My Assistant II free porn video

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This is Aditya from Coimbatore. I have a 6’ height and have a good physique due to regular gym workouts. I sport a French cut beard and have black hair. I joined the company 2 years back at the age of 23 as a field sales man and was promoted to my current rank because of my hard labor.

I am an area sales head for a garments company, i.e., I stay in the Coimbatore branch office 7 days and the rest of my month is consumed in travelling. Due to the work load on me, my seniors advised me to recruit an assistant for myself. Following their instructions, I put an ad in the papers. Next day, the reception area of my office was crowded to its full capacity with candidates answering the ad and I noticed a nice babe amongst the crowd. I liked her at first sight and made up my mind that her competence permitting, I would be satisfied with her around. She was an eye candy and looked quite capable of doing anything. I didn’t know about her qualifications, but I was sure that she would be adequately qualified.

I instructed the receptionist to send the candidates in one after the other. I had interviewed 8 in all when I thought that I was faced with a bunch of idiots and nothing else. They wouldn’t know how to take down a dictation in shorthand or use even a typewriter, leave alone a PC.

It was half the day when the crowd was dispersed, and I wondered why the babe I saw didn’t turn up for the interview. I asked the receptionist and she said that one last candidate was left and she was sending her in. ‘Her’- the word registered and I sat expectantly. She came in last for the interview, my eyes softened as they rested on her. She was wearing a green saree, her velvet smooth sides peeking out. Her blouse was sleeveless, her hands were well manicured. Her face was round, with well groomed silky black hair, black eyes, a full mouth (that had a habit of pouting), her ears were accessorized with medium sized rings the color of her saree. Even the bangles she wore were green and went well with her honey and cream complexion. Her breasts and her navel were her killer assets. Overall, I rated her as an epitome of a perfect Indian beauty.

I felt the tiredness and irritation drain out of me as she came nearer to sit opposite me. she gave her name as Sarita. She handed me the file containing her credentials and I was secretly delighted to see that she had adequate qualifications to fill the bill admirably. Still for formalities sake, I asked her some question totally irrelevant to her qualifications and gathered she had a dazzling smile and a sweet voice. The only disappointment was that she was married. Yet I didn’t think of it much as I had to have an assistant and I liked her a lot at first sight. Maybe, I thought to myself, I was biased against the others in her favor that I rejected other applicants.

I informed her that she had secured the job and to join from the very next day. I made out an appointment letter to that effect and gave it to her. Next, I briefed her on the nature of the job; she was to be prepared for endless travel. We were to be in the office only 7 days while our major time would be taken up travelling. She confirmed her preparedness and asked about her salary, I said it would be 10000 a month. She said it would be satisfactory and got up to leave. I asked her, ‘wouldn’t your husband mind your travelling so much?’ she said, ‘as it is, I am looking for a job because my husband seldom stays back at home due to his job. I get lonely and getting a job in our company is good enough for me. I would have worked even if my remuneration was 5000, but I find the salary more than adequate. So it doesn’t hurt me any.’ It didn’t hurt me either. From the next day she joined office and tried to adapt herself to the work culture. I saw she was a quick learner and before the day was over, she was fully acquainted as if working there since long.

She also proved herself useful on business trips, she not only wore sarees, but she also wore western outfits, flaunting her perfect assets. We built up a rapport and had a secret admiration for each other. She was highly competent and I wondered what out loud the hell was she doing wasting her talents as a housewife. Her answer to my comments was always a mere grin. I also secretly felt a kind of attraction towards her as I could get to see a lot of her body whenever we traveled. I gradually found myself longing to bed her with me. But wherever we went, I booked two separate rooms for us.

Soon the main seasonal business period came over. Every place was crowded with people and of course we had to be more vigorous in our campaigns. We reached one of our destinations and found to our dismay that there was always a no vacancy. Finally, we came to a motel which had a vacancy. Though it was a bit far off from our business contacts, but it was the only place where we had any hope of accommodation. I let Sarita wait in my convertible car and went in for booking of our rooms. The reception clerk informed me that there was only one double-bed room available. I had no other option and I booked it. He asked me whether I had any other companion. I said, ‘there is a lady along with me.’ He registered us as Mr. and Mrs. Aditya.

