Defying Gravity Ch. 04-05 free porn video

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I’ve heard people tell of heart stopping moments. I didn’t take it as serious as I should really. The slam of a door downstairs stopped mine. Mom jumped from the bed. She winced in pain as she slipped her arms into her robe. Had I been more alert I would have realised that she had been naked from the waist up as we were making out. Without a glance Mom hurried from my room.

Footsteps trailed upstairs and then a door closed. I heard the door open and then voices coming from their room. Something within me made me exit my room and walk down the landing. I was heading towards their voices. As I closed on their room I realised what had triggered my actions. They were arguing.

‘Get out!’

‘This is my bedroom.’ I saw the shadows move across the landing.

‘Then you can have it, I’ll sleep in the spare room,’ Mom replied.

I was too late and standing on the landing when she burst out of the doorway. She came to a shuddering halt the instant she saw me. I don’t know who was the more stunned. Dad appeared at the door. When he saw me his face fell.

‘What’s going on?’

‘This is between me and your mom,’ dad replied.


‘Just go back to your room Danny,’ she answered.

Dismissed and pissed, I turned away and walked back to my room. I closed and locked the door. Turning off the light I lay on top of the bed. Every sound in the house was magnified by my imagination. I heard a brief exchange of muted voices on the landing and then, first of two doors being closed loudly.

Sleep was hard to come by and I was showered, dressed and out of the house before either Mom or Dad had stirred. I didn’t want to face either of them and was too early for class so headed to a local diner for breakfast.

There were only a few dawn birds in the diner when I parked in the street out front. Most were from the plant. The family run diner hadn’t changed in three generations as proved by the photographs of the original eatery hanging on the walls. I decided to sit at the counter instead of occupying one of the booths.

‘I’ll be right with you.’ Charlie’s voice shocked me from my thoughts. I’d forgotten that she was covering for Becca the next two weeks as Becca had exams.

‘No worries,’ I answered. My voice had the same effect on Becca’s sister. Running on autopilot she knew that someone had entered the diner and was now sitting at the counter but had still concentrated on the customers’ orders that she was serving.

‘Hey,’ she called out.

‘Good Morning,’ I replied and smiled. Having served her customers she wandered along the counter.

She said, ‘And a very good morning to you too.’

I looked into her sparkling blue eyes. ‘Hi.’

‘Can I get you some coffee, or would you like tea?’

‘Tea would be good,’ I answered. Charlie dropped a bag in a cup, poured over hot water and then placed it on the counter before me. ‘I’d recommend the ham and eggs.’


‘How do you want your eggs?’

‘Scrambled,’ I replied.

‘Would you like pancakes or toast?’ Charlie asked

‘I’ll have whole wheat toast.’

Charlie smiled. She looked at me for a second or two. ‘Is everything OK?’

I nodded. I’m not sure if she believed me. She disappeared into the kitchen. I heard her shout my order. Five minutes later she re-appeared carrying two plates loaded with ham, eggs and a side or of toast. A nod of her head indicated that I should follow. Charlie settled in the back-most booth. She placed both plates down and slid into the booth.

‘Don’t let it go cold.’

‘Yes Mom,’ I answered. I earned a glare.

We ate in silence.

‘Danny, can I ask you something?’

‘Sure,’ I answered between mouthfuls of ham. Inside, I wasn’t as sure as I sounded.

‘Would you like to go to the movies with me?’

‘Sure…I mean, yes, I would like that.’

Charlie smiled.

‘We could go to Rossi for a pizza after,’ she hurried on. ‘Or we can eat before the movie, if you’d prefer?’

‘That sounds like a date,’ I ventured.

‘Is that a problem?’ Her voice failed her.

‘No,’ I replied. ‘Pizza and a movie is classic first date material.’

‘It is, isn’t it?’

We chatted for the next five minutes and then Charlie’s break was finished. I watched her at work for the next half hour and we exchanged a few words as she passed my booth.

‘There’s a new Johnny Depp movie on at the Mall,’ Charlie called out as I was leaving for school.

‘OK.’ I said that I would call her after school.

‘Hey Daniel,’ she called out as I was leaving. ‘Nice hair.’

I nodded, ‘I’ll tell my style guru that you like her work.’

Mom sent an IM at lunch. Finding her cell on the kitchen table, I had sent her a message before leaving the house that morning, knowing that she would only get the message once she had gone to the kitchen the start making dad’s breakfast. I let her know that I would get breakfast out and that I would be late home as I was working. Her first message asked if I was ok. I replied yes and reminded her of my earlier message.

