Gotcha! Ch. 02 free porn video

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Frank has owned his own architectural business called, Frank & Sense, and has been quite successful for years. But the recent downturn in the housing market has buyers making offers on houses that are already built, since the prices are way below market value and new construction is so costly right now in the area. Two years ago Frank purchased a restored 1967 corvette and financed 75% of the $70K purchase price with the local branch of our bank. The third past due payment has just come due. For the last month Frank has made promise after promise that he will start to catch up on his payments. Frank still drives the vehicle on the weekends, especially when the weather is cooperative and it is suspected that he keeps it locked periodically in the garage that came with the property that he had bought when he opened up his shop. It is a brick house that he renovated to meet his business needs.

‘I’m worried about repo’ing a high value vehicle and not having it damaged in the process by an angry owner,’ Steve told his family as they gathered at the shop to start another work day. ‘We need to have this man completely away from the vehicle when we take it. I do not want anyone hurt in this operation.’ Steve passed around a picture that was also included with the fax of the car and the owner’s driver license.

‘Hey, I know this car. I have seen my friend Susan with a man in this car. I didn’t pay much attention to the guy, but the car was dazzling and it caught my attention,’ Darlene said as she held the picture of the car in her hands. ‘Let me call Susan and see what I can find out.’

Darlene pulled the Rolodex closer and looked up Susan’s number. It was only a few rings later when she heard Susan’s voice on the other end of the line.

‘Hello, Vanderveen residence.’

‘Susan, its Darlene.’

‘Hey Darlene, how are you?’

‘I’m doing great. How about you?’

‘I’m doing okay I guess. I have been dating this guy who has this gorgeous car, and we broke up last night. I think he has the 20 year old itch, and my 40 year body doesn’t scratch it well enough for him anymore,’ Susan said in a dejected tone.

‘Wow, I’m sorry to hear about that. But since we’re on the subject, what was the guy’s name that you were dating?’ Darlene asked.

‘It was Frank. Why do you ask?’ Susan wondered.

‘Well, you know we are in the repo business, and I have seen you and him riding around from time to time in a ‘vette, and I recognized the car when we got the repo notice on it. I hate to ask, but do you know where he keeps the car regularly?’

‘Not really, as he always picked me up at my house and dropped me off before going home, or wherever he went. I didn’t know he wasn’t making his car payments. It serves him right for ditching me to have to lose his car. I can tell you this. He goes to the strip club out on Hwy 101 a few towns over on Friday nights.’

‘Yep, I know the place. I’ve driven by it going to the Wal-Mart,’ Darlene remarked.

Susan continued, ‘They have a contest every Friday night where local girls can compete for prize money, and he can’t miss going there and looking at all the young hot bodies. Sometimes he drives the ‘vette, especially if the weather is going to be good.’

Suddenly a plan formed in Darlene’s mind.

‘Thanks so much Susan, I owe you big time.’

Darlene hung up the phone and turned to her daughter Denise.

‘Hey hon, how would you like to possibly make some money and help us retrieve a car?’

‘Whatever it takes mom, I’m willing.’

Darlene sat down with the family and discussed her idea. A lot of it would be chancy, as they would be ‘flying by the seat of their pants’ as Darlene put it. But Denise was not only a beautiful girl, she was a quick thinker at the same time, so Darlene was confident that Denise could pull it off.

On Friday evening Darlene loaded Denise and Sambo into the SUV and took them to the club, where she dropped them off and then went back home to spend some quality time with Steven.

When they entered the club, Denise looked hesitantly at Sambo, as if she were having second thoughts. Sambo winked his wicked little grin, assuring Denise that everything would be okay.

While Denise went behind the stage to get registered and ready for the contest, Sambo walked slowly about the room, watching for any sign of Frank. Finally he saw Frank come in the club and sit near the front of the stage at a table by himself. Sambo wandered over to the table and asked if he could join him at the table, so he could have a good seat for the show.

‘Sure, have a seat. I’m here for the night by myself, and there is no reason to waste a good seat for the show. By the way, I’m Frank,’ he said as he raised his hand to shake Sambos’ hand.

