Emma Ch. 36 free porn video

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Charlotte knew that she had gained something of a reputation at work: a reputation not in any way improved by her pursuit of a man to father a child for Josephine and her from all the men at work who were willing to do so. Her announcement of her pregnancy and her announcement that Josephine was the father was one which prompted mixed feelings to her colleagues. Not all the men (especially those who’d had sex with her) quite saw it the way she did, and many of the women, especially the older ones, thought her behaviour at best odd and at worst promiscuous, sluttish and perverse. However, they expressed sympathy and joy in Charlotte’s pregnancy, although as yet there was very little real evidence of it.

One girl who was rather more sympathetic and enthusiastic than the others was Enid, a girl in her first job and still a teenager. She had very set views with regards to naturism, which was her reason for taking a job as a clerical assistant in the office, and also to lesbianism, regarding herself very much as one, although she admitted to never having actually had such a relationship. Enid allied herself to Charlotte from the very day she started. Of all those working in the department she was the one who had the most obvious similarity in attitude and lifestyle to that which Enid aspired to.

“Oh! I’m so happy for you!” She exclaimed, holding Charlotte to her, and kissing her tenderly on the face. “It’s just a shame that you had to have sex with men to have one. Wasn’t that so absolutely ghastly. What did Josephine think?”

“Josephine participated as well. She had as much chance of being the mother as I. But now she’ll be the father. She was there when the baby was conceived. She worked as hard as I did in making it possible. And it’s only fair that she take some of the credit for it.”

Enid picked up the framed photograph of Josephine that was on her desk, one of the few nude pictures of Charlotte’s lover that were not associated with her theatrical career. She held it in both hands and chuckled as she examined it. “Josephine’s so very pretty. You’re so lucky! She’s exactly the kind of lover I’d love to have. Doesn’t she have such a darling smile. And she’s a lesbian and naturist as well, isn’t she?”

Charlotte smiled, pleased to see someone appreciating her lover so much. “Well, no. She’s not really either. She likes men too, and she still has a lot to do with them in her job. She’s also not really a naturist. She quite likes wearing clothes. She doesn’t take her clothes off except when she’s at home or when she has to as part of her job.”

“Oh! That’s a shame!” Sighed Enid sincerely. “Still, nobody could be that perfect, could they?”

“As far as I’m concerned she’s perfect as she is!” Said Charlotte loyally. She took the photograph from Enid’s hands and examined it with pride. She was indeed lucky in having a lover like Josephine. It seemed to her that their love just grew stronger and stronger.

“Oh, I’d love to experience love like that!” Enid sighed. “My flatmate, Hyacinth, well … she’s alright … but she’s just a friend. She’s not a lover. It’s not the same thing. You’re so lucky. Josephine is so beautiful.”

She turned towards Charlotte, a mournful expression on her face. “Why can’t I have a lover like you? Will I always be lonely?”

Charlotte put a reassuring arm around Enid’s shoulder and pulled her head onto her breast. The office was empty. The working day had finished and the cleaner was busy on another floor of the building. She had stayed late to finish some paperwork that she had allowed to accumulate and hadn’t expected Enid to stay late too. She suspected that the young girl had stayed on precisely for the reason of chatting to her, something which Charlotte actually rather appreciated. She often felt quite an outcast in the office. Sometimes, she reflected on her own foolishness in expecting her colleagues to share her attitudes and outlook.

“You’re very young. Opportunities will come. You’ll see!”

“But how long will I have to wait?”

“I had to wait a long time, too.”

“But you’ve got such a wonderful lover! Why not me? Why can’t I have a girlfriend like Josephine? Someone to love. Someone who loves me. Why not me?” A small tear trickled from the corner of her eye, down her round freckled cheek and onto her bare shoulder. Charlotte brushed it out from her salt cellar and smiled sympathetically. It wasn’t so long ago that her own feelings of frustration resembled those of Enid’s. She knew only too well the pain of unrequited love, and still felt a pang when she reflected on Emma’s preference for the flighty child that dominated her affections. Although nowadays her rôle was as Emma’s confidante as she complained about her young lover’s unfaithfulness, she still had the feeling that Emma would have been so much happier had she accepted Charlotte’s love earlier. Charlotte sighed.