Three minutes later my cell started to ring.


‘Hey yourself,’ she answered. We were silent. ‘Danny, is it true?’

‘Is what true?’

‘Damn it Danny, I’m talking about you and my sister going on a date.’

‘Is it OK?’ I asked uncertainly and was greeted with loud laughter.

‘OK,’ Becca screamed. ‘It’s better than OK.’

There was a moment of absolute quiet.

‘Danny, did you think that me and you…’ Becca’s voice cracked and failed her.


‘Dan Carter, you are my best boyfriend, I love you but I’m not in love with you.’

‘I just…’

‘Chillax,’ she yelled. ‘Charlie couldn’t wait to tell me about you two going out on a date. She is so mad about this, it’s unreal.’

‘She is?’ I asked.

‘Danny, she’s been waiting for you to ask her out on a date since before you….’

I stared into nothingness. ‘Were burned?’

I heard Becca’s sharp intake of breath. ‘Yes.’

‘Why didn’t you say anything?’

‘She told me not to. I’ll tell you this though, she would have said yes if you’d have asked her to go with you to the senior prom.’

That single revelation had me stunned. It would be later, the more that I thought about it, that I understood more about why Becca had lead the revolt against Jane.

‘Hey, are you still there?’

‘But she was going out with that Dave guy,’ I croaked. I hadn’t liked him since I was invited home by Becca one afternoon and found Charlie and her guy sunning themselves on the deck. He had come across as a serious buttfuck.

‘He was just a friend.’ No, I argued in my head, he was a buttfuck.

‘You should have told me,’ I said finally.

‘Danny, I just did. I’ll also tell you this. If you hurt Charlie I’ll chop off your dick and beat you with it.’ I swallowed as a very vivid image appeared in my mind.

I laughed. I heard Becca’s laughter too.

‘You wouldn’t do much damage with it.’

‘That’s not what I’ve been told.’

‘What?’ I yelled.

‘And don’t be late picking her up.’ Becca cut the call. I could still hear her laughing from across town. I was late getting to my next class.

I was easily able to swap shifts at the gas station, something that Uncle Bob turned a blind eye to just as long as the station was manned. There was no one home when I arrived. Leaving my bike in the garage I entered through the kitchen. The house was silent. I hurried to my room. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes for an hour. Waking I stared at the bedside alarm until the time pierced my brain. I was late. Quickly showering I headed out. Neither Mom nor dad was home when I left.

I dialled Mom’s cell but it was switched off. I left a voice mail message and added that s
he could call me any time.

Charlie and Becca were sitting on the swing set on the front deck when I pulled up in the street outside their parents’ home. Sliding from behind the wheel they were heading down the garden walk as I walked around the hood, arriving at the passenger door with just enough time to open the door.

‘You’re late,’ announced Becca.

‘He’s not,’ Charlie answered instantly and then turned to me. ‘Don’t pay her any attention Daniel. You’re not, you are exactly on time.’

In truth, I knew that I was early. It didn’t bother me because Charlie had spoken.

Have I told you about Charlie? I guess I mentioned that she was Becca’s older sister. She was and is by all of eleven minutes. Charlie mentioned that for those eleven minutes was the only time that she had her mother’s complete attention.

The day we met at junior high I could tell them apart. They may have been identical twins but I knew Becca from Charlie. People asked me how but I couldn’t tell them as I’m sure that they wouldn’t believe me if I did. They tried to fool me one time. It didn’t work and they both stopped talking to me for three weeks after their trick backfired in the school cafeteria. It was Charlie that made the first move to bridge the gap between us when, during one lunchtime, she walked past the table where she usually sat with the want-to-be cheerleaders and sat at the geek table, taking the seat next to me. Not to be out done by her sister Becca plonked herself in the seat on my other side.

‘You look really nice,’ I said to Charlie.

‘Nice!’ Becca cried out. ‘She looks nice? What kind of word is that?’

I felt my embarrassment burning across my scarred cheek. I had to turn away.

‘Can’t you just leave Daniel alone? Why do you have to spoil everything?’ Charlie’s sad voice struck me deep in my chest.

‘Sis I…’

‘We should get going,’ I interrupted. Becca gave me a strange look as if I had two heads. Instinct took over and I turned to hide my scars. I know that Becca realised what I had done, she had witnessed it too many times when we had been out. Only this time she was the person that I was hiding from.