‘Hi, my name is Sam,’ Sambo said as he pulled the chair out from the table to sit down. ‘Waitress, I need a Bud™,’ Sambo told the girl as she passed their table with her tray. The waitress nodded her acceptance of the order and headed for the bar to fill it.

‘My sister is entering the contest tonight. She is really hot, and I think she has a very good chance to win.’

‘Really? You’ll have to point her out to me when she comes on stage.’

‘Sure thing.’

Frank and Sambo sat back and drank their beers, their eyes scanning the room for any girls to make conversation with. It seemed that any girl that would be worth talking to must have been behind the curtains, as the room was mainly filled with a bunch of horny guys ‘high fiving’ each other and making cat calls as some of the girls made their way to the rear of the stage.

Without any warning, the lights in the club dimmed to an almost darkness and a man in his 30’s came out on the stage, and the spotlight immediately shone down upon him.

‘Ladies, and especially you gentlemen out there, welcome to the greatest show on earth! We are going to be in for a treat here tonight with all of the hot bodies that have shown up here tonight, willing to put themselves on display just for you. For anyone who is new here tonight, there are just a couple of rules. You can look, but don’t touch. If you want to show your appreciation towards the ladies, they will approach the edge of the stage for you to insert your hundred dollar bills,’ the MC laughed at that comment and smiled really big towards the ladies that were waiting at the back of the stage. ‘Seriously, you are only allowed to insert the bills on the sides of the bikinis where the side strap crosses the body. Any touching on the front or back of the girl’s bodies will get you thrown out and you will be barred from ever returning. The other rule is to make sure that you clap and cheer your favorite contestant on, as it is the first time for some of these girls, and the more you hoot and holler, the more you will get them to perform for you when they start to lose their inhibitions.’

The MC stepped to the side of the stage, and the first contestant walked to the front of the stage where the pole was.

‘Let’s all give it up for our first contestant, Tiffany,’ the MC said loudly into the microphone, and then he exited the stage and went to a chair located near the back corner of the stage on the floor.

Tiffany started to dance her routine, but she was definitely new to pole dancing, and Frank and Sambo glanced at her while she danced as they talked.

‘Hey, have you ever been to one of these contests?’ Sambo asked Frank.

‘I come here a lot of times for them. It’s fun to watch the girls perform, and sometimes you get some that are really talented.’

‘This is my first time to ever come here, but I’m looking forward to it. I feel funny saying this about my sister, but she is hot so I’m curious to see how she does at dancing.’

Just then Tiffany finished her dance and exited the stage. Two others, Amber and Paula went next. Both of them had danced in the competition before, and Sambo and Frank found
themselves building tents in their pants as they watched the bodies swaying and wrapping around the pole in front of them. All 3 of the girls had plenty of guys putting money in their outfits at the end of each performance. As Paula was walking off of the stage, Sambo recognized the outline of the next contestant, and as they announced her and she walked out on the stage, Sambo leaned over to Frank and said, ‘This is my sister Denise.’

Denise grabbed the shiny pole and started to walk around in a 360 degree circle, giving a display of her scantily clad body to the entire club.

Frank couldn’t believe his eyes. This girl had on a shiny copper colored top that just barely covered the bikini top, and a pair of ‘daisy duke’ shorts that only came down to the roundness of her ass, with the smooth and silken underside curves of her ass proudly on display for all to see.

Denise’s eyes fell upon the table where Sambo and Frank were sitting, and she smiled toward Sambo, knowing that the plan was coming together beautifully. As she came back around the pole and was facing the crowd, she turned her head toward the pole and laid the left side of it against the pole, trying her best to give a coy smile that she knew would raise many tents in the audience. Then she took her right leg and bent it at the knee while she wrapped her leg around the pole. The pole was hard and a little cool to the touch as her thigh rubbed against it. She swung around the pole like she had seen the girls do in movies on the big screen. As she came around this time her hair continued to flow in the air, and came around in front of her face. Releasing her grip on the pole with one hand, she ran her fingers under her hair and laid it back around behind her. Next she brought her fingers up to the string at the top of the bikini and in one movement untied it.

