- 3 years ago
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‘I just love cocks too much!’ Fluff explained to Amna with a broad grin. ‘I’m just cock-mad. I love them when they thrust into me, I don’t care which hole. I love the feel of them on the corners of my lips. I love the piss and semen they produce. There’s just nothing I don’t love about cocks.’
Amna was sure that that was true, as she lay back on Fluff’s bed, looking around on the wall at the huge blown-up photographs of all the erect penises, many of them thrusting inside mouths and cunts. She had never seen such a display before. Fluff worked for the television station where Amna was now working for, and her job was as a fluffer, an occupation she cherished so much that she’d even allowed herself to be named after it. She was the one who ensured that the men would always be able to achieve full erection, and got even the tiredest penis to ejaculate over Amna in the final crucial shots that usually determined the success of a session. She had taken a shine to Amna, and soon established that she enjoyed making love with women like herself as much as, if not more than, she enjoyed it with her male co-stars.
Fluff hadn’t bothered herself too much with the filmed performances of the station, though she was always prepared to assist whenever her services might be required, or when it was necessary to make up numbers. Amna envied Fluff’s skill and enthusiasm at lovemaking, whereas she was happiest when the whole business was over and she could make her way home. Fluff was only a couple of years older than her, which made her one of the few girls she worked with who she could feel really comfortable talking to about the things which really interested her. The music she listened to was much more to Amna’s taste than anything her aunt or her agent listened to. And she seemed to understand Amna’s attitude towards sex than many girls who were much less keen on it than Fluff herself.
Fluff’s enthusiasm for penises extended beyond her job, and the selection of magnificent specimens photographed about her room. She enjoyed sex with men well beyond the call of duty, boasting that it was a bad day if she’d only had one cock inside her all day. Her enthusiasm extended to having a tattoo emblazoned across her face although it severely restricted the range of rôles she could ever take if she were ever to be serious about an acting career. It featured the pink, red and purple glory of an erect penis stretching from the corner of her jaw, where the testicles swelled about her neck, across her nose and cheeks on one side to climax in pinkish yellow globules of come about her eye and onto her forehead. Nobody could be sure what Fluff’s slim face was really like (though her nose was quite thin and short and her eyes sparkled grey-green), because nobody could look at her face without focusing on this tattooed penis. This wasn’t the only tattoo on her body, though it was clearly the most prominent. There was an erect penis tattooed on each of her shoulders around her inoculation scars, and a floral cunt tattooed on her thigh. Her hair was shaved off totally, from her head as well as her cunt, but she enjoyed her appearance and most particularly the reaction it provoked.
‘Blokes just get a hard on looking at me!’ Fluff said with a grin. ‘When I see their cock bulging in their trousers, about to cream the inside of their underpants, I just say to them: How about it! My cunt’s yours. You wanna fuck me, you’re welcome!’ She spread her legs so that Amna could appreciate the slightly reddened exterior of her cunt. ‘How about you, Amna? You wanna fuck?’
Both Amna and she were naked. In fact this was a prerequisite for coming into Fluff’s flat. ‘You’re not getting past the fucking threshold, with these on!’ She announced, when Amna arrived, lifting up her tee-shirt to uncover the base of her enormous breasts. ‘I don’t want anyone in my fucking flat wearing any clothes. You just take your fucking things off now, or you can just fuck off.’
Amna always felt more comfortable naked anyway, so it wasn’t long till her clothes were discarded and her nipples felt comfortable, free of the pressure of the cloth restraining them. Fluff’s body was much slimmer than Amna’s. Her wrists and arms were slender, and her legs though full at the thighs, were generally slim and tapering. Her breasts were not large, but Amna suspected, from their shape and the firmness to the touch of her fingers and the lick of her tongue, that like her own they had been artificially enhanced.
It hadn’t been too many minutes after Fluff had brought Amna into her bedroom that the two of them were engaged in serious sexual exploration, but Amna wondered what her friend meant by asking her to fuck her. Fluff noticed her quizzical expression.
