Futile Resistance Ch. 06 free porn video

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Christmas morning dawned snowy and beautiful. French opened her eyes and squinted against the brightness of the day. Stretching, she luxuriated in the feel of the silky sheets against her naked skin. Obviously very high thread-count, she thought. Curious about the rest of the decor, she looked around the room in which she had slept but with which she hadn’t really had time to become acquainted.

It was furnished with antiques. The sleigh-bed was, from all appearances, hand carved, varnished cherry wood. In judicious arrangement, there was an old-fashioned writing table with a delicate upholstered chair, a dresser and an armoire of the same dark, highly polished wood.

The shiny hardwood floor was covered with an Oriental rug with a deep green and antique gold design. The cushion on the window-seat where she and Aidan had made love the night before held the same tones. The nightstands positioned on either side of the bed each held Tiffany lamps, originals French thought – not merely ‘Tiffany-style’. Each stained-glass lampshade matched the green and gold motif of the room, but were of different designs. With its tasteful décor and understated elegance, the room was lovely. It wasn’t exactly to French’s personal tastes, but she could tell the room had been decorated with an eye towards its occupants’ comfort and aesthetic beauty.

Having satisfied her curiosity about the room, she peeked beneath the bedcovers Aidan had drawn over his head to ward off the brightness of the morning. Smiling, she took a hank of her hair in her hand and feathered it across his ear. When he swatted at it, she moved out of the way quickly. Another little brush, this time on the tip of his nose. And another swat. She teased him further, drawing the sprig of hair down the side of his neck. She wasn’t quick enough to dodge him and his hand closed tightly around her wrist. Aidan opened one eye and glared at her.

‘Merry Christmas,’ she said, with a syrupy smile.

The eye snapped shut and he turned onto his back, pulled her down so that her head rested on his shoulder. He drew the comforter more securely around them. French snuggled into him, caressed his chest and abdomen as she lay alongside him.

‘It’s getting late, Aid, don’t you think we should get up? I’ll bet your parents have been awake for hours already…’

‘Nope. We always sleep in on Christmas morning…’ he replied gruffly without opening his eyes.


French continued to stroke him, drawing lazy patterns in the swirl of hair on his chest and savoring the hot, smooth yet hair-roughened texture of his skin. She noticed that he had a trio of tiny moles on his shoulder that formed a perfect equilateral triangle whose outline she traced with her fingertip. She ran her hand down his torso, lightly brushed past his morning erection and on to the muscular curve of his thighs and massaged the muscles there with firm strokes. She slid her hands up again to his stomach where she dipped a finger in his belly button.

Again, her wrist was seized in a tight grip. And again, Aidan opened one eye and gave her a baleful stare. ‘You aren’t going to let me go back to sleep, are you?’ he asked, then kissed the palm of her hand and drew her closer.

‘I’m bored,’ French pouted.

‘You’re bored… You could’ve at least woken me up properly.’

‘Don’t sulk. Against my better judgment, I put you to sleep ‘properly’ last night. Remember?’ she poked him in his ribs.

‘Mmmm… No, I don’t recall. Refresh my memory?’

‘Oh, you are too much!’ she laughed, ‘It’s Christmas morning and the first thing you think of is sex? And in your mother’s house, with her in a room right below us?’

‘Leave my mother out of this,’ he said lazily, his eyes closed again.

French’s caresses turned a little more menacing. She dragged her fingertips lightly across his skin, making it pebble with goose bumps. She traced the line of his collarbone, a very sensitive spot for him. She teased him, running her index finger back and forth across it lightly, lulling him with the gentle caress. Suddenly, she applied quick, hard pressure to his collarbone and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He grabbed her and rolled her underneath him.

‘You’re dead,’ he threatened.

‘Oh? Show me what you’ve got, big boy,’ she taunted.

She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Aidan pounced on her and began tickling her where she was most vulnerable: her sides. She squirmed and giggled, tried her best to get away from his marauding fingers. Her giggles turned into outright belly laughs and she lay helpless under his assault.

‘Do you give up?’