Then she brought both hands around to her breasts, and she cupped her 34B’s in her hands for a moment, and seductively massaged them, leaning her head back and enjoying the catcalls and hollering that seemed to be increasing as the crowd encouraged her to take her clothes off. Denise then released her grip on her breasts and reached down her chest and unclasped her top and let each side of it fall back towards her sides, and then she lowered her arms and let it fall to the floor. As the top fell to the floor, the top of her bikini fell down, exposing her breasts to the full view and applause of the audience.

Denise turned towards the pole once again and wrapped her right leg around the pole with the right side of her body still facing most of the audience. She brought her hands back up to her breasts, taking one in each hand, and wrapped them around the pole. She fondled them, taking the nipples in her fingers as she rolled the buds around to tease them and get them to start to stand at attention. It didn’t take much persuasion as the cool air of the club made them start to rise almost immediately.

Once they were pointed straight out, she turned her attention to the lower half of her body. Denise reached down to the zipper of her shorts with one hand as she undid the single button at the top of her zipper with her other hand. She let her hand flatten as she slid the zipper down the front of her shorts, keeping her hand just high enough so that the flaps would fall open to the sides as she continued to lower the zipper.

She squeezed her thighs together as she lowered her shorts in order that they would fall to the floor by themselves to reveal a pair of crotch less panties that she was wearing underneath. She wrapped her body around the pole at this point, feeling the coolness of the pole on the lips of her now exposed shaven pussy. The cold sent shivers through her pelvic area that made her squeeze her ass cheeks in response. The crowd was now going wild as they watched the tanned beauty in front of them writhe and twirl her luscious body on stage and around the dance pole.

Soon the music ended, and so did the dance. Denise turned to where Sambo and Frank were seated, and she noticed that Frank’s eyes were riveted to her body. She flashed him a quick smile, went to the front of the stage where there were lots of guys waiting to stuff 20’s into her pants, then she gathered her clothes up as she left the stage. In just a few moments, she was standing next to Sambo, once again dressed.

‘Hey brother, who’s your friend?’ Denise asked in the most innocent voice that she could muster, her breaths still a little ragged from all of the exercise she just did.

‘This is Frank. Frank, meet my sister Denise.’

Frank stood as he reached out his hand for Denise’s and Denise offered her hand in return. Frank put his hand underneath hers and lifted it to his lips and lightly kissed the top of her hand between the fingers and wrist.

The touch of his hand and kiss of his lips caught Denise off guard for a second, and she let her hand linger for a moment before bringing it back to her side. Denise walked around the table and sat down in the chair that was between Frank and Sambo.

Frank couldn’t keep his eyes off of Denise, especially her breasts and hardened nipples that were trying to escape the fabric that held them in check for the moment. Frank let his eyes wander down the silhouette that was seated next to him, and the curves made his cock finish standing to attention.

Denise and Sambo made some small talk for a while as several more girls got up to dance. Denise noticed that Frank had now turned his attention from the stage and was constantly watching her and taking in her body.

‘So Frank, what do you do for a living?’ Denise asked him as she turned in her chair to give him a better view of her breasts.

‘I own an architectural firm a few towns over,’ Frank answered.

‘So you design buildings then? What kind of buildings do you create?’ Denise asked with a coy smile on her face.

‘Yes, different kinds of buildings. It depends on what the client needs,’ Frank replied.

Denise looked down to Franks lap and the obvious bulge that was straining to be released.

‘Looks to me like you designed a tent tonight,’ Denise said as Frank met her gaze.

Denise reached over and rubbed her hand across the top of the fabric of his pants where his cock lay in wait of what he hoped would come later.

Sambo looked over and realized what she was doing, and turned his attention back to the girls onstage. He hated to admit that he had found himself totally getting turned on at the sight of his sister almost naked on stage. But now he tried to put the image out of his mind as he watched the undulations of the girl onstage now. He concentrated his eyes and thoughts on watching her moving her hips to the rhythm of the music that was playing on the sound system.