I closed the passenger door and hurried around to climb behind the wheel. I heard Becca talking to her sister through the glass but paid little attention as I fired up the engine.

‘Danny…’ Becca called out as we pulled away from the curb. I caught Charlie looking in the mirror to see Becca standing on the sidewalk where we had left her.

I drove in silence as Charlie fought unsuccessfully to stop her tears.

‘Why does she hate me,’ said Charlie finally. It took it to be rhetorical because, for one thing, I didn’t have an answer.

I turned left at Mason when I should have turned right. Watching the movie was now a bad idea. Instead I was heading for the baseball diamond. It was the place where I had gotten hurt and where I also sought solitude and peace of mind. There were half a dozen cars parked in the lot and I purposefully parked at a distance from them. Turning off the engine I finally spoke.

‘Becca called me during the lunch break.’ I knew that I had Charlie’s attention now. I could feel her eyes on me. ‘She was fit to bust as she told me that it was about time that the two of us were getting together.’

‘She was?’

Charlie was asking for reassurance.

I nodded. ‘She also threatened me that if I hurt you than she was going to hurt me.’

Charlie laughed and cried. It was a strange, strangled sound that filled the truck cab. I couldn’t help but smile.

Suddenly Charlie must have realised that we weren’t at the Quadrant.

‘Where are we?’

I grabbed my cell and punched in the number for Rossi’s. I ordered two pizza, loaded, no anchovies and no olives, and sodas to be delivered to the ballpark lot. The order arrived inside fourteen minutes. One minute later and they would have been free. It could have been me but they were the best tasting pizzas yet. When I looked over at Charlie she had tomato sauce on her chin as she took another slice. I guess it wasn’t me after all.

‘This was a better idea than a movie,’ Charlie commented.

‘It’s not the classic first date,’ I answered.

Charlie laughed, ‘Daniel, we’ve been friends like forever, so we know each other. First dates are like interviews and this was never going to be a typical first date. This is way better.’

I didn’t answer.

‘Can I ask you something?’

‘Sure,’ I replied.

‘Why did you agree to go out on a date with me?’

‘Why did you ask me out on a date?’ I countered. I could see that my answered had knocked her confidence.

‘I said yes because I wanted to be here on a date with you.’ Charlie smiled warmly. ‘I don’t ask people out because I look like this.’

Charlie angrily slapped my arm.

‘Don’t you dare think like that,’ she yelled at me. ‘If they can’t see what a handsome man you are then more fool them and it’s their loss and my gain.’

I looked surprised.

‘So you have plans for more than this date?’

Charlie’s flushed with embarrassment.

‘So what if I have?’ she fired at me defensively.

‘No worries, just wanted to know in case Mom asks me what’s going on between us. I won’t lie to her so I guess that I should say that you are my girlfriend.’

‘Then that would make you my boyfriend,’ Charlie added.

‘It’s OK with me if it’s OK with you?’ Charlie nodded. I smiled. I had a girlfriend.

‘There’s one thing though.’ I heard the other shoe hit the floor with a reverberating and thunderous crash.

‘I’ve been accepted to USC on the early graduate scholarship.’ I was pleased and saddened at the same time.

‘That’s great news.’

Evidently I didn’t see what Charlie was searching for.

‘What about you and me?’

Charlie was staring out of the windshield. I could see that her hands were tightly clasped. The knuckles on her left hand were visible and white. I unfastened my restraint. Grabbed the empty pizza box and shoved it on to the dashboard and slid across the bench seat.

‘I was assuming that there would still be a ‘you and me’. Unless you thinking something different?’

Charlie leaped from her seat and straddled across my lap. All uncertainty and her doubts were cast out of her mind as she mashed her lips to mine. Charlie literally and figuratively took my breath away. I felt her take my hand and move it to her breast. She then covered my hand with hers to prevent its escape.

Wow, I thought, I’d reached Second Base.I’d never even managed a hit in my short little league career. Maybe I was a late starter.

There was now something I could master at the baseball park. Charlie let out a soft moan and pushed the tip of her tongue into my mouth.

‘God, I’m so turned on.’ Her voice was muffled by mine as she spoke. Charlie’s fingers were clawing at my hair as she fed hungrily on my lips.

‘Oh God!’

