Decades Ch. 03 free porn video

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Aunt Doro greeted Doug and Kelly in the front room. ‘Welcome back, Kelly,’ she said. ‘I’ve made some fruit salad if the two of you would like some dessert before you disappear upstairs.’

Doug was used to the mischievous gleam in the old woman’s eyes, but Kelly was taken aback. ‘Oh, Aunt Doro, I wasn’t – sorry, I guess I shouldn’t call you that, but –’

‘Nonsense, darling, any friend of Doug’s is welcome to call me Aunt Doro,’ she reassured Kelly. ‘In any event, I certainly didn’t wish to make you uncomfortable. I hope Doug has let you know that you are welcome to stay the night here if you wish. I shouldn’t want him to get lonely here now that all his friends from high school have gone.’

‘I hadn’t told her yet, Aunt Doro,’ Doug said. ‘It hadn’t come up.’

‘Always the gentleman, that’s my Doug,’ Aunt Doro said to Kelly with an approving nod at Doug.

‘I’m coming to appreciate that,’ Kelly admitted. ‘Thank you, Aunt Doro. And I’d love some of that fruit cocktail if it’s okay with Doug?’

Doug had no objection, and they were soon seated at the kitchen table while Aunt Doro ladled out the diced fruit. ‘So how has your week been at the restaurant, Kelly?’ she asked as she worked.

‘Had today off, thank heavens,’ Kelly said. ‘I got to spend the day on the beach instead of just looking at it, that was great. Yesterday was rough, though. Doug, have you told her?’

‘No,’ Doug said. ‘We had a really nasty altercation with Mr. Sanborn,’ he told Aunt Doro.

‘No surprise there,’ Aunt Doro said. ‘Guess I’ve told you both already, that man never had any respect for anyone. Always very self-important, even when he was screaming about peace and love all the time.’ A pause, and then she looked at Kelly. ‘I always used him as an example when Doug got to pining for the sixties and feeling like he missed out on the age of love. It wasn’t always like what you young kids hear.’

‘I get that, Aunt Doro, I promise,’ Doug said.

‘Do you really?’ she asked him.

‘I think he’s learning, Aunt Doro,’ Kelly piped up. ‘We’ve been talking about some…things, and I think he’s learned a lot.’

‘Good for you, then,’ Aunt Doro replied, now sitting down with her share of the dessert.

‘And he went to bat for me with Mr. Sanborn yesterday, too,’ Kelly continued. ‘He ordered Doug to write me up for a comment I made that he really deserved, and Doug handled it perfectly.’

‘Good for you, Doug!’ Aunt Doro exclaimed. ‘His heart usually is in the right place,’ she told Kelly. ‘Always has been. Living with his grandmother and me, he never did want for strong women in his life, after all. It’s just that he had some very unrealistic ideas of what life was like in the past. Honestly, Kelly, you probably do too. I doubt any girl your age really knows what it was like for women back then.’

‘I’m trying to learn too,’ Kelly said, flashing a knowing grin at Doug.

‘Now, your friend Mr. Sanborn,’ Aunt Doro continued. ‘I don’t suppose I even want to know what he said. But whatever it was, dear, I know exactly why he felt entitled to say it. So many years back in the day he was surrounded by women who put up with him because that’s what they’d been taught to do, and it certainly went to his head. Back when he was a student here, class of sixty-one, you remember, that was before the boys wore their hair long, and he was clean cut and all but he had a big mouth even then. Always taking charge in the classroom like he owned the place, talking about the downtrodden and disenfranchised and about going down South to do his part. The girls loved it of course, and they used to follow him around like puppies even then. His wife, Meg, she was the most enamored of all, naturally. Hung on his every word.’

‘And I’m sure by the hippie days he was practically a cult leader,’ Kelly said.

‘It looked that way sometimes,’ Aunt Doro said. ‘He and Meg were married by then, and they’d had their adventures out in California – Meg still won’t talk much about what happened out there – and they lived in the old Templeton mansion up at the far end of the beach. It’s a bunch of condos now. Back then the place was a wreck and they lived like a bunch of pigs. Doug’s grandmother and I used to see Meg on the street and she just looked dead inside from living in that hovel, but Jimmy was always on about how they were living like the kings of the disenfranchised, finding the one true answer and all that hippie garbage. He even used to harangue people about it on the beach, especially the young ladies.’