“Don’t cry! You’ve got a lifetime ahead of you! You’ll find someone. I know you will!” She smiled into Enid’s pale blue eyes framed by a small round face that looked even younger from the severe short hairstyle she preferred and the smattering of light brown freckles that spread over her cheek, nose and onto her small perky breasts.

“Oh! Charlotte! Say it won’t be too long!” Enid wailed. She pressed her head hard onto Charlotte’s chest, her sharp chin on the ribcage and a warm dampness trickled between the breasts.

“It won’t be! It won’t be!” Reassured Charlotte, raising Enid’s chin with her hand and facing her. She kissed her affectionately on the lips and was rather startled when Enid’s hands grasped her by the back of her neck and thrust her tongue inside her mouth. The salty taste of Enid’s saliva mingled with hers, and despite an initial reserve, a warm sensuous feeling overcame her and she returned Enid’s inexpert kisses with her own practised ones. Enid gripped Charlotte tighter, her eyes closed, as she pushed and pushed her mouth into Charlotte’s, her tongue exploring deep inside the internal contours of her mouth.

Charlotte had become too accustomed to lovemaking. It was such an integral part of her life. Sex with Emma, Susan, Fatima and all the men who she’d invite to her flat. It all merged into one sensual experience of which her affection mostly concentrated on Josephine. But Enid was such a nice young girl: pretty and affectionate. So obviously enamoured of her. She’d often observed the slight choke in Enid’s voice when they passed in the corridor, the way her eyes wandered about, but focused again and again on her body and the short trimmed hairs of her vagina. Perhaps it was right to give her the love which she had so readily granted the men in the office and who had so much loved thrusting deep into her cunt while she caressed and kissed Josephine ever in attendance and waiting for her turn at penetrative sex.

And so it was that Charlotte reciprocated to Enid’s youthful passion, stimulating her clitoris with her fingers, stroking and massaging her vagina, and soon plunging her tongue into its youthful recesses while Enid exercised her own with a passion and urgency she recognised from her own earlier lovemaking with Josephine. The two wrestled together over the nylon carpets of the office, knocking over the recently emptied wastepaper bin, banging Charlotte’s head against the back of a desk, while a leg frantically pushed at the leg of a chair. Enid’s dedication to the lovemaking charmed Charlotte who watched as she pushed her tongue deep into her vagina, nibbled at her hardened clitoris and sweated onto her outspread legs.

As the two of them huddled in postcoital embrace, sweat running down the nobbled contours of their spines, Charlotte wondered what she had let herself in for. Was she being unfaithful to Josephine?
Was she complicating her love life with her work in an irreversible way? She looked at Enid whose eyes focused above her shoulder to the desk. She followed Enid’s gaze to the photograph of Josephine.

“Oh! You and Josephine are so lucky!” Enid sighed.

Charlotte smiled. How could she be unfaithful to Josephine when Enid was as keen on her continued relationship as she was herself? Comforted by this thought, she took Enid’s face in her hands and plunged her tongue once more into the welcoming red darkness of her mouth.

Enid’s flatmate, Hyacinth, was a black girl who studied at the neighbouring Art School, where her specialities were life drawing and sculpting. She was even poorer than Enid, her allowance being very low and so too her grant. She was about the same age as Enid, but shared very little of her enthusiasm for naturism or lesbianism. However, the bedsit was very small and there was only one bed, which they inevitably had to share. She had thick black wavy hair, and mostly wore cut-off jeans, trainers and short slips, which revealed all her midriff and only just about reached to the bottom of her breasts. Sharing the same bed inevitably meant that she had to sleep with Enid’s passionate warm body wrapped around hers, and this close intimacy naturally led to Enid being rather more adventurous with her slim naked body than Hyacinth might normally choose. Although, it wasn’t her preference to have a girl stroking and licking her shaven cunt, she found it pleasant enough as long as Enid understood there was to be no penetration or kissing. Enid reluctantly accepted these rules, although she so often tried to contravene them, which Hyacinth found amusing, but not really to be encouraged.