She took advantage of his pause in tickling her and jackknifed her legs around his waist and squeezed him between the lean muscles of her thighs. Now that she had leverage, she twisted to the side taking him down to the bed. She scrambled on top of him, crowing,

‘Ha – got you! I’m king of the mountain!’

‘Yeah, right. I let you get me. You’re no match for me, little girl,’ he said, putting his hands behind his head. ‘Get down here and give me a proper good morning, will you?’

‘I will,’ she said, bracing her hands on either side of his head and bestowing a peck of a kiss on his lips. When she pulled away, he pushed his hands into the curly tangle of her hair, kept her in place to ensure he got the kind of good morning kiss he was looking for. Aidan savored the kiss and the feel of her body on top of his. He caressed her creamy smooth skin from the nape of her neck down to the curve of her hips, ran his fingertips lightly along the crease of her buttocks and deeper between her legs to caress the lips of her sex. Feeling a wave of involuntary, intoxicating arousal, French shivered and ground against Aidan’s hard cock. Then pulled away from the kiss and smiled down at him smugly.

‘Nice try, but you won’t do it again.’

‘Do what?’

‘Seduce me.’

‘I betcha I can.’

‘No you can’t.’

‘Do you dare me?’

‘What are you? Eleven?’ she taunted, then scrambled out of bed when she saw the glint of determination in his eyes as he responded to her challenge.

‘OK, listen. I’m going to take a shower. By the time I get out, I hope that you will have… um, calmed yourself down and re-acquired your sense of decorum,’ French teased, gesturing to the sheet that tented over Aidan’s hard-on.

‘I’d prefer it if you’d ‘calm me down’,’ he grumbled.

‘Ooohh, I’ll just bet you would, babycakes,’ she replied. With as much dignity as she could muster while standing around stark naked, she swept into the bathroom and closed the door.

She wasn’t surprised when he joined her in the shower.

‘You’re such a tease,’ he said, ‘come here.’

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her beneath the spray of hot water. French surrendered, knowing that resistance was futile where Aidan was concerned. She looped her arms around his neck and pressed against him. Feeling hot and hungry for him, she deepened the kiss. His hands wandered over the water-slicked terrain of her body, lingered when he reached her breasts, gently pulling and twisting her already engorged nipples. Aidan grabbed the bottle of shower gel, squeezed a dollop into his palm and worked up a rich lather as he massaged her neck and shoulders.

He turned her around, so his cock rested against her bottom. He rubbed the lather into her breasts, his hands filled to overflowing with the supple flesh. He whispered in her ear, telling her in erotically explicit terms what he wanted from her, what he was going to do to her. Her knees weakened when he slid one soapy hand down her torso to the patch of hair between her legs. He cupped her mound, pressed the heel of his palm against her clit and rubbed in slow circles. His middle finger slid between the lips of her pussy, lightly caressing from her opening up to her clit and back down again. His touch was feather-ligh
t, intended to goad her into demanding – no, begging – that he take her.

French spread her legs wider, she was already yearning to be penetrated. Aidan slid his hand back up her torso, raising her arms and positioning her hands flat against the tiled wall of the shower stall. He traced the elegant line of her back from top to bottom, ran one hand down the crack of her ass, grazed his fingertips over the swollen lips of her pussy and down the backs of her thighs. She arched her back and pressed back against him, longing for his gloriously hard cock. He slid one arm around her waist and guided his cock into her tight, wet cleft.

In one long, slow thrust, he was buried to the hilt. French moaned, thrilling at the feel of being stretched around his cock, exulting in the exquisite fullness she felt. He stayed still inside her, his cock throbbing when he felt the flutter of her inner muscles around him. He withdrew almost completely, then thrust slowly into her again, setting a slow, controlled pace. He loosened his hold on her waist, slid his hand between her legs to the hard nub of her clit. He circled it softly with soapy fingers and she gasped,

‘More… Harder.’

Aidan kept his pace slow, his caresses teasingly light and held French poised on the brink of orgasm. He knew her well enough to know that she would be feeling impatient, knew she wanted him to push her over the edge hard and fast. He didn’t want hard and fast, he wanted it slow and easy. He wanted to savor the feel of her slick heat gloving him, to take his time enjoying the feel of her firm breasts and hard nipples in his hands, to delight in her sighs and moans of pleasure.