Frank could feel his cock twitching as Denise continued the movements of her hand across the top of his pants where his cock was trapped. A wet spot had started to form as the pre-cum from his cock oozed out onto the inside of his pants, and eventually soaked through to the outside. He never wore underwear when he came to the club in case he ever got lucky enough to meet a girl for a blowjob or something even better.

Denise noticed the stain now growing bigger as she continued to massage his cock through his pants. She leaned over to Frank and whispered something in his ear that Sambo couldn’t hear, and Frank’s eyes widened for a moment, but then an even bigger smile came across his face and he got up from the table as Denise leaned over to tell Sambo to give them a few minutes, and then meet her in the ladies bathroom.

Sambo looked at Denise quizzically, but decided that she was in control of the situation, so he flashed a grin towards her as she turned back towards Frank and walked hand in hand with him towards the restrooms located in the back corner of the club.

There was a handicapped room located between the women’s and men’s restrooms and Frank grabbed the handle as if to ope
n it, but Denise stopped him and told him to follow her. There were few ladies in the crowd, and most of the girls were using the toilet located backstage. Denise grabbed Franks hand again and led him into the women’s restroom. No one was around, and she could only see one pair of shoes in a stall that was next to the end wall. She opened the stall door that was next to it and led Frank into the stall and immediately shut the door behind them and latched it.

She grabbed Frank and turned him to face her, reaching down with her hands to unfasten his pants while she started to kiss him on the lips.

Frank hungrily returned the kiss and reached his hands up to her head and cupped the back of her head with them to draw her as close to him as he possibly could.

Denise pulled his pants down as best as she could, then she pushed Frank gently backwards until he was seated on the toilet. They both heard the toilet flush in the stall next to them, but they didn’t worry about it, as their full attentions were being directed towards each other.

While Denise was still bent over him, Frank grasped the strings that held Denise’s cover top and bikini top and undid them, releasing her breasts so that he could enjoy them better.

Denise stood up straight for a moment and undid her shorts and let them fall to the floor, carefully stepping out of them as they slid to her ankles.

Frank reached his hands up to fondle her breasts, and as he was doing so, Denise straddled the toilet and reached down and guided his cock into her now moist vagina as she lowered herself onto him.

Neither one of them noticed another person entering the stall that had been vacated by the previous occupant as they were both focused on the task at hand. Sambo had seen the two pairs of shoes under the stall, each set facing a different direction, and had an idea of what was happening. As Sambo heard the noises that were coming from the stall next to him, he bent down to see if he could reach Franks pants pocket that held the keys to the car that was parked outside.

Frank had started to stretch his legs out as he clasped them together to allow Denise easier access to straddle his manhood, and he didn’t realize that his keys had fallen out of his pocket when his legs were stretched outright.

Denise glanced down and saw the hand reaching under the stall divider and smiled inwardly, knowing that her plan was coming together.

And speaking of coming, she could feel Frank’s cock inside her starting to grow. She continued to raise pussy herself up and down his cock with her legs, though the muscles in the back of her legs were starting to get sore from the strain. She looked down at Frank and saw that his eyes were closed, and his face was starting to tighten up and she knew that he wouldn’t be long before he had an orgasm. Knowing she needed to warn Sambo to hurry up, she started to urge Frank on.

‘Come on, baby, that’s right. You’re close. Pump that cock into me. Feel my pussy as it rides up and down your hot cock.’ Denise hoped that Sambo realized what she was doing, and at the same time hoping that Frank liked ‘dirty talk’ when he was having sex.

Denise saw a flash of something shiny as it disappeared under the stall divider and prayed silently that Sambo had been successful.

Frank could feel his cock swelling now and he knew from the feeling of the fluids building that he would be coming soon. The feel of Denise’s wet pussy and the sight of the young perky breasts bouncing up and down before his face soon sent Frank over the edge and he began to buck his hips wildly as he shot his load of cum into Denise’s wet box.