I felt her push my hand inside her shirt. My fingers instinctively curled around, to cup her bra encased breast. I felt Charlie squirm on my lap and felt a hard ridge pressing into my groin. I pushed my hips forward on the seat and felt her push back. I was a hard as granite.

‘My God Daniel,’ she moaned. ‘Love me.’

I caressed her breast and felt the growing hardness of her nipple. Sliding my thumb over the hard raisin I felt it grow erect. Charlie pushed down with her hips. Her hand moved between us and I felt her free her breasts from her bra. I slid her nipple between my fingers and pinched it gently.

Charlie moaned again.

I felt Charlie release her hands from between us and then thrust them between our gyrating hips. Her hands went to my denims. She popped the buttons with expert fingers. I felt my cock leap for freedom. Charlie plunged her hand inside my denims.

‘My God, it’s bigger than I imagined.


Charlie was staring into my face.

‘Yours is my first,’ she said meekly.

I leaned forward and kissed her soft open lips.

‘This is mine too.’

Charlie’s eyes opened wide. ‘I heard that you and Jane…’

I shook my head before she could finish and replied, ‘I heard that you and that college guy did it after the Senior Prom.’

Charlie didn’t answer immediately.

‘He had planned it all but I didn’t let him.’

I closed my eyes and whispered, ‘thank you God.’

‘He wasn’t who I wanted to be with.’

I tenderly kissed her lips.

The inside of the truck was suddenly filled with light. The first thought to invade my mind was the police and how would I explain this to Charlie’s parents.

I had enough time to push Charlie off me and fasten my denims before a shadow moved outside the truck. Mom’s face suddenly appeared at the passenger door. Before I knew what was happening Charlie was being bundled into the Jeep. Mom ran around to my side of the truck.

‘Mom, what’s going on?’

‘Slide over,’ she ordered. ‘I’m driving.’

I stared at her for a few moments and then, slowly, unclipped my restraint and slid across the bench seat. I fastened the passenger belt as Mom started the engine. The underside of the body was peppered with gravel as Mom slammed the gear shift into reverse and stamped her foot down hard on the accelerator. Making a 180 she pulled out of the parking lot and tailed Aunt Paula’s Jeep. We were heading in the opposite direction to where we lived.

As I watched her I realised that I hadn’t seen the woman behind the wheel. She was focussed beyond anyone I had ever seen. Her eyes seemed to see everything and look everywhere. She was seeing the road ahead and the road we had travelled. We turned into the street where Charlie lived and pulled to a halt four door down. Mom shifted in her seat.

‘I need your cell phone.’ He hand was outstretched. I handed her the phone and watched dumfounded as she removed the back cover and pull out the battery and SIM card. She then dropped the pieces into a plastic bag, which disappeared from sight.

I looked through the windshield and saw Aunt Paula walk with Charlie to her front door. She went inside and then reappeared at the door with Charlie’s Mom and Dad. Aunt Paula spoke quickly and then ran to her Jeep. Aunt Paula lit off from the kerb. Mom stomped on the gas and followed, keeping about ten car distance from the fender. Glancing in the wing mirror I caught sight of a silver Ford SUV pull in behind us. I could see Uncle Bob behind the wheel.

I remained silent during the remainder of the journey. We headed towards Denman, taking the exit for the waterfall and then taking a quiet road into the hills. Finally we reached our destination, the Den River Inn. Uncle Bob unloaded three cases from the trunk of the SUV. They contained his and Aunt Paula’s clothes in two of the cases. Mom’s and my belongings were in the third and largest case. We entered the hotel as a group and Uncle Bob and Aunt Paula checked us in. We would have three rooms on the first floor, 23, 25 and 27. Uncle Bob gave Mom the key card to 25 and the passed the key card for 27 to Aunt Paula.

The atmosphere was strained. When Mom started to walk towards me I turned away and waited at the door to the room. Mom opened the door and entered first. I waited.

‘Better get inside Danny.’ I looked at Uncle Bob.

‘Do as Bob says,’ added Aunt Paula. I turned and looked at her. They were standing just behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

‘Not until someone tells me what is going on.’

I was firmly shoved in the middle of the back. I stumbled over the case and crashed face first to the floor. Scars and carpets do not play well together. The burning in my face quickly spread across my jaw. I slapped away the hands trying to help me up. Uncle Bob was standing at the door, now closed. Mom and Aunt Paula were closer, they were standing at the end of one of the twin beds in the room. It was their hands that I had slapped away.