Hyacinth enjoyed all the attention her flatmate paid her. The breakfasts in bed. Her daily shaving regime, which left her shaven vagina the envy of all her equally shorn fellow students. And the companionship, which was so painfully sincere it almost hurt. However, Hyacinth had no real need for Enid’s sexual attention. She already had several boyfriends at the college, mostly black like herself, although she wasn’t overly fastidious with the race of any man she’d choose to fuck with. She did, however, much prefer black man. Generally, there were possessed of better and larger penises, although she was aware that her sample of white men was not extensive enough to be a fair comparison. She much preferred dark skin, and, anyway, she had much more in common with their cultural background.

Enid was very accommodating with Hyacinth and her lovers, that was true. She would share the bed with Hyacinth and her current lover, whose buttocks pushed up and down as he thrust deep inside her cunt, her legs were tangled about her lover’s shoulders and the bed violently shaking backwards and forwards. Although, many of her lovers suggested that Enid should join, Hyacinth’s flatmate was adamant that that was the last thing she wanted. She was happy enough to see that Hyacinth was happy, perhaps getting some of her reflected joy. Hyacinth was aware that not many girls were as obliging as Enid, and she had no fears that Enid would attempt to steal her lovers from her.

Hyacinth was aware that Enid didn’t know nearly as many people in the town as she. She wouldn’t, not being a student, living away from home and working with older people who, despite mostly being naturists, were not lesbians and not inclined to spend much time with someone so much younger and so eccentric. There was only one friend Enid had made, an older woman, Charlotte, who Enid was very enthusiastic about. She was also a lesbian and a naturist, but Hyacinth could see that Enid’s affection was compromised by the presence of Charlotte’s lover, Josephine, an actress currently performing in Country Girls are Hard To Love, which was on at the New Crucible Theatre. She also realised that it was more Josephine than Charlotte who most attracted Enid’s attention, even though she’d never met her and had only seen the photographs which Charlotte was happy to show her and even lend her. Josephine was not a naturist and far from being only lesbian in her tastes. From the photographs, Josephine seemed relatively demure and modest, even without her clothes, which was a state seen in only a minority of the photographs.

“We must go and see Country Girls!” Said Enid on more than one occasion. “I’d just love to see Josephine perform.”

“But is the play any good?” Wondered Hyacinth, who wasn’t really much of a theatregoer. Indeed, she’d usually found plays either very confusing or very boring.

“It must be!” Enid insisted. “Or Josephine wouldn’t be in it!”

Hyacinth accepted the twisted logic, but noted that Josephine wasn’t really the leading performer. Her rôle was as a country lady in the early nineteenth century village where the play was set. She would, of course, be expected to have sex with one or more of the other actors, and as far as Hyacinth was concerned this would at least compensate for the boredom she feared would inflict her between sex scenes.

The New Crucible was a medium-sized theatre with slightly worn seats, but most of these were filled when the play began. Hyacinth and Enid sat together near the front in seats that were far more expensive than Hyacinth would normally have contemplated, but it was Enid’s treat (one of so many her flatmate insisted on lavishing on her!), so Hyacinth couldn’t really grumble. The play was a nineteenth century fuck story about a couple from the big city who had come to the country seemingly with only the purpose of fucking as many country ladies as they could. One of these was Josephine who in the first of the three acts managed to keep all her clothes on. These suited Josephine quite well, Hyacinth noted. The long dress, the high laced collar, the ringed hair and the tight bodice were well suited to Josephine’s general demeanour and appearance. She played very well the rôle of someone genuinely shocked by the city dwellers predatory sexual habits, blushing convincingly as she watched the two visitors fuck her maid who kept on her cotton stockings and her dress while being fucked from behind while the woman kissed her.

It was in the second act that the character played by Josephine was seduced and had sex with the man. This began with a sequence of fellatio, where she took the whole of his penis into her mouth, and engineered it into a very creditable erection. As large a one as any of Hyacinth’s black lovers, but then actors were often selected for this very attribute. Josephine showed her skills as an actress in remembering her lines between times of having the penis in her mouth, and taking off her clothes with a shyness which belied the fact that this was something she was fairly used to doing in front of an audience, and had of course done many times before in the run of the production. It was then that the man, with the improbable name of Roger Ramrod, pushed his penis hard and twitching firmly into Josephine’s trimmed cunt.