‘Don’t get me wrong, sweetheart. I love women. I could have sex with women forever. But what they’ve not got, and what men do have, is a cock. I just don’t feel like I’ve even been touched unless I’ve been properly fucked. Don’t you ever feel like that?’
To be honest, Amna never did. Penises didn’t really interest her. What they did between her legs was always somewhat distant from what she considered as satisfactory lovemaking. She knew she was supposed to enjoy it, and occasionally it troubled her that it didn’t really, but she understood, not least from Fatima’s enthusiasm and the films she’d seen with Susan that fucking with a penis was what most women actually preferred. ‘Have you got a dildo I can use?’ She asked Fluff politely.
‘Have I got a fucking dildo?’ Snorted Fluff. ‘What do you fucking think I am?’ She clambered over the sheets of the bed in which the two girls had been lying, her taut slim buttocks behind her, and pulled open the door of the bedside cabinet. ‘Just have a fucking look at these fuckers!’
Amna bent over and admired an array of dildos, of all sizes, dimensions and colours. Fluff bent over and picked one out which was particularly realistic, with a half-pair of testicles affixed to their base. It was more than fourteen inches long with very realistic veins fashioned on the outside.
‘You strap the fucker on, and then just fuck me. Back and front, I don’t fucking care!’
Amna examined it cautiously. It was larger than any that Fatima had ever used on her and substantially larger than any real penis that had ever been inside her. ‘I don’t know. I’ve never used one before.’
‘Never fucking used one!’ Exclaimed Fluff, with genuine surprise. ‘Haven’t you ever been fucked by one?’
‘Well, yes! I’ve had it done to me, but I’ve never done it myself. Fatima uses one in her training, but Aunt Salim doesn’t like them very much. I’m just not sure what to do.’
‘Would you prefer if I fucked you with it?’ Asked Fluff tenderly.
Amna eyed it with some concern, and then glanced down at her shaven cunt. She wasn’t at all sure she’d even be able to get it inside her. And wouldn’t it hurt? ‘No. I think I’d rather…’
Fluff smiled. ‘I’ll fasten it to you. You just get on top of me, and pretend to be a man. Well, not a real man. Not with fucking tits like yours. Just push your bum back and forth, like you do when you’re on top in a fuck session, and I’ll help get you going with my fingers. It’ll be fun. You see!’
It surprised Amna just how much fun it actually turned out to be. She plunged the enormous phallus deeper and deeper into Fluff’s cunt, which had a capacity way beyond her own, and followed Fluff’s directions, as her lover put her fingers to Amna’s cunt and anus, massaging and arousing her clitoris and anus, on occasion getting almost her whole hand inside Amna’s cunt, and lifting her arse above her legs. A strange wave of pleasure communicated through her body. She was actually enjoying it! Fluff, too, seemed to enjoy it: gasping and groaning with the deep thrusts, a wild gleam in her eyes, her tongue drooping maniacally from her mouth.
‘Oh! Oh!’ Cried Amna in ecstasy, forgetting herself. She threw herself down onto Fluff’s bare breasts, the dildo still
half inside her and three of Fluff’s fingers deep inside her anus. ‘Oh, Fluff! Is this what it’s always like for you!’ She cried as she buried her face on her lover’s penis-emblazoned face, dribble from her mouth intermixing with Fluff’s saliva on the sharply defined contours of Fluff’s tattooed semen spurt. ‘Oh! If only it was like this at work! If only it were always like this!’
Not everyone shared Amna’s passion for Fluff. Salim knew she wouldn’t like her even before they met. Amna’s enthusiastic descriptions of her best girlfriend filled her only with disgust. Even Fluff’s job assisting male sex stars achieve erections and to ejaculate disgusted her enough. The fact that she sometimes worked as a body double to participate in sexual activities the starring actresses either didn’t relish or couldn’t stomach didn’t endear her any more. Why did Amna’s friend have to be so vulgar? She didn’t like the fact that there was now yet another rival to her niece’s affections along with Fatima, Susan and, of course, the countless men and women who had sex with her on set (but somehow seemed much less of a threat).