‘Way to go you asshole,’ I said in a cold angry voice. Mom took a step forward. ‘Just leave me alone.’

She took another step.

‘I can’t do that.’

I shook my head. ‘The hell you can’t. There are two other rooms, use one of them.’

‘I can’t do that.’

I closed my eyes.

‘Why? What the hell is so vital that I can’t be alone after the crap that you three have just put me through?’

‘Paula, can you order room service.’ Mom took charge. ‘Have you eaten?’

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Coming Home To Sister Part III

My mind was reeling as we drove home in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence though, more of a long contented moment between us, with the expectation of more to come. Occassionally she reached over and squeezed my thigh and let her hand run over my crotch. It could have been my imagination, but I thought she was driving a bit faster than she normally did. The car pulled into our driveway, Sarah turned off the car and turned to me, and in a low lusty voice I'd never heard her use before,...

2 years ago
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A Very Private Show

It was 3.30pm on a hot and sunny afternoon. Lucy had just arrived home from school. With her was her new boyfriend, Martin. She was a slimly built 13 year old with mid length blonde hair and the figure of a girl who had not quite yet blossomed, but surely would one day. Her legs and bum really needed a little more flesh on them, but that would come in time. And her little boobs were nothing more than conical buds at this stage of her young life. But her face was gorgeous. She had always...

3 years ago
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National Trussed or the ExfactorChapter 14 Those That Do Not Remember The Past

Norman St John-Ferris leant happily on the gate of the drive to Hamblingham Hall, smiling with satisfaction at the sign that said "Closed To Visitors" as Freddie drew up. Freddie wound down the window of the Aston. "I hope that doesn't include me, old man." "Quite the reverse," Norman beamed, opening the gate. "Come on up to the Hall." Freddie drove through. He bounced gingerly over the cattle grid and swung the car across the empty visitors' car park, ignored the signs saying...

3 years ago
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Becoming a sex slave after the concert gangbang

(Check “Concert Girl GangBang during Rock Concert” to understand how she got here) Jane started to wake up, she was confused and couldn’t remember what had happen to her during the last hours. As her eyes started to get focus she noticed she was laying at some trash bags and she was NAKED! “OMG!” she thought to herself, trying to remember how she got there, but all she had was a blank mind. She started to feel she had all her holes sore and could taste dried cum from her lips. In fact dried...

4 years ago
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Out of Control

There was not a lot of people on the floor in the small area designated for dancing. After all, it was more of a bar designed for socializing. The area was barely even lighted. Alaina loved to dance. So when the guy that had definitely held her attention for most of the night asked her to dance, with that teasing smile of his, she did not hesitate. Before she knew it, she was grinding against him slowly in sync with the music. What was playing was actually only the background to the hum of...

3 years ago
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Fighting for FamilyChapter 13

John took a sip of coffee while watching his wife working in the kitchen. She was wearing an apron and high heels and nothing else. He put down his cup appreciating the sight she presented him. The only problem was that there were traces of bruises still visible. "It sure is strange how often Rose is visiting her friends in this neighborhood," John remarked conversationally. Vicki said, "It's not so strange." "She has also stopped pushing me to get a divorce from you," John...

1 year ago
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Fortress of MemoryChapter 2

I never thought I had any special powers. Somebody did, though. They thought I was too lucky. That's a laugh! Me, lucky. If I was lucky, I wouldn't have lost my mom, dad, brother and sis in a car wreck. I was trapped in the mangled wreckage with their dead and dying bodies for three hours, you call that lucky? I sure don't. So what I didn't have a mark on my body, I had scars on my soul. Somehow, that fact, that I didn't even have a mark or bruise, caught the attention of someone who was...

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life in fairytail

You were born on a farm that your mom and dad ran until one day when you were eight. You were fishing in a creek when you heard a scream. You rand towards whoever was screaming. You got their just in time to live the nightmare of watching your mother and father being brutally murdered by a group of bandits. You were so scared you couldn't move. Then you took a step back and stepped on a stick alerting the bandits to your presence. When you saw the murderous look in their eyes you ran away and...

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Nightmare come True

Authors Note: Just a quick story about some of the things that I wish would happen to me. I suspect I'm not alone in this collection of fantasies. I hope you enjoy this. If so, I will definitely expand the story into something more substantial. XOXOX Sissy Michelle As is the case with most of my best sexual experiences, this one all began on a late night when I'd had a little too much to drink. I wasn't drunk, mind you. Simply buzzed enough that my better judgment was passed...