She began to thrust back against him, increasing the pace and the force of his entry into her. She removed one hand from the wall, reached down and rubbed her clit with firm circular strokes. She moaned and rested her forehead against the wall, felt the rampant clench of arousal low in her belly. Aidan’s hands cupped her breasts, palming them, tugging and squeezing her nipples. He let her take over, allowed her to plunge down onto his cock with deep, hard thrusts.

‘Mmmm, yes. Harder, Aidan,’ French begged.

Aidan leaned forward and grazed his teeth along the line of her neck and shoulder. She shivered in response and her skin erupted in goose bumps. He reached down and moved her hand away from her clit and put it back on the wall. He lightly brushed his fingertips across the hard nub, back and forth. French needed more, wanted more and clenched her teeth, groaning in frustration and bliss.

The shower stall was full of steam and echoed with the sounds of passion. Droplets of water glistened on the lovers’ bodies, a mixture of sweat and spray from the shower. Aidan applied more pressure to her clit and she gasped in pleasure. He felt her pussy walls clamp around him spasmodically. She was making breathy, whimpering sounds and cried out when he changed tactics and squeezed her clit lightly between his index and middle fingers. A repeat of the caress had her climax roaring through her. It hit her hard and would have buckled her knees had Aidan not gripped her waist to keep her upright. He rode her hard, pressing pleasure upon her. He felt the continuous ripple of her orgasm squeezing and releasing his cock as he fucked her. The low quivery moans she made and the sensations of her cunt pulsing around his cock were overwhelming. He squeezed her clit again and the responding spasms of her pussy triggered his orgasm. He exploded, making short deep thrusts into her.

Drained, he leaned over her back and braced himself against the wall with one hand, his breathing labored. French slithered around in the circle of his arms to face him, clung to him languidly as they kissed and caressed one another, prolonging the intimate moment. Aidan reached for the shower gel again and French giggled and took it from him.

‘Give me that,’ she teased, ‘I think I’ll wash myself this time!’

In the end, they wound up washing each other and dawdled in the shower longer than they should have. They were having too much fun teasing, playing and exploring to get out. It felt good to wake up next to him, to play with him, French thought, I could get used to mornings like this.

They slid into domesticity easily, performing their toilettes side by side in front of the big mirror above the vanity with its his-and-hers sinks. French took out her blow drier and her brush, intending to straighten her hair for the day. Aidan grimaced, saying,

‘Don’t. I like it curly.’

‘But Aidan, it’s so messy and unrefined that way. It makes me look like a wild-child,’ she protested. ‘I prefer it nice, neat and tame.’

‘I love the wild-child in you,’ he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. ‘Besides, it’s Christmas – don’t I get a say?’

‘Man, you are all about the dirty fight today, aren’t you?’ she said sarcastically, capitulating.

She finger-combed her hair and dried it with the blow drier set on cool. When it was mostly dry, she pulled it back from her face with a wide red headband and fluffed the curls around it. Hoping that she had chosen an outfit that projected a ‘casual-yet-elegant-day-at-home’ vibe, she dressed in chic stovepipe leg black wool slacks and black boat-neck cashmere sweater with a thin red stripe around the neck. She belted the pants with a red suede belt and wore red suede driving moccasins.

‘Is this good?’ she asked Aidan, nervous again.

‘You always look good to me, baby.’

‘I know that, but what I want to know is, will your mother approve?’ agitation edged her voice.

‘Are we starting that again?’

‘A simple yes or no will do, Aidan,’ she said tartly.

‘I’ve got to keep you away from my mother,’ he sighed, ‘you just met her last night and you’re already rivaling her in the ‘who’s the best at badgering Aidan’ contest. You look wonderful,’ he said.


‘If you’re finished primping, can we go, now? I need coffee in the worst way.’

‘Now who’s badgering who? Yes, we can go. If you’re going to stay grouchy all day, I’ll need that coffee more than you do…’

‘Very funny. Come here.’

French went to him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She twined her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. They were a deep, dark blue this morning and despite the playful banter, mock bickering and lovemaking they’d enjoyed, they were serious. Cocking her head to the side, she asked,

‘What’s wrong, Aid?’