Realizing that Sambo needed enough time to get to the car and have it running, she continued to ride Frank a little longer, squeezing her cunt muscles to bring all of the sperm that Frank possibly had outside of him.

Frank let his legs start to relax as the tidal wave subsided inside of him. This girl was marvelous, and very skilled in the ways of sex. He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve such a gift as this, but he wasn’t about to complain.

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Stud HorseChapter 9

"Don't you just love this outfit, daddy." "It's perfectly darling." Franklin Barker watched his daughter as she modeled her new dress in front of him in the living room. It was hard to believe that she was the same introverted girl she had been just a few months before. After Lightning's death she had totally changed. He had expected her to be terribly grief stricken about the horse. She had begun to take a healthy interest in the way she dressed and her manner was much more...

3 years ago
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Helen Ch 15

Harry looked across the table at the woman. She was checking through a file, her dark brown hair tied back into a bun, concentrating on the information thoroughly. Harry assumed she was in her forties, a very seasoned detective inspector by all accounts. Probably quite a bit of a stunner in the days she was just a constable. He was there for enquiries only. The last person to see Hoffman before his throat was cut. Again, he thought, a honourable death for a contract killer. What you give, one...

3 years ago
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Gone with the Skirts A Civil War Epic

(With apologies to Margaret Mitchell) Gone with the Skirts - A Civil War Epic A tricky dabble by RH Music Chapter 1: A Wedding --------------------- Earl kissed his new wife, Charlotte. "I do." Chapter 2: Clouds of war are gathering --------------------------------------- "I've been drafted!" "Become my sister... for the estate!" Chapter 3: Earl becomes Annabelle ---------------------------------- "Hoopskirts and Corsets??" Chapter 4: War breaks...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 22

Ron removed the ceramic bricks one at a time from around the oven. The thermostat read a constant forty degrees Celsius. The basement chamber was filled to capacity. Over three-hundred nude women gathered on the padded bleachers, which had at best puzzled the construction crews. The campus had been cleared of all but the Sisterhood, Ron and Steven -who had flown in that morning. All present were nude. All were solemn. Elsewhere, in the two temples, similar assemblies waited as they watched...

1 year ago
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Desi gangbang in college

I am a 21-year-old female. Mai Delhi se hu or ek college going student hu. Ye story ek tarah se shuruat hai mere multiple sex pleasures ki. I won’t waste much time and sidha start karti hu.Baat tab ki hai jab mai college ke 1st year me thi. Mai college me kafi popular ho gayi thi apne looks ki wajah se. Mera complexion wheatish hai, kaale baal jo ke mere boobs se niche tak jate hai. 34 ke chuche, 30 kamar or 36 ki gaand hai.Mere college me kai ladko ne mujhe propose kiya but mujhe uss waqt kisi...

2 years ago
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PreacherChapter 2

Jack helped Donna get her battered body into his car. "I hope this is going to be OK with your wife. I don't want anything to cause you trouble." She said with concern in her voice. She'd only just met him but knew he was someone special. "It'll be fine." Jack said with a big grin. "It's a long drive home, you make yourself comfortable as you can." He started the car and headed towards home with a young, beaten girl at his side. A girl that should have been in college dating a guy...

1 year ago
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your cok my mouth

Your Cock, My MouthI have just woken up from a restless night sleep, thinking of you. I decide to go and have a shower to freshen myself up. I run the water nice and hot, as it is such a cold morning. Stepping into the shower letting the water sooth my body.I begin washing my body, my nipples becoming hard as I run my hands over them. My thoughts are of you, your sexy smile, your lustful eyes, your gorgeous body and your beautiful hard cock. I feel myself becoming lost in my thoughts, my body...

2 years ago
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Hot Bang with Boss

A MARRIED WOMAN 30 YEAR WITH HVENIG A SEXY FIHGER 34-30-34 NOW I want to share my experience to all after my marriage a 3 year before I get 1 kid than I realized that my husbands interest in me getting down we r not doing sex 2-2 3-3 weak I ask him he just doing it got sleep he doesn’t take any interests in me I am in a depressed mode so I tell my problem to my best friend NEETU she that not a gerat problem u can try any other man I said “what n who want me” than she told me that “our boss is...