‘Even though he was married?’ Doug said. ‘I mean, that doesn’t surprise me much, but…’

‘Yes, Doug, even though he was married,’ Aunt Doro confirmed. ‘Mary Aston, class of sixty-four, she lived with them for a time, and she told me once how Jimmy would sweet-talk the naïve young college girls here for the summer that they were selling out to the oppressive imperialist government if they didn’t sleep with him.’

‘And that worked?!’ Kelly said.

‘More often than you might think,’ Aunt Doro told her. ‘You can’t know, because you weren’t around back then, just how backwards a lot of men still were. Freedom and equality was all great for men, but the women were still expected to do the cooking and cleaning. And Meg did, at the Templeton place. Mary as well, she told me. The whole lot of them waited on their men hand and foot even as the men talked about the coming revolution and setting people free, if you can imagine that.’

‘Geez,’ grumbled Doug.

‘I told you feminism started later than you think,’ Kelly said.

‘She’s right, Doug, it did,’ Aunt Doro confirmed. ‘Mary and some of the other women there, they did see the light after a while, and most of the other hippies went off to find other things to do with their lives after a few years. But not Jimmy and Meg. He stuck with his long hair and beard and his larger than life attitude for years, and he never left town and she never worked up the courage to leave him.’

‘Didn’t you say she wanted to go off and see the world?’ Doug asked.

‘I did, and she did want to,’ Aunt Doro confirmed. ‘But Doug, I think she was so used to being under his thumb, she never really tried to make her own way. Jimmy was perfectly content to hang around the beach for most of his life, tossing off his opinions to anyone who would listen, and there’s always an impressionable young woman somewhere who will listen, and I think Meg was afraid to go off on her own because then she would lose him for good, and even sharing him was better than being on her own, that’s what she thought. They’ve been together since she was fifteen, after all.’

‘That’s so sad,’ Kelly said.

‘Well, Kelly,’ Aunt Doro said with a twinkle in her eye, ‘Now you see why I’m more than happy to have you here. You and Doug are good for one another in a world that can really mess up a young person who ends up in the wrong crowd.’

Kelly blushed. ‘Aunt Doro! I…’

‘Oh, Kelly, it’s none of my business, of course,’ Aunt Doro reassured her. ‘You and Doug don’t owe me an explanation. I just want you to understand I approve of whatever might develop, and you’re welcome in our home.’

Kelly blushed but allowed a smile all the same, and Doug took it upon himself to change the subject while she finished her fruit cocktail in silence.

‘Has she pulled that one on any of your other girlfriends?’ Kelly demanded of Doug once they had made their escape upstairs.

‘My other girlfriends?’ Doug teased, brushing her hand with his as he closed the door of the red room – Doug’s favorite bedroom for reading novels for English class back in high school, with the softest mattress on the third floor – behind them. He had picked up a bottle of merlot that afternoon in hope that Kelly would turn up, and it was waiting for them on the bedside table.

‘Oh, don’t even!’ Kelly exclaimed. ‘I mean, Doug, I’m not saying no, but..
.I’m torn. You know that.’

‘Yes, I do,’ Doug admitted as he went about opening the wine. ‘Heck, I don’t know what to make of us right now either. But to answer your question, yes. I think it has to do with, you know, what I suspect about her and Grandma. After what they must have gone through hiding their secret from the world, she just didn’t want me or anyone I cared about to have to do the same.’

‘That’s sweet,’ Kelly admitted. ‘But still, welcoming girls to spend the night?’

‘Well, she didn’t make a point of it pre-emptively like she did with you,’ Doug said. ‘But after the senior prom, my date – Sarah was her name – she spent the night here, and Aunt Doro brought us breakfast in bed the next morning, and –’

‘What?!’ Kelly interjected. ‘Doug, that’s just creepy!’

‘Yeah, a little,’ Doug admitted. ‘But like I said, she just wanted us both to know there was nothing to be ashamed of. I guess she figured it was better than having us sneak around behind her back, which it probably was. Anyway, I had told Sarah it would be no big deal if Aunt Doro knew she was here, so at least it wasn’t a complete shock.’

‘Oh, I’ll bet it was,’ Kelly said.

‘Well, she was definitely embarrassed,’ Doug admitted. ‘But Aunt Doro could see she was uncomfortable, and she told her, look, it’s fine. You’re both eighteen years old and there’s no shame in what you’ve done, and I just want you both to know you’ve got a safe place here.’

‘What you’ve done,’ Kelly repeated. ‘Did she know you’d been having sex?’

‘We hadn’t, before that night. It was the first time for both of us.’