Fluff’s influence on Amna was immediately apparent when she insisted on wearing a series of grotesque penis-like dildos all the time, whether she was clothed or unclothed. She was just like one of those dildo dykes Salim saw in town, and of course a little like she knew Susan was these days. Some of these dildos were absolutely monstrous. Salim was not particularly knowledgeable on this issue, but she was sure that very few men had penises nearly as long as some of the longer of Amna’s dildos. One or two were more than a foot long! They were not always the same colour as Amna’s very dark skin, which looked even odder in contrast. When Amna dressed in her brief tee-shirts or singlets, the dildo protruded incongruously through the flies at the front of her jeans or shorts. It was a gross encumbrance which she took with her always as she walked around the streets, going to work or travelling by train. Salim was appalled by it, but Amna stubbornly refused to ever take it off. She was proud of the obscenity of it. What must people think!
When they made love together or shared the same bed, which they still did most nights, even when Fatima was also staying and shared the bed with them, Salim would insist that Amna remove the horrible thing, and discard it from sight. No! she wasn’t interested in having that monstrosity pushed inside her vagina, however moist and welcoming it might be. The very thought made her feel quite nauseous, and the fact that it superficially resembled a real penis didn’t attract her in the slightest. Men had never attracted her, and their penises attracted her least of all. Besides, she wanted to retain as much as she could of her virginity. However much Amna, and particularly Fatima, tried persuading her, it was better by far to keep these things as far from her inner thighs as possible. She felt especially disgusted when Fatima and Amna played with them, strapping them to their buttocks and thrusting them deep inside each other. This was one game she had no intention of ever playing!
When Fluff arrived to visit Amna, announcing almost immediately on arrival that she couldn’t stay long because she had made an appointment to visit a boyfriend afterwards, Salim’s dislike of the girl was immediate and intense. It certainly didn’t help when Fluff elaborated that the ‘boyfriend’ in question was someone she’d only met for a few minutes earlier that day. What Salim most disliked about her was, of course, her appearance. Although Amna had told her a little about Fluff’s tattoos and habits, it somehow hadn’t prepared her at all for the sight of her, naked within seconds of closing the front door to the flat behind her. Her face was totally obscured by the most ghastly tattoo. It was the full-size image of an ejaculating penis, totally disguising her features which may have otherwise been ugly or pretty, but were now undeniably gross. Otherwise she was a skinny girl with very pale skin. Her habitual nudity quite clearly did not extend to sunbathing. A patch of light brown freckles covered her chest, and her short pubic hair was unkempt and slightly worn, particularly around the mouth of her vagina.
Fluff was immediately too forward, kissing Salim full on the mouth. She regretted that she was wearing only her lingerie. She should have kept on her scarf and gown: clearly she was giving the wrong signals to the slut. She pushed Fluff off her, and coldly and politely greeted her. Amna, who appeared behind her, naked and with her favourite black fourteen-inch dildo strapped to her waist was much less reserved. Salim recognised Amna’s affection and delight with not a little regret. What could it be about this repulsive whore that Amna preferred over her own beauty? She stood aside as the two of them embraced and almost immediately, Fluff’s tongue protruded from the tattoo on her face, just below the shaft of the penis that stretched over her nose and upper lip, and plunged deeply into Amna’s mouth. Salim sighed as she watched Amna’s buttocks shiver with pleasure and her own tongue reciprocate Fluff’s avidity, her gross dildo pressed against Fluff’s slim waist.
Amna disengaged herself from Fluff and Salim examined her face with selfish alarm. She grinned broadly and her eyes emanated an unmistakeable passion and joy Salim had so rarely observed in her niece even in the most passionate of their lovemaking. Amna escorted her lover, with a hand around the tiny buttocks, towards her bedroom. With guilty curiosity, Salim followed the pair as they entered the room.
‘You’ve got an awful lot of posters of the same girl!’ Exclaimed Fluff, regarding all the posters of Susan on the wall. ‘She’s not one of your girlfriends, is she?’