I was secretly thrilled. I asked the clerk to send somebody to take our baggage. I went to the car and parked it near our motel unit. The waiting bell boy came forward and carried the baggage out of the car’s boot. He opened the unit’s door for us and put in the baggage. Sarita didn’t notice that our baggage was placed in one unit, but as soon as I entered along with her, she looked at me enquiringly. I waited until the bell boy disappeared. I explained to her, ‘Sorry, Sarita! But the place had only this single unit vacant. I was bound to book this unit for us both. You know we can’t miss out on the business this season and if you want I can go sleep in the car.’ She was understanding and said after a while, ‘No, Sir! I trust you and we can share the room.’ I smiled and said, ‘thanks a lot dear, you saved a lot of explanation on my part to the management of this place.’ She asked, ‘why?’ I replied angrily, ‘that idiot of a clerk registered us as husband and wife.’ She laughed out loud and said, ‘I guess its ok. Do you want to use the bathroom first or may I use it to get changed. I presume we can’t achieve anything here today. So I suggest we get changed, have a snack and a good night’s sleep.’ I said, ‘ya! That’s the right thing to do. You go get changed first while I go prospect the country a bit.’ She was mischievous in her comment, ‘you mean you are off to have a smoke and come back after a while!’ I looked up, surprised and asked, ‘how the hell did you know that?’ she replied, grinning, ‘sir, do you think I am a stupid ninny not to get the smell off your mouth when you talk to me after you go prospecting the country? I think you are a lone smoker and don’t want company. If you wait a while I may join you, if you don’t mind that is.’ I thought that over and said, ‘I’ll wait. But be quick about it.’ She had a wash and a brushed up her hair, and changed into a loose t-shirt top and a pair of denim shorts.

She looked nice, especially, her legs gave off a good look, and they were worth showing. We walked along the pathway outside the motel. It was a nice location, a far off from the town, good country side, with lots of trees and shade and an occasional glimpse of a flowing river. It was beautiful and the evening breeze made it more enjoyable.

We reached a place which looked hospitable and inviting enough. We sat on a level ground beneath a huge tree and I brought out my pack of cigarettes. I took one and lit it, I took a deep drag, taking in with the smoke, the surroundings, the serenity and the shapely legs of my sexy assistant. She asked placidly, ‘mind if I take a puff from your cigarette?’ I looked at her as if unaware she was with me, then I looked down and handed her the lit cigarette. She put it between her lips and took a drag on it and went into paroxysms of cough and I had to take the cigarette back and thumped her back to help her regain her breath. She looked at me, tears welling in her eyes due to the cough spell, ‘how the hell do you tolerate that stuff?’I laughed and she laughed along as I had another puff and lit another cigarette in a chain and sais jokingly, ‘this is not your cup of tea, dear.’ She snatched the cigarette from my lips and gave it another attempt, this time she didn’t choke and I lit up another cigarette smiling wistfully and looking at her, said, ‘I remember the day you came in for the interview. The way you presented yourself, I thought you were a typical indian girl, scorning on the thought of a girl smoking and all.’ She replied candidly, ‘sir, I told you that day that I was quite lonely at home and wanted to have me occupied with something. When I joined with you, I got to travel and explore places. I liked the variety and diversity all around, I like to do various things. Within the last two tours I tried to follow you on your so called prospecting of the country and saw that you came out all alone in a jolly trot and smoked in silence in some such place as this. i like doing and trying new things so I asked you for this cigarette.’ I smiled and looked into the evening panorama. She pressed close; evidently she was feeling cold due to the cool evening breeze. I remembered I hadn’t changed and I took off my coat and wrapped it up around her shoulders. She smiled at me gratefully and I got up as soon as I had finished my cigarette. I held out my hand and she grasped it and I heaved her up. We walked back in silence, my hands tucked inside the pockets of my trouser and she pulled the coat around her more tightly. We reached our motel and got into the room. I suggested dinner and she nodded, I had it ordered and brought up to our room.