‘Losing your virginity on prom night? Doug, that’s so clichéd!’ Kelly said with a laugh.

‘Had to happen sometime,’ Doug said, handing Kelly a glass. ‘It wasn’t great, but for a first time it wasn’t bad. Most of the stories I’ve heard from my friends about the first time make me think I was lucky to have it happen here. Creepy or not, at least we didn’t have to sneak around in a car or behind a barn or something.’

‘Wow,’ Kelly said thoughtfully between sips of wine. ‘Your Aunt Doro is either really creepy or the coolest mom ever. Or both.’ She paused and when Doug said nothing she continued. ‘You’re right, though, having your first time in a comfortable bed where you don’t have to worry about getting caught, that would’ve been nice.’

‘So your first time was worse, was it?’ Doug asked.

‘Yes, and that’s all I’ve got to say about it for now!’ Kelly said. ‘That and I wish I hadn’t even given the guy my phone number if I could do it over again. Now I want to hear all about your adventure from last night. I’m sorry I missed it, Doug.’

‘I’m sorry too, but I have to admit it probably couldn’t have happened with both of us there.’ Doug paused for his first sip of the wine. ‘Then again, you probably would have made a better teacher than I did,’ he mused.

‘A better teacher?’ Kelly asked. ‘So just what did you teach?’

And so Doug told Kelly all about Mrs. Kittredge, beginning with the horror stories he recalled from high school of the fights with her late husband and the perils of walking on her lawn, continuing through his own altercation with her the afternoon before, and through the dance and their encounter in the parking lot afterward. He wrapped up the tale with their conversation at the restaurant just a few hours before. ‘So I couldn’t save her from killing herself with cigarettes, but at least she didn’t marry the creep,’ Doug concluded.

Kelly set her wine glass down and laughed. ‘So let me get this straight. You saved Mrs. Kitt…I mean Miss James, Ms. James, you saved her from an abusive marriage by teaching her to masturbate? Really?!’

‘I wouldn’t believe it either if I hadn’t been there,’ Doug admitted. ‘But I was there. It sort of makes sense if you think about it, teaching a person to learn to love herself in the most basic way.’ Kelly laughed, so Doug continued. ‘I’m serious. You should have seen the change that came over her. It was beautiful. She was beautiful.’

‘So you’re one of…’ Kelly paused. ‘I’m sorry, Doug, I did promise I would try to stop putting you down every time we got close, didn’t I?’

‘Yes,’ Doug said. ‘Are you saying we’re getting close?’

‘Well, I’m…comfortable,’ Kelly said the last word with a relieved smile, almost as if it were a revelation to her. ‘Your story about Mrs. Kittredge is, well, it has a sweet ending. I guess I’m a bit surprised at your reaction, if you don’t mind my saying so.’

‘You expect a man to feel threatened when a woman masturbates, because it means she doesn’t need him.’

‘I didn’t say that!’ Kelly protested.

‘You didn’t say it, or you didn’t mean it?’ Doug probed.

‘Well, Doug, I read all about it in Human Sexuality, and it made a lot of sense!’

‘I’m sure it did,’ Doug said. ‘But think about it, you’re hearing this from me in person, and you’d prefer to believe something you read in a book at a school that doesn’t even have any men.’

Kelly thought for a moment, then announced, ‘I hate it when you do that. You’re right.’

Doug let out a relieved laugh as he sipped his wine. Kelly looked adorable curled up on the bed, and he longed to do more than just chat. ‘So tell me, then,’ he said. ‘And please, forget what you read in some textbook and tell me based on what you know about me personally, what makes you think I would feel threatened by watching Irene masturbate?’

Kelly thought for a moment. ‘I guess I was expecting you to push for more,’ she said. ‘Nothing personal, it just seems kind of funny to stop there.’

‘Not if you could smell her breath,’ Doug reassured Kelly, and they laughed. ‘But even more than that, it just didn’t feel right to do it knowing I’d never see her again – at least not until she was old and sick.’

‘You and your ethics of sex, Doug, it’s so frustrating!’ Kelly laughed harder now, but with a note of frustration in her voice.

‘Why do you say that?’

‘It’s just that I don’t know what to make of it all,’ Kelly said, and in the heat of the moment she stood up and began pacing back and forth before the bed. ‘I mean, I’m sorry I started off with so many preconceived notions about you – although you realize they weren’t all wrong, don’t you?’

‘Yes,’ Doug admitted. ‘I get that I don’t always appreciate male privilege.’