Amna looked at Fluff a little sadly. She shook her head. ‘I just like her films. You must have seen them.’
‘I don’t watch fuck films if I can help it. It’s not like the real thing, is it?’ Fluff walked towards a poster of Susan being fucked up the anus while she grasped the penis of a large black man. ‘I don’t know what you mean by not liking cock, though. There’s enough fucking cocks here! Not as much as on my wall, but enough of the fuckers!’
Salim hesitated in the hallway. She knew she wouldn’t be welcome company, but she felt some reluctance in leaving her niece in the clutches of this vulgar little slut. Her language! However, Salim could see that her presence was definitely not wanted when Amna dragged Fluff away from the poster and onto the bed beside her: and, if by chance it might be, she really didn’t want to know. She discreetly closed Amna’s bedroom door and retreated to the living room.
She sat down on the sofa, turned on the television and was unable to concentrate as she scanned through the countless television channels with the aid of her remote. All she could think of was Fluff and Amna together, enjoying each other’s body, while she was excluded. The image of that repulsive tattoo on Fluff’s face recurred in her mind. Didn’t Amna find it as obscene as she did? Clearly not, she reflected, as all too soon she heard the distinct sound of Amna’s voice screeching out over the noise of the television talk show she had tuned in. It sounded like pain but was almost certainly the sound of ecstasy.
Then she heard Fluff’s own voice, slightly high-pitched and much more shrill, gasping out in pants of pleasure, accompanied by a steady rhythmic thump of the bed frame against the wall. There was also the distinct noise of one of Amna’s more cacophonous and unpleasant records played at a rather louder volume than her niece usually inflicted on her aunt. The sounds went on and on, making it very difficult for Salim to concentrate on the talk show conversation. Reluctantly she raised the volume of the television to disguise the sounds coming from the bedroom, hooking her bare legs onto the sofa and stroking her long hair in distraction.
Eventually, and not too soon as far as Salim was concerned, the
two girls’ lovemaking came to an end, and some fifteen minutes later she heard them chatting in the hallway. ‘I’ll have to leave now!’ She heard Fluff say. ‘I’ll be late otherwise. I just promised. And besides you know how much I like cock!’
Salim strained her ears to hear what Amna was saying but really couldn’t distinguish a word. Then she heard Fluff again. ‘Yes, of course I’ll be back. Yes, I love you. I fucking well do. Don’t cry like that, Amna. I do love you. I don’t love many people. And you’re definitely my best. Yes, it’s true! Don’t fucking doubt me! I don’t have to say it, you know. Yes, I’ll definitely spend more time with you next time. All night! Then we’ll fuck like there’s no fucking tomorrow!’
Then the front door opened, shut and a strange hush descended on the flat, magnified by the fact that Amna’s record had stopped playing. It was several minutes until Amna entered the living room, naked of course except for her monstrous dildo, which Fatima noticed with disquiet shone from a fresh moistness. Amna looked sad and happy at the same time and without a word rushed up to Salim, throwing her arms around her and nestling her face on her breasts. Salim gently stroked Amna’s long hair with one hand, and held her around the shoulders with the other.
‘I’m in love!’ Announced Amna after several minutes, not raising her face or looking away from the dildo on which her eyes were focused.
‘With that slut?’ Asked Salim rather too automatically.
Amna started, and glared at her aunt. ‘Don’t call her that! She’s beautiful! You don’t know her!’
Salim sighed. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. But are you sure?’
‘I think so. I’ve never been in love before. But I am now.’ She embraced Salim passionately. ‘She says she loves me. She says she’s going to have a new tattoo with my name on it. She’s wonderful. I love her. Oh! Auntie. Is love always like this? Is it always so painful?’
Salim gazed at her niece, whose own gaze was fixed vacantly ahead of her. ‘Yes, Amna. Yes. It is always painful,’ she sighed, knowing that she spoke more for her own passion for her niece than in answer to the question. ‘Love is the most painful thing there is!’