‘Nothing, really. I just wanted to hold you for a minute, I know as soon as we get downstairs, Mom, Dad and Brian will monopolize you for the rest of the day,’ he sulked. ‘I should have told them we already had plans for Christmas and locked us away for the duration…’

Her heart skipped a beat. She had had the same thought earlier, that she wouldn’t have him all to herself until much later that evening. At the time, it had annoyed her that she thought of his family as competition for his attentions. And as much as she wanted to be alone with him, she didn’t want to keep him from spending time with his family. She knew that they were very important to him and as she’d seen last night, Aidan was vital to them as well. The thoughts and feelings that welled up in her at finding out that he had the same jealousies as she did were indescribable.

‘Oh, Aidan…’ she said, completely at a loss. She couldn’t quite bring herself to say all she was feeling. Instead, she closed her eyes, leaned into him and took a deep breath, savoring the scent and feel of him. They lingered in their embrace, then separated, shared a sweet kiss and headed downstairs.


Maggie had spent the morning baking. Aidan and French took the back stairs that led directly to the kitchen and the heavenly aromas of cinnamon and vanilla wafted up to them as they descended. They found Maggie at the stove, pulling cinnamon rolls from the oven. She set them aside to cool and came to them.

Merry Christmas, darlings. I thought it would be a while yet before you put in an appearance,’ she said, giving them each a hug and a kiss.

‘Told you, French,’ Aidan said smugly, heading toward the coffeemaker.

‘Told her what?’

‘I told her that you wouldn’t be expecting us downstairs this early. She thought it would be rude to loll around in bed with me…’

‘Aidan!’ French gasped, blushing.

‘What? I’m just saying…’ he shrugged.

‘Stop teasing her, Aidan. She has more manners and decency in her little finger than you have in your whole body. How I failed so miserably with you, I’ll never know,’ she scolded fondly. To French she said, ‘We’ve gotten used to lying in on Christmas morning since we started having the party every year. You would have been welcome to ‘loll in bed’ with Aidan to your heart’s content, dear. But, since you didn’t…’

She looked pointedly at Aidan and he groaned.

‘See what you did?’ he accused French. She had no clue what he was talking about, but whatever it was, she hoped he was in for something bad. He had it coming to him for the way he had teased her in front of his mother.

‘Aidan, get the oranges out of the fruit basket and start squeezing. French, take a seat at the breakfast bar and enjoy your coffee.’

When Maggie’s back was turned, French stuck her tongue out at Aidan. He rolled his eyes and retrieved the oranges. He sat next to her and they squeezed the oranges together. They chatted as they worked and Maggie was delighted to see that Aidan was head over heels for this woman and thankful that French was such a lovely, likable girl. The chemistry between them was undeniable and it was obvious they got on well out of bed, too. They kept up a light stream of chatter, talking about the party and the weather and other inconsequential topics.

Aidan and French thought Maggie hadn’t noticed that they couldn’t keep their hands off of one another, but she had. She hid a smile when Aidan purposely splattered orange juice and pulp on French and used it as an excuse to lick it off of her. French, of course, tried to stop his teasing, but her protests only seemed to incite Aidan further.

Iain and Brian came into the kitchen just as they finished preparing breakfast. Maggie and Aidan knew they had timed their entrance perfectly so they wouldn’t have to help with the preparations.

‘Nice timing, guys,’ Maggie said ruefully, ‘we’ve just finished fixing breakfast.’

‘Would’ve been down sooner if there’d been any hot water left,’ Brian complained good-naturedly. ‘You guys took forever with your showers this morning.’

French blushed and, looking down, fiddled with her coffee cup in an effort to conceal the horror that was surely evident on her face. Showers. Plural. It’s possible he hadn’t known they were in there together, she thought hopefully.

‘What?’ Aidan asked, all innocence. Looping an arm around French’s neck with the casual intimacy of lovers, he asked, ‘Jealous, little brother?’

Great. Way to go Aidan, she thought, giving him what she thought was a discreet kick to the shin, advertise to the whole family what we’ve been doing this morning, why don’t you?