We had our dinner and prepared to retire for the night after our dinner. She was to have the bed and I was to sleep on the sofa. The next day, she rose early and got into a lovely red saree with black lacy borders. In my half wakefulness I got a glimpse of her dressing in front of the mirror, I liked the scene. She was unaware and I went back to sleep again. I awoke to the aroma of tea being poured out and saw her sitting on a chair she had drawn beside my sofa. She looked fresh and beautiful. Her washed locks of hair falling over hair cute face, she looked beautiful than ever. I pretended to go back to sleep, and woke up only when she placed her hand on my shoulder and bent down to wake me up, ‘Good morning, sir. Let’s get ready; we have lots of work to do today.’ I inhaled the mingled sweet smell of her body and the perfume she was wearing and it made me feel fresh. I looked up into her lovely eyes and smiled back at her smiling face. Wow! She’s a goddess, why didn’t I meet her earlier and instead of having been bound to register as husband and wife, we would have really registered as husband and wife. I got up only to be handed a cup of steaming hot tea and she recited to me the day’s schedule. She said, ‘sir, we are already a day behind our schedule and have to recover the lost time today itself.’ She went on and on as if she was a teacher scolding her student at length for some misdeed and I scratched my head and said grinning, ‘Yes Ma’am!’ she looked up at me and laughed sweetly at my mischievous response. I got up and got ready for the day. We had a hasty breakfast and started up for our day’s work. By evening, the skies looked ominously dark with heavy clouds and threatened with lightning of the impending downpour.

We were finished for the day by 6pm and started back for our motel. I had not put on the convertible top and when the rain came, it was so sudden that by the time I could pull over the top, we were drenched to our skins. We reached our motel as soon as we could and got into our room. I switched on the lights as she started up the electric kettle to brew us some hot tea, I noticed her saree was sticking to her wet smooth skin, I got an erection in an instant. I averted my eyes from her back, I handed her a towel and took off my coat and stretched it out on the back of the sofa, prepared two cups of coffee and placed her cup on the table. I sipped my tea when I felt the towel come on my head. I looked up and saw her standing behind me and toweling my hair dry. I slumped back in the sofa as she toweled my hair and I closed my eyes feeling pleased by her light touch. I thought of poking some funny remark and said, ‘well! I thank the clerk to register us as husband and wife. I sure am getting a treatment an absent minded husband gets from a devoted wife.’ I grinned as she let go of my head with a jerk. And we laughed. She sat opposite me to drink her tea. I gave her an occasional grin as I toweled my head, she was annoyed and we laughed as I gave a loud laugh at my last teasing remark at her. I eyed her mischievously and she blushed. The effects were devastating. I got up and said, ‘I am going outside. Better you change into something dry or you’ll catch a cold.’ She didn’t reply so I got up to leave. She grasped my wrist as I was passing by her; I looked at her hand holding my wrist then at her. She got up and came uncomfortably close to me and said, mischief clearly visible in her eyes, ‘which do you prefer, your cigarette or me?’ I said, ‘but of course, I prefer you.’ She undraped the saree around her, and said, ‘you do the rest. Smoke me instead of a cigarette.’ We kissed, her tongue exploring my mouth, her arms enclosing me in a tight hug. I responded and put a hand round her waist and passed my fingers through her wet hair. She came closer, as if trying to push her body to meld into mine.

My lips started an exploration of her cheek, her bare neck, her hot cleavage, her midriff and her navel. My fingers fumbled with the hooks of her blouse as my tongue entered her deep navel. After her blouse hooks got undone, I pushed my hands inside her blouse to her back and expertly unhooked the clasp of her bra. I slid them off her body and out came to my full view her nicely rounded breasts. They were inviting and I helped myself to them by biting and sucking on her erect nipples. She gasped silently. I squeezed them hard in my hands.