2 years ago
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You Are Loved Little One

‘Have you been good for me?’ His voice sent shivers through her spine that ended right in her twitching cunt. The juices were already running down her thighs and she rubbed them together carefully. Her arms were secured firmly to the headboard and her legs were free…for now. ‘Of course, Master,’ she said with a soft smile and a gentle blush. Her Master smiled gently back at her and he looked her over. She watched quietly as he paced the room. His body was strong, secure, and built. He was a...

3 years ago
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Dragon Flight 330 From Quang Lang 75

Are you the reporter who wanted to talk to me? Yeah, I'm the one you talked to on the phone. What paper did you say you were with? Oh, a journal? Journal of the Unexplained? Never heard of it, but never mind, let's find a booth. You're a family publication, aren't you? Okay, good. I'll do my best to keep it clean, that way you won't have to do much editing. No, never really talked about it, except, you know, once in a while here in the O Club Bar. But, you know how it is. If I'd said...

3 years ago
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Nikki Chapter 3

(End of Chapter 2) I pulled my dick out and fell into an out-of-breath heap next to Nikki. I looked at her and she was sweating, trying to catch her breath, and smiling! Damn, I love her smile! Nikki said “I’ve never done that before. That means you did get to take my cherry! My ass cherry!” I couldn’t do or say anything. I just laid there, smiling! I pulled Nikki to me and kissed her with as much passion as I had in me. “I love you, Nikki!” “I love you too, daddy!” Chapter 3 The days and weeks...

3 years ago
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From Iowa With Love Part 4

I shot up straight and looked at him in disbelief. Had he really just said that? Puzzled and shocked, barely audible, I managed to mutter the word, what? He sat up to look me straight in the eye and repeated himself, I want to come with you. God knows I was tempted to just say okay and let him have his way. But I couldn’t t help but wonder how long it took him to consider such a rash move. I fired my concerns at him, what about your home, your family and friends, a job... My eyes were full of...

2 years ago
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Secretly spellbound

* based on a true story I am Jessica30 yr old female The evening storm on the window from outside crashed dow on the old Victorian house. I was ready to enjoy a quiet evening in my new home. Strange things were occurring.. doors opened.. things moving.. water suddenly on. I knew toy home was said to be haunted,.. why it was charming.. but today is rediculous. I took a deep breath and jumped in the shower.after a nice hot shower, my wet breasts firm on my robe.nipple shone in the sun and I got...

2 years ago
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Teen Ladkiyon Ki Super Chudai

Maa aur pita g ke jaane ka time ho gaya tha. Wo dono meri bua ke ghar 2 din rehne ja rahe the. Mai hi ghar rukne wala tha. Thodi der baad maa aur pita g chale gaye aur Poonam aa gayi. Maine zor se uske hotho ko chuma. Wo mera lun meri pant ke upar se hi sehlane lagi. “Poonam tumhare liye ek surprise hai. Bas thodi der ruk jao.” “Kya surprise hai?” “Ruko to sahi.” 5 minute baad ghanti baji. Maine Poonam ko Rs.1500 diye(meri bachat) aur bahar se courier laane ke Liye kaha. Wo le aayi. “Kholo...

1 year ago
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Danielles holiday 2

The next few days of their holiday passed relatively quietly for Jack and Danielle. They enjoyed lazing on the beach and exploring the town and just being together. As much as they loved the group sex with Adele the air hostess and the two twins, Summer and Autumn, they liked having time to be with each other, not just as mother and son, but also as lovers. By the end of their first week, however, their rampant libidos needed something more than just one on one sex and, unknowingly, it was...

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Ravished by cab drivers and his friends but yet en

Hi readers I am writing the continuation of the story Ravished by cab drivers and his friends but yet enjoyed later - 1. Well if you are reading the story for the first time please read my previous part mentioned here. I’ll continue where I left in the 1st part.So when he put his fingers inside my mouth and I was licking it I was all aroused and he started looking at me by lifting his face. He came near my breasts and as we were sweating he blew some air from his mouth and I felt like a breeze...