3 years ago
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My Threesome with Madison and Cindy

It was Summer and school was out, normally a time of fun and relaxation. For me, it was a time of trauma quickly followed by anger followed by resignation as my girlfriend of a year and a half dumped me. Well, shit. Not only that, the news spread like I’d won the lottery. The only good thing was that I heard right away from two friends who had been in the same boat, then dumped overboard. I had gone through elementary school, then middle school with Madison and Cindy, and we were always pretty...

3 years ago
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Sylvia meets Janet and Amy

I wasn't at all sure I was going to let myself get DP'd again, but when I finally did, Janet was on her hands and knees beside me, kissing me, getting DP'd herself.There was a lot of coke at this party. I don't think I ever saw people using it like they were here. I don't know who paid for it, but there was a lot, and everybody could share. People got so high, and in this place, with all this sex everywhere, people wanted to fuck, and fuck and fuck. I was wondering if the parties I was going to...

2 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 218 Loosed into Madness

(A sunny day. Misao yawns and stretches.) Misao: Mm--! I slept well. Yahiko: You slept too much. It's already past noon! Misao: Heh heh heh. Sorry. I was up till morning waiting for Lord Aoshi. Well, let's get going. Yahiko: It's too late to start out now. We're gonna have to take the day off. Misao: Oh, cool! I can spend the day with Lord Aoshi! Yahiko: You and your one-track mind. Misao: Where is he? Yahiko: Dunno. He never came back. Misao: Nooo... (I missed him again... ) But...

1 year ago
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Reddit Stuffers, aka r/Stuffers! Is anyone feeling hungry? Well, you are about to be after you check out what the fuck r/Stuffers/ has to offer. This subreddit is dedicated to the Feeder fetish. Now, if you do not know what kind of a fetish that even is, your world is about to get a whole lot ‘bigger’ (if you know what I mean). Let me start by explaining the fetish overall… this fetish is a nesting bowl within the Feedism fetish. It is a sexual subculture, where overeating and weight gaining is...

Reddit NSFW List
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The chips are down

A few months had past since my 21st birthday, when I got to fuck my fiancée’s three best friends: Diane, Rachel and Suzie without the knowledge of my fiancée after they had teased me for hours. At the end we all agreed to try and do something similar again sometime, but we hadn’t yet been able to, as my fiancée was always around. Tonight would probably be no different, as although my fiancée was going out, Rachel was going with her. Anyway, soon after they’d gone I was sat in the living room...

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Helens Surprise

This story is based on cuckoldry and has bisexual aspects. If either of these offend you please do not read then flame.ThanksThomasI came home from work two hours before my usual time. It was an anxious drive. Helen and I had been having problems, marital problems. For the past month we had been discussing a trial separation. Our arguments were neither original nor even interesting. She complained about a loss of identity. She had given up her career, her interests, her life all in the name...

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Sara and I Put on a Show at Mardi Gras

It was that time of year again... Mardi Gras.... when a million people come visit my home town to let loose, get drunk and stoned, and flash for beads and more on Bourbon St. Sara and I had been dating for a few months. Things were great and we were about to spend our first Mardi Gras together. It's always weird the first time, because you never know how open or closed they are to the public debautery. Well, I was about to find out with Sara.Of course Mardi Gras is more than just Bourbon...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Love From Ex College Mate 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. I’m a part-time masseur from Coimbatore. Here again, I got the opportunity to explore the sensuality of woman’s wonderland. Thanks for all the feedbacks and showing up as regular touch as well. Please have a look at my previous stories for some erotic reading. This experience is a special one. It is with a college friend who was such a darling, a daddy’s girl brought up under a strictly family. Yet the crush won when she had the chance after her marriage. This is for you da. On...