‘Thank you.’ Kelly got up and began pacing before the bed, her wine glass held firmly and never sloshing a drop. ‘I guess it’s just now I see you’re more enlightened than I had thought, and getting more so, and that’s great, but as I’m getting to know you better and feel closer to you, I really don’t know how to handle things because I’ve never had to deal with a guy like you. I started off thinking, right, he’s your manager, forget it, but there’s always been this little reminder about how he’s cute, he’s smart, and maybe he knows how to treat a lady –’

‘A lady or a woman?’ Doug asked. ‘Or a womyn with a Y?’

‘Right, right, I needed that,’ Kelly said. ‘See, that you would even bring that up, it’s just what I mean. I’m conflicted.’

‘About how you feel about me,’ Doug said – it was a statement rather than a question.

‘Yes, I’m afraid so,’ Kelly said. ‘There’s still a lot you don’t know about me, and some of your issues with women that I don’t know about either, remember. It was easy enough at first when I really thought it was just friends, period, to just sass you when things were getting too intimate – I’m sorry about that, too, Doug, I’m afraid you hit the nail on the head with that. But since we’ve been talking, and then the big adventure the other night, now I’m not so sure what I want. I guess that’s why I did what I did at the beach, with you and Jennifer.’

‘You got naked because you were jealous of Jennifer?’ Doug asked.

‘I wouldn’t put it that way, but…well, maybe I should,’ Kelly admitted. ‘Yeah. I have to admit, there I
was sitting on the rocks and the two of you seemed to be having such a great time splashing around in your underwear, and just for a moment I set all my doubts aside and I really wanted you. And I thought, well, I know how I can top this Jennifer gal, so I went ahead and took all my clothes off without even thinking much about it. And then after we woke up, I thought, whoa, better pull back there, girl, you don’t know him that well yet. Plus, I was embarrassed.’ She took a swig of wine. ‘To be completely honest, Doug, I still am.’

‘The first time usually is embarrassing,’ Doug agreed. ‘That night with Sarah that I told you about certainly was. Took us ten minutes to get naked, and then we both had to undress ourselves with our backs turned and then turn around on the count of three, that’s how shy we were.’

‘That’s cute!’ Kelly said. ‘I don’t usually find that myself, though, actually. Once I’m ready to go all the way with someone it’s just, go for it. It felt different with you for some reason. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, I mean, you’ve got a lovely body too, Doug…’

‘Thanks.’ He was mollified, recalling how she had avoided saying it the other night.

‘Just that it was unexpected, and I’d been telling myself I didn’t want that with you, and suddenly there we were in the water.’

‘I see,’ Doug said.

‘Do you really?’ Kelly probed.

‘I think so.’

‘So what are we going to do about all this uncertainty?’ Kelly set down her wine glass and smiled at Doug. For a wonderful moment he thought she was going to undress again. But she didn’t.

‘How about we continue on the adventures and let things develop naturally?’ Doug asked.

‘You want to travel through the ages teaching women to masturbate, do you?’ Kelly teased.

‘Or better yet, watch you do it,’ Doug shot back.

‘Dream on!’ Kelly hooted. ‘But yeah, I’d love to go on some more journeys and see what we can both learn.’

‘Sounds like a plan,’ Doug said. ‘I’d love to exact some rough justice on Mr. Sanborn, wouldn’t you?’

‘Heavens, yes!’ Kelly agreed. ‘Should’ve quit after what he said the other day, but that would’ve been letting him win.’

‘Maybe if we go back to the sixties, we can change his attitude,’ Doug mused.

‘I doubt that,’ Kelly said. ‘But maybe we can at least save Meg from him and that might change something.’

‘I’d love to do that,’ Doug agreed, recalling his beloved Mrs. Sanborn and the occasional bruises he saw when shopping at her store when he was younger.

‘Great, then it’s a plan,’ Kelly said. ‘Let’s just finish our wine, and go.’

‘And if we find ourselves in more intimate situations with people back then?’ Doug asked.

‘Remember we’re going to wake up together back here,’ Kelly said. ‘Just the two of us. Whatever happens in the past stays there.’

‘So we’re only sleeping with others for the good of the future,’ Doug said. ‘Got it, and I like it.’

Kelly looked at Doug like she wanted to smack him, but she gulped down her wine and held out her hand. ‘On to the sixties, then,’ she said. ‘But first, can we have some more of Aunt Doro’s fruit cocktail?’