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The first kiss was innocent indeed and even though she stole it, it was very satisfying. His mouth is very soft and his mustache tickles her chin. She’s surprised that his kisses are as passionate as they are. Now positioned on the bed Chayne straddles Dirty and hops on his cock. Normally condoms are a must but she is so hungry for him that she doesn’t care. Birth control is not an issue as she has an IUD but STI’s are always a possibility. This should be a concern for her but he doesn’t come...
Although losing my virginity had been kind of a non-event and subsequent encounters with boys in my age bracket were no patch on the pleasures I experienced with Charlotte, I remained curious about the opposite sex. Charlotte was not much help in this respect. She would just repeat her statements about the 'penetration conspiration' and how useless men were in satisfying a woman's sexual needs. While I accepted that she was a lesbian, I wanted her to accept that I was interested in...
Hi dosto mera naam ayub ali (name changed)hai Main gulbarga ke aland main rahta hun Meri age 18 year hai Maine Indianesexstory Ka regular radar hun Isliye maine socha ki apni story bhi aap logon ke saath shear karun Ye meri pahli story hai agar koi mistake ho to sorry Main puc 2 ka student hun Kyunke college govt hai isliye main zyada college nahi jaata electrition ka work karta hun Paas ki hi dukan main Hamere gali main ek bhabhi rahti hain bilkis banu (name changed) main unhe bhabhi bolta...
The sexy Billie Star returns to private.com in Private Specials, Anal Queens of Prague, and after a long absence this horny brunette is looking to make up for lost time as she is joined by Marilyn Sugar for an interracial threesome gonzo style! The girls are in for a practical lesson with their professor Mike Chapman today, learning how to handle a BBC as they get all warmed up with some sloppy deepthroat action. Then watch as these young nymphos take turns getting blasted, finishing the class...
xmoviesforyou“Hey... Tony?”I turned around to be surprised and uncomfortable with an unlikely reunion with Brad, a close friend from college.“I’ll be damned, Brad!! What are you doing here?”I swallowed with a hint of discomfort. Even though I was very close to Brad in college and were in the same fraternity, I wished that I would never meet him again. The convention that both of us attended was paused for refreshments. We were forced to catch up and bring up old times, at least I was.Inevitably Brad brought...
Roger reappeared in George's living room. Again he called out. George appeared shortly. "How is she?" George asked, anxiously. "She's fine. She's sleeping now. Tomorrow the psychiatrist is due to come in. I'll apprehend her and take care of her. Then we'll leave. What about your wife?" Roger asked. "I've been interrogating her, and have learned quite a bit. It seems that converts to their cult are, to put it mildly, – scarce. Apparently, Amber is not the first forced convert...
What the heck did the mystery machine do last night and what is in the slot that opened? When I went over and looked into the slot I saw there were multiple smart card IDs like my top-secret badges. One just had Smith on it, my picture, and three QR codes instead of letters. On the back it had a huge set of different types of digital patterns. One looked like the one on the back of my Dad’s insurance card. The rest I couldn’t even guess at. There was another one with Smith on it that had...
Right from the Start Chapter Ten - By: Beverly Taff Chapter Ten Dorie Lou was an expert at planning touring campaigns. During the cool of the morning the pair toured the external sites then, as the noonday sun climbed the sky, they visited the high vaulted museums to savour the cooler indoor galleries. In the heat of the early afternoon, the girls retreated to a caf? and savoured some ice-cold sorbets. They sat inside though, not for them the eviscerating heat of the pavement c...
I was eighteen years old and it was summer, 2010. My girlfriend, Margie, and her family were going to be out of town on vacation for a few weeks and her parents asked me if I would watch the house, clean the pool and such. Since it sounded like an easy summer job, I agreed. As the time approached it was made apparent that Margie's Dad, Chuck, would be home a week or so before the rest of the family because of business. The exact date wasn't defined, but I'd know when I came by and Chuck would...