4 years ago
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Seducing Autumn

Damn rain. It came out of nowhere. Fuck! It's coming down hard. The rain is falling more sideways than down. I'll be soaking wet before I get to the building. I can't wait for it to let up. No fucking umbrella. Fuck my life. Have to hit the clock in 2 minutes. Maybe this plastic bag will at least keep my hair dry. Well Jess, get after it!Oh, my God! Fucking river in the parking lot. Shit! The God damn wind took my plastic bag! I'll be drowned before I get inside! If one person makes fun of me...

2 years ago
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Secret Relationship With My Friend8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

Hey guys. I am back with the next part of my story. Apologies for the long delay since I got busy with my work. Finally, I got the time to write the continuation of my story. If you didn’t read my previous part of the story please do so. Like I mentioned in my previous part, I am not great in writing so kindly bear with me. After myself and Harini flirted and masturbated on the phone for hours we went to sleep after our session. The next day from the morning I was waiting eagerly for her call....

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 10 Too Early

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Caught on Camera

I guess you could call this a cautionary tale. In all honesty, things are changing so fast in the workplace and other public areas that everyone should be on their toes to check for video cameras and listening devices that eavesdrop and record their every little indiscretion. It wasn't that long ago that I was in a cushy job in a major city getting paid a nice salary for doing practically nothing. Things were moving along quite nicely until I started having some domestic difficulties related...

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The Gal at Hooters

One of the things I like most about traveling for research information is meeting such a variety of people, especially women. I was spending some time at the mall just browsing the stores after dinner when I spotted the Hooters restaurant adjacent to a large carousel where shoppers gathered. After I watched people riding the carousel, some with their children, I decided to get something to eat before I left the mall.  As soon as I entered the door there was a sea of orange pants and white tee...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Adria Rae Dominated By A Horny Stud

Naughty blonde, Adria Rae, is a beautiful babe who loves making surprises for her man. The petite babe with small tits is full of crazy ideas to please her lucky stud. For today, Adria prepares a BDSM-themed surprise for Michael Stefano. The sight of Adria in black lingerie with a riding crop on hand made Michael horny. He showers her stunning body with kisses as he strips her naked. Adria drops to her knees to give Michael a sloppy blowjob. The horny stud grabs her by the head and shoves his...

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My Hotel Crush

This is story about my hard crush on the breakfast lady and Front desk clerk at my hotel. The people are real I don't know about there names. I stayed at this hotel and a crush on them that's it. The hotel is real and the employees I am 19 and the Black Lady 25 Front desk 23 The hotel I'am talking about is the comfort suites in North Charleston SC on Ashley phosphate Rd I checked into the hotel with my family that night. At the front desk was , she a athletic looking body. Also a nice ass, She...

Group Sex
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Sexy Chachi Jo Jamkar Choda

Hi dosto mera naam Rahul h mai Bihar ka rahnewala hu. Mera high 5.7″ hai aur slim body h mai bahut jyada sexy boy hu mera umra 22year h. Mai es site ka daily reader hu mai ab aapka jyada time na lete huye ab story par ata hu dosto ye bilkul sachi ghatna h mere jindagi me pahli baar aisa hua jo mai aaplogo k sath share kar raha hu… Hua u ki meri ek chachi h jo bahut sundar or sexy h unka figur 5.8″ h rang gehua color ki chharhara badan h na moti h na patli h chehra gol matol h boobs to aisa h...

2 years ago
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My down fall with texting Part 4

My down fall with texting- Part 4... The weekend at the Golf Club, Jessica get's called in to do an extra Saturday waitress shift and meets up with Gary. By Jessica Kingston I woke up and could hear the light early morning light traffic passing the front of the house, I felt warm, I could feel the body heat from Lucy, I was comfortable and had no wish to get up, especially under my present circumstances, in my mind I re-called the previous couple of days; hoping they were a dream,...