I undid her petticoat and her impressive legs were visible. She dragged me up by my collar before I could plant a kiss on the panties which clung to the lips of her swollen pussy. She kissed me and bit me on my neck and ears as her hands slid down my body, undoing the buttons of my shirt in the process to bare my chest, then her left hand rubbed the bulge of my pants as she held me close to her bare body by holding my shirt in her right hand. We kissed again, a short one this time. She had something on her mind. She tore open the shirt from my body and kissed my bare chest and kissed me down to my tummy, kneeling down as she did so. Her hands struggled with my belt and finally loosened it she did, and then she undid my pants and slid it down to my shoes. Her hands then went on to pull down my underwear and my erect cock hung menacingly in front of her eyes. She stroked it in her hand and looked up at me. I nodded and she devoured it hungrily. Her hot tongue licked the surface of my hot meat as she sucked it. The feeling was heavenly! I came in her mouth without any warning and she gulped it down. I undid my dress completely and took her up to the bed. I made her sit on the bed and knelt down. I rubbed her thighs my hands grazing by her groin, she whimpered in pleasure. I rubbed her clit inside her panties. She opened her mouth in a gasp and licked her lips expectantly. I pulled down her panties, but I was playful about it. Her body language insisted me to make things snappy, but I wanted the pleasure to last. I deliberated my actions. I smelled her dripping pussy, she pulled my head close to it, but I waited a while before I kissed it. My breath was driving her round the bend. I kissed her pussy and licked it hard. She made noises of enjoying herself. My hands were tickling the small of her back lightly. She yelled in a frenzy of ecstasy.

I kissed her navel. She was propping her body with her arms behind her body. I kissed her midriff as her body slid back some more propped on her arms. I went down again on her pussy and she bent her head back as I licked it out again, my tongue used as a hard tool, then I licked her navel. She liked it as evident from her hissing intake of breath. She gave a nervous laugh. I kissed her chest and her breasts, now she was nearly lying on the bed; I kissed and licked her breasts her nipples were erect and hard as rocks. I dove down again to her navel. I kissed and licked it; I tickled her tummy and waist with the help of my tongue. Her whimpering breath told me that her level of enjoyment was on a new high.

I made an assault on her neck, breathing on it and kissing it. Her arms gave way to the combined effect of my bodyweight and the renewed and changed line of assault. Her hands grabbed my head as I breathed down her neck. My hands fondled her breasts and my lips kissed their way down on her breasts. Her gasps and moans came out louder and more frequently. Her hands grabbed my head and she pulled it up to her face, she pulled my face towards her and our lips locked in a passionate kiss. My hard cock was resting on her pussy. She urged me with her eyes to enter her. I looked in her lovely eyes, kissed her lips and then I held her by her side and pushed my cock into her waiting hot pussy.

She bent her body and gasped as I tore into her tight pussy. I gave her angular strokes which made her writhe with lust. I kept on with my thrusts and was now deep inside her. Her pussy was stretched out, but I never slowed down.

She was throbbing on my cock and came on my cock. Her orgasm was so huge that it nearly made me come. I fought for control inside her. I resumed my fucking and she propped up her body on her bent arms, her smooth breasts felt magnificent pressing against mine. I buried my cock inside her to the hilt; my mouth was aligned with her breasts and I buried it between her breasts as I ripped her cunt apart with my hard cock.

I felt up another climax build up inside her and I felt I wouldn’t last long any more. She screamed with pleasure and her soft breasts jiggled under me. The overall effect was I was pushed towards a faster climax. Our bodies were wet with beads of perspiration and the atmosphere was sticky hot due to the dampness we brought in with our drenched clothes and the heat given off by our bodies burning in desire.

I said at last, ‘I am going to come!!’ she said, gasping, ‘I am on the edge too, a few more strokes now.’ I fucked her faster and harder. I kissed her again. We screamed in unison, ‘I AM COMING!’ and climaxed together, I had blew a huge load of my cum inside her. We collapsed, her body crushed under mine, my head buried between her soft breasts and my cock still buried inside her pussy. I kissed her breasts and fondled them. She caressed my hair and I kissed her lips.