When Jessica awoke about an hour later, the four of us went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. We were silent as we walked to the restaurant, but there was a smile on everyone's face. I knew that it was wrong but I was proud that these two gorgeous women were walking beside me with my cum dripping from their vagina's. I knew that Sandy had her panties on but Jessica had whispered that she had left her panties off, wanting to feel my juice on her thighs. I said a little prayer of...
Victoria let out a loud moan of pleasure “OOOOO” as she rode Evaron up and down his cock slipping in and out of her making slurping sounds from the constant plunging down on him. This elf was something else, the words kept echoing through her head, at times images of Allen, whom she knew had feelings for K'lara. Occasionally images of the time she spied on Allen as he would dive in and out of her sister would flash in her mind. The man she had loved and still might love had chosen her sister...
Then, finally, after two weeks of blue-balling abstinence, Mom and I got our chance. It was a Friday night and the three of us were sitting around the living room debating what to do for dinner. It had been scorching hot all day and was forecast to storm.Mom was looking fantastic as usual. She was sitting on the sofa opposite me in a plain white T-shirt and a ridiculously tight pair of jeans. Her top was stretched so tightly over her big tits that I could plainly make out the lace pattern...
IncestJade Kush got ready and is trying to go to a St. Patrick’s day party but her stepdad isn’t letting her go dressed like that. Jade wears a very sexy outfit where she shows off her great body. She begs him to let her go with her friends and she pulls out her tits and takes off her shorts to convince him to let her go. She tells him what else does she need to do before she starts sucking hard on his cock. This chick gets fucked hard on cowgirl, doggy style and cowgirl before she takes his cum all...
xmoviesforyouBook One: Naughty Fantasies Created Part Five: Virgin Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davis I shook my head, my hands shaking as they clutched my phone. My wife was gay... She was cheating on me with her friend Marissa. How long had this been going on? For years, Linda had gone to visit Marissa. Four times a year they got together for their weekend visit and... They were having lesbian sex. My wife—my homophobic wife who was...
The Jamaican culture is rife with cuckold stories, white women bored with their husbands taking advantage of numerous available lovers to satisfy their needs. I went to school with the product of many such unions. Later as I matured sexually, I listened as the old bulls told of interesting liaisons, with the tourist women, who frequented our idyllic island looking for the same. So it was one night a bunch of us young ‘Turks’ were hanging out scoping the women hoping to get lucky before the...
Zack had finished counting down the first register of the night. He just had to wait on time now. The parts store he worked at closed at 9, and they rarely had business after 8. Why they even stayed open was anybody’s guess. He and his closer for the night, Chastity, usually started their duties around 8:30, so they could leave almost as soon as they closed. Right now he was watching the front as she swept the store. Chastity was not herself today, and was a lot less talkative than usual. They...
Straight SexHi doston mere pichli kahani mein maine bataya tha ki kaise meri padosan sonia ji ne mujhse chudwaya ab aage sonam ji apne ghar mein akele hi rehti hai unke pati saal mein ek baar hi ghar aate hai , wo husn ki mallika hai lammbe baal badi nashili ankhein , gora badan , patli kamar , mast chuchiyan aur ubhari hui sudool gaand Aan Sunday ka din tha to main sonia ji k ghar gaya wo lunch bana rahi thi kitchen mein , unke baal bheege hue the abhi abhi naha kar aayi thi lagta , wo laal silk ki saari...
--Six Months Later-- The next six months were probably the best time of my life up to that point. A sweltering Korean summer transitioned into a mild fall and our classes continued. My relationship and feelings for Sumin only deepened, and hers for me. Jihyun became our partner in crime and almost every weekend was spent exploring each other and finding new ways to please one another. Sumin and Jihyun jumped into bisexuality with both feet and it was not uncommon for them to visit each other...
Hey everyone I am back with another incident of my life about a milf hook-up. I am a 24-year-old guy from Mumbai. I am reading and writing stories here for a long time now. Just a few months ago, I was sitting at home watching TV when my phone rang. It was my college buddy Rohan. He was in town after a long time. So he called me to a pub in Bandra, one of the poshest clubs in that area. I was excited to party after a long time. To add to that, my parents were also not in town. I got ready wore...