‘Don’t answer that, Brian,’ Maggie ordered just as Brian opened his mouth to reply. ‘Aidan, stop embarrassing French, for God’s sake. The poor girl looks like she’s praying she’ll wake up and find out this is a terrible nightmare! I can’t say there haven’t been times when I prayed the same thing with you three raising hell around here. Here, take this into the family room,’ she said, handing him a loaded tray. Iain and Brian grabbed the remaining breakfast items and trooped after Aidan into the other room.

Maggie put a restraining hand on French’s arm when she stood to follow them.

‘You’ll never hold your own in this family if you can’t take a bit of teasing. My guys – all three of them – can be relentless,’ Maggie advised. ‘If you let them know that you embarrass easily, they will tease you mercilessly.’

‘I know. I can’t help it, though. Being an only child, I guess I’m just not used to families and sibling rivalry and all of that…’ French tried to explain. Not to mention the embarrassing novelty of having everyone in the house aware of the fact that she and Aidan had had sex twice in less than ten hours, she thought wryly.

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I Cant Resist

The following story has nothing to do with Peter, Dash or anyone from The Day Tucker Became His Sister. I decided to increase the small supply of ghost-domination stories out there. So here we go. I Can't Resist By Wolverine Hi, my name is William Smith. Pretty stupid, huh? I hate getting called Will Smith. Well, I can't help it. At the young age of 15, I don't have much of a choice on my name right now. I tried to change it, but my father said, "Son, be proud of your...

3 years ago
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Mother in Law Cannot Resist

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Fiona tries to resist her son-in-law's cock but cannot.The following stories all started almost 10 years ago when i was twenty years old and I moved into my girlfriend's house after being booted out of home by my parents. My wife lived there with her mother Fiona who was thirty seven her dad Alan who was forty four and her sister Alice who was f******n. It was a little crowded in the house at...

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Daddy and MeChapter 2 He Cant Resist

I am kind of disappointed to say my Dad hadn’t touched me since that first time. It had been weeks. I could see him looking at me often. He looked at me like a man in torment. Like he was torn between lust and regret. I tried tantalizing him. I left the bedroom door open when I was changing. I wore skimpy clothes. He seemed to be able to resist. I had a dance to go to on a Friday. I asked him to drop me off. He agreed. I told him I had a ride home. I went to the dance and got a ride home...

2 years ago
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sisterinlaw could not resist

Well, my name is Cameron and here is a little story of how my sister-in-law couldn't resist her wants needs and aches for her own husbands brother cock. 17 short hair, 5""10" athletic, i work out a lot. tan skin. blue eyes. god blessed with manhood. but enough about me, let's talk of my sister-in-law chelly. Smokin' hot chick. Dark hair down to her shoulders. Half german so she has perfect tits. 36C. just enough to grip onto tightly. Slinder down to the most perfect ass you could fuck....

4 years ago
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Wifey finally tries ANAL after years of resisting

(From Dec 30 2016)After all these years I have FINALLY popped my wifes ANAL cherry and it was totally fucking amazing !!!! We are having a night away and after a relaxed afternoon sex session and a couple bottles of wine later and she was up for indulging me in my anal fantasy. What was most surprising was how fast we went from a finger, thumb then straight into having my cock balls deep in her little virgin ass and me pumping for all I was worth and filling her ass tube with my sour ball...

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Mother in law resisted

If you've read my previous stories you'll know I was sleeping with my mother in law several years ago. After a few months we decided it was wrong and put a stop to it. Although hard cos she was amazing in bed we managed to stop fucking, Fast forward a few years and me and my wife are having problems in the bedroom department after giving birth s year ago she went off sex completely I tried my best to be faithful but after several months I ended up fucking a local slag I confessed to my wife...

2 years ago
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She Is Too Hot To Resist

Hi friends I am big fan of ISS , Special Incest , here brothers makes love with their hot sister. I’m raj age 28, 5.9 tall , well built , It was party in our society, I generally don’t go to such events, but due to option and much forced by mom I have to go. It was boring their many old aged peoples where in party. I was feeling I too old in them 8 PM I was busy chatting on phone with friends, Now Slowly the crowd was increasing and many hot girls and young boys were arriving to the...