3 years ago
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The Chemistry of Books

Libraries are generally very reserved places. I like the dark stacks of books and the quiet. I am fond of the smell of old bindings and decaying paper. Of course, men don’t usually find those women in my line of work entirely attractive. Frankly, I have to admit that I don’t find myself entirely attractive. I am too tall and thin. My hair is long and flat, and an unimpressive, lackluster shade of brown. My eyes are my biggest complaint. They are the queerest shade of green. I have often thought...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 10

The couple on the bed finally recovered, so Sue Ann fulfilled her promise to wash the blood from Andy's clothes. They talked as she washed. "I don't know what I'm gonna do. My folks is all dead, and I can't stay on the farm by myself. Ifen I tried, some other bastard would try to take me afore I could git turned around. Ain't there sumpthin' ya kin do fer me?" "Well, ya could join the drive ifen my pa agrees. We got 3 women with us already, soz ya would have company. The one thing...

2 years ago
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Desire Turns Into Reality

This is my first sex story and decided to share this because it’s a real incident that happened a few days ago. Sorry for the mistakes I’m 19 and pursuing engineering. My cousin sister is of the same age and we used to be very close since childhood. During the vacations, we used to gather at our grandparent’s place and play and have fun. We used have role plays where we would be husband and wife. I used to kiss her on the lips during this and she also used to enjoy. These were out of innocent...

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The postman cums twice 4

When we got to the lake, poor Fred looked like a ghost. He had been yanked around by his emotions so much during the drive out here that he just stumbled around in a daze.He was still unaware that I had already enjoyed a hell of a blowjob from his beautiful wife before he asked me to become her lover. He had also watched me fuck his daughter, but had no idea the load she pulled out of my balls was the fourth or fifth of the afternoon.It had seemed like such a good thing to do when his secretary...

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Lollobrigidian Climb

Sofia was ... how old? She was younger than my mother, but a few years older than me. This was true at the time of all women with breasts and hips, with skin I imagined soft as butter and lips that needed no lipstick to be kissed. All the women I saw on the bus, the train, on the street, everywhere. What was it like, I wondered with desire, to be a woman who needs only look in the mirror and see her own breasts, begging to be sucked? At the time it was said that the French Academy would...

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Twisted Stepsister Xll

The last chapter was short so it was put on my blog sorry for that.Starting back on Friday AM I was up at 7:30 short run and then found Jen heading to the tennis court so I joined her. We hit for about an hour. We took a quick shower and jumped in the hot tub for around 30 minutes. Jen took my clippers to my hair so it would short for to nights game then another shower. Time for food so I had an apple and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just messed around until they dropped me off at school...

4 years ago
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Ive been so horny lately

I found one of my first pair of heels I have ever bought and I also bought leggings recently and even sexy gloves. Those leggings match very nicely with those heels. Before gloves would make me cum after stroking my cock for 1 minute or less. Now I want to enjoy it and actually realized that stroking my cock in sexy gloves feels more like somebody else is fucking it. I`m talking my time now and enjoy stroking for a longer periods and then cum with even more intensity. Sometimes I like to cum...

2 years ago
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Dude Where are My Clothes

The sun was shining brightly as I strolled along the Brighton seafront. The shingle beach was already full of families, although I’d always thought that Brighton’s lack of sand was a bit of a drawback if you were a kid – what was the point of the seaside if you couldn’t make sandcastles? But I wasn’t interested in sandcastles today: I just wanted to get down to the nudist area, get my kit off, and settle down to do a bit of revision while enjoying the unique pleasure of being nude outdoors in...

Straight Sex
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 02

Part 02: Preparations. This is a continuing work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person or place, living or dead, real or imagined, is purely unintentional and coincidental. * At just before midnight, Robert was awake, and completely off his normal schedule. He showered, addressed his ravenous appetite. The he. the mystery man had work to do. He measured the basement first. Considered, did a couple rough sketches, and checked his watch. Too late, he would have to call in the morning....

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It Was Just A FantasyChapter 2 But Whose Fantasy Was it

I stood in my bedroom, naked, midlife's semen running down my thighs; alone, not only at the moment but perhaps permanently separated from my husband. I had completely misread the situation. Since he did not want me to be with other men, I had cheated on him; cuckolded him. And I had come home proudly to rub it in his face. No, that wasn't my intention. But that was the reality of it. He had walked out the door after telling me that I had completely misunderstood and that it was not his...

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