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I cant resist

This story is fictional! I was in my car on my way to my sister's house , I haven't seen her and my neice and my sis's boyfriend. My job keeps me busy in Honolulu city I don't get to go to the country. So I took 2weeks off to visit them it's been a year since I saw them even though we are close. Alana my sister is 45 and i'm 42 and my neice Star is 25 my sister's son moved to the mainland for colledge. I was married once but I caught my wife cheating on me with guest at her hotel. I had some...

4 years ago
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Creative CompositionChapter 9 Somewhere Out There

About ten years after high school, I was on a book tour that took me back to my old home town. Coincidentally, there was a reunion being held, and I told my agent to clear my signing schedule so that I could drop in for the opening night mixer. The gym smelled as badly as it always had, a mix of old sweat, dirty sneakers, and something else that we always said was a body under the floorboards—some poor freshman who had never been able to climb the rope. I picked up a badge at the reception...

2 years ago
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A Surprise from my Mistress

I am driving down the freeway with my mind as to what is to come when I arrive at my mistress’s house. Filled with excitement and anticipation, it seems like it is taking forever for me to get there. Finally, you hear a knock at your door and knowing exactly who it is, you open it and invite me in.As soon as I step inside, like a good boi, I strip down completely naked for my mistress to admire. As you are looking over my body, I get on all fours, grab the collar and leash that you having...

4 years ago
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Charlie and the Factory Chapter 8

Let me tell you a story. A story about lust. A story about the flesh. Some people resist better than others. Some people are less lustful than others. Lust is of course, one of the seven deadly sins. We are all born in original sin. But for some, at some part of their lives, lust of the body was part of their destiny. I say that because this is how Daisy and myself reconnected... at a strip club. Lillian, one of the girls that guys went crazy for in high school... is a bartender.... in a strip...

2 years ago
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The Girl Book 2 Chapter 09

Her thoughts were interrupted by the doors opening. --- "You?" --- said the butler --- "What are you doing here?" --- "Good evening, sir." --- she said bowing low, and keeping her eyes low --- "I wanted to make an offer, sir." --- "Offer? Are you making the offer, kid, or it's your pimps?" --- "No, sir. I'm here alone. I want to offer a show to your masters. I want my masters to participate. It will be a surprise for them." --- she said, and he slapped her hard across the...

2 years ago
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The Trouble with Tiffany

I returned home from the meeting in a good mood. The new client was pleased and had agreed to a long-term contract. I was pleased with myself for closing the deal. As I pulled in I saw Tiffany's Jeep in the driveway.I entered the house to find Pam and Tiffany in the kitchen. Pam was wearing her usual shorts and t-shirt. Tiffany was wearing a very short white skirt and a white tank top. Her huge breasts hung freely with her thumb-sized nipples showing through the material."Hello, handsome,"...

4 years ago
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In the forest

I am walking nude in the early spring forest. The weather is warm, I can sens the light of the sun rays on my skin. They caress me softly from up to down, back and forth. Playing on my all body how its moving during my walk. I just go and go more deeper inside. The leaves are touching me. They are playing together and they try to catch eacother with the lights. One moment I hear a noise, not so far from me. I look around but nobody there. I continoue my way and the noice still there. People are...

3 years ago
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Running Late

Running Late Running Late ??????????????? This was Michael?s big chance and it looked like he was going to blow it.? Why his boss picked him to make the trip to NewYork City was beyond him, and for him to give this major presentation that could possibly open up the whole east coast market?well it was just plain crazy.? It was known through the industry that the CEO of Playtime Toys was notorious for chewing up and spitting out salesmen, and now he stood, sample case in hand, without...

2 years ago
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Mind Projector

Shlepping crates of old junk from his family's basement was not the summer break he'd had in mind. He'd come home from college intending to hang out with his friends and maybe even hook up with a girl now he was a sophisticated college man. But before he could do any of that his mother had a list of jobs for "the man of the house" starting with clearing out the decades of accumulated garbage. By rights his father should be doing this, most of this shit was his anyway, but since he'd run off...

Mind Control
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I fucked my friends wife Senguls foot

It was a very hot July day.She was again alone at her husband's stationery shop.Her husband was my friend.They have a very a small stationery shop at the city center.Although, her husband is my friend, Sengul's sexy ass had always seduced me.As if, Sengul was wearing these sexy jeans to seduce customers.And,I was absolutely sure her husband was aware of this.Because, many young man was coming and shopping there.And, they were staring at Sengul's big and sexy ass while shopping.I had noticed...

4 years ago
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Age Factor 8211 A Twist in the Tail

Hi readers. This is your JJ & this time around it’s not the same boring lesbian stuff but a real hot straight sex story on a request from one of the readers of my lonely woman story submitted in the lesbian heading. Does sex have a limitation on age? It all depends how ever you perceive it. Here is a experience that I had with a woman who is fit enough to be my mother. Ragini was a widow 46 years old with a daughter aged 26 given into to marriage to a Gulf settled engineer. Ragini’s husband...

2 years ago
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Halloween Haunted Fun House

Don't go into a funhouse alone.  Carnivals and Fairs, they move around from town to town. Does anyone ever really know who these people are?  What I am about to tell you took place at one of these places years ago.It was mid October,    And I was meeting someone at the pop up carnival.     Please don't judge, but it was from an early free dating website.   I was lonely and young and a little desperate for attention.  I was talking to this man about the fair that just came to town, and he knew...

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