‘Now that you’ve said that, there’ll be some waiting for us in the jukebox room,’ Doug said.

‘How do you know?’

‘Just trust me.’

Doug was correct: two bowls of fruit were waiting for them when they arrived in the room. ‘I don’t suppose I should even ask about this,’ Kelly said as they sat down to eat.

‘I don’t know how she knows,’ Doug said, ‘But she does. She mentioned the root beer last night too.’ Doug was surprised to hear himself say ‘last night’, as it felt more like fifty years ago. Then he remembered that in a way, it was.

After they finished off the second helping of fruit, Kelly stepped up to the jukebox and set about searching for the right era. ‘This is my dad’s era for music, big time,’ she said. ‘He was too young to go to Woodstock, and he’s still bitter about it. Here we go, Canned Heat. Right style, right time.’

‘What a strange name for a song,’ Doug mused.

‘It’s the name of the band, silly, although they were named after a song,’ Kelly replied, turning back to join Doug on the couch as ‘Going Up the Country’ kicked in on the jukebox.

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After I had relieved the tension built up by watching my son dominate his girlfriend so totally, I lay in bed recovering and remembering the way my husband dominated me. The things he made me do, the way he made me feel. So slutty, so whorish. I would and did do anything for him, he needed only command me. He was my everything and I gave him all I had in return. Aside from the sex, which was incredible, his domination, the degrading, humiliation and the things he said and did to me only...

3 years ago
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Sheryls StoryChapter 5

My weekend had got off to a great start. Going to my room, I began packing my overnight bag, my mind a jumble of thoughts. Would I like the people Steve spoke so highly of? Would they like me? What of the older man? How would I feel knowing Steve was busy with another female? What would her partner and I talk about? Would we have anything in common? Would I willingly give myself to him? Sue burst into my room, breaking into my thoughts. "The others have gone out for a while. Tell me all...

2 years ago
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What have you done for me lately redux

Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn't have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn't begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift, coverage...

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Happenstance Quarantine Ch 02

Well, of course, I had another great night's sleep, and another the night after, till it became a whole week of us masturbating together before kissing on the lips at the end. While in the daytime, we both acted as if nothing happened the night before.Only, I guess you can call me selfish for wanting more of this sexual game we were playing. Yeah, it was great masturbating with Mom every single night.Still, truthfully, it was becoming harder just to masturbate and not reach out and touch this...

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Making the Team

Making the Team By tealights Synopsis: When Chris inadvertently discovers a secret corridor on campus allowing him to spy on the women's gymnastics team, he has no idea that he may soon be joining them... Chapter 1 Chris was only a few weeks into his freshman year at CDSU when he'd found the door. He was cutting across campus on his way to an early study group meeting when a sudden thunderstorm rolled in from the west. He looked up at the heavy black cloud overhead and...

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Night secret

It happens late at night under the cover of darkness. The silhouette creeps into my room standing at my bedside, nudging me awake if I’m not already. The first time it happened I was only 18. It began shortly after he went away (went away, taken away I should say). It started with a long lingering kiss. I knew it was wrong but thought nothing of it. The next time was only days later, it was much more intense and intimate. The kiss turned into an awkward examination of each other’s bodies. I...

1 year ago
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AssParade Blanche Bradburry Paola Hard Double Anal Surprise

Paola and Blanche are enjoying themselves today. The two sexy ladies worship each others bodies by rubbing oil on each other, kissing, and making themselves moan. As hot as the girl on girl action can be, they both need something bigger, and a little more….dick-ish. They get an amazing idea to call up Freddy Gong, they know he’s got a huge dick just waiting to be played with. He rushes over to their house after the phone call and they don’t wait a second before taking out his...

4 years ago
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The New Family Part 5

All your suggestions and criticisms are more than welcomed at ~~~~~~ Meanwhile, back in Mumbai, Amy and Riya had something else going on. The day Karan and Kavya left, nothing much happened. Riya stayed at Amy’s place, while Amy had some of her friends come over. The usual late night ride through the town on Amy’s bike. Amy was a good driver, but a bit rash at times specially when she used to be with her friends. Riya sat very close to Amy on her bike. She was holding her tightly by her...

2 years ago
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Making Her His

The sweet scent of Sabina’s perfume filled the house. David was getting hard just thinking about his wife getting ready for her first date tonight. Yes, David was a very lucky guy. He met Sabrina straight out of college when she came to work at the insurance office he worked at as an agent. He thought she was so gorgeous the minute he laid eyes on her. Blonde hair, knockout body with big boobs. She was his perfect dream wife and he knew it the instant he laid on her that Monday morning. He...