1 year ago
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COBRANDO 1ordf parte

Desde hacia un tiempo tenia un amigo, más o menos fijo, con el que quedaba en su casa y me follaba muy bien. Era su putita, como el decía y yo hacía todo por complacerle.Era madurito, bien conservado, depilado y vicioso, con ganas siempre de hacer cosas nuevas, probar, etc. etc. Me hacía vestir de cosas que le ponían. Me marcaba una especie de guión y yo, su putita, se lo hacía. Me compraba la ropita y los zapatos que quería que me pusiese, los juguetes con lo que me penetraba o me excitaba,...

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Lises Bar the Next Day

At 11 the next morning I stepped out of a taxi and entered Lise’s bar again. I’d worn a knee length dress in mid-blue – a summer dress because the weather was warm. I had on silk, white knickers but otherwise I was naked beneath the dress. Lise was sitting in a corner of the bar reading a newspaper. ‘Kitty, welcome! I know Greta will be here soon – she is looking forward to showing you our lovely City. You will have a wonderful day together and much pleasure, I know.’ As she spoke so she stood...

2 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 16

The city folk were coming up with innovative solutions to the lack of time in building a proper finished stone wall. Now, after the euphoria, was a renewed understanding of why they needed defensive walls. The following weeks would increase the work; ideas would be floated, discarded. People talked over their breaks. The final design to replace the broken walls was a wooden palisade with an earth rampart inside that. But there would be a gap left between the two, as the clay and mud was...

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I was his Slut Again Gay

"Well, here's the thing. You know what I'm packing, right?" He said it bluntly, and under any other circumstance it would come off as bravado, but we both knew that we both knew the truth. I nodded. "Women are scared. At least, the ones who aren't looking for a huge cock." He took another sip, I followed his example. "See, guys think girls want a huge cock. But they don't. They want a good cock, and more importantly a good lover. A huge cock hurts them. They can't handle it. And the ones who...

3 years ago
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Random Thoughts on Tits

Random Thoughts on Tits By Cal Y. Pygia Tits. You have to love them! They bounce. They hang. They jiggle. They sway. They tremble. They wiggle. If you're a man (or a lesbian with a strap-on strapped on), you can even fuck them. They can be bound with cords so that, the blood flow to and from them restricted, they turn purple. Clothespins can be attached to them, and they can be pierced with pins and needles. They're all-purpose sexual accoutrements. Should a guy get his...

1 year ago
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Shagging Two Preston Prostitutes For 30 Quid

Preston's good if you want to empty your sac and not spend a fortune boys. Red light district is next to city centre travelodge so you can check them out on foot , make your choice & take them back without driving. Some dirty old skanks but I got lucky last week after several poor returns. Picked up a couple of girls who said they were trying to get some money together for a big night out. Didn't look or act like smackheads & were obviously new to it as I got the pair of them for £30...

1 year ago
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Seduction In Bunny Pyjamas Ch 03

Chapter 3 – Never give up hope Things begin to look clearer, but not before the fight! Note from Buzzlegirl – Here’s part 3. Another part which builds more by way of story than sex, but things with Alex and Draven really start to develop. With lots of thanks to luvtaread for her superb editing skills. Alex turned away from Jamie and her past and walked resolutely back down the street. She may not like this, but she had to try and sort the mess out rather than running away. As she got to the...

2 years ago
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My down fall with texting part 6

My down fall with texting- Part 6... The weekend at the Golf Club finishes off when Jessica has to endure some more teasing from Jane and then having to attending the Prize Presentation on Sunday night and ends up at the mercy of Gary. By Jessica Kingston Reluctantly sat in the passenger seat I looked at my former wife Jane driving us both back to the Golf Club. I could feel the make up set on my face, which reminded me I was now a girl and in the roll of a girl called...

4 years ago
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Mrs Glist

Mrs. Glist had just come out of the shower. Her hair was wrapped in a towel. Otherwise, she was naked. I stood in the doorway and stared. I stared at her waspy waist and high breasts. I gazed intensely at her broad hips and her sliver of pubic hair, at her long legs and slender neck, and at her deep navel. My eyes were everywhere but hers. She stood still, looking at me, I think. Minutes passed and I kept looking. I had forgotten that I had come into her room hoping to use her bathroom while...