We fucked again that night and checked out the next day. For the first time in my life I enjoyed a business trip. I booked only one room for us in the rest of our trip.
What’s more? I book only a single room even now when we go on a business trip. ;-)

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A Hot Massage And Fuck For My Hot Girl

the Hello guys. This is Shekhar again and first of all thanks for your fantastic replies. Let me start with the second story in ISS. cThis was last year. I met a girl on facebook and she was Pune girl. We were in the same college, but we were in a different branch. Let’s not waste time and get going. She was a hot girl with stats 32-28-34. A perfect size which I was waiting to fuck. Coming to my introduction, I am the medium guy with the perfect talent to turn on any girl and make her panty...

3 years ago
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Anni Enudan Kaamam Seithaal

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Sathish, vayathu 24. Naan Chennaiyil vasikiren. Enathu amma 2 varudathirku munbu iranthu vitaargal athanaal enathu appa ooka manaivi illathathaal veru oru manaiviyai thirumanam seithu kondaar. Ivar oru kaam veri pidithavar athanal pengalai ookamal iruka mudiyaathu niraiya panam vaithu irukiraar. Ivar amma iranthu 6 maathangale aana nilaiyil ilamaiyaana oru pennai thirumanam seithu kondaar avaluku vayathu 28. Intha anniku munbe thirumanam nadanthu kanavan vivakarathu seithu...

2 years ago
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Forever Again Ch 02

Author’s Note: This story depicts graphic lesbian sex, mind control and lactation. If these topics do not interest you or are prohibited in your area please back out now. This is the second installment of a long story. Those that have read my other stories will know that I tend to have some story behind the sex so if you’re looking for a quickie this may not be the place for you. For those of you that haven’t backed out, I hope you enjoy my words. ~CD

4 years ago
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me and my step sisters day 2

“So what you making for breakfast?” she asked. “Pancakes.”I replied “where is colleen?” “She snuck over to her ex boyfriend’s house for some fun.”Toni said. “Cool. Would you like a pancake?”I asked “That sounds good.” Toni replied. “Will you please make me one?” “Sure.” I gave her the one on the pan since it was already done and I started to make myself one. I finished making mine and I went and sat down at the table. As we were eating Toni had turned the T.V. on and had switched it...

3 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 11

The community hall was packed with male attendants. As this was also the dining hall, (and the school during the day) some females were tidying up in the kitchen and attending to the tea samovars and sweetmeats for the audience. Barati had addressed his menfolk informing them of the Queen's offer of enlistment in "The Queen's Own" for approximately fifty as pilots of an experimental spacecraft whose role was to be a part of a fleet antimissile defence. The risks were not inconsiderable...

4 years ago
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The best leaving party

I must tell you about this that happened. I have just left my job to go self employed as the money is a lot better than the normal paycheck. So, I handed my notice in. A hastily arranged leaving party was arranged and as I had already moved, it was suggested I stopped at my regular work colleagues house. We had worked closely on projects for over 5 years and we acted like an old married couple - arguing and bickering about nothing in particular.Louise was 2 years older than myself. She...

1 year ago
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The photographer

"You do understand the nature of the photographs we'll be shooting," Carl asked, "I just want to get everything out in the open so that later on we don't have a problem!?!" "I understand," the matronly female replied, "most of them will be me by myself, but some will involve other people!!!" "And just to make it even more clear," Carl responded, "those pictures with the other people can involve both men and women and are of the x-rated variety!!!" Glenna nodded her head slowly and asked, "And...

2 years ago
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Bahoo saas or nand lesbain story

Hi maree age 25 hai name shalini, figure 34 25 36 mara bahai ki 3 saal pehla shadee hue thee, chanchal bhabi sa age 27 figure 38b 26 38 or shadee ka aik saal baad baheya pardes chala gaa, or 1-1/2 saal tak wapis nahi aa, mujha sex ka bara main bohat kuch pata tha or baqee movies dakh dakh kar pata chal gaya, i really love lesbain too much it was really harh yummy tasty lovely etccc…. Ful of fun & mazaaa, i try lesbain sex with my college collegues, too many times. Mara pita ki garments ki dukan...