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امير السن حاليا 22 بدات القصة لما كان عندي 11سنة كانت دايما خالتي واسمها هدى وسنها دلوقتي 35بتعاملني كاني ابنها ويمكن اكتر كمان هي كانت متجوزة في بلد بعيدة بس كانت دايما بتيجي تزور جدي وجدتي وانا بحكم اني قريب منهم فكان معظم الوقت اقضيه عندهم فكنت لما اشوف خالتي اجري عليها واحضنها وهي تبوسني وكانت المعاملة بيني وبينها مش اكتر من كدا لغاية في يوم كنت راجع من المدرسة وكنت عاوز ادخل الحمام باي طريقة وكان اقرب بيت ليا هو بيت جدي في طريقي خبطت الباب وفتحت ليا جدتي فقولتلها عاوز ادخل الحمام قالتلي...

3 years ago
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Pyasi chut aur garma lund

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Kher me kyo aap sabhi ko bor kar raha hu,chaliye aaj me aap...

2 years ago
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“Take your pick, Janice,” Anabelle said playing with her own breasts. Jen was still asleep, so my mother silently stripped herself naked and, after getting him hard enough, lowered herself on Peter’s peter. “Oh, God,” he said, causing her to wake up and said, “Hello Janice?” From atop her stepson, she waved at Jen, and asked, “Do you have anything left for me, Sonny Boy?” He got his hands on her breasts and said, “You can help yourself to whatever I have, Mom?” That was very hot to...

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Sex With An Hyderabad Aunty

Hello all, i’m Prakash from Hyderabad, i’m a regular reader of iss , i’m 25 years with a good height of 5ft 10 inch with a fit body Its a real story happened one year back with an aunty who lives in Hyderabad. She was my online friend and her name is Prathima. She is 38 now with a good stats 36-32-38 kind of a puffy body with good color. She got married when she is just 22, she was a Brahmin. As we chat regularly we have shared a lot as friends. She called me to her home for breakfast on a...

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Undercover Operation Gone Awry

Undercover Operation Gone Awry I The powerful head of the city building department stared at the e-mail messagedisplayed on his flat-screen monitor. As usual, he was in his office more thanan hour before any of his staff, checking voice mail and e-mail. Better print a copy and delete this one, he thought. I wonder where elsethis message sits that I can't get to? He waited for the sheet of paper toemerge from the printer next to his keyboard, then with several clicks of themouse he deleted the...

1 year ago
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Danas Leak

Dana Stevenson, a fresh-from-a-divorce Black woman, stood by the kitchen sink as she called a plumber because the pipes were leaking. She was little frantic at first, afraid that the pipes would burst. But as soon as the handyman came over, she was at ease. She opened the door and let him in the house. He said to her, "Miss Stevenson, I'm Peter and I'm here to fix a leak." Dana got a good look at Peter. He was 6-foot-2, well-built, dark-haired, blue-eyed, and white. She didn't mind the...

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My Dirtiest Teen Night Part 1

I get many many requests from you horny guys, most of which are about my exploits at a younger age, my first exposures to cock, the loss of my virginity, which I confess, I must have lost a hundred times, being so young, tight and sexually active, most men loved the idea they were first into me, and surprisingly, most tried to inseminate me by ejaculating into my unprotected pussy.All 'daring do' stuff for a girl discovering the delights of full intercourse from a huge range of differing...

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Dark Descent Chapter 1

DARK DESCENTBy Otto MaddoxPRELUDEHD 28185-C a planet orbiting the star HD 28185 some 138 light-years from Earth, was originally located in June of 2067 by the scientific team operating the JOESOP [Joint Orbital Extra-Solar Observational Platform] space-based observatory. With its exceptionally long-range capabilities, the orbital JOESOP was able to detect not only the planet's mass, which is some six times that of the Earth, but it was also able to image the planet and determine its...

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Reap What You Sow part II

REAP WHAT YOU SOW PART II Before long, all seven of us were finished with the transformations. Dr. S allowed us a few minutes to chatter and compare our transformations and to adjust to the changes before she called the session back to order. We quickly settled down into our seats waiting whatever she may have for us next. I could look around the conversation group and see the obvious signs of stress and trepidation in the eyes of the other six girls. It kind of made me feel a...