1 year ago
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I Just Couldnt Resist

A few years ago I was dating this guy who was great, and really into me, but always busy and we had never addressed the issue of sex since at the time neither of us had the pleasure of that experience. His name was Todd, and he was the kind of guy who was always practical and although he never said anything to slight me and was very open to my ideas about our relationship, he never really did any of those little things that in a relationship, such as little cute surprises or whatnot. In the...

First Time
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Sometimes you cant resist

It was my first semester of my Sophomore year of High School, and I was in trouble. I've never been a ladies man, always the dork. Always shy, and here I was in a class full of teenage girls. I stuttered every answer to every question, and the seating wasn't exactly conducive to avoiding eye contact. Small tables, with two people on each side, facing each other. I was facing a freshmen, a girl named Charley. She was pretty, not gorgeous, not a stick, plump, rounded. And she, for some...

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Too Tired To Resist

I wake to the feeling of her sliding into bed behind me. She’s coming home from work and it’s late. I can smell the scent of her sweat from long day of hard work teaching lessons at the ice rink. I’m exhausted too. The two of us are in our twenties, trying to make ends meet in a ski resort community with a ridiculous cost of living. For me, a twelve hour driving shift is the norm, today was thirteen hours and full of complications. At this point I’m certainly too exhausted to start anything,...

2 years ago
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Emily resists

Emily was sitting bedside. Terry, her father, was asleep in his hospital bed. He was having complications after hip replacement surgery. She slipped off her Tory Burch heels and stretched her legs. The chairs here were uncomfortable and she was stiff from sitting all day behind her desk. Emily was one of the hospital’s top administrators.  ‘You’d think I would get a better chair,’ she thought.  She got up, her hips moving smoothly in her pencil skirt, and bent down to stretch her hamstrings....

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She Just Couldnt Resist

The front door opened and Mike peered round the door frame. “Where’s Emily, where’s my daughter?” shouted Jan, as she shoved past Mike and headed for the lounge. Mike never had a chance to stop her as he was pushed to one side. Jan was through the door and immediately clasped eyes on Emily on all fours, raising her head from Maggie’s pussy as both women heard the commotion in the hall. “Mother,” Emily cried as she turned to face her. “What the fuck are you doing Emily, get home right now,”...

3 years ago
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Emily resists

Emily was sitting bedside. Terry, her father, was asleep in his hospital bed. He was having complications after hip replacement surgery. She slipped off her Tory Burch heels and stretched her legs. The chairs here were uncomfortable and she was stiff from sitting all day behind her desk. Emily was one of the hospital's top administrators. "You'd think I would get a better chair," she thought.  She got up, her hips moving smoothly in her pencil skirt, and bent down to stretch her hamstrings....

4 years ago
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Too Tired To Resist

I wake to the feeling of her sliding into bed behind me. She's coming home from work and it's late. I can smell the scent of her sweat from long day of hard work teaching lessons at the ice rink. I'm exhausted too. The two of us are in our twenties, trying to make ends meet in a ski resort community with a ridiculous cost of living. For me, a twelve hour driving shift is the norm, today was thirteen hours and full of complications. At this point I'm certainly too exhausted to start anything,...

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Help From Stranger That I Couldn8217t Resist

Hi,  guys, this is Renee for you again. Loved your emails every bit of it. I tried to respond to every mail I could hopefully you guys find me on facebook using and we can be good friends. It’s been a long time since I shared my story. I decided to share another story of mine in Hindi on public demand. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy and apologise for any mistake.   Toh ye kahani pichle mahine ki h ki kaise maine paiso k liye ek anjan insan ko santusht kiya. Jaise ki aap sab jante h ki mera...

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Tried To Resist

all started one Friday night after a long day at school. It was the first semester of freshman year in high school and a guy named Paul and I had become great friends. I had planned a small party at my house for about 10 guys and girls. Paul was staying at my house because his parents were out of town, so he rode home with me once school got out. Being that it was mid December, it snowed a lot. Before we knew it, a huge snow storm had come in and shut down everything in the city. None of my...