2 years ago
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Memories Arent Forgotten Ch 03

By the time Paul’s car pulled into the garage of the house, Jessie could feel the fatigue a day at the mall brought. Before the entered the house a pounding of feet could be heard coming down the stairs inside Mrs. Smythe greeted them at the door. She wore a blue apron that read ‘kiss the cook’ over her round frame. Flour was sprinkled on the apron and from the yummy smells coming from the kitchen, Jessie knew she was baking. She frowned when she saw Paul carrying two shopping bags and...

2 years ago
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Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny Part 2The threesome

Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny Part 2 - The threesome Walking to her car feeling ashamed but still very tingly and turned on, Jamie was worried that someone may have seen her fingering herself in the booth, yet a part of her really didn’t care because of how amazingly good it all felt. As she got in her car her legs felt week and her tummy was still bloated but not nearly as full as it was right after the 50 bacon wraps. “God, I can’t believe I let that happen. At least it is over and I can go...

3 years ago
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Dad Started it

Dad was the start of my cuckhold adventures... It’s surprising what you learn and how little things change as you get older. As you grow the simple innocent gestures or incidents suddenly take on new meanings and although at the time things are quite as they seem it takes time to fully understand what is or was going on. Growing up during the early seventies there was a lot of stigma around mixed race relationships even friendships, both my parents especially my mother coming from and...

4 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 4

Where I discover that I can't kill the woman I married. I had been back in New York for two days when the package arrived. It lay at the centre of my desk and was the size of a shoebox. The address was handwritten. I knew the familiar curls, the generous lettering. Maybe I shouldn't open it, I thought, while my fingers were already opening it. The box was crammed with balled-up white tissues. On top lay the yellow piece of paper I had left on her chest while she was sleeping. It had...

2 years ago
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A Shy Kid Ch 06

When I got home the house was dark as usual except for a couple of night lights, I found my mother lying on her bed wearing a see through negligee waiting for me to get home. Even after the night I just had, my mom looked so hot lying on the bed. She had on one of her mini negligees that didn't hide much at all. You could easily see her big beautiful tits and nipples through the material and it came down to just barely below her crotch thus showing off her beautiful legs. When I stepped into...

3 years ago
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Cleopatras Masquerade Part Two

Early the next morning… New Year’s Eve Julian and Kenya awoke to the digital sounds of the alarm which was not shut off last evening. Kenya rolled out of bed; drug her sore, well fucked body into the bathroom and relieved her bladder. She crawled back into bed and began snuggling her fiancé. Reaching around his body, she grabbed his dick and stroked it to garner a response as she nibbled his neck. Gentle snoring greeted her as she said, “Sleep already, Julian?” Lingering snores rumbled from...

2 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 95

The cross country flight took nine damn hours. It was long enough that I was able to add the Angels, Cutie, Juicy, Nosey, and Grumpy to the Mile High club. I 'renewed' Bunny and Greedy's memberships. It would have been hell if we'd been in coach. The boys acted like being in first class was special. I found myself enjoying their reactions way too much. I was beginning to wonder if the trip had been a bad idea. But it did have a few entertaining moments. As with the last trip, the boys...

3 years ago
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Maid becoming wife for lifetime

Hello and hi to all the readers of sex stories, I am regular reader this stories, would like to share my story with all the readers I hope you will like it and reply me. The story began two years back when I moved to goa in search of job. As I had enough experience and qualification for the job I had applied. Let me introduce my self, I am 27 years young boy, handsome, well build from maharashtra did all my studies there and was searching for job which I got in goa. So left the asram where I...

1 year ago
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To those who choose to read our stories

While I have been waiting to have my stories validated for viewing I have sent them to various friends, people I know and had my wife read them too. I know many of you who read them will say how gay I am or whatever, and everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I suppose I do tend to be more gay than straight, which is why I say I’m bi, but when I went to count up how many men and women I’ve fucked, or been fucked by, in the past year, I was surprised at my tally. I don’t really count my...