1 year ago
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Three Js and an S Go Skiing Day 2

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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The Swap ClubChapter 14 A Sales Dinner And Afterwards

A week later, Debby and I attended a sales dinner for my firm. Debby always detests these things but puts on a big smile and grits her teeth through them. It was a Friday night, so at least the drunks would be able to sleep it off the next day, rather than excuse their hangovers to their customers. Jenny couldn’t sit for the kids tonight, having a date, but she substituted her sister. Now for my money, Betsy is the class act of the pair. She’s about a year younger than Jenny, maybe fifteen...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 32

Earth time: Saturday, March 19, 2033 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (29 minutes to sunset) Aina time: 5:15 AM, day 216 of 1436 H.E. (53 minutes to sunrise, morning of the first day of spring and the Red Bird Festival) "Visual image locked?" I nodded. A'moth and I were in a tight embrace, staring into each other's eyes. I linked with her mind, she join the lock of my mind's eye on my target destination ten feet away. An instant later we were both there. "Excellent Gary! You needed...

4 years ago
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Rekha8217s Decision

Hi Friends , Rajveer from Indore again . Hope you remember me with 4 of my stories LIFE IS A ROLLER COASTAR RIDE & IN LOVE WITH A SEX WORKER & MY DESIRE FOR NIDHI BHABHI & Vibha’s Passion .All my stories have been appreciated by lot of ISS readers & I am getting regular mails of appreciations & now I have started getting mails where married women & young girls are calling me for Sex Chats & even want to go further . Recently a married women from Jabalpur , a Marwari contacted me & have...

1 year ago
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A New Life

Edited by the incomparable "Wires" who once again has made my story better in every way. Bob Trent finished his fourth beer in fifteen minutes. He belched and slammed the empty bottle down on the already cluttered table. The table top was as wet as if water had been poured on it, and already covered with empty beer bottles. Bob, sitting with his friend Simon, glanced at the other three young men sitting around the table. He changed his attention to Simon and glared at him, then he almost...

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Brttys Plight

©This is fiction; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************************** Betty jogged and walked the same paths every day. When she stopped to rest, it was always on the same bench in the same wooded area. She never varied her regimen from day to day, week to week. One shocking day she found out what a mistake that was. She slowed to a stop at the top of the small hill. Her bench, as she called it was...

2 years ago
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Everything Starts With A Cinema 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys! This is my first story here on this site. My name is Ram(contact id:) and I’m from Coimbatore. I’m 20yrs of age and studying in a reputed college in eastern Indian. Expecting some good response for my first story from women! I’ll be writing a series of stories about my sex life which will be in episodes. This incident happened to me and ex girlfriend about a year ago. Since I was good in my studies during my 12th I got enrolled into one of the IIT’s. I had shifted after my 10th to...

2 years ago
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Adult Education 1

"You could say that," I replied to a gentle chuckle from Amy. She got my shorts off, stood, and looked me up and down. She slowly closed the distance between us."You look as good as I imagined," she whispered, sliding into my arms. "And I've been imagining this for a long time."I groaned as she pressed her nipples into my chest. We molded our bodies together as we kissed, my tented boxers pressed deeply into her junction.Amy reluctantly pulled back, sucking my lip before separating. "I could do...

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An Unfinished Symphony 2

Chapter IV Of course I'm anxious Although we had stayed up well into the wee hours the night before, we couldn't sleep all that late on Saturday because I had so much to do to get ready for my date with Phil. My God! It was probably easier to plan the president's inauguration. And things started off badly. Right after breakfast, I had to run to the bathroom for the second time that day because my bowels were acting up. This had been a problem of mine since I was a kid. When I got...

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Kitty Lives Happly Ever After

I've never been one for stealing. I buy everything I need and the things I can't afford I don't have. One of my personal mottos or sayings or whatever. "I'm too honest for my own good." Yet one night while I was dropping some items to a friend. I drove down an old dark, alley that housed a mini mall's rear access doors. As I was driving past an open door I saw a box with items spilling out of it. I have no clue why, but I needed those items! Nothing mattered more to me then grabbing that...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 20

Mary and I both sat there and stared at Daddy. Mary was the first to break the silence. "But she's just sat in that chair all the time I've known her. She doesn't do anything. How could she be violent? And how can she be violent to herself?" "I think they screwed up with the medication." I said, "Too much medication makes you violent?" He looked at me with what I can only describe as a grimace. "No. Too much makes you dead. Too little makes you violent." I said "What?" at...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lyra Law Elena Koshka Buried Treasure

Lyra Law waits at home anxiously, decked out in some extremely skimpy, and extremely hot lingerie. When her boo, the statuesque Elena Koshka, walks in the door, Lyra greets her excitedly, wishing her a happy anniversary. Elena’s eyes widen at Lyra’s jaw-dropping outfit. Lyra sees her reaction, telling Elena that since she has been gone all week, she wanted to give her an extra special surprise for their anniversary. But something’s off. Lyra suspiciously asks Elena if she...