Enid found all this very exciting. Hyacinth glanced down to see that Enid had removed her knickers, which lay over her buckled shoes, and gently stroked her cunt with the hand that wasn’t gripped tight in Hyacinth’s own. Enid was stroking the perimeter of her vulva, her finger occasionally dipping inside where Hyacinth could see its moistness. Then, when Josephine and Roger Ramrod were unexpectedly joined by the maid, who was this time totally naked except for her stockings and a bow in her hair, Enid took Hyacinth’s black hand firmly to her cunt, and pressed it against her. She smiled broadly at Hyacinth.

“Oh! Isn’t Josephine wonderful!” Whispered Enid. “She’s all I imagined she’d be and more!”

Hyacinth nodded. She didn’t really mind Enid pressing her fingers against her cunt. It did feel very moist and warm. She allowed Enid to push a couple of fingers deep inside, and tenderly kissed her flatmate on the cheek, n
oting with indulgent affection the flush of warm passion that spread over Enid’s face. On stage meanwhile, Josephine and her maid were locked in deep embrace, while Roger Ramrod fucked both of them in turn. As Roger came to his climax, brandishing his penis like a weapon over the two of them, semen visible even from this distance as it spurted out on his two lovers, Enid had pushed all of Hyacinth’s hand inside her, the fingers now rather sticky and smelly. This wasn’t the first time that Enid had done this, though usually in the privacy of their shared bed, but Hyacinth could see that the true object of Enid’s passion was not herself but Josephine.

In the final interval, Enid tearfully embraced Hyacinth, while the tall woman next to her glanced at the two of them disdainfully but curiously.

“I don’t know if I can take much more of this play!” Joked Hyacinth. “It’s just wearing my fingers out!” In fact, she had found the play rather shallow on the whole. She’d seen much better acting in the cinema, the plot was a little dull and it was really only the fucking and Enid’s response to it that encouraged her to stay at all.

In the third act, there was more fucking than in the first two, but Josephine’s rôle, rather like her sexual passion, was mostly spent. Her only participation was fairly minor, and involved fellating the Right Reverend Randolph who was meanwhile being buggered simultaneously by the indefatigable Roger Ramrod. This disappointingly brief appearance didn’t trouble Enid, who again took Hyacinth’s hand to her cunt, pumping away at her moist, hot interior, until, with the Right Reverend over Josephine’s face, Enid also came, panting with passion and ecstasy to the obvious discomfort of almost everyone around them.

“Oh! Hyacinth!” Gasped Enid, leaning onto her shoulder, tears running down her freckled cheeks. “Oh! Hyacinth! Now I know what being in love is like!”

Hyacinth started. This was not a welcome change of events. “Not with me, I hope!”

“No, silly!” Laughed Enid. “With Josephine! She’s so beautiful, so talented, so wonderful. I love her! I love her so much! Charlotte’s so lucky! Oh! I love Josephine!”

Hyacinth settled down. That wasn’t so bad then, although she foresaw difficulties ahead. After all, weren’t Charlotte and Josephine due to get married soon?

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An Evening With Ritchie Natasha and Dave

true story :) It was a perfect summer night, the stars were out and the moon was nearly full. The k**s were staying overnight at the parents, and we had a dinner party at Ritchie and Natasha’s. Dave, a longtime friend of Ritchie, Kerri and I was in town, and Ritchie had made elaborate plans with me over the phone to get the girls fed, loaded and naked in style. Dave and Ritchie had spent most of the day drinking and watching the chef (nanny by day-Ritchie and Tasha’s son was with their parents...

1 year ago
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Deconstructing the Nerd Ch 02

When Monday hit again, Reema was ready to tackle another week of university. She had a few classes to attend with some breaks in between, which she used to scout out some student associations and clubs. Her parents would be happy to hear that. In fact, she called them on the way to one. She wished she hadn’t, though, because her dad kept reminding her how they looked good on CVs (although Reema wasn’t sure he knew what CV actually stood for) and in applying for jobs and internships. It was all...

2 years ago
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Trevors Transformation Chapter Four

As we pulled into my driveway that Thursday evening, I repeated to Trevor the plans for tomorrow. “Be here on time. I have a truck load of the arborvitaes showing up tomorrow morning at 8:30. These guys are always on time, so I need your help unloading and planting the 18 trees. If we get going right away, we can finish early tomorrow. I have plans for the weekend, and the client has to have his landscaping done for a party Saturday afternoon. They’re paying top dollar for this job, so we...