2 years ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 35

LYCAVORIAN ATTACK CRUISER LEONIDAS I SEVENTEEN HOURS FROM EARTH "How many ships have entered the system? And someone turn those damn alarms off!" Ceneu bellowed over the alarms that were blaring on the bridge of LEONIDAS I. He turned quickly when the elevator lift to the bridge stopped and the doors slid open to reveal Riall, Gorgo, Vistr and Isabella. He waved them over to the large star chart and began to move there himself. "And give me an accurate count!" "Ceneu what's going...

3 years ago
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Ariels Awakening Ch 01

One of several parts it starts slow so give me feedback on this and wait for the rest up to Chapter four if you guys like it. * * * * * She was two days shy of being thirty the day that Adam walked into her antique store. Ariel had tried love and it had left her heartbroken. She never wanted to be that sad again and so she hid from any chance of love. The antique store was called ‘Queen Anna’s Closet’ and was almost too small to contain him. He was very tall and had the broad muscular shape...

2 years ago
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Stranger in the Elevator

I had just left my father’s office after bringing him lunch while I was downtown shopping. It was one of those tall skysc****rs and his firm’s office was on the 48th floor. When I got on the elevator there were only three others besides myself, just some business men. I had my purse on my shoulder and my shopping bags in my right hand. I was heading home for the day. As the elevator descended, it stopped every few floors and more people entered. On the thirty-fourth floor a group of people...

2 years ago
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RendezvousChapter 28

Chuck Mom signed me up for the full course; Defensive, Bodyguard, Embassy and Racing. The racing included five laps at full throttle in one of several BMW mid-engined M1 Procar race cars the school had for lease to wealthy Saturday racers. She took a test drive with an instructor ... she failed. “Ma’am, in the words of Ralph Nader, you are unsafe at any speed. You don’t watch the road, your situational awareness stinks. You ride the clutch, pay no attention to your mirrors, over-rev the...

2 years ago
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Wild For Me

His name was Elmer and he wasn’t that hot, but something in me just yearned to touch him and feel my hands all over his body. Sometimes when he swept, he did it shirtless and I was always somewhere near looking at him as he did it. I’ve been confused with what I felt for him since the day he came inside my house to work. He didn’t have the chiseled looks, the rock hard abs, or any qualities that would grab my attention. The thing was, I just craved to feel his body on top of me and his...

3 years ago
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The Collar Around the HeartFriday Afternoon

When I got home, I had a message from Rob. With all the drama at school I had actually forgotten about him and Liz. I rang him back, and he asked how it was going. For some reason it was not easy to answer him. It had been great with Liz on Wednesday night, but knowing how he felt, it was difficult to be effusive so I suppose my reply might have sounded a bit evasive. "Hey, yer not goin' to screw her around are you?" he asked, with an odd note to his voice. Was he threatening me, or...

1 year ago
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Bodybuilder Bestie

I have a big weakness for muscles and this is a story about one my favorite bodybuilders that I ACTUALLY got to meet in person and he's such a cool and sexy man. This bodybuilder from the Netherlands, Quincy Winklaar, is the bodybuilding man of my dreams and this story is fictional and derived from my imagination so just go along for the ride. Oh and just so you can get a visual on who I'm talking about in this story here's what he looks like:So this takes place in college around the fall...

1 year ago
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my mothers friend

This friend of my mother had a way of talking that could be very painful to the ears. She was married with two daughters,thin and had those Droopy eyes (you know the dog from the cartoon). Basically a woman who men don't pay that much attention to. Somehow she got in her head she was all that and that she could make any one do what she wanted them to do. Of course this wasn't true at all. Men tolerated her. When she got intoxicated she was always very hands on. Not with any men. But with me.She...

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Mr. Donley was sitting behind his desk with a silly smile on his face when his secretary showed Brenda in. He dismissed his secretary, then turned his attention back to Brenda, struggling mightily to keep his eyes off her chest and focused on her eyes. Brenda was an attractive, 37 year-old woman, with long, auburn hair casually pulled back into a pony tail, and big, natural 35E boobs that were hard to ignore. She rarely wore a bra, and wasn’t wearing one that morning, and Mr. Donley’s eyes...