1 year ago
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Once Upon a Time in the South Ch 01

Annette peered cautiously thru the bushes. The young blonde paused, carefully placing each step. She was barefoot and she didn’t want to roust any critters. Though she knew this path well it always paid to be watchful. She heard a splash nearby and knew it for what it was. It was Charlie, her brother’s black friend and fishing partner. He was swimming alone in the pool. She steeled her nerves to set herself. This is it. One last look up the trail….. The black boy swam joyously in the spring. He...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex With Next Door Bhabhi In Indore

Hello friends, I am Arjun Yadav and I am here to share the best day of my life, the day when I had sex with the hottest bhabhi of my building. Before I begin with my story, let me first introduce myself. I am 25 years old and I am from Jabalpur, MP but currently, I live in Indore. I am around 5’10” and even though I have never measured the size of my dick, based on the feedback that I have received from the women I have slept with, I can say with full confidence and pride that it is bigger than...

3 years ago
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Daily Blog Update 4

Daily Blog Update 4 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I authored this update, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Comments may be sent to [email protected] 10/5/2021--10/6/2021 Okay, I have been slack, in regards to my daily blog, however, nothing worth writing about and this day and the next, so I will pick up on the sixth. 10/6/2021 It was almost the seventh, however, I had thought of a story and needing a little inspiration I did what worked the last time. I turned...

4 years ago
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Valentine Confirmation

Valentine’s Day was coming up. 29 years he’d been married to her. He hadn’t really thought about it too much but the truth was, his wife, Miranda, was still beautiful, and there were many men’s eyes which studied her figure to prove it too. Besides, she was facially an attractive woman too. He knew everything, he believed, about her as well. However, lately, he realized there wasn’t anything truly special about their marriage anymore, but seeing as he’d been online a lot lately, and reading...

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Nurse Bondage

Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets pretty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....

1 year ago
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Rock and Role

Roshni and Kirk danced by the bar as Roshni scoped out the area. “You ready, darling?” Kirk asked her. Roshni smiled. She had loved the plan that they had made up. “Certainly….and that’s the girl I’ve picked.” Roshni pointed to her. Kirk turned to see a , 5ft 7in, huge breasts, waist 26in and she looked like 22yrs old. Kirk pulled Roshni closer to him. “Then let’s go.” They both went on the dance floor and hugged up while dancing. Roshni kept her stare on the lonely girl who was not taking on...

2 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 5 Mystery Guests Mystery Host

"You did WHAT?" Gini asked—rather strenuously—after Alex and the others met back in LA the next morning—after having fled San Diego—and briefly described what Alex had done. "Hey, I think I did pretty well considering it was an unproven premise I'd never attempted before; plus there's no way to tie it back to me." "No? You don't think one of these gangbangers is going to get caught and decide to turn over evidence against someone else in order to get off? I'm not sure you have a...

3 years ago
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Educating Cathy Chapter 08

We got home from Jake and Angela’s place and Cathy was still buzzing. She had already expressed a wish to do it again. We had dinner and I was intent on watching a bit of TV. When Cathy joined me, naked, I knew I couldn’t settle down in front of the TV. She sat on my lap. “Fuck me right now” she whispered in my ear. I carried her to the bedroom and after a particularly quick session of foreplay I did as she asked. She was so turned on that she woke me up twice during the night for further...

2 years ago
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Pregmana Pt VII

As the months passed, Chris's clothes kept getting tighter and tighter. He was about six months along now. Chrissy looked down at his belly and sighed...It was time. As he walked over to the bags that Jess had purchased for him months ago he thought in his head what was about to transpire. First he pulled out the polka dot bra and matching panties from Victoria's Secret. As he donned them he looked down to find his cock but had shrunk so much that the only thing in view was...

4 years ago
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Mother Son Love During The Quarantine 8211 Part 1

Sarika was leading a happy life. Even though she was a single parent to her son Raj, she always provided him with the best of everything. She had lost her husband 7 years back in an accident. Now, she was in her early 40’s. No one would believe that she will be turning 43 in a couple of weeks and that she has a 19-year-old son. Thanks to her daily yoga and workouts. But recently, her world turned upside down when she began lusting for her own son. Since the whole country was in lockdown, Sarika...

4 years ago
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Destruction of Melonie Mac

Destruction of Melonie Mac Its the night after Pax and the girl gamer youtuber Melonie Mac is out about to drive back home and is at the gas station filling up her car. She decides to go inside and get her a red bull. There is only one other guy besides the lady at the cash register. The guy looks like he is in his thirties with a 5 o clock shadow and a bit chubby. As Melonie browses the store she notices he is staring at him. She looks at him and gives him a friendly smile and starts to walk...

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