2 years ago
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My lovers Son proves too much to resist

If the truth be told, I am not a woman who lusts for young boys, it's not something I have ever thought about, or dwelt on, even in those quieter moments, when ones inner feelings tend to take hold, lustful thoughts, forbidden sex, where no law or person can intervene, its you, your darker innermost secrets and desires, combine to weave you into a playful fulfillment, you, your thoughts, and the gentle vibrations and fingertips, your tools, gliding over your hot and moistened flesh, you writhe...

1 year ago
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Just Could Not Resist

A couple of years ago I was so horny I found myself jacking off to all kinds of things that I had never experienced. I would check out different websites but never really felt safe with any of them.One day I was on Craigslist and decided to check out M2M. I saw a lot of photos of guys showing their cocks and then there was this one where a guy was just looking for a jackoff buddy. I was tempted to respond but then changed my mind. Next day, after thinking more about it, I decided to take a...

4 years ago
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See Was Too Hot To Resist

Hi, main —— hoon…maire email id hai …. aur aap sab se apni real life story share karna chahta hoon…main mandsaur ka rehne walan hoon… baat tab ki hain jab main 18 saal ka tha.. aur apni 12th ki studies poori kar chuka tha..aur grdauarion karne ke liye ..kisi achhi jagah i mean university ki talash kar raha tha… tab mere doston ne bolan ki “tu mumbai kyun nahin chala jata padhne ke liye mujhe ye idea sahi laga aur maine gharwalon se baat ki to vo raaji ho gaye….fir maine mumbai ke ek colg...

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Slaves Is It Rape If She Doesnt Resist

The covered truck drove through the gates and past the bit white house. It pulled off the concrete roadway onto the dirt track that led to the quarters. The small unpainted buildings were set in a circle. Nine small houses each one room, twenty feet square with a door and two windows. They were not proper houses with sheet rock covering the wall studs, but the roofs would keep out the rain and each had a small kitchen with a pantry and two beds against the back wall. Now they were new, but...

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Too Good To Resist

By the time I was eighteen I was married and pregnant, by the time I was twenty my husband had left me with a two-year-old son to raise and no forwarding address. Of course, I applied for a divorce and got one very quickly thanks to the fact that no-one could find the sod so there was no contesting of the divorce, at twenty-one I was free yet still lumbered with a kid to bring up. I suppose in a way I took out some of my anger with my ex-husband on my son Max; don't get me wrong I loved him,...

2 years ago
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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 3 Linda tries very hard to resist

Linda walked down the school hall almost trembling. The thirst was very strong, and she knew what would satisfy it. Worse was the fact that she couldn't help but stare at every boy's crotch, imagining his penis, thinking how would his sperm taste. And it made her so horny that her panties were already soaked. In a few more hours she would be dripping! "Hi Linda!" Linda was startled by Nicole's voice from behind her... "Earth to Linda. Do you hear me?" Debbie said as she approached....

1 year ago
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Auntie cant resist

Note : This story is completely fictional! Aunt Mauree flew in on a cool spring eve.I had no clue she was visiting until I recieved a suprise call. I had recently moved into an apartment and she wanted to see it. So,I gave her directions and she showed up later that night. She strolled in with her luggage and set them down. I asked if she needed a place to stay. She said,"If you don't mind." I instantly approved seeing that I always stay with her when i visit her. I was more focused on her...

1 year ago
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To Big To Resist

100% fiction! After having my brothers 9.5 inch thick cock explode in my mouth, I knew I had to have it inside my wet pussy. My pussy wanted his huge cock inside it. He stayed hard after I sucked him off. I came twice as I enjoyed him in my mouth. I have never been so horny. My pussy ached for him. I pushed him onto his back and straddled his beautiful cock. I was so wet he slipped easily into me. His thick cock filled my pussy. I came instantly. I never thought I could take a cock so big. It...

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I cant resist

This story is fictional! I was in my car on my way to my sister's house , I haven't seen her and my neice and my sis's boyfriend. My job keeps me busy in Honolulu city I don't get to go to the country. So I took 2weeks off to visit them it's been a year since I saw them even though we are close. Alana my sister is 45 and i'm 42 and my neice Star is 25 my sister's son moved to the mainland for colledge. I was married once but I caught my wife cheating on me with guest at her hotel. I had some...