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Fucked in Delhi again

Hello, I am Neha again. I have earlier submitted in ISS my real life experience I had with my boss in Delhi (My first and worst experience). After that incident I had left to my home town Amritsar, Punjab. Now I am here to share what had happened to me last week on my visit to Delhi for getting a certificate from my college. I left to Delhi in train on Friday evening. I had returned the return ticket in Volvo bus from Chandni Chowk for Saturday evening, so that I can go to office on Monday...

4 years ago
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SunnyChapter 5

Carl’s turn: What a night ... So far, I’ve had half a great hamburger and I’ve knifed a guy. I’ve been to the county sheriff’s office and come home in orange coveralls... “Let me get pictures,” Sunny said. “Sunny, this ain’t what I wanna be famous for...” “There are worse things, Carl.” “God, I just wanna get home...” “Don’t be a wuss. You stepped up. Masterfully...” I was trying to parse the look on her face. “Whaddaya mean?” “Well, there’re a lot of posers out there. You know ‘em....

3 years ago
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Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 10

Though all her other children had replied to Claire’s email, there had been nothing from Elizabeth, and Claire felt the loss. Each day she had hoped for something the next day, but there was nothing from her. “I’m worried about Peter,” she said over coffee that morning. “From what the children say, he seems very depressed.” So he damn well ought to be, thought John, though he said nothing, but massaged her shoulders and back. “D’you think I should write to him?” she asked plaintively....

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Greatest fuck

Sujata is my neighbour’s wife. She is pretty, voluptuous and sexy, and she knows it. Very deliberately she moves around thrusting her boobs upwards, to attract men. At 45, she still looks like 35, only more sexy. And all the men in the whole neighbourhood must be dreaming to fuck her. Her husband is a very nice man, working for a foreign company. The couple have 2 sons who are studying in Australia. My wife was a bit jealous of her sexy body. Sujata even told her that men are attracted to her...

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Watch but dont touch

I had always fancied Sadie, but she was my best mate’s on/off girlfriend. Now after an evening of intoxicated flirtation, here we were in her bedroom.Sadie insisted that I watch but don't touch. I sat on the edge of her bed."I'm going to show you how I do myself and you're going to watch me,” she quipped, stripping down to an ivory silk G-string. She pulled it tight and snug over her cunt. She went to her dressing table, watching herself in confidence in the mirror, and rummaged deep in her...

1 year ago
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Failing PE

I remember back in high school.It was a very hot after noon and we had physical education class that time. Our teacher made us play volleyball under the scorching heat. Being the k** who didn't like to run around and sweat all the time, I became the try hard player who kept pushing to catch up with my classmates. Not noticing I was loosing so much water in my body, I fainted from dehydration. The next thing I knew it was already 4 and I was in the school clinic.I tried to get up but the...

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Not What You Think I Am

Marriage can be a lonely place, two folks living together and yet being so far apart. It never used to be like that but I guess it comes with the ageing process; a mid-life crisis. To overcome our frustrations, my wife decided we would spend more time together away from our comfortable home, so one weekend every month we hire a log cabin at a campsite that sits between the forest and the lake. It might have been better to spend weekends apart and, realistically, that is exactly what we do!...

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Tequila Made her Clothes Fall Off

On a recent trip, after the day's work was finished, we looked around for a local watering hole. The town we were in was not that large, so there was two choices. a old saloon and yes it was a saloon and very old, or a local Mexican Restaurant & Cantina. We chose the Restaurant.Stepping in through the side door, we entered the cantina and headed for the bar, The bartender asked what we wanted as he prepared shots, and my buddy said Pacifico, all around He dropped the shots off at the...

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My Girlfriend Leaves Me Alone With Jill

I met Cee 3 years ago in an online chat. We were both married at the time, but do to the lack of sex in those relationships, we were looking for something. I had just separated from my wife and filed for divorce. I got a promotion and moved to a new city, I was on my own again. Cee’s husband lived in another state with his job, leaving her all alone except for holidays. Our online chats turned to sex. We traded pictures of ourselves and there was an instant attraction for both of us. We talked...