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I Captured a Gypsy or Did She Capture Me 2

My voice was sincere when I asked her, "Lets turn aound here, Love, and I'll return the favor!" When I latched hold of her clit I gave her a musical welcome to the Southland by humming "Dixie." If her writhing around were any indication she liked our music just fine! I mused perhaps she was a southern Hungarian and made a mental note to ask her later. Her mouth felt so fine I wondered where the hell she had learned to bring a simple blow job to the level of an art? I decided I...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 16

“Local law says that no church or synagogue can be taller than the shortest mosque in the area.” “So some joker built a mosque that is five feet tall just to make the Christians and Jews unhappy?” “It looks that way,” Oscar answered with a grin. Georgia looked down at the roof of the decrepit building. The roof was about four feet above the ground. It was hard to believe that Oscar was taller than the building. She said, “I know you are short, but how can you possibly stand up in that...

3 years ago
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Hot Slutwife And Loser Husband

I am Shreya Sharma from Delhi.I always get compliments from guys for my cute face and sexy body.I get a lot of male attention wherever I go, in the office, at the mall.I loved cock, ever since I lost my virginity at sixteen to my high school boyfriend, atir.I loved sex ever since.I had numerous boyfriends in highschool and college.Even after atir left me, I still wanted him, he was the only guy I ever loved. He was senior to me by a couple of years when he fucked me one afternoon after school.I...

1 year ago
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The Drifter Chapter Five

When I woke up, I wanted to make an early start, but was surprised that despite our tense situation, Carla had other ideas and was stroking my cock, letting me know she wanted a good wake-up fuck. “You really are insatiable aren't you?” “Yes, and I know you like that. You're already hard.” She crawled between my legs and started moving her tongue slowly up and down my hard cock, delicately licking, while her devilish blue eyes watched me writhing. She took my cock in her mouth and bobbed up...

Straight Sex
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Sherry The Story Teller Pt 2

Sarah went into the kitchen, washed her hands, then took out from the refrigerator lettuce, broccoli, a green pepper, a cucumber, a jar of Greek olives, a small ceramic container of cheese, then from the basket over the counter, a red onion and a big tomato. Angelo came in with a bottle of red wine and Sarah handed him a cork screw and, with her eyes, told him to open the wine, then reached for two wine glasses. “ Hope you like a Greek Salad with homemade feta cheese.” “ Homemade?” “ Yes...

Straight Sex
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c 2

The next week the women of the family stayed away from any sexual relations with Jake. He was building his strength and except for a hand-job from his physical ther****t Lena he had no sensual action at all. It seemed as if the women came to their moral senses and realized what they were doing was wrong now that he had recovered. It was almost two weeks from the time he woke from the c*** before something sexual happened again with a family member. Jake was eating breakfast when Annie walked in...

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Apparently my GF is a slut pt 2

I asked my GF to explain "the pics" that she was talking about in the previous story, and this is what came out...cant tell if its hot or too slutty for all this to have happened...My first month at school my freshman year I met this guy who I ended up being friends with. But when we first met, we used to fuck and one night he took pictures of me with my top off.I didn't think much about it, but about a month later I heard he'd shown some of our other guy friends. Suddenly I had some asking me...

2 years ago
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Fucking a mature woman is special

Thank you readers for accepting my first story “My papa and advocate Antra aunty” and thank you for your valued feedback in my email ID. As I told you before that I am not a regular reader of ISS, but I sometimes go through the beautiful erotic stories whenever I feel bore and get time to sit in the internet. I am Rohit, 23 years old and from a higher class family. My father is a businessman and unfortunately my parents got divorced and stay in distance. My mother later married with an older...

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Punjabi Client In Bangalore

Hi to my all sweet iss readers this is your ravikrishna going to narrate a awesome name is ravikrishna aged 21 with a height of 6 ft and I have a hard rock penis with a size of 6 inches which can satisfy all types of women.any girls ladies or aunties in and around Bangalore wants to get sex pleasure can drop a mail on sweet friends this story will make the girls to feel their wetness on the pussy and their boobs hard after feeling all those things mail me babies am waiting to...

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