4 years ago
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KT LLCChapter 17 The Calm

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: They call Wednesday "Hump Day." Mom remembers it as a transition day. Dad calls it "The Amish Invasion." Aunt Jo says it was the first day she thought of what she would do after school. I have trouble believing that one. Aunt Francine flew to California—and back. Sean: It was bound to happen. I should have anticipated it in more depth. I distinctly remembered telling Sheila that she would be famous in her own name, but that was all I did. Blessed...

1 year ago
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My Sweet Rayne

My Sweet Rayne by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the command of my own...

2 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 5

Sharon walked right up to Sherry like they were best friends, then smiled at me as she reached out to take my right hand. “Sherry, you never told me your brother plays the guitar.” She took Sharon’s left hand, “Sharon, I’m so glad you came over. Jerry just now asked me who you were, and as soon as I told him, he asked me to introduce you to him. You look so lovely with your hair down your back like that.” “Hi, Jerry. As soon as I heard you playing, it was like I was drawn to your music....

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Lucky Afternoon

For the past few years I have had this urge to have sex with a man. After finding Xhamster The urge has gotten to the point where I was going to have to do something about it. I found a guy on this site who told me what to watch out for and the best places to meet someone. I do not like going to bars so I found myself shopping a lot and looking for a guy that might be interested. I really wasn't having any luck but I kept hoping and looking.I have a pontoon boat docked on a lake not far...

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Performing for Aspen Sugar Daddy

I told you guys that I had a crazy weekend here in Colorado and finally I’ve gotten a minute to sit down and tell you guys about it. I’m still in Colorado but headed back to Australia early next week after Kip’s (my host and work colleague) now famous Speedo Only Party. Keep an eye on my blog next week to hear about the shenanigans that are bound to happen.Back to what happened last weekend.It started on Thursday night when Kip asked me if I wanted to go to Aspen for the weekend? I have never...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Khloe Kapri Slut Puppy Khloe Kapri Gapes For You

Khloe Kapri spreads her cheeks and gives Manuel the green light for anal action! Khloe’s looking like a sensual sex kitten with her pink cat ears and matching pink lace lingerie with clear high heels. She’s showing off her slim body out by the pool and catching some rays as Jules entices her to take off her top. Khloe happily obliges and squeezes her tits then plays with her nipples before spinning around to show off her other ASSets. Her panties don’t cover much giving us an amazing view of...

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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 17

Do you think we can assume that the attacks on your home are at an end, Mr Robertson? Reg took on a pensive look, then offered, “With all the losses of personnel that they have suffered, I think that mob are unlikely to come back, but an occasional drive-by by one of your police cars may act as an extra deterrent, sir.” “I think we may be able to detour one of our patrol cars round this way for the next day or two at a minimum, perhaps longer. In the meantime, you had best see to that back...

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LostGirlChapter 3

The flight to Estonia was long and mercifully uneventful. Normally Bill slept like a baby on even short flights but this time he was too keyed up thinking about what awaited him in Estonia. He was almost exhausted by the time of the final leg of the flight, the one from Amsterdam to Tallinn. He had to make a connection at Amsterdam and was not amused that his arriving flight deplaned at the very last station on one long concourse and that his departing flight was departing from another end...

3 years ago
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Twins Wonderful Weekend Part 1

Hannah opened the door to her home after a long day at work. It was finally Friday and it had been one hell of a week. It was tough work running her own business, but she wouldn't have it any other way. She loved her job and, despite their faults. As she entered the doorway, she set her bag down by the door and was greeted with the smell of a home cooked meal. She ran a hand through her long blonde hair and smiled. She looked into the kitchen and saw her sister standing over the stove stirring...

4 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 4

Sherry was sitting next to me as I drove. “Put your arm around me and feel my titties, Jerry. I love my big titties so much, and I wish we could stop and fuck before we get to the country club.” “My sister has the most beautiful titties in the world. I can’t get over how huge they are, and yet they’re so high and firm. “Your nipples feel like small spikes, they’re so erect and pointy.” “I love the way you touch me like this. If we weren’t brother and sister, I’d marry you.” “You just keep...

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