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Cultivation is never easy

Josh had read his fair share of fantasy novels, where the protagonist gets sent to a new world after dying in his original one. There, he is gifted with a system or grandfather like figure who guides him on to the summit of cultivation. Now the common theme in most of these novels were that dual cultivating sects was seen as inherently evil. Something to be loathed and hated. Looked down and cast aside by the wider, righteous sects. Hardly ever did it work out in favour of those practicing the...

2 years ago
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POSTING SOMEONE'S ELSE'S STORY The story herein is told as best as I can recall it. It occurredduring 1948-49-50. There are continued incidents that occurred 1952-58.Over the years I have relived these events countless times, carefullyreconstructing in my mind many forgotten details and conversations -- atone point undergoing hypnosis to recall details or events that lay buriedunder a lifetime of other thoughts and concerns.What follows is presented as clearly as I can remember... The single...

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Blindfolded hot aunty tricked into fucking another man

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read A fine day Velamma was surprised when she got an unexpected package from ‘Ganguly Fashions.’ It was a gift from Mandeep and Karna. Velamma laid out the two pairs of amazingly hot lingerie on the bed. She could tease Ramesh wearing that, but he was on a business trip. Mandeep and Karna had started designing slutty lingerie for plus-sized women, and Velamma was the one who inspired them. This was a token of...

3 years ago
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Hot Cross Buns

I am fed up with the girls on the beach, they show off their great tits and a thong that hardly covers anything, they have great asses. I'm Julie a late 20's girls who is overweight and never looked good, even when I go on a diet it doesn't work. Still I do have some good friends, guys I've known for a long time, of course they aren't the best looking and one of the beach girls would never look twice at them.Then last week I thought up a plan. I told the 4 guys who are my best friends, Ron,...

2 years ago
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A to Z Fuckstories ndash G is for GString Fuck

We’d been at the party for only 10 minutes or so when Jess was first asked to come to a room with a guy. Cassidy was only with me another 3 minutes before she was whisked away as well. I found out later that Cassidy was only in the market for blowjobs, while Jess was available for those or anal.I wandered around the party, declining the offers of beer and shots, a bottle of water in hand. I walked by a bedroom with the door wide open. Inside were four girls and a guy. The guy’s name was Chris....

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The Royals 8211 Episode 1 8211 The Princess8217 Procession

The Royals is a series that follows the lives and stories of 6 families in a hunt for one throne- the kingdom of Mantrapura. According to an age-old prophecy, the kingdom that rules over Mantrapura for 25 years continuously shall get the power to rule the world. The prophecy is scripted on the gigantic walls of Mantrapura. Mantrapura is an island in the Indian Ocean that no country has claimed. Surrounded on the outside by a thick jungle, this sprawling kingdom hosts around eleven thousand...

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1994Chapter 20 A warm wet wrap

Our two nights and days in the hotel room were exhausting, but by Monday night I was looking forward to Karen's telephone call. "What are you doing?" "I'm making notes regarding the upcoming investors' meeting," I answered, knowing that I was giving her more detail than she wanted. Saying more about the investor's meeting would have been ignored. "Am I disturbing you?" "Not at all," I said, knowing what she wanted to hear. "I look forward to your calls." "You...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII - Jezebel learns that political forces are swirling around hir mother encouraging her to run for higher office and Jezzie attends a sexy hot yoga class at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission.. I raise my hand in order to ask the Headmistress 'what in world is going on about mother?' "Yes, yes, I know what you are going to ask, the cat is out of the bag, many, many powerful...

1 year ago
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Faithful Vistions

"Wake up Astoria, you need to save them!" I had been getting these flashes of a man yelling at me in everyone of my dreams lately. They all say the same thing. But who am I supposed to save when I can't even keep a stable job or a roof over my head? I sit up from the makeshift but I made for myself between two buildings. A bar, which sounded open by the lock bard playing the only song people seemed to ask for here, and the Inn. As I climbed out of the tent, I fixed my ratty clothes and tied my...