Dutch courage 1 By Kim Anderson Copywright 2010 World War 2 in Holland. Carrie van der Veldt has moved from Amsterdam back to her dead parents' home in Utrecht, taking her 15 year-old son Mies with her. To prevent him being conscripted as slave-labour she has disguised him as her 16 year-old daughter Mia. "If I practise hard all weekend, can I have that gorgeous red frock in Dreesmans' window, you know, the one we saw yesterday?" Carrie had to smile. It was hardly a...
Hi, my name is Shorty, and I just want to let you know about me. I am 18 and have a small frame weighing about 95 pounds. Some people call me a twink, but I don't know what that means. I grew up as a small Kurdish boy in a nomadic family. Sometimes the older boys and men would take advantage of me, and sometimes my mother dressed me as a girl to protect me when our village was raided. Just so you know, I really am not a queer cum eating faggot. I never dreamt of getting into this lifestyle.My...
Owen roused Alice from her slumber beside him and as naked as he was. “Come awake my darling lover. We have a plane to catch. I want to briefly show you Rome before we head back to the real world.” Alice moaned, “Come and make love to me first.” Owen was so easy to convince. The serious moves to get from bed didn’t occur for another forty-five minutes. Three hours later, Owen’s plane set down at the Leonardo da Vinci Airport twenty miles from Rome’s center. A limousine whisked them into the...
Chapter 15 She took a deep breath to calm herself before grabbing her briefcase and getting out of her little Neon. She slammed the door a trifle too hard and took another deep breath. Last night had been the worst. She had come home, thinking that she would work herself into a coma. It hadn’t worked that way. She should be exhausted. Normally would be exhausted. But her brain wouldn’t turn off. Bodies and Nick, the case, the way he had felt against her body, in her body. She finally had...
“You should see your face when Phil has his ‘conversations’. It’s priceless.” Meg imitated her mother, opening her eyes wide with her fingers. “Your eyes grow big and you don’t know what’s going on.” “She’s not the only one,” Abe added. “You have to admit, it’s hard to follow one side of a multi-part conversation when you only hear one person.” “Are the other ... creatures always with you?” Betty asked, resting her hand on her chin. “I mean, do they ever give you a break to go to the...
The next morning I was working on a system that had a bad hard drive when Frannie came up behind me. “So I heard you were out again all night this weekend. But this time at PT this morning you had obvious scratches on your arm. Wanna talk about it?” I took a sip of my soda and thought fast and hard. “Well, let’s just say I am no longer single. And if you want to talk about it over lunch, grab me two hot dogs and fries from the fast food line and meet me under our tree.” That was a tree we...
Max had gotten up a few minutes earlier this day, having felt a bit rushed the last couple of days. It was taking longer to get out of the house, and Niki to school, at the proper time. He chuckled to himself, well aware of the problem. He knew it was primarily of his own doing - so he was not really upset that he had to get up 20 minutes earlier. He hoped that was going to give them enough time -- he figured he would just have to play it by ear. After taking a couple minutes to get himself...
Hi friends, here I am with the next part of my story. Sorry to make you guys wait, and thanks a ton for showing your support and love for my experience. Straight to the story, read the first part for a better view and understanding. I returned to my room and thought of plans to have sex with my mom. I went to sleep again for some more time. I woke up hearing mom’s daily chores in the kitchen. I completed all my daily chores and started my work by 10:30 am. In between, we had our breakfast....
Incest“Emma, please don’t leave me! I’m sorry!” pleaded the young girl. “Oh save it Lisa! You knew it was coming to this and now you’re 18 and made your choice to join the group you have to deal with the consequences,” replies Emma very quietly. “Good girl Emma. You may leave,” cuts in Miss Caitlin, dismissing her. “Now then Lisa, you knew the rules when you joined and I specifically said you cannot ever play with her and yet you constantly defy me. What am I going to do with you?” “Please Miss...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...