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A Fantasy Too Far Chapter 1

by the Perv Otaku CHAPTER 1 * timidblondegirl screams again, her body shaking as your huge cock pounds into her over and over without mercy. She struggles helplessly against the alley wall, unable to free herself from your grip. That's right bitch, take it! * RuffBrute pulls out of you, then grabs your neck and slams your face down against a garbage can. He rams his tool back into your cunt and resumes fucking you roughly. She moaned, reading the words on the laptop computer...

3 years ago
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The Lady of Mercia

The Anglo Saxon Chronicles Part III I am an old man now, with an old man’s failings. It is nine years since my liege and, dare I venture, my friend Ælfred, King of Wessex and Rex Anglorum, passed to greater glory. I fear I shall not be long behind him for winter chills my bones and I sleep more and more by the brazier in the Scriptorium. My hands have grown too stiff for fine work these many years but I may still wield my pen to good effect. Presently, I dwell on secular matters. I trust...

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Marys Big Brother

He could see her wisps of her pubic hair poking out from behind her panties. Dan grew up in a strict religious family. His parents had been married since they were 19 years old, and they started having children shortly thereafter. By the time they were 28, they had two sons and a daughter. Dan is in the middle. His brother, Mark, is three years older. His sister, Mary, is three years younger. Dan is 21 years old and doesn't quite fit into the family dynamicHis family's lifestyle revolves almost...

4 years ago
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Patchwork People XXV Whos Your Daddy

XXV. Who's your daddy? When they asked me at the hospital who my parents were, who my emergency contact was, I guess you can say that I kind of panicked. They were making it pretty clear they weren't going to let me out of here on my own, no way, so I had to come up with someone. Who could I finger for the honor? Mom was out of the question, at this point, and once Marcia found out that I'd lied and basically stolen her money, which I'm sure she must have realized by now, she wasn't...

2 years ago
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Playing Doctor

Playing Doctor By Lord Stormbringer It all began innocently enough on a Monday morning. The lady cut Dr. Lansing off, zooming her car into the parking space an inch before his Jaguar claimed the place. She made a rude gesture in his direction without even looking to see whom she had almost hit. Lansing shook his head and looked for another space. In the lobby, as Doctor Lansing reached for the elevator button, the same lady was berating her husband, calling him a "sissy" while...

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Deedi EmergesChapter 4 Deedi stays around

The next morning Liz came in with some coffee but Deedi was already wide awake. With so much racing around her head she opened her eyes with a start at seven O'clock and could not to go back to sleep. "Good morning sweetheart, so how did it go then? Is everything alright?" she asked checking there were no problems from the night before. As Deedi sat up Liz noticed that although she removed her makeup she retained the basic beauty that Rosy created the previous evening with her hair but...

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Second ChanceChapter 48

The week flew by and it was time to head for Air Force One and a ride to the mountains. Jennifer and Stacy spent the flight huddled together, no doubt plotting against me. Seeing the two of them with their heads together and talking animatedly was just a bit arousing. Stacy was a bit taller and had larger breasts – I think. It was hard to tell for sure because she dressed to hide her shape. Thinking about Stacy’s shape got me thinking about undressing Stacy with my teeth and discovering all...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 27

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 27 – Some of it was my fault --------------------------------------- My Job -------- Things have been slightly different since that party at my boss’s house. Nothings actually been said but I keep seeing some of the guys talking about me (they keep looking over to me as they’re talking). I’ve now had 5 golf balls appear on my desk and I’ve had a few brochures from gym equipment manufacturers emailed to me....

1 year ago
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Ems Panties Pt 8

“Morning Keith,” He was in a rare happy mood. Maybe it was because he was off duty for the foreseeable future, or maybe it was because he fucked mom for 45 minutes. Either way I liked when he was like this. More Dad and less officer. He talked incessantly while we ran. I was struggling to keep up both physically and with the conversation. He talked about the deployments overseas, how much he missed it, the food, the sights, the girls. He was in rare form. “The women in Europe and Asia son,...

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