2 years ago
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My First Time

I have been in the business of designing for 3 years now. I design light fittings that are custom made by my company for celebrities. I'm a beautiful, sexy and attractive girl of 22 years. My name is Njide and I'm engaged to Nonso. I travel frequently to Awka for my work.My boss Akpan is a 34 years old handsome guy and I represent him for these client meetings. I'm here to describe how I lost my virginity (before my engagement). I work hard for a living. My parents and I live in Enugwu-ukwu....

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That Summer Dress

“Damn,” she shouted to herself as her middle finger hit the delete key on her MacBook. She had spent the whole night trying to write her first lesbian erotic story for publication on the RedSite, which she had joined to express her sexuality. Mary had successfully written stories about straight sex but had set her heart on completing a lesbian tale. The frustration was evident. She was still learning her craft and despite never having been with a woman, she was completely curious about it.It...

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College Girls Sexual Hazing

When I signed up for the Kappa Omega Kappa sorority I had no idea it would be this much fun. And this was only the initiation. It occurred to me sometimes ago. I am Ashley, 19 years old girl. I am blonde with beautiful eyes, slim and sexy figure and I am 5'8".At sorority house, in of the older girl's bedrooms, we were ordered to take off our clothes while the older girls inspected us. We were all nervous at first, obviously, but as the older girls took control and ordered the four of us to...

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BlindsidedChapter 3

I drove with great determination and absolutely no idea of where I was going. I just wanted to be someplace else and I was getting there quickly. I drove down the interstate highways all day. I pulled into a well-lighted rest area and there, ignoring the sign that said "No Overnight Parking", I slept. Maybe I should have found a hotel room, but I didn't want to use my credit card, certainly not until I could make arrangements to have the bill forwarded wherever I finally ended up. I...

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Hot Sex With A Slut

Hello to all the readers. This is a story about the woman who I fucked hard and fucked good. I knew her for awhile then one day we started having an actual conversation and it led to making love. She was a really thick woman with fats in all the right places. She had a beautiful face. She was always kind of bitchy but she was actually a good person deep down. She was in her late 30s without a husband and was really lonely. Soon after we started talking there was chemistry in the air. One day I...

4 years ago
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Cut it Off

Cut it Off by Rebecca It has been well over a year now and I think the worst part has been the loneliness. Oh, I've had television to watch and there have been newspapers and books to read but the lack of human companionship was at times almost unbearable. Peggy has been my only visitor and the pain and humiliations that I have suffered at her hands have not always made her welcome company. Well, to be perfectly honest, there have been others who have visited me here but they...

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Youre Under Arrest

THE RAID I can imagine that I must have looked somewhat 'used' as I stood naked in the middle of the room. Fresh cum was sprinkled in my red hair and more of it was oozing out of my pussy. Tom, Dick and Harry sat naked on the floor, their backs against the wall. Their three cocks were shriveled up, not unusual considering the circumstances. No, I didn't remember their real names. They were just guys that the cameraman had brought up to the apartment to fuck me. I know that he didn't pay...

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If life were simpler

You are a junior in college, and it's finals week. You need to focus on a final project, so you head to the library, where you can focus. The library has a couple study rooms, and you hope to find one unoccupied. You walk into the library and look through the glass windows, and see al the large study rooms on the 2nd floor are full. The only other study rooms are in the basement, and are much smaller. As you enter the basement, you don't see anyone around. You walk over to the small study...

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Private Behaviour

  Verity’s friend Jayne rang her at a pretty inconvenient moment. She was waiting for a call off Phoenix who was, as always, late. The fact he was feckless and unpredictable of course only added to the attraction that Verity felt for him. A self confessed commitment phobe Verity was used to being a male magnet. Her aloof attitude attracted the opposite sex in droves but as always there had to be the exception to the rule and that was Phoenix. However, Verity was not the kind of girl to choose...

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Niece Beth Gets What she Asks For

Niece Beth Gets What She Asks ForBy billy69boy(Sequel to “Niece Beth Confesses”)By the time I got down to the basement, Beth was already fiddling around with a musty old length of thick, rough rope. “Find something you like?” I asked her. “Hmmm, it smells kind of funky, but it’s real scratchy,” my adorable niece replied, in all her naked splendor. She handed me the rope and presented her wrists to me. I spun her around, and bound her wrists behind her back, then threaded the rope down...

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